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are you offline?":"حدث خطأ - هل أنت غير متصل؟","Animated":"متحرك","Animation":"حركة","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"أي صور ومقاطع فيديو خاصة تبقى خاصة ولن تتم مشاركتها.","API Key":"مفتاح API","Apply":"تطبيق","Approve":"موافق","Archive":"أرشيف","Archived":"مؤرشف","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد أرشفة التحديد؟","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه الألبومات؟","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه التصنيفات؟","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذا الحساب؟","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه الصور نهائيًا؟","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذا الملف نهائيًا؟","Are you sure?":"هل أنت واثق؟","Artist":"فنان","Aspect Ratio":"نسبة العرض إلى الارتفاع","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"قم بإنشاء ملفات JPEG تلقائيًا لأنواع الملفات الأخرى بحيث يمكن عرضها في المستعرض.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"يقوم تلقائيًا بإنشاء ألبومات للحظات الخاصة والرحلات والأماكن.","Basic":"أساسي","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"قبل تقديم طلب دعم ، يرجى استخدام قوائم التحقق الخاصة باستكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها لتحديد سبب مشكلتك.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"نظرًا لكوننا 100 % s ممولًا ومستقلًا ، يمكننا أن نعدك بأننا لن نبيع بياناتك أبدًا وأننا سنتحلى دائمًا بالشفافية بشأن برامجنا وخدماتنا.","Bio":"السيرة الذاتية","Birth Date":"تاريخ الميلاد","Black":"أسود","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"بلاكمان: تعديل Lanczos ، قطع أثرية أقل رنين","Blue":"أزرق","Brown":"بني","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"تصفح وتحرير تسميات تصنيف الصورة.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"تصفح الملفات والمجلدات المفهرسة في المكتبة.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"تصفح \"قاعدة المعارف\" للحصول على معلومات تفصيلية حول ميزات المنتج المحددة والخدمات والموارد ذات الصلة.","Bug Report":"تقرير الشوائب","Busy, please wait…":"مشغول ، الرجاء الانتظار …","Calendar":"تقويم","Camera":"آلة تصوير","Camera Serial":"المسلسل الكاميرا","Can't load more, limit reached":"لا يمكن تحميل المزيد ، تم الوصول إلى الحد الأقصى","Can't select more items":"لا يمكن تحديد المزيد من العناصر","Cancel":"يلغي","Cards":"البطاقات","Category":"فئة","Change Avatar":"تغيير الصورة الرمزية","Change Password":"تغيير كلمة المرور","Change personal profile and security settings.":"تغيير ملف التعريف الشخصي وإعدادات الأمان.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"قم بتغيير عناوين الصور والمواقع والبيانات الوصفية الأخرى.","Change private flag":"تغيير العلم الخاص","Changes successfully saved":"تم حفظ التغييرات بنجاح","Checked":"التحقق","Chroma":"كروما","Close":"قريب","Codec":"ترميز","Color":"اللون","Color Profile":"ملف تعريف اللون","Colors":"الألوان","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"يمكن تشخيص المشكلات الشائعة وحلها بسرعة باستخدام قوائم التحقق الخاصة باستكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها التي نقدمها.","Complete Rescan":"إعادة تفحص كاملة","Confidence":"الثقة","Connect":"الاتصال","Connect via WebDAV":"الاتصال عبر WebDAV","Connected":"متصل","Contact Details":"معلومات الاتصال","Contact Us":"اتصل بنا","Contains %{n} pictures.":"يحتوي على %{n} صورة.","Contains one picture.":"يحتوي على صورة واحدة.","Convert to JPEG":"قم بالتحويل إلى JPEG","Converting":"التحويل","Copied to clipboard":"نسخ إلى الحافظة","Copyright":"حقوق النشر","Couldn't find anything.":"لا يمكن العثور على أي شيء.","Country":"دولة","Create album":"إنشاء ألبوم","Created":"مخلوق","Creating thumbnails for":"إنشاء صور مصغرة لـ","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"مكعب: جودة متوسطة ، أداء جيد","Current Password":"كلمة المرور الحالية","Customer Support":"دعم العملاء","Cyan":"ازرق سماوي","Cyano":"سيانو","Daily":"اليومي","Day":"يوم","Debug Logs":"سجلات التصحيح","Default":"تقصير","Default Folder":"المجلد الإفتراضى","Delete":"حذف","Description":"وصف","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"يمكن العثور على تعليمات مفصلة في دليل المستخدم الخاص بنا.","Details":"تفاصيل","Dimensions":"أبعاد","Disable Backups":"تعطيل النسخ الاحتياطية","Disable built-in WebDAV server. 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Disables import, upload, and delete.":"لا تقم بتعديل مجلد الأصول. تعطيل الاستيراد والتحميل والحذف.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"لا تقم بتحويل مقاطع الفيديو باستخدام FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"لا تستخدم Darktable لتحويل ملفات RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"لا تستخدم RawTherapee لتحويل ملفات RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"لا تستخدم TensorFlow لتصنيف الصور.","Donations":"التبرعات","Done":"فعله","Done.":"فعله.","Download":"تحميل","Download remote files":"تنزيل الملفات البعيدة","Download single files and zip archives.":"تنزيل ملفات مفردة ومحفوظات مضغوطة.","Downloading…":"جارى التحميل…","Downscaling Filter":"مرشح تصغير الحجم","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"نظرًا للكم الهائل من رسائل البريد الإلكتروني التي نتلقاها ، فقد يتعذر على فريقنا الرد عليك على الفور.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"سيتم تخطي التكرارات وستظهر مرة واحدة فقط.","Duration":"مدة","Dynamic Previews":"المعاينات الديناميكية","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"يتطلب العرض الديناميكي خادمًا قويًا. لا ينصح به لأجهزة NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"حد الحجم الديناميكي:%{n} بكسل","E-Mail":"البريد الإلكتروني","Edit":"يحرر","Edit %{name}":"تحرير %{name}","Edit Account":"تحرير الحساب","Edit Photo":"تعديل الصورة","Edited":"تم تحريره","Electra":"Electra","Email":"البريد","Enable new features currently under development.":"تمكين الميزات الجديدة قيد التطوير حاليًا.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"لتمكين الإعدادات المسبقة لمحول RAW. قد يقلل من الأداء.","Errors":"أخطاء","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"تقدير الموقع التقريبي للصور بدون إحداثيات.","Estimates":"التقديرات","Every two days":"كل يومين","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"استبعاد المحتوى المحدد على أنه خاص من نتائج البحث والألبومات المشتركة والعلامات والأماكن.","Exclude hidden":"استبعاد مخفي","Expand":"وسعت","Expand Search":"قم بتوسيع البحث","Experimental Features":"الميزات التجريبية","Expires":"تنتهي","Exposure":"التعرض","F Number":"رقم F","Face":"وجه","Faces":"وجوه","Failed copying to clipboard":"فشل النسخ إلى الحافظة","Failed removing link":"فشل إزالة الارتباط","Failed updating link":"فشل تحديث الارتباط","Family Name":"اسم العائلة","Fast":"سريع","Favorite":"مفضل","Favorites":"المفضلة","Feature Request":"طلب المواصفات","Feed":"تغذية","Feedback":"استجابة","Feel free to contact us at 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الإلكتروني.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"في حالة الصور التي تتوقعها مفقودة ، يرجى إعادة فحص مكتبتك وانتظر حتى تكتمل الفهرسة.","Index":"فِهرِس","Index and import files through the user interface.":"قم بفهرسة واستيراد الملفات من خلال واجهة المستخدم.","Indexing":"الفهرسة","Indexing failed":"فشلت الفهرسة","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"جارٍ فهرسة الوسائط والملفات الجانبية …","Instance ID":"معرف المثيل","Interval":"فترة","Invalid":"غير صالح","Invalid date":"تاريخ غير صالح","Invalid parameters":"معلمات غير صالحة","Invalid photo selected":"تم تحديد صورة غير صالحة","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"فهو يستخدم أحدث التقنيات لوضع علامة على الصور والعثور عليها تلقائيًا دون أن يعيقك ذلك.","Item":"العنصر","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"جودة JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"حد حجم JPEG: %{n} بكسل","JPEGs and thumbnails are 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اولا","No":"رقم","No albums found":"لم يتم العثور على ألبومات","No labels found":"لم يتم العثور على تسميات","No people found":"لم يتم العثور على أشخاص","No pictures found":"لم يتم العثور على صور","No recently edited pictures":"لا توجد صور تم تحريرها مؤخرا","No servers configured.":"لم يتم تكوين أي خوادم.","No services configured.":"لم يتم تكوين أي خدمات.","No thanks":"لا شكرا","No video selected":"لم يتم تحديد مقطع فيديو","No warnings or error containing this keyword. 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Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"قم بإزالة الملفات المستوردة لحفظ التخزين. لن يتم حذف أنواع الملفات غير المدعومة مطلقًا ، وستظل في موقعها الحالي.","Request failed - invalid response":"فشل الطلب - استجابة غير صالحة","Required":"مطلوب","Resolution":"القرار","Restore":"يعيد","Retry Limit":"حد إعادة المحاولة","Retype Password":"اعد ادخال كلمة المرور","Review":"إعادة النظر","Satellite":"الأقمار الصناعية","Save":"يحفظ","Scan":"مسح","Scans":"عمليات المسح","Search":"يبحث","Search and display photos on a map.":"البحث عن الصور وعرضها على الخريطة.","Season":"الموسم","Secret":"سر","Security and Access":"الأمن والوصول","Select":"يختار","Select albums or create a new one":"حدد ألبومات أو أنشئ واحدة جديدة","Selection approved":"تمت الموافقة على الاختيار","Selection archived":"تمت أرشفة التحديد","Selection restored":"تمت استعادة التحديد","Send":"إرسال","Sequential Name":"اسم متسلسل","Service URL":"URL الخدمة","Services":"خدمات","Settings":"إعدادات","Settings saved":"تم حفظ الإعدادات","Setup":"اقامة","Shadow":"ظل","Share":"يشارك","Share %{name}":"مشاركة %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"شارك صورك مع التطبيقات والخدمات الأخرى.","Show":"يعرض","Show all new faces":"إظهار كل الوجوه الجديدة","Show hidden":"أظهر المخفي","Show less":"عرض أقل","Show more":"أظهر المزيد","Show server logs in Library.":"إظهار سجلات الخادم في المكتبة.","Shows more detailed log messages. 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In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"سنبذل قصارى جهدنا للإجابة على جميع أسئلتك. في المقابل ، نطلب منك دعمنا على Patreon أو GitHub الرعاة.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"يمكن لعملاء WebDAV الاتصال بـ PhotoPrism باستخدام عنوان URL التالي:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"يمكن لعملاء WebDAV ، مثل Microsoft Windows Explorer أو Apple's Finder ، الاتصال مباشرة بـ PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"تحميل WebDAV","Website":"الموقع الالكتروني","White":"أبيض","Work Details":"تفاصيل العمل","Year":"سنة","Yellow":"الأصفر","Yellowstone":"يلوستون","Yes":"نعم","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"اهلا وسهلا بكم للانضمام إلينا على Reddit","You can only download one album":"يمكنك تنزيل ألبوم واحد فقط","You can only download one label":"يمكنك فقط تحميل تسمية واحدة","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"يمكنك تشغيله في المنزل أو على خادم خاص أو في السحابة.","You may only select one item":"يمكنك اختيار عنصر واحد فقط","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"يمكنك إعادة فحص مكتبتك للعثور على وجوه إضافية.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"يساعدنا دعمك المستمر في توفير تحديثات منتظمة والبقاء مستقلين ، حتى نتمكن من تنفيذ مهمتنا وحماية خصوصيتك.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"يتم تحليل مكتبتك باستمرار لإنشاء ألبومات للحظات الخاصة والرحلات والأماكن تلقائيًا.","Zoom in/out":"التكبير / التصغير"},"bg":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} намерени албума","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} качени файла","%{n} folders found":"%{n} намерени папки","%{n} labels found":"%{n} намерени етикети","%{n} people found":"%{n} намерени човека","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} намерени снимки","1 hour":"1 час","12 hours":"12 часа","4 hours":"4 часа","A click will 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сте?","Animated":"Анимация","Animation":"Анимация","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Всички лични снимки и видеоклипове остават лични и няма да бъдат споделяни.","API Key":"Ключ за API","Apply":"Направете заявка на","Approve":"Одобряване на","Archive":"Архив","Archived":"Архивирано","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да архивирате селекцията?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете тези албуми?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете тези етикети?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете този акаунт?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете тези снимки за постоянно?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете окончателно този файл?","Are you sure?":"Сигурен ли сте?","Artist":"Художник","Aspect Ratio":"Съотношение","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Автоматично създаване на JPEG за други типове файлове, така че да могат да се показват в браузър.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Автоматично създава албуми на специални моменти, пътувания и места.","Basic":"Основен","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Преди да изпратите заявка за поддръжка, прочетете нашият \"Списък за отстраняване на проблеми\" за да определите причината за проблема.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Тъй като сме 100% самофинансирани и независими, можем да ви обещаем, че никога няма да продадем вашите данни и че винаги ще бъдем прозрачни по отношение на нашия софтуер и услуги.","Bio":"Биография","Birth Date":"Дата на раждане","Black":"Черен","Blue":"Син","Brown":"Кафяв","Bug Report":"Доклад за грешка","Calendar":"Календар","Camera":"Камера","Category":"Категория","Color":"Цвят","Colors":"Цветове","Contact Us":"Свържете се с нас","Copyright":"Авторски права","Country":"Страна","Create album":"Създаване на албум","Created":"Създаден","Day":"Ден","Description":"Описание","FPS":"Кадър в секунда","High":"Висок","Labels deleted":"Изтрити етикети","Low":"Нисък","Password changed":"Паролата е променена","Permanently deleted":"Постоянно изтрити","Selection approved":"Одобрена селекция","Selection archived":"Архивирана селекция","Selection restored":"Възстановена селекция","Settings saved":"Запазени настройки","Zoom in/out":"Увеличаване/намаляване на мащаба"},"ca":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} àlbums trobats","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} arxius penjats","%{n} folders found":"%{n} carpetes trobades","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etiquetes trobades","%{n} people found":"%{n} persones trobades","%{n} pictures found":"S'han trobat %{n} imatges","1 hour":"1 hora","12 hours":"12 hores","4 hours":"4 hores","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Un clic ho copiarà al porta-retalls.","About":"Quant a","Abyss":"Abisme","Account":"Compte","Accuracy":"Precisió","Action":"Acció","Actions":"Accions","Add Account":"Afegeix un compte","Add Album":"Afegeix un àlbum","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Afegiu fitxers a la vostra biblioteca mitjançant la càrrega web.","Add Link":"Afegeix un enllaç","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Afegiu imatges dels resultats de la cerca seleccionant-les.","Add to album":"Afegeix a l'àlbum","Added":"Afegit","Advanced":"Avançat","After 1 day":"Després d'1 dia","After 3 days":"Després de 3 dies","After 7 days":"Després de 7 dies","After one month":"Després d'un mes","After one year":"Després d'un any","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Després de seleccionar imatges dels resultats de la cerca, podeu afegir-les a un àlbum mitjançant el menú contextual.","After two months":"Després de dos mesos","After two weeks":"Després de dues setmanes","Album":"Àlbum","Album Name":"Nom de l'àlbum","Albums":"Àlbums","Albums deleted":"Àlbums suprimits","All %{n} albums loaded":"S'han carregat els %{n} àlbums","All %{n} labels loaded":"S'han carregat totes les %{n} etiquetes","All %{n} people loaded":"S'han carregat les %{n} persones","All Cameras":"Totes les càmeres","All Categories":"Totes les Categories","All Colors":"Tots els colors","All Countries":"Tots els Països","All fields are required":"Tots els camps són obligatoris","All files from import folder":"Tots els fitxers de la carpeta d'importació","All Lenses":"Totes les lents","All Months":"Tots els mesos","All originals":"Tots els originals","All Years":"Tots els anys","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativament, podeu carregar fitxers directament als servidors WebDAV com Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Altitud","Altitude (m)":"Altitud (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"S'ha produït un error: estàs fora de línia?","Animated":"Animat","Animation":"Animació","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Les fotos i els vídeos privats romanen privats i no es compartiran.","API Key":"Clau API","Apply":"Aplicar","Approve":"Aprovar","Archive":"Arxiu","Archived":"Arxivat","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Esteu segur que voleu arxivar la selecció?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Confirmes que vols suprimir aquests àlbums?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Esteu segur que voleu suprimir aquestes etiquetes?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Esteu segur que voleu suprimir aquest compte?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Esteu segur que voleu suprimir permanentment aquestes imatges?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Esteu segur que voleu suprimir permanentment aquest fitxer?","Are you sure?":"N'esteu segur?","Artist":"Artista","Aspect Ratio":"Relació d'aspecte","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Creeu automàticament fitxers JPEG per a altres tipus de fitxers perquè es puguin mostrar en un navegador.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Crea automàticament àlbums de moments, viatges i llocs especials.","Basic":"Basic","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Abans d'enviar una sol·licitud d'assistència, utilitzeu les nostres Llistes de verificació de resolució de problemes per determinar la causa del vostre problema.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"En ser 100% sautofinançats i independents, us podem prometre que mai vendrem les vostres dades i que sempre serem transparents sobre el nostre programari i serveis.","Bio":"bio","Birth Date":"Data de naixement","Black":"Negre","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: modificació de Lanczos, artefactes menys sonors","Blue":"Blau","Brown":"Marró","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Exploreu i editeu les etiquetes de classificació d'imatges.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Exploreu fitxers i carpetes indexats a la biblioteca.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Navegueu per la base de coneixement per obtenir informació detallada sobre característiques específiques del producte, serveis i recursos relacionats.","Bug Report":"Informe d'error","Busy, please wait…":"Ocupat, si us plau, espera...","Calendar":"Calendari","Camera":"Càmera","Camera Serial":"Càmera en sèrie","Can't load more, limit reached":"No es pot carregar més, s'ha arribat al límit","Can't select more items":"No es poden seleccionar més elements","Cancel":"Cancel·lar","Cards":"Targetes","Category":"Categoria","Change Avatar":"Canviar Avatar","Change Password":"Canviar contrasenya","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Canvia el perfil personal i la configuració de seguretat.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Canvia els títols de les fotos, les ubicacions i altres metadades.","Change private flag":"Canvia la bandera privada","Changes successfully saved":"Els canvis s'han desat correctament","Checked":"Seleccionat","Chroma":"Croma","Close":"Tancar","Codec":"Còdec","Color":"Color","Color Profile":"Perfil de color","Colors":"Colors","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Els problemes habituals es poden diagnosticar i resoldre ràpidament mitjançant les llistes de verificació de resolució de problemes que oferim.","Complete Rescan":"Rescaneig complet","Confidence":"Confiança","Connect":"Connecta","Connect via WebDAV":"Connecteu-vos mitjançant WebDAV","Connected":"Connectat","Contact Details":"Dades de contacte","Contact Us":"Contacta'ns","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Conté %{n} imatges.","Contains one picture.":"Conté una imatge.","Convert to JPEG":"Converteix a JPEG","Converting":"Convertint","Copied to clipboard":"S'ha copiat al porta-retalls","Copyright":"Copyright","Couldn't find anything.":"No he pogut trobar res.","Country":"País","Create album":"Crea un àlbum","Created":"Creat","Creating thumbnails for":"Creació de miniatures per a","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cúbic: qualitat moderada, bon rendiment","Current Password":"Contrasenya actual","Customer Support":"Atenció al client","Cyan":"Cian","Cyano":"Ciano","Daily":"Diari","Day":"Dia","Debug Logs":"Registres de depuració","Default":"Per defecte","Default Folder":"Carpeta per defecte","Delete":"Esborrar","Description":"Descripció","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Podeu trobar instruccions detallades a la nostra Guia d'usuari.","Details":"Detalls","Dimensions":"Dimensions","Disable Backups":"Desactiva les còpies de seguretat","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Desactiveu el servidor WebDAV integrat. Requereix un reinici.","Disable Darktable":"Desactiva Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Desactiveu ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Desactiva FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Desactiva Places","Disable RawTherapee":"Desactiveu RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Desactiva TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Desactiva WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Desactiva la geocodificació inversa i els mapes.","Discover":"Descobreix","Display Name":"Nom a mostrar","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"No feu còpies de seguretat de les metadades de fotos i àlbums als fitxers YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"No creeu fitxers JSON ExifTool per millorar l'extracció de metadades.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"No modifiqueu la carpeta d'originals. Desactiva la importació, la càrrega i la supressió.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"No transcodifiqueu vídeos amb FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"No utilitzeu Darktable per convertir fitxers RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"No utilitzeu RawTherapee per convertir fitxers RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"No utilitzeu TensorFlow per a la classificació d'imatges.","Donations":"Donacions","Done":"Fet","Done.":"Fet.","Download":"Descàrrega","Download remote files":"Descarrega fitxers remots","Download single files and zip archives.":"Baixeu fitxers únics i arxius zip.","Downloading…":"S'està baixant…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtre de reducció d'escala","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"A causa de l'elevat volum de correus electrònics que rebem, és possible que el nostre equip no us pugui respondre immediatament.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Els duplicats es saltaran i només apareixeran una vegada.","Duration":"Duració","Dynamic Previews":"Previsualitzacions dinàmiques","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"La representació dinàmica requereix un servidor potent. No es recomana per a dispositius NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Límit de mida dinàmica: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Correu electrònic","Edit":"Edita","Edit %{name}":"Edita %{name}","Edit Account":"Editar Compte","Edit Photo":"Edita la foto","Edited":"Editat","Electra":"Electra","Email":"Correu electrònic","Enable new features currently under development.":"Activa les noves funcions actualment en desenvolupament.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Habilita els valors predefinits del convertidor RAW. Pot reduir el rendiment.","Errors":"Errors","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Estimar la ubicació aproximada de les imatges sense coordenades.","Estimates":"Estimacions","Every two days":"Cada dos dies","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Exclou el contingut marcat com a privat dels resultats de la cerca, dels àlbums compartits, de les etiquetes i dels llocs.","Exclude hidden":"Exclou ocult","Expand":"Expandir","Expand Search":"Amplieu la cerca","Experimental Features":"Característiques experimentals","Expires":"Caduca","Exposure":"Exposició","F Number":"Número F","Face":"Cara","Faces":"Cares","Failed copying to clipboard":"No s'ha pogut copiar al porta-retalls","Failed removing link":"No s'ha pogut eliminar l'enllaç","Failed updating link":"No s'ha pogut actualitzar l'enllaç","Family Name":"Nom de familia","Fast":"Ràpida","Favorite":"Favorit","Favorites":"Favorits","Feature Request":"Sol·licitud de funció","Feed":"Alimenta","Feedback":"Opinions","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"No dubteu a contactar amb nosaltres a hello@photoprism.app si teniu cap pregunta.","Female":"Femení","File":"Fitxer","File Browser":"Navegador de fitxers","File Name":"Nom de fitxer","File Size":"Tamany arxiu","Filename":"Nom del fitxer","Files":"Arxius","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Els fitxers amb noms seqüencials com \"IMG_1234 (2)\" i \"IMG_1234 (3)\" pertanyen a la mateixa imatge.","Focal Length":"Longitud focal","Folder":"Carpeta","Folder contains %{n} files":"La carpeta conté %{n} fitxers","Folder is empty":"La carpeta està buida","Folders":"Carpetes","Forgot password?":"Has oblidat la contrasenya?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Marcs","Fullscreen":"Pantalla completa","Gemstone":"Pedra preciosa","Gender":"Gènere","General":"General","Getting Support":"Obtenint suport","Given Name":"Nom de pila","Gold":"Or","Grayscale":"Grisos","Green":"Verd","Grey":"Gris","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Ajuda","Help & Support":"Ajuda & Suport","Hidden":"Ocult","Hidden Files":"Fitxers ocults","Hide":"Amagar","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Amaga les fotos que s'han mogut a l'arxiu.","High":"Alt","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Alt rang dinàmic (HDR)","How can we help?":"Com podem ajudar?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Si això no ajuda o tens altres preguntes:","image":"imatge","Image":"Imatge","Images":"Imatges","Import":"Importa","Import failed":"La importació ha fallat","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Els fitxers importats s'ordenaran per data i se'ls donarà un nom únic per evitar duplicats.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Els fitxers importats s'ordenaran per data i se'ls donarà un nom únic.","Importing %{name}…":"S'està important %{name}...","Importing files to originals…":"S'estan important fitxers als originals...","in":"polçades","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"A més, els patrocinadors reben suport tècnic directe per correu electrònic.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"En cas que faltin imatges que espereu, torneu a escanejar la vostra biblioteca i espereu fins que s'hagi completat la indexació.","Index":"Índex","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexar i importar fitxers mitjançant la interfície d'usuari.","Indexing":"S'està indexant","Indexing failed":"S'ha produït un error en la indexació","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"S'estan indexant fitxers multimèdia i sidecar...","Instance ID":"ID de la instància","Interval":"Interval","Invalid":"Adreça de correu no vàlida","Invalid date":"Data no vàlida","Invalid parameters":"Paràmetres no és vàlida","Invalid photo selected":"S'ha seleccionat una foto no vàlida","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Fa ús de les últimes tecnologies per etiquetar i trobar imatges automàticament sense interposar-vos en el vostre camí.","Item":"Element","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Qualitat JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Límit de mida JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"Els JPEG i les miniatures es representen automàticament segons sigui necessari.","Keywords":"Paraules clau","Knowledge Base":"Knowledge Base","Label":"Etiqueta","Labels":"Etiquetes","Labels deleted":"S'han suprimit les etiquetes","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Preservació de detalls, artefactes mínims","Language":"Idioma","Last Sync":"Última sincronització","Latitude":"Latitud","Lavender":"Lavanda","Learn more":"Saber-ne més","Legal Information":"Informació legal","Lens":"Lent","Library":"Biblioteca","License":"Llicència","Like":"M'agrada","Lime":"Llima","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"S'ha assolit el límit, mostrant els primers %{n} fitxers","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineal: molt suau, millor rendiment","Link":"Enllaç","List":"Llista","Live":"En viu","Live Photos":"Fotos en directe","Local Time":"Hora local","location":"localitat","Location":"Ubicació","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Els missatges de registre apareixen aquí sempre que PhotoPrism troba fitxers trencats o hi ha altres problemes potencials.","Login":"Iniciar sessió","Logout":"Tancar sessió","Logs":"Logs","Longitude":"Longitut","Low":"Baix","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Color principal","Male":"Home","manual":"manual","Manual Upload":"Pujada manual","Maps":"Mapes","Marker":"Marcador","Medium":"Mitja","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Combinar %{a} amb %{b}?","Message sent":"Missatge enviat","Minimize":"Minimitza","Missing":"Falta la pàgina d'enviament","Moments":"Moments","Monochrome":"Monocrom","Month":"Mes","Moonlight":"Clar de lluna","More than %{n} pictures found":"S'han trobat més de %{n} imatges","More than 20 albums found":"S'han trobat més de 20 àlbums","More than 20 labels found":"S'han trobat més de 20 etiquetes","More than 20 people found":"S'han trobat més de 20 persones","Mosaic":"Mosaic","Most Relevant":"El més rellevant","Move Files":"Mou arxius","Name":"Nom","Name too long":"Nom massa llarg","Never":"Mai","New":"Nou","New Password":"Nova contrasenya","Newest First":"El més nou primer","No":"No","No albums found":"No s'han trobat àlbums","No labels found":"No s'han trobat etiquetes","No people found":"No s'han trobat persones","No pictures found":"No s'han trobat imatges","No recently edited pictures":"No hi ha imatges editades recentment","No servers configured.":"No s'ha configurat cap servidor.","No services configured.":"No s'ha configurat cap servei.","No thanks":"No gràcies","No video selected":"No s'ha seleccionat cap vídeo","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"No hi ha cap advertiment ni error que contingui aquesta paraula clau. Tingueu en compte que la cerca distingeix entre majúscules i minúscules.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Les imatges no fotogràfiques i de baixa qualitat requereixen una revisió abans que apareguin als resultats de la cerca.","None":"Cap","Not Found":"No s'ha trobat","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Tingueu en compte que podeu gestionar manualment la vostra carpeta d'originals i la importació és opcional.","Note:":"Nota:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Nota: només els servidors WebDAV, com Nextcloud o PhotoPrism, es poden configurar com a servei remot per a la còpia de seguretat i la càrrega de fitxers.","Notes":"Notes","Nothing to see here yet.":"Encara no hi ha res a veure aquí.","Offline":"Offline","Oldest First":"El més vell primer","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"A Windows, introduïu el recurs següent al diàleg de connexió:","Once a week":"Una vegada per setmana","One album found":"S'ha trobat un àlbum","One file found":"S'ha trobat un fitxer","One file uploaded":"S'ha penjat un fitxer","One folder found":"S'ha trobat una carpeta","One label found":"S'ha trobat una etiqueta","One person found":"S'ha trobat una persona","One picture found":"S'ha trobat una imatge","Onyx":"Ònix","Options":"Opcions","or ask in our Community Chat":"o preguntar al nostre xat de la comunitat","Orange":"Taronja","Organization":"Organització","Orientation":"Orientació","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Els noms dels fitxers originals s'emmagatzemaran i s'indexaran.","Original Name":"Nom original","Originals":"Originals","Other":"Altres","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"La nostra Guia d'usuari també cobreix molts temes avançats, com ara la migració des de Google Fotos i la configuració de la qualitat de les miniatures.","Outdoor":"A l'aire lliure","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoràmiques","Password":"Contrasenya","Password changed":"S’ha canviat la contrasenya","People":"Gent","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Les persones amb qui comparteixis un enllaç podran veure contingut públic.","Permanently deleted":"Esborrat permanentment","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Suprimeix els fitxers permanentment per alliberar emmagatzematge.","Phone":"Telèfon","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism s'ha actualitzat...","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® és una aplicació de fotos impulsada per IA per a la web descentralitzada.","Photos":"Fotos","Pink":"Rosa","Place":"Lloc","Place & Time":"Lloc i hora","Places":"Llocs","Please confirm your new password.":"Si us plau, confirmeu la vostra nova contrasenya.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Si us plau, no carregueu fotos que continguin contingut ofensiu.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Tingueu en compte que si canvieu la contrasenya, tanqueu la sessió en altres dispositius i navegadors.","Portrait":"Retrat","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"publica la teva pregunta a les discussions de GitHub","Preserve filenames":"Conserva els noms de fitxers","Press button to start importing…":"Premeu el botó per començar a importar...","Press button to start indexing…":"Premeu el botó per començar a indexar...","Press enter to create a new album.":"Premeu Intro per crear un àlbum nou.","Preview":"Previsualitza","Primary":"Primari","Private":"Privada","Product Feedback":"Comentaris del producte","Projection":"Projecció","Purple":"Lila","Quality Filter":"Filtre de qualitat","Quality Score":"Nivell de qualitat","Random":"Aleatori","Raspberry":"Gerds","Raw":"Crua","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Conversió RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Torneu a indexar tots els originals, inclosos els fitxers ja indexats i sense canvis.","Read the Docs":"Llegeix els documents","Read-Only Mode":"Mode de només lectura","Recently Added":"Recentment afegit","Recently Edited":"Editat recentment","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"El reconeixement comença un cop finalitzada la indexació.","Recognized":"Reconegut","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Reconeix cares perquè es puguin trobar persones concretes.","Red":"Vermell","Reload":"Recarrega","Reloading…":"S'està tornant a carregar…","Remote Sync":"Sincronització remota","Remove":"Elimina","remove failed: unknown album":"ha fallat l'eliminació: àlbum desconegut","Remove from album":"Elimina de l'àlbum","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Elimina els fitxers importats per estalviar emmagatzematge. Els tipus de fitxers no compatibles no se suprimiran mai, es mantenen a la seva ubicació actual.","Request failed - invalid response":"La sol·licitud ha fallat: resposta no vàlida","Required":"Requerit","Resolution":"Resolució","Restore":"Restaura","Retry Limit":"Límit de torna a intentar","Retype Password":"Torneu a escriure la contrasenya","Review":"Valoració","Satellite":"Satèl·lit","Save":"Desar","Scan":"Escaneig","Scans":"Escaneigs","Search":"Cercar","Search and display photos on a map.":"Cerca i mostra fotos en un mapa.","Season":"Estació","Secret":"Secret","Security and Access":"Seguretat i Accés","Select":"Selecciona","Select albums or create a new one":"Seleccioneu àlbums o creeu-ne un de nou","Selection approved":"Selecció aprovada","Selection archived":"Selecció arxivada","Selection restored":"S'ha restaurat la selecció","Send":"Enviar","Sequential Name":"Nom seqüencial","Service URL":"URL del servei","Services":"Serveis","Settings":"Configuració","Settings saved":"Configuració desada","Setup":"Configuració","Shadow":"Ombra","Share":"Compartir","Share %{name}":"Comparteix %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Comparteix les teves imatges amb altres aplicacions i serveis.","Show":"Mostrar","Show all new faces":"Mostra totes les cares noves","Show hidden":"Mostra ocult","Show less":"Mostra menys","Show more":"Mostra’n més","Show server logs in Library.":"Mostra els registres del servidor a la biblioteca.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Mostra missatges de registre més detallats. Requereix un reinici.","Sidecar":"Sidecar","Sign in":"Iniciar sessió","Sign Up":"Registrar-se","Similar":"Similars","Size":"Mida","Slow":"Lenta","Sort Order":"Criteri d’ordenació","Source":"Origen","Stack":"Pila","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Apila fitxers que comparteixen la mateixa imatge única o identificador d'instància.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Apila imatges fetes a la mateixa hora i ubicació en funció de les seves metadades.","Stackable":"Apilable","Stacks":"Piles","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Agrupa fitxers amb un marc de referència similar, però amb diferències de qualitat, format, mida o color.","Start":"Inici","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Inicia/atura la presentació de diapositives","States":"Províncies","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Límit de mida estàtica: %{n}px","Status":"Estat","Storage":"Emmagatzematge","Streets":"Carrers","Subject":"Assumpte","Successfully Connected":"Connectat correctament","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Amb el temps s'afegirà suport per a serveis addicionals, com ara Google Drive.","Sync":"Sincronitza","Sync raw and video files":"Sincronitza fitxers en brut i de vídeo","Taken":"Pres","Teal":"Blau Cerseta","Text too long":"Text massa llarg","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Actualment, l'índex conté %{n} fitxers ocults.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"És possible que el seu format no sigui compatible, que encara no s'han convertit a JPEG o que hi hagi duplicats.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Això munta la carpeta originals com a unitat de xarxa i us permet obrir, editar i suprimir fitxers\n des del vostre ordinador o telèfon intel·ligent com si fossin locals.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Això munta la carpeta originals com a unitat de xarxa i us permet obrir, editar i suprimir fitxers del vostre ordinador o telèfon intel·ligent com si fossin locals.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generació de miniatures","Time UTC":"Hora UTC","Time Zone":"Zona horària","Timeout":"Delsa","Title":"Títol","Title / Position":"Títol / posició","Title too long":"Títol massa llarg","Toggle View":"Canvia la vista","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topogràfic","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Llistes de verificació de resolució de problemes","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Torna-ho a provar amb altres filtres o paraules clau.","Type":"Tipus","Undo":"Desfer","Unique ID":"ID únic","Unknown":"Desconegut","Unregistered":"No registrat","Unsorted":"SeneEthiopian month 11 - LongName","Unstack":"Desapilar","Updated":"Actualitzat","Updating faces":"Actualització de cares","Updating index":"S'està actualitzant l'índex","Updating moments":"Moments d'actualització","Updating picture…":"S'està actualitzant la imatge...","Updating previews":"S'estan actualitzant les previsualitzacions","Updating stacks":"Actualització de les piles","Upload":"Pujar","Upload complete":"Càrrega completa","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Càrrega completa. S'està indexant...","Upload failed":"La càrrega ha fallat","Upload local files":"Carregueu fitxers locals","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Penja a WebDAV i comparteix enllaços amb amics.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"S'està penjant %{n} de %{t}...","Uploading photos…":"S'estan penjant fotos...","Uploading…":"S'està carregant…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Les càrregues que puguin contenir aquestes imatges seran rebutjades automàticament.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Utilitzeu presets","User":"Usuari","User Guide":"Guia de l'usuari","User Interface":"Interfície d'usuari","Username":"Usuari","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Verificat","Video":"Vídeo","Video Duration":"Durada del vídeo","Videos":"Videos","View":"Veure","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Visiteu docs.photoprism.app/user-guide per saber com sincronitzar, organitzar i compartir les vostres imatges.","Visual Similarity":"Similitud visual","We appreciate your feedback!":"Agraïm els vostres comentaris!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Fem tot el possible per respondre en un termini de cinc dies laborables o menys.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Farem tot el possible per respondre totes les vostres preguntes. A canvi, us demanem que ens recolzeu a Patrocinadors de Patreon o GitHub.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Els clients WebDAV es poden connectar a PhotoPrism mitjançant l'URL següent:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Els clients WebDAV, com ara l'Explorador de Windows de Microsoft o el Finder d'Apple, es poden connectar directament\n FotoPrisma.","WebDAV Upload":"Càrrega WebDAV","Website":"Pàgina web","White":"Blanc","Work Details":"Detalls del treball","Year":"Any","Yellow":"Groc","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Si","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"Et convidem a unir-te a nosaltres a Reddit","You can only download one album":"Només pots baixar un àlbum","You can only download one label":"Només podeu baixar una etiqueta","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Podeu executar-lo a casa, en un servidor privat o al núvol.","You may only select one item":"Només podeu seleccionar un element","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Podeu tornar a escanejar la vostra biblioteca per trobar cares addicionals.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"El vostre suport continuat ens ajuda a oferir actualitzacions periòdiques i a mantenir-nos independents, de manera que podem complir la nostra missió i protegir la vostra privadesa.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"La vostra biblioteca s'analitza contínuament per crear automàticament àlbums de moments, viatges i llocs especials.","Zoom in/out":"Apropa o redueix"},"cs":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} nalezených alb","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} nahraných souborů","%{n} folders found":"%{n} nalezených složek","%{n} labels found":"%{n} nalezených štítků","%{n} people found":"%{n} nalezeno lidí","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} nalezených obrázků","1 hour":"1 hodina","12 hours":"12 hodin","4 hours":"4 hodiny","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Kliknutím zkopírujete do schránky.","About":"O nás","Abyss":"Propast","Account":"Účet","Accuracy":"Přesnost","Action":"Akce","Actions":"Akce","Add Account":"Přidat účet","Add Album":"Přidat album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Přidat soubory do vaší knihovny nahráním přes Web.","Add Link":"Přidat odkaz","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Přidat obrázky z výsledků vyhledávání jejich výběrem.","Add to album":"Přidat do alba","Added":"Přidáno","Advanced":"Pokročilé","After 1 day":"Po 1 dni","After 3 days":"Po 3 dnech","After 7 days":"Po 7 dnech","After one month":"Po jednom měsíci","After one year":"Po jednom roce","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Po výběru obrázků z výsledků vyhledávání je můžete přidat do alba pomocí kontextové nabídky.","After two months":"Po dvou měsících","After two weeks":"Po dvou týdnech","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Název alba","Albums":"Alba","Albums deleted":"Alba vymazána","All %{n} albums loaded":"Všech %{n} alb načteno","All %{n} labels loaded":"Všech %{n} štítků načteno","All %{n} people loaded":"Všichni %{n} lidé načteni","All Cameras":"Všechny fotoaparáty","All Categories":"Všechny kategorie","All Colors":"Všechny barvy","All Countries":"Všechny země","All fields are required":"Všechna pole jsou vyžadována","All files from import folder":"Všechny soubory ze složky pro importování","All Lenses":"Všechny objektivy","All Months":"Všechny měsíce","All originals":"Všechny originály","All Years":"Všechny roky","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativně lze nahrát soubory přímo do WebDAV serverů jako je Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Nadmořská výška","Altitude (m)":"Nadmořská výška (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Došlo k chybě - jste offline?","Animated":"Animované","Animation":"Animace","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Jakékoliv soukromé fotografie nebo videa zůstanou soukromé a nebudou sdílena.","API Key":"API klíč","Apply":"Použít","Approve":"Potvrdit","Archive":"Archivovat","Archived":"Archivováno","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Jste si jisti, že chcete označené archivovat?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Jste si jisti, že chcete tato alba vymazat?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Jste si jisti, že chcete tyto štítky vymazat?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Jste si jisti, že chcete tento účet vymazat?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Jste si jisti, že chcete tyto fotografie trvale odstranit?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Jste si jisti, že chcete tento soubor trvale odstranit?","Are you sure?":"Jste si jistí?","Artist":"Umělec","Aspect Ratio":"Poměr stran","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Automaticky vytvořit JPEG pro ostatní typy souborů, aby mohly být zobrazeny v prohlížeči.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Automaticky vytváří alba zvláštních okamžiků, výletů a míst.","Basic":"Základní","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Před odesláním žádosti o podporu použijte naše kontrolní seznamy pro řešení problémů, abyste zjistili příčinu problému.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Vzhledem k tomu, že jsme stoprocentně financováni z vlastních zdrojů a nezávislí, můžeme vám slíbit, že vaše údaje nikdy neprodáme a že budeme vždy transparentní, pokud jde o náš software a služby.","Bio":"Biografie","Birth Date":"Datum narození","Black":"Černá","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos převzorkování, Méně prstencových artefaktů","Blue":"Modrá","Brown":"Hnědá","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Prohlížet a upravit štítky klasifikace obrazu.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Prohlížet indexované soubory a složky v Knihovně.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Podrobné informace o konkrétních funkcích produktu, službách a souvisejících zdrojích najdete ve znalostní databázi.","Bug Report":"Nahlásit chybu","Busy, please wait…":"Zaneprázdněn, čekejte prosím…","Calendar":"Kalendář","Camera":"Fotoaparát","Camera Serial":"Sériové číslo kamery","Can't load more, limit reached":"Nelze načíst více, dosaženo limitu","Can't select more items":"Není možné vybrat více položek","Cancel":"Zrušit","Cards":"Karty","Category":"Kategorie","Change Avatar":"Změnit fotku","Change Password":"Změnit heslo","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Změna nastavení osobního profilu a zabezpečení.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Změna názvů fotografií, umístění a dalších metadat.","Change private flag":"Změnit soukromou vlaječku","Changes successfully saved":"Změny byly úspěšně uloženy","Checked":"Zkontrolováno","Chroma":"Sytost","Close":"Zavřít","Codec":"Kodek","Color":"Barva","Color Profile":"Barevný profil","Colors":"Barvy","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Běžné problémy lze rychle diagnostikovat a vyřešit pomocí kontrolních seznamů pro řešení problémů, které poskytujeme.","Complete Rescan":"Kompletní opětovné prohledání","Confidence":"Jistota","Connect":"Připojit","Connect via WebDAV":"Připojit přes WebDAV","Connected":"Připojeno","Contact Details":"Kontaktní údaje","Contact Us":"Kontaktujte nás","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Obsahuje %{n} obrázků.","Contains one picture.":"Obsahuje jeden obrázek.","Convert to JPEG":"Převést do JPEG","Converting":"Převádí se","Copied to clipboard":"Zkopírováno do schránky","Copyright":"Autorská práva","Couldn't find anything.":"Nebylo nic nalezeno.","Country":"Země","Create album":"Vytvořit album","Created":"Vytvořeno","Creating thumbnails for":"Vytváření miniatur pro","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: Střední kvalita, Dobrý výkon","Current Password":"Aktuální heslo","Customer Support":"Zákaznická podpora","Cyan":"Tyrkysová","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Denně","Day":"Den","Debug Logs":"Protokoly ladění","Default":"Výchozí","Default Folder":"Výchozí složka","Delete":"Vymazat","Description":"Popis","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Detailnější instrukce naleznete v naší Uživatelské příručce.","Details":"Detaily","Dimensions":"Rozměry","Disable Backups":"Deaktivovat zálohy","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Deaktivovat vestavěný WebDAV server. Vyžaduje restart.","Disable Darktable":"Deaktivovat Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Deaktivovat ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Deaktivovat FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Deaktivovat místa","Disable RawTherapee":"Deaktivovat RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Deaktivovat TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Deaktivovat WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Deaktivuje zpětné geokódování a mapy.","Discover":"Objevit","Display Name":"Zobrazované jméno","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Nezálohovat metadata fotografií a alb do souborů YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Nevytvářet soubory JSON nástroje ExifTool pro lepší extrakci metadat.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Neupravovat složku originálů. Deaktivuje importování, nahrávání a odstraňování.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Nepřekódovávat videa pomocí FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Nepoužívat Darktable ke konverzi souborů RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Nepoužívat RawTherapee ke konverzi souborů RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Nepoužívat TensorFlow pro klasifikaci obrazu.","Donations":"Sponzorské dary","Done":"Hotovo","Done.":"Hotovo.","Download":"Stáhnout","Download remote files":"Stáhnout vzdálené soubory","Download single files and zip archives.":"Stáhnout jednotlivé soubory a archivy zip.","Downloading…":"Stahování…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtr pro snížení měřítka","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Vzhledem k velkému množství e-mailů, které dostáváme, se může stát, že vám náš tým nebude schopen okamžitě odpovědět.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplicity budou přeskočeny a zobrazí se pouze jednou.","Duration":"Délka","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamické náhledy","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dynamické vykreslování vyžaduje výkonný server. Není doporučeno pro zařízení NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Dynamický limit velikosti: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-Mail","Edit":"Upravit","Edit %{name}":"Upravit %{name}","Edit Account":"Upravit účet","Edit Photo":"Upravit fotografii","Edited":"Upraveno","Electra":"Electra","Email":"Email","Enable new features currently under development.":"Povolit nové funkce, které jsou aktuálně ve vývoji.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Povolí předvolby konvertoru RAW. Může snížit výkon.","Errors":"Chyby","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Odhadnout přibližné polohy obrázků bez souřadnic.","Estimates":"Odhady","Every two days":"Každé dva dny","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Vyloučit obsah označený jako soukromý z výsledků vyhledávání, sdílených alb, štítků a míst.","Exclude hidden":"Vyloučit skryté","Expand":"Rozbalit","Expand Search":"Rozšířené vyhledávání","Experimental Features":"Experimentální funkce","Expires":"Vyprší","Exposure":"Expozice","F Number":"Clonové číslo","Face":"Tvář","Faces":"Tváře","Failed copying to clipboard":"Kopírování do schránky selhalo","Failed removing link":"Odstraňování odkazu selhalo","Failed updating link":"Aktualizace odkazu selhalo","Family Name":"Rodné jméno","Fast":"Rychlé","Favorite":"Oblíbené","Favorites":"Oblíbené","Feature Request":"Žádost o funkci","Feed":"Novinky","Feedback":"Zpětná vazba","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"V případě jakýchkoli dotazů nás kontaktujte na adrese hello@photoprism.app.","Female":"Žena","File":"Soubor","File Browser":"Prohlížeč souborů","File Name":"Název souboru","File Size":"Velikost souboru","Filename":"Název souboru","Files":"Soubory","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Soubory s pořadovými názvy jako 'IMG_1234 (2)' a 'IMG_1234 (3)' náleží stejnému obrázku.","Focal Length":"Ohnisková vzdálenost","Folder":"Složka","Folder contains %{n} files":"Složka obsahuje %{n} souborů","Folder is empty":"Složka je prázdná","Folders":"Složky","Forgot password?":"Zapoměli jste heslo?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Frames","Fullscreen":"Celá obrazovka","Gemstone":"Gemstone","Gender":"Pohlaví","General":"Obecné","Getting Support":"Získání podpory","Given Name":"Dané jméno","Gold":"Zlatá","Grayscale":"Odstíny šedé","Green":"Zelená","Grey":"Šedá","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Pomoc","Help & Support":"Nápověda & Podpora","Hidden":"Skryté","Hidden Files":"Skryté soubory","Hide":"Skrýt","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Skrýt fotografie, které byly přesunuty do archivu.","High":"Vysoká","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Vysoký dynamický rozsah (HDR)","How can we help?":"Jak můžeme pomoci?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Pokud vám toto nepomůže nebo máte další otázky:","image":"snímek","Image":"Snímek","Images":"Snímky","Import":"Importovat","Import failed":"Importování selhalo","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Importované soubory budou seřazeny podle data a přiděleného jedinečného názvu, aby se předešlo duplicitám.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Importované soubory budou seřazeny podle data a přiděleného jedinečného názvu.","Importing %{name}…":"Importování %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importování souborů do originálů…","in":"v","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Sponzoři navíc dostávají přímou technickou podporu prostřednictvím e-mailu.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"V případě, že očekávané obrázky chybí, prohledejte knihovnu znovu a počkejte, až bude indexace dokončena.","Index":"Indexovat","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexování a importování souborů prostřednictvím uživatelského rozhraní.","Indexing":"Indexování","Indexing failed":"Indexování selhalo","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexování media a přidružených souborů…","Instance ID":"ID instance","Interval":"Interval","Invalid":"Neplatné","Invalid date":"Neplatné datum","Invalid parameters":"Neplatné parametry","Invalid photo selected":"Vybrána neplatná fotografie","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Využívá nejnovější technologie k automatickému označování a vyhledávání obrázků, aniž by vám překážel.","Item":"Položka","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG kvalita: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG limit velikosti: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG a miniatury se vykreslují automaticky dle potřeby.","Keywords":"Klíčová slova","Knowledge Base":"Znalostní databáze","Label":"Štítek","Labels":"Štítky","Labels deleted":"Štítky vymazány","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Zachování detailů, Minimální artefakty","Language":"Jazyk","Last Sync":"Poslední synchronizace","Latitude":"Zeměpisná šířka","Lavender":"Lavender","Learn more":"Zjistěte více","Legal Information":"Právní informace","Lens":"Objektiv","Library":"Knihovna","License":"Licence","Like":"Líbí se mi","Lime":"Limetková","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Dosaženo limitu, zobrazeno prvních %{n} souborů","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: Velmi vyhlazené, Nejlepší výkon","Link":"Odkaz","List":"Seznam","Live":"Živé","Live Photos":"Živé fotografie","Local Time":"Místní čas","location":"lokalita","Location":"Lokalita","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Zprávy logu se zde zobrazují vždy, když PhotoPrism narazí na poškozené soubory nebo se vyskytnou jiné potenciální problémy.","Login":"Přihlášení","Logout":"Odhlásit se","Logs":"Logy","Longitude":"Zeměpisná délka","Low":"Nízká","Magenta":"Purpurová","Main Color":"Převažující barva","Male":"Muž","manual":"ručně","Manual Upload":"Ruční nahrání","Maps":"Mapy","Marker":"Značka","Medium":"Střední","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Sloučit %{a} s %{b}?","Message sent":"Zpráva odeslána","Minimize":"Minimalizovat","Missing":"Chybějící","Moments":"Okamžiky","Monochrome":"Monochromatické","Month":"Měsíc","Moonlight":"Moonlight","More than %{n} pictures found":"Nalezeno více než %{n} obrázků","More than 20 albums found":"Nalezeno více než 20 alb","More than 20 labels found":"Nalezeno více než 20 štítků","More than 20 people found":"Více než 20 lidí našlo","Mosaic":"Mozaika","Most Relevant":"Nejrelevantnější","Move Files":"Přesunout soubory","Name":"Název","Name too long":"Název je příliš dlouhý","Never":"Nikdy","New":"Nový","New Password":"Nové heslo","Newest First":"Od nejnovějších","No":"Ne","No albums found":"Nenalezena žádná alba","No labels found":"Nenalezeny žádné štítky","No people found":"Nenalezeny žádné osoby","No pictures found":"Nenalezeny žádné obrázky","No recently edited pictures":"Žádné nedávno upravené obrázky","No servers configured.":"Žádný server nebyl nakonfigurován.","No services configured.":"Nejsou nakonfigurovány žádné služby.","No thanks":"Ne, děkuji","No video selected":"Není vybráno žádné video","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Žádná varování nebo chyba obsahující toto klíčové slovo. Mějte na paměti, že při vyhledávání se rozlišují velká a malá písmena.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Nefotografické obrázky a snímky nízké kvality vyžadují kontrolu, než se objeví ve výsledcích vyhledávání.","None":"Žádné","Not Found":"Nenalezeno","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Složku originálů můžete spravovat ručně a import je volitelný.","Note:":"Poznámka:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Poznámka: Pouze WebDAV servery, jako Nextcloud nebo PhotoPrism, mohou být nakonfigurovány jako vzdálená služba pro zálohu a nahrávání souborů.","Notes":"Poznámky","Nothing to see here yet.":"Není tu nic k vidění. Prosíme o trpělivost.","Offline":"Offline","Oldest First":"Od nejstarších","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"V systému Windows zadejte do dialogového okna připojení následující prostředek:","Once a week":"Jednou týdně","One album found":"Nalezeno jedno album","One file found":"Nalezen jeden soubor","One file uploaded":"Nahrán jeden soubor","One folder found":"Nalezena jedna složka","One label found":"Nalezen jeden štítek","One person found":"Nalezena jedna osoba","One picture found":"Nalezen jeden obrázek","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Možnosti","or ask in our Community Chat":"nebo se zeptejte v našem komunitním chatu","Orange":"Oranžová","Organization":"Organizace","Orientation":"Orientace","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Původní názvy souborů budou uloženy a indexovány.","Original Name":"Název originálu","Originals":"Originály","Other":"Jiné","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Naše uživatelská příručka se zabývá také mnoha pokročilými tématy, jako je migrace z aplikace Fotky Google a nastavení kvality miniatur.","Outdoor":"Zeměpisně","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramata","Password":"Heslo","Password changed":"Heslo změněno","People":"Lidé","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Lidé, se kterými sdílíte odkaz, budou moci zobrazit veřejný obsah.","Permanently deleted":"Trvale smazáno","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Trvale odstraňte soubory, abyste uvolnili úložiště.","Phone":"Telefon","Photo":"Fotografie","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism byl aktualizován…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® je aplikace pro decentralizovaný web s umělou inteligencí.","Photos":"Fotografie","Pink":"Růžová","Place":"Místo","Place & Time":"Místo a Čas","Places":"Místa","Please confirm your new password.":"Potvrďte prosím nové heslo.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Nenahrávejte prosím fotografie obsahující urážlivý obsah.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že změna hesla vás odhlásí i na jiných zařízeních a v jiných prohlížečích.","Portrait":"Portrét","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"položte svůj dotaz v diskuzích na GitHubu","Preserve filenames":"Zachovat názvy souborů","Press button to start importing…":"Stiskněte tlačítko pro začátek importování…","Press button to start indexing…":"Stiskněte tlačítko pro začátek indexování…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Stiskněte Enter pro vytvoření nového alba.","Preview":"Náhled","Primary":"Primární","Private":"Soukromé","Product Feedback":"Zpětná vazba k produktu","Projection":"Projekce","Purple":"Fialová","Quality Filter":"Filtr kvality","Quality Score":"Hodnocení kvality","Random":"Náhodně","Raspberry":"Raspberry","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Převod RAW formátu","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Znovu indexovat všechny originály, včetně již zaindexovaných a nezměněných souborů.","Read the Docs":"Přečtěte si dokumenty","Read-Only Mode":"Mód jen pro čtení","Recently Added":"Nedávno přidané","Recently Edited":"Nedávno upravené","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Rozpoznávání se spustí po dokončení indexování.","Recognized":"Rozpoznané","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Rozpoznává obličeje, aby bylo možné najít konkrétní osoby.","Red":"Červená","Reload":"Znovu načíst","Reloading…":"Načítání…","Remote Sync":"Vzdálená synchronizace","Remove":"Odstranit","remove failed: unknown album":"odstranění selhalo: neznámé album","Remove from album":"Odebrat z alba","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Odstranit importované soubory pro ušetření úložného prostoru. Nepodporované typy souborů odstraněny nikdy nebudou, zůstanou ve svém aktuálním umístění.","Request failed - invalid response":"Požadavek selhal - neplatná odpověď","Required":"Vyžadováno","Resolution":"Rozlišení","Restore":"Obnovit","Retry Limit":"Limit opakování","Retype Password":"Znovu zadejte heslo","Review":"Kontrola","Satellite":"Satelitní","Save":"Uložit","Scan":"Sken","Scans":"Skeny","Search":"Vyhledat","Search and display photos on a map.":"Vyhledat a zobrazit fotografie na mapě.","Season":"Období","Secret":"Tajemství","Security and Access":"Zabezpečení a přístup","Select":"Označit","Select albums or create a new one":"Vyberte alba nebo vytvořte nové","Selection approved":"Výběr potvrzen","Selection archived":"Výběr archivován","Selection restored":"Výběr obnoven","Send":"Odeslat","Sequential Name":"Pořadový název","Service URL":"URL služby","Services":"Služby","Settings":"Nastavení","Settings saved":"Nastavení uloženo","Setup":"Prvotní nastavení","Shadow":"Shadow","Share":"Sdílet","Share %{name}":"Sdílet %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Sdílejte své obrázky s dalšími aplikacemi a službami.","Show":"Zobrazit","Show all new faces":"Zobrazit všechny nové tváře","Show hidden":"Zobrazit skryté","Show less":"Zobrazit méně","Show more":"Zobrazit více","Show server logs in Library.":"Zobrazit logy serveru v Knihovně.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Zobrazí podrobnější zprávy protokolu. Vyžaduje restart.","Sidecar":"Přidružený soubor","Sign in":"Přihlásit se","Sign Up":"Registrace","Similar":"Podobné","Size":"Velikost","Slow":"Pomalé","Sort Order":"Pořadí řazení","Source":"Zdroj","Stack":"Stohovat","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Stohovat soubory, které sdílí stejný jedinečný snímek nebo identifikátor instance.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Stohovat snímky pořízené ve stejnou chvíli a ve stejné lokalitě na základě jejich metadat.","Stackable":"Stohovatelné","Stacks":"Stohy","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Stohuje seskupené soubory s podobným referenčním rámcem, ale odlišné kvality, formátu, velikosti nebo barvy.","Start":"Spustit","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Spustit/Zastavit prezentaci","States":"Státy","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statický limit velikosti: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Úložiště","Streets":"Ulice","Subject":"Předmět","Successfully Connected":"Úspěšně připojeno","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Podpora dalších služeb, jako Google Disk, budou postupně přidávány.","Sync":"Synchronizace","Sync raw and video files":"Synchronizovat raw a video soubory","Taken":"Pořízeno","Teal":"Šedozelená","Text too long":"Text je příliš dlouhý","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Index aktuálně obsahuje %{n} skrytých souborů.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Jejich formát nemusí být podporován, nebyly dosud převedeny do JPEG nebo existují duplikáty.","Theme":"Téma","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Toto nastaví složku originálů jako síťový disk a umožní vám otevírat, upravovat a mazat soubory prostřednictvím vašeho počítače nebo telefonu jako by byli lokálně.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Toto nastaví složku originálů jako síťový disk a umožní vám otevírat, upravovat a mazat soubory prostřednictvím vašeho počítače nebo telefonu jako by byly lokálně.","Thumbnail Generation":"Vytváření miniatur","Time UTC":"Čas UTC","Time Zone":"Časová zóna","Timeout":"Časový limit","Title":"Titulek","Title / Position":"Název / pozice","Title too long":"Titulek je příliš dlouhý","Toggle View":"Přepnout zobrazení","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topograficky","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Kontrolní seznamy pro řešení problémů","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Zkuste to znovu použitím jiného filtru nebo klíčového slova.","Type":"Typ","Undo":"Vrátit","Unique ID":"Jedinečné ID","Unknown":"Neznámé","Unregistered":"Neregistrovaný","Unsorted":"Neseřazeno","Unstack":"Nestohovat","Updated":"Aktualizováno","Updating faces":"Aktualizace tváří","Updating index":"Aktualizace indexace","Updating moments":"Aktualizace okamžiků","Updating picture…":"Aktualizace obrázku…","Updating previews":"Aktualizace náhledů","Updating stacks":"Aktualizace stohování","Upload":"Nahrát","Upload complete":"Nahrávání dokončeno","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Nahrávání dokončeno. Indexování…","Upload failed":"Nahrávání selhalo","Upload local files":"Nahrát lokální soubory","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Nahrát do WebDAV a sdílet odkazy s přáteli.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Nahrávání %{n} z %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Nahrávání fotografií…","Uploading…":"Nahrávání…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Nahrávání obsahující takovéto snímky budou automaticky odmítnuta.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Použít předvolby","User":"Uživatel","User Guide":"Uživatelská příručka","User Interface":"Uživatelské rozhraní","Username":"Uživatelské jméno","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Ověřeno","Video":"Video","Video Duration":"Délka videa","Videos":"Videa","View":"Zobrazit","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Navštivte stránku docs.photoprism.app/user-guide, kde se dozvíte, jak synchronizovat, organizovat a sdílet své fotografie.","Visual Similarity":"Vizuální podobnost","We appreciate your feedback!":"Vážíme si vaší zpětné vazby!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Snažíme se odpovědět do pěti pracovních dnů nebo později.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Budeme se snažit odpovědět na všechny vaše otázky. Na oplátku vás prosíme, abyste nás podpořili na Patreonu nebo GitHubu.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV klienti se mohou k PhotoPrism připojit pomocí následující URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Klienti WebDAV, jako je Průzkumník Windows od společnosti Microsoft nebo Finder od společnosti Apple, se mohou připojit přímo k aplikaci\n PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Nahrát přes WebDAV","Website":"Webová stránka","White":"Bílá","Work Details":"Podrobnosti o práci","Year":"Rok","Yellow":"Žlutá","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Ano","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"můžete se k nám připojit na Redditu","You can only download one album":"Stáhnout lze pouze jedno album","You can only download one label":"Stáhnout lze pouze jeden štítek","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Můžete jej provozovat doma, na soukromém serveru nebo v cloudu.","You may only select one item":"Vybrat lze pouze jednu položku","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Můžete znovu prohledat knihovnu a najít další tváře.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Vaše trvalá podpora nám pomáhá poskytovat pravidelné aktualizace a zůstat nezávislými, abychom mohli plnit naše poslání a chránit vaše soukromí.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Vaše knihovna je průběžně analyzována a automaticky vytváří alba zvláštních okamžiků, výletů a míst.","Zoom in/out":"Přiblížit/Oddálit"},"da":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} album fundet","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} filer uploadet","%{n} folders found":"%{n} mapper fundet","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etiketter fundet","%{n} people found":"%{n} personer fundet","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} billeder fundet","1 hour":"1 time","12 hours":"12 timer","4 hours":"4 timer","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Et klik kopierer det til dit udklipsholder.","About":"Om","Abyss":"Afgrund","Account":"Konto","Accuracy":"Nøjagtighed","Action":"Handling","Actions":"Handlinger","Add Album":"Tilføj album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Føj filer til dit bibliotek via Web Upload.","Add Link":"Tilføj link","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Tilføj billeder fra søgeresultater ved at vælge dem.","Add to album":"Føj til albummet","Added":"Tilføjet","Advanced":"Avanceret","After 1 day":"Efter 1 dag","After 3 days":"Efter 3 dage","After 7 days":"Efter 7 dage","After one month":"Efter en måned","After one year":"Efter et år","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Når du har valgt billeder fra søgeresultaterne, kan du tilføje dem til et album ved hjælp af kontekstmenuen.","After two months":"Efter to måneder","After two weeks":"Efter tre uger","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Album navn","Albums":"Album","Albums deleted":"Slettede album","All %{n} albums loaded":"Alle %{n} album er indlæst","All %{n} labels loaded":"Alle %{n} etiketter er indlæst","All %{n} people loaded":"Alle %{n} personer indlæst","All Cameras":"Alle kameraer","All Categories":"Alle kategorier","All Colors":"Alle farver","All Countries":"Alle lande","All fields are required":"Alle felter skal udfyldes","All files from import folder":"Alle filer fra importmappen","All Lenses":"Alle linser","All Months":"Alle måneder","All originals":"Alle originaler","All Years":"Alle år","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativt kan du uploade filer direkte til WebDAV-servere som Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Højde","Altitude (m)":"Højde (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Der opstod en fejl - er du offline?","Animated":"Animeret","Animation":"Animation","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Alle private fotos og videoer forbliver private og deles ikke.","API Key":"API-nøgle","Apply":"Anvend","Approve":"Godkend","Archive":"Arkiver","Archived":"Arkiveret","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Er du sikker på, at du vil arkivere det markerede?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette disse album?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette disse etiketter?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne konto?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette disse billeder permanent?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne fil permanent?","Are you sure?":"Er du sikker?","Artist":"Kunstner","Aspect Ratio":"Billedformat","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Opret automatisk JPEG’er til andre filtyper, så de kan vises i en browser.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Opretter automatisk album af særlige øjeblikke, rejser og steder.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Før du sender en anmodning om support, skal du bruge vores tjeklister til fejlfinding for at finde årsagen til dit problem.","Bio":"Biografi","Black":"Sort","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos, bedre kantudjævning","Blue":"Blå","Brown":"Brun","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Gennemse og rediger billedklassifikationsetiketter.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Gennemse indekserede filer og mapper i biblioteket.","Bug Report":"Fejlrapport","Busy, please wait…":"Optaget, vent venligst …","Calendar":"Kalender","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Kamera serienummer","Can't load more, limit reached":"Kan ikke indlæse mere, grænsen nået","Can't select more items":"Kan ikke vælge flere elementer","Cancel":"Annullere","Cards":"Kort","Category":"Kategori","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Ændre billedtitler, steder og andre metadata.","Change private flag":"Ændre privat flag","Checked":"Kontrolleret","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Luk","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Farve","Color Profile":"Farveprofil","Colors":"Farver","Complete Rescan":"Komplet scanning","Confidence":"Tillid","Connect":"Opret forbindelse","Connect via WebDAV":"Opret forbindelse via WebDAV","Contact Us":"Kontakt os","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Indeholder %{n} billeder.","Contains one picture.":"Indeholder et billede.","Convert to JPEG":"Konverter til JPEG","Converting":"Konverterer","Copied to clipboard":"Kopieret til udklipsholderen","Copyright":"Ophavsret","Couldn't find anything.":"Kunne ikke finde noget.","Country":"Land","Create album":"Opret album","Created":"Oprettet","Creating thumbnails for":"Opretter miniaturer til","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: Moderat Kvalitet, God Ydeevne","Current Password":"Nuværende kodeord","Customer Support":"Kunde support","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Dagligt","Day":"Dag","Debug Logs":"Fejlfindingslog","Default":"Standard","Default Folder":"Standardmappe","Delete":"Slet","Description":"Beskrivelse","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Detaljerede instruktioner kan findes i vores brugervejledning.","Details":"Detaljer","Dimensions":"Dimensioner","Disable Backups":"Deaktiver sikkerhedskopier","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Deaktiver den indbyggede WebDAV-server. Kræver en genstart.","Disable Darktable":"Deaktivere Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Deaktiver ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Deaktiver FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Deaktiver steder","Disable RawTherapee":"Deaktivere RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Deaktiver TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Deaktiver WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Deaktiverer omvendt geokodning og kort.","Discover":"Opdag","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Sikkerhedskopier ikke foto- og albummetadata til YAML-filer.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Opret ikke ExifTool JSON-filer til forbedret metadataekstraktion.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Rediger ikke mappen med originaler. Deaktiverer import, overførsel og sletning.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Du må ikke transkode videoer med FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Du må ikke bruge Darktable til at konvertere RAW-filer.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Du må ikke bruge RawTherapee til at konvertere RAW-filer.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Brug ikke TensorFlow til billedklassifikation.","Donations":"Donationer","Done":"Færdig","Done.":"Udført.","Download":"Download","Download remote files":"Download fjernfiler","Download single files and zip archives.":"Download enkeltfiler og zip-arkiver.","Downloading…":"Downloader…","Downscaling Filter":"Nedskaleringsfilter","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikater springes over og vises kun én gang.","Duration":"Varighed","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamiske miniaturebilleder","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dynamisk gengivelse kræver en effektiv server. Det anbefales ikke til NAS-enheder.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Grænse for dynamisk størrelse: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-mail","Edit":"Redigere","Edit %{name}":"Rediger %{name}","Edit Account":"Rediger konto","Edit Photo":"Rediger Billede","Edited":"Redigeret","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"Aktivér nye funktioner, der aktuelt er under udvikling.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Aktiverer RAW-konverteringsindstillinger. Kan reducere ydeevnen.","Errors":"Fejl","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Anslå den omtrentlige placering af billeder uden koordinater.","Estimates":"Anslår","Every two days":"Hver anden dag","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Udeluk indhold, der er markeret som privat, fra søgeresultater, delte album, etiketter og steder.","Exclude hidden":"Udelukke skjulte","Expand":"Udvid","Expand Search":"Udvid søgning","Experimental Features":"Eksperimentelle funktioner","Expires":"Udløber","Exposure":"Eksponering","F Number":"F-nummer","Face":"Ansigt","Faces":"Ansigter","Failed copying to clipboard":"Kopiering til udklipsholder mislykkedes","Failed removing link":"Linket kunne ikke fjernes","Failed updating link":"Linket kunne ikke opdateres","Fast":"Hurtig","Favorite":"Favorit","Favorites":"Favoritter","Feature Request":"Funktionsanmodning","Feedback":"Feedback","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Kontakt os venligst på hello@photoprism.app, hvis du har spørgsmål eller har brug for hjælp.","File":"Fil","File Browser":"Filbrowser","Filename":"Filnavn","Files":"Filer","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Filer med sekventielle navne som ‘IMG_1234 (2)’ og ‘IMG_1234 (3)’ hører til det samme billede.","Focal Length":"Brændvidde","Folder":"Mappe","Folder contains %{n} files":"Mappen indeholder %{n} filer","Folder is empty":"Mappen er tom","Folders":"Mapper","Forgot password?":"Glemt adgangskode?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Rammer","Fullscreen":"Fuld skærm","Gemstone":"Ædelsten","General":"General","Getting Support":"Få hjælp","Gold":"Guld","Grayscale":"Grayscale","Green":"Grøn","Grey":"Grå","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Hjælp","Help & Support":"Hjælp & Support","Hidden":"Skjult","Hidden Files":"Skjulte filer","Hide":"Skjul","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Skjul fotos, der er flyttet til arkivet.","High":"Høj","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Høj dynamisk rækkevidde (HDR)","How can we help?":"Hvordan kan vi hjælpe?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Hvis dette ikke hjælper, eller hvis du har andre spørgsmål:","image":"billede","Image":"Billede","Images":"Billeder","Import":"Importere","Import failed":"Import mislykkedes","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Importerede filer sorteres efter dato og får et unikt navn for at undgå dubletter.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Importerede filer sorteres efter dato og får et unikt navn.","Importing %{name}…":"Importerer %{name} …","Importing files to originals…":"Importerer filer til originaler …","in":"i","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Desuden modtager sponsorer direkte teknisk support via e-mail.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Hvis der mangler billeder, som du forventer, skal du scanne dit bibliotek igen og vente, indtil indekseringen er afsluttet.","Index":"Indeks","Indexing":"Indeksering","Indexing failed":"Indeksering fejlede","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indekserer medie- og sidecar filer…","Instance ID":"Instans-id","Interval":"Interval","Invalid date":"Ugyldig dato","Invalid photo selected":"Ugyldigt foto valgt","Item":"Element","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG-kvalitet: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG maks størrelse: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG’er og miniaturer gengives automatisk efter behov.","Keywords":"Nøgleord","Label":"Etiket","Labels":"Etiketter","Labels deleted":"Etiketter slettet","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Bevaring Detaljer, Minimale Artefakter","Language":"Sprog","Last Sync":"Seneste synkronisering","Latitude":"Breddegrad","Lavender":"Lavendel","Lens":"Linse","Library":"Bibliotek","License":"Licens","Like":"Synes godt om","Lime":"Lime","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Grænse nået, viser de første %{n} filer","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineær: Meget glat, bedste ydeevne","Link":"Link","List":"Liste","Live":"Direkte","Local Time":"Lokal tid","location":"sted","Location":"Sted","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Logbeskeder vises her, når PhotoPrism kommer på tværs af ødelagte filer, eller der er andre potentielle problemer.","Login":"Log på","Logout":"Log ud","Logs":"Logfiler","Longitude":"Længdegrad","Low":"Lav","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Hovedfarve","manual":"manuel","Manual Upload":"Manuel upload","Marker":"Markør","Medium":"Mellem","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Sammenlægning af %{a} med %{b}?","Message sent":"Besked sendt","Minimize":"Minimer","Missing":"Mangler","Moments":"Øjeblikke","Monochrome":"Monokrom","Month":"Måned","Moonlight":"Måneskin","More than %{n} pictures found":"Mere end %{n} billeder fundet","More than 20 albums found":"Mere end 20 album fundet","More than 20 labels found":"Mere end 20 etiketter fundet","More than 20 people found":"Mere end 20 personer fandt","Mosaic":"Mosaik","Move Files":"Flyt filer","Name":"Navn","Name too long":"Navn for langt","Never":"Aldrig","New":"Nyt","New Password":"Nyt kodeord","No":"Nej","No albums found":"Ingen album fundet","No labels found":"Ingen etiketter fundet","No people found":"Ingen personer fundet","No pictures found":"Ingen billeder fundet","No recently edited pictures":"Ingen nyligt redigerede billeder","No servers configured.":"Ingen servere konfigureret.","No thanks":"Nej tak","No video selected":"Ingen video valgt","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Ingen advarsler eller fejl, der indeholder dette nøgleord. Bemærk, at søgning er case-sensitive.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Ikke-fotografiske billeder af lav kvalitet kræver en gennemgang, før de vises i søgeresultaterne.","None":"Ingen","Not Found":"Ikke fundet","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Bemærk, at du kan administrere mappen med originaler manuelt, og at import er valgfri.","Note:":"Bemærk:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Bemærk: Kun WebDAV-servere, som Nextcloud eller PhotoPrism, kan konfigureres som fjerntjeneste til sikkerhedskopiering og upload af filer.","Notes":"Bemærkninger","Offline":"Offline","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"På Windows skal du indtaste følgende ressource i forbindelsesdialogboksen:","Once a week":"En gang om ugen","One album found":"Et album fundet","One file found":"En fil fundet","One file uploaded":"En fil uploadet","One folder found":"En mappe fundet","One label found":"En etiket fundet","One person found":"En person fandt","One picture found":"Et billede fundet","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Muligheder","or ask in our Community Chat":"eller spørg i vores Community Chat","Orange":"Orange","Orientation":"Orientering","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Oprindelige filnavne gemmes og indekseres.","Original Name":"Oprindeligt navn","Originals":"Originaler","Other":"Andre","Outdoor":"Udendørs","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramaer","Password":"Adgangskode","Password changed":"Adgangskode ændret","People":"Mennesker","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Personer, som du deler et link med, kan se offentligt indhold.","Permanently deleted":"Slettet permanent","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Fjern filer permanent for at frigøre lagerplads.","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism er opdateret …","Photos":"Fotos","Pink":"Lyserød","Place":"Sted","Place & Time":"Sted og tid","Places":"Steder","Please confirm your new password.":"Bekræft din nye adgangskode.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Upload ikke billeder, der indeholder stødende indhold.","Portrait":"Portræt","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"stil dit spørgsmål i GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Bevar filnavne","Press button to start importing…":"Tryk på knappen for at starte importen…","Press button to start indexing…":"Tryk på knappen for at starte indeksering…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Tryk på enter for at oprette et nyt album.","Preview":"Forhåndsvisning","Primary":"Primær","Private":"Privat","Product Feedback":"Produktfeedback","Projection":"Projektion","Purple":"Lilla","Quality Filter":"Kvalitetsfilter","Quality Score":"Kvalitetsresultat","Random":"Tilfældig","Raspberry":"Hindbær","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW-konvertering","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Indeksér alle originaler igen, inklusiv allerede indekserede og uændrede filer.","Read-Only Mode":"Skrivebeskyttet tilstand","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Genkendelsen starter, når indekseringen er afsluttet.","Recognized":"Anerkendt","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Genkender ansigter, så man kan finde bestemte personer.","Red":"Rød","Reload":"Genindlæs","Reloading…":"Genindlæser…","Remote Sync":"Fjernsynkronisering","Remove":"Fjern","remove failed: unknown album":"fjern mislykkedes: ukendt album","Remove from album":"Fjern fra albummet","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Fjern importerede filer for at frigøre lagerplads. Ikke-understøttede filtyper slettes aldrig, de forbliver på deres nuværende placering.","Request failed - invalid response":"Anmodningen mislykkedes - ugyldigt svar","Required":"Påkrævet","Resolution":"Opløsning","Restore":"Gendan","Retry Limit":"Grænse for gentagelse","Retype Password":"Indtast adgangskoden igen","Review":"Gennemgang","Save":"Gem","Scan":"Scan","Scans":"Scanninger","Search":"Søg","Search and display photos on a map.":"Søg og vis fotos på et kort.","Season":"Sæson","Secret":"Hemmelighed","Select":"Vælg","Select albums or create a new one":"Vælg album, eller opret et nyt","Selection approved":"Valgte godkendt","Selection archived":"Valgte arkiveret","Selection restored":"Valgte gendannet","Send":"Send","Sequential Name":"Sekventielt navn","Service URL":"Service-URL","Settings":"Indstillinger","Settings saved":"Indstillinger gemt","Setup":"Opsætning","Shadow":"Skygge","Share":"Del","Share %{name}":"Del %{name}","Show":"Vis","Show all new faces":"Vis alle nye ansigter","Show hidden":"Vis skjult","Show less":"Vis mindre","Show more":"Vis mere","Show server logs in Library.":"Vis serverlogfiler i biblioteket.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Viser mere detaljerede logmeddelelser. Kræver en genstart.","Sidecar":"Sidevogn","Sign in":"Log ind","Sign Up":"Opret","Similar":"Lignende","Size":"Størrelse","Slow":"Langsom","Sort Order":"Sorteringsrækkefølge","Source":"Kilde","Stack":"Samling","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Samle filer, der deler det samme unikke billede eller instans-id.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Samle billeder taget på nøjagtig samme tid og sted baseret på deres metadata.","Stackable":"Kan samles","Stacks":"Samlinger","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Samler gruppefiler med en lignende referenceramme, men forskelle i kvalitet, format, størrelse eller farve.","Start":"Start","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Start/stop lysbilledshow","States":"Stater","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Grænse for statisk størrelse: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Diskplads","Streets":"Gader","Subject":"Emne","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Support til yderligere tjenester, som f.eks. Google Drev, tilføjes over tid.","Sync":"Synkronisere","Sync raw and video files":"Synkroniser raw og videofiler","Taken":"Taget","Teal":"Teal","Text too long":"Teksten er for lang","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Indekset indeholder i øjeblikket %{n} skjulte filer.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Deres format understøttes muligvis ikke, de er ikke konverteret til JPEG endnu, eller der er dubletter.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Dette sætter originalmappen som et netværksdrev og giver dig mulighed for at åbne, redigere og slette filer fra din computer eller smartphone, som om de var lokale.","Thumbnail Generation":"Miniaturegenerering","Time UTC":"Tid UTC","Time Zone":"Tidszone","Timeout":"Timeout","Title":"Titel","Title too long":"Titlen er for lang","Toggle View":"Skift visning","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografisk","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Tjeklister til fejlfinding","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Prøv igen ved hjælp af andre filtre eller nøgleord.","Type":"Type","Undo":"Fortryd","Unique ID":"Unikt ID","Unknown":"Ukendt","Unsorted":"Usorteret","Unstack":"Fjern samling","Updated":"Opdateret","Updating faces":"Opdatering af ansigter","Updating index":"Opdaterer indeks","Updating moments":"Opdaterer øjeblikke","Updating previews":"Opdatering af forhåndsvisninger","Updating stacks":"Opdatering af samlinger","Upload":"Upload","Upload complete":"Upload fuldført","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Upload fuldført. Indekserer…","Upload failed":"Upload fejlede","Upload local files":"Upload lokale filer","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Upload til WebDAV og del links med venner.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Uploader %{n} af %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Uploader fotos…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Uploads, der kan indeholde sådanne billeder, afvises automatisk.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Brug forudindstillinger","User":"Bruger","User Interface":"Brugergrænseflade","Username":"Brugernavn","Vanta":"Vanta","Video":"Video","Videos":"Videoer","View":"Vis","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Vi vil gøre vores bedste for at besvare alle dine spørgsmål. Til gengæld beder vi dig om at støtte os på Patreon eller GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV-klienter kan oprette forbindelse til PhotoPrism ved hjælp af følgende URL:","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV-upload","White":"Hvid","Year":"År","Yellow":"Gul","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Ja","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"du er velkommen til at deltage på Reddit","You can only download one album":"Du kan kun downloade et album","You can only download one label":"Du kan kun downloade en etiket","You may only select one item":"Du kan kun vælge et element","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Du kan scanne dit bibliotek igen for at finde flere ansigter.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Dit bibliotek analyseres løbende for automatisk at oprette album med særlige øjeblikke, rejser og steder.","Zoom in/out":"Zoom ind/ud"},"de":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} Alben gefunden","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} Dateien hochgeladen","%{n} folders found":"%{n} Ordner gefunden","%{n} labels found":"%{n} Kategorien gefunden","%{n} people found":"%{n} Personen gefunden","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} Bilder gefunden","1 hour":"1 Stunde","12 hours":"12 Stunden","4 hours":"4 Stunden","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Auf den Link klicken, um ihn zu kopieren.","About":"Info","Abyss":"Abyss","Account":"Konto","Accuracy":"Genauigkeit","Action":"Aktion","Actions":"Aktionen","Activate":"Aktivieren","Activation Code":"Aktivierungscode","Add Account":"Konto hinzufügen","Add Album":"Neues Album erstellen","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Dateien über den Browser hochladen und importieren.","Add Link":"Link hinzufügen","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Ausgewählte Bilder können über das Kontextmenü hinzugefügt werden.","Add to album":"Hinzufügen","Added":"Hinzugefügt","Advanced":"Erweitert","After 1 day":"Nach einem Tag","After 3 days":"Nach 3 Tagen","After 7 days":"Nach 7 Tagen","After one month":"Nach einem Monat","After one year":"Nach einem Jahr","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Ausgewählte Bilder können über das Kontextmenü einem Album hinzugefügt werden.","After two months":"Nach zwei Monaten","After two weeks":"Nach zwei Wochen","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Album Name","Albums":"Alben","Albums deleted":"Alben gelöscht","All %{n} albums loaded":"Alle %{n} Alben werden angezeigt","All %{n} labels loaded":"Alle %{n} Kategorien werden angezeigt","All %{n} people loaded":"Alle %{n} Personen geladen","All Cameras":"Alle Kameras","All Categories":"Alle Kategorien","All Colors":"Alle Farben","All Countries":"Alle Länder","All fields are required":"Alle Felder müssen ausgefüllt werden","All files from import folder":"Alle Ordner durchsuchen","All Lenses":"Alle Objektive","All Months":"Alle Monate","All originals":"Alle Ordner durchsuchen","All Years":"Alle Jahre","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativ können Dateien auch direkt auf kompatible WebDAV-Server z.B. Nextcloud hochgeladen werden.","Altitude":"Höhe","Altitude (m)":"Höhe (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Server nicht erreichbar - offline?","Animated":"Animiert","Animation":"Animation","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Als privat markierte Bilder und Videos bleiben privat und werden nicht geteilt.","API Key":"API Key","Apply":"Speichern","Approve":"Übernehmen","Archive":"Archiv","Archived":"Archiviert","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Auswahl wirklich archivieren?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Diese Alben wirklich löschen?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Diese Kategorien wirklich löschen?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Dieses Konto wirklich löschen?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Diese Bilder unwiderruflich löschen?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Diese Datei unwiderruflich löschen?","Are you sure?":"Bist du sicher?","Artist":"Ersteller","Aspect Ratio":"Seitenverhältnis","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Videos und andere Bild-Formate nach JPEG konvertieren, damit sie indexiert und angezeigt werden können.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Erstellt automatisch Alben mit besonderen Momenten, Reisen und Orten.","Basic":"Einfach","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Bevor du eine Supportanfrage stellst, verwende bitte unsere Checklisten zur Fehlerbehebung, um die Ursache deines Problems zu ermitteln.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Da wir uns zu 100% selbst finanzieren und unabhängig sind, können wir dir versprechen, dass wir deine Daten niemals verkaufen werden und immer transparent mit unserer Software und unseren Dienstleistungen umgehen.","Bio":"Biographie","Birth Date":"Geburtsdatum","Black":"Schwarz","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Weniger Überschwingungsartefakte als Lanczos","Blue":"Blau","Brown":"Braun","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Automatische Bild-Kategorisierung sehen und bearbeiten.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Durchsuche Ordner hierarchisch nach indexierten Original-Dateien.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"In der Wissensdatenbank findest du detaillierte Informationen zu einzelnen Funktionen, Dienstleistungen und verwandten Ressourcen.","Bug Report":"Fehlerbericht","Busy, please wait…":"Bitte warten…","Calendar":"Kalender","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Kamera-Seriennummer","Can't load more, limit reached":"Limit erreicht, bitte Suche eingrenzen","Can't select more items":"Maximale Anzahl wurde selektiert","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Cards":"Karteikarten","Category":"Kategorie","Change Avatar":"Avatar ändern","Change Password":"Passwort ändern","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Persönliche Profil- und Sicherheitseinstellungen ändern.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Titel, Datum, Ort und andere Metadaten können geändert werden.","Change private flag":"Als privat markieren","Changes successfully saved":"Änderungen erfolgreich gespeichert","Checked":"Geprüft","Chroma":"Farbsättigung","Close":"Schließen","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Farbe","Color Profile":"Farbprofil","Colors":"Farben","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Mit den Checklisten zur Fehlerbehebung lassen sich die häufigsten Probleme schnell diagnostizieren und lösen.","Compare Features":"Funktionen vergleichen","Complete Rescan":"Index vollständig aktualisieren","Confidence":"Wahrscheinlichkeit","Connect":"Verbinden","Connect via WebDAV":"Mit WebDAV verbinden","Connected":"Verbunden","Contact Details":"Kontaktangaben","Contact Us":"Kontakt","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Enthält %{n} Bilder.","Contains one picture.":"Enthält ein Bild.","Convert to JPEG":"Automatisch konvertieren","Converting":"Konvertiere","Copied to clipboard":"In Zwischenablage kopiert","Copyright":"Copyright","Couldn't find anything.":"Leider nichts gefunden.","Country":"Land","Create Account":"Konto erstellen","Create album":"Erstellen","Created":"Hinzugefügt","Creating thumbnails for":"Erstelle Thumbnails für","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubisch: Mittlere Qualität, gute Performance","Current Password":"Aktuelles Passwort","Customer Support":"Support-Anfrage","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Täglich","Day":"Tag","Debug Logs":"Debug Logs","Default":"Standard","Default Folder":"Standard Ordner","Delete":"Löschen","Description":"Beschreibung","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Unser User Guide enthält eine detaillierte Anleitung.","Details":"Details","Dimensions":"Auflösung","Disable Backups":"Keine Sicherungskopien anlegen","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Deaktiviert den eingebauten WebDAV-Server. Änderungen erfordern einen Neustart.","Disable Darktable":"Darktable deaktivieren","Disable ExifTool":"ExifTool deaktivieren","Disable FFmpeg":"FFmpeg deaktivieren","Disable Places":"Karten deaktivieren","Disable RawTherapee":"RawTherapee deaktivieren","Disable TensorFlow":"TensorFlow deaktivieren","Disable WebDAV":"WebDAV deaktivieren","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Deaktiviert Geodaten und Weltkarten.","Discover":"Entdecken","Display Name":"Anzeigename","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Keine YAML-Sicherungskopien für Metadaten von Bildern und Alben erstellen.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Keine JSON-Dateien mit ExifTool erstellen. Diese werden für die Indexierung zusätzlicher Metadaten, z.B. von Videos, benötigt.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Nur lesend auf die Original-Ordner zugreifen. Deaktiviert den Import, Upload und das Löschen von Bildern.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"FFmpeg nicht zum Konvertieren von Videos verwenden.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Darktable nicht zum Konvertieren von Bildern verwenden.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"RawTherapee nicht zum Konvertieren von Bildern verwenden.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"TensorFlow nicht zur automatischen Bild-Kategorisierung verwenden.","Donations":"Spenden","Done":"Fertig","Done.":"Fertig.","Download":"Download","Download remote files":"Dateien herunterladen","Download single files and zip archives.":"Einzelne Bilder, Videos sowie Zip-Archive können heruntergeladen werden.","Downloading…":"Wird heruntergeladen…","Downscaling Filter":"Skalierungsfilter","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Aufgrund der hohen Anzahl von E-Mails, die wir erhalten, kann es vorkommen, dass unser Team Ihnen nicht sofort antworten kann.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikate werden übersprungen und erscheinen nur einmal.","Duration":"Laufzeit","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamische Vorschaubilder","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"On-Demand-Rendering erfordert einen leistungsstarken Server. Es wird nicht für NAS-Geräte empfohlen.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Dynamische Maximalgröße: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-Mail","Edit":"Bearbeiten","Edit %{name}":"%{name} bearbeiten","Edit Account":"Konto bearbeiten","Edit Photo":"Bild bearbeiten","Edited":"Bearbeitet","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-Mail","Enable new features currently under development.":"Aktiviert neue Funktionen, an denen derzeit noch entwickelt wird.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Aktiviert benutzerdefinierte Voreinstellungen. Dateien werden möglicherweise langsamer konvertiert.","Errors":"Fehler","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Den ungefähren Standort von Bildern ohne Koordinaten schätzen.","Estimates":"Schätzungen","Every two days":"Jeden zweiten Tag","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Als privat markierte Inhalte werden nicht in Suchergebnissen und geteilten Alben angezeigt.","Exclude hidden":"Verborgene ausblenden","Expand":"Ausklappen","Expand Search":"Suche öffnen","Experimental Features":"Experimentelle Funktionen","Expires":"Ablaufdatum","Exposure":"Belichtungszeit","F Number":"F Nummer","Face":"Gesicht","Faces":"Gesichter","Failed copying to clipboard":"Konnte nicht in die Zwischenablage kopiert werden","Failed removing link":"Der Link konnte nicht gelöscht werden","Failed updating link":"Der Link konnte nicht gespeichert werden","Family Name":"Nachnamen","Fast":"Schnell","Favorite":"Favorit","Favorites":"Favoriten","Feature Request":"Feature Request","Feed":"Feed","Feedback":"Feedback","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Bei Fragen, Wünschen oder Problemen helfen wir gerne per E-Mail an hello@photoprism.app.","Female":"Weiblich","File":"Datei","File Browser":"Datei-Browser","File Name":"Dateiname","File Size":"Dateigröße","Filename":"Dateiname","Files":"Dateien","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Dateien mit fortlaufenden Namen wie ‘IMG_1234 (2)’ und ‘IMG_1234 (3)’ gehören zum gleichen Bild.","Focal Length":"Brennweite","Folder":"Ordner","Folder contains %{n} files":"Ordner enthält %{n} Dateien","Folder is empty":"Ordner ist leer","Folders":"Ordner","Forgot password?":"Passwort vergessen?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Frames","Frequently Asked Questions":"Häufig gestellte Fragen","Fullscreen":"Vollbildmodus","Gemstone":"Edelstein","Gender":"Geschlecht","General":"Allgemein","Getting Support":"Unterstützung erhalten","Given Name":"Vornamen","Gold":"Gold","Grayscale":"Grayscale","Green":"Grün","Grey":"Grau","Hash":"Prüfsumme","Help":"Hilfe","Help & Support":"Hilfe & Unterstützung","Hidden":"Verborgen","Hidden Files":"Verborgene Dateien","Hide":"Verbergen","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Archivierte Inhalte werden nicht in den Suchergebnissen angezeigt.","High":"Hoch","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Hoher Dynamikumfang (HDR)","How can we help?":"Wie können wir helfen?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Falls das nicht hilft oder andere Fragen auftauchen:","image":"Bild","Image":"Bild","Images":"Bilder","Import":"Import","Import failed":"Import fehlgeschlagen","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Importierte Dateien werden nach Datum sortiert und bekommen einen eindeutigen Namen, um Duplikate zu vermeiden.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Importierte Dateien werden nach Datum sortiert und bekommen einen eindeutigen Namen.","Importing %{name}…":"Importiere %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importiere Dateien nach Originals…","in":"in","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Darüber hinaus erhalten Sponsoren direkten technischen Support per E-Mail.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Sollten Bilder fehlen, muss der Index möglicherweise aktualisiert werden. Es werden erst alle Bilder gefunden, wenn das Indexieren vollständig abgeschlossen ist.","Index":"Index","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexiere und importiere Dateien über die Benutzeroberfläche.","Indexing":"Indexiere","Indexing failed":"Indexierung fehlgeschlagen","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexiere Bilder, Videos und Sidecar-Dateien…","Instance ID":"Instanz ID","Interval":"Intervall","Invalid":"Ungültig","Invalid date":"Ungültiges Datum","Invalid parameters":"Ungültige Parameter","Invalid photo selected":"Ungültiges Foto ausgewählt","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Sie nutzt die neuesten Technologien, um Bilder automatisch zu organisieren und zu finden, ohne dir dabei in die Quere zu kommen.","Item":"Eintrag","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG-Qualität: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Maximale JPEG-Größe: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEGs und Thumbnails werden bei Bedarf automatisch erstellt.","Keywords":"Suchbegriffe","Knowledge Base":"Knowledge Base","Label":"Kategorie","Labels":"Kategorien","Labels deleted":"Kategorien gelöscht","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Sehr gute Detailerhaltung, minimale Artefakte","Language":"Sprache","Last Sync":"Letzte Synchronisation","Latitude":"Breitengrad","Lavender":"Lavendel","Learn more":"Mehr erfahren","Legal Information":"Rechtliche Informationen","Lens":"Objektiv","Library":"Dateien","License":"Lizenz","Like":"Favorit","Lime":"Hellgrün","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limit erreicht, zeige die ersten %{n} Dateien","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: Weicher Bildeindruck, sehr gute Performance","Link":"Link","List":"Liste","Live":"Live","Live Photos":"Live Photos","Local Time":"Ortszeit","location":"Ort","Location":"Ort","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Warnungen und Fehler erscheinen hier, sobald PhotoPrism beschädigte Dateien findet oder andere Probleme aufgetreten sind.","Login":"Anmelden","Logout":"Abmelden","Logs":"Logs","Longitude":"Längengrad","Low":"Niedrig","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Hauptfarbe","Male":"Männlich","manual":"Manuell","Manual Upload":"Manueller Upload","Maps":"Karten","Marker":"Bildbereich","Medium":"Mittel","Membership":"Mitgliedschaft","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"%{a} und %{b} zusammenfassen?","Message sent":"Nachricht versendet","Minimize":"Minimieren","Missing":"Fehlend","Moments":"Erlebnisse","Monochrome":"Monochrom","Month":"Monat","Moonlight":"Moonlight","More than %{n} pictures found":"Mehr als %{n} Bilder gefunden","More than 20 albums found":"Mehr als 20 Alben gefunden","More than 20 labels found":"Mehr als 20 Labels gefunden","More than 20 people found":"Mehr als 20 Personen gefunden","Mosaic":"Mosaik","Most Relevant":"Relevanz","Move Files":"Dateien verschieben","Must have at least %{n} characters.":"Mindestens %{n} Zeichen.","Name":"Name","Name too long":"Name zu lang","Never":"Nie","New":"Neu","New Password":"Neues Passwort","Newest First":"Neueste zuerst","No":"Nein","No albums found":"Keine Alben gefunden","No labels found":"Keine Kategorien gefunden","No people found":"Keine Personen gefunden","No pictures found":"Keine Bilder gefunden","No recently edited pictures":"Keine kürzlich bearbeiteten Bilder","No servers configured.":"Keine Backup-Server eingerichtet.","No services configured.":"Keine Dienste eingerichtet.","No thanks":"Nein danke","No video selected":"Kein Video ausgewählt","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Keine Warnungen oder Fehler mit diesem Suchbegriff. Bei der Suche wird zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung unterschieden.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Nicht-fotografische Inhalte oder Bilder mit geringer Qualität werden erst nach einer Bestätigung in der Suche angezeigt.","None":"Keine","Not Found":"Keine Ergebnisse","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Die Verwaltung der Original-Dateien kann auch manuell erfolgen, der Import ist optional.","Note:":"Hinweis:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Hinweis: Momentan können nur WebDAV-Server, wie Nextcloud oder PhotoPrism, für Backups oder zum Datei-Upload verwendet werden.","Notes":"Notizen","Nothing to see here yet.":"Hier gibt es noch nichts zu sehen.","Offline":"Offline","Oldest First":"Älteste zuerst","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Unter Windows gibst du die folgende Ressource in den Verbindungsdialog ein:","Once a week":"Einmal die Woche","One album found":"Ein Album gefunden","One file found":"Eine Datei gefunden","One file uploaded":"Eine Datei hochgeladen","One folder found":"Ein Ordner gefunden","One label found":"Eine Kategorie gefunden","One person found":"Eine Person gefunden","One picture found":"Ein Bild gefunden","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Optionen","or ask in our Community Chat":"oder frage in unserem Community-Chat","Orange":"Orange","Organization":"Organisation","Orientation":"Ausrichtung","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Die ursprünglichen Dateinamen werden im Index gespeichert.","Original Name":"Originalname","Originals":"Originale","Other":"Sonstiges","Our team evaluates this on an ongoing basis, depending on the support effort features and config options cause or have caused in the past, and whether they are generally needed by everyone or mainly requested by organizations and advanced users. As this allows us to make more features available to the public, we encourage all users to support our mission.":"Unser Team bewertet dies fortlaufend, je nachdem, welchen Supportaufwand Funktionen und Konfigurationsoptionen verursachen oder in der Vergangenheit verursacht haben und ob sie generell von allen benötigt oder hauptsächlich von Organisationen und anspruchsvollen Nutzern angefordert werden. Da wir auf diese Weise mehr Funktionen für die Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung stellen können, ermutigen wir alle Nutzerinnen und Nutzer, unsere Mission zu unterstützen.","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Unsere Anleitung deckt auch viele weiterführende Themen ab, wie die Migration von Google Photos und Qualitätseinstellungen für Thumbnails.","Outdoor":"Outdoor","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramen","Password":"Passwort","Password changed":"Passwort geändert","People":"Personen","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Jeder mit diesem Link wird öffentliche Bilder und Videos sehen können.","Permanently deleted":"Endgültig gelöscht","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Dauerhaftes Entfernen von Dateien, um Speicherplatz freizugeben.","Phone":"Telefon","Photo":"Bild","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism wurde aktualisiert…","PhotoPrism is 100% self-funded. Voluntary donations do not cover the cost of a team working full time to provide you with updates, documentation, and support. It is your decision whether you want to sign up to enjoy additional benefits.":"PhotoPrism ist zu 100% selbstfinanziert. Freiwillige Spenden decken nicht die Kosten für ein Team, das Vollzeit arbeitet, um dich mit Updates, Dokumentation und Support zu versorgen. Es ist deine Entscheidung, ob du dich anmelden möchtest, um die zusätzlichen Funktionen zu nutzen.","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® ist eine KI-gestützte Foto-App für das dezentrale Web.","Photos":"Bilder","Pink":"Pink","Place":"Ort","Place & Time":"Ort & Uhrzeit","Places":"Orte","Please confirm your new password.":"Neues Passwort bitte bestätigen.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Bitte lade keine anstößigen Bilder hoch.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Bitte beachte, dass du beim Ändern deines Passworts auf anderen Geräten und Browsern abgemeldet wirst.","Portrait":"Portrait","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"tausche dich mit anderen in GitHub Discussions aus","Preserve filenames":"Namen beibehalten","Press button to start importing…":"Auf “Import” klicken, um Dateien zu importieren…","Press button to start indexing…":"Auf “Start” klicken, um Dateien zu indexieren…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Enter drücken, um ein neues Album zu erstellen.","Preview":"Voransicht","Primary":"Primärdatei","Private":"Privat","Product Feedback":"Allgemeines Feedback","Projection":"Projektion","Purple":"Lila","Quality Filter":"Qualitätsfilter","Quality Score":"Qualität","Random":"Zufällig","Raspberry":"Raspberry","Raw":"RAW","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW-Konvertierung","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Bereits bekannte und unveränderte Dateien neu indexieren.","Read the Docs":"Dokumentation lesen","Read-Only Mode":"Schreibgeschützter Modus","Recently Added":"Zuletzt hinzugefügt","Recently Edited":"Zuletzt bearbeitet","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Die Erkennung beginnt, nachdem die Indexierung abgeschlossen ist.","Recognized":"Erkannt","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Erkennt Gesichter, so dass bestimmte Personen gefunden werden können.","Red":"Rot","Reload":"Neu laden","Reloading…":"Wird neu geladen…","Remote Sync":"Synchronisation","Remove":"Entfernen","remove failed: unknown album":"Löschen nicht möglich: Unbekanntes Album","Remove from album":"Aus dem Album entfernen","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Dateien von Import nach Originals verschieben, um Speicherplatz zu sparen. Dateitypen, die nicht unterstützt werden, verbleiben im Import Ordner.","Request failed - invalid response":"Anfrage fehlgeschlagen - ungültige Antwort","Required":"Erforderlich","Resolution":"Auflösung","Restore":"Wiederherstellen","Retry Limit":"Wiederholungsversuche","Retype Password":"Passwort wiederholen","Review":"Überprüfen","Satellite":"Satellitenbilder","Save":"Speichern","Scan":"Scan","Scans":"Scans","Search":"Suche","Search and display photos on a map.":"Bilder und Videos auf verschiedenen Weltkarten anzeigen und filtern.","Season":"Jahreszeit","Secret":"Code","Security and Access":"Sicherheit und Zugang","Select":"Auswählen","Select albums or create a new one":"Alben auswählen oder neue erstellen","Selection approved":"Auswahl übernommen","Selection archived":"Auswahl archiviert","Selection restored":"Auswahl wiederhergestellt","Send":"Senden","Sequential Name":"Fortlaufender Name","Service URL":"Dienst-URL","Services":"Dienste","Settings":"Einstellungen","Settings saved":"Einstellungen gespeichert","Setup":"Einrichtung","Shadow":"Shadow","Share":"Teilen","Share %{name}":"%{name} teilen","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Teile Bilder mit anderen Anwendungen und Diensten.","Shouldn't free software be free of costs?":"Sollte freie Software nicht kostenlos sein?","Show":"Anzeigen","Show all new faces":"Alle neuen Gesichter anzeigen","Show hidden":"Verborgene anzeigen","Show less":"Weniger zeigen","Show more":"Mehr zeigen","Show server logs in Library.":"Server-Ereignisprotokoll anzeigen, um Fehler zu finden.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Zeigt ausführlichere Meldungen an, um Fehler zu finden. Änderungen erfordern einen Neustart.","Sidecar":"Sidecar","Sign in":"Anmelden","Sign Up":"Anmelden","Similar":"Ähnlich","Size":"Größe","Slow":"Langsam","Sort Order":"Sortierung","Source":"Quelle","Stack":"Bildstapel","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Bilder mit identischer ID als Stapel indexieren und anzeigen.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Aufnahmen mit übereinstimmenden Metadaten gruppieren.","Stackable":"Stapelbar","Stacks":"Bildstapel","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Bildstapel enthalten zusammengehörige Aufnahmen, die jedoch Unterschiede in Qualität, Format, Größe oder Farben aufweisen können.","Start":"Start","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Slideshow starten/stoppen","States":"Länder","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statische Maximalgröße: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Speicherort","Streets":"Straßen","Subject":"Bildinhalt","Successfully Connected":"Erfolgreich verbunden","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Die Unterstützung weiterer Dienste, wie Google Drive, ist geplant.","Support Our Mission":"Unterstütze unsere Mission","Sync":"Sync","Sync raw and video files":"RAWs und Videos kopieren","Taken":"Aufgenommen","Teal":"Blaugrün","Text too long":"Text ist zu lang","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Der Index enthält momentan %{n} verborgene Dateien.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Ihr Format wird möglicherweise nicht unterstützt, es handelt sich um Duplikate oder sie wurden noch nicht nach JPEG konvertiert.","Theme":"Theme","Think of “free software” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer.” The Free Software Foundation sometimes calls it “libre software,” borrowing the French or Spanish word for “free” as in freedom, to show they do not mean the software is gratis.":"Denke bei \"freier Software\" an \"freie Rede\", nicht an \"Freibier\". Die Free Software Foundation nennt sie manchmal \"libre software\" und lehnt sich dabei an das französische oder spanische Wort für \"frei\" an, um zu verdeutlichen, dass sie nicht meint, dass die Software kostenlos ist.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Dabei werden die Dateien als Netzwerk-Ordner auf deinem Computer oder Smartphone eingebunden, so dass sie lokal geöffnet, bearbeitet und gelöscht werden können.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Dabei werden die Dateien als Netzwerk-Ordner auf deinem Computer oder Smartphone eingebunden, so dass sie lokal geöffnet, bearbeitet und gelöscht werden können.","Thumbnail Generation":"Erzeugung von Vorschaubildern","Time UTC":"Zeit UTC","Time Zone":"Zeitzone","Timeout":"Timeout","Title":{"Account":"Titel","Photo":"Titel","":"Titel"},"Title / Position":"Titel / Position","Title too long":"Titel zu lang","To upgrade, you may either enter an activation code or click on \"Sign Up\" to upgrade on our website:":"Um das Upgrade durchzuführen, kannst du entweder einen Aktivierungscode eingeben oder dich auf unserer Website registrieren, indem du auf \"Anmelden\" klickst:","Toggle View":"Ansicht wechseln","Token":"Code","Topographic":"Topographisch","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Checklisten zur Fehlerbehebung","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Versuche es mit anderen Filtern oder Suchbegriffen.","Type":"Typ","Undo":"Rückgängig machen","Unique ID":"Eindeutige Bild-ID","Unknown":"Unbekannt","Unregistered":"Unregistriert","Unsorted":"Unsortiert","Unstack":"Einzelaufnahme","Updated":"Geändert","Updating faces":"Aktualisiere Gesichter","Updating index":"Aktualisiere Index","Updating moments":"Aktualisiere Erlebnisse","Updating picture…":"Aktualisiere Vorschaubilder…","Updating previews":"Aktualisiere Vorschaubilder","Updating stacks":"Aktualisiere Bildstapel","Upgrade":"Upgrade","Upgrade Now":"Jetzt upgraden","Upgrade now and enjoy our member benefits!":"Upgrade jetzt und genieße unsere Mitgliedervorteile!","Upload":"Upload","Upload complete":"Vollständig hochgeladen","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Upload abgeschlossen. Indexiere…","Upload failed":"Upload fehlgeschlagen","Upload local files":"Dateien hochladen","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Teile Bilder, Videos und Alben mit Freunden.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Datei %{n} von %{t} wird hochgeladen…","Uploading photos…":"Bilder werden hochgeladen…","Uploading…":"Wird hochgeladen…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Diese werden automatisch erkannt und gelöscht.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Presets anwenden","User":"Benutzer","User Guide":"Benutzerhandbuch","User Interface":"Benutzeroberfläche","Username":"Nutzername","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Verifiziert","Video":"Video","Video Duration":"Videolänge","Videos":"Videos","View":"Ansicht","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Unter docs.photoprism.app/user-guide erfährst du, wie du deine Bilder synchronisieren, organisieren und teilen kannst.","Visual Similarity":"Ähnlichkeit","We appreciate your feedback!":"Wir freuen uns über Ihr feedback!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Wir tun unser Bestes, um innerhalb von fünf Werktagen oder weniger zu antworten.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Wir geben immer unser Bestes, um so viele Fragen wie möglich zu beantworten. Im Gegenzug bitten wir darum, uns auf Patreon oder GitHub Sponsors zu unterstützen.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV-Clients können sich über die folgende URL mit PhotoPrism verbinden:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"WebDAV-Clients, wie der Windows Explorer oder der Finder unter macOS, können sich direkt mit PhotoPrism verbinden.","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV Upload","Website":"Website","What functionality is generally available?":"Welche Funktionen sind für alle verfügbar?","White":"Weiß","Why are some features only available to sponsors?":"Warum sind einige Funktionen nur für Sponsoren verfügbar?","Work Details":"Berufliche Details","Year":"Jahr","Yellow":"Gelb","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Ja","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"trete unserer Community auf Reddit bei","You can only download one album":"Du kannst nur ein Album gleichzeitig downloaden","You can only download one label":"Es kann nur eine Kategorie gleichzeitig heruntergeladen werden","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Du kannst sie zu Hause, auf einem privaten Server oder in der Cloud betreiben.","You may only select one item":"Es darf nur ein Eintrag ausgewählt werden","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Der Index kann aktualisiert werden, um weitere Gesichter zu finden.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Deine dauerhafte Unterstützung hilft uns, regelmäßige Updates bereitzustellen und unabhängig zu bleiben, damit wir unsere Mission erfüllen und deine Privatsphäre schützen können.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Deine Bilder werden kontinuierlich analysiert, um automatisch Alben von besonderen Momenten, Reisen und Orten zu erstellen.","Zoom in/out":"Herein/Herauszoomen"},"el":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} συλλογές βρέθηκαν","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} αρχεία ανέβηκαν","%{n} folders found":"%{n} φάκελοι βρέθηκαν","%{n} labels found":"%{n} ετικέτες βρέθηκαν","%{n} people found":"%{n} άνθρωποι βρέθηκαν","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} φωτογραφίες βρέθηκαν","1 hour":"1 ώρα","12 hours":"12 ώρες","4 hours":"4 ώρες","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Ένα κλικ θα το αντιγράψει στο πρόχειρο.","About":"Σχετικά","Abyss":"Άβυσσος","Account":"Λογαριασμός","Accuracy":"Ακρίβεια","Action":"Ενέργεια","Actions":"Ενέργειες","Add Album":"Προσθήκη Συλλογής","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Προσθήκη αρχείων στην βιβλιοθήκη μέσω Web Upload.","Add Link":"Προσθήκη Συνδέσμου","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Προσθέστε εικόνες από τα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης επιλέγοντάς τες.","Add to album":"Προσθήκη στο άλμπουμ","Added":"Προστέθηκε","Advanced":"Σύνθετο","After 1 day":"Μετά από 1 ημέρα","After 3 days":"Μετά από 3 ημέρες","After 7 days":"Μετά από 7 ημέρες","After one month":"Μετά από ένα μήνα","After one year":"Μετά από ένα έτος","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Αφού επιλέξετε εικόνες από τα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης, μπορείτε να τις προσθέσετε σε ένα άλμπουμ χρησιμοποιώντας το αναδυόμενο μενού.","After two months":"Μετά από δύο μήνες","After two weeks":"Μετά από δύο εβδομάδες","Album":"Συλλογή","Album Name":"Όνομα Συλλογής","Albums":"Συλλογές","Albums deleted":"Οι Συλλογές διαγράφηκαν","All %{n} albums loaded":"%{n} Συλλογές φορτώθηκαν","All %{n} labels loaded":"%{n} ετικέτες φορτώθηκαν","All %{n} people loaded":"%{n} άνθρωποι φορτώθηκαν","All Cameras":"Όλες οι Κάμερες","All Categories":"Όλες οι Κατηγορίες","All Colors":"Όλα τα Χρώματα","All Countries":"Όλες οι Χώρες","All fields are required":"Όλα τα πεδία είναι υποχρεωτικά","All files from import folder":"Όλα τα αρχεία από το φάκελο εισαγωγής","All Lenses":"Όλοι οι Φακοί","All Months":"Όλοι οι Μήνες","All originals":"Όλα τα πρωτότυπα","All Years":"Όλα τα έτη","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Εναλλακτικά, μπορείτε να μεταφορτώσετε αρχεία απευθείας σε διακομιστές WebDAV όπως το Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Υψόμετρο","Altitude (m)":"Υψόμετρο (m)","An error occurred - 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Απενεργοποιεί την εισαγωγή, τη μεταφόρτωση και τη διαγραφή.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Μην μετακωδικοποιείτε βίντεο με το FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Μην χρησιμοποιείτε το Darktable για τη μετατροπή αρχείων RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Μην χρησιμοποιείτε το RawTherapee για τη μετατροπή αρχείων RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Μην χρησιμοποιείτε το TensorFlow για ταξινόμηση εικόνων.","Donations":"Δωρεές","Done":"Έγινε","Done.":"Έγινε.","Download":"Λήψη","Download remote files":"Λήψη απομακρυσμένων αρχείων","Download single files and zip archives.":"Λήψη μεμονωμένων αρχείων και αρχείων συμπίεσης.","Downloading…":"Λήψη…","Downscaling Filter":"Φίλτρο υποβιβασμού κλίμακας","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Τα διπλότυπα θα παραλείπονται και θα εμφανίζονται μόνο μία φορά.","Duration":"Διάρκεια","Dynamic Previews":"Δυναμικές προεπισκοπήσεις","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. 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Μπορεί να μειώσει την απόδοση.","Errors":"Σφάλματα","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Εκτιμήση της κατά προσέγγισης θέσης εικόνων χωρίς συντεταγμένες.","Estimates":"Εκτιμήσεις","Every two days":"Κάθε δύο ημέρες","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Εξαίρεση του περιεχομένου που έχει χαρακτηριστεί ως ιδιωτικό από τα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης, τα κοινόχρηστα άλμπουμ, τις ετικέτες και τις τοποθεσίες.","Exclude hidden":"Εξαίρεση κρυφών","Expand":"Επέκταση","Expand Search":"Επεκταμένη Αναζήτηση","Experimental Features":"Πειραματικά Χαρακτηριστικά","Expires":"Λήξη","Exposure":"Έκθεση","F Number":"Αριθμός F","Face":"Πρόσωπο","Faces":"Πρόσωπα","Failed copying to clipboard":"Αποτυχία αντιγραφής στο πρόχειρο","Failed removing link":"Αποτυχία αφαίρεσης συνδέσμου","Failed updating link":"Αποτυχία ενημέρωσης συνδέσμου","Fast":"Γρήγορα","Favorite":"Αγαπημένο","Favorites":"Αγαπημένα","Feature Request":"Αίτηση 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support via email.":"Επιπλέον, οι χορηγοί λαμβάνουν άμεση τεχνική υποστήριξη μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Σε περίπτωση που λείπουν οι εικόνες που περιμένατε, παρακαλούμε σαρώστε εκ νέου τη βιβλιοθήκη σας και περιμένετε μέχρι να ολοκληρωθεί η δημιουργία ευρετηρίου.","Index":"Ευρετήριο","Indexing":"Δημιουργία ευρετηρίου","Indexing failed":"Αποτυχία δημιουργίας ευρετηρίου","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Δημιουργία ευρετηρίου μέσων και αρχείων sidecar…","Interval":"Διάστημα","Invalid date":"Μη έγκυρη ημερομηνία","Invalid photo selected":"Επιλογή μη έγκυρης φωτογραφίας","Item":"Αντικείμενο","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Ποιότητα JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Όριο μεγέθους JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"Τα JPEG και οι μικρογραφίες αποδίδονται αυτόματα όπως απαιτείται.","Keywords":"Λέξεις 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Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Δεν υπάρχουν προειδοποιήσεις ή σφάλματα που περιέχουν αυτή τη λέξη-κλειδί. Σημειώστε ότι η αναζήτηση είναι ευαίσθητη σε κεφαλαία-πεζά.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Οι μη φωτογραφικές εικόνες και οι εικόνες χαμηλής ποιότητας απαιτούν επανεξέταση προτού εμφανιστούν στα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης.","None":"Κανένα","Not Found":"Δεν βρέθηκε","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Σημειώστε ότι μπορείτε να διαχειριστείτε χειροκίνητα το φάκελο πρωτοτύπων σας και η εισαγωγή είναι προαιρετική.","Note:":"Σημείωση:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Σημείωση: Μόνο οι διακομιστές WebDAV, όπως το Nextcloud ή το PhotoPrism, μπορούν να ρυθμιστούν ως απομακρυσμένη υπηρεσία για τη δημιουργία αντιγράφων ασφαλείας και τη μεταφόρτωση αρχείων.","Notes":"Σημειώσεις","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Στα Windows, εισαγάγετε τον ακόλουθο πόρο στο παράθυρο διαλόγου σύνδεσης:","Once a week":"Μία φορά την εβδομάδα","One album found":"Βρέθηκε μια συλλογή","One file found":"Βρέθηκε ένα αρχείο","One file uploaded":"Ένα αρχείο μεταφορτώθηκε","One folder found":"Βρέθηκε ένας φάκελος","One label found":"Μια ετικέτα βρέθηκε","One person found":"Ένα άτομο βρήκε","One picture found":"Μια εικόνα που βρέθηκε","Options":"Επιλογές","or ask in our Community Chat":"ή ρωτήστε στο Community Chat","Orange":"Πορτοκαλί","Orientation":"Προσανατολισμός","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Τα αρχικά ονόματα αρχείων θα αποθηκεύονται και θα αρχειοθετούνται.","Original Name":"Αρχικό όνομα","Originals":"Πρωτότυπα","Other":"Άλλα","Outdoor":"Υπαίθρια","Panorama":"Πανόραμα","Panoramas":"Πανοράματα","Password":"Κωδικός πρόσβασης","Password changed":"Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης άλλαξε","People":"Άνθρωποι","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Τα άτομα με τα οποία μοιράζεστε έναν σύνδεσμο θα μπορούν να βλέπουν το δημόσιο περιεχόμενο.","Permanently deleted":"Διαγράφηκε μόνιμα","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Αφαιρέστε μόνιμα αρχεία για να ελευθερώσετε χώρο αποθήκευσης.","Photo":"Φωτογραφία","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"Το PhotoPrism έχει ενημερωθεί…","Photos":"Φωτογραφίες","Pink":"Ροζ","Place":"Τόπος","Place & Time":"Τόπος και χρόνος","Places":"Μέρη","Please confirm your new password.":"Επιβεβαιώστε τον νέο σας κωδικό πρόσβασης.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Παρακαλούμε μην ανεβάζετε φωτογραφίες που περιέχουν προσβλητικό περιεχόμενο.","Portrait":"Πορτρέτο","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"δημοσιεύστε την ερώτησή σας στο GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Διατήρηση ονομάτων αρχείων","Press button to start importing…":"Πατήστε το κουμπί για να ξεκινήσετε την εισαγωγή…","Press button to start indexing…":"Πατήστε το κουμπί για να ξεκινήσει η δημιουργία ευρετηρίου…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Πιέστε enter για να δημιουργήσετε ένα νέο άλμπουμ.","Preview":"Προεπισκόπηση","Primary":"Βασικό","Private":"Ιδιωτικό","Projection":"Προβολή","Purple":"Μωβ","Quality Filter":"Φίλτρο ποιότητας","Quality Score":"Βαθμολογία ποιότητας","Random":"Τυχαίο","Raspberry":"Raspberry","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Μετατροπή RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Δημιουργία ευρετηρίου όλων των πρωτοτύπων, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ήδη καταχωρημένων και αμετάβλητων αρχείων.","Read-Only Mode":"Λειτουργία μόνο για ανάγνωση","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Η αναγνώριση ξεκινά μετά την ολοκλήρωση της δημιουργίας ευρετηρίου.","Red":"Κόκκινο","Reload":"Επαναφόρτωση","Remote Sync":"Απομακρυσμένος συγχρονισμός","Remove":"Απομάκρυνση","remove failed: unknown album":"remove failed: άγνωστη συλλογή","Remove from album":"Αφαιρέση από τη συλλογή","Request failed - invalid response":"Το αίτημα απέτυχε - άκυρη απάντηση","Required":"Απαιτούμενο","Restore":"Επαναφορά","Retry Limit":"Όριο επανάληψης","Retype Password":"Επαναλάβετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης","Review":"Ανασκόπηση","Save":"Αποθήκευση","Scan":"Σάρωση","Scans":"Σαρώσεις","Search":"Αναζήτηση","Search and display photos on a map.":"Αναζήτηση και εμφάνιση φωτογραφιών σε χάρτη.","Season":"Περίοδος","Select":"Επιλέξτε","Select albums or create a new one":"Επιλέξτε συλλογή ή δημιουργήστε μια νέα","Selection approved":"Η επιλογή εγκρίθηκε","Selection archived":"Η επιλογή αρχειοθετήθηκε","Selection restored":"Η επιλογή αποκαταστάθηκε","Send":"Αποστολή","Settings":"Ρυθμίσεις","Settings saved":"Οι ρυθμίσεις αποθηκεύτηκαν","Setup":"Ρύθμιση","Shadow":"Σκιά","Show":"Εμφάνιση","Show all new faces":"Εμφάνιση όλων των νέων προσώπων","Show hidden":"Εμφάνιση κρυφών","Show less":"Εμφάνιση λιγότερων","Show more":"Εμφάνιση περισσότερων","Show server logs in Library.":"Εμφάνιση των αρχείων καταγραφής του διακομιστή στη Βιβλιοθήκη.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Εμφανίζει πιο λεπτομερή μηνύματα καταγραφής. Απαιτεί επανεκκίνηση.","Sort Order":"Σειρά ταξινόμησης","Source":"Πηγή","Stackable":"Στοιβαζόμενο","Stacks":"Στοίβες","Start":"Έναρξη","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Έναρξη/διακοπή προβολής διαφανειών","Streets":"Δρόμοι","Subject":"Θέμα","Sync":"Συγχρονισμός","Theme":"Θέμα","Thumbnail Generation":"Δημιουργία μικρογραφιών","Time UTC":"Ώρα UTC","Time Zone":"Ζώνη ώρας","Title":"Τίτλος","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Λίστες ελέγχου αντιμετώπισης προβλημάτων","Unique ID":"Μοναδικό αναγνωριστικό","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Το ανέβασμα ολοκληρώθηκε. 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de","Abyss":"Abismo","Account":"Cuenta","Accuracy":"Precisión","Action":"Acción","Actions":"Acciones","Add Account":"Añadir cuenta","Add Album":"Añadir álbum","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Añadir archivos a tu librería con Web Upload.","Add Link":"Añadir enlace","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Añade imágenes desde los resultados de búsqueda, seleccionándolas.","Add to album":"Añadir al álbum","Added":"Añadido","Advanced":"Avanzado","After 1 day":"Después de 1 día","After 3 days":"Después de 3 días","After 7 days":"Después de 7 días","After one month":"Después de un mes","After one year":"Después de un año","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Después de seleccionar las imágenes de los resultados de la búsqueda, puedes añadirlas a un álbum mediante el menú contextual.","After two months":"Después de dos meses","After two weeks":"Después de dos semanas","Album":"Álbum","Album Name":"Nombre del álbum","Albums":"Álbumes","Albums deleted":"Álbumes borrados","All %{n} albums loaded":"Todos los %{n} álbumes cargados","All %{n} labels loaded":"Todas las %{n} etiquetas cargadas","All %{n} people loaded":"Todas las %{n} personas cargadas","All Cameras":"Todas las cámaras","All Categories":"Todas las categorías","All Colors":"Todos los colores","All Countries":"Todos los países","All fields are required":"Todos los campos son obligatorios","All files from import folder":"Todos los archivos de la carpeta de importación","All Lenses":"Todas las lentes","All Months":"Todos los meses","All originals":"Todos los originales","All Years":"Todos los años","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativamente, puedes subir los archivos directamente a servidores WebDAV como Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Altitud","Altitude (m)":"Altitud (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Ha ocurrido un error - ¿Estás desconectado?","Animated":"Animado","Animation":"Animación","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Todas las fotos y videos privados siguen privados y no serán compartidos.","API Key":"Clave API","Apply":"Aplicar","Approve":"Aprobar","Archive":"Archivar","Archived":"Archivado","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"¿Estás seguro que quieres archivar la selección?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"¿Estás seguro que quieres borrar estos álbumes?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"¿Estás seguro que quieres borrar estas etiquetas?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"¿Estás seguro que quieres borrar esta cuenta?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar permanentemente estas fotos?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"¿Estás seguro que quieres borrar estas etiquetas?","Are you sure?":"¿Estás seguro?","Artist":"Artista","Aspect Ratio":"Relación de aspecto","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Crear automáticamente JPEG para otros tipos de archivos para que se puedan visualizar en un navegador.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Crea automáticamente álbumes de momentos, viajes y lugares especiales.","Basic":"Básico","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Antes de enviar una solicitud de asistencia, utilice nuestras listas de comprobación de problemas para determinar la causa de su problema.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Al ser 100% autofinanciados e independientes, podemos prometerte que nunca venderemos tus datos y que siempre seremos transparentes sobre nuestro software y servicios.","Bio":"Biografía","Birth Date":"Fecha de nacimiento","Black":"Negro","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Modificación de Lanczos, menos artefactos de timbre","Blue":"Azul","Brown":"Marrón","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Navegar y editar las etiquetas de clasificación de las imágenes.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Navegar por los archivos y carpetas indexados en la Biblioteca.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Navegue por la Base de Conocimientos para obtener información detallada sobre características específicas de los productos, servicios y recursos relacionados.","Bug Report":"Informe de errores","Busy, please wait…":"Ocupado, por favor espera…","Calendar":"Calendario","Camera":"Cámara","Camera Serial":"Serial de cámara","Can't load more, limit reached":"No se puede cargar más, límite alcanzado","Can't select more items":"No puedes seleccionar más elementos","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cards":"Tarjetas","Category":"Categoría","Change Avatar":"Cambiar la imagen de perfil","Change Password":"Cambiar la contraseña","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Cambiar el perfil personal y la configuración de seguridad.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Cambiar títulos, localizaciones y otros metadatos de las fotos.","Change private flag":"Cambiar indicador de privado","Changes successfully saved":"Cambios guardados con éxito","Checked":"Revisado","Chroma":"Croma","Close":"Cerrar","Codec":"Códec","Color":"Color","Color Profile":"Perfil de color","Colors":"Colores","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Los problemas más comunes pueden diagnosticarse y resolverse rápidamente el cuestionario de resolución de problemas que proporcionamos.","Complete Rescan":"Reescaneo completo","Confidence":"Confianza","Connect":"Conectar","Connect via WebDAV":"Conectar através de WebDAV","Connected":"Conectado","Contact Details":"Datos de contacto","Contact Us":"Contáctenos","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Contiene %{n} imágenes.","Contains one picture.":"Contiene una imagen.","Convert to JPEG":"Convertir a JPEG","Converting":"Conversión","Copied to clipboard":"Copiado al portapapeles","Copyright":"Copyright","Couldn't find anything.":"No se ha encontrado nada.","Country":"País","Create album":"Crear álbum","Created":"Creado","Creating thumbnails for":"Creando miniaturas para","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cúbico: Calidad moderada, buen rendimiento","Current Password":"Contraseña actual","Customer Support":"Atención al cliente","Cyan":"Cían","Cyano":"Ciano","Daily":"Diariamente","Day":"Día","Debug Logs":"Registros de depuración","Default":"Por defecto","Default Folder":"Carpeta por Defecto","Delete":"Borrar","Description":"Descripción","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Las instrucciones detalladas se encuentran en nuestra Guía de Usuario.","Details":"Detalles","Dimensions":"Dimensiones","Disable Backups":"Última copia de seguridad","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Deshabilitar el servidor WebDAV incorporado. Requiere un reinicio.","Disable Darktable":"Desactivar Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Desactivar ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Desactivar FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Desactivar Lugares","Disable RawTherapee":"Desactivar RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Desactivar TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Desactivar WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Desactiva la geocodificación inversa y los mapas.","Discover":"Descubrir","Display Name":"Nombre para mostrar","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"No hacer una copia de seguridad de los metadatos de las fotos y los álbumes en los archivos YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"No crear archivos ExifTool JSON para mejorar la extracción de metadatos.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"No modificar la carpeta de originales. Desactiva la importación, la carga y la eliminación.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"No transcodificar los vídeos con FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"No utilizar Darktable para convertir archivos RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"No utilizar RawTherapee para convertir archivos RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"No usar TensorFlow para clasificar las imágenes.","Donations":"Donaciones","Done":"Hecho","Done.":"Hecho.","Download":"Descargar","Download remote files":"Descargar archivos remotos","Download single files and zip archives.":"Descargar archivos individuales y zip.","Downloading…":"Descargando…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtro de calidad","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Debido al gran volumen de correos electrónicos que recibimos, es posible que nuestro equipo no pueda responderle inmediatamente.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Los duplicados se saltarán y sólo aparecerán una vez.","Duration":"Duración","Dynamic Previews":"Previsualizaciones dinámicas","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"La renderización a demanda requiere una CPU potente. No se recomienda para servidores pequeños o dispositivos NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Límite de tamaño dinámico: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-Mail","Edit":"Editar","Edit %{name}":"Editar %{name}","Edit Account":"Editar Cuenta","Edit Photo":"Editar Foto","Edited":"Editado","Electra":"Electra","Email":"Correo electrónico","Enable new features currently under development.":"Habilitar las nuevas características actualmente en desarrollo.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Activa los preajustes del convertidor RAW. Puede reducir el rendimiento.","Errors":"Errores","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Estimar la ubicación aproximada de las imágenes sin coordenadas.","Estimates":"Presupuestos","Every two days":"Cada dos días","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Excluir el contenido marcado como privado de los resultados de búsqueda, álbumes compartidos, etiquetas y lugares.","Exclude hidden":"Excluir lo oculto","Expand":"Expandir","Expand Search":"Expandir la búsqueda","Experimental Features":"Características experimentales","Expires":"Expira","Exposure":"Exposición","F Number":"Número F","Face":"Cara","Faces":"Caras","Failed copying to clipboard":"Falló la cópia al portapapeles","Failed removing link":"Falló al eliminar el enlace","Failed updating link":"Falló la actualización el enlace","Family Name":"Apellidos","Fast":"Rápido","Favorite":"Favorito","Favorites":"Favoritos","Feature Request":"Solicitud de características","Feed":"Muro","Feedback":"Comentarios","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Póngase en contacto con nosotros en hello@photoprism.app si tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda.","Female":"Mujer","File":"Archivo","File Browser":"Explorador de Archivos","File Name":"Nombre del archivo","File Size":"Tamaño del archivo","Filename":"Nombre del archivo","Files":"Archivos","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Los archivos con nombres secuenciales como \"IMG_1234 (2)\" o \"IMG_1234 copia 2\" pertenecen a la misma foto.","Focal Length":"Distancia focal","Folder":"Carpeta","Folder contains %{n} files":"La carpeta contiene %{n} archivos","Folder is empty":"Carpeta vacía","Folders":"Carpetas","Forgot password?":"¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Marcos","Fullscreen":"Pantalla completa","Gemstone":"Piedras preciosas","Gender":"Género","General":"General","Getting 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les dará un nombre único.","Importing %{name}…":"Importando %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importando archivos a originales…","in":"en","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Además, los patrocinadores reciben asistencia técnica directa por correo electrónico.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"En caso de que falten imágenes que usted espera, vuelva a escanear su biblioteca y espere a que se complete la indexación.","Index":"Indexar","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexar e importar archivos a través de la interfaz de usuario.","Indexing":"Indexando","Indexing failed":"Indexación ha fallado","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexando los archivos multimedia y sidecar…","Instance ID":"ID de instancia","Interval":"Intervalo","Invalid":"Inválido","Invalid date":"Fecha inválida","Invalid parameters":"Parámetros no válidos","Invalid photo selected":"Foto seleccionada no válida","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Hace uso de las últimas tecnologías para etiquetar y encontrar imágenes de forma automática sin estorbar.","Item":"Elemento","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Calidad JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Límite de tamaño del JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"Los JPEG y las miniaturas se renderizan automáticamente según sea necesario.","Keywords":"Palabras clave","Knowledge Base":"Base de conocimientos","Label":"Etiqueta","Labels":"Etiquetas","Labels deleted":"Etiquetas borradas","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Preservación de detalles, artefactos mínimos","Language":"Idioma","Last Sync":"Última sincronización","Latitude":"Latitud","Lavender":"Lavanda","Learn more":"Más información","Legal Information":"Información legal","Lens":"Lente","Library":"Librería","License":"Licencia","Like":"Me gusta","Lime":"Lima","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Límite alcanzado, mostrando los primeros %{n} archivos","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineal: Muy suave, el mejor rendimiento","Link":"Enlace","List":"Lista","Live":"En vivo","Live Photos":"Fotos en vivo","Local Time":"Hora local","location":"ubicación","Location":"Ubicación","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Los mensajes de registro aparecen aquí cada vez que PhotoPrism se encuentra con archivos rotos, o hay otros problemas potenciales.","Login":"Iniciar sesión","Logout":"Cerrar sesión","Logs":"Registro","Longitude":"Longitud","Low":"Bajo","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Color principal","Male":"Hombre","manual":"manual","Manual Upload":"Subida manual","Maps":"Mapas","Marker":"Marcador","Medium":"Mediano","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"¿Fusionar %{a} con %{b}?","Message sent":"Mensaje enviado","Minimize":"Minimizar","Missing":"Desaparecido","Moments":"Momentos","Monochrome":"Monocromo","Month":"Mes","Moonlight":"Luz de luna","More than %{n} pictures found":"Más de %{n} imágenes encontradas","More than 20 albums found":"Más de 20 álbumes encontrados","More than 20 labels found":"Más de 20 etiquetas encontradas","More than 20 people found":"Más de 20 personas encontraron","Mosaic":"Mosaico","Most Relevant":"Lo más relevante","Move Files":"Mover archivos","Name":"Nombre","Name too long":"Nombre demasiado largo","Never":"Nunca","New":"Nuevo","New Password":"Nueva contraseña","Newest First":"Lo más nuevo primero","No":"No","No albums found":"No se encontraron álbumes","No labels found":"No se encontraron etiquetas","No people found":"No hay personas","No pictures found":"No se han encontrado imágenes","No recently edited pictures":"No hay imágenes editadas recientemente","No servers configured.":"Sin servidores configurados.","No services configured.":"No hay servicios configurados.","No thanks":"No gracias","No video selected":"No has seleccionado ningún vídeo","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"No hay advertencias ni errores que contengan esta palabra clave. Tenga en cuenta que la búsqueda distingue entre mayúsculas y minúsculas.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Las imágenes no fotográficas y de baja calidad requieren una revisión antes que aparezcan en los resultados de la búsqueda.","None":"Ninguno","Not Found":"No encontrado","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Tenga en cuenta que puede gestionar manualmente su carpeta de originales y que la importación es opcional.","Note:":"Nota:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Nota: Sólo los servidores WebDAV, como Nextcloud o PhotoPrism, pueden ser configurados como servicio remoto para hacer copias de seguridad y subir archivos.","Notes":"Notas","Nothing to see here yet.":"Todavía no hay nada que ver aquí.","Offline":"Desconectado","Oldest First":"El más antiguo primero","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"En Windows, introduzca el siguiente recurso en el diálogo de conexión:","Once a week":"Una vez a la semana","One album found":"Un álbum encontrado","One file found":"Un archivo encontrado","One file uploaded":"Un archivo cargado","One folder found":"Una carpeta encontrada","One label found":"Una etiqueta encontrada","One person found":"Una persona encontrada","One picture found":"Una foto encontrada","Onyx":"Ónix","Options":"Opciones","or ask in our Community Chat":"o pregunte en nuestro chat comunitario","Orange":"Naranja","Organization":"Organización","Orientation":"Orientación","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Los nombres originales de los archivos serán almacenados e indexados.","Original Name":"Nombre original","Originals":"Originales","Other":"Otro","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Nuestra Guía del usuario también cubre muchos temas avanzados, como la migración desde Google Photos y la configuración de la calidad de las miniaturas.","Outdoor":"Al aire libre","Panorama":"Panorámica","Panoramas":"Panorámicas","Password":"Contraseña","Password changed":"Contraseña cambiada","People":"Gente","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"La gente con la que compartas un enlace podrá ver los contenidos públicos.","Permanently deleted":"Eliminado permanentemente","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Elimina permanentemente los archivos para liberar almacenamiento.","Phone":"Teléfono","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism ha sido actualizado…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® es una aplicación de fotos potenciada por la IA para la web descentralizada.","Photos":"Fotos","Pink":"Rosa","Place":"Lugar","Place & Time":"Lugar y tiempo","Places":"Lugares","Please confirm your new password.":"Por favor, confirma tu nueva contraseña.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Por favor, no subas fotos con contenido ofensivo.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Tenga en cuenta que al cambiar su contraseña se cerrará la sesión en otros dispositivos y navegadores.","Portrait":"Retrato","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"publica tu pregunta en GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Preservar nombres de archivo","Press button to start importing…":"Presiona el botón para empezar a importar…","Press button to start indexing…":"Presiona el botón para empezar a indexar…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Presiona enter para crear un nuevo álbum.","Preview":"Vista previa","Primary":"Primario","Private":"Privado","Product Feedback":"Comentarios sobre el producto","Projection":"Proyección","Purple":"Púrpura","Quality Filter":"Filtro de calidad","Quality Score":"Puntuación de calidad","Random":"Aleatorio","Raspberry":"Frambuesa","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Conversión de RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Re-indexar todos los originales, incluyendo los archivos ya indexados y no modificados.","Read the Docs":"Leer la documentación","Read-Only Mode":"Modo de sólo lectura","Recently Added":"Añadido recientemente","Recently Edited":"Editado recientemente","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"El reconocimiento se inicia una vez finalizada la indexación.","Recognized":"Reconocida","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Reconoce las caras para poder encontrar a personas concretas.","Red":"Rojo","Reload":"Recargar","Reloading…":"Recargando…","Remote Sync":"Sincronización remota","Remove":"Eliminar","remove failed: unknown album":"eliminación ha fallado: álbum desconocido","Remove from album":"Eliminar del álbum","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Eliminar los archivos importados para ahorrar espacio. Los tipos de archivos no admitidos nunca se eliminarán y permanecen en su ubicación actual.","Request failed - invalid response":"La solicitud ha fallado - respuesta inválida","Required":"Requerido","Resolution":"Resolución","Restore":"Restaurar","Retry Limit":"Límite de reintentos","Retype Password":"Reescriba la contraseña","Review":"Revisar","Satellite":"Satélite","Save":"Guardar","Scan":"Escanear","Scans":"Escaneos","Search":"Buscar","Search and display photos on a map.":"Buscar y mostrar fotos en un mapa.","Season":"Temporada","Secret":"Secreto","Security and Access":"Seguridad y acceso","Select":"Seleccionar","Select albums or create a new one":"Selecciona los álbumes o crea un nuevo","Selection approved":"Selección aprobada","Selection archived":"Selección archivada","Selection restored":"Selección restaurada","Send":"Enviar","Sequential Name":"Nombre secuencial","Service URL":"URL del servicio","Services":"Servicios","Settings":"Ajustes","Settings saved":"Ajustes guardados","Setup":"Configurar","Shadow":"Sombra","Share":"Compartir","Share %{name}":"Compartir %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Comparte tus fotos con otras aplicaciones y servicios.","Show":"Mostrar","Show all new faces":"Mostrar todas las caras nuevas","Show hidden":"Mostrar oculto","Show less":"Ver menos","Show more":"Ver más","Show server logs in Library.":"Mostrar los registros del servidor en la biblioteca.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Muestra mensajes de registro más detallados. Requiere un reinicio.","Sidecar":"Adicional","Sign in":"Iniciar sesión","Sign Up":"Registrarse","Similar":"Similares","Size":"Tamaño","Slow":"Lento","Sort Order":"Orden de Clasificación","Source":"Fuente","Stack":"Apilar","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Apilar los archivos que comparten la misma imagen única o identificador de instancia.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Apilar las imágenes tomadas en el mismo momento y lugar exactos basados en sus metadatos.","Stackable":"Apilable","Stacks":"Secuencias","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Las pilas agrupan archivos con un marco de referencia similar, pero con diferencias de calidad, formato, tamaño o color.","Start":"Empezar","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Empezar/Detener la presentación de diapositivas","States":"Estados","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Límite de tamaño de miniaturas estáticas: %{n}px","Status":"Estado","Storage":"Almacenes","Streets":"Calles","Subject":"Sujeto","Successfully Connected":"Conectado con éxito","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"El soporte para servicios adicionales, como Google Drive, se añadirá a futuro.","Sync":"Sincronizar","Sync raw and video files":"Sincronizar imágenes raw y videos","Taken":"Tomada","Teal":"Verde Azulado","Text too long":"Texto demasiado largo","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"El índice contiene actualmente %{n} archivos ocultos.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Su formato puede no ser compatible, aún no se han convertido a JPEG o hay duplicados.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Esto monta la carpeta de originales como una unidad de red y le permite abrir, editar y eliminar archivos \n de su ordenador o smartphone como si fueran locales.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Esto monta la carpeta de originales como una unidad de red y le permite abrir, editar y eliminar archivos de su ordenador o smartphone como si fueran locales.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generar miniatura","Time UTC":"Hora UTC","Time Zone":"Zona horaria","Timeout":"Tiempo de espera","Title":"Título","Title / Position":"Título / Cargo","Title too long":"Título demasiado largo","Toggle View":"Cambiar Vista","Token":"Simbólico","Topographic":"Topográfico","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Listas de comprobación para la resolución de problemas","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Inténtalo de nuevo usando otros filtros o palabras.","Type":"Tipo","Undo":"Deshacer","Unique ID":"ID Única","Unknown":"Desconocido","Unregistered":"No registrado","Unsorted":"Sin clasificar","Unstack":"Desagrupar","Updated":"Actualizado","Updating faces":"Actualizando caras","Updating index":"Actualizando índice","Updating moments":"Actualizando Momentos","Updating picture…":"Actualizando la imagen…","Updating previews":"Actualizando vistas previas","Updating stacks":"Actualizando pilas","Upload":"Subir","Upload complete":"Subida completa","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Subida completa. Indexando…","Upload failed":"Carga fallida","Upload local files":"Subir archivos locales","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Subir a WebDAV y compartir los enlaces con amigos.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Cargando %{n} de %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Subiendo fotos…","Uploading…":"Subiendo…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Las subidas que puedan contener tales imágenes serán rechazadas automáticamente.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Usar preselecciones","User":"Usuario","User Guide":"Guía del usuario","User Interface":"Interfaz de usuario","Username":"Nombre de usuario","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Verificado","Video":"Vídeo","Video Duration":"Duración del vídeo","Videos":"Vídeos","View":"Ver","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Visita docs.photoprism.app/user-guide para aprender a sincronizar, organizar y compartir tus fotos.","Visual Similarity":"Similitud visual","We appreciate your feedback!":"¡Agradecemos sus comentarios!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Hacemos todo lo posible por responder en un plazo de cinco días hábiles o menos.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Haremos todo lo posible por responder a todas tus preguntas. A cambio, te pedimos que nos respaldes en Patreon o GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Los clientes de WebDAV pueden conectarse a PhotoPrism usando la siguiente URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Los clientes WebDAV, como el Explorador de Windows de Microsoft o el Finder de Apple, pueden conectarse directamente a\n PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Subida WebDAV","Website":"Página web","White":"Blanco","Work Details":"Detalles del trabajo","Year":"Año","Yellow":"Amarillo","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Sí","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"eres bienvenido a unirte a nosotros en Reddit","You can only download one album":"Sólo puedes descargar un álbum","You can only download one label":"Sólo puedes descargar una etiqueta","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Puedes ejecutarlo en casa, en un servidor privado o en la nube.","You may only select one item":"Sólo puedes selecionar un elemento","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Puede volver a escanear su biblioteca para encontrar más caras.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Su apoyo continuo nos ayuda a proporcionar actualizaciones periódicas y a seguir siendo independientes, para que podamos cumplir nuestra misión y proteger su privacidad.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Tu biblioteca se analiza continuamente para crear automáticamente álbumes de momentos, viajes y lugares especiales.","Zoom in/out":"Acercar/Alejar"},"et":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} albumit leitud","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} faili üles laaditud","%{n} folders found":"%{n} kausta leitud","%{n} labels found":"%{n} silti leitud","%{n} people found":"%{n} inimest leitud","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} pilti leitud","1 hour":"1 tund","12 hours":"12 tundi","4 hours":"4 tundi","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Klõpsamine kopeerib selle lõikelauale.","About":"Teave","Abyss":"Abyss","Account":"Konto","Accuracy":"Täpsus","Action":"Tegevus","Actions":"Tegevused","Add Account":"Lisa konto","Add Album":"Lisa album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Lisa faile oma fototeeki üleslaadimise teel.","Add Link":"Lisa link","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Lisa pilte otsingutulemustest neid valides.","Add to album":"Lisa albumisse","Added":"Lisatud","Advanced":"Täpsemad","After 1 day":"1 päeva pärast","After 3 days":"3 päeva pärast","After 7 days":"7 päeva pärast","After one month":"Ühe kuu pärast","After one year":"Ühe aasta pärast","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Pärast piltide valimist otsingutulemustest saad need kontekstimenüü abil albumisse lisada.","After two months":"Kahe kuu pärast","After two weeks":"Kahe nädala pärast","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Albumi nimi","Albums":"Albumid","Albums deleted":"Albumid kustutatud","All %{n} albums loaded":"Kõik %{n} albumit laaditud","All %{n} labels loaded":"Kõik %{n} silti laaditud","All %{n} people loaded":"Kõik %{n} inimest laaditud","All Cameras":"Kõik kaamerad","All Categories":"Kõik kategooriad","All Colors":"Kõik värvid","All Countries":"Kõik riigid","All fields are required":"Kõik väljad on kohustuslikud","All files from import folder":"Kõik failid impordikaustast","All Lenses":"Kõik läätsed","All Months":"Kõik kuud","All originals":"Kõik originaalid","All Years":"Kõik aastad","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternatiivina saad faile üles laadida otse WebDAV serveritesse nagu Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Kõrgus","Altitude (m)":"Kõrgus (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Tekkis viga - kas oled võrguühenduseta?","Animated":"Animeeritud","Animation":"Animatsioon","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Kõik isiklikud fotod ja videod jäävad isiklikuks ja neid ei jagata.","API Key":"API võti","Apply":"Rakenda","Approve":"Kinnita","Archive":"Arhiiv","Archived":"Arhiveeritud","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Kas oled kindel, et soovid valiku arhiveerida?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Kas oled kindel, et soovid need albumid kustutada?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Kas oled kindel, et soovid need sildid kustutada?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle konto kustutada?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Kas oled kindel, et soovid need pildid lõplikult kustutada?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle faili lõplikult kustutada?","Are you sure?":"Kas sa oled kindel?","Artist":"Kunstnik","Aspect Ratio":"Küljesuhe","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Loo automaatselt teistest failitüüpidest JPEG-failid, et neid saaks brauseris kuvada.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Loob automaatselt albumid erilistest hetkedest, reisidest ja kohtadest.","Basic":"Lihtne","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Enne tugitaotluse esitamist kasuta palun meie tõrkeotsingu meelespead, et probleemi põhjus kindlaks teha.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Kuna me oleme 100% isefinantseeritud ja sõltumatud, võime lubada, et me ei müü kunagi su andmeid ja et oleme oma tarkvara ja teenuste osas alati läbipaistvad.","Bio":"Elulugu","Birth Date":"Sünnikuupäev","Black":"Must","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos modifikatsioon, vähem artefakte","Blue":"Sinine","Brown":"Pruun","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Sirvi ja muuda piltide klassifitseerimise silte.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Sirvi fototeegis olevaid indekseeritud faile ja kaustu.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Üksikasjalikku teavet konkreetsete tooteomaduste, teenuste ja nendega seotud ressursside kohta leiad teadmistebaasist.","Bug Report":"Vearaport","Busy, please wait…":"Hõivatud, palun oota…","Calendar":"Kalender","Camera":"Kaamera","Camera Serial":"Kaamera seerianumber","Can't load more, limit reached":"Rohkem ei saa laadida, limiit on saavutatud","Can't select more items":"Rohkem objekte ei saa valida","Cancel":"Katkesta","Cards":"Kaardid","Category":"Kategooria","Change Avatar":"Muuda profiilipilti","Change Password":"Muuda parool","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Muuta isikliku profiili ja turvaseadeid.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Muuda fotode pealkirju, asukohti ja muid metaandmeid.","Change private flag":"Muuda isiklikkust","Changes successfully saved":"Muudatused edukalt salvestatud","Checked":"Kontrollitud","Chroma":"Värviküllastus","Close":"Sulge","Codec":"Koodek","Color":"Värv","Color Profile":"Värviprofiil","Colors":"Värvid","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Levinud probleeme saab kiiresti diagnoosida ja lahendada, kasutades meie poolt pakutavat tõrkeotsingu meelespead.","Complete Rescan":"Täielik taasskannimine","Confidence":"Kindlus","Connect":"Ühenda","Connect via WebDAV":"Ühenda WebDAV-i kaudu","Connected":"Ühendatud","Contact Details":"Kontaktandmed","Contact Us":"Võta meiega ühendust","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Sisaldab %{n} pilti.","Contains one picture.":"Sisaldab ühte pilti.","Convert to JPEG":"Teisenda JPEG-ks","Converting":"Konverteerimine","Copied to clipboard":"Kopeeritud lõikelauale","Copyright":"Autoriõigus","Couldn't find anything.":"Midagi ei leitud.","Country":"Riik","Create Account":"Loo konto","Create album":"Lisa album","Created":"Lisatud","Creating thumbnails for":"Pisipiltide loomine:","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: mõõdukas kvaliteet, hea jõudlus","Current Password":"Praegune parool","Customer Support":"Klienditugi","Cyan":"Tsüaan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Üks kord päevas","Day":"Päev","Debug Logs":"Tõrkeotsingu logid","Default":"Vaikimisi","Default Folder":"Vaikimisi kaust","Delete":"Kustuta","Description":"Kirjeldus","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Üksikasjalikud juhised leiad meie kasutajajuhendist.","Details":"Üksikasjad","Dimensions":"Mõõtmed","Disable Backups":"Keela varukoopiad","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Keela sisseehitatud WebDAV server. Nõuab taaskäivitamist.","Disable Darktable":"Keela Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Keela ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Keela FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Keela kohad","Disable RawTherapee":"Keela RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Keela TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Keela WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Keelab asukohatuvastuse ja kaardid.","Discover":"Avasta","Display Name":"Esitusnimi","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Ära varunda fotode ja albumite metaandmeid YAML-failidesse.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Ära loo ExifTool JSON-faile metaandmete ekstraktimise parandamiseks.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Ära muuda originaalide kausta. Keelab importimise, üleslaadimise ja kustutamise.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Ära transkodeeri videoid FFmpeg abil.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Ära teisenda RAW faile Darktable abil.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Ära teisenda RAW faile RawTherapee abil.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Ära kasuta TensorFlow'd piltide klassifitseerimiseks.","Donations":"Annetused","Done":"Tehtud","Done.":"Tehtud.","Download":"Laadi alla","Download remote files":"Laadi alla kaugfailid","Download single files and zip archives.":"Laadi alla üksikuid faile ja ZIP-arhiive.","Downloading…":"Allalaadimine…","Downscaling Filter":"Skaleerimisfilter","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Meile saabuvate e-kirjade suure hulga tõttu ei pruugi meie meeskond olla võimeline kohe vastama.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikaadid jäetakse vahele ja neid kuvatakse ainult ühekordselt.","Duration":"Kestus","Dynamic Previews":"Dünaamilised eelvaated","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dünaamiline renderdamine nõuab võimsat serverit. Seda ei soovitata NAS-seadmete jaoks.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Dünaamiline suuruse limiit: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-post","Edit":"Muuda","Edit %{name}":"Muuda %{nimi}","Edit Account":"Konto muutmine","Edit Photo":"Foto muutmine","Edited":"Muudetud","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-post","Enable new features currently under development.":"Luba uued, veel arenduses olevad funktsioonid.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Lubab RAW-konverteri eelseadistused. Võib vähendada jõudlust.","Errors":"Vead","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Hinda piltide ligikaudset asukohta ilma koordinaatideta.","Estimates":"Hinnangud","Every two days":"Iga kahe päeva tagant","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Välista otsingutulemustest, jagatud albumitest, siltidest ja kohtadest isiklikuks märgitud sisu.","Exclude hidden":"Välista peidetud","Expand":"Laienda","Expand Search":"Laienda otsingut","Experimental Features":"Eksperimentaalsed funktsioonid","Expires":"Aegub","Exposure":"Säriaeg","F Number":"F-number","Face":"Nägu","Faces":"Näod","Failed copying to clipboard":"Lõikelauale kopeerimine ebaõnnestus","Failed removing link":"Lingi eemaldamine ebaõnnestus","Failed updating link":"Lingi uuendamine ebaõnnestus","Family Name":"Perekonnanimi","Fast":"Kiire","Favorite":"Lemmik","Favorites":"Lemmikud","Feature Request":"Funktsiooni taotlus","Feed":"Kanal","Feedback":"Tagasiside","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Kui sul on küsimusi, võta meiega ühendust aadressil hello@photoprism.app.","Female":"Naine","File":"Fail","File Browser":"Failibrauser","File Name":"Faili nimi","File Size":"Faili suurus","Filename":"Failinimi","Files":"Failid","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Järjestikuste nimedega failid nagu 'IMG_1234 (2)' ja 'IMG_1234 (3)' kuuluvad samale pildile.","Focal Length":"Fookuskaugus","Folder":"Kaust","Folder contains %{n} files":"Kaust sisaldab %{n} faili","Folder is empty":"Kaust on tühi","Folders":"Kaustad","Forgot password?":"Unustasid parooli?","FPS":"Kaadrisagedus","Frames":"Kaadrid","Fullscreen":"Täisekraan","Gemstone":"Gemstone","Gender":"Sugu","General":"Üldised","Getting Support":"Abi saamine","Given Name":"Eesnimi","Gold":"Kuld","Grayscale":"Grayscale","Green":"Roheline","Grey":"Hall","Hash":"Räsi","Help":"Abi","Help & Support":"Abi ja tugi","Hidden":"Peidetud","Hidden Files":"Peidetud failid","Hide":"Peida","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Peida fotod, mis on viidud arhiivi.","High":"Kõrge","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Lai dünaamiline diapasoon (HDR)","How can we help?":"Kuidas me saame aidata?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Kui see ei aita või sul on muid küsimusi:","image":"pilt","Image":"Pilt","Images":"Pildid","Import":"Import","Import failed":"Import ebaõnnestus","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Imporditud failid sorteeritakse kuupäeva järgi ja neile antakse duplikaatide vältimiseks unikaalne nimi.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Imporditud failid sorteeritakse kuupäeva järgi ja neile antakse unikaalne nimi.","Importing %{name}…":"%{nimi} importimine…","Importing files to originals…":"Failide importimine originaalidesse…","in":"ajaga","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Lisaks saavad sponsorid otsest tehnilist tuge e-posti teel.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Kui pildid, mida ootasid, on puudu, skanni oma fototeek uuesti ja oota, kuni indekseerimine on lõpetatud.","Index":"Indeks","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indekseeri ja impordi faile kasutajaliidese kaudu.","Indexing":"Indekseerimine","Indexing failed":"Indekseerimine ebaõnnestus","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Meedia- ja abifailide indekseerimine…","Instance ID":"Eksemplari ID","Interval":"Intervall","Invalid":"Vigane","Invalid date":"Vigane kuupäev","Invalid parameters":"Vigased parameetrid","Invalid photo selected":"Vigane foto valitud","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"See kasutab uusimaid tehnoloogiaid, et märgistada ja leida pilte automaatselt, ilma sulle jalgu jäämata.","Item":"Element","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG kvaliteet: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG suuruse limiit: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG- ja pisipildid renderdatakse automaatselt vastavalt vajadusele.","Keywords":"Märksõnad","Knowledge Base":"Teadmusbaas","Label":"Silt","Labels":"Sildid","Labels deleted":"Sildid kustutatud","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: detailide säilitamine, minimaalsed artefaktid","Language":"Keel","Last Sync":"Viimane sünkroonimine","Latitude":"Laiuskraad","Lavender":"Lavender","Learn more":"Lisateave","Legal Information":"Õigusalane teave","Lens":"Objektiiv","Library":"Fototeek","License":"Litsents","Like":"Meeldib","Lime":"Laimiroheline","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limiit saavutatud, näidatakse esimest %{n} faili","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineaarne: väga sujuv, parim jõudlus","Link":"Link","List":"Loend","Live Photos":"Liikuvad fotod","Local Time":"Kohalik aeg","location":"asukoht","Location":"Asukoht","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Siia ilmuvad logiteated, kui PhotoPrism leiab katkiseid faile või kui esineb muid probleeme.","Login":"Logi sisse","Logout":"Logi välja","Logs":"Logid","Longitude":"Pikkuskraad","Low":"Madal","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Põhivärv","Male":"Mees","manual":"käsitsi","Manual Upload":"Käsitsi üleslaadimine","Maps":"Kaardid","Marker":"Märk","Medium":"Keskmine","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Ühendada %{a} ja %{b}?","Message sent":"Sõnum saadetud","Minimize":"Minimeeri","Missing":"Puudub","Moments":"Hetked","Monochrome":"Mustvalge","Month":"Kuu","Moonlight":"Moonlight","More than %{n} pictures found":"Rohkem kui %{n} pilti leitud","More than 20 albums found":"Rohkem kui 20 albumit leitud","More than 20 labels found":"Rohkem kui 20 silti leitud","More than 20 people found":"Rohkem kui 20 inimest leitud","Mosaic":"Mosaiik","Most Relevant":"Asjakohasemad eespool","Move Files":"Liiguta failid","Must have at least %{n} characters.":"Peab olema vähemalt %{n} tähemärki.","Name":"Nimi","Name too long":"Nimi on liiga pikk","Never":"Mitte kunagi","New":"Uus","New Password":"Uus parool","Newest First":"Uuemad eespool","No":"Ei","No albums found":"Albumeid ei leitud","No labels found":"Silte ei leitud","No people found":"Inimesi ei leitud","No pictures found":"Pilte ei leitud","No recently edited pictures":"Hiljuti muudetud pilte ei ole","No servers configured.":"Ühtegi serverit pole seadistatud.","No services configured.":"Ühtegi teenust pole seadistatud.","No thanks":"Ei aitäh","No video selected":"Ühtegi videot pole valitud","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Seda märksõna sisaldavaid hoiatusi või vigu ei ole. Pane tähele, et otsing on tõusutundlik.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Mittefotograafilised ja madala kvaliteediga pildid tuleb üle vaadata, enne kui nad otsingutulemustes ilmuvad.","None":"Puudub","Not Found":"Ei leitud","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Pane tähele, et võid originaalide kausta käsitsi hallata, importimine on vabatahtlik.","Note:":"Märkus:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Märkus: Ainult WebDAV servereid, nagu Nextcloud või PhotoPrism, saab seadistada kaugteenusena varundamiseks ja failide üleslaadimiseks.","Notes":"Märkused","Nothing to see here yet.":"Siin pole veel midagi näha.","Offline":"Võrguühenduseta","Oldest First":"Vanemad eespool","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Windowsis sisestage ühendusdialoogi järgmine ressurss:","Once a week":"Üks kord nädalas","One album found":"Üks album leitud","One file found":"Üks fail leitud","One file uploaded":"Üks fail üles laaditud","One folder found":"Üks kaust leitud","One label found":"Üks silt leitud","One person found":"Üks inimene leitud","One picture found":"Üks pilt leitud","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Valikud","or ask in our Community Chat":"või küsi meie ühisjututoas","Orange":"Oranžikas","Organization":"Organisatsioon","Orientation":"Orientatsioon","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Failide algsed nimed salvestatakse ja indekseeritakse.","Original Name":"Esialgne nimi","Originals":"Originaalid","Other":"Muu","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Meie kasutajajuhend hõlmab ka paljusid edasijõudnute teemasid, näiteks Google Photos'ist migreerimine ja pisipiltide kvaliteediseaded.","Outdoor":"Loodus","Panorama":"Panoraam","Panoramas":"Panoraamid","Password":"Parool","Password changed":"Parool muudetud","People":"Inimesed","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Inimesed, kellega linki jagad, saavad avalikku sisu vaadata.","Permanently deleted":"Lõplikult kustutatud","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Kustuta failid lõplikult, et vabastada salvestusruumi.","Phone":"Telefon","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism on uuendatud…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® on tehisintellektipõhine fotorakendus detsentraliseeritud veebi jaoks.","Photos":"Fotod","Pink":"Roosa","Place":"Koht","Place & Time":"Koht ja aeg","Places":"Kohad","Please confirm your new password.":"Palun kinnita oma uus parool.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Palun ära laadi üles solvava sisuga fotosid.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Pane tähele, et parooli muutmine logib sind teistes seadmetes ja brauserites välja.","Portrait":"Püstformaat","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"postita oma küsimus GitHub'i aruteludesse","Preserve filenames":"Säilita failinimed","Press button to start importing…":"Importimise alustamiseks vajuta nuppu…","Press button to start indexing…":"Indekseerimise alustamiseks vajuta nuppu…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Uue albumi lisamiseks vajuta Enter.","Preview":"Eelvaade","Primary":"Primaarne","Private":"Isiklik","Product Feedback":"Tagasiside","Projection":"Projektsioon","Purple":"Lilla","Quality Filter":"Kvaliteedifilter","Quality Score":"Kvaliteediskoor","Random":"Juhuslik","Raspberry":"Raspberry","Raw":"RAW","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW teisendamine","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Indekseeri uuesti kõik originaalid, sealhulgas juba indekseeritud ja muutmata failid.","Read the Docs":"Loe dokumentatsiooni","Read-Only Mode":"Kirjutuskaitserežiim","Recently Added":"Hiljuti lisatud","Recently Edited":"Hiljuti muudetud","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Tuvastamine algab pärast indekseerimise lõppemist.","Recognized":"Tuvastatud","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Tuvastab nägusid, et oleks võimalik konkreetseid inimesi leida.","Red":"Punane","Reload":"Laadi uuesti","Reloading…":"Uuesti laadimine…","Remote Sync":"Kaugsünkroonimine","Remove":"Eemalda","remove failed: unknown album":"eemaldamine ebaõnnestus: tundmatu album","Remove from album":"Eemalda albumist","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Eemalda imporditud failid salvestusruumi säästmiseks. Mittetoetatud failitüüpe ei kustutata kunagi, need jäävad oma praegusesse asukohta.","Request failed - invalid response":"Päring ebaõnnestus - vigane vastus","Required":"Kohustuslik","Resolution":"Resolutsioon","Restore":"Taasta","Retry Limit":"Korduvkatsete limiit","Retype Password":"Parool uuesti","Review":"Läbivaatamine","Satellite":"Satelliit","Save":"Salvesta","Scan":"Skannitud","Scans":"Skannid","Search":"Otsi","Search and display photos on a map.":"Otsi ja kuva fotosid kaardil.","Season":"Aastaaeg","Security and Access":"Turvalisus ja ligipääs","Select":"Vali","Select albums or create a new one":"Vali albumid või lisa uus","Selection approved":"Valik heaks kiidetud","Selection archived":"Valik arhiveeritud","Selection restored":"Valik taastatud","Send":"Saada","Sequential Name":"Järjestikune nimi","Service URL":"Teenuse URL","Services":"Teenused","Settings":"Seaded","Settings saved":"Seaded salvestatud","Setup":"Seadista","Shadow":"Shadow","Share":"Jaga","Share %{name}":"Jaga %{nimi}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Jaga oma pilte teiste rakenduste ja teenustega.","Show":"Näita","Show all new faces":"Näita kõiki uusi nägusid","Show hidden":"Näita peidetud","Show less":"Näita vähem","Show more":"Näita rohkem","Show server logs in Library.":"Näita serverilogisid fototeegis.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Näitab detailsemaid logisõnumeid. Nõuab taaskäivitamist.","Sidecar":"Abifail","Sign in":"Logi sisse","Sign Up":"Liitu","Similar":"Sarnased","Size":"Suurus","Slow":"Aeglane","Sort Order":"Järjekord","Source":"Allikas","Stack":"Virn","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Pane virna failid, mis jagavad sama unikaalset kujutist või identifikaatorit.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Pane virna metaandmete alusel täpselt samal ajal ja samas kohas tehtud pildid.","Stackable":"Virnastatav","Stacks":"Virnad","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Failide virnad grupeerivad faile, millel on sarnane võrdlusraamistik, kuid erinevused kvaliteedis, formaadis, suuruses või värvitoonis.","Start":"Alusta","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Käivita/peata slaidiesitlus","States":"Osariigid","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Staatiline suuruse limiit: %{n}px","Status":"Staatus","Storage":"Asukoht","Streets":"Tänavad","Subject":"Subjekt","Successfully Connected":"Edukalt ühendatud","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Tugi täiendavatele teenustele nagu Google Drive lisandub aja jooksul.","Sync":"Sünkroonimine","Sync raw and video files":"Sünkrooni RAW ja videofaile","Taken":"Pildistatud","Teal":"Sinakasroheline","Text too long":"Tekst on liiga pikk","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Indeks sisaldab praegu %{n} peidetud faili.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Nende formaat ei pruugi olla toetatud, neid ei ole veel JPEG-vormingusse konverteeritud või on olemas duplikaadid.","Theme":"Välimus","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"See ühendab originaalide kausta võrgukettana ja võimaldab avada, muuta ja kustutada faile\n oma arvutist või nutitelefonist, nagu oleksid need kohalikud.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"See ühendab originaalide kausta võrgukettana ja võimaldab avada, muuta ja kustutada faile arvutist või nutitelefonist, nagu oleksid need kohalikud.","Thumbnail Generation":"Pisipiltide genereerimine","Time UTC":"UTC aeg","Time Zone":"Ajavöönd","Timeout":"Ajalõpp","Title":{"Account":"Tiitel","Photo":"Pealkiri","":"Pealkiri"},"Title / Position":"Tiitel / ametikoht","Title too long":"Pealkiri on liiga pikk","Toggle View":"Muuda vaadet","Topographic":"Topograafiline","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Tõrkeotsingu meelespead","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Proovi uuesti, kasutades teisi filtreid või märksõnu.","Type":"Tüüp","Undo":"Võta tagasi","Unique ID":"Unikaalne ID","Unknown":"Teadmata","Unregistered":"Mitteregistreeritud","Unsorted":"Sorteerimata","Updated":"Uuendatud","Updating faces":"Nägude uuendamine","Updating index":"Indeksi uuendamine","Updating moments":"Hetkede uuendamine","Updating picture…":"Pildi uuendamine…","Updating previews":"Eelvaadete uuendamine","Updating stacks":"Virnade uuendamine","Upload":"Üleslaadimine","Upload complete":"Üleslaadimine lõpetatud","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Üleslaadimine lõpetatud. Indekseerimine…","Upload failed":"Üleslaadimine ebaõnnestus","Upload local files":"Laadi üles kohalikud failid","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Laadi üles WebDAV-i ja jaga linke sõpradega.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Üleslaadimine %{n}/%{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Fotode üleslaadimine…","Uploading…":"Üleslaadimine…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Selliseid pilte sisaldavad üleslaadimised lükatakse automaatselt tagasi.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Kasuta eelseadistusi","User":"Kasutaja","User Guide":"Kasutajajuhend","User Interface":"Kasutajaliides","Username":"Kasutajanimi","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Kinnitatud","Video":"Video","Video Duration":"Video kestus","Videos":"Videod","View":"Vaade","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Aadressilt docs.photoprism.app/user-guide saad teada, kuidas oma pilte sünkroonida, organiseerida ja jagada.","Visual Similarity":"Visuaalne sarnasus","We appreciate your feedback!":"Me hindame teie tagasisidet!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Anname endast parima, et vastata viie tööpäeva jooksul või vähem.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Anname endast parima, et vastata kõigile küsimustele. Vastutasuks palume meid toetada Patreoni või GitHub Sponsors kaudu.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV kliendid saavad PhotoPrismiga ühenduda järgmise URL-i kaudu:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"WebDAV kliendid, nagu Microsofti Windows Explorer või Apple'i Finder, saavad \nPhotoPrismiga otse ühenduda.","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV üleslaadimine","Website":"Veebileht","White":"Valge","Year":"Aasta","Yellow":"Kollane","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Jah","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"oled oodatud liituma meiega Redditis","You can only download one album":"Võid alla laadida ainult ühe albumi","You can only download one label":"Võid alla laadida ainult ühe sildi","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Saad seda kasutada kodus, isiklikus serveris või pilves.","You may only select one item":"Võid valida ainult ühe objekti","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Võid oma fototeeki uuesti skaneerida, et veel nägusid leida.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Sinu jätkuv toetus aitab meil pakkuda regulaarseid uuendusi ja jääda sõltumatuks, et me saaksime täita oma missiooni ja kaitsta sinu privaatsust.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Sinu fototeeki analüüsitakse pidevalt, et luua automaatselt albumied erilistest hetkedest, reisidest ja kohtadest.","Zoom in/out":"Suumi sisse/välja"},"fa":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} آلبوم پیدا شد","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} فایل آپلود شد","%{n} folders found":"%{n} پوشه پیدا شد","%{n} labels found":"%{n} برچسب پیدا شد","%{n} people found":"%{n} نفر پیدا شد","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} عکس پیدا شد","1 hour":"1 ساعت","12 hours":"12 ساعت","4 hours":"4 ساعت","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"یک کلیک آن را در کلیپ بورد شما کپی می کند.","About":"درباره","Abyss":"پرتگاه","Account":"حساب کاربری","Accuracy":"دقت","Action":"عمل","Actions":"اقدامات","Add Album":"افزودن آلبوم","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"از طریق بارگذاری وب فایلها را به کتابخانه خود اضافه کنید.","Add Link":"اضافه کردن لینک","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"با انتخاب آنها ، تصاویر را از نتایج جستجو اضافه کنید.","Add to album":"افزودن به آلبوم","Added":"اضافه شده","Advanced":"پیشرفته","After 1 day":"بعد از 1 روز","After 3 days":"بعد از 3 روز","After 7 days":"بعد از 7 روز","After one month":"بعد از یک ماه","After one year":"بعد از یک سال","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"پس از انتخاب تصاویر از نتایج جستجو، می توانید آنها را با استفاده از منوی زمینه به آلبوم اضافه کنید.","After two months":"بعد از دو ماه","After two weeks":"بعد از دو هفته","Album":"آلبوم","Album Name":"نام آلبوم","Albums":"آلبوم ها","Albums deleted":"آلبوم ها حذف شدند","All %{n} albums loaded":"همه %{n} آلبوم بارگیری شد","All %{n} labels loaded":"همه برچسب‌های %{n} بارگیری شدند","All %{n} people loaded":"همه %{n} نفر بارگیری شدند","All Cameras":"همه دوربین ها","All Categories":"همه دسته بندی ها","All Colors":"همه رنگ ها","All Countries":"همه کشورها","All fields are required":"همه فیلدها الزامی است","All files from import folder":"همه پرونده ها از پوشه واردات","All Lenses":"همه لنزها","All Months":"همه ماه ها","All originals":"همه اصل","All Years":"همه سالها","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"از طرف دیگر، می‌توانید فایل‌ها را مستقیماً در سرورهای WebDAV مانند Nextcloud آپلود کنید.","Altitude":"ارتفاع","Altitude (m)":"ارتفاع (M)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"خطایی رخ داده است - آیا شما آفلاین هستید؟","Animated":"متحرک","Animation":"انیمیشن","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"هر عکس و فیلم خصوصی خصوصی باقی می ماند و به اشتراک گذاشته نمی شود.","API Key":"کلید API","Apply":"درخواست","Approve":"تأیید","Archive":"بایگانی","Archived":"بایگانی شده","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید انتخاب را بایگانی کنید؟","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این آلبوم ها را حذف کنید؟","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این برچسب ها را حذف کنید؟","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این حساب را حذف کنید؟","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این تصاویر را به طور دائم حذف کنید؟","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این پرونده را به طور دائم حذف کنید؟","Are you sure?":"مطمئن هستی؟","Artist":"هنرمند","Aspect Ratio":"نسبت ابعاد","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"به طور خودکار برای انواع فایل های دیگر JPEG ایجاد کنید تا بتوان آنها را در مرورگر نمایش داد.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"به طور خودکار آلبوم هایی از لحظات، سفرها و مکان های خاص ایجاد می کند.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"قبل از ارسال درخواست پشتیبانی، لطفاً از چک لیست های عیب یابی ما برای تعیین علت مشکل خود استفاده کنید.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"ما با تامین مالی مستقل و 100% خود، می توانیم به شما قول بدهیم که هرگز داده های شما را نمی فروشیم و همیشه در مورد نرم افزار و خدمات خود شفاف خواهیم بود.","Bio":"بود","Black":"سیاه","Blue":"آبی","Brown":"قهوه ای","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"مرور و ویرایش برچسب های طبقه بندی تصویر.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"پرونده ها و پوشه های فهرست بندی شده را در کتابخانه مرور کنید.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"برای اطلاعات دقیق در مورد ویژگی‌های خاص محصول، خدمات و منابع مرتبط، پایگاه دانش را مرور کنید.","Bug Report":"گزارش اشکال","Busy, please wait…":"مشغول است ، لطفا صبر کنید…","Calendar":"تقویم","Camera":"دوربین","Camera Serial":"سریال دوربین","Can't load more, limit reached":"نمی تواند بار بیشتری بارگیری کند ، محدود شود","Can't select more items":"موارد بیشتری را انتخاب نمی کند","Cancel":"لغو","Cards":"کارت ها","Category":"دسته","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"تغییر عناوین عکس ، مکان ها و سایر ابرداده ها.","Change private flag":"تغییر پرچم خصوصی","Checked":"بررسی شده","Chroma":"کروما","Close":"نزدیک","Codec":"کدک","Color":"رنگ","Color Profile":"مشخصات رنگ","Colors":"رنگ ها","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"مشکلات رایج را می توان با استفاده از چک لیست های عیب یابی که ارائه می دهیم، به سرعت تشخیص داده و حل کرد.","Complete Rescan":"اسکن کامل","Confidence":"اعتماد","Connect":"اتصال","Connect via WebDAV":"از طریق WebDav وصل کنید","Connected":"متصل","Contact Us":"با ما تماس بگیرید","Contains %{n} pictures.":"حاوی %{n} عکس است.","Contains one picture.":"حاوی یک تصویر است.","Convert to JPEG":"تبدیل به jpeg","Converting":"تبدیل","Copied to clipboard":"کپی شده در کلیپ بورد","Copyright":"حق چاپ","Couldn't find anything.":"نتوانست چیزی پیدا کند.","Country":"کشور","Create album":"ایجاد آلبوم","Created":"ایجاد شده","Creating thumbnails for":"ایجاد تصاویر کوچک برای","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"مکعب: کیفیت متوسط ، عملکرد خوب","Current Password":"رمز عبور فعلی","Customer Support":"پشتیبانی مشتری","Cyan":"فیروزه ای","Daily":"روزانه","Day":"روز","Debug Logs":"گزارش‌های اشکال زدایی","Default":"پیشفرض","Default Folder":"پوشه پیشفرض","Delete":"حذف","Description":"توضیحات","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"دستورالعمل های دقیق را می توانید در راهنمای کاربر پیدا کنید.","Details":"جزئیات","Dimensions":"ابعاد","Disable Backups":"غیرفعال کردن پشتیبان گیری","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"سرور WebDAV داخلی را غیرفعال کنید. نیاز به راه اندازی مجدد دارد.","Disable Darktable":"غیرفعال کردن Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"غیرفعال کردن exiftool","Disable FFmpeg":"غیرفعال کردن ffmpeg","Disable Places":"غیرفعال کردن مکان ها","Disable RawTherapee":"غیرفعال کردن Rawtherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"غیرفعال کردن tensorflow","Disable WebDAV":"غیرفعال کردن WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"غیرفعال کردن reverse geocoding و نقشه ها.","Discover":"کشف","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"از ابرداده عکس و آلبوم به پرونده های YAML نسخه پشتیبان تهیه نکنید.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"پرونده های Exiftool JSON را برای بهبود استخراج ابرداده ایجاد نکنید.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"پوشه Originals را اصلاح نکنید. واردات ، بارگذاری و حذف را غیرفعال می کند.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"فیلم های Transcode را با FFMPEG انجام ندهید.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"از DarkTable برای تبدیل پرونده های خام استفاده نکنید.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"از rawtherapee برای تبدیل پرونده های خام استفاده نکنید.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"از TensorFlow برای طبقه بندی تصویر استفاده نکنید.","Donations":"کمکهای مالی","Done":"انجام شده","Done.":"انجام شده است.","Download":"بارگیری","Download remote files":"بارگیری پرونده های از راه دور","Download single files and zip archives.":"بارگیری پرونده های تک و بایگانی زیپ.","Downloading…":"درحال دانلود…","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"نسخه های تکراری پرش می شوند و فقط یک بار ظاهر می شوند.","Duration":"مدت","Dynamic Previews":"پیش نمایش پویا","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"رندر پویا به یک سرور قدرتمند نیاز دارد. برای دستگاه های NAS توصیه نمی شود.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"محدودیت اندازه پویا: %{n}px","E-Mail":"ایمیل","Edit":"ویرایش","Edit %{name}":"ویرایش %{name}","Edit Account":"ویرایش حساب کاربری","Edit Photo":"ویرایش تصویر","Edited":"ویرایش شده","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"فعال کردن ویژگی های جدید در حال توسعه.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"فعال کردن RAW converter presets . ممکن است عملکرد را کاهش دهد.","Errors":"خطا ها","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"محل تقریبی تصاویر را بدون مختصات تخمین بزنید.","Estimates":"برآوردها","Every two days":"هر دو روز","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"محتوای علامت‌گذاری‌شده به‌عنوان خصوصی را از نتایج جستجو، آلبوم‌های مشترک، برچسب‌ها و مکان‌ها حذف کنید.","Experimental Features":"ویژگی های تجربی","Expires":"منقضی می شود","Exposure":"قرارگیری در معرض","Face":"صورت","Faces":"صورت ها","Failed copying to clipboard":"کپی در کلیپ بورد ناموفق بود","Failed removing link":"پیوند حذف نشد","Failed updating link":"پیوند به روز نشد","Fast":"سریع","Favorite":"موردعلاقه","Favorites":"موارد دلخواه","Feature Request":"درخواست ویژگی","Feedback":"بازخورد","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"در صورت داشتن هرگونه سوال می توانید از طریق ایمیل hello@photoprism.app با تماس بگیرید.","File":"فایل","File Browser":"مرورگر فایل","Filename":"نام فایل","Files":"فایل ها","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"فایل‌هایی با نام‌های متوالی مانند «IMG_1234 (2)» و «IMG_1234 (3)» متعلق به یک تصویر هستند.","Focal Length":"فاصله کانونی","Folder":"پوشه","Folder contains %{n} files":"پوشه حاوی %{n} فایل است","Folder is empty":"پوشه خالی است","Folders":"پوشه ها","Forgot password?":"رمز عبور را فراموش کرده‌اید؟","Frames":"قاب‌ها","Fullscreen":"تمام صفحه","General":"عمومی","Getting Support":"دریافت پشتیبانی","Gold":"طلا","Grayscale":"سیاه و سفید","Green":"سبز","Grey":"خاکستری","Hash":"هش","Help":"راهنما","Help & Support":"راهنما و پشتیبانی","Hidden":"مخفی","Hidden Files":"فایل های مخفی","Hide":"مخفی","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"عکس هایی که به آرشیو منتقل شده اند را مخفی کنید.","High":"بالا","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"محدوده دینامیکی بالا (HDR)","How can we help?":"چطور میتوانیم کمک کنیم؟","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"اگر این کمک نمی کند یا سؤالات دیگری دارید:","image":"تصویر","Image":"تصویر","Images":"تصاویر","Import":"وارد کردن","Import failed":"خطا در وارد کردن","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"فایل‌های وارد شده بر اساس تاریخ مرتب می‌شوند و برای جلوگیری از تکرار نامی منحصر به فرد به آن‌ها داده می‌شود.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"فایل های وارد شده بر اساس تاریخ مرتب شده و یک نام منحصر به فرد داده می شود.","Importing %{name}…":"وارد کردن %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"در حال وارد کردن فایل‌ها به نسخه اصلی…","in":"به","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"علاوه بر این، حامیان مالی، پشتیبانی فنی مستقیم دریافت می کنند.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"در صورتی که تصاویری که انتظار دارید گم شدند، لطفاً کتابخانه خود را مجدداً اسکن کنید و منتظر بمانید تا نمایه سازی کامل شود.","Index":"نمایه","Indexing":"نمایه سازی","Indexing failed":"نمایه سازی انجام نشد","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"نمایه سازی رسانه و فایل های جانبی…","Instance ID":"ID نمونه","Interval":"وقفه","Invalid date":"تاریخ نامعتبر است","Invalid parameters":"پارامترهای نامعتبر","Invalid photo selected":"عکس نامعتبر انتخاب شد","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"از جدیدترین فناوری‌ها برای برچسب‌گذاری و یافتن خودکار عکس‌ها بدون ایجاد مانع استفاده می‌کند.","Item":"مورد","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"کیفیت JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"محدودیت اندازه JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG ها و تامبنیل ها به صورت خودکار در صورت نیاز ارائه می شوند.","Keywords":"کلید واژه ها","Knowledge Base":"دانش محور","Label":"برچسب","Labels":"برچسب ها","Labels deleted":"برچسب ها حذف شدند","Language":"زبان","Last 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ها","Monochrome":"تک رنگ","Month":"ماه","Moonlight":"مهتابی","More than %{n} pictures found":"بیش از %{n} تصاویر یافت شده","More than 20 albums found":"بیش از 20 آلبوم پیدا شد","More than 20 labels found":"بیش از 20 برچسب پیدا شد","More than 20 people found":"بیش از 20 نفر پیدا شد","Mosaic":"موزائیک","Move Files":"جابجایی فایل ها","Name":"نام","Name too long":"نام خیلی طولانی است","Never":"هرگز","New":"جدید","New Password":"رمزعبور جدید","No":"خیر","No albums found":"هیچ آلبومی پیدا نشد","No labels found":"هیچ برچسبی پیدا نشد","No people found":"هیچ فردی پیدا نشد","No pictures found":"هیچ تصویری پیدا نشد","No recently edited pictures":"هیچ عکسی اخیراً ویرایش نشده","No servers configured.":"هیچ سروری پیکربندی نشده است.","No thanks":"نه، ممنون","No video selected":"هیچ ویدیویی انتخاب نشده است","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"هیچ هشدار یا خطایی حاوی این کلمه کلیدی نیست. توجه داشته باشید که جستجو به حروف کوچک و بزرگ حساس است.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"تصاویر غیرعکاسی و با کیفیت پایین قبل از اینکه در نتایج جستجو ظاهر شوند نیاز به بررسی دارند.","None":"هیچ یک","Not Found":"پیدا نشد","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"توجه داشته باشید که می توانید به صورت دستی پوشه اصلی خود را مدیریت کنید و وارد کردن اختیاری است.","Note:":"یادداشت:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"توجه: فقط سرورهای WebDAV، مانند Nextcloud یا PhotoPrism، می توانند به عنوان سرویس راه دور برای پشتیبان گیری و آپلود فایل پیکربندی شوند.","Notes":"یادداشت","Nothing to see here yet.":"هنوز چیزی برای دیدن اینجا وجود ندارد.","Offline":"آفلاین","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"در ویندوز، منبع زیر را در گفتگوی اتصال وارد کنید:","Once a week":"یک بار در هفته","One album found":"یک آلبوم پیدا شد","One file found":"یک فایل پیدا شد","One file uploaded":"یک فایل آپلود شد","One folder found":"یک پوشه پیدا شد","One label found":"یک برچسب پیدا شد","One person found":"یک شخص پیدا شد","One picture found":"یک تصویر پیدا شد","Options":"گزینه ها","or ask in our Community Chat":"یا در چت انجمن ما بپرسید","Orange":"نارنجی","Orientation":"گرایش","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"نام فایل های اصلی ذخیره و نمایه می شود.","Original Name":"اسم اصلی","Originals":"اصلی ها","Other":"دیگر","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"راهنمای کاربر ما همچنین بسیاری از موضوعات پیشرفته مانند مهاجرت از Google Photos و تنظیمات کیفیت تصاویر بندانگشتی را پوشش می‌دهد.","Outdoor":"بیرون","Panorama":"پانوراما","Panoramas":"پانوراما","Password":"رمزعبور","Password changed":"رمز عبور تغییر کرد","People":"مردم","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"افرادی که لینکی را با آنها به اشتراک می گذارید می توانند محتوای عمومی را مشاهده کنند.","Permanently deleted":"برای همیشه حذف شد","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"برای آزاد کردن فضای ذخیره سازی، فایل ها را برای همیشه حذف کنید.","Photo":"تصویر","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism به روز شد…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® یک برنامه عکس با هوش مصنوعی برای وب غیرمتمرکز است.","Photos":"تصاویر","Pink":"صورتی","Place":"مکان","Place & Time":"مکان و زمان","Places":"مکان ها","Please confirm your new password.":"لطفا رمز عبور جدید خود را تایید کنید.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"لطفا عکس های حاوی محتوای توهین آمیز آپلود نکنید.","Portrait":"پرتره","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"سوال خود را در بحث های GitHub مطرح کنید","Preserve filenames":"حفظ نام فایل ها","Press button to start importing…":"برای شروع وارد کردن دکمه را فشار دهید…","Press button to start indexing…":"دکمه را فشار دهید تا نمایه سازی شروع شود…","Press enter to create a new album.":"برای ایجاد یک آلبوم جدید، اینتر را فشار دهید.","Preview":"پیش نمایش","Primary":"اولیه","Private":"خصوصی","Product Feedback":"بازخورد محصول","Projection":"طرح ها","Purple":"بنفش","Quality Filter":"فیلتر کیفیت","Quality Score":"امتیاز کیفیت","Random":"تصادفی","Raspberry":"تمشک","Raw":"خام","RAW Conversion":"تبدیل RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"نمایه سازی مجدد همه نسخه های اصلی، از جمله فایل های از قبل نمایه شده و بدون تغییر.","Read the Docs":"اسناد را بخوانید","Read-Only Mode":"حالت فقط خواندنی","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"پس از تکمیل نمایه سازی، شناسایی شروع می شود.","Recognized":"شناسایی شده","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"چهره ها را می شناسد تا افراد خاصی پیدا شوند.","Red":"قرمز","Reload":"بارگذاری مجدد","Reloading…":"در حال بارگیری مجدد…","Remote Sync":"همگام سازی از راه دور","Remove":"حذف","remove failed: unknown album":"حذف نشد: آلبوم ناشناخته","Remove from album":"حذف از آلبوم","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"برای صرفه جویی در فضای ذخیره سازی، فایل های وارد شده را حذف کنید. انواع فایل های پشتیبانی نشده هرگز حذف نمی شوند، آنها در مکان فعلی خود باقی می مانند.","Request failed - invalid response":"درخواست ناموفق - پاسخ نامعتبر است","Required":"اجباری","Resolution":"رزولوشن","Restore":"بازگرداندن","Retry Limit":"محدودیت تلاش","Retype Password":"رمز عبور را دوباره تایپ کنید","Review":"بازبینی","Save":"ذخیره","Scan":"اسکن","Scans":"اسکن ها","Search":"جستجو","Search and display photos on a map.":"جستجو و نمایش عکس ها روی نقشه.","Season":"فصل","Secret":"محرمانه","Select":"انتخاب","Select albums or create a new one":"آلبوم ها را انتخاب کنید یا آلبوم جدیدی ایجاد کنید","Selection approved":"انتخاب تایید شد","Selection archived":"انتخاب بایگانی شد","Selection restored":"انتخاب بازگردانده شد","Send":"ارسال","Sequential Name":"نام ترتیبی","Service URL":"URL سرویس","Settings":"تنظیمات","Settings saved":"تنظیمات ذخیره شد","Setup":"راه اندازی","Shadow":"سایه","Share":"اشتراک گذاری","Share %{name}":"اشتراک گذاری %{name}","Show":"نمایش","Show all new faces":"نمایش همه صورت ها","Show hidden":"نمایش مخفی ها","Show less":"نمایش کمتر","Show more":"نمایش بیشتر","Show server logs in Library.":"نمایش گزارش‌های سرور در کتابخانه.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"پیام های گزارش دقیق تر را نشان می دهد. نیاز به راه اندازی مجدد دارد.","Sidecar":"جانبی","Sign in":"ورود","Sign Up":"ثبت نام","Similar":"مشابه","Size":"سایز","Slow":"آهسته","Sort Order":"ترتیب مرتب سازی","Source":"منبع","Stack":"پشته","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"پشته فایل هایی که همان تصویر منحصر به فرد یا شناسه نمونه را به اشتراک می گذارند.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"عکس‌هایی را که دقیقاً در همان زمان و مکان گرفته شده‌اند، بر اساس ابرداده‌هایشان روی هم قرار دهید.","Stackable":"قابل انباشته شدن","Stacks":"پشته ها","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"دسته بندی فایل ها با قاب یا مرجع مشابه، اما متفاوت در کیفیت، فرمت، اندازه یا رنگ.","Start":"شروع","Start/Stop Slideshow":"شروع/پایان اسلایدشو","States":"ایالت ها","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"محدودیت اندازه ثابت: %{n}px","Status":"وضعیت","Storage":"ذخیره سازی","Streets":"خیابان ها","Subject":"موضوع","Successfully Connected":"با موفقیت وصل شد","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"پشتیبانی از خدمات اضافی، مانند Google Drive، به مرور اضافه خواهد شد.","Sync":"همگام سازی","Sync raw and video files":"همگام سازی فایل های خام و ویدیویی","Taken":"گرفته شده","Teal":"آبی رنگ","Text too long":"متن خیلی طولانی است","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"این فهرست در حال حاضر حاوی %{n} فایل پنهان است.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"ممکن است فرمت آنها پشتیبانی نشود، هنوز به JPEG تبدیل نشده اند یا موارد تکراری وجود دارد.","Theme":"قالب","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"این پوشه اصلی را به عنوان درایو شبکه نصب می کند و به شما امکان می دهد فایل ها را باز، ویرایش و حذف کنید\n از رایانه یا تلفن هوشمند خود به گونه ای که گویی محلی هستند.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"این پوشه اصلی را به عنوان درایو شبکه نصب می کند و به شما امکان می دهد فایل ها را از رایانه یا تلفن هوشمند خود باز، ویرایش و حذف کنید، گویی محلی هستند.","Thumbnail Generation":"تولید تصاویر بندانگشتی","Time UTC":"زمان UTC","Time Zone":"منطقه زمانی","Timeout":"تایم اوت","Title":"عنوان","Title too long":"عنوان خیلی طولانی است","Toggle View":"تغییر حالت نمایش","Token":"توکن","Topographic":"توپوگرافی","Troubleshooting Checklists":"چک لیست های عیب یابی","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"دوباره با استفاده از فیلترها یا کلمات کلیدی دیگر امتحان کنید.","Type":"نوع","Undo":"باطل کردن","Unique ID":"شناسه منحصربفرد","Unknown":"ناشناس","Unregistered":"ثبت نشده","Unsorted":"مرتب نشده است","Unstack":"باز کردن پشته","Updated":"به روز شد","Updating faces":"به روزرسانی چهره ها","Updating index":"به روزرسانی نمایه ها","Updating moments":"به روزرسانی لحظه ها","Updating previews":"به روزرسانی پیش نمایش ها","Updating stacks":"به روزرسانی پشته ها","Upload":"آپلود","Upload complete":"آپلود کامل شد","Upload complete. Indexing…":"آپلود کامل شد. در حال نمایه سازی…","Upload failed":"آپلود انجام نشد","Upload local files":"فایل های محلی را آپلود کنید","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"در WebDAV آپلود کنید و پیوندها را با دوستان خود به اشتراک بگذارید.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"در حال آپلود %{n} از %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"در حال آپلود تصاویر…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"آپلودهایی که ممکن است حاوی چنین تصاویری باشند به طور خودکار رد می شوند.","Use Presets":"از Presets استفاده کنید","User":"کاربر","User Guide":"راهنمای کاربر","User Interface":"رابط کاربری","Username":"نام کاربری","Verified":"تایید شده است","Video":"ویدیو","Videos":"ویدیو ها","View":"نمایش","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"از docs.photoprism.app/user-guide دیدن کنید تا نحوه همگام سازی، سازماندهی و اشتراک گذاری تصاویر خود را بیاموزید.","We appreciate your feedback!":"ما از بازخورد شما قدردانی می کنیم!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"ما تمام تلاش خود را می کنیم تا ظرف پنج روز کاری یا کمتر پاسخ دهیم.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"ما تمام تلاش خود را می کنیم تا به تمام سوالات شما پاسخ دهیم. در عوض، ما از شما می خواهیم که از ما در Patreon یا GitHub Sponsors حمایت کنید.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"کلاینت های WebDAV می توانند با استفاده از URL زیر به PhotoPrism متصل شوند:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"کلاینت های WebDAV، مانند Windows Explorer مایکروسافت یا Apple's Finder، می توانند مستقیماً به آن متصل شوند\n PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"آپلود WebDAV","White":"سفید","Year":"سال","Yellow":"زرد","Yes":"بله","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"به شما برای پیوستن به ما در Reddit می گوییم","You can only download one album":"شما فقط می توانید یک آلبوم را دانلود کنید","You can only download one label":"شما فقط می توانید یک برچسب را دانلود کنید","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"می توانید آن را در خانه، روی سرور خصوصی یا در فضای ابری اجرا کنید.","You may only select one item":"شما فقط می توانید یک مورد را انتخاب کنید","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"می‌توانید کتابخانه خود را مجدداً اسکن کنید تا چهره‌های دیگری را پیدا کنید.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"پشتیبانی مستمر شما به ما کمک می‌کند تا به‌روزرسانی‌های منظم را ارائه کنیم و مستقل بمانیم، بنابراین می‌توانیم مأموریت خود را انجام دهیم و از حریم خصوصی شما محافظت کنیم.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"کتابخانه شما به طور مداوم تجزیه و تحلیل می شود تا به طور خودکار آلبوم هایی از لحظات، سفرها و مکان های خاص ایجاد شود.","Zoom in/out":"بزرگنمایی/کوچک کردن"},"fi":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} albumia löydetty","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} tiedostoa lähetetty","%{n} folders found":"%{n} kansiota löydetty","%{n} labels found":"%{n} tunnistetta löydetty","%{n} people found":"%{n} ihmistä löydetty","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} kuvaa löydetty","1 hour":"1 tunti","12 hours":"12 tuntia","4 hours":"4 tuntia","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Napsauttamalla sitä voit kopioida sen leikepöydälle.","About":"Tietoja","Abyss":"Kuilu","Account":"Tili","Accuracy":"Tarkkuus","Action":"Toiminnot","Actions":"Toiminnot","Add Album":"Lisää albumi","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Lisää tiedostoja kirjastoosi verkkoselaimen kautta.","Add Link":"Lisää linkki","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Lisää kuvia hakutuloksista valitsemalla ne.","Add to album":"Lisää albumiin","Added":"Lisätty","Advanced":"Lisäasetukset","After 1 day":"1 päivän kuluttua","After 3 days":"3 päivän kuluttua","After 7 days":"7 päivän kuluttua","After one month":"Yhden kuukauden kuluttua","After one year":"Vuoden kuluttua","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Kun olet valinnut kuvia hakutuloksista, voit lisätä ne albumiin kontekstivalikon avulla.","After two months":"Kahden kuukauden kuluttua","After two weeks":"Kahden viikon kuluttua","Album":"Albumi","Album Name":"Albumin nimi","Albums":"Albumit","Albums deleted":"Albumit poistettu","All %{n} albums loaded":"Kaikki %{n} albumia ladattu","All %{n} labels loaded":"Kaikki %{n} tunnistetta ladattu","All %{n} people loaded":"Kaikki %{n} ihmistä ladattu","All Cameras":"Kaikki kamerat","All Categories":"Kaikki kategoriat","All Colors":"Kaikki värit","All Countries":"Kaikki maat","All fields are required":"Kaikki kentät ovat pakollisia","All files from import folder":"Kaikki tiedostot tuontikansiosta","All Lenses":"Kaikki objektiivit","All Months":"Kaikki kuukaudet","All originals":"Kaikki alkuperäiset","All Years":"Kaikki vuodet","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Vaihtoehtoisesti voit ladata tiedostoja suoraan WebDAV-palvelimille, kuten Nextcloudiin.","Altitude":"Korkeus","Altitude (m)":"Korkeus (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Tapahtui virhe – oletko offline-tilassa?","Animated":"Animoitu","Animation":"Animaatio","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Kaikki yksityiset kuvat ja videot pysyvät yksityisinä, eikä niitä jaeta.","API Key":"API-avain","Apply":"Käytä","Approve":"Hyväksy","Archive":"Arkisto","Archived":"Arkistoitu","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Oletko varma, että haluat arkistoida valinnan?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Haluatko varmasti poistaa nämä albumit?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Haluatko varmasti poistaa nämä tunnisteet?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän tilin?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Haluatko varmasti poistaa nämä kuvat pysyvästi?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän tiedoston pysyvästi?","Are you sure?":"Oletko varma?","Artist":"Tekijä","Aspect Ratio":"Kuvasuhde","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Luo automaattisesti JPEG-tiedostoja muille tiedostotyypeille, jotta ne voidaan näyttää selaimessa.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Luo automaattisesti albumeja erityisistä hetkistä, matkoista ja paikoista.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Ennen kuin lähetät tukipyynnön, käytä vianmäärityksen tarkistuslistojamme selvittääksesi ongelmasi syyn.","Bio":"Biografia","Black":"Musta","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos-muutos, vähemmän pakkausartefakteja","Blue":"Sininen","Brown":"Ruskea","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Selaa ja muokkaa kuvien luokitustunnisteita.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Selaa kirjaston indeksoituja tiedostoja ja kansioita.","Bug Report":"Ilmoita virheestä","Busy, please wait…":"Odota hetki…","Calendar":"Kalenteri","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Kameran sarjanumero","Can't load more, limit reached":"Ei voi ladata enempää, raja saavutettu","Can't select more items":"Ei voi valita enempää kohteita","Cancel":"Peruuta","Cards":"Kortit","Category":"Kategoria","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Muuta kuvien otsikoita, sijainteja ja muita metatietoja.","Change private flag":"Muuta yksityisyyden tilaa","Checked":"Tarkistettu","Chroma":"Värikylläisyys","Close":"Sulje","Codec":"Koodekki","Color":"Väri","Color Profile":"Väriprofiili","Colors":"Värit","Complete Rescan":"Täydellinen uudelleentarkistus","Confidence":"Varmuus","Connect":"Yhdistä","Connect via WebDAV":"Yhdistä WebDAV:n kautta","Contact Us":"Ota yhteyttä","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Sisältää %{n} kuvaa.","Contains one picture.":"Sisältää yhden kuvan.","Convert to JPEG":"Muunna JPEG-muotoon","Converting":"Muunnetaan","Copied to clipboard":"Kopioitu leikepöydälle","Copyright":"Tekijänoikeus","Couldn't find anything.":"En löytänyt mitään.","Country":"Maa","Create album":"Luo albumi","Created":"Luotu","Creating thumbnails for":"Luodaan pikkukuvia kohteelle","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kuutio: Kohtalainen laatu, hyvä suorituskyky","Current Password":"Nykyinen salasana","Customer Support":"Asiakastuki","Cyan":"Syaani","Cyano":"Sinivihreä","Daily":"Päivittäin","Day":"Päivä","Debug Logs":"Vianmäärityslokit","Default":"Oletus","Default Folder":"Oletuskansio","Delete":"Poista","Description":"Kuvaus","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Tarkemmat ohjeet löytyvät käyttöoppaastamme.","Details":"Tarkemmat tiedot","Dimensions":"Mitat","Disable Backups":"Poista varmuuskopiot käytöstä","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Poista sisäänrakennettu WebDAV-palvelin käytöstä. Vaatii uudelleenkäynnistyksen.","Disable Darktable":"Poista Darktable käytöstä","Disable ExifTool":"Poista ExifTool käytöstä","Disable FFmpeg":"Poista FFmpeg käytöstä","Disable Places":"Poista paikat käytöstä","Disable RawTherapee":"Poista RawTherapee käytöstä","Disable TensorFlow":"Poista TensorFlow käytöstä","Disable WebDAV":"Poista WebDAV käytöstä","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Poistaa käytöstä käänteisen geokoodauksen ja kartat.","Discover":"Tutustu","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Älä varmuuskopioi valokuvien ja albumien metatietoja YAML-tiedostoihin.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Älä luo ExifTool JSON -tiedostoja parantaaksesi metatietojen purkamista.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Älä muuta alkuperäiskansiota. Poistaa tuonnin, lataamisen ja poistamisen käytöstä.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Älä muunna videoita FFmpegillä.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Älä käytä Darktablea RAW-tiedostojen muuntamiseen.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Älä käytä RawTherapeeta RAW-tiedostojen muuntamiseen.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Älä käytä TensorFlow'ta kuvien luokitteluun.","Donations":"Lahjoitukset","Done":"Valmis","Done.":"Tehty.","Download":"Lataa","Download remote files":"Lataa etätiedostoja","Download single files and zip archives.":"Lataa yksittäisiä tiedostoja ja zip-arkistoja.","Downloading…":"Ladataan…","Downscaling Filter":"Skaalaussuodatin","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Kaksoiskappaleet ohitetaan ja ne näkyvät vain kerran.","Duration":"Kesto","Dynamic Previews":"Dynaamiset esikatselut","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dynaaminen renderöinti vaatii tehokkaan palvelimen. Sitä ei suositella NAS-laitteille.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Dynaaminen kokorajoitus: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Sähköposti","Edit":"Muokkaa","Edit %{name}":"Muokkaa %{name}","Edit Account":"Muokkaa tiliä","Edit Photo":"Muokkaa kuvaa","Edited":"Muokattu","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"Ota käyttöön uudet ominaisuudet, joita kehitetään parhaillaan.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Ottaa käyttöön RAW-muuntimen esiasetukset. Saattaa heikentää suorituskykyä.","Errors":"Virheet","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Arvioi kuvien likimääräinen sijainti ilman koordinaatteja.","Estimates":"Arvioitu","Every two days":"Joka toinen päivä","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Sulje yksityiseksi merkitty sisältö pois hakutuloksista, jaetuista albumeista, tunnisteista ja paikoista.","Exclude hidden":"Sulje pois piilotetut kohteet","Expand":"Laajenna","Expand Search":"Laajenna hakua","Experimental Features":"Kokeelliset ominaisuudet","Expires":"Vanhenee","Exposure":"Valotus","F Number":"Aukko","Face":"Kasvot","Faces":"Kasvot","Failed copying to clipboard":"Kopiointi leikepöydälle epäonnistui","Failed removing link":"Linkin poistaminen epäonnistui","Failed updating link":"Linkin päivittäminen epäonnistui","Fast":"Nopea","Favorite":"Suosikki","Favorites":"Suosikit","Feature Request":"Ominaisuuspyyntö","Feedback":"Palaute","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Ota rohkeasti yhteyttä osoitteeseen hello@photoprism.app, jos sinulla on kysyttävää.","File":"Tiedosto","File Browser":"Tiedostoselain","Filename":"Tiedoston nimi","Files":"Tiedostot","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Tiedostot, joilla on peräkkäiset nimet, kuten 'IMG_1234 (2)' ja 'IMG_1234 (3)', kuuluvat samaan kuvaan.","Focal Length":"Polttoväli","Folder":"Kansio","Folder contains %{n} files":"Kansio sisältää %{n} tiedostoa","Folder is empty":"Kansio on tyhjä","Folders":"Kansiot","Forgot password?":"Unohditko salasanan?","FPS":"Ruutunopeus (FPS)","Frames":"Ruudut","Fullscreen":"Koko näyttö","Gemstone":"Jalokivi","General":"Yleinen","Getting Support":"Tuen saaminen","Gold":"Kulta","Grayscale":"Harmaasävy","Green":"Vihreä","Grey":"Harmaa","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Apua","Help & Support":"Apu ja tuki","Hidden":"Piilotettu","Hidden Files":"Piilotetut tiedostot","Hide":"Piilota","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Piilota valokuvat, jotka on siirretty arkistoon.","High":"Korkea","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Korkea dynaaminen alue (HDR)","How can we help?":"Kuinka voimme auttaa?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Jos tämä ei auta tai sinulla on muita kysymyksiä:","image":"kuva","Image":"Kuva","Images":"Kuvat","Import":"Tuo","Import failed":"Tuonti epäonnistui","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Tuodut tiedostot lajitellaan päivämäärän mukaan ja niille annetaan yksilöllinen nimi päällekkäisyyksien välttämiseksi.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Tuodut tiedostot lajitellaan päivämäärän mukaan ja niille annetaan yksilöllinen nimi.","Importing %{name}…":"Tuodaan %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Tuodaan tiedostoja alkuperäisiin…","in":"osoitteessa","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Lisäksi sponsorit saavat suoraa teknistä tukea sähköpostitse.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Jos odottamasi kuvat puuttuvat, skannaa kirjastosi uudelleen ja odota, kunnes indeksointi on valmis.","Index":"Indeksi","Indexing":"Indeksointi","Indexing failed":"Indeksointi epäonnistui","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indeksoidaan media- ja sivutiedostoja…","Instance ID":"Ilmentymän tunnus","Interval":"Intervalli","Invalid date":"Virheellinen päivämäärä","Invalid photo selected":"Virheellinen kuva valittu","Item":"Kohde","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG-laatu: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG-kokorajoitus: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG-tiedostot ja pikkukuvat renderöidään automaattisesti tarpeen mukaan.","Keywords":"Avainsanat","Label":"Tunniste","Labels":"Tunnisteet","Labels deleted":"Tunnisteet poistettu","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Yksityiskohtien säilyttäminen, minimaaliset artefaktit","Language":"Kieli","Last Sync":"Viimeisin synkronointi","Latitude":"Leveysaste","Lavender":"Laventeli","Lens":"Objektiivi","Library":"Kirjasto","License":"Lisenssi","Like":"Tykkää","Lime":"Lime","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Raja saavutettu, näytetään ensimmäiset %{n} tiedostoa","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineaarinen: Erittäin tasainen, paras suorituskyky","Link":"Linkki","List":"Luettelo","Live":"Live Photo -kuva","Local Time":"Paikallinen aika","location":"sijainti","Location":"Sijainti","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Lokiviestit näkyvät täällä aina, kun PhotoPrism löytää rikkinäisiä tiedostoja tai muita mahdollisia ongelmia.","Login":"Kirjaudu sisään","Logout":"Kirjaudu ulos","Logs":"Lokit","Longitude":"Pituusaste","Low":"Matala","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Pääväri","manual":"manuaalinen","Manual Upload":"Manuaalinen lataus","Marker":"Merkki","Medium":"Keskikokoinen","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Yhdistetäänkö %{a} ja %{b}?","Message sent":"Viesti lähetetty","Minimize":"Minimoi","Missing":"Puuttuva","Moments":"Hetket","Monochrome":"Yksivärinen","Month":"Kuukausi","Moonlight":"Kuutamo","More than %{n} pictures found":"Yli %{n} kuvaa löydetty","More than 20 albums found":"Yli 20 albumia löydetty","More than 20 labels found":"Yli 20 tunnistetta löytyi","More than 20 people found":"Yli 20 ihmistä löytyi","Mosaic":"Mosaiikki","Move Files":"Siirrä tiedostoja","Name":"Nimi","Name too long":"Nimi liian pitkä","Never":"Ei koskaan","New":"Uusi","New Password":"Uusi salasana","No":"Ei","No albums found":"Albumeja ei löytynyt","No labels found":"Tunnisteita ei löytynyt","No people found":"Ihmisiä ei löytynyt","No pictures found":"Kuvia ei löytynyt","No recently edited pictures":"Ei äskettäin muokattuja kuvia","No servers configured.":"Palvelimia ei ole määritetty.","No thanks":"Ei kiitos","No video selected":"Videota ei ole valittu","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Ei varoituksia tai virheitä, jotka sisältävät tämän avainsanan. Huomaa, että haussa kirjainkoolla on merkitystä.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Muut kuin valokuvat ja heikkolaatuiset kuvat edellyttävät tarkistusta, ennen kuin ne näkyvät hakutuloksissa.","None":"Ei mitään","Not Found":"Ei löydetty","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Huomaa, että voit hallita alkuperäisiä kansioita manuaalisesti, ja tuonti on valinnaista.","Note:":"Huomautus:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Huomautus: Vain WebDAV-palvelimet, kuten Nextcloud tai PhotoPrism, voidaan määrittää etäpalveluiksi varmuuskopiointia ja tiedostojen lataamista varten.","Notes":"Huomautukset","Offline":"Offline-tilassa","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Kirjoita Windowsissa seuraava resurssi yhteysvalintaikkunaan:","Once a week":"Kerran viikossa","One album found":"Yksi albumi löytyi","One file found":"Yksi tiedosto löytyi","One file uploaded":"Yksi tiedosto ladattu","One folder found":"Yksi kansio löytyi","One label found":"Yksi tunniste löytyi","One person found":"Yksi henkilö löytyi","One picture found":"Yksi kuva löytyi","Onyx":"Onyksinmusta","Options":"Vaihtoehdot","or ask in our Community Chat":"tai kysy yhteisöchatissamme","Orange":"Oranssi","Orientation":"Suunta","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Alkuperäiset tiedostonimet tallennetaan ja indeksoidaan.","Original Name":"Alkuperäinen nimi","Originals":"Alkuperäiset","Other":"Muut","Outdoor":"Ulkona","Panorama":"Panoraama","Panoramas":"Panoraamat","Password":"Salasana","Password changed":"Salasana vaihdettu","People":"Ihmiset","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Ihmiset, joille jaat linkin, voivat tarkastella julkista sisältöä.","Permanently deleted":"Poistettu pysyvästi","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Poista tiedostot pysyvästi vapauttaaksesi tallennustilaa.","Photo":"Kuva","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism on päivitetty…","Photos":"Kuvat","Pink":"Vaaleanpunainen","Place":"Paikka","Place & Time":"Paikka ja aika","Places":"Paikat","Please confirm your new password.":"Vahvista uusi salasanasi.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Älä lataa kuvia, jotka sisältävät loukkaavaa sisältöä.","Portrait":"Muotokuva","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"lähetä kysymyksesi GitHub-keskusteluihin","Preserve filenames":"Säilytä tiedostonimet","Press button to start importing…":"Aloita tuonti painamalla painiketta…","Press button to start indexing…":"Aloita indeksointi painamalla painiketta…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Luo uusi albumi painamalla enteriä.","Preview":"Esikatselu","Primary":"Ensisijainen","Private":"Yksityinen","Product Feedback":"Tuotepalaute","Projection":"Projektio","Purple":"Violetti","Quality Filter":"Laatusuodatin","Quality Score":"Laatupisteet","Random":"Satunnainen","Raspberry":"Vadelma","Raw":"Raaka","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW-muunnos","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Indeksoi uudelleen kaikki alkuperäiset tiedostot, mukaan lukien jo indeksoidut ja muuttumattomat tiedostot.","Read-Only Mode":"Vain luku -tila","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Tunnistus alkaa indeksoinnin päätyttyä.","Recognized":"Tunnistettu","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Tunnistaa kasvot, jotta tietyt ihmiset voidaan löytää.","Red":"Punainen","Reload":"Lataa uudelleen","Reloading…":"Ladataan uudelleen…","Remote Sync":"Etäsynkronointi","Remove":"Poista","remove failed: unknown album":"poistaminen epäonnistui: tuntematon albumi","Remove from album":"Poista albumista","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Poista tuodut tiedostot tallennustilan säästämiseksi. Ei-tuettuja tiedostotyyppejä ei koskaan poisteta, vaan ne säilyvät nykyisessä sijainnissaan.","Request failed - invalid response":"Pyyntö epäonnistui – virheellinen vastaus","Required":"Vaadittu","Resolution":"Resoluutio","Restore":"Palauta","Retry Limit":"Uudelleenyrittämisen raja","Retype Password":"Kirjoita salasana uudelleen","Review":"Arvostelu","Save":"Tallenna","Scan":"Skannaa","Scans":"Skannaukset","Search":"Etsi","Search and display photos on a map.":"Etsi ja näytä valokuvia kartalla.","Season":"Kausi","Secret":"Salainen","Select":"Valitse","Select albums or create a new one":"Valitse albumit tai luo uusi","Selection approved":"Valinta hyväksytty","Selection archived":"Valinta arkistoitu","Selection restored":"Valinta palautettu","Send":"Lähetä","Sequential Name":"Peräkkäinen nimi","Service URL":"Palvelun URL-osoite","Settings":"Asetukset","Settings saved":"Asetukset tallennettu","Setup":"Määritä","Shadow":"Varjo","Share":"Jaa","Share %{name}":"Jaa %{name}","Show":"Näytä","Show all new faces":"Näytä kaikki uudet kasvot","Show hidden":"Näytä piilotetut","Show less":"Näytä vähemmän","Show more":"Näytä lisää","Show server logs in Library.":"Näytä palvelimen lokit kirjastossa.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Näyttää yksityiskohtaisemmat lokiviestit. Vaatii uudelleenkäynnistyksen.","Sidecar":"Sidecar-tiedosto","Sign in":"Kirjaudu sisään","Sign Up":"Rekisteröidy","Similar":"Samanlainen","Size":"Koko","Slow":"Hidas","Sort Order":"Lajittelujärjestys","Source":"Lähde","Stack":"Pino","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Pinoa tiedostoja, joilla on sama yksilöllinen kuva tai ilmentymätunniste.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Pinoaa täsmälleen samaan aikaan ja samassa paikassa otettuja kuvia niiden metatietojen perusteella.","Stackable":"Pinottava","Stacks":"Pinot","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Pinoaa tiedostoja, joilla on samanlainen viitekehys, mutta laadussa, muodossa, koossa tai värissä on eroja.","Start":"Aloita","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Aloita/lopeta diaesitys","States":"Alueet","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Staattinen kokorajoitus: %{n}px","Status":"Tila","Storage":"Tallennus","Streets":"Kadut","Subject":"Aihe","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Tuki lisäpalveluille, kuten Google Drivelle lisätään myöhemmin.","Sync":"Synkronoi","Sync raw and video files":"Synkronoi raaka- ja videotiedostot","Taken":"Otettu","Teal":"Sinivihreä","Text too long":"Liian pitkä teksti","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Hakemisto sisältää tällä hetkellä %{n} piilotettua tiedostoa.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Niiden muotoa ei ehkä tueta, niitä ei ole vielä muunnettu JPEG-muotoon tai niissä on kaksoiskappaleita.","Theme":"Teema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Tämä liittää alkuperäiskansion verkkoasemaksi ja antaa sinun avata, muokata ja poistaa tiedostoja tietokoneeltasi tai älypuhelimelta ikään kuin ne olisivat paikallisia.","Thumbnail Generation":"Pikkukuvien luominen","Time UTC":"Aika UTC-muodossa","Time Zone":"Aikavyöhyke","Timeout":"Aikakatkaisu","Title":"Otsikko","Title too long":"Otsikko liian pitkä","Toggle View":"Vaihda näkymää","Token":"Merkki","Topographic":"Topografinen","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Vianmäärityksen tarkistuslistat","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Yritä uudelleen käyttämällä muita suodattimia tai avainsanoja.","Type":"Tyyppi","Undo":"Kumoa","Unique ID":"Yksilöllinen tunnus","Unknown":"Tuntematon","Unsorted":"Lajittelematon","Unstack":"Pura pino","Updated":"Päivitetty","Updating faces":"Päivitetään kasvoja","Updating index":"Päivitetään indeksiä","Updating moments":"Päivitetään hetkiä","Updating previews":"Päivitetään esikatseluita","Updating stacks":"Päivitetään pinoja","Upload":"Lähetä","Upload complete":"Lähetys valmis","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Lähetys valmis. Indeksoidaan…","Upload failed":"Lähetys epäonnistui","Upload local files":"Lähetä paikallisia tiedostoja","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Lähetä WebDAV:iin ja jaa linkkejä ystävien kanssa.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Lähetetään %{n}/%{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Lähetetään kuvia…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Tällaisia kuvia mahdollisesti sisältävät lataukset hylätään automaattisesti.","URL":"URL-osoite","Use Presets":"Käytä esiasetuksia","User":"Käyttäjä","User Interface":"Käyttöliittymä","Username":"Käyttäjätunnus","Vanta":"Vantamusta","Video":"Video","Videos":"Videot","View":"Näytä","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Teemme parhaamme vastataksemme kaikkiin kysymyksiisi. Vastineeksi pyydämme sinua tukemaan meitä Patreon- tai GitHub-sponsoreina.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV-ohjelmat voivat muodostaa yhteyden PhotoPrismiin käyttämällä seuraavaa URL-osoitetta:","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV-lähetys","White":"Valkoinen","Year":"Vuosi","Yellow":"Keltainen","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Kyllä","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"olet tervetullut liittymään meihin Redditissä","You can only download one album":"Voit ladata vain yhden albumin","You can only download one label":"Voit ladata vain yhden tunnisteen","You may only select one item":"Voit valita vain yhden kohteen","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Voit skannata kirjastosi uudelleen löytääksesi lisää kasvoja.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Kirjastoasi analysoidaan jatkuvasti ja luodaan automaattisesti albumeita erityisistä hetkistä, matkoista ja paikoista.","Zoom in/out":"Lähennä/loitonna"},"fr":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} albums trouvés","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} fichiers chargés","%{n} folders found":"%{n} dossiers trouvés","%{n} labels found":"%{n} étiquettes trouvées","%{n} people found":"%{n} personnes trouvées","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} images trouvées","1 hour":"1 heure","12 hours":"12 heures","4 hours":"4 heures","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Cliquez pour copier vers le presse-papier.","About":"À propos","Abyss":"Abysse","Account":"Compte","Accuracy":"Précision","Action":"Action","Actions":"Actions","Add Account":"Ajouter un compte","Add Album":"Ajouter un album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Ajouter des fichiers à votre bibliothèque par chargement.","Add Link":"Ajouter un lien","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Ajouter des images à partir des résultats de recherche en les sélectionnant.","Add to album":"Ajouter à l'album","Added":"Ajouté","Advanced":"Avancé","After 1 day":"Après 1 jour","After 3 days":"Après 3 jours","After 7 days":"Après 7 jours","After one month":"Après un mois","After one year":"Après un an","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Après avoir sélectionné des images dans les résultats de recherche, vous pouvez les ajouter à un album à l'aide du menu contextuel.","After two months":"Après 2 mois","After two weeks":"Après 2 semaines","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Titre de l'album","Albums":"Albums","Albums deleted":"Albums supprimés","All %{n} albums loaded":"Les %{n} albums ont été chargés","All %{n} labels loaded":"Les %{n} étiquettes ont été chargées","All %{n} people loaded":"Les %{n} personnes ont été chargées","All Cameras":"Tous les appareils photo","All Categories":"Toutes les catégories","All Colors":"Toutes les couleurs","All Countries":"Tous les pays","All fields are required":"Tous les fichiers sont requis","All files from import folder":"Tous les fichiers du dossier d'importation","All Lenses":"Tous les objectifs","All Months":"Tous les mois","All originals":"Tous les fichiers originaux","All Years":"Toutes les années","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Vous pouvez également charger les fichiers directement vers un serveur WebDAV comme Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Altitude","Altitude (m)":"Altitude (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Un problème est survenu - êtes-vous hors ligne ?","Animated":"Animé","Animation":"Animation","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Une photo ou vidéo privée restera privée et ne sera pas partagée.","API Key":"Clé d'API","Apply":"Appliquer","Approve":"Approuver","Archive":"Archives","Archived":"Archivé","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir archiver la sélection ?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ces albums ?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ces étiquettes ?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce compte ?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer définitivement ces photos ?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer définitivement ce fichier ?","Are you sure?":"Êtes-vous sûr ?","Artist":"Artiste","Aspect Ratio":"Format d'image","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Crée automatiquement des fichiers JPEG pour les autres types de fichiers afin de les rendre affichables dans le navigateur.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Création automatique d'albums regroupant des moments, des voyages et des lieux spéciaux.","Basic":"Basique","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Avant de soumettre une demande d'assistance, veuillez utiliser nos listes de contrôle de dépannage pour déterminer la cause de votre problème.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Étant 100% autofinancés et indépendants, nous pouvons vous promettre que nous ne vendrons jamais vos données et que nous serons toujours transparents sur nos logiciels et services.","Bio":"Biographie","Birth Date":"Date de naissance","Black":"Noir","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman : modification de Lanczos, moins d'artefacts de sonnerie","Blue":"Bleu","Brown":"Marron","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Parcourir et modifier les étiquettes de classification d'images.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Parcourir les dossiers et fichiers indexés dans la bibliothèque.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Parcourez la base de connaissances pour obtenir des informations détaillées sur les caractéristiques spécifiques des produits, les services et les ressources connexes.","Bug Report":"Signaler une erreur","Busy, please wait…":"Veuillez patienter…","Calendar":"Calendrier","Camera":"Appareil photo","Camera Serial":"N° de série de l'appareil photo","Can't load more, limit reached":"Impossible de charger plus, limite atteinte","Can't select more items":"Impossible de sélectionner plus d’éléments","Cancel":"Annuler","Cards":"Cartes","Category":"Catégorie","Change Avatar":"Changer l'avatar","Change Password":"Modifier le mot de passe","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Modifier le profil personnel et les paramètres de sécurité.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Modifier les titres, les lieux et d'autres métadonnées.","Change private flag":"Modifier le statut privé","Changes successfully saved":"Les modifications ont bien été enregistrées","Checked":"Vérifié","Chroma":"Saturation","Close":"Fermer","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Couleur","Color Profile":"Profil de couleur","Colors":"Couleurs","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Les problèmes courants peuvent être rapidement diagnostiqués et résolus à l'aide des listes de contrôle de dépannage que nous fournissons.","Complete Rescan":"Réanalyse complète","Confidence":"Confiance","Connect":"Connecter","Connect via WebDAV":"Se connecter via le protocole WebDAV","Connected":"Connecté","Contact Details":"Coordonnées","Contact Us":"Nous contacter","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Contient %{n} images.","Contains one picture.":"Contient une image.","Convert to JPEG":"Convertir en JPEG","Converting":"Conversion en cours","Copied to clipboard":"Copié vers le presse-papier","Copyright":"Copyright","Couldn't find anything.":"Aucun élément trouvé.","Country":"Pays","Create album":"Créer un album","Created":"Créé","Creating thumbnails for":"Création des miniatures pour","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubique : Qualité modérée, bonne performance","Current Password":"Mot de passe actuel","Customer Support":"Support Client","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Quotidien","Day":"Jour","Debug Logs":"Journaux de débogage","Default":"Valeur par défaut","Default Folder":"Dossier par défaut","Delete":"Supprimer","Description":"Description","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Vous trouverez des instructions détaillées dans notre guide de l’utilisateur.","Details":"Détails","Dimensions":"Dimensions","Disable Backups":"Désactiver les sauvegardes","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Désactiver le serveur WebDAV intégré. Nécessite un redémarrage.","Disable Darktable":"Désactiver Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Désactiver l'outil ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Désactiver FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Désactiver les Lieux","Disable RawTherapee":"Désactiver RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Désactiver TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Désactiver WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Désactiver le géocodage inverse et les cartes.","Discover":"Découvrir","Display Name":"Afficher le nom","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Ne pas sauvegarder les métadonnées des photos et des albums dans des fichiers YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Ne pas créer de fichiers JSON ExifTool pour améliorer l'extraction des métadonnées.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Ne pas modifier le dossier des originaux. Désactive l'importation, le chargement et la suppression.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Ne pas transcoder les vidéos avec FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Ne pas utiliser Darktable pour convertir les fichers RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Ne pas utiliser RawTherapee pour convertir les fichiers RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Parcourir et modifier les étiquettes de classification d'images.","Donations":"Dons","Done":"Terminé","Done.":"Terminé.","Download":"Télécharger","Download remote files":"Télécharger les fichiers distants","Download single files and zip archives.":"Téléchargement de fichiers et d'archives zip.","Downloading…":"Téléchargement en cours…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtre de qualité","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"En raison du volume élevé d'e-mails que nous recevons, notre équipe peut être dans l'incapacité de vous répondre immédiatement.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Les doublons seront ignorés et n'apparaîtront qu'une seule fois.","Duration":"Durée","Dynamic Previews":"Avant-premières non cachées","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Le rendu à la demande nécessite un processeur puissant et n'est pas recommandé pour les petits serveurs domestiques ou les périphériques NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limite de taille non cachée : %{n}px","E-Mail":"Courriel","Edit":"Modifier","Edit %{name}":"Modifier %{name}","Edit Account":"Modifier le compte","Edit Photo":"Modifier la photo","Edited":"Modifié","Electra":"Electra","Email":"Email","Enable new features currently under development.":"Activer les nouvelles fonctionnalités en cours de développement.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Active les préréglages du convertisseur RAW. Cela peut réduire les performances.","Errors":"Erreurs","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Déterminer approximativement la localisation d'une image sans coordonnées.","Estimates":"Estimations","Every two days":"Tous les deux jours","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Exclure le contenu marqué comme privé des résultats de recherche, des albums partagés, des étiquettes et des lieux.","Exclude hidden":"Exclure les éléments cachés","Expand":"Développer","Expand Search":"Montre plus","Experimental Features":"Fonctions Expérimentales","Expires":"Expire","Exposure":"Exposition","F Number":"Ouverture","Face":"Visage","Faces":"Visages","Failed copying to clipboard":"Échec de la copie vers le presse-papier","Failed removing link":"Échec de la suppression du lien","Failed updating link":"Échec de la mise à jour du lien","Family Name":"Nom de famille","Fast":"Rapide","Favorite":"Favori","Favorites":"Favoris","Feature Request":"Demander une fonctionnalité","Feed":"Flux","Feedback":"Retour d'information","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Contactez-nous à hello@photoprism.app si vous avez des questions ou besoin d'aide.","Female":"Femme","File":"Fichier","File Browser":"Explorateur de fichiers","File Name":"Nom du fichier","File Size":"Taille de Fichier","Filename":"Nom du fichier","Files":"Fichiers","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Des fichiers ayant des noms séquentiels tels que 'IMG_1234 (2)' et 'IMG_1234 (3)' appartiennent à la même image.","Focal Length":"Longueur focale","Folder":"Dossier","Folder contains %{n} files":"Dossier contenant %{n} fichiers","Folder is empty":"Le dossier est vide","Folders":"Dossiers","Forgot password?":"Mot de passe oublié ?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Cadres","Fullscreen":"Plein écran","Gemstone":"Gemme","Gender":"Sexe","General":"Général","Getting Support":"Obtenir de l’aide","Given Name":"Prénom","Gold":"Or","Grayscale":"Gamme de gris","Green":"Vert","Grey":"Gris","Hash":"Somme de contrôle","Help":"Aide","Help & Support":"Aide & Support","Hidden":"Caché","Hidden Files":"Fichiers cachés","Hide":"Cacher","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Masquer les photos archivées.","High":"Élevé","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Gamme dynamique élevée (HDR)","How can we help?":"Comment pouvons nous vous aider ?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Si cela ne vous aide pas, ou si vous avez d'autres questions :","image":"image","Image":"Image","Images":"Images","Import":"Importer","Import failed":"Échec de l'importation","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Les fichiers importés seront classés par date et recevront un nom unique pour éviter les doublons.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Les fichiers importés seront classés par date et recevront un nom unique.","Importing %{name}…":"Importation de %{name} en cours…","Importing files to originals…":"Importation des fichiers vers le dossier des originaux…","in":"en","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"En outre, les sponsors bénéficient d'une assistance technique directe par courrier électronique.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Si des images sont manquantes, veuillez réanalyser votre bibliothèque et attendre que l'indexation soit terminée.","Index":"Index","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexez et importez des fichiers via l'interface utilisateur.","Indexing":"Indexation","Indexing failed":"Échec de l'indexation","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexation des fichiers médias et sidecar…","Instance ID":"ID de l'instance","Interval":"Intervalle","Invalid":"Invalide","Invalid date":"Date incorrecte","Invalid parameters":"Paramètres invalides","Invalid photo selected":"Photo non valide sélectionnée","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Il utilise les dernières technologies pour étiqueter et trouver des images automatiquement sans vous gêner.","Item":"Item","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Qualité JPEG : %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limite de taille JPEG : %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"Les JPEGS et miniatures sont automatiquement affichés selon les besoins.","Keywords":"Mots-clés","Knowledge Base":"Base de connaissances","Label":"Etiquette","Labels":"Étiquettes","Labels deleted":"Étiquettes supprimées","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos : Préservation des détails, artefacts minimaux","Language":"Langue","Last Sync":"Dernière synchro","Latitude":"Latitude","Lavender":"Lavande","Learn more":"En savoir plus","Legal Information":"Renseignements juridiques","Lens":"Objectif","Library":"Bibliothèque","License":"Licence","Like":"Préféré","Lime":"Citron","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limite atteinte, affichage des %{n} premiers fichiers","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linéaire : Très lisse, meilleure performance","Link":"Lien","List":"Liste","Live":"Live","Live Photos":"Photos en direct","Local Time":"Heure locale","location":"emplacement","Location":"Emplacement","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Les messages des journaux s'affichent ici si PhotoPrism rencontre un fichier corrompu ou s'il y a un autre problème potentiel.","Login":"Connexion","Logout":"Déconnexion","Logs":"Journaux","Longitude":"Longitude","Low":"Basse","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Couleur principale","Male":"Homme","manual":"manuel","Manual Upload":"Chargement manuel","Maps":"Cartes","Marker":"Marqueur","Medium":"Moyen","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Fusionner %{a} avec %{b} ?","Message sent":"Message envoyé","Minimize":"Minimiser","Missing":"Manquant","Moments":"Moments","Monochrome":"Monochrome","Month":"Mois","Moonlight":"Clair de lune","More than %{n} pictures found":"Plus de %{n} images trouvées","More than 20 albums found":"Plus de 20 albums ont été trouvés","More than 20 labels found":"Plus de 20 étiquettes ont été trouvées","More than 20 people found":"Plus de 20 personnes trouvées","Mosaic":"Mosaïque","Most Relevant":"Le plus pertinent","Move Files":"Déplacer les fichiers","Name":"Nom","Name too long":"Nom trop long","Never":"Jamais","New":"Nouvelles","New Password":"Nouveau mot de passe","Newest First":"Plus récents en premier","No":"Non","No albums found":"Aucun album trouvé","No labels found":"Aucune étiquette trouvée","No people found":"Aucune personne trouvée","No pictures found":"Aucune image trouvée","No recently edited pictures":"Aucune image récemment éditée","No servers configured.":"Aucun serveur configuré.","No services configured.":"Aucun service n'est configuré.","No thanks":"Non merci","No video selected":"Aucune vidéo sélectionnée","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Aucun avertissement ou erreur contenant ce mot-clé. Notez que la recherche est sensible à la casse.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Les images non photographiques ou de mauvaise qualité doivent faire l'objet d'un examen avant d'apparaître dans les résultats de recherche.","None":"Aucun","Not Found":"Non trouvé","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Notez que vous pouvez gérer manuellement votre dossier d'originaux et que l'importation est facultative.","Note:":"Remarque :","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Note : Seuls les serveurs WebDAV, comme Nextcloud ou PhotoPrism, peuvent être configurés comme service à distance pour la sauvegarde et le chargement de fichiers.","Notes":"Remarques","Nothing to see here yet.":"Rien à voir ici pour le moment.","Offline":"Hors-ligne","Oldest First":"Anciens d'abord","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Sous Windows, saisissez la ressource suivante dans la boîte de dialogue de connexion :","Once a week":"Une fois par semaine","One album found":"Un album trouvé","One file found":"Un fichier trouvé","One file uploaded":"Un fichier téléchargé","One folder found":"Un dossier trouvé","One label found":"Une étiquette trouvée","One person found":"Une personne trouvée","One picture found":"Une image trouvée","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Options","or ask in our Community Chat":"ou posez vos questions dans notre chat communautaire","Orange":"Orange","Organization":"Organisation","Orientation":"Orientation","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Les noms des fichier originaux seront sauvegardés et indexés.","Original Name":"Nom original","Originals":"Originaux","Other":"Autre","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Notre guide de l'utilisateur couvre également de nombreux sujets avancés, tels que la migration à partir de Google Photos et les paramètres de qualité des vignettes.","Outdoor":"Extérieur","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramas","Password":"Mot de passe","Password changed":"Mot de passe modifié","People":"Personnes","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Les personnes avec qui vous partagez un lien pourront voir le contenu public de votre bibliothèque.","Permanently deleted":"Supprimé définitivement","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Supprimer définitivement les fichiers pour récupérer de la place de stockage.","Phone":"Téléphone","Photo":"Photo","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism a été mis à jour…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® est une application de photos alimentée par l'IA pour le Web décentralisé.","Photos":"Photos","Pink":"Rose","Place":"Lieu","Place & Time":"Unité de lieu et de temps","Places":"Lieux","Please confirm your new password.":"Veuillez confirmer votre nouveau mot de passe.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Veuillez ne pas charger de photos choquantes.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Veuillez noter que la modification de votre mot de passe vous déconnectera sur d'autres appareils et navigateurs.","Portrait":"Portrait","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"postez votre question dans les discussions de GitHub","Preserve filenames":"Conserver les noms de fichiers","Press button to start importing…":"Appuyer sur le bouton pour démarrer l'importation…","Press button to start indexing…":"Appuyer sur le bouton pour démarrer l'indexation…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Appuyer sur la touche entrée pour créer un nouvel album.","Preview":"Prévisualisation","Primary":"Primaire","Private":"Privée","Product Feedback":"Commentaires sur le produit","Projection":"Projection","Purple":"Violet","Quality Filter":"Filtre de qualité","Quality Score":"Score de qualité","Random":"Aléatoire","Raspberry":"Framboise","Raw":"Brut","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Conversion RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Réindexer tous les originaux, en incluant ceux déjà indexés et les fichiers inchangés.","Read the Docs":"Lire la documentation","Read-Only Mode":"Mode lecture seule","Recently Added":"Récemment ajouté","Recently Edited":"Récemment édités","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"La reconnaissance démarrera après la fin de l'indexation.","Recognized":"Reconnues","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Recherche les visages pour permettre de trouver des personnes données.","Red":"Rouge","Reload":"Recharger","Reloading…":"Rechargement…","Remote Sync":"Synchronisation à distance","Remove":"Supprimer","remove failed: unknown album":"échec de la suppression : album inconnu","Remove from album":"Retirer de l'album","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Supprimez les fichiers importés pour économiser l'espace de stockage. Les fichiers non pris en charge ne sont jamais supprimés et demeurent à leur emplacement actuel.","Request failed - invalid response":"Échec de la requête - réponse incorrecte","Required":"Obligatoire","Resolution":"Résolution","Restore":"Restaurer","Retry Limit":"Limite de réessai","Retype Password":"Ressaisir le mot de passe","Review":"Examen","Satellite":"Satellite","Save":"Sauvegarder","Scan":"Numérisée","Scans":"Numérisées","Search":"Rechercher","Search and display photos on a map.":"Rechercher et afficher des images sur une carte.","Season":"Saison","Secret":"Secret","Security and Access":"Sécurité et accès","Select":"Sélectionner","Select albums or create a new one":"Sélectionner des albums ou en créer un nouveau","Selection approved":"Sélection approuvée","Selection archived":"Sélection archivée","Selection restored":"Sélection restaurée","Send":"Envoyé","Sequential Name":"Suite logique de noms","Service URL":"URL du service","Services":"Services","Settings":"Paramètres","Settings saved":"Paramètres sauvegardés","Setup":"Réglage","Shadow":"Ombre","Share":"Partager","Share %{name}":"Partager %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Partagez vos photos avec d'autres applications et services.","Show":"Afficher","Show all new faces":"Montrer tous les nouveaux visages","Show hidden":"Afficher les éléments masqués","Show less":"Montrer moins","Show more":"Montre plus","Show server logs in Library.":"Afficher les journaux serveurs dans Bibliothèque.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Rend les journaux plus détaillés. Requiert un redémarrage.","Sidecar":"Fichier annexe","Sign in":"S'identifier","Sign Up":"S'identifier","Similar":"Similaire","Size":"Taille","Slow":"Lent","Sort Order":"Ordre de tri","Source":"Source","Stack":"Groupe","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Images partageant le même identifiant unique d'image.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Images prises exactement au même moment et au même endroit, en se fondant sur les métadonnées.","Stackable":"Groupable","Stacks":"Groupes","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Les groupes associent des images partageant le même contexte, mais dont la qualité, le format, les dimensions ou les couleurs peuvent différer.","Start":"Démarrer","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Démarrer / arrêter le diaporama","States":"Régions","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limite de taille avant rendu : %{n}px","Status":"Statut","Storage":"Stockage","Streets":"Rues","Subject":"Sujet","Successfully Connected":"Bien connecté","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"La prise en charge de services supplémentaires tels que Google Drive sera ajoutée ultérieurement.","Sync":"Synchronisation","Sync raw and video files":"Synchroniser les fichiers raw et les vidéos","Taken":"Prise","Teal":"Sarcelle","Text too long":"Texte trop long","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"L'index contient actuellement %{n} fichiers cachés.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Leur format n'est peut-être pas pris en charge, ils n'ont pas encore été convertis en JPEG ou ce sont des doublons.","Theme":"Thème","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Cela monte le dossier des originaux en tant que lecteur réseau et vous permet d'ouvrir, modifier et supprimer des fichiers de votre ordinateur ou smartphone comme s'ils étaient locaux.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Cela monte le dossier des originaux en tant que lecteur réseau et vous permet d'ouvrir, modifier et supprimer des fichiers de votre ordinateur ou smartphone comme s'ils étaient locaux.","Thumbnail Generation":"Génération de miniatures","Time UTC":"Heure UTC","Time Zone":"Fuseau horaire","Timeout":"Délai","Title":"Titre","Title / Position":"Profession","Title too long":"Titre trop long","Toggle View":"Basculer la vue","Token":"Jeton","Topographic":"Topograpique","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Listes de contrôle pour le dépannage","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Réessayez en utilisant d'autres filtres ou mots-clés.","Type":"Type","Undo":"Annuler","Unique ID":"Identifiant unique","Unknown":"Inconnu","Unregistered":"Non enregistré","Unsorted":"Non trié","Unstack":"Dégrouper","Updated":"Mis à jour","Updating faces":"Mise à jour des visages","Updating index":"Mise à jour de l'index","Updating moments":"Mise à jour des moments","Updating picture…":"Mise à jour de l'image..","Updating previews":"Mise à jour des aperçus","Updating stacks":"Mise à jour des groupes","Upload":"Chargement","Upload complete":"Chargement terminé","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Chargement terminé. Indexation en cours…","Upload failed":"Échec du chargement","Upload local files":"Charger des fichiers locaux","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Charger via le protocole WebDAV et partager des liens avec des amis.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Chargement de %{n} sur %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Chargement des photos en cours…","Uploading…":"Téléchargement…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Les fichiers chargés qui contiendraient de telles images seront automatiquement rejetés.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Utiliser les préréglages","User":"Utilisateur","User Guide":"Guide d'utilisation","User Interface":"Interface utilisateur","Username":"Identifiant","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Vérifié","Video":"Vidéo","Video Duration":"Durée de la vidéo","Videos":"Vidéos","View":"Voir","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Consultez le site docs.photoprism.app/guide d'utilisation pour savoir comment synchroniser, organiser et partager vos photos.","Visual Similarity":"Similitude visuelle","We appreciate your feedback!":"Nous apprécions vos commentaires !","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Nous faisons de notre mieux pour répondre dans un délai de cinq jours ouvrables ou moins.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Nous ferons de notre mieux pour répondre à toutes vos questions. En retour, nous vous demandons de nous soutenir sur Patreon ou GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Les clients WebDAV peuvent se connecter à PhotoPrism en utilisant l'URL suivante :","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Les clients au protocole WebDAV, comme Microsoft’s Windows Explorer ou Apple's Finder, peuvent se connecter directement à PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Chargement via le protocole WebDAV","Website":"Site web","White":"Blanc","Work Details":"Détails de la prestation","Year":"Année","Yellow":"Jaune","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Oui","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"vous êtes invités à nous rejoindre sur Reddit","You can only download one album":"Vous ne pouvez télécharger qu'un seul album","You can only download one label":"Vous ne pouvez télécharger qu'une seule étiquette","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Vous pouvez l'exécuter chez vous, sur un serveur privé ou dans le nuage.","You may only select one item":"Vous ne pouvez sélectionner qu'un seul élément","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Vous pouvez réanalyser votre bibliothèque pour trouver plus de visages.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Votre soutien continu nous aide à fournir des mises à jour régulières et à rester indépendants, afin que nous puissions remplir notre mission et protéger votre vie privée.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Votre bibliothèque est analysée en permanence pour créer automatiquement des albums regroupant des moments, des voyages et des lieux spéciaux.","Zoom in/out":"Agrandir/Dézoomer"},"he":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} אלבומים נמצאו","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} קבצים הועלו","%{n} folders found":"%{n} תיקיות הועלו","%{n} labels found":"%{n} תוויות נמצאו","%{n} people found":"%{n} אנשים מצאו","%{n} pictures found":"נמצאו %{n} תמונות","1 hour":"שעה","12 hours":"12 שעות","4 hours":"4 שעות","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"לחיצה תעתיק את זה ללוח.","About":"אודות","Abyss":"תהום","Account":"חשבון","Accuracy":"דיוק","Action":"פעולה","Actions":"פעולות","Add Account":"הוספת חשבון","Add Album":"הוסף אלבום","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"הוסף קבצים לספריה באמצעות העלאה באתר.","Add Link":"הוסף קישור","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"הוסף תמונות מתוצאות החיפוש על ידי בחירתן.","Add to album":"הוסף לאלבום","Added":"נוסף","Advanced":"מתקדם","After 1 day":"אחרי יום","After 3 days":"אחרי 3 ימים","After 7 days":"אחרי 7 ימים","After one month":"אחרי חודש","After one year":"אחרי שנה","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"לאחר בחירת תמונות מתוצאות החיפוש, תוכל להוסיף אותן לאלבום באמצעות תפריט ההקשר.","After two months":"אחרי חודשיים","After two weeks":"אחרי שבועיים","Album":"אלבום","Album Name":"שם אלבום","Albums":"אלבומים","Albums deleted":"אלבומים נמחקו","All %{n} albums loaded":"כל %{n} האלבומים נטענו","All %{n} labels loaded":"כל %{n} התוויות נטענו","All %{n} people loaded":"כל %{n} האנשים נטענו","All Cameras":"כל המצלמות","All Categories":"כל הקטגוריות","All Colors":"כל הצבעים","All Countries":"כל המדינות","All fields are required":"כל השדות חובה","All files from import folder":"כל הקבצים מתיקיית הייבוא","All Lenses":"כל העדשות","All Months":"כל החודשים","All originals":"כל המקורות","All Years":"כל השנים","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"לחלופין, ניתן להעלות קבצים ישירות דרך שרתי WebDAV כמו Nextcloud.","Altitude":"גובה","Altitude (m)":"גובה (מ')","An error occurred - are you offline?":"אירעה שגיאה - האם אתה במצב לא מקוון?","Animated":"מונפש","Animation":"אנימציה","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"כל התמונות והסרטונים הפרטיים יישארו פרטיים ולא ישותפו.","API Key":"מפתח API","Apply":"החל","Approve":"לאשר","Archive":"ארכיון","Archived":"אורכב","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"בטוח לארכב את הבחירה?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"בטוח למחוק את האלבומים האלו?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"בטוח למחוק את התוויות האלו?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"בטוח למחוק את החשבונות?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק את התמונות לצמיתות?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"בטוח למחוק לצמיתות את הקבצים?","Are you sure?":"האם אתה בטוח?","Artist":"אמן","Aspect Ratio":"יחס גובה-רוחב","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"המר מסוגי קבצים אחרים, כך שניתן יהיה להציג אותם בדפדפן.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"יוצר אוטומטית אלבומים של רגעים מיוחדים, טיולים ומקומות.","Basic":"בסיסי","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"לפני הגשת בקשת תמיכה, אנא השתמש ברשימת הבדיקות שלנו לפתרון בעיות כדי לקבוע את הגורם לבעיה שלך.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"בהיותנו 100% sממומנים עצמאיים ועצמאיים, אנו יכולים להבטיח לך שלעולם לא נמכור את הנתונים שלך ושתמיד נהיה שקופים לגבי התוכנה והשירותים שלנו.","Bio":"אודותיך","Birth Date":"תאריך לידה","Black":"שחור","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts","Blue":"כחול","Brown":"חום","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"צפה וערוך תוויות סיווג תמונות.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"צפה בקבצים ותיקיות שנוספו לאינדקס בספרייה.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"עיין במאגר הידע לקבלת מידע מפורט על תכונות מוצר, שירותים ומשאבים קשורים ספציפיים.","Bug Report":"דיווח באג","Busy, please wait…":"עסוק, בבקשה המתן…","Calendar":"לוח שנה","Camera":"מצלמה","Camera Serial":"מזהה מצלמה","Can't load more, limit reached":"לא ניתן לטעון יותר, הגעת למגבלה","Can't select more items":"לא ניתן לבחור עוד פרטים","Cancel":"ביטול","Cards":"כרטיסים","Category":"קטגוריה","Change Avatar":"שינוי האווטר","Change Password":"שנה סיסמה","Change personal profile and security settings.":"שנה את הפרופיל האישי ואת הגדרות האבטחה.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"שנה כותרות תמונות, מיקומים ומטא נתונים אחרים.","Change private flag":"שינוי דגל הפרטיות","Changes successfully saved":"השינויים נשמרו בהצלחה","Checked":"נבחר","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"סגור","Codec":"קודק","Color":"צבע","Color Profile":"פרופיל צבע","Colors":"צבעים","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"ניתן לאבחן ולפתור בעיות נפוצות במהירות באמצעות רשימות הבדיקה לפתרון בעיות שאנו מספקים.","Complete Rescan":"השלם סריקה מחדש","Confidence":"אמון","Connect":"התחבר","Connect via WebDAV":"התחבר באמצעות WebDAV","Connected":"מחובר","Contact Details":"פרטי התקשרות","Contact Us":"צור קשר","Contains %{n} pictures.":"מכיל %{n} תמונות.","Contains one picture.":"מכיל תמונה אחת.","Convert to JPEG":"המר ל-JPEG","Converting":"ממיר","Copied to clipboard":"הועתק ללוח","Copyright":"זכויות יוצרים","Couldn't find anything.":"לא נמצא דבר.","Country":"מדינה","Create album":"צור אלבום","Created":"נוצר","Creating thumbnails for":"יותר תמונות מקדימות עבור","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"מעוקב: איכות בינונית, ביצועים טובים","Current Password":"צור סיסמה","Customer Support":"שירות לקוחות","Cyan":"טורקיז","Cyano":"ירקרק","Daily":"יומי","Day":"יום","Debug Logs":"Debug Logs","Default":"ברירת מחדל","Default Folder":"תיקיית ברירת מחדל","Delete":"מחק","Description":"תיאור","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"הוראות מפורטות ניתן למצוא במדריך למשתמש שלנו.","Details":"פרטים","Dimensions":"מידות","Disable Backups":"השבת גיבויים","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"השבת את שרת WebDAV המובנה, אתחול נדרש.","Disable Darktable":"השבת את Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"השבת את ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"השבת FFmpeg","Disable Places":"השבת מיקומים","Disable RawTherapee":"השבת את RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"השבת את TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"השבת את WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"השבת קידוד גיאוגרפי ומפות.","Discover":"גלה","Display Name":"שם תצוגה","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"אל תגבה מטא נתונים של תמונות ואלבומים לקבצי YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"אל תיצור קבצי ExifTool JSON לחילוץ מטא-נתונים משופר.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"אל תערוך את תיקיית המקור. והשבת ייבוא, העלאה ומחיקה.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"אל תעתיק קוד וידאו עם FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"אל תשתמש ב- Darktable להמרת קבצי RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"אל תשתמש ב- RawTherapee להמרת קבצי RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"אל תשתמש ב- TensorFlow לסיווג תמונות.","Donations":"תרומות","Done":"בוצע","Done.":"בוצע.","Download":"הורד","Download remote files":"הורד קבצים מרוחקים","Download single files and zip archives.":"הורד קבצים בודדים וארכיוני zip.","Downloading…":"מוריד…","Downscaling Filter":"פילטר (אלגוריתם) שנמוך","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"בשל כמות המיילים הגבוהה שאנו מקבלים, ייתכן שהצוות שלנו לא יוכל לחזור אליך באופן מיידי.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"התעלם מכפילויות, והצג רק אחד.","Duration":"משך","Dynamic Previews":"תצוגות מקדימות דינמיות","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"עיבוד דינמי דורש מעבד רב עצמה ואינו מומלץ לשרתי בית קטנים יותר, או להתקני NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"גודל דינמי מקסימלי לשמירה במטמון: %{n} פיקסלים","E-Mail":"דוא\"ל","Edit":"ערוך","Edit %{name}":"ערוך %{name}","Edit Account":"ערוך חשבון","Edit Photo":"ערוך תמונה","Edited":"ערוך","Electra":"Electra","Email":"אימייל","Enable new features currently under development.":"אפשר תכונות חדשות שנמצאות כעת בפיתוח.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"מאפשר הגדרות קבועות מראש של ממיר RAW. עשוי להפחית את הביצועים.","Errors":"שגיאות","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"אמוד את המיקום המשוער של תמונות ללא קואורדינטות.","Estimates":"אומדנים","Every two days":"כל יומיים","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"אל תכלול תוכן המסומן כפרטי מתוצאות חיפוש, אלבומים משותפים, תוויות ומקומות.","Exclude hidden":"אל תכלול מוסתר","Expand":"הרחב","Expand Search":"הרחב את החיפוש","Experimental Features":"תכונות ניסיוניות","Expires":"תפוגה","Exposure":"חשיפה","F Number":"ערך ה-F (יחס אורך מוקד העדשה)","Face":"פָּנִים","Faces":"פנים","Failed copying to clipboard":"ההעתקה ללוח נכשלה","Failed removing link":"הסרת הקישור נכשלה","Failed updating link":"העלאת הקישור נכשלה","Family Name":"שם משפחה","Fast":"מהיר","Favorite":"מועדף","Favorites":"מועדפים","Feature Request":"בקשת תכונה","Feed":"פיד","Feedback":"משוב","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"אנא צור איתנו קשר בכתובת hello@photoprism.app אם יש לך שאלות או שאתה זקוק לעזרה.","Female":"נקבה","File":"קובץ","File Browser":"סייר קבצים","File Name":"שם קובץ","File Size":"גודל הקובץ","Filename":"שם קובץ","Files":"קבצים","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"קבצים עם שמות עוקבים כמו 'IMG_1234 (2)' ו- 'IMG_1234 (3)' שייכים לאותה תמונה.","Focal Length":"אורך המוקד","Folder":"תיקייה","Folder contains %{n} files":"התיקייה מכילה %{n} קבצים","Folder is empty":"התיקייה ריקה","Folders":"תיקייות","Forgot password?":"שכחת סיסמא?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"מסגרות","Fullscreen":"מסך מלא","Gemstone":"אבן חן","Gender":"מין","General":"כללי","Getting Support":"קבלת תמיכה","Given Name":"שם פרטי","Gold":"זהב","Grayscale":"גווני אפור","Green":"ירוק","Grey":"אפור","Hash":"Hash","Help":"עזרה","Help & Support":"עזרה ותמיכה","Hidden":"מוסתר","Hidden Files":"קבצים מוסתרים","Hide":"הסתר","Hide photos 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שאתה מצפה, סרוק מחדש את הספרייה שלך והמתן עד להשלמת האינדקס.","Index":"אינדקס","Index and import files through the user interface.":"אינדקס ויבוא קבצים דרך ממשק המשתמש.","Indexing":"מאנדקס","Indexing failed":"אינדוקס נכשל","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"יצירת אינדקס של קבצי מדיה וקבצי עזר…","Instance ID":"מזהה מופע","Interval":"הפוגה","Invalid":"לא תקין","Invalid date":"תאריך לא תקין","Invalid parameters":"פרמטרים שגויים","Invalid photo selected":"נבחרה תמונה לא חוקית","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"הוא עושה שימוש בטכנולוגיות העדכניות ביותר כדי לתייג ולמצוא תמונות באופן אוטומטי מבלי להפריע לך.","Item":"פריט","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"איכות ה-JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"מגבלת גודל קבצי ה-JPEG %{n} פיקסלים","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"קבצי JPEG וקבצי תצוגה מקדימה נוצרים אוטומטית לפי הצורך.","Keywords":"מילות מפתח","Knowledge Base":"מאגר 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servers configured.":"לא הוגדר שרת.","No services configured.":"לא הוגדרו שירותים.","No thanks":"לא תודה","No video selected":"לא נבחר וידאו","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"אין אזהרות או שגיאות המכילות מילת מפתח זו. שים לב שהחיפוש תלוי רישיות.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"תמונות שאינן נראות צילום או באיכות נמוכה דורשות בדיקה לפני שהן מופיעות בתוצאות החיפוש.","None":"ללא","Not Found":"לא נמצא","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"שים לב שאתה יכול לנהל ידנית את תיקיית המקור והייבוא הוא אופציונלי.","Note:":"הערה:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"הערה: רק שרתי WebDAV, כמו Nextcloud או PhotoPrism, ניתנים להגדרה כשירות מרוחק לצורך גיבוי והעלאת קבצים.","Notes":"הערות","Nothing to see here yet.":"אין מה לראות כאן עדיין. התאזר בסבלנות.","Offline":"לא מקוון","Oldest First":"הישן ראשון","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"ב-Windows, הזן את המשאב הבא בתיבת הדו-שיח של החיבור:","Once a week":"פעם בשבוע","One album found":"אלבום אחד נמצא","One file found":"קובץ אחד נמצא","One file uploaded":"קובץ אחד הועלה","One folder found":"תיקייה אחת נמצאה","One label found":"נמצאה תווית אחת","One person found":"אדם אחד נמצא","One picture found":"תמונה אחת נמצאה","Onyx":"שוהם","Options":"אפשרויות","or ask in our Community Chat":"או שאל בצ'אט הקהילתי שלנו","Orange":"כתום","Organization":"ארגון","Orientation":"אוריינטציה","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"שמות הקבצים המקוריים יישמרו באינדקס.","Original Name":"השם המקורי","Originals":"קבצי מקור","Other":"אחר","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"המדריך למשתמש שלנו מכסה גם נושאים מתקדמים רבים, כגון הגירה מתמונות Google והגדרות איכות תמונות ממוזערות.","Outdoor":"באוויר הפתוח","Panorama":"פנורמה","Panoramas":"פנורמות","Password":"סיסמה","Password changed":"סיסמא שונתה","People":"אנשים","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"אנשים שעימם אתה חולק קישור יוכלו להציג תכנים ציבוריים.","Permanently deleted":"נמחק לצמיתות","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"מחק קבצים לצמיתות בכדי לשחרר נפח אחסון","Phone":"טלפון","Photo":"תמונה","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism עודכן…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® היא אפליקציית תמונות המופעלת על ידי AI עבור האינטרנט המבוזר.","Photos":"תמונות","Pink":"ורוד","Place":"מקום","Place & Time":"מקום וזמן","Places":"מקומות","Please confirm your new password.":"אנא אשר את הסיסמה החדשה שלך.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"נא לא להעלות תמונות המכילות תוכן פוגעני.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"שים לב ששינוי הסיסמה שלך יגרום לך להתנתק ממכשירים ודפדפנים אחרים.","Portrait":"דיוקן","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"פרסם את השאלה שלך ב-GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"שמור שמות קבצים","Press button to start importing…":"בחר את אפשרויות הייבוא…","Press button to start indexing…":"לחץ על \"התחל\" להפעלת אינדוקס…","Press enter to create a new album.":"לחץ על Enter בכדי ליצור אלבום חדש.","Preview":"תצוגה מקדימה","Primary":"ראשי","Private":"פרטי","Product Feedback":"משוב על המוצר","Projection":"הקרנה","Purple":"סגול","Quality Filter":"מסנן איכות","Quality Score":"ציון איכות","Random":"אקראי","Raspberry":"פטל","Raw":"גלמי","RAW":"גלם","RAW Conversion":"המרת RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"צור אינדקס מחודש של כל קבצי המקור, כולל קבצים שכבר הוספו לאינדקס ולא השתנו.","Read the Docs":"קרא את המסמכים","Read-Only Mode":"מצב קריאה בלבד","Recently Added":"נוסף לאחרונה","Recently Edited":"נערך לאחרונה","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"ההכרה מתחילה לאחר השלמת האינדקס.","Recognized":"מוּכָּר","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"מזהה פרצופים כך שאפשר למצוא אנשים ספציפיים.","Red":"אדום","Reload":"טען מחדש","Reloading…":"טוען מחדש…","Remote Sync":"סנכרון מרוחק","Remove":"הסר","remove failed: unknown album":"הסרה נכשלה: אלבום לא ידוע","Remove from album":"הסר מהאלבום","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"הסר קבצים מיובאים כדי לחסוך שטח אחסון. סוגי קבצים שאינם נתמכים לעולם לא יימחקו, ויישארו במיקומם הנוכחי.","Request failed - invalid response":"הבקשה נכשלה - תגובה לא חוקית","Required":"נדרש","Resolution":"רזולוציה","Restore":"לשחזר","Retry Limit":"נסה שוב מגבלת","Retype Password":"הזן שוב את הסיסמה","Review":"סקירה","Satellite":"לוויין","Save":"שמור","Scan":"סרוק","Scans":"סריקות","Search":"חיפוש","Search and display photos on a map.":"חפש והצג תמונות על המפה.","Season":"עונה","Secret":"קוד סודי","Security and Access":"אבטחה וגישה","Select":"בחר","Select albums or create a new one":"בחר אלבומים או צור אלבום חדש","Selection approved":"הבחירה אושרה","Selection archived":"הבחירה הועברה לארכיון","Selection restored":"הבחירה שוחזרה","Send":"שלח","Sequential Name":"שמות סדרתיים","Service URL":"נתיב השרות","Services":"שירותים","Settings":"הגדרות","Settings saved":"ההגדרות נשמרו","Setup":"הגדר","Shadow":"צל","Share":"שתף","Share %{name}":"שתף %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"שתף את התמונות שלך עם אפליקציות ושירותים אחרים.","Show":"הצג","Show all new faces":"הצג את כל הפרצופים החדשים","Show hidden":"הראה את המוסתר","Show less":"הצג פחות","Show more":"הצג עוד","Show server logs in Library.":"הצג יומני שרת בספרייה.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"מציג הודעות יומן מפורטות יותר. דורש הפעלה מחדש.","Sidecar":"חזית רכב","Sign in":"התחבר","Sign Up":"הרשם","Similar":"דומה","Size":"גודל","Slow":"איטי","Sort Order":"סדר המיון","Source":"מקור","Stack":"ערימה","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"איחוד קבצים המשתפים את אותה התמונה או מזהה מופע ייחודי.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"איחוד תמונות שצולמו באותו זמן ומיקום מדויק, בהתבסס על המטא-נתונים שלהן.","Stackable":"ניתן לקיבוץ","Stacks":"איחודים","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"איחוד קבצים המכילים תוכן תמונה זהה, אך עם הבדלים באיכות, בפורמט, בגודל או בצבע.","Start":"התחל","Start/Stop Slideshow":"התחל / עצור מצגת","States":"מדינות","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"מגבלת גודל סטטי במטמון: %{n} פיקסלים","Status":"סטטוס","Storage":"אחסון","Streets":"רחובות","Subject":"נושא","Successfully Connected":"מחובר בהצלחה","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"תמיכה בשירותים נוספים, כמו Google Drive, תתווסף בהמשך.","Sync":"סינכרון","Sync raw and video files":"סנכרן קבצי תמונה גולמיים וסרטונים","Taken":"נלקח","Teal":"ירוק כחלחל","Text too long":"טקסט ארוך מדי","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"האינדקס מכיל כרגע %{n} קבצים מוסתרים.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"ייתכן שהפורמט שלהם לא נתמך, עדיין לא הומרו ל-JPEG או שיש כפילויות.","Theme":"ערכת נושא","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"זה מגדיר את תיקיית המקור ככונן רשת ומאפשר לך לפתוח, לערוך ולמחוק קבצים מהמחשב או מהסמארטפון כל עוד מחוברים לרשת המקומית.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"זה מגדיר את תיקיית המקור ככונן רשת ומאפשר לך לפתוח, לערוך ולמחוק קבצים מהמחשב או מהסמארטפון כל עוד מחוברים לרשת המקומית.","Thumbnail Generation":"יצירת תמונות מקדימות ממוזערות","Time UTC":"זמן UTC","Time Zone":"אזור זמן","Timeout":"פסק זמן","Title":"כותרת","Title / Position":"שם / מיקום","Title too long":"הכותרת ארוכה מדי","Toggle View":"החלף תצוגה","Token":"טוקן","Topographic":"טופוגרפית","Troubleshooting Checklists":"רשימת בדיקות לפתרון בעיות","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"נסה שוב להשתמש בסינון או במילת מפתח שונה.","Type":"סוג","Undo":"בטל","Unique ID":"מזהה ייחודי","Unknown":"לא ידוע","Unregistered":"משתמש לא רשום","Unsorted":"לא ממוין","Unstack":"לא מקובץ","Updated":"מעודכן","Updating faces":"מעדכן פנים","Updating index":"מעדכן אינדקס","Updating moments":"מעדכן רגעים","Updating picture…":"מעדכן תמונה...","Updating previews":"מעדכן תצוגות מקדימות","Updating stacks":"מעדכן קיבוצים","Upload":"העלה","Upload complete":"העלאה הושלמה","Upload complete. 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In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"אנו נעשה כמיטב יכולתנו לענות על כל השאלות שלך. בתמורה, אנו מבקשים ממך לגבות אותנו ב-Patreon או GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"שירותי WebDAV יכולים להתחבר ל-PhotoPrism באמצעות כתובת ה-URL הבאה:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"שירותי WebDAV, כמו סייר Windows של מיקרוסופט או Finder של אפל, יכולים להתחבר ישירות ל-PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"העלאת WebDAV","Website":"אתר","White":"לבן","Work Details":"פרטי העבודה","Year":"שנה","Yellow":"צהוב","Yellowstone":"ילוסטון","Yes":"כן","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"אתה מוזמן להצטרף אלינו ב-Reddit","You can only download one album":"ניתן להוריד רק אלבום אחד","You can only download one label":"ניתן להוריד רק תווית אחת","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"אתה יכול להפעיל אותו בבית, בשרת פרטי או בענן.","You may only select one item":"ניתן לבחור רק פריט אחד","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"תוכל לסרוק מחדש את הספרייה שלך כדי למצוא פנים נוספות.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"התמיכה המתמשכת שלך עוזרת לנו לספק עדכונים שוטפים ולהישאר עצמאיים, כדי שנוכל למלא את המשימה שלנו ולהגן על פרטיותך.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"הספרייה שלך מנותחת באופן רציף ליצירת אלבומים של רגעים מיוחדים, טיולים ומקומות באופן אוטומטי.","Zoom in/out":"זום פנימה\\החוצה"},"hi":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} एल्बम मिले","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} फ़ाइलें अपलोड की गईं","%{n} folders found":"%{n} फ़ोल्डर मिले","%{n} labels found":"%{n} लेबल मिले","%{n} people found":"%{n} लोग मिले","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} चित्र मिले","1 hour":"1 घंटा","12 hours":"12 घंटा","4 hours":"4 घंटा","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"एक क्लिक इसे आपके क्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी कर देगा।","About":"के बारे में","Abyss":"रसातल","Account":"लेखा","Accuracy":"शुद्धता","Action":"कार्य","Actions":"क्रिया","Add Album":"एल्बम जोड़ें","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"वेब अपलोड के माध्यम से अपनी लाइब्रेरी में फाइलें जोड़ें।","Add Link":"लिंक जोड़ें","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"खोज परिणामों से चित्रों का चयन करके उन्हें जोड़ें।","Add to album":"एल्बम में जोड़ें","Added":"जोड़ा गया","Advanced":"उन्नत","After 1 day":"1 दिन बाद","After 3 days":"3 दिन बाद","After 7 days":"7 दिन बाद","After one month":"एक महिने बाद","After one year":"एक साल बाद","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"खोज परिणामों से चित्रों का चयन करने के बाद, आप उन्हें संदर्भ मेनू का उपयोग करके किसी एल्बम में जोड़ सकते हैं।","After two months":"दो महीने के बाद","After two weeks":"दो हफ्ते बाद","Album":"एल्बम","Album Name":"एल्बम का नाम","Albums":"एल्बम","Albums deleted":"एल्बम हटाए गए","All %{n} albums loaded":"सभी %{n} एल्बम लोड किए गए","All %{n} labels loaded":"सभी %{n} लेबल लोड किए गए","All %{n} people loaded":"सभी %{n} लोग लोड हुए","All Cameras":"सभी कैमरे","All Categories":"सब वर्ग","All Colors":"सभी रंग","All Countries":"सभी देश","All fields are required":"सभी फ़ील्ड आवश्यक हैं","All files from import folder":"आयात फ़ोल्डर से सभी फ़ाइलें","All Lenses":"सभी लेंस","All Months":"सभी महीने","All originals":"सभी मूल","All Years":"सभी वर्ष","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"वैकल्पिक रूप से, आप Nextcloud की तरह सीधे WebDAV सर्वर पर फाइल अपलोड कर सकते हैं।","Altitude":"ऊंचाई","Altitude (m)":"ऊंचाई (एम)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"एक त्रुटि हुई - क्या आप ऑफ़लाइन हैं?","Animated":"एनिमेटेड","Animation":"एनीमेशन","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"कोई भी निजी फ़ोटो और वीडियो निजी रहेंगे और उन्हें साझा नहीं किया जाएगा।","API Key":"एपीआई कुंजी","Apply":"लागू","Approve":"मंजूर","Archive":"पुरालेख","Archived":"संग्रहीत","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"क्या आप वाकई चयन को संग्रहीत करना चाहते हैं?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"क्या आप वाकई इन एल्बम को हटाना चाहते हैं?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"क्या आप वाकई इन लेबल को हटाना चाहते हैं?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"क्या आप वाकई इस खाते को हटाना चाहते हैं?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"क्या आप वाकई इन चित्रों को स्थायी रूप से हटाना चाहते हैं?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"क्या आप वाकई इस फ़ाइल को स्थायी रूप से हटाना चाहते हैं?","Are you sure?":"क्या आपको यकीन है?","Artist":"कलाकार","Aspect Ratio":"आस्पेक्ट अनुपात","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"स्वचालित रूप से अन्य फ़ाइल प्रकारों के लिए JPEG बनाएं ताकि उन्हें एक ब्राउज़र में प्रदर्शित किया जा सके।","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"स्वचालित रूप से विशेष क्षणों, यात्राओं और स्थानों के एल्बम बनाता है।","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"सहायता अनुरोध सबमिट करने से पहले, कृपया अपनी समस्या के कारण का पता लगाने के लिए हमारी समस्या निवारण जाँच सूची का उपयोग करें।","Bio":"जैव","Black":"काली","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"ब्लैकमैन: लैंक्ज़ोस संशोधन, कम बजने वाली कलाकृतियाँ","Blue":"नीला","Brown":"भूरा","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"छवि वर्गीकरण लेबल ब्राउज़ करें और संपादित करें।","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"लाइब्रेरी में अनुक्रमित फ़ाइलों और फ़ोल्डरों को ब्राउज़ करें।","Bug Report":"बग रिपोर्ट","Busy, please wait…":"व्यस्त, कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें …","Calendar":"पंचांग","Camera":"कैमरा","Camera Serial":"कैमरा सीरियल","Can't load more, limit reached":"अधिक लोड नहीं किया जा सकता, सीमा तक पहुंच गया","Can't select more items":"अधिक आइटम का चयन नहीं किया जा सकता","Cancel":"रद्द करना","Cards":"पत्ते","Category":"वर्ग","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"फोटो शीर्षक, स्थान और अन्य मेटाडेटा बदलें।","Change private flag":"निजी ध्वज बदलें","Checked":"चेक किए गए","Chroma":"क्रोमा","Close":"बंद करे","Codec":"कोडेक","Color":"रंग","Color Profile":"रंग प्रोफ़ाइल","Colors":"रंग की","Complete Rescan":"पूरा रेसकान","Confidence":"आत्मविश्वास","Connect":"जुडिये","Connect via WebDAV":"WebDAV के माध्यम से कनेक्ट करें","Contact Us":"संपर्क करें","Contains %{n} pictures.":"इसमें %{n} चित्र हैं।","Contains one picture.":"एक तस्वीर शामिल है।","Convert to JPEG":"JPEG में कनवर्ट करें","Converting":"परिवर्तित","Copied to clipboard":"क्लिपबोर्ड पर नकल","Copyright":"कॉपीराइट","Couldn't find anything.":"कुछ भी नहीं मिला","Country":"देश","Create album":"एल्बम बनाओ","Created":"बनाया था","Creating thumbnails for":"के लिए थंबनेल बनाना","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"घन: मध्यम गुणवत्ता, अच्छा प्रदर्शन","Current Password":"वर्तमान पासवर्ड","Customer Support":"ग्राहक सहेयता","Cyan":"सियान","Cyano":"गहरा नीला","Daily":"रोज","Day":"दिन","Debug Logs":"दोषमार्जन लॉग","Default":"चूक","Default Folder":"डिफ़ॉल्ट फ़ोल्डर","Delete":"हटाएं","Description":"विवरण","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"विस्तृत निर्देश हमारे उपयोगकर्ता गाइड में पाए जा सकते हैं।","Details":"विवरण","Dimensions":"आयाम","Disable Backups":"पिछला बैकअप","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"अंतर्निहित WebDAV सर्वर अक्षम करें। पुनः आरंभ करने की आवश्यकता है।","Disable Darktable":"डार्कटेबल अक्षम करें","Disable ExifTool":"ExifTool अक्षम करें","Disable FFmpeg":"एफएफएमपीईजी अक्षम करें","Disable Places":"विकलांग","Disable RawTherapee":"रॉ थेरेपी को अक्षम करें","Disable TensorFlow":"TensorFlow अक्षम करें","Disable WebDAV":"विकलांग","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"रिवर्स जियोकोडिंग और नक्शे अक्षम करता है।","Discover":"डिस्कवर","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"YAML फ़ाइलों के लिए फ़ोटो और एल्बम मेटाडेटा का बैकअप न लें।","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"बेहतर मेटाडेटा निष्कर्षण के लिए ExifTool JSON फाइलें न बनाएँ।","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"मूल फ़ोल्डर को संशोधित न करें। आयात, अपलोड और हटाना अक्षम करता है।","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"FFmpeg के साथ वीडियो ट्रांसकोड न करें।","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"रॉ फ़ाइलों को कनवर्ट करने के लिए डार्कटेबल का उपयोग न करें।","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"RAW फ़ाइलों को कनवर्ट करने के लिए RawTherapee का उपयोग न करें।","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"छवि वर्गीकरण लेबल ब्राउज़ करें और संपादित करें।","Donations":"दान","Done":"किया हुआ","Done.":"किया हुआ |","Download":"डाउनलोड","Download remote files":"दूरस्थ फ़ाइलें डाउनलोड करें","Download single files and zip archives.":"एकल फाइलें और ज़िप अभिलेखागार डाउनलोड करें।","Downloading…":"डाउनलोड कर रहा है …","Downscaling Filter":"गुणवत्ता फ़िल्टर","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"डुप्लिकेट को छोड़ दिया जाएगा और केवल एक बार दिखाई देगा।","Duration":"अवधि","Dynamic Previews":"बिना पढ़े हुए पूर्वावलोकन","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. 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Note that search is case-sensitive.":"इस कीवर्ड से कोई चेतावनी या त्रुटि नहीं है। ध्यान दें कि खोज केस-संवेदी है।","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"गैर-फोटोग्राफिक और निम्न-गुणवत्ता वाली छवियों को खोज परिणामों में प्रदर्शित होने से पहले समीक्षा की आवश्यकता होती है।","None":"कोई नहीं","Not Found":"नहीं मिला","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"ध्यान दें कि आप अपने मूल फ़ोल्डर को मैन्युअल रूप से प्रबंधित कर सकते हैं और आयात करना वैकल्पिक है।","Note:":"ध्यान दें:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"नोट: केवल WebDAV सर्वर, जैसे Nextcloud या PhotoPrism, को बैकअप और फ़ाइल अपलोड के लिए दूरस्थ सेवा के रूप में कॉन्फ़िगर किया जा सकता है।","Notes":"नोट्स","Offline":"ऑफलाइन","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"विंडोज़ पर, कनेक्शन संवाद में निम्न संसाधन दर्ज करें:","Once a week":"सप्ताह मेँ एक बार","One album found":"एक एल्बम मिला","One file found":"एक फ़ाइल मिली","One file uploaded":"एक फ़ाइल अपलोड की गई","One folder found":"एक फ़ोल्डर मिला","One label found":"एक लेबल मिला","One person found":"एक व्यक्ति मिला","One picture found":"एक तस्वीर मिली","Onyx":"गोमेद","Options":"क्रिया","or ask in our Community Chat":"या हमारे समुदाय चैट में पूछें","Orange":"संतरा","Orientation":"उन्मुखीकरण","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"मूल फ़ाइल नाम संग्रहीत और अनुक्रमित किए जाएंगे।","Original Name":"मूल नाम","Originals":"मूल","Other":"अन्य","Outdoor":"घर के बाहर","Panorama":"चित्रमाला","Panoramas":"पैनोरामा","Password":"कुंजिका","Password changed":"पासवर्ड बदला गया","People":"लोग","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"जिन लोगों के साथ आप लिंक साझा करते हैं, वे सार्वजनिक सामग्री देख पाएंगे।","Permanently deleted":"स्थायी रूप से हटा दिया गया","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"मेमोरी खाली करने के लिए फ़ाइलें हमेशा के लिए हटाएं.","Photo":"तस्वीर","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism अपडेट किया गया है …","Photos":"तस्वीरें","Pink":"गुलाबी","Place":"स्थान","Place & Time":"स्थान और समय","Places":"स्थान","Please confirm your new password.":"कृपया अपने नए पासवर्ड की पुष्टि करें।","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"कृपया आक्रामक सामग्री वाले फ़ोटो अपलोड न करें।","Portrait":"चित्र","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"GitHub चर्चाओं में अपना प्रश्न पोस्ट करें","Preserve filenames":"फ़ाइल नाम संरक्षित करें","Press button to start importing…":"आयात शुरू करने के लिए बटन दबाएं …","Press button to start indexing…":"अनुक्रमण शुरू करने के लिए बटन दबाएं …","Press enter to create a new album.":"एक नया एल्बम बनाने के लिए एंटर दबाएं।","Preview":"पूर्वावलोकन","Primary":"मुख्य","Private":"निजी","Product Feedback":"उत्पाद प्रतिक्रिया","Projection":"प्रक्षेपण","Purple":"बैंगनी","Quality Filter":"गुणवत्ता फ़िल्टर","Quality Score":"गुणवत्ता स्कोर","Random":"बिना सोचे समझे","Raspberry":"रसभरी","Raw":"कच्चा","RAW":"कच्चा","RAW Conversion":"परिवर्तित","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"पहले से अनुक्रमित और अपरिवर्तित फ़ाइलों सहित सभी मूल पुन: अनुक्रमित करें।","Read-Only Mode":"पढ़ें- केवल मोड","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"अनुक्रमण पूरा होने के बाद मान्यता शुरू होती है।","Recognized":"मान्यता प्राप्त","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"चेहरों को पहचानता है ताकि विशिष्ट लोगों को ढूंढा जा सके।","Red":"लाल","Reload":"पुनः लोड करें","Reloading…":"पुन: लोड …","Remote Sync":"रिमोट सिंक","Remove":"हटाना","remove failed: unknown album":"निकालें विफल: अज्ञात एल्बम","Remove from album":"एल्बम से निकालें","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"स्टोरेज को सेव करने के लिए इंपोर्टेड फाइल्स निकालें। असमर्थित फ़ाइल प्रकार कभी भी हटाए नहीं जाएंगे, वे अपने वर्तमान स्थान पर बने रहेंगे।","Request failed - invalid response":"अनुरोध विफल - अमान्य प्रतिक्रिया","Required":"अपेक्षित","Resolution":"रिज़ॉल्यूशन","Restore":"पुनर्स्थापित","Retry Limit":"पुनः प्रयास सीमा","Retype Password":"पासवर्ड फिर से लिखें","Review":"समीक्षा","Save":"सहेजें","Scan":"स्कैन","Scans":"स्कैन","Search":"खोज","Search and display photos on a map.":"मानचित्र पर फ़ोटो खोजें और प्रदर्शित करें।","Season":"मौसम","Secret":"गुप्त","Select":"चुनें","Select albums or create a new one":"एल्बम का चयन करें या एक नया बनाएँ","Selection approved":"चयन को संग्रहीत किया गया","Selection archived":"चयन को संग्रहीत किया गया","Selection restored":"चयन बहाल","Send":"संदेश","Sequential Name":"अनुक्रमिक नाम","Service URL":"सेवा URL","Settings":"समायोजन","Settings saved":"सेटिंग्स को सहेजा गया","Setup":"सेट अप","Shadow":"साया","Share":"शेयर","Share %{name}":"शेयर %{name}","Show":"दिखाना","Show all new faces":"सभी नए चेहरे दिखाएं","Show hidden":"छिपा हुआ दिखाएं","Show less":"कम दिखाएं","Show more":"और दिखाओ","Show server logs in Library.":"लायब्रेरी में सर्वर लॉग दिखाएं।","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"अधिक विस्तृत लॉग संदेश दिखाता है। पुनः आरंभ करने की आवश्यकता है।","Sidecar":"एक प्रकार का मादक द्रव्य","Sign in":"साइन इन करें","Sign Up":"साइन अप","Similar":"समान","Size":"आकार","Slow":"धीरे","Sort Order":"क्रमबद्ध आदेश","Source":"स्रोत","Stack":"ढेर","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"समान विशिष्ट छवि या उदाहरण पहचानकर्ता को साझा करने वाली स्टैक फाइलें।","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"उनके मेटाडेटा के आधार पर ठीक उसी समय और स्थान पर ली गई स्टैक तस्वीरें।","Stackable":"ढेर","Stacks":"ढेर","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"स्टैक समूह फ़ाइलों को संदर्भ के एक समान फ्रेम के साथ, लेकिन गुणवत्ता, प्रारूप, आकार या रंग के अंतर।","Start":"शुरू","Start/Stop Slideshow":"शुरू / बंद स्लाइड शो","States":"राज्य अमेरिका","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"प्री-रेंडर आकार सीमा: %{n} px","Status":"स्थिति","Storage":"भंडारण","Streets":"सड़कें","Subject":"विषय","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"अतिरिक्त सेवाओं के लिए समर्थन, जैसे Google ड्राइव, समय के साथ जोड़ा जाएगा।","Sync":"सिंक","Sync raw and video files":"कच्ची छवियों को सिंक करें","Taken":"लिया","Teal":"टील","Text too long":"बहुत लंबा पाठ","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"सूचकांक में वर्तमान में %{n} छिपी हुई फाइलें हैं।","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"उनके प्रारूप का समर्थन नहीं किया जा सकता है, वे अभी तक जेपीईजी में परिवर्तित नहीं हुए हैं या डुप्लिकेट हैं।","Theme":"विषय","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"यह मूल फ़ोल्डर को नेटवर्क ड्राइव के रूप में मापता है और आपको अपने कंप्यूटर या स्मार्टफोन से फ़ाइलों को खोलने, संपादित करने और हटाने की अनुमति देता है जैसे कि वे स्थानीय थे।","Thumbnail Generation":"थंबनेल पीढ़ी","Time UTC":"समय यूटीसी","Time Zone":"समय क्षेत्र","Timeout":"समय समाप्त","Title":"शीर्षक","Title too long":"शीर्षक बहुत लंबा है","Toggle View":"टॉगल दृश्य","Token":"टोकन","Topographic":"स्थलाकृतिक","Troubleshooting Checklists":"समस्या निवारण चेकलिस्ट","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"अन्य फ़िल्टर या कीवर्ड का उपयोग करके फिर से प्रयास करें।","Type":"प्रकार","Undo":"पहले जैसा","Unique ID":"एक अलग पहचान","Unknown":"अनजान","Unsorted":"अवर्गीकृत","Unstack":"अलग करना","Updated":"अपडेट किया गया","Updating faces":"चेहरे अपडेट करना","Updating index":"इंडेक्स अपडेट कर रहा है","Updating moments":"पल-पल का अपडेट","Updating previews":"पूर्वावलोकन अपडेट करना","Updating stacks":"ढेर अद्यतन कर रहा है","Upload":"डालना","Upload complete":"अपलोड पूरा हुआ","Upload complete. 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In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"हम आपके सभी सवालों के जवाब देने की पूरी कोशिश करेंगे। बदले में, हम आपको Patreon या GitHub प्रायोजकों पर हमारा समर्थन करने के लिए कहते हैं।","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV क्लाइंट निम्न URL का उपयोग करके PhotoPrism से जुड़ सकते हैं:","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV अपलोड करें","White":"सफेद","Year":"साल","Yellow":"पीला","Yellowstone":"येलोस्टोन","Yes":"हाँ","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"रेडिट पर हमसे जुड़ने के लिए आपका स्वागत है","You can only download one album":"आप केवल एक एल्बम डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं","You can only download one label":"आप केवल एक लेबल डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं","You may only select one item":"आप केवल एक आइटम का चयन कर सकते हैं","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"अतिरिक्त चेहरों को खोजने के लिए आप अपनी लाइब्रेरी को फिर से स्कैन कर सकते हैं।","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"विशेष क्षणों, यात्राओं और स्थानों के स्वचालित रूप से एल्बम बनाने के लिए आपकी लाइब्रेरी का लगातार विश्लेषण किया जाता है।","Zoom in/out":"ज़ूम इन / आउट करें"},"hr":{"%{n} albums found":"Pronađeno je %{n} albuma","%{n} files uploaded":"Preneseno je %{n} datoteka","%{n} folders found":"Pronađeno je %{n} mapa","%{n} labels found":"Pronađeno je %{n} oznaka","%{n} people found":"Pronađeno je %{n} osoba","%{n} pictures found":"Pronađeno je %{n} slika","1 hour":"1 sat","12 hours":"12 sati","4 hours":"4 sata","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Klik će kopirati u međuspremnik.","About":"O programu","Abyss":"Bezdan","Account":"Račun","Accuracy":"Točnost","Action":"Radnja","Actions":"Radnje","Add Album":"Dodaj album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Dodajte datoteke u svoju biblioteku putem Web Uploada.","Add Link":"Dodaj poveznicu","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Dodajte slike iz rezultata pretraživanja tako da ih odaberete.","Add to album":"Dodaj u album","Added":"Dodano","Advanced":"Napredno","After 1 day":"Nakon 1 dana","After 3 days":"Nakon 3 dana","After 7 days":"Nakon 7 dana","After one month":"Nakon mjesec dana","After one year":"Nakon godinu dana","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Nakon što odaberete slike iz rezultata pretraživanja, možete ih dodati u album pomoću kontekstnog izbornika.","After two months":"Nakon dva mjeseca","After two weeks":"Nakon dva tjedna","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Naziv albuma","Albums":"Albumi","Albums deleted":"Albumi su izbrisani","All %{n} albums loaded":"Učitano je svih %{n} albuma","All %{n} labels loaded":"Učitano je svih %{n} oznaka","All %{n} people loaded":"Učitano je svih %{n} osoba","All Cameras":"Sve kamere","All Categories":"Sve kategorije","All Colors":"Sve boje","All Countries":"Sve zemlje","All fields are required":"Sva polja su obavezna","All files from import folder":"Sve datoteke iz mape za uvoz","All Lenses":"Svi objektivi","All Months":"Svi mjeseci","All originals":"Svi originali","All Years":"Sve godine","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativno, možete prenijeti datoteke izravno na WebDAV poslužitelje poput Nextclouda.","Altitude":"Nadmorska visina","Altitude (m)":"Nadmorska visina (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Došlo je do pogreške - jeste li povezani s mrežom?","Animated":"Animirano","Animation":"Animacija","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Sve privatne fotografije i videozapisi ostaju privatni i neće biti dijeljeni.","API Key":"API ključ","Apply":"Primijeni","Approve":"Odobri","Archive":"Arhiva","Archived":"Arhivirano","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Jeste li sigurni da želite arhivirati odabir?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ove albume?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ove oznake?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ovaj račun?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno izbrisati ove slike?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno izbrisati ovu datoteku?","Are you sure?":"Jeste li sigurni?","Artist":"Umjetnik","Aspect Ratio":"Razmjer proporcija","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Automatski kreirajte JPEG-ove za druge vrste datoteka tako da se mogu prikazati u pregledniku.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Automatski stvara albume posebnih trenutaka, putovanja i mjesta.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Prije podnošenja zahtjeva za podršku, upotrijebite naše kontrolne liste za rješavanje problema kako biste utvrdili uzrok svog problema.","Bio":"bio","Black":"Crno","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos modifikacija, manje zvonjavih artefakata","Blue":"Plava","Brown":"Smeđa","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Pregledavajte i uređujte oznake klasifikacije slika.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Pregledajte indeksirane datoteke i mape u knjižnici.","Bug Report":"Izvješće o greškama","Busy, please wait…":"Zauzeto, pričekajte…","Calendar":"Kalendar","Camera":"Fotoaparat","Camera Serial":"Serijski fotoaparat","Can't load more, limit reached":"Nije moguće učitati više, dosegnuto je ograničenje","Can't select more items":"Nije moguće odabrati više stavki","Cancel":"Otkazati","Cards":"Kartice","Category":"Kategorija","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Promijenite naslove fotografija, lokacije i druge metapodatke.","Change private flag":"Promijenite privatnu zastavu","Checked":"Provjereno","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Zatvoriti","Codec":"kodek","Color":"Boja","Color Profile":"Profil boje","Colors":"Boje","Complete Rescan":"Dovrši ponovno skeniranje","Confidence":"Samouvjerenost","Connect":"Spojiti","Connect via WebDAV":"Povežite se putem WebDAV-a","Contact Us":"Kontaktirajte nas","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Sadrži %{n} slika.","Contains one picture.":"Sadrži jednu sliku.","Convert to JPEG":"Pretvori u JPEG","Converting":"Pretvaranje","Copied to clipboard":"Kopirano u međuspremnik","Copyright":"Autorsko pravo","Couldn't find anything.":"Nisam mogao pronaći ništa.","Country":"Država","Create album":"Napravite album","Created":"Kreirano","Creating thumbnails for":"Izrada minijatura za","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubik: umjerena kvaliteta, dobre performanse","Current Password":"Trenutna lozinka","Customer Support":"Korisnička podrška","Cyan":"cijan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Dnevno","Day":"Dan","Debug Logs":"Zapisnici otklanjanja pogrešaka","Default":"Zadano","Default Folder":"Zadana mapa","Delete":"Izbriši","Description":"Opis","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Detaljne upute možete pronaći u našem korisničkom priručniku.","Details":"Detalji","Dimensions":"Dimenzije","Disable Backups":"Onemogućite sigurnosne kopije","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Onemogućite ugrađeni WebDAV poslužitelj. Zahtijeva ponovno pokretanje.","Disable Darktable":"Onemogući Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Onemogućite ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Onemogućite FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Onemogući Mjesta","Disable RawTherapee":"Onemogućite RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Onemogućite TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Onemogućite WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Onemogućuje obrnuto geokodiranje i karte.","Discover":"Otkrij","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Nemojte sigurnosno kopirati fotografije i metapodatke albuma u YAML datoteke.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Nemojte stvarati ExifTool JSON datoteke za poboljšano izdvajanje metapodataka.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Ne mijenjajte mapu izvornika. Onemogućuje uvoz, prijenos i brisanje.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Nemojte transkodirati videozapise s FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Nemojte koristiti Darktable za pretvaranje RAW datoteka.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Nemojte koristiti RawTherapee za pretvaranje RAW datoteka.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Nemojte koristiti TensorFlow za klasifikaciju slika.","Donations":"Donacije","Done":"Gotovo","Done.":"Gotovo.","Download":"Preuzimanja","Download remote files":"Preuzmite udaljene datoteke","Download single files and zip archives.":"Preuzmite pojedinačne datoteke i zip arhive.","Downloading…":"Preuzimanje…","Downscaling Filter":"Filter za smanjenje","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikati će se preskočiti i pojaviti se samo jednom.","Duration":"Trajanje","Dynamic Previews":"Dinamički pregledi","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dinamičko renderiranje zahtijeva moćan poslužitelj. Ne preporučuje se za NAS uređaje.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Ograničenje dinamičke veličine: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-Mail","Edit":"Uredi","Edit %{name}":"Uredi %{name}","Edit Account":"Uredite korisnički račun","Edit Photo":"Uredi fotografiju","Edited":"Uređeno","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"Omogućite nove značajke koje su trenutno u razvoju.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Omogućuje unaprijed postavljene postavke RAW pretvarača. Može smanjiti performanse.","Errors":"Greške","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Procijenite približnu lokaciju slika bez koordinata.","Estimates":"Procjene","Every two days":"Svaka dva dana","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Izuzmite sadržaj označen kao privatan iz rezultata pretraživanja, dijeljenih albuma, oznaka i mjesta.","Exclude hidden":"Isključi skriveno","Expand":"Proširiti","Expand Search":"Proširite Pretraživanje","Experimental Features":"Eksperimentalne značajke","Expires":"Ističe","Exposure":"Izlaganje","F Number":"F broj","Face":"Lice","Faces":"Lica","Failed copying to clipboard":"Kopiranje u međuspremnik nije uspjelo","Failed removing link":"Uklanjanje veze nije uspjelo","Failed updating link":"Neuspješno ažuriranje veze","Fast":"brzo","Favorite":"Favorit","Favorites":"Favoriti","Feature Request":"Zahtjev za značajku","Feedback":"Povratne informacije","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Slobodno nas kontaktirajte na hello@photoprism.app ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja.","File":"Datoteka","File Browser":"Preglednik datoteka","Filename":"Datoteka","Files":"Datoteke","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Datoteke s uzastopnim nazivima poput 'IMG_1234 (2)' i 'IMG_1234 (3)' pripadaju istoj slici.","Focal Length":"Žarišna duljina","Folder":"Mapa","Folder contains %{n} files":"Mapa sadrži sljedeći broj datoteka: %{n}","Folder is empty":"Mapa je prazna","Folders":"Mape","Forgot password?":"Zaboravili ste lozinku?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Okviri","Fullscreen":"Puni zaslon","Gemstone":"Dragi kamen","General":"Općenito","Getting Support":"Dobivanje podrške","Gold":"Zlatno","Grayscale":"Sivi tonovi","Green":"Zelena","Grey":"Siva","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Pomoć","Help & Support":"Pomoć i podrška","Hidden":"Skriveno","Hidden Files":"Skrivene datoteke","Hide":"Sakriti","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Sakrij fotografije koje su premještene u arhivu.","High":"Visoko","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Visoki dinamički raspon (HDR)","How can we help?":"Kako možemo pomoći?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Ako ovo ne pomaže, ili imate druga pitanja:","image":"slika","Image":"Slika","Images":"Slike","Import":"Uvoz","Import failed":"Uvoz nije uspio","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Uvezene datoteke bit će razvrstane po datumu i dati im jedinstveni naziv kako bi se izbjeglo dupliranje.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Uvezene datoteke bit će razvrstane po datumu i dati im jedinstveni naziv.","Importing %{name}…":"Uvoz %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Uvoz datoteka u originale…","in":"u","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Osim toga, sponzori dobivaju izravnu tehničku podršku putem e-pošte.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"U slučaju da nedostaju slike koje očekujete, ponovno skenirajte svoju biblioteku i pričekajte dok se indeksiranje ne završi.","Index":"Početna","Indexing":"Indeksiranje","Indexing failed":"Indeksiranje nije uspjelo","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indeksiranje medijskih i bočnih datoteka…","Instance ID":"ID instance","Interval":"Interval","Invalid date":"Nevažeći datum","Invalid photo selected":"Odabrana je nevažeća fotografija","Item":"Proizvod","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG kvaliteta: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Ograničenje veličine JPEG-a: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG i sličice se automatski prikazuju prema potrebi.","Keywords":"Ključne riječi","Label":"Oznaka","Labels":"Oznake","Labels deleted":"Oznake su izbrisane","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: očuvanje detalja, minimalni artefakti","Language":"Jezik","Last Sync":"Zadnja sinkronizacija","Latitude":"Zemljopisna širina","Lavender":"Lavanda","Lens":"Leće","Library":"Zbirka","License":"Licenca","Like":"Sviđa mi se","Lime":"Vapno","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Dosegnuto je ograničenje, prikazuje prvih %{n} datoteka","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linearno: vrlo glatko, najbolja izvedba","Link":"Poveznica","List":"Popis","Live":"Uživo","Local Time":"Lokalno vrijeme","location":"lokacija","Location":"Lokacija","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Poruke dnevnika pojavljuju se ovdje kad god PhotoPrism naiđe na pokvarene datoteke ili postoje drugi potencijalni problemi.","Login":"Prijava","Logout":"Odjava","Logs":"Dnevnici","Longitude":"Zemljopisna dužina","Low":"Nisko","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Glavna Boja","manual":"priručnik","Manual Upload":"Ručno učitavanje","Marker":"Marker","Medium":"Srednje","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Spojiti %{a} s %{b}?","Message sent":"Poruka je poslana","Minimize":"Minimiziraj","Missing":"Nedostaje","Moments":"Trenuci","Monochrome":"Jednobojna","Month":"Mjesec","Moonlight":"Mjesečina","More than %{n} pictures found":"Pronađeno je više od %{n} slika","More than 20 albums found":"Pronađeno je više od 20 albuma","More than 20 labels found":"Pronađeno je više od 20 naljepnica","More than 20 people found":"Pronađeno više od 20 ljudi","Mosaic":"Mozaik","Move Files":"Premjesti datoteke","Name":"Ime","Name too long":"Ime predugo","Never":"Nikad","New":"Novi","New Password":"Nova lozinka","No":"Ne","No albums found":"Nije pronađen nijedan album","No labels found":"Nije pronađena nijedna oznaka","No people found":"Nisu pronađeni ljudi","No pictures found":"Nema pronađenih slika","No recently edited pictures":"Nema nedavno uređenih slika","No servers configured.":"Nema konfiguriranih poslužitelja.","No thanks":"Ne hvala","No video selected":"Nije odabran nijedan videozapis","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Nema upozorenja ili pogreške koje sadrže ovu ključnu riječ. Imajte na umu da je pretraživanje osjetljivo na velika i mala slova.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Nefotografske slike i slike niske kvalitete zahtijevaju pregled prije nego što se pojave u rezultatima pretraživanja.","None":"Nijedan","Not Found":"Nije pronađeno","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Imajte na umu da svoju mapu izvornika možete ručno upravljati, a uvoz nije obavezan.","Note:":"Bilješka:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Napomena: Samo WebDAV poslužitelji, kao što su Nextcloud ili PhotoPrism, mogu se konfigurirati kao udaljeni servis za sigurnosno kopiranje i prijenos datoteka.","Notes":"Napomene","Offline":"Offline","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"U sustavu Windows unesite sljedeći resurs u dijaloški okvir za povezivanje:","Once a week":"Jednom tjedno","One album found":"Pronađen jedan album","One file found":"Pronađena je jedna datoteka","One file uploaded":"Prenesena je jedna datoteka","One folder found":"Pronađena je jedna mapa","One label found":"Pronađena je jedna oznaka","One person found":"Pronađena jedna osoba","One picture found":"Pronađena jedna slika","Onyx":"Oniks","Options":"Opcije","or ask in our Community Chat":"ili pitajte u našem chatu zajednice","Orange":"Narančasta","Orientation":"Usmjerenje","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Izvorni nazivi datoteka bit će pohranjeni i indeksirani.","Original Name":"Originalno ime","Originals":"Originali","Other":"Ostalo","Outdoor":"Vanjski","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panorame","Password":"Lozinka","Password changed":"Lozinka je promijenjena","People":"Ljudi","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Osobe s kojima podijelite vezu moći će vidjeti javni sadržaj.","Permanently deleted":"Trajno izbrisano","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Trajno uklonite datoteke da biste oslobodili prostor za pohranu.","Photo":"Fotografija","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism je ažuriran…","Photos":"Slike","Pink":"Ružičasta","Place":"Mjesto","Place & Time":"Mjesto i vrijeme","Places":"Mjesta","Please confirm your new password.":"Molimo potvrdite svoju novu lozinku.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Nemojte učitavati fotografije koje sadrže uvredljiv sadržaj.","Portrait":"Portret","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"objavite svoje pitanje u GitHub raspravama","Preserve filenames":"Sačuvajte nazive datoteka","Press button to start importing…":"Pritisnite gumb za početak uvoza…","Press button to start indexing…":"Pritisnite gumb za početak indeksiranja…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Pritisnite enter za stvaranje novog albuma.","Preview":"Pregled","Primary":"Glavni","Private":"Privatno","Product Feedback":"Povratne informacije o proizvodu","Projection":"Projekcija","Purple":"Ljubičasta","Quality Filter":"Filter kvalitete","Quality Score":"Ocjena kvalitete","Random":"Nasumično","Raspberry":"kupina","Raw":"Sirova","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW konverzija","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Ponovno indeksirajte sve originale, uključujući već indeksirane i nepromijenjene datoteke.","Read-Only Mode":"Način samo za čitanje","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Prepoznavanje počinje nakon što je indeksiranje završeno.","Recognized":"Prepoznati","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Prepoznaje lica kako bi se mogle pronaći određene osobe.","Red":"Crvena","Reload":"Ponovno učitaj","Reloading…":"Pretovar…","Remote Sync":"Daljinska sinkronizacija","Remove":"Ukloni","remove failed: unknown album":"uklanjanje nije uspjelo: nepoznat album","Remove from album":"Ukloni iz albuma","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Uklonite uvezene datoteke da biste spremili pohranu. Nepodržane vrste datoteka nikada se neće izbrisati, ostaju na svojoj trenutnoj lokaciji.","Request failed - invalid response":"Zahtjev nije uspio - nevažeći odgovor","Required":"Obavezno","Resolution":"Rezolucija","Restore":"Obnova","Retry Limit":"Ograničenje ponovnog pokušaja","Retype Password":"Ponovno upišite lozinku","Review":"Recenzija","Save":"Spremi","Scan":"Skeniraj","Scans":"Skenira","Search":"Traži","Search and display photos on a map.":"Pretraživanje i prikaz fotografija na karti.","Season":"Sezona","Secret":"Tajno","Select":"Izaberi","Select albums or create a new one":"Odaberite albume ili stvorite novi","Selection approved":"Odabir odobren","Selection archived":"Odabir je arhiviran","Selection restored":"Odabir je vraćen","Send":"Pošalji","Sequential Name":"Sekvencijalni naziv","Service URL":"URL usluge","Settings":"Postavke","Settings saved":"Postavke spremljene","Setup":"Postavke","Shadow":"Sjena","Share":"Podijeli","Share %{name}":"Podijeli %{name}","Show":"Prikaži","Show all new faces":"Pokažite sva nova lica","Show hidden":"Prikaži skriveno","Show less":"Prikaži manje","Show more":"Prikaži više","Show server logs in Library.":"Prikaži zapisnike poslužitelja u knjižnici.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Prikazuje detaljnije poruke dnevnika. Zahtijeva ponovno pokretanje.","Sidecar":"Prikolica","Sign in":"Prijavi se","Sign Up":"Registracija","Similar":"Sličan","Size":"Veličina","Slow":"Sporo","Sort Order":"Redoslijed sortiranja","Source":"Izvor","Stack":"Stog","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Stog datoteka koje dijele istu jedinstvenu sliku ili identifikator instance.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Složite slike snimljene u točno isto vrijeme i na istom mjestu na temelju njihovih metapodataka.","Stackable":"Slaganje","Stacks":"Stogovi","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Grupira datoteke sa sličnim referentnim okvirom, ali razlikama u kvaliteti, formatu, veličini ili boji.","Start":"Početak","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Pokreni/Zaustavi dijaprojekciju","States":"Države","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statičko ograničenje veličine: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Pohrana","Streets":"Ulice","Subject":"Predmet","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Podrška za dodatne usluge, poput Google diska, bit će dodana s vremenom.","Sync":"Sinkronizacija","Sync raw and video files":"Sinkronizirajte sirove i video datoteke","Taken":"Poduzete","Teal":"Teal","Text too long":"Predugačak tekst","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Indeks trenutno sadrži %{n} skrivenih datoteka.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Njihov format možda nije podržan, još nisu pretvoreni u JPEG ili postoje duplikati.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Time se mapa originala montira kao mrežni pogon i omogućuje vam otvaranje, uređivanje i brisanje datoteka s računala ili pametnog telefona kao da su lokalne.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generiranje sličica","Time UTC":"Vrijeme UTC","Time Zone":"Vremenska zona","Timeout":"Pauza","Title":"Naslov","Title too long":"Naslov predug","Toggle View":"Uključi/isključi prikaz","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografski","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Kontrolne liste za rješavanje problema","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Pokušajte ponovno pomoću drugih filtara ili ključnih riječi.","Type":"Vrsta","Undo":"Poništi","Unique ID":"Jedinstveni ID","Unknown":"Nepoznato","Unsorted":"Nerazvrstano","Unstack":"Odložite","Updated":"Ažurirano","Updating faces":"Ažuriranje lica","Updating index":"Ažuriranje indeksa","Updating moments":"Trenuci ažuriranja","Updating previews":"Ažuriranje pregleda","Updating stacks":"Ažuriranje hrpa","Upload":"Učitaj","Upload complete":"Prijenos je završen","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Prijenos je završen. Indeksiranje…","Upload failed":"Prijenos nije uspio","Upload local files":"Prenesite lokalne datoteke","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Prenesite na WebDAV i podijelite veze s prijateljima.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Prijenos %{n} od %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Prijenos fotografija…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Prijenosi koji mogu sadržavati takve slike bit će automatski odbijeni.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Koristite unaprijed postavljene postavke","User":"Korisnik","User Interface":"Korisničko sučelje","Username":"Korisničko ime","Vanta":"Vanta","Video":"Video","Videos":"Video","View":"Pregled","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Potrudit ćemo se odgovoriti na sva vaša pitanja. Zauzvrat, molimo vas da nas podržite na Patreonu ili GitHub sponzorima.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV klijenti mogu se povezati s PhotoPrismom koristeći sljedeći URL:","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV Upload","White":"Bijelo","Year":"Godina","Yellow":"Žuta boja","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Da","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"dobrodošli ste da nam se pridružite na Redditu","You can only download one album":"Možete preuzeti samo jedan album","You can only download one label":"Možete preuzeti samo jednu naljepnicu","You may only select one item":"Možete odabrati samo jednu stavku","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Možete ponovno skenirati svoju biblioteku kako biste pronašli dodatna lica.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Vaša se knjižnica kontinuirano analizira kako bi se automatski izradili albumi posebnih trenutaka, putovanja i mjesta.","Zoom in/out":"Povećavanje/smanjivanje"},"hu":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} album találat","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} fájl feltöltve","%{n} folders found":"%{n} mappa találat","%{n} labels found":"%{n} címke találat","%{n} people found":"%{n} ember találat","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} kép találat","1 hour":"1 óra","12 hours":"12 óra","4 hours":"4 óra","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"A kattintás egy másolatot helyez a vágólapra.","About":"Rólunk","Abyss":"Abyss","Account":"Fiók","Accuracy":"Pontosság","Action":"Művelet","Actions":"Műveletek","Add Account":"Fiók hozzáadása","Add Album":"Album hozzáadása","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Fájlok hozzáadása a könytárhoz Webes feltöltés segítéségével.","Add Link":"Hivatkozás hozzáadása","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Képek hozzáadása a találok közül kiválasztás segítéségével.","Add to album":"Hozzáadás albumhoz","Added":"Hozzáadva","Advanced":"Haladó","After 1 day":"Egy nap után","After 3 days":"Három nap után","After 7 days":"Hét nap után","After one month":"Egy hónap után","After one year":"Egy év után","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"A találokból kiválasztott képeket, tetszőleges albumhoz adni a menü segítségével lehet.","After two months":"Két hónap után","After two weeks":"Két hét után","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Album neve","Albums":"Albumok","Albums deleted":"Albumok törölve","All %{n} albums loaded":"Összesen %{n} album betöltve","All %{n} labels loaded":"Összesen %{n} címke betöltve","All %{n} people loaded":"Összesen %{n} ember betöltve","All Cameras":"Összes kamera","All Categories":"Összes kategória","All Colors":"Összes szín","All Countries":"Összes ország","All fields are required":"Minden mező kitöltése kötelező","All files from import folder":"Összes fájlt az import könyvtárból","All Lenses":"Összes lencse","All Months":"Összes hónap","All originals":"Összes eredeti","All Years":"Összes év","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternatívaként a fájlok feltölthetők WebDAV szerverekre is, mint például Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Magasság","Altitude (m)":"Magasság (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Hiba történt - van internet elérése?","Animated":"Mozgó","Animation":"Animáció","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Bármilyen privát fotó és videó privát marad és nem kerül megosztásra.","API Key":"API Kulcs","Apply":"Alkalmaz","Approve":"Jóváhagy","Archive":"Archívum","Archived":"Archíválva","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Biztos benne, hogy archíválja a kiválasztott fájlokat?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Biztos benne, hogy törli a kiválasztott fájlokat?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Biztos benne, hogy törli a kiválasztott címkéket?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Biztos benne, hogy törli ezt a felhasználói fiókot?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Biztos benne, hogy véglegesen törli a kiválasztott képeket?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Biztos benne, hogy véglegesen törli a kiválasztott fájlokat?","Are you sure?":"Biztos benne?","Artist":"Művész","Aspect Ratio":"Képarány","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Automatikusan hozzon létre JPEG-eket más fájltípusokhoz, hogy megjeleníthetők legyenek a böngészőben.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Automatikusan albumokat hoz létre különleges pillanatokról, utazásokról és helyekről.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Mielőtt támogatási kérelmet nyújt be, kérjük, használja hibaelhárítási ellenőrző listáinkat a probléma okának meghatározásához.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Mivel 100%-ban önfinanszírozók és függetlenek vagyunk, megígérhetjük, hogy soha nem adjuk el az adatait, és mindig átláthatóak leszünk a szoftverünkkel és szolgáltatásainkkal kapcsolatban.","Bio":"Bio","Birth Date":"Születési dátum","Black":"Fekete","Blue":"Kék","Brown":"Barna","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Böngéssze és szerkessze a képbesorolási címkéket.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Böngésszen az indexelt fájlok és mappák között a Könyvtárban.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"A Tudásbázisban részletes információkat talál a termék egyes jellemzőiről, szolgáltatásairól és a kapcsolódó erőforrásokról.","Bug Report":"Hibajelentés","Busy, please wait…":"Elfoglalt, kérem, várjon…","Calendar":"Naptár","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Kamera sorozat","Can't load more, limit reached":"Nem tölthet be többet, elérte a korlátot","Can't select more items":"Nem lehet több elemet kiválasztani","Cancel":"Mégsem","Cards":"Kártyák","Category":"Kategória","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Személyes profil és biztonsági beállítások módosítása.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Módosíthatja a fotók címét, helyét és egyéb metaadatait.","Change private flag":"Privát fotóként jelölés","Changes successfully saved":"Módosítások sikeresen mentve","Checked":"Ellenőrizve","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Bezárás","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Szín","Color Profile":"Színprofil","Colors":"Színek","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"A gyakori problémák gyorsan diagnosztizálhatók és megoldhatók az általunk biztosított hibaelhárítási ellenőrző listák segítségével.","Complete Rescan":"Teljes újraolvasás","Confidence":"Pontosság","Connect":"Csatlakozás","Connect via WebDAV":"Csatlakozás WebDAV-on keresztül","Connected":"Csatlakozva","Contact Details":"Elérhetőségek","Contact Us":"Lépjen kapcsolatba velünk","Contains %{n} pictures.":"%{n} képet tartalmaz.","Contains one picture.":"Egy képet tartalmaz.","Convert to JPEG":"Konvertálja JPEG formátumba","Converting":"Konvertálás","Copied to clipboard":"Vágólapra másolva","Copyright":"Szerzői jog","Couldn't find anything.":"Nem találtunk semmit.","Country":"Ország","Create album":"Album létrehozása","Created":"Létrehozva","Creating thumbnails for":"Miniatűrök létrehozása a következőhöz","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Köbös: Közepes minőség, jó teljesítmény","Current Password":"Jelenlegi jelszó","Customer Support":"Vevőszolgálat","Cyan":"Cián","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Napi","Day":"Nap","Debug Logs":"Hibakeresési naplók","Default":"Alapértelmezett","Default Folder":"Alapértelmezett mappa","Delete":"Törlés","Description":"Leírás","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"A részletes utasításokat a Felhasználói kézikönyvben találja.","Details":"Részletek","Dimensions":"Méretek","Disable Backups":"Biztonsági mentések letiltása","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"A beépített WebDAV szerver letiltása. Újraindítást igényel.","Disable Darktable":"A Darktable letiltása","Disable ExifTool":"Az ExifTool letiltása","Disable FFmpeg":"Az FFmpeg letiltása","Disable Places":"Helyek letiltása","Disable RawTherapee":"A RawTherapee letiltása","Disable TensorFlow":"A TensorFlow letiltása","Disable WebDAV":"A WebDAV letiltása","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Letiltja a fordított geokódolást és a térképeket.","Discover":"Felfedez","Display Name":"Megjelenített név","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Ne készítsen biztonsági másolatot a fényképek és albumok metaadatairól YAML-fájlokba.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Ne hozzon létre ExifTool JSON-fájlokat a metaadatok jobb kinyerése érdekében.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Ne módosítsa az eredeti mappát. Letiltja az importálást, feltöltést és törlést.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Ne kódoljon át videókat az FFmpeg segítségével.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Ne használja a Darktable-t RAW fájlok konvertálására.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Ne használja a RawTherapee-t RAW fájlok konvertálására.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Ne használja a TensorFlow-t képosztályozáshoz.","Donations":"Adományok","Done":"Kész","Done.":"Kész.","Download":"Letöltés","Download remote files":"Távoli fájlok letöltése","Download single files and zip archives.":"Egyedi fájlok és zip-archívumok letöltése.","Downloading…":"Letöltés…","Downscaling Filter":"Lekicsinyítési szűrő","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"A beérkező e-mailek nagy száma miatt előfordulhat, hogy csapatunk nem tud azonnal válaszolni Önnek.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"A másolatok kimaradnak, és csak egyszer jelennek meg.","Duration":"Időtartam","Dynamic Previews":"Dinamikus előnézetek","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"A dinamikus megjelenítéshez erős szerverre van szükség. NAS eszközökhöz nem ajánlott.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Dinamikus méretkorlát: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Email","Edit":"Szerkesztés","Edit %{name}":"%{name} szerkesztése","Edit Account":"Fiók szerkesztése","Edit Photo":"Fénykép szerkesztése","Edited":"Szerkesztette","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-mail","Enable new features currently under development.":"A jelenleg fejlesztés alatt álló új funkciók engedélyezése.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Engedélyezi a RAW konverter előbeállításait. Csökkentheti a teljesítményt.","Errors":"Hibák","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Becsülje meg a képek hozzávetőleges helyét koordináták nélkül.","Estimates":"Becslések","Every two days":"Kétnaponta","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"A privátként megjelölt tartalmak kizárása a keresési eredményekből, a megosztott albumokból, címkékből és helyekről.","Exclude hidden":"Rejtett kizárás","Expand":"Kiterjesztés","Expand Search":"Bontsa ki a Keresés elemet","Experimental Features":"Kísérleti jellemzők","Expires":"Lejár","Exposure":"Kitettség","F Number":"F Szám","Face":"Arc","Faces":"Arcok","Failed copying to clipboard":"Nem sikerült a vágólapra másolni","Failed removing link":"Nem sikerült eltávolítani a linket","Failed updating link":"Nem sikerült frissíteni a linket","Family Name":"Családnév","Fast":"Gyors","Favorite":"Kedvenc","Favorites":"Kedvencek","Feature Request":"Funkciókérés","Feedback":"Visszacsatolás","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Kérjük, lépjen kapcsolatba velünk a hello@photoprism.app címen, ha kérdése van, vagy segítségre van szüksége.","File":"Fájl","File Browser":"Fájl böngésző","File Name":"Fájlnév","File Size":"Fájl méret","Filename":"Fájlnév","Files":"Fájlok","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Az olyan szekvenciális nevű fájlok, mint az „IMG_1234 (2)” és „IMG_1234 (3)”, ugyanahhoz a képhez tartoznak.","Focal Length":"Gyújtótávolság","Folder":"Mappa","Folder contains %{n} files":"A mappa %{n} fájlt tartalmaz","Folder is empty":"A mappa üres","Folders":"Mappák","Forgot password?":"Elfelejtett jelszó?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Keretek","Fullscreen":"Teljes képernyő","Gemstone":"Drágakő","Gender":"Nem","General":"Általános","Getting Support":"Támogatás megszerzése","Given 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%{name}…":"%{name} importálása…","Importing files to originals…":"Fájlok importálása eredetibe…","in":"-ban/-ben","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"A szponzorok emellett közvetlen technikai támogatást kapnak e-mailben.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Ha hiányoznak a várt képek, kérjük, ellenőrizze újra a könyvtárát, és várja meg, amíg az indexelés befejeződik.","Index":"Index","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Fájlok indexelése és importálása a felhasználói felületen keresztül.","Indexing":"Indexelés","Indexing failed":"Az indexelés nem sikerült","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Média- és oldalsó fájlok indexelése…","Instance ID":"Példányazonosító","Interval":"Intervallum","Invalid":"Érvénytelen","Invalid date":"Érvénytelen dátum","Invalid parameters":"Érvénytelen paraméterek","Invalid photo selected":"Érvénytelen fénykép kiválasztva","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"A legújabb technológiákat használja a képek automatikus megjelölésére és megtalálására anélkül, hogy útban lenne.","Item":"Tétel","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG minőség: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG méretkorlát: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"A JPEG-fájlok és miniatűrök szükség szerint automatikusan megjelennek.","Keywords":"Kulcsszavak","Knowledge Base":"Tudásbázis","Label":"Címke","Labels":"Címkék","Labels deleted":"Címkék törölve","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Részletmegőrzés, minimális műtárgyak","Language":"Nyelv","Last Sync":"Utolsó szinkronizálás","Latitude":"Szélességi kör","Lavender":"Levendula","Learn more":"Tudjon meg többet","Legal Information":"Jogi információk","Lens":"Lencse","Library":"Könyvtár","License":"Engedély","Like":"Kedvelés","Lime":"Mész","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Elérte a korlátot, az első %{n} fájl látható","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineáris: Nagyon sima, a legjobb teljesítmény","Link":"Link","List":"Lista","Live":"Élő","Local Time":"Helyi idő","location":"elhelyezkedés","Location":"Elhelyezkedés","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Naplóüzenetek jelennek meg itt, ha a PhotoPrism hibás fájlokat talál, vagy más lehetséges problémák merülnek fel.","Login":"Belépés","Logout":"Kijelentkezés","Logs":"Naplók","Longitude":"Hosszúság","Low":"Alacsony","Magenta":"Bíborvörös","Main Color":"Fő szín","Male":"Férfi","manual":"kézi","Manual Upload":"Kézi feltöltés","Maps":"Térképek","Marker":"Jelző","Medium":"Közepes","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Összevonja %{a}-t a %{b}-val?","Message sent":"Üzenet elküldve","Minimize":"Minimalizálja","Missing":"Hiányzó","Moments":"Pillanatok","Monochrome":"Monokróm","Month":"Hónap","Moonlight":"Holdfény","More than %{n} pictures found":"Több mint %{n} kép található","More than 20 albums found":"Több mint 20 album található","More than 20 labels found":"Több mint 20 címke található","More than 20 people found":"Több mint 20 embert találtunk","Mosaic":"Mozaik","Most Relevant":"Legrelevánsabb","Move Files":"Fájlok áthelyezése","Name":"Név","Name too long":"A név túl hosszú","Never":"Soha","New":"Új","New Password":"Új jelszó","Newest First":"Először a legújabb","No":"Nem","No albums found":"Nem találhatók albumok","No labels found":"Nem találhatók címkék","No people found":"Nem találhatók személyek","No pictures found":"Nem találhatók képek","No recently edited pictures":"Nincsenek nemrég szerkesztett képek","No servers configured.":"Nincsenek konfigurálva szerverek.","No thanks":"Nem köszönöm","No video selected":"Nincs kijelölt videó","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Nincsenek figyelmeztetések vagy hibák, amelyek ezt a kulcsszót tartalmazzák. Vegye figyelembe, hogy a keresés megkülönbözteti a kis- és nagybetűket.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"A rossz minőségű képek ellenörzésre kerülnek, mielőtt megjelennének a keresési eredmények között.","None":"Egyik sem","Not Found":"Nem található","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Vegye figyelembe, hogy manuálisan is kezelheti az eredeti mappát, és az importálás nem kötelező.","Note:":"Megjegyzés:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Megjegyzés: Csak a WebDAV-kiszolgálók, például a Nextcloud vagy a PhotoPrism konfigurálhatók távoli szolgáltatásként biztonsági mentéshez és fájlfeltöltéshez.","Notes":"Megjegyzések","Nothing to see here yet.":"Itt még nincs látnivaló. Legyél türelmes.","Offline":"Offline","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Windows alatt adja meg a következő erőforrást a kapcsolat párbeszédpanelen:","Once a week":"Hetente egyszer","One album found":"Egy albumot találtunk","One file found":"Egy fájl található","One file uploaded":"Egy feltöltött fájl","One folder found":"Egy mappa található","One label found":"Egy címkét találtunk","One person found":"Egy személyt találtak","One picture found":"Egy kép található","Onyx":"Ónix","Options":"Lehetőségek","or ask in our Community Chat":"vagy kérdezz a közösségi csevegésünkben","Orange":"Narancssárga","Orientation":"Orientáció","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Az eredeti fájlneveket a rendszer tárolja és indexeli.","Original Name":"Eredeti Név","Originals":"Eredetiek","Other":"Egyéb","Outdoor":"Szabadtéri","Panorama":"Panoráma","Panoramas":"Panorámák","Password":"Jelszó","Password changed":"A jelszó megváltozott","People":"Személyek","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Azok, akikkel megoszt egy linket, nyilvános tartalmakat tekinthetnek meg.","Permanently deleted":"Véglegesen törölve","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"A tárhely felszabadításához távolítsa el véglegesen a fájlokat.","Phone":"Telefon","Photo":"Fénykép","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"A PhotoPrism frissítve lett…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"A PhotoPrism® egy mesterséges intelligenciával működő fényképalkalmazás a decentralizált webre.","Photos":"Fényképek","Pink":"Rózsaszín","Place":"Hely","Place & Time":"Hely és idő","Places":"Helyek","Please confirm your new password.":"Kérjük, erősítse meg új jelszavát.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Kérjük, ne töltsön fel sértő tartalmat tartalmazó fotókat.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy a jelszó megváltoztatása más eszközökön és böngészőkben is kijelentkezik.","Portrait":"Portré","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"tegye fel a kérdését a GitHub Discussions-ban","Preserve filenames":"Fájlnevek megőrzése","Press button to start importing…":"Nyomja meg a gombot az importálás megkezdéséhez…","Press button to start indexing…":"Nyomja meg a gombot az indexelés elindításához…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Új album létrehozásához nyomja meg az Enter billentyűt.","Preview":"Előnézet","Primary":"Elsődleges","Private":"Privát","Product Feedback":"Termék visszajelzés","Projection":"Kivetítés","Purple":"Lila","Quality Filter":"Minőségi szűrő","Quality Score":"Minőségi mutató","Random":"Véletlen","Raspberry":"Málna","Raw":"Nyers","RAW":"NYERS","RAW Conversion":"RAW átalakítás","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Indexelje újra az összes eredetit, beleértve a már indexelt és változatlan fájlokat is.","Read-Only Mode":"Csak olvasható mód","Recently Added":"Nemrég hozzáadott","Recently Edited":"Nemrég szerkesztve","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"A felismerés az indexelés befejezése után kezdődik.","Recognized":"Elismert","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Felismeri az arcokat, így konkrét személyeket is meg lehet találni.","Red":"Piros","Reload":"Újratöltés","Reloading…":"Újratöltés…","Remote Sync":"Távoli szinkronizálás","Remove":"Távolítsa el","remove failed: unknown album":"eltávolítás sikertelen: ismeretlen album","Remove from album":"Eltávolítás az albumból","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Távolítsa el az importált fájlokat a tárhely megtakarításához. A nem támogatott fájltípusok soha nem törlődnek, a jelenlegi helyükön maradnak.","Request failed - invalid response":"Sikertelen kérés – érvénytelen válasz","Required":"Kívánt","Resolution":"Felbontás","Restore":"Visszaállítás","Retry Limit":"Újrapróbálkozási korlát","Retype Password":"Gépelje be újra a jelszót","Review":"Felülvizsgálat","Save":"Mentés","Scan":"Felderítés","Scans":"Szkennel","Search":"Keresés","Search and display photos on a map.":"Fényképek keresése és megjelenítése a térképen.","Season":"Évad","Secret":"Titok","Security and Access":"Biztonság és hozzáférés","Select":"Kiválasztás","Select albums or create a new one":"Válasszon albumokat, vagy hozzon létre egy újat","Selection approved":"Kiválasztás jóváhagyva","Selection archived":"A kijelölés archiválva","Selection restored":"Kiválasztás visszaállítva","Send":"Küld","Sequential Name":"Sorozati név","Service URL":"Szolgáltatás URL-je","Services":"Szolgáltatások","Settings":"Beállítások","Settings saved":"Beállítások elmentve","Setup":"Beállít","Shadow":"Árnyék","Share":"Megosztás","Share %{name}":"%{name} megosztása","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Ossza meg képeit más alkalmazásokkal és szolgáltatásokkal.","Show":"Előadás","Show all new faces":"Az összes új arc megjelenítése","Show hidden":"Rejtett megjelenítése","Show less":"Mutass kevesebbet","Show more":"Mutass többet","Show server logs in Library.":"Szervernaplók megjelenítése a Könyvtárban.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Részletesebb naplóüzeneteket jelenít meg. Újraindítást igényel.","Sidecar":"Oldalkocsi","Sign in":"Bejelentkezés","Sign Up":"Regisztrálj","Similar":"Hasonló","Size":"Méret","Slow":"Lassú","Sort Order":"Sorrend","Source":"Forrás","Stack":"Csoportosítás","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Fájlok csoportosítása, amelyek ugyanazt az egyedi képet vagy példányazonosítót tartalmazzák.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"A metaadataik alapján csoportosítsa a pontosan ugyanabban az időben és helyen készült képeket.","Stackable":"Egymásra rakható","Stacks":"Stackek","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Csoportosítja a fájlokat hasonló referenciakerettel, de minőségben, formátumban, méretben vagy színben eltérő.","Start":"Rajt","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Diavetítés indítása/leállítása","States":"Országok","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statikus méretkorlát: %{n}px","Status":"Állapot","Storage":"Tárhely","Streets":"Utcák","Subject":"Tantárgy","Successfully Connected":"Sikeresen csatlakoztatva","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"A további szolgáltatások, például a Google Drive támogatása jelenleg fejlesztés alatt áll.","Sync":"Szinkronizálás","Sync raw and video files":"Nyers és videofájlok szinkronizálása","Taken":"Felvett","Teal":"A zöldeskék","Text too long":"A szöveg túl hosszú","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Az index jelenleg %{n} rejtett fájlt tartalmaz.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Előfordulhat, hogy a formátumuk nem támogatott, még nem konvertálták JPEG formátumba, vagy ismétlődők vannak.","Theme":"Téma","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Ez hálózati meghajtóként csatlakoztatja az eredeti mappát, és lehetővé teszi a fájlok megnyitását, szerkesztését és törlését számítógépéről vagy okostelefonjáról, mintha azok helyi lennének.","Thumbnail Generation":"Miniatűrök generálása","Time UTC":"Idő UTC","Time Zone":"Időzóna","Timeout":"Időtúllépés","Title":"Cím","Title too long":"A cím túl hosszú","Toggle View":"Nézet váltása","Token":"Jelképes","Topographic":"Topográfiai","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Hibaelhárítási ellenőrző listák","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Próbálja újra más szűrők vagy kulcsszavak használatával.","Type":"Típus","Undo":"Visszavonás","Unique ID":"Egyéni azonosító","Unknown":"Ismeretlen","Unregistered":"Nem regisztrált","Unsorted":"Rendezés nélkül","Unstack":"Bontsa ki","Updated":"Frissítve","Updating faces":"Arcok frissítése","Updating index":"Index frissítése","Updating moments":"Frissítő pillanatok","Updating picture…":"Kép frissítése…","Updating previews":"Előnézetek frissítése","Updating stacks":"Csoportosítások frissítése","Upload":"Feltöltés","Upload complete":"Feltöltés kész","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Feltöltés kész. Indexelés…","Upload failed":"Feltöltés sikertelen","Upload local files":"Helyi fájlok feltöltése","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Töltse fel a WebDAV-ba, és ossza meg hivatkozásait barátaival.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"%{n}/%{t} feltöltése…","Uploading photos…":"Fényképek feltöltése…","Uploading…":"Feltöltés…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Az esetlegesen ilyen képeket tartalmazó feltöltések automatikusan elutasításra kerülnek.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Előbeállítások használata","User":"Felhasználó","User Guide":"Felhasználói útmutató","User Interface":"Felhasználói felület","Username":"Felhasználónév","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Ellenőrzött","Video":"Videó","Videos":"Videók","View":"Kilátás","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Látogasson el a docs.photoprism.app/user-guide webhelyre, ahol megtudhatja, hogyan szinkronizálhatja, rendszerezheti és oszthatja meg képeit.","We appreciate your feedback!":"Nagyra értékeljük visszajelzéseit!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Igyekszünk öt munkanapon belül vagy annál rövidebb időn belül válaszolni.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Mindent megteszünk, hogy válaszoljunk minden kérdésére. Cserébe arra kérünk, hogy támogass minket Patreon vagy GitHub szponzorok.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"A WebDAV-kliensek a következő URL-címen csatlakozhatnak a PhotoPrism-hez:","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV feltöltés","Website":"Weboldal","White":"Fehér","Year":"Év","Yellow":"Sárga","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Igen","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"szívesen látunk a Reddit-en","You can only download one album":"Csak egy albumot tölthet le","You can only download one label":"Csak egy címkét tölthet le","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Futtathatja otthon, egy privát szerveren vagy a felhőben.","You may only select one item":"Csak egy elemet választhat ki","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Újra beolvashatja könyvtárát, hogy további arcokat találjon.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Könyvtárát folyamatosan elemzi a rendszer, hogy automatikusan létrehozza a különleges pillanatokat, utazásokat és helyeket tartalmazó albumokat.","Zoom in/out":"Nagyítás/kicsinyítés"},"id":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} album ditemukan","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} berkas yang diunggah","%{n} folders found":"%{n} folder ditemukan","%{n} labels found":"%{n} label yang ditemukan","%{n} people found":"%{n} orang yang ditemukan","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} gambar yang ditemukan","1 hour":"1 jam","12 hours":"12 jam","4 hours":"4 jam","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Satu klik akan menyalinnya ke clipboard Anda.","About":"Tentang","Abyss":"Neraka","Account":"Akun","Accuracy":"Akurasi","Action":"Tindakan","Actions":"Tindakan","Add Album":"Tambah album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Tambah berkas ke pustaka melalui unggahan web.","Add Link":"Tambah tautan","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Tambahkan gambar dari hasil pencarian dengan memilihnya.","Add to album":"Tambahkan ke album","Added":"Sudah ditambahkan","Advanced":"Lanjutan","After 1 day":"Setelah 1 hari","After 3 days":"Setelah 3 hari","After 7 days":"Setelah 7 hari","After one month":"Setelah 1 bulan","After one year":"Setelah 1 tahun","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Setelah memilah gambar dari hasil pencarian, Anda dapat menambahkannya ke album menggunakan menu kontek.","After two months":"Setelah 2 bulan","After two weeks":"Setelah 2 minggu","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Nama Album","Albums":"Koleksi Album","Albums deleted":"Koleksi album dihapus","All %{n} albums loaded":"%{n} album telah dimuat","All %{n} labels loaded":"%{n} label telah dimuat","All %{n} people loaded":"%{n} orang telah dimuat","All Cameras":"Semua Kamera","All Categories":"Semua Kategori","All Colors":"Semua Warna","All Countries":"Semua Negara","All fields are required":"Semua kolom wajib diisi","All files from import folder":"Semua berkas dari folder impor","All Lenses":"Semua Lensa","All Months":"Dalam semua bulan","All originals":"Semua yang asli","All Years":"Dalam semua tahun","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Sebagai kemungkinan lain, Anda dapat mengunggah berkas langsung ke WebDAV server seperti Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Ketinggian","Altitude (m)":"Ketinggian (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Sebuah error terjadi - apakah Anda tidak tersambung dengan internet?","Animated":"Animasi","Animation":"Animasi","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Semua foto dan video pribadi tetap pribadi dan tidak akan dibagikan.","API Key":"Kunci API","Apply":"Terapkan","Approve":"Setujui","Archive":"Arsip","Archived":"Diarsipkan","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Apakah Anda yakin untuk mengarsipkan pilihan ini?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Apakah Anda yakin untuk menghapus album - album ini?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Apakah Anda yakin untuk menghapus label - label ini?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Apakah Anda yakin untuk menghapus akun ini?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengapus gambar ini secara permanen?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Apakah Anda yakin untuk menghapus berkas ini secara permanen?","Are you sure?":"Apakah Anda yakin?","Artist":"Artis","Aspect Ratio":"Rasio Aspek","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Secara otomatis membuat JPEG untuk jenis file lain sehingga dapat ditampilkan di browser.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Secara otomatis membuat album momen spesial, perjalanan, dan tempat.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Sebelum mengirimkan permintaan dukungan, harap gunakan Daftar Periksa Pemecahan Masalah kami untuk menentukan penyebab masalah Anda.","Bio":"Bio","Black":"Hitam","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Modifikasi Lanczos, Artefak Berdering Lebih Sedikit","Blue":"Biru","Brown":"Coklat","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Jelajahi dan edit label klasifikasi gambar.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Jelajahi file dan folder yang diindeks di Perpustakaan.","Bug Report":"Laporan Bug","Busy, please wait…":"Sibuk, harap tunggu…","Calendar":"Kalender","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Serial Kamera","Can't load more, limit reached":"Tidak dapat memuat lebih banyak, batas tercapai","Can't select more items":"Tidak dapat memilih item lainnya","Cancel":"Batal","Cards":"Kartu","Category":"Kategori","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Ubah judul foto, lokasi, dan metadata lainnya.","Change private flag":"Ubah bendera pribadi","Checked":"Diperiksa","Chroma":"Kroma","Close":"Tutup","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Warna","Color Profile":"Profil Warna","Colors":"Warna","Complete Rescan":"Selesaikan Pemindaian Ulang","Confidence":"Keyakinan","Connect":"Hubungkan","Connect via WebDAV":"Terhubung melalui WebDAV","Contact Us":"Hubungi Kami","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Berisi %{n} gambar.","Contains one picture.":"Berisi satu gambar.","Convert to JPEG":"Konversi ke JPEG","Converting":"Mengubah","Copied to clipboard":"Disalin ke papan klip","Copyright":"Hak Cipta","Couldn't find anything.":"Tidak dapat menemukan apa pun.","Country":"Negara","Create album":"Buat album","Created":"Dibuat","Creating thumbnails for":"Membuat thumbnail untuk","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubik: Kualitas Sedang, Performa Bagus","Current Password":"Kata Sandi Saat Ini","Customer Support":"Dukungan Pelanggan","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Siano","Daily":"Harian","Day":"Hari","Debug Logs":"Log Debug","Default":"Bawaan","Default Folder":"Folder Default","Delete":"Hapus","Description":"Deskripsi","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Petunjuk rinci dapat ditemukan di Panduan Pengguna kami.","Details":"Detail","Dimensions":"Dimensi","Disable Backups":"Nonaktifkan Cadangan","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Nonaktifkan server WebDAV bawaan. Perlu dimulai ulang.","Disable Darktable":"Nonaktifkan Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Nonaktifkan ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Nonaktifkan FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Nonaktifkan Tempat","Disable RawTherapee":"Nonaktifkan RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Nonaktifkan TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Nonaktifkan WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Menonaktifkan geocoding dan peta terbalik.","Discover":"Temukan","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Jangan backup foto dan metadata album ke file YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Jangan buat file ExifTool JSON untuk ekstraksi metadata yang lebih baik.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Jangan ubah folder asli. Nonaktifkan impor, unggah, dan hapus.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Jangan transkode video dengan FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Jangan gunakan Darktable untuk mengonversi file RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Jangan gunakan RawTherapee untuk mengonversi file RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Jangan gunakan TensorFlow untuk klasifikasi gambar.","Donations":"Donasi","Done":"Selesai","Done.":"Selesai.","Download":"Unduh","Download remote files":"Unduh file jarak jauh","Download single files and zip archives.":"Unduh file tunggal dan arsip zip.","Downloading…":"Mengunduh…","Downscaling Filter":"Filter Penurunan Skala","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikat akan dilewati dan hanya muncul sekali.","Duration":"Durasi","Dynamic Previews":"Pratinjau Dinamis","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Perenderan dinamis memerlukan server yang kuat. Tidak disarankan untuk perangakat NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Batas Ukuran Dinamis: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Email","Edit":"Sunting","Edit %{name}":"Sunting %{nama}","Edit Account":"Mengedit Akun","Edit Photo":"Mengedit Foto","Edited":"Diedit","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"Aktifkan fitur baru yang sedang dikembangkan.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Aktifkan preset untuk RAW konverter. Memungkinkan adanya penurunan performa.","Errors":"Kesalahan","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Perkiraan lokasi gambar tanpa menggunakan koordinat.","Estimates":"Perkiraan","Every two days":"Setiap dua hari","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Pengecualian untuk konten yang ditAndai sebagai privasi dari hasil pencarian, album yang dibagikan, label, dan tempat.","Exclude hidden":"Pengecualian untuk yang tersembunyi","Expand":"Perluas","Expand Search":"Perluas Pencarian","Experimental Features":"Fitur Eksperimental","Expires":"Kedaluwarsa","Exposure":"Eksposur","F Number":"Nilai F","Face":"Wajah","Faces":"Wajah","Failed copying to clipboard":"Gagal menyalin ke papan klip","Failed removing link":"Gagal menghapus tautan","Failed updating link":"Gagal memperbarui tautan","Fast":"Cepat","Favorite":"Favorit","Favorites":"Favorit","Feature Request":"Permintaan Fitur","Feedback":"Umpan Balik","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Silakan hubungi kami di hello@photoprism.app jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan.","File":"Berkas","File Browser":"Peramban Berkas","Filename":"Nama Berkas","Files":"Berkas","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"File dengan nama berurutan seperti 'IMG_1234 (2)' dan 'IMG_1234 (3)' milik gambar yang sama.","Focal Length":"Panjang Fokus","Folder":"Folder","Folder contains %{n} files":"Folder berisi %{n} berkas","Folder is empty":"Folder kosong","Folders":"Folder","Forgot password?":"Lupa kata sandi?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Bingkai","Fullscreen":"Layar Penuh","Gemstone":"Batu permata","General":"Umum","Getting Support":"Mendapatkan Dukungan","Gold":"Emas","Grayscale":"Grayscale","Green":"Hijau","Grey":"Abu-abu","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Bantuan","Help & Support":"Bantuan & Dukungan","Hidden":"Tersembunyi","Hidden Files":"Berkas tersembunyi","Hide":"Sembunyikan","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Sembunyikan foto yang telah dipindahkan ke arsip.","High":"Tinggi","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Rentang Dinamis Tinggi (HDR)","How can we help?":"Bagaimana kami bisa membantu?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Jika ini tidak membantu, atau Anda memiliki pertanyaan lain:","image":"gambar","Image":"Gambar","Images":"Gambar","Import":"Impor","Import failed":"Impor gagal","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"File yang diimpor akan diurutkan berdasarkan tanggal dan diberi nama yang unik untuk menghindari duplikat.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"File yang diimpor akan diurutkan berdasarkan tanggal dan diberi nama yang unik.","Importing %{name}…":"Mengimpor %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Mengimpor file ke aslinya…","in":"dalam","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Selain itu, sponsor menerima dukungan teknis langsung melalui email.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Jika gambar yang Anda harapkan hilang, silakan pindai ulang perpustakaan Anda dan tunggu.","Index":"Indeks","Indexing":"Pengindeksan","Indexing failed":"Pengindeksan gagal","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Mengindeks file media dan sidecar…","Instance ID":"ID Instance","Interval":"Selang","Invalid date":"Tanggal tidak valid","Invalid photo selected":"Foto yang dipilih tidak valid","Item":"Item","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Kualitas JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Batas Ukuran JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG dan thumbnail secara otomatis dirender sesuai dengan kebutuhan.","Keywords":"Kata kunci","Label":"Label","Labels":"Label","Labels deleted":"Label dihapus","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Pelestarian Detail, Artefak Minimal","Language":"Bahasa","Last Sync":"Sinkronisasi Terakhir","Latitude":"Lintang","Lavender":"Lavender","Lens":"Lensa","Library":"Perpustakaan","License":"Lisensi","Like":"Suka","Lime":"Lime","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Batas tercapai, menampilkan %{n} file pertama","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: Sangat Halus, Performa Terbaik","Link":"Tautan","List":"Daftar","Live":"Langsung","Local Time":"Waktu Setempat","location":"lokasi","Location":"Lokasi","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Pesan log muncul di sini setiap kali PhotoPrism menemukan file yang rusak, atau ada masalah potensial lainnya.","Login":"Masuk","Logout":"Keluar","Logs":"Log","Longitude":"Bujur","Low":"Rendah","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Warna Utama","manual":"manual","Manual Upload":"Unggah manual","Marker":"PenAnda","Medium":"Sedang","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Gabungkan %{a} dengan %{b}?","Message sent":"Pesan terkirim","Minimize":"Perkecil","Missing":"Hilang","Moments":"Momen","Monochrome":"Monokrom","Month":"Setelah 1 bulanBulan","Moonlight":"Cahaya Bulan","More than %{n} pictures found":"Lebih dari %{n} gambar ditemukan","More than 20 albums found":"Lebih dari 20 album ditemukan","More than 20 labels found":"Lebih dari 20 label ditemukan","More than 20 people found":"Lebih dari 20 orang ditemukan","Mosaic":"Mosaik","Move Files":"Pindahkan File","Name":"Nama","Name too long":"Nama terlalu panjang","Never":"Tidak Pernah","New":"Baru","New Password":"Kata sandi baru","No":"Tidak","No albums found":"Tidak ada album yang ditemukan","No labels found":"Tidak ada label yang ditemukan","No people found":"Tidak ada orang yang ditemukan","No pictures found":"Tidak ada gambar yang ditemukan","No recently edited pictures":"Tidak ada gambar yang baru saja diedit","No servers configured.":"Tidak ada server yang dikonfigurasi.","No thanks":"Tidak, terima kasih","No video selected":"Tidak ada video yang dipilih","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Tidak ada peringatan atau kesalahan yang mengandung kata kunci ini. Perhatikan bahwa pencarian adalah case-sensitive.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Gambar non-fotografis dan berkualitas rendah memerlukan peninjauan sebelum muncul di hasil pencarian.","None":"Tidak ada","Not Found":"Tidak ditemukan","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Perhatikan bahwa Anda dapat mengelola folder asli secara manual dan mengimpor adalah opsional.","Note:":"Catatan:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Catatan: Hanya server WebDAV, seperti Nextcloud atau PhotoPrism, yang dapat dikonfigurasi sebagai layanan jarak jauh untuk pencadangan dan pengunggahan file.","Notes":"Catatan","Offline":"Offline","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Pada Windows, masukkan sumber daya berikut ini dalam dialog connection:","Once a week":"Seminggu sekali","One album found":"Satu album ditemukan","One file found":"Satu file ditemukan","One file uploaded":"Satu file yang diunggah","One folder found":"Satu folder ditemukan","One label found":"Satu label ditemukan","One person found":"Satu orang ditemukan","One picture found":"Satu gambar ditemukan","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Opsi","or ask in our Community Chat":"atau tanyakan di Obrolan Komunitas kami","Orange":"Oranye","Orientation":"Orientasi","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Nama file asli akan disimpan dan diindeks.","Original Name":"Nama Asli","Originals":"Asli","Other":"Lainnya","Outdoor":"Luar ruangan","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panorama","Password":"Kata sandi","Password changed":"Kata sandi diubah","People":"Orang","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Orang lain yang Anda bagikan tautan ini dapat melihat konten secara publik.","Permanently deleted":"Dihapus permanen","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Hapus file secara permanen untuk mengosongkan penyimpanan.","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism telah diperbarui…","Photos":"Foto","Pink":"Merah Muda","Place":"Tempat","Place & Time":"Tempat & Waktu","Places":"Tempat","Please confirm your new password.":"Harap konfirmasi kata sandi baru Anda.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Jangan mengunggah foto yang mengandung konten SARA.","Portrait":"Potret","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"posting pertanyaan Anda di Diskusi GitHub","Preserve filenames":"Pertahankan nama file","Press button to start importing…":"Tekan tombol untuk mulai mengimpor…","Press button to start indexing…":"Tekan tombol untuk memulai pengindeksan…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Tekan enter untuk membuat album baru.","Preview":"Pratinjau","Primary":"Utama","Private":"Pribadi","Product Feedback":"Umpan Balik Produk","Projection":"Proyeksi","Purple":"Ungu","Quality Filter":"Filter Kualitas","Quality Score":"Angka Mutu","Random":"Acak","Raspberry":"Raspberry","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Konversi RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Indeks ulang semua dokumen asli, termasuk file yang sudah diindeks dan tidak diubah.","Read-Only Mode":"Mode Baca","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Pengenalan dimulai setelah pengindeksan selesai.","Recognized":"Pengenalan","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Mengenali wajah sehingga orang tertentu dapat ditemukan.","Red":"Merah","Reload":"Muat ulang","Reloading…":"Memuat ulang…","Remote Sync":"Sinkronisasi Jarak Jauh","Remove":"Hapus","remove failed: unknown album":"gagal menghapus: album tidak dikenal","Remove from album":"Hapus dari album","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Hapus file yang diimpor untuk menghemat penyimpanan. Jenis file yang tidak didukung tidak akan pernah dihapus, mereka tetap di lokasi mereka saat ini.","Request failed - invalid response":"Permintaan gagal - tanggapan tidak valid","Required":"Diperlukan","Resolution":"Resolusi","Restore":"Pulihkan","Retry Limit":"Batas Percobaan Ulang","Retype Password":"Kata sandiKetik Ulang Kata Sandi","Review":"Ulasan","Save":"Simpan","Scan":"Pindai","Scans":"Pindai","Search":"Cari","Search and display photos on a map.":"Mencari dan menampilkan foto di peta.","Season":"Musim","Secret":"Rahasia","Select":"Pilih","Select albums or create a new one":"Pilih album atau buat yang baru","Selection approved":"Pilihan disetujui","Selection archived":"Pilihan diarsipkan","Selection restored":"Pilihan dipulihkan","Send":"Kirim","Sequential Name":"Nama Urutan","Service URL":"URL Layanan","Settings":"Pengaturan","Settings saved":"Pengaturan disimpan","Setup":"Setelan","Shadow":"Bayangan","Share":"Bagikan","Share %{name}":"Bagikan %{name}","Show":"Tampilkan","Show all new faces":"Tampilkan semua wajah baru","Show hidden":"Tampilkan yang tersembunyi","Show less":"Tampilkan lebih sedikit","Show more":"Tampilkan lebih banyak","Show server logs in Library.":"Tampilkan log server di Perpustakaan.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Menampilkan pesan log yang lebih detail. Memerlukan restart.","Sidecar":"Sespan","Sign in":"Masuk","Sign Up":"Daftar","Similar":"Serupa","Size":"Ukuran","Slow":"Lambat","Sort Order":"Urutkan","Source":"Sumber","Stack":"Tumpukan","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Tumpuk file untuk berbagi yang gambarnya unik atau pengenal instans yang sama.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Stack gambar yang diambil pada waktu dan lokasi yang sama persis berdasarkan metadata.","Stackable":"Dapat ditumpuk","Stacks":"Tumpukan","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Menumpukan file grup dengan kerangka acuan yang serupa, namun dengan perbedaan kualitas, format, ukuran atau warna.","Start":"Mulai","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Mulai/Hentikan Slideshow","States":"Negara","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Batas Ukuran Statis: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Penyimpanan","Streets":"Jalan","Subject":"Subjek","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Dukungan untuk layanan tambahan, seperti Google Drive, akan ditambahkan seiring waktu.","Sync":"Sinkronisasi","Sync raw and video files":"Sinkronkan file mentah dan video","Taken":"Diambil","Teal":"Teal","Text too long":"Teks terlalu panjang","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Indeks saat ini berisi %{n} file tersembunyi.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Format mereka mungkin tidak didukung, mereka belum dikonversi ke JPEG atau ada duplikat.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Ini memasang folder asli sebagai drive tersambung dan memungkinkan Anda untuk membuka, mengubah, dan menghapus file dari komputer atau ponsel cerdas Anda.","Thumbnail Generation":"Pembuatan Thumbnail","Time UTC":"Waktu UTC","Time Zone":"Zona Waktu","Timeout":"Tenggat waktu","Title":"Judul","Title too long":"Judul terlalu panjang","Toggle View":"Beralih Tampilan","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografi","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Daftar Periksa Pemecahan Masalah","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Coba lagi menggunakan filter atau kata kunci lain.","Type":"Ketik","Undo":"Batalkan","Unique ID":"ID Unik","Unknown":"Tidak diketahui","Unsorted":"Tidak disortir","Unstack":"Buang tumpukan","Updated":"Telah diperbarui","Updating faces":"Memperbarui wajah","Updating index":"Memperbarui indeks","Updating moments":"Memperbarui momen","Updating previews":"Memperbarui pratinjau","Updating stacks":"Memperbarui tumpukan","Upload":"Unggah","Upload complete":"Ungahan selesai","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Unggahan selesai. Melakukan pengindeksan…","Upload failed":"Unggahan gagal","Upload local files":"Unggah berkas lokal","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Unggah ke WebDAV dan bagikan tautan kepada teman.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Mengunggah %{n} dari %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Mengunggah foto…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Unggahan yang mungkin berisi gambar seperti itu akan ditolak secara otomatis.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Gunakan Preset","User":"Pengguna","User Interface":"Tampilan Pengguna","Username":"Nama pengguna","Vanta":"Vanta","Video":"Video","Videos":"Koleksi Video","View":"Melihat","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Kami akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk menjawab semua pertanyaan Anda. Sebagai imbalannya, kami meminta Anda untuk mendukung kami di Patreon atau Sponsor GitHub.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Klien WebDAV dapat terhubung ke PhotoPrism menggunakan URL berikut:","WebDAV Upload":"Unggah WebDAV","White":"Putih","Year":"Tahun","Yellow":"Kuning","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Ya","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"Anda dipersilakan untuk bergabung dengan kami di Reddit","You can only download one album":"Anda hanya dapat mengunduh satu album","You can only download one label":"Anda hanya dapat mengunduh satu label","You may only select one item":"Anda hanya dapat memilih satu item","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Anda dapat memindai ulang perpustakaan Anda untuk menemukan wajah tambahan.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Perpustakaan Anda akan terus dianalisis secara otomatis dalam membuat album momen spesial, perjalanan, dan tempat.","Zoom in/out":"Memperbesar/memperkecil"},"it":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} album trovati","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} file caricati","%{n} folders found":"%{n} cartelle trovate","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etichette trovate","%{n} people found":"%{n} persone trovate","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} immagini trovate","1 hour":"1 ora","12 hours":"12 ore","4 hours":"4 ore","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Un click lo copierà negli appunti.","About":"Informazioni","Abyss":"Abisso","Account":"Account","Accuracy":"Precisione","Action":"Azione","Actions":"Azioni","Add Account":"Aggiungi account","Add Album":"Aggiungi Album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Aggiungi file alla tua libreria con Web Upload.","Add Link":"Aggiungi Link","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Aggiungi immagini dai risultati della ricerca selezionandole.","Add to album":"Aggiungi all'album","Added":"Aggiunto","Advanced":"Avanzate","After 1 day":"Dopo 1 giorno","After 3 days":"Dopo 3 giorni","After 7 days":"Dopo 7 giorni","After one month":"Dopo un mese","After one year":"Dopo un anno","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Dopo aver selezionato le immagini dai risultati della ricerca, è possibile aggiungerle a un album utilizzando il menu contestuale.","After two months":"Dopo due mesi","After two weeks":"Dopo due settimane","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Nome Album","Albums":"Album","Albums deleted":"Album eliminati","All %{n} albums loaded":"Tutti i %{n} album sono stati caricati","All %{n} labels loaded":"Tutte le %{n} etichette sono state caricate","All %{n} people loaded":"Tutte le %{n} persone caricate","All Cameras":"Tutte le Fotocamere","All Categories":"Tutte le Categorie","All Colors":"Tutti i Colori","All Countries":"Tutte le Nazioni","All fields are required":"Tutti i campi sono obbligatori","All files from import folder":"Tutti i file dalla cartella di importazione","All Lenses":"Tutte le Lenti","All Months":"Tutti i Mesi","All originals":"Tutti gli originali","All Years":"Tutti gli Anni","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativamente, puoi caricare i file direttamente a server WebDAV come Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Altitudine","Altitude (m)":"Altitudine (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Si è verificato un errore - sei offline?","Animated":"Animato","Animation":"Animazione","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Tutte le foto e i video privati rimarranno privati e non verranno condivisi.","API Key":"Chiave API","Apply":"Applica","Approve":"Approva","Archive":"Archivio","Archived":"Archiviato","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Sei sicuro di voler archiviare la selezione?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Vuoi veramente eliminare questi album?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Vuoi veramente eliminare queste etichette?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Vuoi veramente eliminare questo account?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Vuoi veramente eliminare in modo permanente queste immagini?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Vuoi veramente eliminare in modo permanente questi file?","Are you sure?":"Sei sicuro?","Artist":"Artista","Aspect Ratio":"Proporzione","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Crea automaticamente JPEG per altri tipi di file in modo che possano essere visualizzati in un browser.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Crea automaticamente album di momenti speciali, viaggi e luoghi.","Basic":"Base","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Prima di inviare una richiesta di supporto, utilizza le nostre liste di controllo per la risoluzione dei problemi per determinare la causa del tuo problema.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Essendo autofinanziati ed indipendenti, possiamo prometterti che non venderemo mai i tuoi dati e che saremo sempre trasparenti riguardo al nostro software e ai nostri servizi.","Bio":"Biografia","Birth Date":"Data di nascita","Black":"Nero","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: modifica di Lanczos, meno artefatti ad anello","Blue":"Blu","Brown":"Marrone","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Visualizza e modifica etichette di classificazione delle immagini.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Visualizza i file e le cartelle indicizzati nella Libreria.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Consultate la Knowledge Base per ottenere informazioni dettagliate su caratteristiche specifiche dei prodotti, servizi e risorse correlate.","Bug Report":"Segnala Bug","Busy, please wait…":"Occupato, attendere prego…","Calendar":"Calendario","Camera":"Fotocamera","Camera Serial":"Seriale Fotocamera","Can't load more, limit reached":"Impossibile caricare ancora, limite raggiunto","Can't select more items":"Impossibile selezionare ulteriori elementi","Cancel":"Annulla","Cards":"Carte","Category":"Categoria","Change Avatar":"Cambia Avatar","Change Password":"Cambia password","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Modificare il profilo personale e le impostazioni di sicurezza.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Cambia i titoli delle foto, le posizioni e altri metadati.","Change private flag":"Cambiare la bandiera privata","Changes successfully saved":"Modifiche salvate con successo","Checked":"Selezionato","Chroma":"Croma","Close":"Chiudi","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Colore","Color Profile":"Profilo del colore","Colors":"Colori","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"I problemi più comuni possono essere diagnosticati e risolti rapidamente utilizzando le liste di controllo per la risoluzione dei problemi che ti forniamo.","Complete Rescan":"Scansione completa","Confidence":"Confidenza","Connect":"Connetti","Connect via WebDAV":"Connetti via WebDAV","Connected":"Connesso","Contact Details":"Dettagli di contatto","Contact Us":"Contattaci","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Contiene %{n} immagini.","Contains one picture.":"Contiene una foto.","Convert to JPEG":"Converti in JPEG","Converting":"Conversione in corso","Copied to clipboard":"Copiato negli appunti","Copyright":"Copyright","Couldn't find anything.":"Impossibile trovare alcunché.","Country":"Nazione","Create album":"Crea album","Created":"Creato","Creating thumbnails for":"Creazione anteprima per","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubico: Qualità moderata, buone prestazioni","Current Password":"Password Corrente","Customer Support":"Supporto Clienti","Cyan":"Ciano","Cyano":"Ciano","Daily":"Giornalmente","Day":"Giorni","Debug Logs":"Registri di debug","Default":"Predefinito","Default Folder":"Cartella Predefinita","Delete":"Elimina","Description":"Descizione","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"È possibile trovare informazioni dettagliate nella nostra Guida Utente.","Details":"Dettagli","Dimensions":"Dimensioni","Disable Backups":"Disabilita Backup","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Disabilita server WebDAV integrato. Richiede riavvio.","Disable Darktable":"Disabilita Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Disabilita ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Disabilita FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Disabilita Luoghi","Disable RawTherapee":"Disabilita RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Disabilita TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Disabilita WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Disabilita la geocodifica inversa e le mappe.","Discover":"Scopri","Display Name":"Nome visualizzato","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Non effettuare il backup dei metadata di foto e album in file YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Non creare file JSON ExifTool per migliorare l'estrazione dei metadata.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Non modificare le cartelle originali. Disabilita importazione, upload ed eliminazione.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Non transcodificare i video con FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Non usare Darktable per convertire i file RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Non usare RawTherapee per convertire i file RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Non usare TensorFlow per la classificazione delle immagini.","Donations":"Donazioni","Done":"Fatto","Done.":"Fatto.","Download":"Download","Download remote files":"Scarica file remoti","Download single files and zip archives.":"Scarica singoli file e archivi zip.","Downloading…":"Download in corso…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtro di downscaling","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"A causa dell'elevato volume di email che riceviamo, il nostro team potrebbe non essere in grado di risponderti immediatamente.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"I duplicati verranno ignorati e appariranno una volta sola.","Duration":"Durata","Dynamic Previews":"Anteprime Dinamiche","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Il rendering dinamico richiede un server potente. Non è consigliato per dispositivi NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limite Dimensioni Dinamiche: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-Mail","Edit":"Modifica","Edit %{name}":"Modifica %{name}","Edit Account":"Modifica Account","Edit Photo":"Modifica Foto","Edited":"Modificato","Electra":"Electra","Email":"Email","Enable new features currently under development.":"Abilita nuove funzionalità che al momento sono in fase di sviluppo.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Abilita i preset del convertitore RAW. Può ridurre le prestazioni.","Errors":"Errori","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Stima la posizione approssimativa delle immagini senza coordinate.","Estimates":"Stime","Every two days":"Ogni due giorni","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Escludi i contenuti contrassegnati come privati dai risultati di ricerca, dagli album condivisi, dalle etichette e dai luoghi.","Exclude hidden":"Escludi i nascosti","Expand":"Espandi","Expand Search":"Espandi Ricerca","Experimental Features":"Funzionalità Sperimentali","Expires":"Scade","Exposure":"Esposizione","F Number":"Numero F","Face":"Volto","Faces":"Volti","Failed copying to clipboard":"Impossibile copiare negli appunti","Failed removing link":"Impossibile rimuovere il link","Failed updating link":"Impossibile aggiornare il link","Family Name":"Nome di famiglia","Fast":"Veloce","Favorite":"Preferito","Favorites":"Preferiti","Feature Request":"Richiesta Funzionalità","Feed":"Feed","Feedback":"Feedback","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Contattaci a hello@photoprism.app se dovessi avere domande o bisogno di aiuto.","Female":"Femminile","File":"File","File Browser":"Esplora File","File Name":"Nome File","File Size":"Dimensione del file","Filename":"Nome del file","Files":"File","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"File con un nome sequenziale come 'IMG_1234 (2)' e 'IMG_1234 (3)' appartengono alla stessa immagine.","Focal Length":"Lunghezza Focale","Folder":"Cartella","Folder contains %{n} files":"La cartella contiene %{n} file","Folder is empty":"La cartella è vuota","Folders":"Cartelle","Forgot password?":"Password dimenticata?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Fotogrammi","Fullscreen":"Schermo intero","Gemstone":"Pietra preziosa","Gender":"Genere","General":"Generale","Getting Support":"Supporto","Given Name":"Nome","Gold":"Oro","Grayscale":"Scala di grigi","Green":"Verde","Grey":"Grigio","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Aiuto","Help & Support":"Aiuto e Supporto","Hidden":"Nascosto","Hidden Files":"File Nascosti","Hide":"Nascondi","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Nascondi foto che sono state spostate in archivio.","High":"Alta","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Alta gamma dinamica (HDR)","How can we help?":"Come possiamo aiutarti?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Se questo non aiuta, o se hai altre domande:","image":"immagine","Image":"Immagine","Images":"Immagini","Import":"Importa","Import failed":"Importazione fallita","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"I file importati verranno ordinati per data e gli verrà dato un nome univoco per evitare duplicati.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"I file importati verranno ordinati per data e gli verrà dato un nome univoco.","Importing %{name}…":"Importando %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importando file ad originali…","in":"in","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Inoltre, gli sponsor ricevono un supporto tecnico diretto via e-mail.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Nel caso in cui siano mancanti delle immagini che ti aspettavi di trovare, per favore scansiona nuovamente la libreria e aspetta che l'indicizzazione sia completa.","Index":"Indice","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indicizza e importa i file attraverso l'interfaccia utente.","Indexing":"Indicizzazione","Indexing failed":"Indicizzazione fallita","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indicizzando file multimediali e sidecar…","Instance ID":"ID Istanza","Interval":"Intervallo","Invalid":"Non valido","Invalid date":"Data non valida","Invalid parameters":"Parametri non validi","Invalid photo selected":"Foto non valida selezionata","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Utilizza le più recenti tecnologie per taggare e trovare automaticamente le immagini senza intralciarti.","Item":"Elemento","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Qualità JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limite Dimensione JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"I JPEG e le miniature sono renderizzati automaticamente a seconda delle necessità.","Keywords":"Parole chiave","Knowledge Base":"Base di conoscenza","Label":"Etichetta","Labels":"Etichette","Labels deleted":"Etichette eliminate","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: conservazione dei dettagli, artefatti minimi","Language":"Lingua","Last Sync":"Ultima sincronizzazione","Latitude":"Latitudine","Lavender":"Lavanda","Learn more":"Scopri di più","Legal Information":"Informazioni legali","Lens":"Lenti","Library":"Libreria","License":"Licenza","Like":"Mi Piace","Lime":"Lime","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limite raggiunto, vengono mostrati i primi %{n} file","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineare: Molto uniforme, migliori prestazioni","Link":"Link","List":"Lista","Live":"Live","Live Photos":"Foto dal vivo","Local Time":"Orario Locale","location":"luogo","Location":"Luogo","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"I messaggi log vengono visualizzati qui ogni volta che PhotoPrism rileva file danneggiati o si verificano altri potenziali problemi.","Login":"Login","Logout":"Esci","Logs":"Log","Longitude":"Longitudine","Low":"Bassa","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Colore Principale","Male":"Maschile","manual":"manuale","Manual Upload":"Upload Manuale","Maps":"Mappe","Marker":"Segnaposto","Medium":"Medio","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Unire %{a} con %{b}?","Message sent":"Messaggio inviato","Minimize":"Minimizza","Missing":"Mancante","Moments":"Momenti","Monochrome":"Monocromo","Month":"Mese","Moonlight":"Moonlight","More than %{n} pictures found":"Più di %{n} immagini trovate","More than 20 albums found":"Più di 20 album trovati","More than 20 labels found":"Più di 20 etichette trovate","More than 20 people found":"Più di 20 persone trovate","Mosaic":"Mosaico","Most Relevant":"Più rilevante","Move Files":"Sposta File","Name":"Nome","Name too long":"Nome troppo lungo","Never":"Mai","New":"Nuovo","New Password":"Nuova Password","Newest First":"Prima più Recenti","No":"No","No albums found":"Nessun album trovato","No labels found":"Nessuna etichetta trovata","No people found":"Nessuna persona trovata","No pictures found":"Nessuna immagine trovata","No recently edited pictures":"Nessuna foto modificata di recente","No servers configured.":"Nessun server configurato.","No services configured.":"Nessun servizio configurato.","No thanks":"No grazie","No video selected":"Nessun video selezionato","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Nessun warning o errore contiene questa parola chiave. Tieni presente che la ricerca fa distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Le immagini non fotografiche e di bassa qualità richiedono una revisione prima di essere visualizzate nei risultati di ricerca.","None":"Nessuno","Not Found":"Non Trovato","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Nota che puoi gestire manualmente la tua cartella degli originali e che l'importazione è opzionale.","Note:":"Nota:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Nota: solo i server WebDAV, come Nextcloud o PhotoPrism, possono essere configurati come servizio remoto per il backup e il caricamento dei file.","Notes":"Note","Nothing to see here yet.":"Niente da vedere qui. Sii paziente.","Offline":"Offline","Oldest First":"Più vecchi prima","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"In Windows, inserire la seguente risorsa nella finestra di dialogo della connessione:","Once a week":"Una volta a settimana","One album found":"Un album trovato","One file found":"Un file trovato","One file uploaded":"Un file caricato","One folder found":"Una cartella trovata","One label found":"Un'etichetta trovata","One person found":"Una persona trovata","One picture found":"Una foto trovata","Onyx":"Onice","Options":"Opzioni","or ask in our Community Chat":"o chiedere nella nostra Chat della Comunità","Orange":"Arancione","Organization":"Organizzazione","Orientation":"Orientamento","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"I nomi dei file originali verranno memorizzati e indicizzati.","Original Name":"Nome Originale","Originals":"Originali","Other":"Altro","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"La nostra Guida per l'utente tratta anche molti argomenti avanzati, come la migrazione da Google Foto e le impostazioni della qualità delle miniature.","Outdoor":"All'aperto","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panorami","Password":"Password","Password changed":"Password cambiata","People":"Persone","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Le persone con cui condividi un link potranno vedere i contenuti pubblici.","Permanently deleted":"Eliminato permanentemente","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Elimina permanentemente i file per liberare spazio.","Phone":"Telefono","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism è stato aggiornato…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® è un'app per foto alimentata dall'intelligenza artificiale per il web decentralizzato.","Photos":"Foto","Pink":"Rosa","Place":"Luogo","Place & Time":"Luogo e Ora","Places":"Luoghi","Please confirm your new password.":"Conferma la nuova password.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Non caricare foto che contengono contenuto offensivo.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Tieni presente che la modifica della password ti farà uscire su altri dispositivi e browser.","Portrait":"Ritratto","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"pubblica la tua domanda in Discussioni GitHub","Preserve filenames":"Mantieni nomi dei file","Press button to start importing…":"Premi il pulsante per iniziare a importare…","Press button to start indexing…":"Premi il pulsante per iniziare a indicizzare…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Premi invio per creare un nuovo album.","Preview":"Anteprima","Primary":"Primario","Private":"Privato","Product Feedback":"Feedback Prodotto","Projection":"Proiezione","Purple":"Viola","Quality Filter":"Filtro Qualità","Quality Score":"Punteggio Qualità","Random":"Casuale","Raspberry":"Lampone","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Conversione RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Reindicizza tutti gli originali, includendo sia i file già indicizzati che quelli non modificati.","Read the Docs":"Leggi la documentazione","Read-Only Mode":"Modalità Sola Lettura","Recently Added":"Aggiunto Recentemente","Recently Edited":"Modificato di recente","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Il riconoscimento inizia dopo che l'indicizzazione è stata completata.","Recognized":"Riconosciuto","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Riconosce i volti in modo da poter trovare persone specifiche.","Red":"Rosso","Reload":"Ricarica","Reloading…":"Ricaricamento…","Remote Sync":"Sincronizzazione Remota","Remove":"Rimuovi","remove failed: unknown album":"rimozione fallita: album sconosciuto","Remove from album":"Rimuovi dall'album","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Rimuovi i file importati per risparmiare spazio. I tipi di file non supportati non vengono mai eliminati, rimangono nella loro posizione attuale.","Request failed - invalid response":"Richiesta fallita - risposta non valida","Required":"Richiesto","Resolution":"Risoluzione","Restore":"Ripristina","Retry Limit":"Limite di tentativi","Retype Password":"Digitare nuovamente la Password","Review":"Revisione","Satellite":"Satellite","Save":"Salva","Scan":"Scansione","Scans":"Scansioni","Search":"Cerca","Search and display photos on a map.":"Cerca e visualizza le foto in una mappa.","Season":"Stagione","Secret":"Segreto","Security and Access":"Sicurezza e accesso","Select":"Seleziona","Select albums or create a new one":"Seleziona album o creane uno nuovo","Selection approved":"Selezione approvata","Selection archived":"Selezione archiviata","Selection restored":"Selezione ripristinata","Send":"Invia","Sequential Name":"Nome Sequenziale","Service URL":"URL Servizio","Services":"Servizi","Settings":"Impostazioni","Settings saved":"Impostazioni salvate","Setup":"Setup","Shadow":"Ombra","Share":"Condividi","Share %{name}":"Condividi %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Condividi le tue foto con altre app e servizi.","Show":"Mostra","Show all new faces":"Mostra tutti i volti nuovi","Show hidden":"Mostra nascosto","Show less":"Mostra meno","Show more":"Mostra più","Show server logs in Library.":"Mostra i log server nella Libreria.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Mostra messaggi di log più dettagliati. Richiede un riavvio.","Sidecar":"Sidecar","Sign in":"Accedi","Sign Up":"Registrati","Similar":"Simile","Size":"Dimensione","Slow":"Lento","Sort Order":"Ordinamento","Source":"Sorgente","Stack":"Pila","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"File in pila che condividono la stessa immagine unica o lo stesso identificatore di istanza.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Impila le foto scattate nello stesso momento e luogo in base ai loro metadati.","Stackable":"Impilabile","Stacks":"Pile","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Le pile raggruppano i file con un quadro di riferimento simile, ma con differenze di qualità, formato, dimensione o colore.","Start":"Inizia","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Inizia/Ferma Presentazione","States":"Stati","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limite Dimensione Statica: %{n}px","Status":"Stato","Storage":"Spazio d’archiviazione","Streets":"Strade","Subject":"Oggetto","Successfully Connected":"Collegato con successo","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Il supporto ad altri servizi, come Google Drive, verrà aggiunto in futuro.","Sync":"Sincronizza","Sync raw and video files":"Sincronizzazione di file raw e video","Taken":"Preso","Teal":"Verde acqua","Text too long":"Testo troppo lungo","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"L'indice contiene attualmente %{n} file nascosti.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Il loro formato potrebbe non essere supportato, non sono stati ancora convertiti in JPEG oppure ci sono duplicati.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Questo monta la cartella degli originali come un'unità di rete e ti permette di aprire, modificare e cancellare i file dal tuo computer o smartphone come se fossero locali.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Questo monta la cartella degli originali come un'unità di rete e ti permette di aprire, modificare e cancellare i file dal tuo computer o smartphone come se fossero locali.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generazione di miniature","Time UTC":"Orario UTC","Time Zone":"Fuso Orario","Timeout":"Timeout","Title":"Titolo","Title / Position":"Titolo / Posizione","Title too long":"Titolo troppo lungo","Toggle View":"Cambia Vista","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografico","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Elenchi di controllo per la risoluzione dei problemi","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Riprova usando altri filtri o parole chiave.","Type":"Tipo","Undo":"Annulla","Unique ID":"ID Unico","Unknown":"Sconosciuto","Unregistered":"Non registrato","Unsorted":"Non Ordinato","Unstack":"Separa","Updated":"Aggiornato","Updating faces":"Aggiornamento dei volti","Updating index":"Aggiornamento indici in corso","Updating moments":"Aggiornamento momenti in corso","Updating picture…":"Aggiornamento dell'immagine..","Updating previews":"Aggiornamento delle anteprime","Updating stacks":"Aggiornamento delle pile","Upload":"Upload","Upload complete":"Upload completato","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Upload completato. Indicizzazione in corso…","Upload failed":"Upload fallito","Upload local files":"Upload file locali","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Upload a WebDAV e condividi link con i tuoi amici.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Caricamento %{n} su %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Caricamento foto…","Uploading…":"Caricamento in corso...","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"I file caricato che potrebbero contenere queste immagini verranno rifiutati automaticamente.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Utilizzare le preimpostazioni","User":"Utente","User Guide":"Guida per l'utente","User Interface":"Interfaccia Utente","Username":"Nome utente","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Verificato","Video":"Video","Video Duration":"Durata Video","Videos":"Video","View":"Visualizza","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Visita docs.photoprism.app/user-guide per scoprire come sincronizzare, organizzare e condividere le tue foto.","Visual Similarity":"Somiglianza visiva","We appreciate your feedback!":"Grazie per il tuo feedback!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Facciamo del nostro meglio per rispondere entro cinque giorni lavorativi o meno.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Faremo del nostro meglio per rispondere a tutte le vostre domande. In cambio, vi chiediamo di sostenerci su Patreon o GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"I client WebDAV possono connettersi a PhotoPrism usando il seguente URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"I client WebDAV, come Windows Explorer di Microsoft o Finder di Apple, possono connettersi direttamente a PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Upload WebDAV","Website":"Sito web","White":"Bianco","Work Details":"Dettagli Opera","Year":"Anno","Yellow":"Giallo","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Sì","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"sei il benvenuto a unirti a noi su Reddit","You can only download one album":"Puoi scaricare solo un album","You can only download one label":"Puoi scaricare solo un'etichetta","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Puoi eseguirlo a casa, su un server privato o nel cloud.","You may only select one item":"Puoi selezionare un solo elemento","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Puoi scansionare nuovamente la tua libreria per trovare altri volti.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Il tuo continuo supporto ci aiuta a fornire aggiornamenti regolari e a rimanere indipendenti, in modo da poter adempiere alla nostra missione e proteggere la tua privacy.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"La tua libreria viene continuamente analizzata per creare automaticamente album di momenti speciali, viaggi e luoghi.","Zoom in/out":"Zoom in/out"},"ja":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} 件のアルバムが見つかりました","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} 件のファイルをアップロードしました","%{n} folders found":"%{n} 個のフォルダが見つかりました","%{n} labels found":"%{n} 個のラベルが見つかりました","%{n} people found":"%{n}人が見つかりました","%{n} pictures found":"%{n}の写真が見つかりました","1 hour":"1時間","12 hours":"12時間","4 hours":"4時間","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"クリックすると、クリップボードにコピーされます。","About":"概要","Abyss":"アビス","Account":"アカウント","Accuracy":"正確さ","Action":"アクション","Actions":"アクション","Add Account":"アカウントを追加","Add Album":"アルバムを作成","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"あなたのライブラリに Web アップロード経由でファイルを追加します。","Add Link":"リンクを追加","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"検索結果から写真を選択して追加することができます。","Add to album":"アルバムに追加","Added":"追加済み","Advanced":"高度","After 1 day":"1日後","After 3 days":"3日後","After 7 days":"1週間後","After one month":"1ヶ月後","After one year":"1年後","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"検索結果から写真を選んだ後、コンテキストメニューでアルバムに追加することができます。","After two months":"2ヶ月後","After two weeks":"2週間後","Album":"アルバム","Album Name":"アルバム名","Albums":"アルバム","Albums deleted":"アルバムが削除されました","All %{n} albums loaded":"全体で %{n} 個のアルバムを読み込みました","All %{n} labels loaded":"全体で %{n} 個のラベルを読み込みました","All %{n} people loaded":"すべての%{n}人が読み込まれた","All Cameras":"すべてのカメラ","All Categories":"すべてのカテゴリ","All Colors":"すべての色","All Countries":"すべての国","All fields are required":"すべてのフィールドが必須項目です","All files from import folder":"インポート フォルダからのすべてのファイル","All Lenses":"すべてのレンズ","All Months":"すべての月","All originals":"すべてのオリジナル","All Years":"すべての年","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"代わりに、Nextcloud といった WebDAV サーバから直接ファイルをアップロードすることができます。","Altitude":"高度","Altitude (m)":"高度 (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"エラーが発生しました - オフラインではありませんか?","Animated":"アニメーション","Animation":"アニメーション","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"すべてのプライベートな写真や動画はプライベートのまま保管され、共有されることはありません。","API Key":"API キー","Apply":"適用","Approve":"承認","Archive":"アーカイブ","Archived":"アーカイブ済み","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"選択した項目を本当にアーカイブしますか?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"本当にこれらのアルバムを削除しますか?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"本当にこれらのラベルを削除しますか?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"本当にこのアカウントを削除しますか?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"本当にこの写真を永久に削除していいのか?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"本当にこのファイルを永久に削除しますか?","Are you sure?":"本当に実行しますか ?","Artist":"アーティスト","Aspect Ratio":"アスペクト比","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"他のファイル形式の写真のために自動的に JPEG 版を作成するので、ブラウザ内でもそれらの写真を表示することができます。","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"特別な瞬間、旅、場所を記録したアルバムを自動的に作成します。","Basic":"基本","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"サポートリクエストを送信する前に、トラブルシューティングチェックリストを使って問題の原因を確認してください。","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"100% selfが出資し、独立しているため、私たちはお客様のデータを決して販売せず、私たちのソフトウェアとサービスについて常に透明性を保つことをお約束できます。","Bio":"自己紹介","Birth Date":"生年月日","Black":"黒","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"黒人: ランチョス法修正、少ないリンギングアーティファクト","Blue":"青","Brown":"茶","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"画像を分類するラベルを参照および編集します。","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"ライブラリ内にあるインデックスされたファイルやフォルダを参照します。","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"ナレッジベースでは、製品の機能、サービス、関連リソースに関する詳細情報をご覧いただけます。","Bug Report":"バグ報告","Busy, please wait…":"処理中です、しばらくお待ちください…","Calendar":"カレンダー","Camera":"カメラ","Camera Serial":"カメラのシリアル","Can't load more, limit reached":"更に読み込むことはできません、制限に達しました","Can't select more items":"これ以上項目を選択することはできません","Cancel":"キャンセル","Cards":"カード","Category":"カテゴリ","Change Avatar":"アバターを変更する","Change Password":"パスワードの変更","Change personal profile and security settings.":"個人のプロファイルやセキュリティの設定を変更する。","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"写真のタイトルや撮影地などのメタデータを変更できます。","Change private flag":"プライベートであるかどうかを変更","Changes successfully saved":"正常に変更が保存されました","Checked":"選択済み","Chroma":"彩度","Close":"閉じる","Codec":"コーデック","Color":"色","Color Profile":"カラープロファイル","Colors":"色","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"よくある問題は、私たちが提供するトラブルシューティングチェックリストを使って素早く診断し、解決することができます。","Complete Rescan":"完全な再スキャン","Confidence":"信頼度","Connect":"接続","Connect via WebDAV":"WebDAV 経由で接続","Connected":"接続済み","Contact Details":"お問い合わせ詳細","Contact Us":"お問い合わせ","Contains %{n} pictures.":"0}の写真が含まれています。","Contains one picture.":"1枚の写真が入っています。","Convert to JPEG":"JPEG に変換","Converting":"変換しています","Copied to clipboard":"クリップボードにコピーしました","Copyright":"著作権","Couldn't find anything.":"何も見つかりませんでした。","Country":"国","Create album":"アルバムを作成","Created":"作成日時","Creating thumbnails for":"次の項目のサムネイルを作成しています","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"立方体: 適度な品質、良いパフォーマンス","Current Password":"現在のパスワード","Customer Support":"顧客向けサポート","Cyan":"シアン","Cyano":"暗い青","Daily":"毎日","Day":"日","Debug Logs":"デバッグログ","Default":"既定","Default Folder":"既定のフォルダ","Delete":"削除","Description":"概要","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"詳細な手順はユーザーガイドに記載されています。","Details":"詳細","Dimensions":"寸法","Disable Backups":"バックアップを無効化","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"内蔵されている WebDAV サーバを無効化します。再起動が必要です。","Disable Darktable":"Darktableの無効化","Disable ExifTool":"ExifTool を無効化","Disable FFmpeg":"FFmpegの無効化","Disable Places":"場所を無効化","Disable RawTherapee":"RawTherapeeの無効化","Disable TensorFlow":"TensorFlow を無効化","Disable WebDAV":"WebDAV を無効化","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"住所検索と地図を無効化します。","Discover":"発見","Display Name":"表示名","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"YAML ファイルに写真やアルバムのメタデータをバックアップしないようにします。","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"より良いメタデータの抽出のために、ExifTool の JSON ファイルを作成しないようにします。","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"オリジナルのフォルダを変更しません。インポートやアップロード、削除が無効化されます。","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"FFmpegで動画をトランスコードしないでください。","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"RAWファイルの変換にDarktableを使ってはいけません。","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"RAWファイルの変換にRawTherapeeを使ってはいけません。","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"写真の分類に TensorFlow を使用しないようにします。","Donations":"寄付","Done":"完了","Done.":"完了しました。","Download":"ダウンロード","Download remote files":"リモートにあるファイルをダウンロード","Download single files and zip archives.":"単一のファイルと zip アーカイブをダウンロードします。","Downloading…":"ダウンロードしています…","Downscaling Filter":"ダウンスケーリング フィルター","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"大量のメールを受信しているため、すぐにお返事できない場合があります。","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"重複している項目はスキップされ、1度だけ表示されます。","Duration":"寄付","Dynamic Previews":"動的なプレビュー","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"動的なレンダリングは強力なサーバを必要とします。NAS デバイスには推奨されません。","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"動的サイズの制限: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Eメール","Edit":"編集","Edit %{name}":"%{name} を編集","Edit Account":"アカウントを編集","Edit Photo":"写真を編集","Edited":"編集済み","Electra":"Electra","Email":"メールアドレス","Enable new features currently under development.":"開発中の新しい機能を有効にします。","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"RAW現像機のプリセットを有効にします。パフォーマンスが低下する場合があります。","Errors":"エラー","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"座標がなくても、写真のおおよその位置を推定することができます。","Estimates":"見積もり","Every two days":"2日毎","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"プライベートに設定されたコンテンツを、検索結果、共有アルバム、ラベル、場所から除外することができます。","Exclude hidden":"非表示を除く","Expand":"拡張","Expand Search":"検索を展開","Experimental Features":"実験的な機能","Expires":"有効期限","Exposure":"露出","F Number":"F値","Face":"顔","Faces":"顔","Failed copying to clipboard":"クリップボードにコピーできませんでした","Failed removing link":"リンクを削除できませんでした","Failed updating link":"リンクを更新できませんでした","Family Name":"姓","Fast":"早い","Favorite":"お気に入り","Favorites":"お気に入り","Feature Request":"機能のリクエスト","Feed":"フィード","Feedback":"フィードバック","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"ご質問やお困りのことがございましたら、hello@photoprism.app までご連絡ください。","Female":"女性","File":"ファイル","File Browser":"ファイルブラウザ","File 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questions:":"それでも解決しない場合や、他に質問がある場合は:","image":"写真","Image":"写真","Images":"写真","Import":"インポート","Import failed":"インポートに失敗","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"インポートされたファイルは日付で並び替えられ、重複しないよう一意の名前が付けられます。","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"インポートされたファイルは日付で並び替えられ、一意の名前が付けられます。","Importing %{name}…":"%{name} をインポートしています …","Importing files to originals…":"オリジナルにファイルをインポートしています …","in":"次の場所で","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"また、スポンサーの皆様には、電子メールによる直接のテクニカルサポートを提供しています。","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"想定していた写真が欠落していた場合は、お手持ちのライブラリーを再スキャンし、インデックス作成が完了するまでお待ちください。","Index":"インデックス","Index and import files through the user interface.":"ユーザーインターフェースを通じて、ファイルのインデックスやインポートを行うことができます。","Indexing":"インデックス中","Indexing failed":"インデックスに失敗","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"メディアや付随するファイルをインデックスしています …","Instance ID":"インスタンス ID","Interval":"間隔","Invalid":"無効","Invalid date":"不正な日付","Invalid parameters":"無効なパラメータ","Invalid photo selected":"選択した写真が無効","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"最新技術を駆使して、邪魔にならないように自動的にタグ付けや写真検索を行います。","Item":"項目","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG 品質: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG サイズの制限: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG やサムネイルは必要な場合に自動的に生成されます。","Keywords":"キーワード","Knowledge Base":"ナレッジベース","Label":"ラベル","Labels":"ラベル","Labels deleted":"ラベルが削除されました","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"ランチョス法: 詳細な保全、最小限の骨董品","Language":"言語","Last Sync":"同期","Latitude":"緯度","Lavender":"ラベンダー","Learn more":"詳細はこちら","Legal Information":"法的情報","Lens":"レンズ","Library":"ライブラリ","License":"ライセンス","Like":"お気に入り","Lime":"黄緑","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"制限に達しました、最初の %{n} 個のファイルを表示しています","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"線形: とても滑らか、最高のパフォーマンス","Link":"リンク","List":"リスト","Live":"ライブ","Live Photos":"ライブ写真","Local Time":"現地時間","location":"場所","Location":"場所","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"PhotoPrism が壊れたファイルを見つけたり、潜在的な問題を発見したときはいつでもここにログメッセージが表示されます。","Login":"ログイン","Logout":"ログアウト","Logs":"ログ","Longitude":"経度","Low":"低い","Magenta":"マゼンタ","Main Color":"主な色","Male":"男性","manual":"手動","Manual Upload":"手動アップロード","Maps":"地図","Marker":"マーカー","Medium":"中","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"0}を%{b}と統合する?","Message sent":"メッセージを送信しました","Minimize":"最小化する","Missing":"見つからない","Moments":"モーメント","Monochrome":"モノクロ","Month":"月","Moonlight":"月光","More than %{n} pictures found":"%{n}枚以上の画像が見つかりました","More than 20 albums found":"20 個以上のアルバムが見つかりました","More than 20 labels found":"20 個以上のラベルが見つかりました","More than 20 people found":"20人以上の人が発見","Mosaic":"モザイク","Most Relevant":"最適","Move Files":"ファイルを移動","Name":"名前","Name too 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Note that search is case-sensitive.":"このキーワードを含む警告やエラーは1つも見つかりませんでした。この検索では大文字と小文字を区別することに気をつけてください。","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"写真ではないものや、低品質な画像は検索結果に現れる前にレビューが必要です。","None":"なし","Not Found":"見つかりませんでした","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"なお、オリジナルフォルダは手動で管理することができ、インポートは任意です。","Note:":"メモ:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"メモ: Nextcloud や PhotoPrism といった WebDAV サーバのみがバックアップやファイルのバックアップのためのリモートサービスとして設定できます。","Notes":"メモ","Nothing to see here yet.":"まだここには何もありません。我慢してください。","Offline":"オフライン","Oldest First":"古い順","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Windowsの場合、接続ダイアログに以下のリソースを入力します:","Once a week":"1週間に1度","One album found":"1 件のアルバムが見つかりました","One file found":"1 件のファイルが見つかりました","One file uploaded":"%{n} 件のファイルをアップロードしました","One folder found":"1 件のフォルダが見つかりました","One label found":"1枚のラベルが見つかりました","One person found":"一人が見つけた","One picture found":"1枚の写真を発見","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"オプション","or ask in our Community Chat":"または、コミュニティチャットでご質問ください","Orange":"オレンジ","Organization":"組織","Orientation":"方向","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"オリジナルのファイル名は保存され、インデックスされます。","Original Name":"オリジナルの名前","Originals":"オリジナル","Other":"他","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"ユーザーガイドでは、Googleフォトからの移行やサムネイルの画質設定など、高度なトピックも数多く取り上げています。","Outdoor":"アウトドア","Panorama":"パノラマ","Panoramas":"パノラマ","Password":"パスワード","Password changed":"パスワードが変更されました","People":"人","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"あなたがリンクを共有した人だけが公開された内容を閲覧できます。","Permanently deleted":"永久に削除","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"ファイルを永久的に削除して、ストレージを空けることができます。","Phone":"電話番号","Photo":"写真","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism はアップデートされています …","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism®は、分散型WebのためのAIを搭載した写真アプリです。","Photos":"写真","Pink":"ピンク","Place":"場所","Place & Time":"場所と時間","Places":"場所","Please confirm your new password.":"あなたの新しいパスワードを確認してください。","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"過激な内容を含む写真をアップロードしないでください。","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"パスワードを変更すると、他のデバイスやブラウザでもログアウトされますのでご注意ください。","Portrait":"ポートレート","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"GitHub Discussionsに質問を投稿する","Preserve filenames":"ファイル名を保持する","Press button to start importing…":"ボタンを押してインポートを開始します…","Press button to start indexing…":"ボタンを押してインデックスを開始します…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Enter を押して新しいアルバムを作成します。","Preview":"プレビュー","Primary":"プライマリ","Private":"プライベート","Product Feedback":"製品のフィードバック","Projection":"投影","Purple":"紫","Quality Filter":"品質フィルター","Quality Score":"品質スコア","Random":"ランダム","Raspberry":"ラズベリー","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW 変換","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"すべての、既にインデックスされたものや変更されていないファイルを含むオリジナルのファイルを再度インデックスです。","Read the Docs":"ドキュメントを読む","Read-Only Mode":"読み込み専用モード","Recently Added":"最近追加された商品","Recently Edited":"最近の編集","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"認識はインデックス作成が完了した後に開始されます。","Recognized":"レコグニッション","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"顔を認識することで、特定の人を探すことができます。","Red":"赤","Reload":"再読み込み","Reloading…":"再読込しています…","Remote Sync":"リモート同期","Remove":"削除","remove failed: unknown album":"削除に失敗: 不明なアルバムです","Remove from album":"アルバムからの削除","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"インポートされたファイルを削除してストレージを節約します。対応していないファイルは削除されることはなく、現在の場所に保管されます。","Request failed - invalid response":"リクエストに失敗しました - 不正なレスポンスです","Required":"必須","Resolution":"解像度","Restore":"復元","Retry Limit":"リトライ回数制限","Retype Password":"再度パスワードを入力","Review":"レビュー","Satellite":"衛星","Save":"保存","Scan":"スキャン","Scans":"スキャン","Search":"検索","Search and display photos on a map.":"検索して、地図に写真を表示します。","Season":"季節","Secret":"秘密","Security and Access":"セキュリティとアクセス","Select":"選択","Select albums or create a new one":"アルバムを選択するか、新しいアルバムを作成します","Selection approved":"選択した項目が承認されました","Selection archived":"選択した項目がアーカイブされました","Selection restored":"選択した項目が復元されました","Send":"送信","Sequential Name":"連名","Service URL":"サービス URL","Services":"サービス","Settings":"設定","Settings saved":"設定が保存されました","Setup":"セットアップ","Shadow":"影","Share":"共有","Share %{name}":"%{name} を共有","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"他のアプリやサービスと写真を共有することができます。","Show":"表示","Show all new faces":"すべてのニューフェイスを表示","Show hidden":"非表示分を表示","Show less":"表示を減らす","Show more":"表示を増やす","Show server logs in Library.":"ライブラリにサーバログを表示します。","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"より詳細なログメッセージを表示します。再起動が必要です。","Sidecar":"サイドカー","Sign in":"サインイン","Sign Up":"サインアップ","Similar":"似ている項目","Size":"サイズ","Slow":"遅い","Sort Order":"並び替え順","Source":"ソース","Stack":"スタック","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"同じ一意の画像またはインスタンス識別子を共有するファイルをスタックします。","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"メタデータを元に、全く同じ時間と場所で撮影された写真をスタックします。","Stackable":"スタックできる項目","Stacks":"スタック","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"似ている基準のフレームだが、品質や形式、大きさや色が異なるまとまったファイルをスタックします。","Start":"開始","Start/Stop Slideshow":"スライドショーを開始/停止","States":"状態","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"静的サイズ制限: %{n}px","Status":"状態","Storage":"ストレージフォルダ","Streets":"市街","Subject":"件名","Successfully Connected":"接続に成功","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"将来に渡って、Google ドライブなどの追加のサービスのサポートが追加される予定です。","Sync":"同期","Sync raw and video files":"Raw ファイルや動画ファイルを同期","Taken":"撮影済み","Teal":"青緑","Text too long":"文章が長すぎます","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"インデックスには現在 %{n} 件の隠しファイルがあります。","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"それらの形式がサポートされていないか、まだ JPEG に変換されていないか、または重複している可能性があります。。","Theme":"テーマ","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"これは、オリジナルのフォルダをネットワークドライブとしてマウントし、まるでローカルにあるかのようにファイルを開いたり、編集したり、あなたのコンピュータまたはスマートフォンから削除したりすることができるようにします。","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"これは、オリジナルのフォルダをネットワークドライブとしてマウントし、まるでローカルにあるかのようにファイルを開いたり、編集したり、あなたのコンピュータまたはスマートフォンから削除したりすることができるようにします。","Thumbnail Generation":"サムネイル生成","Time UTC":"UTC 時間","Time Zone":"タイムゾーン","Timeout":"タイムゾーン","Title":"タイトル","Title / Position":"タイトル / 位置","Title too long":"タイトルが長すぎます","Toggle View":"表示を切り替え","Token":"トークン","Topographic":"地形","Troubleshooting Checklists":"トラブルシューティングチェックリスト","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"他のフィルターまたはキーワードを用いて、再度試してみてください。","Type":"種類","Undo":"取り消し","Unique ID":"一意のID","Unknown":"不明","Unregistered":"未登録","Unsorted":"未分類","Unstack":"スタック解除","Updated":"更新日","Updating faces":"フェイスの更新","Updating index":"インデックスを更新しています","Updating moments":"モーメントを更新しています","Updating picture…":"画像更新中...","Updating previews":"プレビューの更新","Updating stacks":"スタックを更新しています","Upload":"アップロード","Upload complete":"アップロード完了","Upload complete. Indexing…":"アップロードが完了しました。インデックスしています…","Upload failed":"アップロード失敗","Upload local files":"ローカルファイルをアップロード","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"WebDAV にアップロードして、友達とリンクを共有できます。","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"%{t} 件中 %{n} 件をアップロードしています…","Uploading photos…":"写真をアップロードしています…","Uploading…":"アップロード中…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"そのような画像を含むアップロードは自動的に拒否されます。","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"プリセットを使用","User":"ユーザ","User Guide":"ユーザーガイド","User Interface":"ユーザインタフェース","Username":"ユーザ名","Vanta":"バンタ","Verified":"承認済み","Video":"動画","Video Duration":"ビデオデュレイション ","Videos":"動画","View":"表示","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"写真の同期、整理、共有の方法については、docs.photoprism.app/user-guideをご覧ください。","Visual Similarity":"視覚的類似性","We appreciate your feedback!":"ご感想をお寄せいただきありがとうございました。","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"5営業日以内に対応できるよう、最善を尽くします。","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"私たちは、あなたのすべての質問に答えるために最善を尽くします。その代わり、PatreonやGitHubのスポンサーになっていただくことをお願いしています。","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV クライアントは PhotoPrism に次の URL を使用して接続することができます:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Microsoft の Windows エクスプローラ や Apple の Finder のような WebDAV クライアントは、直接 PhotoPrism に接続できます。","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV アップロード","Website":"ウェブサイト","White":"白","Work Details":"業務内容","Year":"年","Yellow":"黄","Yellowstone":"イエローストーン","Yes":"はい","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"はRedditでの参加も歓迎します","You can only download one album":"1 件のアルバムのみダウンロードできます","You can only download one label":"1 件のラベルのみダウンロードできます","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"自宅、プライベートサーバー、クラウドでの運用が可能です。","You may only select one item":"1 件だけ選択してください","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"追加の顔を見つけるために、ライブラリを再スキャンすることができます。","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"皆様の継続的なご支援により、私たちは定期的なアップデートを提供し、独立性を保つことができ、私たちの使命を果たし、お客様のプライバシーを保護することができるのです。","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"あなたのライブラリは継続的に分析され、特別な瞬間や旅行、場所を記録したアルバムを自動的に作成します。","Zoom in/out":"ズーム イン/アウト"},"ko":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n}개의 앨범을 찾음","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n}개의 파일 업로드함","%{n} folders found":"%{n}개의 폴더를 찾음","%{n} labels found":"%{n}개의 라벨을 찾음","%{n} people found":"%{n}명을 찾았습니다","%{n} pictures found":"사진 %{n}장을 찾았습니다","1 hour":"1시간","12 hours":"12시간","4 hours":"4시간","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"클릭하면 클립보드에 복사됩니다.","About":"정보","Abyss":"어비스","Account":"계정","Accuracy":"정확도","Action":"동작","Actions":"동작","Add Account":"계정 등록","Add Album":"앨범 추가","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"웹 업로드로 라이브러리에 파일을 추가하세요.","Add Link":"링크 추가","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"검색 결과에서 사진을 선택해 추가할 수 있습니다.","Add to album":"앨범에 추가","Added":"추가됨","Advanced":"고급","After 1 day":"1일 후","After 3 days":"3일 후","After 7 days":"7일 후","After one month":"1달 후","After one year":"1년 후","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"검색 결과에서 사진을 선택한 뒤, 컨텍스트 메뉴를 사용하여 사진을 앨범에 추가할 수 있습니다.","After two months":"2개월 후","After two weeks":"2주 후","Album":"앨범","Album Name":"앨범 이름","Albums":"앨범","Albums deleted":"앨범 삭제됨","All %{n} albums loaded":"모든 %{n}개 앨범 로딩됨","All %{n} labels loaded":"모든 %{n}개의 라벨 로딩됨","All %{n} people loaded":"모든 %{n}명 로딩됨","All Cameras":"모든 카메라","All Categories":"모든 카테고리","All Colors":"모든 색깔","All Countries":"모든 나라","All fields are required":"모든 항목을 채워야 합니다","All files from import folder":"폴더의 모든 파일 가져오기","All Lenses":"모든 렌즈","All Months":"모든 달","All originals":"모든 원본","All Years":"모든 년도","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"대신, Nextcloud와 같은 WebDAV 서버에 직접 파일을 업로드할 수 있습니다.","Altitude":"고도","Altitude (m)":"고도 (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"오류가 발생했습니다 - 오프라인 상태인가요?","Animated":"움직이는 사진","Animation":"애니메이션","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"모든 비공개 사진과 동영상은 비공개로 유지되며 공유되지 않습니다.","API Key":"API 키","Apply":"적용","Approve":"승인","Archive":"보관","Archived":"보관함","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"선택 항목들을 보관하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"선택한 앨범을 삭제 하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"선택 라벨을 삭제 하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"이 계정을 삭제 하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"이 사진을 영구적으로 삭제하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"이 파일을 영구적으로 삭제 하시겠습니까?","Are you sure?":"확실합니까?","Artist":"아티스트","Aspect Ratio":"종횡비","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"브라우저에 표시할 수 있도록 다른 파일 형식에 대한 JPEG를 자동으로 생성합니다.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"특별한 순간, 여행 및 장소의 앨범을 자동으로 생성합니다.","Basic":"기본","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"지원 요청을 제출하기 전에 문제 해결 체크리스트를 사용하여 문제의 원인을 확인하십시오.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"100% 자체 자금으로 운영되며 독립되었기에, 우리는 귀하의 데이터를 절대 판매하지 않으며 소프트웨어와 서비스에 대해 항상 투명할 것임을 약속할 수 있습니다.","Bio":"바이오","Birth Date":"생일","Black":"검은색","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos 수정, 덜 울리는 아티팩트","Blue":"파란색","Brown":"갈색","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"검색하고 이미지 분류 라벨 편집하기.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"라이브러리에서 인덱싱된 파일 및 폴더를 검색합니다.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"특정 제품 기능, 서비스 및 관련 리소스에 대한 자세한 정보는 기술 자료를 검색하십시오.","Bug Report":"버그 신고","Busy, please wait…":"처리중, 잠시만 기다려주세요…","Calendar":"달력","Camera":"카메라","Camera Serial":"카메라 일련 번호","Can't load more, limit reached":"더 로드할 수 없습니다. 한도에 도달했습니다.","Can't select more items":"더 많은 아이템을 선택할 수 없습니다","Cancel":"취소","Cards":"카드","Category":"범주","Change Avatar":"아바타 변경","Change Password":"비밀번호 변경","Change personal profile and security settings.":"개인 프로필 및 보안 설정을 변경합니다.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"사진 제목, 위치 및 기타 메타데이터를 변경합니다.","Change private flag":"비공개 플래그 변경하기","Changes successfully saved":"변경사항이 성공적으로 저장되었습니다","Checked":"확인됨","Chroma":"채도","Close":"닫기","Codec":"코덱","Color":"색깔","Color Profile":"색상 프로필","Colors":"색깔","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"일반적인 문제는 당사가 제공하는 문제 해결 체크리스트를 사용하여 신속하게 진단하고 해결할 수 있습니다.","Complete Rescan":"완전 다시 색인","Confidence":"신임도","Connect":"연결","Connect via WebDAV":"WebDAV로 연결하기","Connected":"연결됨","Contact Details":"세부 연락처","Contact Us":"문의하기","Contains %{n} pictures.":"%{n}개의 사진이 포함되어 있습니다.","Contains one picture.":"한 장의 사진이 포함되어 있습니다.","Convert to JPEG":"JPEG로 변환하기","Converting":"변환하는 중","Copied to clipboard":"클립보드에 복사했습니다","Copyright":"저작권","Couldn't find anything.":"아무것도 찾을 수 없습니다.","Country":"나라","Create album":"앨범 만들기","Created":"만듦","Creating thumbnails for":"축소판 만들기","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"큐빅: 보통 품질, 우수한 성능","Current Password":"현재 비밀번호","Customer Support":"고객 지원","Cyan":"청록색","Cyano":"시아노","Daily":"매일","Day":"일","Debug Logs":"디버그 로그","Default":"기본값","Default Folder":"기본 폴더","Delete":"삭제","Description":"설명","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"자세한 지시는 사용설명서에서 찾을 수 있습니다.","Details":"세부 사항","Dimensions":"치수","Disable Backups":"백업 비활성화","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"내장 WebDAV 서버 비활성화. 다시 시작 필요함.","Disable Darktable":"다크테이블 비활성화","Disable ExifTool":"ExifTool 비활성화","Disable FFmpeg":"FFmpeg 비활성화","Disable Places":"장소 비활성화","Disable RawTherapee":"RawTherapee 비활성화","Disable TensorFlow":"TensorFlow 비활성화","Disable WebDAV":"WebDAV 비활성화","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"역 지오코딩 및 지도 비활성화.","Discover":"디스커버","Display Name":"닉네임","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"YAML 파일에 사진과 앨범 메타데이터를 백업하지 않기.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"향상된 메타데이터 추출위해 ExifTool 도구로 JSON 파일 생성하지 않기.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"오리지널 폴더 수정하지 않기. 가져오기, 업로드와 삭제 기능 비활성화.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"FFmpeg로 비디오를 트랜스코딩하지 마십시오.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"RAW 파일을 변환하는 데 Darktable을 사용하지 마십시오.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"RawTherapee를 사용하여 RAW 파일을 변환하지 마십시오.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"TensorFlow로 이미지 분류하지 않기.","Donations":"기부","Done":"완료","Done.":"완료.","Download":"다운로드","Download remote files":"원격 파일 다운로드하기","Download single files and zip archives.":"단일 파일 및 ZIP 아카이브 다운로드하기.","Downloading…":"다운로드 중…","Downscaling Filter":"축소 필터","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"저희가 받는 이메일의 양이 많기 때문에 저희 팀에서 즉시 연락을 드리지 못할 수도 있습니다.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"중복은 건너뛰고 한 번만 나타납니다.","Duration":"기간","Dynamic Previews":"다이나믹 미리보기","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"동적 렌더링에는 강력한 서버가 필요합니다. NAS 장치에는 권장하지 않습니다.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"다이나믹 크기 제한: %{n}px","E-Mail":"이메일","Edit":"편집","Edit %{name}":"%{name} 편집하기","Edit Account":"계정 편집","Edit Photo":"사진 편집","Edited":"편집됨","Electra":"Electra","Email":"이메일","Enable new features currently under development.":"현재 개발중인 새로운 기능을 활성화하기.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"RAW 변환기 사전 설정을 활성화합니다. 성능이 저하될 수 있습니다.","Errors":"오류","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"좌표 없이 사진의 대략적인 위치를 추정합니다.","Estimates":"견적","Every two days":"2일마다","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"검색 결과, 공유 앨범, 레이블 및 장소에서 비공개로 표시된 콘텐츠를 제외합니다.","Exclude hidden":"숨김 제외","Expand":"확장","Expand Search":"확장 검색","Experimental Features":"실험실 기능","Expires":"만료","Exposure":"노출","F Number":"F 숫자","Face":"얼굴","Faces":"얼굴","Failed copying to clipboard":"클립보드에 복사하지 못했습니다","Failed removing link":"링크를 제거하지 못했습니다","Failed updating link":"링크를 업데이트하지 못했습니다","Family Name":"성","Fast":"빠른","Favorite":"즐겨 찾기","Favorites":"즐겨 찾기","Feature Request":"기능 요청","Feed":"최신글","Feedback":"피드백","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"질문이 있거나 도움이 필요하면 hello@photoprism.app으로 문의하십시오.","Female":"여성","File":"파일","File Browser":"파일 탐색기","File Name":"파일 이름","File Size":"파일 크기","Filename":"파일이름","Files":"파일","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"'IMG_1234(2)', 'IMG_1234(3)'과 같이 순차적인 이름을 가진 파일은 같은 그림에 속합니다.","Focal Length":"초점 거리","Folder":"폴더","Folder contains %{n} files":"폴더에 %{n} 파일을 포함됨","Folder is empty":"폴더가 비어 있습니다","Folders":"폴더","Forgot password?":"비밀번호를 잊으셨나요?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"프레임","Fullscreen":"전체 화면","Gemstone":"보석","Gender":"성별","General":"일반","Getting Support":"지원 받기","Given Name":"이름","Gold":"금색","Grayscale":"회색","Green":"녹색","Grey":"회색","Hash":"해시","Help":"도움말","Help & Support":"도움말/지원","Hidden":"숨김","Hidden Files":"숨김 파일","Hide":"숨기기","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"보관함으로 이동한 사진을 숨기기.","High":"높음","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"HDR(하이 다이내믹 레인지)","How can we help?":"어떻게 도와 드릴까요?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"이것이 도움이 되지 않거나 다른 질문이 있는 경우:","image":"이미지","Image":"이미지","Images":"이미지","Import":"가져오기","Import failed":"가져오기 실패","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"가져온 파일은 날짜별로 정렬되고 중복을 방지하기 위해 유일한 이름이 지정됩니다.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"가져온 파일은 날짜별로 정렬되고 유일한 이름이 지정됩니다.","Importing %{name}…":"%{name} 가져오기 중…","Importing files to originals…":"오리지널에 가져 오는중…","in":"입력","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"또한 후원자는 이메일을 통해 직접적인 기술 지원을 받습니다.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"예상한 사진이 누락된 경우 라이브러리를 다시 검색하고 색인 생성이 완료될 때까지 기다리십시오.","Index":"색인","Index and import files through the user interface.":"사용자 인터페이스를 통해 파일을 인덱싱하고 가져옵니다.","Indexing":"색인중","Indexing failed":"색인 실패","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"미디어 및 사이드카 파일 색인중…","Instance ID":"인스턴스 ID","Interval":"간격","Invalid":"무효한","Invalid date":"잘못된 날짜","Invalid parameters":"잘못된 매개 변수","Invalid photo selected":"잘못된 사진을 선택했습니다.","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"최신 기술을 사용하여 방해 없이 자동으로 사진에 태그를 지정하고 찾습니다.","Item":"아이템","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG 품질: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG 크기 제한: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG 파일과 썸네일은 필요에 따라 자동으로 렌더딩 됩니다.","Keywords":"키워드","Knowledge Base":"지식 베이스","Label":"라벨","Labels":"라벨","Labels deleted":"라벨 삭제됨","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: 디테일 보존, 최소한의 인공물","Language":"언어","Last Sync":"마지막 동기화","Latitude":"위도","Lavender":"라벤더색","Learn more":"더 보기","Legal Information":"법률 정보","Lens":"렌즈","Library":"라이브러리","License":"라이센스","Like":"좋아요","Lime":"라임색","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"한도에 도달하여 처음 %{n} 파일을 표시합니다","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: 매우 부드럽고 최고의 성능","Link":"링크","List":"리스트","Live":"라이브","Live Photos":"라이브 포토","Local Time":"현지 시간","location":"위치","Location":"위치","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"PhotoPrism이 깨진 파일을 발견하거나 다른 잠재적인 문제가 있을 때마다 로그 메시지가 여기에 나타납니다.","Login":"로그인","Logout":"로그아웃","Logs":"로그","Longitude":"경도","Low":"낮음","Magenta":"마젠타색","Main Color":"주요 색깔","Male":"남성","manual":"수동","Manual Upload":"수동 업로드","Maps":"지도","Marker":"마커","Medium":"중간","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"%{a}을 %{b}과(를) 병합하시겠습니까?","Message sent":"매시지 보냄","Minimize":"최소화","Missing":"누락됨","Moments":"나의 순간","Monochrome":"단색","Month":"달","Moonlight":"월광","More than %{n} pictures found":"사진을 %{n}개 이상 찾았습니다.","More than 20 albums found":"20개이상의 앨범을 발견함","More than 20 labels found":"20개이상의 라벨을 발견함","More than 20 people found":"20명 이상 찾았습니다.","Mosaic":"모자이크","Most Relevant":"가장 관련성","Move Files":"파일 이동하기","Name":"이름","Name too long":"이름이 너무 깁니다","Never":"안함","New":"신규","New Password":"새로운 비밀번호","Newest First":"최신 순","No":"아니요","No albums found":"앨범이 없습니다","No labels found":"라벨이 없습니다","No people found":"사람이 없습니다","No pictures found":"사진이 없습니다","No recently edited pictures":"최근에 편집한 사진이 없습니다","No servers configured.":"구성된 서버가 없습니다.","No services configured.":"구성된 서비스가 없습니다.","No thanks":"아니요, 괜찮습니다","No video selected":"선택한 비디오가 없습니다","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"이 키워드를 포함하는 경고 또는 오류가 없습니다. 검색은 대소문자를 구분합니다.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"사진이 아닌 저품질 이미지는 검색 결과에 표시되기 전에 검토가 필요합니다.","None":"없음","Not Found":"찾을 수 없음","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"원본 폴더를 수동으로 관리할 수 있으며 가져오기는 선택 사항입니다.","Note:":"노트:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"주의: Nextcloud 또는 PhotoPrism와 같은 WebDAV서버만 백업 및 파일 업로드를 위한 원격 서비스로 구성할 수 있습니다.","Notes":"노트","Nothing to see here yet.":"아직 볼 것이 없습니다. 인내심을 가지세요.","Offline":"오프라인","Oldest First":"오래된 순","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Windows의 경우 연결 대화 상자에 다음 리소스를 입력합니다.","Once a week":"일주일에 한 번","One album found":"1개 앨범 찾음","One file found":"1개 파일 찾음","One file uploaded":"업로드된 파일 1개","One folder found":"1개 폴더 찾음","One label found":"라벨 1개를 찾았습니다.","One person found":"한 사람이 발견됨","One picture found":"사진 1장 발견","Onyx":"오닉스색","Options":"옵션","or ask in our Community Chat":"또는 커뮤니티 채팅에서 문의하세요.","Orange":"주황색","Organization":"조직","Orientation":"방향","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"원본 파일 이름은 저장하고 색인됩니다.","Original Name":"원본 이름","Originals":"오리지널","Other":"다른","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"또한 사용자 가이드에서는 Google 포토에서 이전 및 미리보기 이미지 품질 설정과 같은 많은 고급 주제를 다룹니다.","Outdoor":"아웃도어","Panorama":"파노라마","Panoramas":"파노라마","Password":"비밀번호","Password changed":"비밀번호 변경됨","People":"사람","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"링크를 공유한 사람들은 공개 콘텐츠를 볼 수 있습니다.","Permanently deleted":"영구 삭제됨","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"파일을 영구적으로 제거하여 저장 공간을 확보하십시오.","Phone":"전화","Photo":"사진","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism 업데이트되었습니다…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism®은 분산 웹을 위한 AI 기반 사진 앱입니다.","Photos":"사진","Pink":"분홍색","Place":"장소","Place & Time":"장소 & 시간","Places":"장소","Please confirm your new password.":"새 비밀번호를 확인하세요.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"불쾌감한 콘텐츠 포함된 사진을 업로드하지 마십시오.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"비밀번호를 변경하면 다른 장치 및 브라우저에서 로그아웃됩니다.","Portrait":"초상","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"GitHub 토론에 질문 게시","Preserve filenames":"파일 이름 보류","Press button to start importing…":"가져오기를 시작하려면 버튼을 누르세요…","Press button to start indexing…":"색인을 시작하려면 버튼을 누르세요…","Press enter to create a new album.":"새 앨범을 만들려면 Enter 키를 누르세요.","Preview":"미리보기","Primary":"주요","Private":"비공개","Product Feedback":"제품 피드백","Projection":"투사","Purple":"보라색","Quality Filter":"품질 필터","Quality Score":"품질 점수","Random":"랜덤","Raspberry":"라즈베리색","Raw":"원시","RAW":"날것의","RAW Conversion":"RAW 변환","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"이미 인덱싱되고 변경되지 않은 파일을 포함하여 모든 원본을 다시 인덱싱합니다.","Read the Docs":"문서 읽기","Read-Only Mode":"읽기 전용 모드","Recently Added":"최근 추가됨","Recently Edited":"최근 편집","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"인덱싱이 완료된 후 인식이 시작됩니다.","Recognized":"인정","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"특정 사람을 찾을 수 있도록 얼굴을 인식합니다.","Red":"빨간색","Reload":"새로고침","Reloading…":"새로고침 중…","Remote Sync":"원격 동기화","Remove":"제거","remove failed: unknown album":"제거 실패 - 잘못된 앨범","Remove from album":"앨범에서 제거","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"가져온 파일을 제거하여 저장 공간을 절약하십시오. 지원되지 않는 파일 형식은 삭제되지 않으며 현재 위치에 남아 있습니다.","Request failed - invalid response":"요청 실패 - 잘못된 응답","Required":"필수","Resolution":"해상도","Restore":"복원","Retry Limit":"재시도 제한","Retype Password":"비밀번호 다시 입력","Review":"리뷰","Satellite":"위성","Save":"저장","Scan":"스켄","Scans":"스켄","Search":"검색","Search and display photos on a map.":"검색하고 지도에서 시진을 표시합니다.","Season":"계절","Secret":"비밀","Security and Access":"보안 및 액세스","Select":"선택","Select albums or create a new one":"앨범을 선택하거나 새 앨범을 만듭니다","Selection approved":"선택 항목 승인됨","Selection archived":"선택 항목 보관됨","Selection restored":"선택 항목 복원됨","Send":"보내기","Sequential Name":"순차 이름","Service URL":"서비스 URL","Services":"서비스","Settings":"설정","Settings saved":"설정 저장됨","Setup":"설치","Shadow":"그림자","Share":"공유","Share %{name}":"%{name} 공유하기","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"다른 앱 및 서비스와 사진을 공유하십시오.","Show":"보이기","Show all new faces":"모든 새 얼굴 표시","Show hidden":"숨김 표시","Show less":"덜 보여","Show more":"더 보여","Show server logs in Library.":"라이브러리에 서버 로그를 표시합니다.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"더 자세한 로그 메시지를 표시합니다. 다시 시작해야 합니다.","Sidecar":"사이드카","Sign in":"등록","Sign Up":"회원가입","Similar":"비슷한","Size":"크기","Slow":"느림","Sort Order":"정렬 방법","Source":"소스","Stack":"스택","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"동일한 고유 이미지 또는 인스턴스 식별자를 공유하는 스택 파일.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"메타데이터를 기반으로 정확히 같은 시간과 위치에서 찍은 사진을 쌓습니다.","Stackable":"스택 할 수 있슴","Stacks":"스택","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"참조 프레임은 유사하지만 품질, 형식, 크기 또는 색상이 다른 그룹 파일을 스택합니다.","Start":"시작","Start/Stop Slideshow":"슬라이드쇼 시작/중지","States":"상태","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"스태틱 크지 제한: %{n}px","Status":"상태","Storage":"저장고","Streets":"거리","Subject":"주제","Successfully Connected":"성공적으로 연결됨","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Google 드라이브와 같은 추가 서비스에 대한 지원은 시간이 지남에 따라 추가됩니다.","Sync":"동기화","Sync raw and video files":"원시 사진과 동영상 파일을 동기화하기","Taken":"찍음","Teal":"암녹색","Text too long":"텍스트는 너무 긴다","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"현재 색인에서 %{n}개의 숨겨진 파일이 있습니다.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"형식이 지원되지 않을 수 있고, 아직 JPEG 형식으로 변환되지 않았거나 중복이 있을 수 있습니다.","Theme":"테마","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"이렇게 하면 원본 폴더가 네트워크 드라이브로 마운트되고 컴퓨터나 스마트폰에서 파일을 로컬에 있는 것처럼 열고 편집하고 삭제할 수 있습니다.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"이렇게 하면 원본 폴더가 네트워크 드라이브로 마운트되고 컴퓨터나 스마트폰에서 파일을 로컬에 있는 것처럼 열고 편집하고 삭제할 수 있습니다.","Thumbnail Generation":"썸내일 생성","Time UTC":"표준 시간대","Time Zone":"시간대","Timeout":"타임아웃","Title":"주제","Title / Position":"직위","Title too long":"주제 너무 긴다","Toggle View":"보기형식 변경","Token":"토큰","Topographic":"지형","Troubleshooting Checklists":"문제 해결 체크리스트","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"다른 필터 또는 키워드를 사용하여 다시 시도하십시오.","Type":"종류","Undo":"실행 취소","Unique ID":"유일 ID","Unknown":"알 수 없는","Unregistered":"미등록","Unsorted":"정렬되지 않음","Unstack":"스택 해제","Updated":"업로드됨","Updating faces":"얼굴 업데이트","Updating index":"색인을 업데이트 중","Updating moments":"\"나의 순간\" 업데이트 중","Updating picture…":"사진 업데이트 중…","Updating previews":"미리보기 업데이트","Updating stacks":"스택을 업데이트 중","Upload":"업로드","Upload complete":"업로드 완료","Upload complete. 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In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"귀하의 모든 질문에 최선을 다해 답변해 드리겠습니다. 그 대가로 Patreon 또는 GitHub 후원자를 후원해 주시기 바랍니다.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV 클라이언트는 다음 URL을 사용하여 PhotoPrism에 연결할 수 있습니다:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"WebDAV 클라이언트 (예: 마이코로소프트 Windows Explorer 또는 애플 Finder) 직접적으로 PhotoPrism에 연결할 수 있습니다.","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV 업로드","Website":"웹사이트","White":"백색","Work Details":"작업 내용","Year":"년","Yellow":"황색","Yellowstone":"옐로스톤","Yes":"네","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"Reddit에 가입하실 수 있습니다.","You can only download one album":"하나의 앨범 만 다운로드할 수 있습니다","You can only download one label":"하나의 라벨 만 다운로드할 수 있습니다","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"집, 개인 서버 또는 클라우드에서 실행할 수 있습니다.","You may only select one item":"하나의 아이템 선택할 수 있습니다","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"추가 얼굴을 찾기 위해 라이브러리를 다시 검색할 수 있습니다.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"귀하의 지속적인 지원은 정기적인 업데이트를 제공하고 독립적인 상태를 유지하는 데 도움이 되어 당사의 사명을 완수하고 귀하의 개인 정보를 보호할 수 있습니다.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"라이브러리는 지속적으로 분석되어 특별한 순간, 여행 및 장소의 앨범을 자동으로 생성합니다.","Zoom in/out":"확대/축소"},"ku":{"%{n} albums found":"ئەلبوم دۆزرایەوە %{n}","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} پەڕگە بارکرا","%{n} folders found":"%{n} بوخچە دۆزرایەوە","%{n} labels found":"%{n} پێناس دۆزرایەوە","%{n} people found":"%{n} kes hatin dîtin","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} wêne hatin dîtin","1 hour":"١ کاتژمێر","12 hours":"١٢ کاتژمێر","4 hours":"٤ کاتژمێر","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"کرتەیەک کۆپی دەکاتە کلیپ بۆردەکەت","About":"دەربارە","Account":"هەژمار","Accuracy":"وردبینی","Action":"کردار","Actions":"کردارەکان","Add Album":"زیادکردنی ئەلبوم","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"زیادکردنی پەڕگەکان بۆ کتێبخانەکەت لەڕێگای بارکردنی وێب.","Add Link":"زیادکردنی بەستەرە","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Bi hilbijartina wan wêneyan ji encamên lêgerînê zêde bikin.","Add to album":"زیادکردن بۆ ئەلبوم","Added":"زیادکرا","Advanced":"پێشکەوتوو","After 1 day":"دوای ١ ڕۆژ","After 3 days":"دوای ٣ ڕۆژ","After 7 days":"دوای ٧ ڕۆژ","After one month":"دوای ١ مانگ","After one year":"دوای ١ ساڵ","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Piştî hilbijartina wêneyên ji encamên lêgerînê, hûn dikarin wan bi karanîna menuya naverokê li albûmê zêde bikin.","After two months":"دوای ٢ مانگ","After two weeks":"دوای ٢ هەفتە","Album":"ئەلبوم","Album Name":"ناوی ئەلبوم","Albums":"ئەلبومەکان","All %{n} albums loaded":"هەموو %{n} ئەلبومەکان بارکرا","All %{n} labels loaded":"هەموو %{n} پێناسەکان بارکرا","All %{n} people loaded":"Hemû %{n} kes bar kirin","All Cameras":"هەموو کامێراکان","All Categories":"هەموو هاوپۆلەکان","All Colors":"هەموو رەنگەکان","All Countries":"هەموو وڵاتەکان","All fields are required":"هەموو خانەکان پێویستە","All files from import folder":"هەموو پەڕگەکان لە بوخچەی هاوردەکردن","All Lenses":"هەموو لێنزەکان","All Months":"هەموو مانگەکان","All originals":"هەموو ڕەسەنەکان","All Years":"هەموو ساڵەکان","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"لە جیاتی ئەوە، دەتوانیت ڕاستەوخۆ پەڕگەکان باربکەیتە سەر ڕاژەی WebDAV وەک Nextcloud.","Altitude":"هێڵی درێژی","Altitude (m)":"بەرزی (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"هەڵەیەک ڕوویدا - ئایا ئۆفلاینیت؟","Animation":"ئەنیمەیشن","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"هەر فۆتۆ و ڤیدیۆیەکی تایبەت بە تایبەتی دەمێنێتەوە و هاوبەش ناکرێت.","API Key":"API کلیلی","Apply":"به‌کاربردن","Approve":"په‌سه‌ندکردن","Archive":"ئەرشیف","Archived":"ئەرشیفکراو","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"ئایا دڵنیایت لەوەی دەتەوێت ئەم دیاریکردنە ئەرشیف بکەیت؟","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"دڵنیایت لەوەی دەتەوێت ئەم ئەلبومانە بسڕیتەوە؟","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"دڵنیایت لەوەی دەتەوێت ئەم پێناسانە بسڕیتەوە؟","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"دڵنیایت لەوەی دەتەوێت ئەم هەژمارانە بسڕیتەوە؟","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"ئایا دڵنیایت لەوەی دەتەوێت ئەم وێنانە بە هەمیشەیی بسڕیتەوە؟","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"ئایا دڵنیایت لەوەی دەتەوێت بە هەمیشەیی ئەم پەڕگەیە بسڕیتەوە؟","Artist":"هونەرمەند","Aspect Ratio":"ڕێژەی ڕوو","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"دروستکردنی JPEGs بە شێوەیەکی خودکارانە بۆ جۆرەکانی تری پەڕگە بۆ ئەوەی نیشان بدرێت لە وێبگەڕەکە.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Bixweber albûmên demên taybetî, rêwîtî û deveran diafirîne.","Black":"ڕەش","Blue":"شین","Brown":"قاوەیی","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"گەڕان و بژارکردنی ناونیشانەکانی پۆلێنکردنی وێنە.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"گەڕان لە پەڕگە وبوخچە نوانەدارەکان لە کتێبخانە.","Bug Report":"راپۆرتی هەڵە","Busy, please wait…":"سەرقاڵە، تکایە چاوەڕێکە…","Calendar":"ڕۆژمێر","Camera":"کامێرا","Camera Serial":"زنجیرەی کامێرا","Can't load more, limit reached":"ناتوانێت زیاتر بار بکات، گەیشتە سنوور","Can't select more items":"ناتوانێت ئایتمی زیاتر دیاری بکات","Cancel":"هه‌ڵوه‌شاندنه‌وه","Cards":"کارتەکان","Category":"هاوپۆله‌كان","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Sernivîsên wêneyan, cîh û metadata din biguherînin.","Change private flag":"گۆڕینی نیشانەنوێنی تایبەت","Checked":"پشکنرا","Chroma":"کرۆم","Close":"داخستن","Codec":"Codec","Color":"ڕەنگ","Colors":"ڕەنگەکان","Complete Rescan":"پشکنینەوەی تەواو","Confidence":"دڵنیایی","Connect":"بەستنەوە","Connect via WebDAV":"بەستنەوە بە WebDAV","Contact Us":"پەیوەندیمان پێوە بکە","Contains %{n} pictures.":"%{n} wêneyan dihewîne.","Contains one picture.":"Yek wêneyek dihewîne.","Convert to JPEG":"گۆڕین بۆ JPEG","Converting":"گۆڕین","Copied to clipboard":"کۆپی کرایە کلیپ بۆرد","Copyright":"مافی لەبەرگرتنەوە","Couldn't find anything.":"هیچ شتێک نەدۆزرایەوە.","Country":"وڵات","Create album":"دروستکردنی ئەلبوم","Created":"دروستکرا","Creating thumbnails for":"دروستکردنی وێنۆچکە بۆ","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"سێجا: کوالێتی مامناوەند، ئەدای باش","Current Password":"تێپەڕەوشەی ئێستا","Customer Support":"پاڵپشتی کڕیار","Cyan":"شینی ئاسمانی","Daily":"ڕۆژانە","Day":"ڕۆ‌ژ","Debug Logs":"تۆماری هەڵەکان","Default":"بنه‌ڕه‌ت","Default Folder":"بوخچەی بنه‌ڕه‌تی","Delete":"سڕینەوە","Description":"وه‌سفکردن","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"ڕێنمایی ورد دەتوانرێت بدۆزرێتەوە لە ڕێبەری بەکارهێنەرەکەمان.","Details":"زانیاری زیاتر","Dimensions":"ڕەهەندەکان","Disable Backups":"ناچالاککردنی پاڵپشتەکان","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"ناچالاککردنی ڕاژەکاری چەسپاوی WebDAV. پێویستی بە دەستپێکردنەوە هەیە.","Disable Darktable":"Darktable neçalak bike","Disable ExifTool":"ExifTool لە کاربخە","Disable FFmpeg":"FFmpeg asteng bike","Disable Places":"لەکارخستنی شوێنەکان","Disable RawTherapee":"RawTherapee neçalak bike","Disable TensorFlow":"لەکاربخە TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"لەکاربخە WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"جیوکۆدکردن و نەخشەکان ناچالاک بە.","Discover":"دۆزینەوە","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"پاڵپشتی مێتاداتای وێنە و ئەلبوم مەکە بە پەڕگەی YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"پەڕگەکانی ExifToolی JSON دروست مەکە بۆ دەرهێنانی مێتاداتای باشکراو.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"بوخچەی رەسەنەکان هەموار مەکە. هاوردەکردن، بارکردن و سڕینەوە لە کاربخە.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Vîdyoyan bi FFmpeg re transkod nekin.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Ji bo veguheztina pelên RAW Darktable bikar neynin.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"RawTherapee bikar neynin ku pelên RAW veguherînin.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"TensorFlow بەکارمەهێنە بۆ پۆلێنکردنی وێنە.","Donations":"بەخشینەکان","Done":"تەواوبوو","Done.":"تەواوبوو.","Download":"داگرتن","Download remote files":"داگرتنی پەڕگە دوورەکان","Download single files and zip archives.":"داگرتنی فایلە تاکەکان و ئەرشیفی زیپ.","Downloading…":"دادەگیرێت…","Downscaling Filter":"فلتەری کەمکردنەوە","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"دووبارەکراوەکان تێپەڕدەبن و تەنها یەک جار دەردەکەون.","Dynamic Previews":"پێشبینینی دینامیکی","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"پێڕدانی دینامیکی پێویستی بە ڕاژەکاری بەهێز هەیە. پێشنیار نەکراوە بۆ ئامێرەکانی NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"سنوورداری قەبارەی دینامیکی: %{n}px","E-Mail":"ئیمەیڵ","Edit":"دەستکاری","Edit %{name}":"دەستکاری %{name}","Edit Account":"دەستکاریکردنی هەژمار","Edit Photo":"دەستکاریکردنی فۆتۆ","Edited":"دەستکاریکرا","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"چالاککردنی تایبەتمەندیە نوێکان کە لە ئێستادا لە ژێر گەشەپێداندان.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Pêşdibistanên veguheztina RAW çalak dike. Dibe ku performans kêm bike.","Errors":"هەڵەکان","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"خەمڵاندنی شوێنی نزیکەی وێنەکان بەبێ کۆردیناتەکان.","Estimates":"خەمڵاندنەکان","Every two days":"هەموو دوو ڕۆژ جارێ","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Ji encamên lêgerînê, albûmên hevbeş, etîket û deveran naveroka ku wekî taybet hatî nîşankirin derxînin.","Exclude hidden":"Veşartî derxînin","Expand":"فراوانکردن","Expand Search":"فراوانکردنی گەڕان","Experimental Features":"تایبەتمەندیە ئەزموونیەکان","Expires":"بەسەرچووەکان","Exposure":"دەرخستن","F Number":"ژمارەی F","Face":"Rû","Faces":"Rûyên","Failed copying to clipboard":"کۆپیکردن بۆ کلیپ بۆرد شکستی هێنا","Failed removing link":"لابردنی بەستەرەکە شکستی هێنا","Failed updating link":"نوێکردنەوەی بەستەرەکە شکستی هێنا","Fast":"خێرا","Favorite":"دڵخواز","Favorites":"دڵخوازەکان","Feature Request":"داواکردنی تایبەتمەندی","Feedback":"ڕەخنە و پێشنیار","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"تکایە پەیوەندیمان پێوە بکە hello@photoprism.app ئەگەر پرسیارت هەیە یان پێویستیت بە یارمەتیە.","File":"پەڕگە","File Browser":"گەڕۆکی پەڕگە","Files":"پەڕگەکان","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"پەڕگەکان بە ناوی زنجیرەیی وەک 'IMG_1234 (2)' و 'IMG_1234 (3)' هی هەمان وێنەن.","Folder":"بوخچە","Folder contains %{n} files":"بوخچە %{n} پەڕگەی تێدایە","Folder is empty":"بوخچەکە بەتاڵە","Folders":"بوخچەکان","Fullscreen":"پڕاوپڕ بەشاشە","General":"گشتی","Gold":"ئاڵتون","Grayscale":"گرەیسکەیڵ","Green":"سەوز","Grey":"ڕەساسی","Hash":"هاش","Help":"یارمەتی","Hidden":"شاراوە","Hidden Files":"پەڕگە شاراوەکان","Hide":"Veşartin","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"شاردنەوەی ئەو فۆتۆیانەی کە گواستراوەتەوە بۆ ئەرشیف.","How can we help?":"چۆن ئەتوانین یارمەتیت بدەین؟","image":"وێنە","Image":"وێنە","Images":"وێنەکان","Import":"هاوردن","Import failed":"هاوردن شکستی هێنا","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"پەڕگە هاوردەکان بەپێی بەروار پۆلێن دەکرێت و ناوی بێهاوتای بۆ دادەندرێت بۆی پەڕگەی دووبارە بوونی نەبێت.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"پەڕگە هاوردەکان بەپێی بەروار پۆلێن دەکرێت و ناوی بێهاوتای پێ دەدرێت.","Importing %{name}…":"هاوردنی %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"هێنانی پەڕگەکان بۆ ڕەسەنەکان…","in":"لە","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Ger wêneyên ku hûn li bendê ne wenda nebin, ji kerema xwe pirtûkxaneya xwe ji nû ve şeh bikin û li bendê bimînin heya ku indexing qediya.","Index":"نیشاندەر","Indexing":"نیشانەسازی","Indexing failed":"نیشانەسازی شکستی هێنا","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"پێڕستکردنی پەڕگەکانی میدیا و لاتەنیشتەکان…","Instance ID":"IDـی نموونە","Interval":"ماوە","Invalid date":"بەروارێکی نادروست","Item":"ئایتم","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"کوالیتی JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"سنووری قەبارەی JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG و وێنە بچووکەکان بە شێوەیەکی خودکارانە بە پێێ پێویست پیشان دەدرێن.","Keywords":"کلیلەوشەکان","Label":"پێناس","Labels":"پێناسەکان","Language":"زمان","Latitude":"هێڵی پانیی","Lavender":"ئەرخەوان","Lens":"لێنز","Library":"کتێبخانە","License":"مۆڵەت","Like":"بەدڵمە","Lime":"قسڵ","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"سنوور گەیشتن، یەکەمین ٪{n} پەڕگە پیشان دەدات","Link":"بەستەر","List":"خشتە","Live":"زیندوو","Local Time":"کاتی ناوخۆیی","location":"ناونیشان","Location":"ناونیشان","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"لۆگ مەسجەکان لێرە دەردەکەون هەرکاتێک فۆتۆپریزم لەگەڵ فایلی شێواو بەرکەوتنی هەبوو ، یان کێشەی شاراوەی تر بوونی هەبوو.","Login":"چوونە ژوورەوە","Logout":"چوونە دەرەوە","Logs":"تۆماری لۆگەکان","Longitude":"درێژی","Magenta":"ئەرخەوانی","Main Color":"ڕەنگی سەرەکی","manual":"دەستی","Manual Upload":"بارکردنی دەستی","Marker":"Nîşan","Medium":"مامناوەند","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Bi %{b} re bi %{b} re bibe yek?","Message sent":"پەیامەکە گەیەندرا","Minimize":"بچووک کردنەوە","Missing":"بزر","Moments":"ساتەکان","Month":"مانگ","Moonlight":"تیشکی مانگ","More than %{n} pictures found":"Zêdetirî %{n} wêne hatin dîtin","More than 20 albums found":"زیاتر لە ٢٠ ئەلبوم دۆزرایەوە","More than 20 labels found":"زیاتر لە ٢٠ پێناس دۆزرایەوە","More than 20 people found":"Zêdetirî 20 kes hatin dîtin","Mosaic":"موزایک","Move Files":"دۆسیەی زیاتر","Name":"ناو","Name too long":"ناوی زۆر درێژ","Never":"هەرگیز","New":"Nşh","New Password":"تێپەڕەوشەی نوێ","No":"نەخێر","No albums found":"هیچ ئەلبومێکی نەدۆزیوەتەوە","No labels found":"هیچ پێناسێکی نەدۆزیوەتەوە","No people found":"Kes nehat dîtin","No pictures found":"Wêne nehatin dîtin","No recently edited pictures":"Wêneyên ku nû hatine guheztin tune","No servers configured.":"هیچ ڕاژەیەک سازنەدراوە","No thanks":"نەخێر سوپاس","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"هیچ ئاگادارییەک یان هەڵەیەک نیە کە ئەم وشی لەخۆ گرتبێت. تێبینی بکە کە گەڕان هەستیارە (جیاکەرەوەی پیتە گەورە و چکۆلەکان).","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"وێنە نافۆتۆگرافی و کوالێتی نزمەکان پێویستی بە پێداچونەوە هەیە پێش ئەوەی لە ئەنجامی گەڕاندا دەرکەون.","None":"هیچ","Not Found":"نەدۆزرایەوە","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Têbînî ku hûn dikarin peldanka orîjînalên xwe bi destan birêve bibin û hinardekirin vebijarkî ye.","Note:":"تێبینی:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"تێبینی: تەنها ڕەژاکانی WebDAV، وەک Nextcloud یان PhotoPrism، دەتوانرێت وەک خزمەتگوزاریەکی دوور بۆ گەڕانەوەی پاڵپشت (باکئاپ) و دروستکردنی پاڵپشت ساز بکرێت.","Notes":"تێبینیەکان","Offline":"ده‌رهێڵ","Once a week":"جارێك لەهەفتەیەكدا","One album found":"یەك ئەلبوم دۆزرایەوە","One file found":"یەك دۆسیە دۆزرایەوە","One folder found":"یەك فۆڵدەر دۆزرایەوە","One label found":"Yek label hat dîtin","One person found":"Kesek hat dîtin","One picture found":"Yek wêne hat dîtin","Options":"هەڵبژاردنەکان","Orange":"پرتەقاڵی","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"ناوی پەڕگە ڕەسەنەکان هەڵگیراون و نیشانە دەکرێن.","Original Name":"ناوی ڕەسەن","Originals":"ڕەسەنەکان","Other":"هی تر","Outdoor":"دەرەوە","Panorama":"پانۆراما","Panoramas":"پانۆراماکان","Password":"تێپەڕەوشە","People":"خەڵك","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"ئەو کەسانەی بەستەرێکی هاوبەشیان لەگەڵ دا دروست دەکەیت، توانای بینینی ناوەڕۆکە گشتیەکانی دەبێت.","Permanently deleted":"بە هەمیشەیی سڕاوەتەوە","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"سڕینەوەی پەڕگەکان بە شێوەیەکی هەمیشەیی بۆ بەتاڵکردنی بیرگە.","Photo":"وێنە","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"فۆتۆپریزم نوێکرایەوە","Photos":"وێنەکان","Pink":"پەمەی","Place":"شوێن","Place & Time":"شوێن و کات","Places":"شوێنەکان","Please confirm your new password.":"تکایە وشە نهێنیە تازکەت پشتڕاستکەرەوە.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"تکایە ئەو وێنانە بار مەکە کە ناوەڕۆکی سووکایەتی لەخۆ دەگرن.","Portrait":"تابلۆ","Preserve filenames":"پاراستنی ناوی پەڕگەکان","Press button to start importing…":"دوگمە دابگرە بۆ دەستکردن بە هێنان…","Press button to start indexing…":"دوگمە دابگرە بۆ دەست کردن بە پێنوێن کردن…","Press enter to create a new album.":"بۆ دروستکردنی ئەلبومێکی نوێ، Enter دابگرە.","Preview":"پێشبینین","Primary":"سەرەکی","Private":"تایبەتی","Product Feedback":"ڕەخنە و پێشنیار لە بەرهەم","Projection":"هەڵسەنگاندن","Purple":"مۆر","Quality Filter":"پاڵاوتنی جۆرایەتی","Quality Score":"جۆرایەتی تۆمار","Random":"هەڕەمەکی","Raw":"خاو","RAW":"خاو","RAW Conversion":"گۆڕینی (Raw) خاو","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"دووبارە نیشانە (ئیندێکس) کردنی هەموو ڕەسەنەکان، بە فایلە نوانەدار و نەگۆڕاوەکانیشەوە.","Read-Only Mode":"دۆخی تەنها-خوێندنەوە","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Piştî ku endeksasyon qediya naskirin dest pê dike.","Recognized":"Nas kirin","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Rûyan nas dike da ku mirovên taybetî bêne dîtin.","Red":"سور","Reload":"بارکردنەوە","Reloading…":"دووبارە بارکردن…","Remote Sync":"هاوکاتکردنی دوور","Remove":"سڕینەوە","remove failed: unknown album":"سڕینەوەکە سەرکەوتوو نەبوو: ئەلبومی نەناسراو","Remove from album":"Ji albûmê derxe","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"لابردنی پەڕگە هاوردەکان بۆ بەتاڵکردنی بیرگە. جۆرەکانی پەڕگەی پشتیوانی نەکراو هەرگیز ناسڕدرێتەوە، ئەوان لە شوێنی ئێستایان دەمێننەوە.","Request failed - invalid response":"داواکاریەکە سەرکەوتوو نەبوو - وەڵامە نادروستەکە","Required":"پێویست","Restore":"گەڕاندنەوە","Retype Password":"نوسینەوەی وشه‌ی تێپه‌ڕبوون","Review":"پێشبینین","Save":"پاشەکەوت","Scan":"پشکنین","Scans":"پشکنینەکان","Search":"گەڕان","Search and display photos on a map.":"گەڕان و پیشاندانی وێنەکان لەسەر نەخشە.","Season":"وەرز","Secret":"نهێنی","Select":"دەستنیشانکردن","Select albums or create a new one":"ئەلبومەکان دەستنیشان بکە یان یەکێکی تازە دروست بکە","Selection approved":"دەستنیشان کراو پەسەند کرا","Send":"ناردن","Sequential Name":"ناوی زنجیرەیی","Service URL":"بەستەری خزمەتگوزاری","Settings":"ڕێکخستنەکان","Setup":"دایبەزێنە","Shadow":"سێبەر","Share":"هاوبەشکردن","Share %{name}":"هاوبەشیپێکردنی %{name}","Show":"Rêdan","Show all new faces":"Hemî rûyên nû nîşan bidin","Show hidden":"Veşartî nîşan bide","Show less":"کەمتر ببینە","Show more":"زیاتر ببینە","Show server logs in Library.":"پیشاندانی لۆگەکانی ڕاژە لە کتێبخانە.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Peyamên têketinê yên bi detay nîşan dide. Ji nû ve destpêkirinê hewce dike.","Sidecar":"لاتەنیشت","Sign in":"چوونەژوورەوە","Sign Up":"چوونەدەرەوە","Similar":"وەکویەک","Size":"ڕووبەر","Slow":"خاو","Sort Order":"جۆری داواکاری","Source":"سەرچاوه","Stack":"کەڵەکە","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"پەڕگە کەڵەککراوەکان هەمان وێنەی بێ هاوتا یان نمونەی ناسێنەریان هەیە.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"وێنەی کەڵەککراوەکان لەهەمان کات و شوێن دا گیراوە لەسەر بنەمای مێتاداتا.","Stackable":"کەڵەکەکراو","Stacks":"کەڵەکەکان","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"کەڵەکەکراوەکان کۆمەڵێ فۆتۆ لە سەر بنەمای هەمان ناوەڕۆک پێکەوە دەبەستێ بەڵام فۆتۆکان جیاوازن لە جۆرێتی، فۆرمات، قەبارە یان ڕەنگ.","Start":"ده‌ستپێك","Start/Stop Slideshow":"دەستپێکردن/وەستانی سلایدشۆ","States":"ولایەتەکان","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"سنووری قەبارەی ستاتیک: %{n}px","Status":"دۆخ","Streets":"شەقامەکان","Subject":"ناونیشان","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"پشتگیری بۆ خزمەتگوزاری تر وەک Google Drive، بە پێی کات زیاد دەکرێت.","Sync":"هاوکاتگەری","Sync raw and video files":"هاودەمکردنی فایلە خاوە ڤیدیۆکان","Taken":"وەرگیراو","Teal":"سەوزی شینباو","Text too long":"دەقی زۆر درێژ","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"نوانەکە لە ئێستادا %{n} فایلی شاراوەی لەخۆ دەگرێت.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"فۆرماتەکەیان لەوانەیە پشتگیری کراو نەبێت, هێشتا نەگۆڕدراوە بۆ JPEG یان لێکچووی دووبارەبوونی هەیە.","Theme":"ڕووکار","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"ئەمە فۆڵدەری ڕەسەنەکان وەک درایڤی ڕایەڵە هەڵدەکات و ڕێگەت پێدەدات فایلەکان لە کۆمپیوتەرەکەت یان مۆبایلەکە بکەیتەوە، بژاری بکەیت، یان بسڕیتەوە وەک ئەوەی کە خۆماڵی بن.","Thumbnail Generation":"دروستکردنی وێنۆچکە","Time UTC":"کات UTC","Time Zone":"ناوچەی کاتی","Title":"ناونیشان","Title too long":"ناونیشانی زۆر درێژ","Toggle View":"گۆڕینی رەوش بۆ بینین","Token":"تۆکن","Topographic":"تۆپۆگرافیک","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"دووبارە هەوڵ بدە بە بەکارهێنانی فلتەر یان وشەی تر.","Type":"جۆر","Undo":"Betal bike","Unknown":"نەزانراو","Unsorted":"پۆلێن نەکراوە","Unstack":"دەرهێنان لە کەڵەکە","Updated":"بارکرا","Updating faces":"Rûyên nûjen dikin","Updating index":"نوێکردنەوەی نیشانە","Updating moments":"نوێکردنەوەی ساتەکان","Updating previews":"Rojanekirina pêşdîtinan","Updating stacks":"نوێکردنەوەی کەڵەکەکان","Upload":"بارکردن","Upload complete":"بارکردنەکە تەواو","Upload complete. 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ئەلبوم داگریت","You can only download one label":"تۆ تەنها دەتوانی یەك پێناس داگریت","You may only select one item":"دەتوانیت تەنها یەک ئایتم دیاریبکەیت","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Hûn dikarin pirtûkxaneya xwe ji bo dîtina rûyên zêde ji nû ve şeh bikin.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Pirtûkxaneya we bi domdarî tê analîz kirin ku bixweber albumên demên taybetî, rêwîtî û deveran çêdike.","Zoom in/out":"گەورەکردن/بچووکردن"},"lt":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} rasti albumai","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} įkelti failai","%{n} folders found":"rasta %{n} aplankų","%{n} labels found":"rasta %{n} etikečių","%{n} people found":"rasta %{n} žmonių","%{n} pictures found":"rasta %{n} paveikslėlių","1 hour":"1 val.","12 hours":"12 valandų","4 hours":"4 valandos","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Paspaudę jį nukopijuosite į iškarpinę.","About":"Apie","Abyss":"Bedugnė","Account":"Sąskaita","Accuracy":"Tikslumas","Action":"Veiksmas","Actions":"Veiksmai","Add Album":"Pridėti albumą","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Pridėkite failų į savo biblioteką naudodami \"Web Upload\".","Add Link":"Pridėti nuorodą","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Pridėkite nuotraukas iš paieškos rezultatų jas pasirinkdami.","Add to album":"Pridėti į albumą","Added":"Pridėta","Advanced":"Išplėstinė","After 1 day":"Po 1 dienos","After 3 days":"Po 3 dienų","After 7 days":"Po 7 dienų","After one month":"Po vieno mėnesio","After one year":"Po vienerių metų","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Pasirinkę nuotraukas iš paieškos rezultatų, galite jas įtraukti į albumą naudodami kontekstinį meniu.","After two months":"Po dviejų mėnesių","After two weeks":"Po dviejų savaičių","Album":"Albumas","Album Name":"Albumo pavadinimas","Albums":"Albumai","Albums deleted":"Ištrinti albumai","All %{n} albums loaded":"Įkelti visi %{n} albumai","All %{n} labels loaded":"Įkeltos visos %{n} etiketės","All %{n} people loaded":"Įkelti visi %{n} žmonės","All Cameras":"Visi fotoaparatai","All Categories":"Visos kategorijos","All Colors":"Visos spalvos","All Countries":"Visos šalys","All fields are required":"Visi laukai yra privalomi","All files from import folder":"Visi failai iš importo aplanko","All Lenses":"Visi objektyvai","All Months":"Visi mėnesiai","All originals":"Visi originalai","All Years":"Visi metai","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Taip pat galite įkelti failus tiesiai į WebDAV serverius, pvz., \"Nextcloud\".","Altitude":"Aukštis","Altitude (m)":"Aukštis (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Įvyko klaida - ar esate neprisijungęs?","Animated":"Animuota","Animation":"Animacija","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Visos privačios nuotraukos ir vaizdo įrašai išlieka privatūs ir jais nebus dalijamasi.","API Key":"API raktas","Apply":"Taikyti","Approve":"Patvirtinti","Archive":"Archyvas","Archived":"Archyvuota","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Ar tikrai norite archyvuoti pasirinkimą?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šiuos albumus?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šias etiketes?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šią paskyrą?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Ar tikrai norite visam laikui ištrinti šias nuotraukas?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Ar tikrai norite visam laikui ištrinti šį failą?","Are you sure?":"Ar esate tikri?","Artist":"Menininkas","Aspect Ratio":"Kraštinių santykis","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Automatiškai sukurkite kitų tipų failų JPEG, kad juos būtų galima rodyti naršyklėje.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Automatiškai sukuria ypatingų akimirkų, kelionių ir vietų albumus.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Prieš pateikdami pagalbos užklausą, pasinaudokite mūsų trikčių šalinimo kontroliniais sąrašais, kad nustatytumėte problemos priežastį.","Bio":"Bio","Black":"Juoda","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos Modifikacija,Mažiau Žiedinių Artefaktų","Blue":"Mėlyna","Brown":"Ruda","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Naršykite ir redaguokite vaizdų klasifikavimo etiketes.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Naršykite po bibliotekos indeksuotus failus ir aplankus.","Bug Report":"Pranešimas apie klaidą","Busy, please wait…":"Užimtas, palaukite…","Calendar":"Kalendorius","Camera":"Fotoaparatas","Camera Serial":"Kameros serijinis","Can't load more, limit reached":"Negalima įkelti daugiau, pasiekta riba","Can't select more items":"Negalima pasirinkti daugiau elementų","Cancel":"Atšaukti","Cards":"Kortelės","Category":"Kategorija","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Keiskite nuotraukų pavadinimus, vietas ir kitus metaduomenis.","Change private flag":"Keisti privačią vėliavą","Checked":"Patikrinta","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Uždaryti","Codec":"Kodekas","Color":"Spalva","Color Profile":"Spalvų profilis","Colors":"Spalvos","Complete Rescan":"Visiškas pakartotinis nuskaitymas","Confidence":"Konfidencialu","Connect":"Prisijungti","Connect via WebDAV":"Prisijungimas per WebDAV","Contact Us":"Susisiekite su mumis","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Sudėtyje yra %{n} paveikslėlių.","Contains one picture.":"Yra vienas paveikslėlis.","Convert to JPEG":"Konvertuoti į JPEG","Converting":"Konvertuojama","Copied to clipboard":"Nukopijuota į iškarpinę","Copyright":"Autorinės teisės","Couldn't find anything.":"Nepavyko nieko rasti.","Country":"Šalis","Create album":"Sukurti albumą","Created":"Sukurta","Creating thumbnails for":"Miniatiūrų kūrimas","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubinis: Vidutinė kokybė, geras našumas","Current Password":"Dabartinis slaptažodis","Customer Support":"Klientų aptarnavimas","Cyan":"Žydra","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Kasdien","Day":"Diena","Debug Logs":"Derinimo žurnalai","Default":"Numatytoji","Default Folder":"Numatytasis aplankas","Delete":"Ištrinti","Description":"Aprašymas","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Išsamias instrukcijas rasite mūsų naudotojo vadove.","Details":"Detalės","Dimensions":"Matmenys","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Kadrai","High":"Aukštas","Low":"Žema","More than 20 albums found":"Rasta daugiau nei 20 albumų","No albums found":"Albumų nerasta","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"\"Windows\" sistemoje prisijungimo dialogo lange įveskite šiuos išteklius:","One album found":"Rastas vienas albumas","Retry Limit":"Pakartojimo limitas"},"ms":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} album ditemui","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} fail dimuat naik","%{n} folders found":"%{n} folder ditemui","%{n} labels found":"%{n} label ditemui","%{n} people found":"%{n} orang ditemui","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} gambar ditemui","1 hour":"1 jam","12 hours":"12 jam","4 hours":"4 jam","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Satu klik akan menyalinnya ke papan klip anda.","About":"Mengenai","Abyss":"Abyss","Account":"Akaun","Accuracy":"Ketepatan","Action":"Tindakan","Actions":"Tindakan","Add Album":"Tambah Album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Tambahkan fail ke pustaka anda melalui Muat Naik Web.","Add Link":"Tambah Pautan","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Tambahkan gambar dengan memilihnya daripada hasil carian.","Add to album":"Tambah kepada album","Added":"Ditambah","Advanced":"Lanjutan","After 1 day":"Selepas 1 hari","After 3 days":"Selepas 3 hari","After 7 days":"Selepas 7 hari","After one month":"Selepas sebulan","After one year":"Selepas satu tahun","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Selepas memilih gambar daripada hasil carian, anda boleh menambahkannya kepada album menggunakan menu konteks.","After two months":"Selepas dua bulan","After two weeks":"Selepas dua minggu","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Nama Album","Albums":"Album","Albums deleted":"Album dipadamkan","All %{n} albums loaded":"Semua %{n} album telah dimuatkan","All %{n} labels loaded":"Semua %{n} label telah dimuatkan","All %{n} people loaded":"Semua %{n} orang telah dimuatkan","All Cameras":"Semua Kamera","All Categories":"Semua Kategori","All Colors":"Semua Warna","All Countries":"Semua Negara","All fields are required":"Semua medan perlu diisikan","All files from import folder":"Semua fail daripada folder import","All Lenses":"Semua Kanta","All Months":"Semua Bulan","All originals":"Semua yang asal","All Years":"Semua Tahun","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Sebagai alternatif, anda boleh memuat naik fail terus ke pelayan WebDAV seperti Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Ketinggian","Altitude (m)":"Ketinggian (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Ralat berlaku - adakah capaian anda tergendala?","Animated":"Beranimasi","Animation":"Animasi","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Sebarang foto dan video peribadi kekal peribadi dan tidak akan dikongsi.","API Key":"Kekunci API","Apply":"Gunakan","Approve":"Terima","Archive":"Arkib","Archived":"Diarkibkan","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Adakah anda pasti mahu mengarkibkan pemilihan?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan album ini?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan label ini?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan akaun ini?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan gambar ini secara kekal?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan fail ini secara kekal?","Are you sure?":"Adakah anda pasti?","Artist":"Artis","Aspect Ratio":"Nisbah aspek","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Sebelum menghantar permintaan sokongan, sila gunakan Senarai Semak Penyelesaian Masalah (Troubleshooting Checklists) kami untuk cuba mengenal pasti punca masalah anda.","Bio":"Bio","Black":"Hitam","Blue":"Biru","Brown":"Coklat","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Semak imbas dan kemaskini label klasifikasi imej.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Semak imbas fail dan folder yang telah diindeks dalam Perpustakaan.","Bug Report":"Laporan Pepijat","Busy, please wait…":"Tengah sibuk, sila tunggu…","Calendar":"Kalendar","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Siri Kamera","Can't select more items":"Tidak dapat memilih lebih banyak item","Cancel":"Batal","Cards":"Kad","Category":"Kategori","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Tukar tajuk foto, lokasi dan metadata lain.","Change private flag":"Tukar petanda peribadi","Checked":"Disemak","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Tutup","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Warna","Color Profile":"Profil Warna","Colors":"Warna","Confidence":"Keyakinan","Connect":"Sambung","Connect via WebDAV":"Sambung melalui WebDAV","Contact Us":"Hubungi Kami","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Mengandungi %{n} gambar.","Contains one picture.":"Mengandungi satu gambar.","Convert to JPEG":"Tukar kepada JPEG","Copied to clipboard":"Disalin ke papan keratan","Copyright":"Hak Cipta","Couldn't find anything.":"Tidak dapat mencari apa-apa.","Country":"Negara","Create album":"Buat album","Created":"Dicipta","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: Kualiti Sederhana, Prestasi Baik","Current Password":"Kata Laluan Semasa","Customer Support":"Sokongan Pengguna","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Setiap hari","Day":"Hari","Debug Logs":"Log Nyahpepijat","Default":"Lalai","Delete":"Padam","Description":"Keterangan","Details":"Perincian:","Done":"Selesai","Download":"Muat turun","Duration":"Tempoh","E-Mail":"E-mel","Edit":"Edit","Electra":"Electra","Expand":"Mengembangkan","Expires":"Luput","Exposure":"Dedahan","Face":"Wajah","Favorite":"Kegemaran","Favorites":"Kegemaran","Feedback":"Maklumbalas","File":"Fail","Filename":"Nama Fail","Files":"Fail","Focal Length":"Panjang Fokus","Folder":"Folder","Folders":"Folders","Forgot password?":"Lupa kata laluan?","Fullscreen":"Skrin Penuh","General":"Am","Green":"Hijau","Grey":"Kelabu","Help":"Bantuan","Hidden":"Tersembunyi","Hide":"Sembunyi","Image":"Imej","Images":"Imej","Import":"Import","Import failed":"Pengimportan gagal","in":"dalam","Interval":"Interval","Item":"Item","Keywords":"Kata Kunci","Label":"Label","Language":"Bahasa","Latitude":"Latitud","License":"Lesen","Link":"Pautan","List":"Senarai","Live":"Langsung","Location":"Lokasi","Login":"Log masuk","Logout":"Log keluar","Logs":"Log","Longitude":"Longitud","Main Color":"Warna Utama","Marker":"Penanda","Medium":"Sederhana","Message sent":"Mesej telah dihantar","Minimize":"Minimum","Month":"Bulan","Name":"Nama","Never":"Tidak sesekali","New":"Baharu","New Password":"jauna parole","No":"Tidak","None":"Tiada","Not Found":"Halaman Tak Dijumpai","Note:":"Nota:","Notes":"Nota-nota","Offline":"Luar Talian","Options":"Pilihan","Orange":"Jingga","Other":"Lain-lain","Password":"Kata Laluan","Photos":"Foto","Places":"Tempat","Preview":"Pratonton","Primary":"Utama","Private":"Sulit","Random":"Rawak","Red":"Merah","Reload":"Muat 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personer ble funnet","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} bilder funnet","1 hour":"1 time","12 hours":"12 timer","4 hours":"4 timer","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Et klikk vil kopiere det til utklippstavlen.","About":"Om","Abyss":"Avgrunn","Account":"Konto","Accuracy":"Nøyaktighet","Action":"Handling","Actions":"Handlinger","Add Account":"Opprett Bruker","Add Album":"Legg til Album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Legg til filer i biblioteket ditt ved hjelp av Nettopplasting.","Add Link":"Legg til Lenke","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Legg til bilder fra søkeresultatene ved å velge dem.","Add to album":"Legg til i album","Added":"Lagt til","Advanced":"Avansert","After 1 day":"Etter 1 dag","After 3 days":"Etter 3 dager","After 7 days":"Etter 7 dager","After one month":"Etter én måned","After one year":"Etter ett år","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Etter at du har valgt bilder fra søkeresultatene, kan du legge dem til i et album ved hjelp av hurtigmenyen.","After two months":"Etter to måneder","After two weeks":"Etter to uker","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Albumnavn","Albums":"Album","Albums deleted":"Album slettet","All %{n} albums loaded":"Alle %{n} album lastet","All %{n} labels loaded":"Alle %{n} merkelapper innlest","All %{n} people loaded":"Alle %{n} personene er lastet inn","All Cameras":"Alle Kameraer","All Categories":"Alle Kategorier","All Colors":"Alle Farger","All Countries":"Alle Land","All fields are required":"Alle felter er nødvendige","All files from import folder":"Alle filer fra importmappe","All Lenses":"Alle Linser","All Months":"Alle Måneder","All originals":"Alle originaler","All Years":"Alle År","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativt kan du laste opp filene direkte til WebDAV-servere som Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Høyde","Altitude (m)":"Høyde (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"En feil oppstod - er du frakoblet?","Animated":"Animert","Animation":"Animasjon","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Eventuelle private bilder og videoer forblir private og vil ikke bli delt.","API Key":"API-nøkkel","Apply":"Bruk","Approve":"Godkjenn","Archive":"Arkivér","Archived":"Arkivert","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Er du sikker på at du vil arkivere utvalget?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Er du sikker på at du vil slette disse albumene?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Er du sikker på at du vil slette disse merkelappene?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne kontoen?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Er du sikker på at du vil permanent slette disse bildene?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Er du sikker på at du vil permanent slette denne filen?","Are you sure?":"Er du sikker?","Artist":"Kunstner","Aspect Ratio":"Sideforhold","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Automatisk lag JPEG-filer for andre filtyper slik at de kan vises i en nettleser.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Oppretter automatisk album med spesielle øyeblikk, turer og steder.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Før du sender inn en støtteforespørsel, vennligst bruk våre feilsøkingssjekklister for å finne årsaken til problemet.","Bio":"Info","Black":"Svart","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos, bedre kantutjevning","Blue":"Blå","Brown":"Brun","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Bla gjennom og rediger merkelapper for bildeklassifisering.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Bla gjennom indekserte filer og mapper i Biblioteket.","Bug Report":"Feilmelding","Busy, please wait…":"Opptatt, vennligst vent…","Calendar":"Kalender","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Kamera-serienummer","Can't load more, limit reached":"Kan ikke laste inn mer, grensen nådd","Can't select more items":"Kan ikke velge flere elementer","Cancel":"Avbryt","Cards":"Kort","Category":"Kategori","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Endre fototitler, steder og andre metadata.","Change private flag":"Endre private flagg","Checked":"Krysset av","Chroma":"Kroma","Close":"Lukk","Codec":"Kodeks","Color":"Farge","Color Profile":"Fargeprofil","Colors":"Farger","Complete Rescan":"Komplett Ny Skanning","Confidence":"Konfidens","Connect":"Koble til","Connect via WebDAV":"Koble til via WebDAV","Contact Us":"Kontakt Oss","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Inneholder %{n} bilder.","Contains one picture.":"Inneholder ett bilde.","Convert to JPEG":"Konvertere til JPEG","Converting":"Konverterer","Copied to clipboard":"Kopiert til utklippstavlen","Copyright":"Opphavsrett","Couldn't find anything.":"Kunne ikke finne noe.","Country":"Land","Create album":"Opprett album","Created":"Opprettet","Creating thumbnails for":"Oppretter miniatyrbilder for","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubisk: Moderat kvalitet, god ytelse","Current Password":"Nåværende Passord","Customer Support":"Kundeservice","Cyan":"Turkis","Cyano":"Turkis","Daily":"Daglig","Day":"Dag","Debug Logs":"Feilsøkingslogger","Default":"Standard","Default Folder":"Standardmappe","Delete":"Slett","Description":"Beskrivelse","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Detaljerte instruksjoner finner du i vår Brukerhåndbok.","Details":"Detaljer","Dimensions":"Størrelser","Disable Backups":"Deaktiver Sikkerhetskopi","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Deaktiver innebygget WebDAV-server. Trenger omstart.","Disable Darktable":"Deaktiver Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Deaktiver ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Deaktiver FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Deaktiver Plasser","Disable RawTherapee":"Deaktiver RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Deaktiver TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Deaktiver WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Deaktiverer omvendt geokoding og kart.","Discover":"Utforsk","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Ikke sikkerhetskopiere bilde- og albummetadata til YAML-filer.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Ikke opprett ExifTool JSON-filer for forbedret metadatautvinning.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Ikke endre originalmappen. Deaktiverer importering, opplasting og sletting.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Ikke transkod videoer med FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Ikke bruk Darktable til å konvertere RAW -filer.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Ikke bruk RawTherapee til å konvertere RAW -filer.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Ikke bruk TensorFlow for bildeklassifisering.","Donations":"Donasjoner","Done":"Ferdig","Done.":"Ferdig.","Download":"Last ned","Download remote files":"Last ned eksterne filer","Download single files and zip archives.":"Last ned enkelte filer og zip-arkiver.","Downloading…":"Laster ned…","Downscaling Filter":"Nedskalerer Filter","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikater hopes over og vises bare én gang.","Duration":"Varighet","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamiske Forhåndsvisninger","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dynamisk gjengivelse krever en kraftig server. Det anbefales ikke for NAS-enheter.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Grense for Dynamisk Størrelse:%{n}px","E-Mail":"E-post","Edit":"Rediger","Edit %{name}":"Rediger %{name}","Edit Account":"Rediger Konto","Edit Photo":"Rediger Bilde","Edited":"Redigert","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"Aktiver nye funksjoner som er under utvikling.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Aktiverer forhåndsinnstillinger for RAW -omformer. Kan redusere ytelsen.","Errors":"Feil","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Anslå omtrentlig plassering hvor bildene er tatt uten koordinater.","Estimates":"Anslag","Every two days":"Hver andre dag","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Ekskluder innhold merket som privat fra søkeresultater, delte album, etiketter og steder.","Exclude hidden":"Ekskluder skjult","Expand":"Utvid","Expand Search":"Utvid Søk","Experimental Features":"Eksperimentelle Funksjoner","Expires":"Utgår","Exposure":"Eksponering","F Number":"F-nummer","Face":"Ansikt","Faces":"Ansikter","Failed copying to clipboard":"Fikk ikke til å kopiere til utklippstavlen","Failed removing link":"Fikk ikke til å fjerne lenke","Failed updating link":"Fikk ikke til å oppdatere lenke","Fast":"Hurtig","Favorite":"Favoritt","Favorites":"Favoritter","Feature Request":"Funksjonsforespørsel","Feedback":"Tilbakemelding","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Vennligst kontakt oss på hello@photoprism.app hvis du har noen spørsmål eller trenger hjelp.","File":"Fil","File Browser":"Filutforsker","Filename":"Filnavn","Files":"Filer","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Filer med sekvensielle navn som \"IMG_1234 (2) og \"IMG_1234 (3)\" tilhører det samme bildet.","Focal Length":"Brennvidde","Folder":"Mappe","Folder contains %{n} files":"Mappen inneholder %{n} filer","Folder is empty":"Mappen er tom","Folders":"Mapper","Forgot password?":"Glemt passord?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Rammer","Fullscreen":"Fullskjerm","Gemstone":"Edelsten","General":"Generell","Getting Support":"Få støtte","Gold":"Gull","Grayscale":"Gråskala","Green":"Grønn","Grey":"Grå","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Hjelp","Help & Support":"Hjelp og støtte","Hidden":"Skjult","Hidden Files":"Skjulte Filer","Hide":"Skjul","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Skjul bilder som har blitt flyttet til arkivet.","High":"Høy","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Høyt dynamisk område (HDR)","How can we help?":"Hvordan kan vi hjelpe?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Hvis dette ikke hjelper, eller du har andre spørsmål:","image":"bilde","Image":"Bilde","Images":"Bilder","Import":"Importér","Import failed":"Importering feilet","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Importerte filer vil bli sortert etter dato og gitt et unikt navn for å unngå duplikater.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Importerte filer vil bli sortert etter dato og gitt et unikt navn.","Importing %{name}…":"Importerer %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importerer filer til originaler…","in":"inn","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"I tillegg får sponsorer direkte teknisk støtte via e-post.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Hvis bilder du forventer mangler, kan du skanne biblioteket på nytt og vente til indekseringen er fullført.","Index":"Indeks","Indexing":"Indekserer","Indexing failed":"Indeksering feilet","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indekserer media- og sidevognfiler…","Instance ID":"Instans-ID","Interval":"Intervall","Invalid date":"Ugyldig dato","Invalid photo selected":"Ugyldig bilde er valgt","Item":"Element","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG-kvalitet: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG størrelsesgrense: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEGer og miniatyrbilder er automatisk generert ved behov.","Keywords":"Nøkkelord","Label":"Merkelapp","Labels":"Merkelapper","Labels deleted":"Merkelapper slettet","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Detaljbevaring, minimale artefakter","Language":"Språk","Last Sync":"Siste synkronisering","Latitude":"Breddegrad","Lavender":"Lavendel","Lens":"Linse","Library":"Bibliotek","License":"Lisens","Like":"Lik","Lime":"Lime","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Grensen nådd, viser de første €{n} filene","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineær: Veldig jevn, beste ytelse","Link":"Lenke","List":"Liste","Live":"Direkte","Local Time":"Lokaltid","location":"plassering","Location":"Plassering","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Loggmeldinger vises her når PhotoPrism kommer over ødelagte filer eller det er andre potensielle problemer.","Login":"Logg inn","Logout":"Log ut","Logs":"Logger","Longitude":"Lengdegrad","Low":"Lav","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Hovedfarge","manual":"manuell","Manual Upload":"Manuell Opplasting","Marker":"Markør","Medium":"Medium","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Vil du slå sammen %{a} med %{b}?","Message sent":"Melding sendt","Minimize":"Minimer","Missing":"Mangler","Moments":"Øyeblikk","Monochrome":"Monokrom","Month":"Måned","Moonlight":"Måneskinn","More than %{n} pictures found":"Mer enn %{n} bilder ble funnet","More than 20 albums found":"Mer enn 20 album funnet","More than 20 labels found":"Mer enn 20 merkelapper funnet","More than 20 people found":"Mer enn 20 personer funnet","Mosaic":"Mosaikk","Move Files":"Flytt Filer","Name":"Navn","Name too long":"Navn for langt","Never":"Aldri","New":"Ny","New Password":"Nytt Passord","No":"Nei","No albums found":"Ingen album funnet","No labels found":"Ingen merkelapper funnet","No people found":"Ingen personar funne","No pictures found":"Fant ingen bilder","No recently edited pictures":"Ingen nylig redigerte bilder","No servers configured.":"Ingen servere konfigurert.","No thanks":"Nei takk","No video selected":"Ingen video valgt","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Ingen advarsler eller feilmeldinger inneholder dette nøkkelordet. Merk at søket skiller mellom store og små bokstaver.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Bilder som ikke er fotografiske eller har lav kvalitet må gjennomgås før de kommer i søkeresultater.","None":"Ingen","Not Found":"Ikke Funnet","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Vær oppmerksom på at du kan administrere originalmappen manuelt, og import er valgfritt.","Note:":"Merk:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Merk: Bare WebDAV-servere, som Nextcloud eller PhotoPrism, kan bli satt opp som ekstern tjeneste for sikkerhetskopi og filopplasting.","Notes":"Notater","Offline":"Frakoblet","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"På Windows skriver du inn følgende ressurs i tilkoblingsdialogen:","Once a week":"Én gang i uken","One album found":"Ett album funnet","One file found":"Én fil funnet","One file uploaded":"En fil lastet opp","One folder found":"Én mappe funnet","One label found":"En etikett funnet","One person found":"En person funnet","One picture found":"Ett bilde funnet","Onyx":"Onyks","Options":"Alternativer","or ask in our Community Chat":"eller spør i felleschatten vår","Orange":"Oransje","Orientation":"Orientering","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Filnavn på originaler vil bli lagret og indeksert.","Original Name":"Originalnavn","Originals":"Originaler","Other":"Andre","Outdoor":"Utendørs","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramaer","Password":"Passord","Password changed":"Passord endret","People":"Personer","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Personer du deler en lenke med vil kunne se offentlig innhold.","Permanently deleted":"Permanent slettet","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Permanent fjern bilder for å frigjøre lagringsplass.","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism har blitt oppdatert…","Photos":"Fotoer","Pink":"Rosa","Place":"Plass","Place & Time":"Sted og tid","Places":"Plasser","Please confirm your new password.":"Vennligst bekreft ditt nye passord.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Vennligst ikke last opp bilder som inneholder støtende innhold.","Portrait":"Portrett","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"legg inn spørsmålet ditt i GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Behold filnavn","Press button to start importing…":"Trykk på knappen for å begynne å importere…","Press button to start indexing…":"Trykk på knappen for å begynne å indeksere…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Trykk på Enter for å lage et nytt album.","Preview":"Forhåndsvisning","Primary":"Primær","Private":"Privat","Product Feedback":"Produkt-tilbakemelding","Projection":"Projeksjon","Purple":"Lilla","Quality Filter":"Kvalitetsfilter","Quality Score":"Kvalitetspoeng","Random":"Tilfeldig","Raspberry":"Bringebær","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW-konvertering","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Indekser alle originaler på nytt, inkludert allerede indekserte og uendrede filer.","Read-Only Mode":"Skrivebeskyttet Modus","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Gjenkjenning starter etter at indekseringen er fullført.","Recognized":"Kjente igjen","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Gjenkjenner ansikter slik at bestemte personer kan bli funnet.","Red":"Rød","Reload":"Oppdater","Reloading…":"Oppdaterer…","Remote Sync":"Ekstern synkronisering","Remove":"Fjern","remove failed: unknown album":"fjerning mislyktes: ukjent album","Remove from album":"Fjern fra albumet","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Fjern importerte filer for å spare lagringsplass. Filtyper som ikke støttes vil ikke bli slettet, men vil forbli der de er lagret nå.","Request failed - invalid response":"Forespørselen mislyktes - ugyldig svar","Required":"Nødvendig","Resolution":"Oppløsning","Restore":"Gjenopprett","Retry Limit":"Prøv på nytt","Retype Password":"Gjenta Passord","Review":"Gjennomgang","Save":"Lagre","Scan":"Skann","Scans":"Skanninger","Search":"Søk","Search and display photos on a map.":"Søk og vis bilder på et kart.","Season":"Sesong","Secret":"Hemmelig","Select":"Velg","Select albums or create a new one":"Velg album eller lag et nytt","Selection approved":"Utvalg godkjent","Selection archived":"Utvalg arkivert","Selection restored":"Utvalg gjenopprettet","Send":"Send","Sequential Name":"Sekvensielle Navn","Service URL":"Tjeneste-URL","Settings":"Innstillinger","Settings saved":"Innstillinger lagret","Setup":"Oppsett","Shadow":"Skygge","Share":"Del","Share %{name}":"Del %{name}","Show":"Vis","Show all new faces":"Vis alle nye ansikter","Show hidden":"Vis skjult","Show less":"Vis mindre","Show more":"Vis mer","Show server logs in Library.":"Vis server-logger i Biblioteket.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Viser mer detaljerte loggmeldinger. Krever en omstart.","Sidecar":"Sidevogn","Sign in":"Logg inn","Sign Up":"Registrer deg","Similar":"Lignende","Size":"Størrelse","Slow":"Sakte","Sort Order":"Sorteringsrekkefølge","Source":"Kilde","Stack":"Stabel","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Stable filer som deler samme unike bildet eller instans-indikator.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Stable bilder som er tatt på samme tid og plassa basert på deres metadata.","Stackable":"Kan stables","Stacks":"Stabler","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Stable gruppefiler som har lik referanseramme, men har forskjellig kvalitet, format, størrelse eller farge.","Start":"Start","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Start/Stopp Lysbildefremvisning","States":"Tilstander","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statisk Størrelsesgrense: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Lagring","Streets":"Gater","Subject":"Emne","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Støtte for tilleggstjenester som Google Drive vil bli lagt til over tid.","Sync":"Synkroniser","Sync raw and video files":"Synkroniser raw- og video-filer","Taken":"Tatt","Teal":"Blågrønn","Text too long":"Teksten er for lang","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Indeksen inneholder %{n} skjulte filer.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Formatet deres støttes kanskje ikke, de har ikke blitt konvertert til JPEG enda, eller det finnes duplikater.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Dette setter opp original-mappen som en nettverksstasjon og lar deg åpne, redigere og slette filer fra datamaskinen eller smarttelefonen som om de var lokale.","Thumbnail Generation":"Miniatyrbilde-generering","Time UTC":"Tid UTC","Time Zone":"Tidssone","Timeout":"Tidsavbrudd","Title":"Tittel","Title too long":"Tittelen er for lang","Toggle View":"Veksle Visning","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografisk","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Sjekklister for feilsøking","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Prøv igjen med andre filtre eller nøkkelord.","Type":"Type","Undo":"Angre","Unique ID":"Unik ID","Unknown":"Ukjent","Unsorted":"Usortert","Unstack":"Spre","Updated":"Oppdatert","Updating faces":"Oppdaterer ansikter","Updating index":"Oppdaterer indeks","Updating moments":"Oppdaterer øyeblikk","Updating previews":"Oppdaterer forhåndsvisninger","Updating stacks":"Oppdaterer stabler","Upload":"Last opp","Upload complete":"Opplasting fullført","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Opplasting fullført. Indekserer…","Upload failed":"Opplasting mislyktes","Upload local files":"Last opp lokale filer","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Last opp til WebDAV og del lenker med venner.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Laster opp %{n} av %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Laster opp bilder…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Opplastinger som kan inneholde slike bilder blir avvist automatisk.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Bruk Forhåndsinnstillinger","User":"Bruker","User Interface":"Brukergrensesnitt","Username":"Brukernavn","Vanta":"Vanta","Video":"Video","Videos":"Videoer","View":"Utseende","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Vi skal gjøre vårt beste for å svare på alle spørsmålene dine. Til gjengjeld ber vi deg om å støtte oss på Patreon- eller GitHub-sponsorer.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV-klienter kan koble seg til PhotoPrism ved å bruke følgende URL:","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV-opplasting","White":"Hvit","Year":"År","Yellow":"Gul","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Ja","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"du er velkommen til å bli med oss på Reddit","You can only download one album":"Du kan bare laste ned ett album","You can only download one label":"Du kan bare laste ned én merkelapp","You may only select one item":"Du kan bare velge ett element","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Du kan skanne biblioteket ditt på nytt for å finne flere ansikter.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Biblioteket ditt blir kontinuerlig analysert for automatisk å lage album med spesielle øyeblikk, turer og steder.","Zoom in/out":"Zoom inn/ut"},"nl":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} gevonden albums","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} bestanden geüpload","%{n} folders found":"%{n} mappen gevonden","%{n} labels found":"%{n} labels gevonden","%{n} people found":"%{n} mensen gevonden","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} foto's gevonden","1 hour":"1 uur","12 hours":"12 uur","4 hours":"4 uren","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Een klik zal het naar uw klembord kopiëren.","About":"Over","Abyss":"Kloof","Account":"Account","Accuracy":"Nauwkeurigheid","Action":"Actie","Actions":"Acties","Add Account":"Account toevoegen","Add Album":"Toevoegen aan album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Voeg bestanden toe aan uw bibliotheek via Web Upload.","Add Link":"Advertentie aanbiedingen","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Voeg foto's toe uit zoekresultaten door ze te selecteren.","Add to album":"Toevoegen aan album","Added":"Toegevoegd","Advanced":"Geavanceerd","After 1 day":"Na 1 dag","After 3 days":"Na 3 dagen","After 7 days":"Na 7 dagen","After one month":"Na een maand","After one year":"Na een jaar","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Nadat u foto's uit de zoekresultaten hebt geselecteerd, kunt u ze via het contextmenu aan een album toevoegen.","After two months":"Na twee maanden","After two weeks":"Na twee weken","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Album Naam","Albums":"Albums","Albums deleted":"Albums verwijderd","All %{n} albums loaded":"Alle %{n} albums geladen","All %{n} labels loaded":"Alle %{n} labels geladen","All %{n} people loaded":"Alle %{n} mensen geladen","All Cameras":"Alle camera’s","All Categories":"Alle categorieën","All Colors":"Alle kleuren","All Countries":"Alle landen","All fields are required":"Alle velden zijn verplicht","All files from import folder":"Alle bestanden uit de importmap","All Lenses":"Alle lenzen","All Months":"Alle maanden","All originals":"Alle originelen","All Years":"Alle jaren","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"U kunt ook rechtstreeks bestanden uploaden naar WebDAV-servers zoals Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Hoogte","Altitude (m)":"Hoogte (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Er is een fout opgetreden. Bent u offline?","Animated":"Geanimeerd","Animation":"Animatie","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Alle privéfoto's en -video's blijven privé en worden niet gedeeld.","API Key":"API sleutel","Apply":"Toepassen","Approve":"Goedkeuren","Archive":"Archief","Archived":"Gearchiveerd","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Weet je zeker dat je deze foto’s wilt verwijderen?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Weet je zeker dat je deze albums wilt verwijderen?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Weet je zeker dat je deze albums wilt verwijderen?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Weet u zeker dat u dit account wilt verwijderen?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Weet je zeker dat je deze foto’s permanent wilt verwijderen?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Weet je zeker dat je dit bestand permanent wilt verwijderen?","Are you sure?":"Weet je het zeker?","Artist":"Artiest","Aspect Ratio":"Verhoudingen","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Maak automatisch JPEG's aan voor andere bestandstypen, zodat deze in een browser kunnen worden weergegeven.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Maakt automatisch albums van speciale momenten, reizen en plaatsen.","Basic":"Basis","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Voordat u een ondersteuningsverzoek indient, kunt u onze controlelijsten voor het oplossen van problemen gebruiken om de oorzaak van uw probleem vast te stellen.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Omdat we 100% zelf gefinancierd en onafhankelijk zijn, kunnen we u beloven dat we uw gegevens nooit zullen verkopen en dat we altijd transparant zullen zijn over onze software en diensten.","Bio":"Bio","Birth Date":"Geboortedatum","Black":"Zwart","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos Wijziging, Minder Ringing Artifacts","Blue":"Blauw","Brown":"Bruin","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Bladeren en bewerken van beeldclassificatie-etiketten.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Blader door geïndexeerde bestanden en mappen in de bibliotheek.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Blader door de Kennisbank voor gedetailleerde informatie over specifieke productfuncties, diensten en aanverwante bronnen.","Bug Report":"Bugmelding","Busy, please wait…":"Bezig, wacht even…","Calendar":"Kalender","Camera":"Camera","Camera Serial":"Camera","Can't load more, limit reached":"Kan niet meer laden, limiet bereikt","Can't select more items":"Kan niet meer items selecteren","Cancel":"Annuleren","Cards":"Kaarten","Category":"Categorie","Change Avatar":"Avatar veranderen","Change Password":"Wachtwoord wijzigen","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Persoonlijke profiel- en beveiligingsinstellingen wijzigen.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Wijzig fototitels, locaties en andere metagegevens.","Change private flag":"Privé vlag geschakeld","Changes successfully saved":"Wijzigingen succesvol opgeslagen","Checked":"Geselecteerd","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Sluiten","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Kleur","Color Profile":"Kleur Profiel","Colors":"Kleuren","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Veel voorkomende problemen kunnen snel worden gediagnosticeerd en opgelost met behulp van de controlelijsten voor probleemoplossing die wij verstrekken.","Complete Rescan":"Volledig herscannen","Confidence":"Vertrouwen","Connect":"Verbinden","Connect via WebDAV":"Verbinding maken via WebDAV","Connected":"Verbonden","Contact Details":"Contactgegevens","Contact Us":"Neem contact met ons op","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Bevat %{n} foto's.","Contains one picture.":"Bevat één foto.","Convert to JPEG":"Omzetten in JPEG","Converting":"Converteren","Copied to clipboard":"Gekopieerd naar klembord","Copyright":"Copyright","Couldn't find anything.":"Kon niets vinden.","Country":"Land","Create album":"Nieuw album","Created":"Aangemaakt","Creating thumbnails for":"Het maken van miniaturen voor","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubiek: Gematigde kwaliteit, goede prestaties","Current Password":"Huidig Wachtwoord","Customer Support":"Klantondersteuning","Cyan":"Cyaan","Cyano":"Cyaan","Daily":"Dagelijks","Day":"Dag","Debug Logs":"Debug-logs","Default":"Standaard","Default Folder":"Standaard map","Delete":"Verwijder","Description":"Omschrijving","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Gedetailleerde instructies zijn te vinden in onze gebruikershandleiding.","Details":"Details","Dimensions":"Afmetingen","Disable Backups":"Back-ups uitschakelen","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Schakel de ingebouwde WebDAV-server uit. Vereist een herstart.","Disable Darktable":"Uitschakelen Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Schakel ExifTool uit","Disable FFmpeg":"FFmpeg uitschakelen","Disable Places":"Locaties","Disable RawTherapee":"RawTherapee uitschakelen","Disable TensorFlow":"Schakel TensorFlow uit","Disable WebDAV":"WebDAV uitschakelen","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Schakelt de omgekeerde geocodering en kaarten uit.","Discover":"Ontdek","Display Name":"Naam op scherm","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Maak geen back-up van foto- en albummetagegevens naar YAML-bestanden.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Maak geen ExifTool JSON-bestanden aan voor een verbeterde metadata-extractie.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Wijzig de map met de originelen niet. Schakel het importeren, uploaden en verwijderen uit.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Transcodeer geen video's met FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Gebruik Darktable niet om RAW bestanden te converteren.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Gebruik RawTherapee niet om RAW-bestanden te converteren.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Gebruik TensorFlow niet voor beeldclassificatie.","Donations":"Donaties","Done":"Klaar","Done.":"Klaar.","Download":"Download","Download remote files":"Bestanden op afstand downloaden","Download single files and zip archives.":"Download enkele bestanden en zip-archieven.","Downloading…":"Downloaden…","Downscaling Filter":"Downscaling filter","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Vanwege het grote aantal e-mails dat wij ontvangen, kan het voorkomen dat ons team u niet onmiddellijk antwoord kan geven.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplicaten worden overgeslagen en verschijnen slechts één keer.","Duration":"Duur","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamische Voorbeelden","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"On-demand rendering vereist een krachtige CPU en wordt niet aanbevolen voor kleinere homeservers of NAS-apparaten.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Dynamische Groottegrens: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-mail","Edit":"Bewerken","Edit %{name}":"Bewerken %{name}","Edit Account":"Account bewerken","Edit Photo":"Bewerk Foto","Edited":"Bewerkt","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-mail","Enable new features currently under development.":"Maak nieuwe functies mogelijk die momenteel in ontwikkeling zijn.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Schakelt RAW-converterpresets in. Kan de prestaties verminderen.","Errors":"Fouten","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Schatting van de geschatte locatie van foto's zonder coördinaten.","Estimates":"Schattingen","Every two days":"Om de twee dagen","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Sluit inhoud gemarkeerd als privé uit van zoekresultaten, gedeelde albums, labels en plaatsen.","Exclude hidden":"Verborgen uitsluiten","Expand":"Uitklappen","Expand Search":"Zoeken","Experimental Features":"Experimentele eigenschappen","Expires":"Verloopt","Exposure":"Blootstelling","F Number":"F Aantal","Face":"Gezichtje","Faces":"Gezichten","Failed copying to clipboard":"Mislukt kopiëren naar klembord","Failed removing link":"Mislukte verwijderingslink","Failed updating link":"Mislukte actualiseringslink","Family Name":"Familienaam","Fast":"Snel","Favorite":"Favoriet","Favorites":"Favorieten","Feature Request":"Verzoek voor nieuwe functionaliteit","Feed":"Tijdlijn","Feedback":"Feedback","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Neem contact met ons op via hello@photoprism.app als u vragen hebt of hulp nodig hebt.","Female":"Vrouw","File":"Bestand","File Browser":"Bestands Browser","File Name":"Bestandsnaam","File Size":"Bestandsgrootte","Filename":"Bestandsnaam","Files":"Bestanden","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Bestanden met opeenvolgende namen zoals 'IMG_1234 (2)' en 'IMG_1234 (3)' behoren tot hetzelfde beeld.","Focal Length":"Brandpuntsafstand","Folder":"Map","Folder contains %{n} files":"Map bevat %{n} bestanden","Folder is empty":"Map is leeg","Folders":"Mappen","Forgot password?":"Wachtwoord vergeten?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Frames","Fullscreen":"Volledig scherm","Gemstone":"Edelsteen","Gender":"Geslacht","General":"Algemeen","Getting Support":"Ondersteuning krijgen","Given Name":"Voornaam","Gold":"Goud","Grayscale":"Grijstint","Green":"Groen","Grey":"Grijs","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Help","Help & Support":"Hulp en Ondersteuning","Hidden":"Verborgen","Hidden Files":"Verborgen bestanden","Hide":"Verberg","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Verberg foto's die zijn verplaatst naar het archief.","High":"Hoog","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Hoog dynamisch bereik (HDR)","How can we help?":"Hoe kunnen we je helpen?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Als dit niet helpt, of je hebt andere vragen:","image":"afbeelding","Image":"Afbeelding","Images":"Afbeeldingen","Import":"Importeren","Import failed":"Importeren mislust","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Geïmporteerde bestanden worden gesorteerd op datum en krijgen een unieke naam om duplicaten te voorkomen.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Geïmporteerde bestanden worden gesorteerd op datum en krijgen een unieke naam.","Importing %{name}…":"Importeren van %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Bestanden importeren uit directory…","in":"in","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Bovendien krijgen sponsors directe technische ondersteuning via e-mail.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Mochten er foto's ontbreken die u verwacht, scan dan uw bibliotheek opnieuw en wacht tot het indexeren is voltooid.","Index":"Index","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexeer en importeer bestanden via de gebruikersinterface.","Indexing":"Indexeren","Indexing failed":"Indexeren mislukt","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Foto’s en sidecar-bestanden aan het indexeren…","Instance ID":"Instantie-ID","Interval":"Interval","Invalid":"Ongeldig","Invalid date":"Ongeldige datum","Invalid parameters":"Ongeldige parameters","Invalid photo selected":"Ongeldige foto geselecteerd","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Het maakt gebruik van de nieuwste technologieën om foto's automatisch te taggen en te vinden zonder je lastig te vallen.","Item":"Item","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG-kwaliteit: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG-groottegrens: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG's en thumbnails worden automatisch weergegeven als dat nodig is.","Keywords":"Trefwoorden","Knowledge Base":"Kennisbank","Label":"Label","Labels":"Labels","Labels deleted":"Labels verwijderd","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Detailbewaring, Minimale artefacten","Language":"Taal","Last Sync":"Laatste synchronisatie","Latitude":"Breedtegraad","Lavender":"Lavendel","Learn more":"Meer informatie","Legal Information":"Juridische informatie","Lens":"Lens","Library":"Bibliotheek","License":"Licentie","Like":"Vind ik leuk","Lime":"Limoen","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limiet bereikt, toont eerste %{n} bestanden","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineair: Zeer glad, beste prestaties","Link":"Link","List":"Lijst","Live":"Live","Live Photos":"Live foto's","Local Time":"Lokale tijd","location":"locatie","Location":"Locatie","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Logboekberichten verschijnen hier wanneer PhotoPrism op gebroken bestanden stuit, of wanneer er andere potentiële problemen zijn.","Login":"Log in","Logout":"Log uit","Logs":"Logs","Longitude":"Lengtegraad","Low":"Laag","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Hoofdkleur","Male":"Man","manual":"handmatig","Manual Upload":"Uploaden","Maps":"Kaarten","Marker":"Symbool","Medium":"Medium","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"%{a} samenvoegen met %{b}?","Message sent":"Bericht verzonden","Minimize":"Minimaliseren","Missing":"Ontbrekend","Moments":"Momenten","Monochrome":"Monochroom","Month":"Maand","Moonlight":"Maanlicht","More than %{n} pictures found":"Meer dan %{n} foto's gevonden","More than 20 albums found":"Meer dan 20 albums gevonden","More than 20 labels found":"Meer dan 20 labels gevonden","More than 20 people found":"Meer dan 20 mensen vonden","Mosaic":"Mozaiek","Most Relevant":"Meest relevant","Move Files":"Bestanden verplaatsen","Name":"Naam","Name too long":"Titel is te lang","Never":"Nooit","New":"Nieuw","New Password":"Nieuw wachtwoord","Newest First":"Nieuwste eerst","No":"Nee","No albums found":"Geen albums gevonden","No labels found":"%{n} labels gevonden","No people found":"Geen mensen gevonden","No pictures found":"Geen foto's gevonden","No recently edited pictures":"Geen recent bewerkte foto's","No servers configured.":"Geen servers geconfigureerd.","No services configured.":"Geen diensten geconfigureerd.","No thanks":"Nee bedankt","No video selected":"Geen video geselecteerd","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Geen waarschuwingen of fouten met dit trefwoord. Let op: zoeken is hoofdlettergevoelig.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Niet-fotografische beelden en beelden van lage kwaliteit moeten worden beoordeeld voordat ze in de zoekresultaten verschijnen.","None":"Geen","Not Found":"Niet gevonden","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Let op: u kunt uw originelenmap handmatig beheren en importeren is optioneel.","Note:":"Notitie:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Opmerking: Alleen WebDAV-servers, zoals Nextcloud of PhotoPrism, kunnen worden geconfigureerd als service op afstand voor het maken van back-ups en het uploaden van bestanden.","Notes":"Notities","Nothing to see here yet.":"Hier is nog niets te zien.","Offline":"Offline","Oldest First":"Oudste eerst","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"In Windows voert u de volgende bron in het verbindingsdialoogvenster in:","Once a week":"Eenmaal per week","One album found":"Een album gevonden","One file found":"Een album gevonden","One file uploaded":"Eén bestand geüpload","One folder found":"Een album gevonden","One label found":"Een etiket gevonden","One person found":"Eén persoon vond","One picture found":"Een foto gevonden","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Opties","or ask in our Community Chat":"of vraag het in onze Community Chat","Orange":"Oranje","Organization":"Organisatie","Orientation":"Oriëntatie","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Originele bestandsnamen worden opgeslagen en geïndexeerd.","Original Name":"Originele naam","Originals":"Originelen","Other":"Andere","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Onze Gebruikershandleiding behandelt ook veel geavanceerde onderwerpen, zoals het migreren vanuit Google Foto's en de kwaliteitsinstellingen voor miniaturen.","Outdoor":"Outdoor","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panorama's","Password":"Wachtwoord","Password changed":"Wachtwoord gewijzigd","People":"Personen","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Mensen met wie je een link deelt, kunnen de openbare inhoud bekijken.","Permanently deleted":"Permanent verwijderd","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Bestanden permanent verwijderen om opslagruimte vrij te maken.","Phone":"Telefoon","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism is geüpdatet…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® is een AI-gestuurde foto-app voor het gedecentraliseerde web.","Photos":"Foto’s","Pink":"Roze","Place":"Plaats","Place & Time":"Plaats en Tijd","Places":"Locaties","Please confirm your new password.":"Bevestig uw nieuwe wachtwoord.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Upload geen foto's met aanstootgevende inhoud.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Houd er rekening mee dat het wijzigen van uw wachtwoord u zal afmelden op andere apparaten en browsers.","Portrait":"Staand","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"stel uw vraag in GitHub Discussies","Preserve filenames":"Bewaar bestandsnamen","Press button to start importing…":"Klik knop om indexeren te starten…","Press button to start indexing…":"Klik knop om indexeren te starten…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Druk op enter om een nieuw album te maken.","Preview":"Voorbeeld","Primary":"Primair","Private":"Privé","Product Feedback":"Terugkoppeling van producten","Projection":"Projectie","Purple":"Paars","Quality Filter":"Kwaliteitsfilter","Quality Score":"Kwaliteitsscore","Random":"Willekeurig","Raspberry":"Framboos","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW-omzetting","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Herindexeer alle originelen, inclusief de reeds geïndexeerde en ongewijzigde bestanden.","Read the Docs":"Lees de Documentatie","Read-Only Mode":"Alleen-lezen modus","Recently Added":"Onlangs toegevoegd","Recently Edited":"Recent bewerkt","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"De herkenning begint nadat de indexering is voltooid.","Recognized":"Erkend","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Herkent gezichten, zodat specifieke mensen kunnen worden gevonden.","Red":"Rood","Reload":"Ververs","Reloading…":"Herladen…","Remote Sync":"Synchronisatie op afstand","Remove":"Verwijderen","remove failed: unknown album":"verwijderen mislukt: onbekend album","Remove from album":"Verwijder uit album","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Verwijder geïmporteerde bestanden om opslag op te slaan. Niet-ondersteunde bestandstypen worden nooit verwijderd, ze blijven op hun huidige locatie.","Request failed - invalid response":"Verzoek mislukt - ongeldig antwoord","Required":"Verplicht","Resolution":"Resolutie","Restore":"Herstellen","Retry Limit":"Herhaal Limiet","Retype Password":"Herhaal je wachtwoord","Review":"Beoordeling","Satellite":"Satelliet","Save":"Opslaan","Scan":"Scan","Scans":"Scans","Search":"Zoeken","Search and display photos on a map.":"Zoek en toon foto's op een kaart.","Season":"Seizoen","Secret":"Geheim","Security and Access":"Veiligheid en toegang","Select":"Selecteer","Select albums or create a new one":"Selecteer albums of maak een nieuwe aan","Selection approved":"Selectie goedgekeurd","Selection archived":"Selectie gearchiveerd","Selection restored":"Selectie hersteld","Send":"Verzenden","Sequential Name":"Opeenvolgende naam","Service URL":"Service URL","Services":"Diensten","Settings":"Instellingen","Settings saved":"Instellingen opgeslagen","Setup":"Setup","Shadow":"Schaduw","Share":"Delen","Share %{name}":"Aandeel %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Deel je foto's met andere apps en diensten.","Show":"Toon","Show all new faces":"Toon alle nieuwe gezichten","Show hidden":"Verborgen weergeven","Show less":"Toon minder","Show more":"Toon meer","Show server logs in Library.":"Toon serverlogs in Bibliotheek.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Toont meer gedetailleerde logberichten. Vereist een herstart.","Sidecar":"Sidecar","Sign in":"Inloggen","Sign Up":"Aanmelden","Similar":"Vergelijkbaar","Size":"Grootte","Slow":"Langzaam","Sort Order":"Sorteer volgorde","Source":"Bron","Stack":"Stapel","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Stapel bestanden met dezelfde unieke beeld- of instantie-identificatie.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Stapel foto's die op exact dezelfde tijd en locatie zijn genomen op basis van hun metagegevens.","Stackable":"Stapelbaar","Stacks":"Stapels","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Stapelt groepsbestanden met een vergelijkbaar referentiekader, maar met verschillen in kwaliteit, formaat, grootte of kleur.","Start":"Start","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Start/Stop Diavoorstelling","States":"Provincies","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statische Grootte Limiet: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Opslag","Streets":"Straat","Subject":"Onderwerp","Successfully Connected":"Succesvol aangesloten","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Ondersteuning voor aanvullende diensten, zoals Google Drive, zal in de loop van de tijd worden toegevoegd.","Sync":"Synchroniseer","Sync raw and video files":"Ruwe en videobestanden synchroniseren","Taken":"Bezet","Teal":"Groenblauw","Text too long":"Titel is te lang","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"De index bevat momenteel %{n} verborgen bestanden.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Hun formaat wordt mogelijk niet ondersteund, ze zijn nog niet geconverteerd naar JPEG of er zijn duplicaten.","Theme":"Thema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Dit koppelt de originelenmap als een netwerkstation en stelt u in staat bestanden te openen, te bewerken en te verwijderen\n van uw computer of smartphone alsof ze lokaal zijn.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Hierdoor wordt de map met de originelen als een netwerkstation gemonteerd en kunt u bestanden openen, bewerken en verwijderen van uw computer of smartphone alsof ze lokaal zijn.","Thumbnail Generation":"Thumbnail generatie","Time UTC":"Tijd UTC","Time Zone":"Tijdzone","Timeout":"time-out","Title":"Titel","Title / Position":"Titel / Positie","Title too long":"Titel is te lang","Toggle View":"Schakelweergave","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografische","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Checklists voor probleemoplossing","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Probeer opnieuw met een ander trefwoord of filter.","Type":"Type","Undo":"Ongedaan maken","Unique ID":"Unieke id","Unknown":"Onbekend","Unregistered":"Ongeregistreerd","Unsorted":"Ongesorteerd","Unstack":"Ontstapel","Updated":"Bijgewerkt","Updating faces":"Gezichten bijwerken","Updating index":"Bijwerken van de index","Updating moments":"Momenten van actualisering","Updating picture…":"Foto bijwerken…","Updating previews":"Voorvertoningen bijwerken","Updating stacks":"Actualisering van de stapels","Upload":"Uploaden","Upload complete":"Uploaden klaar","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Uploaden klaar. Indexeren…","Upload failed":"Uploaden mislukt","Upload local files":"Uploaden mislukt","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Upload naar WebDAV en deel links met vrienden.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Het uploaden van %{n} van %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Foto’s uploaden…","Uploading…":"Uploaden…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Uploads die dergelijke beelden kunnen bevatten, worden automatisch geweigerd.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Gebruik Voorinstellingen","User":"Gebruiker","User Guide":"Gebruikershandleiding","User Interface":"Gebruikersinterface","Username":"Gebruikersnaam","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Geverifieerd","Video":"Video","Video Duration":"Videoduur","Videos":"Video's","View":"Weergave","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Bezoek docs.photoprism.app/user-guide voor meer informatie over het synchroniseren, organiseren en delen van uw foto's.","Visual Similarity":"Visuele gelijkenis","We appreciate your feedback!":"Wij waarderen uw feedback!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"We doen ons best om binnen vijf werkdagen of minder te reageren.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"We zullen ons best doen om al je vragen te beantwoorden. In ruil daarvoor vragen we je om ons te steunen op Patreon of GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV-cliënten kunnen verbinding maken met PhotoPrism via de volgende URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"WebDAV clients, zoals Microsoft's Windows Verkenner of Apple's Finder, kunnen direct verbinding maken met\n PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Uploaden","Website":"Website","White":"Wit","Work Details":"Werk Details","Year":"Jaar","Yellow":"Geel","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Ja","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"je bent welkom om ons te vervoegen op Reddit","You can only download one album":"Je kunt slechts een album downloaden","You can only download one label":"Je kunt slechts een album downloaden","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"U kan het thuis draaien, op een eigen server of in de cloud.","You may only select one item":"Je kunt slechts een album downloaden","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"U kunt uw bibliotheek opnieuw scannen om meer gezichten te vinden.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Uw blijvende steun helpt ons om regelmatig updates te geven en onafhankelijk te blijven, zodat we onze missie kunnen vervullen en uw privacy kunnen beschermen.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Uw bibliotheek wordt voortdurend geanalyseerd om automatisch albums te maken van speciale momenten, reizen en plaatsen.","Zoom in/out":"In-/uitzoomen"},"pl":{"%{n} albums found":"Znalezione albumy: %{n}","%{n} files uploaded":"Przesłane pliki: %{n}","%{n} folders found":"Znalezione foldery: %{n}","%{n} labels found":"Znalezione etykiety: %{n}","%{n} people found":"Znalezione osoby: %{n}","%{n} pictures found":"Znalezione zdjęcia: %{n}","1 hour":"1 godzina","12 hours":"12 godzin","4 hours":"4 godziny","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Kliknięcie na link powyżej skopiuje go do schowka.","About":"O programie","Abyss":"Otchłań","Account":"Konto","Accuracy":"Dokładność","Action":"Akcja","Actions":"Akcje","Add Account":"Dodaj konto","Add Album":"Dodaj album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Dodaj pliki do biblioteki przez Web Upload.","Add Link":"Dodaj link","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Dodaj zdjęcia poprzez zaznaczenie ich w wynikach wyszukiwania.","Add to album":"Dodaj do albumu","Added":"Dodano","Advanced":"Zaawansowane","After 1 day":"Po 1 dniu","After 3 days":"Po 3 dniach","After 7 days":"Po 7 dniach","After one month":"Po jednym miesiącu","After one year":"Po jednym roku","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Po wybraniu zdjęć z wyników wyszukiwania, można je dodać do albumu za pomocą menu kontekstowego.","After two months":"Po dwóch miesiącach","After two weeks":"Po dwóch tygodniach","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Nazwa albumu","Albums":"Albumy","Albums deleted":"Skasowano albumy","All %{n} albums loaded":"Wszystkie albumy wczytane: %{n}","All %{n} labels loaded":"Wszystkie etykiety wczytane: %{n}","All %{n} people loaded":"Wszystkie %{n} osoby załadowane","All Cameras":"Wszystkie aparaty","All Categories":"Wszystkie kategorie","All Colors":"Wszystkie kolory","All Countries":"Wszystkie kraje","All fields are required":"Wszystkie pola są wymagane","All files from import folder":"Wszystkie pliki z folderu importowania","All Lenses":"Wszystkie obiektywy","All Months":"Wszystkie miesiące","All originals":"Wszystkie oryginały","All Years":"Wszystkie lata","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Możesz też wysłać wybrane pliki bezpośrednio na serwer WebDAV, np. Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Wysokość","Altitude (m)":"Wysokość (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Wystąpił błąd - czy masz połączenie z siecią?","Animated":"Animowany","Animation":"Animacja","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Wszystkie prywatne zdjęcia i filmy pozostaną prywatne i nie zostaną udostępnione.","API Key":"Klucz API","Apply":"Zastosuj","Approve":"Zatwierdź","Archive":"Archiwum","Archived":"Zarchiwizowane","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Czy na pewno chcesz zarchiwizować zaznaczone pliki?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć te albumy?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wybrane etykiety?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć konto?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Czy na pewno chcesz trwale usunąć te zdjęcia?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten plik?","Are you sure?":"Jesteś pewny?","Artist":"Artysta","Aspect Ratio":"Proporcje obrazu","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Automatycznie generuj pliki JPEG dla innych typów plików, by mogły być wyświetlane w przeglądarce.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Automatycznie tworzy albumy z wyjątkowych chwil, podróży i miejsc.","Basic":"Podstawowy","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Przed wysłaniem zgłoszenia do pomocy technicznej skorzystaj z naszych przewodników rozwiązywania problemów, aby ustalić przyczynę problemu.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Będąc w 100% finansowani i niezależni, możemy obiecać, że nigdy nie sprzedamy Twoich danych i że zawsze będziemy transparentni w kwestii naszego oprogramowania i usług.","Bio":"Życiorys","Birth Date":"Data urodzenia","Black":"Czarny","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: zmodyfikowany Lanczos, mniej artefaktów pierścieniowych","Blue":"Niebieski","Brown":"Brązowy","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Przeglądaj i edytuj etykiety klasyfikacji obrazów.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Przeglądaj zaindeksowane pliki i foldery w bibliotece.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Przeglądaj Bazę wiedzy, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje na temat konkretnych funkcji produktów, usług i powiązanych zasobów.","Bug Report":"Zgłoszenie błędu","Busy, please wait…":"Zajęty, proszę czekać…","Calendar":"Kalendarz","Camera":"Aparat","Camera Serial":"Numer seryjny aparatu","Can't load more, limit reached":"Nie można załadować więcej, osiągnięto limit","Can't select more items":"Nie można zaznaczyć większej ilości elementów","Cancel":"Anuluj","Cards":"Karty","Category":"Kategoria","Change Avatar":"Zmień awatar","Change Password":"Zmień hasło","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Zmiana ustawień profilu osobistego i zabezpieczeń.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Zmień tytuły, lokalizacje i inne metadane zdjęć.","Change private flag":"Zmień prywatność","Changes successfully saved":"Zmiany zostały pomyślnie zapisane","Checked":"Data ostatniej weryfikacji metadanych","Chroma":"Chrominancja","Close":"Zamknij","Codec":"Kodek","Color":"Kolor","Color Profile":"Profil kolorów","Colors":"Kolory","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Najczęstsze problemy można szybko zdiagnozować i rozwiązać za pomocą dostarczanych przez nas list kontrolnych dotyczących rozwiązywania problemów.","Complete Rescan":"Skanowanie od zera","Confidence":"Pewność","Connect":"Połącz","Connect via WebDAV":"Połącz przez WebDAV","Connected":"Połączony","Contact Details":"Dane kontaktowe","Contact Us":"Skontaktuj się z nami","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Zawiera %{n} zdjęć.","Contains one picture.":"Zawiera jedno zdjęcie.","Convert to JPEG":"Konwertuj do JPEG","Converting":"Konwertowanie","Copied to clipboard":"Skopiowano do schowka","Copyright":"Prawa autorskie","Couldn't find anything.":"Nie udało się niczego znaleźć.","Country":"Kraj","Create album":"Stwórz album","Created":"Data utworzenia pliku","Creating thumbnails for":"Tworzenie miniaturek dla","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: umiarkowana jakość, dobra wydajność","Current Password":"Obecne hasło","Customer Support":"Obsługa klienta","Cyan":"Cyjan","Cyano":"Cyjanowy","Daily":"Codziennie","Day":"Dzień","Debug Logs":"Logi debugowania","Default":"Domyślny","Default Folder":"Domyślny folder","Delete":"Usuń","Description":"Opis","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Dokładne informacje można znaleźć w instrukcji obsługi.","Details":"Szczegóły","Dimensions":"Wymiary","Disable Backups":"Wyłącz kopie zapasowe","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Wyłącza wbudowany serwer WebDAV. Wymaga restartu.","Disable Darktable":"Wyłącz Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Wyłącz ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Wyłącz FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Wyłącz miejsca","Disable RawTherapee":"Wyłącz RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Wyłącz TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Wyłącz WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Wyłącza odwrotne geokodowanie i mapy.","Discover":"Odkryj","Display Name":"Nazwa wyświetlana","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Nie wykonuj kopii zapasowych metadanych zdjęć i albumów do plików YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Nie twórz plików ExifTool JSON w celu ulepszenia ekstrakcji metadanych.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Nie modyfikuj folderu z oryginałami. Wyłącza import, wgrywanie i usuwanie.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Nie transkoduj filmów za pomocą FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Nie używaj Darktable do konwersji plików RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Nie używaj RawTherapee do konwersji plików RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Nie używaj TensorFlow do klasyfikacji obrazów.","Donations":"Darowizny","Done":"OK","Done.":"Zrobione.","Download":"Pobierz","Download remote files":"Pobierz zdalne pliki","Download single files and zip archives.":"Pobierz pojedyncze pliki i archiwa zip.","Downloading…":"Pobieranie…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtr skalowania rozdzielczości w dół","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Ze względu na dużą ilość otrzymywanych przez nas e-maili, nasz zespół może nie być w stanie odpowiedzieć na nie natychmiast.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikaty zostaną pominięte i pojawią się tylko raz.","Duration":"Czas trwania","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamiczne podglądy","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Funkcja renderowania na żądanie wymaga wydajnego procesora i nie jest zalecana w przypadku mniejszych serwerów domowych lub urządzeń NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limit rozmiaru dynamicznych podglądów: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-mail","Edit":"Edytuj","Edit %{name}":"Edytuj %{name}","Edit Account":"Edytuj konto","Edit Photo":"Edytuj zdjęcie","Edited":"Data ostatniej edycji","Electra":"Electra","Email":"Email","Enable new features currently under development.":"Włącz nowe funkcje będące wciąż w fazie rozwoju.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Włącza wstępne ustawienia konwertera RAW. Może zmniejszyć wydajność.","Errors":"Błędy","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Szacowanie przybliżonej lokalizacji dla obrazów nieposiadających współrzędnych.","Estimates":"Szacunki","Every two days":"Co dwa dni","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Pozwala oznaczyć wybrane materiały jako prywatne i wykluczyć je z wyników wyszukiwania, współdzielonych albumów, oznaczeń i miejsc.","Exclude hidden":"Pomiń ukryte","Expand":"Rozwiń","Expand Search":"Wyszukiwanie zaawansowane","Experimental Features":"Funkcje eksperymentalne","Expires":"Wygasa","Exposure":"Ekspozycja","F Number":"Wartość przysłony","Face":"Twarz","Faces":"Twarze","Failed copying to clipboard":"Nie udało się skopiować do schowka","Failed removing link":"Nie udało się usunąć linku","Failed updating link":"Nie udało się zaktualizować linku","Family Name":"Nazwa rodziny produktów","Fast":"Szybka","Favorite":"Ulubione","Favorites":"Ulubione","Feature Request":"Prośba o nową funkcję","Feed":"Kanał","Feedback":"Opinia","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"W razie pytań prosimy o kontakt pod adresem hello@photoprism.app.","Female":"Kobieta","File":"Plik","File Browser":"Przeglądarka plików","File Name":"Nazwa pliku","File Size":"Rozmiar pliku","Filename":"Nazwa pliku","Files":"Pliki","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Pliki z sekwencyjnymi nazwami, np. 'IMG_1234 (2)' i 'IMG_1234 (3)', należą do tego samego zdjęcia.","Focal Length":"Ogniskowa","Folder":"Katalog","Folder contains %{n} files":"Folder zawiera %{n} plików","Folder is empty":"Folder jest pusty","Folders":"Foldery","Forgot password?":"Zapomniałeś hasła?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Klatki","Fullscreen":"Pełny ekran","Gemstone":"Klejnot","Gender":"Płeć","General":"Ogólne","Getting Support":"Uzyskiwanie pomocy","Given Name":"Imię","Gold":"Złoty","Grayscale":"Skala szarości","Green":"Zielony","Grey":"Szary","Hash":"Wartość hash","Help":"Pomoc","Help & Support":"Pomoc i wsparcie","Hidden":"Ukryte","Hidden Files":"Ukryte pliki","Hide":"Ukryj","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Pozwala przenieść wybrane pliki do archiwum.","High":"Wysoki","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Wysoki zakres dynamiczny (HDR)","How can we help?":"W czym możemy pomóc?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Jeśli to nie pomoże, lub masz inne pytania:","image":"obraz","Image":"Obraz","Images":"Zdjęcia","Import":"Import","Import failed":"Błąd importu","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Zaimportowane pliki zostaną posortowane według daty i otrzymają unikalną nazwę, aby uniknąć duplikatów.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Zaimportowane pliki zostaną posortowane według daty i otrzymają unikalną nazwę.","Importing %{name}…":"Importowanie %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importowanie plików do oryginałów…","in":"w","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Dodatkowo, sponsorzy otrzymują bezpośrednie wsparcie techniczne za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Jeśli zdjęcia których szukasz nie są widoczne, przeskanuj ponownie bibliotekę i poczekaj aż indeksowanie zostanie ukończone.","Index":"Indeksowanie","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indeksowanie i importowanie plików za pomocą interfejsu użytkownika.","Indexing":"Indeksuje","Indexing failed":"Błąd indeksowania","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indeksowanie mediów i powiązanych plików…","Instance ID":"ID instancji","Interval":"Okres","Invalid":"Nieprawidłowe","Invalid date":"Niewłaściwa data","Invalid parameters":"Parametry nieprawidłowe","Invalid photo selected":"Wybrano nieprawidłowe zdjęcie","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Wykorzystuje najnowsze technologie, aby automatycznie oznaczać i znajdować zdjęcia, nie wchodząc Ci w drogę.","Item":"Element","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Jakość JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limit rozmiaru JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEGi i miniatury są automatycznie tworzone w miarę potrzeb.","Keywords":"Słowa kluczowe","Knowledge Base":"Baza wiedzy","Label":"Etykieta","Labels":"Etykiety","Labels deleted":"Etykiety zostały usunięte","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: zachowanie detali, minimalne artefakty","Language":"Język","Last Sync":"Ostatnia synchronizacja","Latitude":"Szerokość geograficzna","Lavender":"Fioletowy","Learn more":"Dowiedz się więcej","Legal Information":"Informacje prawne","Lens":"Obiektyw","Library":"Biblioteka","License":"Licencja","Like":"Dodaj do ulubionych","Lime":"Limonkowy","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Osiągnięto limit, pokazuję pierwsze %{n} plików","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: bardzo gładki, najlepsza wydajność","Link":"Link","List":"Lista","Live":"Live","Live Photos":"Zdjęcia na żywo","Local Time":"Czas lokalny","location":"miejsce","Location":"Miejsce","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Komunikaty dziennika pojawiają się tutaj za każdym razem, gdy PhotoPrism natknie się na uszkodzone pliki lub wystąpią inne potencjalne problemy.","Login":"Zaloguj","Logout":"Wyloguj","Logs":"Logi","Longitude":"Długość geograficzna","Low":"Niski","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Główny kolor","Male":"Mężczyzna","manual":"dodana ręcznie","Manual Upload":"Ręczne wgrywanie","Maps":"Mapy","Marker":"Znacznik","Medium":"Średnia","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Złączyć %{a} z %{b}?","Message sent":"Wiadomość została wysłana","Minimize":"Zminimalizuj","Missing":"Brakujący","Moments":"Chwile","Monochrome":"Monochromatyczne","Month":"Miesiąc","Moonlight":"Światło księżyca","More than %{n} pictures found":"Znaleziono ponad %{n} zdjęć","More than 20 albums found":"Znaleziono ponad 20 albumów","More than 20 labels found":"Znaleziono ponad 20 etykiet","More than 20 people found":"Znaleziono ponad 20 osób","Mosaic":"Mozaika","Most Relevant":"Najważniejsze","Move Files":"Przenieś pliki","Name":"Nazwa","Name too long":"Nazwa zbyt długa","Never":"Nigdy","New":"Nowi","New Password":"Nowe hasło","Newest First":"Najnowsze","No":"Nie","No albums found":"Nie znaleziono żadnego albumu","No labels found":"Nie znaleziono żadnej etykiety","No people found":"Nie znaleziono żadnej osoby","No pictures found":"Nie znaleziono żadnego zdjęcia","No recently edited pictures":"Brak ostatnio edytowanych zdjęć","No servers configured.":"Nie skonfigurowano żadnych serwerów.","No services configured.":"Nie skonfigurowano żadnych usług.","No thanks":"Nie, dziękuję","No video selected":"Nie wybrano żadnego filmu","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Brak ostrzeżeń lub błędów zawierających to słowo kluczowe. Zwróć uwagę, że wielkość liter jest uwzględniana w wyszukiwaniu.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Obrazy niebędące fotografiami lub posiadające niską jakość wymagają zatwierdzenia, zanim pojawią się w wynikach wyszukiwania.","None":"Brak","Not Found":"Nie znaleziono","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Możesz też ręcznie zarządzać folderem oryginałów, importowanie jest opcjonalne.","Note:":"Uwaga:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Uwaga: Tylko serwery WebDAV, takie jak Nextcloud lub PhotoPrism, mogą być skonfigurowane jako zdalna usługa do tworzenia kopii zapasowych i przesyłania plików.","Notes":"Notatki","Nothing to see here yet.":"Na razie nic tu nie widać.","Offline":"Offline","Oldest First":"Najstarsze","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"W systemie Windows wpisz następujący adres w oknie dialogowym połączenia:","Once a week":"Raz w tygodniu","One album found":"Znaleziono jeden album","One file found":"Znaleziono jeden plik","One file uploaded":"Przesłano jeden plik","One folder found":"Znaleziono jeden folder","One label found":"Znaleziono jedną etykietę","One person found":"Znaleziono jedną osobę","One picture found":"Znaleziono jedno zdjęcie","Onyx":"Onyks","Options":"Opcje","or ask in our Community Chat":"lub zapytaj na naszym Czacie Społeczności","Orange":"Pomarańczowy","Organization":"Organizacja","Orientation":"Orientacja","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Oryginalne nazwy plików będą przechowywane i indeksowane.","Original Name":"Oryginalna nazwa","Originals":"Oryginały","Other":"Inne","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Nasz podręcznik użytkownika obejmuje również wiele zaawansowanych tematów, takich jak migracja ze Zdjęć Google i ustawienia jakości miniatur.","Outdoor":"Outdoor","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramy","Password":"Hasło","Password changed":"Zmieniono hasło","People":"Ludzie","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Osoby, z którymi dzielisz się linkiem, będą mogły przeglądać publiczne treści.","Permanently deleted":"Trwale usunięto","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Usuń pliki permanentnie, aby zwolnić miejsce na dysku.","Phone":"Telefon","Photo":"Zdjęcie","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism został zaktualizowany…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® jest aplikacją fotograficzną napędzaną przez sztuczną inteligencję dla zdecentralizowanej sieci.","Photos":"Zdjęcia","Pink":"Różowy","Place":"Miejsce","Place & Time":"Miejsce i czas","Places":"Miejsca","Please confirm your new password.":"Potwierdź nowe hasło.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Proszę nie przesyłać zdjęć zawierających nieprzyzwoite treści.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Pamiętaj, że zmiana hasła wyloguje Cię na innych urządzeniach i przeglądarkach.","Portrait":"Portret","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"zamieść swoje pytanie w dyskusjach na GitHubie","Preserve filenames":"Zachowaj oryginalne nazwy plików","Press button to start importing…":"Naciśnij przycisk by rozpocząć import…","Press button to start indexing…":"Naciśnij przycisk by rozpocząć indeksowanie…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Naciśnij enter by utworzyć nowy album.","Preview":"Podgląd","Primary":"Główny","Private":"Prywatne","Product Feedback":"Opinia o produkcie","Projection":"Projekcja","Purple":"Purpurowy","Quality Filter":"Filtr jakości","Quality Score":"Ocena jakości","Random":"Losowy","Raspberry":"Malinowy","Raw":"RAW","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Konwersja z RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Ponowne indeksowanie wszystkich oryginałów, w tym już zaindeksowanych i niezmienionych plików.","Read the Docs":"Przeczytaj dokumentację","Read-Only Mode":"Tryb tylko do odczytu","Recently Added":"Ostatnio dodane","Recently Edited":"Ostatnio edytowane","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Rozpoznawanie twarzy rozpocznie się po zakończeniu indeksowania.","Recognized":"Rozpoznani","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Rozpoznaje twarze, dzięki czemu można znaleźć konkretne osoby.","Red":"Czerwony","Reload":"Załaduj ponownie","Reloading…":"Przeładowywanie…","Remote Sync":"Zdalna synchronizacja","Remove":"Usuń","remove failed: unknown album":"usunięcie nie powiodło się: nieznany album","Remove from album":"Usuń z albumu","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Usuń zaimportowane pliki z ich obecnej lokalizacji, aby zaoszczędzić miejsce na dysku. Nieobsługiwane typy plików pozostaną nienaruszone.","Request failed - invalid response":"Żądanie nie powiodło się - niewłaściwa odpowiedź","Required":"Wymagane","Resolution":"Rozdzielczość","Restore":"Przywróć","Retry Limit":"Limit ponawiania prób","Retype Password":"Powtórz hasło","Review":"Do sprawdzenia","Satellite":"Satelita","Save":"Zapisz","Scan":"Zeskanowany dokument","Scans":"Skany","Search":"Szukaj","Search and display photos on a map.":"Wyszukiwanie i wyświetlanie zdjęć na mapie.","Season":"Sezon","Secret":"Klucz","Security and Access":"Bezpieczeństwo i dostęp","Select":"Wybierz","Select albums or create a new one":"Wybierz albumy lub utwórz nowy","Selection approved":"Wybór zatwierdzony","Selection archived":"Zarchiwizowano wybrane pliki","Selection restored":"Wybór przywrócony","Send":"Wyślij","Sequential Name":"Nazwa sekwencyjna","Service URL":"Adres URL do usługi","Services":"Usługi","Settings":"Ustawienia","Settings saved":"Zapisano ustawienia","Setup":"Ustawienia","Shadow":"Cień","Share":"Udostępnij","Share %{name}":"Udostępnij %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Udostępniaj swoje zdjęcia innym aplikacjom i usługom.","Show":"Pokaż","Show all new faces":"Pokaż wszystkie nowe twarze","Show hidden":"Pokaż ukryte","Show less":"Pokaż mniej","Show more":"Pokaż więcej","Show server logs in Library.":"Pokaż logi serwera w bibliotece.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Wyświetla bardziej szczegółowe komunikaty dziennika. Wymaga ponownego uruchomienia.","Sidecar":"Plik powiązany","Sign in":"Zaloguj się","Sign Up":"Zarejestruj się","Similar":"Podobne","Size":"Rozmiar","Slow":"Wolna","Sort Order":"Kolejność sortowania","Source":"Pochodzenie","Stack":"Utwórz stos","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Utwórz stosy z plików posiadających ten sam unikalny identyfikator obrazu lub instancji.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Utwórz stosy ze zdjęć wykonanych w tym samym czasie i miejscu, zawartymi w ich metadanych.","Stackable":"Może być częścią stosu","Stacks":"Stosy","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Stosy grupują pliki podobne do siebie, ale z różnicami w jakości, formacie, rozmiarze lub kolorze.","Start":"Start","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Start/Stop pokazu slajdów","States":"Region","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limit rozmiaru statycznych podglądów: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Miejsce przechowywania","Streets":"Ulice","Subject":"Temat","Successfully Connected":"Połączono pomyślnie","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Wsparcie dla innych usług, takich jak Google Drive, zostanie dodane w późniejszym czasie.","Sync":"Synchronizacja","Sync raw and video files":"Synchronizuj obrazy RAW i filmy","Taken":"Data wykonania","Teal":"Morski","Text too long":"Tekst za długi","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Indeks zawiera obecnie %{n} ukrytych plików.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Może być to spowodowane brakiem wsparcia dla ich formatu, nieukończoną konwersją na JPEG lub byciem duplikatami istniejących plików.","Theme":"Motyw","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Dzięki temu oryginalny folder jest montowany jako dysk sieciowy i umożliwia otwieranie, edytowanie i usuwanie plików z komputera lub smartfona, tak jakby były one lokalne.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Pozwala to na zamontowanie folderu oryginałów jako dysku sieciowego i umożliwia otwieranie, edytowanie i usuwanie plików z komputera lub smartfona w taki sam sposób, jakby były one przechowywane lokalnie.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generowanie miniaturek","Time UTC":"Czas UTC","Time Zone":"Strefa czasowa","Timeout":"Upłynął limit czasu","Title":"Tytuł","Title / Position":"Tytuł / stanowisko","Title too long":"Tytuł za długi","Toggle View":"Zmień widok","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topograficzny","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Listy kontrolne dotyczące rozwiązywania problemów","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Spróbuj ponownie używając innych filtrów lub słów kluczowych.","Type":"Typ","Undo":"Cofnij","Unique ID":"Unikalne ID","Unknown":"Nieznany","Unregistered":"Niezarejestrowany","Unsorted":"Nieposortowane","Unstack":"Rozłóż stos","Updated":"Zaktualizowano","Updating faces":"Aktualizowanie twarzy","Updating index":"Aktualizowanie indeksu","Updating moments":"Aktualizowanie chwil","Updating picture…":"Aktualizacja zdjęć…","Updating previews":"Aktualizowanie podglądów","Updating stacks":"Aktualizowanie stosów","Upload":"Wgraj","Upload complete":"Ukończono wgrywanie","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Wgrywanie zakończone. Indeksowanie…","Upload failed":"Wgrywanie nie powiodło się","Upload local files":"Wgraj pliki z dysku","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Udostępnij album poprzez link lub prześlij wybrane pliki na serwer WebDAV.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Wgrywanie %{n} z %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Wgrywanie zdjęć…","Uploading…":"Przesyłanie...","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Tego typu obrazy zostaną automatycznie odrzucone.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Użyj ustawień wstępnych","User":"Użytkownik","User Guide":"Podręcznik użytkownika","User Interface":"Interfejs użytkownika","Username":"Nazwa użytkownika","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Zweryfikowany","Video":"Film","Video Duration":"Czas trwania filmu","Videos":"Filmy","View":"Widok","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Odwiedź stronę docs.photoprism.app/user-guide, aby dowiedzieć się, jak synchronizować, organizować i udostępniać swoje zdjęcia.","Visual Similarity":"Podobieństwo wizualne","We appreciate your feedback!":"Doceniamy Twoją opinię!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Dokładamy wszelkich starań, aby odpowiedzieć w ciągu pięciu dni roboczych lub mniej.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Dołożymy wszelkich starań, aby odpowiedzieć na wszystkie Twoje pytania. W zamian prosimy o wsparcie nas na Patreon lub GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Klienci WebDAV mogą połączyć się z PhotoPrism za pomocą następującego adresu URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Klienci WebDAV, jak Microsoft Windows Explorer lub Apple Finder, mogą łączyć się bezpośrednio z PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Wyślij na WebDAV","Website":"Strona internetowa","White":"Biały","Work Details":"Szczegóły pracy","Year":"Rok","Yellow":"Żółty","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Tak","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"zapraszamy do dołączenia do nas na Reddit","You can only download one album":"Możesz pobrać tylko jeden album","You can only download one label":"Możesz pobrać tylko jedną etykietę","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Możesz go uruchomić w domu, na prywatnym serwerze lub w chmurze.","You may only select one item":"Możesz wybrać tylko jedną pozycję","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Możesz ponownie przeskanować swoją bibliotekę, aby znaleźć dodatkowe twarze.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Twoje stałe wsparcie pomaga nam dostarczać regularne aktualizacje i zachować niezależność, dzięki czemu możemy wypełniać naszą misję i chronić Twoją prywatność.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Twoja biblioteka jest na bieżąco analizowana, aby automatycznie tworzyć albumy z wyjątkowych chwil, podróży i miejsc.","Zoom in/out":"Powiększ / Pomniejsz"},"pt":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} álbuns encontrados","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} arquivos enviados","%{n} folders found":"%{n} pastas encontradas","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etiquetas encontradas","%{n} people found":"%{n} pessoas encontradas","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} fotos encontradas","1 hour":"1 hora","12 hours":"12 horas","4 hours":"4 horas","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Um clique irá copiar para a área de transferência.","About":"Sobre","Abyss":"Abismo","Account":"Conta","Accuracy":"Precisão","Action":"Ação","Actions":"Ações","Add Account":"Adicionar conta","Add Album":"Adicionar Álbum","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Adicionar arquivos à sua biblioteca via Web Upload.","Add Link":"Adicionar Link","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Adicione fotos dos resultados da busca selecionando-as.","Add to album":"Adicionar ao álbum","Added":"Adicionado","Advanced":"Avançado","After 1 day":"Depois de 1 dia","After 3 days":"Depois de 3 dias","After 7 days":"Depois de 7 dias","After one month":"Depois de um mês","After one year":"Depois de um ano","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Após selecionar as fotos dos resultados da busca, você pode adicioná-las a um álbum usando o menu de contexto.","After two months":"Depois de dois meses","After two weeks":"Depois de duas semanas","Album":"Álbum","Album Name":"Nome do Álbum","Albums":"Álbuns","Albums deleted":"Álbuns excluídos","All %{n} albums loaded":"Todos os %{n} álbuns foram carregados","All %{n} labels loaded":"Todas as %{n} etiquetas foram carregadas","All %{n} people loaded":"Todas as pessoas %{n} carregadas","All Cameras":"Todas as Câmeras","All Categories":"Todas as Categorias","All Colors":"Todas as Cores","All Countries":"Todos os Países","All fields are required":"Todos os campos são necessários","All files from import folder":"Todos os arquivos da pasta importada","All Lenses":"Todas as Lentes","All Months":"Todos os Meses","All originals":"Todos os Originais","All Years":"Todos os Anos","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Como alternativa, pode enviar arquivos diretamente para servidores WebDAV, como Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Altitude","Altitude (m)":"Altitude (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Ocorreu um erro - está conectado à internet?","Animated":"Animado","Animation":"Animação","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Qualquer foto ou vídeo privado continuará privado e não será compartilhado.","API Key":"Chave API","Apply":"Aplicar","Approve":"Aprovar","Archive":"Arquivo","Archived":"Arquivado","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Tem a certeza que quer arquivar a seleção?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Tem a certeza que quer excluir esses álbuns?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Tem a certeza que quer excluir essas etiquetas?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Tem a certeza que quer excluir essa conta?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Tem a certeza que quer permanentemente apagar estas imagens?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Tem a certeza que quer permanentemente apagar este arquivo?","Are you sure?":"Você tem certeza?","Artist":"Artista","Aspect Ratio":"Proporção da Tela","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Criar arquivos JPEG automaticamente para outros tipos de arquivo para que sejam exibidos num navegador.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Cria automaticamente álbuns de momentos, viagens e lugares especiais.","Basic":"Básico","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Antes de enviar uma solicitação de suporte, use nossas listas de verificação de solução de problemas para determinar a causa de seu problema.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Sendo 100% self-fundados e independentes, podemos prometer que nunca venderemos seus dados e que seremos sempre transparentes sobre nossos softwares e serviços.","Bio":"Biografia","Birth Date":"Data de Nascimento","Black":"Preto","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Modificação do Lanczos, resulta em menos artefactos","Blue":"Azul","Brown":"Castanho","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Navegar e editar as etiquetas de classificação da imagem.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Navegar pelos arquivos e pastas indexadas na Biblioteca.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Navegue na Base de Conhecimento para informações detalhadas sobre características específicas do produto, serviços e recursos relacionados.","Bug Report":"Relatar erro","Busy, please wait…":"Ocupado, por favor aguarde…","Calendar":"Calendário","Camera":"Câmera","Camera Serial":"Série da Câmera","Can't load more, limit reached":"Não é possível carregar mais, limite alcançado","Can't select more items":"Não é possível selecionar mais itens","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cards":"Cartões","Category":"Categoria","Change Avatar":"Mudar Avatar","Change Password":"Alterar Senha","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Mudar o perfil pessoal e as configurações de segurança.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Mudar títulos, localizações e outros dados das fotos.","Change private flag":"Mudar marcação como privado","Changes successfully saved":"As mudanças foram salvas com sucesso","Checked":"Verificado","Chroma":"Croma","Close":"Fechar","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Cor","Color Profile":"Perfil da cor","Colors":"Cores","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Problemas comuns podem ser rapidamente diagnosticados e resolvidos usando as listas de verificação de solução de problemas que fornecemos.","Complete Rescan":"Escaneamento completo","Confidence":"Certeza","Connect":"Conectar","Connect via WebDAV":"Conectar via WebDAV","Connected":"Conectado","Contact Details":"Detalhes do contato","Contact Us":"Contactar-nos","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Contém %{n} imagens.","Contains one picture.":"Contém uma foto.","Convert to JPEG":"Converter para JPEG","Converting":"A converter","Copied to clipboard":"Copiado para a área de transferência de texto","Copyright":"Direitos de Autor","Couldn't find anything.":"Não foi encontrado nada.","Country":"País","Create album":"Criar álbum","Created":"Criado","Creating thumbnails for":"Criando miniaturas para","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: Qualidade razoável, bom desempenho","Current Password":"Senha Atual","Customer Support":"Suporte ao cliente","Cyan":"Ciano","Cyano":"Ciano","Daily":"Diariamente","Day":"Dia","Debug Logs":"Registros de depuração","Default":"Padrão","Default Folder":"Pasta Padrão","Delete":"Apagar","Description":"Descrição","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Instruções detalhadas podem ser encontradas no nosso Guia de Utilizador.","Details":"Detalhes","Dimensions":"Dimensões","Disable Backups":"Desativar Cópias de Segurança","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Desativa servidor WebDAV embutido. Requer reinicialização.","Disable Darktable":"Desativar Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Desativar ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Desativar FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Desativar Lugares","Disable RawTherapee":"Desativar RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Desativar TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Desativar WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Desativa geocodificação reversa e mapas.","Discover":"Explorar","Display Name":"Nome de Exibição","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Não fazer respaldo dos metadados de fotos e álbuns nos arquivos YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Não criar arquivos JSON ExifTool que melhoram a extração de metadados.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Não modificar a pasta de originais. Desativa importação, envio e remoção.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Não transcodifique vídeos com FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Não use o Darktable para converter arquivos RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Não use RawTherapee para converter arquivos RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Não usar TensorFlow para classificação de imagens.","Donations":"Donativos","Done":"Concluído","Done.":"Concluído.","Download":"Descarregar","Download remote files":"Descarregar arquivos remotos","Download single files and zip archives.":"Descarregar ficheiros individuais e arquivos zip.","Downloading…":"Descarregando…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtro de redimensionamento","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Devido ao alto volume de e-mails que recebemos, nossa equipe pode não conseguir responder-lhe imediatamente.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplicações serão descarregadas e só vão aparecer uma vez.","Duration":"Duração","Dynamic Previews":"Amostras dinâmicas","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Geração dinâmica requer um servidor poderoso. Não recomendado para dispositivos NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Tamanho dinâmico limite: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Email","Edit":"Editar","Edit %{name}":"Editar %{name}","Edit Account":"Editar Conta","Edit Photo":"Editar Foto","Edited":"Editado","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-mail","Enable new features currently under development.":"Habilitar funcionalidades atualmente em desenvolvimento.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Permite predefinições de conversores RAW. Pode reduzir o desempenho.","Errors":"Erros","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Estima a localização aproximada das imagens sem coordenadas.","Estimates":"Estimativas","Every two days":"A cada dois dias","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Excluir conteúdo marcado como privado dos resultados da busca, álbuns compartilhados, etiquetas e locais.","Exclude hidden":"Excluir oculto","Expand":"Expandir","Expand Search":"Expandir Pesquisa","Experimental Features":"Funcionalidades experimentais","Expires":"Expira","Exposure":"Exposição","F Number":"Razão focal","Face":"Face","Faces":"Faces","Failed copying to clipboard":"Falha ao copiar para a área de transferência de texto","Failed removing link":"Falha ao remover o link","Failed updating link":"Falha ao atualizar o link","Family Name":"Nome de família","Fast":"Rápido","Favorite":"Favorito","Favorites":"Favoritos","Feature Request":"Solicitar funcionalidade","Feed":"Feed","Feedback":"Dê a sua opinião","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Por favor, entre em contato via hello@photoprism.app se tiver dúvidas ou precisar de ajuda.","Female":"Feminino","File":"Ficheiro","File Browser":"Explorador de Arquivos","File Name":"Nome do arquivo","File Size":"Tamanho do Arquivo","Filename":"Nome do arquivo","Files":"Ficheiro","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Arquivos com nomes sequenciais, como \"IMG_1234 (2)\" ou \"IMG_1234 (3)\" pertencem à mesma foto.","Focal Length":"Distância Focal","Folder":"Pasta","Folder contains %{n} files":"A pasta contem %{n} arquivos","Folder is empty":"A pasta está vazia","Folders":"Pastas","Forgot password?":"Esqueceu a senha?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Quadros","Fullscreen":"Ecrã inteiro","Gemstone":"Gemstone","Gender":"Gênero","General":"Geral","Getting Support":"Obtendo apoio","Given Name":"Nome dado","Gold":"Dourado","Grayscale":"Escala de cinza","Green":"Verde","Grey":"Cinza","Hash":"Hashe","Help":"Ajuda","Help & Support":"Ajuda & Suporte","Hidden":"Ocultos","Hidden Files":"Arquivos Ocultos","Hide":"Esconder","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Oculte fotos que foram arquivadas.","High":"Alta","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Faixa dinâmica alta (HDR)","How can we help?":"Como podemos ajudar?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Se isto não ajudar, ou se você tiver outras perguntas:","image":"imagem","Image":"Imagem","Images":"Imagens","Import":"Importar","Import failed":"Falha na importação","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Ficheiros importados serão organizados por data e receberão um nome único para evitar duplicações.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Ficheiros importados serão organizados por data e receberão um nome único.","Importing %{name}…":"Importando %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importando ficheiros para originais…","in":"em","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Além disso, os patrocinadores recebem suporte técnico direto via e-mail.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"No caso de faltarem as fotos que você espera, por favor, faça uma nova digitalização de sua biblioteca e aguarde até que a indexação seja concluída.","Index":"Indexar","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexar e importar arquivos através da interface do usuário.","Indexing":"Indexando","Indexing failed":"Falha ao indexar","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexando ficheiro multimédia e secundários…","Instance ID":"ID da Instância","Interval":"Intervalo","Invalid":"Inválido","Invalid date":"Data inválida","Invalid parameters":"Parâmetros inválidos","Invalid photo selected":"Foto inválida selecionada","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Ele faz uso das mais recentes tecnologias para etiquetar e encontrar imagens automaticamente sem atrapalhar seu caminho.","Item":"Item","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Qualidade JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Tamanho JPEG limite: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"Imagens JPEG e miniaturas são renderizadas automaticamente conforme necessário.","Keywords":"Palavras-chave","Knowledge Base":"Base de Conhecimento","Label":"Etiqueta","Labels":"Etiquetas","Labels deleted":"Etiquetas excluídas","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Preserva detalhes, poucos artefactos","Language":"Idioma","Last Sync":"Última Sincronia","Latitude":"Latitude","Lavender":"Lavanda","Learn more":"Saiba mais","Legal Information":"Informações legais","Lens":"Lente","Library":"Biblioteca","License":"Licença","Like":"Gosto","Lime":"Lima","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limite alcançado, mostrando os primeiros %{n} arquivos","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: Suave, melhor desempenho","Link":"Link","List":"Lista","Live":"Ao vivo","Live Photos":"Fotos ao vivo","Local Time":"Hora Local","location":"localização","Location":"Localização","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Mensagens aparecem aqui sempre que o PhotoPrism encontra arquivos com defeito ou outro potencial problema.","Login":"Entrar","Logout":"Sair","Logs":"Registros","Longitude":"Longitude","Low":"Baixo","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Cor principal","Male":"Masculino","manual":"manual","Manual Upload":"Envio manual","Maps":"Mapas","Marker":"Marcador","Medium":"Médio","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Fundir %{a} com %{b}?","Message sent":"Mensagem enviada","Minimize":"Minimizar","Missing":"Em Falta","Moments":"Momentos","Monochrome":"Monocromático","Month":"Mês","Moonlight":"Luar","More than %{n} pictures found":"Mais do que %{n} fotos encontradas","More than 20 albums found":"Mais de 20 álbuns encontrados","More than 20 labels found":"Mais de 20 etiquetas encontradas","More than 20 people found":"Mais de 20 pessoas encontraram","Mosaic":"Mosaico","Most Relevant":"Mais Relevante","Move Files":"Mover ficheiro","Name":"Nome","Name too long":"Nome muito extenso","Never":"Nunca","New":"Novo","New Password":"Nova senha","Newest First":"Recentes primeiro","No":"Não","No albums found":"Nenhum álbum encontrado","No labels found":"Nenhuma etiqueta encontrada","No people found":"Nenhuma pessoa encontrada","No pictures found":"Nenhuma foto encontrada","No recently edited pictures":"Nenhuma foto editada recentemente","No servers configured.":"Nenhum servidor configurado.","No services configured.":"Nenhum serviço configurado.","No thanks":"Não, obrigado(a)","No video selected":"Nenhum vídeo selecionado","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Nenhum alerta ou erro contendo esta palavra-chave. Note que a pesquisa diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Imagens de baixa qualidade ou não-fotográficas necessitam de revisão antes de aparecerem nos resultados da pesquisa.","None":"Nenhum","Not Found":"Não encontrado","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Note que você pode gerenciar manualmente sua pasta de originais e a importação é opcional.","Note:":"Nota:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Nota: Apenas servidores WebDAV, tais como Nextcloud ou PhotoPrism, podem ser configurados como serviço remoto para envio de ficheiros e cópias de segurança.","Notes":"Notas","Nothing to see here yet.":"Nada para se ver aqui ainda. Seja paciente.","Offline":"Desconectado","Oldest First":"Antigos primeiro","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"No Windows, digite o seguinte recurso no diálogo de conexão:","Once a week":"Uma vez por semana","One album found":"Um álbum encontrado","One file found":"Um ficheiro encontrado","One file uploaded":"Um arquivo carregado","One folder found":"Uma pasta encontrada","One label found":"Um rótulo encontrado","One person found":"Uma pessoa encontrada","One picture found":"Uma foto encontrada","Onyx":"Ônix","Options":"Opções","or ask in our Community Chat":"ou pergunte em nosso Community Chat","Orange":"Laranja","Organization":"Organização","Orientation":"Orientação","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Nomes originais dos arquivos serão armazenados e indexados.","Original Name":"Nome original","Originals":"Originais","Other":"Outro","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Nosso Guia do Usuário também cobre muitos tópicos avançados, tais como migração do Google Photos e configurações de qualidade de miniaturas.","Outdoor":"Ao ar livre","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramas","Password":"Senha","Password changed":"Senha alterada","People":"Pessoas","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Pessoas com as quais partilha um link poderão ver os conteúdos públicos.","Permanently deleted":"Permanentemente excluídas","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Remover ficheiros permanentemente para poupar armazenamento.","Phone":"Telefone","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism foi atualizado…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® é uma aplicação de fotos alimentada por IA para a Web descentralizada.","Photos":"Fotos","Pink":"Rosa","Place":"Lugar","Place & Time":"Lugar & Tempo","Places":"Lugares","Please confirm your new password.":"Por favor, confirme a nova senha.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Por favor, não envie fotos com conteúdo ofensivo.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Por favor, note que a mudança de sua senha fará com que você saia de outros dispositivos e navegadores.","Portrait":"Retrato","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"poste sua pergunta em GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Preservar nomes de ficheiro","Press button to start importing…":"Pressione o botão para começar a importar…","Press button to start indexing…":"Pressione o botão para começar a indexar…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Pressione enter para criar um novo álbum.","Preview":"Pré-visualização","Primary":"Primário","Private":"Privado","Product Feedback":"Opinião sobre o produto","Projection":"Projeção","Purple":"Roxo","Quality Filter":"Filtro de qualidade","Quality Score":"Marcador de qualidade","Random":"Aleatório","Raspberry":"Framboesa","Raw":"RAW","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Conversão RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Reindexe todos originais, incluindo ficheiros já indexados e não modificados.","Read the Docs":"Leia os Documentos","Read-Only Mode":"Modo Somente Leitura","Recently Added":"Adicionado recentemente","Recently Edited":"Editado Recentemente","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"O reconhecimento começa após a indexação ter sido concluída.","Recognized":"Reconhecido","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Reconhece rostos para que pessoas específicas possam ser encontradas.","Red":"Vermelho","Reload":"Recarregar","Reloading…":"Recarregando…","Remote Sync":"Sincronização remota","Remove":"Remover","remove failed: unknown album":"remoção falhou: álbum desconhecido","Remove from album":"Remover do álbum","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Remover ficheiros já importados ao armazenamento. Tipos de ficheiros não suportados nunca serão apagados, eles continuam na localização atual.","Request failed - invalid response":"Solicitação falhou - resposta inválida","Required":"Mandatório","Resolution":"Resolução","Restore":"Restaurar","Retry Limit":"Limite de Tentativa","Retype Password":"Re-insira a senha","Review":"Rever","Satellite":"Satélite","Save":"Guardar","Scan":"Pesquisar","Scans":"Pesquisas","Search":"Pesquisar","Search and display photos on a map.":"Pesquisar e mostrar fotos num mapa.","Season":"Estação","Secret":"Segredo","Security and Access":"Segurança e acesso","Select":"Selecionar","Select albums or create a new one":"Selecione álbuns ou crie um novo","Selection approved":"Seleção aprovada","Selection archived":"Seleção arquivada","Selection restored":"Seleção restaurada","Send":"Enviar","Sequential Name":"Nome sequencial","Service URL":"URL do serviço","Services":"Serviços","Settings":"Configurações","Settings saved":"Configurações salvas","Setup":"Configuração","Shadow":"Sombra","Share":"Partilhar","Share %{name}":"Partilhar %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Compartilhe suas fotos com outros aplicativos e serviços.","Show":"Mostrar","Show all new faces":"Mostrar todos os rostos novos","Show hidden":"Mostrar oculto","Show less":"Mostrar menos","Show more":"Mostrar mais","Show server logs in Library.":"Mostrar registros do servidor na Biblioteca.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Mostra mensagens de registro mais detalhadas. Requer um reinício.","Sidecar":"Secundários","Sign in":"Entrar","Sign Up":"Registar","Similar":"Semelhante","Size":"Tamanho","Slow":"Lento","Sort Order":"Ordem de classificação","Source":"Fonte","Stack":"Pilhas","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Empilhar ficheiros com a mesma imagem única ou identificador de instância.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Empilhar fotos tiradas na mesma hora e local conforme os metadados.","Stackable":"Empilhável","Stacks":"Pilhas","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Empilhar grupos de arquivos com moldura de referência similar, porém qualidade, formato, tamanho e cores diferentes.","Start":"Iniciar","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Iniciar/Parar Apresentação","States":"Estados","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Tamanho estático limite: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Armazenamento","Streets":"Ruas","Subject":"Assunto","Successfully Connected":"Conectado com sucesso","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Suporte para serviços adicionais, como Google Drive, serão adicionados oportunamente.","Sync":"Sincronizar","Sync raw and video files":"Sincronizar ficheiros RAW e vídeos","Taken":"Tirado","Teal":"Azul marinho","Text too long":"Texto muito longo","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"O índice atualmente contém %{n} ficheiros ocultos.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"O formato delas não é suportado, não foram convertidas para JPEG ainda ou existe duplicação.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Isto monta a pasta de originais como um dispositivo de rede e permite que abra, edite e apague ficheiros a partir do seu computador ou telemóvel como se fossem locais.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Isto monta a pasta de originais como um dispositivo de rede e permite que abra, edite e apague ficheiros a partir do seu computador ou telemóvel como se fossem locais.","Thumbnail Generation":"Geração de miniaturas","Time UTC":"Horário UTC","Time Zone":"Fuso Horário","Timeout":"Tempo esgotado","Title":"Título","Title / Position":"Título / Posição","Title too long":"Título muito longo","Toggle View":"Trocar visualização","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topográfico","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Listas de verificação para solução de problemas","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Tente novamente usando outros filtros ou palavras-chave.","Type":"Tipo","Undo":"Desfazer","Unique ID":"ID único","Unknown":"Desconhecido","Unregistered":"Não registrado","Unsorted":"Não classificado","Unstack":"Desempilhar","Updated":"Atualizado","Updating faces":"Atualização de rostos","Updating index":"Atualizando o índice","Updating moments":"Atualizando momentos","Updating picture…":"Atualizando a imagem..","Updating previews":"Atualização de previsões","Updating stacks":"Atualizando pilhas","Upload":"Enviar","Upload complete":"Envio finalizado","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Envio finalizado. Indexando…","Upload failed":"Envio falhou","Upload local files":"Enviar ficheiros locais","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Enviar para WebDAV e partilhar links com amigos.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Enviando %{n} de %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Enviando fotos…","Uploading…":"A carregar.","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Envios que possam conter tais imagens serão rejeitados automaticamente.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Usar pré-definições","User":"Utilizador","User Guide":"Guia do Usuário","User Interface":"Interface de utilizador","Username":"Nome de utilizador","Vanta":"Vantagem","Verified":"Verificado","Video":"Vídeo","Video Duration":"Duração Vídeo","Videos":"Vídeos","View":"Visualização","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Visite docs.photoprism.app/user-guide para aprender a sincronizar, organizar, e partilhar as suas fotografias.","Visual Similarity":"Similaridade visual","We appreciate your feedback!":"Agradecemos seu feedback!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Fazemos nosso melhor para responder dentro de cinco dias úteis ou menos.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Faremos o nosso melhor para responder a todas as suas perguntas. Em troca, pedimos que nos apoie com Patrocinadores Patreon ou GitHub.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Clientes WebDAV podem conectar-se ao PhotoPrism usando o seguinte endereço:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Clientes WebDAV, com o explorador do Windows ou do MacOS, pode conectar-se diretamente com o PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Envio WebDAV","Website":"Site","White":"Branco","Work Details":"Detalhes do trabalho","Year":"Ano","Yellow":"Amarelo","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Sim","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"você é bem-vindo para se juntar a nós na Reddit","You can only download one album":"Pode descarregar apenas um álbum","You can only download one label":"Pode descarregar apenas uma etiqueta","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Você pode executá-lo em casa, em um servidor privado, ou na nuvem.","You may only select one item":"Pode descarregar apenas um item","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Você pode voltar a digitalizar sua biblioteca para encontrar rostos adicionais.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Seu apoio contínuo nos ajuda a fornecer atualizações regulares e a permanecer independentes, para que possamos cumprir nossa missão e proteger sua privacidade.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Sua biblioteca é continuamente analisada para criar automaticamente álbuns de momentos, viagens e lugares especiais.","Zoom in/out":"Aproximar/Afastar"},"pt_BR":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} álbuns encontrados","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} arquivos enviados","%{n} folders found":"%{n} pastas encontradas","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etiquetas encontradas","%{n} people found":"%{n} pessoas encontradas","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} fotos encontradas","1 hour":"1 hora","12 hours":"12 horas","4 hours":"4 horas","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Um clique copiará para sua área de transferência.","About":"Sobre","Abyss":"Abismo","Account":"Conta","Accuracy":"Precisão","Action":"Ação","Actions":"Ações","Add Account":"Adicionar conta","Add Album":"Adicionar Álbum","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Adicionar arquivos à sua biblioteca via Web Upload.","Add Link":"Adicionar Link","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Adicione fotos dos resultados da busca selecionando-as.","Add to album":"Adicionar ao álbum","Added":"Adicionado","Advanced":"Avançado","After 1 day":"Depois de 1 dia","After 3 days":"Depois de 3 dias","After 7 days":"Depois de 7 dias","After one month":"Depois de um mês","After one year":"Depois de um ano","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Após selecionar as fotos dos resultados da busca, você pode adicioná-las a um álbum usando o menu de contexto.","After two months":"Depois de dois meses","After two weeks":"Depois de duas semanas","Album":"Álbum","Album Name":"Nome do Álbum","Albums":"Álbuns","Albums deleted":"Álbuns excluídos","All %{n} albums loaded":"Todos os %{n} álbuns foram carregados","All %{n} labels loaded":"Todas as %{n} etiquetas foram carregadas","All %{n} people loaded":"Todas as pessoas %{n} carregadas","All Cameras":"Todas as Câmeras","All Categories":"Todas as Categorias","All Colors":"Todas as Cores","All Countries":"Todos os Países","All fields are required":"Todos os campos são necessários","All files from import folder":"Todos os arquivos da pasta importada","All Lenses":"Todas as Lentes","All Months":"Todos os Meses","All originals":"Todos os Originais","All Years":"Todos os Anos","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Como alternativa, você pode enviar arquivos diretamente para servidores WebDAV, como Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Altitude","Altitude (m)":"Altitude (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Ocorreu um erro - você está conectado à internet?","Animated":"Animado","Animation":"Animação","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Qualquer foto ou vídeo privado continuará privado e não será compartilhado.","API Key":"Chave API","Apply":"Aplicar","Approve":"Aprovar","Archive":"Arquivo","Archived":"Arquivado","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Você tem certeza que deseja arquivar a seleção?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Você tem certeza que deseja excluir esses álbuns?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Você tem certeza que deseja excluir essas etiquetas?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Você tem certeza que deseja excluir essa conta?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Você tem certeza que deseja permanentemente excluir estas imagens?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Você tem certeza que deseja permanentemente excluir este arquivo?","Are you sure?":"Você tem certeza?","Artist":"Artista","Aspect Ratio":"Proporção da Tela","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Criar arquivos JPEG automaticamente para outros tipos de arquivo para que eles possam se exibidos num navegador.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Cria automaticamente álbuns de momentos, viagens e lugares especiais.","Basic":"Básico","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Antes de enviar uma solicitação de suporte, use nossas listas de verificação de solução de problemas para determinar a causa de seu problema.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Sendo 100% self-fundados e independentes, podemos prometer que nunca venderemos seus dados e que seremos sempre transparentes sobre nossos softwares e serviços.","Bio":"Biografia","Birth Date":"Data de Nascimento","Black":"Preto","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Modificação do Lanczos, resulta em menos artefatos","Blue":"Azul","Brown":"Marrom","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Navegar e editar as etiquetas de classificação da imagem.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Navegar pelos arquivos e pastas indexadas na Biblioteca.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Navegue na Base de Conhecimento para informações detalhadas sobre características específicas do produto, serviços e recursos relacionados.","Bug Report":"Relatar erro","Busy, please wait…":"Ocupado, por favor espere…","Calendar":"Calendário","Camera":"Câmera","Camera Serial":"Série da Câmera","Can't load more, limit reached":"Não é possível carregar mais, limite alcançado","Can't select more items":"Não é possível selecionar mais itens","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cards":"Cartões","Category":"Categoria","Change Avatar":"Mudar Avatar","Change Password":"Alterar Senha","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Mudar o perfil pessoal e as configurações de segurança.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Mudar títulos, localizações e outros dados das fotos.","Change private flag":"Mudar marcação como privado","Changes successfully saved":"As mudanças foram salvas com sucesso","Checked":"Checado","Chroma":"Croma","Close":"Fechar","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Cor","Color Profile":"Perfil da cor","Colors":"Cores","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Problemas comuns podem ser rapidamente diagnosticados e resolvidos usando as listas de verificação de solução de problemas que fornecemos.","Complete Rescan":"Escanear completamente novamente","Confidence":"Certeza","Connect":"Conectar","Connect via WebDAV":"Conectar via WebDAV","Connected":"Conectado","Contact Details":"Detalhes do contato","Contact Us":"Entrar em contato","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Contém %{n} imagens.","Contains one picture.":"Contém uma foto.","Convert to JPEG":"Converter para JPEG","Converting":"Convertendo","Copied to clipboard":"Copiado para a área de transferência de texto","Copyright":"Direitos Autorais","Couldn't find anything.":"Não foi possível encontrar nada.","Country":"País","Create album":"Criar álbum","Created":"Criado","Creating thumbnails for":"Criando miniaturas para","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: Qualidade razoável, bom desempenho","Current Password":"Senha Atual","Customer Support":"Suporte ao cliente","Cyan":"Ciano","Cyano":"Ciano","Daily":"Diariamente","Day":"Dia","Debug Logs":"Registros de depuração","Default":"Padrão","Default Folder":"Pasta Padrão","Delete":"Excluir","Description":"Descrição","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Instruções detalhadas podem ser encontradas no nosso Guia de Usuário.","Details":"Detalhes","Dimensions":"Dimensões","Disable Backups":"Desativar Cópias de Segurança","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Desativa servidor WebDAV embutido. Requer reinicialização.","Disable Darktable":"Desativar Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Desativar ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Desativar FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Desativar Lugares","Disable RawTherapee":"Desativar RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Desativar TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Desativar WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Desativa geocodificação reversa e mapas.","Discover":"Descobrir","Display Name":"Nome de Exibição","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Não fazer respaldo dos metadados de fotos e álbuns nos arquivos YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Não criar arquivos JSON ExifTool que melhoram a extração de metadados.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Não modificar a pasta de originais. Desativa importação, envio e remoção.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Não transcodifique vídeos com FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Não use o Darktable para converter arquivos RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Não use RawTherapee para converter arquivos RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Não usar TensorFlow para classificação de imagens.","Donations":"Doações","Done":"Concluído","Done.":"Concluído.","Download":"Baixar","Download remote files":"Baixar arquivos remotos","Download single files and zip archives.":"Baixar arquivos individuais e zip.","Downloading…":"Baixando…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtro de redimensionamento","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Devido ao alto volume de e-mails que recebemos, nossa equipe pode não conseguir responder-lhe imediatamente.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplicatas serão puladas e só aparecerão uma vez.","Duration":"Duração","Dynamic Previews":"Amostras dinâmicas","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Geração dinâmica requer um servidor poderoso. Não recomendado para dispositivos NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Tamanho dinâmico limite: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Email","Edit":"Editar","Edit %{name}":"Editar %{name}","Edit Account":"Editar Conta","Edit Photo":"Editar Foto","Edited":"Editado","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-mail","Enable new features currently under development.":"Habilitar funcionalidades atualmente em desenvolvimento.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Permite predefinições de conversores RAW. Pode reduzir o desempenho.","Errors":"Erros","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Estima a localização aproximada das imagens sem coordenadas.","Estimates":"Estimativas","Every two days":"A cada dois dias","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Excluir conteúdo marcado como privado dos resultados da busca, álbuns compartilhados, etiquetas e locais.","Exclude hidden":"Excluir oculto","Expand":"Expandir","Expand Search":"Expandir Busca","Experimental Features":"Funcionalidades experimentais","Expires":"Expira","Exposure":"Exposição","F Number":"Razão focal","Face":"Rosto","Faces":"Rostos","Failed copying to clipboard":"Falha ao copiar para a área de transferência de texto","Failed removing link":"Falha ao remover o link","Failed updating link":"Falha ao atualizar o link","Family Name":"Nome de família","Fast":"Rápido","Favorite":"Favorito","Favorites":"Favoritos","Feature Request":"Solicitar funcionalidade","Feed":"Feed","Feedback":"Dê sua opinião","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Por favor, entre em contato via hello@photoprism.app se você tiver dúvidas ou precisar de ajuda.","Female":"Feminino","File":"Arquivo","File Browser":"Explorador de Arquivos","File Name":"Nome do arquivo","File Size":"Tamanho do Arquivo","Filename":"Nome do arquivo","Files":"Arquivos","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Arquivos com nomes sequenciais, como \"IMG_1234 (2)\" ou \"IMG_1234 (3)\" pertencem à mesma foto.","Focal Length":"Distância Focal","Folder":"Pasta","Folder contains %{n} files":"A pasta contem %{n} arquivos","Folder is empty":"A pasta está vazia","Folders":"Pastas","Forgot password?":"Esqueceu a senha?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Quadros","Fullscreen":"Tela Cheia","Gemstone":"Gema","Gender":"Gênero","General":"Geral","Getting Support":"Obtendo apoio","Given Name":"Nome dado","Gold":"Dourado","Grayscale":"Escala de cinza","Green":"Verde","Grey":"Cinza","Hash":"Hashe","Help":"Ajuda","Help & Support":"Ajuda & Suporte","Hidden":"Ocultos","Hidden Files":"Arquivos Ocultos","Hide":"Esconder","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Oculte fotos que foram arquivadas.","High":"Alta","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Faixa dinâmica alta (HDR)","How can we help?":"Como podemos ajudar?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Se isto não ajudar, ou se você tiver outras perguntas:","image":"imagem","Image":"Imagem","Images":"Imagens","Import":"Importar","Import failed":"Falha na importação","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Arquivos importados serão organizados por data e receberão um nome único para evitar duplicatas.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Arquivos importados serão organizados por data e receberão um nome único.","Importing %{name}…":"Importando %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importando arquivos para originais…","in":"em","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Além disso, os patrocinadores recebem suporte técnico direto via e-mail.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"No caso de faltarem as fotos que você espera, por favor, faça uma nova digitalização de sua biblioteca e aguarde até que a indexação seja concluída.","Index":"Indexar","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexar e importar arquivos através da interface do usuário.","Indexing":"Indexando","Indexing failed":"Falha ao indexar","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexando arquivos de mídia e secundários…","Instance ID":"ID da Instância","Interval":"Intervalo","Invalid":"Inválido","Invalid date":"Data inválida","Invalid parameters":"Parâmetros inválidos","Invalid photo selected":"Foto inválida selecionada","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Ele faz uso das mais recentes tecnologias para etiquetar e encontrar imagens automaticamente sem atrapalhar seu caminho.","Item":"Item","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Qualidade JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Tamanho JPEG limite: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"Imagens JPEG e miniaturas são renderizadas automaticamente conforme necessário.","Keywords":"Palavras-chave","Knowledge Base":"Base de Conhecimento","Label":"Etiqueta","Labels":"Etiquetas","Labels deleted":"Etiquetas excluídas","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Preserva detalhes, poucos artefatos","Language":"Idioma","Last Sync":"Última Sincronia","Latitude":"Latitude","Lavender":"Lavanda","Learn more":"Saiba mais","Legal Information":"Informações legais","Lens":"Lente","Library":"Biblioteca","License":"Licença","Like":"Gostar","Lime":"Lima","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limite alcançado, mostrando os primeiros %{n} arquivos","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: Suave, melhor desempenho","Link":"Link","List":"Lista","Live":"Ao vivo","Live Photos":"Fotos ao vivo","Local Time":"Hora Local","location":"localização","Location":"Localização","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Mensagens aparecem aqui sempre que o PhotoPrism encontra arquivos defeituosos ou existe a possibilidade de outros problemas.","Login":"Entrar","Logout":"Sair","Logs":"Registros","Longitude":"Longitute","Low":"Baixo","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Cor principal","Male":"Masculino","manual":"manual","Manual Upload":"Envio manual","Maps":"Mapas","Marker":"Marcador","Medium":"Médio","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Fundir %{a} com %{b}?","Message sent":"Mensagem enviada","Minimize":"Minimizar","Missing":"Faltando","Moments":"Momentos","Monochrome":"Monocromático","Month":"Mês","Moonlight":"Luar","More than %{n} pictures found":"Mais do que %{n} fotos encontradas","More than 20 albums found":"Mais de 20 álbuns encontrados","More than 20 labels found":"Mais de 20 etiquetas encontradas","More than 20 people found":"Mais de 20 pessoas encontraram","Mosaic":"Mosáico","Most Relevant":"Mais Relevante","Move Files":"Mover arquivos","Name":"Nome","Name too long":"Nome muito extenso","Never":"Nunca","New":"Novo","New Password":"Nova senha","Newest First":"Recentes primeiro","No":"Não","No albums found":"Nenhum álbum encontrado","No labels found":"Nenhuma etiqueta encontrada","No people found":"Nenhuma pessoa encontrada","No pictures found":"Nenhuma foto encontrada","No recently edited pictures":"Nenhuma foto editada recentemente","No servers configured.":"Nenhum servidor configurado.","No services configured.":"Nenhum serviço configurado.","No thanks":"Não, obrigado(a)","No video selected":"Nenhum vídeo selecionado","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Nenhum alerta ou erro contento esta palavra-chave. Note que a busca diferencia maiúsculas de minísculas.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Imagens de baixa qualidade ou não-fotográficas necessitam de revisão antes de aparecerem nos resultados de busca.","None":"Nenhum","Not Found":"Não encontrado","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Note que você pode gerenciar manualmente sua pasta de originais e a importação é opcional.","Note:":"Nota:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Nota: Apenas servidores WebDAV, tais como Nextcloud ou PhotoPrism, podem ser configurados como serviço remoto para envio de arquivos e cópias de segurança.","Notes":"Notas","Nothing to see here yet.":"Nada para se ver aqui ainda. Seja paciente.","Offline":"Desconectado","Oldest First":"Antigos primeiro","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"No Windows, digite o seguinte recurso no diálogo de conexão:","Once a week":"Uma vez por semana","One album found":"Um álbum encontrado","One file found":"Um arquivo encontrado","One file uploaded":"Um arquivo carregado","One folder found":"Uma pasta encontrada","One label found":"Um rótulo encontrado","One person found":"Uma pessoa encontrada","One picture found":"Uma foto encontrada","Onyx":"Ônix","Options":"Opções","or ask in our Community Chat":"ou pergunte em nosso Community Chat","Orange":"Laranjado","Organization":"Organização","Orientation":"Orientação","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Nomes originais dos arquivos serão armazenados e indexados.","Original Name":"Nome original","Originals":"Originais","Other":"Outro","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Nosso Guia do Usuário também cobre muitos tópicos avançados, tais como migração do Google Photos e configurações de qualidade de miniaturas.","Outdoor":"Ao ar livre","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramas","Password":"Senha","Password changed":"Senha alterada","People":"Pessoas","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Pessoas com as quais você compartilha um link poderão ver os conteúdos públicos.","Permanently deleted":"Permanentemente excluídas","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Remover arquivos permanentemente para poupar armazenamento.","Phone":"Telefone","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism foi atualizado…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"O PhotoPrism® é um aplicativo de fotos para a Web descentralizada.","Photos":"Fotos","Pink":"Rosa","Place":"Lugar","Place & Time":"Lugar & Tempo","Places":"Lugares","Please confirm your new password.":"Por favor, confirme sua nova senha.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Por favor, não envie fotos com conteúdo ofensivo.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Por favor, note que a mudança de sua senha fará com que você saia de outros dispositivos e navegadores.","Portrait":"Retrato","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"poste sua pergunta em GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Preservar nomes de arquivo","Press button to start importing…":"Pressione o botão para começar a importar…","Press button to start indexing…":"Pressione o botão para começar a indexar…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Pressione enter para criar um novo álbum.","Preview":"Pré-visualização","Primary":"Primário","Private":"Privado","Product Feedback":"Opinião sobre o produto","Projection":"Projeção","Purple":"Roxo","Quality Filter":"Filtro de qualidade","Quality Score":"Marcador de qualidade","Random":"Aleatório","Raspberry":"Framboesa","Raw":"RAW","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Conversão RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Reindexe todos originais, incluindo arquivos já indexados e não modificados.","Read the Docs":"Leia os Documentos","Read-Only Mode":"Modo Somente Leitura","Recently Added":"Adicionado recentemente","Recently Edited":"Editado Recentemente","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"O reconhecimento começa após a indexação ter sido concluída.","Recognized":"Reconhecido","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Reconhece rostos para que pessoas específicas possam ser encontradas.","Red":"Vermelho","Reload":"Recarregar","Reloading…":"Recarregando…","Remote Sync":"Sincronização remota","Remove":"Remover","remove failed: unknown album":"remoção falhou: álbum desconhecido","Remove from album":"Remover do álbum","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Remover arquivos já importados ao armazenamento. Tipos de arquivo não suportados nunca serão apagados, eles continuam na sua localização atual.","Request failed - invalid response":"Solicitação falhou - resposta inválida","Required":"Necessário","Resolution":"Resolução","Restore":"Restaurar","Retry Limit":"Limite de Tentativa","Retype Password":"Reinsira a senha","Review":"Revisar","Satellite":"Satélite","Save":"Salvar","Scan":"Buscar","Scans":"Buscas","Search":"Pesquisar","Search and display photos on a map.":"Pesquisar e mostrar fotos num mapa.","Season":"Estação","Secret":"Segredo","Security and Access":"Segurança e acesso","Select":"Selecionar","Select albums or create a new one":"Selecione álbuns ou crie um novo","Selection approved":"Seleção aprovada","Selection archived":"Seleção arquivada","Selection restored":"Seleção restaurada","Send":"Enviar","Sequential Name":"Nome sequencial","Service URL":"URL do serviço","Services":"Serviços","Settings":"Configurações","Settings saved":"Configurações salvas","Setup":"Configurar","Shadow":"Sombra","Share":"Compartilhar","Share %{name}":"Compartilhar %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Compartilhe suas fotos com outros aplicativos e serviços.","Show":"Mostrar","Show all new faces":"Mostrar todos os rostos novos","Show hidden":"Mostrar oculto","Show less":"Mostrar menos","Show more":"Mostrar mais","Show server logs in Library.":"Mostrar registros do servidor na Biblioteca.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Mostra mensagens de registro mais detalhadas. Requer um reinício.","Sidecar":"Secundários","Sign in":"Entrar","Sign Up":"Cadastrar","Similar":"Semelhante","Size":"Tamanho","Slow":"Lento","Sort Order":"Ordem de classificação","Source":"Fonte","Stack":"Pilhas","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Empilhar arquivos com a mesma imagem única ou identificador de instância.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Empilhar fotos tiradas na mesma hora e local conforme os metadados.","Stackable":"Empilhável","Stacks":"Pilhas","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Empilhar grupos de arquivos com moldura de referência similar, porém qualidade, formato, tamanho e cores diferentes.","Start":"Iniciar","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Iniciar/Parar Apresentação","States":"Estados","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Tamanho estático limite: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Armazenamento","Streets":"Ruas","Subject":"Assunto","Successfully Connected":"Conectado com sucesso","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Suporte para serviços adicionais, como Google Drive, serão adicionados oportunamente.","Sync":"Sincronizar","Sync raw and video files":"Sincronizar imagens e vídeos RAW","Taken":"Tirado","Teal":"Azul marinho","Text too long":"Texto muito longo","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"O índice atualmente contém %{n} arquivos ocultos.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"O formato delas não é suportado, elas não foram convertidas para JPEG ainda ou existe duplicação.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Isto monta a pasta de originais como um dispositivo de rede e permite que você abra, edite e apague arquivos a partir do seu computador ou celular como se fosses locais.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Isto monta a pasta de originais como um dispositivo de rede e permite que você abra, edite e apague arquivos a partir do seu computador ou celular como se fosses locais.","Thumbnail Generation":"Geração de amostras","Time UTC":"Horário UTC","Time Zone":"Fuzo Horário","Timeout":"Tempo esgotado","Title":"Título","Title / Position":"Título / Posição","Title too long":"Título muito longo","Toggle View":"Trocar visualização","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topográfico","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Listas de verificação para solução de problemas","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Tente novamente usando outros filtros ou palavras-chave.","Type":"Tipo","Undo":"Desfazer","Unique ID":"ID único","Unknown":"Desconhecido","Unregistered":"Não registrado","Unsorted":"Não classificado","Unstack":"Desempilhar","Updated":"Atualizado","Updating faces":"Atualização de rostos","Updating index":"Atualizando índice","Updating moments":"Atualizando momentos","Updating picture…":"Atualizando a imagem..","Updating previews":"Atualização de visualizações","Updating stacks":"Atualizando pilhas","Upload":"Enviar","Upload complete":"Envio finalizado","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Envio finalizado. Indexando…","Upload failed":"Envio falhou","Upload local files":"Enviar arquivos locais","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Enviar para WebDAV e compartilhar links com amigos.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Enviando %{n} de %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Enviando fotos…","Uploading…":"A carregar.","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Envios que possam conter tais imagens serão rejeitados automaticamente.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Usar pré-definições","User":"Usuário","User Guide":"Guia do Usuário","User Interface":"Interface de usuário","Username":"Nome de usuário","Vanta":"Vantagem","Verified":"Verificado","Video":"Vídeo","Video Duration":"Duração Vídeo","Videos":"Vídeos","View":"Visualização","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Visite docs.photoprism.app/user-guide para aprender como sincronizar, organizar e compartilhar suas fotos.","Visual Similarity":"Similaridade visual","We appreciate your feedback!":"Agradecemos seu feedback!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Fazemos nosso melhor para responder dentro de cinco dias úteis ou menos.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Faremos o nosso melhor para responder a todas as suas perguntas. Em troca, pedimos que nos apoie com Patrocinadores Patreon ou GitHub.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Clientes WebDAV podem se conectar ao PhotoPrism usando a seguinte URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Clientes WebDAV, como Windows Explorer e o Finder da Apple, podem se conectar diretamente com o PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Envio WebDAV","Website":"Site","White":"Branco","Work Details":"Detalhes do trabalho","Year":"Ano","Yellow":"Amarelo","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Sim","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"você é bem-vindo para se juntar a nós na Reddit","You can only download one album":"Você pode baixar apenas um álbum","You can only download one label":"Você pode baixar apenas uma etiqueta","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Você pode executá-lo em casa, em um servidor privado, ou na nuvem.","You may only select one item":"Você pode selecionar apenas um item","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Você pode voltar a digitalizar sua biblioteca para encontrar rostos adicionais.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Seu apoio contínuo nos ajuda a fornecer atualizações regulares e a permanecer independentes, para que possamos cumprir nossa missão e proteger sua privacidade.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Sua biblioteca é continuamente analisada para criar automaticamente álbuns de momentos, viagens e lugares especiais.","Zoom in/out":"Aproximar/Afastar"},"ro":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} albume găsite","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} fișiere încărcate","%{n} folders found":"%{n} foldere găsite","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etichete găsite","%{n} people found":"%{n} persoane găsite","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} imagini găsite","1 hour":"1 oră","12 hours":"12 ore","4 hours":"4 ore","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Un clic îl va copia în clipboard.","About":"Despre","Abyss":"Abisul","Account":"Cont","Accuracy":"Precizie","Action":"Acțiune","Actions":"Acțiuni","Add Account":"Adaugă cont","Add Album":"Adaugă album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Adăugați fișiere la biblioteca dvs. prin încărcare web.","Add Link":"Adăugați un link","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Adăugați imagini din rezultatele căutării prin selectarea lor.","Add to album":"Adaugă la album","Added":"Adăugat","Advanced":"Avansat","After 1 day":"După 1 zi","After 3 days":"După 3 zile","After 7 days":"După 7 zile","After one month":"După o lună","After one year":"După un an","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"După selectarea imaginilor din rezultatele căutării, le puteți adăuga la un album utilizând meniul contextual.","After two months":"După două luni","After two weeks":"După două săptămâni","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Numele albumului","Albums":"Albume","Albums deleted":"Albume șterse","All %{n} albums loaded":"Toate albumele %{n} încărcate","All %{n} labels loaded":"Toate etichetele %{n} încărcate","All %{n} people loaded":"Toate %{n} persoane încărcate","All Cameras":"Toate camerele de luat vederi","All Categories":"Toate categoriile","All Colors":"Toate culorile","All Countries":"Toate țările","All fields are required":"Toate câmpurile sunt obligatorii","All files from import folder":"Toate fișierele din dosarul de import","All Lenses":"Toate lentilele","All Months":"Toate lunile","All originals":"Toate originalele","All Years":"Toți anii","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativ, puteți încărca fișiere direct pe servere WebDAV, cum ar fi Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Altitudine","Altitude (m)":"Altitudine (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"A apărut o eroare - sunteți offline?","Animated":"Animat","Animation":"Animație","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Orice fotografii și videoclipuri private rămân private și nu vor fi partajate.","API Key":"Cheie API","Apply":"Aplicați","Approve":"Aprobarea","Archive":"Arhiva","Archived":"Arhivat","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Sunteți sigur că doriți să arhivați selecția?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Sunteți sigur că doriți să ștergeți aceste albume?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Sunteți sigur că doriți să ștergeți aceste etichete?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Sunteți sigur că doriți să ștergeți acest cont?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Sunteți sigur că doriți să ștergeți definitiv aceste imagini?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Sunteți sigur că doriți să ștergeți definitiv acest fișier?","Are you sure?":"Esti sigur?","Artist":"Artist","Aspect Ratio":"Raportul de aspect","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Creați automat fișiere JPEG pentru alte tipuri de fișiere, astfel încât acestea să poată fi afișate într-un browser.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Creează automat albume cu momente, călătorii și locuri speciale.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Înainte de a trimite o solicitare de asistență, vă rugăm să utilizați listele noastre de verificare pentru depanare pentru a determina cauza problemei dumneavoastră.","Bio":"Bio","Birth Date":"Data nașterii","Black":"Negru","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: modificarea Lanczos, mai puține artefacte care sună","Blue":"Albastru","Brown":"Maro","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Răsfoiți și editați etichetele de clasificare a imaginilor.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Răsfoiți fișierele și folderele indexate din Bibliotecă.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Răsfoiți baza de cunoștințe pentru informații detaliate despre caracteristicile specifice ale produsului, serviciile și resursele conexe","Bug Report":"Raport de eroare","Busy, please wait…":"Ocupat, vă rugăm să așteptați…","Calendar":"Calendar","Camera":"Camera","Camera Serial":"Numărul de serie a Camerei","Can't load more, limit reached":"Nu se poate încărca mai mult, limita a fost atinsă","Can't select more items":"Nu se pot selecta mai multe articole","Cancel":"Anulează","Cards":"Cărți","Category":"Categoria","Change Password":"Schimbă parola","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Modificați profilul personal și setările de securitate.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Modificați titlurile fotografiilor, locațiile și alte metadate.","Change private flag":"Schimbarea steagului privat","Changes successfully saved":"Modificări salvate cu succes","Checked":"Verificat","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Închideți","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Culoare","Color Profile":"Profil de culoare","Colors":"Culori","Complete Rescan":"Rescanare completă","Confidence":"Încredere","Connect":"Conectați-vă","Connect via WebDAV":"Conectare prin WebDAV","Connected":"Conectat","Contact Details":"Detalii de contact","Contact Us":"Contactați-ne","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Conține %{n} imagini.","Contains one picture.":"Conține o imagine.","Convert to JPEG":"Conversia în JPEG","Converting":"Conversia","Copied to clipboard":"Copiat în clipboard","Copyright":"Drepturi de autor","Couldn't find anything.":"Nu sa putut găsi nimic.","Country":"Țara","Create album":"Creați un album","Created":"Creat","Creating thumbnails for":"Crearea de miniaturi pentru","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: Calitate moderată, performanță bună","Current Password":"Parola curentă","Customer Support":"Asistență pentru clienți","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Zilnic","Day":"Ziua","Debug Logs":"Jurnalele de depanare","Default":"Implicit","Default Folder":"Dosar implicit","Delete":"Ștergeți","Description":"Descriere","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Instrucțiuni detaliate pot fi găsite în Ghidul utilizatorului.","Details":"Detalii","Dimensions":"Dimensiuni","Disable Backups":"Dezactivați copiile de rezervă","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Dezactivați serverul WebDAV încorporat. Necesită o repornire.","Disable Darktable":"Dezactivați Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Dezactivați ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Dezactivați FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Dezactivați locurile","Disable RawTherapee":"Dezactivați RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Dezactivați TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Dezactivați WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Dezactivează geocodarea inversă și hărțile.","Discover":"Descoperiți","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Nu faceți copii de rezervă a metadatelor fotografiilor și albumelor în fișiere YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Nu creați fișiere ExifTool JSON pentru o mai bună extragere a metadatelor.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Nu modificați dosarul originalelor. Dezactivează importul, încărcarea și ștergerea.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Nu transcodați videoclipuri cu FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Nu utilizați Darktable pentru a converti fișiere RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Nu utilizați RawTherapee pentru a converti fișiere RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Nu utilizați TensorFlow pentru clasificarea imaginilor.","Donations":"Donații","Done":"Realizat","Done.":"S-a făcut.","Download":"Descărcați","Download remote files":"Descărcarea fișierelor de la distanță","Download single files and zip archives.":"Descărcați fișiere individuale și arhive zip.","Downloading…":"Descărcarea…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtru de reducere a scării","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Dublurile vor fi omise și vor apărea doar o singură dată.","Duration":"Durata","Dynamic Previews":"Previziuni dinamice","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Redarea dinamică necesită un server puternic. Nu este recomandată pentru dispozitivele NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limita dimensiunii dinamice: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-mail","Edit":"Editați","Edit %{name}":"Editează %{name}","Edit Account":"Editare cont","Edit Photo":"Editare fotografie","Edited":"Editat","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"Activați noi caracteristici aflate în curs de dezvoltare.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Activează presetările convertorului RAW. Poate reduce performanța.","Errors":"Erori","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Estimați locația aproximativă a imaginilor fără coordonate.","Estimates":"Estimări","Every two days":"La fiecare două zile","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Excludeți conținutul marcat ca fiind privat din rezultatele căutării, albumele partajate, etichetele și locații.","Exclude hidden":"Excludeți ascunse","Expand":"Extinde","Expand Search":"Extindeți căutarea","Experimental Features":"Caracteristici experimentale","Expires":"Expiră","Exposure":"Expunere","F Number":"Numărul F","Face":"Față","Faces":"Fețe","Failed copying to clipboard":"Copiere eșuată în clipboard","Failed removing link":"Nu s-a eliminat linkul","Failed updating link":"Nu s-a putut actualiza linkul","Fast":"Rapid","Favorite":"Favorit","Favorites":"Favorite","Feature Request":"Cerere de caracteristici","Feedback":"Părere","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Nu ezitați să ne contactați la hello@photoprism.app dacă aveți întrebări.","File":"Fișier","File Browser":"Browser de fișiere","Filename":"Nume fisier","Files":"Fișiere","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Fișierele cu nume secvențiale, cum ar fi 'IMG_1234 (2)' și 'IMG_1234 (3)' aparțin aceleiași imagini.","Focal Length":"Distanța focală","Folder":"Dosar","Folder contains %{n} files":"Folderul conține %{n} fișiere","Folder is empty":"Folderul este gol","Folders":"Foldere","Forgot password?":"Ați uitat parola?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Cadre","Fullscreen":"Ecran complet","Gemstone":"Piatră prețioasă","General":"General","Getting Support":"Obținerea de asistență","Gold":"Auriu","Grayscale":"Scara tonurilor de gri","Green":"Verde","Grey":"Gri","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Ajutor","Help & Support":"Suport","Hidden":"Ascuns","Hidden Files":"Fișiere ascunse","Hide":"Ascunde","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Ascunde fotografiile care au fost mutate în arhivă.","High":"Mare","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Gama dinamică înaltă (HDR)","How can we help?":"Cum vă putem ajuta?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Dacă acest lucru nu ajută sau aveți alte întrebări:","image":"imagine","Image":"Imagine","Images":"Imagini","Import":"Import","Import failed":"Importul a eșuat","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Fișierele importate vor fi sortate în funcție de dată și vor primi un nume unic pentru a se evita dublurile.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Fișierele importate vor fi sortate în funcție de dată și vor primi un nume unic.","Importing %{name}…":"Se importă %{nume}…","Importing files to originals…":"Se importă fișiere în originale…","in":"în","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"În plus, sponsorii primesc asistență tehnică directă prin e-mail.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"În cazul în care imaginile pe care le așteptați lipsesc, vă rugăm să scanați din nou biblioteca dvs. și să așteptați până când indexarea va fi finalizată.","Index":"Index","Indexing":"Indexare","Indexing failed":"Indexarea a eșuat","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Se indexează fișierele media și sidecar…","Instance ID":"ID-ul instanței","Interval":"Interval","Invalid date":"Dată invalidă","Invalid photo selected":"Fotografie invalidă selectată","Item":"Articol","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Calitate JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limita dimensiunii JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG-urile și miniaturile sunt redate automat, după cum este necesar.","Keywords":"Cuvinte cheie","Label":"Etichetă","Labels":"Etichete","Labels deleted":"Etichete șterse","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Conservarea Detaliilor, Artefacte Minime","Language":"Limba","Last Sync":"Ultima sincronizare","Latitude":"Latitudine","Lavender":"Lavandă","Lens":"Obiectiv","Library":"Bibliotecă","License":"Licență","Like":"Ca","Lime":"Lămâie verde","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limita a fost atinsă, afișând primele %{n} fișiere","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: Foarte Neted, Cea Mai Bună Performanță","Link":"Legătură","List":"Listă","Live":"Live","Local Time":"Ora locală","location":"locație","Location":"Locație","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Mesajele de jurnal apar aici ori de câte ori PhotoPrism întâlnește fișiere cu probleme sau există alte potențiale probleme.","Login":"Autentificare","Logout":"Deconectare","Logs":"Jurnale","Longitude":"Longitudine","Low":"Scăzut","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Culoare principală","manual":"manual","Manual Upload":"Încărcare manuală","Marker":"Marker","Medium":"Mediu","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Combină %{a} cu %{b}?","Message sent":"Mesaj trimis","Minimize":"Minimizați","Missing":"Dispărut","Moments":"Momente","Monochrome":"Monocrom","Month":"Lună","Moonlight":"Lumina lunii","More than %{n} pictures found":"S-au găsit mai mult de %{n} imagini","More than 20 albums found":"Peste 20 de albume găsite","More than 20 labels found":"Peste 20 de etichete găsite","More than 20 people found":"Peste 20 de persoane găsite","Mosaic":"Mozaic","Move Files":"Muta fișierele","Name":"Nume","Name too long":"Nume prea lung","Never":"Niciodată","New":"Nou","New Password":"Parolă Nouă","No":"Nu","No albums found":"Nu s-au găsit albume","No labels found":"Nu s-au găsit etichete","No people found":"Nu s-au găsit persoane","No pictures found":"Nu s-au găsit imagini","No recently edited pictures":"Nu există imagini editate recent","No servers configured.":"Nu există servere configurate.","No thanks":"Nu, mulțumesc","No video selected":"Niciun videoclip selectat","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Nu există avertizări sau erori care conțin acest cuvânt cheie. Rețineți că căutarea face distincție între majuscule și minuscule.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Imaginile nefotografice și de calitate scăzută necesită o examinare înainte de a apărea în rezultatele căutării.","None":"Nici unul","Not Found":"Nu a fost găsit","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Rețineți că puteți gestiona manual folderul cu originale, iar importul este opțional.","Note:":"Notă:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Notă: Numai serverele WebDAV, cum ar fi Nextcloud sau PhotoPrism, pot fi configurate ca serviciu la distanță pentru backup și încărcare de fișiere.","Notes":"Note","Offline":"Deconectat","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Pe Windows, introduceți următoarea resursă în fereastra de dialog de conectare:","Once a week":"O dată pe săptămână","One album found":"Un album găsit","One file found":"Un fișier găsit","One file uploaded":"Un fișier încărcat","One folder found":"Un dosar găsit","One label found":"O etichetă găsită","One person found":"O persoană găsită","One picture found":"O imagine găsită","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Opțiuni","or ask in our Community Chat":"sau întrebați în chat-ul comunității","Orange":"Portocaliu","Orientation":"Orientare","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Numele originale ale fișierelor vor fi stocate și indexate.","Original Name":"Numele original","Originals":"Originale","Other":"Altele","Outdoor":"În aer liber","Panorama":"Panoramă","Panoramas":"Panorame","Password":"Parola","Password changed":"Parola a fost schimbată","People":"Oameni","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Persoanele cu care partajați un link vor putea vizualiza conținutul public.","Permanently deleted":"Șterse definitiv","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Eliminați permanent fișierele pentru a elibera spațiu de stocare.","Photo":"Fotografie","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism a fost actualizat…","Photos":"Fotografii","Pink":"Roz","Place":"Loc","Place & Time":"Locul și ora","Places":"Locuri","Please confirm your new password.":"Vă rugăm să confirmați noua parolă.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Vă rugăm să nu încărcați fotografii care au un conținut jignitor.","Portrait":"Portret","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"postați întrebarea dvs. în Discuții GitHub","Preserve filenames":"Păstrați numele fișierelor","Press button to start importing…":"Apăsați butonul pentru a începe importul…","Press button to start indexing…":"Apăsați butonul pentru a începe indexarea…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Apăsați Enter pentru a crea un album nou.","Preview":"Previzualizare","Primary":"Primar","Private":"Privat","Product Feedback":"Feedback despre produs","Projection":"Proiecție","Purple":"Violet","Quality Filter":"Filtru de calitate","Quality Score":"Scorul de calitate","Random":"Aleatoriu","Raspberry":"Zmeură","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Conversia RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Reindexarea tuturor documentelor originale, inclusiv a fișierelor deja indexate și neschimbate.","Read-Only Mode":"Mod doar pentru citire","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Recunoașterea începe după finalizarea indexării.","Recognized":"Recunoscut","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Recunoaște fețele, astfel încât să poată fi găsite anumite persoane.","Red":"Roșu","Reload":"Reîncărcare","Reloading…":"Se reîncarcă…","Remote Sync":"Sincronizare la distanță","Remove":"Elimina","remove failed: unknown album":"eliminarea eșuată: album necunoscut","Remove from album":"Eliminați din album","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Eliminați fișierele importate pentru a economisi spațiu de stocare. Tipurile de fișiere neacceptate nu vor fi șterse niciodată, ele rămân în locația lor curentă.","Request failed - invalid response":"Cerere eșuată - răspuns invalid","Required":"Necesar","Resolution":"Rezoluție","Restore":"Restaurați","Retry Limit":"Limita de reintroducere","Retype Password":"Reintroduceți parola","Review":"Revizuire","Save":"Salvați","Scan":"Scanare","Scans":"Scanări","Search":"Căutare","Search and display photos on a map.":"Căutați și afișați fotografiile pe hartă.","Season":"Sezon","Secret":"Secret","Select":"Selectați","Select albums or create a new one":"Selectați albume sau creați unul nou","Selection approved":"Selecție aprobată","Selection archived":"Selecție arhivată","Selection restored":"Selecție restabilită","Send":"Trimite","Sequential Name":"Nume secvenţial","Service URL":"Adresa URL a serviciului","Settings":"Setări","Settings saved":"Setări salvate","Setup":"Configurare","Shadow":"Umbră","Share":"Distribuie","Share %{name}":"Distribuie %{nume}","Show":"Arată","Show all new faces":"Afișați toate fețele noi","Show hidden":"Arată ascuns","Show less":"Arată mai puțin","Show more":"Arată mai mult","Show server logs in Library.":"Afișați jurnalele serverului în Bibliotecă.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Afișează mesaje de jurnal mai detaliate. Necesită o repornire.","Sidecar":"Sidecar","Sign in":"Conectați-vă","Sign Up":"Înscrieți-vă","Similar":"Similar","Size":"Dimensiune","Slow":"Încet","Sort Order":"Ordinea de sortare","Source":"Sursă","Stack":"Stivă","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Stivuiți fișiere care partajează aceeași imagine unică sau identificator de instanță.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Stivuiți fotografiile realizate exact în același moment și în aceeași locație, pe baza metadatelor.","Stackable":"Stivuibil","Stacks":"Stive","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Stivele grupează fișiere cu un cadru de referință similar, dar cu diferențe de calitate, format, dimensiune sau culoare.","Start":"Start","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Porniți/Opriți prezentarea","States":"State","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limita Dimensiunii Statice: %{n}px","Status":"Stare","Storage":"Spațiu de stocare","Streets":"Străzi","Subject":"Subiect","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Suportul pentru servicii suplimentare, cum ar fi Google Drive, va fi adăugat în timp.","Sync":"Sincronizare","Sync raw and video files":"Sincronizarea fișierelor raw și video","Taken":"Luat","Teal":"Turcoaz","Text too long":"Text prea lung","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"În prezent, indexul conține %{n} fișiere ascunse.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Este posibil ca formatul lor să nu fie acceptat, să nu fi fost încă convertite în JPEG sau să existe duplicate.","Theme":"Temă","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Aceasta montează folderul originale ca unitate de rețea și vă permite să deschideți, să editați și să ștergeți fișiere de pe computer sau smartphone ca și cum ar fi locale.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generarea de miniaturi","Time UTC":"Ora UTC","Time Zone":"Fus orar","Timeout":"Pauză","Title":"Titlu","Title too long":"Titlu prea lung","Toggle View":"Schimbă vizualizarea","Token":"Jeton","Topographic":"Topografic","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Liste de verificare pentru depanare","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Încercați din nou folosind alte filtre sau cuvinte cheie.","Type":"Tip","Undo":"Înapoi","Unique ID":"ID unic","Unknown":"Necunoscut","Unsorted":"Nesortat","Unstack":"Dezasamblați","Updated":"Actualizat","Updating faces":"Actualizarea fețelor","Updating index":"Actualizarea index-ului","Updating moments":"Actualizarea momentelor","Updating previews":"Actualizarea previziunilor","Updating stacks":"Actualizarea stivelor","Upload":"Încărcați","Upload complete":"Încărcare completă","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Încărcare completă. Se indexează…","Upload failed":"Încărcarea a eșuat","Upload local files":"Încărcați fișiere locale","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Încărcați în WebDAV și partajați linkuri cu prietenii.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Se încarcă %{n} din %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Se încarcă fotografii…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Încărcările care pot conține astfel de imagini vor fi respinse automat.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Utilizați presetări","User":"Utilizator","User Interface":"Interfața utilizatorului","Username":"Nume de utilizator","Vanta":"Vanta","Video":"Clip","Videos":"Videoclipuri","View":"Vedere","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Vom face tot posibilul să vă răspundem la toate întrebările. În schimb, vă rugăm să ne susțineți pe Patreon sau GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Clienții WebDAV se pot conecta la PhotoPrism folosind următoarea adresă URL:","WebDAV Upload":"Încărcare WebDAV","White":"Alb","Year":"An","Yellow":"Galben","Yellowstone":"Piatră Galbena","Yes":"Da","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"ești binevenit să ni te alături pe Reddit","You can only download one album":"Poți descărca doar un singur album","You can only download one label":"Puteți descărca doar o singură etichetă","You may only select one item":"Puteți selecta doar un singur element","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Puteți scana din nou biblioteca pentru a găsi fețe suplimentare.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Biblioteca dvs. este analizată continuu pentru a crea automat albume cu momente, călătorii și locuri speciale.","Zoom in/out":"Măriți/micșorați"},"ru":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} альбомов найдено","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} файлов загружено","%{n} folders found":"%{n} папок найдено","%{n} labels found":"%{n} меток найдено","%{n} people found":"найдено %{n} человек","%{n} pictures found":"найдено %{n} изображений","1 hour":"1 час","12 hours":"12 часов","4 hours":"4 часа","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Щелчок мыши скопирует его в буфер обмена.","About":"О нас","Abyss":"Бездна","Account":"Учетная запись","Accuracy":"Точность","Action":"Действие","Actions":"Действия","Add Account":"Добавить учетную запись","Add Album":"Добавить альбом","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Добавляйте файлы в свою библиотеку через Web Upload.","Add Link":"Добавить ссылку","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Добавляйте картинки из результатов поиска, выбирая их.","Add to album":"Добавить в альбом","Added":"Добавлено","Advanced":"Дополнительно","After 1 day":"Спустя день","After 3 days":"Спустя 3 дня","After 7 days":"Спустя 7 дней","After one month":"Спустя месяц","After one year":"Спустя год","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"После выбора изображений из результатов поиска их можно добавить в альбом с помощью контекстного меню.","After two months":"Спустя 2 месяца","After two weeks":"Спустя 2 недели","Album":"Альбом","Album Name":"Название альбома","Albums":"Альбомы","Albums deleted":"Альбомы удалены","All %{n} albums loaded":"Все %{n} альбомов загружены","All %{n} labels loaded":"Все %{n} меток загружены","All %{n} people loaded":"Все %{n} человек загружены","All Cameras":"Все камеры","All Categories":"Все категории","All Colors":"Все цвета","All Countries":"Все страны","All fields are required":"Все поля обязательны к заполнению","All files from import folder":"Все файлы из папки импорта","All Lenses":"Все объективы","All Months":"Все месяцы","All originals":"Все оригиналы","All Years":"Все года","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Кроме того, вы можете загружать файлы непосредственно на WebDAV-серверы, такие как Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Высота","Altitude (m)":"Высота (м)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Ошибка - вы отключены от сети?","Animated":"Анимированный","Animation":"Анимация","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Любые личные фотографии и видео остаются личными и не будут передаваться.","API Key":"Ключ API","Apply":"Применить","Approve":"Подтвердить","Archive":"Архив","Archived":"В архиве","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Вы действительно хотите переместить эти фотографии в архив?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Вы действительно хотите удалить эти альбомы?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Вы действительно хотите удалить эти метки?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Вы действительно хотите удалить этот аккаунт?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Вы уверены, что хотите навсегда удалить эти фотографии?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот файл?","Are you sure?":"Вы уверены?","Artist":"Автор","Aspect Ratio":"Соотношение сторон","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Автоматически создавать JPEG для других типов файлов, чтобы их можно было отобразить в браузере.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Автоматически создает альбомы особых моментов, поездок и мест.","Basic":"Простой","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Прежде чем отправлять запрос в службу поддержки, воспользуйтесь нашими списками поиска и устранения неисправностей, чтобы определить причину проблемы.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Будучи на 100% самофинансируемыми и независимыми, мы можем пообещать вам, что никогда не будем продавать ваши данные и что мы всегда будем прозрачны в отношении нашего программного обеспечения и услуг.","Bio":"Биография","Birth Date":"Дата рождения","Black":"Черный","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: модификация Lanczos, меньше артефактов звона","Blue":"Синий","Brown":"Коричневый","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Просматривайте и редактируйте метки классификации изображений.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Просматривайте проиндексированные файлы и папки в Библиотеке.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Просмотрите базу знаний для получения подробной информации о конкретных функциях продукта, услугах и связанных с ними ресурсах.","Bug Report":"Отчет об ошибке","Busy, please wait…":"Занят, пожалуйста, подождите…","Calendar":"Календарь","Camera":"Камера","Camera Serial":"Камера","Can't load more, limit reached":"Не могу загрузить больше, достигнут лимит","Can't select more items":"Нельзя выбрать больше элементов","Cancel":"Отменить","Cards":"Карточки","Category":"Категория","Change Avatar":"Изменить аватар","Change Password":"Изменить пароль","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Изменение личного профиля и настроек безопасности.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Изменяйте названия фотографий, местоположения и другие метаданные.","Change private flag":"Изменить флаг приватности","Changes successfully saved":"Изменения успешно сохранены","Checked":"Проверено","Chroma":"Цветовая гамма","Close":"Закрыть","Codec":"Кодек","Color":"Цвет","Color Profile":"Цветовой профиль","Colors":"Цвета","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Распространенные проблемы могут быть быстро диагностированы и решены с помощью предоставляемых нами контрольных списков устранения неполадок.","Complete Rescan":"Полный рескан","Confidence":"Уверенность","Connect":"Соединен","Connect via WebDAV":"Соединиться через WebDAV","Connected":"Подключено","Contact Details":"Контактная информация","Contact Us":"Свяжитесь с нами","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Содержит %{n} фотографий.","Contains one picture.":"Содержит одну фотографию.","Convert to JPEG":"Конвертировать RAW в JPEG","Converting":"Конвертация","Copied to clipboard":"Скопировано в буфер обмена","Copyright":"Копирайт","Couldn't find anything.":"Ничего не найдено.","Country":"Страна","Create album":"Создать альбом","Created":"Создано","Creating thumbnails for":"Сформировать предпросмотр","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Кубический: умеренное качество, хорошая производительность","Current Password":"Текущий пароль","Customer Support":"Поддержка клиента","Cyan":"Сине-зеленый","Cyano":"Сине-зеленый","Daily":"Ежедневно","Day":"День","Debug Logs":"Отладочные Логи","Default":"По умолчанию","Default Folder":"Папка по умолчанию","Delete":"Удалить","Description":"Описание","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Подробные инструкции можно найти в нашем руководстве пользователя.","Details":"Подробно","Dimensions":"Размеры","Disable Backups":"Отключить резервное копирование","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Отключить встроенный WebDAV сервер. Требуется перезагрузка.","Disable Darktable":"Отключить Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Отключить ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Отключить FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Отключить Места","Disable RawTherapee":"Отключить RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Отключить TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Отключить WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Отключает обратное геокодирование и карты.","Discover":"Исследование","Display Name":"Отображаемое имя","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Не создавать резервные копии метаданных фото и альбомов в YAML-файлы.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Не создавать JSON-файлы ExifTool для улучшенного извлечения метаданных.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Не изменять папку с оригиналами. Отключает импорт, загрузку и удаление.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Не перекодировать видео с помощью FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Не использовать Darktable для конвертирования RAW-файлов.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Не использовать RawTherapee для конвертирования RAW-файлов.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Не использовать TensorFlow для классификации изображений.","Donations":"Пожертвования","Done":"Готово","Done.":"Готово.","Download":"Скачать","Download remote files":"Скачать удалённые файлы","Download single files and zip archives.":"Скачать отдельные файлы и zip-архивы.","Downloading…":"Загрузка…","Downscaling Filter":"Алгоритм создания превью","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Из-за большого количества электронных писем, которые мы получаем, наша команда, возможно, не сможет немедленно связаться с вами.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Дубликаты будут пропущены и появятся только один раз.","Duration":"Продолжительность","Dynamic Previews":"Динамические превью","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Рендеринг по требованию требует мощного процессора и не рекомендуется для небольших домашних серверов или устройств NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Недостигнутое ограничение размера: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-Mail","Edit":"Редактировать","Edit %{name}":"Редактировать %{name}","Edit Account":"Редактировать аккаунт","Edit Photo":"Редактировать фотографию","Edited":"Отредактировано","Electra":"Electra","Email":"Электронная почта","Enable new features currently under development.":"Включить новые функции, которые в настоящее время разрабатываются.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Включает предустановки конвертера RAW. Может снизить производительность.","Errors":"Ошибки","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Оценить примерное местоположение фотографий без координат.","Estimates":"Примерное местоположение","Every two days":"Каждые два дня","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Исключить содержимое, отмеченное приватным, из результатов поиска, общих альбомов, меток и мест.","Exclude hidden":"Исключить скрытые","Expand":"Развернуть","Expand Search":"Развернуть поиск","Experimental Features":"Экспериментальные возможности","Expires":"Ожидаемое время","Exposure":"Экспозиция","F Number":"Диафрагменное число","Face":"Лицо","Faces":"Лица","Failed copying to clipboard":"Не удалось скопировать в буфер обмена","Failed removing link":"Не удалось удалить ссылку","Failed updating link":"Не удалось загрузить ссылку","Family Name":"Фамилия","Fast":"Быстро","Favorite":"В избранном","Favorites":"Избранное","Feature Request":"Запрос функции","Feed":"Лента","Feedback":"Обратная связь","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по адресу hello@photoprism.app, если у вас есть вопросы или вам нужна помощь.","Female":"Женский","File":"Файлы","File Browser":"Файловый менеджер","File Name":"Имя файла","File Size":"Размер файла","Filename":"Название файла","Files":"Файлы","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Файлы с последовательными именами типа 'IMG_1234 (2)' и 'IMG_1234 (3)' принадлежат одной картинке.","Focal Length":"Фокусное расстояние","Folder":"Папка","Folder contains %{n} files":"Папка содержит %{n} файлов","Folder is empty":"Папка пуста","Folders":"Папки","Forgot password?":"Забыли пароль?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"ფრეიმი","Fullscreen":"Полный экран","Gemstone":"Драгоценный камень","Gender":"Пол","General":"Основные","Getting Support":"Получение помощи","Given 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имена.","Importing %{name}…":"Импорт %{имя}…","Importing files to originals…":"Импорт файлов в оригиналы…","in":"в","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Кроме того, спонсоры получают прямую техническую поддержку по электронной почте.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Если ожидаемые вами фотографии отсутствуют, пожалуйста, повторно просканируйте библиотеку и дождитесь окончания индексации.","Index":"Индексировать","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Индексирование и импортирование файлов через пользовательский интерфейс.","Indexing":"Индексирование","Indexing failed":"Индексирование не удалось","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Индексирование мультимедийных и сопутствующих файлов…","Instance ID":"Идентификатор узла","Interval":"Интервал","Invalid":"Недопустимое значение","Invalid date":"Неверная дата","Invalid parameters":"Недопустимые параметры","Invalid photo selected":"Выбрана недопустимая фотография","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Оно использует новейшие технологии для автоматической разметки и поиска изображений, не вставая у вас на пути.","Item":"Элемент","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Качество JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Ограничение по размеру в формате JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG и эскизы автоматически отображаются по мере необходимости.","Keywords":"Ключевые слова","Knowledge Base":"База знаний","Label":"Метка","Labels":"Метки","Labels deleted":"Метки удалены","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: сохранение деталей, минимальные артефакты","Language":"Язык","Last Sync":"Последняя синхронизация","Latitude":"Широта","Lavender":"Лаванда","Learn more":"Узнать больше","Legal Information":"Юридическая информация","Lens":"Объектив","Library":"Библиотека","License":"Лицензия","Like":"Нравится","Lime":"Лайм","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Лимит превышен, отображение первых %{n} файлов","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Линейный: очень сглаженный, лучшая производительность","Link":"Ссылка","List":"Список","Live":"Прямой эфир","Live Photos":"Живые фотографии","Local Time":"Местное время","location":"местоположение","Location":"Местоположение","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Сообщения журнала появляются здесь всякий раз когда PhotoPrism сталкивается с поврежденными файлами или другими потенциальными проблемами.","Login":"Вход","Logout":"Выйти","Logs":"Журнал","Longitude":"Долгота","Low":"Низкий","Magenta":"Пурпурный","Main Color":"Основной цвет","Male":"Мужской","manual":"ручной","Manual Upload":"Загрузка вручную","Maps":"Карты","Marker":"Маркер","Medium":"Средний","Merge %{a} with 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настроены.","No thanks":"Нет, спасибо","No video selected":"Wideo saýlanylmady","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Нет предупреждений или ошибок содержащих эти слова. Имейте в виду, что поиск регистрозависимый.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Файлы, не являющиеся фотографиями, или изображения низкого качества нужно одобрить, чтобы они появились в результатах поиска.","None":"Ничего","Not Found":"Ничего не найдено","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Обратите внимание, что вы можете вручную управлять папкой оригиналов, а импорт необязателен.","Note:":"Примечание:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Примечание: Только серверы WebDAV, такие как Nextcloud или PhotoPrism, могут быть настроены как удаленная служба для резервного копирования и загрузки файлов.","Notes":"Заметки","Nothing to see here yet.":"Здесь пока не на что смотреть.","Offline":"Не в сети","Oldest First":"Сначала старые","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"В Windows введите следующий ресурс в диалоговом окне подключения:","Once a week":"Раз в неделю","One album found":"Найден один альбом","One file found":"Найден один файл","One file uploaded":"Загружен один файл","One folder found":"Найдена одна папка","One label found":"Найдена одна метка","One person found":"Найден один человек","One picture found":"Найдена одна фотография","Onyx":"Оникс","Options":"Настройки","or ask in our Community Chat":"или задайте вопрос в нашем чате сообщества","Orange":"Оранжевый","Organization":"Организация","Orientation":"Ориентация","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Оригинальные имена файлов будут сохранены и проиндексированы.","Original Name":"Оригинальное Название","Originals":"Оригиналы","Other":"Другой","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"В нашем руководстве пользователя также рассматриваются многие дополнительные темы, такие как миграция из Google Фото и настройки качества миниатюр.","Outdoor":"Активности на открытом воздухе","Panorama":"Панорама","Panoramas":"Панорамы","Password":"Пароль","Password changed":"Пароль изменен","People":"Люди","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Люди, с которыми вы поделились ссылкой, будут иметь возможность просматривать публичный контент.","Permanently deleted":"Удалено насовсем","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Удаление файлов насовсем для освобождения дискового пространства.","Phone":"Телефон","Photo":"Фотография","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism был обновлен…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® - это фотоприложение на базе искусственного интеллекта для децентрализованной сети.","Photos":"Фотографии","Pink":"Розовый","Place":"Место","Place & Time":"Место и время","Places":"Места","Please confirm your new password.":"Пожалуйста, подтвердите ваш новый пароль.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Пожалуйста, не загружайте фотографии, содержащие недопустимый контент.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Обратите внимание, что изменение пароля приведет к выходу из системы на других устройствах и в браузерах.","Portrait":"Портрет","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"опубликуйте свой вопрос в GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Сохранять имена файлов","Press button to start importing…":"Нажмите кнопку, чтобы начать импорт…","Press button to start indexing…":"Нажмите кнопку для начала индексации…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Нажмите enter, чтобы создать новый альбом.","Preview":"Предпросмотр","Primary":"Главная","Private":"Приватные","Product Feedback":"Обратная связь по продукту","Projection":"Проекция","Purple":"Фиолетовый","Quality Filter":"Фильтр Качества","Quality Score":"Показатель Качества","Random":"Случайно","Raspberry":"Малиновый","Raw":"Исходный","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Конвертация RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Повторное индексирование всех оригиналов, включая уже проиндексированные и неизмененные файлы.","Read the Docs":"Документация","Read-Only Mode":"Режим только для чтения","Recently Added":"Недавно добавленные","Recently Edited":"Недавно отредактированные","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Распознавание начинается после завершения индексации.","Recognized":"Распознано","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Распознает лица, чтобы можно было найти конкретных людей.","Red":"Красный","Reload":"Перезагрузить","Reloading…":"Перезагрузка…","Remote Sync":"Удаленная синхронизация","Remove":"Удалить","remove failed: unknown album":"не могу удалить: неизвестный альбом","Remove from album":"Удалить из альбома","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Удалять импортированные файлы для освобождения места. Неподдерживаемые типы файлов никогда не будут удалены, они остаются в их текущем местоположении.","Request failed - invalid response":"Запрос не удался - неверный ответ","Required":"Обязательно","Resolution":"Разрешение","Restore":"Восстановить","Retry Limit":"Лимит повторных попыток","Retype Password":"Повторите пароль","Review":"Не одобрены","Satellite":"Спутник","Save":"Сохранить","Scan":"Сканировать","Scans":"Сканы","Search":"Поиск","Search and display photos on a map.":"Поиск и отображение фотографий на карте.","Season":"Сезон","Secret":"Секрет","Security and Access":"Безопасность и доступ","Select":"Выбрать","Select albums or create a new one":"Выберите альбомы или создайте новый","Selection approved":"Выбранное подтверждено","Selection archived":"Выбранное добавлено в архив","Selection restored":"Выбранное восстановлено","Send":"Отправить","Sequential Name":"Последовательное название","Service URL":"URL сервиса","Services":"Сервисы","Settings":"Настройки","Settings saved":"Настройки сохранены","Setup":"Настройка","Shadow":"Тень","Share":"Поделиться","Share %{name}":"Поделится %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Делись своими фотографиями с другими приложениями и сервисами.","Show":"Показать","Show all new faces":"Показать все новые лица","Show hidden":"Показать скрытые","Show less":"Показать меньше","Show more":"Показать больше","Show server logs in Library.":"Показывать журналы сервера в Библиотеке.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Показывает более подробные сообщения журнала. Требуется перезапуск.","Sidecar":"Сопутствующий файл","Sign in":"Войти","Sign Up":"Зарегистрироваться","Similar":"Похожие","Size":"Размер","Slow":"Медленно","Sort Order":"Порядок сортировки","Source":"Источник","Stack":"Серия","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Объединять в серию файлы с одним и тем же уникальным изображением или идентификатором экземпляра.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Объединять в серию снимки, сделанные в одно и то же время и в одном и том же месте, на основе их метаданных.","Stackable":"Возможно объединение в серию","Stacks":"Серии","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Объединяет в серию файлы со схожими рамками отсчета, но различиями в качестве, формате, размере или цвете.","Start":"Начать","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Начать/Остановить слайд-шоу","States":"Государства","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Предельный размер: %{n}px","Status":"Статус","Storage":"Хранилище","Streets":"Улицы","Subject":"Тема","Successfully Connected":"Успешно подключен","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Поддержка дополнительных служб, таких как Google Drive, будет добавлена позже.","Sync":"Синхронизация","Sync raw and video files":"Синхронизация сырых и видео файлов","Taken":"Дата съемки","Teal":"Бирюзовый","Text too long":"Текст слишком длинный","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Индекс на данный момент содержит %{n} скрытых файлов.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Их формат может быть не поддерживаемым, они не были конвертированы в JPEG или это дубликаты.","Theme":"Тема","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Папка с оригиналами монтируется как сетевой диск и можно открывать, редактировать и удалять файлы\n с вашего компьютера или смартфона, как если бы они находились на вашем устройстве.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"При этом папка с оригиналами подключается как сетевой диск и позволяет вам открывать, редактировать и удалять файлы с вашего компьютера или смартфона, как если бы они находились на вашем устройстве.","Thumbnail Generation":"Генерация изображений предпросмотра","Time UTC":"Время UTC","Time Zone":"Часовой пояс","Timeout":"Пауза","Title":"Название","Title / Position":"Название / должность","Title too long":"Название слишком длинное","Toggle View":"Переключить вид","Token":"Токен","Topographic":"Топографический","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Контрольные списки по устранению неисправностей","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Попробуйте еще раз используя другие фильтры или слова в запросе.","Type":"Тип","Undo":"Отменить","Unique ID":"Уникальный ID","Unknown":"Неизвестно","Unregistered":"Незарегистрированный","Unsorted":"Не отсортировано","Unstack":"Убрать из серии","Updated":"Обновлено","Updating faces":"Обновление лиц","Updating index":"Обновление индекса","Updating moments":"Обновление моментов","Updating picture…":"Обновление изображения…","Updating previews":"Обновление предварительных просмотров","Updating stacks":"Обновление серий","Upload":"Загрузка","Upload complete":"Загрузка завершена","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Загрузка завершена. Индексирование…","Upload failed":"Загрузка не удалась","Upload local files":"Загрузка локальных файлов","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Загружайте WebDAV и делитесь ссылками с друзьями.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Загрузка %{n} из %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Загрузка фотографий…","Uploading…":"Загрузка…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Загрузки, которые могут содержать такие изображение будут автоматически отменены.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Использовать предустановки","User":"Пользователь","User Guide":"Руководство пользователя","User Interface":"Пользовательский интерфейс","Username":"Имя пользователя","Vanta":"Ванта","Verified":"Проверенный","Video":"Видео","Video Duration":"Продолжительность видео","Videos":"Видео","View":"Обзор","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Посетите docs.photoprism.app/user-guide, чтобы узнать, как синхронизировать, упорядочивать свои фотографии и делиться ими.","Visual Similarity":"Визуальное сходство","We appreciate your feedback!":"Мы признательны за ваш отзыв!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Мы делаем все возможное, чтобы ответить в течение пяти рабочих дней или меньше.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы ответить на все ваши вопросы. В свою очередь, мы просим вас поддержать нас на Patreon или GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV клиенты могут подключаться к PhotoPrism используя следующий URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Клиенты WebDAV, такие как Проводник Microsoft Windows или Apple Finder, могут подключаться непосредственно к\n PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV загрузка","Website":"Сайт","White":"Белый","Work Details":"Детали работы","Year":"Год","Yellow":"Желтый","Yellowstone":"Йеллоустоун","Yes":"Да","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"приглашаем вас присоединиться к нам на Reddit","You can only download one album":"Вы можете загрузить только один альбом","You can only download one label":"Вы можете загрузить только одну метку","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Вы можете запустить его дома, на частном сервере или в облаке.","You may only select one item":"Вы можете выбрать только один элемент","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Вы можете повторно просканировать свою библиотеку, чтобы найти дополнительные лица.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Ваша постоянная поддержка помогает нам предоставлять регулярные обновления и оставаться независимыми, чтобы мы могли выполнять нашу миссию и защищать вашу частную жизнь.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Ваша библиотека постоянно анализируется для автоматического создания альбомов особых моментов, поездок и мест.","Zoom in/out":"Увеличение/уменьшение масштаба"},"sk":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} nájdených albumov","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} odovzdaných súborov","%{n} folders found":"%{n} nájdených zložiek","%{n} labels found":"%{n} nájdených štítkov","%{n} people found":"%{n} nájdených ľudí","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} nájdených obrázkov","1 hour":"1 hodina","12 hours":"12 hodín","4 hours":"4 hodiny","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Kliknutím skopírujete obsah.","About":"O nás","Abyss":"Priepasť","Account":"Účet","Accuracy":"Presnosť","Action":"Akcia","Actions":"Akcie","Add Account":"Pridať účet","Add Album":"Pridať Album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Pridať súbory do vašej knižnice pomocou Web Upload.","Add Link":"Pridať odkaz","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Pridanie fotiek z výsledkov vyhľadávania ich výberom.","Add to album":"Pridať do albumu","Added":"Pridané","Advanced":"Pokročilé","After 1 day":"Po 1 dni","After 3 days":"Po 3 dňoch","After 7 days":"Po 7 dňoch","After one month":"Po jednom mesiaci","After one year":"Po jednom roku","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Po výbere obrázkov z výsledkov vyhľadávania ich môžete pridať do albumu pomocou kontextovej ponuky.","After two months":"Po dvoch mesiacoch","After two weeks":"Po dvoch týždňoch","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Meno Albumu","Albums":"Albumy","Albums deleted":"Albumy odstránené","All %{n} albums loaded":"Všetkých %{n} albumov bolo načítaných","All %{n} labels loaded":"Všetkých %{n} štítkov načítaných","All %{n} people loaded":"Všetkých %{n} ľudí načítaných","All Cameras":"Všetky kamery","All Categories":"Všetky kategórie","All Colors":"Všetky farby","All Countries":"Všetky štáty","All fields are required":"Všetky políčka sú vyžadované","All files from import folder":"Všetky súbory zo zložky importu","All Lenses":"Všetky Objektívy","All Months":"Všetky Mesiace","All originals":"Všetky originály","All Years":"Všetky Roky","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Prípadne, môžete odovzdať súbory priamo na WebDAV servery ako napríklad Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Nadmorská výška","Altitude (m)":"Nadmorská výška (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Nastala chyba - ste offline?","Animated":"Animované","Animation":"Animácie","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Všetky súkromné fotky a videá zostanú súkromné a nemôžu byť zdieľané.","API Key":"API Kľúč","Apply":"Použiť","Approve":"Schváliť","Archive":"Archivovať","Archived":"Archivované","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Ste si istý, že chcete archivovať výber?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Ste si istý, že chcete vymazať tieto albumy?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Ste si istý, že chcete vymazať tieto štítky?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Ste si istý, že chcete vymazať tento účet?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Ste si istý, že chcete tieto obrázky natrvalo odstrániť?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Ste si istý že chcete permanentne vymazať tento súbor?","Are you sure?":"Ste si istý?","Artist":"Umelec","Aspect Ratio":"Pomer Strán","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Automaticky vytvoriť JPEG formát z ostatných formátov čiže môžu byť zobrazené v prehliadači.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Automaticky vytvára albumy špeciálnych momentov, výletov a miest.","Basic":"Základný","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Pred odoslaním žiadosti o podporu použite naše kontrolné zoznamy na riešenie problémov, aby ste zistili príčinu svojho problému.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Keďže sme financovaní 100% selfmi a sme nezávislí, môžeme vám sľúbiť, že vaše údaje nikdy nepredáme a že náš softvér a služby budú vždy transparentné.","Bio":"Bio","Birth Date":"Datum narodenia","Black":"Čierna","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczosova úprava, menej zvonivých artefaktov","Blue":"Modrá","Brown":"Hnedá","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Prehliadať a upravovať triediace štítky fotiek.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Prehliadať indexované súbory a zložky v Knižnici.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Podrobné informácie o konkrétnych funkciách produktu, službách a súvisiacich zdrojoch nájdete v databáze znalostí.","Bug Report":"Nahlásiť chybu","Busy, please wait…":"Som zaneprázdnený, prosím čakajte…","Calendar":"Kalendár","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Séria Kamery","Can't load more, limit reached":"Nemožno načítať viac, limit dosiahnutý","Can't select more items":"Nemožno označiť viac položiek","Cancel":"Zrušiť","Cards":"Karty","Category":"Kategória","Change Avatar":"Zmeniť profilovú fotku","Change Password":"Zmeniť heslo","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Zmena osobného profilu a nastavení zabezpečenia.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Zmeniť názvy fotiek, polohy a ostatné metadata.","Change private flag":"Zmeniť privátne označenie","Changes successfully saved":"Zmeny boli úspešne uložené","Checked":"Označené","Chroma":"Sýtosť","Close":"Zatvoriť","Codec":"Kodek","Color":"Farba","Color Profile":"Farebný profil","Colors":"Farby","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Bežné problémy možno rýchlo diagnostikovať a vyriešiť pomocou kontrolných zoznamov na riešenie problémov, ktoré poskytujeme.","Complete Rescan":"Kompletné preskenovanie","Confidence":"Zhoda","Connect":"Pripojiť","Connect via WebDAV":"Pripojiť pomocou WebDav","Connected":"Pripojené","Contact Details":"Kontaktné údaje","Contact Us":"Kontaktujte nás","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Obsahuje %{n} obrázkov.","Contains one picture.":"Obsahuje jeden obrázok.","Convert to JPEG":"Prekonvertovať do JPEG","Converting":"Konvertuje sa","Copied to clipboard":"Skopírované do schránky","Copyright":"Autorské práva","Couldn't find anything.":"Nič nenájdené.","Country":"Štát","Create album":"Vytvoriť album","Created":"Vytvorené","Creating thumbnails for":"Vytváranie náhľadov pre","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubický: Stredná kvalita, dobrý výkon","Current Password":"Súčasné heslo","Customer Support":"Zákaznícka podpora","Cyan":"Tyrkysová","Cyano":"Modravá","Daily":"Denne","Day":"Deň","Debug Logs":"Denníky ladenia","Default":"Predvolená","Default Folder":"Pôvodná zložka","Delete":"Vymazať","Description":"Popis","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Detailný postup môžete nájsť v našej Užívateľskej Príručke.","Details":"Detaily","Dimensions":"Rozmery","Disable Backups":"Posledná Záloha","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Zakázať vstavaný server WebDAV. Vyžaduje reštart.","Disable Darktable":"Zakázať Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Zakázať ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Zakázanie aplikácie FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Zakázať miesta","Disable RawTherapee":"Zakázať RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Zakázať TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Zakázať WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Zakáže reverzné geokódovanie a mapy.","Discover":"Objaviť","Display Name":"Zobraziť meno","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Nezálohovať metadáta fotografií a albumov do súborov YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Nevytvárať súbory ExifTool JSON pre vylepšenú extrakciu metadát.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Neupravovať priečinok s originálmi. Zakáže import, nahrávanie a mazanie.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Netranskódvať videá pomocou programu FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Nepoužívať Darktable pre konvertovanie RAW súborov.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Nepoužívať RawTherapee na konverziu súborov RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Nepoužívať TensorFlow pre triedenie fotografií","Donations":"Príspevky","Done":"Hotovo","Done.":"Hotovo.","Download":"Stiahnuť","Download remote files":"Stiahnuť vzdialené súbory","Download single files and zip archives.":"Stiahnuť samostatné súbory a zip archívy.","Downloading…":"Sťahovanie…","Downscaling Filter":"Filter znižovania kvality","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Vzhľadom na vysoký počet prijatých e-mailov sa môže stať, že vám náš tím nebude môcť okamžite odpovedať.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikáty budú preskočené a zobrazia sa len raz.","Duration":"Trvanie","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamické Ukážky","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dynamické vykresľovanie vyžaduje výkonný server. Neodporúčame používať na NAS zariadeniach.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limit dynamickej pamäte: %{n} px","E-Mail":"E-Mail","Edit":"Upraviť","Edit %{name}":"Upraviť %{name}","Edit Account":"Upraviť učet","Edit Photo":"Upraviť Fotku","Edited":"Upravené","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-mail","Enable new features currently under development.":"Povoliť nové funkcie, ktoré sú momentálne vo vývoji.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Povolí predvoľby konvertora RAW. Môže znížiť výkon.","Errors":"Chyby","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Odhadnúť približnú polohu fotiek bez súradníc.","Estimates":"Odhady","Every two days":"Každé dva dni","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Vylúčiť obsah označený ako súkromný z výsledkov vyhľadávania, zdieľaných albumov, štítkov a miest.","Exclude hidden":"Vylúčiť skryté","Expand":"Rozbaliť","Expand Search":"Rozšírené Hľadanie","Experimental Features":"Experimentálne funkcie","Expires":"Vyprší","Exposure":"Expozícia","F Number":"F Číslo","Face":"Tvár","Faces":"Tváre","Failed copying to clipboard":"Zlyhalo kopírovanie do schránky","Failed removing link":"Zlyhalo odstraňovanie odkazu","Failed updating link":"Zlyhalo aktualizovanie odkazu","Family Name":"Rodinné meno","Fast":"Rýchle","Favorite":"Obľúbený","Favorites":"Obľúbené","Feature Request":"Požiadať o funkciu","Feed":"Kanál","Feedback":"Spätná väzba","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Ak máte otázky alebo potrebujete pomoc, kontaktujte nás na adrese hello@photoprism.app.","Female":"Žena","File":"Súbor","File Browser":"Prehliadač Súborov","File Name":"Názov súboru","File Size":"Veľkosť súboru","Filename":"Názov súboru","Files":"Súbory","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Súbory s postupnými menami ako napríklad 'IMG_1234 (2)' alebo 'IMG_1234 copy 2' pripadá rovnakej fotke.","Focal Length":"Ohnisková Vzdialenosť","Folder":"Zložka","Folder contains %{n} files":"Zložka obsahuje %{n} súborov","Folder is empty":"Zložka je prázdna","Folders":"Zložky","Forgot password?":"Zabudnuté heslo?","FPS":":abbr:`FPS (Frame Per Second - snímok za sekundu)`","Frames":"Frames","Fullscreen":"Plná obrazovka","Gemstone":"Drahokam","Gender":"Pohlavie","General":"Hlavné","Getting Support":"Získanie podpory","Given Name":"Dané meno","Gold":"Zlatá","Grayscale":"Stupne sivej","Green":"Zelená","Grey":"Sivá","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Pomoc","Help & Support":"Pomoc a podpora","Hidden":"Skryté","Hidden Files":"Skryté súbory","Hide":"Skryť","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Skryť fotky, ktoré boli presunuté do archívu.","High":"Vysoké","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Vysoký dynamický rozsah (HDR)","How can we help?":"Ako môžeme pomôcť?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Ak vám to nepomôže alebo máte ďalšie otázky:","image":"obrázok","Image":"Obrázok","Images":"Obrázky","Import":"Importovať","Import failed":"Importovanie zlyhalo","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Importované súbory budú zoradené podľa dátumu a dostanú unikátny názov aby sa predišlo duplikátom.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Importované súbory budú zoradené podľa dátumu a dostanú unikátny názov.","Importing %{name}…":"Importuje sa %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importujú sa súbory do originálov…","in":"v","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Okrem toho sponzori dostávajú priamu technickú podporu prostredníctvom e-mailu.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"V prípade, že niektoré fotky chýbajú, znova preskenujte svoju knižnicu a počkajte, kým sa indexovanie neukončí.","Index":"Index","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexujte a importujte súbory prostredníctvom používateľského rozhrania.","Indexing":"Indexovanie","Indexing failed":"Indexovanie zlyhalo","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexovanie médií a pripojených súborov…","Instance ID":"ID Inštancie","Interval":"Interval","Invalid":"Neplatné","Invalid date":"Neplatný dátum","Invalid parameters":"Neplatné parametre","Invalid photo selected":"Vybraná neplatná fotografia","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Využíva najnovšie technológie na automatické označovanie a vyhľadávanie obrázkov bez toho, aby vám prekážali.","Item":"Položka","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Kvalita JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limit veľkosti JPEG: %{n} px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG a náhľady sú automaticky vykreslené podľa potreby.","Keywords":"Kľúčové slová","Knowledge Base":"Báza znalostí","Label":"Štítok","Labels":"Štítky","Labels deleted":"Štítky odstránené","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Zachovanie detailov, minimálne artefakty","Language":"Jazyk","Last Sync":"Posledná synchronizácia","Latitude":"Šírka","Lavender":"Levanduľa","Learn more":"Viac","Legal Information":"Právne informácie","Lens":"Objektív","Library":"Knižnica","License":"Licencia","Like":"Páči sa mi to","Lime":"Limetka","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limit bol dosiahnutý, zobrazovanie prvých %{n} súborov","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineárne: Veľmi hladké, Najlepší výkon","Link":"Odkaz","List":"List","Live":"Živé","Live Photos":"Živé fotografie","Local Time":"Lokálny čas","location":"poloha","Location":"Poloha","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Správy denníka sa tu zobrazia vždy, keď program PhotoPrism narazí na poškodené súbory alebo sa vyskytnú iné potenciálne problémy.","Login":"Prihlásiť sa","Logout":"Odhlásiť sa","Logs":"Záznamy","Longitude":"Dĺžka","Low":"Nízka","Magenta":"Purpurová","Main Color":"Hlavná Farba","Male":"Muž","manual":"manuálne","Manual Upload":"Manuálne odovzdanie","Maps":"Mapy","Marker":"Značka","Medium":"Normálne","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Zlúčiť %{a} s %{b}?","Message sent":"Správa odoslaná","Minimize":"Minimalizovať","Missing":"Chýba","Moments":"Momenty","Monochrome":"Monochromatický","Month":"Mesiac","Moonlight":"Mesačný svit","More than %{n} pictures found":"Našlo sa viac ako %{n} obrázkov","More than 20 albums found":"Našlo sa viac ako 20 albumov","More than 20 labels found":"Našlo sa viac ako 20 štítkov","More than 20 people found":"Našlo sa viac ako 20 ľudí","Mosaic":"Mozaika","Most Relevant":"Najrelevantnejšie","Move Files":"Presunúť Súbory","Name":"Meno","Name too long":"Meno je príliš dlhé","Never":"Nikdy","New":"Nový","New Password":"Nové heslo","Newest First":"Najnovšie prvé","No":"Nie","No albums found":"Nenašli sa žiadne albumy","No labels found":"Nenašli sa žiadne štítky","No people found":"Neboli nájdení žiadny ľudia","No pictures found":"Nenašli sa žiadne fotky","No recently edited pictures":"Žiadne nedávno upravené fotky","No servers configured.":"Žiadne nakonfigurované servery.","No services configured.":"Nie sú nakonfigurované žiadne služby.","No thanks":"Nie, ďakujem","No video selected":"Nie je vybrané žiadne video","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Nenašli sa žiadne upozornenia ani chyby ktoré by obsahovali toto kľúčové slovo. Majte na vedomí, že vyhľadávanie je citlivé na veľké a malé písmená.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Nefotografické a fotografie nízkej kvality vyžadujú skontrolovanie pred tým než sa zobrazia vo výsledkoch vyhľadávania.","None":"Žiadne","Not Found":"Nebolo Nájdené","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Upozorňujeme, že priečinok s originálmi by ste mali spravovať ručne a import je voliteľný.","Note:":"Poznámka:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Poznámka: Iba WebDAV servery, ako napríklad Nextcloud alebo PhotoPrism, môžu byť nakonfigurované ako vzdialené služby pre zálohu a odovzdávanie súborov.","Notes":"Poznámky","Nothing to see here yet.":"Zatiaľ tu nič nie je. Buďte trpezlivý.","Offline":"Offline","Oldest First":"Najstaršie prvé","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"V systéme Windows zadajte do dialógového okna pripojenia nasledujúci zdroj:","Once a week":"Raz za týždeň","One album found":"Našiel sa jeden album","One file found":"Našiel sa jeden súbor","One file uploaded":"Jeden nahraný súbor","One folder found":"Našla sa jedna zložka","One label found":"Našiel sa jeden štítok","One person found":"Našla sa jedna osoba","One picture found":"Našla sa jedna fotka","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Nastavenia","or ask in our Community Chat":"alebo sa opýtajte v našom komunitnom chate","Orange":"Oranžová","Organization":"Názov organizácie","Orientation":"Orientácie","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Pôvodné názvy súborov budú uložené a zaindexované.","Original Name":"Pôvodný názov","Originals":"Pôvodné","Other":"Ostatné","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Naša používateľská príručka sa zaoberá aj mnohými pokročilými témami, ako je napríklad migrácia z aplikácie Fotky Google a nastavenia kvality miniatúr.","Outdoor":"Vonkajšie","Panorama":"Panoráma","Panoramas":"Panorámy","Password":"Heslo","Password changed":"Heslo bolo zmenené","People":"Ľudia","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Ľudia s ktorými zdieľate odkaz, budú vidieť verejný obsah.","Permanently deleted":"Trvalo odstránené","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Trvalo odstráňte súbory aby ste uvoľnili miesto.","Phone":"Telefón","Photo":"Fotka","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism bol aktualizovaný…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® je aplikácia pre decentralizovaný web, ktorá využíva umelú inteligenciu.","Photos":"Fotky","Pink":"Ružová","Place":"Miesto","Place & Time":"Miesto a čas","Places":"Miesta","Please confirm your new password.":"Prosím, potvrďte vaše nové heslo.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Prosím, neodovzdávajte fotky obsahujúce hanobný obsah.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Upozorňujeme, že zmena hesla vás odhlási z iných zariadení a prehliadačov.","Portrait":"Portrét","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"napíšte svoju otázku do Diskusie na GitHube","Preserve filenames":"Ponechať názvy súborov","Press button to start importing…":"Kliknite pre začatie importovania…","Press button to start indexing…":"Kliknite pre začatie indexovania…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Stlačte enter pre vytvorenie nového albumu.","Preview":"Ukážka","Primary":"Primárne","Private":"Súkromné","Product Feedback":"Spätná väzba produktu","Projection":"Projekcia","Purple":"Fialová","Quality Filter":"Filter kvality","Quality Score":"Skóre Kvality","Random":"Náhodne","Raspberry":"Malina","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Konverzia súborov RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Re-indexujte všetky originály, aj tie ktoré už sú zaindexované a nezmenené súbory.","Read the Docs":"Prečítajte si dokumenty","Read-Only Mode":"Režim iba na čítanie","Recently Added":"Novinky","Recently Edited":"Nedávno upravené","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Rozpoznávanie sa začne po dokončení indexovania.","Recognized":"Rozpoznané","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Rozpoznáva tváre, aby bolo možné nájsť konkrétne osoby.","Red":"Červená","Reload":"Znovu načítať","Reloading…":"Znovu načítavanie…","Remote Sync":"Vzdialená Synchronizácia","Remove":"Odstrániť","remove failed: unknown album":"odstránenie zlyhalo: neznámy album","Remove from album":"Odstrániť z albumu","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Odstráňte importované súbory pre uvoľnenie miesta. Nepodporované typy súborov nebudú nikdy odstránené. Zostanú na ich momentálnom mieste.","Request failed - invalid response":"Požiadavka zlyhala - neplatná odozva","Required":"Požadované","Resolution":"Rozlíšenie","Restore":"Obnoviť","Retry Limit":"Limit opakovania","Retype Password":"Heslo znovu","Review":"Kontrola","Satellite":"Satelitná","Save":"Uložiť","Scan":"Sken","Scans":"Skeny","Search":"Vyhľadávanie","Search and display photos on a map.":"Nájsť a zobraziť fotky na mape.","Season":"Sezóna","Secret":"Tajomstvo","Security and Access":"Bezpečnosť a prístup","Select":"Vybrať","Select albums or create a new one":"Označte albumy alebo vytvorte nové","Selection approved":"Označenie schválené","Selection archived":"Označenie archivované","Selection restored":"Označenie obnovené","Send":"Odoslať","Sequential Name":"Poradové meno","Service URL":"URL Služby","Services":"Služby","Settings":"Nastavenia","Settings saved":"Nastavenia uložené","Setup":"Prvotné nastavenie","Shadow":"Tieň","Share":"Zdieľať","Share %{name}":"Zdieľať %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Zdieľajte svoje obrázky s inými aplikáciami a službami.","Show":"Zobraziť","Show all new faces":"Zobraziť všetky nové tváre","Show hidden":"Zobraziť skryté","Show less":"Zobraziť menej","Show more":"Zobraziť viac","Show server logs in Library.":"Zobraziť serverové záznamy v knižnici.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Zobrazí podrobnejšie správy denníka. Vyžaduje reštart.","Sidecar":"Pripojený súbor (sidecar)","Sign in":"Prihlásiť sa","Sign Up":"Registrovať sa","Similar":"Podobné","Size":"Veľkosť","Slow":"Pomalé","Sort Order":"Zoradiť Poradie","Source":"Zdroj","Stack":"Naskladané fotky","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Naskladané súbory zdieľajúce rovnaký jedinečný obrázok alebo identifikátor inštancie.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Naskladané fotky nasnímané v rovnakom čase a na rovnakom mieste na základe ich metadát.","Stackable":"Naskladateľné","Stacks":"Naskladané","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Naskladá skupinové súbory s podobným referenčným rámcom, ale s rozdielmi v kvalite, formáte, veľkosti alebo farbe.","Start":"Štart","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Spustiť/Zastaviť Prezentáciu","States":"Štáty","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statický limit veľkosti: %{n} px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Úložisko","Streets":"Ulice","Subject":"Predmet","Successfully Connected":"Úspešne pripojené","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Podpora pre dodatočné služby, ako napríklad Google Drive, budú pridané neskôr.","Sync":"Synchronizácia","Sync raw and video files":"Synchronizovať súbory raw a videá","Taken":"Zachytené","Teal":"Modrozelený","Text too long":"Text je moc dlhý","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Index momentálne obsahuje %{n} skrytých súborov.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Ich formát nemusí byť podporovaný, zatiaľ neboli prekonvertované na JPEG alebo sú medzi nimi duplikáty.","Theme":"Téma","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Toto pripojí zložku originálov ako sieťový disk a umožní vám otvoriť, upraviť a zmazať súbory z vášho počítača alebo smartphonu ako keby boli uložené lokálne.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Toto pripojí zložku originálov ako sieťový disk a umožní vám otvoriť, upraviť a zmazať súbory z vášho počítača alebo smartphonu ako keby boli uložené lokálne.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generovanie miniatúr","Time UTC":"Čas UTC","Time Zone":"Časová Zóna","Timeout":"Časový limit","Title":"Titulok","Title / Position":"Titul / pozícia","Title too long":"Titulok je moc dlhý","Toggle View":"Nastaviť Pohľad","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografický","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Kontrolné zoznamy na riešenie problémov","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Skúste znova použitím iných filtrov a kľúčových slov.","Type":"Typ","Undo":"Späť","Unique ID":"Unikátne ID","Unknown":"Neznámy","Unregistered":"Neregistrovaný","Unsorted":"Nezoradené","Unstack":"Rozdeliť naskladané","Updated":"Aktualizované","Updating faces":"Aktualizujú sa tváre","Updating index":"Aktualizuje sa index","Updating moments":"Aktualizujú sa momenty","Updating picture…":"Aktualizácia obrázku..","Updating previews":"Aktualizujú sa náhľady","Updating stacks":"Aktualizujú sa naskladané fotky","Upload":"Odovzdať","Upload complete":"Odovzdávanie hotové","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Odovzdávanie hotové. Indexuje sa…","Upload failed":"Odovzdávanie zlyhalo","Upload local files":"Odovzdať lokálne súbory","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Odovzdať do WebDAV a zdieľať odkazy s priateľmi.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Odovzdáva sa %{n} z %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Odovzdávanie fotiek…","Uploading…":"Nahrávanie..","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Odovzdávanie takéhoto typu fotiek bude automaticky odmietnuté.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Použiť predvoľbu","User":"Používateľ","User Guide":"Používateľská príručka","User Interface":"Používateľské rozhranie","Username":"Meno používateľa","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Overený","Video":"Video","Video Duration":"Trvanie videa","Videos":"Videá","View":"Zobraziť","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Navštívte stránku docs.photoprism.app/user-guide, kde sa dozviete, ako synchronizovať, organizovať a zdieľať svoje fotografie.","Visual Similarity":"Vizuálna podobnosť","We appreciate your feedback!":"Vážime si vašu spätnú väzbu!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Snažíme sa odpovedať do piatich pracovných dní alebo skôr.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Budeme sa snažiť odpovedať na všetky vaše otázky. Na oplátku vás prosíme, aby ste nás podporili na Patreon alebo GitHub Sponzori.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV klienti sa môžu pripojiť ku PhotoPrismu pomocou nasledujúcej URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"WebDAV klienti, ako napríklad Microsoft Windows Explorer alebo Apple Finder, sa môžu priamo pripojiť ku PhotoPrismu.","WebDAV Upload":"Odovzdávanie cez WebDAV","Website":"Webová stránka","White":"Biela","Work Details":"Podrobnosti o práci","Year":"Rok","Yellow":"Žltá","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Áno","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"môžete sa k nám pridať na Reddite","You can only download one album":"Môžete stiahnuť iba jeden album","You can only download one label":"Môžete stiahnuť iba jeden štítok","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Môžete ho spustiť doma, na súkromnom serveri alebo v cloude.","You may only select one item":"Mali by ste označiť iba jednu položku","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Mali by ste preskenovať knižnicu pre nájdenie viac tvárí.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Vaša podpora nám pomáha poskytovať pravidelné aktualizácie a zostať nezávislými, aby sme mohli plniť naše poslanie a chrániť vaše súkromie.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Vaša knižnica sa priebežne analyzuje aby mohla automaticky vytvárať albumy špeciálnych momentov, výletov a miest.","Zoom in/out":"Priblíziť/Oddialiť"},"sl":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} najdenih albumov","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} naloženih datotek","%{n} folders found":"%{n} najdenih map","%{n} labels found":"%{n} najdenih značk","%{n} people found":"%{n} najdenih oseb","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} najdenih slik","1 hour":"1 ura","12 hours":"12 ur","4 hours":"4 ure","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"S klikom ga boste kopirali v odložišče.","About":"Podrobno","Abyss":"Brezno","Account":"Račun","Accuracy":"Natančnost","Action":"Akcija","Actions":"Akcije","Add Account":"Dodaj račun","Add Album":"Dodajanje albuma","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Dodajanje datotek v knjižnico preko spletnega nalaganja.","Add Link":"Dodaj povezavo","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Dodajte slike iz rezultatov iskanja, z izbiranjem.","Add to album":"Dodaj v album","Added":"Dodano","Advanced":"Napredno","After 1 day":"Po 1 dnevu","After 3 days":"Po 3 dneh","After 7 days":"Po 7 dneh","After one month":"Po enem mesecu","After one year":"Po enem letu","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Ko izberete slike iz rezultatov iskanja, jih lahko s pomočjo kontekstnega menija dodate v album.","After two months":"Po dveh mesecih","After two weeks":"Po dveh tednih","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Ime albuma","Albums":"Albumi","Albums deleted":"Izbrisani albumi","All %{n} albums loaded":"Vseh %{n} je bilo naloženih","All %{n} labels loaded":"Vseh %{n} nalepk je bilo naloženih","All %{n} people loaded":"Vseh %{n} oseb je bilo dodanih","All Cameras":"Vsi fotoaparati","All Categories":"Vse kategorije","All Colors":"Vse barve","All Countries":"Vse države","All fields are required":"Vsa polja so obvezna","All files from import folder":"Vse datoteke iz uvozne mape","All Lenses":"Vsi objektivi","All Months":"Vsi meseci","All originals":"Vse izvirne","All Years":"Vsa leta","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Datoteke lahko prenesete tudi neposredno v strežnike WebDAV, kot je Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Nadmorska višina","Altitude (m)":"Nadmorska višina (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Zgodila se je napaka - ste brez povezave?","Animated":"Animirani","Animation":"Animacija","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Vse zasebne fotografije in videoposnetki ostanejo zasebni in ne bodo deljeni.","API Key":"Ključ API","Apply":"Uporabi","Approve":"Potrdi","Archive":"Arhiv","Archived":"Arhivirano","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Ali ste prepričani, da želite arhivirati izbor?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati te albume?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati te značke?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ta račun?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Ste prepričani, da želite trajno izbrisati te slike?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Ali ste prepričani, da želite trajno izbrisati to datoteko?","Are you sure?":"Ste prepričani?","Artist":"Fotograf","Aspect Ratio":"Razmerje stranic","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Samodejno ustvarite JPEG za druge vrste datotek, da jih lahko prikažete v brskalniku.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Samodejno ustvari albume posebnih trenutkov, potovanj in krajev.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Pred oddajo zahtevka za podporo uporabite naše kontrolne sezname za odpravljanje težav, da ugotovite vzrok težave.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Ker se financiramo sami in smo 100-odstotno neodvisni, vam lahko obljubimo, da nikoli ne bomo prodali vaših podatkov ter da bomo vedno pregledni glede naše programske opreme in storitev.","Bio":"Bio","Birth Date":"Datum rojstva","Black":"Črna","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczosova modifikacija, manj zvonjenja artefaktov","Blue":"Modra","Brown":"Rjava","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Brskajte po značkah za razvrščanje slik in jih urejajte.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Brskanje po indeksiranih datotekah in mapah v knjižnici.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"V bazi znanja poiščite podrobne informacije o določenih funkcijah izdelka, storitvah in povezanih virih.","Bug Report":"Poročilo o napaki","Busy, please wait…":"Zaseden, prosim počakajte…","Calendar":"Koledar","Camera":"Fotoaparat","Camera Serial":"Serijska kamere","Can't load more, limit reached":"Ne morem naložiti več, omejitev je dosežena","Can't select more items":"Ne morete izbrati več elementov","Cancel":"Prekliči","Cards":"Kartice","Category":"Kategorija","Change Password":"Sprememba gesla","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Spreminjanje osebnega profila in varnostnih nastavitev.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Spremenite naslove fotografij, lokacije in druge metapodatke.","Change private flag":"Sprememba zasebne zastave","Changes successfully saved":"Spremembe so bile uspešno shranjene","Checked":"Izbrano","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Zapri","Codec":"Kodek","Color":"Barva","Color Profile":"Barvni profil","Colors":"Barve","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Pogoste težave lahko hitro diagnosticirate in odpravite s kontrolnimi seznami za odpravljanje težav, ki jih zagotavljamo.","Complete Rescan":"Popolno ponovno skeniranje","Confidence":"Zaupanje","Connect":"Poveži","Connect via WebDAV":"Poveži preko WebDAV","Connected":"Povezano","Contact Details":"Pišite nam","Contact Us":"Pišite nam","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Vsebuje %{n} slik.","Contains one picture.":"Vsebuje eno sliko.","Convert to JPEG":"Pretvarjanje v JPEG","Converting":"Pretvarjanje","Copied to clipboard":"Kopiranje v odložišče","Copyright":"Avtorske pravice","Couldn't find anything.":"Ničesar nisem našel.","Country":"Država","Create album":"Ustvari album","Created":"Ustvarjeno","Creating thumbnails for":"Ustvarjanje sličic za","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubični: Srednja kakovost, dobra zmogljivost","Current Password":"Trenutno geslo","Customer Support":"Podpora strankam","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Dnevno","Day":"Dan","Debug Logs":"Dnevniki za odpravljanje napak","Default":"Privzeto","Default Folder":"Privzeta mapa","Delete":"Izbriši","Description":"Opis","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Podrobna navodila so na voljo v našem uporabniškem priročniku.","Details":"Podrobnosti","Dimensions":"Dimenzije","Disable Backups":"Onemogoči varnostno kopiranje","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Onemogoči vgrajeni strežnik WebDAV. Zahteva ponovni zagon.","Disable Darktable":"Onemogoči Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Onemogoči orodje ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Onemogoči FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Onemogoči mesta","Disable RawTherapee":"Onemogoči RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Onemogoči TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Onemogoči WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Onemogoči povratno geokodiranje in zemljevide.","Discover":"Odkrijte","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Ne spreminjajte mape z izvirniki. Onemogoči uvoz, nalaganje in brisanje.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Ne prekodirajte videoposnetkov s programom FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Za pretvorbo datotek RAW ne uporabljajte programa Darktable.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Za pretvorbo datotek RAW ne uporabljajte programa RawTherapee.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Ne uporabljajte TensorFlow za razvrščanje slik.","Donations":"Donacije","Done":"Končano","Done.":"Opravljeno.","Download":"Prenesi","Download remote files":"Prenos oddaljenih datotek","Download single files and zip archives.":"Prenesite posamezne datoteke in arhive zip.","Downloading…":"Prenašanje…","Downscaling Filter":"Filter za zmanjševanje obsega","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Zaradi velike količine prejetih e-poštnih sporočil naša ekipa morda ne bo mogla takoj odgovoriti.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Podvojeni podatki bodo preskočeni in prikazani samo enkrat.","Duration":"Trajanje","Dynamic Previews":"Dinamični predogledi","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dinamično upodabljanje zahteva zmogljiv strežnik. Ni priporočljivo za naprave NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Omejitev dinamične velikosti: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-naslov","Edit":"Uredi","Edit %{name}":"Urejanje %{imena}","Edit Account":"Urejanje računa","Edit Photo":"Uredi fotografijo","Edited":"Urejeno","Enable new features currently under development.":"Omogočite nove funkcije, ki so trenutno v razvoju.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Omogoči prednastavitve pretvornika RAW. Lahko zmanjša zmogljivost.","Errors":"Napake","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Ocenite približno lokacijo slik brez koordinat.","Estimates":"Ocene","Every two days":"Vsaka dva dni","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Vsebino, označeno kot zasebno, izključite iz rezultatov iskanja, skupnih albumov, značk in krajev.","Exclude hidden":"Izključite skrite","Expand":"Razširite","Expand Search":"Razširiti iskanje","Experimental Features":"Eksperimentalne funkcije","Expires":"Velja do","Exposure":"Izpostavljenost","F Number":"Številka F","Face":"Obraz","Faces":"Obrazi","Failed copying to clipboard":"Neuspešno kopiranje v odložišče","Failed removing link":"Neuspešno odstranjevanje povezave","Failed updating link":"Neuspešno posodabljanje povezave","Fast":"Hitro","Favorite":"Najljubši","Favorites":"Priljubljeno","Feature Request":"Zahteva za funkcijo","Feedback":"Povratne informacije","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja, se obrnite na nas na naslov hello@photoprism.app.","File":"Datoteka","File Browser":"Brskalnik za datoteke","Filename":"Ime datoteke","Files":"Datoteke","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Datoteki z zaporednimi imeni, kot sta \"IMG_1234 (2)\" in \"IMG_1234 (3)\", pripadata isti sliki.","Focal Length":"Goriščna razdalja","Folder":"Mapa","Folder contains %{n} files":"Mapa vsebuje %{n} datotek","Folder is empty":"Mapa je prazna","Folders":"Mape","Forgot password?":"Ste pozabili geslo?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Okviri","Fullscreen":"Celozaslonski zaslon","Gemstone":"Dragi kamen","General":"Splošno","Getting Support":"Pridobivanje podpore","Gold":"Zlato","Grayscale":"Odtenki sivine","Green":"Zelena","Grey":"Siva","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Pomoč","Help & Support":"Pomoč in podpora","Hidden":"Skriti","Hidden Files":"Skrite datoteke","Hide":"Skrij","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Skrijte fotografije, ki so bile prenesene v arhiv.","High":"Visoka","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Visok dinamični razpon (HDR)","How can we help?":"Kako lahko pomagamo?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Če vam to ne pomaga ali imate druga vprašanja:","image":"slika","Image":"Slika","Images":"Slike","Import":"Uvoz","Import failed":"Uvoz ni uspel","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Uvožene datoteke bodo razvrščene po datumu in bodo imele edinstveno ime, da bi se izognili podvajanju.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Uvožene datoteke bodo razvrščene po datumu in bodo imele edinstveno ime.","Importing %{name}…":"Uvažanje %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Uvoz datotek v izvirnike…","in":"na","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Poleg tega sponzorji prejmejo neposredno tehnično podporo prek e-pošte.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Če manjkajo slike, ki ste jih pričakovali, ponovno preglejte svojo knjižnico in počakajte, da bo indeksiranje končano.","Index":"Indeks","Indexing":"Indeksiranje","Indexing failed":"Indeksiranje ni uspelo","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indeksiranje medijskih in stranskih datotek…","Instance ID":"ID instance","Interval":"Interval","Invalid date":"Nepravilen datum","Invalid parameters":"Neveljavni parametri","Invalid photo selected":"Izbrana napačna fotografija","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Uporablja najnovejše tehnologije za samodejno označevanje in iskanje slik, ne da bi vas pri tem oviral.","Item":"Artikel","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Kakovost JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Omejitev velikosti JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG in sličice se po potrebi samodejno prikažejo.","Keywords":"Ključne besede","Label":"Značka","Labels":"Značke","Labels deleted":"Značke izbrisane","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: ohranjanje podrobnosti, minimalni artefakti","Language":"Jezik","Last Sync":"Zadnja sinhronizacija","Latitude":"Zemljepisna širina","Lavender":"Sivka","Lens":"Objektiv","Library":"Knjižnica","License":"Licenca","Lime":"Lime","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Omejitev je dosežena, prikazovanje prvih %{n} datotekek","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linearno: Zelo gladko, najboljša zmogljivost","Link":"Povezava","List":"Seznam","Live":"V živo","Local Time":"Lokalni čas","location":"lokacija","Location":"Lokacija","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Sporočila dnevnika se tu pojavijo, kadar PhotoPrism naleti na pokvarjene datoteke ali druge morebitne težave.","Login":"Prijava","Logout":"Odjava","Logs":"Dnevniki","Longitude":"Zemljepisna dolžina","Low":"Nizka","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Glavna barva","manual":"priročnik","Manual Upload":"Ročno nalaganje","Marker":"Označevalnik","Medium":"Srednja","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Združiti %{a} z %{b}?","Message sent":"Poslano sporočilo","Minimize":"Zmanjšajte","Missing":"Manjka","Moments":"Trenutki","Monochrome":"Enobarvni","Month":"Mesec","Moonlight":"Moonlight","More than %{n} pictures found":"Najdenih več kot %{n} slik","More than 20 albums found":"Najdenih več kot 20 albumov","More than 20 labels found":"Najdenih je bilo več kot 20 značk","More than 20 people found":"Več kot 20 ljudi je našlo","Mosaic":"Mozaik","Move Files":"Premikanje datotek","Name":"Ime","Name too long":"Predolgo ime","Never":"Nikoli","New":"Novo","New Password":"Novo geslo","No":"Ne","No albums found":"Ni najdenih albumov","No labels found":"Ni najdenih nalepk","No people found":"Ni bilo najdenih oseb","No pictures found":"Ni bilo najdenih slik","No recently edited pictures":"Brez nedavno urejenih slik","No servers configured.":"Strežniki niso konfigurirani.","No thanks":"Ne, hvala.","No video selected":"Ni izbran noben videoposnetek","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Ni opozoril ali napak, ki bi vsebovale to ključno besedo. Upoštevajte, da je iskanje občutljivo na velike in male črke.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Nefotografske slike in slike nizke kakovosti je treba pred prikazom v rezultatih iskanja pregledati.","None":"Ni","Not Found":"Ni bilo najdeno","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Upoštevajte, da lahko mapo z izvirniki upravljate ročno, uvoz pa ni obvezen.","Note:":"Opomba:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Opomba: Samo strežnike WebDAV, kot sta Nextcloud ali PhotoPrism, lahko konfigurirate kot oddaljeno storitev za varnostno kopiranje in prenos datotek.","Notes":"Opombe","Offline":"Brez povezave","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"V operacijskem sistemu Windows v pogovorno okno za povezavo vnesite naslednji vir:","Once a week":"Enkrat na teden","One album found":"Najden je bil en album","One file found":"Najdena je bila ena datoteka"},"sv":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} album hittades","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} filer uppladdade","%{n} folders found":"%{n} mappar hittades","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etiketter hittades","%{n} people found":"%{n} personer hittades","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} bilder hittades","1 hour":"1 timme","12 hours":"12 timmar","4 hours":"4 timmar","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Ett klick kopierar den till urklippshanteraren.","About":"Om","Abyss":"Avgrund","Account":"Konto","Accuracy":"Noggrannhet","Action":"Åtgärd","Actions":"Åtgärder","Add Album":"Lägg till album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Lägg till filer till ditt bibliotek via webbuppladdning.","Add Link":"Lägg till en länk","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Lägg till bilder från sökresultaten genom att markera dem.","Add to album":"Lägg till i album","Added":"Tillagd","Advanced":"Avancerad","After 1 day":"Efter 1 dag","After 3 days":"Efter 3 dagar","After 7 days":"Efter 7 dagar","After one month":"Efter en månad","After one year":"Efter ett år","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"När du har valt bilder från sökresultaten kan du lägga till dem i ett album med hjälp av kontextmenyn.","After two months":"Efter två månader","After two weeks":"Efter två veckor","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Albumets namn","Albums":"Album","Albums deleted":"Album raderade","All %{n} albums loaded":"Alla %{n} album hämtade","All %{n} labels loaded":"Alla %{n} etiketter hämtade","All %{n} people loaded":"Alla %{n} personer hämtade","All Cameras":"Alla kameror","All Categories":"Alla kategorier","All Colors":"Alla färger","All Countries":"Alla länder","All fields are required":"Alla fält är obligatoriska","All files from import folder":"Alla filer från importmappen","All Lenses":"Alla objektiv","All Months":"Alla månader","All originals":"Alla original","All Years":"Alla år","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativt kan du ladda upp filer direkt till WebDAV-servrar som Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Höjd","Altitude (m)":"Höjd (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Ett fel inträffade - är du offline?","Animated":"Animerad","Animation":"Animering","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Alla privata foton och videor förblir privata och kommer inte att delas.","API Key":"API-nyckel","Apply":"Ansök på","Approve":"Godkänn","Archive":"Arkiv","Archived":"Arkiverad","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Är du säker på att du vill arkivera urvalet?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Är du säker på att du vill radera dessa album?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Är du säker på att du vill ta bort dessa etiketter?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Är du säker på att du vill radera det här kontot?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Är du säker på att du vill radera bilderna permanent?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Är du säker på att du vill radera filen permanent?","Are you sure?":"Är du säker?","Artist":"Fotograf","Aspect Ratio":"Bildförhållande","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Skapa automatiskt JPEG-filer för andra filtyper så att de kan visas i en webbläsare.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Skapa automatiskt album med speciella ögonblick, resor och platser.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Innan du skickar in en supportbegäran kan du använda våra checklistor för felsökning för att fastställa orsaken till ditt problem.","Bio":"Bio","Black":"Svart","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos-modifiering, mindre ringande artefakter","Blue":"Blå","Brown":"Brun","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Bläddra och redigera etiketter för bildklassificering.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Bläddra bland indexerade filer och mappar i biblioteket.","Bug Report":"Buggrapport","Busy, please wait…":"Upptagen, vänligen vänta…","Calendar":"Kalender","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Kameraserienummer","Can't load more, limit reached":"Kan inte hämta mer, gränsen är nådd","Can't select more items":"Kan inte välja fler objekt","Cancel":"Avbryt","Cards":"Kort","Category":"Kategori","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Ändra bildtitlar, platser och andra metadata.","Change private flag":"Ändra den privata flaggan","Checked":"Kontrollerad","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Stäng","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Färg","Color Profile":"Färgprofil","Colors":"Färger","Complete Rescan":"Fullständig omskanning","Confidence":"Tillit","Connect":"Anslut","Connect via WebDAV":"Anslut via WebDAV","Contact Us":"Kontakta oss","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Innehåller %{n} bilder.","Contains one picture.":"Innehåller en bild.","Convert to JPEG":"Konvertera till JPEG","Converting":"Konverterar","Copied to clipboard":"Kopierad till urklippshanteraren","Copyright":"Copyright","Couldn't find anything.":"Kunde inte hitta något.","Country":"Land","Create album":"Skapa album","Created":"Skapad","Creating thumbnails for":"Skapar miniatyrbilder för","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubisk: Måttlig kvalitet, bra prestanda","Current Password":"Nuvarande lösenord","Customer Support":"Kundsupport","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Dagligen","Day":"Dag","Debug Logs":"Felsökningsloggar","Default":"Standard","Default Folder":"Standardmapp","Delete":"Radera","Description":"Beskrivning","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Detaljerade instruktioner finns i vår användarhandbok.","Details":"Detaljer","Dimensions":"Mått","Disable Backups":"Inaktivera säkerhetskopiering","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Inaktivera den inbyggda WebDAV-servern. Kräver en omstart.","Disable Darktable":"Inaktivera Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Inaktivera ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Inaktivera FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Inaktivera platser","Disable RawTherapee":"Inaktivera RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Inaktivera TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Inaktivera WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Inaktiverar omvänd geokodning och kartor.","Discover":"Upptäck","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Säkerhetskopiera inte metadata för foton och album till YAML-filer.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Skapa inte ExifTool JSON-filer för bättre utvinning av metadata.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Ändra inte mappen med original. Inaktiverar import, uppladdning och radering.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Omkoda inte videor med FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Använd inte Darktable för att konvertera RAW-filer.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Använd inte RawTherapee för att konvertera RAW-filer.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Använd inte TensorFlow för bildklassificering.","Donations":"Donationer","Done":"Klart","Done.":"Klart.","Download":"Ladda ner","Download remote files":"Hämta fjärrfiler","Download single files and zip archives.":"Ladda ner enskilda filer och zip-arkiv.","Downloading…":"Hämtar…","Downscaling Filter":"Filter för nedskalning","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Dubletter kommer att hoppas över och visas endast en gång.","Duration":"Varaktighet","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamiska förhandsgranskningar","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dynamisk rendering kräver en kraftfull server. Den rekommenderas inte för NAS-enheter.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Begränsning av dynamisk storlek: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-post","Edit":"Redigera","Edit %{name}":"Redigera %{namn}","Edit Account":"Redigera konto","Edit Photo":"Redigera foto","Edited":"Redigerad","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"Aktivera nya funktioner som är under utveckling.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Aktiverar förinställningar för RAW-omvandlare. Kan minska prestandan.","Errors":"Fel","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Uppskatta den ungefärliga placeringen av bilder utan koordinater.","Estimates":"Uppskattningar","Every two days":"Varannan dag","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Undanta innehåll som markerats som privat från sökresultat, delade album, etiketter och platser.","Exclude hidden":"Exkludera dolda","Expand":"Expandera","Expand Search":"Utöka sökningen","Experimental Features":"Experimentella funktioner","Expires":"Upphör att gälla","Exposure":"Exponering","F Number":"F-nummer","Face":"Ansikte","Faces":"Ansikten","Failed copying to clipboard":"Kopiering till urklipp misslyckades","Failed removing link":"Misslyckades med att ta bort länken","Failed updating link":"Misslyckades med att uppdatera länken","Fast":"Snabbt","Favorite":"Favorit","Favorites":"Favoriter","Feature Request":"Begäran om funktion","Feedback":"Återkoppling","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Kontakta oss gärna på hello@photoprism.app om du har några frågor.","File":"Fil","File Browser":"Filhanterare","Filename":"Filnamn","Files":"Filer","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Filer med sekventiella namn som 'IMG_1234 (2)' och 'IMG_1234 (3)' tillhör samma bild.","Focal Length":"Brännvidd","Folder":"Mapp","Folder contains %{n} files":"Mappen innehåller %{n} filer","Folder is empty":"Mappen är tom","Folders":"Mappar","Forgot password?":"Glömt lösenord?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Bildrutor","Fullscreen":"Fullskärm","Gemstone":"Ädelsten","General":"Allmänt","Getting Support":"Få stöd","Gold":"Guld","Grayscale":"Gråskala","Green":"Grön","Grey":"Grått","Hash":"Kontrollsumma","Help":"Hjälp","Help & Support":"Hjälp och Support","Hidden":"Dolda","Hidden Files":"Dolda filer","Hide":"Dölj","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Dölj foton som har flyttats till arkivet.","High":"Hög","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Högt dynamiskt omfång (HDR)","How can we help?":"Hur kan vi hjälpa till?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Om detta inte hjälper dig eller om du har andra frågor:","image":"bild","Image":"Bild","Images":"Bilder","Import":"Import","Import failed":"Importen misslyckades","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Importerade filer sorteras efter datum och får ett unikt namn för att undvika dubbletter.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Importerade filer sorteras efter datum och får ett unikt namn.","Importing %{name}…":"Importerar %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importera filer till original…","in":"i","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Dessutom får sponsorer direkt teknisk support via e-post.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Om du upplever att bilder saknas, vänligen skanna om biblioteket och vänta tills indexeringen är slutförd.","Index":"Index","Indexing":"Indexerar","Indexing failed":"Indexeringen misslyckades","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexerar media och sidecar-filer…","Instance ID":"Instans-ID","Interval":"Intervall","Invalid date":"Ogiltigt datum","Invalid photo selected":"Ett ogiltigt foto har valts","Item":"Artikel","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG-kvalitet: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Begränsning av JPEG-storlek: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG-bilder och miniatyrbilder skapas automatiskt vid behov.","Keywords":"Nyckelord","Label":"Etikett","Labels":"Etiketter","Labels deleted":"Etiketter raderade","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Bevarande av detaljer, minimala artefakter","Language":"Språk","Last Sync":"Senaste synkronisering","Latitude":"Latitud","Lavender":"Lavendel","Lens":"Objektiv","Library":"Bibliotek","License":"Licens","Like":"Som","Lime":"Lime","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Gränsen är nådd, visar de första %{n} filerna","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linjär: Mycket jämn, bästa prestanda","Link":"Länk","List":"Lista","Live":"Live","Local Time":"Lokal tid","location":"plats","Location":"Plats","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Loggmeddelanden visas här när PhotoPrism stöter på trasiga filer eller när det finns andra potentiella problem.","Login":"Logga in","Logout":"Logga ut","Logs":"Loggar","Longitude":"Longitud","Low":"Låg","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Huvudfärg","manual":"manuellt","Manual Upload":"Manuell uppladdning","Marker":"Markering","Medium":"Medium","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Slå ihop %{a} med %{b}?","Message sent":"Meddelande skickat","Minimize":"Minimera","Missing":"Saknas","Moments":"Stunder","Monochrome":"Monokrom","Month":"Månad","Moonlight":"Månsken","More than %{n} pictures found":"Mer än %{n} bilder hittades","More than 20 albums found":"Mer än 20 album hittades","More than 20 labels found":"Mer än 20 etiketter hittades","More than 20 people found":"Mer än 20 personer hittades","Mosaic":"Mosaik","Move Files":"Flytta filer","Name":"Namn","Name too long":"Namnet är för långt","Never":"Aldrig","New":"Ny","New Password":"Nytt lösenord","No":"Ingen","No albums found":"Inga album hittades","No labels found":"Inga etiketter hittades","No people found":"Inga personer hittades","No pictures found":"Inga bilder hittades","No recently edited pictures":"Inga nyligen redigerade bilder","No servers configured.":"Inga servrar har konfigurerats.","No thanks":"Nej tack","No video selected":"Ingen video vald","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Inga varningar eller fel som innehåller detta nyckelord. Observera att sökningen är skiftlägeskänslig.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Bilder som inte är fotografiska eller av låg kvalitet måste granskas innan de visas i sökresultaten.","None":"Ingen","Not Found":"Ej hittad","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Observera att du kan hantera mappen med original manuellt och att import är valfritt.","Note:":"Observera:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"OBS: Endast WebDAV-servrar, som Nextcloud eller PhotoPrism, kan konfigureras som fjärrtjänst för säkerhetskopiering och filuppladdning.","Notes":"Anteckningar","Offline":"Offline","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"I Windows anger du följande resurs i anslutningsdialogen:","Once a week":"En gång i veckan","One album found":"Ett album hittat","One file found":"En fil hittad","One file uploaded":"En fil uppladdad","One folder found":"En mapp hittad","One label found":"En etikett hittat","One person found":"En person hittad","One picture found":"En bild hittades","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Alternativ","or ask in our Community Chat":"eller fråga i vår gemenskapschatt","Orange":"Orange","Orientation":"Layout","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"De ursprungliga filnamnen kommer att lagras och indexeras.","Original Name":"Ursprungligt namn","Originals":"Original","Other":"Övrigt","Outdoor":"Utomhus","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoraman","Password":"Lösenord","Password changed":"Lösenordet har ändrats","People":"Människor","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Personer som du delar en länk med kan se det offentliga innehållet.","Permanently deleted":"Permanent borttagen","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Ta bort filer permanent för att frigöra lagringsutrymme.","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism har uppdaterats…","Photos":"Foton","Pink":"Rosa","Place":"Plats","Place & Time":"Plats och Tid","Places":"Platser","Please confirm your new password.":"Bekräfta ditt nya lösenord.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Ladda inte upp bilder med stötande innehåll.","Portrait":"Porträtt","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"ställa din fråga i GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Bevara filnamn","Press button to start importing…":"Tryck på knappen för att börja importera…","Press button to start indexing…":"Tryck på knappen för att starta indexeringen…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Tryck på enter för att skapa ett nytt album.","Preview":"Förhandsgranska","Primary":"Primär","Private":"Privat","Product Feedback":"Produktåterkoppling","Projection":"Projektion","Purple":"Lila","Quality Filter":"Kvalitetsfilter","Quality Score":"Kvalitetspoäng","Random":"Slumpmässig","Raspberry":"Hallon","Raw":"Rå","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Konvertering av RAW-filer","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Återindexera alla original, inklusive redan indexerade och oförändrade filer.","Read-Only Mode":"Skrivskyddat läge","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Identifieringen börjar när indexeringen har slutförts.","Recognized":"Igenkänd","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Känner igen ansikten så att specifika personer kan hittas.","Red":"Röd","Reload":"Ladda om","Reloading…":"Laddar om …","Remote Sync":"Fjärrsynkronisering","Remove":"Radera","remove failed: unknown album":"borttagning misslyckades: okänt album","Remove from album":"Radera från albumet","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Ta bort importerade filer för att spara lagringsutrymme. Filer som inte stöds tas aldrig bort, utan förblir på sin nuvarande plats.","Request failed - invalid response":"Förfrågan misslyckades - ogiltigt svar","Required":"Krävs","Resolution":"Upplösning","Restore":"Återställ","Retry Limit":"Gräns för antalet försök","Retype Password":"Upprepa lösenordet","Review":"Granska","Save":"Spara","Scan":"Skanna","Scans":"Skannar","Search":"Sök","Search and display photos on a map.":"Sök och visa foton på en karta.","Season":"Säsong","Secret":"Hemlig","Select":"Välj","Select albums or create a new one":"Välj album eller skapa ett nytt","Selection approved":"Urvalet är godkänt","Selection archived":"Urval arkiverat","Selection restored":"Urvalet har återställts","Send":"Skicka","Sequential Name":"Sekventiellt namn","Service URL":"Tjänstens URL","Settings":"Inställningar","Settings saved":"Inställningarna har sparats","Setup":"Konfigurera","Shadow":"Skugga","Share":"Dela","Share %{name}":"Dela %{name}","Show":"Visa","Show all new faces":"Visa alla nya ansikten","Show hidden":"Visa dolda","Show less":"Visa mindre","Show more":"Visa mer","Show server logs in Library.":"Visa serverloggar i biblioteket.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Visar mer detaljerade loggmeddelanden. Kräver en omstart.","Sidecar":"Sidecar","Sign in":"Logga in","Sign Up":"Registrera dig","Similar":"Liknande","Size":"Storlek","Slow":"Långsam","Sort Order":"Sortering","Source":"Källa","Stack":"Samling","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Stapla filer som har samma unika bild- eller instansidentifierare.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Stapla bilder som tagits vid exakt samma tidpunkt och plats baserat på deras metadata.","Stackable":"Stapelbar","Stacks":"Staplar","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Staplar grupperar filer med liknande referensramar, men med skillnader i kvalitet, format, storlek eller färg.","Start":"Starta","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Starta/stoppa bildspel","States":"Stater","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statisk storleksgräns: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Förvaringsplats","Streets":"Gator","Subject":"Ämne","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Stöd för ytterligare tjänster, som Google Drive, kommer att läggas till med tiden.","Sync":"Synkronisera","Sync raw and video files":"Synkronisera raw- och videofiler","Taken":"Taget","Teal":"Blågrön","Text too long":"Texten är för lång","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Indexet innehåller för närvarande %{n} dolda filer.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Formatet kanske inte stöds, de har ännu inte konverterats till JPEG eller det finns dubbletter.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Detta gör att mappen med originalen monteras som en nätverksenhet, så att du kan öppna, redigera och ta bort filer från din dator eller smartphone som om de vore lokala.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generering av miniatyrbilder","Time UTC":"Tid UTC","Time Zone":"Tidszon","Timeout":"Timeout","Title":"Rubrik","Title too long":"Rubriken är för lång","Toggle View":"Växla vy","Token":"Kod","Topographic":"Topografisk","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Checklistor för felsökning","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Försök igen med andra filter eller nyckelord.","Type":"Typ","Undo":"Ångra","Unique ID":"Unikt ID","Unknown":"Okänd","Unsorted":"Osorterad","Unstack":"Avstapla","Updated":"Uppdaterad","Updating faces":"Uppdatering av ansikten","Updating index":"Uppdatering av index","Updating moments":"Uppdatering av ögonblick","Updating previews":"Uppdatering av förhandsgranskningar","Updating stacks":"Uppdatering av staplar","Upload":"Ladda upp","Upload complete":"Uppladdningen är klar","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Uppladdningen är klar. Indexerar…","Upload failed":"Uppladdningen misslyckades","Upload local files":"Ladda upp lokala filer","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Ladda upp till WebDAV och dela länkar med vänner.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Laddar upp %{n} av %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Laddar upp foton…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Uppladdningar som kan innehålla sådana bilder kommer automatiskt att avvisas.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Använd förinställningar","User":"Användare","User Interface":"Användargränssnitt","Username":"Användarnamn","Vanta":"Vanta","Video":"Video","Videos":"Videor","View":"Visa","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Vi gör vårt bästa för att besvara alla dina frågor. I gengäld ber vi dig att stödja oss på Patreon eller GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV-klienter kan ansluta till PhotoPrism via följande URL:","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV-uppladdning","White":"Vit","Year":"År","Yellow":"Gul","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Ja","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"du är välkommen att hänga med oss på Reddit","You can only download one album":"Du kan bara ladda ner ett album","You can only download one label":"Du kan bara ladda ner en etikett","You may only select one item":"Du kan bara välja ett objekt","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Du kan söka igenom ditt bibliotek på nytt för att hitta fler ansikten.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Ditt bibliotek analyseras kontinuerligt för att automatiskt skapa album med speciella ögonblick, resor och platser.","Zoom in/out":"Zooma in/ut"},"th":{"%{n} albums found":"พบ %{n} อัลบั้ม","%{n} files uploaded":"อัปโหลดแล้ว %{n} ไฟล์","%{n} folders found":"พบ %{n} โฟลเดอร์","%{n} people found":"พบบุคคล %{n} คน","1 hour":"1 ชั่วโมง","12 hours":"12 ชั่วโมง","4 hours":"4 ชั่วโมง","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"คลิกเพื่อคัดลอกไปยังคลิปบอร์ด","About":"เกี่ยวกับ","Account":"บัญชี","Accuracy":"ความแม่นยำ","Add Album":"เพิ่มอัลบั้ม","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"เพิ่มไฟล์ผ่านการอัปโหลด","Add Link":"เพิ่มลิงก์","Add to album":"เพิ่มไปยังอัลบั้ม","After 1 day":"หลังจาก 1 วัน","After 3 days":"หลังจาก 3 วัน","After 7 days":"หลังจาก 7 วัน","After one month":"หลังจากหนึ่งเดือน","After one year":"หลังจากหนึ่งปี","After two months":"หลังจากสองเดือน","Album Name":"ชื่ออัลบั้ม","Albums":"อัลบั้ม","All originals":"ต้นฉบับทั้งหมด","Approve":"อนุมัติ","Black":"สีดำ","Blue":"สีฟ้า","Brown":"สีน้ำตาล","Calendar":"ปฏิทิน","Camera":"กล้อง","Cancel":"ยกเลิก","Category":"หมวดหมู่","Chroma":"โครมา","Close":"ปิด","Color":"สี","Color Profile":"สีโปรไฟล์","Confidence":"ค่าความมั่นใจ","Connect via WebDAV":"เชื่อมต่อผ่าน WebDAV","Convert to JPEG":"แปลงเป็น JPEG","Converting":"กำลังแปลง","Created":"สร้างเมื่อ","Folder is empty":"โฟลเดอร์ว่างเปล่า","FPS":"FPS","Getting Support":"การขอช่วยเหลือ","Gold":"ทอง","Green":"สีเขียว","Grey":"สีเทา","Place & Time":"สถานที่และเวลา","White":"สีขาว","Yellow":"สีเหลือง"},"tr":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} albüm bulundu","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} dosya yüklendi","%{n} folders found":"%{n} klasör bulundu","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etiket bulundu","%{n} people found":"%{n} kişi bulundu","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} resim bulundu","1 hour":"1 saat","12 hours":"12 saat","4 hours":"4 saat","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Tıklayarak panoya kopyalayabilirsiniz.","About":"Hakkında","Abyss":"Uçurum","Account":"Hesabınız","Accuracy":"Doğruluk","Action":"Aksiyon","Actions":"Hareketler","Add Account":"Hesap ekle","Add Album":"Albüm Ekle","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Web Yükleme aracılığıyla kitaplığınıza dosya ekleyin.","Add Link":"Link ekle","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Arama sonuçlarını seçerek resimler ekleyin.","Add to album":"Albüme ekle","Added":"Eklendi","Advanced":"Gelişmiş","After 1 day":"1 gün sonra","After 3 days":"3 gün sonra","After 7 days":"7 gün sonra","After one month":"Bir ay sonra","After one year":"Bir yıl sonra","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Arama sonuçlarından resimleri seçtikten sonra, içerik menüsünü kullanarak bunları bir albüme ekleyebilirsiniz.","After two months":"İki ay sonra","After two weeks":"İki hafta sonra","Album":"Albüm","Album Name":"Albüm Adı","Albums":"Albümler","Albums deleted":"Albümler silindi","All %{n} albums loaded":"%{n} albüm yüklendi","All %{n} labels loaded":"%{n} etiket yüklendi","All %{n} people loaded":"%{n} kişi yüklendi","All Cameras":"Tüm Kameralar","All Categories":"Tüm Kategoriler","All Colors":"Tüm Renkler","All Countries":"Tüm Ülkeler","All fields are required":"Tüm alanlar zorunludur","All files from import folder":"İçe aktarma klasöründeki tüm dosyalar","All Lenses":"Tüm Lensler","All Months":"Tüm Aylar","All originals":"Tüm orijinaller","All Years":"Bütün yıllar","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternatif olarak, dosyaları doğrudan Nextcloud gibi WebDAV sunucularına yükleyebilirsiniz.","Altitude":"Rakım","Altitude (m)":"Rakım (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Bir hata oluştu - çevrimdışı mısınız?","Animated":"Hareketli","Animation":"Animasyon","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Özel fotoğraflar ve videolar gizli kalır ve paylaşılmaz.","API Key":"API Anahtarı","Apply":"Uygula","Approve":"Onayla","Archive":"Arşiv","Archived":"Arşivlendi","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Seçimi arşivlemek istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Bu albümleri silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Bu etiketleri silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Bu hesabı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Bu resimleri kalıcı olarak silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Bu dosyayı kalıcı olarak silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Are you sure?":"Emin misiniz?","Artist":"Sanatçı","Aspect Ratio":"En Boy Oranı","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Bir tarayıcıda görüntülenebilmeleri için diğer dosya türleri için otomatik olarak JPEG'ler oluşturun.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Özel anların, gezilerin ve yerlerin albümlerini otomatik olarak oluşturur.","Basic":"Temel","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Bir destek talebi göndermeden önce, sorununuzun nedenini belirlemek için lütfen Sorun Giderme Kontrol Listelerimizi kullanın.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"100% self tarafından finanse edilen ve bağımsız bir şirket olarak, verilerinizi asla satmayacağımıza ve yazılım ve hizmetlerimiz konusunda her zaman şeffaf olacağımıza dair size söz verebiliriz.","Bio":"Özgeçmiş","Birth Date":"Doğum Tarihi","Black":"Siyah","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos Değişikliği, Daha Az Çınlayan Eserler","Blue":"Mavi","Brown":"Kahverengi","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Görüntü sınıflandırma etiketlerine göz atın ve düzenleyin.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Kitaplık'ta dizine alınmış dosya ve klasörlere göz atın.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Belirli ürün özellikleri, hizmetler ve ilgili kaynaklar hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi için Bilgi Tabanına göz atın.","Bug Report":"Hata raporu","Busy, please wait…":"Meşgul, lütfen bekleyin…","Calendar":"Takvim","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Kamera Seri","Can't load more, limit reached":"Daha fazla yüklenemiyor, sınıra ulaşıldı","Can't select more items":"Daha fazla öğe seçilemiyor","Cancel":"İptal","Cards":"Kartlar","Category":"Kategori","Change Avatar":"Avatarı değiştir","Change Password":"Şifre Değiştir","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Kişisel profil ve güvenlik ayarlarını değiştirin.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Fotoğraf başlıklarını, konumları ve diğer meta verileri değiştirin.","Change private flag":"Özel bayrağı değiştir","Changes successfully saved":"Değişiklikler başarıyla kaydedildi","Checked":"Seçildi","Chroma":"Renk","Close":"Kapat","Codec":"Kodek","Color":"Renk","Color Profile":"Renk Profili","Colors":"Renkler","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Yaygın sorunlar, sağladığımız sorun giderme kontrol listeleri kullanılarak hızlı bir şekilde teşhis edilebilir ve çözülebilir.","Complete Rescan":"Tekrar Tara","Confidence":"Güven","Connect":"Bağlan","Connect via WebDAV":"WebDAV ile bağlan","Connected":"Bağlandı","Contact Details":"İletişim Detayları","Contact Us":"İletişim","Contains %{n} pictures.":"%{n} resim içeriyor.","Contains one picture.":"Tek resim içerir.","Convert to JPEG":"JPEG'e Dönüştür","Converting":"Dönüştürülüyor","Copied to clipboard":"Panoya kopyalandı","Copyright":"Telif hakkı","Couldn't find anything.":"Hiçbir şey bulunamadı.","Country":"Ülke","Create album":"Albüm Oluştur","Created":"Oluşturuldu","Creating thumbnails for":"Önizlemeler üretiliyor","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: Ortalama Kalite, İyi Performans","Current Password":"Mevcut Şifre","Customer Support":"Müşteri Hizmetleri","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Günlük","Day":"Gün","Debug Logs":"Hata Kayıtları","Default":"Varsayılan","Default Folder":"Varsayılan Klasör","Delete":"Sil","Description":"Tanım","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Kullanıcı kılavuzunda detaylı adımlar bulunabilir.","Details":"Detaylar","Dimensions":"Boyutlar","Disable Backups":"Yedekleri Devredışı Bırak","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Yerleşik WebDAV sunucusunu devre dışı bırakın. Yeniden başlatma gerektirir.","Disable Darktable":"Darktable'ı devre dışı bırak","Disable ExifTool":"ExifTool'u devre dışı bırak","Disable FFmpeg":"FFmpeg'i devre dışı bırak","Disable Places":"Yerleri Devre Dışı Bırak","Disable RawTherapee":"RawTherapee'yi devre dışı bırak","Disable TensorFlow":"TensorFlow'u devre dışı bırak","Disable WebDAV":"WebDAV'ı devre dışı bırak","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Ters coğrafi kodlamayı ve haritaları devre dışı bırakır.","Discover":"Keşfetmek","Display Name":"Ekran adı","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Fotoğraf ve albüm meta verilerini YAML dosyalarına yedeklemeyin.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Gelişmiş meta veri ayıklaması için ExifTool JSON dosyaları oluşturmayın.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Orijinaller klasörünü değiştirmeyin. İçe aktarmayı, yüklemeyi ve silmeyi devre dışı bırakır.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Videoları FFmpeg ile dönüştürmeyin.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"RAW dosyalarını dönüştürmek için Darktable'ı kullanmayın.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"RAW dosyalarını dönüştürmek için RawTherapee kullanmayın.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Görüntü sınıflandırması için TensorFlow kullanmayın.","Donations":"Bağışlar","Done":"Tamamlandı","Done.":"Tamamlandı.","Download":"İndirmek","Download remote files":"Uzak dosyaları indir","Download single files and zip archives.":"Tek dosyaları ve zip arşivlerini indirin.","Downloading…":"İndiriliyor…","Downscaling Filter":"Ölçek küçültme filtresi","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Aldığımız e-postaların yoğunluğu nedeniyle ekibimiz size hemen geri dönüş yapamayabilir.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Yinelenenler atlanacak ve yalnızca bir kez görünecek.","Duration":"Süre","Dynamic Previews":"Dinamik Önizlemeler","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dinamik oluşturma, güçlü bir sunucu gerektirir. NAS cihazları için önerilmez.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Dinamik Boyut Sınırı: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-Posta","Edit":"Düzenle","Edit %{name}":"%{name} i düzenle","Edit Account":"Hesabı Düzenle","Edit Photo":"Fotoğrafı Düzenle","Edited":"Düzenlendi","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-posta","Enable new features currently under development.":"Şu anda geliştirilmekte olan yeni özellikleri etkinleştirin.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"RAW dönüştürücü ön ayarlarını etkinleştirir. Performansı azaltabilir.","Errors":"Hatalar","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Koordinatları olmayan resimlerin yaklaşık konumunu tahmin edin.","Estimates":"Tahminler","Every two days":"iki günde bir","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Özel olarak işaretlenen içeriği arama sonuçlarından, paylaşılan albümlerden, etiketlerden ve yerlerden hariç tutun.","Exclude hidden":"Gizlenenleri hariç tut","Expand":"Genişlet","Expand Search":"Aramayı Genişlet","Experimental Features":"Deneysel Özellikler","Expires":"Süre sonu","Exposure":"Pozlama","F Number":"F Numarası","Face":"Yüz","Faces":"yüzler","Failed copying to clipboard":"Panoya kopyalanamadı","Failed removing link":"Bağlantı kaldırılamadı","Failed updating link":"Bağlantı güncellenemedi","Family Name":"Aile Adı","Fast":"Hızlı","Favorite":"Favori","Favorites":"Favoriler","Feature Request":"Özellik isteği","Feed":"Besleme","Feedback":"Geri bildirim","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Herhangi bir sorunuz varsa bizimle hello@photoprism.app adresinden iletişime geçmekten çekinmeyin.","Female":"Kadın","File":"Dosya","File Browser":"Dosya tarayıcısı","File Name":"Dosya Adı","File Size":"Dosya Boyutu","Filename":"Dosya Adı","Files":"Dosyalar","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"'IMG_1234 (2)' ve 'IMG_1234 (3)' gibi sıralı adlara sahip dosyalar aynı resme aittir.","Focal Length":"Odak uzaklığı","Folder":"Klasör","Folder contains %{n} files":"Klasör %{n} dosya içeriyor","Folder is empty":"Klasör boş","Folders":"Klasörler","Forgot password?":"Parolanızı mı unuttunuz?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Çerçeveler","Fullscreen":"Tam ekran","Gemstone":"Değerli taş","Gender":"Cinsiyet","General":"Genel","Getting Support":"Destek Alma","Given Name":"Verilen İsim","Gold":"Altın","Grayscale":"Gri tonlamalı","Green":"Yeşil","Grey":"Gri","Hash":"Karma","Help":"Yardım","Help & Support":"Yardım & Destek","Hidden":"Gizli","Hidden Files":"Gizli Dosyalar","Hide":"Gizle","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Arşive taşınan fotoğrafları gizleyin.","High":"Yüksek","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Yüksek Dinamik Aralık (HDR)","How can we help?":"Nasıl yardımcı olabiliriz?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Bu yardımcı olmazsa veya başka sorularınız varsa:","image":"resim","Image":"Resim","Images":"Görüntüler","Import":"İçe aktarmak","Import failed":"İçe aktarılamadı","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"İçe aktarılan dosyalar tarihe göre sıralanacak ve yinelemeleri önlemek için benzersiz bir ad verilecektir.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"İçe aktarılan dosyalar tarihe göre sıralanacak ve benzersiz bir ad verilecektir.","Importing %{name}…":"%{name} içe aktarılıyor…","Importing files to originals…":"Dosyalar orijinallere aktarılıyor…","in":"içinde","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Ayrıca, sponsorlar e-posta yoluyla doğrudan teknik destek alırlar.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Beklediğiniz resimlerin eksik olması durumunda lütfen kitaplığınızı yeniden tarayın ve indeksleme tamamlanana kadar bekleyin.","Index":"Dizin","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Kullanıcı arayüzü üzerinden dosyaları indeksleyin ve içe aktarın.","Indexing":"Indeksleniyor","Indexing failed":"İndeksleme başarısız","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Medya ve yardımcı dosyalar indeksleniyor…","Instance ID":"Ortam ID","Interval":"Aralık","Invalid":"Geçersiz","Invalid date":"Geçersiz tarih","Invalid parameters":"Geçersiz parametreler","Invalid photo selected":"Geçersiz fotoğraf seçildi","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Yolunuza çıkmadan resimleri otomatik olarak etiketlemek ve bulmak için en son teknolojilerden yararlanır.","Item":"Öğe","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG Kalitesi: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG Boyut Sınırı: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG'ler ve küçük resimler, gerektiğinde otomatik olarak oluşturulur.","Keywords":"Anahtar Kelimeler","Knowledge Base":"Bilgi Bankası","Label":"Etiket","Labels":"Etiketler","Labels deleted":"Etiketler silindi","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Detayların Korunması, Minimal Eserler","Language":"Dil","Last Sync":"Son Senkronizasyon","Latitude":"Enlem","Lavender":"Lavanta","Learn more":"Daha fazla bilgi edin","Legal Information":"Yasal Bilgiler","Lens":"Lens","Library":"Kütüphane","License":"Lisans","Like":"Sevmek","Lime":"Sarı","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Sınıra ulaşıldı, ilk %{n} dosya gösteriliyor","Linear: Very Smooth, Best 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bulundu","More than 20 labels found":"20'den fazla etiket bulundu","More than 20 people found":"20'den fazla kişi bulundu","Mosaic":"Mozaik","Most Relevant":"En Alakalı","Move Files":"Dosyaları Taşı","Name":"Ad","Name too long":"İsim çok uzun","Never":"Asla","New":"Yeni","New Password":"Yeni Şifre","Newest First":"Yeniden Eskiye","No":"Hayır","No albums found":"Hiç albüm bulunamadı","No labels found":"Etiket bulunamadı","No people found":"Hiç kimse bulunamadı","No pictures found":"Resim bulunamadı","No recently edited pictures":"Yakın zamanda düzenlenmiş resim yok","No servers configured.":"Yapılandırılmış sunucu yok.","No services configured.":"Yapılandırılmış hizmet yok.","No thanks":"Hayır teşekkürler","No video selected":"Seçili video yok","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Bu anahtar kelimeyi içeren uyarı veya hata yok. Aramanın büyük/küçük harfe duyarlı olduğunu unutmayın.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Fotoğrafik olmayan ve düşük kaliteli görseller, arama sonuçlarında görünmeden önce bir inceleme gerektirir.","None":"Hiçbiri","Not Found":"Bulunamadı","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Orijinaller klasörünüzü manuel olarak yönetebileceğinizi ve içe aktarmanın isteğe bağlı olduğunu unutmayın.","Note:":"Not:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Not: Yalnızca Nextcloud veya PhotoPrism gibi WebDAV sunucuları yedekleme ve dosya yükleme için uzak hizmet olarak yapılandırılabilir.","Notes":"Notlar","Nothing to see here yet.":"Henüz görecek bir şey yok.","Offline":"Çevrimdışı","Oldest First":"Eskiden Yeniye","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Windows'ta, bağlantı iletişim kutusuna aşağıdaki kaynağı girin:","Once a week":"Haftada bir","One album found":"Bir albüm bulundu","One file found":"Bir dosya bulundu","One file uploaded":"Bir dosya yüklendi","One folder found":"Bir klasör bulundu","One label found":"Bir etiket bulundu","One person found":"Bir kişi bulundu","One picture found":"Bir resim bulundu","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Seçenekler","or ask in our Community Chat":"veya Topluluk Sohbetimizde sorun","Orange":"Turuncu","Organization":"Organizasyon","Orientation":"Oryantasyon","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Orijinal dosya adları saklanacak ve indekslenecektir.","Original Name":"Orijinal Adı","Originals":"Orijinaller","Other":"Diğer","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Kullanıcı Kılavuzumuz ayrıca Google Fotoğraflar'dan geçiş ve küçük resim kalitesi ayarları gibi birçok gelişmiş konuyu da kapsamaktadır.","Outdoor":"Dış mekan","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramalar","Password":"Şifre","Password changed":"Şifre Değiştirildi","People":"Kişi","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Bağlantı paylaştığınız kişiler herkese açık içerikleri görüntüleyebilecektir.","Permanently deleted":"Kalıcı olarak silindi","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Depolama alanını boşaltmak için dosyaları kalıcı olarak kaldırın.","Phone":"Telefon","Photo":"Fotoğraf","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism güncellendi..","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism®, Merkezi Olmayan Web için Yapay Zeka Destekli bir Fotoğraf Uygulamasıdır.","Photos":"Fotoğraflar","Pink":"Pembe","Place":"Yer","Place & Time":"Yer ve Zaman","Places":"Konumlar","Please confirm your new password.":"Lütfen yeni şifrenizi onaylayın.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Lütfen saldırgan içerik barındıran fotoğraflar yüklemeyin.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Lütfen şifrenizi değiştirdiğinizde diğer cihazlarda ve tarayıcılarda oturumunuzu kapatacağınızı unutmayın.","Portrait":"Portre","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"sorunuzu GitHub Tartışmaları'na gönderin","Preserve filenames":"Dosya adlarını koru","Press button to start importing…":"İçe aktarmaya başlamak için düğmeye basın..","Press button to start indexing…":"İndekslemeyi başlatmak için düğmeye basın..","Press enter to create a new album.":"Yeni bir albüm oluşturmak için enter tuşuna basın.","Preview":"Önizleme","Primary":"Birincil","Private":"Özel","Product Feedback":"Ürün Geri Bildirimi","Projection":"Projeksiyon","Purple":"Mor","Quality Filter":"Kalite Filtresi","Quality Score":"Kalite Puanı","Random":"Rastgele","Raspberry":"Ahududu","Raw":"Çiğ","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW Dönüştürme","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Önceden indekslenmiş ve değişmemiş dosyalar da dahil olmak üzere tüm orijinalleri yeniden indeksleyin.","Read the Docs":"Belgeleri Okuyun","Read-Only Mode":"Salt Okunur Modu","Recently Added":"Son Eklenenler","Recently Edited":"Son zamanlarda Düzenlendi","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Tanıma işlemi indeksleme tamamlandıktan sonra başlar.","Recognized":"Tanınmış","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Belirli kişilerin bulunabilmesi için yüzleri tanır.","Red":"Kırmızı","Reload":"Tekrar yükle","Reloading…":"Yeniden doldurma..","Remote Sync":"Uzaktan Senkronizasyon","Remove":"Kaldır","remove failed: unknown album":"kaldırma başarısız: bilinmeyen albüm","Remove from album":"Albümden çıkar","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Depolama alanından tasarruf etmek için içe aktarılan dosyaları kaldırın. Desteklenmeyen dosya türleri asla silinmez, mevcut konumlarında kalırlar.","Request failed - invalid response":"İstek başarısız oldu - geçersiz yanıt","Required":"Gerekli","Resolution":"Çözünürlük","Restore":"Geri Yükle","Retry Limit":"Yeniden Deneme Sınırı","Retype Password":"Şifrenizi yeniden yazın","Review":"İnceleme","Satellite":"Uydu","Save":"Kaydet","Scan":"Tara","Scans":"Taramalar","Search":"Arama","Search and display photos on a map.":"Fotoğrafları harita üzerinde arayın ve görüntüleyin.","Season":"Sezon","Secret":"Gizli","Security and Access":"Güvenlik ve Erişim","Select":"Seç","Select albums or create a new one":"Albümleri seçin veya yeni bir albüm oluşturun","Selection approved":"Seçim onaylandı","Selection archived":"Seçim arşivlendi","Selection restored":"Seçim geri yüklendi","Send":"Gönder","Sequential Name":"Sıralı İsim","Service URL":"Hizmet URL'si","Services":"Hizmetler","Settings":"Ayarlar","Settings saved":"Ayarlar kaydedildi","Setup":"Kurulum","Shadow":"Gölge","Share":"Paylaş","Share %{name}":"Paylaş %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Fotoğraflarınızı diğer uygulamalar ve hizmetlerle paylaşın.","Show":"Göster","Show all new faces":"Tüm yeni yüzleri göster","Show hidden":"Gizli göster","Show less":"Daha Az Göster","Show more":"Daha fazla göster","Show server logs in Library.":"Kütüphane'de sunucu günlüklerini gösterin.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Daha ayrıntılı günlük mesajları gösterir. Yeniden başlatma gerektirir.","Sidecar":"Sidecar","Sign in":"Giriş Yap","Sign Up":"Kaydol","Similar":"Benzer","Size":"Boyut","Slow":"Yavaş","Sort Order":"Sıralama düzeni","Source":"Kaynak","Stack":"Yığın","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Aynı benzersiz görüntü veya örnek tanımlayıcısını paylaşan yığın dosyaları.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Aynı zamanda ve konumda çekilen fotoğrafları meta verilerine göre yığınlayın.","Stackable":"İstiflenebilir","Stacks":"Yığınlar","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Yığınlar, benzer referans çerçevesine sahip, ancak kalite, format, boyut veya renk farklılıkları olan dosyaları gruplandırır.","Start":"Başla","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Slayt Gösterisini Başlat/Durdur","States":"İlçeler","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statik Boyut Sınırı: %{n}px","Status":"Durum","Storage":"Depolama","Streets":"Sokaklar","Subject":"Konu","Successfully Connected":"Başarıyla Bağlandı","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Google Drive gibi ek hizmetler için destek zaman içinde eklenecektir.","Sync":"Eşitle","Sync raw and video files":"Ham ve video dosyalarını senkronize edin","Taken":"Alınmış","Teal":"Turkuaz","Text too long":"Metin çok uzun","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Dizin şu anda %{n} gizli dosya içermektedir.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Formatları desteklenmiyor olabilir, henüz JPEG'e dönüştürülmemiş olabilir veya mükerrer olabilir.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Bu, orijinaller klasörünü bir ağ sürücüsü olarak bağlar ve dosyaları açmanıza, düzenlemenize ve silmenize olanak tanır\n bilgisayarınızdan veya akıllı telefonunuzdan yerelmiş gibi.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Bu, orijinaller klasörünü bir ağ sürücüsü olarak bağlar ve dosyaları bilgisayarınızdan veya akıllı telefonunuzdan yerelmiş gibi açmanıza, düzenlemenize ve silmenize olanak tanır.","Thumbnail Generation":"Küçük Resim Oluşturma","Time UTC":"Zaman UTC","Time Zone":"Saat dilimi","Timeout":"Zaman aşımı","Title":"Başlık","Title / Position":"Başlık / Pozisyon","Title too long":"Başlık çok uzun","Toggle View":"Görünümü Değiştir","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografik","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Sorun Giderme Kontrol Listeleri","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Başka filtreler veya anahtar kelimeler kullanarak tekrar deneyin.","Type":"Tip","Undo":"Geri al","Unique ID":"Benzersiz kimlik","Unknown":"Bilinmeyen","Unregistered":"Kaydedilmemiş","Unsorted":"Sıralanmamış","Unstack":"Unstack","Updated":"Güncellendi","Updating faces":"Yüzleri güncelleme","Updating index":"Dizin güncelleniyor","Updating moments":"Anların güncellenmesi","Updating picture…":"Resim güncelleniyor..","Updating previews":"Önizlemeleri güncelleme","Updating stacks":"Yığınları güncelleme","Upload":"Yükle","Upload complete":"Yüklendi","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Yükleme tamamlandı. İndeksleniyor..","Upload failed":"Yükleme başarısız","Upload local files":"Yerel dosyaları yükleme","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"WebDAV'a yükleyin ve bağlantıları arkadaşlarınızla paylaşın.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"1]'in %{n}'ı yükleniyor..","Uploading photos…":"Fotoğraf yükleniyor..","Uploading…":"Yükleniyor…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Bu tür görüntüler içerebilecek yüklemeler otomatik olarak reddedilecektir.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Ön Ayarları Kullan","User":"Kullanıcı","User Guide":"Kullanıcı rehberi","User Interface":"Kullanıcı arayüzü","Username":"Kullanıcı Adı","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Doğrulanmış","Video":"Video","Video Duration":"Video Süresi","Videos":"Videolar","View":"Görünüm","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Fotoğraflarınızı nasıl senkronize edeceğinizi, düzenleyeceğinizi ve paylaşacağınızı öğrenmek için docs.photoprism.app/user-guide adresini ziyaret edin.","Visual Similarity":"Görsel Benzerlik","We appreciate your feedback!":"Görüşleriniz için teşekkür ederiz!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Beş iş günü veya daha kısa bir süre içinde yanıt vermek için elimizden geleni yapıyoruz.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Tüm sorularınızı yanıtlamak için elimizden geleni yapacağız. Karşılığında sizden bizi Patreon veya GitHub Sponsorları üzerinden desteklemenizi rica ediyoruz.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV istemcileri aşağıdaki URL'yi kullanarak PhotoPrism'e bağlanabilir:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Microsoft'un Windows Explorer'ı veya Apple'ın Finder'ı gibi WebDAV istemcileri doğrudan\n PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV Yükleme","Website":"Website","White":"Beyaz","Work Details":"İş Detayları","Year":"Yıl","Yellow":"Sarı","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Evet","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"reddit'te bize katılabilirsiniz","You can only download one album":"Yalnızca bir albüm indirebilirsiniz","You can only download one label":"Yalnızca bir etiket indirebilirsiniz","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Evde, özel bir sunucuda veya bulutta çalıştırabilirsiniz.","You may only select one item":"Yalnızca bir öğe seçebilirsiniz","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Başka yüzler bulmak için kütüphanenizi yeniden tarayabilirsiniz.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Devam eden desteğiniz düzenli güncellemeler sağlamamıza ve bağımsız kalmamıza yardımcı olur, böylece misyonumuzu yerine getirebilir ve gizliliğinizi koruyabiliriz.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Özel anların, gezilerin ve yerlerin albümlerini otomatik olarak oluşturmak için kitaplığınız sürekli olarak analiz edilir.","Zoom in/out":"Yakınlaştır / uzaklaştır"},"uk":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} альбомів знайдено","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} файлів завантажено","%{n} folders found":"%{n} тек знайдено","%{n} labels found":"%{n} міток знайдено","%{n} people found":"%{n} людей знайдено","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} зображень знайдено","1 hour":"1 година","12 hours":"12 годин","4 hours":"4 години","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Копіювання до буферу обміну по кліку.","About":"Про","Abyss":"Усі піддиректорії","Account":"Обліковий запис","Accuracy":"Точність","Action":"Дія","Actions":"Дії","Activate":"Активувати","Activation Code":"Код активації","Add Account":"Додати обліковий запис","Add Album":"Додати Альбом","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Додайте файли до своєї бібліотеки за допомогою Веб-завантаження.","Add Link":"Додати посилання","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Додайте зображення з результатів пошуку, вибравши їх.","Add to album":"Додати до альбому","Added":"Додано","Advanced":"Розширені","After 1 day":"Через 1 день","After 3 days":"Через 3 дні","After 7 days":"Через 7 днів","After one month":"Через місяць","After one year":"Через рік","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Вибравши зображення з результатів пошуку, ви можете додати їх до альбому за допомогою контекстного меню.","After two months":"Через два місяці","After two weeks":"Через два тижні","Album":"Альбом","Album Name":"Назва альбому","Albums":"Альбоми","Albums deleted":"Альбом видалено","All %{n} albums loaded":"Усі %{n} альбомів завантажено","All %{n} labels loaded":"Усі %{n} міток завантажено","All %{n} people loaded":"Усі %{n} людей завантажено","All Cameras":"Усі фотокамери","All Categories":"Усі категорії","All Colors":"Усі кольори","All Countries":"Усі країни","All fields are required":"Усі поля обов'язкові для заповнення","All files from import folder":"Всі файли з теки імпорту","All Lenses":"Всі об'єктиви","All Months":"Всі місяці","All originals":"Всі оригінали","All Years":"Всі роки","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Крім того, ви можете завантажувати файли безпосередньо на сервери WebDAV, такі як Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Висота","Altitude (m)":"Висота (м)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Сталася помилка - ви офлайн?","Animated":"Анімовані","Animation":"Анімація","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Будь-які приватні фотографії та відео залишаються приватними та не будуть доступні іншим користувачам.","API Key":"Ключ API","Apply":"Застосувати","Approve":"Підтвердити","Archive":"Архів","Archived":"Заархівовано","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Ви впевнені що хочете заархівувати виділені елементи?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Ви впевнені що хочете видалити ці альбоми?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Ви впевнені що хочете видалити ці мітки?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Ви впевнені що хочете видалити цей обліковий запис?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Ви впевнені що хочете остаточно видалити ці зображення?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Ви впевнені що хочете остаточно видалити цей файл?","Are you sure?":"Ви впевнені?","Artist":"Виконавець","Aspect Ratio":"Співвідношення сторін","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Автоматично створити JPEG для інших типів файлів, щоб вони могли відображатися в браузері.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Автоматично створювати альбоми визначних моментів, подорожей та місць.","Basic":"Базовий","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Перш ніж надсилати запит на підтримку, скористайтеся нашими контрольними списками для усунення несправностей, щоб визначити причину вашої проблеми.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Будучи на 100% самофінансованими та незалежними, ми можемо пообіцяти вам, що ми ніколи не будемо продавати ваші дані і що ми завжди будемо прозорими щодо нашого програмного забезпечення та послуг.","Bio":"Біографія","Birth Date":"Дата народження","Black":"Чорний","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: модифікація Lanczos, менш виразні артефакти","Blue":"Синій","Brown":"Коричневий","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Переглядайте та редагуйте мітки класифікації зображень.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Переглядайте проіндексовані файли та папки в бібліотеці.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Перегляньте Базу знань для отримання детальної інформації про конкретні функції продукту, послуги та пов'язані з ними ресурси.","Bug Report":"Звіт про помилку","Busy, please wait…":"Система зайнята, будь ласка, зачекайте…","Calendar":"Календар","Camera":"Камера","Camera Serial":"Серійний номер камери","Can't load more, limit reached":"Не можна завантажити більше, досягнуто обмеження","Can't select more items":"Не можливо виділити більше елементів","Cancel":"Відмінити","Cards":"Картки","Category":"Категорія","Change Avatar":"Змінити аватар","Change Password":"Змінити пароль","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Зміна особистого профілю та налаштувань безпеки.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Змінити назви фотографій, розташування та інші метадані.","Change private flag":"Змінити означку приватності","Changes successfully saved":"Зміни успішно збережено","Checked":"Перевірено","Chroma":"Колірність","Close":"Закрити","Codec":"Кодек","Color":"Колір","Color Profile":"Профіль кольору","Colors":"Кольори","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Поширені проблеми можна швидко діагностувати та вирішити за допомогою контрольних списків з усунення несправностей, які ми надаємо.","Compare Features":"Порівняти функції","Complete Rescan":"Повне перескановування","Confidence":"Точність","Connect":"Під'єднати","Connect via WebDAV":"Під'єднати через WebDAV","Connected":"Підключено","Contact Details":"Контактна інформація","Contact Us":"Зв'язатися з нами","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Містить %{n} зображень.","Contains one picture.":"Містить одне зображення.","Convert to JPEG":"Конвертувати у JPEG","Converting":"Конвертація","Copied to clipboard":"Скопійовано у буфер обміну","Copyright":"Авторські права","Couldn't find anything.":"Не можу знайти нічого.","Country":"Країна","Create Account":"Створити обліковий запис","Create album":"Створити альбом","Created":"Створено","Creating thumbnails for":"Створюю мініатюри для","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: помірна якість, хороша продуктивність","Current Password":"Поточний пароль","Customer Support":"Підтримка клієнтів","Cyan":"Блакитний","Cyano":"Блакитний","Daily":"Щоденний","Day":"День","Debug Logs":"Журнали налагодження","Default":"За замовчуванням","Default Folder":"Тека за замовчуванням","Delete":"Видалити","Description":"Опис","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Детальні інструкції можна знайти в нашій Інструкції Користувача.","Details":"Подробиці","Dimensions":"Розміри","Disable Backups":"Вимкнути резервній копії","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Вимкнути вбудований WevDAV сервер. Необхідне перезавантаження.","Disable Darktable":"Вимкнути Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Вимкнути ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Вимкнути FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Вимкнути Місця","Disable RawTherapee":"Вимкнути RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Вимкнути TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Вимкнути WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Вимкнути зворотне геокодування та карти.","Discover":"Огляд","Display Name":"Ім'я користувача","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Не створювати резервні копії метаданих фотографій і альбомів у файли YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Не створювати файли ExifTool JSON для покращеного отримання метаданих.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Не змінювати теку оригіналів. Вимикає імпорт, завантаження та видалення.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Не перекодовувати відео за допомогою FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Не використовувати Darktable для конвертації файлів RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Не використовувати RawTherapee для конвертації файлів RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Не використовувати TensorFlow для класифікації зображень.","Donations":"Пожертви","Done":"Готово","Done.":"Готово.","Download":"Завантажити","Download remote files":"Завантаження віддалених файлів","Download single files and zip archives.":"Завантажити окремі файли та архіви zip.","Downloading…":"Завантаження…","Downscaling Filter":"Фільтр зменшення масштабу","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"У зв'язку з великою кількістю електронних листів, які ми отримуємо, наша команда може бути не в змозі відповісти вам негайно.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Дублікати пропускатимуться та з’являтимуться лише один раз.","Duration":"Тривалість","Dynamic Previews":"Динамічний попередній перегляд","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Для динамічного рендерингу потрібен потужний сервер. Не рекомендується для пристроїв NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Обмеження динамічного розміру: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Електронна пошта","Edit":"Редагувати","Edit %{name}":"Редагувати %{name}","Edit Account":"Редагувати обліковий запис","Edit Photo":"Редагувати фото","Edited":"Відредаговано","Electra":"Електра","Email":"Електронна пошта","Enable new features currently under development.":"Увімкнути нові функції, які зараз розробляються.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Увімкнути попередньо встановлені налаштування конвертера RAW. Може знизити продуктивність.","Errors":"Помилки","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Оцініть приблизне розташування зображень без координат.","Estimates":"Підрахунок","Every two days":"Кожні два дні","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Виключити контент, відмічений як приватний, з результатів пошуку, спільних альбомів, міток та місць.","Exclude hidden":"Виключаючи приховані","Expand":"Розширити","Expand Search":"Розширений пошук","Experimental Features":"Експериментальні можливості","Expires":"Закінчується","Exposure":"Експозиція","F Number":"Діафрагма","Face":"Обличчя","Faces":"Обличчя","Failed copying to clipboard":"Не вдалося скопіювати в буфер обміну","Failed removing link":"Не вдалось видалити посилання","Failed updating link":"Не вдалось оновити посилання","Family Name":"Прізвище","Fast":"Швидко","Favorite":"Вибрані","Favorites":"Вибране","Feature Request":"Запит можливостей","Feed":"Канал","Feedback":"Відгук","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Не соромтеся зв’язатися з нами за адресою hello@photoprism.app, якщо у вас виникнуть запитання.","Female":"Жінка","File":"Файл","File Browser":"Оглядач файлів","File Name":"Ім'я файлу","File Size":"Розмір файлу","Filename":"Ім'я файла","Files":"Файли","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Файли з послідовними іменами як 'IMG_1234 (2)' і 'IMG_1234 (3)' вважати тим самим зображенням.","Focal Length":"Фокусна відстань","Folder":"Тека","Folder contains %{n} files":"Тека містить %{n} файлів","Folder is empty":"Тека порожня","Folders":"Теки","Forgot password?":"Забули пароль?","FPS":"к/с","Frames":"Кадрів","Frequently Asked Questions":"Поширені запитання","Fullscreen":"Повний екран","Gemstone":"Коштовний камінь","Gender":"Стать","General":"Загальний","Getting Support":"Отримати підтримку","Given Name":"Прізвище, ім'я та по батькові","Gold":"Золотий","Grayscale":"Градації сірого","Green":"Зелений","Grey":"Сірий","Hash":"Хеш","Help":"Допомога","Help & Support":"Допомога і Підтримка","Hidden":"Приховані","Hidden Files":"Приховані файли","Hide":"Приховати","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Приховати фотографії, які були переміщені в архів.","High":"Високий","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Високий Динамічний Діапазон(HDR)","How can we help?":"Як ми можемо допомогти?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Якщо це не допомогло або у вас виникли інші запитання:","image":"зображення","Image":"Зображення","Images":"Зображення","Import":"Імпортувати","Import failed":"Імпортування невдале","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Імпортовані файли будуть відсортовані по даті та отримають унікальні імена для уникнення дублікатів.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Імпортовані файли будуть відсортовані по даті та отримають унікальні імена.","Importing %{name}…":"Імпортуємо %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Імпортуємо файли в теку оригіналів…","in":"в","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"На додачу спонсори отримають пряму технічну підтримку через електронну пошту.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"У випадку якщо очікувані зображення відсутні, будь-ласка перескануйте вашу бібліотеку та зачекайте поки індексування закінчиться.","Index":"Індекс","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Індексуйте та імпортуйте файли через користувацький інтерфейс.","Indexing":"Індексування","Indexing failed":"Індексування не вдалось","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Індексування мультимедійних і файлів додаткової інформації…","Instance ID":"Ідентифікатор екземпляра","Interval":"Інтервал","Invalid":"Недійсний","Invalid date":"Невірна дата","Invalid parameters":"Неправильні параметри","Invalid photo selected":"вибрано невірне фото","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Використовуються новітні технології, щоб автоматично позначати і знаходити фотографії, не заважаючи вам.","Item":"Елемент","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Якість JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Обмеження розміру JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG та мініатюри автоматично відтворюються за потреби.","Keywords":"Ключові слова","Knowledge Base":"База знань","Label":"Мітка","Labels":"Мітки","Labels deleted":"Мітки видалено","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: збереження деталей, мінімум артефактів","Language":"Мова","Last Sync":"Остання синхронізація","Latitude":"Широта","Lavender":"Лавандовий","Learn more":"Дізнатися більше","Legal Information":"Юридична інформація","Lens":"Об'єктив","Library":"Бібліотека","License":"Ліцензія","Like":"Вподобання","Lime":"Лаймовий","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Ліміт досягнуто, показано перші %{n} файлів","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Лінійний: дуже плавний, найкраща продуктивність","Link":"Посилання","List":"Список","Live":"Live фото","Live Photos":"Живі фото","Local Time":"Місцевий час","location":"місцезнаходження","Location":"Місцезнаходження","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Повідомлення журналу з’являються тут щоразу, коли PhotoPrism натрапляє на пошкоджені файли або виникають інші потенційні проблеми.","Login":"Увійти в систему","Logout":"Вийти з системи","Logs":"Журнали","Longitude":"Довгота","Low":"Низький","Magenta":"Маджента","Main Color":"Основний колір","Male":"Чоловік","manual":"ручний","Manual Upload":"Вивантаження вручну","Maps":"Карти","Marker":"Маркер","Medium":"Середній","Membership":"Членство","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Об'єднати %{a} із %{b}?","Message sent":"Повідомлення надіслано","Minimize":"Мінімізувати","Missing":"Відсутнє","Moments":"Моменти","Monochrome":"Монохромні","Month":"Місяць","Moonlight":"Місячне сяйво","More than %{n} pictures found":"Знайдено понад %{n} зображень","More than 20 albums found":"Знайдено більше 20 альбомів","More than 20 labels found":"Знайдено більше 20 міток","More than 20 people found":"Знайдено більше 20 осіб","Mosaic":"Мозаїка","Most Relevant":"Найбільш актуальні","Move Files":"Перемістити файли","Must have at least %{n} characters.":"Повинно містити не менше %{n} символів.","Name":"Ім'я","Name too long":"Задовге ім'я","Never":"Ніколи","New":"Нові","New Password":"Новий пароль","Newest First":"Спочатку найновіші","No":"Немає","No albums found":"Альбоми не знайдено","No labels found":"Мітки не знайдено","No people found":"Людей не знайдено","No pictures found":"Зображення не знайдено","No recently edited pictures":"Немає нещодавно відредагованих зображень","No servers configured.":"Сервери не налаштовано.","No services configured.":"Служби не налаштовані.","No thanks":"Ні, дякую","No video selected":"Не вибрано жодного відео","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Немає попереджень або помилок із цим ключовим словом. Зауважте, що пошук чутливий до регістру.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Нефотографічні та низькоякісні зображення потребують перевірки, перш ніж з’являться в результатах пошуку.","None":"Жодного","Not Found":"Не знайдено","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Зауважте, що ви можете вручну керувати текою оригіналів, а імпортувати необов’язково.","Note:":"Примітка:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Примітка: лише сервери WebDAV, такі як Nextcloud або PhotoPrism, можна налаштувати як віддалену службу для резервного копіювання та вивантаження файлів.","Notes":"Примітки","Nothing to see here yet.":"Поки що тут немає на що дивитися.","Offline":"Поза мережею","Oldest First":"Спочатку найстарші","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"У Windows, введіть наступний ресурс у діалоговому вікні підключення:","Once a week":"Раз на тиждень","One album found":"Один альбом знайдено","One file found":"Один файл знайдено","One file uploaded":"Один файл вивантажено","One folder found":"Одну теку знайдено","One label found":"Одну мітку знайдено","One person found":"Одну людину знайдено","One picture found":"Одне зображення знайдено","Onyx":"Онікс","Options":"Параметри","or ask in our Community Chat":"або запитайте в чаті нашої спільноти","Orange":"Оранжевий","Organization":"Організація","Orientation":"Орієнтація","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Оригінальні назви файлів будуть збережені та проіндексовані.","Original Name":"Оригінальна назва","Originals":"Оригінали","Other":"Інше","Our team evaluates this on an ongoing basis, depending on the support effort features and config options cause or have caused in the past, and whether they are generally needed by everyone or mainly requested by organizations and advanced users. As this allows us to make more features available to the public, we encourage all users to support our mission.":"Наша команда оцінює це на постійній основі, залежно від того, які зусилля з підтримки функції та параметри конфігурації викликають або викликали в минулому, і чи потрібні вони в цілому всім або в основному запитуються організаціями та досвідченими користувачами. Оскільки це дозволяє нам зробити більше функцій доступними для громадськості, ми закликаємо всіх користувачів підтримати нашу місію.","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Наш Посібник користувача також охоплює багато додаткових тем, таких як міграція з Google Фото та налаштування якості мініатюр.","Outdoor":"На відкритому повітрі","Panorama":"Панорама","Panoramas":"Панорами","Password":"Пароль","Password changed":"Пароль змінено","People":"Люди","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Люди, з котрими ви поділилися посиланням, зможуть переглядати загальнодоступний вміст.","Permanently deleted":"Остаточно видалено","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Видалити файли назавжди, щоб звільнити пам’ять.","Phone":"Телефон","Photo":"Фото","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism було оновлено…","PhotoPrism is 100% self-funded. Voluntary donations do not cover the cost of a team working full time to provide you with updates, documentation, and support. It is your decision whether you want to sign up to enjoy additional benefits.":"PhotoPrism на 100% самофінансується. Добровільні пожертви не покривають витрати команди, яка працює повний робочий день, щоб забезпечити вас оновленнями, документацією та підтримкою. Ви самі вирішуєте, чи хочете ви підписатися, щоб користуватися додатковими перевагами.","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® - це додаток для децентралізованої обробки фотографій на основі штучного інтелекту.","Photos":"Фотографії","Pink":"Рожевий","Place":"Місце","Place & Time":"Місце і час","Places":"Місця","Please confirm your new password.":"Будь-ласка підтвердіть ваш новий пароль.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Будь ласка, не завантажуйте фотографії образливого змісту.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Зверніть увагу, що зміна пароля призведе до виходу з системи на інших пристроях та браузерах.","Portrait":"Портрет","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"опублікуйте своє запитання в GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Зберігати імена файлів","Press button to start importing…":"Нажміть кнопку щоб розпочати імпортування…","Press button to start indexing…":"Натисніть кнопку щоб розпочати індексування…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Натисність Enter щоб створити новий альбом.","Preview":"Попередній перегляд","Primary":"Первинний","Private":"Приватний","Product Feedback":"Відгуки про продукт","Projection":"Проекція","Purple":"Пурпурний","Quality Filter":"Фільтр якості","Quality Score":"Показник якості","Random":"Випадковий","Raspberry":"Малиновий","Raw":"Raw файли","RAW":"RAW файли","RAW Conversion":"Конвертація у форматі RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Переіндексуйте усі оригінали, включаючи вже проіндексовані та незмінені файли.","Read the Docs":"Прочитайте інструкції","Read-Only Mode":"Режим «тільки для читання»","Recently Added":"Нещодавно додані","Recently Edited":"Нещодавно відредаговано","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Розпізнавання почнеться після завершення індексації.","Recognized":"Розпізнані","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Розпізнавання облич для пошуку конкретних людей.","Red":"Червоний","Reload":"Перезавантажити","Reloading…":"Перезавантаження…","Remote Sync":"Віддалена синхронізація","Remove":"Видалити","remove failed: unknown album":"не вдалося видалити: невідомий альбом","Remove from album":"Видалити з альбому","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Вилучіть імпортовані файли, щоб заощадити пам’ять. Непідтримувані типи файлів ніколи не будуть видалені, вони залишаться в поточному місці.","Request failed - invalid response":"Запит не виконано – недійсна відповідь","Required":"Обов'язковий","Resolution":"Роздільна здатність","Restore":"Відновлення","Retry Limit":"Ліміт повторних спроб","Retype Password":"Введіть пароль повторно","Review":"Потребують перевірки","Satellite":"Супутник","Save":"Зберегти","Scan":"Сканувати","Scans":"Відскановані","Search":"Пошук","Search and display photos on a map.":"Пошук і відображення фотографій на карті.","Season":"Сезон","Secret":"Таємний","Security and Access":"Безпека та доступ","Select":"Вибрати","Select albums or create a new one":"Виберіть альбоми або створіть новий","Selection approved":"Вибір затверджено","Selection archived":"Вибране заархівовано","Selection restored":"Вибране відновлено","Send":"Надіслати","Sequential Name":"Послідовне ім'я","Service URL":"URL служби","Services":"Послуги","Settings":"Налаштування","Settings saved":"Налаштування збережено","Setup":"Налаштувати","Shadow":"Тінь","Share":"Поділитися","Share %{name}":"Поділитися %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Діліться своїми фотографіями з іншими програмами та сервісами.","Shouldn't free software be free of costs?":"Чи не повинно вільне програмне забезпечення бути безкоштовним?","Show":"Показати","Show all new faces":"Показати всі нові обличчя","Show hidden":"Показати приховані","Show less":"Показувати менше","Show more":"Показати більше","Show server logs in Library.":"Показати журнали сервера в бібліотеці.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Показати докладніші повідомлення журналу. Вимагає перезавантаження.","Sidecar":"Додатковий вміст","Sign in":"Увійти","Sign Up":"Зареєструватися","Similar":"Схожі","Size":"Розмір","Slow":"Повільний","Sort Order":"Порядок сортування","Source":"Джерело","Stack":"Серії","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Згрупувати файли, що мають однакове унікальне зображення або ідентифікатор екземпляра.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Згрупувати зображення, зроблені в той самий час і в одному місці, на основі їхніх метаданих.","Stackable":"Згруповуємі","Stacks":"Групи","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Групує файли зі схожою системою відліку, але відрізняється якістю, форматом, розміром або кольором.","Start":"Почати","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Почати/зупинити показ слайдів","States":"Райони","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Обмеження статичного розміру: %{n}px","Status":"Статус","Storage":"Сховище","Streets":"Вулиці","Subject":"Тема","Successfully Connected":"Успішно підключено","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Підтримка додаткових служб, як-от Google Drive, буде додана з часом.","Support Our Mission":"Підтримайте нашу місію","Sync":"Синхронізація","Sync raw and video files":"Синхронізація файлів у форматі raw і відео","Taken":"Занято","Teal":"Бірюзовий","Text too long":"Текст занадто довгий","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Індекс наразі містить %{n} прихованих файлів.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Можливо, їх формат не підтримується, вони ще не перетворені на JPEG або є дублікати.","Theme":"Тема","Think of “free software” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer.” The Free Software Foundation sometimes calls it “libre software,” borrowing the French or Spanish word for “free” as in freedom, to show they do not mean the software is gratis.":"Думайте про \"вільне програмне забезпечення\" як про \"свободу слова\", а не як про \"безкоштовне пиво\". Фонд вільного програмного забезпечення іноді називає його \"вільним програмним забезпеченням\", запозичуючи французьке або іспанське слово \"libre\", що означає свободу, щоб показати, що це не означає, що програмне забезпечення є безкоштовним.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Це монтує папку оригіналів як мережевий диск і дозволяє відкривати, редагувати та видаляти файли\n з вашого комп'ютера або смартфона так, як якщо б вони були локальними.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Це монтує теку оригіналів як мережевий диск і дозволяє відкривати, редагувати та видаляти файли з вашого комп’ютера чи смартфона, наче вони локальні.","Thumbnail Generation":"Створення мініатюр","Time UTC":"Час за UTC","Time Zone":"Часовий пояс","Timeout":"Час вийшов","Title":{"Account":"Заголовок","Photo":"Заголовок","":"Заголовок"},"Title / Position":"Звання / посада","Title too long":"Надто довгий заголовок","To upgrade, you may either enter an activation code or click on \"Sign Up\" to upgrade on our website:":"Для оновлення ви можете або ввести код активації, або натиснути кнопку \"Зареєструватися\" на нашому сайті:","Toggle View":"Перемкнути перегляд","Token":"Токен","Topographic":"Топографічний","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Контрольні списки для усунення несправностей","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Спробуйте ще раз, використовуючи інші фільтри або ключові слова.","Type":"Тип","Undo":"Відмінити","Unique ID":"Унікальний ідентифікатор","Unknown":"Невідомий","Unregistered":"Незареєстрований","Unsorted":"Невідсортовані","Unstack":"Розгрупувати","Updated":"Оновлено","Updating faces":"Оновлення облич","Updating index":"Оновлення індексу","Updating moments":"Оновлення моментів","Updating picture…":"Оновлення зображення…","Updating previews":"Оновлення попереднього перегляду","Updating stacks":"Оновлення стеків","Upgrade":"Оновлення","Upgrade Now":"Оновити зараз","Upgrade now and enjoy our member benefits!":"Переходьте на новий тарифний план та користуйтеся нашими перевагами для учасників!","Upload":"Вивантажити","Upload complete":"Вивантаження завершено","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Вивантаження завершено. Індексація…","Upload failed":"Помилка вивантаження","Upload local files":"Вивантажити локальні файли","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Вивантажити в WebDAV і поділитися посиланнями з друзями.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Вивантаження %{n} з %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Вивантаження фотографій…","Uploading…":"Вивантаження…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Вивантаження, які можуть містити такі зображення, автоматично відхилятимуться.","URL":"URL-адреса","Use Presets":"Використовуйте попередні налаштування","User":"Користувач","User Guide":"Посібник користувача","User Interface":"Інтерфейс користувача","Username":"Ім'я користувача","Vanta":"Ванта","Verified":"Перевірений","Video":"Відео","Video Duration":"Тривалість відео","Videos":"Відео","View":"Вид","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Відвідайте docs.photoprism.app/user-guide, щоб дізнатися, як синхронізувати, упорядковувати та ділитися своїми фотографіями.","Visual Similarity":"Візуальна схожість","We appreciate your feedback!":"Ми вдячні Вам за зворотній зв'язок!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Ми намагаємося відповідати протягом п'яти робочих днів або менше.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Ми зробимо все можливе, щоб відповісти на всі ваші запитання. У свою чергу ми просимо вас підтримати нас на Patreon або спонсорах GitHub.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Клієнти WebDAV можуть підключатися до PhotoPrism за такою URL-адресою:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Клієнти WebDAV, такі як Microsoft Windows Explorer або Apple Finder, можуть підключатися безпосередньо до\n PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Вивантаження WebDAV","Website":"Веб-сайт","What functionality is generally available?":"Який функціонал є загальнодоступним?","White":"Білий","Why are some features only available to sponsors?":"Чому деякі функції доступні тільки для спонсорів?","Work Details":"Деталі роботи","Year":"Рік","Yellow":"Жовтий","Yellowstone":"Єллоустоун","Yes":"Так","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"Ви можете приєднатися до нас на Reddit","You can only download one album":"Ви можете завантажити лише один альбом","You can only download one label":"Ви можете завантажити лише одну мітку","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Ви можете запустити його вдома, на приватному сервері або в хмарі.","You may only select one item":"Ви можете вибрати лише один об'єкт","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Ви можете пересканувати вашу бібліотеку щоб знайти додаткові обличчя.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Ваша постійна підтримка допомагає нам надавати регулярні оновлення та залишатися незалежними, щоб ми могли виконувати нашу місію та захищати вашу конфіденційність.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Ваша бібліотека постійно аналізується, щоб автоматично створювати альбоми особливих моментів, подорожей і місць.","Zoom in/out":"Збільшення/зменшення"},"zh":{"%{n} albums found":"已找到 %{n} 个相册","%{n} files uploaded":"已上传 %{n} 个文件","%{n} folders found":"已找到 %{n} 个文件夹","%{n} labels found":"已找到 %{n} 个标签","%{n} people found":"已找到 %{n} 个人物","%{n} pictures found":"已找到 %{n} 张图片","1 hour":"1 小时","12 hours":"12 小时","4 hours":"4 小时","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"点击复制到剪贴板。","About":"关于","Abyss":"深渊","Account":"账户","Accuracy":"准确率","Action":"动作","Actions":"动作","Add Account":"添加账户","Add Album":"添加相册","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"从网页上传文件到库。","Add Link":"添加链接","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"从搜索结果中选择添加图片。","Add to album":"添加到相册","Added":"已添加","Advanced":"高级","After 1 day":"1 天后","After 3 days":"3 天后","After 7 days":"7 天后","After one month":"1 个月后","After one year":"1 年后","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"从搜索结果中选择图片后,你可以使用上下文菜单将它们添加到相册中。","After two months":"2 个月后","After two weeks":"2 星期后","Album":"相册","Album Name":"相册名称","Albums":"相册","Albums deleted":"相册已删除","All %{n} albums loaded":"%{n} 本相册已加载","All %{n} labels loaded":"%{n} 个标签已加载","All %{n} people loaded":"%{n} 个人物已加载","All Cameras":"全部相机","All Categories":"全部分类","All Colors":"全部颜色","All Countries":"全部国家","All fields are required":"所有字段均为必填项","All files from import folder":"导入文件夹中的所有文件","All Lenses":"全部镜头","All Months":"全部月份","All originals":"全部源图","All Years":"全部年份","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"或者,你也可以上传文件到类似 NextCloud 的 WebDAV 服务端。","Altitude":"海拔","Altitude (m)":"海拔(米)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"发生错误——您离线了?","Animated":"动画","Animation":"动画","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"任何私有照片和视频都保持私有,不会被分享。","API Key":"API 秘钥","Apply":"应用","Approve":"批准","Archive":"归档","Archived":"已归档","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"你确定要归档已选项吗?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"你确定要删除这些相册吗?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"你确定要删除这些标签吗?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"你确定要删除此账号吗?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"你确定要永久删除这些图片吗?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"你确定要永久的删除这个文件吗?","Are you sure?":"你确定?","Artist":"艺术家","Aspect Ratio":"长宽比","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"自动为其他文件类型创建 JPEG,以便它们可以显示在浏览器中。","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"自动创建特殊时刻、旅行和地点的相册。","Basic":"基本","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"在提交支持请求之前,请使用我们的故障排除清单来确定问题的原因。","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"作为 100% 自筹资金和独立的公司,我们可以向您保证,我们永远不会出售您的数据,并且我们将始终对我们的软件和服务保持透明。","Bio":"简介","Birth Date":"生日","Black":"黑","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman:修改后的 Lanczos 算法,振铃效应更小","Blue":"蓝","Brown":"棕","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"浏览和编辑图像分类标签。","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"浏览库中已索引的文件和文件夹。","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"浏览知识库,了解有关特定产品功能、服务和相关资源的详细信息。","Bug Report":"漏洞报告","Busy, please wait…":"正在忙碌,请稍候…","Calendar":"日历","Camera":"相机","Camera Serial":"相机序列号","Can't load more, limit reached":"无法加载更多内容,已达上限","Can't select more items":"无法选择更多项目","Cancel":"取消","Cards":"卡片","Category":"分类","Change Avatar":"更换头像","Change Password":"更改密码","Change personal profile and security settings.":"修改个人资料及安全设置。","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"更改照片标题、位置及其他元数据。","Change private flag":"更改私有标记","Changes successfully saved":"变更保存成功","Checked":"已确认","Chroma":"色度","Close":"关闭","Codec":"编解码器","Color":"颜色","Color Profile":"颜色简介","Colors":"颜色","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"使用我们提供的故障排除清单,可以快速诊断和解决常见的问题。","Complete Rescan":"完全重新扫描","Confidence":"置信度","Connect":"连接","Connect via WebDAV":"使用 WebDAV 连接","Connected":"已连接","Contact Details":"联系方式","Contact Us":"联系我们","Contains %{n} pictures.":"包含 %{n} 张图片。","Contains one picture.":"包含一张图片。","Convert to JPEG":"转换为 JPEG","Converting":"转换中","Copied to clipboard":"已复制到剪贴板","Copyright":"版权","Couldn't find anything.":"找不到任何东西。","Country":"国家","Create album":"创建相册","Created":"已创建","Creating thumbnails for":"创建缩略图,用于","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: 质量适中,性能良好","Current Password":"当前密码","Customer Support":"客户支持","Cyan":"青","Cyano":"深蓝","Daily":"每日","Day":"天","Debug Logs":"调试日志","Default":"默认","Default Folder":"默认文件夹","Delete":"删除","Description":"描述","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"详细说明可以在我们的用户指南中找到。","Details":"细节","Dimensions":"尺寸","Disable Backups":"禁用备份","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"禁用内置 WebDAV 服务器,需要重新启动。","Disable Darktable":"禁用 Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"禁用 ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"禁用 FFmpeg","Disable Places":"禁用地点","Disable RawTherapee":"禁用 RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"禁用 TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"禁用 WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"禁用反向地理编码和地图。","Discover":"探索","Display Name":"昵称","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"不备份照片和相册元数据到 YAML 文件中。","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"不创建 ExifTool JSON 文件,以改善元数据提取。","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"不修改源文件夹,禁止导入、上传、删除。","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"不使用 FFmpeg 转码视频。","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"不使用 Darktable 转换 RAW 文件。","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"不使用 RawTherapee 转换 RAW 文件。","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"不使用 TensorFlow 分类图像。","Donations":"捐赠","Done":"完成","Done.":"完成。","Download":"下载","Download remote files":"下载远端文件","Download single files and zip archives.":"下载单个文件并用 zip 压缩。","Downloading…":"下载中…","Downscaling Filter":"缩小方法","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"由于我们收到大量的电子邮件,我们的团队可能无法立即回复你。","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"重复项将被跳过,仅出现一次。","Duration":"持续时间","Dynamic Previews":"动态预览","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"动态渲染需要性能较强的服务器,不建议用于 NAS 设备。","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"动态尺寸限制:%{n}px","E-Mail":"电子邮件","Edit":"编辑","Edit %{name}":"编辑 %{name}","Edit Account":"编辑账户","Edit Photo":"编辑照片","Edited":"已编辑","Electra":"Electra","Email":"邮箱","Enable new features currently under development.":"启用处于开发中的新特性。","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"启用 RAW 转换器预设,可能会降低性能。","Errors":"错误","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"在没有坐标的情况下估计图片的大致位置。","Estimates":"估算","Every two days":"每两天","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"排除搜索结果中标记私有的内容,已共享的相册、标签和地点。","Exclude hidden":"排除已隐藏","Expand":"展开","Expand Search":"展开搜索","Experimental Features":"实验特性","Expires":"时限","Exposure":"曝光度","F Number":"光圈数","Face":"面部","Faces":"面部","Failed copying to clipboard":"复制到剪贴板失败","Failed removing link":"删除链接失败","Failed updating link":"更新链接失败","Family Name":"姓","Fast":"快","Favorite":"收藏","Favorites":"收藏","Feature Request":"特性请求","Feed":"订阅源","Feedback":"反馈","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"如果你有任何问题,请联系我们:hello@photoprism.app。","Female":"女","File":"文件","File Browser":"文件浏览器","File Name":"文件名","File Size":"文件大小","Filename":"文件名","Files":"文件","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"顺序名称的文件如“IMG_1234 (2)”和“IMG_1234 (3)”的文件属于同一图片。","Focal Length":"焦距","Folder":"文件夹","Folder contains %{n} files":"文件夹中有 %{n} 个文件","Folder is empty":"文件夹为空","Folders":"文件夹","Forgot password?":"忘记密码?","FPS":"帧数","Frames":"框架","Fullscreen":"全屏","Gemstone":"宝石","Gender":"性别","General":"一般","Getting Support":"获得支持","Given Name":"名","Gold":"金","Grayscale":"灰度","Green":"绿","Grey":"灰","Hash":"哈希","Help":"帮助","Help & Support":"帮助和支持","Hidden":"隐藏","Hidden Files":"隐藏文件","Hide":"隐藏","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"隐藏已归档的照片。","High":"高","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"高动态范围成像(HDR)","How can we help?":"我们可以帮您吗?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"如果这没有帮助,或者你有其他问题:","image":"图片","Image":"图片","Images":"图片","Import":"导入","Import failed":"导入失败","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"导入的文件将被全部重新命名以避免重名,并按照日期重新排序。","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"导入的文件将按日期排序,并给出唯一的名称。","Importing %{name}…":"导入 %{name} 中…","Importing files to originals…":"导入文件到源…","in":"在","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"此外,赞助者通过电子邮件获得直接的技术支持。","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"如果缺少你期望的图片,请重新扫描你的库,并等待索引编制完成。","Index":"索引","Index and import files through the user interface.":"通过用户界面索引和导入文件。","Indexing":"索引中","Indexing failed":"索引失败","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"索引媒体和附属文件…","Instance ID":"实例 ID","Interval":"间隔","Invalid":"无效","Invalid date":"无效日期","Invalid parameters":"参数无效","Invalid photo selected":"选择了无效的照片","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"它利用最新的技术,在不妨碍你的情况下自动标记和查找图片。","Item":"项目","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG 质量:%{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG 大小限制:%{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"系统会根据需要生成缩略图,及JPEG格式的预览图。","Keywords":"关键字","Knowledge Base":"知识库","Label":"标签","Labels":"标签","Labels deleted":"标签已移除","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos:保留细节,虚影较小","Language":"语言","Last Sync":"上次同步","Latitude":"纬度","Lavender":"薰衣草","Learn more":"进一步了解","Legal Information":"法律信息","Lens":"镜头","Library":"资料库","License":"许可证","Like":"喜欢","Lime":"淡绿","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"已达到限制,显示前 %{n} 个文件","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: 非常平滑,性能最佳","Link":"链接","List":"列表","Live":"实况","Live Photos":"现场照片","Local Time":"本地时间","location":"位置","Location":"位置","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"每当 PhotoPrism 遇到损坏的文件或其他潜在问题时,日志消息就会出现在这里。","Login":"登录","Logout":"登出","Logs":"日志","Longitude":"经度","Low":"低","Magenta":"洋红","Main Color":"主色调","Male":"男","manual":"手动标注","Manual Upload":"手动上传","Maps":"地图","Marker":"标记","Medium":"中","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"将 %{a} 与 %{b} 合并?","Message sent":"消息已发送","Minimize":"最小化","Missing":"缺失","Moments":"瞬间","Monochrome":"黑白","Month":"月","Moonlight":"月光","More than %{n} pictures found":"找到超过 %{n} 张图片","More than 20 albums found":"找到超过 20 个相册","More than 20 labels found":"找到超过 20 个标签","More than 20 people found":"找到超过 20 个人物","Mosaic":"马赛克","Most Relevant":"按最相关","Move Files":"移动文件","Name":"名称","Name too long":"名称太长","Never":"永不","New":"新","New Password":"新密码","Newest First":"按最新优先","No":"否","No albums found":"找不到相册","No labels found":"找不到标签","No people found":"找不到人物","No pictures found":"找不到图片","No recently edited pictures":"没有最近编辑过的图片","No servers configured.":"沒有服务器配置。","No services configured.":"没有配置服务。","No thanks":"不用了,谢谢","No video selected":"未选择视频","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"没有包含此关键字的警告或错误,请注意,搜索区分大小写。","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"非照片和低质量图像出现在搜索结果中前需要进行审查。","None":"无","Not Found":"未找到","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"如果希望保持原有文件名及目录结构,请直接管理源文件夹,不要使用导入功能。","Note:":"注意:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"注意:只能将 WebDAV 服务器(如 Nextcloud 或 PhotoPrism)配置为远程服务,以进行备份和文件上传。","Notes":"备注","Nothing to see here yet.":"暂无数据。","Offline":"离线","Oldest First":"按最早优先","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"在 Windows 上,连接对话框中使用以下资源:","Once a week":"每周一次","One album found":"已找到一本相册","One file found":"已找到一个文件","One file uploaded":"已上传一个文件","One folder found":"已找到一个文件夹","One label found":"已找到一个标签","One person found":"已找到一个人物","One picture found":"已发现一张图片","Onyx":"玛瑙","Options":"选项","or ask in our Community Chat":"或在我们的社区聊天中询问","Orange":"橙","Organization":"组织","Orientation":"朝向","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"原始文件名将被存储并索引。","Original Name":"源文件名","Originals":"源","Other":"其他","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"我们的用户指南还涵盖了许多高级主题,如从谷歌照片迁移和缩略图质量设置。","Outdoor":"户外地图","Panorama":"全景","Panoramas":"全景","Password":"密码","Password changed":"密码已更改","People":"人物","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"与您共享链接的人将可以查看公共内容。","Permanently deleted":"已永久删除","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"永久删除文件以释放存储空间。","Phone":"电话","Photo":"相片","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism 更新啦…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism®是一个人工智能驱动的去中心化网络的照片应用程序。","Photos":"照片","Pink":"粉红","Place":"地点","Place & Time":"地点和时间","Places":"地点","Please confirm your new password.":"请确认新密码。","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"请不要上传包含令人反感的内容的照片。","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"请注意,修改密码将退出你已登录在其他设备和浏览器上的账号。","Portrait":"人像","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"在 GitHub 讨论中发表你的问题","Preserve filenames":"保留文件名","Press button to start importing…":"按下按钮开始导入…","Press button to start indexing…":"按下按钮开始索引…","Press enter to create a new album.":"按下 Enter 键创建一个新相册。","Preview":"预览","Primary":"主文件","Private":"私有","Product Feedback":"产品反馈","Projection":"投影","Purple":"紫","Quality Filter":"质量筛选","Quality Score":"质量得分","Random":"随机","Raspberry":"树莓","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW 转换","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"重新索引所有源文件,包括已索引和未更改的文件。","Read the Docs":"查阅文档","Read-Only Mode":"只读模式","Recently Added":"最近添加","Recently Edited":"最近编辑","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"识别工作在索引完成后开始。","Recognized":"已识别","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"识别人脸,以便能够找到特定的人。","Red":"红","Reload":"重载","Reloading…":"重载中…","Remote Sync":"远端同步","Remove":"移除","remove failed: unknown album":"移除失败:未知相册","Remove from album":"从相册中移除","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"移除导入的文件以节省存储空间,不支持的文件类型将永远不会被删除,它们会保留在它们当前的位置。","Request failed - invalid response":"请求失败——无效的响应","Required":"必填","Resolution":"分辨率","Restore":"恢复","Retry Limit":"重试限制","Retype Password":"重新输入密码","Review":"审查","Satellite":"卫星","Save":"保存","Scan":"扫描","Scans":"扫描","Search":"搜索","Search and display photos on a map.":"在地图上搜索并显示照片。","Season":"季节","Secret":"密钥","Security and Access":"安全和访问","Select":"选择","Select albums or create a new one":"选择相册或创建相册","Selection approved":"所选项已批准","Selection archived":"所选项已归档","Selection restored":"所选项已恢复","Send":"发送","Sequential Name":"顺序名称","Service URL":"服务 URL","Services":"服务","Settings":"设置","Settings saved":"设置已保存","Setup":"设置","Shadow":"阴影","Share":"分享","Share %{name}":"分享 %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"与其他应用程序和服务分享你的图片。","Show":"显示","Show all new faces":"显示所有的新面孔","Show hidden":"显示隐藏","Show less":"显示更少","Show more":"显示更多","Show server logs in Library.":"在库中显示服务器日志。","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"显示更详细的日志信息,需要重新启动。","Sidecar":"附属","Sign in":"登录","Sign Up":"注册","Similar":"相似","Size":"尺寸","Slow":"慢","Sort Order":"排序","Source":"来源","Stack":"堆","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"文件堆共享相同的唯一图像或实例标识符。","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"根据图片的元数据,堆叠在相同的时间和地点拍摄的图片。","Stackable":"可堆叠","Stacks":"堆","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"堆栈以类似的参考框架来分组文件,但质量、格式、大小或颜色不同。","Start":"开始","Start/Stop Slideshow":"开始/停止幻灯片","States":"省份","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"静态渲染尺寸限制: %{n}px","Status":"状态","Storage":"存储","Streets":"街道图","Subject":"主题","Successfully Connected":"账户成功连接","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"随着时间的推移,将增加对其他服务的支持,例如 Google 云端硬盘。","Sync":"同步","Sync raw and video files":"同步 Raw 和视频文件","Taken":"纳入于","Teal":"蓝绿","Text too long":"文字太长","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"该索引当前包含 %{n} 个隐藏文件。","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"它们的格式可能不受支持,它们尚未转换为 JPEG 或存在重复项。","Theme":"主题","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"此操作将文件夹挂载为网络硬盘,以便你使用其他设备从远程对这些文件进行查看、编辑以及删除操作。","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"这会将源文件夹安装为网络驱动器,并允许您从计算机或智能手机中打开,编辑和删除文件,就像它们是本地文件一样。","Thumbnail Generation":"缩略图生成","Time UTC":"UTC 时间","Time Zone":"时区","Timeout":"超时","Title":"标题","Title / Position":"标题/位置","Title too long":"标题太长了","Toggle View":"切换视图","Token":"令牌","Topographic":"地形图","Troubleshooting Checklists":"故障排除清单","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"使用其他过滤器或关键字再试一次。","Type":"类型","Undo":"撤销","Unique ID":"唯一标识符","Unknown":"未知","Unregistered":"未注册","Unsorted":"未分类","Unstack":"取消堆叠","Updated":"已更新","Updating faces":"更新面部","Updating index":"更新索引","Updating moments":"更新时刻","Updating picture…":"更新图片...","Updating previews":"更新预览","Updating stacks":"更新堆","Upload":"上传","Upload complete":"上传完成","Upload complete. Indexing…":"上传完成,索引中…","Upload failed":"上传失败","Upload local files":"上传本地文件","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"上传到 WebDAV 并与朋友共享链接。","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"上传 %{n} / %{t} …","Uploading photos…":"上传照片…","Uploading…":"上传中…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"可能包含此类图像的上传将被自动拒绝。","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"使用预设","User":"用户","User Guide":"用户指南","User Interface":"用户界面","Username":"用户名","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"已验证","Video":"视频","Video Duration":"视频时长","Videos":"视频","View":"视图","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"访问docs.photoprism.app/user-guide,了解如何同步、组织和分享你的图片。","Visual Similarity":"视觉相似性","We appreciate your feedback!":"感谢您的反馈!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"我们尽力在五个工作日或更短时间内作出回应。","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"我们会尽最大努力回答你的所有问题,作为回报,我们请您在 Patreon 或 GitHub 赞助者上支持我们。","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV 客户端可以使用以下 URL 连接到 PhotoPrism:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"WebDAV客户端(例如Windows的资源管理器或MacOS的Finder)可以直接连接到PhotoPrism。","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV 上传","Website":"网站","White":"白","Work Details":"作品详情","Year":"年","Yellow":"黄","Yellowstone":"黄石","Yes":"是","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"欢迎你在 Reddit 上加入我们","You can only download one album":"你只能下载一个相册","You can only download one label":"你只能下载一个标签","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"你可以在家里,在私人服务器上,或在云端运行它。","You may only select one item":"你只能选择一项","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"你可以重新扫描你的库以找到更多的面部。","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"您的持续支持有助于我们提供定期更新并保持独立,因此我们可以履行我们的使命并保护您的隐私。","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"你的库被不断分析,以自动创建特殊时刻、旅行和地点的相册。","Zoom in/out":"缩放"},"zh_TW":{"%{n} albums found":"找到了 %{n} 本相簿","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} 個檔案上傳完成","%{n} folders found":"找到了 %{n} 個資料夾","%{n} labels found":"找到了 %{n} 個標籤","%{n} people found":"找到 %{n} 人","%{n} pictures found":"找到 %{n} 張圖片","1 hour":"1 小時","12 hours":"12 小時","4 hours":"4 小時","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"點擊以複製到剪貼簿。","About":"關於","Abyss":"深淵","Account":"帳號","Accuracy":"準確度","Action":"動作","Actions":"動作","Activate":"激活","Activation Code":"激活碼","Add Account":"新增帳戶","Add Album":"新增相簿","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"從網頁上傳檔案到收藏庫。","Add Link":"新增連結","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"從搜索結果中透過選取加入圖片。","Add to album":"新增到相簿","Added":"已新增","Advanced":"進階","After 1 day":"1 天後","After 3 days":"3 天後","After 7 days":"7 天後","After one month":"1 個月後","After one year":"1 年後","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"從搜尋結果選擇圖片後,您可以使用內容選單將它們加入相簿。","After two months":"2 個月後","After two weeks":"2 星期後","Album":"相簿","Album Name":"相簿名稱","Albums":"相簿","Albums deleted":"相簿已刪除","All %{n} albums loaded":"共 %{n} 本相簿已載入","All %{n} labels loaded":"共 %{n} 個標籤已載入","All %{n} people loaded":"共 %{n} 人已讀取","All Cameras":"所有相機","All Categories":"所有分類","All Colors":"所有顏色","All Countries":"所有國家","All fields are required":"所有的欄位都是必填的","All files from import folder":"匯入資料夾中的所有檔案","All Lenses":"所有鏡頭","All Months":"所有月份","All originals":"所有來源","All Years":"所有年份","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"或者,你也可以直接使用WebDAV(例如 NextCloud)等服務上傳檔案。","Altitude":"高度","Altitude (m)":"高度(公尺)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"發生錯誤了 - 你是不是離線了?","Animated":"動畫","Animation":"動畫","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"所有私人相片跟影片都會保持私人,不會被分享。","API Key":"API鑰匙","Apply":"套用","Approve":"確認","Archive":"封存","Archived":"已封存","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"確定要封存所選的項目嗎?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"確定要刪除這些相簿嗎?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"確定要刪除這些標籤嗎?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"確定要刪除這個帳號嗎?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"確定要永久刪除這些圖片嗎?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"確定要永久刪除這個檔案嗎?","Are you sure?":"你確定嗎?","Artist":"作者","Aspect Ratio":"長寬比","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"自動建立 JPEG 縮圖讓其他檔案型態可以顯示在瀏覽器中。","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"自動建立特殊時刻、旅行和地點的相冊。","Basic":"基本","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"在提交支援請求之前,請使用我們的疑難排解清單來確定問題的原因。","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"作為 100% 自籌資金和獨立的公司,我們可以向您保證,我們永遠不會出售您的數據,並且我們將始終對我們的軟件和服務保持透明。","Bio":"個人資料","Birth Date":"出生日期","Black":"黑色","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"布萊克曼:Lanczos修改,少振鈴文物","Blue":"藍色","Brown":"棕色","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"瀏覽並編輯分類標籤。","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"在收藏庫中瀏覽已索引的檔案和資料夾。","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"瀏覽知識庫以獲取有關特定產品功能、服務和相關資源的詳細信息。","Bug Report":"回報問題","Busy, please wait…":"忙碌中,請稍候…","Calendar":"日曆","Camera":"相機","Camera Serial":"相機系列","Can't load more, limit reached":"已達上限,無法再載入更多","Can't select more items":"無法選取更多項目","Cancel":"取消","Cards":"卡片","Category":"分類","Change Avatar":"變更頭像","Change Password":"更改密碼","Change personal profile and security settings.":"更改個人資料和安全設置。","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"更改照片標題,位置和其他數據。","Change private flag":"更改私人選項","Changes successfully saved":"成功儲存變更","Checked":"已選擇","Chroma":"彩度","Close":"關閉","Codec":"解碼器","Color":"顏色","Color Profile":"顏色配置文件","Colors":"顏色","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"使用我們提供的故障排除清單可以快速診斷和解決常見問題。","Compare Features":"比較功能","Complete Rescan":"重新完整掃描","Confidence":"信心度","Connect":"連線","Connect via WebDAV":"使用 WebDAV 連線","Connected":"已連接","Contact Details":"聯繫方式","Contact Us":"聯繫我們","Contains %{n} pictures.":"包含 %{n} 張圖片。","Contains one picture.":"包含一張圖片。","Convert to JPEG":"轉為 JPEG","Converting":"轉換中","Copied to clipboard":"已複製到剪貼簿","Copyright":"版權","Couldn't find anything.":"找不到任何東西。","Country":"國家","Create Account":"創建賬戶","Create album":"新增相簿","Created":"已新增","Creating thumbnails for":"為以下項目新增縮圖","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"立方:中等品質,良好效能","Current Password":"現在密碼","Customer Support":"客戶支援","Cyan":"青色","Cyano":"深青","Daily":"每日","Day":"日","Debug Logs":"除錯紀錄","Default":"預設","Default Folder":"預設資料夾","Delete":"刪除","Description":"描述","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"詳細指示可以在用戶指南中找到。","Details":"細節","Dimensions":"尺寸","Disable Backups":"停用備份","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"停用內建的WebDAV服務器。需要重啟。","Disable Darktable":"停用 Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"停用 ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"停用 FFmpeg","Disable Places":"停用位置","Disable RawTherapee":"停用 RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"停用 TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"停用 WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"禁用尋找座標及地圖。","Discover":"發現","Display Name":"顯示名稱","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"不要將照片和相簿元數據備份到YAML文件中。","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"不要建立ExifTool JSON文件來改善元數據讀取。","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"不要修改\"originals\"文件夾。停用導入,上傳和刪除。","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"不要使用 FFmpeg 對視頻進行轉碼。","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"不要使用 Darktable 來轉換 RAW 文件。","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"不要使用 RawTherapee 來轉換 RAW 文件。","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"不要使用 TensorFlow 來進行圖片分類。","Donations":"贊助","Done":"完成","Done.":"完成。","Download":"下載","Download remote files":"下載遠端檔案","Download single files and zip archives.":"下載單一檔案以及 zip 壓縮檔。","Downloading…":"下載中…","Downscaling Filter":"縮小濾鏡","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"由於我們收到大量電子郵件,我們的團隊可能無法立即回覆您。","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"重複的項目會被跳過並只會出現一次。","Duration":"時長","Dynamic Previews":"動態預覽","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"動態渲染需要強大的伺服器,不建議用於小型家用服務器或NAS設備。","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"動態大小限制:%{n} px","E-Mail":"電子郵件","Edit":"編輯","Edit %{name}":"編輯 %{name}","Edit Account":"編輯帳號","Edit Photo":"編輯相片","Edited":"已編輯","Electra":"Electra","Email":"電子郵件","Enable new features currently under development.":"啟用目前正在開發的新功能。","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"啟用 RAW 轉換器預設集。可能會降低性能。","Errors":"錯誤","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"估算沒有附坐標的圖片大概的位置。","Estimates":"估計","Every two days":"每兩天","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"在搜尋結果,分享相簿,標籤,位置排除標為私人的內容。","Exclude hidden":"排除隱藏","Expand":"展開","Expand Search":"擴展搜尋","Experimental Features":"測試功能","Expires":"有效期限","Exposure":"曝光","F Number":"F值","Face":"臉","Faces":"臉","Failed copying to clipboard":"複製到剪貼簿失敗","Failed removing link":"移除連結失敗","Failed updating link":"更新連結失敗","Family Name":"姓氏","Fast":"快","Favorite":"我的最愛","Favorites":"我的最愛","Feature Request":"功能要求","Feed":"訂閱源","Feedback":"回饋","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"如果您有任何問題或需要幫助,請通過 hello@photoprism.app 與我們聯繫。","Female":"女性","File":"檔案","File Browser":"檔案瀏覽器","File Name":"檔案名稱","File Size":"檔案大小","Filename":"檔案名稱","Files":"檔案","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"連續檔名例如 'IMG_1234 (2)' 及 'IMG_1234 (3)' 會被當作同一張照片。","Focal Length":"焦距","Folder":"資料夾","Folder contains %{n} files":"資料夾中有 %{n} 個檔案","Folder is empty":"資料夾是空的","Folders":"資料夾","Forgot password?":"忘記密碼?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"框架","Frequently Asked Questions":"常見問題","Fullscreen":"全螢幕","Gemstone":"寶石","Gender":"性別","General":"一般","Getting Support":"尋找支持","Given Name":"名字","Gold":"金色","Grayscale":"灰階","Green":"綠色","Grey":"灰色","Hash":"雜湊","Help":"支援","Help & Support":"支援與幫助","Hidden":"隱藏","Hidden Files":"隱藏的檔案","Hide":"隱藏","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"隱藏的圖片已經移至封存。","High":"高","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"高動態範圍 (HDR)","How can we help?":"我們可以幫你什麼?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"如果這沒有用,或者您還有其他問題:","image":"圖片","Image":"圖片","Images":"圖片","Import":"匯入","Import failed":"匯入失敗","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"匯入的檔案會依照日期排序,並且給予一個獨特的名字以防止重複。","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"匯入的檔案會依照日期排序,並且給予一個獨特的名字。","Importing %{name}…":"匯入 %{name} 中…","Importing files to originals…":"匯入檔案到\"originals\"…","in":"在","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"此外,贊助商還可以透過電子郵件獲得直接的技術支持。","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"如果您覺得應該會在的圖片不見了,請重新掃描您的資料庫並等待索引完成。","Index":"索引","Index and import files through the user interface.":"透過用戶界面建立索引和匯入文件。","Indexing":"建立索引中","Indexing failed":"建立索引失敗","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"正在建立媒體和sidecar檔案的索引…","Instance ID":"實例 ID","Interval":"間隔","Invalid":"無效","Invalid date":"無效的日期","Invalid parameters":"無效的參數","Invalid photo selected":"選擇的照片無效","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"它利用最新技術自動標記和查找圖片,而不會妨礙您。","Item":"項目","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG品質:%{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG大小限制:%{n} px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEGs 跟 縮圖 在需要的時候會自動生成。","Keywords":"關鍵字","Knowledge Base":"知識庫","Label":"標籤","Labels":"標籤","Labels deleted":"已刪除標籤","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos:保留細節,減少偽像","Language":"語言","Last Sync":"上次同步","Latitude":"緯度","Lavender":"薰衣草","Learn more":"了解更多","Legal Information":"法律資訊","Lens":"鏡頭","Library":"收藏庫","License":"授權","Like":"喜歡","Lime":"萊姆色","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"到達上限,顯示前 %{n} 個檔案","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"線性:非常平滑,最佳性能","Link":"連結","List":"清單","Live":"即時","Live Photos":"原況照片","Local Time":"本地時間","location":"地點","Location":"地點","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"日誌訊息會在PhotoPrism遇到損毀的檔案,或是其他問題出現時出現。","Login":"登入","Logout":"登出","Logs":"日誌","Longitude":"經度","Low":"低","Magenta":"洋紅","Main Color":"主要顏色","Male":"男性","manual":"手動","Manual Upload":"手動上傳","Maps":"地圖","Marker":"標記","Medium":"中","Membership":"會員資格","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"將 %{a} 與 %{b} 合併?","Message sent":"訊息已傳送","Minimize":"最小化","Missing":"缺少","Moments":"回憶時刻","Monochrome":"黑白","Month":"月","Moonlight":"月光","More than %{n} pictures found":"找到超過 %{n} 張圖片","More than 20 albums found":"找到超過 20 本相簿","More than 20 labels found":"找到超過 20 個標籤","More than 20 people found":"找到超過 20 人","Mosaic":"馬賽克","Most Relevant":"最相關的","Move Files":"移動檔案","Must have at least %{n} characters.":"必須至少有 %{n} 個字元。","Name":"名稱","Name too long":"名稱太長了","Never":"永不","New":"新","New Password":"新密碼","Newest First":"按最新優先","No":"否","No albums found":"找不到相簿","No labels found":"找不到標籤","No people found":"找不到人","No pictures found":"找不到圖片","No recently edited pictures":"沒有最近編輯的圖片","No servers configured.":"沒有設定好的伺服器。","No services configured.":"沒有設定服務。","No thanks":"不用了,謝謝","No video selected":"未選擇影片","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"沒有包含此關鍵字的警告或錯誤。請注意,搜尋區分大小寫。","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"非照片和低品質圖像需要進行手動確認,才會出現在搜索結果中。","None":"無","Not Found":"找不到","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"請注意,您可以手動管理\"originals\"文件夾,而匯入是選用的。","Note:":"注意:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"注意:只能將WebDAV伺服器(如Nextcloud或PhotoPrism)設定為遠端服務,以進行備份和文件上傳。","Notes":"備註","Nothing to see here yet.":"這裡什麼都沒有。","Offline":"離線","Oldest First":"最舊優先","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"在 Windows 上,於連接對話框中輸入以下資訊:","Once a week":"一周一次","One album found":"找到 1 本相簿","One file found":"找到 1 個檔案","One file uploaded":"已上傳一個文件","One folder found":"找到 1 個資料夾","One label found":"找到一個標籤","One person found":"找到一個人","One picture found":"找到一張圖片","Onyx":"瑪瑙","Options":"選項","or ask in our Community Chat":"或在我們的社區聊天中提問","Orange":"橘色","Organization":"組織","Orientation":"方向","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"來源檔案名稱會被儲存及索引。","Original Name":"原始名稱","Originals":"來源","Other":"其他","Our team evaluates this on an ongoing basis, depending on the support effort features and config options cause or have caused in the past, and whether they are generally needed by everyone or mainly requested by organizations and advanced users. As this allows us to make more features available to the public, we encourage all users to support our mission.":"我們的團隊會持續進行評估,這取決於功能和配置選項引起或在過去引起的支持工作,以及它們是否每個人普遍需要的還是主要由組織和高級用戶要求的。我們鼓勵所有用戶支持我們的任務,使我們能夠向公眾提供更多的功能。","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"我們的用戶指南還涵蓋了許多進階主題,例如從 Google 相冊轉移和縮圖品質設定。","Outdoor":"外出","Panorama":"全景照片","Panoramas":"全景照片","Password":"密碼","Password changed":"密碼已更改","People":"人","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"擁有連結的人可以看到公開內容。","Permanently deleted":"永久刪除","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"永久刪除文件以釋放儲存空間。","Phone":"電話","Photo":"相片","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism更新囉…","PhotoPrism is 100% self-funded. Voluntary donations do not cover the cost of a team working full time to provide you with updates, documentation, and support. It is your decision whether you want to sign up to enjoy additional benefits.":"PhotoPrism是100%自籌資金的。自願捐款並不包括一個全職工作的團隊為您提供更新、文檔和支持的費用。您可以決定是否要註冊以享受額外的好處。","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® 是基於去中心化網絡的 AI 驅動的照片應用程序。","Photos":"照片","Pink":"粉紅色","Place":"地點","Place & Time":"地點與時間","Places":"地點","Please confirm your new password.":"請確認你的新密碼。","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"請不要上傳包含冒犯性內容的照片。","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"請注意,更改密碼將使您在其他設備和瀏覽器上登出。","Portrait":"人像","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"在 GitHub 討論中發布您的問題","Preserve filenames":"保留檔案名稱","Press button to start importing…":"按下按鈕以開始匯入…","Press button to start indexing…":"按下按鈕以開始索引…","Press enter to create a new album.":"按下按鈕以新增相簿。","Preview":"預覽","Primary":"主要的","Private":"私人的","Product Feedback":"產品回饋","Projection":"投影","Purple":"紫色","Quality Filter":"品質過濾","Quality Score":"品質成績","Random":"隨機","Raspberry":"樹梅","Raw":"原始","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW 轉換","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"重新索引所有原始檔案,包含已經索引過及未變更過的檔案。","Read the Docs":"閱讀文件","Read-Only Mode":"唯讀模式","Recently Added":"最近新增","Recently Edited":"最近編輯","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"索引完成後開始辨識。","Recognized":"已辨識","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"辨識面孔,以找到特定的人。","Red":"紅色","Reload":"重新載入","Reloading…":"重新載入中…","Remote Sync":"遠端同步","Remove":"移除","remove failed: unknown album":"移除失敗:未知的相簿","Remove from album":"從相簿中刪除","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"刪除已匯入的檔案以節省儲存空間。不支援的檔案類型將不會被刪除,它們會保留在當前位置。","Request failed - invalid response":"要求失敗 - 無效的回應","Required":"必填","Resolution":"解析度","Restore":"復原","Retry Limit":"重試限制","Retype Password":"重新輸入密碼","Review":"回顧","Satellite":"衛星","Save":"儲存","Scan":"掃描","Scans":"掃描","Search":"搜尋","Search and display photos on a map.":"搜尋並在地圖上顯示圖片。","Season":"季節","Secret":"秘密","Security and Access":"安全和存取","Select":"選擇","Select albums or create a new one":"選擇或新增相簿","Selection approved":"選取項目已核准","Selection archived":"選取項目已封存","Selection restored":"選取項目已被復原","Send":"傳送","Sequential Name":"連續名稱","Service URL":"服務 URL","Services":"服務","Settings":"設定","Settings saved":"設定已儲存","Setup":"設定","Shadow":"陰影","Share":"分享","Share %{name}":"分享 %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"與其他應用程式和服務分享您的照片。","Shouldn't free software be free of costs?":"免費軟件不應該是沒有成本的嗎?","Show":"顯示","Show all new faces":"顯示所有新面孔","Show hidden":"顯示隱藏","Show less":"顯示較少","Show more":"顯示更多","Show server logs in Library.":"在收藏庫中顯示伺服器日誌。","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"顯示更詳細的日誌消息。需要重新啟動。","Sidecar":"Sidecar檔案","Sign in":"登入","Sign Up":"註冊","Similar":"相似","Size":"尺寸","Slow":"慢","Sort Order":"排序","Source":"來源","Stack":"堆疊","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"共享相同唯一映像或實例標識符的堆疊文件。","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"根據元數據,將在相同時間和位置拍攝的照片堆疊在一起。","Stackable":"可堆疊","Stacks":"堆疊","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"堆疊使用相似的參考框架組織文件,但是品質,格式,大小或顏色有所不同。","Start":"開始","Start/Stop Slideshow":"開始/停止 幻燈片","States":"州","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"靜態大小限制:%{n} px","Status":"狀態","Storage":"儲存空間","Streets":"街","Subject":"主題","Successfully Connected":"成功連接","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"隨著時間的推移,將增加對其他服務的支援,例如Google雲端硬碟。","Support Our Mission":"支持我們的使命","Sync":"同步","Sync raw and video files":"同步 RAW 照片及影片","Taken":"拍攝於","Teal":"藍綠","Text too long":"文字太長了","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"索引目前包含%{n}個隱藏檔案。","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"它們的格式可能不被支援,或尚未轉換為JPEG,或存在重複。","Theme":"主題","Think of “free software” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer.” The Free Software Foundation sometimes calls it “libre software,” borrowing the French or Spanish word for “free” as in freedom, to show they do not mean the software is gratis.":"把 \"免費軟件 \"想成是 \"言論自由\",而不是 \"免費啤酒\"。自由軟件基金會有時稱之為 \"自由軟件\",借用法語或西班牙語中自由的 \"自由 \"一詞,以表明他們並不意味着軟件是免費的。","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"這會將\"originals\"資料夾安裝為網絡硬碟,並允許您從電腦或智慧型手機中打開,編輯和刪除文件,\n 就像它們是本地文件一樣。","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"這會將\"originals\"資料夾安裝為網絡硬碟,並允許您從電腦或智慧型手機中打開,編輯和刪除文件,就像它們是本地文件一樣。","Thumbnail Generation":"縮圖產生","Time UTC":"UTC 時間","Time Zone":"時區","Timeout":"逾時","Title":{"Account":"標題","Photo":"標題","":"標題"},"Title / Position":"職位 / 位置","Title too long":"標題太長","To upgrade, you may either enter an activation code or click on \"Sign Up\" to upgrade on our website:":"要升級,你可以在我們的網站上輸入激活碼或點擊 \"註冊 \"來升級:","Toggle View":"切換檢視","Token":"令牌","Topographic":"地形圖","Troubleshooting Checklists":"故障排除清單","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"請使用其他篩選條件或是關鍵字。","Type":"格式","Undo":"復原","Unique ID":"唯一身份","Unknown":"未知","Unregistered":"未註冊","Unsorted":"未分類","Unstack":"取消堆疊","Updated":"已更新","Updating faces":"更新面孔","Updating index":"更新索引","Updating moments":"更新時刻","Updating picture…":"正在更新圖片…","Updating previews":"更新預覽","Updating stacks":"更新堆疊","Upgrade":"升級","Upgrade Now":"立即升級","Upgrade now and enjoy our member benefits!":"現在就升級,享受我們的會員福利!","Upload":"上傳","Upload complete":"上傳完成","Upload complete. Indexing…":"上傳完成。索引中…","Upload failed":"上傳失敗","Upload local files":"上傳本地檔案","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"上傳到 WebDAV 並且分享連結給朋友。","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"上傳 %{n} / %{t} …","Uploading photos…":"上傳照片中…","Uploading…":"上傳…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"上傳此類圖像將可能被自動拒絕。","URL":"網址","Use Presets":"使用預設","User":"使用者","User Guide":"使用者指南","User Interface":"使用者介面","Username":"使用者名稱","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"已驗證","Video":"影片","Video Duration":"影片長度","Videos":"影片","View":"檢視","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"請見 docs.photoprism.app/user-guide 了解如何同步、分類和共享您的圖片。","Visual Similarity":"視覺相似度","We appreciate your feedback!":"感謝您的回饋!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"我們盡最大努力在五個工作日或更短的時間內做出回應。","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"我們將盡力回答您的所有問題。作為回報,我們希望您在 Patreon 或 GitHub 贊助商上支持我們。","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV客戶端可以使用以下URL連接到PhotoPrism:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"WebDAV客戶端(例如Microsoft Windows的檔案總管或Apple的Finder)可以直接連接到\nPhotoPrism。","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV上傳","Website":"網站","What functionality is generally available?":"什麼功能是普遍可用的?","White":"白色","Why are some features only available to sponsors?":"為什麼有些功能只對贊助者開放?","Work Details":"作品詳情","Year":"年","Yellow":"黃色","Yellowstone":"黃石","Yes":"是","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"歡迎您加入我們的 Reddit","You can only download one album":"你只能下載一個相簿","You can only download one label":"你只能下載一個標籤","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"您可以在家裡、個人的伺服器或在雲端使用它。","You may only select one item":"你只能選取一個項目","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"您可以重新掃描您的收藏庫以查找其他面孔。","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"您的持續支持有助於我們提供定期更新並保持獨立,因此我們可以完成我們的使命並保護您的隱私。","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"您的資料庫會持續進行分析,以自動建立有關特殊時刻、旅行和地點的相簿。","Zoom in/out":"縮放"}} \ No newline at end of file +{"ar":{"%{n} albums found":"تم العثور على %{n} من الألبومات","%{n} files uploaded":"تم تحميل %{n} من الملفات","%{n} folders found":"تم العثور على %{n} مجلدات","%{n} labels found":"تم العثور على %{n} من التصنيفات","%{n} people found":"تم العثور على %{n} من الأشخاص","%{n} pictures found":"تم العثور على %{n} صورة","1 hour":"1 ساعة","12 hours":"12 ساعة","4 hours":"4 ساعات","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"نقرة للنسخ إلى الحافظة الخاصة بك.","About":"حول","Abyss":"هاوية","Account":"الحساب","Accuracy":"دقة","Action":"إجراء","Actions":"أجراءات","Add Account":"إضافة حساب","Add Album":"أضف البوم","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"أضف ملفات إلى مكتبتك عبر تحميل الويب.","Add Link":"إضافة رابط","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"أضف الصور من نتائج البحث عن طريق تحديدها.","Add to album":"أضف إلى الألبوم","Added":"مضاف","Advanced":"متقدم","After 1 day":"بعد يوم واحد","After 3 days":"بعد 3 ايام","After 7 days":"بعد 7 أيام","After one month":"بعد شهر واحد","After one year":"بعد سنة","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"بعد تحديد الصور من نتائج البحث ، يمكنك إضافتها إلى ألبوم باستخدام قائمة السياق.","After two months":"بعد شهرين","After two weeks":"بعد أسبوعين","Album":"البوم","Album Name":"اسم الألبوم","Albums":"ألبومات","Albums deleted":"تم حذف الألبومات","All %{n} albums loaded":"تم تحميل كافة الألبومات الـ %{n}","All %{n} labels loaded":"تم تحميل كافة التسميات الـ %{n}","All %{n} people loaded":"تم تحميل جميع الأشخاص الـ %{n}","All Cameras":"جميع الكاميرات","All Categories":"جميع الفئات","All Colors":"جميع الالوان","All Countries":"كل البلدان","All fields are required":"جميع الحقول مطلوبة","All files from import folder":"جميع الملفات من مجلد الاستيراد","All Lenses":"جميع العدسات","All Months":"كل الشهور","All originals":"جميع النسخ الأصلية","All Years":"جميع السنوات","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"بدلاً من ذلك ، يمكنك تحميل الملفات مباشرة إلى خوادم WebDAV مثل Nextcloud.","Altitude":"ارتفاع","Altitude (m)":"الارتفاع (م)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"حدث خطأ - هل أنت غير متصل؟","Animated":"متحرك","Animation":"حركة","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"أي صور ومقاطع فيديو خاصة تبقى خاصة ولن تتم مشاركتها.","API Key":"مفتاح API","Apply":"تطبيق","Approve":"موافق","Archive":"أرشيف","Archived":"مؤرشف","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد أرشفة التحديد؟","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه الألبومات؟","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه التصنيفات؟","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذا الحساب؟","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه الصور نهائيًا؟","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذا الملف نهائيًا؟","Are you sure?":"هل أنت واثق؟","Artist":"فنان","Aspect Ratio":"نسبة العرض إلى الارتفاع","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"قم بإنشاء ملفات JPEG تلقائيًا لأنواع الملفات الأخرى بحيث يمكن عرضها في المستعرض.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"يقوم تلقائيًا بإنشاء ألبومات للحظات الخاصة والرحلات والأماكن.","Basic":"أساسي","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"قبل تقديم طلب دعم ، يرجى استخدام قوائم التحقق الخاصة باستكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها لتحديد سبب مشكلتك.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"نظرًا لكوننا 100 % s ممولًا ومستقلًا ، يمكننا أن نعدك بأننا لن نبيع بياناتك أبدًا وأننا سنتحلى دائمًا بالشفافية بشأن برامجنا وخدماتنا.","Bio":"السيرة الذاتية","Birth Date":"تاريخ الميلاد","Black":"أسود","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"بلاكمان: تعديل Lanczos ، قطع أثرية أقل رنين","Blue":"أزرق","Brown":"بني","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"تصفح وتحرير تسميات تصنيف الصورة.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"تصفح الملفات والمجلدات المفهرسة في المكتبة.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"تصفح \"قاعدة المعارف\" للحصول على معلومات تفصيلية حول ميزات المنتج المحددة والخدمات والموارد ذات الصلة.","Bug Report":"تقرير الشوائب","Busy, please wait…":"مشغول ، الرجاء الانتظار …","Calendar":"تقويم","Camera":"آلة تصوير","Camera Serial":"المسلسل الكاميرا","Can't load more, limit reached":"لا يمكن تحميل المزيد ، تم الوصول إلى الحد الأقصى","Can't select more items":"لا يمكن تحديد المزيد من العناصر","Cancel":"يلغي","Cards":"البطاقات","Category":"فئة","Change Avatar":"تغيير الصورة الرمزية","Change Password":"تغيير كلمة المرور","Change personal profile and security settings.":"تغيير ملف التعريف الشخصي وإعدادات الأمان.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"قم بتغيير عناوين الصور والمواقع والبيانات الوصفية الأخرى.","Change private flag":"تغيير العلم الخاص","Changes successfully saved":"تم حفظ التغييرات بنجاح","Checked":"التحقق","Chroma":"كروما","Close":"قريب","Codec":"ترميز","Color":"اللون","Color Profile":"ملف تعريف اللون","Colors":"الألوان","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"يمكن تشخيص المشكلات الشائعة وحلها بسرعة باستخدام قوائم التحقق الخاصة باستكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها التي نقدمها.","Complete Rescan":"إعادة تفحص كاملة","Confidence":"الثقة","Connect":"الاتصال","Connect via WebDAV":"الاتصال عبر WebDAV","Connected":"متصل","Contact Details":"معلومات الاتصال","Contact Us":"اتصل بنا","Contains %{n} pictures.":"يحتوي على %{n} صورة.","Contains one picture.":"يحتوي على صورة واحدة.","Convert to JPEG":"قم بالتحويل إلى JPEG","Converting":"التحويل","Copied to clipboard":"نسخ إلى الحافظة","Copyright":"حقوق النشر","Couldn't find anything.":"لا يمكن العثور على أي شيء.","Country":"دولة","Create album":"إنشاء ألبوم","Created":"مخلوق","Creating thumbnails for":"إنشاء صور مصغرة لـ","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"مكعب: جودة متوسطة ، أداء جيد","Current Password":"كلمة المرور الحالية","Customer Support":"دعم العملاء","Cyan":"ازرق سماوي","Cyano":"سيانو","Daily":"اليومي","Day":"يوم","Debug Logs":"سجلات التصحيح","Default":"تقصير","Default Folder":"المجلد الإفتراضى","Delete":"حذف","Description":"وصف","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"يمكن العثور على تعليمات مفصلة في دليل المستخدم الخاص بنا.","Details":"تفاصيل","Dimensions":"أبعاد","Disable Backups":"تعطيل النسخ الاحتياطية","Disable built-in WebDAV server. 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Disables import, upload, and delete.":"لا تقم بتعديل مجلد الأصول. تعطيل الاستيراد والتحميل والحذف.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"لا تقم بتحويل مقاطع الفيديو باستخدام FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"لا تستخدم Darktable لتحويل ملفات RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"لا تستخدم RawTherapee لتحويل ملفات RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"لا تستخدم TensorFlow لتصنيف الصور.","Donations":"التبرعات","Done":"فعله","Done.":"فعله.","Download":"تحميل","Download remote files":"تنزيل الملفات البعيدة","Download single files and zip archives.":"تنزيل ملفات مفردة ومحفوظات مضغوطة.","Downloading…":"جارى التحميل…","Downscaling Filter":"مرشح تصغير الحجم","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"نظرًا للكم الهائل من رسائل البريد الإلكتروني التي نتلقاها ، فقد يتعذر على فريقنا الرد عليك على الفور.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"سيتم تخطي التكرارات وستظهر مرة واحدة فقط.","Duration":"مدة","Dynamic Previews":"المعاينات الديناميكية","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"يتطلب العرض الديناميكي خادمًا قويًا. لا ينصح به لأجهزة NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"حد الحجم الديناميكي:%{n} بكسل","E-Mail":"البريد الإلكتروني","Edit":"يحرر","Edit %{name}":"تحرير %{name}","Edit Account":"تحرير الحساب","Edit Photo":"تعديل الصورة","Edited":"تم تحريره","Electra":"Electra","Email":"البريد","Enable new features currently under development.":"تمكين الميزات الجديدة قيد التطوير حاليًا.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"لتمكين الإعدادات المسبقة لمحول RAW. قد يقلل من الأداء.","Errors":"أخطاء","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"تقدير الموقع التقريبي للصور بدون إحداثيات.","Estimates":"التقديرات","Every two days":"كل يومين","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"استبعاد المحتوى المحدد على أنه خاص من نتائج البحث والألبومات المشتركة والعلامات والأماكن.","Exclude hidden":"استبعاد مخفي","Expand":"وسعت","Expand Search":"قم بتوسيع البحث","Experimental Features":"الميزات التجريبية","Expires":"تنتهي","Exposure":"التعرض","F Number":"رقم F","Face":"وجه","Faces":"وجوه","Failed copying to clipboard":"فشل النسخ إلى الحافظة","Failed removing link":"فشل إزالة الارتباط","Failed updating link":"فشل تحديث الارتباط","Family Name":"اسم العائلة","Fast":"سريع","Favorite":"مفضل","Favorites":"المفضلة","Feature Request":"طلب المواصفات","Feed":"تغذية","Feedback":"استجابة","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا على hello@photoprism.app إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة.","Female":"أنثى","File":"ملف","File Browser":"متصفح الملفات","File Name":"اسم الملف","File Size":"حجم الملف","Filename":"اسم الملف","Files":"الملفات","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"الملفات ذات الأسماء المتسلسلة مثل \"IMG_1234 (2)\" و \"IMG_1234 (3)\" تنتمي إلى نفس الصورة.","Focal Length":"البعد البؤري","Folder":"مجلد","Folder contains %{n} files":"يحتوي المجلد على %{n} من الملفات","Folder is empty":"مجلد فارغ","Folders":"المجلدات","Forgot password?":"هل نسيت كلمة السر؟","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"الإطارات","Fullscreen":"شاشة كاملة","Gemstone":"الأحجار الكريمة","Gender":"الجنس","General":"عام","Getting Support":"الحصول على الدعم","Given Name":"الاسم المعطى","Gold":"ذهب","Grayscale":"تدرج الرمادي","Green":"لون أخضر","Grey":"رمادي","Hash":"تجزئة","Help":"مساعدة","Help & Support":"ساعد 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الإلكتروني.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"في حالة الصور التي تتوقعها مفقودة ، يرجى إعادة فحص مكتبتك وانتظر حتى تكتمل الفهرسة.","Index":"فِهرِس","Index and import files through the user interface.":"قم بفهرسة واستيراد الملفات من خلال واجهة المستخدم.","Indexing":"الفهرسة","Indexing failed":"فشلت الفهرسة","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"جارٍ فهرسة الوسائط والملفات الجانبية …","Instance ID":"معرف المثيل","Interval":"فترة","Invalid":"غير صالح","Invalid date":"تاريخ غير صالح","Invalid parameters":"معلمات غير صالحة","Invalid photo selected":"تم تحديد صورة غير صالحة","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"فهو يستخدم أحدث التقنيات لوضع علامة على الصور والعثور عليها تلقائيًا دون أن يعيقك ذلك.","Item":"العنصر","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"جودة JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"حد حجم JPEG: %{n} بكسل","JPEGs and thumbnails are 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صادفت PhotoPrism ملفات معطلة ، أو كانت هناك مشكلات أخرى محتملة.","Login":"تسجيل الدخول","Logout":"تسجيل خروج","Logs":"السجلات","Longitude":"خط الطول","Low":"قليل","Magenta":"أرجواني","Main Color":"اللون الأساسي","Male":"ذكر","manual":"كتيب","Manual Upload":"تحميل يدوي","Maps":"الخرائط","Marker":"علامة","Medium":"متوسط","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"هل تريد دمج %{a} مع %{b}؟","Message sent":"تم الارسال","Minimize":"تصغير","Missing":"مفقود","Moments":"لحظات","Monochrome":"أحادي اللون","Month":"شهر","Moonlight":"ضوء القمر","More than %{n} pictures found":"تم العثور على أكثر من %{n} صورة","More than 20 albums found":"تم العثور على أكثر من 20 ألبومًا","More than 20 labels found":"تم العثور على أكثر من 20 تصنيفًا","More than 20 people found":"تم العثور على أكثر من 20 شخصًا","Mosaic":"فسيفساء","Most Relevant":"الأكثر صلة","Move Files":"نقل الملفات","Name":"اسم","Name too long":"الاسم طويل جدًا","Never":"أبداً","New":"جديد","New Password":"كلمة السر الجديدة","Newest First":"الاحدث اولا","No":"رقم","No albums found":"لم يتم العثور على ألبومات","No labels found":"لم يتم العثور على تسميات","No people found":"لم يتم العثور على أشخاص","No pictures found":"لم يتم العثور على صور","No recently edited pictures":"لا توجد صور تم تحريرها مؤخرا","No servers configured.":"لم يتم تكوين أي خوادم.","No services configured.":"لم يتم تكوين أي خدمات.","No thanks":"لا شكرا","No video selected":"لم يتم تحديد مقطع فيديو","No warnings or error containing this keyword. 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Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"قم بإزالة الملفات المستوردة لحفظ التخزين. لن يتم حذف أنواع الملفات غير المدعومة مطلقًا ، وستظل في موقعها الحالي.","Request failed - invalid response":"فشل الطلب - استجابة غير صالحة","Required":"مطلوب","Resolution":"القرار","Restore":"يعيد","Retry Limit":"حد إعادة المحاولة","Retype Password":"اعد ادخال كلمة المرور","Review":"إعادة النظر","Satellite":"الأقمار الصناعية","Save":"يحفظ","Scan":"مسح","Scans":"عمليات المسح","Search":"يبحث","Search and display photos on a map.":"البحث عن الصور وعرضها على الخريطة.","Season":"الموسم","Secret":"سر","Security and Access":"الأمن والوصول","Select":"يختار","Select albums or create a new one":"حدد ألبومات أو أنشئ واحدة جديدة","Selection approved":"تمت الموافقة على الاختيار","Selection archived":"تمت أرشفة التحديد","Selection restored":"تمت استعادة التحديد","Send":"إرسال","Sequential Name":"اسم متسلسل","Service URL":"URL الخدمة","Services":"خدمات","Settings":"إعدادات","Settings saved":"تم حفظ الإعدادات","Setup":"اقامة","Shadow":"ظل","Share":"يشارك","Share %{name}":"مشاركة %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"شارك صورك مع التطبيقات والخدمات الأخرى.","Show":"يعرض","Show all new faces":"إظهار كل الوجوه الجديدة","Show hidden":"أظهر المخفي","Show less":"عرض أقل","Show more":"أظهر المزيد","Show server logs in Library.":"إظهار سجلات الخادم في المكتبة.","Shows more detailed log messages. 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In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"سنبذل قصارى جهدنا للإجابة على جميع أسئلتك. في المقابل ، نطلب منك دعمنا على Patreon أو GitHub الرعاة.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"يمكن لعملاء WebDAV الاتصال بـ PhotoPrism باستخدام عنوان URL التالي:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"يمكن لعملاء WebDAV ، مثل Microsoft Windows Explorer أو Apple's Finder ، الاتصال مباشرة بـ PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"تحميل WebDAV","Website":"الموقع الالكتروني","White":"أبيض","Work Details":"تفاصيل العمل","Year":"سنة","Yellow":"الأصفر","Yellowstone":"يلوستون","Yes":"نعم","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"اهلا وسهلا بكم للانضمام إلينا على Reddit","You can only download one album":"يمكنك تنزيل ألبوم واحد فقط","You can only download one label":"يمكنك فقط تحميل تسمية واحدة","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"يمكنك تشغيله في المنزل أو على خادم خاص أو في السحابة.","You may only select one item":"يمكنك اختيار عنصر واحد فقط","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"يمكنك إعادة فحص مكتبتك للعثور على وجوه إضافية.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"يساعدنا دعمك المستمر في توفير تحديثات منتظمة والبقاء مستقلين ، حتى نتمكن من تنفيذ مهمتنا وحماية خصوصيتك.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"يتم تحليل مكتبتك باستمرار لإنشاء ألبومات للحظات الخاصة والرحلات والأماكن تلقائيًا.","Zoom in/out":"التكبير / التصغير"},"bg":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} намерени албума","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} качени файла","%{n} folders found":"%{n} намерени папки","%{n} labels found":"%{n} намерени етикети","%{n} people found":"%{n} намерени човека","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} намерени снимки","1 hour":"1 час","12 hours":"12 часа","4 hours":"4 часа","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Едно кликване ще го копира в клипборда ви.","About":"За","Account":"Акаунт","Accuracy":"Точност","Action":"Действие","Actions":"Действия","Add Account":"Добавяне на акаунт","Add Album":"Добави албум","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Добавете файлове към своята библиотека през Web Upload.","Add Link":"Добавете линк","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Добавете снимки от резултатите от търсенето, като ги избирате.","Add to album":"Добавете към албум","Added":"Добавено","Advanced":"Разширени","After 1 day":"След 1 ден","After 3 days":"След 3 дни","After 7 days":"След 7 дни","After one month":"След 1 месец","After one year":"След една година","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"След като изберете снимки от резултатите от търсенето, можете да ги добавите в албум чрез контекстното меню.","After two months":"След два месеца","After two weeks":"След две седмици","Album":"Албум","Album Name":"Име на албум","Albums":"Албуми","Albums deleted":"Изтрити албуми","All %{n} albums loaded":"Всички %{n} албуми са заредени","All %{n} labels loaded":"Всички %{n} етикети са заредени","All %{n} people loaded":"Всички %{n} хора са заредени","All Cameras":"Всички камери","All Categories":"Всички категории","All Colors":"Всички цветове","All Countries":"Всички страни","All fields are required":"Всички полета са задължителни","All files from import folder":"Всички файлове от папката за импорт","All Lenses":"Всички обективи","All Months":"Всички месеци","All originals":"Всички оригинали","All Years":"Всички години","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Освен това можете да качвате файлове директно на WebDAV сървъри като Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Надморска височина","Altitude (m)":"Надморска височина (м)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Възникна грешка - офлайн ли сте?","Animated":"Анимация","Animation":"Анимация","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Всички лични снимки и видеоклипове остават лични и няма да бъдат споделяни.","API Key":"Ключ за API","Apply":"Направете заявка на","Approve":"Одобряване на","Archive":"Архив","Archived":"Архивирано","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да архивирате селекцията?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете тези албуми?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете тези етикети?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете този акаунт?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете тези снимки за постоянно?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете окончателно този файл?","Are you sure?":"Сигурен ли сте?","Artist":"Художник","Aspect Ratio":"Съотношение","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Автоматично създаване на JPEG за други типове файлове, така че да могат да се показват в браузър.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Автоматично създава албуми на специални моменти, пътувания и места.","Basic":"Основен","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Преди да изпратите заявка за поддръжка, прочетете нашият \"Списък за отстраняване на проблеми\" за да определите причината за проблема.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Тъй като сме 100% самофинансирани и независими, можем да ви обещаем, че никога няма да продадем вашите данни и че винаги ще бъдем прозрачни по отношение на нашия софтуер и услуги.","Bio":"Биография","Birth Date":"Дата на раждане","Black":"Черен","Blue":"Син","Brown":"Кафяв","Bug Report":"Доклад за грешка","Calendar":"Календар","Camera":"Камера","Category":"Категория","Color":"Цвят","Colors":"Цветове","Contact Us":"Свържете се с нас","Copyright":"Авторски права","Country":"Страна","Create album":"Създаване на албум","Created":"Създаден","Day":"Ден","Description":"Описание","FPS":"Кадър в секунда","High":"Висок","Labels deleted":"Изтрити етикети","Low":"Нисък","Password changed":"Паролата е променена","Permanently deleted":"Постоянно изтрити","Selection approved":"Одобрена селекция","Selection archived":"Архивирана селекция","Selection restored":"Възстановена селекция","Settings saved":"Запазени настройки","Zoom in/out":"Увеличаване/намаляване на мащаба"},"ca":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} àlbums trobats","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} arxius penjats","%{n} folders found":"%{n} carpetes trobades","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etiquetes trobades","%{n} people found":"%{n} persones trobades","%{n} pictures found":"S'han trobat %{n} imatges","1 hour":"1 hora","12 hours":"12 hores","4 hours":"4 hores","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Un clic ho copiarà al porta-retalls.","About":"Quant a","Abyss":"Abisme","Account":"Compte","Accuracy":"Precisió","Action":"Acció","Actions":"Accions","Add Account":"Afegeix un compte","Add Album":"Afegeix un àlbum","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Afegiu fitxers a la vostra biblioteca mitjançant la càrrega web.","Add Link":"Afegeix un enllaç","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Afegiu imatges dels resultats de la cerca seleccionant-les.","Add to album":"Afegeix a l'àlbum","Added":"Afegit","Advanced":"Avançat","After 1 day":"Després d'1 dia","After 3 days":"Després de 3 dies","After 7 days":"Després de 7 dies","After one month":"Després d'un mes","After one year":"Després d'un any","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Després de seleccionar imatges dels resultats de la cerca, podeu afegir-les a un àlbum mitjançant el menú contextual.","After two months":"Després de dos mesos","After two weeks":"Després de dues setmanes","Album":"Àlbum","Album Name":"Nom de l'àlbum","Albums":"Àlbums","Albums deleted":"Àlbums suprimits","All %{n} albums loaded":"S'han carregat els %{n} àlbums","All %{n} labels loaded":"S'han carregat totes les %{n} etiquetes","All %{n} people loaded":"S'han carregat les %{n} persones","All Cameras":"Totes les càmeres","All Categories":"Totes les Categories","All Colors":"Tots els colors","All Countries":"Tots els Països","All fields are required":"Tots els camps són obligatoris","All files from import folder":"Tots els fitxers de la carpeta d'importació","All Lenses":"Totes les lents","All Months":"Tots els mesos","All originals":"Tots els originals","All Years":"Tots els anys","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativament, podeu carregar fitxers directament als servidors WebDAV com Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Altitud","Altitude (m)":"Altitud (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"S'ha produït un error: estàs fora de línia?","Animated":"Animat","Animation":"Animació","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Les fotos i els vídeos privats romanen privats i no es compartiran.","API Key":"Clau API","Apply":"Aplicar","Approve":"Aprovar","Archive":"Arxiu","Archived":"Arxivat","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Esteu segur que voleu arxivar la selecció?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Confirmes que vols suprimir aquests àlbums?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Esteu segur que voleu suprimir aquestes etiquetes?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Esteu segur que voleu suprimir aquest compte?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Esteu segur que voleu suprimir permanentment aquestes imatges?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Esteu segur que voleu suprimir permanentment aquest fitxer?","Are you sure?":"N'esteu segur?","Artist":"Artista","Aspect Ratio":"Relació d'aspecte","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Creeu automàticament fitxers JPEG per a altres tipus de fitxers perquè es puguin mostrar en un navegador.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Crea automàticament àlbums de moments, viatges i llocs especials.","Basic":"Basic","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Abans d'enviar una sol·licitud d'assistència, utilitzeu les nostres Llistes de verificació de resolució de problemes per determinar la causa del vostre problema.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"En ser 100% sautofinançats i independents, us podem prometre que mai vendrem les vostres dades i que sempre serem transparents sobre el nostre programari i serveis.","Bio":"bio","Birth Date":"Data de naixement","Black":"Negre","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: modificació de Lanczos, artefactes menys sonors","Blue":"Blau","Brown":"Marró","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Exploreu i editeu les etiquetes de classificació d'imatges.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Exploreu fitxers i carpetes indexats a la biblioteca.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Navegueu per la base de coneixement per obtenir informació detallada sobre característiques específiques del producte, serveis i recursos relacionats.","Bug Report":"Informe d'error","Busy, please wait…":"Ocupat, si us plau, espera...","Calendar":"Calendari","Camera":"Càmera","Camera Serial":"Càmera en sèrie","Can't load more, limit reached":"No es pot carregar més, s'ha arribat al límit","Can't select more items":"No es poden seleccionar més elements","Cancel":"Cancel·lar","Cards":"Targetes","Category":"Categoria","Change Avatar":"Canviar Avatar","Change Password":"Canviar contrasenya","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Canvia el perfil personal i la configuració de seguretat.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Canvia els títols de les fotos, les ubicacions i altres metadades.","Change private flag":"Canvia la bandera privada","Changes successfully saved":"Els canvis s'han desat correctament","Checked":"Seleccionat","Chroma":"Croma","Close":"Tancar","Codec":"Còdec","Color":"Color","Color Profile":"Perfil de color","Colors":"Colors","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Els problemes habituals es poden diagnosticar i resoldre ràpidament mitjançant les llistes de verificació de resolució de problemes que oferim.","Complete Rescan":"Rescaneig complet","Confidence":"Confiança","Connect":"Connecta","Connect via WebDAV":"Connecteu-vos mitjançant WebDAV","Connected":"Connectat","Contact Details":"Dades de contacte","Contact Us":"Contacta'ns","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Conté %{n} imatges.","Contains one picture.":"Conté una imatge.","Convert to JPEG":"Converteix a JPEG","Converting":"Convertint","Copied to clipboard":"S'ha copiat al porta-retalls","Copyright":"Copyright","Couldn't find anything.":"No he pogut trobar res.","Country":"País","Create album":"Crea un àlbum","Created":"Creat","Creating thumbnails for":"Creació de miniatures per a","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cúbic: qualitat moderada, bon rendiment","Current Password":"Contrasenya actual","Customer Support":"Atenció al client","Cyan":"Cian","Cyano":"Ciano","Daily":"Diari","Day":"Dia","Debug Logs":"Registres de depuració","Default":"Per defecte","Default Folder":"Carpeta per defecte","Delete":"Esborrar","Description":"Descripció","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Podeu trobar instruccions detallades a la nostra Guia d'usuari.","Details":"Detalls","Dimensions":"Dimensions","Disable Backups":"Desactiva les còpies de seguretat","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Desactiveu el servidor WebDAV integrat. Requereix un reinici.","Disable Darktable":"Desactiva Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Desactiveu ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Desactiva FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Desactiva Places","Disable RawTherapee":"Desactiveu RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Desactiva TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Desactiva WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Desactiva la geocodificació inversa i els mapes.","Discover":"Descobreix","Display Name":"Nom a mostrar","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"No feu còpies de seguretat de les metadades de fotos i àlbums als fitxers YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"No creeu fitxers JSON ExifTool per millorar l'extracció de metadades.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"No modifiqueu la carpeta d'originals. Desactiva la importació, la càrrega i la supressió.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"No transcodifiqueu vídeos amb FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"No utilitzeu Darktable per convertir fitxers RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"No utilitzeu RawTherapee per convertir fitxers RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"No utilitzeu TensorFlow per a la classificació d'imatges.","Donations":"Donacions","Done":"Fet","Done.":"Fet.","Download":"Descàrrega","Download remote files":"Descarrega fitxers remots","Download single files and zip archives.":"Baixeu fitxers únics i arxius zip.","Downloading…":"S'està baixant…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtre de reducció d'escala","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"A causa de l'elevat volum de correus electrònics que rebem, és possible que el nostre equip no us pugui respondre immediatament.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Els duplicats es saltaran i només apareixeran una vegada.","Duration":"Duració","Dynamic Previews":"Previsualitzacions dinàmiques","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"La representació dinàmica requereix un servidor potent. No es recomana per a dispositius NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Límit de mida dinàmica: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Correu electrònic","Edit":"Edita","Edit %{name}":"Edita %{name}","Edit Account":"Editar Compte","Edit Photo":"Edita la foto","Edited":"Editat","Electra":"Electra","Email":"Correu electrònic","Enable new features currently under development.":"Activa les noves funcions actualment en desenvolupament.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Habilita els valors predefinits del convertidor RAW. Pot reduir el rendiment.","Errors":"Errors","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Estimar la ubicació aproximada de les imatges sense coordenades.","Estimates":"Estimacions","Every two days":"Cada dos dies","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Exclou el contingut marcat com a privat dels resultats de la cerca, dels àlbums compartits, de les etiquetes i dels llocs.","Exclude hidden":"Exclou ocult","Expand":"Expandir","Expand Search":"Amplieu la cerca","Experimental Features":"Característiques experimentals","Expires":"Caduca","Exposure":"Exposició","F Number":"Número F","Face":"Cara","Faces":"Cares","Failed copying to clipboard":"No s'ha pogut copiar al porta-retalls","Failed removing link":"No s'ha pogut eliminar l'enllaç","Failed updating link":"No s'ha pogut actualitzar l'enllaç","Family Name":"Nom de familia","Fast":"Ràpida","Favorite":"Favorit","Favorites":"Favorits","Feature Request":"Sol·licitud de funció","Feed":"Alimenta","Feedback":"Opinions","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"No dubteu a contactar amb nosaltres a hello@photoprism.app si teniu cap pregunta.","Female":"Femení","File":"Fitxer","File Browser":"Navegador de fitxers","File Name":"Nom de fitxer","File Size":"Tamany arxiu","Filename":"Nom del fitxer","Files":"Arxius","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Els fitxers amb noms seqüencials com \"IMG_1234 (2)\" i \"IMG_1234 (3)\" pertanyen a la mateixa imatge.","Focal Length":"Longitud focal","Folder":"Carpeta","Folder contains %{n} files":"La carpeta conté %{n} fitxers","Folder is empty":"La carpeta està buida","Folders":"Carpetes","Forgot password?":"Has oblidat la contrasenya?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Marcs","Fullscreen":"Pantalla completa","Gemstone":"Pedra preciosa","Gender":"Gènere","General":"General","Getting Support":"Obtenint suport","Given Name":"Nom de pila","Gold":"Or","Grayscale":"Grisos","Green":"Verd","Grey":"Gris","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Ajuda","Help & Support":"Ajuda & Suport","Hidden":"Ocult","Hidden Files":"Fitxers ocults","Hide":"Amagar","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Amaga les fotos que s'han mogut a l'arxiu.","High":"Alt","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Alt rang dinàmic (HDR)","How can we help?":"Com podem ajudar?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Si això no ajuda o tens altres preguntes:","image":"imatge","Image":"Imatge","Images":"Imatges","Import":"Importa","Import failed":"La importació ha fallat","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Els fitxers importats s'ordenaran per data i se'ls donarà un nom únic per evitar duplicats.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Els fitxers importats s'ordenaran per data i se'ls donarà un nom únic.","Importing %{name}…":"S'està important %{name}...","Importing files to originals…":"S'estan important fitxers als originals...","in":"polçades","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"A més, els patrocinadors reben suport tècnic directe per correu electrònic.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"En cas que faltin imatges que espereu, torneu a escanejar la vostra biblioteca i espereu fins que s'hagi completat la indexació.","Index":"Índex","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexar i importar fitxers mitjançant la interfície d'usuari.","Indexing":"S'està indexant","Indexing failed":"S'ha produït un error en la indexació","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"S'estan indexant fitxers multimèdia i sidecar...","Instance ID":"ID de la instància","Interval":"Interval","Invalid":"Adreça de correu no vàlida","Invalid date":"Data no vàlida","Invalid parameters":"Paràmetres no és vàlida","Invalid photo selected":"S'ha seleccionat una foto no vàlida","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Fa ús de les últimes tecnologies per etiquetar i trobar imatges automàticament sense interposar-vos en el vostre camí.","Item":"Element","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Qualitat JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Límit de mida JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"Els JPEG i les miniatures es representen automàticament segons sigui necessari.","Keywords":"Paraules clau","Knowledge Base":"Knowledge Base","Label":"Etiqueta","Labels":"Etiquetes","Labels deleted":"S'han suprimit les etiquetes","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Preservació de detalls, artefactes mínims","Language":"Idioma","Last Sync":"Última sincronització","Latitude":"Latitud","Lavender":"Lavanda","Learn more":"Saber-ne més","Legal Information":"Informació legal","Lens":"Lent","Library":"Biblioteca","License":"Llicència","Like":"M'agrada","Lime":"Llima","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"S'ha assolit el límit, mostrant els primers %{n} fitxers","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineal: molt suau, millor rendiment","Link":"Enllaç","List":"Llista","Live":"En viu","Live Photos":"Fotos en directe","Local Time":"Hora local","location":"localitat","Location":"Ubicació","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Els missatges de registre apareixen aquí sempre que PhotoPrism troba fitxers trencats o hi ha altres problemes potencials.","Login":"Iniciar sessió","Logout":"Tancar sessió","Logs":"Logs","Longitude":"Longitut","Low":"Baix","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Color principal","Male":"Home","manual":"manual","Manual Upload":"Pujada manual","Maps":"Mapes","Marker":"Marcador","Medium":"Mitja","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Combinar %{a} amb %{b}?","Message sent":"Missatge enviat","Minimize":"Minimitza","Missing":"Falta la pàgina d'enviament","Moments":"Moments","Monochrome":"Monocrom","Month":"Mes","Moonlight":"Clar de lluna","More than %{n} pictures found":"S'han trobat més de %{n} imatges","More than 20 albums found":"S'han trobat més de 20 àlbums","More than 20 labels found":"S'han trobat més de 20 etiquetes","More than 20 people found":"S'han trobat més de 20 persones","Mosaic":"Mosaic","Most Relevant":"El més rellevant","Move Files":"Mou arxius","Name":"Nom","Name too long":"Nom massa llarg","Never":"Mai","New":"Nou","New Password":"Nova contrasenya","Newest First":"El més nou primer","No":"No","No albums found":"No s'han trobat àlbums","No labels found":"No s'han trobat etiquetes","No people found":"No s'han trobat persones","No pictures found":"No s'han trobat imatges","No recently edited pictures":"No hi ha imatges editades recentment","No servers configured.":"No s'ha configurat cap servidor.","No services configured.":"No s'ha configurat cap servei.","No thanks":"No gràcies","No video selected":"No s'ha seleccionat cap vídeo","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"No hi ha cap advertiment ni error que contingui aquesta paraula clau. Tingueu en compte que la cerca distingeix entre majúscules i minúscules.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Les imatges no fotogràfiques i de baixa qualitat requereixen una revisió abans que apareguin als resultats de la cerca.","None":"Cap","Not Found":"No s'ha trobat","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Tingueu en compte que podeu gestionar manualment la vostra carpeta d'originals i la importació és opcional.","Note:":"Nota:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Nota: només els servidors WebDAV, com Nextcloud o PhotoPrism, es poden configurar com a servei remot per a la còpia de seguretat i la càrrega de fitxers.","Notes":"Notes","Nothing to see here yet.":"Encara no hi ha res a veure aquí.","Offline":"Offline","Oldest First":"El més vell primer","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"A Windows, introduïu el recurs següent al diàleg de connexió:","Once a week":"Una vegada per setmana","One album found":"S'ha trobat un àlbum","One file found":"S'ha trobat un fitxer","One file uploaded":"S'ha penjat un fitxer","One folder found":"S'ha trobat una carpeta","One label found":"S'ha trobat una etiqueta","One person found":"S'ha trobat una persona","One picture found":"S'ha trobat una imatge","Onyx":"Ònix","Options":"Opcions","or ask in our Community Chat":"o preguntar al nostre xat de la comunitat","Orange":"Taronja","Organization":"Organització","Orientation":"Orientació","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Els noms dels fitxers originals s'emmagatzemaran i s'indexaran.","Original Name":"Nom original","Originals":"Originals","Other":"Altres","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"La nostra Guia d'usuari també cobreix molts temes avançats, com ara la migració des de Google Fotos i la configuració de la qualitat de les miniatures.","Outdoor":"A l'aire lliure","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoràmiques","Password":"Contrasenya","Password changed":"S’ha canviat la contrasenya","People":"Gent","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Les persones amb qui comparteixis un enllaç podran veure contingut públic.","Permanently deleted":"Esborrat permanentment","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Suprimeix els fitxers permanentment per alliberar emmagatzematge.","Phone":"Telèfon","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism s'ha actualitzat...","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® és una aplicació de fotos impulsada per IA per a la web descentralitzada.","Photos":"Fotos","Pink":"Rosa","Place":"Lloc","Place & Time":"Lloc i hora","Places":"Llocs","Please confirm your new password.":"Si us plau, confirmeu la vostra nova contrasenya.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Si us plau, no carregueu fotos que continguin contingut ofensiu.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Tingueu en compte que si canvieu la contrasenya, tanqueu la sessió en altres dispositius i navegadors.","Portrait":"Retrat","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"publica la teva pregunta a les discussions de GitHub","Preserve filenames":"Conserva els noms de fitxers","Press button to start importing…":"Premeu el botó per començar a importar...","Press button to start indexing…":"Premeu el botó per començar a indexar...","Press enter to create a new album.":"Premeu Intro per crear un àlbum nou.","Preview":"Previsualitza","Primary":"Primari","Private":"Privada","Product Feedback":"Comentaris del producte","Projection":"Projecció","Purple":"Lila","Quality Filter":"Filtre de qualitat","Quality Score":"Nivell de qualitat","Random":"Aleatori","Raspberry":"Gerds","Raw":"Crua","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Conversió RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Torneu a indexar tots els originals, inclosos els fitxers ja indexats i sense canvis.","Read the Docs":"Llegeix els documents","Read-Only Mode":"Mode de només lectura","Recently Added":"Recentment afegit","Recently Edited":"Editat recentment","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"El reconeixement comença un cop finalitzada la indexació.","Recognized":"Reconegut","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Reconeix cares perquè es puguin trobar persones concretes.","Red":"Vermell","Reload":"Recarrega","Reloading…":"S'està tornant a carregar…","Remote Sync":"Sincronització remota","Remove":"Elimina","remove failed: unknown album":"ha fallat l'eliminació: àlbum desconegut","Remove from album":"Elimina de l'àlbum","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Elimina els fitxers importats per estalviar emmagatzematge. Els tipus de fitxers no compatibles no se suprimiran mai, es mantenen a la seva ubicació actual.","Request failed - invalid response":"La sol·licitud ha fallat: resposta no vàlida","Required":"Requerit","Resolution":"Resolució","Restore":"Restaura","Retry Limit":"Límit de torna a intentar","Retype Password":"Torneu a escriure la contrasenya","Review":"Valoració","Satellite":"Satèl·lit","Save":"Desar","Scan":"Escaneig","Scans":"Escaneigs","Search":"Cercar","Search and display photos on a map.":"Cerca i mostra fotos en un mapa.","Season":"Estació","Secret":"Secret","Security and Access":"Seguretat i Accés","Select":"Selecciona","Select albums or create a new one":"Seleccioneu àlbums o creeu-ne un de nou","Selection approved":"Selecció aprovada","Selection archived":"Selecció arxivada","Selection restored":"S'ha restaurat la selecció","Send":"Enviar","Sequential Name":"Nom seqüencial","Service URL":"URL del servei","Services":"Serveis","Settings":"Configuració","Settings saved":"Configuració desada","Setup":"Configuració","Shadow":"Ombra","Share":"Compartir","Share %{name}":"Comparteix %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Comparteix les teves imatges amb altres aplicacions i serveis.","Show":"Mostrar","Show all new faces":"Mostra totes les cares noves","Show hidden":"Mostra ocult","Show less":"Mostra menys","Show more":"Mostra’n més","Show server logs in Library.":"Mostra els registres del servidor a la biblioteca.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Mostra missatges de registre més detallats. Requereix un reinici.","Sidecar":"Sidecar","Sign in":"Iniciar sessió","Sign Up":"Registrar-se","Similar":"Similars","Size":"Mida","Slow":"Lenta","Sort Order":"Criteri d’ordenació","Source":"Origen","Stack":"Pila","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Apila fitxers que comparteixen la mateixa imatge única o identificador d'instància.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Apila imatges fetes a la mateixa hora i ubicació en funció de les seves metadades.","Stackable":"Apilable","Stacks":"Piles","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Agrupa fitxers amb un marc de referència similar, però amb diferències de qualitat, format, mida o color.","Start":"Inici","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Inicia/atura la presentació de diapositives","States":"Províncies","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Límit de mida estàtica: %{n}px","Status":"Estat","Storage":"Emmagatzematge","Streets":"Carrers","Subject":"Assumpte","Successfully Connected":"Connectat correctament","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Amb el temps s'afegirà suport per a serveis addicionals, com ara Google Drive.","Sync":"Sincronitza","Sync raw and video files":"Sincronitza fitxers en brut i de vídeo","Taken":"Pres","Teal":"Blau Cerseta","Text too long":"Text massa llarg","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Actualment, l'índex conté %{n} fitxers ocults.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"És possible que el seu format no sigui compatible, que encara no s'han convertit a JPEG o que hi hagi duplicats.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Això munta la carpeta originals com a unitat de xarxa i us permet obrir, editar i suprimir fitxers\n des del vostre ordinador o telèfon intel·ligent com si fossin locals.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Això munta la carpeta originals com a unitat de xarxa i us permet obrir, editar i suprimir fitxers del vostre ordinador o telèfon intel·ligent com si fossin locals.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generació de miniatures","Time UTC":"Hora UTC","Time Zone":"Zona horària","Timeout":"Delsa","Title":"Títol","Title / Position":"Títol / posició","Title too long":"Títol massa llarg","Toggle View":"Canvia la vista","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topogràfic","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Llistes de verificació de resolució de problemes","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Torna-ho a provar amb altres filtres o paraules clau.","Type":"Tipus","Undo":"Desfer","Unique ID":"ID únic","Unknown":"Desconegut","Unregistered":"No registrat","Unsorted":"SeneEthiopian month 11 - LongName","Unstack":"Desapilar","Updated":"Actualitzat","Updating faces":"Actualització de cares","Updating index":"S'està actualitzant l'índex","Updating moments":"Moments d'actualització","Updating picture…":"S'està actualitzant la imatge...","Updating previews":"S'estan actualitzant les previsualitzacions","Updating stacks":"Actualització de les piles","Upload":"Pujar","Upload complete":"Càrrega completa","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Càrrega completa. S'està indexant...","Upload failed":"La càrrega ha fallat","Upload local files":"Carregueu fitxers locals","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Penja a WebDAV i comparteix enllaços amb amics.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"S'està penjant %{n} de %{t}...","Uploading photos…":"S'estan penjant fotos...","Uploading…":"S'està carregant…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Les càrregues que puguin contenir aquestes imatges seran rebutjades automàticament.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Utilitzeu presets","User":"Usuari","User Guide":"Guia de l'usuari","User Interface":"Interfície d'usuari","Username":"Usuari","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Verificat","Video":"Vídeo","Video Duration":"Durada del vídeo","Videos":"Videos","View":"Veure","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Visiteu docs.photoprism.app/user-guide per saber com sincronitzar, organitzar i compartir les vostres imatges.","Visual Similarity":"Similitud visual","We appreciate your feedback!":"Agraïm els vostres comentaris!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Fem tot el possible per respondre en un termini de cinc dies laborables o menys.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Farem tot el possible per respondre totes les vostres preguntes. A canvi, us demanem que ens recolzeu a Patrocinadors de Patreon o GitHub.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Els clients WebDAV es poden connectar a PhotoPrism mitjançant l'URL següent:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Els clients WebDAV, com ara l'Explorador de Windows de Microsoft o el Finder d'Apple, es poden connectar directament\n FotoPrisma.","WebDAV Upload":"Càrrega WebDAV","Website":"Pàgina web","White":"Blanc","Work Details":"Detalls del treball","Year":"Any","Yellow":"Groc","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Si","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"Et convidem a unir-te a nosaltres a Reddit","You can only download one album":"Només pots baixar un àlbum","You can only download one label":"Només podeu baixar una etiqueta","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Podeu executar-lo a casa, en un servidor privat o al núvol.","You may only select one item":"Només podeu seleccionar un element","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Podeu tornar a escanejar la vostra biblioteca per trobar cares addicionals.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"El vostre suport continuat ens ajuda a oferir actualitzacions periòdiques i a mantenir-nos independents, de manera que podem complir la nostra missió i protegir la vostra privadesa.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"La vostra biblioteca s'analitza contínuament per crear automàticament àlbums de moments, viatges i llocs especials.","Zoom in/out":"Apropa o redueix"},"cs":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} nalezených alb","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} nahraných souborů","%{n} folders found":"%{n} nalezených složek","%{n} labels found":"%{n} nalezených štítků","%{n} people found":"%{n} nalezeno lidí","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} nalezených obrázků","1 hour":"1 hodina","12 hours":"12 hodin","4 hours":"4 hodiny","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Kliknutím zkopírujete do schránky.","About":"O nás","Abyss":"Propast","Account":"Účet","Accuracy":"Přesnost","Action":"Akce","Actions":"Akce","Add Account":"Přidat účet","Add Album":"Přidat album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Přidat soubory do vaší knihovny nahráním přes Web.","Add Link":"Přidat odkaz","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Přidat obrázky z výsledků vyhledávání jejich výběrem.","Add to album":"Přidat do alba","Added":"Přidáno","Advanced":"Pokročilé","After 1 day":"Po 1 dni","After 3 days":"Po 3 dnech","After 7 days":"Po 7 dnech","After one month":"Po jednom měsíci","After one year":"Po jednom roce","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Po výběru obrázků z výsledků vyhledávání je můžete přidat do alba pomocí kontextové nabídky.","After two months":"Po dvou měsících","After two weeks":"Po dvou týdnech","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Název alba","Albums":"Alba","Albums deleted":"Alba vymazána","All %{n} albums loaded":"Všech %{n} alb načteno","All %{n} labels loaded":"Všech %{n} štítků načteno","All %{n} people loaded":"Všichni %{n} lidé načteni","All Cameras":"Všechny fotoaparáty","All Categories":"Všechny kategorie","All Colors":"Všechny barvy","All Countries":"Všechny země","All fields are required":"Všechna pole jsou vyžadována","All files from import folder":"Všechny soubory ze složky pro importování","All Lenses":"Všechny objektivy","All Months":"Všechny měsíce","All originals":"Všechny originály","All Years":"Všechny roky","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativně lze nahrát soubory přímo do WebDAV serverů jako je Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Nadmořská výška","Altitude (m)":"Nadmořská výška (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Došlo k chybě - jste offline?","Animated":"Animované","Animation":"Animace","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Jakékoliv soukromé fotografie nebo videa zůstanou soukromé a nebudou sdílena.","API Key":"API klíč","Apply":"Použít","Approve":"Potvrdit","Archive":"Archivovat","Archived":"Archivováno","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Jste si jisti, že chcete označené archivovat?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Jste si jisti, že chcete tato alba vymazat?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Jste si jisti, že chcete tyto štítky vymazat?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Jste si jisti, že chcete tento účet vymazat?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Jste si jisti, že chcete tyto fotografie trvale odstranit?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Jste si jisti, že chcete tento soubor trvale odstranit?","Are you sure?":"Jste si jistí?","Artist":"Umělec","Aspect Ratio":"Poměr stran","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Automaticky vytvořit JPEG pro ostatní typy souborů, aby mohly být zobrazeny v prohlížeči.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Automaticky vytváří alba zvláštních okamžiků, výletů a míst.","Basic":"Základní","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Před odesláním žádosti o podporu použijte naše kontrolní seznamy pro řešení problémů, abyste zjistili příčinu problému.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Vzhledem k tomu, že jsme stoprocentně financováni z vlastních zdrojů a nezávislí, můžeme vám slíbit, že vaše údaje nikdy neprodáme a že budeme vždy transparentní, pokud jde o náš software a služby.","Bio":"Biografie","Birth Date":"Datum narození","Black":"Černá","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos převzorkování, Méně prstencových artefaktů","Blue":"Modrá","Brown":"Hnědá","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Prohlížet a upravit štítky klasifikace obrazu.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Prohlížet indexované soubory a složky v Knihovně.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Podrobné informace o konkrétních funkcích produktu, službách a souvisejících zdrojích najdete ve znalostní databázi.","Bug Report":"Nahlásit chybu","Busy, please wait…":"Zaneprázdněn, čekejte prosím…","Calendar":"Kalendář","Camera":"Fotoaparát","Camera Serial":"Sériové číslo kamery","Can't load more, limit reached":"Nelze načíst více, dosaženo limitu","Can't select more items":"Není možné vybrat více položek","Cancel":"Zrušit","Cards":"Karty","Category":"Kategorie","Change Avatar":"Změnit fotku","Change Password":"Změnit heslo","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Změna nastavení osobního profilu a zabezpečení.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Změna názvů fotografií, umístění a dalších metadat.","Change private flag":"Změnit soukromou vlaječku","Changes successfully saved":"Změny byly úspěšně uloženy","Checked":"Zkontrolováno","Chroma":"Sytost","Close":"Zavřít","Codec":"Kodek","Color":"Barva","Color Profile":"Barevný profil","Colors":"Barvy","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Běžné problémy lze rychle diagnostikovat a vyřešit pomocí kontrolních seznamů pro řešení problémů, které poskytujeme.","Complete Rescan":"Kompletní opětovné prohledání","Confidence":"Jistota","Connect":"Připojit","Connect via WebDAV":"Připojit přes WebDAV","Connected":"Připojeno","Contact Details":"Kontaktní údaje","Contact Us":"Kontaktujte nás","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Obsahuje %{n} obrázků.","Contains one picture.":"Obsahuje jeden obrázek.","Convert to JPEG":"Převést do JPEG","Converting":"Převádí se","Copied to clipboard":"Zkopírováno do schránky","Copyright":"Autorská práva","Couldn't find anything.":"Nebylo nic nalezeno.","Country":"Země","Create album":"Vytvořit album","Created":"Vytvořeno","Creating thumbnails for":"Vytváření miniatur pro","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: Střední kvalita, Dobrý výkon","Current Password":"Aktuální heslo","Customer Support":"Zákaznická podpora","Cyan":"Tyrkysová","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Denně","Day":"Den","Debug Logs":"Protokoly ladění","Default":"Výchozí","Default Folder":"Výchozí složka","Delete":"Vymazat","Description":"Popis","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Detailnější instrukce naleznete v naší Uživatelské příručce.","Details":"Detaily","Dimensions":"Rozměry","Disable Backups":"Deaktivovat zálohy","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Deaktivovat vestavěný WebDAV server. Vyžaduje restart.","Disable Darktable":"Deaktivovat Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Deaktivovat ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Deaktivovat FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Deaktivovat místa","Disable RawTherapee":"Deaktivovat RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Deaktivovat TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Deaktivovat WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Deaktivuje zpětné geokódování a mapy.","Discover":"Objevit","Display Name":"Zobrazované jméno","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Nezálohovat metadata fotografií a alb do souborů YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Nevytvářet soubory JSON nástroje ExifTool pro lepší extrakci metadat.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Neupravovat složku originálů. Deaktivuje importování, nahrávání a odstraňování.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Nepřekódovávat videa pomocí FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Nepoužívat Darktable ke konverzi souborů RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Nepoužívat RawTherapee ke konverzi souborů RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Nepoužívat TensorFlow pro klasifikaci obrazu.","Donations":"Sponzorské dary","Done":"Hotovo","Done.":"Hotovo.","Download":"Stáhnout","Download remote files":"Stáhnout vzdálené soubory","Download single files and zip archives.":"Stáhnout jednotlivé soubory a archivy zip.","Downloading…":"Stahování…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtr pro snížení měřítka","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Vzhledem k velkému množství e-mailů, které dostáváme, se může stát, že vám náš tým nebude schopen okamžitě odpovědět.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplicity budou přeskočeny a zobrazí se pouze jednou.","Duration":"Délka","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamické náhledy","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dynamické vykreslování vyžaduje výkonný server. Není doporučeno pro zařízení NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Dynamický limit velikosti: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-Mail","Edit":"Upravit","Edit %{name}":"Upravit %{name}","Edit Account":"Upravit účet","Edit Photo":"Upravit fotografii","Edited":"Upraveno","Electra":"Electra","Email":"Email","Enable new features currently under development.":"Povolit nové funkce, které jsou aktuálně ve vývoji.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Povolí předvolby konvertoru RAW. Může snížit výkon.","Errors":"Chyby","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Odhadnout přibližné polohy obrázků bez souřadnic.","Estimates":"Odhady","Every two days":"Každé dva dny","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Vyloučit obsah označený jako soukromý z výsledků vyhledávání, sdílených alb, štítků a míst.","Exclude hidden":"Vyloučit skryté","Expand":"Rozbalit","Expand Search":"Rozšířené vyhledávání","Experimental Features":"Experimentální funkce","Expires":"Vyprší","Exposure":"Expozice","F Number":"Clonové číslo","Face":"Tvář","Faces":"Tváře","Failed copying to clipboard":"Kopírování do schránky selhalo","Failed removing link":"Odstraňování odkazu selhalo","Failed updating link":"Aktualizace odkazu selhalo","Family Name":"Rodné jméno","Fast":"Rychlé","Favorite":"Oblíbené","Favorites":"Oblíbené","Feature Request":"Žádost o funkci","Feed":"Novinky","Feedback":"Zpětná vazba","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"V případě jakýchkoli dotazů nás kontaktujte na adrese hello@photoprism.app.","Female":"Žena","File":"Soubor","File Browser":"Prohlížeč souborů","File Name":"Název souboru","File Size":"Velikost souboru","Filename":"Název souboru","Files":"Soubory","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Soubory s pořadovými názvy jako 'IMG_1234 (2)' a 'IMG_1234 (3)' náleží stejnému obrázku.","Focal Length":"Ohnisková vzdálenost","Folder":"Složka","Folder contains %{n} files":"Složka obsahuje %{n} souborů","Folder is empty":"Složka je prázdná","Folders":"Složky","Forgot password?":"Zapoměli jste heslo?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Frames","Fullscreen":"Celá obrazovka","Gemstone":"Gemstone","Gender":"Pohlaví","General":"Obecné","Getting Support":"Získání podpory","Given Name":"Dané jméno","Gold":"Zlatá","Grayscale":"Odstíny šedé","Green":"Zelená","Grey":"Šedá","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Pomoc","Help & Support":"Nápověda & Podpora","Hidden":"Skryté","Hidden Files":"Skryté soubory","Hide":"Skrýt","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Skrýt fotografie, které byly přesunuty do archivu.","High":"Vysoká","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Vysoký dynamický rozsah (HDR)","How can we help?":"Jak můžeme pomoci?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Pokud vám toto nepomůže nebo máte další otázky:","image":"snímek","Image":"Snímek","Images":"Snímky","Import":"Importovat","Import failed":"Importování selhalo","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Importované soubory budou seřazeny podle data a přiděleného jedinečného názvu, aby se předešlo duplicitám.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Importované soubory budou seřazeny podle data a přiděleného jedinečného názvu.","Importing %{name}…":"Importování %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importování souborů do originálů…","in":"v","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Sponzoři navíc dostávají přímou technickou podporu prostřednictvím e-mailu.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"V případě, že očekávané obrázky chybí, prohledejte knihovnu znovu a počkejte, až bude indexace dokončena.","Index":"Indexovat","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexování a importování souborů prostřednictvím uživatelského rozhraní.","Indexing":"Indexování","Indexing failed":"Indexování selhalo","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexování media a přidružených souborů…","Instance ID":"ID instance","Interval":"Interval","Invalid":"Neplatné","Invalid date":"Neplatné datum","Invalid parameters":"Neplatné parametry","Invalid photo selected":"Vybrána neplatná fotografie","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Využívá nejnovější technologie k automatickému označování a vyhledávání obrázků, aniž by vám překážel.","Item":"Položka","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG kvalita: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG limit velikosti: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG a miniatury se vykreslují automaticky dle potřeby.","Keywords":"Klíčová slova","Knowledge Base":"Znalostní databáze","Label":"Štítek","Labels":"Štítky","Labels deleted":"Štítky vymazány","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Zachování detailů, Minimální artefakty","Language":"Jazyk","Last Sync":"Poslední synchronizace","Latitude":"Zeměpisná šířka","Lavender":"Lavender","Learn more":"Zjistěte více","Legal Information":"Právní informace","Lens":"Objektiv","Library":"Knihovna","License":"Licence","Like":"Líbí se mi","Lime":"Limetková","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Dosaženo limitu, zobrazeno prvních %{n} souborů","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: Velmi vyhlazené, Nejlepší výkon","Link":"Odkaz","List":"Seznam","Live":"Živé","Live Photos":"Živé fotografie","Local Time":"Místní čas","location":"lokalita","Location":"Lokalita","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Zprávy logu se zde zobrazují vždy, když PhotoPrism narazí na poškozené soubory nebo se vyskytnou jiné potenciální problémy.","Login":"Přihlášení","Logout":"Odhlásit se","Logs":"Logy","Longitude":"Zeměpisná délka","Low":"Nízká","Magenta":"Purpurová","Main Color":"Převažující barva","Male":"Muž","manual":"ručně","Manual Upload":"Ruční nahrání","Maps":"Mapy","Marker":"Značka","Medium":"Střední","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Sloučit %{a} s %{b}?","Message sent":"Zpráva odeslána","Minimize":"Minimalizovat","Missing":"Chybějící","Moments":"Okamžiky","Monochrome":"Monochromatické","Month":"Měsíc","Moonlight":"Moonlight","More than %{n} pictures found":"Nalezeno více než %{n} obrázků","More than 20 albums found":"Nalezeno více než 20 alb","More than 20 labels found":"Nalezeno více než 20 štítků","More than 20 people found":"Více než 20 lidí našlo","Mosaic":"Mozaika","Most Relevant":"Nejrelevantnější","Move Files":"Přesunout soubory","Name":"Název","Name too long":"Název je příliš dlouhý","Never":"Nikdy","New":"Nový","New Password":"Nové heslo","Newest First":"Od nejnovějších","No":"Ne","No albums found":"Nenalezena žádná alba","No labels found":"Nenalezeny žádné štítky","No people found":"Nenalezeny žádné osoby","No pictures found":"Nenalezeny žádné obrázky","No recently edited pictures":"Žádné nedávno upravené obrázky","No servers configured.":"Žádný server nebyl nakonfigurován.","No services configured.":"Nejsou nakonfigurovány žádné služby.","No thanks":"Ne, děkuji","No video selected":"Není vybráno žádné video","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Žádná varování nebo chyba obsahující toto klíčové slovo. Mějte na paměti, že při vyhledávání se rozlišují velká a malá písmena.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Nefotografické obrázky a snímky nízké kvality vyžadují kontrolu, než se objeví ve výsledcích vyhledávání.","None":"Žádné","Not Found":"Nenalezeno","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Složku originálů můžete spravovat ručně a import je volitelný.","Note:":"Poznámka:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Poznámka: Pouze WebDAV servery, jako Nextcloud nebo PhotoPrism, mohou být nakonfigurovány jako vzdálená služba pro zálohu a nahrávání souborů.","Notes":"Poznámky","Nothing to see here yet.":"Není tu nic k vidění. Prosíme o trpělivost.","Offline":"Offline","Oldest First":"Od nejstarších","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"V systému Windows zadejte do dialogového okna připojení následující prostředek:","Once a week":"Jednou týdně","One album found":"Nalezeno jedno album","One file found":"Nalezen jeden soubor","One file uploaded":"Nahrán jeden soubor","One folder found":"Nalezena jedna složka","One label found":"Nalezen jeden štítek","One person found":"Nalezena jedna osoba","One picture found":"Nalezen jeden obrázek","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Možnosti","or ask in our Community Chat":"nebo se zeptejte v našem komunitním chatu","Orange":"Oranžová","Organization":"Organizace","Orientation":"Orientace","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Původní názvy souborů budou uloženy a indexovány.","Original Name":"Název originálu","Originals":"Originály","Other":"Jiné","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Naše uživatelská příručka se zabývá také mnoha pokročilými tématy, jako je migrace z aplikace Fotky Google a nastavení kvality miniatur.","Outdoor":"Zeměpisně","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramata","Password":"Heslo","Password changed":"Heslo změněno","People":"Lidé","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Lidé, se kterými sdílíte odkaz, budou moci zobrazit veřejný obsah.","Permanently deleted":"Trvale smazáno","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Trvale odstraňte soubory, abyste uvolnili úložiště.","Phone":"Telefon","Photo":"Fotografie","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism byl aktualizován…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® je aplikace pro decentralizovaný web s umělou inteligencí.","Photos":"Fotografie","Pink":"Růžová","Place":"Místo","Place & Time":"Místo a Čas","Places":"Místa","Please confirm your new password.":"Potvrďte prosím nové heslo.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Nenahrávejte prosím fotografie obsahující urážlivý obsah.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že změna hesla vás odhlásí i na jiných zařízeních a v jiných prohlížečích.","Portrait":"Portrét","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"položte svůj dotaz v diskuzích na GitHubu","Preserve filenames":"Zachovat názvy souborů","Press button to start importing…":"Stiskněte tlačítko pro začátek importování…","Press button to start indexing…":"Stiskněte tlačítko pro začátek indexování…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Stiskněte Enter pro vytvoření nového alba.","Preview":"Náhled","Primary":"Primární","Private":"Soukromé","Product Feedback":"Zpětná vazba k produktu","Projection":"Projekce","Purple":"Fialová","Quality Filter":"Filtr kvality","Quality Score":"Hodnocení kvality","Random":"Náhodně","Raspberry":"Raspberry","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Převod RAW formátu","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Znovu indexovat všechny originály, včetně již zaindexovaných a nezměněných souborů.","Read the Docs":"Přečtěte si dokumenty","Read-Only Mode":"Mód jen pro čtení","Recently Added":"Nedávno přidané","Recently Edited":"Nedávno upravené","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Rozpoznávání se spustí po dokončení indexování.","Recognized":"Rozpoznané","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Rozpoznává obličeje, aby bylo možné najít konkrétní osoby.","Red":"Červená","Reload":"Znovu načíst","Reloading…":"Načítání…","Remote Sync":"Vzdálená synchronizace","Remove":"Odstranit","remove failed: unknown album":"odstranění selhalo: neznámé album","Remove from album":"Odebrat z alba","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Odstranit importované soubory pro ušetření úložného prostoru. Nepodporované typy souborů odstraněny nikdy nebudou, zůstanou ve svém aktuálním umístění.","Request failed - invalid response":"Požadavek selhal - neplatná odpověď","Required":"Vyžadováno","Resolution":"Rozlišení","Restore":"Obnovit","Retry Limit":"Limit opakování","Retype Password":"Znovu zadejte heslo","Review":"Kontrola","Satellite":"Satelitní","Save":"Uložit","Scan":"Sken","Scans":"Skeny","Search":"Vyhledat","Search and display photos on a map.":"Vyhledat a zobrazit fotografie na mapě.","Season":"Období","Secret":"Tajemství","Security and Access":"Zabezpečení a přístup","Select":"Označit","Select albums or create a new one":"Vyberte alba nebo vytvořte nové","Selection approved":"Výběr potvrzen","Selection archived":"Výběr archivován","Selection restored":"Výběr obnoven","Send":"Odeslat","Sequential Name":"Pořadový název","Service URL":"URL služby","Services":"Služby","Settings":"Nastavení","Settings saved":"Nastavení uloženo","Setup":"Prvotní nastavení","Shadow":"Shadow","Share":"Sdílet","Share %{name}":"Sdílet %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Sdílejte své obrázky s dalšími aplikacemi a službami.","Show":"Zobrazit","Show all new faces":"Zobrazit všechny nové tváře","Show hidden":"Zobrazit skryté","Show less":"Zobrazit méně","Show more":"Zobrazit více","Show server logs in Library.":"Zobrazit logy serveru v Knihovně.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Zobrazí podrobnější zprávy protokolu. Vyžaduje restart.","Sidecar":"Přidružený soubor","Sign in":"Přihlásit se","Sign Up":"Registrace","Similar":"Podobné","Size":"Velikost","Slow":"Pomalé","Sort Order":"Pořadí řazení","Source":"Zdroj","Stack":"Stohovat","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Stohovat soubory, které sdílí stejný jedinečný snímek nebo identifikátor instance.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Stohovat snímky pořízené ve stejnou chvíli a ve stejné lokalitě na základě jejich metadat.","Stackable":"Stohovatelné","Stacks":"Stohy","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Stohuje seskupené soubory s podobným referenčním rámcem, ale odlišné kvality, formátu, velikosti nebo barvy.","Start":"Spustit","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Spustit/Zastavit prezentaci","States":"Státy","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statický limit velikosti: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Úložiště","Streets":"Ulice","Subject":"Předmět","Successfully Connected":"Úspěšně připojeno","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Podpora dalších služeb, jako Google Disk, budou postupně přidávány.","Sync":"Synchronizace","Sync raw and video files":"Synchronizovat raw a video soubory","Taken":"Pořízeno","Teal":"Šedozelená","Text too long":"Text je příliš dlouhý","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Index aktuálně obsahuje %{n} skrytých souborů.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Jejich formát nemusí být podporován, nebyly dosud převedeny do JPEG nebo existují duplikáty.","Theme":"Téma","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Toto nastaví složku originálů jako síťový disk a umožní vám otevírat, upravovat a mazat soubory prostřednictvím vašeho počítače nebo telefonu jako by byli lokálně.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Toto nastaví složku originálů jako síťový disk a umožní vám otevírat, upravovat a mazat soubory prostřednictvím vašeho počítače nebo telefonu jako by byly lokálně.","Thumbnail Generation":"Vytváření miniatur","Time UTC":"Čas UTC","Time Zone":"Časová zóna","Timeout":"Časový limit","Title":"Titulek","Title / Position":"Název / pozice","Title too long":"Titulek je příliš dlouhý","Toggle View":"Přepnout zobrazení","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topograficky","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Kontrolní seznamy pro řešení problémů","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Zkuste to znovu použitím jiného filtru nebo klíčového slova.","Type":"Typ","Undo":"Vrátit","Unique ID":"Jedinečné ID","Unknown":"Neznámé","Unregistered":"Neregistrovaný","Unsorted":"Neseřazeno","Unstack":"Nestohovat","Updated":"Aktualizováno","Updating faces":"Aktualizace tváří","Updating index":"Aktualizace indexace","Updating moments":"Aktualizace okamžiků","Updating picture…":"Aktualizace obrázku…","Updating previews":"Aktualizace náhledů","Updating stacks":"Aktualizace stohování","Upload":"Nahrát","Upload complete":"Nahrávání dokončeno","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Nahrávání dokončeno. Indexování…","Upload failed":"Nahrávání selhalo","Upload local files":"Nahrát lokální soubory","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Nahrát do WebDAV a sdílet odkazy s přáteli.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Nahrávání %{n} z %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Nahrávání fotografií…","Uploading…":"Nahrávání…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Nahrávání obsahující takovéto snímky budou automaticky odmítnuta.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Použít předvolby","User":"Uživatel","User Guide":"Uživatelská příručka","User Interface":"Uživatelské rozhraní","Username":"Uživatelské jméno","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Ověřeno","Video":"Video","Video Duration":"Délka videa","Videos":"Videa","View":"Zobrazit","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Navštivte stránku docs.photoprism.app/user-guide, kde se dozvíte, jak synchronizovat, organizovat a sdílet své fotografie.","Visual Similarity":"Vizuální podobnost","We appreciate your feedback!":"Vážíme si vaší zpětné vazby!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Snažíme se odpovědět do pěti pracovních dnů nebo později.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Budeme se snažit odpovědět na všechny vaše otázky. Na oplátku vás prosíme, abyste nás podpořili na Patreonu nebo GitHubu.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV klienti se mohou k PhotoPrism připojit pomocí následující URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Klienti WebDAV, jako je Průzkumník Windows od společnosti Microsoft nebo Finder od společnosti Apple, se mohou připojit přímo k aplikaci\n PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Nahrát přes WebDAV","Website":"Webová stránka","White":"Bílá","Work Details":"Podrobnosti o práci","Year":"Rok","Yellow":"Žlutá","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Ano","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"můžete se k nám připojit na Redditu","You can only download one album":"Stáhnout lze pouze jedno album","You can only download one label":"Stáhnout lze pouze jeden štítek","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Můžete jej provozovat doma, na soukromém serveru nebo v cloudu.","You may only select one item":"Vybrat lze pouze jednu položku","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Můžete znovu prohledat knihovnu a najít další tváře.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Vaše trvalá podpora nám pomáhá poskytovat pravidelné aktualizace a zůstat nezávislými, abychom mohli plnit naše poslání a chránit vaše soukromí.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Vaše knihovna je průběžně analyzována a automaticky vytváří alba zvláštních okamžiků, výletů a míst.","Zoom in/out":"Přiblížit/Oddálit"},"da":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} album fundet","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} filer uploadet","%{n} folders found":"%{n} mapper fundet","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etiketter fundet","%{n} people found":"%{n} personer fundet","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} billeder fundet","1 hour":"1 time","12 hours":"12 timer","4 hours":"4 timer","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Et klik kopierer det til dit udklipsholder.","About":"Om","Abyss":"Afgrund","Account":"Konto","Accuracy":"Nøjagtighed","Action":"Handling","Actions":"Handlinger","Add Album":"Tilføj album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Føj filer til dit bibliotek via Web Upload.","Add Link":"Tilføj link","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Tilføj billeder fra søgeresultater ved at vælge dem.","Add to album":"Føj til albummet","Added":"Tilføjet","Advanced":"Avanceret","After 1 day":"Efter 1 dag","After 3 days":"Efter 3 dage","After 7 days":"Efter 7 dage","After one month":"Efter en måned","After one year":"Efter et år","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Når du har valgt billeder fra søgeresultaterne, kan du tilføje dem til et album ved hjælp af kontekstmenuen.","After two months":"Efter to måneder","After two weeks":"Efter tre uger","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Album navn","Albums":"Album","Albums deleted":"Slettede album","All %{n} albums loaded":"Alle %{n} album er indlæst","All %{n} labels loaded":"Alle %{n} etiketter er indlæst","All %{n} people loaded":"Alle %{n} personer indlæst","All Cameras":"Alle kameraer","All Categories":"Alle kategorier","All Colors":"Alle farver","All Countries":"Alle lande","All fields are required":"Alle felter skal udfyldes","All files from import folder":"Alle filer fra importmappen","All Lenses":"Alle linser","All Months":"Alle måneder","All originals":"Alle originaler","All Years":"Alle år","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativt kan du uploade filer direkte til WebDAV-servere som Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Højde","Altitude (m)":"Højde (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Der opstod en fejl - er du offline?","Animated":"Animeret","Animation":"Animation","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Alle private fotos og videoer forbliver private og deles ikke.","API Key":"API-nøgle","Apply":"Anvend","Approve":"Godkend","Archive":"Arkiver","Archived":"Arkiveret","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Er du sikker på, at du vil arkivere det markerede?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette disse album?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette disse etiketter?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne konto?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette disse billeder permanent?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne fil permanent?","Are you sure?":"Er du sikker?","Artist":"Kunstner","Aspect Ratio":"Billedformat","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Opret automatisk JPEG’er til andre filtyper, så de kan vises i en browser.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Opretter automatisk album af særlige øjeblikke, rejser og steder.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Før du sender en anmodning om support, skal du bruge vores tjeklister til fejlfinding for at finde årsagen til dit problem.","Bio":"Biografi","Black":"Sort","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos, bedre kantudjævning","Blue":"Blå","Brown":"Brun","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Gennemse og rediger billedklassifikationsetiketter.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Gennemse indekserede filer og mapper i biblioteket.","Bug Report":"Fejlrapport","Busy, please wait…":"Optaget, vent venligst …","Calendar":"Kalender","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Kamera serienummer","Can't load more, limit reached":"Kan ikke indlæse mere, grænsen nået","Can't select more items":"Kan ikke vælge flere elementer","Cancel":"Annullere","Cards":"Kort","Category":"Kategori","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Ændre billedtitler, steder og andre metadata.","Change private flag":"Ændre privat flag","Checked":"Kontrolleret","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Luk","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Farve","Color Profile":"Farveprofil","Colors":"Farver","Complete Rescan":"Komplet scanning","Confidence":"Tillid","Connect":"Opret forbindelse","Connect via WebDAV":"Opret forbindelse via WebDAV","Contact Us":"Kontakt os","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Indeholder %{n} billeder.","Contains one picture.":"Indeholder et billede.","Convert to JPEG":"Konverter til JPEG","Converting":"Konverterer","Copied to clipboard":"Kopieret til udklipsholderen","Copyright":"Ophavsret","Couldn't find anything.":"Kunne ikke finde noget.","Country":"Land","Create album":"Opret album","Created":"Oprettet","Creating thumbnails for":"Opretter miniaturer til","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: Moderat Kvalitet, God Ydeevne","Current Password":"Nuværende kodeord","Customer Support":"Kunde support","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Dagligt","Day":"Dag","Debug Logs":"Fejlfindingslog","Default":"Standard","Default Folder":"Standardmappe","Delete":"Slet","Description":"Beskrivelse","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Detaljerede instruktioner kan findes i vores brugervejledning.","Details":"Detaljer","Dimensions":"Dimensioner","Disable Backups":"Deaktiver sikkerhedskopier","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Deaktiver den indbyggede WebDAV-server. Kræver en genstart.","Disable Darktable":"Deaktivere Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Deaktiver ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Deaktiver FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Deaktiver steder","Disable RawTherapee":"Deaktivere RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Deaktiver TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Deaktiver WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Deaktiverer omvendt geokodning og kort.","Discover":"Opdag","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Sikkerhedskopier ikke foto- og albummetadata til YAML-filer.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Opret ikke ExifTool JSON-filer til forbedret metadataekstraktion.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Rediger ikke mappen med originaler. Deaktiverer import, overførsel og sletning.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Du må ikke transkode videoer med FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Du må ikke bruge Darktable til at konvertere RAW-filer.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Du må ikke bruge RawTherapee til at konvertere RAW-filer.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Brug ikke TensorFlow til billedklassifikation.","Donations":"Donationer","Done":"Færdig","Done.":"Udført.","Download":"Download","Download remote files":"Download fjernfiler","Download single files and zip archives.":"Download enkeltfiler og zip-arkiver.","Downloading…":"Downloader…","Downscaling Filter":"Nedskaleringsfilter","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikater springes over og vises kun én gang.","Duration":"Varighed","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamiske miniaturebilleder","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dynamisk gengivelse kræver en effektiv server. Det anbefales ikke til NAS-enheder.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Grænse for dynamisk størrelse: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-mail","Edit":"Redigere","Edit %{name}":"Rediger %{name}","Edit Account":"Rediger konto","Edit Photo":"Rediger Billede","Edited":"Redigeret","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"Aktivér nye funktioner, der aktuelt er under udvikling.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Aktiverer RAW-konverteringsindstillinger. Kan reducere ydeevnen.","Errors":"Fejl","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Anslå den omtrentlige placering af billeder uden koordinater.","Estimates":"Anslår","Every two days":"Hver anden dag","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Udeluk indhold, der er markeret som privat, fra søgeresultater, delte album, etiketter og steder.","Exclude hidden":"Udelukke skjulte","Expand":"Udvid","Expand Search":"Udvid søgning","Experimental Features":"Eksperimentelle funktioner","Expires":"Udløber","Exposure":"Eksponering","F Number":"F-nummer","Face":"Ansigt","Faces":"Ansigter","Failed copying to clipboard":"Kopiering til udklipsholder mislykkedes","Failed removing link":"Linket kunne ikke fjernes","Failed updating link":"Linket kunne ikke opdateres","Fast":"Hurtig","Favorite":"Favorit","Favorites":"Favoritter","Feature Request":"Funktionsanmodning","Feedback":"Feedback","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Kontakt os venligst på hello@photoprism.app, hvis du har spørgsmål eller har brug for hjælp.","File":"Fil","File Browser":"Filbrowser","Filename":"Filnavn","Files":"Filer","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Filer med sekventielle navne som ‘IMG_1234 (2)’ og ‘IMG_1234 (3)’ hører til det samme billede.","Focal Length":"Brændvidde","Folder":"Mappe","Folder contains %{n} files":"Mappen indeholder %{n} filer","Folder is empty":"Mappen er tom","Folders":"Mapper","Forgot password?":"Glemt adgangskode?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Rammer","Fullscreen":"Fuld skærm","Gemstone":"Ædelsten","General":"General","Getting Support":"Få hjælp","Gold":"Guld","Grayscale":"Grayscale","Green":"Grøn","Grey":"Grå","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Hjælp","Help & Support":"Hjælp & Support","Hidden":"Skjult","Hidden Files":"Skjulte filer","Hide":"Skjul","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Skjul fotos, der er flyttet til arkivet.","High":"Høj","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Høj dynamisk rækkevidde (HDR)","How can we help?":"Hvordan kan vi hjælpe?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Hvis dette ikke hjælper, eller hvis du har andre spørgsmål:","image":"billede","Image":"Billede","Images":"Billeder","Import":"Importere","Import failed":"Import mislykkedes","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Importerede filer sorteres efter dato og får et unikt navn for at undgå dubletter.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Importerede filer sorteres efter dato og får et unikt navn.","Importing %{name}…":"Importerer %{name} …","Importing files to originals…":"Importerer filer til originaler …","in":"i","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Desuden modtager sponsorer direkte teknisk support via e-mail.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Hvis der mangler billeder, som du forventer, skal du scanne dit bibliotek igen og vente, indtil indekseringen er afsluttet.","Index":"Indeks","Indexing":"Indeksering","Indexing failed":"Indeksering fejlede","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indekserer medie- og sidecar filer…","Instance ID":"Instans-id","Interval":"Interval","Invalid date":"Ugyldig dato","Invalid photo selected":"Ugyldigt foto valgt","Item":"Element","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG-kvalitet: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG maks størrelse: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG’er og miniaturer gengives automatisk efter behov.","Keywords":"Nøgleord","Label":"Etiket","Labels":"Etiketter","Labels deleted":"Etiketter slettet","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Bevaring Detaljer, Minimale Artefakter","Language":"Sprog","Last Sync":"Seneste synkronisering","Latitude":"Breddegrad","Lavender":"Lavendel","Lens":"Linse","Library":"Bibliotek","License":"Licens","Like":"Synes godt om","Lime":"Lime","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Grænse nået, viser de første %{n} filer","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineær: Meget glat, bedste ydeevne","Link":"Link","List":"Liste","Live":"Direkte","Local Time":"Lokal tid","location":"sted","Location":"Sted","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Logbeskeder vises her, når PhotoPrism kommer på tværs af ødelagte filer, eller der er andre potentielle problemer.","Login":"Log på","Logout":"Log ud","Logs":"Logfiler","Longitude":"Længdegrad","Low":"Lav","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Hovedfarve","manual":"manuel","Manual Upload":"Manuel upload","Marker":"Markør","Medium":"Mellem","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Sammenlægning af %{a} med %{b}?","Message sent":"Besked sendt","Minimize":"Minimer","Missing":"Mangler","Moments":"Øjeblikke","Monochrome":"Monokrom","Month":"Måned","Moonlight":"Måneskin","More than %{n} pictures found":"Mere end %{n} billeder fundet","More than 20 albums found":"Mere end 20 album fundet","More than 20 labels found":"Mere end 20 etiketter fundet","More than 20 people found":"Mere end 20 personer fandt","Mosaic":"Mosaik","Move Files":"Flyt filer","Name":"Navn","Name too long":"Navn for langt","Never":"Aldrig","New":"Nyt","New Password":"Nyt kodeord","No":"Nej","No albums found":"Ingen album fundet","No labels found":"Ingen etiketter fundet","No people found":"Ingen personer fundet","No pictures found":"Ingen billeder fundet","No recently edited pictures":"Ingen nyligt redigerede billeder","No servers configured.":"Ingen servere konfigureret.","No thanks":"Nej tak","No video selected":"Ingen video valgt","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Ingen advarsler eller fejl, der indeholder dette nøgleord. Bemærk, at søgning er case-sensitive.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Ikke-fotografiske billeder af lav kvalitet kræver en gennemgang, før de vises i søgeresultaterne.","None":"Ingen","Not Found":"Ikke fundet","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Bemærk, at du kan administrere mappen med originaler manuelt, og at import er valgfri.","Note:":"Bemærk:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Bemærk: Kun WebDAV-servere, som Nextcloud eller PhotoPrism, kan konfigureres som fjerntjeneste til sikkerhedskopiering og upload af filer.","Notes":"Bemærkninger","Offline":"Offline","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"På Windows skal du indtaste følgende ressource i forbindelsesdialogboksen:","Once a week":"En gang om ugen","One album found":"Et album fundet","One file found":"En fil fundet","One file uploaded":"En fil uploadet","One folder found":"En mappe fundet","One label found":"En etiket fundet","One person found":"En person fandt","One picture found":"Et billede fundet","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Muligheder","or ask in our Community Chat":"eller spørg i vores Community Chat","Orange":"Orange","Orientation":"Orientering","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Oprindelige filnavne gemmes og indekseres.","Original Name":"Oprindeligt navn","Originals":"Originaler","Other":"Andre","Outdoor":"Udendørs","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramaer","Password":"Adgangskode","Password changed":"Adgangskode ændret","People":"Mennesker","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Personer, som du deler et link med, kan se offentligt indhold.","Permanently deleted":"Slettet permanent","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Fjern filer permanent for at frigøre lagerplads.","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism er opdateret …","Photos":"Fotos","Pink":"Lyserød","Place":"Sted","Place & Time":"Sted og tid","Places":"Steder","Please confirm your new password.":"Bekræft din nye adgangskode.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Upload ikke billeder, der indeholder stødende indhold.","Portrait":"Portræt","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"stil dit spørgsmål i GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Bevar filnavne","Press button to start importing…":"Tryk på knappen for at starte importen…","Press button to start indexing…":"Tryk på knappen for at starte indeksering…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Tryk på enter for at oprette et nyt album.","Preview":"Forhåndsvisning","Primary":"Primær","Private":"Privat","Product Feedback":"Produktfeedback","Projection":"Projektion","Purple":"Lilla","Quality Filter":"Kvalitetsfilter","Quality Score":"Kvalitetsresultat","Random":"Tilfældig","Raspberry":"Hindbær","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW-konvertering","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Indeksér alle originaler igen, inklusiv allerede indekserede og uændrede filer.","Read-Only Mode":"Skrivebeskyttet tilstand","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Genkendelsen starter, når indekseringen er afsluttet.","Recognized":"Anerkendt","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Genkender ansigter, så man kan finde bestemte personer.","Red":"Rød","Reload":"Genindlæs","Reloading…":"Genindlæser…","Remote Sync":"Fjernsynkronisering","Remove":"Fjern","remove failed: unknown album":"fjern mislykkedes: ukendt album","Remove from album":"Fjern fra albummet","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Fjern importerede filer for at frigøre lagerplads. Ikke-understøttede filtyper slettes aldrig, de forbliver på deres nuværende placering.","Request failed - invalid response":"Anmodningen mislykkedes - ugyldigt svar","Required":"Påkrævet","Resolution":"Opløsning","Restore":"Gendan","Retry Limit":"Grænse for gentagelse","Retype Password":"Indtast adgangskoden igen","Review":"Gennemgang","Save":"Gem","Scan":"Scan","Scans":"Scanninger","Search":"Søg","Search and display photos on a map.":"Søg og vis fotos på et kort.","Season":"Sæson","Secret":"Hemmelighed","Select":"Vælg","Select albums or create a new one":"Vælg album, eller opret et nyt","Selection approved":"Valgte godkendt","Selection archived":"Valgte arkiveret","Selection restored":"Valgte gendannet","Send":"Send","Sequential Name":"Sekventielt navn","Service URL":"Service-URL","Settings":"Indstillinger","Settings saved":"Indstillinger gemt","Setup":"Opsætning","Shadow":"Skygge","Share":"Del","Share %{name}":"Del %{name}","Show":"Vis","Show all new faces":"Vis alle nye ansigter","Show hidden":"Vis skjult","Show less":"Vis mindre","Show more":"Vis mere","Show server logs in Library.":"Vis serverlogfiler i biblioteket.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Viser mere detaljerede logmeddelelser. Kræver en genstart.","Sidecar":"Sidevogn","Sign in":"Log ind","Sign Up":"Opret","Similar":"Lignende","Size":"Størrelse","Slow":"Langsom","Sort Order":"Sorteringsrækkefølge","Source":"Kilde","Stack":"Samling","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Samle filer, der deler det samme unikke billede eller instans-id.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Samle billeder taget på nøjagtig samme tid og sted baseret på deres metadata.","Stackable":"Kan samles","Stacks":"Samlinger","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Samler gruppefiler med en lignende referenceramme, men forskelle i kvalitet, format, størrelse eller farve.","Start":"Start","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Start/stop lysbilledshow","States":"Stater","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Grænse for statisk størrelse: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Diskplads","Streets":"Gader","Subject":"Emne","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Support til yderligere tjenester, som f.eks. Google Drev, tilføjes over tid.","Sync":"Synkronisere","Sync raw and video files":"Synkroniser raw og videofiler","Taken":"Taget","Teal":"Teal","Text too long":"Teksten er for lang","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Indekset indeholder i øjeblikket %{n} skjulte filer.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Deres format understøttes muligvis ikke, de er ikke konverteret til JPEG endnu, eller der er dubletter.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Dette sætter originalmappen som et netværksdrev og giver dig mulighed for at åbne, redigere og slette filer fra din computer eller smartphone, som om de var lokale.","Thumbnail Generation":"Miniaturegenerering","Time UTC":"Tid UTC","Time Zone":"Tidszone","Timeout":"Timeout","Title":"Titel","Title too long":"Titlen er for lang","Toggle View":"Skift visning","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografisk","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Tjeklister til fejlfinding","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Prøv igen ved hjælp af andre filtre eller nøgleord.","Type":"Type","Undo":"Fortryd","Unique ID":"Unikt ID","Unknown":"Ukendt","Unsorted":"Usorteret","Unstack":"Fjern samling","Updated":"Opdateret","Updating faces":"Opdatering af ansigter","Updating index":"Opdaterer indeks","Updating moments":"Opdaterer øjeblikke","Updating previews":"Opdatering af forhåndsvisninger","Updating stacks":"Opdatering af samlinger","Upload":"Upload","Upload complete":"Upload fuldført","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Upload fuldført. Indekserer…","Upload failed":"Upload fejlede","Upload local files":"Upload lokale filer","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Upload til WebDAV og del links med venner.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Uploader %{n} af %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Uploader fotos…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Uploads, der kan indeholde sådanne billeder, afvises automatisk.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Brug forudindstillinger","User":"Bruger","User Interface":"Brugergrænseflade","Username":"Brugernavn","Vanta":"Vanta","Video":"Video","Videos":"Videoer","View":"Vis","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Vi vil gøre vores bedste for at besvare alle dine spørgsmål. Til gengæld beder vi dig om at støtte os på Patreon eller GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV-klienter kan oprette forbindelse til PhotoPrism ved hjælp af følgende URL:","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV-upload","White":"Hvid","Year":"År","Yellow":"Gul","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Ja","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"du er velkommen til at deltage på Reddit","You can only download one album":"Du kan kun downloade et album","You can only download one label":"Du kan kun downloade en etiket","You may only select one item":"Du kan kun vælge et element","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Du kan scanne dit bibliotek igen for at finde flere ansigter.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Dit bibliotek analyseres løbende for automatisk at oprette album med særlige øjeblikke, rejser og steder.","Zoom in/out":"Zoom ind/ud"},"de":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} Alben gefunden","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} Dateien hochgeladen","%{n} folders found":"%{n} Ordner gefunden","%{n} labels found":"%{n} Kategorien gefunden","%{n} people found":"%{n} Personen gefunden","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} Bilder gefunden","1 hour":"1 Stunde","12 hours":"12 Stunden","4 hours":"4 Stunden","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Auf den Link klicken, um ihn zu kopieren.","About":"Info","Abyss":"Abyss","Account":"Konto","Accuracy":"Genauigkeit","Action":"Aktion","Actions":"Aktionen","Activate":"Aktivieren","Activation Code":"Aktivierungscode","Add Account":"Konto hinzufügen","Add Album":"Neues Album erstellen","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Dateien über den Browser hochladen und importieren.","Add Link":"Link hinzufügen","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Ausgewählte Bilder können über das Kontextmenü hinzugefügt werden.","Add to album":"Hinzufügen","Added":"Hinzugefügt","Advanced":"Erweitert","After 1 day":"Nach einem Tag","After 3 days":"Nach 3 Tagen","After 7 days":"Nach 7 Tagen","After one month":"Nach einem Monat","After one year":"Nach einem Jahr","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Ausgewählte Bilder können über das Kontextmenü einem Album hinzugefügt werden.","After two months":"Nach zwei Monaten","After two weeks":"Nach zwei Wochen","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Album Name","Albums":"Alben","Albums deleted":"Alben gelöscht","All %{n} albums loaded":"Alle %{n} Alben werden angezeigt","All %{n} labels loaded":"Alle %{n} Kategorien werden angezeigt","All %{n} people loaded":"Alle %{n} Personen geladen","All Cameras":"Alle Kameras","All Categories":"Alle Kategorien","All Colors":"Alle Farben","All Countries":"Alle Länder","All fields are required":"Alle Felder müssen ausgefüllt werden","All files from import folder":"Alle Ordner durchsuchen","All Lenses":"Alle Objektive","All Months":"Alle Monate","All originals":"Alle Ordner durchsuchen","All Years":"Alle Jahre","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativ können Dateien auch direkt auf kompatible WebDAV-Server z.B. Nextcloud hochgeladen werden.","Altitude":"Höhe","Altitude (m)":"Höhe (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Server nicht erreichbar - offline?","Animated":"Animiert","Animation":"Animation","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Als privat markierte Bilder und Videos bleiben privat und werden nicht geteilt.","API Key":"API Key","Apply":"Speichern","Approve":"Übernehmen","Archive":"Archiv","Archived":"Archiviert","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Auswahl wirklich archivieren?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Diese Alben wirklich löschen?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Diese Kategorien wirklich löschen?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Dieses Konto wirklich löschen?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Diese Bilder unwiderruflich löschen?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Diese Datei unwiderruflich löschen?","Are you sure?":"Bist du sicher?","Artist":"Ersteller","Aspect Ratio":"Seitenverhältnis","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Videos und andere Bild-Formate nach JPEG konvertieren, damit sie indexiert und angezeigt werden können.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Erstellt automatisch Alben mit besonderen Momenten, Reisen und Orten.","Basic":"Einfach","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Bevor du eine Supportanfrage stellst, verwende bitte unsere Checklisten zur Fehlerbehebung, um die Ursache deines Problems zu ermitteln.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Da wir uns zu 100% selbst finanzieren und unabhängig sind, können wir dir versprechen, dass wir deine Daten niemals verkaufen werden und immer transparent mit unserer Software und unseren Dienstleistungen umgehen.","Bio":"Biographie","Birth Date":"Geburtsdatum","Black":"Schwarz","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Weniger Überschwingungsartefakte als Lanczos","Blue":"Blau","Brown":"Braun","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Automatische Bild-Kategorisierung sehen und bearbeiten.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Durchsuche Ordner hierarchisch nach indexierten Original-Dateien.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"In der Wissensdatenbank findest du detaillierte Informationen zu einzelnen Funktionen, Dienstleistungen und verwandten Ressourcen.","Bug Report":"Fehlerbericht","Busy, please wait…":"Bitte warten…","Calendar":"Kalender","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Kamera-Seriennummer","Can't load more, limit reached":"Limit erreicht, bitte Suche eingrenzen","Can't select more items":"Maximale Anzahl wurde selektiert","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Cards":"Karteikarten","Category":"Kategorie","Change Avatar":"Avatar ändern","Change Password":"Passwort ändern","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Persönliche Profil- und Sicherheitseinstellungen ändern.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Titel, Datum, Ort und andere Metadaten können geändert werden.","Change private flag":"Als privat markieren","Changes successfully saved":"Änderungen erfolgreich gespeichert","Checked":"Geprüft","Chroma":"Farbsättigung","Close":"Schließen","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Farbe","Color Profile":"Farbprofil","Colors":"Farben","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Mit den Checklisten zur Fehlerbehebung lassen sich die häufigsten Probleme schnell diagnostizieren und lösen.","Compare Features":"Funktionen vergleichen","Complete Rescan":"Index vollständig aktualisieren","Confidence":"Wahrscheinlichkeit","Connect":"Verbinden","Connect via WebDAV":"Mit WebDAV verbinden","Connected":"Verbunden","Contact Details":"Kontaktangaben","Contact Us":"Kontakt","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Enthält %{n} Bilder.","Contains one picture.":"Enthält ein Bild.","Convert to JPEG":"Automatisch konvertieren","Converting":"Konvertiere","Copied to clipboard":"In Zwischenablage kopiert","Copyright":"Copyright","Couldn't find anything.":"Leider nichts gefunden.","Country":"Land","Create Account":"Konto erstellen","Create album":"Erstellen","Created":"Hinzugefügt","Creating thumbnails for":"Erstelle Thumbnails für","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubisch: Mittlere Qualität, gute Performance","Current Password":"Aktuelles Passwort","Customer Support":"Support-Anfrage","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Täglich","Day":"Tag","Debug Logs":"Debug Logs","Default":"Standard","Default Folder":"Standard Ordner","Delete":"Löschen","Description":"Beschreibung","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Unser User Guide enthält eine detaillierte Anleitung.","Details":"Details","Dimensions":"Auflösung","Disable Backups":"Keine Sicherungskopien anlegen","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Deaktiviert den eingebauten WebDAV-Server. Änderungen erfordern einen Neustart.","Disable Darktable":"Darktable deaktivieren","Disable ExifTool":"ExifTool deaktivieren","Disable FFmpeg":"FFmpeg deaktivieren","Disable Places":"Karten deaktivieren","Disable RawTherapee":"RawTherapee deaktivieren","Disable TensorFlow":"TensorFlow deaktivieren","Disable WebDAV":"WebDAV deaktivieren","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Deaktiviert Geodaten und Weltkarten.","Discover":"Entdecken","Display Name":"Anzeigename","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Keine YAML-Sicherungskopien für Metadaten von Bildern und Alben erstellen.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Keine JSON-Dateien mit ExifTool erstellen. Diese werden für die Indexierung zusätzlicher Metadaten, z.B. von Videos, benötigt.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Nur lesend auf die Original-Ordner zugreifen. Deaktiviert den Import, Upload und das Löschen von Bildern.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"FFmpeg nicht zum Konvertieren von Videos verwenden.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Darktable nicht zum Konvertieren von Bildern verwenden.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"RawTherapee nicht zum Konvertieren von Bildern verwenden.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"TensorFlow nicht zur automatischen Bild-Kategorisierung verwenden.","Donations":"Spenden","Done":"Fertig","Done.":"Fertig.","Download":"Download","Download remote files":"Dateien herunterladen","Download single files and zip archives.":"Einzelne Bilder, Videos sowie Zip-Archive können heruntergeladen werden.","Downloading…":"Wird heruntergeladen…","Downscaling Filter":"Skalierungsfilter","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Aufgrund der hohen Anzahl von E-Mails, die wir erhalten, kann es vorkommen, dass unser Team Ihnen nicht sofort antworten kann.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikate werden übersprungen und erscheinen nur einmal.","Duration":"Laufzeit","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamische Vorschaubilder","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"On-Demand-Rendering erfordert einen leistungsstarken Server. Es wird nicht für NAS-Geräte empfohlen.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Dynamische Maximalgröße: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-Mail","Edit":"Bearbeiten","Edit %{name}":"%{name} bearbeiten","Edit Account":"Konto bearbeiten","Edit Photo":"Bild bearbeiten","Edited":"Bearbeitet","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-Mail","Enable new features currently under development.":"Aktiviert neue Funktionen, an denen derzeit noch entwickelt wird.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Aktiviert benutzerdefinierte Voreinstellungen. Dateien werden möglicherweise langsamer konvertiert.","Errors":"Fehler","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Den ungefähren Standort von Bildern ohne Koordinaten schätzen.","Estimates":"Schätzungen","Every two days":"Jeden zweiten Tag","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Als privat markierte Inhalte werden nicht in Suchergebnissen und geteilten Alben angezeigt.","Exclude hidden":"Verborgene ausblenden","Expand":"Ausklappen","Expand Search":"Suche öffnen","Experimental Features":"Experimentelle Funktionen","Expires":"Ablaufdatum","Exposure":"Belichtungszeit","F Number":"F Nummer","Face":"Gesicht","Faces":"Gesichter","Failed copying to clipboard":"Konnte nicht in die Zwischenablage kopiert werden","Failed removing link":"Der Link konnte nicht gelöscht werden","Failed updating link":"Der Link konnte nicht gespeichert werden","Family Name":"Nachnamen","Fast":"Schnell","Favorite":"Favorit","Favorites":"Favoriten","Feature Request":"Feature Request","Feed":"Feed","Feedback":"Feedback","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Bei Fragen, Wünschen oder Problemen helfen wir gerne per E-Mail an hello@photoprism.app.","Female":"Weiblich","File":"Datei","File Browser":"Datei-Browser","File Name":"Dateiname","File Size":"Dateigröße","Filename":"Dateiname","Files":"Dateien","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Dateien mit fortlaufenden Namen wie ‘IMG_1234 (2)’ und ‘IMG_1234 (3)’ gehören zum gleichen Bild.","Focal Length":"Brennweite","Folder":"Ordner","Folder contains %{n} files":"Ordner enthält %{n} Dateien","Folder is empty":"Ordner ist leer","Folders":"Ordner","Forgot password?":"Passwort vergessen?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Frames","Frequently Asked Questions":"Häufig gestellte Fragen","Fullscreen":"Vollbildmodus","Gemstone":"Edelstein","Gender":"Geschlecht","General":"Allgemein","Getting Support":"Unterstützung erhalten","Given Name":"Vornamen","Gold":"Gold","Grayscale":"Grayscale","Green":"Grün","Grey":"Grau","Hash":"Prüfsumme","Help":"Hilfe","Help & Support":"Hilfe & Unterstützung","Hidden":"Verborgen","Hidden Files":"Verborgene Dateien","Hide":"Verbergen","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Archivierte Inhalte werden nicht in den Suchergebnissen angezeigt.","High":"Hoch","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Hoher Dynamikumfang (HDR)","How can we help?":"Wie können wir helfen?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Falls das nicht hilft oder andere Fragen auftauchen:","image":"Bild","Image":"Bild","Images":"Bilder","Import":"Import","Import failed":"Import fehlgeschlagen","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Importierte Dateien werden nach Datum sortiert und bekommen einen eindeutigen Namen, um Duplikate zu vermeiden.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Importierte Dateien werden nach Datum sortiert und bekommen einen eindeutigen Namen.","Importing %{name}…":"Importiere %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importiere Dateien nach Originals…","in":"in","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Darüber hinaus erhalten Sponsoren direkten technischen Support per E-Mail.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Sollten Bilder fehlen, muss der Index möglicherweise aktualisiert werden. Es werden erst alle Bilder gefunden, wenn das Indexieren vollständig abgeschlossen ist.","Index":"Index","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexiere und importiere Dateien über die Benutzeroberfläche.","Indexing":"Indexiere","Indexing failed":"Indexierung fehlgeschlagen","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexiere Bilder, Videos und Sidecar-Dateien…","Instance ID":"Instanz ID","Interval":"Intervall","Invalid":"Ungültig","Invalid date":"Ungültiges Datum","Invalid parameters":"Ungültige Parameter","Invalid photo selected":"Ungültiges Foto ausgewählt","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Sie nutzt die neuesten Technologien, um Bilder automatisch zu organisieren und zu finden, ohne dir dabei in die Quere zu kommen.","Item":"Eintrag","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG-Qualität: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Maximale JPEG-Größe: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEGs und Thumbnails werden bei Bedarf automatisch erstellt.","Keywords":"Suchbegriffe","Knowledge Base":"Knowledge Base","Label":"Kategorie","Labels":"Kategorien","Labels deleted":"Kategorien gelöscht","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Sehr gute Detailerhaltung, minimale Artefakte","Language":"Sprache","Last Sync":"Letzte Synchronisation","Latitude":"Breitengrad","Lavender":"Lavendel","Learn more":"Mehr erfahren","Legal Information":"Rechtliche Informationen","Lens":"Objektiv","Library":"Dateien","License":"Lizenz","Like":"Favorit","Lime":"Hellgrün","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limit erreicht, zeige die ersten %{n} Dateien","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: Weicher Bildeindruck, sehr gute Performance","Link":"Link","List":"Liste","Live":"Live","Live Photos":"Live Photos","Local Time":"Ortszeit","location":"Ort","Location":"Ort","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Warnungen und Fehler erscheinen hier, sobald PhotoPrism beschädigte Dateien findet oder andere Probleme aufgetreten sind.","Login":"Anmelden","Logout":"Abmelden","Logs":"Logs","Longitude":"Längengrad","Low":"Niedrig","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Hauptfarbe","Male":"Männlich","manual":"Manuell","Manual Upload":"Manueller Upload","Maps":"Karten","Marker":"Bildbereich","Medium":"Mittel","Membership":"Mitgliedschaft","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"%{a} und %{b} zusammenfassen?","Message sent":"Nachricht versendet","Minimize":"Minimieren","Missing":"Fehlend","Moments":"Erlebnisse","Monochrome":"Monochrom","Month":"Monat","Moonlight":"Moonlight","More than %{n} pictures found":"Mehr als %{n} Bilder gefunden","More than 20 albums found":"Mehr als 20 Alben gefunden","More than 20 labels found":"Mehr als 20 Labels gefunden","More than 20 people found":"Mehr als 20 Personen gefunden","Mosaic":"Mosaik","Most Relevant":"Relevanz","Move Files":"Dateien verschieben","Must have at least %{n} characters.":"Mindestens %{n} Zeichen.","Name":"Name","Name too long":"Name zu lang","Never":"Nie","New":"Neu","New Password":"Neues Passwort","Newest First":"Neueste zuerst","No":"Nein","No albums found":"Keine Alben gefunden","No labels found":"Keine Kategorien gefunden","No people found":"Keine Personen gefunden","No pictures found":"Keine Bilder gefunden","No recently edited pictures":"Keine kürzlich bearbeiteten Bilder","No servers configured.":"Keine Backup-Server eingerichtet.","No services configured.":"Keine Dienste eingerichtet.","No thanks":"Nein danke","No video selected":"Kein Video ausgewählt","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Keine Warnungen oder Fehler mit diesem Suchbegriff. Bei der Suche wird zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung unterschieden.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Nicht-fotografische Inhalte oder Bilder mit geringer Qualität werden erst nach einer Bestätigung in der Suche angezeigt.","None":"Keine","Not Found":"Keine Ergebnisse","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Die Verwaltung der Original-Dateien kann auch manuell erfolgen, der Import ist optional.","Note:":"Hinweis:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Hinweis: Momentan können nur WebDAV-Server, wie Nextcloud oder PhotoPrism, für Backups oder zum Datei-Upload verwendet werden.","Notes":"Notizen","Nothing to see here yet.":"Hier gibt es noch nichts zu sehen.","Offline":"Offline","Oldest First":"Älteste zuerst","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Unter Windows gibst du die folgende Ressource in den Verbindungsdialog ein:","Once a week":"Einmal die Woche","One album found":"Ein Album gefunden","One file found":"Eine Datei gefunden","One file uploaded":"Eine Datei hochgeladen","One folder found":"Ein Ordner gefunden","One label found":"Eine Kategorie gefunden","One person found":"Eine Person gefunden","One picture found":"Ein Bild gefunden","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Optionen","or ask in our Community Chat":"oder frage in unserem Community-Chat","Orange":"Orange","Organization":"Organisation","Orientation":"Ausrichtung","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Die ursprünglichen Dateinamen werden im Index gespeichert.","Original Name":"Originalname","Originals":"Originale","Other":"Sonstiges","Our team evaluates this on an ongoing basis, depending on the support effort features and config options cause or have caused in the past, and whether they are generally needed by everyone or mainly requested by organizations and advanced users. As this allows us to make more features available to the public, we encourage all users to support our mission.":"Unser Team bewertet dies fortlaufend, je nachdem, welchen Supportaufwand Funktionen und Konfigurationsoptionen verursachen oder in der Vergangenheit verursacht haben und ob sie generell von allen benötigt oder hauptsächlich von Organisationen und anspruchsvollen Nutzern angefordert werden. Da wir auf diese Weise mehr Funktionen für die Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung stellen können, ermutigen wir alle Nutzerinnen und Nutzer, unsere Mission zu unterstützen.","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Unsere Anleitung deckt auch viele weiterführende Themen ab, wie die Migration von Google Photos und Qualitätseinstellungen für Thumbnails.","Outdoor":"Outdoor","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramen","Password":"Passwort","Password changed":"Passwort geändert","People":"Personen","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Jeder mit diesem Link wird öffentliche Bilder und Videos sehen können.","Permanently deleted":"Endgültig gelöscht","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Dauerhaftes Entfernen von Dateien, um Speicherplatz freizugeben.","Phone":"Telefon","Photo":"Bild","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism wurde aktualisiert…","PhotoPrism is 100% self-funded. Voluntary donations do not cover the cost of a team working full time to provide you with updates, documentation, and support. It is your decision whether you want to sign up to enjoy additional benefits.":"PhotoPrism ist zu 100% selbstfinanziert. Freiwillige Spenden decken nicht die Kosten für ein Team, das Vollzeit arbeitet, um dich mit Updates, Dokumentation und Support zu versorgen. Es ist deine Entscheidung, ob du dich anmelden möchtest, um die zusätzlichen Funktionen zu nutzen.","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® ist eine KI-gestützte Foto-App für das dezentrale Web.","Photos":"Bilder","Pink":"Pink","Place":"Ort","Place & Time":"Ort & Uhrzeit","Places":"Orte","Please confirm your new password.":"Neues Passwort bitte bestätigen.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Bitte lade keine anstößigen Bilder hoch.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Bitte beachte, dass du beim Ändern deines Passworts auf anderen Geräten und Browsern abgemeldet wirst.","Portrait":"Portrait","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"tausche dich mit anderen in GitHub Discussions aus","Preserve filenames":"Namen beibehalten","Press button to start importing…":"Auf “Import” klicken, um Dateien zu importieren…","Press button to start indexing…":"Auf “Start” klicken, um Dateien zu indexieren…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Enter drücken, um ein neues Album zu erstellen.","Preview":"Voransicht","Primary":"Primärdatei","Private":"Privat","Product Feedback":"Allgemeines Feedback","Projection":"Projektion","Purple":"Lila","Quality Filter":"Qualitätsfilter","Quality Score":"Qualität","Random":"Zufällig","Raspberry":"Raspberry","Raw":"RAW","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW-Konvertierung","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Bereits bekannte und unveränderte Dateien neu indexieren.","Read the Docs":"Dokumentation lesen","Read-Only Mode":"Schreibgeschützter Modus","Recently Added":"Zuletzt hinzugefügt","Recently Edited":"Zuletzt bearbeitet","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Die Erkennung beginnt, nachdem die Indexierung abgeschlossen ist.","Recognized":"Erkannt","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Erkennt Gesichter, so dass bestimmte Personen gefunden werden können.","Red":"Rot","Reload":"Neu laden","Reloading…":"Wird neu geladen…","Remote Sync":"Synchronisation","Remove":"Entfernen","remove failed: unknown album":"Löschen nicht möglich: Unbekanntes Album","Remove from album":"Aus dem Album entfernen","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Dateien von Import nach Originals verschieben, um Speicherplatz zu sparen. Dateitypen, die nicht unterstützt werden, verbleiben im Import Ordner.","Request failed - invalid response":"Anfrage fehlgeschlagen - ungültige Antwort","Required":"Erforderlich","Resolution":"Auflösung","Restore":"Wiederherstellen","Retry Limit":"Wiederholungsversuche","Retype Password":"Passwort wiederholen","Review":"Überprüfen","Satellite":"Satellitenbilder","Save":"Speichern","Scan":"Scan","Scans":"Scans","Search":"Suche","Search and display photos on a map.":"Bilder und Videos auf verschiedenen Weltkarten anzeigen und filtern.","Season":"Jahreszeit","Secret":"Code","Security and Access":"Sicherheit und Zugang","Select":"Auswählen","Select albums or create a new one":"Alben auswählen oder neue erstellen","Selection approved":"Auswahl übernommen","Selection archived":"Auswahl archiviert","Selection restored":"Auswahl wiederhergestellt","Send":"Senden","Sequential Name":"Fortlaufender Name","Service URL":"Dienst-URL","Services":"Dienste","Settings":"Einstellungen","Settings saved":"Einstellungen gespeichert","Setup":"Einrichtung","Shadow":"Shadow","Share":"Teilen","Share %{name}":"%{name} teilen","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Teile Bilder mit anderen Anwendungen und Diensten.","Shouldn't free software be free of costs?":"Sollte freie Software nicht kostenlos sein?","Show":"Anzeigen","Show all new faces":"Alle neuen Gesichter anzeigen","Show hidden":"Verborgene anzeigen","Show less":"Weniger zeigen","Show more":"Mehr zeigen","Show server logs in Library.":"Server-Ereignisprotokoll anzeigen, um Fehler zu finden.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Zeigt ausführlichere Meldungen an, um Fehler zu finden. Änderungen erfordern einen Neustart.","Sidecar":"Sidecar","Sign in":"Anmelden","Sign Up":"Anmelden","Similar":"Ähnlich","Size":"Größe","Slow":"Langsam","Sort Order":"Sortierung","Source":"Quelle","Stack":"Bildstapel","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Bilder mit identischer ID als Stapel indexieren und anzeigen.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Aufnahmen mit übereinstimmenden Metadaten gruppieren.","Stackable":"Stapelbar","Stacks":"Bildstapel","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Bildstapel enthalten zusammengehörige Aufnahmen, die jedoch Unterschiede in Qualität, Format, Größe oder Farben aufweisen können.","Start":"Start","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Slideshow starten/stoppen","States":"Länder","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statische Maximalgröße: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Speicherort","Streets":"Straßen","Subject":"Bildinhalt","Successfully Connected":"Erfolgreich verbunden","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Die Unterstützung weiterer Dienste, wie Google Drive, ist geplant.","Support Our Mission":"Unterstütze unsere Mission","Sync":"Sync","Sync raw and video files":"RAWs und Videos kopieren","Taken":"Aufgenommen","Teal":"Blaugrün","Text too long":"Text ist zu lang","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Der Index enthält momentan %{n} verborgene Dateien.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Ihr Format wird möglicherweise nicht unterstützt, es handelt sich um Duplikate oder sie wurden noch nicht nach JPEG konvertiert.","Theme":"Theme","Think of “free software” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer.” The Free Software Foundation sometimes calls it “libre software,” borrowing the French or Spanish word for “free” as in freedom, to show they do not mean the software is gratis.":"Denke bei \"freier Software\" an \"freie Rede\", nicht an \"Freibier\". Die Free Software Foundation nennt sie manchmal \"libre software\" und lehnt sich dabei an das französische oder spanische Wort für \"frei\" an, um zu verdeutlichen, dass sie nicht meint, dass die Software kostenlos ist.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Dabei werden die Dateien als Netzwerk-Ordner auf deinem Computer oder Smartphone eingebunden, so dass sie lokal geöffnet, bearbeitet und gelöscht werden können.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Dabei werden die Dateien als Netzwerk-Ordner auf deinem Computer oder Smartphone eingebunden, so dass sie lokal geöffnet, bearbeitet und gelöscht werden können.","Thumbnail Generation":"Erzeugung von Vorschaubildern","Time UTC":"Zeit UTC","Time Zone":"Zeitzone","Timeout":"Timeout","Title":{"Account":"Titel","Photo":"Titel","":"Titel"},"Title / Position":"Titel / Position","Title too long":"Titel zu lang","To upgrade, you may either enter an activation code or click on \"Sign Up\" to upgrade on our website:":"Um das Upgrade durchzuführen, kannst du entweder einen Aktivierungscode eingeben oder dich auf unserer Website registrieren, indem du auf \"Anmelden\" klickst:","Toggle View":"Ansicht wechseln","Token":"Code","Topographic":"Topographisch","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Checklisten zur Fehlerbehebung","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Versuche es mit anderen Filtern oder Suchbegriffen.","Type":"Typ","Undo":"Rückgängig machen","Unique ID":"Eindeutige Bild-ID","Unknown":"Unbekannt","Unregistered":"Unregistriert","Unsorted":"Unsortiert","Unstack":"Einzelaufnahme","Updated":"Geändert","Updating faces":"Aktualisiere Gesichter","Updating index":"Aktualisiere Index","Updating moments":"Aktualisiere Erlebnisse","Updating picture…":"Aktualisiere Vorschaubilder…","Updating previews":"Aktualisiere Vorschaubilder","Updating stacks":"Aktualisiere Bildstapel","Upgrade":"Upgrade","Upgrade Now":"Jetzt upgraden","Upgrade now and enjoy our member benefits!":"Upgrade jetzt und genieße unsere Mitgliedervorteile!","Upload":"Upload","Upload complete":"Vollständig hochgeladen","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Upload abgeschlossen. Indexiere…","Upload failed":"Upload fehlgeschlagen","Upload local files":"Dateien hochladen","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Teile Bilder, Videos und Alben mit Freunden.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Datei %{n} von %{t} wird hochgeladen…","Uploading photos…":"Bilder werden hochgeladen…","Uploading…":"Wird hochgeladen…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Diese werden automatisch erkannt und gelöscht.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Presets anwenden","User":"Benutzer","User Guide":"Benutzerhandbuch","User Interface":"Benutzeroberfläche","Username":"Nutzername","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Verifiziert","Video":"Video","Video Duration":"Videolänge","Videos":"Videos","View":"Ansicht","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Unter docs.photoprism.app/user-guide erfährst du, wie du deine Bilder synchronisieren, organisieren und teilen kannst.","Visual Similarity":"Ähnlichkeit","We appreciate your feedback!":"Wir freuen uns über Ihr feedback!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Wir tun unser Bestes, um innerhalb von fünf Werktagen oder weniger zu antworten.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Wir geben immer unser Bestes, um so viele Fragen wie möglich zu beantworten. Im Gegenzug bitten wir darum, uns auf Patreon oder GitHub Sponsors zu unterstützen.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV-Clients können sich über die folgende URL mit PhotoPrism verbinden:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"WebDAV-Clients, wie der Windows Explorer oder der Finder unter macOS, können sich direkt mit PhotoPrism verbinden.","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV Upload","Website":"Website","What functionality is generally available?":"Welche Funktionen sind für alle verfügbar?","White":"Weiß","Why are some features only available to sponsors?":"Warum sind einige Funktionen nur für Sponsoren verfügbar?","Work Details":"Berufliche Details","Year":"Jahr","Yellow":"Gelb","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Ja","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"trete unserer Community auf Reddit bei","You can only download one album":"Du kannst nur ein Album gleichzeitig downloaden","You can only download one label":"Es kann nur eine Kategorie gleichzeitig heruntergeladen werden","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Du kannst sie zu Hause, auf einem privaten Server oder in der Cloud betreiben.","You may only select one item":"Es darf nur ein Eintrag ausgewählt werden","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Der Index kann aktualisiert werden, um weitere Gesichter zu finden.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Deine dauerhafte Unterstützung hilft uns, regelmäßige Updates bereitzustellen und unabhängig zu bleiben, damit wir unsere Mission erfüllen und deine Privatsphäre schützen können.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Deine Bilder werden kontinuierlich analysiert, um automatisch Alben von besonderen Momenten, Reisen und Orten zu erstellen.","Zoom in/out":"Herein/Herauszoomen"},"el":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} συλλογές βρέθηκαν","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} αρχεία ανέβηκαν","%{n} folders found":"%{n} φάκελοι βρέθηκαν","%{n} labels found":"%{n} ετικέτες βρέθηκαν","%{n} people found":"%{n} άνθρωποι βρέθηκαν","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} φωτογραφίες βρέθηκαν","1 hour":"1 ώρα","12 hours":"12 ώρες","4 hours":"4 ώρες","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Ένα κλικ θα το αντιγράψει στο πρόχειρο.","About":"Σχετικά","Abyss":"Άβυσσος","Account":"Λογαριασμός","Accuracy":"Ακρίβεια","Action":"Ενέργεια","Actions":"Ενέργειες","Add Album":"Προσθήκη Συλλογής","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Προσθήκη αρχείων στην βιβλιοθήκη μέσω Web Upload.","Add Link":"Προσθήκη Συνδέσμου","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Προσθέστε εικόνες από τα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης επιλέγοντάς τες.","Add to album":"Προσθήκη στο άλμπουμ","Added":"Προστέθηκε","Advanced":"Σύνθετο","After 1 day":"Μετά από 1 ημέρα","After 3 days":"Μετά από 3 ημέρες","After 7 days":"Μετά από 7 ημέρες","After one month":"Μετά από ένα μήνα","After one year":"Μετά από ένα έτος","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Αφού επιλέξετε εικόνες από τα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης, μπορείτε να τις προσθέσετε σε ένα άλμπουμ χρησιμοποιώντας το αναδυόμενο μενού.","After two months":"Μετά από δύο μήνες","After two weeks":"Μετά από δύο εβδομάδες","Album":"Συλλογή","Album Name":"Όνομα Συλλογής","Albums":"Συλλογές","Albums deleted":"Οι Συλλογές διαγράφηκαν","All %{n} albums loaded":"%{n} Συλλογές φορτώθηκαν","All %{n} labels loaded":"%{n} ετικέτες φορτώθηκαν","All %{n} people loaded":"%{n} άνθρωποι φορτώθηκαν","All Cameras":"Όλες οι Κάμερες","All Categories":"Όλες οι Κατηγορίες","All Colors":"Όλα τα Χρώματα","All Countries":"Όλες οι Χώρες","All fields are required":"Όλα τα πεδία είναι υποχρεωτικά","All files from import folder":"Όλα τα αρχεία από το φάκελο εισαγωγής","All Lenses":"Όλοι οι Φακοί","All Months":"Όλοι οι Μήνες","All originals":"Όλα τα πρωτότυπα","All Years":"Όλα τα έτη","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Εναλλακτικά, μπορείτε να μεταφορτώσετε αρχεία απευθείας σε διακομιστές WebDAV όπως το Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Υψόμετρο","Altitude (m)":"Υψόμετρο (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Εμφανίστηκε σφάλμα - είστε εκτός σύνδεσης;","Animated":"Κινούμενη εικόνα","Animation":"Animation","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Οποιεσδήποτε ιδιωτικές φωτογραφίες και βίντεο παραμένουν ιδιωτικές και δεν θα κοινοποιηθούν.","API Key":"Κλειδί API","Apply":"Εφαρμογή","Approve":"Έγκριση","Archive":"Αρχείο","Archived":"Αρχειοθετημένο","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να αρχειοθετήσετε την επιλογή;","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτές τις συλλογές;","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτές τις ετικέτες;","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Είστε σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτόν τον λογαριασμό;","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Είστε σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε οριστικά αυτές τις φωτογραφίες;","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε οριστικά αυτό το αρχείο;","Are you sure?":"Είσαι σίγουρος;","Artist":"Καλλιτέχνης","Aspect Ratio":"Αναλογία διαστάσεων","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Αυτόματη δημιουργία αρχείων JPEG για άλλους τύπους αρχείων, ώστε να μπορούν να εμφανιστούν σε ένα πρόγραμμα περιήγησης.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Δημιουργεί αυτόματα άλμπουμ με ιδιαίτερες στιγμές, ταξίδια και τοποθεσίες.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Πριν υποβάλετε αίτημα υποστήριξης, χρησιμοποιήστε τις Λίστες Αντιμετώπισης Προβλημάτων για να προσδιορίσετε την αιτία του προβλήματός σας.","Bio":"Βιογραφικό","Black":"Μαύρο","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts","Blue":"Μπλε","Brown":"Καφέ","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Αναζήτηση και επεξεργασία ετικετών ταξινόμησης εικόνων.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Περιήγηση σε αρχεία και φακέλους στη Βιβλιοθήκη.","Bug Report":"Αναφορά σφάλματος","Busy, please wait…":"Απασχολημένος, παρακαλώ περιμένετε…","Calendar":"Ημερολόγιο","Camera":"Κάμερα","Camera Serial":"Σειριακή κάμερα","Can't load more, limit reached":"Δεν μπορείτε να φορτώσετε περισσότερα διότι θα ξεπεράσετε το όριο","Can't select more items":"Δεν μπορείτε να επιλέξετε περισσότερα αντικείμενα","Cancel":"Ακύρωση","Cards":"Κάρτες","Category":"Κατηγορία","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Αλλάξτε τίτλους φωτογραφιών, τοποθεσίες και άλλα μεταδεδομένα.","Change private flag":"Αλλαγή ιδιωτικής κατάστασης","Checked":"Σημειωμένο","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Κλείσιμο","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Χρώμα","Color Profile":"Προφίλ χρώματος","Colors":"Χρώματα","Complete Rescan":"Πλήρης σάρωση","Confidence":"Εμπιστοσύνη","Connect":"Σύνδεση","Connect via WebDAV":"Σύνδεση μέσω WebDAV","Contact Us":"Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Περιέχει %{n} εικόνες.","Contains one picture.":"Περιέχει μία εικόνα.","Convert to JPEG":"Μετατροπή σε JPEG","Converting":"Μετατροπή","Copied to clipboard":"Αντιγραφή στο πρόχειρο","Copyright":"Πνευματικά δικαιώματα","Couldn't find anything.":"Δεν μπόρεσα να βρω τίποτα.","Country":"Χώρα","Create album":"Δημιουργία Συλλογής","Created":"Δημιουργήθηκε","Creating thumbnails for":"Δημιουργία μικρογραφιών για","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance","Current Password":"Τρέχων κωδικός πρόσβασης","Customer Support":"Υποστήριξη πελατών","Cyan":"Κυανό","Cyano":"Κυανό","Daily":"Καθημερινά","Day":"Ημέρα","Debug Logs":"Αρχεία καταγραφής σφαλμάτων","Default":"Προεπιλογή","Default Folder":"Προεπιλεγμένος φάκελος","Delete":"Διαγραφή","Description":"Περιγραφή","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Λεπτομερείς οδηγίες μπορείτε να βρείτε στον Οδηγό Χρήσης.","Details":"Λεπτομέρειες","Dimensions":"Διαστάσεις","Disable Backups":"Απενεργοποίηση αντιγράφων ασφαλείας","Disable built-in WebDAV server. 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Απενεργοποιεί την εισαγωγή, τη μεταφόρτωση και τη διαγραφή.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Μην μετακωδικοποιείτε βίντεο με το FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Μην χρησιμοποιείτε το Darktable για τη μετατροπή αρχείων RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Μην χρησιμοποιείτε το RawTherapee για τη μετατροπή αρχείων RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Μην χρησιμοποιείτε το TensorFlow για ταξινόμηση εικόνων.","Donations":"Δωρεές","Done":"Έγινε","Done.":"Έγινε.","Download":"Λήψη","Download remote files":"Λήψη απομακρυσμένων αρχείων","Download single files and zip archives.":"Λήψη μεμονωμένων αρχείων και αρχείων συμπίεσης.","Downloading…":"Λήψη…","Downscaling Filter":"Φίλτρο υποβιβασμού κλίμακας","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Τα διπλότυπα θα παραλείπονται και θα εμφανίζονται μόνο μία φορά.","Duration":"Διάρκεια","Dynamic Previews":"Δυναμικές προεπισκοπήσεις","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Η δυναμική απόδοση απαιτεί έναν ισχυρό διακομιστή. Δεν συνιστάται για συσκευές NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Όριο δυναμικού μεγέθους: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-Mail","Edit":"Επεξεργασία","Edit %{name}":"Επεξεργασία %{name}","Edit Account":"Επεξεργασία Λογαριασμού","Edit Photo":"Επεξεργασία Φωτογραφίας","Edited":"Επεξεργάστηκε","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"Ενεργοποίηση νέων χαρακτηριστικών που βρίσκονται υπό ανάπτυξη.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Ενεργοποιεί τις προεπιλογές μετατροπέα RAW. Μπορεί να μειώσει την απόδοση.","Errors":"Σφάλματα","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Εκτιμήση της κατά προσέγγισης θέσης εικόνων χωρίς συντεταγμένες.","Estimates":"Εκτιμήσεις","Every two days":"Κάθε δύο ημέρες","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Εξαίρεση του περιεχομένου που έχει χαρακτηριστεί ως ιδιωτικό από τα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης, τα κοινόχρηστα άλμπουμ, τις ετικέτες και τις τοποθεσίες.","Exclude hidden":"Εξαίρεση κρυφών","Expand":"Επέκταση","Expand Search":"Επεκταμένη Αναζήτηση","Experimental Features":"Πειραματικά Χαρακτηριστικά","Expires":"Λήξη","Exposure":"Έκθεση","F Number":"Αριθμός F","Face":"Πρόσωπο","Faces":"Πρόσωπα","Failed copying to clipboard":"Αποτυχία αντιγραφής στο πρόχειρο","Failed removing link":"Αποτυχία αφαίρεσης συνδέσμου","Failed updating link":"Αποτυχία ενημέρωσης συνδέσμου","Fast":"Γρήγορα","Favorite":"Αγαπημένο","Favorites":"Αγαπημένα","Feature Request":"Αίτηση χαρακτηριστικών","Feedback":"Ανατροφοδότηση","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Μη διστάσετε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας στο hello@photoprism.app αν έχετε οποιεσδήποτε ερωτήσεις.","File":"Αρχείο","File Browser":"Πρόγραμμα περιήγησης αρχείων","Filename":"Όνομα αρχείου","Files":"Αρχεία","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Αρχεία με διαδοχικά ονόματα όπως 'IMG_1234 (2)' και 'IMG_1234 (3)' ανήκουν στην ίδια εικόνα.","Focal Length":"Εστιακό μήκος","Folder":"Φάκελος","Folder contains %{n} files":"Ο φάκελος περιέχει %{n} αρχεία","Folder is empty":"Ο φάκελος είναι άδειος","Folders":"Φάκελοι","Forgot password?":"Ξεχάσατε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης;","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Πλαίσια","Fullscreen":"Πλήρης οθόνη","General":"Γενικά","Getting Support":"Λήψη υποστήριξης","Gold":"Χρυσό","Grayscale":"Κλίμακα του γκρι","Green":"Πράσινο","Grey":"Γκρι","Hash":"Κατακερματισμός","Help":"Βοήθεια","Help & 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support via email.":"Επιπλέον, οι χορηγοί λαμβάνουν άμεση τεχνική υποστήριξη μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Σε περίπτωση που λείπουν οι εικόνες που περιμένατε, παρακαλούμε σαρώστε εκ νέου τη βιβλιοθήκη σας και περιμένετε μέχρι να ολοκληρωθεί η δημιουργία ευρετηρίου.","Index":"Ευρετήριο","Indexing":"Δημιουργία ευρετηρίου","Indexing failed":"Αποτυχία δημιουργίας ευρετηρίου","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Δημιουργία ευρετηρίου μέσων και αρχείων sidecar…","Interval":"Διάστημα","Invalid date":"Μη έγκυρη ημερομηνία","Invalid photo selected":"Επιλογή μη έγκυρης φωτογραφίας","Item":"Αντικείμενο","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Ποιότητα JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Όριο μεγέθους JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"Τα JPEG και οι μικρογραφίες αποδίδονται αυτόματα όπως απαιτείται.","Keywords":"Λέξεις 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%{b}?","Minimize":"Ελαχιστοποίηση","Missing":"Απουασιάζει","Moments":"Στιγμές","Month":"Μήνας","Moonlight":"Σεληνόφως","More than %{n} pictures found":"Βρέθηκαν περισσότερες από %{n} εικόνες","More than 20 albums found":"Βρέθηκαν περισσότερες από 20 συλλογές","More than 20 labels found":"Βρέθηκαν περισσότερες από 20 ετικέτες","More than 20 people found":"Περισσότερα από 20 άτομα βρέθηκαν","Move Files":"Μετακίνηση αρχείων","Name":"Όνομα","Name too long":"Όνομα πολύ μεγάλο","Never":"Ποτέ","New":"Νέο","New Password":"Νέος κωδικός πρόσβασης","No":"Όχι","No albums found":"Δεν βρέθηκαν συλλογές","No labels found":"Δεν βρέθηκαν ετικέτες","No people found":"Δεν βρέθηκαν άτομα","No pictures found":"Δεν βρέθηκαν εικόνες","No recently edited pictures":"Δεν υπάρχουν πρόσφατα επεξεργασμένες εικόνες","No servers configured.":"Δεν έχουν ρυθμιστεί διακομιστές.","No thanks":"Όχι ευχαριστώ","No video selected":"Δεν έχει επιλεγεί βίντεο","No warnings or error containing this keyword. 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Σημειώστε ότι η αναζήτηση είναι ευαίσθητη σε κεφαλαία-πεζά.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Οι μη φωτογραφικές εικόνες και οι εικόνες χαμηλής ποιότητας απαιτούν επανεξέταση προτού εμφανιστούν στα αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης.","None":"Κανένα","Not Found":"Δεν βρέθηκε","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Σημειώστε ότι μπορείτε να διαχειριστείτε χειροκίνητα το φάκελο πρωτοτύπων σας και η εισαγωγή είναι προαιρετική.","Note:":"Σημείωση:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Σημείωση: Μόνο οι διακομιστές WebDAV, όπως το Nextcloud ή το PhotoPrism, μπορούν να ρυθμιστούν ως απομακρυσμένη υπηρεσία για τη δημιουργία αντιγράφων ασφαλείας και τη μεταφόρτωση αρχείων.","Notes":"Σημειώσεις","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Στα Windows, εισαγάγετε τον ακόλουθο πόρο στο παράθυρο διαλόγου σύνδεσης:","Once a week":"Μία φορά την εβδομάδα","One album found":"Βρέθηκε μια συλλογή","One file found":"Βρέθηκε ένα αρχείο","One file uploaded":"Ένα αρχείο μεταφορτώθηκε","One folder found":"Βρέθηκε ένας φάκελος","One label found":"Μια ετικέτα βρέθηκε","One person found":"Ένα άτομο βρήκε","One picture found":"Μια εικόνα που βρέθηκε","Options":"Επιλογές","or ask in our Community Chat":"ή ρωτήστε στο Community Chat","Orange":"Πορτοκαλί","Orientation":"Προσανατολισμός","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Τα αρχικά ονόματα αρχείων θα αποθηκεύονται και θα αρχειοθετούνται.","Original Name":"Αρχικό όνομα","Originals":"Πρωτότυπα","Other":"Άλλα","Outdoor":"Υπαίθρια","Panorama":"Πανόραμα","Panoramas":"Πανοράματα","Password":"Κωδικός πρόσβασης","Password changed":"Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης άλλαξε","People":"Άνθρωποι","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Τα άτομα με τα οποία μοιράζεστε έναν σύνδεσμο θα μπορούν να βλέπουν το δημόσιο περιεχόμενο.","Permanently deleted":"Διαγράφηκε μόνιμα","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Αφαιρέστε μόνιμα αρχεία για να ελευθερώσετε χώρο αποθήκευσης.","Photo":"Φωτογραφία","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"Το PhotoPrism έχει ενημερωθεί…","Photos":"Φωτογραφίες","Pink":"Ροζ","Place":"Τόπος","Place & Time":"Τόπος και χρόνος","Places":"Μέρη","Please confirm your new password.":"Επιβεβαιώστε τον νέο σας κωδικό πρόσβασης.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Παρακαλούμε μην ανεβάζετε φωτογραφίες που περιέχουν προσβλητικό περιεχόμενο.","Portrait":"Πορτρέτο","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"δημοσιεύστε την ερώτησή σας στο GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Διατήρηση ονομάτων αρχείων","Press button to start importing…":"Πατήστε το κουμπί για να ξεκινήσετε την εισαγωγή…","Press button to start indexing…":"Πατήστε το κουμπί για να ξεκινήσει η δημιουργία ευρετηρίου…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Πιέστε enter για να δημιουργήσετε ένα νέο άλμπουμ.","Preview":"Προεπισκόπηση","Primary":"Βασικό","Private":"Ιδιωτικό","Projection":"Προβολή","Purple":"Μωβ","Quality Filter":"Φίλτρο ποιότητας","Quality Score":"Βαθμολογία ποιότητας","Random":"Τυχαίο","Raspberry":"Raspberry","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Μετατροπή RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Δημιουργία ευρετηρίου όλων των πρωτοτύπων, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ήδη καταχωρημένων και αμετάβλητων αρχείων.","Read-Only Mode":"Λειτουργία μόνο για ανάγνωση","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Η αναγνώριση ξεκινά μετά την ολοκλήρωση της δημιουργίας ευρετηρίου.","Red":"Κόκκινο","Reload":"Επαναφόρτωση","Remote Sync":"Απομακρυσμένος συγχρονισμός","Remove":"Απομάκρυνση","remove failed: unknown album":"remove failed: άγνωστη συλλογή","Remove from album":"Αφαιρέση από τη συλλογή","Request failed - invalid response":"Το αίτημα απέτυχε - άκυρη απάντηση","Required":"Απαιτούμενο","Restore":"Επαναφορά","Retry Limit":"Όριο επανάληψης","Retype Password":"Επαναλάβετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης","Review":"Ανασκόπηση","Save":"Αποθήκευση","Scan":"Σάρωση","Scans":"Σαρώσεις","Search":"Αναζήτηση","Search and display photos on a map.":"Αναζήτηση και εμφάνιση φωτογραφιών σε χάρτη.","Season":"Περίοδος","Select":"Επιλέξτε","Select albums or create a new one":"Επιλέξτε συλλογή ή δημιουργήστε μια νέα","Selection approved":"Η επιλογή εγκρίθηκε","Selection archived":"Η επιλογή αρχειοθετήθηκε","Selection restored":"Η επιλογή αποκαταστάθηκε","Send":"Αποστολή","Settings":"Ρυθμίσεις","Settings saved":"Οι ρυθμίσεις αποθηκεύτηκαν","Setup":"Ρύθμιση","Shadow":"Σκιά","Show":"Εμφάνιση","Show all new faces":"Εμφάνιση όλων των νέων προσώπων","Show hidden":"Εμφάνιση κρυφών","Show less":"Εμφάνιση λιγότερων","Show more":"Εμφάνιση περισσότερων","Show server logs in Library.":"Εμφάνιση των αρχείων καταγραφής του διακομιστή στη Βιβλιοθήκη.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Εμφανίζει πιο λεπτομερή μηνύματα καταγραφής. Απαιτεί επανεκκίνηση.","Sort Order":"Σειρά ταξινόμησης","Source":"Πηγή","Stackable":"Στοιβαζόμενο","Stacks":"Στοίβες","Start":"Έναρξη","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Έναρξη/διακοπή προβολής διαφανειών","Streets":"Δρόμοι","Subject":"Θέμα","Sync":"Συγχρονισμός","Theme":"Θέμα","Thumbnail Generation":"Δημιουργία μικρογραφιών","Time UTC":"Ώρα UTC","Time Zone":"Ζώνη ώρας","Title":"Τίτλος","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Λίστες ελέγχου αντιμετώπισης προβλημάτων","Unique ID":"Μοναδικό αναγνωριστικό","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Το ανέβασμα ολοκληρώθηκε. 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de","Abyss":"Abismo","Account":"Cuenta","Accuracy":"Precisión","Action":"Acción","Actions":"Acciones","Add Account":"Añadir cuenta","Add Album":"Añadir álbum","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Añadir archivos a tu librería con Web Upload.","Add Link":"Añadir enlace","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Añade imágenes desde los resultados de búsqueda, seleccionándolas.","Add to album":"Añadir al álbum","Added":"Añadido","Advanced":"Avanzado","After 1 day":"Después de 1 día","After 3 days":"Después de 3 días","After 7 days":"Después de 7 días","After one month":"Después de un mes","After one year":"Después de un año","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Después de seleccionar las imágenes de los resultados de la búsqueda, puedes añadirlas a un álbum mediante el menú contextual.","After two months":"Después de dos meses","After two weeks":"Después de dos semanas","Album":"Álbum","Album 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desconectado?","Animated":"Animado","Animation":"Animación","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Todas las fotos y videos privados siguen privados y no serán compartidos.","API Key":"Clave API","Apply":"Aplicar","Approve":"Aprobar","Archive":"Archivar","Archived":"Archivado","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"¿Estás seguro que quieres archivar la selección?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"¿Estás seguro que quieres borrar estos álbumes?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"¿Estás seguro que quieres borrar estas etiquetas?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"¿Estás seguro que quieres borrar esta cuenta?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar permanentemente estas fotos?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"¿Estás seguro que quieres borrar estas etiquetas?","Are you sure?":"¿Estás seguro?","Artist":"Artista","Aspect Ratio":"Relación de aspecto","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Crear automáticamente JPEG para otros tipos de archivos para que se puedan visualizar en un navegador.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Crea automáticamente álbumes de momentos, viajes y lugares especiales.","Basic":"Básico","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Antes de enviar una solicitud de asistencia, utilice nuestras listas de comprobación de problemas para determinar la causa de su problema.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Al ser 100% autofinanciados e independientes, podemos prometerte que nunca venderemos tus datos y que siempre seremos transparentes sobre nuestro software y servicios.","Bio":"Biografía","Birth Date":"Fecha de nacimiento","Black":"Negro","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Modificación de Lanczos, menos artefactos de timbre","Blue":"Azul","Brown":"Marrón","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Navegar y editar las etiquetas de clasificación de las imágenes.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Navegar por los archivos y carpetas indexados en la Biblioteca.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Navegue por la Base de Conocimientos para obtener información detallada sobre características específicas de los productos, servicios y recursos relacionados.","Bug Report":"Informe de errores","Busy, please wait…":"Ocupado, por favor espera…","Calendar":"Calendario","Camera":"Cámara","Camera Serial":"Serial de cámara","Can't load more, limit reached":"No se puede cargar más, límite alcanzado","Can't select more items":"No puedes seleccionar más elementos","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cards":"Tarjetas","Category":"Categoría","Change Avatar":"Cambiar la imagen de perfil","Change Password":"Cambiar la contraseña","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Cambiar el perfil personal y la configuración de seguridad.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Cambiar títulos, localizaciones y otros metadatos de las fotos.","Change private flag":"Cambiar indicador de privado","Changes successfully saved":"Cambios guardados con éxito","Checked":"Revisado","Chroma":"Croma","Close":"Cerrar","Codec":"Códec","Color":"Color","Color Profile":"Perfil de color","Colors":"Colores","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Los problemas más comunes pueden diagnosticarse y resolverse rápidamente el cuestionario de resolución de problemas que proporcionamos.","Complete Rescan":"Reescaneo completo","Confidence":"Confianza","Connect":"Conectar","Connect via WebDAV":"Conectar através de WebDAV","Connected":"Conectado","Contact Details":"Datos de contacto","Contact Us":"Contáctenos","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Contiene %{n} imágenes.","Contains one picture.":"Contiene una imagen.","Convert to JPEG":"Convertir a JPEG","Converting":"Conversión","Copied to clipboard":"Copiado al portapapeles","Copyright":"Copyright","Couldn't find anything.":"No se ha encontrado nada.","Country":"País","Create album":"Crear álbum","Created":"Creado","Creating thumbnails for":"Creando miniaturas para","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cúbico: Calidad moderada, buen rendimiento","Current Password":"Contraseña actual","Customer Support":"Atención al cliente","Cyan":"Cían","Cyano":"Ciano","Daily":"Diariamente","Day":"Día","Debug Logs":"Registros de depuración","Default":"Por defecto","Default Folder":"Carpeta por Defecto","Delete":"Borrar","Description":"Descripción","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Las instrucciones detalladas se encuentran en nuestra Guía de Usuario.","Details":"Detalles","Dimensions":"Dimensiones","Disable Backups":"Última copia de seguridad","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Deshabilitar el servidor WebDAV incorporado. Requiere un reinicio.","Disable Darktable":"Desactivar Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Desactivar ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Desactivar FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Desactivar Lugares","Disable RawTherapee":"Desactivar RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Desactivar TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Desactivar WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Desactiva la geocodificación inversa y los mapas.","Discover":"Descubrir","Display Name":"Nombre para mostrar","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"No hacer una copia de seguridad de los metadatos de las fotos y los álbumes en los archivos YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"No crear archivos ExifTool JSON para mejorar la extracción de metadatos.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"No modificar la carpeta de originales. Desactiva la importación, la carga y la eliminación.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"No transcodificar los vídeos con FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"No utilizar Darktable para convertir archivos RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"No utilizar RawTherapee para convertir archivos RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"No usar TensorFlow para clasificar las imágenes.","Donations":"Donaciones","Done":"Hecho","Done.":"Hecho.","Download":"Descargar","Download remote files":"Descargar archivos remotos","Download single files and zip archives.":"Descargar archivos individuales y zip.","Downloading…":"Descargando…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtro de calidad","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Debido al gran volumen de correos electrónicos que recibimos, es posible que nuestro equipo no pueda responderle inmediatamente.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Los duplicados se saltarán y sólo aparecerán una vez.","Duration":"Duración","Dynamic Previews":"Previsualizaciones dinámicas","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"La renderización a demanda requiere una CPU potente. No se recomienda para servidores pequeños o dispositivos NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Límite de tamaño dinámico: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-Mail","Edit":"Editar","Edit %{name}":"Editar %{name}","Edit Account":"Editar Cuenta","Edit Photo":"Editar Foto","Edited":"Editado","Electra":"Electra","Email":"Correo electrónico","Enable new features currently under development.":"Habilitar las nuevas características actualmente en desarrollo.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Activa los preajustes del convertidor RAW. Puede reducir el rendimiento.","Errors":"Errores","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Estimar la ubicación aproximada de las imágenes sin coordenadas.","Estimates":"Estimaciones","Every two days":"Cada dos días","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Excluir el contenido marcado como privado de los resultados de búsqueda, álbumes compartidos, etiquetas y lugares.","Exclude hidden":"Excluir lo oculto","Expand":"Expandir","Expand Search":"Expandir la búsqueda","Experimental Features":"Características experimentales","Expires":"Expira","Exposure":"Exposición","F Number":"Número F","Face":"Cara","Faces":"Caras","Failed copying to clipboard":"Falló la cópia al portapapeles","Failed removing link":"Falló al eliminar el enlace","Failed updating link":"Falló la actualización el enlace","Family Name":"Apellidos","Fast":"Rápido","Favorite":"Favorito","Favorites":"Favoritos","Feature Request":"Solicitud de características","Feed":"Muro","Feedback":"Comentarios","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Póngase en contacto con nosotros en hello@photoprism.app si tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda.","Female":"Mujer","File":"Archivo","File Browser":"Explorador de Archivos","File Name":"Nombre del archivo","File Size":"Tamaño del archivo","Filename":"Nombre del archivo","Files":"Archivos","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Los archivos con nombres secuenciales como \"IMG_1234 (2)\" o \"IMG_1234 copia 2\" pertenecen a la misma foto.","Focal Length":"Distancia focal","Folder":"Carpeta","Folder contains %{n} files":"La carpeta contiene %{n} archivos","Folder is empty":"Carpeta vacía","Folders":"Carpetas","Forgot password?":"¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Marcos","Frequently Asked Questions":"Preguntas frecuentes","Fullscreen":"Pantalla completa","Gemstone":"Piedras preciosas","Gender":"Género","General":"General","Getting Support":"Obtener asistencia","Given Name":"Nombre","Gold":"Oro","Grayscale":"Escala de grises","Green":"Verde","Grey":"Gris","Hash":"Hashe","Help":"Ayuda","Help & Support":"Ayuda y Soporte","Hidden":"Oculto","Hidden Files":"Archivos Ocultos","Hide":"Ocultar","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Ocultar las fotos que han sido archivadas.","High":"Alto","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Alto rango dinámico (HDR)","How can we help?":"¿Cómo podemos ayudarte?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Si esto no ayuda, o tienes otras preguntas:","image":"imagen","Image":"Imagen","Images":"Imágenes","Import":"Importar","Import failed":"Importación ha fallado","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Los archivos importados serán clasificados por fecha y se les dará un nombre único para evitar duplicados.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Los archivos importados serán clasificados por fecha y se les dará un nombre único.","Importing %{name}…":"Importando %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importando archivos a originales…","in":"en","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Además, los patrocinadores reciben asistencia técnica directa por correo electrónico.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"En caso de que falten imágenes que usted espera, vuelva a escanear su biblioteca y espere a que se complete la indexación.","Index":"Indexar","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexar e importar archivos a través de la interfaz de usuario.","Indexing":"Indexando","Indexing failed":"Indexación ha fallado","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexando los archivos multimedia y sidecar…","Instance ID":"ID de instancia","Interval":"Intervalo","Invalid":"Inválido","Invalid date":"Fecha inválida","Invalid parameters":"Parámetros no válidos","Invalid photo selected":"Foto seleccionada no válida","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Hace uso de las últimas tecnologías para etiquetar y encontrar imágenes de forma automática sin estorbar.","Item":"Elemento","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Calidad JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Límite de tamaño del JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"Los JPEG y las miniaturas se renderizan automáticamente según sea necesario.","Keywords":"Palabras clave","Knowledge Base":"Base de conocimientos","Label":"Etiqueta","Labels":"Etiquetas","Labels deleted":"Etiquetas borradas","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Preservación de detalles, artefactos mínimos","Language":"Idioma","Last Sync":"Última sincronización","Latitude":"Latitud","Lavender":"Lavanda","Learn more":"Más información","Legal Information":"Información legal","Lens":"Lente","Library":"Librería","License":"Licencia","Like":"Me gusta","Lime":"Lima","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Límite alcanzado, mostrando los primeros %{n} archivos","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineal: Muy suave, el mejor rendimiento","Link":"Enlace","List":"Lista","Live":"En vivo","Live Photos":"Fotos en vivo","Local Time":"Hora local","location":"ubicación","Location":"Ubicación","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Los mensajes de registro aparecen aquí cada vez que PhotoPrism se encuentra con archivos rotos, o hay otros problemas potenciales.","Login":"Iniciar sesión","Logout":"Cerrar sesión","Logs":"Registro","Longitude":"Longitud","Low":"Bajo","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Color principal","Male":"Hombre","manual":"manual","Manual Upload":"Subida manual","Maps":"Mapas","Marker":"Marcador","Medium":"Mediano","Membership":"Membresía","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"¿Fusionar %{a} con %{b}?","Message sent":"Mensaje enviado","Minimize":"Minimizar","Missing":"Desaparecido","Moments":"Momentos","Monochrome":"Monocromo","Month":"Mes","Moonlight":"Luz de luna","More than %{n} pictures found":"Más de %{n} imágenes encontradas","More than 20 albums found":"Más de 20 álbumes encontrados","More than 20 labels found":"Más de 20 etiquetas encontradas","More than 20 people found":"Más de 20 personas encontraron","Mosaic":"Mosaico","Most Relevant":"Lo más relevante","Move Files":"Mover archivos","Name":"Nombre","Name too long":"Nombre demasiado largo","Never":"Nunca","New":"Nuevo","New Password":"Nueva contraseña","Newest First":"Lo más nuevo primero","No":"No","No albums found":"No se encontraron álbumes","No labels found":"No se encontraron etiquetas","No people found":"No hay personas","No pictures found":"No se han encontrado imágenes","No recently edited pictures":"No hay imágenes editadas recientemente","No servers configured.":"Sin servidores configurados.","No services configured.":"No hay servicios configurados.","No thanks":"No gracias","No video selected":"No has seleccionado ningún vídeo","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"No hay advertencias ni errores que contengan esta palabra clave. Tenga en cuenta que la búsqueda distingue entre mayúsculas y minúsculas.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Las imágenes no fotográficas y de baja calidad requieren una revisión antes que aparezcan en los resultados de la búsqueda.","None":"Ninguno","Not Found":"No encontrado","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Tenga en cuenta que puede gestionar manualmente su carpeta de originales y que la importación es opcional.","Note:":"Nota:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Nota: Sólo los servidores WebDAV, como Nextcloud o PhotoPrism, pueden ser configurados como servicio remoto para hacer copias de seguridad y subir archivos.","Notes":"Notas","Nothing to see here yet.":"Todavía no hay nada que ver aquí.","Offline":"Desconectado","Oldest First":"El más antiguo primero","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"En Windows, introduzca el siguiente recurso en el diálogo de conexión:","Once a week":"Una vez a la semana","One album found":"Un álbum encontrado","One file found":"Un archivo encontrado","One file uploaded":"Un archivo cargado","One folder found":"Una carpeta encontrada","One label found":"Una etiqueta encontrada","One person found":"Una persona encontrada","One picture found":"Una foto encontrada","Onyx":"Ónix","Options":"Opciones","or ask in our Community Chat":"o pregunte en nuestro chat comunitario","Orange":"Naranja","Organization":"Organización","Orientation":"Orientación","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Los nombres originales de los archivos serán almacenados e indexados.","Original Name":"Nombre original","Originals":"Originales","Other":"Otro","Our team evaluates this on an ongoing basis, depending on the support effort features and config options cause or have caused in the past, and whether they are generally needed by everyone or mainly requested by organizations and advanced users. As this allows us to make more features available to the public, we encourage all users to support our mission.":"Nuestro equipo evalúa esto de forma continua, dependiendo del esfuerzo de soporte que las características y opciones de configuración causan o han causado en el pasado, y si son ampliamente necesarias para todos o principalmente solicitadas por organizaciones y usuarios avanzados. Como esto nos permite poner más funciones a disposición del público, animamos a todos los usuarios a apoyar nuestra misión.","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Nuestra Guía del usuario también cubre muchos temas avanzados, como la migración desde Google Photos y la configuración de la calidad de las miniaturas.","Outdoor":"Al aire libre","Panorama":"Panorámica","Panoramas":"Panorámicas","Password":"Contraseña","Password changed":"Contraseña cambiada","People":"Gente","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"La gente con la que compartas un enlace podrá ver los contenidos públicos.","Permanently deleted":"Eliminado permanentemente","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Elimina permanentemente los archivos para liberar almacenamiento.","Phone":"Teléfono","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism ha sido actualizado…","PhotoPrism is 100% self-funded. Voluntary donations do not cover the cost of a team working full time to provide you with updates, documentation, and support. It is your decision whether you want to sign up to enjoy additional benefits.":"PhotoPrism es autofinanciado al 100%. Las donaciones voluntarias no cubren el coste de un equipo que trabaja a tiempo completo para proporcionarle actualizaciones, documentación y soporte. Es tu decisión si quieres inscribirte para disfrutar de beneficios adicionales.","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® es una aplicación de fotos potenciada por la IA para la web descentralizada.","Photos":"Fotos","Pink":"Rosa","Place":"Lugar","Place & Time":"Lugar y tiempo","Places":"Lugares","Please confirm your new password.":"Por favor, confirma tu nueva contraseña.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Por favor, no subas fotos con contenido ofensivo.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Tenga en cuenta que al cambiar su contraseña se cerrará la sesión en otros dispositivos y navegadores.","Portrait":"Retrato","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"publica tu pregunta en GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Preservar nombres de archivo","Press button to start importing…":"Presiona el botón para empezar a importar…","Press button to start indexing…":"Presiona el botón para empezar a indexar…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Presiona enter para crear un nuevo álbum.","Preview":"Vista previa","Primary":"Primario","Private":"Privado","Product Feedback":"Comentarios sobre el producto","Projection":"Proyección","Purple":"Púrpura","Quality Filter":"Filtro de calidad","Quality Score":"Puntuación de calidad","Random":"Aleatorio","Raspberry":"Frambuesa","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Conversión de RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Re-indexar todos los originales, incluyendo los archivos ya indexados y no modificados.","Read the Docs":"Leer la documentación","Read-Only Mode":"Modo de sólo lectura","Recently Added":"Añadido recientemente","Recently Edited":"Editado recientemente","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"El reconocimiento se inicia una vez finalizada la indexación.","Recognized":"Reconocida","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Reconoce las caras para poder encontrar a personas concretas.","Red":"Rojo","Reload":"Recargar","Reloading…":"Recargando…","Remote Sync":"Sincronización remota","Remove":"Eliminar","remove failed: unknown album":"eliminación ha fallado: álbum desconocido","Remove from album":"Eliminar del álbum","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Eliminar los archivos importados para ahorrar espacio. Los tipos de archivos no admitidos nunca se eliminarán y permanecen en su ubicación actual.","Request failed - invalid response":"La solicitud ha fallado - respuesta inválida","Required":"Requerido","Resolution":"Resolución","Restore":"Restaurar","Retry Limit":"Límite de reintentos","Retype Password":"Reescriba la contraseña","Review":"Revisar","Satellite":"Satélite","Save":"Guardar","Scan":"Escanear","Scans":"Escaneos","Search":"Buscar","Search and display photos on a map.":"Buscar y mostrar fotos en un mapa.","Season":"Temporada","Secret":"Secreto","Security and Access":"Seguridad y acceso","Select":"Seleccionar","Select albums or create a new one":"Selecciona los álbumes o crea un nuevo","Selection approved":"Selección aprobada","Selection archived":"Selección archivada","Selection restored":"Selección restaurada","Send":"Enviar","Sequential Name":"Nombre secuencial","Service URL":"URL del servicio","Services":"Servicios","Settings":"Ajustes","Settings saved":"Ajustes guardados","Setup":"Configurar","Shadow":"Sombra","Share":"Compartir","Share %{name}":"Compartir %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Comparte tus fotos con otras aplicaciones y servicios.","Shouldn't free software be free of costs?":"¿No debería el software libre estar libre de costos?","Show":"Mostrar","Show all new faces":"Mostrar todas las caras nuevas","Show hidden":"Mostrar oculto","Show less":"Ver menos","Show more":"Ver más","Show server logs in Library.":"Mostrar los registros del servidor en la biblioteca.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Muestra mensajes de registro más detallados. Requiere un reinicio.","Sidecar":"Adicional","Sign in":"Iniciar sesión","Sign Up":"Registrarse","Similar":"Similares","Size":"Tamaño","Slow":"Lento","Sort Order":"Orden de Clasificación","Source":"Fuente","Stack":"Apilar","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Apilar los archivos que comparten la misma imagen única o identificador de instancia.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Apilar las imágenes tomadas en el mismo momento y lugar exactos basados en sus metadatos.","Stackable":"Apilable","Stacks":"Secuencias","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Las pilas agrupan archivos con un marco de referencia similar, pero con diferencias de calidad, formato, tamaño o color.","Start":"Empezar","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Empezar/Detener la presentación de diapositivas","States":"Estados","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Límite de tamaño de miniaturas estáticas: %{n}px","Status":"Estado","Storage":"Almacenes","Streets":"Calles","Subject":"Sujeto","Successfully Connected":"Conectado con éxito","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"El soporte para servicios adicionales, como Google Drive, se añadirá a futuro.","Sync":"Sincronizar","Sync raw and video files":"Sincronizar imágenes raw y videos","Taken":"Tomada","Teal":"Verde Azulado","Text too long":"Texto demasiado largo","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"El índice contiene actualmente %{n} archivos ocultos.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Su formato puede no ser compatible, aún no se han convertido a JPEG o hay duplicados.","Theme":"Tema","Think of “free software” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer.” The Free Software Foundation sometimes calls it “libre software,” borrowing the French or Spanish word for “free” as in freedom, to show they do not mean the software is gratis.":"Piense en \"software libre\" como en \"libertad de expresión\", no como en \"cerveza gratis\". En inglés, \"gratis\" y \"libre\" pueden ser ambas traducidas como \"free\". Es por esto que la Free Software Foundation a veces lo llama en este idioma como \"libre software\", tomando prestada la palabra de lenguajes como el francés o el español para \"libre\" como en libertad, para mostrar que no quieren decir que el software sea \"free\" de gratis.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Esto monta la carpeta de originales como una unidad de red y le permite abrir, editar y eliminar archivos \n de su ordenador o smartphone como si fueran locales.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Esto monta la carpeta de originales como una unidad de red y le permite abrir, editar y eliminar archivos de su ordenador o smartphone como si fueran locales.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generar miniatura","Time UTC":"Hora UTC","Time Zone":"Zona horaria","Timeout":"Tiempo de espera","Title":"Título","Title / Position":"Título / Cargo","Title too long":"Título demasiado largo","To upgrade, you may either enter an activation code or click on \"Sign Up\" to upgrade on our website:":"Para mejorar su plan, puede introducir un código de activación o hacer clic en \"Registrarse\" para actualizar en nuestro sitio web:","Toggle View":"Cambiar Vista","Token":"Simbólico","Topographic":"Topográfico","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Listas de comprobación para la resolución de problemas","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Inténtalo de nuevo usando otros filtros o palabras.","Type":"Tipo","Undo":"Deshacer","Unique ID":"ID Única","Unknown":"Desconocido","Unregistered":"No registrado","Unsorted":"Sin clasificar","Unstack":"Desagrupar","Updated":"Actualizado","Updating faces":"Actualizando caras","Updating index":"Actualizando índice","Updating moments":"Actualizando Momentos","Updating picture…":"Actualizando la imagen…","Updating previews":"Actualizando vistas previas","Updating stacks":"Actualizando pilas","Upgrade":"Mejorar plan","Upgrade Now":"Mejore su plan ahora","Upgrade now and enjoy our member benefits!":"¡Mejore su plan ahora y disfrute de nuestras ventajas como miembro!","Upload":"Subir","Upload complete":"Subida completa","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Subida completa. Indexando…","Upload failed":"Carga fallida","Upload local files":"Subir archivos locales","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Subir a WebDAV y compartir los enlaces con amigos.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Cargando %{n} de %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Subiendo fotos…","Uploading…":"Subiendo…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Las subidas que puedan contener tales imágenes serán rechazadas automáticamente.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Usar preselecciones","User":"Usuario","User Guide":"Guía del usuario","User Interface":"Interfaz de usuario","Username":"Nombre de usuario","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Verificado","Video":"Vídeo","Video Duration":"Duración del vídeo","Videos":"Vídeos","View":"Ver","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Visita docs.photoprism.app/user-guide para aprender a sincronizar, organizar y compartir tus fotos.","Visual Similarity":"Similitud visual","We appreciate your feedback!":"¡Agradecemos sus comentarios!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Hacemos todo lo posible por responder en un plazo de cinco días hábiles o menos.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Haremos todo lo posible por responder a todas tus preguntas. A cambio, te pedimos que nos respaldes en Patreon o GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Los clientes de WebDAV pueden conectarse a PhotoPrism usando la siguiente URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Los clientes WebDAV, como el Explorador de Windows de Microsoft o el Finder de Apple, pueden conectarse directamente a\n PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Subida WebDAV","Website":"Página web","What functionality is generally available?":"¿Qué funciones están ampliamente disponibles?","White":"Blanco","Why are some features only available to sponsors?":"¿Por qué algunas funciones sólo están disponibles para patrocinadores?","Work Details":"Detalles del trabajo","Year":"Año","Yellow":"Amarillo","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Sí","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"eres bienvenido a unirte a nosotros en Reddit","You can only download one album":"Sólo puedes descargar un álbum","You can only download one label":"Sólo puedes descargar una etiqueta","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Puedes ejecutarlo en casa, en un servidor privado o en la nube.","You may only select one item":"Sólo puedes selecionar un elemento","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Puede volver a escanear su biblioteca para encontrar más caras.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Su apoyo continuo nos ayuda a proporcionar actualizaciones periódicas y a seguir siendo independientes, para que podamos cumplir nuestra misión y proteger su privacidad.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Tu biblioteca se analiza continuamente para crear automáticamente álbumes de momentos, viajes y lugares especiales.","Zoom in/out":"Acercar/Alejar"},"et":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} albumit leitud","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} faili üles laaditud","%{n} folders found":"%{n} kausta leitud","%{n} labels found":"%{n} silti leitud","%{n} people found":"%{n} inimest leitud","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} pilti leitud","1 hour":"1 tund","12 hours":"12 tundi","4 hours":"4 tundi","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Klõpsamine kopeerib selle lõikelauale.","About":"Teave","Abyss":"Abyss","Account":"Konto","Accuracy":"Täpsus","Action":"Tegevus","Actions":"Tegevused","Add Account":"Lisa konto","Add Album":"Lisa album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Lisa faile oma fototeeki üleslaadimise teel.","Add Link":"Lisa link","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Lisa pilte otsingutulemustest neid valides.","Add to album":"Lisa albumisse","Added":"Lisatud","Advanced":"Täpsemad","After 1 day":"1 päeva pärast","After 3 days":"3 päeva pärast","After 7 days":"7 päeva pärast","After one month":"Ühe kuu pärast","After one year":"Ühe aasta pärast","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Pärast piltide valimist otsingutulemustest saad need kontekstimenüü abil albumisse lisada.","After two months":"Kahe kuu pärast","After two weeks":"Kahe nädala pärast","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Albumi nimi","Albums":"Albumid","Albums deleted":"Albumid kustutatud","All %{n} albums loaded":"Kõik %{n} albumit laaditud","All %{n} labels loaded":"Kõik %{n} silti laaditud","All %{n} people loaded":"Kõik %{n} inimest laaditud","All Cameras":"Kõik kaamerad","All Categories":"Kõik kategooriad","All Colors":"Kõik värvid","All Countries":"Kõik riigid","All fields are required":"Kõik väljad on kohustuslikud","All files from import folder":"Kõik failid impordikaustast","All Lenses":"Kõik läätsed","All Months":"Kõik kuud","All originals":"Kõik originaalid","All Years":"Kõik aastad","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternatiivina saad faile üles laadida otse WebDAV serveritesse nagu Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Kõrgus","Altitude (m)":"Kõrgus (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Tekkis viga - kas oled võrguühenduseta?","Animated":"Animeeritud","Animation":"Animatsioon","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Kõik isiklikud fotod ja videod jäävad isiklikuks ja neid ei jagata.","API Key":"API võti","Apply":"Rakenda","Approve":"Kinnita","Archive":"Arhiiv","Archived":"Arhiveeritud","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Kas oled kindel, et soovid valiku arhiveerida?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Kas oled kindel, et soovid need albumid kustutada?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Kas oled kindel, et soovid need sildid kustutada?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle konto kustutada?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Kas oled kindel, et soovid need pildid lõplikult kustutada?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle faili lõplikult kustutada?","Are you sure?":"Kas sa oled kindel?","Artist":"Kunstnik","Aspect Ratio":"Küljesuhe","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Loo automaatselt teistest failitüüpidest JPEG-failid, et neid saaks brauseris kuvada.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Loob automaatselt albumid erilistest hetkedest, reisidest ja kohtadest.","Basic":"Lihtne","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Enne tugitaotluse esitamist kasuta palun meie tõrkeotsingu meelespead, et probleemi põhjus kindlaks teha.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Kuna me oleme 100% isefinantseeritud ja sõltumatud, võime lubada, et me ei müü kunagi su andmeid ja et oleme oma tarkvara ja teenuste osas alati läbipaistvad.","Bio":"Elulugu","Birth Date":"Sünnikuupäev","Black":"Must","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos modifikatsioon, vähem artefakte","Blue":"Sinine","Brown":"Pruun","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Sirvi ja muuda piltide klassifitseerimise silte.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Sirvi fototeegis olevaid indekseeritud faile ja kaustu.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Üksikasjalikku teavet konkreetsete tooteomaduste, teenuste ja nendega seotud ressursside kohta leiad teadmistebaasist.","Bug Report":"Vearaport","Busy, please wait…":"Hõivatud, palun oota…","Calendar":"Kalender","Camera":"Kaamera","Camera Serial":"Kaamera seerianumber","Can't load more, limit reached":"Rohkem ei saa laadida, limiit on saavutatud","Can't select more items":"Rohkem objekte ei saa valida","Cancel":"Katkesta","Cards":"Kaardid","Category":"Kategooria","Change Avatar":"Muuda profiilipilti","Change Password":"Muuda parool","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Muuta isikliku profiili ja turvaseadeid.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Muuda fotode pealkirju, asukohti ja muid metaandmeid.","Change private flag":"Muuda isiklikkust","Changes successfully saved":"Muudatused edukalt salvestatud","Checked":"Kontrollitud","Chroma":"Värviküllastus","Close":"Sulge","Codec":"Koodek","Color":"Värv","Color Profile":"Värviprofiil","Colors":"Värvid","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Levinud probleeme saab kiiresti diagnoosida ja lahendada, kasutades meie poolt pakutavat tõrkeotsingu meelespead.","Complete Rescan":"Täielik taasskannimine","Confidence":"Kindlus","Connect":"Ühenda","Connect via WebDAV":"Ühenda WebDAV-i kaudu","Connected":"Ühendatud","Contact Details":"Kontaktandmed","Contact Us":"Võta meiega ühendust","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Sisaldab %{n} pilti.","Contains one picture.":"Sisaldab ühte pilti.","Convert to JPEG":"Teisenda JPEG-ks","Converting":"Konverteerimine","Copied to clipboard":"Kopeeritud lõikelauale","Copyright":"Autoriõigus","Couldn't find anything.":"Midagi ei leitud.","Country":"Riik","Create Account":"Loo konto","Create album":"Lisa album","Created":"Lisatud","Creating thumbnails for":"Pisipiltide loomine:","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: mõõdukas kvaliteet, hea jõudlus","Current Password":"Praegune parool","Customer Support":"Klienditugi","Cyan":"Tsüaan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Üks kord päevas","Day":"Päev","Debug Logs":"Tõrkeotsingu logid","Default":"Vaikimisi","Default Folder":"Vaikimisi kaust","Delete":"Kustuta","Description":"Kirjeldus","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Üksikasjalikud juhised leiad meie kasutajajuhendist.","Details":"Üksikasjad","Dimensions":"Mõõtmed","Disable Backups":"Keela varukoopiad","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Keela sisseehitatud WebDAV server. Nõuab taaskäivitamist.","Disable Darktable":"Keela Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Keela ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Keela FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Keela kohad","Disable RawTherapee":"Keela RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Keela TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Keela WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Keelab asukohatuvastuse ja kaardid.","Discover":"Avasta","Display Name":"Esitusnimi","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Ära varunda fotode ja albumite metaandmeid YAML-failidesse.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Ära loo ExifTool JSON-faile metaandmete ekstraktimise parandamiseks.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Ära muuda originaalide kausta. Keelab importimise, üleslaadimise ja kustutamise.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Ära transkodeeri videoid FFmpeg abil.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Ära teisenda RAW faile Darktable abil.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Ära teisenda RAW faile RawTherapee abil.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Ära kasuta TensorFlow'd piltide klassifitseerimiseks.","Donations":"Annetused","Done":"Tehtud","Done.":"Tehtud.","Download":"Laadi alla","Download remote files":"Laadi alla kaugfailid","Download single files and zip archives.":"Laadi alla üksikuid faile ja ZIP-arhiive.","Downloading…":"Allalaadimine…","Downscaling Filter":"Skaleerimisfilter","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Meile saabuvate e-kirjade suure hulga tõttu ei pruugi meie meeskond olla võimeline kohe vastama.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikaadid jäetakse vahele ja neid kuvatakse ainult ühekordselt.","Duration":"Kestus","Dynamic Previews":"Dünaamilised eelvaated","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dünaamiline renderdamine nõuab võimsat serverit. Seda ei soovitata NAS-seadmete jaoks.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Dünaamiline suuruse limiit: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-post","Edit":"Muuda","Edit %{name}":"Muuda %{nimi}","Edit Account":"Konto muutmine","Edit Photo":"Foto muutmine","Edited":"Muudetud","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-post","Enable new features currently under development.":"Luba uued, veel arenduses olevad funktsioonid.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Lubab RAW-konverteri eelseadistused. Võib vähendada jõudlust.","Errors":"Vead","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Hinda piltide ligikaudset asukohta ilma koordinaatideta.","Estimates":"Hinnangud","Every two days":"Iga kahe päeva tagant","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Välista otsingutulemustest, jagatud albumitest, siltidest ja kohtadest isiklikuks märgitud sisu.","Exclude hidden":"Välista peidetud","Expand":"Laienda","Expand Search":"Laienda otsingut","Experimental Features":"Eksperimentaalsed funktsioonid","Expires":"Aegub","Exposure":"Säriaeg","F Number":"F-number","Face":"Nägu","Faces":"Näod","Failed copying to clipboard":"Lõikelauale kopeerimine ebaõnnestus","Failed removing link":"Lingi eemaldamine ebaõnnestus","Failed updating link":"Lingi uuendamine ebaõnnestus","Family Name":"Perekonnanimi","Fast":"Kiire","Favorite":"Lemmik","Favorites":"Lemmikud","Feature Request":"Funktsiooni taotlus","Feed":"Kanal","Feedback":"Tagasiside","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Kui sul on küsimusi, võta meiega ühendust aadressil hello@photoprism.app.","Female":"Naine","File":"Fail","File Browser":"Failibrauser","File Name":"Faili nimi","File Size":"Faili suurus","Filename":"Failinimi","Files":"Failid","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Järjestikuste nimedega failid nagu 'IMG_1234 (2)' ja 'IMG_1234 (3)' kuuluvad samale pildile.","Focal Length":"Fookuskaugus","Folder":"Kaust","Folder contains %{n} files":"Kaust sisaldab %{n} faili","Folder is empty":"Kaust on tühi","Folders":"Kaustad","Forgot password?":"Unustasid parooli?","FPS":"Kaadrisagedus","Frames":"Kaadrid","Fullscreen":"Täisekraan","Gemstone":"Gemstone","Gender":"Sugu","General":"Üldised","Getting Support":"Abi saamine","Given Name":"Eesnimi","Gold":"Kuld","Grayscale":"Grayscale","Green":"Roheline","Grey":"Hall","Hash":"Räsi","Help":"Abi","Help & Support":"Abi ja tugi","Hidden":"Peidetud","Hidden Files":"Peidetud failid","Hide":"Peida","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Peida fotod, mis on viidud arhiivi.","High":"Kõrge","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Lai dünaamiline diapasoon (HDR)","How can we help?":"Kuidas me saame aidata?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Kui see ei aita või sul on muid küsimusi:","image":"pilt","Image":"Pilt","Images":"Pildid","Import":"Import","Import failed":"Import ebaõnnestus","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Imporditud failid sorteeritakse kuupäeva järgi ja neile antakse duplikaatide vältimiseks unikaalne nimi.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Imporditud failid sorteeritakse kuupäeva järgi ja neile antakse unikaalne nimi.","Importing %{name}…":"%{nimi} importimine…","Importing files to originals…":"Failide importimine originaalidesse…","in":"ajaga","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Lisaks saavad sponsorid otsest tehnilist tuge e-posti teel.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Kui pildid, mida ootasid, on puudu, skanni oma fototeek uuesti ja oota, kuni indekseerimine on lõpetatud.","Index":"Indeks","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indekseeri ja impordi faile kasutajaliidese kaudu.","Indexing":"Indekseerimine","Indexing failed":"Indekseerimine ebaõnnestus","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Meedia- ja abifailide indekseerimine…","Instance ID":"Eksemplari ID","Interval":"Intervall","Invalid":"Vigane","Invalid date":"Vigane kuupäev","Invalid parameters":"Vigased parameetrid","Invalid photo selected":"Vigane foto valitud","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"See kasutab uusimaid tehnoloogiaid, et märgistada ja leida pilte automaatselt, ilma sulle jalgu jäämata.","Item":"Element","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG kvaliteet: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG suuruse limiit: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG- ja pisipildid renderdatakse automaatselt vastavalt vajadusele.","Keywords":"Märksõnad","Knowledge Base":"Teadmusbaas","Label":"Silt","Labels":"Sildid","Labels deleted":"Sildid kustutatud","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: detailide säilitamine, minimaalsed artefaktid","Language":"Keel","Last Sync":"Viimane sünkroonimine","Latitude":"Laiuskraad","Lavender":"Lavender","Learn more":"Lisateave","Legal Information":"Õigusalane teave","Lens":"Objektiiv","Library":"Fototeek","License":"Litsents","Like":"Meeldib","Lime":"Laimiroheline","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limiit saavutatud, näidatakse esimest %{n} faili","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineaarne: väga sujuv, parim jõudlus","Link":"Link","List":"Loend","Live Photos":"Liikuvad fotod","Local Time":"Kohalik aeg","location":"asukoht","Location":"Asukoht","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Siia ilmuvad logiteated, kui PhotoPrism leiab katkiseid faile või kui esineb muid probleeme.","Login":"Logi sisse","Logout":"Logi välja","Logs":"Logid","Longitude":"Pikkuskraad","Low":"Madal","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Põhivärv","Male":"Mees","manual":"käsitsi","Manual Upload":"Käsitsi üleslaadimine","Maps":"Kaardid","Marker":"Märk","Medium":"Keskmine","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Ühendada %{a} ja %{b}?","Message sent":"Sõnum saadetud","Minimize":"Minimeeri","Missing":"Puudub","Moments":"Hetked","Monochrome":"Mustvalge","Month":"Kuu","Moonlight":"Moonlight","More than %{n} pictures found":"Rohkem kui %{n} pilti leitud","More than 20 albums found":"Rohkem kui 20 albumit leitud","More than 20 labels found":"Rohkem kui 20 silti leitud","More than 20 people found":"Rohkem kui 20 inimest leitud","Mosaic":"Mosaiik","Most Relevant":"Asjakohasemad eespool","Move Files":"Liiguta failid","Must have at least %{n} characters.":"Peab olema vähemalt %{n} tähemärki.","Name":"Nimi","Name too long":"Nimi on liiga pikk","Never":"Mitte kunagi","New":"Uus","New Password":"Uus parool","Newest First":"Uuemad eespool","No":"Ei","No albums found":"Albumeid ei leitud","No labels found":"Silte ei leitud","No people found":"Inimesi ei leitud","No pictures found":"Pilte ei leitud","No recently edited pictures":"Hiljuti muudetud pilte ei ole","No servers configured.":"Ühtegi serverit pole seadistatud.","No services configured.":"Ühtegi teenust pole seadistatud.","No thanks":"Ei aitäh","No video selected":"Ühtegi videot pole valitud","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Seda märksõna sisaldavaid hoiatusi või vigu ei ole. Pane tähele, et otsing on tõusutundlik.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Mittefotograafilised ja madala kvaliteediga pildid tuleb üle vaadata, enne kui nad otsingutulemustes ilmuvad.","None":"Puudub","Not Found":"Ei leitud","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Pane tähele, et võid originaalide kausta käsitsi hallata, importimine on vabatahtlik.","Note:":"Märkus:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Märkus: Ainult WebDAV servereid, nagu Nextcloud või PhotoPrism, saab seadistada kaugteenusena varundamiseks ja failide üleslaadimiseks.","Notes":"Märkused","Nothing to see here yet.":"Siin pole veel midagi näha.","Offline":"Võrguühenduseta","Oldest First":"Vanemad eespool","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Windowsis sisestage ühendusdialoogi järgmine ressurss:","Once a week":"Üks kord nädalas","One album found":"Üks album leitud","One file found":"Üks fail leitud","One file uploaded":"Üks fail üles laaditud","One folder found":"Üks kaust leitud","One label found":"Üks silt leitud","One person found":"Üks inimene leitud","One picture found":"Üks pilt leitud","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Valikud","or ask in our Community Chat":"või küsi meie ühisjututoas","Orange":"Oranžikas","Organization":"Organisatsioon","Orientation":"Orientatsioon","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Failide algsed nimed salvestatakse ja indekseeritakse.","Original Name":"Esialgne nimi","Originals":"Originaalid","Other":"Muu","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Meie kasutajajuhend hõlmab ka paljusid edasijõudnute teemasid, näiteks Google Photos'ist migreerimine ja pisipiltide kvaliteediseaded.","Outdoor":"Loodus","Panorama":"Panoraam","Panoramas":"Panoraamid","Password":"Parool","Password changed":"Parool muudetud","People":"Inimesed","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Inimesed, kellega linki jagad, saavad avalikku sisu vaadata.","Permanently deleted":"Lõplikult kustutatud","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Kustuta failid lõplikult, et vabastada salvestusruumi.","Phone":"Telefon","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism on uuendatud…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® on tehisintellektipõhine fotorakendus detsentraliseeritud veebi jaoks.","Photos":"Fotod","Pink":"Roosa","Place":"Koht","Place & Time":"Koht ja aeg","Places":"Kohad","Please confirm your new password.":"Palun kinnita oma uus parool.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Palun ära laadi üles solvava sisuga fotosid.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Pane tähele, et parooli muutmine logib sind teistes seadmetes ja brauserites välja.","Portrait":"Püstformaat","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"postita oma küsimus GitHub'i aruteludesse","Preserve filenames":"Säilita failinimed","Press button to start importing…":"Importimise alustamiseks vajuta nuppu…","Press button to start indexing…":"Indekseerimise alustamiseks vajuta nuppu…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Uue albumi lisamiseks vajuta Enter.","Preview":"Eelvaade","Primary":"Primaarne","Private":"Isiklik","Product Feedback":"Tagasiside","Projection":"Projektsioon","Purple":"Lilla","Quality Filter":"Kvaliteedifilter","Quality Score":"Kvaliteediskoor","Random":"Juhuslik","Raspberry":"Raspberry","Raw":"RAW","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW teisendamine","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Indekseeri uuesti kõik originaalid, sealhulgas juba indekseeritud ja muutmata failid.","Read the Docs":"Loe dokumentatsiooni","Read-Only Mode":"Kirjutuskaitserežiim","Recently Added":"Hiljuti lisatud","Recently Edited":"Hiljuti muudetud","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Tuvastamine algab pärast indekseerimise lõppemist.","Recognized":"Tuvastatud","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Tuvastab nägusid, et oleks võimalik konkreetseid inimesi leida.","Red":"Punane","Reload":"Laadi uuesti","Reloading…":"Uuesti laadimine…","Remote Sync":"Kaugsünkroonimine","Remove":"Eemalda","remove failed: unknown album":"eemaldamine ebaõnnestus: tundmatu album","Remove from album":"Eemalda albumist","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Eemalda imporditud failid salvestusruumi säästmiseks. Mittetoetatud failitüüpe ei kustutata kunagi, need jäävad oma praegusesse asukohta.","Request failed - invalid response":"Päring ebaõnnestus - vigane vastus","Required":"Kohustuslik","Resolution":"Resolutsioon","Restore":"Taasta","Retry Limit":"Korduvkatsete limiit","Retype Password":"Parool uuesti","Review":"Läbivaatamine","Satellite":"Satelliit","Save":"Salvesta","Scan":"Skannitud","Scans":"Skannid","Search":"Otsi","Search and display photos on a map.":"Otsi ja kuva fotosid kaardil.","Season":"Aastaaeg","Security and Access":"Turvalisus ja ligipääs","Select":"Vali","Select albums or create a new one":"Vali albumid või lisa uus","Selection approved":"Valik heaks kiidetud","Selection archived":"Valik arhiveeritud","Selection restored":"Valik taastatud","Send":"Saada","Sequential Name":"Järjestikune nimi","Service URL":"Teenuse URL","Services":"Teenused","Settings":"Seaded","Settings saved":"Seaded salvestatud","Setup":"Seadista","Shadow":"Shadow","Share":"Jaga","Share %{name}":"Jaga %{nimi}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Jaga oma pilte teiste rakenduste ja teenustega.","Show":"Näita","Show all new faces":"Näita kõiki uusi nägusid","Show hidden":"Näita peidetud","Show less":"Näita vähem","Show more":"Näita rohkem","Show server logs in Library.":"Näita serverilogisid fototeegis.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Näitab detailsemaid logisõnumeid. Nõuab taaskäivitamist.","Sidecar":"Abifail","Sign in":"Logi sisse","Sign Up":"Liitu","Similar":"Sarnased","Size":"Suurus","Slow":"Aeglane","Sort Order":"Järjekord","Source":"Allikas","Stack":"Virn","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Pane virna failid, mis jagavad sama unikaalset kujutist või identifikaatorit.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Pane virna metaandmete alusel täpselt samal ajal ja samas kohas tehtud pildid.","Stackable":"Virnastatav","Stacks":"Virnad","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Failide virnad grupeerivad faile, millel on sarnane võrdlusraamistik, kuid erinevused kvaliteedis, formaadis, suuruses või värvitoonis.","Start":"Alusta","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Käivita/peata slaidiesitlus","States":"Osariigid","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Staatiline suuruse limiit: %{n}px","Status":"Staatus","Storage":"Asukoht","Streets":"Tänavad","Subject":"Subjekt","Successfully Connected":"Edukalt ühendatud","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Tugi täiendavatele teenustele nagu Google Drive lisandub aja jooksul.","Sync":"Sünkroonimine","Sync raw and video files":"Sünkrooni RAW ja videofaile","Taken":"Pildistatud","Teal":"Sinakasroheline","Text too long":"Tekst on liiga pikk","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Indeks sisaldab praegu %{n} peidetud faili.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Nende formaat ei pruugi olla toetatud, neid ei ole veel JPEG-vormingusse konverteeritud või on olemas duplikaadid.","Theme":"Välimus","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"See ühendab originaalide kausta võrgukettana ja võimaldab avada, muuta ja kustutada faile\n oma arvutist või nutitelefonist, nagu oleksid need kohalikud.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"See ühendab originaalide kausta võrgukettana ja võimaldab avada, muuta ja kustutada faile arvutist või nutitelefonist, nagu oleksid need kohalikud.","Thumbnail Generation":"Pisipiltide genereerimine","Time UTC":"UTC aeg","Time Zone":"Ajavöönd","Timeout":"Ajalõpp","Title":{"Account":"Tiitel","Photo":"Pealkiri","":"Pealkiri"},"Title / Position":"Tiitel / ametikoht","Title too long":"Pealkiri on liiga pikk","Toggle View":"Muuda vaadet","Topographic":"Topograafiline","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Tõrkeotsingu meelespead","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Proovi uuesti, kasutades teisi filtreid või märksõnu.","Type":"Tüüp","Undo":"Võta tagasi","Unique ID":"Unikaalne ID","Unknown":"Teadmata","Unregistered":"Mitteregistreeritud","Unsorted":"Sorteerimata","Updated":"Uuendatud","Updating faces":"Nägude uuendamine","Updating index":"Indeksi uuendamine","Updating moments":"Hetkede uuendamine","Updating picture…":"Pildi uuendamine…","Updating previews":"Eelvaadete uuendamine","Updating stacks":"Virnade uuendamine","Upload":"Üleslaadimine","Upload complete":"Üleslaadimine lõpetatud","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Üleslaadimine lõpetatud. Indekseerimine…","Upload failed":"Üleslaadimine ebaõnnestus","Upload local files":"Laadi üles kohalikud failid","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Laadi üles WebDAV-i ja jaga linke sõpradega.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Üleslaadimine %{n}/%{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Fotode üleslaadimine…","Uploading…":"Üleslaadimine…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Selliseid pilte sisaldavad üleslaadimised lükatakse automaatselt tagasi.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Kasuta eelseadistusi","User":"Kasutaja","User Guide":"Kasutajajuhend","User Interface":"Kasutajaliides","Username":"Kasutajanimi","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Kinnitatud","Video":"Video","Video Duration":"Video kestus","Videos":"Videod","View":"Vaade","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Aadressilt docs.photoprism.app/user-guide saad teada, kuidas oma pilte sünkroonida, organiseerida ja jagada.","Visual Similarity":"Visuaalne sarnasus","We appreciate your feedback!":"Me hindame teie tagasisidet!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Anname endast parima, et vastata viie tööpäeva jooksul või vähem.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Anname endast parima, et vastata kõigile küsimustele. Vastutasuks palume meid toetada Patreoni või GitHub Sponsors kaudu.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV kliendid saavad PhotoPrismiga ühenduda järgmise URL-i kaudu:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"WebDAV kliendid, nagu Microsofti Windows Explorer või Apple'i Finder, saavad \nPhotoPrismiga otse ühenduda.","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV üleslaadimine","Website":"Veebileht","White":"Valge","Year":"Aasta","Yellow":"Kollane","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Jah","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"oled oodatud liituma meiega Redditis","You can only download one album":"Võid alla laadida ainult ühe albumi","You can only download one label":"Võid alla laadida ainult ühe sildi","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Saad seda kasutada kodus, isiklikus serveris või pilves.","You may only select one item":"Võid valida ainult ühe objekti","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Võid oma fototeeki uuesti skaneerida, et veel nägusid leida.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Sinu jätkuv toetus aitab meil pakkuda regulaarseid uuendusi ja jääda sõltumatuks, et me saaksime täita oma missiooni ja kaitsta sinu privaatsust.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Sinu fototeeki analüüsitakse pidevalt, et luua automaatselt albumied erilistest hetkedest, reisidest ja kohtadest.","Zoom in/out":"Suumi sisse/välja"},"fa":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} آلبوم پیدا شد","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} فایل آپلود شد","%{n} folders found":"%{n} پوشه پیدا شد","%{n} labels found":"%{n} برچسب پیدا شد","%{n} people found":"%{n} نفر پیدا شد","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} عکس پیدا شد","1 hour":"1 ساعت","12 hours":"12 ساعت","4 hours":"4 ساعت","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"یک کلیک آن را در کلیپ بورد شما کپی می کند.","About":"درباره","Abyss":"پرتگاه","Account":"حساب کاربری","Accuracy":"دقت","Action":"عمل","Actions":"اقدامات","Add Album":"افزودن آلبوم","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"از طریق بارگذاری وب فایلها را به کتابخانه خود اضافه کنید.","Add Link":"اضافه کردن لینک","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"با انتخاب آنها ، تصاویر را از نتایج جستجو اضافه کنید.","Add to album":"افزودن به آلبوم","Added":"اضافه شده","Advanced":"پیشرفته","After 1 day":"بعد از 1 روز","After 3 days":"بعد از 3 روز","After 7 days":"بعد از 7 روز","After one month":"بعد از یک ماه","After one year":"بعد از یک سال","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"پس از انتخاب تصاویر از نتایج جستجو، می توانید آنها را با استفاده از منوی زمینه به آلبوم اضافه کنید.","After two months":"بعد از دو ماه","After two weeks":"بعد از دو هفته","Album":"آلبوم","Album Name":"نام آلبوم","Albums":"آلبوم ها","Albums deleted":"آلبوم ها حذف شدند","All %{n} albums loaded":"همه %{n} آلبوم بارگیری شد","All %{n} labels loaded":"همه برچسب‌های %{n} بارگیری شدند","All %{n} people loaded":"همه %{n} نفر بارگیری شدند","All Cameras":"همه دوربین ها","All Categories":"همه دسته بندی ها","All Colors":"همه رنگ ها","All Countries":"همه کشورها","All fields are required":"همه فیلدها الزامی است","All files from import folder":"همه پرونده ها از پوشه واردات","All Lenses":"همه لنزها","All Months":"همه ماه ها","All originals":"همه اصل","All Years":"همه سالها","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"از طرف دیگر، می‌توانید فایل‌ها را مستقیماً در سرورهای WebDAV مانند Nextcloud آپلود کنید.","Altitude":"ارتفاع","Altitude (m)":"ارتفاع (M)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"خطایی رخ داده است - آیا شما آفلاین هستید؟","Animated":"متحرک","Animation":"انیمیشن","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"هر عکس و فیلم خصوصی خصوصی باقی می ماند و به اشتراک گذاشته نمی شود.","API Key":"کلید API","Apply":"درخواست","Approve":"تأیید","Archive":"بایگانی","Archived":"بایگانی شده","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید انتخاب را بایگانی کنید؟","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این آلبوم ها را حذف کنید؟","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این برچسب ها را حذف کنید؟","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این حساب را حذف کنید؟","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این تصاویر را به طور دائم حذف کنید؟","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این پرونده را به طور دائم حذف کنید؟","Are you sure?":"مطمئن هستی؟","Artist":"هنرمند","Aspect Ratio":"نسبت ابعاد","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"به طور خودکار برای انواع فایل های دیگر JPEG ایجاد کنید تا بتوان آنها را در مرورگر نمایش داد.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"به طور خودکار آلبوم هایی از لحظات، سفرها و مکان های خاص ایجاد می کند.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"قبل از ارسال درخواست پشتیبانی، لطفاً از چک لیست های عیب یابی ما برای تعیین علت مشکل خود استفاده کنید.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"ما با تامین مالی مستقل و 100% خود، می توانیم به شما قول بدهیم که هرگز داده های شما را نمی فروشیم و همیشه در مورد نرم افزار و خدمات خود شفاف خواهیم بود.","Bio":"بود","Black":"سیاه","Blue":"آبی","Brown":"قهوه ای","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"مرور و ویرایش برچسب های طبقه بندی تصویر.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"پرونده ها و پوشه های فهرست بندی شده را در کتابخانه مرور کنید.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"برای اطلاعات دقیق در مورد ویژگی‌های خاص محصول، خدمات و منابع مرتبط، پایگاه دانش را مرور کنید.","Bug Report":"گزارش اشکال","Busy, please wait…":"مشغول است ، لطفا صبر کنید…","Calendar":"تقویم","Camera":"دوربین","Camera Serial":"سریال دوربین","Can't load more, limit reached":"نمی تواند بار بیشتری بارگیری کند ، محدود شود","Can't select more items":"موارد بیشتری را انتخاب نمی کند","Cancel":"لغو","Cards":"کارت ها","Category":"دسته","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"تغییر عناوین عکس ، مکان ها و سایر ابرداده ها.","Change private flag":"تغییر پرچم خصوصی","Checked":"بررسی شده","Chroma":"کروما","Close":"نزدیک","Codec":"کدک","Color":"رنگ","Color Profile":"مشخصات رنگ","Colors":"رنگ ها","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"مشکلات رایج را می توان با استفاده از چک لیست های عیب یابی که ارائه می دهیم، به سرعت تشخیص داده و حل کرد.","Complete Rescan":"اسکن کامل","Confidence":"اعتماد","Connect":"اتصال","Connect via WebDAV":"از طریق WebDav وصل کنید","Connected":"متصل","Contact Us":"با ما تماس بگیرید","Contains %{n} pictures.":"حاوی %{n} عکس است.","Contains one picture.":"حاوی یک تصویر است.","Convert to JPEG":"تبدیل به jpeg","Converting":"تبدیل","Copied to clipboard":"کپی شده در کلیپ بورد","Copyright":"حق چاپ","Couldn't find anything.":"نتوانست چیزی پیدا کند.","Country":"کشور","Create album":"ایجاد آلبوم","Created":"ایجاد شده","Creating thumbnails for":"ایجاد تصاویر کوچک برای","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"مکعب: کیفیت متوسط ، عملکرد خوب","Current Password":"رمز عبور فعلی","Customer Support":"پشتیبانی مشتری","Cyan":"فیروزه ای","Daily":"روزانه","Day":"روز","Debug Logs":"گزارش‌های اشکال زدایی","Default":"پیشفرض","Default Folder":"پوشه پیشفرض","Delete":"حذف","Description":"توضیحات","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"دستورالعمل های دقیق را می توانید در راهنمای کاربر پیدا کنید.","Details":"جزئیات","Dimensions":"ابعاد","Disable Backups":"غیرفعال کردن پشتیبان گیری","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"سرور WebDAV داخلی را غیرفعال کنید. نیاز به راه اندازی مجدد دارد.","Disable Darktable":"غیرفعال کردن Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"غیرفعال کردن exiftool","Disable FFmpeg":"غیرفعال کردن ffmpeg","Disable Places":"غیرفعال کردن مکان ها","Disable RawTherapee":"غیرفعال کردن Rawtherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"غیرفعال کردن tensorflow","Disable WebDAV":"غیرفعال کردن WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"غیرفعال کردن reverse geocoding و نقشه ها.","Discover":"کشف","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"از ابرداده عکس و آلبوم به پرونده های YAML نسخه پشتیبان تهیه نکنید.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"پرونده های Exiftool JSON را برای بهبود استخراج ابرداده ایجاد نکنید.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"پوشه Originals را اصلاح نکنید. واردات ، بارگذاری و حذف را غیرفعال می کند.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"فیلم های Transcode را با FFMPEG انجام ندهید.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"از DarkTable برای تبدیل پرونده های خام استفاده نکنید.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"از rawtherapee برای تبدیل پرونده های خام استفاده نکنید.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"از TensorFlow برای طبقه بندی تصویر استفاده نکنید.","Donations":"کمکهای مالی","Done":"انجام شده","Done.":"انجام شده است.","Download":"بارگیری","Download remote files":"بارگیری پرونده های از راه دور","Download single files and zip archives.":"بارگیری پرونده های تک و بایگانی زیپ.","Downloading…":"درحال دانلود…","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"نسخه های تکراری پرش می شوند و فقط یک بار ظاهر می شوند.","Duration":"مدت","Dynamic Previews":"پیش نمایش پویا","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"رندر پویا به یک سرور قدرتمند نیاز دارد. برای دستگاه های NAS توصیه نمی شود.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"محدودیت اندازه پویا: %{n}px","E-Mail":"ایمیل","Edit":"ویرایش","Edit %{name}":"ویرایش %{name}","Edit Account":"ویرایش حساب کاربری","Edit Photo":"ویرایش تصویر","Edited":"ویرایش شده","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"فعال کردن ویژگی های جدید در حال توسعه.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"فعال کردن RAW converter presets . ممکن است عملکرد را کاهش دهد.","Errors":"خطا ها","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"محل تقریبی تصاویر را بدون مختصات تخمین بزنید.","Estimates":"برآوردها","Every two days":"هر دو روز","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"محتوای علامت‌گذاری‌شده به‌عنوان خصوصی را از نتایج جستجو، آلبوم‌های مشترک، برچسب‌ها و مکان‌ها حذف کنید.","Experimental Features":"ویژگی های تجربی","Expires":"منقضی می شود","Exposure":"قرارگیری در معرض","Face":"صورت","Faces":"صورت ها","Failed copying to clipboard":"کپی در کلیپ بورد ناموفق بود","Failed removing link":"پیوند حذف نشد","Failed updating link":"پیوند به روز نشد","Fast":"سریع","Favorite":"موردعلاقه","Favorites":"موارد دلخواه","Feature Request":"درخواست ویژگی","Feedback":"بازخورد","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"در صورت داشتن هرگونه سوال می توانید از طریق ایمیل hello@photoprism.app با تماس بگیرید.","File":"فایل","File Browser":"مرورگر فایل","Filename":"نام فایل","Files":"فایل ها","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"فایل‌هایی با نام‌های متوالی مانند «IMG_1234 (2)» و «IMG_1234 (3)» متعلق به یک تصویر هستند.","Focal Length":"فاصله کانونی","Folder":"پوشه","Folder contains %{n} files":"پوشه حاوی %{n} فایل است","Folder is empty":"پوشه خالی است","Folders":"پوشه ها","Forgot password?":"رمز عبور را فراموش کرده‌اید؟","Frames":"قاب‌ها","Fullscreen":"تمام صفحه","General":"عمومی","Getting Support":"دریافت پشتیبانی","Gold":"طلا","Grayscale":"سیاه و سفید","Green":"سبز","Grey":"خاکستری","Hash":"هش","Help":"راهنما","Help & Support":"راهنما و پشتیبانی","Hidden":"مخفی","Hidden Files":"فایل های مخفی","Hide":"مخفی","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"عکس هایی که به آرشیو منتقل شده اند را مخفی کنید.","High":"بالا","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"محدوده دینامیکی بالا (HDR)","How can we help?":"چطور میتوانیم کمک کنیم؟","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"اگر این کمک نمی کند یا سؤالات دیگری دارید:","image":"تصویر","Image":"تصویر","Images":"تصاویر","Import":"وارد کردن","Import failed":"خطا در وارد کردن","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"فایل‌های وارد شده بر اساس تاریخ مرتب می‌شوند و برای جلوگیری از تکرار نامی منحصر به فرد به آن‌ها داده می‌شود.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"فایل های وارد شده بر اساس تاریخ مرتب شده و یک نام منحصر به فرد داده می شود.","Importing %{name}…":"وارد کردن %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"در حال وارد کردن فایل‌ها به نسخه اصلی…","in":"به","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"علاوه بر این، حامیان مالی، پشتیبانی فنی مستقیم دریافت می کنند.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"در صورتی که تصاویری که انتظار دارید گم شدند، لطفاً کتابخانه خود را مجدداً اسکن کنید و منتظر بمانید تا نمایه سازی کامل شود.","Index":"نمایه","Indexing":"نمایه سازی","Indexing failed":"نمایه سازی انجام نشد","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"نمایه سازی رسانه و فایل های جانبی…","Instance ID":"ID نمونه","Interval":"وقفه","Invalid date":"تاریخ نامعتبر است","Invalid parameters":"پارامترهای نامعتبر","Invalid photo selected":"عکس نامعتبر انتخاب شد","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"از جدیدترین فناوری‌ها برای برچسب‌گذاری و یافتن خودکار عکس‌ها بدون ایجاد مانع استفاده می‌کند.","Item":"مورد","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"کیفیت JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"محدودیت اندازه JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG ها و تامبنیل ها به صورت خودکار در صورت نیاز ارائه می شوند.","Keywords":"کلید واژه ها","Knowledge Base":"دانش محور","Label":"برچسب","Labels":"برچسب ها","Labels deleted":"برچسب ها حذف شدند","Language":"زبان","Last 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ها","Monochrome":"تک رنگ","Month":"ماه","Moonlight":"مهتابی","More than %{n} pictures found":"بیش از %{n} تصاویر یافت شده","More than 20 albums found":"بیش از 20 آلبوم پیدا شد","More than 20 labels found":"بیش از 20 برچسب پیدا شد","More than 20 people found":"بیش از 20 نفر پیدا شد","Mosaic":"موزائیک","Move Files":"جابجایی فایل ها","Name":"نام","Name too long":"نام خیلی طولانی است","Never":"هرگز","New":"جدید","New Password":"رمزعبور جدید","No":"خیر","No albums found":"هیچ آلبومی پیدا نشد","No labels found":"هیچ برچسبی پیدا نشد","No people found":"هیچ فردی پیدا نشد","No pictures found":"هیچ تصویری پیدا نشد","No recently edited pictures":"هیچ عکسی اخیراً ویرایش نشده","No servers configured.":"هیچ سروری پیکربندی نشده است.","No thanks":"نه، ممنون","No video selected":"هیچ ویدیویی انتخاب نشده است","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"هیچ هشدار یا خطایی حاوی این کلمه کلیدی نیست. توجه داشته باشید که جستجو به حروف کوچک و بزرگ حساس است.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"تصاویر غیرعکاسی و با کیفیت پایین قبل از اینکه در نتایج جستجو ظاهر شوند نیاز به بررسی دارند.","None":"هیچ یک","Not Found":"پیدا نشد","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"توجه داشته باشید که می توانید به صورت دستی پوشه اصلی خود را مدیریت کنید و وارد کردن اختیاری است.","Note:":"یادداشت:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"توجه: فقط سرورهای WebDAV، مانند Nextcloud یا PhotoPrism، می توانند به عنوان سرویس راه دور برای پشتیبان گیری و آپلود فایل پیکربندی شوند.","Notes":"یادداشت","Nothing to see here yet.":"هنوز چیزی برای دیدن اینجا وجود ندارد.","Offline":"آفلاین","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"در ویندوز، منبع زیر را در گفتگوی اتصال وارد کنید:","Once a week":"یک بار در هفته","One album found":"یک آلبوم پیدا شد","One file found":"یک فایل پیدا شد","One file uploaded":"یک فایل آپلود شد","One folder found":"یک پوشه پیدا شد","One label found":"یک برچسب پیدا شد","One person found":"یک شخص پیدا شد","One picture found":"یک تصویر پیدا شد","Options":"گزینه ها","or ask in our Community Chat":"یا در چت انجمن ما بپرسید","Orange":"نارنجی","Orientation":"گرایش","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"نام فایل های اصلی ذخیره و نمایه می شود.","Original Name":"اسم اصلی","Originals":"اصلی ها","Other":"دیگر","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"راهنمای کاربر ما همچنین بسیاری از موضوعات پیشرفته مانند مهاجرت از Google Photos و تنظیمات کیفیت تصاویر بندانگشتی را پوشش می‌دهد.","Outdoor":"بیرون","Panorama":"پانوراما","Panoramas":"پانوراما","Password":"رمزعبور","Password changed":"رمز عبور تغییر کرد","People":"مردم","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"افرادی که لینکی را با آنها به اشتراک می گذارید می توانند محتوای عمومی را مشاهده کنند.","Permanently deleted":"برای همیشه حذف شد","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"برای آزاد کردن فضای ذخیره سازی، فایل ها را برای همیشه حذف کنید.","Photo":"تصویر","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism به روز شد…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® یک برنامه عکس با هوش مصنوعی برای وب غیرمتمرکز است.","Photos":"تصاویر","Pink":"صورتی","Place":"مکان","Place & Time":"مکان و زمان","Places":"مکان ها","Please confirm your new password.":"لطفا رمز عبور جدید خود را تایید کنید.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"لطفا عکس های حاوی محتوای توهین آمیز آپلود نکنید.","Portrait":"پرتره","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"سوال خود را در بحث های GitHub مطرح کنید","Preserve filenames":"حفظ نام فایل ها","Press button to start importing…":"برای شروع وارد کردن دکمه را فشار دهید…","Press button to start indexing…":"دکمه را فشار دهید تا نمایه سازی شروع شود…","Press enter to create a new album.":"برای ایجاد یک آلبوم جدید، اینتر را فشار دهید.","Preview":"پیش نمایش","Primary":"اولیه","Private":"خصوصی","Product Feedback":"بازخورد محصول","Projection":"طرح ها","Purple":"بنفش","Quality Filter":"فیلتر کیفیت","Quality Score":"امتیاز کیفیت","Random":"تصادفی","Raspberry":"تمشک","Raw":"خام","RAW Conversion":"تبدیل RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"نمایه سازی مجدد همه نسخه های اصلی، از جمله فایل های از قبل نمایه شده و بدون تغییر.","Read the Docs":"اسناد را بخوانید","Read-Only Mode":"حالت فقط خواندنی","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"پس از تکمیل نمایه سازی، شناسایی شروع می شود.","Recognized":"شناسایی شده","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"چهره ها را می شناسد تا افراد خاصی پیدا شوند.","Red":"قرمز","Reload":"بارگذاری مجدد","Reloading…":"در حال بارگیری مجدد…","Remote Sync":"همگام سازی از راه دور","Remove":"حذف","remove failed: unknown album":"حذف نشد: آلبوم ناشناخته","Remove from album":"حذف از آلبوم","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"برای صرفه جویی در فضای ذخیره سازی، فایل های وارد شده را حذف کنید. انواع فایل های پشتیبانی نشده هرگز حذف نمی شوند، آنها در مکان فعلی خود باقی می مانند.","Request failed - invalid response":"درخواست ناموفق - پاسخ نامعتبر است","Required":"اجباری","Resolution":"رزولوشن","Restore":"بازگرداندن","Retry Limit":"محدودیت تلاش","Retype Password":"رمز عبور را دوباره تایپ کنید","Review":"بازبینی","Save":"ذخیره","Scan":"اسکن","Scans":"اسکن ها","Search":"جستجو","Search and display photos on a map.":"جستجو و نمایش عکس ها روی نقشه.","Season":"فصل","Secret":"محرمانه","Select":"انتخاب","Select albums or create a new one":"آلبوم ها را انتخاب کنید یا آلبوم جدیدی ایجاد کنید","Selection approved":"انتخاب تایید شد","Selection archived":"انتخاب بایگانی شد","Selection restored":"انتخاب بازگردانده شد","Send":"ارسال","Sequential Name":"نام ترتیبی","Service URL":"URL سرویس","Settings":"تنظیمات","Settings saved":"تنظیمات ذخیره شد","Setup":"راه اندازی","Shadow":"سایه","Share":"اشتراک گذاری","Share %{name}":"اشتراک گذاری %{name}","Show":"نمایش","Show all new faces":"نمایش همه صورت ها","Show hidden":"نمایش مخفی ها","Show less":"نمایش کمتر","Show more":"نمایش بیشتر","Show server logs in Library.":"نمایش گزارش‌های سرور در کتابخانه.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"پیام های گزارش دقیق تر را نشان می دهد. نیاز به راه اندازی مجدد دارد.","Sidecar":"جانبی","Sign in":"ورود","Sign Up":"ثبت نام","Similar":"مشابه","Size":"سایز","Slow":"آهسته","Sort Order":"ترتیب مرتب سازی","Source":"منبع","Stack":"پشته","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"پشته فایل هایی که همان تصویر منحصر به فرد یا شناسه نمونه را به اشتراک می گذارند.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"عکس‌هایی را که دقیقاً در همان زمان و مکان گرفته شده‌اند، بر اساس ابرداده‌هایشان روی هم قرار دهید.","Stackable":"قابل انباشته شدن","Stacks":"پشته ها","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"دسته بندی فایل ها با قاب یا مرجع مشابه، اما متفاوت در کیفیت، فرمت، اندازه یا رنگ.","Start":"شروع","Start/Stop Slideshow":"شروع/پایان اسلایدشو","States":"ایالت ها","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"محدودیت اندازه ثابت: %{n}px","Status":"وضعیت","Storage":"ذخیره سازی","Streets":"خیابان ها","Subject":"موضوع","Successfully Connected":"با موفقیت وصل شد","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"پشتیبانی از خدمات اضافی، مانند Google Drive، به مرور اضافه خواهد شد.","Sync":"همگام سازی","Sync raw and video files":"همگام سازی فایل های خام و ویدیویی","Taken":"گرفته شده","Teal":"آبی رنگ","Text too long":"متن خیلی طولانی است","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"این فهرست در حال حاضر حاوی %{n} فایل پنهان است.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"ممکن است فرمت آنها پشتیبانی نشود، هنوز به JPEG تبدیل نشده اند یا موارد تکراری وجود دارد.","Theme":"قالب","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"این پوشه اصلی را به عنوان درایو شبکه نصب می کند و به شما امکان می دهد فایل ها را باز، ویرایش و حذف کنید\n از رایانه یا تلفن هوشمند خود به گونه ای که گویی محلی هستند.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"این پوشه اصلی را به عنوان درایو شبکه نصب می کند و به شما امکان می دهد فایل ها را از رایانه یا تلفن هوشمند خود باز، ویرایش و حذف کنید، گویی محلی هستند.","Thumbnail Generation":"تولید تصاویر بندانگشتی","Time UTC":"زمان UTC","Time Zone":"منطقه زمانی","Timeout":"تایم اوت","Title":"عنوان","Title too long":"عنوان خیلی طولانی است","Toggle View":"تغییر حالت نمایش","Token":"توکن","Topographic":"توپوگرافی","Troubleshooting Checklists":"چک لیست های عیب یابی","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"دوباره با استفاده از فیلترها یا کلمات کلیدی دیگر امتحان کنید.","Type":"نوع","Undo":"باطل کردن","Unique ID":"شناسه منحصربفرد","Unknown":"ناشناس","Unregistered":"ثبت نشده","Unsorted":"مرتب نشده است","Unstack":"باز کردن پشته","Updated":"به روز شد","Updating faces":"به روزرسانی چهره ها","Updating index":"به روزرسانی نمایه ها","Updating moments":"به روزرسانی لحظه ها","Updating previews":"به روزرسانی پیش نمایش ها","Updating stacks":"به روزرسانی پشته ها","Upload":"آپلود","Upload complete":"آپلود کامل شد","Upload complete. Indexing…":"آپلود کامل شد. در حال نمایه سازی…","Upload failed":"آپلود انجام نشد","Upload local files":"فایل های محلی را آپلود کنید","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"در WebDAV آپلود کنید و پیوندها را با دوستان خود به اشتراک بگذارید.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"در حال آپلود %{n} از %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"در حال آپلود تصاویر…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"آپلودهایی که ممکن است حاوی چنین تصاویری باشند به طور خودکار رد می شوند.","Use Presets":"از Presets استفاده کنید","User":"کاربر","User Guide":"راهنمای کاربر","User Interface":"رابط کاربری","Username":"نام کاربری","Verified":"تایید شده است","Video":"ویدیو","Videos":"ویدیو ها","View":"نمایش","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"از docs.photoprism.app/user-guide دیدن کنید تا نحوه همگام سازی، سازماندهی و اشتراک گذاری تصاویر خود را بیاموزید.","We appreciate your feedback!":"ما از بازخورد شما قدردانی می کنیم!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"ما تمام تلاش خود را می کنیم تا ظرف پنج روز کاری یا کمتر پاسخ دهیم.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"ما تمام تلاش خود را می کنیم تا به تمام سوالات شما پاسخ دهیم. در عوض، ما از شما می خواهیم که از ما در Patreon یا GitHub Sponsors حمایت کنید.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"کلاینت های WebDAV می توانند با استفاده از URL زیر به PhotoPrism متصل شوند:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"کلاینت های WebDAV، مانند Windows Explorer مایکروسافت یا Apple's Finder، می توانند مستقیماً به آن متصل شوند\n PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"آپلود WebDAV","White":"سفید","Year":"سال","Yellow":"زرد","Yes":"بله","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"به شما برای پیوستن به ما در Reddit می گوییم","You can only download one album":"شما فقط می توانید یک آلبوم را دانلود کنید","You can only download one label":"شما فقط می توانید یک برچسب را دانلود کنید","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"می توانید آن را در خانه، روی سرور خصوصی یا در فضای ابری اجرا کنید.","You may only select one item":"شما فقط می توانید یک مورد را انتخاب کنید","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"می‌توانید کتابخانه خود را مجدداً اسکن کنید تا چهره‌های دیگری را پیدا کنید.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"پشتیبانی مستمر شما به ما کمک می‌کند تا به‌روزرسانی‌های منظم را ارائه کنیم و مستقل بمانیم، بنابراین می‌توانیم مأموریت خود را انجام دهیم و از حریم خصوصی شما محافظت کنیم.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"کتابخانه شما به طور مداوم تجزیه و تحلیل می شود تا به طور خودکار آلبوم هایی از لحظات، سفرها و مکان های خاص ایجاد شود.","Zoom in/out":"بزرگنمایی/کوچک کردن"},"fi":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} albumia löydetty","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} tiedostoa lähetetty","%{n} folders found":"%{n} kansiota löydetty","%{n} labels found":"%{n} tunnistetta löydetty","%{n} people found":"%{n} ihmistä löydetty","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} kuvaa löydetty","1 hour":"1 tunti","12 hours":"12 tuntia","4 hours":"4 tuntia","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Napsauttamalla sitä voit kopioida sen leikepöydälle.","About":"Tietoja","Abyss":"Kuilu","Account":"Tili","Accuracy":"Tarkkuus","Action":"Toiminnot","Actions":"Toiminnot","Add Album":"Lisää albumi","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Lisää tiedostoja kirjastoosi verkkoselaimen kautta.","Add Link":"Lisää linkki","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Lisää kuvia hakutuloksista valitsemalla ne.","Add to album":"Lisää albumiin","Added":"Lisätty","Advanced":"Lisäasetukset","After 1 day":"1 päivän kuluttua","After 3 days":"3 päivän kuluttua","After 7 days":"7 päivän kuluttua","After one month":"Yhden kuukauden kuluttua","After one year":"Vuoden kuluttua","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Kun olet valinnut kuvia hakutuloksista, voit lisätä ne albumiin kontekstivalikon avulla.","After two months":"Kahden kuukauden kuluttua","After two weeks":"Kahden viikon kuluttua","Album":"Albumi","Album Name":"Albumin nimi","Albums":"Albumit","Albums deleted":"Albumit poistettu","All %{n} albums loaded":"Kaikki %{n} albumia ladattu","All %{n} labels loaded":"Kaikki %{n} tunnistetta ladattu","All %{n} people loaded":"Kaikki %{n} ihmistä ladattu","All Cameras":"Kaikki kamerat","All Categories":"Kaikki kategoriat","All Colors":"Kaikki värit","All Countries":"Kaikki maat","All fields are required":"Kaikki kentät ovat pakollisia","All files from import folder":"Kaikki tiedostot tuontikansiosta","All Lenses":"Kaikki objektiivit","All Months":"Kaikki kuukaudet","All originals":"Kaikki alkuperäiset","All Years":"Kaikki vuodet","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Vaihtoehtoisesti voit ladata tiedostoja suoraan WebDAV-palvelimille, kuten Nextcloudiin.","Altitude":"Korkeus","Altitude (m)":"Korkeus (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Tapahtui virhe – oletko offline-tilassa?","Animated":"Animoitu","Animation":"Animaatio","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Kaikki yksityiset kuvat ja videot pysyvät yksityisinä, eikä niitä jaeta.","API Key":"API-avain","Apply":"Käytä","Approve":"Hyväksy","Archive":"Arkisto","Archived":"Arkistoitu","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Oletko varma, että haluat arkistoida valinnan?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Haluatko varmasti poistaa nämä albumit?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Haluatko varmasti poistaa nämä tunnisteet?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän tilin?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Haluatko varmasti poistaa nämä kuvat pysyvästi?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän tiedoston pysyvästi?","Are you sure?":"Oletko varma?","Artist":"Tekijä","Aspect Ratio":"Kuvasuhde","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Luo automaattisesti JPEG-tiedostoja muille tiedostotyypeille, jotta ne voidaan näyttää selaimessa.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Luo automaattisesti albumeja erityisistä hetkistä, matkoista ja paikoista.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Ennen kuin lähetät tukipyynnön, käytä vianmäärityksen tarkistuslistojamme selvittääksesi ongelmasi syyn.","Bio":"Biografia","Black":"Musta","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos-muutos, vähemmän pakkausartefakteja","Blue":"Sininen","Brown":"Ruskea","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Selaa ja muokkaa kuvien luokitustunnisteita.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Selaa kirjaston indeksoituja tiedostoja ja kansioita.","Bug Report":"Ilmoita virheestä","Busy, please wait…":"Odota hetki…","Calendar":"Kalenteri","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Kameran sarjanumero","Can't load more, limit reached":"Ei voi ladata enempää, raja saavutettu","Can't select more items":"Ei voi valita enempää kohteita","Cancel":"Peruuta","Cards":"Kortit","Category":"Kategoria","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Muuta kuvien otsikoita, sijainteja ja muita metatietoja.","Change private flag":"Muuta yksityisyyden tilaa","Checked":"Tarkistettu","Chroma":"Värikylläisyys","Close":"Sulje","Codec":"Koodekki","Color":"Väri","Color Profile":"Väriprofiili","Colors":"Värit","Complete Rescan":"Täydellinen uudelleentarkistus","Confidence":"Varmuus","Connect":"Yhdistä","Connect via WebDAV":"Yhdistä WebDAV:n kautta","Contact Us":"Ota yhteyttä","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Sisältää %{n} kuvaa.","Contains one picture.":"Sisältää yhden kuvan.","Convert to JPEG":"Muunna JPEG-muotoon","Converting":"Muunnetaan","Copied to clipboard":"Kopioitu leikepöydälle","Copyright":"Tekijänoikeus","Couldn't find anything.":"En löytänyt mitään.","Country":"Maa","Create album":"Luo albumi","Created":"Luotu","Creating thumbnails for":"Luodaan pikkukuvia kohteelle","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kuutio: Kohtalainen laatu, hyvä suorituskyky","Current Password":"Nykyinen salasana","Customer Support":"Asiakastuki","Cyan":"Syaani","Cyano":"Sinivihreä","Daily":"Päivittäin","Day":"Päivä","Debug Logs":"Vianmäärityslokit","Default":"Oletus","Default Folder":"Oletuskansio","Delete":"Poista","Description":"Kuvaus","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Tarkemmat ohjeet löytyvät käyttöoppaastamme.","Details":"Tarkemmat tiedot","Dimensions":"Mitat","Disable Backups":"Poista varmuuskopiot käytöstä","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Poista sisäänrakennettu WebDAV-palvelin käytöstä. Vaatii uudelleenkäynnistyksen.","Disable Darktable":"Poista Darktable käytöstä","Disable ExifTool":"Poista ExifTool käytöstä","Disable FFmpeg":"Poista FFmpeg käytöstä","Disable Places":"Poista paikat käytöstä","Disable RawTherapee":"Poista RawTherapee käytöstä","Disable TensorFlow":"Poista TensorFlow käytöstä","Disable WebDAV":"Poista WebDAV käytöstä","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Poistaa käytöstä käänteisen geokoodauksen ja kartat.","Discover":"Tutustu","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Älä varmuuskopioi valokuvien ja albumien metatietoja YAML-tiedostoihin.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Älä luo ExifTool JSON -tiedostoja parantaaksesi metatietojen purkamista.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Älä muuta alkuperäiskansiota. Poistaa tuonnin, lataamisen ja poistamisen käytöstä.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Älä muunna videoita FFmpegillä.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Älä käytä Darktablea RAW-tiedostojen muuntamiseen.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Älä käytä RawTherapeeta RAW-tiedostojen muuntamiseen.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Älä käytä TensorFlow'ta kuvien luokitteluun.","Donations":"Lahjoitukset","Done":"Valmis","Done.":"Tehty.","Download":"Lataa","Download remote files":"Lataa etätiedostoja","Download single files and zip archives.":"Lataa yksittäisiä tiedostoja ja zip-arkistoja.","Downloading…":"Ladataan…","Downscaling Filter":"Skaalaussuodatin","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Kaksoiskappaleet ohitetaan ja ne näkyvät vain kerran.","Duration":"Kesto","Dynamic Previews":"Dynaamiset esikatselut","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dynaaminen renderöinti vaatii tehokkaan palvelimen. Sitä ei suositella NAS-laitteille.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Dynaaminen kokorajoitus: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Sähköposti","Edit":"Muokkaa","Edit %{name}":"Muokkaa %{name}","Edit Account":"Muokkaa tiliä","Edit Photo":"Muokkaa kuvaa","Edited":"Muokattu","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"Ota käyttöön uudet ominaisuudet, joita kehitetään parhaillaan.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Ottaa käyttöön RAW-muuntimen esiasetukset. Saattaa heikentää suorituskykyä.","Errors":"Virheet","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Arvioi kuvien likimääräinen sijainti ilman koordinaatteja.","Estimates":"Arvioitu","Every two days":"Joka toinen päivä","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Sulje yksityiseksi merkitty sisältö pois hakutuloksista, jaetuista albumeista, tunnisteista ja paikoista.","Exclude hidden":"Sulje pois piilotetut kohteet","Expand":"Laajenna","Expand Search":"Laajenna hakua","Experimental Features":"Kokeelliset ominaisuudet","Expires":"Vanhenee","Exposure":"Valotus","F Number":"Aukko","Face":"Kasvot","Faces":"Kasvot","Failed copying to clipboard":"Kopiointi leikepöydälle epäonnistui","Failed removing link":"Linkin poistaminen epäonnistui","Failed updating link":"Linkin päivittäminen epäonnistui","Fast":"Nopea","Favorite":"Suosikki","Favorites":"Suosikit","Feature Request":"Ominaisuuspyyntö","Feedback":"Palaute","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Ota rohkeasti yhteyttä osoitteeseen hello@photoprism.app, jos sinulla on kysyttävää.","File":"Tiedosto","File Browser":"Tiedostoselain","Filename":"Tiedoston nimi","Files":"Tiedostot","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Tiedostot, joilla on peräkkäiset nimet, kuten 'IMG_1234 (2)' ja 'IMG_1234 (3)', kuuluvat samaan kuvaan.","Focal Length":"Polttoväli","Folder":"Kansio","Folder contains %{n} files":"Kansio sisältää %{n} tiedostoa","Folder is empty":"Kansio on tyhjä","Folders":"Kansiot","Forgot password?":"Unohditko salasanan?","FPS":"Ruutunopeus (FPS)","Frames":"Ruudut","Fullscreen":"Koko näyttö","Gemstone":"Jalokivi","General":"Yleinen","Getting Support":"Tuen saaminen","Gold":"Kulta","Grayscale":"Harmaasävy","Green":"Vihreä","Grey":"Harmaa","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Apua","Help & Support":"Apu ja tuki","Hidden":"Piilotettu","Hidden Files":"Piilotetut tiedostot","Hide":"Piilota","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Piilota valokuvat, jotka on siirretty arkistoon.","High":"Korkea","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Korkea dynaaminen alue (HDR)","How can we help?":"Kuinka voimme auttaa?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Jos tämä ei auta tai sinulla on muita kysymyksiä:","image":"kuva","Image":"Kuva","Images":"Kuvat","Import":"Tuo","Import failed":"Tuonti epäonnistui","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Tuodut tiedostot lajitellaan päivämäärän mukaan ja niille annetaan yksilöllinen nimi päällekkäisyyksien välttämiseksi.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Tuodut tiedostot lajitellaan päivämäärän mukaan ja niille annetaan yksilöllinen nimi.","Importing %{name}…":"Tuodaan %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Tuodaan tiedostoja alkuperäisiin…","in":"osoitteessa","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Lisäksi sponsorit saavat suoraa teknistä tukea sähköpostitse.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Jos odottamasi kuvat puuttuvat, skannaa kirjastosi uudelleen ja odota, kunnes indeksointi on valmis.","Index":"Indeksi","Indexing":"Indeksointi","Indexing failed":"Indeksointi epäonnistui","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indeksoidaan media- ja sivutiedostoja…","Instance ID":"Ilmentymän tunnus","Interval":"Intervalli","Invalid date":"Virheellinen päivämäärä","Invalid photo selected":"Virheellinen kuva valittu","Item":"Kohde","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG-laatu: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG-kokorajoitus: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG-tiedostot ja pikkukuvat renderöidään automaattisesti tarpeen mukaan.","Keywords":"Avainsanat","Label":"Tunniste","Labels":"Tunnisteet","Labels deleted":"Tunnisteet poistettu","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Yksityiskohtien säilyttäminen, minimaaliset artefaktit","Language":"Kieli","Last Sync":"Viimeisin synkronointi","Latitude":"Leveysaste","Lavender":"Laventeli","Lens":"Objektiivi","Library":"Kirjasto","License":"Lisenssi","Like":"Tykkää","Lime":"Lime","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Raja saavutettu, näytetään ensimmäiset %{n} tiedostoa","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineaarinen: Erittäin tasainen, paras suorituskyky","Link":"Linkki","List":"Luettelo","Live":"Live Photo -kuva","Local Time":"Paikallinen aika","location":"sijainti","Location":"Sijainti","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Lokiviestit näkyvät täällä aina, kun PhotoPrism löytää rikkinäisiä tiedostoja tai muita mahdollisia ongelmia.","Login":"Kirjaudu sisään","Logout":"Kirjaudu ulos","Logs":"Lokit","Longitude":"Pituusaste","Low":"Matala","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Pääväri","manual":"manuaalinen","Manual Upload":"Manuaalinen lataus","Marker":"Merkki","Medium":"Keskikokoinen","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Yhdistetäänkö %{a} ja %{b}?","Message sent":"Viesti lähetetty","Minimize":"Minimoi","Missing":"Puuttuva","Moments":"Hetket","Monochrome":"Yksivärinen","Month":"Kuukausi","Moonlight":"Kuutamo","More than %{n} pictures found":"Yli %{n} kuvaa löydetty","More than 20 albums found":"Yli 20 albumia löydetty","More than 20 labels found":"Yli 20 tunnistetta löytyi","More than 20 people found":"Yli 20 ihmistä löytyi","Mosaic":"Mosaiikki","Move Files":"Siirrä tiedostoja","Name":"Nimi","Name too long":"Nimi liian pitkä","Never":"Ei koskaan","New":"Uusi","New Password":"Uusi salasana","No":"Ei","No albums found":"Albumeja ei löytynyt","No labels found":"Tunnisteita ei löytynyt","No people found":"Ihmisiä ei löytynyt","No pictures found":"Kuvia ei löytynyt","No recently edited pictures":"Ei äskettäin muokattuja kuvia","No servers configured.":"Palvelimia ei ole määritetty.","No thanks":"Ei kiitos","No video selected":"Videota ei ole valittu","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Ei varoituksia tai virheitä, jotka sisältävät tämän avainsanan. Huomaa, että haussa kirjainkoolla on merkitystä.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Muut kuin valokuvat ja heikkolaatuiset kuvat edellyttävät tarkistusta, ennen kuin ne näkyvät hakutuloksissa.","None":"Ei mitään","Not Found":"Ei löydetty","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Huomaa, että voit hallita alkuperäisiä kansioita manuaalisesti, ja tuonti on valinnaista.","Note:":"Huomautus:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Huomautus: Vain WebDAV-palvelimet, kuten Nextcloud tai PhotoPrism, voidaan määrittää etäpalveluiksi varmuuskopiointia ja tiedostojen lataamista varten.","Notes":"Huomautukset","Offline":"Offline-tilassa","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Kirjoita Windowsissa seuraava resurssi yhteysvalintaikkunaan:","Once a week":"Kerran viikossa","One album found":"Yksi albumi löytyi","One file found":"Yksi tiedosto löytyi","One file uploaded":"Yksi tiedosto ladattu","One folder found":"Yksi kansio löytyi","One label found":"Yksi tunniste löytyi","One person found":"Yksi henkilö löytyi","One picture found":"Yksi kuva löytyi","Onyx":"Onyksinmusta","Options":"Vaihtoehdot","or ask in our Community Chat":"tai kysy yhteisöchatissamme","Orange":"Oranssi","Orientation":"Suunta","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Alkuperäiset tiedostonimet tallennetaan ja indeksoidaan.","Original Name":"Alkuperäinen nimi","Originals":"Alkuperäiset","Other":"Muut","Outdoor":"Ulkona","Panorama":"Panoraama","Panoramas":"Panoraamat","Password":"Salasana","Password changed":"Salasana vaihdettu","People":"Ihmiset","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Ihmiset, joille jaat linkin, voivat tarkastella julkista sisältöä.","Permanently deleted":"Poistettu pysyvästi","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Poista tiedostot pysyvästi vapauttaaksesi tallennustilaa.","Photo":"Kuva","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism on päivitetty…","Photos":"Kuvat","Pink":"Vaaleanpunainen","Place":"Paikka","Place & Time":"Paikka ja aika","Places":"Paikat","Please confirm your new password.":"Vahvista uusi salasanasi.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Älä lataa kuvia, jotka sisältävät loukkaavaa sisältöä.","Portrait":"Muotokuva","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"lähetä kysymyksesi GitHub-keskusteluihin","Preserve filenames":"Säilytä tiedostonimet","Press button to start importing…":"Aloita tuonti painamalla painiketta…","Press button to start indexing…":"Aloita indeksointi painamalla painiketta…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Luo uusi albumi painamalla enteriä.","Preview":"Esikatselu","Primary":"Ensisijainen","Private":"Yksityinen","Product Feedback":"Tuotepalaute","Projection":"Projektio","Purple":"Violetti","Quality Filter":"Laatusuodatin","Quality Score":"Laatupisteet","Random":"Satunnainen","Raspberry":"Vadelma","Raw":"Raaka","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW-muunnos","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Indeksoi uudelleen kaikki alkuperäiset tiedostot, mukaan lukien jo indeksoidut ja muuttumattomat tiedostot.","Read-Only Mode":"Vain luku -tila","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Tunnistus alkaa indeksoinnin päätyttyä.","Recognized":"Tunnistettu","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Tunnistaa kasvot, jotta tietyt ihmiset voidaan löytää.","Red":"Punainen","Reload":"Lataa uudelleen","Reloading…":"Ladataan uudelleen…","Remote Sync":"Etäsynkronointi","Remove":"Poista","remove failed: unknown album":"poistaminen epäonnistui: tuntematon albumi","Remove from album":"Poista albumista","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Poista tuodut tiedostot tallennustilan säästämiseksi. Ei-tuettuja tiedostotyyppejä ei koskaan poisteta, vaan ne säilyvät nykyisessä sijainnissaan.","Request failed - invalid response":"Pyyntö epäonnistui – virheellinen vastaus","Required":"Vaadittu","Resolution":"Resoluutio","Restore":"Palauta","Retry Limit":"Uudelleenyrittämisen raja","Retype Password":"Kirjoita salasana uudelleen","Review":"Arvostelu","Save":"Tallenna","Scan":"Skannaa","Scans":"Skannaukset","Search":"Etsi","Search and display photos on a map.":"Etsi ja näytä valokuvia kartalla.","Season":"Kausi","Secret":"Salainen","Select":"Valitse","Select albums or create a new one":"Valitse albumit tai luo uusi","Selection approved":"Valinta hyväksytty","Selection archived":"Valinta arkistoitu","Selection restored":"Valinta palautettu","Send":"Lähetä","Sequential Name":"Peräkkäinen nimi","Service URL":"Palvelun URL-osoite","Settings":"Asetukset","Settings saved":"Asetukset tallennettu","Setup":"Määritä","Shadow":"Varjo","Share":"Jaa","Share %{name}":"Jaa %{name}","Show":"Näytä","Show all new faces":"Näytä kaikki uudet kasvot","Show hidden":"Näytä piilotetut","Show less":"Näytä vähemmän","Show more":"Näytä lisää","Show server logs in Library.":"Näytä palvelimen lokit kirjastossa.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Näyttää yksityiskohtaisemmat lokiviestit. Vaatii uudelleenkäynnistyksen.","Sidecar":"Sidecar-tiedosto","Sign in":"Kirjaudu sisään","Sign Up":"Rekisteröidy","Similar":"Samanlainen","Size":"Koko","Slow":"Hidas","Sort Order":"Lajittelujärjestys","Source":"Lähde","Stack":"Pino","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Pinoa tiedostoja, joilla on sama yksilöllinen kuva tai ilmentymätunniste.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Pinoaa täsmälleen samaan aikaan ja samassa paikassa otettuja kuvia niiden metatietojen perusteella.","Stackable":"Pinottava","Stacks":"Pinot","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Pinoaa tiedostoja, joilla on samanlainen viitekehys, mutta laadussa, muodossa, koossa tai värissä on eroja.","Start":"Aloita","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Aloita/lopeta diaesitys","States":"Alueet","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Staattinen kokorajoitus: %{n}px","Status":"Tila","Storage":"Tallennus","Streets":"Kadut","Subject":"Aihe","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Tuki lisäpalveluille, kuten Google Drivelle lisätään myöhemmin.","Sync":"Synkronoi","Sync raw and video files":"Synkronoi raaka- ja videotiedostot","Taken":"Otettu","Teal":"Sinivihreä","Text too long":"Liian pitkä teksti","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Hakemisto sisältää tällä hetkellä %{n} piilotettua tiedostoa.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Niiden muotoa ei ehkä tueta, niitä ei ole vielä muunnettu JPEG-muotoon tai niissä on kaksoiskappaleita.","Theme":"Teema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Tämä liittää alkuperäiskansion verkkoasemaksi ja antaa sinun avata, muokata ja poistaa tiedostoja tietokoneeltasi tai älypuhelimelta ikään kuin ne olisivat paikallisia.","Thumbnail Generation":"Pikkukuvien luominen","Time UTC":"Aika UTC-muodossa","Time Zone":"Aikavyöhyke","Timeout":"Aikakatkaisu","Title":"Otsikko","Title too long":"Otsikko liian pitkä","Toggle View":"Vaihda näkymää","Token":"Merkki","Topographic":"Topografinen","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Vianmäärityksen tarkistuslistat","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Yritä uudelleen käyttämällä muita suodattimia tai avainsanoja.","Type":"Tyyppi","Undo":"Kumoa","Unique ID":"Yksilöllinen tunnus","Unknown":"Tuntematon","Unsorted":"Lajittelematon","Unstack":"Pura pino","Updated":"Päivitetty","Updating faces":"Päivitetään kasvoja","Updating index":"Päivitetään indeksiä","Updating moments":"Päivitetään hetkiä","Updating previews":"Päivitetään esikatseluita","Updating stacks":"Päivitetään pinoja","Upload":"Lähetä","Upload complete":"Lähetys valmis","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Lähetys valmis. Indeksoidaan…","Upload failed":"Lähetys epäonnistui","Upload local files":"Lähetä paikallisia tiedostoja","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Lähetä WebDAV:iin ja jaa linkkejä ystävien kanssa.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Lähetetään %{n}/%{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Lähetetään kuvia…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Tällaisia kuvia mahdollisesti sisältävät lataukset hylätään automaattisesti.","URL":"URL-osoite","Use Presets":"Käytä esiasetuksia","User":"Käyttäjä","User Interface":"Käyttöliittymä","Username":"Käyttäjätunnus","Vanta":"Vantamusta","Video":"Video","Videos":"Videot","View":"Näytä","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Teemme parhaamme vastataksemme kaikkiin kysymyksiisi. Vastineeksi pyydämme sinua tukemaan meitä Patreon- tai GitHub-sponsoreina.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV-ohjelmat voivat muodostaa yhteyden PhotoPrismiin käyttämällä seuraavaa URL-osoitetta:","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV-lähetys","White":"Valkoinen","Year":"Vuosi","Yellow":"Keltainen","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Kyllä","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"olet tervetullut liittymään meihin Redditissä","You can only download one album":"Voit ladata vain yhden albumin","You can only download one label":"Voit ladata vain yhden tunnisteen","You may only select one item":"Voit valita vain yhden kohteen","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Voit skannata kirjastosi uudelleen löytääksesi lisää kasvoja.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Kirjastoasi analysoidaan jatkuvasti ja luodaan automaattisesti albumeita erityisistä hetkistä, matkoista ja paikoista.","Zoom in/out":"Lähennä/loitonna"},"fr":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} albums trouvés","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} fichiers chargés","%{n} folders found":"%{n} dossiers trouvés","%{n} labels found":"%{n} étiquettes trouvées","%{n} people found":"%{n} personnes trouvées","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} images trouvées","1 hour":"1 heure","12 hours":"12 heures","4 hours":"4 heures","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Cliquez pour copier vers le presse-papier.","About":"À propos","Abyss":"Abysse","Account":"Compte","Accuracy":"Précision","Action":"Action","Actions":"Actions","Add Account":"Ajouter un compte","Add Album":"Ajouter un album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Ajouter des fichiers à votre bibliothèque par chargement.","Add Link":"Ajouter un lien","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Ajouter des images à partir des résultats de recherche en les sélectionnant.","Add to album":"Ajouter à l'album","Added":"Ajouté","Advanced":"Avancé","After 1 day":"Après 1 jour","After 3 days":"Après 3 jours","After 7 days":"Après 7 jours","After one month":"Après un mois","After one year":"Après un an","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Après avoir sélectionné des images dans les résultats de recherche, vous pouvez les ajouter à un album à l'aide du menu contextuel.","After two months":"Après 2 mois","After two weeks":"Après 2 semaines","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Titre de l'album","Albums":"Albums","Albums deleted":"Albums supprimés","All %{n} albums loaded":"Les %{n} albums ont été chargés","All %{n} labels loaded":"Les %{n} étiquettes ont été chargées","All %{n} people loaded":"Les %{n} personnes ont été chargées","All Cameras":"Tous les appareils photo","All Categories":"Toutes les catégories","All Colors":"Toutes les couleurs","All Countries":"Tous les pays","All fields are required":"Tous les fichiers sont requis","All files from import folder":"Tous les fichiers du dossier d'importation","All Lenses":"Tous les objectifs","All Months":"Tous les mois","All originals":"Tous les fichiers originaux","All Years":"Toutes les années","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Vous pouvez également charger les fichiers directement vers un serveur WebDAV comme Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Altitude","Altitude (m)":"Altitude (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Un problème est survenu - êtes-vous hors ligne ?","Animated":"Animé","Animation":"Animation","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Une photo ou vidéo privée restera privée et ne sera pas partagée.","API Key":"Clé d'API","Apply":"Appliquer","Approve":"Approuver","Archive":"Archives","Archived":"Archivé","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir archiver la sélection ?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ces albums ?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ces étiquettes ?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce compte ?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer définitivement ces photos ?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer définitivement ce fichier ?","Are you sure?":"Êtes-vous sûr ?","Artist":"Artiste","Aspect Ratio":"Format d'image","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Crée automatiquement des fichiers JPEG pour les autres types de fichiers afin de les rendre affichables dans le navigateur.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Création automatique d'albums regroupant des moments, des voyages et des lieux spéciaux.","Basic":"Basique","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Avant de soumettre une demande d'assistance, veuillez utiliser nos listes de contrôle de dépannage pour déterminer la cause de votre problème.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Étant 100% autofinancés et indépendants, nous pouvons vous promettre que nous ne vendrons jamais vos données et que nous serons toujours transparents sur nos logiciels et services.","Bio":"Biographie","Birth Date":"Date de naissance","Black":"Noir","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman : modification de Lanczos, moins d'artefacts de sonnerie","Blue":"Bleu","Brown":"Marron","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Parcourir et modifier les étiquettes de classification d'images.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Parcourir les dossiers et fichiers indexés dans la bibliothèque.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Parcourez la base de connaissances pour obtenir des informations détaillées sur les caractéristiques spécifiques des produits, les services et les ressources connexes.","Bug Report":"Signaler une erreur","Busy, please wait…":"Veuillez patienter…","Calendar":"Calendrier","Camera":"Appareil photo","Camera Serial":"N° de série de l'appareil photo","Can't load more, limit reached":"Impossible de charger plus, limite atteinte","Can't select more items":"Impossible de sélectionner plus d’éléments","Cancel":"Annuler","Cards":"Cartes","Category":"Catégorie","Change Avatar":"Changer l'avatar","Change Password":"Modifier le mot de passe","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Modifier le profil personnel et les paramètres de sécurité.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Modifier les titres, les lieux et d'autres métadonnées.","Change private flag":"Modifier le statut privé","Changes successfully saved":"Les modifications ont bien été enregistrées","Checked":"Vérifié","Chroma":"Saturation","Close":"Fermer","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Couleur","Color Profile":"Profil de couleur","Colors":"Couleurs","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Les problèmes courants peuvent être rapidement diagnostiqués et résolus à l'aide des listes de contrôle de dépannage que nous fournissons.","Complete Rescan":"Réanalyse complète","Confidence":"Confiance","Connect":"Connecter","Connect via WebDAV":"Se connecter via le protocole WebDAV","Connected":"Connecté","Contact Details":"Coordonnées","Contact Us":"Nous contacter","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Contient %{n} images.","Contains one picture.":"Contient une image.","Convert to JPEG":"Convertir en JPEG","Converting":"Conversion en cours","Copied to clipboard":"Copié vers le presse-papier","Copyright":"Copyright","Couldn't find anything.":"Aucun élément trouvé.","Country":"Pays","Create album":"Créer un album","Created":"Créé","Creating thumbnails for":"Création des miniatures pour","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubique : Qualité modérée, bonne performance","Current Password":"Mot de passe actuel","Customer Support":"Support Client","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Quotidien","Day":"Jour","Debug Logs":"Journaux de débogage","Default":"Valeur par défaut","Default Folder":"Dossier par défaut","Delete":"Supprimer","Description":"Description","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Vous trouverez des instructions détaillées dans notre guide de l’utilisateur.","Details":"Détails","Dimensions":"Dimensions","Disable Backups":"Désactiver les sauvegardes","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Désactiver le serveur WebDAV intégré. Nécessite un redémarrage.","Disable Darktable":"Désactiver Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Désactiver l'outil ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Désactiver FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Désactiver les Lieux","Disable RawTherapee":"Désactiver RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Désactiver TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Désactiver WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Désactiver le géocodage inverse et les cartes.","Discover":"Découvrir","Display Name":"Afficher le nom","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Ne pas sauvegarder les métadonnées des photos et des albums dans des fichiers YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Ne pas créer de fichiers JSON ExifTool pour améliorer l'extraction des métadonnées.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Ne pas modifier le dossier des originaux. Désactive l'importation, le chargement et la suppression.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Ne pas transcoder les vidéos avec FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Ne pas utiliser Darktable pour convertir les fichers RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Ne pas utiliser RawTherapee pour convertir les fichiers RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Parcourir et modifier les étiquettes de classification d'images.","Donations":"Dons","Done":"Terminé","Done.":"Terminé.","Download":"Télécharger","Download remote files":"Télécharger les fichiers distants","Download single files and zip archives.":"Téléchargement de fichiers et d'archives zip.","Downloading…":"Téléchargement en cours…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtre de qualité","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"En raison du volume élevé d'e-mails que nous recevons, notre équipe peut être dans l'incapacité de vous répondre immédiatement.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Les doublons seront ignorés et n'apparaîtront qu'une seule fois.","Duration":"Durée","Dynamic Previews":"Avant-premières non cachées","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Le rendu à la demande nécessite un processeur puissant et n'est pas recommandé pour les petits serveurs domestiques ou les périphériques NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limite de taille non cachée : %{n}px","E-Mail":"Courriel","Edit":"Modifier","Edit %{name}":"Modifier %{name}","Edit Account":"Modifier le compte","Edit Photo":"Modifier la photo","Edited":"Modifié","Electra":"Electra","Email":"Email","Enable new features currently under development.":"Activer les nouvelles fonctionnalités en cours de développement.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Active les préréglages du convertisseur RAW. Cela peut réduire les performances.","Errors":"Erreurs","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Déterminer approximativement la localisation d'une image sans coordonnées.","Estimates":"Estimations","Every two days":"Tous les deux jours","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Exclure le contenu marqué comme privé des résultats de recherche, des albums partagés, des étiquettes et des lieux.","Exclude hidden":"Exclure les éléments cachés","Expand":"Développer","Expand Search":"Montre plus","Experimental Features":"Fonctions Expérimentales","Expires":"Expire","Exposure":"Exposition","F Number":"Ouverture","Face":"Visage","Faces":"Visages","Failed copying to clipboard":"Échec de la copie vers le presse-papier","Failed removing link":"Échec de la suppression du lien","Failed updating link":"Échec de la mise à jour du lien","Family Name":"Nom de famille","Fast":"Rapide","Favorite":"Favori","Favorites":"Favoris","Feature Request":"Demander une fonctionnalité","Feed":"Flux","Feedback":"Retour d'information","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Contactez-nous à hello@photoprism.app si vous avez des questions ou besoin d'aide.","Female":"Femme","File":"Fichier","File Browser":"Explorateur de fichiers","File Name":"Nom du fichier","File Size":"Taille de Fichier","Filename":"Nom du fichier","Files":"Fichiers","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Des fichiers ayant des noms séquentiels tels que 'IMG_1234 (2)' et 'IMG_1234 (3)' appartiennent à la même image.","Focal Length":"Longueur focale","Folder":"Dossier","Folder contains %{n} files":"Dossier contenant %{n} fichiers","Folder is empty":"Le dossier est vide","Folders":"Dossiers","Forgot password?":"Mot de passe oublié ?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Cadres","Fullscreen":"Plein écran","Gemstone":"Gemme","Gender":"Sexe","General":"Général","Getting Support":"Obtenir de l’aide","Given Name":"Prénom","Gold":"Or","Grayscale":"Gamme de gris","Green":"Vert","Grey":"Gris","Hash":"Somme de contrôle","Help":"Aide","Help & Support":"Aide & Support","Hidden":"Caché","Hidden Files":"Fichiers cachés","Hide":"Cacher","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Masquer les photos archivées.","High":"Élevé","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Gamme dynamique élevée (HDR)","How can we help?":"Comment pouvons nous vous aider ?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Si cela ne vous aide pas, ou si vous avez d'autres questions :","image":"image","Image":"Image","Images":"Images","Import":"Importer","Import failed":"Échec de l'importation","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Les fichiers importés seront classés par date et recevront un nom unique pour éviter les doublons.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Les fichiers importés seront classés par date et recevront un nom unique.","Importing %{name}…":"Importation de %{name} en cours…","Importing files to originals…":"Importation des fichiers vers le dossier des originaux…","in":"en","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"En outre, les sponsors bénéficient d'une assistance technique directe par courrier électronique.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Si des images sont manquantes, veuillez réanalyser votre bibliothèque et attendre que l'indexation soit terminée.","Index":"Index","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexez et importez des fichiers via l'interface utilisateur.","Indexing":"Indexation","Indexing failed":"Échec de l'indexation","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexation des fichiers médias et sidecar…","Instance ID":"ID de l'instance","Interval":"Intervalle","Invalid":"Invalide","Invalid date":"Date incorrecte","Invalid parameters":"Paramètres invalides","Invalid photo selected":"Photo non valide sélectionnée","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Il utilise les dernières technologies pour étiqueter et trouver des images automatiquement sans vous gêner.","Item":"Item","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Qualité JPEG : %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limite de taille JPEG : %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"Les JPEGS et miniatures sont automatiquement affichés selon les besoins.","Keywords":"Mots-clés","Knowledge Base":"Base de connaissances","Label":"Etiquette","Labels":"Étiquettes","Labels deleted":"Étiquettes supprimées","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos : Préservation des détails, artefacts minimaux","Language":"Langue","Last Sync":"Dernière synchro","Latitude":"Latitude","Lavender":"Lavande","Learn more":"En savoir plus","Legal Information":"Renseignements juridiques","Lens":"Objectif","Library":"Bibliothèque","License":"Licence","Like":"Préféré","Lime":"Citron","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limite atteinte, affichage des %{n} premiers fichiers","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linéaire : Très lisse, meilleure performance","Link":"Lien","List":"Liste","Live":"Live","Live Photos":"Photos en direct","Local Time":"Heure locale","location":"emplacement","Location":"Emplacement","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Les messages des journaux s'affichent ici si PhotoPrism rencontre un fichier corrompu ou s'il y a un autre problème potentiel.","Login":"Connexion","Logout":"Déconnexion","Logs":"Journaux","Longitude":"Longitude","Low":"Basse","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Couleur principale","Male":"Homme","manual":"manuel","Manual Upload":"Chargement manuel","Maps":"Cartes","Marker":"Marqueur","Medium":"Moyen","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Fusionner %{a} avec %{b} ?","Message sent":"Message envoyé","Minimize":"Minimiser","Missing":"Manquant","Moments":"Moments","Monochrome":"Monochrome","Month":"Mois","Moonlight":"Clair de lune","More than %{n} pictures found":"Plus de %{n} images trouvées","More than 20 albums found":"Plus de 20 albums ont été trouvés","More than 20 labels found":"Plus de 20 étiquettes ont été trouvées","More than 20 people found":"Plus de 20 personnes trouvées","Mosaic":"Mosaïque","Most Relevant":"Le plus pertinent","Move Files":"Déplacer les fichiers","Name":"Nom","Name too long":"Nom trop long","Never":"Jamais","New":"Nouvelles","New Password":"Nouveau mot de passe","Newest First":"Plus récents en premier","No":"Non","No albums found":"Aucun album trouvé","No labels found":"Aucune étiquette trouvée","No people found":"Aucune personne trouvée","No pictures found":"Aucune image trouvée","No recently edited pictures":"Aucune image récemment éditée","No servers configured.":"Aucun serveur configuré.","No services configured.":"Aucun service n'est configuré.","No thanks":"Non merci","No video selected":"Aucune vidéo sélectionnée","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Aucun avertissement ou erreur contenant ce mot-clé. Notez que la recherche est sensible à la casse.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Les images non photographiques ou de mauvaise qualité doivent faire l'objet d'un examen avant d'apparaître dans les résultats de recherche.","None":"Aucun","Not Found":"Non trouvé","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Notez que vous pouvez gérer manuellement votre dossier d'originaux et que l'importation est facultative.","Note:":"Remarque :","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Note : Seuls les serveurs WebDAV, comme Nextcloud ou PhotoPrism, peuvent être configurés comme service à distance pour la sauvegarde et le chargement de fichiers.","Notes":"Remarques","Nothing to see here yet.":"Rien à voir ici pour le moment.","Offline":"Hors-ligne","Oldest First":"Anciens d'abord","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Sous Windows, saisissez la ressource suivante dans la boîte de dialogue de connexion :","Once a week":"Une fois par semaine","One album found":"Un album trouvé","One file found":"Un fichier trouvé","One file uploaded":"Un fichier téléchargé","One folder found":"Un dossier trouvé","One label found":"Une étiquette trouvée","One person found":"Une personne trouvée","One picture found":"Une image trouvée","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Options","or ask in our Community Chat":"ou posez vos questions dans notre chat communautaire","Orange":"Orange","Organization":"Organisation","Orientation":"Orientation","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Les noms des fichier originaux seront sauvegardés et indexés.","Original Name":"Nom original","Originals":"Originaux","Other":"Autre","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Notre guide de l'utilisateur couvre également de nombreux sujets avancés, tels que la migration à partir de Google Photos et les paramètres de qualité des vignettes.","Outdoor":"Extérieur","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramas","Password":"Mot de passe","Password changed":"Mot de passe modifié","People":"Personnes","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Les personnes avec qui vous partagez un lien pourront voir le contenu public de votre bibliothèque.","Permanently deleted":"Supprimé définitivement","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Supprimer définitivement les fichiers pour récupérer de la place de stockage.","Phone":"Téléphone","Photo":"Photo","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism a été mis à jour…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® est une application de photos alimentée par l'IA pour le Web décentralisé.","Photos":"Photos","Pink":"Rose","Place":"Lieu","Place & Time":"Unité de lieu et de temps","Places":"Lieux","Please confirm your new password.":"Veuillez confirmer votre nouveau mot de passe.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Veuillez ne pas charger de photos choquantes.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Veuillez noter que la modification de votre mot de passe vous déconnectera sur d'autres appareils et navigateurs.","Portrait":"Portrait","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"postez votre question dans les discussions de GitHub","Preserve filenames":"Conserver les noms de fichiers","Press button to start importing…":"Appuyer sur le bouton pour démarrer l'importation…","Press button to start indexing…":"Appuyer sur le bouton pour démarrer l'indexation…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Appuyer sur la touche entrée pour créer un nouvel album.","Preview":"Prévisualisation","Primary":"Primaire","Private":"Privée","Product Feedback":"Commentaires sur le produit","Projection":"Projection","Purple":"Violet","Quality Filter":"Filtre de qualité","Quality Score":"Score de qualité","Random":"Aléatoire","Raspberry":"Framboise","Raw":"Brut","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Conversion RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Réindexer tous les originaux, en incluant ceux déjà indexés et les fichiers inchangés.","Read the Docs":"Lire la documentation","Read-Only Mode":"Mode lecture seule","Recently Added":"Récemment ajouté","Recently Edited":"Récemment édités","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"La reconnaissance démarrera après la fin de l'indexation.","Recognized":"Reconnues","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Recherche les visages pour permettre de trouver des personnes données.","Red":"Rouge","Reload":"Recharger","Reloading…":"Rechargement…","Remote Sync":"Synchronisation à distance","Remove":"Supprimer","remove failed: unknown album":"échec de la suppression : album inconnu","Remove from album":"Retirer de l'album","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Supprimez les fichiers importés pour économiser l'espace de stockage. Les fichiers non pris en charge ne sont jamais supprimés et demeurent à leur emplacement actuel.","Request failed - invalid response":"Échec de la requête - réponse incorrecte","Required":"Obligatoire","Resolution":"Résolution","Restore":"Restaurer","Retry Limit":"Limite de réessai","Retype Password":"Ressaisir le mot de passe","Review":"Examen","Satellite":"Satellite","Save":"Sauvegarder","Scan":"Numérisée","Scans":"Numérisées","Search":"Rechercher","Search and display photos on a map.":"Rechercher et afficher des images sur une carte.","Season":"Saison","Secret":"Secret","Security and Access":"Sécurité et accès","Select":"Sélectionner","Select albums or create a new one":"Sélectionner des albums ou en créer un nouveau","Selection approved":"Sélection approuvée","Selection archived":"Sélection archivée","Selection restored":"Sélection restaurée","Send":"Envoyé","Sequential Name":"Suite logique de noms","Service URL":"URL du service","Services":"Services","Settings":"Paramètres","Settings saved":"Paramètres sauvegardés","Setup":"Réglage","Shadow":"Ombre","Share":"Partager","Share %{name}":"Partager %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Partagez vos photos avec d'autres applications et services.","Show":"Afficher","Show all new faces":"Montrer tous les nouveaux visages","Show hidden":"Afficher les éléments masqués","Show less":"Montrer moins","Show more":"Montre plus","Show server logs in Library.":"Afficher les journaux serveurs dans Bibliothèque.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Rend les journaux plus détaillés. Requiert un redémarrage.","Sidecar":"Fichier annexe","Sign in":"S'identifier","Sign Up":"S'identifier","Similar":"Similaire","Size":"Taille","Slow":"Lent","Sort Order":"Ordre de tri","Source":"Source","Stack":"Groupe","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Images partageant le même identifiant unique d'image.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Images prises exactement au même moment et au même endroit, en se fondant sur les métadonnées.","Stackable":"Groupable","Stacks":"Groupes","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Les groupes associent des images partageant le même contexte, mais dont la qualité, le format, les dimensions ou les couleurs peuvent différer.","Start":"Démarrer","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Démarrer / arrêter le diaporama","States":"Régions","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limite de taille avant rendu : %{n}px","Status":"Statut","Storage":"Stockage","Streets":"Rues","Subject":"Sujet","Successfully Connected":"Bien connecté","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"La prise en charge de services supplémentaires tels que Google Drive sera ajoutée ultérieurement.","Sync":"Synchronisation","Sync raw and video files":"Synchroniser les fichiers raw et les vidéos","Taken":"Prise","Teal":"Sarcelle","Text too long":"Texte trop long","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"L'index contient actuellement %{n} fichiers cachés.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Leur format n'est peut-être pas pris en charge, ils n'ont pas encore été convertis en JPEG ou ce sont des doublons.","Theme":"Thème","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Cela monte le dossier des originaux en tant que lecteur réseau et vous permet d'ouvrir, modifier et supprimer des fichiers de votre ordinateur ou smartphone comme s'ils étaient locaux.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Cela monte le dossier des originaux en tant que lecteur réseau et vous permet d'ouvrir, modifier et supprimer des fichiers de votre ordinateur ou smartphone comme s'ils étaient locaux.","Thumbnail Generation":"Génération de miniatures","Time UTC":"Heure UTC","Time Zone":"Fuseau horaire","Timeout":"Délai","Title":"Titre","Title / Position":"Profession","Title too long":"Titre trop long","Toggle View":"Basculer la vue","Token":"Jeton","Topographic":"Topograpique","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Listes de contrôle pour le dépannage","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Réessayez en utilisant d'autres filtres ou mots-clés.","Type":"Type","Undo":"Annuler","Unique ID":"Identifiant unique","Unknown":"Inconnu","Unregistered":"Non enregistré","Unsorted":"Non trié","Unstack":"Dégrouper","Updated":"Mis à jour","Updating faces":"Mise à jour des visages","Updating index":"Mise à jour de l'index","Updating moments":"Mise à jour des moments","Updating picture…":"Mise à jour de l'image..","Updating previews":"Mise à jour des aperçus","Updating stacks":"Mise à jour des groupes","Upload":"Chargement","Upload complete":"Chargement terminé","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Chargement terminé. Indexation en cours…","Upload failed":"Échec du chargement","Upload local files":"Charger des fichiers locaux","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Charger via le protocole WebDAV et partager des liens avec des amis.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Chargement de %{n} sur %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Chargement des photos en cours…","Uploading…":"Téléchargement…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Les fichiers chargés qui contiendraient de telles images seront automatiquement rejetés.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Utiliser les préréglages","User":"Utilisateur","User Guide":"Guide d'utilisation","User Interface":"Interface utilisateur","Username":"Identifiant","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Vérifié","Video":"Vidéo","Video Duration":"Durée de la vidéo","Videos":"Vidéos","View":"Voir","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Consultez le site docs.photoprism.app/guide d'utilisation pour savoir comment synchroniser, organiser et partager vos photos.","Visual Similarity":"Similitude visuelle","We appreciate your feedback!":"Nous apprécions vos commentaires !","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Nous faisons de notre mieux pour répondre dans un délai de cinq jours ouvrables ou moins.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Nous ferons de notre mieux pour répondre à toutes vos questions. En retour, nous vous demandons de nous soutenir sur Patreon ou GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Les clients WebDAV peuvent se connecter à PhotoPrism en utilisant l'URL suivante :","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Les clients au protocole WebDAV, comme Microsoft’s Windows Explorer ou Apple's Finder, peuvent se connecter directement à PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Chargement via le protocole WebDAV","Website":"Site web","White":"Blanc","Work Details":"Détails de la prestation","Year":"Année","Yellow":"Jaune","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Oui","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"vous êtes invités à nous rejoindre sur Reddit","You can only download one album":"Vous ne pouvez télécharger qu'un seul album","You can only download one label":"Vous ne pouvez télécharger qu'une seule étiquette","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Vous pouvez l'exécuter chez vous, sur un serveur privé ou dans le nuage.","You may only select one item":"Vous ne pouvez sélectionner qu'un seul élément","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Vous pouvez réanalyser votre bibliothèque pour trouver plus de visages.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Votre soutien continu nous aide à fournir des mises à jour régulières et à rester indépendants, afin que nous puissions remplir notre mission et protéger votre vie privée.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Votre bibliothèque est analysée en permanence pour créer automatiquement des albums regroupant des moments, des voyages et des lieux spéciaux.","Zoom in/out":"Agrandir/Dézoomer"},"he":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} אלבומים נמצאו","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} קבצים הועלו","%{n} folders found":"%{n} תיקיות הועלו","%{n} labels found":"%{n} תוויות נמצאו","%{n} people found":"%{n} אנשים מצאו","%{n} pictures found":"נמצאו %{n} תמונות","1 hour":"שעה","12 hours":"12 שעות","4 hours":"4 שעות","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"לחיצה תעתיק את זה ללוח.","About":"אודות","Abyss":"תהום","Account":"חשבון","Accuracy":"דיוק","Action":"פעולה","Actions":"פעולות","Add Account":"הוספת חשבון","Add Album":"הוסף אלבום","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"הוסף קבצים לספריה באמצעות העלאה באתר.","Add Link":"הוסף קישור","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"הוסף תמונות מתוצאות החיפוש על ידי בחירתן.","Add to album":"הוסף לאלבום","Added":"נוסף","Advanced":"מתקדם","After 1 day":"אחרי יום","After 3 days":"אחרי 3 ימים","After 7 days":"אחרי 7 ימים","After one month":"אחרי חודש","After one year":"אחרי שנה","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"לאחר בחירת תמונות מתוצאות החיפוש, תוכל להוסיף אותן לאלבום באמצעות תפריט ההקשר.","After two months":"אחרי חודשיים","After two weeks":"אחרי שבועיים","Album":"אלבום","Album Name":"שם אלבום","Albums":"אלבומים","Albums deleted":"אלבומים נמחקו","All %{n} albums loaded":"כל %{n} האלבומים נטענו","All %{n} labels loaded":"כל %{n} התוויות נטענו","All %{n} people loaded":"כל %{n} האנשים נטענו","All Cameras":"כל המצלמות","All Categories":"כל הקטגוריות","All Colors":"כל הצבעים","All Countries":"כל המדינות","All fields are required":"כל השדות חובה","All files from import folder":"כל הקבצים מתיקיית הייבוא","All Lenses":"כל העדשות","All Months":"כל החודשים","All originals":"כל המקורות","All Years":"כל השנים","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"לחלופין, ניתן להעלות קבצים ישירות דרך שרתי WebDAV כמו Nextcloud.","Altitude":"גובה","Altitude (m)":"גובה (מ')","An error occurred - are you offline?":"אירעה שגיאה - האם אתה במצב לא מקוון?","Animated":"מונפש","Animation":"אנימציה","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"כל התמונות והסרטונים הפרטיים יישארו פרטיים ולא ישותפו.","API Key":"מפתח API","Apply":"החל","Approve":"לאשר","Archive":"ארכיון","Archived":"אורכב","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"בטוח לארכב את הבחירה?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"בטוח למחוק את האלבומים האלו?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"בטוח למחוק את התוויות האלו?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"בטוח למחוק את החשבונות?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק את התמונות לצמיתות?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"בטוח למחוק לצמיתות את הקבצים?","Are you sure?":"האם אתה בטוח?","Artist":"אמן","Aspect Ratio":"יחס גובה-רוחב","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"המר מסוגי קבצים אחרים, כך שניתן יהיה להציג אותם בדפדפן.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"יוצר אוטומטית אלבומים של רגעים מיוחדים, טיולים ומקומות.","Basic":"בסיסי","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"לפני הגשת בקשת תמיכה, אנא השתמש ברשימת הבדיקות שלנו לפתרון בעיות כדי לקבוע את הגורם לבעיה שלך.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"בהיותנו 100% sממומנים עצמאיים ועצמאיים, אנו יכולים להבטיח לך שלעולם לא נמכור את הנתונים שלך ושתמיד נהיה שקופים לגבי התוכנה והשירותים שלנו.","Bio":"אודותיך","Birth Date":"תאריך לידה","Black":"שחור","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts","Blue":"כחול","Brown":"חום","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"צפה וערוך תוויות סיווג תמונות.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"צפה בקבצים ותיקיות שנוספו לאינדקס בספרייה.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"עיין במאגר הידע לקבלת מידע מפורט על תכונות מוצר, שירותים ומשאבים קשורים ספציפיים.","Bug Report":"דיווח באג","Busy, please wait…":"עסוק, בבקשה המתן…","Calendar":"לוח שנה","Camera":"מצלמה","Camera Serial":"מזהה מצלמה","Can't load more, limit reached":"לא ניתן לטעון יותר, הגעת למגבלה","Can't select more items":"לא ניתן לבחור עוד פרטים","Cancel":"ביטול","Cards":"כרטיסים","Category":"קטגוריה","Change Avatar":"שינוי האווטר","Change Password":"שנה סיסמה","Change personal profile and security settings.":"שנה את הפרופיל האישי ואת הגדרות האבטחה.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"שנה כותרות תמונות, מיקומים ומטא נתונים אחרים.","Change private flag":"שינוי דגל הפרטיות","Changes successfully saved":"השינויים נשמרו בהצלחה","Checked":"נבחר","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"סגור","Codec":"קודק","Color":"צבע","Color Profile":"פרופיל צבע","Colors":"צבעים","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"ניתן לאבחן ולפתור בעיות נפוצות במהירות באמצעות רשימות הבדיקה לפתרון בעיות שאנו מספקים.","Complete Rescan":"השלם סריקה מחדש","Confidence":"אמון","Connect":"התחבר","Connect via WebDAV":"התחבר באמצעות WebDAV","Connected":"מחובר","Contact Details":"פרטי התקשרות","Contact Us":"צור קשר","Contains %{n} pictures.":"מכיל %{n} תמונות.","Contains one picture.":"מכיל תמונה אחת.","Convert to JPEG":"המר ל-JPEG","Converting":"ממיר","Copied to clipboard":"הועתק ללוח","Copyright":"זכויות יוצרים","Couldn't find anything.":"לא נמצא דבר.","Country":"מדינה","Create album":"צור אלבום","Created":"נוצר","Creating thumbnails for":"יותר תמונות מקדימות עבור","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"מעוקב: איכות בינונית, ביצועים טובים","Current Password":"צור סיסמה","Customer Support":"שירות לקוחות","Cyan":"טורקיז","Cyano":"ירקרק","Daily":"יומי","Day":"יום","Debug Logs":"Debug Logs","Default":"ברירת מחדל","Default Folder":"תיקיית ברירת מחדל","Delete":"מחק","Description":"תיאור","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"הוראות מפורטות ניתן למצוא במדריך למשתמש שלנו.","Details":"פרטים","Dimensions":"מידות","Disable Backups":"השבת גיבויים","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"השבת את שרת WebDAV המובנה, אתחול נדרש.","Disable Darktable":"השבת את Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"השבת את ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"השבת FFmpeg","Disable Places":"השבת מיקומים","Disable RawTherapee":"השבת את RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"השבת את TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"השבת את WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"השבת קידוד גיאוגרפי ומפות.","Discover":"גלה","Display Name":"שם תצוגה","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"אל תגבה מטא נתונים של תמונות ואלבומים לקבצי YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"אל תיצור קבצי ExifTool JSON לחילוץ מטא-נתונים משופר.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"אל תערוך את תיקיית המקור. והשבת ייבוא, העלאה ומחיקה.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"אל תעתיק קוד וידאו עם FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"אל תשתמש ב- Darktable להמרת קבצי RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"אל תשתמש ב- RawTherapee להמרת קבצי RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"אל תשתמש ב- TensorFlow לסיווג תמונות.","Donations":"תרומות","Done":"בוצע","Done.":"בוצע.","Download":"הורד","Download remote files":"הורד קבצים מרוחקים","Download single files and zip archives.":"הורד קבצים בודדים וארכיוני zip.","Downloading…":"מוריד…","Downscaling Filter":"פילטר (אלגוריתם) שנמוך","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"בשל כמות המיילים הגבוהה שאנו מקבלים, ייתכן שהצוות שלנו לא יוכל לחזור אליך באופן מיידי.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"התעלם מכפילויות, והצג רק אחד.","Duration":"משך","Dynamic Previews":"תצוגות מקדימות דינמיות","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"עיבוד דינמי דורש מעבד רב עצמה ואינו מומלץ לשרתי בית קטנים יותר, או להתקני NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"גודל דינמי מקסימלי לשמירה במטמון: %{n} פיקסלים","E-Mail":"דוא\"ל","Edit":"ערוך","Edit %{name}":"ערוך %{name}","Edit Account":"ערוך חשבון","Edit Photo":"ערוך תמונה","Edited":"ערוך","Electra":"Electra","Email":"אימייל","Enable new features currently under development.":"אפשר תכונות חדשות שנמצאות כעת בפיתוח.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"מאפשר הגדרות קבועות מראש של ממיר RAW. עשוי להפחית את הביצועים.","Errors":"שגיאות","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"אמוד את המיקום המשוער של תמונות ללא קואורדינטות.","Estimates":"אומדנים","Every two days":"כל יומיים","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"אל תכלול תוכן המסומן כפרטי מתוצאות חיפוש, אלבומים משותפים, תוויות ומקומות.","Exclude hidden":"אל תכלול מוסתר","Expand":"הרחב","Expand Search":"הרחב את החיפוש","Experimental Features":"תכונות ניסיוניות","Expires":"תפוגה","Exposure":"חשיפה","F Number":"ערך ה-F (יחס אורך מוקד העדשה)","Face":"פָּנִים","Faces":"פנים","Failed copying to clipboard":"ההעתקה ללוח נכשלה","Failed removing link":"הסרת הקישור נכשלה","Failed updating link":"העלאת הקישור נכשלה","Family Name":"שם משפחה","Fast":"מהיר","Favorite":"מועדף","Favorites":"מועדפים","Feature Request":"בקשת תכונה","Feed":"פיד","Feedback":"משוב","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"אנא צור איתנו קשר בכתובת hello@photoprism.app אם יש לך שאלות או שאתה זקוק לעזרה.","Female":"נקבה","File":"קובץ","File Browser":"סייר קבצים","File Name":"שם קובץ","File Size":"גודל הקובץ","Filename":"שם קובץ","Files":"קבצים","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"קבצים עם שמות עוקבים כמו 'IMG_1234 (2)' ו- 'IMG_1234 (3)' שייכים לאותה תמונה.","Focal Length":"אורך המוקד","Folder":"תיקייה","Folder contains %{n} files":"התיקייה מכילה %{n} קבצים","Folder is empty":"התיקייה ריקה","Folders":"תיקייות","Forgot password?":"שכחת סיסמא?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"מסגרות","Fullscreen":"מסך מלא","Gemstone":"אבן חן","Gender":"מין","General":"כללי","Getting Support":"קבלת תמיכה","Given Name":"שם פרטי","Gold":"זהב","Grayscale":"גווני אפור","Green":"ירוק","Grey":"אפור","Hash":"Hash","Help":"עזרה","Help & Support":"עזרה ותמיכה","Hidden":"מוסתר","Hidden Files":"קבצים מוסתרים","Hide":"הסתר","Hide photos 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שאתה מצפה, סרוק מחדש את הספרייה שלך והמתן עד להשלמת האינדקס.","Index":"אינדקס","Index and import files through the user interface.":"אינדקס ויבוא קבצים דרך ממשק המשתמש.","Indexing":"מאנדקס","Indexing failed":"אינדוקס נכשל","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"יצירת אינדקס של קבצי מדיה וקבצי עזר…","Instance ID":"מזהה מופע","Interval":"הפוגה","Invalid":"לא תקין","Invalid date":"תאריך לא תקין","Invalid parameters":"פרמטרים שגויים","Invalid photo selected":"נבחרה תמונה לא חוקית","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"הוא עושה שימוש בטכנולוגיות העדכניות ביותר כדי לתייג ולמצוא תמונות באופן אוטומטי מבלי להפריע לך.","Item":"פריט","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"איכות ה-JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"מגבלת גודל קבצי ה-JPEG %{n} פיקסלים","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"קבצי JPEG וקבצי תצוגה מקדימה נוצרים אוטומטית לפי הצורך.","Keywords":"מילות מפתח","Knowledge Base":"מאגר 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servers configured.":"לא הוגדר שרת.","No services configured.":"לא הוגדרו שירותים.","No thanks":"לא תודה","No video selected":"לא נבחר וידאו","No warnings or error containing this keyword. 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Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"הסר קבצים מיובאים כדי לחסוך שטח אחסון. סוגי קבצים שאינם נתמכים לעולם לא יימחקו, ויישארו במיקומם הנוכחי.","Request failed - invalid response":"הבקשה נכשלה - תגובה לא חוקית","Required":"נדרש","Resolution":"רזולוציה","Restore":"לשחזר","Retry Limit":"נסה שוב מגבלת","Retype Password":"הזן שוב את הסיסמה","Review":"סקירה","Satellite":"לוויין","Save":"שמור","Scan":"סרוק","Scans":"סריקות","Search":"חיפוש","Search and display photos on a map.":"חפש והצג תמונות על המפה.","Season":"עונה","Secret":"קוד סודי","Security and Access":"אבטחה וגישה","Select":"בחר","Select albums or create a new one":"בחר אלבומים או צור אלבום חדש","Selection approved":"הבחירה אושרה","Selection archived":"הבחירה הועברה לארכיון","Selection restored":"הבחירה שוחזרה","Send":"שלח","Sequential Name":"שמות סדרתיים","Service URL":"נתיב השרות","Services":"שירותים","Settings":"הגדרות","Settings saved":"ההגדרות נשמרו","Setup":"הגדר","Shadow":"צל","Share":"שתף","Share %{name}":"שתף %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"שתף את התמונות שלך עם אפליקציות ושירותים אחרים.","Show":"הצג","Show all new faces":"הצג את כל הפרצופים החדשים","Show hidden":"הראה את המוסתר","Show less":"הצג פחות","Show more":"הצג עוד","Show server logs in Library.":"הצג יומני שרת בספרייה.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"מציג הודעות יומן מפורטות יותר. דורש הפעלה מחדש.","Sidecar":"חזית רכב","Sign in":"התחבר","Sign Up":"הרשם","Similar":"דומה","Size":"גודל","Slow":"איטי","Sort Order":"סדר המיון","Source":"מקור","Stack":"ערימה","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"איחוד קבצים המשתפים את אותה התמונה או מזהה מופע ייחודי.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"איחוד תמונות שצולמו באותו זמן ומיקום מדויק, בהתבסס על המטא-נתונים שלהן.","Stackable":"ניתן לקיבוץ","Stacks":"איחודים","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"איחוד קבצים המכילים תוכן תמונה זהה, אך עם הבדלים באיכות, בפורמט, בגודל או בצבע.","Start":"התחל","Start/Stop Slideshow":"התחל / עצור מצגת","States":"מדינות","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"מגבלת גודל סטטי במטמון: %{n} פיקסלים","Status":"סטטוס","Storage":"אחסון","Streets":"רחובות","Subject":"נושא","Successfully Connected":"מחובר בהצלחה","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"תמיכה בשירותים נוספים, כמו Google Drive, תתווסף בהמשך.","Sync":"סינכרון","Sync raw and video files":"סנכרן קבצי תמונה גולמיים וסרטונים","Taken":"נלקח","Teal":"ירוק כחלחל","Text too long":"טקסט ארוך מדי","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"האינדקס מכיל כרגע %{n} קבצים מוסתרים.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"ייתכן שהפורמט שלהם לא נתמך, עדיין לא הומרו ל-JPEG או שיש כפילויות.","Theme":"ערכת נושא","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"זה מגדיר את תיקיית המקור ככונן רשת ומאפשר לך לפתוח, לערוך ולמחוק קבצים מהמחשב או מהסמארטפון כל עוד מחוברים לרשת המקומית.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"זה מגדיר את תיקיית המקור ככונן רשת ומאפשר לך לפתוח, לערוך ולמחוק קבצים מהמחשב או מהסמארטפון כל עוד מחוברים לרשת המקומית.","Thumbnail Generation":"יצירת תמונות מקדימות ממוזערות","Time UTC":"זמן UTC","Time Zone":"אזור זמן","Timeout":"פסק זמן","Title":"כותרת","Title / Position":"שם / מיקום","Title too long":"הכותרת ארוכה מדי","Toggle View":"החלף תצוגה","Token":"טוקן","Topographic":"טופוגרפית","Troubleshooting Checklists":"רשימת בדיקות לפתרון בעיות","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"נסה שוב להשתמש בסינון או במילת מפתח שונה.","Type":"סוג","Undo":"בטל","Unique ID":"מזהה ייחודי","Unknown":"לא ידוע","Unregistered":"משתמש לא רשום","Unsorted":"לא ממוין","Unstack":"לא מקובץ","Updated":"מעודכן","Updating faces":"מעדכן פנים","Updating index":"מעדכן אינדקס","Updating moments":"מעדכן רגעים","Updating picture…":"מעדכן תמונה...","Updating previews":"מעדכן תצוגות מקדימות","Updating stacks":"מעדכן קיבוצים","Upload":"העלה","Upload complete":"העלאה הושלמה","Upload complete. 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In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"אנו נעשה כמיטב יכולתנו לענות על כל השאלות שלך. בתמורה, אנו מבקשים ממך לגבות אותנו ב-Patreon או GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"שירותי WebDAV יכולים להתחבר ל-PhotoPrism באמצעות כתובת ה-URL הבאה:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"שירותי WebDAV, כמו סייר Windows של מיקרוסופט או Finder של אפל, יכולים להתחבר ישירות ל-PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"העלאת WebDAV","Website":"אתר","White":"לבן","Work Details":"פרטי העבודה","Year":"שנה","Yellow":"צהוב","Yellowstone":"ילוסטון","Yes":"כן","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"אתה מוזמן להצטרף אלינו ב-Reddit","You can only download one album":"ניתן להוריד רק אלבום אחד","You can only download one label":"ניתן להוריד רק תווית אחת","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"אתה יכול להפעיל אותו בבית, בשרת פרטי או בענן.","You may only select one item":"ניתן לבחור רק פריט אחד","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"תוכל לסרוק מחדש את הספרייה שלך כדי למצוא פנים נוספות.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"התמיכה המתמשכת שלך עוזרת לנו לספק עדכונים שוטפים ולהישאר עצמאיים, כדי שנוכל למלא את המשימה שלנו ולהגן על פרטיותך.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"הספרייה שלך מנותחת באופן רציף ליצירת אלבומים של רגעים מיוחדים, טיולים ומקומות באופן אוטומטי.","Zoom in/out":"זום פנימה\\החוצה"},"hi":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} एल्बम मिले","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} फ़ाइलें अपलोड की गईं","%{n} folders found":"%{n} फ़ोल्डर मिले","%{n} labels found":"%{n} लेबल मिले","%{n} people found":"%{n} लोग मिले","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} चित्र मिले","1 hour":"1 घंटा","12 hours":"12 घंटा","4 hours":"4 घंटा","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"एक क्लिक इसे आपके क्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी कर देगा।","About":"के बारे में","Abyss":"रसातल","Account":"लेखा","Accuracy":"शुद्धता","Action":"कार्य","Actions":"क्रिया","Add Album":"एल्बम जोड़ें","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"वेब अपलोड के माध्यम से अपनी लाइब्रेरी में फाइलें जोड़ें।","Add Link":"लिंक जोड़ें","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"खोज परिणामों से चित्रों का चयन करके उन्हें जोड़ें।","Add to album":"एल्बम में जोड़ें","Added":"जोड़ा गया","Advanced":"उन्नत","After 1 day":"1 दिन बाद","After 3 days":"3 दिन बाद","After 7 days":"7 दिन बाद","After one month":"एक महिने बाद","After one year":"एक साल बाद","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"खोज परिणामों से चित्रों का चयन करने के बाद, आप उन्हें संदर्भ मेनू का उपयोग करके किसी एल्बम में जोड़ सकते हैं।","After two months":"दो महीने के बाद","After two weeks":"दो हफ्ते बाद","Album":"एल्बम","Album Name":"एल्बम का नाम","Albums":"एल्बम","Albums deleted":"एल्बम हटाए गए","All %{n} albums loaded":"सभी %{n} एल्बम लोड किए गए","All %{n} labels loaded":"सभी %{n} लेबल लोड किए गए","All %{n} people loaded":"सभी %{n} लोग लोड हुए","All Cameras":"सभी कैमरे","All Categories":"सब वर्ग","All Colors":"सभी रंग","All Countries":"सभी देश","All fields are required":"सभी फ़ील्ड आवश्यक हैं","All files from import folder":"आयात फ़ोल्डर से सभी फ़ाइलें","All Lenses":"सभी लेंस","All Months":"सभी महीने","All originals":"सभी मूल","All Years":"सभी वर्ष","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"वैकल्पिक रूप से, आप Nextcloud की तरह सीधे WebDAV सर्वर पर फाइल अपलोड कर सकते हैं।","Altitude":"ऊंचाई","Altitude (m)":"ऊंचाई (एम)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"एक त्रुटि हुई - क्या आप ऑफ़लाइन हैं?","Animated":"एनिमेटेड","Animation":"एनीमेशन","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"कोई भी निजी फ़ोटो और वीडियो निजी रहेंगे और उन्हें साझा नहीं किया जाएगा।","API Key":"एपीआई कुंजी","Apply":"लागू","Approve":"मंजूर","Archive":"पुरालेख","Archived":"संग्रहीत","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"क्या आप वाकई चयन को संग्रहीत करना चाहते हैं?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"क्या आप वाकई इन एल्बम को हटाना चाहते हैं?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"क्या आप वाकई इन लेबल को हटाना चाहते हैं?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"क्या आप वाकई इस खाते को हटाना चाहते हैं?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"क्या आप वाकई इन चित्रों को स्थायी रूप से हटाना चाहते हैं?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"क्या आप वाकई इस फ़ाइल को स्थायी रूप से हटाना चाहते हैं?","Are you sure?":"क्या आपको यकीन है?","Artist":"कलाकार","Aspect Ratio":"आस्पेक्ट अनुपात","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"स्वचालित रूप से अन्य फ़ाइल प्रकारों के लिए JPEG बनाएं ताकि उन्हें एक ब्राउज़र में प्रदर्शित किया जा सके।","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"स्वचालित रूप से विशेष क्षणों, यात्राओं और स्थानों के एल्बम बनाता है।","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"सहायता अनुरोध सबमिट करने से पहले, कृपया अपनी समस्या के कारण का पता लगाने के लिए हमारी समस्या निवारण जाँच सूची का उपयोग करें।","Bio":"जैव","Black":"काली","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"ब्लैकमैन: लैंक्ज़ोस संशोधन, कम बजने वाली कलाकृतियाँ","Blue":"नीला","Brown":"भूरा","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"छवि वर्गीकरण लेबल ब्राउज़ करें और संपादित करें।","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"लाइब्रेरी में अनुक्रमित फ़ाइलों और फ़ोल्डरों को ब्राउज़ करें।","Bug Report":"बग रिपोर्ट","Busy, please wait…":"व्यस्त, कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें …","Calendar":"पंचांग","Camera":"कैमरा","Camera Serial":"कैमरा सीरियल","Can't load more, limit reached":"अधिक लोड नहीं किया जा सकता, सीमा तक पहुंच गया","Can't select more items":"अधिक आइटम का चयन नहीं किया जा सकता","Cancel":"रद्द करना","Cards":"पत्ते","Category":"वर्ग","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"फोटो शीर्षक, स्थान और अन्य मेटाडेटा बदलें।","Change private flag":"निजी ध्वज बदलें","Checked":"चेक किए गए","Chroma":"क्रोमा","Close":"बंद करे","Codec":"कोडेक","Color":"रंग","Color Profile":"रंग प्रोफ़ाइल","Colors":"रंग की","Complete Rescan":"पूरा रेसकान","Confidence":"आत्मविश्वास","Connect":"जुडिये","Connect via WebDAV":"WebDAV के माध्यम से कनेक्ट करें","Contact Us":"संपर्क करें","Contains %{n} pictures.":"इसमें %{n} चित्र हैं।","Contains one picture.":"एक तस्वीर शामिल है।","Convert to JPEG":"JPEG में कनवर्ट करें","Converting":"परिवर्तित","Copied to clipboard":"क्लिपबोर्ड पर नकल","Copyright":"कॉपीराइट","Couldn't find anything.":"कुछ भी नहीं मिला","Country":"देश","Create album":"एल्बम बनाओ","Created":"बनाया था","Creating thumbnails for":"के लिए थंबनेल बनाना","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"घन: मध्यम गुणवत्ता, अच्छा प्रदर्शन","Current Password":"वर्तमान पासवर्ड","Customer Support":"ग्राहक सहेयता","Cyan":"सियान","Cyano":"गहरा नीला","Daily":"रोज","Day":"दिन","Debug Logs":"दोषमार्जन लॉग","Default":"चूक","Default Folder":"डिफ़ॉल्ट फ़ोल्डर","Delete":"हटाएं","Description":"विवरण","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"विस्तृत निर्देश हमारे उपयोगकर्ता गाइड में पाए जा सकते हैं।","Details":"विवरण","Dimensions":"आयाम","Disable Backups":"पिछला बैकअप","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"अंतर्निहित WebDAV सर्वर अक्षम करें। पुनः आरंभ करने की आवश्यकता है।","Disable Darktable":"डार्कटेबल अक्षम करें","Disable ExifTool":"ExifTool अक्षम करें","Disable FFmpeg":"एफएफएमपीईजी अक्षम करें","Disable Places":"विकलांग","Disable RawTherapee":"रॉ थेरेपी को अक्षम करें","Disable TensorFlow":"TensorFlow अक्षम करें","Disable WebDAV":"विकलांग","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"रिवर्स जियोकोडिंग और नक्शे अक्षम करता है।","Discover":"डिस्कवर","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"YAML फ़ाइलों के लिए फ़ोटो और एल्बम मेटाडेटा का बैकअप न लें।","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"बेहतर मेटाडेटा निष्कर्षण के लिए ExifTool JSON फाइलें न बनाएँ।","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"मूल फ़ोल्डर को संशोधित न करें। आयात, अपलोड और हटाना अक्षम करता है।","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"FFmpeg के साथ वीडियो ट्रांसकोड न करें।","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"रॉ फ़ाइलों को कनवर्ट करने के लिए डार्कटेबल का उपयोग न करें।","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"RAW फ़ाइलों को कनवर्ट करने के लिए RawTherapee का उपयोग न करें।","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"छवि वर्गीकरण लेबल ब्राउज़ करें और संपादित करें।","Donations":"दान","Done":"किया हुआ","Done.":"किया हुआ |","Download":"डाउनलोड","Download remote files":"दूरस्थ फ़ाइलें डाउनलोड करें","Download single files and zip archives.":"एकल फाइलें और ज़िप अभिलेखागार डाउनलोड करें।","Downloading…":"डाउनलोड कर रहा है …","Downscaling Filter":"गुणवत्ता फ़िल्टर","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"डुप्लिकेट को छोड़ दिया जाएगा और केवल एक बार दिखाई देगा।","Duration":"अवधि","Dynamic Previews":"बिना पढ़े हुए पूर्वावलोकन","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"ऑन-डिमांड रेंडरिंग के लिए एक शक्तिशाली सीपीयू की आवश्यकता होती है और इसे छोटे घरेलू सर्वरों या एनएएस उपकरणों के लिए अनुशंसित नहीं किया जाता है।","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"बिना आकार की सीमा: %{n} px","E-Mail":"ईमेल","Edit":"संपादित करें","Edit %{name}":"%{name} संपादित करें","Edit Account":"खाता संपादित करें","Edit Photo":"फ़ोटो संपादित करें","Edited":"संपादित","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"वर्तमान में विकास के तहत नई सुविधाएँ सक्षम करें।","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"रॉ कनवर्टर प्रीसेट सक्षम करता है। प्रदर्शन को कम कर सकता है।","Errors":"त्रुटियाँ","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"निर्देशांक के बिना चित्रों के अनुमानित स्थान का अनुमान लगाएं।","Estimates":"अनुमान","Every two days":"हेर दो दिनों","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"खोज परिणामों, साझा एल्बम, लेबल और स्थानों से निजी के रूप में चिह्नित सामग्री को बाहर निकालें।","Exclude hidden":"छिपा हुआ शामिल न करें","Expand":"विस्तार करना","Expand Search":"खोज का विस्तार करें","Experimental Features":"प्रायोगिक विशेषताएं","Expires":"समय-सीमा समाप्त","Exposure":"संसर्ग","F Number":"एफ नंबर","Face":"चेहरा","Faces":"चेहरे के","Failed copying to clipboard":"क्लिपबोर्ड पर प्रतिलिपि बनाना विफल रहा","Failed removing link":"लिंक हटाने में विफल","Failed updating link":"लिंक अपडेट करने में विफल","Fast":"तेज","Favorite":"पसंदीदा","Favorites":"पसंदीदा","Feature Request":"महत्वपूर्ण लेख 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Requires a restart.":"अधिक विस्तृत लॉग संदेश दिखाता है। पुनः आरंभ करने की आवश्यकता है।","Sidecar":"एक प्रकार का मादक द्रव्य","Sign in":"साइन इन करें","Sign Up":"साइन अप","Similar":"समान","Size":"आकार","Slow":"धीरे","Sort Order":"क्रमबद्ध आदेश","Source":"स्रोत","Stack":"ढेर","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"समान विशिष्ट छवि या उदाहरण पहचानकर्ता को साझा करने वाली स्टैक फाइलें।","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"उनके मेटाडेटा के आधार पर ठीक उसी समय और स्थान पर ली गई स्टैक तस्वीरें।","Stackable":"ढेर","Stacks":"ढेर","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"स्टैक समूह फ़ाइलों को संदर्भ के एक समान फ्रेम के साथ, लेकिन गुणवत्ता, प्रारूप, आकार या रंग के अंतर।","Start":"शुरू","Start/Stop Slideshow":"शुरू / बंद स्लाइड शो","States":"राज्य अमेरिका","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"प्री-रेंडर आकार सीमा: %{n} px","Status":"स्थिति","Storage":"भंडारण","Streets":"सड़कें","Subject":"विषय","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"अतिरिक्त सेवाओं के लिए समर्थन, जैसे Google ड्राइव, समय के साथ जोड़ा जाएगा।","Sync":"सिंक","Sync raw and video files":"कच्ची छवियों को सिंक करें","Taken":"लिया","Teal":"टील","Text too long":"बहुत लंबा पाठ","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"सूचकांक में वर्तमान में %{n} छिपी हुई फाइलें हैं।","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"उनके प्रारूप का समर्थन नहीं किया जा सकता है, वे अभी तक जेपीईजी में परिवर्तित नहीं हुए हैं या डुप्लिकेट हैं।","Theme":"विषय","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"यह मूल फ़ोल्डर को नेटवर्क ड्राइव के रूप में मापता है और आपको अपने कंप्यूटर या स्मार्टफोन से फ़ाइलों को खोलने, संपादित करने और हटाने की अनुमति देता है जैसे कि वे स्थानीय थे।","Thumbnail Generation":"थंबनेल पीढ़ी","Time UTC":"समय यूटीसी","Time Zone":"समय क्षेत्र","Timeout":"समय समाप्त","Title":"शीर्षक","Title too long":"शीर्षक बहुत लंबा है","Toggle View":"टॉगल दृश्य","Token":"टोकन","Topographic":"स्थलाकृतिक","Troubleshooting Checklists":"समस्या निवारण चेकलिस्ट","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"अन्य फ़िल्टर या कीवर्ड का उपयोग करके फिर से प्रयास करें।","Type":"प्रकार","Undo":"पहले जैसा","Unique ID":"एक अलग पहचान","Unknown":"अनजान","Unsorted":"अवर्गीकृत","Unstack":"अलग करना","Updated":"अपडेट किया गया","Updating faces":"चेहरे अपडेट करना","Updating index":"इंडेक्स अपडेट कर रहा है","Updating moments":"पल-पल का अपडेट","Updating previews":"पूर्वावलोकन अपडेट करना","Updating stacks":"ढेर अद्यतन कर रहा है","Upload":"डालना","Upload complete":"अपलोड पूरा हुआ","Upload complete. 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In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"हम आपके सभी सवालों के जवाब देने की पूरी कोशिश करेंगे। बदले में, हम आपको Patreon या GitHub प्रायोजकों पर हमारा समर्थन करने के लिए कहते हैं।","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV क्लाइंट निम्न URL का उपयोग करके PhotoPrism से जुड़ सकते हैं:","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV अपलोड करें","White":"सफेद","Year":"साल","Yellow":"पीला","Yellowstone":"येलोस्टोन","Yes":"हाँ","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"रेडिट पर हमसे जुड़ने के लिए आपका स्वागत है","You can only download one album":"आप केवल एक एल्बम डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं","You can only download one label":"आप केवल एक लेबल डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं","You may only select one item":"आप केवल एक आइटम का चयन कर सकते हैं","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"अतिरिक्त चेहरों को खोजने के लिए आप अपनी लाइब्रेरी को फिर से स्कैन कर सकते हैं।","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"विशेष क्षणों, यात्राओं और स्थानों के स्वचालित रूप से एल्बम बनाने के लिए आपकी लाइब्रेरी का लगातार विश्लेषण किया जाता है।","Zoom in/out":"ज़ूम इन / आउट करें"},"hr":{"%{n} albums found":"Pronađeno je %{n} albuma","%{n} files uploaded":"Preneseno je %{n} datoteka","%{n} folders found":"Pronađeno je %{n} mapa","%{n} labels found":"Pronađeno je %{n} oznaka","%{n} people found":"Pronađeno je %{n} osoba","%{n} pictures found":"Pronađeno je %{n} slika","1 hour":"1 sat","12 hours":"12 sati","4 hours":"4 sata","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Klik će kopirati u međuspremnik.","About":"O programu","Abyss":"Bezdan","Account":"Račun","Accuracy":"Točnost","Action":"Radnja","Actions":"Radnje","Add Album":"Dodaj album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Dodajte datoteke u svoju biblioteku putem Web Uploada.","Add Link":"Dodaj poveznicu","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Dodajte slike iz rezultata pretraživanja tako da ih odaberete.","Add to album":"Dodaj u album","Added":"Dodano","Advanced":"Napredno","After 1 day":"Nakon 1 dana","After 3 days":"Nakon 3 dana","After 7 days":"Nakon 7 dana","After one month":"Nakon mjesec dana","After one year":"Nakon godinu dana","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Nakon što odaberete slike iz rezultata pretraživanja, možete ih dodati u album pomoću kontekstnog izbornika.","After two months":"Nakon dva mjeseca","After two weeks":"Nakon dva tjedna","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Naziv albuma","Albums":"Albumi","Albums deleted":"Albumi su izbrisani","All %{n} albums loaded":"Učitano je svih %{n} albuma","All %{n} labels loaded":"Učitano je svih %{n} oznaka","All %{n} people loaded":"Učitano je svih %{n} osoba","All Cameras":"Sve kamere","All Categories":"Sve kategorije","All Colors":"Sve boje","All Countries":"Sve zemlje","All fields are required":"Sva polja su obavezna","All files from import folder":"Sve datoteke iz mape za uvoz","All Lenses":"Svi objektivi","All Months":"Svi mjeseci","All originals":"Svi originali","All Years":"Sve godine","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativno, možete prenijeti datoteke izravno na WebDAV poslužitelje poput Nextclouda.","Altitude":"Nadmorska visina","Altitude (m)":"Nadmorska visina (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Došlo je do pogreške - jeste li povezani s mrežom?","Animated":"Animirano","Animation":"Animacija","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Sve privatne fotografije i videozapisi ostaju privatni i neće biti dijeljeni.","API Key":"API ključ","Apply":"Primijeni","Approve":"Odobri","Archive":"Arhiva","Archived":"Arhivirano","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Jeste li sigurni da želite arhivirati odabir?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ove albume?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ove oznake?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ovaj račun?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno izbrisati ove slike?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno izbrisati ovu datoteku?","Are you sure?":"Jeste li sigurni?","Artist":"Umjetnik","Aspect Ratio":"Razmjer proporcija","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Automatski kreirajte JPEG-ove za druge vrste datoteka tako da se mogu prikazati u pregledniku.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Automatski stvara albume posebnih trenutaka, putovanja i mjesta.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Prije podnošenja zahtjeva za podršku, upotrijebite naše kontrolne liste za rješavanje problema kako biste utvrdili uzrok svog problema.","Bio":"bio","Black":"Crno","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos modifikacija, manje zvonjavih artefakata","Blue":"Plava","Brown":"Smeđa","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Pregledavajte i uređujte oznake klasifikacije slika.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Pregledajte indeksirane datoteke i mape u knjižnici.","Bug Report":"Izvješće o greškama","Busy, please wait…":"Zauzeto, pričekajte…","Calendar":"Kalendar","Camera":"Fotoaparat","Camera Serial":"Serijski fotoaparat","Can't load more, limit reached":"Nije moguće učitati više, dosegnuto je ograničenje","Can't select more items":"Nije moguće odabrati više stavki","Cancel":"Otkazati","Cards":"Kartice","Category":"Kategorija","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Promijenite naslove fotografija, lokacije i druge metapodatke.","Change private flag":"Promijenite privatnu zastavu","Checked":"Provjereno","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Zatvoriti","Codec":"kodek","Color":"Boja","Color Profile":"Profil boje","Colors":"Boje","Complete Rescan":"Dovrši ponovno skeniranje","Confidence":"Samouvjerenost","Connect":"Spojiti","Connect via WebDAV":"Povežite se putem WebDAV-a","Contact Us":"Kontaktirajte nas","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Sadrži %{n} slika.","Contains one picture.":"Sadrži jednu sliku.","Convert to JPEG":"Pretvori u JPEG","Converting":"Pretvaranje","Copied to clipboard":"Kopirano u međuspremnik","Copyright":"Autorsko pravo","Couldn't find anything.":"Nisam mogao pronaći ništa.","Country":"Država","Create album":"Napravite album","Created":"Kreirano","Creating thumbnails for":"Izrada minijatura za","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubik: umjerena kvaliteta, dobre performanse","Current Password":"Trenutna lozinka","Customer Support":"Korisnička podrška","Cyan":"cijan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Dnevno","Day":"Dan","Debug Logs":"Zapisnici otklanjanja pogrešaka","Default":"Zadano","Default Folder":"Zadana mapa","Delete":"Izbriši","Description":"Opis","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Detaljne upute možete pronaći u našem korisničkom priručniku.","Details":"Detalji","Dimensions":"Dimenzije","Disable Backups":"Onemogućite sigurnosne kopije","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Onemogućite ugrađeni WebDAV poslužitelj. Zahtijeva ponovno pokretanje.","Disable Darktable":"Onemogući Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Onemogućite ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Onemogućite FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Onemogući Mjesta","Disable RawTherapee":"Onemogućite RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Onemogućite TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Onemogućite WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Onemogućuje obrnuto geokodiranje i karte.","Discover":"Otkrij","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Nemojte sigurnosno kopirati fotografije i metapodatke albuma u YAML datoteke.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Nemojte stvarati ExifTool JSON datoteke za poboljšano izdvajanje metapodataka.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Ne mijenjajte mapu izvornika. Onemogućuje uvoz, prijenos i brisanje.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Nemojte transkodirati videozapise s FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Nemojte koristiti Darktable za pretvaranje RAW datoteka.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Nemojte koristiti RawTherapee za pretvaranje RAW datoteka.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Nemojte koristiti TensorFlow za klasifikaciju slika.","Donations":"Donacije","Done":"Gotovo","Done.":"Gotovo.","Download":"Preuzimanja","Download remote files":"Preuzmite udaljene datoteke","Download single files and zip archives.":"Preuzmite pojedinačne datoteke i zip arhive.","Downloading…":"Preuzimanje…","Downscaling Filter":"Filter za smanjenje","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikati će se preskočiti i pojaviti se samo jednom.","Duration":"Trajanje","Dynamic Previews":"Dinamički pregledi","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dinamičko renderiranje zahtijeva moćan poslužitelj. Ne preporučuje se za NAS uređaje.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Ograničenje dinamičke veličine: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-Mail","Edit":"Uredi","Edit %{name}":"Uredi %{name}","Edit Account":"Uredite korisnički račun","Edit Photo":"Uredi fotografiju","Edited":"Uređeno","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"Omogućite nove značajke koje su trenutno u razvoju.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Omogućuje unaprijed postavljene postavke RAW pretvarača. Može smanjiti performanse.","Errors":"Greške","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Procijenite približnu lokaciju slika bez koordinata.","Estimates":"Procjene","Every two days":"Svaka dva dana","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Izuzmite sadržaj označen kao privatan iz rezultata pretraživanja, dijeljenih albuma, oznaka i mjesta.","Exclude hidden":"Isključi skriveno","Expand":"Proširiti","Expand Search":"Proširite Pretraživanje","Experimental Features":"Eksperimentalne značajke","Expires":"Ističe","Exposure":"Izlaganje","F Number":"F broj","Face":"Lice","Faces":"Lica","Failed copying to clipboard":"Kopiranje u međuspremnik nije uspjelo","Failed removing link":"Uklanjanje veze nije uspjelo","Failed updating link":"Neuspješno ažuriranje veze","Fast":"brzo","Favorite":"Favorit","Favorites":"Favoriti","Feature Request":"Zahtjev za značajku","Feedback":"Povratne informacije","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Slobodno nas kontaktirajte na hello@photoprism.app ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja.","File":"Datoteka","File Browser":"Preglednik datoteka","Filename":"Datoteka","Files":"Datoteke","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Datoteke s uzastopnim nazivima poput 'IMG_1234 (2)' i 'IMG_1234 (3)' pripadaju istoj slici.","Focal Length":"Žarišna duljina","Folder":"Mapa","Folder contains %{n} files":"Mapa sadrži sljedeći broj datoteka: %{n}","Folder is empty":"Mapa je prazna","Folders":"Mape","Forgot password?":"Zaboravili ste lozinku?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Okviri","Fullscreen":"Puni zaslon","Gemstone":"Dragi kamen","General":"Općenito","Getting Support":"Dobivanje podrške","Gold":"Zlatno","Grayscale":"Sivi tonovi","Green":"Zelena","Grey":"Siva","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Pomoć","Help & Support":"Pomoć i podrška","Hidden":"Skriveno","Hidden Files":"Skrivene datoteke","Hide":"Sakriti","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Sakrij fotografije koje su premještene u arhivu.","High":"Visoko","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Visoki dinamički raspon (HDR)","How can we help?":"Kako možemo pomoći?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Ako ovo ne pomaže, ili imate druga pitanja:","image":"slika","Image":"Slika","Images":"Slike","Import":"Uvoz","Import failed":"Uvoz nije uspio","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Uvezene datoteke bit će razvrstane po datumu i dati im jedinstveni naziv kako bi se izbjeglo dupliranje.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Uvezene datoteke bit će razvrstane po datumu i dati im jedinstveni naziv.","Importing %{name}…":"Uvoz %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Uvoz datoteka u originale…","in":"u","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Osim toga, sponzori dobivaju izravnu tehničku podršku putem e-pošte.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"U slučaju da nedostaju slike koje očekujete, ponovno skenirajte svoju biblioteku i pričekajte dok se indeksiranje ne završi.","Index":"Početna","Indexing":"Indeksiranje","Indexing failed":"Indeksiranje nije uspjelo","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indeksiranje medijskih i bočnih datoteka…","Instance ID":"ID instance","Interval":"Interval","Invalid date":"Nevažeći datum","Invalid photo selected":"Odabrana je nevažeća fotografija","Item":"Proizvod","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG kvaliteta: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Ograničenje veličine JPEG-a: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG i sličice se automatski prikazuju prema potrebi.","Keywords":"Ključne riječi","Label":"Oznaka","Labels":"Oznake","Labels deleted":"Oznake su izbrisane","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: očuvanje detalja, minimalni artefakti","Language":"Jezik","Last Sync":"Zadnja sinkronizacija","Latitude":"Zemljopisna širina","Lavender":"Lavanda","Lens":"Leće","Library":"Zbirka","License":"Licenca","Like":"Sviđa mi se","Lime":"Vapno","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Dosegnuto je ograničenje, prikazuje prvih %{n} datoteka","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linearno: vrlo glatko, najbolja izvedba","Link":"Poveznica","List":"Popis","Live":"Uživo","Local Time":"Lokalno vrijeme","location":"lokacija","Location":"Lokacija","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Poruke dnevnika pojavljuju se ovdje kad god PhotoPrism naiđe na pokvarene datoteke ili postoje drugi potencijalni problemi.","Login":"Prijava","Logout":"Odjava","Logs":"Dnevnici","Longitude":"Zemljopisna dužina","Low":"Nisko","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Glavna Boja","manual":"priručnik","Manual Upload":"Ručno učitavanje","Marker":"Marker","Medium":"Srednje","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Spojiti %{a} s %{b}?","Message sent":"Poruka je poslana","Minimize":"Minimiziraj","Missing":"Nedostaje","Moments":"Trenuci","Monochrome":"Jednobojna","Month":"Mjesec","Moonlight":"Mjesečina","More than %{n} pictures found":"Pronađeno je više od %{n} slika","More than 20 albums found":"Pronađeno je više od 20 albuma","More than 20 labels found":"Pronađeno je više od 20 naljepnica","More than 20 people found":"Pronađeno više od 20 ljudi","Mosaic":"Mozaik","Move Files":"Premjesti datoteke","Name":"Ime","Name too long":"Ime predugo","Never":"Nikad","New":"Novi","New Password":"Nova lozinka","No":"Ne","No albums found":"Nije pronađen nijedan album","No labels found":"Nije pronađena nijedna oznaka","No people found":"Nisu pronađeni ljudi","No pictures found":"Nema pronađenih slika","No recently edited pictures":"Nema nedavno uređenih slika","No servers configured.":"Nema konfiguriranih poslužitelja.","No thanks":"Ne hvala","No video selected":"Nije odabran nijedan videozapis","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Nema upozorenja ili pogreške koje sadrže ovu ključnu riječ. Imajte na umu da je pretraživanje osjetljivo na velika i mala slova.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Nefotografske slike i slike niske kvalitete zahtijevaju pregled prije nego što se pojave u rezultatima pretraživanja.","None":"Nijedan","Not Found":"Nije pronađeno","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Imajte na umu da svoju mapu izvornika možete ručno upravljati, a uvoz nije obavezan.","Note:":"Bilješka:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Napomena: Samo WebDAV poslužitelji, kao što su Nextcloud ili PhotoPrism, mogu se konfigurirati kao udaljeni servis za sigurnosno kopiranje i prijenos datoteka.","Notes":"Napomene","Offline":"Offline","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"U sustavu Windows unesite sljedeći resurs u dijaloški okvir za povezivanje:","Once a week":"Jednom tjedno","One album found":"Pronađen jedan album","One file found":"Pronađena je jedna datoteka","One file uploaded":"Prenesena je jedna datoteka","One folder found":"Pronađena je jedna mapa","One label found":"Pronađena je jedna oznaka","One person found":"Pronađena jedna osoba","One picture found":"Pronađena jedna slika","Onyx":"Oniks","Options":"Opcije","or ask in our Community Chat":"ili pitajte u našem chatu zajednice","Orange":"Narančasta","Orientation":"Usmjerenje","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Izvorni nazivi datoteka bit će pohranjeni i indeksirani.","Original Name":"Originalno ime","Originals":"Originali","Other":"Ostalo","Outdoor":"Vanjski","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panorame","Password":"Lozinka","Password changed":"Lozinka je promijenjena","People":"Ljudi","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Osobe s kojima podijelite vezu moći će vidjeti javni sadržaj.","Permanently deleted":"Trajno izbrisano","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Trajno uklonite datoteke da biste oslobodili prostor za pohranu.","Photo":"Fotografija","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism je ažuriran…","Photos":"Slike","Pink":"Ružičasta","Place":"Mjesto","Place & Time":"Mjesto i vrijeme","Places":"Mjesta","Please confirm your new password.":"Molimo potvrdite svoju novu lozinku.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Nemojte učitavati fotografije koje sadrže uvredljiv sadržaj.","Portrait":"Portret","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"objavite svoje pitanje u GitHub raspravama","Preserve filenames":"Sačuvajte nazive datoteka","Press button to start importing…":"Pritisnite gumb za početak uvoza…","Press button to start indexing…":"Pritisnite gumb za početak indeksiranja…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Pritisnite enter za stvaranje novog albuma.","Preview":"Pregled","Primary":"Glavni","Private":"Privatno","Product Feedback":"Povratne informacije o proizvodu","Projection":"Projekcija","Purple":"Ljubičasta","Quality Filter":"Filter kvalitete","Quality Score":"Ocjena kvalitete","Random":"Nasumično","Raspberry":"kupina","Raw":"Sirova","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW konverzija","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Ponovno indeksirajte sve originale, uključujući već indeksirane i nepromijenjene datoteke.","Read-Only Mode":"Način samo za čitanje","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Prepoznavanje počinje nakon što je indeksiranje završeno.","Recognized":"Prepoznati","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Prepoznaje lica kako bi se mogle pronaći određene osobe.","Red":"Crvena","Reload":"Ponovno učitaj","Reloading…":"Pretovar…","Remote Sync":"Daljinska sinkronizacija","Remove":"Ukloni","remove failed: unknown album":"uklanjanje nije uspjelo: nepoznat album","Remove from album":"Ukloni iz albuma","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Uklonite uvezene datoteke da biste spremili pohranu. Nepodržane vrste datoteka nikada se neće izbrisati, ostaju na svojoj trenutnoj lokaciji.","Request failed - invalid response":"Zahtjev nije uspio - nevažeći odgovor","Required":"Obavezno","Resolution":"Rezolucija","Restore":"Obnova","Retry Limit":"Ograničenje ponovnog pokušaja","Retype Password":"Ponovno upišite lozinku","Review":"Recenzija","Save":"Spremi","Scan":"Skeniraj","Scans":"Skenira","Search":"Traži","Search and display photos on a map.":"Pretraživanje i prikaz fotografija na karti.","Season":"Sezona","Secret":"Tajno","Select":"Izaberi","Select albums or create a new one":"Odaberite albume ili stvorite novi","Selection approved":"Odabir odobren","Selection archived":"Odabir je arhiviran","Selection restored":"Odabir je vraćen","Send":"Pošalji","Sequential Name":"Sekvencijalni naziv","Service URL":"URL usluge","Settings":"Postavke","Settings saved":"Postavke spremljene","Setup":"Postavke","Shadow":"Sjena","Share":"Podijeli","Share %{name}":"Podijeli %{name}","Show":"Prikaži","Show all new faces":"Pokažite sva nova lica","Show hidden":"Prikaži skriveno","Show less":"Prikaži manje","Show more":"Prikaži više","Show server logs in Library.":"Prikaži zapisnike poslužitelja u knjižnici.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Prikazuje detaljnije poruke dnevnika. Zahtijeva ponovno pokretanje.","Sidecar":"Prikolica","Sign in":"Prijavi se","Sign Up":"Registracija","Similar":"Sličan","Size":"Veličina","Slow":"Sporo","Sort Order":"Redoslijed sortiranja","Source":"Izvor","Stack":"Stog","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Stog datoteka koje dijele istu jedinstvenu sliku ili identifikator instance.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Složite slike snimljene u točno isto vrijeme i na istom mjestu na temelju njihovih metapodataka.","Stackable":"Slaganje","Stacks":"Stogovi","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Grupira datoteke sa sličnim referentnim okvirom, ali razlikama u kvaliteti, formatu, veličini ili boji.","Start":"Početak","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Pokreni/Zaustavi dijaprojekciju","States":"Države","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statičko ograničenje veličine: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Pohrana","Streets":"Ulice","Subject":"Predmet","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Podrška za dodatne usluge, poput Google diska, bit će dodana s vremenom.","Sync":"Sinkronizacija","Sync raw and video files":"Sinkronizirajte sirove i video datoteke","Taken":"Poduzete","Teal":"Teal","Text too long":"Predugačak tekst","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Indeks trenutno sadrži %{n} skrivenih datoteka.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Njihov format možda nije podržan, još nisu pretvoreni u JPEG ili postoje duplikati.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Time se mapa originala montira kao mrežni pogon i omogućuje vam otvaranje, uređivanje i brisanje datoteka s računala ili pametnog telefona kao da su lokalne.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generiranje sličica","Time UTC":"Vrijeme UTC","Time Zone":"Vremenska zona","Timeout":"Pauza","Title":"Naslov","Title too long":"Naslov predug","Toggle View":"Uključi/isključi prikaz","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografski","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Kontrolne liste za rješavanje problema","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Pokušajte ponovno pomoću drugih filtara ili ključnih riječi.","Type":"Vrsta","Undo":"Poništi","Unique ID":"Jedinstveni ID","Unknown":"Nepoznato","Unsorted":"Nerazvrstano","Unstack":"Odložite","Updated":"Ažurirano","Updating faces":"Ažuriranje lica","Updating index":"Ažuriranje indeksa","Updating moments":"Trenuci ažuriranja","Updating previews":"Ažuriranje pregleda","Updating stacks":"Ažuriranje hrpa","Upload":"Učitaj","Upload complete":"Prijenos je završen","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Prijenos je završen. Indeksiranje…","Upload failed":"Prijenos nije uspio","Upload local files":"Prenesite lokalne datoteke","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Prenesite na WebDAV i podijelite veze s prijateljima.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Prijenos %{n} od %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Prijenos fotografija…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Prijenosi koji mogu sadržavati takve slike bit će automatski odbijeni.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Koristite unaprijed postavljene postavke","User":"Korisnik","User Interface":"Korisničko sučelje","Username":"Korisničko ime","Vanta":"Vanta","Video":"Video","Videos":"Video","View":"Pregled","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Potrudit ćemo se odgovoriti na sva vaša pitanja. Zauzvrat, molimo vas da nas podržite na Patreonu ili GitHub sponzorima.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV klijenti mogu se povezati s PhotoPrismom koristeći sljedeći URL:","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV Upload","White":"Bijelo","Year":"Godina","Yellow":"Žuta boja","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Da","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"dobrodošli ste da nam se pridružite na Redditu","You can only download one album":"Možete preuzeti samo jedan album","You can only download one label":"Možete preuzeti samo jednu naljepnicu","You may only select one item":"Možete odabrati samo jednu stavku","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Možete ponovno skenirati svoju biblioteku kako biste pronašli dodatna lica.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Vaša se knjižnica kontinuirano analizira kako bi se automatski izradili albumi posebnih trenutaka, putovanja i mjesta.","Zoom in/out":"Povećavanje/smanjivanje"},"hu":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} album találat","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} fájl feltöltve","%{n} folders found":"%{n} mappa találat","%{n} labels found":"%{n} címke találat","%{n} people found":"%{n} ember találat","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} kép találat","1 hour":"1 óra","12 hours":"12 óra","4 hours":"4 óra","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"A kattintás egy másolatot helyez a vágólapra.","About":"Rólunk","Abyss":"Abyss","Account":"Fiók","Accuracy":"Pontosság","Action":"Művelet","Actions":"Műveletek","Add Account":"Fiók hozzáadása","Add Album":"Album hozzáadása","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Fájlok hozzáadása a könytárhoz Webes feltöltés segítéségével.","Add Link":"Hivatkozás hozzáadása","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Képek hozzáadása a találok közül kiválasztás segítéségével.","Add to album":"Hozzáadás albumhoz","Added":"Hozzáadva","Advanced":"Haladó","After 1 day":"Egy nap után","After 3 days":"Három nap után","After 7 days":"Hét nap után","After one month":"Egy hónap után","After one year":"Egy év után","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"A találokból kiválasztott képeket, tetszőleges albumhoz adni a menü segítségével lehet.","After two months":"Két hónap után","After two weeks":"Két hét után","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Album neve","Albums":"Albumok","Albums deleted":"Albumok törölve","All %{n} albums loaded":"Összesen %{n} album betöltve","All %{n} labels loaded":"Összesen %{n} címke betöltve","All %{n} people loaded":"Összesen %{n} ember betöltve","All Cameras":"Összes kamera","All Categories":"Összes kategória","All Colors":"Összes szín","All Countries":"Összes ország","All fields are required":"Minden mező kitöltése kötelező","All files from import folder":"Összes fájlt az import könyvtárból","All Lenses":"Összes lencse","All Months":"Összes hónap","All originals":"Összes eredeti","All Years":"Összes év","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternatívaként a fájlok feltölthetők WebDAV szerverekre is, mint például Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Magasság","Altitude (m)":"Magasság (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Hiba történt - van internet elérése?","Animated":"Mozgó","Animation":"Animáció","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Bármilyen privát fotó és videó privát marad és nem kerül megosztásra.","API Key":"API Kulcs","Apply":"Alkalmaz","Approve":"Jóváhagy","Archive":"Archívum","Archived":"Archíválva","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Biztos benne, hogy archíválja a kiválasztott fájlokat?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Biztos benne, hogy törli a kiválasztott fájlokat?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Biztos benne, hogy törli a kiválasztott címkéket?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Biztos benne, hogy törli ezt a felhasználói fiókot?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Biztos benne, hogy véglegesen törli a kiválasztott képeket?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Biztos benne, hogy véglegesen törli a kiválasztott fájlokat?","Are you sure?":"Biztos benne?","Artist":"Művész","Aspect Ratio":"Képarány","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Automatikusan hozzon létre JPEG-eket más fájltípusokhoz, hogy megjeleníthetők legyenek a böngészőben.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Automatikusan albumokat hoz létre különleges pillanatokról, utazásokról és helyekről.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Mielőtt támogatási kérelmet nyújt be, kérjük, használja hibaelhárítási ellenőrző listáinkat a probléma okának meghatározásához.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Mivel 100%-ban önfinanszírozók és függetlenek vagyunk, megígérhetjük, hogy soha nem adjuk el az adatait, és mindig átláthatóak leszünk a szoftverünkkel és szolgáltatásainkkal kapcsolatban.","Bio":"Bio","Birth Date":"Születési dátum","Black":"Fekete","Blue":"Kék","Brown":"Barna","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Böngéssze és szerkessze a képbesorolási címkéket.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Böngésszen az indexelt fájlok és mappák között a Könyvtárban.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"A Tudásbázisban részletes információkat talál a termék egyes jellemzőiről, szolgáltatásairól és a kapcsolódó erőforrásokról.","Bug Report":"Hibajelentés","Busy, please wait…":"Elfoglalt, kérem, várjon…","Calendar":"Naptár","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Kamera sorozat","Can't load more, limit reached":"Nem tölthet be többet, elérte a korlátot","Can't select more items":"Nem lehet több elemet kiválasztani","Cancel":"Mégsem","Cards":"Kártyák","Category":"Kategória","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Személyes profil és biztonsági beállítások módosítása.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Módosíthatja a fotók címét, helyét és egyéb metaadatait.","Change private flag":"Privát fotóként jelölés","Changes successfully saved":"Módosítások sikeresen mentve","Checked":"Ellenőrizve","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Bezárás","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Szín","Color Profile":"Színprofil","Colors":"Színek","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"A gyakori problémák gyorsan diagnosztizálhatók és megoldhatók az általunk biztosított hibaelhárítási ellenőrző listák segítségével.","Complete Rescan":"Teljes újraolvasás","Confidence":"Pontosság","Connect":"Csatlakozás","Connect via WebDAV":"Csatlakozás WebDAV-on keresztül","Connected":"Csatlakozva","Contact Details":"Elérhetőségek","Contact Us":"Lépjen kapcsolatba velünk","Contains %{n} pictures.":"%{n} képet tartalmaz.","Contains one picture.":"Egy képet tartalmaz.","Convert to JPEG":"Konvertálja JPEG formátumba","Converting":"Konvertálás","Copied to clipboard":"Vágólapra másolva","Copyright":"Szerzői jog","Couldn't find anything.":"Nem találtunk semmit.","Country":"Ország","Create album":"Album létrehozása","Created":"Létrehozva","Creating thumbnails for":"Miniatűrök létrehozása a következőhöz","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Köbös: Közepes minőség, jó teljesítmény","Current Password":"Jelenlegi jelszó","Customer Support":"Vevőszolgálat","Cyan":"Cián","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Napi","Day":"Nap","Debug Logs":"Hibakeresési naplók","Default":"Alapértelmezett","Default Folder":"Alapértelmezett mappa","Delete":"Törlés","Description":"Leírás","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"A részletes utasításokat a Felhasználói kézikönyvben találja.","Details":"Részletek","Dimensions":"Méretek","Disable Backups":"Biztonsági mentések letiltása","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"A beépített WebDAV szerver letiltása. Újraindítást igényel.","Disable Darktable":"A Darktable letiltása","Disable ExifTool":"Az ExifTool letiltása","Disable FFmpeg":"Az FFmpeg letiltása","Disable Places":"Helyek letiltása","Disable RawTherapee":"A RawTherapee letiltása","Disable TensorFlow":"A TensorFlow letiltása","Disable WebDAV":"A WebDAV letiltása","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Letiltja a fordított geokódolást és a térképeket.","Discover":"Felfedez","Display Name":"Megjelenített név","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Ne készítsen biztonsági másolatot a fényképek és albumok metaadatairól YAML-fájlokba.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Ne hozzon létre ExifTool JSON-fájlokat a metaadatok jobb kinyerése érdekében.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Ne módosítsa az eredeti mappát. Letiltja az importálást, feltöltést és törlést.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Ne kódoljon át videókat az FFmpeg segítségével.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Ne használja a Darktable-t RAW fájlok konvertálására.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Ne használja a RawTherapee-t RAW fájlok konvertálására.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Ne használja a TensorFlow-t képosztályozáshoz.","Donations":"Adományok","Done":"Kész","Done.":"Kész.","Download":"Letöltés","Download remote files":"Távoli fájlok letöltése","Download single files and zip archives.":"Egyedi fájlok és zip-archívumok letöltése.","Downloading…":"Letöltés…","Downscaling Filter":"Lekicsinyítési szűrő","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"A beérkező e-mailek nagy száma miatt előfordulhat, hogy csapatunk nem tud azonnal válaszolni Önnek.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"A másolatok kimaradnak, és csak egyszer jelennek meg.","Duration":"Időtartam","Dynamic Previews":"Dinamikus előnézetek","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"A dinamikus megjelenítéshez erős szerverre van szükség. NAS eszközökhöz nem ajánlott.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Dinamikus méretkorlát: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Email","Edit":"Szerkesztés","Edit %{name}":"%{name} szerkesztése","Edit Account":"Fiók szerkesztése","Edit Photo":"Fénykép szerkesztése","Edited":"Szerkesztette","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-mail","Enable new features currently under development.":"A jelenleg fejlesztés alatt álló új funkciók engedélyezése.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Engedélyezi a RAW konverter előbeállításait. Csökkentheti a teljesítményt.","Errors":"Hibák","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Becsülje meg a képek hozzávetőleges helyét koordináták nélkül.","Estimates":"Becslések","Every two days":"Kétnaponta","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"A privátként megjelölt tartalmak kizárása a keresési eredményekből, a megosztott albumokból, címkékből és helyekről.","Exclude hidden":"Rejtett kizárás","Expand":"Kiterjesztés","Expand Search":"Bontsa ki a Keresés elemet","Experimental Features":"Kísérleti jellemzők","Expires":"Lejár","Exposure":"Kitettség","F Number":"F Szám","Face":"Arc","Faces":"Arcok","Failed copying to clipboard":"Nem sikerült a vágólapra másolni","Failed removing link":"Nem sikerült eltávolítani a linket","Failed updating link":"Nem sikerült frissíteni a linket","Family Name":"Családnév","Fast":"Gyors","Favorite":"Kedvenc","Favorites":"Kedvencek","Feature Request":"Funkciókérés","Feedback":"Visszacsatolás","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Kérjük, lépjen kapcsolatba velünk a hello@photoprism.app címen, ha kérdése van, vagy segítségre van szüksége.","File":"Fájl","File Browser":"Fájl böngésző","File Name":"Fájlnév","File Size":"Fájl méret","Filename":"Fájlnév","Files":"Fájlok","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Az olyan szekvenciális nevű fájlok, mint az „IMG_1234 (2)” és „IMG_1234 (3)”, ugyanahhoz a képhez tartoznak.","Focal Length":"Gyújtótávolság","Folder":"Mappa","Folder contains %{n} files":"A mappa %{n} fájlt tartalmaz","Folder is empty":"A mappa üres","Folders":"Mappák","Forgot password?":"Elfelejtett jelszó?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Keretek","Fullscreen":"Teljes képernyő","Gemstone":"Drágakő","Gender":"Nem","General":"Általános","Getting Support":"Támogatás megszerzése","Given Name":"Keresztnév","Gold":"Arany","Grayscale":"Szürkeárnyalatos","Green":"Zöld","Grey":"Szürke","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Segítség","Help & Support":"Segítség & Támogatás","Hidden":"Rejtett","Hidden Files":"Rejtett fájlok","Hide":"Elrejt","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Az archívumba áthelyezett fotók elrejtése.","High":"Magas","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Nagy dinamikatartomány (HDR)","How can we help?":"Hogyan segíthetünk?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Ha ez nem segít, vagy egyéb kérdése van:","image":"kép","Image":"Kép","Images":"Képek","Import":"Importálás","Import failed":"Az importálás sikertelen","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Az importált fájlok dátum szerint vannak rendezve, és egyedi nevet kapnak a párhuzamosságok elkerülése érdekében.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Az importált fájlok dátum szerint vannak rendezve, és egyedi nevet kapnak.","Importing %{name}…":"%{name} importálása…","Importing files to originals…":"Fájlok importálása eredetibe…","in":"-ban/-ben","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"A szponzorok emellett közvetlen technikai támogatást kapnak e-mailben.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Ha hiányoznak a várt képek, kérjük, ellenőrizze újra a könyvtárát, és várja meg, amíg az indexelés befejeződik.","Index":"Index","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Fájlok indexelése és importálása a felhasználói felületen keresztül.","Indexing":"Indexelés","Indexing failed":"Az indexelés nem sikerült","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Média- és oldalsó fájlok indexelése…","Instance ID":"Példányazonosító","Interval":"Intervallum","Invalid":"Érvénytelen","Invalid date":"Érvénytelen dátum","Invalid parameters":"Érvénytelen paraméterek","Invalid photo selected":"Érvénytelen fénykép kiválasztva","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"A legújabb technológiákat használja a képek automatikus megjelölésére és megtalálására anélkül, hogy útban lenne.","Item":"Tétel","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG minőség: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG méretkorlát: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"A JPEG-fájlok és miniatűrök szükség szerint automatikusan megjelennek.","Keywords":"Kulcsszavak","Knowledge Base":"Tudásbázis","Label":"Címke","Labels":"Címkék","Labels deleted":"Címkék törölve","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Részletmegőrzés, minimális műtárgyak","Language":"Nyelv","Last Sync":"Utolsó szinkronizálás","Latitude":"Szélességi kör","Lavender":"Levendula","Learn more":"Tudjon meg többet","Legal Information":"Jogi információk","Lens":"Lencse","Library":"Könyvtár","License":"Engedély","Like":"Kedvelés","Lime":"Mész","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Elérte a korlátot, az első %{n} fájl látható","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineáris: Nagyon sima, a legjobb teljesítmény","Link":"Link","List":"Lista","Live":"Élő","Local Time":"Helyi idő","location":"elhelyezkedés","Location":"Elhelyezkedés","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Naplóüzenetek jelennek meg itt, ha a PhotoPrism hibás fájlokat talál, vagy más lehetséges problémák merülnek fel.","Login":"Belépés","Logout":"Kijelentkezés","Logs":"Naplók","Longitude":"Hosszúság","Low":"Alacsony","Magenta":"Bíborvörös","Main Color":"Fő szín","Male":"Férfi","manual":"kézi","Manual Upload":"Kézi feltöltés","Maps":"Térképek","Marker":"Jelző","Medium":"Közepes","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Összevonja %{a}-t a %{b}-val?","Message sent":"Üzenet elküldve","Minimize":"Minimalizálja","Missing":"Hiányzó","Moments":"Pillanatok","Monochrome":"Monokróm","Month":"Hónap","Moonlight":"Holdfény","More than %{n} pictures found":"Több mint %{n} kép található","More than 20 albums found":"Több mint 20 album található","More than 20 labels found":"Több mint 20 címke található","More than 20 people found":"Több mint 20 embert találtunk","Mosaic":"Mozaik","Most Relevant":"Legrelevánsabb","Move Files":"Fájlok áthelyezése","Name":"Név","Name too long":"A név túl hosszú","Never":"Soha","New":"Új","New Password":"Új jelszó","Newest First":"Először a legújabb","No":"Nem","No albums found":"Nem találhatók albumok","No labels found":"Nem találhatók címkék","No people found":"Nem találhatók személyek","No pictures found":"Nem találhatók képek","No recently edited pictures":"Nincsenek nemrég szerkesztett képek","No servers configured.":"Nincsenek konfigurálva szerverek.","No thanks":"Nem köszönöm","No video selected":"Nincs kijelölt videó","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Nincsenek figyelmeztetések vagy hibák, amelyek ezt a kulcsszót tartalmazzák. Vegye figyelembe, hogy a keresés megkülönbözteti a kis- és nagybetűket.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"A rossz minőségű képek ellenörzésre kerülnek, mielőtt megjelennének a keresési eredmények között.","None":"Egyik sem","Not Found":"Nem található","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Vegye figyelembe, hogy manuálisan is kezelheti az eredeti mappát, és az importálás nem kötelező.","Note:":"Megjegyzés:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Megjegyzés: Csak a WebDAV-kiszolgálók, például a Nextcloud vagy a PhotoPrism konfigurálhatók távoli szolgáltatásként biztonsági mentéshez és fájlfeltöltéshez.","Notes":"Megjegyzések","Nothing to see here yet.":"Itt még nincs látnivaló. Legyél türelmes.","Offline":"Offline","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Windows alatt adja meg a következő erőforrást a kapcsolat párbeszédpanelen:","Once a week":"Hetente egyszer","One album found":"Egy albumot találtunk","One file found":"Egy fájl található","One file uploaded":"Egy feltöltött fájl","One folder found":"Egy mappa található","One label found":"Egy címkét találtunk","One person found":"Egy személyt találtak","One picture found":"Egy kép található","Onyx":"Ónix","Options":"Lehetőségek","or ask in our Community Chat":"vagy kérdezz a közösségi csevegésünkben","Orange":"Narancssárga","Orientation":"Orientáció","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Az eredeti fájlneveket a rendszer tárolja és indexeli.","Original Name":"Eredeti Név","Originals":"Eredetiek","Other":"Egyéb","Outdoor":"Szabadtéri","Panorama":"Panoráma","Panoramas":"Panorámák","Password":"Jelszó","Password changed":"A jelszó megváltozott","People":"Személyek","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Azok, akikkel megoszt egy linket, nyilvános tartalmakat tekinthetnek meg.","Permanently deleted":"Véglegesen törölve","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"A tárhely felszabadításához távolítsa el véglegesen a fájlokat.","Phone":"Telefon","Photo":"Fénykép","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"A PhotoPrism frissítve lett…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"A PhotoPrism® egy mesterséges intelligenciával működő fényképalkalmazás a decentralizált webre.","Photos":"Fényképek","Pink":"Rózsaszín","Place":"Hely","Place & Time":"Hely és idő","Places":"Helyek","Please confirm your new password.":"Kérjük, erősítse meg új jelszavát.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Kérjük, ne töltsön fel sértő tartalmat tartalmazó fotókat.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy a jelszó megváltoztatása más eszközökön és böngészőkben is kijelentkezik.","Portrait":"Portré","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"tegye fel a kérdését a GitHub Discussions-ban","Preserve filenames":"Fájlnevek megőrzése","Press button to start importing…":"Nyomja meg a gombot az importálás megkezdéséhez…","Press button to start indexing…":"Nyomja meg a gombot az indexelés elindításához…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Új album létrehozásához nyomja meg az Enter billentyűt.","Preview":"Előnézet","Primary":"Elsődleges","Private":"Privát","Product Feedback":"Termék visszajelzés","Projection":"Kivetítés","Purple":"Lila","Quality Filter":"Minőségi szűrő","Quality Score":"Minőségi mutató","Random":"Véletlen","Raspberry":"Málna","Raw":"Nyers","RAW":"NYERS","RAW Conversion":"RAW átalakítás","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Indexelje újra az összes eredetit, beleértve a már indexelt és változatlan fájlokat is.","Read-Only Mode":"Csak olvasható mód","Recently Added":"Nemrég hozzáadott","Recently Edited":"Nemrég szerkesztve","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"A felismerés az indexelés befejezése után kezdődik.","Recognized":"Elismert","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Felismeri az arcokat, így konkrét személyeket is meg lehet találni.","Red":"Piros","Reload":"Újratöltés","Reloading…":"Újratöltés…","Remote Sync":"Távoli szinkronizálás","Remove":"Távolítsa el","remove failed: unknown album":"eltávolítás sikertelen: ismeretlen album","Remove from album":"Eltávolítás az albumból","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Távolítsa el az importált fájlokat a tárhely megtakarításához. A nem támogatott fájltípusok soha nem törlődnek, a jelenlegi helyükön maradnak.","Request failed - invalid response":"Sikertelen kérés – érvénytelen válasz","Required":"Kívánt","Resolution":"Felbontás","Restore":"Visszaállítás","Retry Limit":"Újrapróbálkozási korlát","Retype Password":"Gépelje be újra a jelszót","Review":"Felülvizsgálat","Save":"Mentés","Scan":"Felderítés","Scans":"Szkennel","Search":"Keresés","Search and display photos on a map.":"Fényképek keresése és megjelenítése a térképen.","Season":"Évad","Secret":"Titok","Security and Access":"Biztonság és hozzáférés","Select":"Kiválasztás","Select albums or create a new one":"Válasszon albumokat, vagy hozzon létre egy újat","Selection approved":"Kiválasztás jóváhagyva","Selection archived":"A kijelölés archiválva","Selection restored":"Kiválasztás visszaállítva","Send":"Küld","Sequential Name":"Sorozati név","Service URL":"Szolgáltatás URL-je","Services":"Szolgáltatások","Settings":"Beállítások","Settings saved":"Beállítások elmentve","Setup":"Beállít","Shadow":"Árnyék","Share":"Megosztás","Share %{name}":"%{name} megosztása","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Ossza meg képeit más alkalmazásokkal és szolgáltatásokkal.","Show":"Előadás","Show all new faces":"Az összes új arc megjelenítése","Show hidden":"Rejtett megjelenítése","Show less":"Mutass kevesebbet","Show more":"Mutass többet","Show server logs in Library.":"Szervernaplók megjelenítése a Könyvtárban.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Részletesebb naplóüzeneteket jelenít meg. Újraindítást igényel.","Sidecar":"Oldalkocsi","Sign in":"Bejelentkezés","Sign Up":"Regisztrálj","Similar":"Hasonló","Size":"Méret","Slow":"Lassú","Sort Order":"Sorrend","Source":"Forrás","Stack":"Csoportosítás","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Fájlok csoportosítása, amelyek ugyanazt az egyedi képet vagy példányazonosítót tartalmazzák.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"A metaadataik alapján csoportosítsa a pontosan ugyanabban az időben és helyen készült képeket.","Stackable":"Egymásra rakható","Stacks":"Stackek","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Csoportosítja a fájlokat hasonló referenciakerettel, de minőségben, formátumban, méretben vagy színben eltérő.","Start":"Rajt","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Diavetítés indítása/leállítása","States":"Országok","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statikus méretkorlát: %{n}px","Status":"Állapot","Storage":"Tárhely","Streets":"Utcák","Subject":"Tantárgy","Successfully Connected":"Sikeresen csatlakoztatva","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"A további szolgáltatások, például a Google Drive támogatása jelenleg fejlesztés alatt áll.","Sync":"Szinkronizálás","Sync raw and video files":"Nyers és videofájlok szinkronizálása","Taken":"Felvett","Teal":"A zöldeskék","Text too long":"A szöveg túl hosszú","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Az index jelenleg %{n} rejtett fájlt tartalmaz.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Előfordulhat, hogy a formátumuk nem támogatott, még nem konvertálták JPEG formátumba, vagy ismétlődők vannak.","Theme":"Téma","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Ez hálózati meghajtóként csatlakoztatja az eredeti mappát, és lehetővé teszi a fájlok megnyitását, szerkesztését és törlését számítógépéről vagy okostelefonjáról, mintha azok helyi lennének.","Thumbnail Generation":"Miniatűrök generálása","Time UTC":"Idő UTC","Time Zone":"Időzóna","Timeout":"Időtúllépés","Title":"Cím","Title too long":"A cím túl hosszú","Toggle View":"Nézet váltása","Token":"Jelképes","Topographic":"Topográfiai","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Hibaelhárítási ellenőrző listák","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Próbálja újra más szűrők vagy kulcsszavak használatával.","Type":"Típus","Undo":"Visszavonás","Unique ID":"Egyéni azonosító","Unknown":"Ismeretlen","Unregistered":"Nem regisztrált","Unsorted":"Rendezés nélkül","Unstack":"Bontsa ki","Updated":"Frissítve","Updating faces":"Arcok frissítése","Updating index":"Index frissítése","Updating moments":"Frissítő pillanatok","Updating picture…":"Kép frissítése…","Updating previews":"Előnézetek frissítése","Updating stacks":"Csoportosítások frissítése","Upload":"Feltöltés","Upload complete":"Feltöltés kész","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Feltöltés kész. Indexelés…","Upload failed":"Feltöltés sikertelen","Upload local files":"Helyi fájlok feltöltése","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Töltse fel a WebDAV-ba, és ossza meg hivatkozásait barátaival.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"%{n}/%{t} feltöltése…","Uploading photos…":"Fényképek feltöltése…","Uploading…":"Feltöltés…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Az esetlegesen ilyen képeket tartalmazó feltöltések automatikusan elutasításra kerülnek.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Előbeállítások használata","User":"Felhasználó","User Guide":"Felhasználói útmutató","User Interface":"Felhasználói felület","Username":"Felhasználónév","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Ellenőrzött","Video":"Videó","Videos":"Videók","View":"Kilátás","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Látogasson el a docs.photoprism.app/user-guide webhelyre, ahol megtudhatja, hogyan szinkronizálhatja, rendszerezheti és oszthatja meg képeit.","We appreciate your feedback!":"Nagyra értékeljük visszajelzéseit!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Igyekszünk öt munkanapon belül vagy annál rövidebb időn belül válaszolni.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Mindent megteszünk, hogy válaszoljunk minden kérdésére. Cserébe arra kérünk, hogy támogass minket Patreon vagy GitHub szponzorok.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"A WebDAV-kliensek a következő URL-címen csatlakozhatnak a PhotoPrism-hez:","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV feltöltés","Website":"Weboldal","White":"Fehér","Year":"Év","Yellow":"Sárga","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Igen","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"szívesen látunk a Reddit-en","You can only download one album":"Csak egy albumot tölthet le","You can only download one label":"Csak egy címkét tölthet le","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Futtathatja otthon, egy privát szerveren vagy a felhőben.","You may only select one item":"Csak egy elemet választhat ki","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Újra beolvashatja könyvtárát, hogy további arcokat találjon.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Könyvtárát folyamatosan elemzi a rendszer, hogy automatikusan létrehozza a különleges pillanatokat, utazásokat és helyeket tartalmazó albumokat.","Zoom in/out":"Nagyítás/kicsinyítés"},"id":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} album ditemukan","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} berkas yang diunggah","%{n} folders found":"%{n} folder ditemukan","%{n} labels found":"%{n} label yang ditemukan","%{n} people found":"%{n} orang yang ditemukan","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} gambar yang ditemukan","1 hour":"1 jam","12 hours":"12 jam","4 hours":"4 jam","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Satu klik akan menyalinnya ke clipboard Anda.","About":"Tentang","Abyss":"Neraka","Account":"Akun","Accuracy":"Akurasi","Action":"Tindakan","Actions":"Tindakan","Add Album":"Tambah album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Tambah berkas ke pustaka melalui unggahan web.","Add Link":"Tambah tautan","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Tambahkan gambar dari hasil pencarian dengan memilihnya.","Add to album":"Tambahkan ke album","Added":"Sudah ditambahkan","Advanced":"Lanjutan","After 1 day":"Setelah 1 hari","After 3 days":"Setelah 3 hari","After 7 days":"Setelah 7 hari","After one month":"Setelah 1 bulan","After one year":"Setelah 1 tahun","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Setelah memilah gambar dari hasil pencarian, Anda dapat menambahkannya ke album menggunakan menu kontek.","After two months":"Setelah 2 bulan","After two weeks":"Setelah 2 minggu","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Nama Album","Albums":"Koleksi Album","Albums deleted":"Koleksi album dihapus","All %{n} albums loaded":"%{n} album telah dimuat","All %{n} labels loaded":"%{n} label telah dimuat","All %{n} people loaded":"%{n} orang telah dimuat","All Cameras":"Semua Kamera","All Categories":"Semua Kategori","All Colors":"Semua Warna","All Countries":"Semua Negara","All fields are required":"Semua kolom wajib diisi","All files from import folder":"Semua berkas dari folder impor","All Lenses":"Semua Lensa","All Months":"Dalam semua bulan","All originals":"Semua yang asli","All Years":"Dalam semua tahun","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Sebagai kemungkinan lain, Anda dapat mengunggah berkas langsung ke WebDAV server seperti Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Ketinggian","Altitude (m)":"Ketinggian (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Sebuah error terjadi - apakah Anda tidak tersambung dengan internet?","Animated":"Animasi","Animation":"Animasi","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Semua foto dan video pribadi tetap pribadi dan tidak akan dibagikan.","API Key":"Kunci API","Apply":"Terapkan","Approve":"Setujui","Archive":"Arsip","Archived":"Diarsipkan","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Apakah Anda yakin untuk mengarsipkan pilihan ini?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Apakah Anda yakin untuk menghapus album - album ini?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Apakah Anda yakin untuk menghapus label - label ini?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Apakah Anda yakin untuk menghapus akun ini?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengapus gambar ini secara permanen?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Apakah Anda yakin untuk menghapus berkas ini secara permanen?","Are you sure?":"Apakah Anda yakin?","Artist":"Artis","Aspect Ratio":"Rasio Aspek","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Secara otomatis membuat JPEG untuk jenis file lain sehingga dapat ditampilkan di browser.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Secara otomatis membuat album momen spesial, perjalanan, dan tempat.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Sebelum mengirimkan permintaan dukungan, harap gunakan Daftar Periksa Pemecahan Masalah kami untuk menentukan penyebab masalah Anda.","Bio":"Bio","Black":"Hitam","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Modifikasi Lanczos, Artefak Berdering Lebih Sedikit","Blue":"Biru","Brown":"Coklat","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Jelajahi dan edit label klasifikasi gambar.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Jelajahi file dan folder yang diindeks di Perpustakaan.","Bug Report":"Laporan Bug","Busy, please wait…":"Sibuk, harap tunggu…","Calendar":"Kalender","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Serial Kamera","Can't load more, limit reached":"Tidak dapat memuat lebih banyak, batas tercapai","Can't select more items":"Tidak dapat memilih item lainnya","Cancel":"Batal","Cards":"Kartu","Category":"Kategori","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Ubah judul foto, lokasi, dan metadata lainnya.","Change private flag":"Ubah bendera pribadi","Checked":"Diperiksa","Chroma":"Kroma","Close":"Tutup","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Warna","Color Profile":"Profil Warna","Colors":"Warna","Complete Rescan":"Selesaikan Pemindaian Ulang","Confidence":"Keyakinan","Connect":"Hubungkan","Connect via WebDAV":"Terhubung melalui WebDAV","Contact Us":"Hubungi Kami","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Berisi %{n} gambar.","Contains one picture.":"Berisi satu gambar.","Convert to JPEG":"Konversi ke JPEG","Converting":"Mengubah","Copied to clipboard":"Disalin ke papan klip","Copyright":"Hak Cipta","Couldn't find anything.":"Tidak dapat menemukan apa pun.","Country":"Negara","Create album":"Buat album","Created":"Dibuat","Creating thumbnails for":"Membuat thumbnail untuk","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubik: Kualitas Sedang, Performa Bagus","Current Password":"Kata Sandi Saat Ini","Customer Support":"Dukungan Pelanggan","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Siano","Daily":"Harian","Day":"Hari","Debug Logs":"Log Debug","Default":"Bawaan","Default Folder":"Folder Default","Delete":"Hapus","Description":"Deskripsi","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Petunjuk rinci dapat ditemukan di Panduan Pengguna kami.","Details":"Detail","Dimensions":"Dimensi","Disable Backups":"Nonaktifkan Cadangan","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Nonaktifkan server WebDAV bawaan. Perlu dimulai ulang.","Disable Darktable":"Nonaktifkan Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Nonaktifkan ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Nonaktifkan FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Nonaktifkan Tempat","Disable RawTherapee":"Nonaktifkan RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Nonaktifkan TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Nonaktifkan WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Menonaktifkan geocoding dan peta terbalik.","Discover":"Temukan","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Jangan backup foto dan metadata album ke file YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Jangan buat file ExifTool JSON untuk ekstraksi metadata yang lebih baik.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Jangan ubah folder asli. Nonaktifkan impor, unggah, dan hapus.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Jangan transkode video dengan FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Jangan gunakan Darktable untuk mengonversi file RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Jangan gunakan RawTherapee untuk mengonversi file RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Jangan gunakan TensorFlow untuk klasifikasi gambar.","Donations":"Donasi","Done":"Selesai","Done.":"Selesai.","Download":"Unduh","Download remote files":"Unduh file jarak jauh","Download single files and zip archives.":"Unduh file tunggal dan arsip zip.","Downloading…":"Mengunduh…","Downscaling Filter":"Filter Penurunan Skala","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikat akan dilewati dan hanya muncul sekali.","Duration":"Durasi","Dynamic Previews":"Pratinjau Dinamis","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Perenderan dinamis memerlukan server yang kuat. Tidak disarankan untuk perangakat NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Batas Ukuran Dinamis: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Email","Edit":"Sunting","Edit %{name}":"Sunting %{nama}","Edit Account":"Mengedit Akun","Edit Photo":"Mengedit Foto","Edited":"Diedit","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"Aktifkan fitur baru yang sedang dikembangkan.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Aktifkan preset untuk RAW konverter. Memungkinkan adanya penurunan performa.","Errors":"Kesalahan","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Perkiraan lokasi gambar tanpa menggunakan koordinat.","Estimates":"Perkiraan","Every two days":"Setiap dua hari","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Pengecualian untuk konten yang ditAndai sebagai privasi dari hasil pencarian, album yang dibagikan, label, dan tempat.","Exclude hidden":"Pengecualian untuk yang tersembunyi","Expand":"Perluas","Expand Search":"Perluas Pencarian","Experimental Features":"Fitur Eksperimental","Expires":"Kedaluwarsa","Exposure":"Eksposur","F Number":"Nilai F","Face":"Wajah","Faces":"Wajah","Failed copying to clipboard":"Gagal menyalin ke papan klip","Failed removing link":"Gagal menghapus tautan","Failed updating link":"Gagal memperbarui tautan","Fast":"Cepat","Favorite":"Favorit","Favorites":"Favorit","Feature Request":"Permintaan Fitur","Feedback":"Umpan Balik","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Silakan hubungi kami di hello@photoprism.app jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan.","File":"Berkas","File Browser":"Peramban Berkas","Filename":"Nama Berkas","Files":"Berkas","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"File dengan nama berurutan seperti 'IMG_1234 (2)' dan 'IMG_1234 (3)' milik gambar yang sama.","Focal Length":"Panjang Fokus","Folder":"Folder","Folder contains %{n} files":"Folder berisi %{n} berkas","Folder is empty":"Folder kosong","Folders":"Folder","Forgot password?":"Lupa kata sandi?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Bingkai","Fullscreen":"Layar Penuh","Gemstone":"Batu permata","General":"Umum","Getting Support":"Mendapatkan Dukungan","Gold":"Emas","Grayscale":"Grayscale","Green":"Hijau","Grey":"Abu-abu","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Bantuan","Help & Support":"Bantuan & Dukungan","Hidden":"Tersembunyi","Hidden Files":"Berkas tersembunyi","Hide":"Sembunyikan","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Sembunyikan foto yang telah dipindahkan ke arsip.","High":"Tinggi","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Rentang Dinamis Tinggi (HDR)","How can we help?":"Bagaimana kami bisa membantu?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Jika ini tidak membantu, atau Anda memiliki pertanyaan lain:","image":"gambar","Image":"Gambar","Images":"Gambar","Import":"Impor","Import failed":"Impor gagal","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"File yang diimpor akan diurutkan berdasarkan tanggal dan diberi nama yang unik untuk menghindari duplikat.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"File yang diimpor akan diurutkan berdasarkan tanggal dan diberi nama yang unik.","Importing %{name}…":"Mengimpor %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Mengimpor file ke aslinya…","in":"dalam","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Selain itu, sponsor menerima dukungan teknis langsung melalui email.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Jika gambar yang Anda harapkan hilang, silakan pindai ulang perpustakaan Anda dan tunggu.","Index":"Indeks","Indexing":"Pengindeksan","Indexing failed":"Pengindeksan gagal","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Mengindeks file media dan sidecar…","Instance ID":"ID Instance","Interval":"Selang","Invalid date":"Tanggal tidak valid","Invalid photo selected":"Foto yang dipilih tidak valid","Item":"Item","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Kualitas JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Batas Ukuran JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG dan thumbnail secara otomatis dirender sesuai dengan kebutuhan.","Keywords":"Kata kunci","Label":"Label","Labels":"Label","Labels deleted":"Label dihapus","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Pelestarian Detail, Artefak Minimal","Language":"Bahasa","Last Sync":"Sinkronisasi Terakhir","Latitude":"Lintang","Lavender":"Lavender","Lens":"Lensa","Library":"Perpustakaan","License":"Lisensi","Like":"Suka","Lime":"Lime","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Batas tercapai, menampilkan %{n} file pertama","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: Sangat Halus, Performa Terbaik","Link":"Tautan","List":"Daftar","Live":"Langsung","Local Time":"Waktu Setempat","location":"lokasi","Location":"Lokasi","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Pesan log muncul di sini setiap kali PhotoPrism menemukan file yang rusak, atau ada masalah potensial lainnya.","Login":"Masuk","Logout":"Keluar","Logs":"Log","Longitude":"Bujur","Low":"Rendah","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Warna Utama","manual":"manual","Manual Upload":"Unggah manual","Marker":"PenAnda","Medium":"Sedang","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Gabungkan %{a} dengan %{b}?","Message sent":"Pesan terkirim","Minimize":"Perkecil","Missing":"Hilang","Moments":"Momen","Monochrome":"Monokrom","Month":"Setelah 1 bulanBulan","Moonlight":"Cahaya Bulan","More than %{n} pictures found":"Lebih dari %{n} gambar ditemukan","More than 20 albums found":"Lebih dari 20 album ditemukan","More than 20 labels found":"Lebih dari 20 label ditemukan","More than 20 people found":"Lebih dari 20 orang ditemukan","Mosaic":"Mosaik","Move Files":"Pindahkan File","Name":"Nama","Name too long":"Nama terlalu panjang","Never":"Tidak Pernah","New":"Baru","New Password":"Kata sandi baru","No":"Tidak","No albums found":"Tidak ada album yang ditemukan","No labels found":"Tidak ada label yang ditemukan","No people found":"Tidak ada orang yang ditemukan","No pictures found":"Tidak ada gambar yang ditemukan","No recently edited pictures":"Tidak ada gambar yang baru saja diedit","No servers configured.":"Tidak ada server yang dikonfigurasi.","No thanks":"Tidak, terima kasih","No video selected":"Tidak ada video yang dipilih","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Tidak ada peringatan atau kesalahan yang mengandung kata kunci ini. Perhatikan bahwa pencarian adalah case-sensitive.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Gambar non-fotografis dan berkualitas rendah memerlukan peninjauan sebelum muncul di hasil pencarian.","None":"Tidak ada","Not Found":"Tidak ditemukan","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Perhatikan bahwa Anda dapat mengelola folder asli secara manual dan mengimpor adalah opsional.","Note:":"Catatan:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Catatan: Hanya server WebDAV, seperti Nextcloud atau PhotoPrism, yang dapat dikonfigurasi sebagai layanan jarak jauh untuk pencadangan dan pengunggahan file.","Notes":"Catatan","Offline":"Offline","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Pada Windows, masukkan sumber daya berikut ini dalam dialog connection:","Once a week":"Seminggu sekali","One album found":"Satu album ditemukan","One file found":"Satu file ditemukan","One file uploaded":"Satu file yang diunggah","One folder found":"Satu folder ditemukan","One label found":"Satu label ditemukan","One person found":"Satu orang ditemukan","One picture found":"Satu gambar ditemukan","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Opsi","or ask in our Community Chat":"atau tanyakan di Obrolan Komunitas kami","Orange":"Oranye","Orientation":"Orientasi","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Nama file asli akan disimpan dan diindeks.","Original Name":"Nama Asli","Originals":"Asli","Other":"Lainnya","Outdoor":"Luar ruangan","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panorama","Password":"Kata sandi","Password changed":"Kata sandi diubah","People":"Orang","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Orang lain yang Anda bagikan tautan ini dapat melihat konten secara publik.","Permanently deleted":"Dihapus permanen","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Hapus file secara permanen untuk mengosongkan penyimpanan.","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism telah diperbarui…","Photos":"Foto","Pink":"Merah Muda","Place":"Tempat","Place & Time":"Tempat & Waktu","Places":"Tempat","Please confirm your new password.":"Harap konfirmasi kata sandi baru Anda.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Jangan mengunggah foto yang mengandung konten SARA.","Portrait":"Potret","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"posting pertanyaan Anda di Diskusi GitHub","Preserve filenames":"Pertahankan nama file","Press button to start importing…":"Tekan tombol untuk mulai mengimpor…","Press button to start indexing…":"Tekan tombol untuk memulai pengindeksan…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Tekan enter untuk membuat album baru.","Preview":"Pratinjau","Primary":"Utama","Private":"Pribadi","Product Feedback":"Umpan Balik Produk","Projection":"Proyeksi","Purple":"Ungu","Quality Filter":"Filter Kualitas","Quality Score":"Angka Mutu","Random":"Acak","Raspberry":"Raspberry","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Konversi RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Indeks ulang semua dokumen asli, termasuk file yang sudah diindeks dan tidak diubah.","Read-Only Mode":"Mode Baca","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Pengenalan dimulai setelah pengindeksan selesai.","Recognized":"Pengenalan","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Mengenali wajah sehingga orang tertentu dapat ditemukan.","Red":"Merah","Reload":"Muat ulang","Reloading…":"Memuat ulang…","Remote Sync":"Sinkronisasi Jarak Jauh","Remove":"Hapus","remove failed: unknown album":"gagal menghapus: album tidak dikenal","Remove from album":"Hapus dari album","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Hapus file yang diimpor untuk menghemat penyimpanan. Jenis file yang tidak didukung tidak akan pernah dihapus, mereka tetap di lokasi mereka saat ini.","Request failed - invalid response":"Permintaan gagal - tanggapan tidak valid","Required":"Diperlukan","Resolution":"Resolusi","Restore":"Pulihkan","Retry Limit":"Batas Percobaan Ulang","Retype Password":"Kata sandiKetik Ulang Kata Sandi","Review":"Ulasan","Save":"Simpan","Scan":"Pindai","Scans":"Pindai","Search":"Cari","Search and display photos on a map.":"Mencari dan menampilkan foto di peta.","Season":"Musim","Secret":"Rahasia","Select":"Pilih","Select albums or create a new one":"Pilih album atau buat yang baru","Selection approved":"Pilihan disetujui","Selection archived":"Pilihan diarsipkan","Selection restored":"Pilihan dipulihkan","Send":"Kirim","Sequential Name":"Nama Urutan","Service URL":"URL Layanan","Settings":"Pengaturan","Settings saved":"Pengaturan disimpan","Setup":"Setelan","Shadow":"Bayangan","Share":"Bagikan","Share %{name}":"Bagikan %{name}","Show":"Tampilkan","Show all new faces":"Tampilkan semua wajah baru","Show hidden":"Tampilkan yang tersembunyi","Show less":"Tampilkan lebih sedikit","Show more":"Tampilkan lebih banyak","Show server logs in Library.":"Tampilkan log server di Perpustakaan.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Menampilkan pesan log yang lebih detail. Memerlukan restart.","Sidecar":"Sespan","Sign in":"Masuk","Sign Up":"Daftar","Similar":"Serupa","Size":"Ukuran","Slow":"Lambat","Sort Order":"Urutkan","Source":"Sumber","Stack":"Tumpukan","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Tumpuk file untuk berbagi yang gambarnya unik atau pengenal instans yang sama.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Stack gambar yang diambil pada waktu dan lokasi yang sama persis berdasarkan metadata.","Stackable":"Dapat ditumpuk","Stacks":"Tumpukan","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Menumpukan file grup dengan kerangka acuan yang serupa, namun dengan perbedaan kualitas, format, ukuran atau warna.","Start":"Mulai","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Mulai/Hentikan Slideshow","States":"Negara","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Batas Ukuran Statis: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Penyimpanan","Streets":"Jalan","Subject":"Subjek","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Dukungan untuk layanan tambahan, seperti Google Drive, akan ditambahkan seiring waktu.","Sync":"Sinkronisasi","Sync raw and video files":"Sinkronkan file mentah dan video","Taken":"Diambil","Teal":"Teal","Text too long":"Teks terlalu panjang","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Indeks saat ini berisi %{n} file tersembunyi.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Format mereka mungkin tidak didukung, mereka belum dikonversi ke JPEG atau ada duplikat.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Ini memasang folder asli sebagai drive tersambung dan memungkinkan Anda untuk membuka, mengubah, dan menghapus file dari komputer atau ponsel cerdas Anda.","Thumbnail Generation":"Pembuatan Thumbnail","Time UTC":"Waktu UTC","Time Zone":"Zona Waktu","Timeout":"Tenggat waktu","Title":"Judul","Title too long":"Judul terlalu panjang","Toggle View":"Beralih Tampilan","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografi","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Daftar Periksa Pemecahan Masalah","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Coba lagi menggunakan filter atau kata kunci lain.","Type":"Ketik","Undo":"Batalkan","Unique ID":"ID Unik","Unknown":"Tidak diketahui","Unsorted":"Tidak disortir","Unstack":"Buang tumpukan","Updated":"Telah diperbarui","Updating faces":"Memperbarui wajah","Updating index":"Memperbarui indeks","Updating moments":"Memperbarui momen","Updating previews":"Memperbarui pratinjau","Updating stacks":"Memperbarui tumpukan","Upload":"Unggah","Upload complete":"Ungahan selesai","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Unggahan selesai. Melakukan pengindeksan…","Upload failed":"Unggahan gagal","Upload local files":"Unggah berkas lokal","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Unggah ke WebDAV dan bagikan tautan kepada teman.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Mengunggah %{n} dari %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Mengunggah foto…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Unggahan yang mungkin berisi gambar seperti itu akan ditolak secara otomatis.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Gunakan Preset","User":"Pengguna","User Interface":"Tampilan Pengguna","Username":"Nama pengguna","Vanta":"Vanta","Video":"Video","Videos":"Koleksi Video","View":"Melihat","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Kami akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk menjawab semua pertanyaan Anda. Sebagai imbalannya, kami meminta Anda untuk mendukung kami di Patreon atau Sponsor GitHub.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Klien WebDAV dapat terhubung ke PhotoPrism menggunakan URL berikut:","WebDAV Upload":"Unggah WebDAV","White":"Putih","Year":"Tahun","Yellow":"Kuning","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Ya","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"Anda dipersilakan untuk bergabung dengan kami di Reddit","You can only download one album":"Anda hanya dapat mengunduh satu album","You can only download one label":"Anda hanya dapat mengunduh satu label","You may only select one item":"Anda hanya dapat memilih satu item","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Anda dapat memindai ulang perpustakaan Anda untuk menemukan wajah tambahan.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Perpustakaan Anda akan terus dianalisis secara otomatis dalam membuat album momen spesial, perjalanan, dan tempat.","Zoom in/out":"Memperbesar/memperkecil"},"it":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} album trovati","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} file caricati","%{n} folders found":"%{n} cartelle trovate","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etichette trovate","%{n} people found":"%{n} persone trovate","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} immagini trovate","1 hour":"1 ora","12 hours":"12 ore","4 hours":"4 ore","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Un click lo copierà negli appunti.","About":"Informazioni","Abyss":"Abisso","Account":"Account","Accuracy":"Precisione","Action":"Azione","Actions":"Azioni","Add Account":"Aggiungi account","Add Album":"Aggiungi Album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Aggiungi file alla tua libreria con Web Upload.","Add Link":"Aggiungi Link","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Aggiungi immagini dai risultati della ricerca selezionandole.","Add to album":"Aggiungi all'album","Added":"Aggiunto","Advanced":"Avanzate","After 1 day":"Dopo 1 giorno","After 3 days":"Dopo 3 giorni","After 7 days":"Dopo 7 giorni","After one month":"Dopo un mese","After one year":"Dopo un anno","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Dopo aver selezionato le immagini dai risultati della ricerca, è possibile aggiungerle a un album utilizzando il menu contestuale.","After two months":"Dopo due mesi","After two weeks":"Dopo due settimane","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Nome Album","Albums":"Album","Albums deleted":"Album eliminati","All %{n} albums loaded":"Tutti i %{n} album sono stati caricati","All %{n} labels loaded":"Tutte le %{n} etichette sono state caricate","All %{n} people loaded":"Tutte le %{n} persone caricate","All Cameras":"Tutte le Fotocamere","All Categories":"Tutte le Categorie","All Colors":"Tutti i Colori","All Countries":"Tutte le Nazioni","All fields are required":"Tutti i campi sono obbligatori","All files from import folder":"Tutti i file dalla cartella di importazione","All Lenses":"Tutte le Lenti","All Months":"Tutti i Mesi","All originals":"Tutti gli originali","All Years":"Tutti gli Anni","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativamente, puoi caricare i file direttamente a server WebDAV come Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Altitudine","Altitude (m)":"Altitudine (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Si è verificato un errore - sei offline?","Animated":"Animato","Animation":"Animazione","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Tutte le foto e i video privati rimarranno privati e non verranno condivisi.","API Key":"Chiave API","Apply":"Applica","Approve":"Approva","Archive":"Archivio","Archived":"Archiviato","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Sei sicuro di voler archiviare la selezione?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Vuoi veramente eliminare questi album?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Vuoi veramente eliminare queste etichette?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Vuoi veramente eliminare questo account?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Vuoi veramente eliminare in modo permanente queste immagini?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Vuoi veramente eliminare in modo permanente questi file?","Are you sure?":"Sei sicuro?","Artist":"Artista","Aspect Ratio":"Proporzione","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Crea automaticamente JPEG per altri tipi di file in modo che possano essere visualizzati in un browser.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Crea automaticamente album di momenti speciali, viaggi e luoghi.","Basic":"Base","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Prima di inviare una richiesta di supporto, utilizza le nostre liste di controllo per la risoluzione dei problemi per determinare la causa del tuo problema.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Essendo autofinanziati ed indipendenti, possiamo prometterti che non venderemo mai i tuoi dati e che saremo sempre trasparenti riguardo al nostro software e ai nostri servizi.","Bio":"Biografia","Birth Date":"Data di nascita","Black":"Nero","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: modifica di Lanczos, meno artefatti ad anello","Blue":"Blu","Brown":"Marrone","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Visualizza e modifica etichette di classificazione delle immagini.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Visualizza i file e le cartelle indicizzati nella Libreria.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Consultate la Knowledge Base per ottenere informazioni dettagliate su caratteristiche specifiche dei prodotti, servizi e risorse correlate.","Bug Report":"Segnala Bug","Busy, please wait…":"Occupato, attendere prego…","Calendar":"Calendario","Camera":"Fotocamera","Camera Serial":"Seriale Fotocamera","Can't load more, limit reached":"Impossibile caricare ancora, limite raggiunto","Can't select more items":"Impossibile selezionare ulteriori elementi","Cancel":"Annulla","Cards":"Carte","Category":"Categoria","Change Avatar":"Cambia Avatar","Change Password":"Cambia password","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Modificare il profilo personale e le impostazioni di sicurezza.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Cambia i titoli delle foto, le posizioni e altri metadati.","Change private flag":"Cambiare la bandiera privata","Changes successfully saved":"Modifiche salvate con successo","Checked":"Selezionato","Chroma":"Croma","Close":"Chiudi","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Colore","Color Profile":"Profilo del colore","Colors":"Colori","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"I problemi più comuni possono essere diagnosticati e risolti rapidamente utilizzando le liste di controllo per la risoluzione dei problemi che ti forniamo.","Complete Rescan":"Scansione completa","Confidence":"Confidenza","Connect":"Connetti","Connect via WebDAV":"Connetti via WebDAV","Connected":"Connesso","Contact Details":"Dettagli di contatto","Contact Us":"Contattaci","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Contiene %{n} immagini.","Contains one picture.":"Contiene una foto.","Convert to JPEG":"Converti in JPEG","Converting":"Conversione in corso","Copied to clipboard":"Copiato negli appunti","Copyright":"Copyright","Couldn't find anything.":"Impossibile trovare alcunché.","Country":"Nazione","Create album":"Crea album","Created":"Creato","Creating thumbnails for":"Creazione anteprima per","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubico: Qualità moderata, buone prestazioni","Current Password":"Password Corrente","Customer Support":"Supporto Clienti","Cyan":"Ciano","Cyano":"Ciano","Daily":"Giornalmente","Day":"Giorni","Debug Logs":"Registri di debug","Default":"Predefinito","Default Folder":"Cartella Predefinita","Delete":"Elimina","Description":"Descizione","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"È possibile trovare informazioni dettagliate nella nostra Guida Utente.","Details":"Dettagli","Dimensions":"Dimensioni","Disable Backups":"Disabilita Backup","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Disabilita server WebDAV integrato. Richiede riavvio.","Disable Darktable":"Disabilita Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Disabilita ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Disabilita FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Disabilita Luoghi","Disable RawTherapee":"Disabilita RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Disabilita TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Disabilita WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Disabilita la geocodifica inversa e le mappe.","Discover":"Scopri","Display Name":"Nome visualizzato","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Non effettuare il backup dei metadata di foto e album in file YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Non creare file JSON ExifTool per migliorare l'estrazione dei metadata.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Non modificare le cartelle originali. Disabilita importazione, upload ed eliminazione.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Non transcodificare i video con FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Non usare Darktable per convertire i file RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Non usare RawTherapee per convertire i file RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Non usare TensorFlow per la classificazione delle immagini.","Donations":"Donazioni","Done":"Fatto","Done.":"Fatto.","Download":"Download","Download remote files":"Scarica file remoti","Download single files and zip archives.":"Scarica singoli file e archivi zip.","Downloading…":"Download in corso…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtro di downscaling","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"A causa dell'elevato volume di email che riceviamo, il nostro team potrebbe non essere in grado di risponderti immediatamente.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"I duplicati verranno ignorati e appariranno una volta sola.","Duration":"Durata","Dynamic Previews":"Anteprime Dinamiche","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Il rendering dinamico richiede un server potente. Non è consigliato per dispositivi NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limite Dimensioni Dinamiche: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-Mail","Edit":"Modifica","Edit %{name}":"Modifica %{name}","Edit Account":"Modifica Account","Edit Photo":"Modifica Foto","Edited":"Modificato","Electra":"Electra","Email":"Email","Enable new features currently under development.":"Abilita nuove funzionalità che al momento sono in fase di sviluppo.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Abilita i preset del convertitore RAW. Può ridurre le prestazioni.","Errors":"Errori","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Stima la posizione approssimativa delle immagini senza coordinate.","Estimates":"Stime","Every two days":"Ogni due giorni","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Escludi i contenuti contrassegnati come privati dai risultati di ricerca, dagli album condivisi, dalle etichette e dai luoghi.","Exclude hidden":"Escludi i nascosti","Expand":"Espandi","Expand Search":"Espandi Ricerca","Experimental Features":"Funzionalità Sperimentali","Expires":"Scade","Exposure":"Esposizione","F Number":"Numero F","Face":"Volto","Faces":"Volti","Failed copying to clipboard":"Impossibile copiare negli appunti","Failed removing link":"Impossibile rimuovere il link","Failed updating link":"Impossibile aggiornare il link","Family Name":"Nome di famiglia","Fast":"Veloce","Favorite":"Preferito","Favorites":"Preferiti","Feature Request":"Richiesta Funzionalità","Feed":"Feed","Feedback":"Feedback","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Contattaci a hello@photoprism.app se dovessi avere domande o bisogno di aiuto.","Female":"Femminile","File":"File","File Browser":"Esplora File","File Name":"Nome File","File Size":"Dimensione del file","Filename":"Nome del file","Files":"File","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"File con un nome sequenziale come 'IMG_1234 (2)' e 'IMG_1234 (3)' appartengono alla stessa immagine.","Focal Length":"Lunghezza Focale","Folder":"Cartella","Folder contains %{n} files":"La cartella contiene %{n} file","Folder is empty":"La cartella è vuota","Folders":"Cartelle","Forgot password?":"Password dimenticata?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Fotogrammi","Fullscreen":"Schermo intero","Gemstone":"Pietra preziosa","Gender":"Genere","General":"Generale","Getting Support":"Supporto","Given Name":"Nome","Gold":"Oro","Grayscale":"Scala di grigi","Green":"Verde","Grey":"Grigio","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Aiuto","Help & Support":"Aiuto e Supporto","Hidden":"Nascosto","Hidden Files":"File Nascosti","Hide":"Nascondi","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Nascondi foto che sono state spostate in archivio.","High":"Alta","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Alta gamma dinamica (HDR)","How can we help?":"Come possiamo aiutarti?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Se questo non aiuta, o se hai altre domande:","image":"immagine","Image":"Immagine","Images":"Immagini","Import":"Importa","Import failed":"Importazione fallita","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"I file importati verranno ordinati per data e gli verrà dato un nome univoco per evitare duplicati.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"I file importati verranno ordinati per data e gli verrà dato un nome univoco.","Importing %{name}…":"Importando %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importando file ad originali…","in":"in","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Inoltre, gli sponsor ricevono un supporto tecnico diretto via e-mail.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Nel caso in cui siano mancanti delle immagini che ti aspettavi di trovare, per favore scansiona nuovamente la libreria e aspetta che l'indicizzazione sia completa.","Index":"Indice","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indicizza e importa i file attraverso l'interfaccia utente.","Indexing":"Indicizzazione","Indexing failed":"Indicizzazione fallita","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indicizzando file multimediali e sidecar…","Instance ID":"ID Istanza","Interval":"Intervallo","Invalid":"Non valido","Invalid date":"Data non valida","Invalid parameters":"Parametri non validi","Invalid photo selected":"Foto non valida selezionata","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Utilizza le più recenti tecnologie per taggare e trovare automaticamente le immagini senza intralciarti.","Item":"Elemento","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Qualità JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limite Dimensione JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"I JPEG e le miniature sono renderizzati automaticamente a seconda delle necessità.","Keywords":"Parole chiave","Knowledge Base":"Base di conoscenza","Label":"Etichetta","Labels":"Etichette","Labels deleted":"Etichette eliminate","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: conservazione dei dettagli, artefatti minimi","Language":"Lingua","Last Sync":"Ultima sincronizzazione","Latitude":"Latitudine","Lavender":"Lavanda","Learn more":"Scopri di più","Legal Information":"Informazioni legali","Lens":"Lenti","Library":"Libreria","License":"Licenza","Like":"Mi Piace","Lime":"Lime","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limite raggiunto, vengono mostrati i primi %{n} file","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineare: Molto uniforme, migliori prestazioni","Link":"Link","List":"Lista","Live":"Live","Live Photos":"Foto dal vivo","Local Time":"Orario Locale","location":"luogo","Location":"Luogo","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"I messaggi log vengono visualizzati qui ogni volta che PhotoPrism rileva file danneggiati o si verificano altri potenziali problemi.","Login":"Login","Logout":"Esci","Logs":"Log","Longitude":"Longitudine","Low":"Bassa","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Colore Principale","Male":"Maschile","manual":"manuale","Manual Upload":"Upload Manuale","Maps":"Mappe","Marker":"Segnaposto","Medium":"Medio","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Unire %{a} con %{b}?","Message sent":"Messaggio inviato","Minimize":"Minimizza","Missing":"Mancante","Moments":"Momenti","Monochrome":"Monocromo","Month":"Mese","Moonlight":"Moonlight","More than %{n} pictures found":"Più di %{n} immagini trovate","More than 20 albums found":"Più di 20 album trovati","More than 20 labels found":"Più di 20 etichette trovate","More than 20 people found":"Più di 20 persone trovate","Mosaic":"Mosaico","Most Relevant":"Più rilevante","Move Files":"Sposta File","Name":"Nome","Name too long":"Nome troppo lungo","Never":"Mai","New":"Nuovo","New Password":"Nuova Password","Newest First":"Prima più Recenti","No":"No","No albums found":"Nessun album trovato","No labels found":"Nessuna etichetta trovata","No people found":"Nessuna persona trovata","No pictures found":"Nessuna immagine trovata","No recently edited pictures":"Nessuna foto modificata di recente","No servers configured.":"Nessun server configurato.","No services configured.":"Nessun servizio configurato.","No thanks":"No grazie","No video selected":"Nessun video selezionato","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Nessun warning o errore contiene questa parola chiave. Tieni presente che la ricerca fa distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Le immagini non fotografiche e di bassa qualità richiedono una revisione prima di essere visualizzate nei risultati di ricerca.","None":"Nessuno","Not Found":"Non Trovato","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Nota che puoi gestire manualmente la tua cartella degli originali e che l'importazione è opzionale.","Note:":"Nota:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Nota: solo i server WebDAV, come Nextcloud o PhotoPrism, possono essere configurati come servizio remoto per il backup e il caricamento dei file.","Notes":"Note","Nothing to see here yet.":"Niente da vedere qui. Sii paziente.","Offline":"Offline","Oldest First":"Più vecchi prima","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"In Windows, inserire la seguente risorsa nella finestra di dialogo della connessione:","Once a week":"Una volta a settimana","One album found":"Un album trovato","One file found":"Un file trovato","One file uploaded":"Un file caricato","One folder found":"Una cartella trovata","One label found":"Un'etichetta trovata","One person found":"Una persona trovata","One picture found":"Una foto trovata","Onyx":"Onice","Options":"Opzioni","or ask in our Community Chat":"o chiedere nella nostra Chat della Comunità","Orange":"Arancione","Organization":"Organizzazione","Orientation":"Orientamento","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"I nomi dei file originali verranno memorizzati e indicizzati.","Original Name":"Nome Originale","Originals":"Originali","Other":"Altro","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"La nostra Guida per l'utente tratta anche molti argomenti avanzati, come la migrazione da Google Foto e le impostazioni della qualità delle miniature.","Outdoor":"All'aperto","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panorami","Password":"Password","Password changed":"Password cambiata","People":"Persone","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Le persone con cui condividi un link potranno vedere i contenuti pubblici.","Permanently deleted":"Eliminato permanentemente","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Elimina permanentemente i file per liberare spazio.","Phone":"Telefono","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism è stato aggiornato…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® è un'app per foto alimentata dall'intelligenza artificiale per il web decentralizzato.","Photos":"Foto","Pink":"Rosa","Place":"Luogo","Place & Time":"Luogo e Ora","Places":"Luoghi","Please confirm your new password.":"Conferma la nuova password.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Non caricare foto che contengono contenuto offensivo.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Tieni presente che la modifica della password ti farà uscire su altri dispositivi e browser.","Portrait":"Ritratto","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"pubblica la tua domanda in Discussioni GitHub","Preserve filenames":"Mantieni nomi dei file","Press button to start importing…":"Premi il pulsante per iniziare a importare…","Press button to start indexing…":"Premi il pulsante per iniziare a indicizzare…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Premi invio per creare un nuovo album.","Preview":"Anteprima","Primary":"Primario","Private":"Privato","Product Feedback":"Feedback Prodotto","Projection":"Proiezione","Purple":"Viola","Quality Filter":"Filtro Qualità","Quality Score":"Punteggio Qualità","Random":"Casuale","Raspberry":"Lampone","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Conversione RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Reindicizza tutti gli originali, includendo sia i file già indicizzati che quelli non modificati.","Read the Docs":"Leggi la documentazione","Read-Only Mode":"Modalità Sola Lettura","Recently Added":"Aggiunto Recentemente","Recently Edited":"Modificato di recente","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Il riconoscimento inizia dopo che l'indicizzazione è stata completata.","Recognized":"Riconosciuto","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Riconosce i volti in modo da poter trovare persone specifiche.","Red":"Rosso","Reload":"Ricarica","Reloading…":"Ricaricamento…","Remote Sync":"Sincronizzazione Remota","Remove":"Rimuovi","remove failed: unknown album":"rimozione fallita: album sconosciuto","Remove from album":"Rimuovi dall'album","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Rimuovi i file importati per risparmiare spazio. I tipi di file non supportati non vengono mai eliminati, rimangono nella loro posizione attuale.","Request failed - invalid response":"Richiesta fallita - risposta non valida","Required":"Richiesto","Resolution":"Risoluzione","Restore":"Ripristina","Retry Limit":"Limite di tentativi","Retype Password":"Digitare nuovamente la Password","Review":"Revisione","Satellite":"Satellite","Save":"Salva","Scan":"Scansione","Scans":"Scansioni","Search":"Cerca","Search and display photos on a map.":"Cerca e visualizza le foto in una mappa.","Season":"Stagione","Secret":"Segreto","Security and Access":"Sicurezza e accesso","Select":"Seleziona","Select albums or create a new one":"Seleziona album o creane uno nuovo","Selection approved":"Selezione approvata","Selection archived":"Selezione archiviata","Selection restored":"Selezione ripristinata","Send":"Invia","Sequential Name":"Nome Sequenziale","Service URL":"URL Servizio","Services":"Servizi","Settings":"Impostazioni","Settings saved":"Impostazioni salvate","Setup":"Setup","Shadow":"Ombra","Share":"Condividi","Share %{name}":"Condividi %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Condividi le tue foto con altre app e servizi.","Show":"Mostra","Show all new faces":"Mostra tutti i volti nuovi","Show hidden":"Mostra nascosto","Show less":"Mostra meno","Show more":"Mostra più","Show server logs in Library.":"Mostra i log server nella Libreria.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Mostra messaggi di log più dettagliati. Richiede un riavvio.","Sidecar":"Sidecar","Sign in":"Accedi","Sign Up":"Registrati","Similar":"Simile","Size":"Dimensione","Slow":"Lento","Sort Order":"Ordinamento","Source":"Sorgente","Stack":"Pila","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"File in pila che condividono la stessa immagine unica o lo stesso identificatore di istanza.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Impila le foto scattate nello stesso momento e luogo in base ai loro metadati.","Stackable":"Impilabile","Stacks":"Pile","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Le pile raggruppano i file con un quadro di riferimento simile, ma con differenze di qualità, formato, dimensione o colore.","Start":"Inizia","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Inizia/Ferma Presentazione","States":"Stati","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limite Dimensione Statica: %{n}px","Status":"Stato","Storage":"Spazio d’archiviazione","Streets":"Strade","Subject":"Oggetto","Successfully Connected":"Collegato con successo","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Il supporto ad altri servizi, come Google Drive, verrà aggiunto in futuro.","Sync":"Sincronizza","Sync raw and video files":"Sincronizzazione di file raw e video","Taken":"Preso","Teal":"Verde acqua","Text too long":"Testo troppo lungo","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"L'indice contiene attualmente %{n} file nascosti.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Il loro formato potrebbe non essere supportato, non sono stati ancora convertiti in JPEG oppure ci sono duplicati.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Questo monta la cartella degli originali come un'unità di rete e ti permette di aprire, modificare e cancellare i file dal tuo computer o smartphone come se fossero locali.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Questo monta la cartella degli originali come un'unità di rete e ti permette di aprire, modificare e cancellare i file dal tuo computer o smartphone come se fossero locali.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generazione di miniature","Time UTC":"Orario UTC","Time Zone":"Fuso Orario","Timeout":"Timeout","Title":"Titolo","Title / Position":"Titolo / Posizione","Title too long":"Titolo troppo lungo","Toggle View":"Cambia Vista","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografico","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Elenchi di controllo per la risoluzione dei problemi","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Riprova usando altri filtri o parole chiave.","Type":"Tipo","Undo":"Annulla","Unique ID":"ID Unico","Unknown":"Sconosciuto","Unregistered":"Non registrato","Unsorted":"Non Ordinato","Unstack":"Separa","Updated":"Aggiornato","Updating faces":"Aggiornamento dei volti","Updating index":"Aggiornamento indici in corso","Updating moments":"Aggiornamento momenti in corso","Updating picture…":"Aggiornamento dell'immagine..","Updating previews":"Aggiornamento delle anteprime","Updating stacks":"Aggiornamento delle pile","Upload":"Upload","Upload complete":"Upload completato","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Upload completato. Indicizzazione in corso…","Upload failed":"Upload fallito","Upload local files":"Upload file locali","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Upload a WebDAV e condividi link con i tuoi amici.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Caricamento %{n} su %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Caricamento foto…","Uploading…":"Caricamento in corso...","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"I file caricato che potrebbero contenere queste immagini verranno rifiutati automaticamente.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Utilizzare le preimpostazioni","User":"Utente","User Guide":"Guida per l'utente","User Interface":"Interfaccia Utente","Username":"Nome utente","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Verificato","Video":"Video","Video Duration":"Durata Video","Videos":"Video","View":"Visualizza","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Visita docs.photoprism.app/user-guide per scoprire come sincronizzare, organizzare e condividere le tue foto.","Visual Similarity":"Somiglianza visiva","We appreciate your feedback!":"Grazie per il tuo feedback!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Facciamo del nostro meglio per rispondere entro cinque giorni lavorativi o meno.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Faremo del nostro meglio per rispondere a tutte le vostre domande. In cambio, vi chiediamo di sostenerci su Patreon o GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"I client WebDAV possono connettersi a PhotoPrism usando il seguente URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"I client WebDAV, come Windows Explorer di Microsoft o Finder di Apple, possono connettersi direttamente a PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Upload WebDAV","Website":"Sito web","White":"Bianco","Work Details":"Dettagli Opera","Year":"Anno","Yellow":"Giallo","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Sì","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"sei il benvenuto a unirti a noi su Reddit","You can only download one album":"Puoi scaricare solo un album","You can only download one label":"Puoi scaricare solo un'etichetta","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Puoi eseguirlo a casa, su un server privato o nel cloud.","You may only select one item":"Puoi selezionare un solo elemento","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Puoi scansionare nuovamente la tua libreria per trovare altri volti.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Il tuo continuo supporto ci aiuta a fornire aggiornamenti regolari e a rimanere indipendenti, in modo da poter adempiere alla nostra missione e proteggere la tua privacy.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"La tua libreria viene continuamente analizzata per creare automaticamente album di momenti speciali, viaggi e luoghi.","Zoom in/out":"Zoom in/out"},"ja":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} 件のアルバムが見つかりました","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} 件のファイルをアップロードしました","%{n} folders found":"%{n} 個のフォルダが見つかりました","%{n} labels found":"%{n} 個のラベルが見つかりました","%{n} people found":"%{n}人が見つかりました","%{n} pictures found":"%{n}の写真が見つかりました","1 hour":"1時間","12 hours":"12時間","4 hours":"4時間","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"クリックすると、クリップボードにコピーされます。","About":"概要","Abyss":"アビス","Account":"アカウント","Accuracy":"正確さ","Action":"アクション","Actions":"アクション","Add Account":"アカウントを追加","Add Album":"アルバムを作成","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"あなたのライブラリに Web アップロード経由でファイルを追加します。","Add Link":"リンクを追加","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"検索結果から写真を選択して追加することができます。","Add to album":"アルバムに追加","Added":"追加済み","Advanced":"高度","After 1 day":"1日後","After 3 days":"3日後","After 7 days":"1週間後","After one month":"1ヶ月後","After one year":"1年後","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"検索結果から写真を選んだ後、コンテキストメニューでアルバムに追加することができます。","After two months":"2ヶ月後","After two weeks":"2週間後","Album":"アルバム","Album Name":"アルバム名","Albums":"アルバム","Albums deleted":"アルバムが削除されました","All %{n} albums loaded":"全体で %{n} 個のアルバムを読み込みました","All %{n} labels loaded":"全体で %{n} 個のラベルを読み込みました","All %{n} people loaded":"すべての%{n}人が読み込まれた","All Cameras":"すべてのカメラ","All Categories":"すべてのカテゴリ","All Colors":"すべての色","All Countries":"すべての国","All fields are required":"すべてのフィールドが必須項目です","All files from import folder":"インポート フォルダからのすべてのファイル","All Lenses":"すべてのレンズ","All Months":"すべての月","All originals":"すべてのオリジナル","All Years":"すべての年","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"代わりに、Nextcloud といった WebDAV サーバから直接ファイルをアップロードすることができます。","Altitude":"高度","Altitude (m)":"高度 (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"エラーが発生しました - オフラインではありませんか?","Animated":"アニメーション","Animation":"アニメーション","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"すべてのプライベートな写真や動画はプライベートのまま保管され、共有されることはありません。","API Key":"API キー","Apply":"適用","Approve":"承認","Archive":"アーカイブ","Archived":"アーカイブ済み","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"選択した項目を本当にアーカイブしますか?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"本当にこれらのアルバムを削除しますか?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"本当にこれらのラベルを削除しますか?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"本当にこのアカウントを削除しますか?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"本当にこの写真を永久に削除していいのか?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"本当にこのファイルを永久に削除しますか?","Are you sure?":"本当に実行しますか ?","Artist":"アーティスト","Aspect Ratio":"アスペクト比","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"他のファイル形式の写真のために自動的に JPEG 版を作成するので、ブラウザ内でもそれらの写真を表示することができます。","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"特別な瞬間、旅、場所を記録したアルバムを自動的に作成します。","Basic":"基本","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"サポートリクエストを送信する前に、トラブルシューティングチェックリストを使って問題の原因を確認してください。","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"100% selfが出資し、独立しているため、私たちはお客様のデータを決して販売せず、私たちのソフトウェアとサービスについて常に透明性を保つことをお約束できます。","Bio":"自己紹介","Birth Date":"生年月日","Black":"黒","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"黒人: ランチョス法修正、少ないリンギングアーティファクト","Blue":"青","Brown":"茶","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"画像を分類するラベルを参照および編集します。","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"ライブラリ内にあるインデックスされたファイルやフォルダを参照します。","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"ナレッジベースでは、製品の機能、サービス、関連リソースに関する詳細情報をご覧いただけます。","Bug Report":"バグ報告","Busy, please wait…":"処理中です、しばらくお待ちください…","Calendar":"カレンダー","Camera":"カメラ","Camera Serial":"カメラのシリアル","Can't load more, limit reached":"更に読み込むことはできません、制限に達しました","Can't select more items":"これ以上項目を選択することはできません","Cancel":"キャンセル","Cards":"カード","Category":"カテゴリ","Change Avatar":"アバターを変更する","Change Password":"パスワードの変更","Change personal profile and security settings.":"個人のプロファイルやセキュリティの設定を変更する。","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"写真のタイトルや撮影地などのメタデータを変更できます。","Change private flag":"プライベートであるかどうかを変更","Changes successfully saved":"正常に変更が保存されました","Checked":"選択済み","Chroma":"彩度","Close":"閉じる","Codec":"コーデック","Color":"色","Color Profile":"カラープロファイル","Colors":"色","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"よくある問題は、私たちが提供するトラブルシューティングチェックリストを使って素早く診断し、解決することができます。","Complete Rescan":"完全な再スキャン","Confidence":"信頼度","Connect":"接続","Connect via WebDAV":"WebDAV 経由で接続","Connected":"接続済み","Contact Details":"お問い合わせ詳細","Contact Us":"お問い合わせ","Contains %{n} pictures.":"0}の写真が含まれています。","Contains one picture.":"1枚の写真が入っています。","Convert to JPEG":"JPEG に変換","Converting":"変換しています","Copied to clipboard":"クリップボードにコピーしました","Copyright":"著作権","Couldn't find anything.":"何も見つかりませんでした。","Country":"国","Create album":"アルバムを作成","Created":"作成日時","Creating thumbnails for":"次の項目のサムネイルを作成しています","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"立方体: 適度な品質、良いパフォーマンス","Current Password":"現在のパスワード","Customer Support":"顧客向けサポート","Cyan":"シアン","Cyano":"暗い青","Daily":"毎日","Day":"日","Debug Logs":"デバッグログ","Default":"既定","Default Folder":"既定のフォルダ","Delete":"削除","Description":"概要","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"詳細な手順はユーザーガイドに記載されています。","Details":"詳細","Dimensions":"寸法","Disable Backups":"バックアップを無効化","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"内蔵されている WebDAV サーバを無効化します。再起動が必要です。","Disable Darktable":"Darktableの無効化","Disable ExifTool":"ExifTool を無効化","Disable FFmpeg":"FFmpegの無効化","Disable Places":"場所を無効化","Disable RawTherapee":"RawTherapeeの無効化","Disable TensorFlow":"TensorFlow を無効化","Disable WebDAV":"WebDAV を無効化","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"住所検索と地図を無効化します。","Discover":"発見","Display Name":"表示名","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"YAML ファイルに写真やアルバムのメタデータをバックアップしないようにします。","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"より良いメタデータの抽出のために、ExifTool の JSON ファイルを作成しないようにします。","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"オリジナルのフォルダを変更しません。インポートやアップロード、削除が無効化されます。","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"FFmpegで動画をトランスコードしないでください。","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"RAWファイルの変換にDarktableを使ってはいけません。","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"RAWファイルの変換にRawTherapeeを使ってはいけません。","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"写真の分類に TensorFlow を使用しないようにします。","Donations":"寄付","Done":"完了","Done.":"完了しました。","Download":"ダウンロード","Download remote files":"リモートにあるファイルをダウンロード","Download single files and zip archives.":"単一のファイルと zip アーカイブをダウンロードします。","Downloading…":"ダウンロードしています…","Downscaling Filter":"ダウンスケーリング フィルター","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"大量のメールを受信しているため、すぐにお返事できない場合があります。","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"重複している項目はスキップされ、1度だけ表示されます。","Duration":"寄付","Dynamic Previews":"動的なプレビュー","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"動的なレンダリングは強力なサーバを必要とします。NAS デバイスには推奨されません。","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"動的サイズの制限: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Eメール","Edit":"編集","Edit %{name}":"%{name} を編集","Edit Account":"アカウントを編集","Edit Photo":"写真を編集","Edited":"編集済み","Electra":"Electra","Email":"メールアドレス","Enable new features currently under development.":"開発中の新しい機能を有効にします。","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"RAW現像機のプリセットを有効にします。パフォーマンスが低下する場合があります。","Errors":"エラー","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"座標がなくても、写真のおおよその位置を推定することができます。","Estimates":"見積もり","Every two days":"2日毎","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"プライベートに設定されたコンテンツを、検索結果、共有アルバム、ラベル、場所から除外することができます。","Exclude hidden":"非表示を除く","Expand":"拡張","Expand Search":"検索を展開","Experimental Features":"実験的な機能","Expires":"有効期限","Exposure":"露出","F Number":"F値","Face":"顔","Faces":"顔","Failed copying to clipboard":"クリップボードにコピーできませんでした","Failed removing link":"リンクを削除できませんでした","Failed updating link":"リンクを更新できませんでした","Family Name":"姓","Fast":"早い","Favorite":"お気に入り","Favorites":"お気に入り","Feature Request":"機能のリクエスト","Feed":"フィード","Feedback":"フィードバック","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"ご質問やお困りのことがございましたら、hello@photoprism.app までご連絡ください。","Female":"女性","File":"ファイル","File Browser":"ファイルブラウザ","File Name":"ファイル名","File Size":"ファイルサイズ","Filename":"ファイル","Files":"ファイル","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"「IMG_1234 (2)」と「IMG_1234 (3)」のような連名のファイルは同じ写真に属します。","Focal Length":"焦点距離","Folder":"フォルダ","Folder contains %{n} files":"フォルダには %{n} 個のファイルがあります","Folder is empty":"フォルダは空です","Folders":"フォルダ","Forgot password?":"パスワードを忘れましたか?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"フレーム","Fullscreen":"全画面","Gemstone":"ジェムストーン","Gender":"性別","General":"一般","Getting Support":"サポートの享受","Given Name":"名","Gold":"金","Grayscale":"グレースケール","Green":"緑","Grey":"灰","Hash":"ハッシュ","Help":"ヘルプ","Help & Support":"サポートの享受","Hidden":"隠し項目","Hidden Files":"隠しファイル","Hide":"非表示","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"アーカイブに移動された写真を隠します。","High":"高い","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"ハイダイナミックレンジ(HDR)","How can we help?":"どのように我々は助けることができますか?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"それでも解決しない場合や、他に質問がある場合は:","image":"写真","Image":"写真","Images":"写真","Import":"インポート","Import failed":"インポートに失敗","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"インポートされたファイルは日付で並び替えられ、重複しないよう一意の名前が付けられます。","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"インポートされたファイルは日付で並び替えられ、一意の名前が付けられます。","Importing %{name}…":"%{name} をインポートしています …","Importing files to originals…":"オリジナルにファイルをインポートしています …","in":"次の場所で","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"また、スポンサーの皆様には、電子メールによる直接のテクニカルサポートを提供しています。","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"想定していた写真が欠落していた場合は、お手持ちのライブラリーを再スキャンし、インデックス作成が完了するまでお待ちください。","Index":"インデックス","Index and import files through the user interface.":"ユーザーインターフェースを通じて、ファイルのインデックスやインポートを行うことができます。","Indexing":"インデックス中","Indexing failed":"インデックスに失敗","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"メディアや付随するファイルをインデックスしています …","Instance ID":"インスタンス ID","Interval":"間隔","Invalid":"無効","Invalid date":"不正な日付","Invalid parameters":"無効なパラメータ","Invalid photo selected":"選択した写真が無効","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"最新技術を駆使して、邪魔にならないように自動的にタグ付けや写真検索を行います。","Item":"項目","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG 品質: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG サイズの制限: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG やサムネイルは必要な場合に自動的に生成されます。","Keywords":"キーワード","Knowledge Base":"ナレッジベース","Label":"ラベル","Labels":"ラベル","Labels deleted":"ラベルが削除されました","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"ランチョス法: 詳細な保全、最小限の骨董品","Language":"言語","Last Sync":"同期","Latitude":"緯度","Lavender":"ラベンダー","Learn more":"詳細はこちら","Legal Information":"法的情報","Lens":"レンズ","Library":"ライブラリ","License":"ライセンス","Like":"お気に入り","Lime":"黄緑","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"制限に達しました、最初の %{n} 個のファイルを表示しています","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"線形: 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Note that search is case-sensitive.":"このキーワードを含む警告やエラーは1つも見つかりませんでした。この検索では大文字と小文字を区別することに気をつけてください。","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"写真ではないものや、低品質な画像は検索結果に現れる前にレビューが必要です。","None":"なし","Not Found":"見つかりませんでした","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"なお、オリジナルフォルダは手動で管理することができ、インポートは任意です。","Note:":"メモ:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"メモ: Nextcloud や PhotoPrism といった WebDAV サーバのみがバックアップやファイルのバックアップのためのリモートサービスとして設定できます。","Notes":"メモ","Nothing to see here yet.":"まだここには何もありません。我慢してください。","Offline":"オフライン","Oldest First":"古い順","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Windowsの場合、接続ダイアログに以下のリソースを入力します:","Once a week":"1週間に1度","One album found":"1 件のアルバムが見つかりました","One file found":"1 件のファイルが見つかりました","One file uploaded":"%{n} 件のファイルをアップロードしました","One folder found":"1 件のフォルダが見つかりました","One label found":"1枚のラベルが見つかりました","One person found":"一人が見つけた","One picture found":"1枚の写真を発見","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"オプション","or ask in our Community Chat":"または、コミュニティチャットでご質問ください","Orange":"オレンジ","Organization":"組織","Orientation":"方向","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"オリジナルのファイル名は保存され、インデックスされます。","Original Name":"オリジナルの名前","Originals":"オリジナル","Other":"他","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"ユーザーガイドでは、Googleフォトからの移行やサムネイルの画質設定など、高度なトピックも数多く取り上げています。","Outdoor":"アウトドア","Panorama":"パノラマ","Panoramas":"パノラマ","Password":"パスワード","Password changed":"パスワードが変更されました","People":"人","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"あなたがリンクを共有した人だけが公開された内容を閲覧できます。","Permanently deleted":"永久に削除","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"ファイルを永久的に削除して、ストレージを空けることができます。","Phone":"電話番号","Photo":"写真","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism はアップデートされています …","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism®は、分散型WebのためのAIを搭載した写真アプリです。","Photos":"写真","Pink":"ピンク","Place":"場所","Place & Time":"場所と時間","Places":"場所","Please confirm your new password.":"あなたの新しいパスワードを確認してください。","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"過激な内容を含む写真をアップロードしないでください。","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"パスワードを変更すると、他のデバイスやブラウザでもログアウトされますのでご注意ください。","Portrait":"ポートレート","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"GitHub Discussionsに質問を投稿する","Preserve filenames":"ファイル名を保持する","Press button to start importing…":"ボタンを押してインポートを開始します…","Press button to start indexing…":"ボタンを押してインデックスを開始します…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Enter を押して新しいアルバムを作成します。","Preview":"プレビュー","Primary":"プライマリ","Private":"プライベート","Product Feedback":"製品のフィードバック","Projection":"投影","Purple":"紫","Quality Filter":"品質フィルター","Quality Score":"品質スコア","Random":"ランダム","Raspberry":"ラズベリー","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW 変換","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"すべての、既にインデックスされたものや変更されていないファイルを含むオリジナルのファイルを再度インデックスです。","Read the Docs":"ドキュメントを読む","Read-Only Mode":"読み込み専用モード","Recently Added":"最近追加された商品","Recently Edited":"最近の編集","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"認識はインデックス作成が完了した後に開始されます。","Recognized":"レコグニッション","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"顔を認識することで、特定の人を探すことができます。","Red":"赤","Reload":"再読み込み","Reloading…":"再読込しています…","Remote Sync":"リモート同期","Remove":"削除","remove failed: unknown album":"削除に失敗: 不明なアルバムです","Remove from album":"アルバムからの削除","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"インポートされたファイルを削除してストレージを節約します。対応していないファイルは削除されることはなく、現在の場所に保管されます。","Request failed - invalid response":"リクエストに失敗しました - 不正なレスポンスです","Required":"必須","Resolution":"解像度","Restore":"復元","Retry Limit":"リトライ回数制限","Retype Password":"再度パスワードを入力","Review":"レビュー","Satellite":"衛星","Save":"保存","Scan":"スキャン","Scans":"スキャン","Search":"検索","Search and display photos on a map.":"検索して、地図に写真を表示します。","Season":"季節","Secret":"秘密","Security and Access":"セキュリティとアクセス","Select":"選択","Select albums or create a new one":"アルバムを選択するか、新しいアルバムを作成します","Selection approved":"選択した項目が承認されました","Selection archived":"選択した項目がアーカイブされました","Selection restored":"選択した項目が復元されました","Send":"送信","Sequential Name":"連名","Service URL":"サービス URL","Services":"サービス","Settings":"設定","Settings saved":"設定が保存されました","Setup":"セットアップ","Shadow":"影","Share":"共有","Share %{name}":"%{name} を共有","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"他のアプリやサービスと写真を共有することができます。","Show":"表示","Show all new faces":"すべてのニューフェイスを表示","Show hidden":"非表示分を表示","Show less":"表示を減らす","Show more":"表示を増やす","Show server logs in Library.":"ライブラリにサーバログを表示します。","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"より詳細なログメッセージを表示します。再起動が必要です。","Sidecar":"サイドカー","Sign in":"サインイン","Sign Up":"サインアップ","Similar":"似ている項目","Size":"サイズ","Slow":"遅い","Sort Order":"並び替え順","Source":"ソース","Stack":"スタック","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"同じ一意の画像またはインスタンス識別子を共有するファイルをスタックします。","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"メタデータを元に、全く同じ時間と場所で撮影された写真をスタックします。","Stackable":"スタックできる項目","Stacks":"スタック","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"似ている基準のフレームだが、品質や形式、大きさや色が異なるまとまったファイルをスタックします。","Start":"開始","Start/Stop Slideshow":"スライドショーを開始/停止","States":"状態","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"静的サイズ制限: %{n}px","Status":"状態","Storage":"ストレージフォルダ","Streets":"市街","Subject":"件名","Successfully Connected":"接続に成功","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"将来に渡って、Google ドライブなどの追加のサービスのサポートが追加される予定です。","Sync":"同期","Sync raw and video files":"Raw ファイルや動画ファイルを同期","Taken":"撮影済み","Teal":"青緑","Text too long":"文章が長すぎます","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"インデックスには現在 %{n} 件の隠しファイルがあります。","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"それらの形式がサポートされていないか、まだ JPEG に変換されていないか、または重複している可能性があります。。","Theme":"テーマ","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"これは、オリジナルのフォルダをネットワークドライブとしてマウントし、まるでローカルにあるかのようにファイルを開いたり、編集したり、あなたのコンピュータまたはスマートフォンから削除したりすることができるようにします。","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"これは、オリジナルのフォルダをネットワークドライブとしてマウントし、まるでローカルにあるかのようにファイルを開いたり、編集したり、あなたのコンピュータまたはスマートフォンから削除したりすることができるようにします。","Thumbnail Generation":"サムネイル生成","Time UTC":"UTC 時間","Time Zone":"タイムゾーン","Timeout":"タイムゾーン","Title":"タイトル","Title / Position":"タイトル / 位置","Title too long":"タイトルが長すぎます","Toggle View":"表示を切り替え","Token":"トークン","Topographic":"地形","Troubleshooting Checklists":"トラブルシューティングチェックリスト","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"他のフィルターまたはキーワードを用いて、再度試してみてください。","Type":"種類","Undo":"取り消し","Unique ID":"一意のID","Unknown":"不明","Unregistered":"未登録","Unsorted":"未分類","Unstack":"スタック解除","Updated":"更新日","Updating faces":"フェイスの更新","Updating index":"インデックスを更新しています","Updating moments":"モーメントを更新しています","Updating picture…":"画像更新中...","Updating previews":"プレビューの更新","Updating stacks":"スタックを更新しています","Upload":"アップロード","Upload complete":"アップロード完了","Upload complete. Indexing…":"アップロードが完了しました。インデックスしています…","Upload failed":"アップロード失敗","Upload local files":"ローカルファイルをアップロード","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"WebDAV にアップロードして、友達とリンクを共有できます。","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"%{t} 件中 %{n} 件をアップロードしています…","Uploading photos…":"写真をアップロードしています…","Uploading…":"アップロード中…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"そのような画像を含むアップロードは自動的に拒否されます。","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"プリセットを使用","User":"ユーザ","User Guide":"ユーザーガイド","User Interface":"ユーザインタフェース","Username":"ユーザ名","Vanta":"バンタ","Verified":"承認済み","Video":"動画","Video Duration":"ビデオデュレイション ","Videos":"動画","View":"表示","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"写真の同期、整理、共有の方法については、docs.photoprism.app/user-guideをご覧ください。","Visual Similarity":"視覚的類似性","We appreciate your feedback!":"ご感想をお寄せいただきありがとうございました。","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"5営業日以内に対応できるよう、最善を尽くします。","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"私たちは、あなたのすべての質問に答えるために最善を尽くします。その代わり、PatreonやGitHubのスポンサーになっていただくことをお願いしています。","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV クライアントは PhotoPrism に次の URL を使用して接続することができます:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Microsoft の Windows エクスプローラ や Apple の Finder のような WebDAV クライアントは、直接 PhotoPrism に接続できます。","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV アップロード","Website":"ウェブサイト","White":"白","Work Details":"業務内容","Year":"年","Yellow":"黄","Yellowstone":"イエローストーン","Yes":"はい","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"はRedditでの参加も歓迎します","You can only download one album":"1 件のアルバムのみダウンロードできます","You can only download one label":"1 件のラベルのみダウンロードできます","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"自宅、プライベートサーバー、クラウドでの運用が可能です。","You may only select one item":"1 件だけ選択してください","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"追加の顔を見つけるために、ライブラリを再スキャンすることができます。","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"皆様の継続的なご支援により、私たちは定期的なアップデートを提供し、独立性を保つことができ、私たちの使命を果たし、お客様のプライバシーを保護することができるのです。","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"あなたのライブラリは継続的に分析され、特別な瞬間や旅行、場所を記録したアルバムを自動的に作成します。","Zoom in/out":"ズーム イン/アウト"},"ko":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n}개의 앨범을 찾음","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n}개의 파일 업로드함","%{n} folders found":"%{n}개의 폴더를 찾음","%{n} labels found":"%{n}개의 라벨을 찾음","%{n} people found":"%{n}명을 찾았습니다","%{n} pictures found":"사진 %{n}장을 찾았습니다","1 hour":"1시간","12 hours":"12시간","4 hours":"4시간","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"클릭하면 클립보드에 복사됩니다.","About":"정보","Abyss":"어비스","Account":"계정","Accuracy":"정확도","Action":"동작","Actions":"동작","Add Account":"계정 등록","Add Album":"앨범 추가","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"웹 업로드로 라이브러리에 파일을 추가하세요.","Add Link":"링크 추가","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"검색 결과에서 사진을 선택해 추가할 수 있습니다.","Add to album":"앨범에 추가","Added":"추가됨","Advanced":"고급","After 1 day":"1일 후","After 3 days":"3일 후","After 7 days":"7일 후","After one month":"1달 후","After one year":"1년 후","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"검색 결과에서 사진을 선택한 뒤, 컨텍스트 메뉴를 사용하여 사진을 앨범에 추가할 수 있습니다.","After two months":"2개월 후","After two weeks":"2주 후","Album":"앨범","Album Name":"앨범 이름","Albums":"앨범","Albums deleted":"앨범 삭제됨","All %{n} albums loaded":"모든 %{n}개 앨범 로딩됨","All %{n} labels loaded":"모든 %{n}개의 라벨 로딩됨","All %{n} people loaded":"모든 %{n}명 로딩됨","All Cameras":"모든 카메라","All Categories":"모든 카테고리","All Colors":"모든 색깔","All Countries":"모든 나라","All fields are required":"모든 항목을 채워야 합니다","All files from import folder":"폴더의 모든 파일 가져오기","All Lenses":"모든 렌즈","All Months":"모든 달","All originals":"모든 원본","All Years":"모든 년도","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"대신, Nextcloud와 같은 WebDAV 서버에 직접 파일을 업로드할 수 있습니다.","Altitude":"고도","Altitude (m)":"고도 (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"오류가 발생했습니다 - 오프라인 상태인가요?","Animated":"움직이는 사진","Animation":"애니메이션","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"모든 비공개 사진과 동영상은 비공개로 유지되며 공유되지 않습니다.","API Key":"API 키","Apply":"적용","Approve":"승인","Archive":"보관","Archived":"보관함","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"선택 항목들을 보관하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"선택한 앨범을 삭제 하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"선택 라벨을 삭제 하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"이 계정을 삭제 하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"이 사진을 영구적으로 삭제하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"이 파일을 영구적으로 삭제 하시겠습니까?","Are you sure?":"확실합니까?","Artist":"아티스트","Aspect Ratio":"종횡비","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"브라우저에 표시할 수 있도록 다른 파일 형식에 대한 JPEG를 자동으로 생성합니다.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"특별한 순간, 여행 및 장소의 앨범을 자동으로 생성합니다.","Basic":"기본","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"지원 요청을 제출하기 전에 문제 해결 체크리스트를 사용하여 문제의 원인을 확인하십시오.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"100% 자체 자금으로 운영되며 독립되었기에, 우리는 귀하의 데이터를 절대 판매하지 않으며 소프트웨어와 서비스에 대해 항상 투명할 것임을 약속할 수 있습니다.","Bio":"바이오","Birth Date":"생일","Black":"검은색","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos 수정, 덜 울리는 아티팩트","Blue":"파란색","Brown":"갈색","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"검색하고 이미지 분류 라벨 편집하기.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"라이브러리에서 인덱싱된 파일 및 폴더를 검색합니다.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"특정 제품 기능, 서비스 및 관련 리소스에 대한 자세한 정보는 기술 자료를 검색하십시오.","Bug Report":"버그 신고","Busy, please wait…":"처리중, 잠시만 기다려주세요…","Calendar":"달력","Camera":"카메라","Camera Serial":"카메라 일련 번호","Can't load more, limit reached":"더 로드할 수 없습니다. 한도에 도달했습니다.","Can't select more items":"더 많은 아이템을 선택할 수 없습니다","Cancel":"취소","Cards":"카드","Category":"범주","Change Avatar":"아바타 변경","Change Password":"비밀번호 변경","Change personal profile and security settings.":"개인 프로필 및 보안 설정을 변경합니다.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"사진 제목, 위치 및 기타 메타데이터를 변경합니다.","Change private flag":"비공개 플래그 변경하기","Changes successfully saved":"변경사항이 성공적으로 저장되었습니다","Checked":"확인됨","Chroma":"채도","Close":"닫기","Codec":"코덱","Color":"색깔","Color Profile":"색상 프로필","Colors":"색깔","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"일반적인 문제는 당사가 제공하는 문제 해결 체크리스트를 사용하여 신속하게 진단하고 해결할 수 있습니다.","Complete Rescan":"완전 다시 색인","Confidence":"신임도","Connect":"연결","Connect via WebDAV":"WebDAV로 연결하기","Connected":"연결됨","Contact Details":"세부 연락처","Contact Us":"문의하기","Contains %{n} pictures.":"%{n}개의 사진이 포함되어 있습니다.","Contains one picture.":"한 장의 사진이 포함되어 있습니다.","Convert to JPEG":"JPEG로 변환하기","Converting":"변환하는 중","Copied to clipboard":"클립보드에 복사했습니다","Copyright":"저작권","Couldn't find anything.":"아무것도 찾을 수 없습니다.","Country":"나라","Create album":"앨범 만들기","Created":"만듦","Creating thumbnails for":"축소판 만들기","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"큐빅: 보통 품질, 우수한 성능","Current Password":"현재 비밀번호","Customer Support":"고객 지원","Cyan":"청록색","Cyano":"시아노","Daily":"매일","Day":"일","Debug Logs":"디버그 로그","Default":"기본값","Default Folder":"기본 폴더","Delete":"삭제","Description":"설명","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"자세한 지시는 사용설명서에서 찾을 수 있습니다.","Details":"세부 사항","Dimensions":"치수","Disable Backups":"백업 비활성화","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"내장 WebDAV 서버 비활성화. 다시 시작 필요함.","Disable Darktable":"다크테이블 비활성화","Disable ExifTool":"ExifTool 비활성화","Disable FFmpeg":"FFmpeg 비활성화","Disable Places":"장소 비활성화","Disable RawTherapee":"RawTherapee 비활성화","Disable TensorFlow":"TensorFlow 비활성화","Disable WebDAV":"WebDAV 비활성화","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"역 지오코딩 및 지도 비활성화.","Discover":"디스커버","Display Name":"닉네임","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"YAML 파일에 사진과 앨범 메타데이터를 백업하지 않기.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"향상된 메타데이터 추출위해 ExifTool 도구로 JSON 파일 생성하지 않기.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"오리지널 폴더 수정하지 않기. 가져오기, 업로드와 삭제 기능 비활성화.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"FFmpeg로 비디오를 트랜스코딩하지 마십시오.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"RAW 파일을 변환하는 데 Darktable을 사용하지 마십시오.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"RawTherapee를 사용하여 RAW 파일을 변환하지 마십시오.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"TensorFlow로 이미지 분류하지 않기.","Donations":"기부","Done":"완료","Done.":"완료.","Download":"다운로드","Download remote files":"원격 파일 다운로드하기","Download single files and zip archives.":"단일 파일 및 ZIP 아카이브 다운로드하기.","Downloading…":"다운로드 중…","Downscaling Filter":"축소 필터","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"저희가 받는 이메일의 양이 많기 때문에 저희 팀에서 즉시 연락을 드리지 못할 수도 있습니다.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"중복은 건너뛰고 한 번만 나타납니다.","Duration":"기간","Dynamic Previews":"다이나믹 미리보기","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"동적 렌더링에는 강력한 서버가 필요합니다. NAS 장치에는 권장하지 않습니다.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"다이나믹 크기 제한: %{n}px","E-Mail":"이메일","Edit":"편집","Edit %{name}":"%{name} 편집하기","Edit Account":"계정 편집","Edit Photo":"사진 편집","Edited":"편집됨","Electra":"Electra","Email":"이메일","Enable new features currently under development.":"현재 개발중인 새로운 기능을 활성화하기.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"RAW 변환기 사전 설정을 활성화합니다. 성능이 저하될 수 있습니다.","Errors":"오류","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"좌표 없이 사진의 대략적인 위치를 추정합니다.","Estimates":"견적","Every two days":"2일마다","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"검색 결과, 공유 앨범, 레이블 및 장소에서 비공개로 표시된 콘텐츠를 제외합니다.","Exclude hidden":"숨김 제외","Expand":"확장","Expand Search":"확장 검색","Experimental Features":"실험실 기능","Expires":"만료","Exposure":"노출","F Number":"F 숫자","Face":"얼굴","Faces":"얼굴","Failed copying to clipboard":"클립보드에 복사하지 못했습니다","Failed removing link":"링크를 제거하지 못했습니다","Failed updating link":"링크를 업데이트하지 못했습니다","Family Name":"성","Fast":"빠른","Favorite":"즐겨 찾기","Favorites":"즐겨 찾기","Feature Request":"기능 요청","Feed":"최신글","Feedback":"피드백","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"질문이 있거나 도움이 필요하면 hello@photoprism.app으로 문의하십시오.","Female":"여성","File":"파일","File Browser":"파일 탐색기","File Name":"파일 이름","File Size":"파일 크기","Filename":"파일이름","Files":"파일","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"'IMG_1234(2)', 'IMG_1234(3)'과 같이 순차적인 이름을 가진 파일은 같은 그림에 속합니다.","Focal Length":"초점 거리","Folder":"폴더","Folder contains %{n} files":"폴더에 %{n} 파일을 포함됨","Folder is empty":"폴더가 비어 있습니다","Folders":"폴더","Forgot password?":"비밀번호를 잊으셨나요?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"프레임","Fullscreen":"전체 화면","Gemstone":"보석","Gender":"성별","General":"일반","Getting Support":"지원 받기","Given Name":"이름","Gold":"금색","Grayscale":"회색","Green":"녹색","Grey":"회색","Hash":"해시","Help":"도움말","Help & Support":"도움말/지원","Hidden":"숨김","Hidden Files":"숨김 파일","Hide":"숨기기","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"보관함으로 이동한 사진을 숨기기.","High":"높음","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"HDR(하이 다이내믹 레인지)","How can we help?":"어떻게 도와 드릴까요?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"이것이 도움이 되지 않거나 다른 질문이 있는 경우:","image":"이미지","Image":"이미지","Images":"이미지","Import":"가져오기","Import failed":"가져오기 실패","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"가져온 파일은 날짜별로 정렬되고 중복을 방지하기 위해 유일한 이름이 지정됩니다.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"가져온 파일은 날짜별로 정렬되고 유일한 이름이 지정됩니다.","Importing %{name}…":"%{name} 가져오기 중…","Importing files to originals…":"오리지널에 가져 오는중…","in":"입력","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"또한 후원자는 이메일을 통해 직접적인 기술 지원을 받습니다.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"예상한 사진이 누락된 경우 라이브러리를 다시 검색하고 색인 생성이 완료될 때까지 기다리십시오.","Index":"색인","Index and import files through the user interface.":"사용자 인터페이스를 통해 파일을 인덱싱하고 가져옵니다.","Indexing":"색인중","Indexing failed":"색인 실패","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"미디어 및 사이드카 파일 색인중…","Instance ID":"인스턴스 ID","Interval":"간격","Invalid":"무효한","Invalid date":"잘못된 날짜","Invalid parameters":"잘못된 매개 변수","Invalid photo selected":"잘못된 사진을 선택했습니다.","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"최신 기술을 사용하여 방해 없이 자동으로 사진에 태그를 지정하고 찾습니다.","Item":"아이템","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG 품질: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG 크기 제한: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG 파일과 썸네일은 필요에 따라 자동으로 렌더딩 됩니다.","Keywords":"키워드","Knowledge Base":"지식 베이스","Label":"라벨","Labels":"라벨","Labels deleted":"라벨 삭제됨","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: 디테일 보존, 최소한의 인공물","Language":"언어","Last Sync":"마지막 동기화","Latitude":"위도","Lavender":"라벤더색","Learn more":"더 보기","Legal Information":"법률 정보","Lens":"렌즈","Library":"라이브러리","License":"라이센스","Like":"좋아요","Lime":"라임색","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"한도에 도달하여 처음 %{n} 파일을 표시합니다","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: 매우 부드럽고 최고의 성능","Link":"링크","List":"리스트","Live":"라이브","Live Photos":"라이브 포토","Local Time":"현지 시간","location":"위치","Location":"위치","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"PhotoPrism이 깨진 파일을 발견하거나 다른 잠재적인 문제가 있을 때마다 로그 메시지가 여기에 나타납니다.","Login":"로그인","Logout":"로그아웃","Logs":"로그","Longitude":"경도","Low":"낮음","Magenta":"마젠타색","Main Color":"주요 색깔","Male":"남성","manual":"수동","Manual Upload":"수동 업로드","Maps":"지도","Marker":"마커","Medium":"중간","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"%{a}을 %{b}과(를) 병합하시겠습니까?","Message sent":"매시지 보냄","Minimize":"최소화","Missing":"누락됨","Moments":"나의 순간","Monochrome":"단색","Month":"달","Moonlight":"월광","More than %{n} pictures found":"사진을 %{n}개 이상 찾았습니다.","More than 20 albums found":"20개이상의 앨범을 발견함","More than 20 labels found":"20개이상의 라벨을 발견함","More than 20 people found":"20명 이상 찾았습니다.","Mosaic":"모자이크","Most Relevant":"가장 관련성","Move Files":"파일 이동하기","Name":"이름","Name too long":"이름이 너무 깁니다","Never":"안함","New":"신규","New Password":"새로운 비밀번호","Newest First":"최신 순","No":"아니요","No albums found":"앨범이 없습니다","No labels found":"라벨이 없습니다","No people found":"사람이 없습니다","No pictures found":"사진이 없습니다","No recently edited pictures":"최근에 편집한 사진이 없습니다","No servers configured.":"구성된 서버가 없습니다.","No services configured.":"구성된 서비스가 없습니다.","No thanks":"아니요, 괜찮습니다","No video selected":"선택한 비디오가 없습니다","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"이 키워드를 포함하는 경고 또는 오류가 없습니다. 검색은 대소문자를 구분합니다.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"사진이 아닌 저품질 이미지는 검색 결과에 표시되기 전에 검토가 필요합니다.","None":"없음","Not Found":"찾을 수 없음","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"원본 폴더를 수동으로 관리할 수 있으며 가져오기는 선택 사항입니다.","Note:":"노트:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"주의: Nextcloud 또는 PhotoPrism와 같은 WebDAV서버만 백업 및 파일 업로드를 위한 원격 서비스로 구성할 수 있습니다.","Notes":"노트","Nothing to see here yet.":"아직 볼 것이 없습니다. 인내심을 가지세요.","Offline":"오프라인","Oldest First":"오래된 순","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Windows의 경우 연결 대화 상자에 다음 리소스를 입력합니다.","Once a week":"일주일에 한 번","One album found":"1개 앨범 찾음","One file found":"1개 파일 찾음","One file uploaded":"업로드된 파일 1개","One folder found":"1개 폴더 찾음","One label found":"라벨 1개를 찾았습니다.","One person found":"한 사람이 발견됨","One picture found":"사진 1장 발견","Onyx":"오닉스색","Options":"옵션","or ask in our Community Chat":"또는 커뮤니티 채팅에서 문의하세요.","Orange":"주황색","Organization":"조직","Orientation":"방향","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"원본 파일 이름은 저장하고 색인됩니다.","Original Name":"원본 이름","Originals":"오리지널","Other":"다른","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"또한 사용자 가이드에서는 Google 포토에서 이전 및 미리보기 이미지 품질 설정과 같은 많은 고급 주제를 다룹니다.","Outdoor":"아웃도어","Panorama":"파노라마","Panoramas":"파노라마","Password":"비밀번호","Password changed":"비밀번호 변경됨","People":"사람","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"링크를 공유한 사람들은 공개 콘텐츠를 볼 수 있습니다.","Permanently deleted":"영구 삭제됨","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"파일을 영구적으로 제거하여 저장 공간을 확보하십시오.","Phone":"전화","Photo":"사진","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism 업데이트되었습니다…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism®은 분산 웹을 위한 AI 기반 사진 앱입니다.","Photos":"사진","Pink":"분홍색","Place":"장소","Place & Time":"장소 & 시간","Places":"장소","Please confirm your new password.":"새 비밀번호를 확인하세요.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"불쾌감한 콘텐츠 포함된 사진을 업로드하지 마십시오.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"비밀번호를 변경하면 다른 장치 및 브라우저에서 로그아웃됩니다.","Portrait":"초상","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"GitHub 토론에 질문 게시","Preserve filenames":"파일 이름 보류","Press button to start importing…":"가져오기를 시작하려면 버튼을 누르세요…","Press button to start indexing…":"색인을 시작하려면 버튼을 누르세요…","Press enter to create a new album.":"새 앨범을 만들려면 Enter 키를 누르세요.","Preview":"미리보기","Primary":"주요","Private":"비공개","Product Feedback":"제품 피드백","Projection":"투사","Purple":"보라색","Quality Filter":"품질 필터","Quality Score":"품질 점수","Random":"랜덤","Raspberry":"라즈베리색","Raw":"원시","RAW":"날것의","RAW Conversion":"RAW 변환","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"이미 인덱싱되고 변경되지 않은 파일을 포함하여 모든 원본을 다시 인덱싱합니다.","Read the Docs":"문서 읽기","Read-Only Mode":"읽기 전용 모드","Recently Added":"최근 추가됨","Recently Edited":"최근 편집","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"인덱싱이 완료된 후 인식이 시작됩니다.","Recognized":"인정","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"특정 사람을 찾을 수 있도록 얼굴을 인식합니다.","Red":"빨간색","Reload":"새로고침","Reloading…":"새로고침 중…","Remote Sync":"원격 동기화","Remove":"제거","remove failed: unknown album":"제거 실패 - 잘못된 앨범","Remove from album":"앨범에서 제거","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"가져온 파일을 제거하여 저장 공간을 절약하십시오. 지원되지 않는 파일 형식은 삭제되지 않으며 현재 위치에 남아 있습니다.","Request failed - invalid response":"요청 실패 - 잘못된 응답","Required":"필수","Resolution":"해상도","Restore":"복원","Retry Limit":"재시도 제한","Retype Password":"비밀번호 다시 입력","Review":"리뷰","Satellite":"위성","Save":"저장","Scan":"스켄","Scans":"스켄","Search":"검색","Search and display photos on a map.":"검색하고 지도에서 시진을 표시합니다.","Season":"계절","Secret":"비밀","Security and Access":"보안 및 액세스","Select":"선택","Select albums or create a new one":"앨범을 선택하거나 새 앨범을 만듭니다","Selection approved":"선택 항목 승인됨","Selection archived":"선택 항목 보관됨","Selection restored":"선택 항목 복원됨","Send":"보내기","Sequential Name":"순차 이름","Service URL":"서비스 URL","Services":"서비스","Settings":"설정","Settings saved":"설정 저장됨","Setup":"설치","Shadow":"그림자","Share":"공유","Share %{name}":"%{name} 공유하기","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"다른 앱 및 서비스와 사진을 공유하십시오.","Show":"보이기","Show all new faces":"모든 새 얼굴 표시","Show hidden":"숨김 표시","Show less":"덜 보여","Show more":"더 보여","Show server logs in Library.":"라이브러리에 서버 로그를 표시합니다.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"더 자세한 로그 메시지를 표시합니다. 다시 시작해야 합니다.","Sidecar":"사이드카","Sign in":"등록","Sign Up":"회원가입","Similar":"비슷한","Size":"크기","Slow":"느림","Sort Order":"정렬 방법","Source":"소스","Stack":"스택","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"동일한 고유 이미지 또는 인스턴스 식별자를 공유하는 스택 파일.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"메타데이터를 기반으로 정확히 같은 시간과 위치에서 찍은 사진을 쌓습니다.","Stackable":"스택 할 수 있슴","Stacks":"스택","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"참조 프레임은 유사하지만 품질, 형식, 크기 또는 색상이 다른 그룹 파일을 스택합니다.","Start":"시작","Start/Stop Slideshow":"슬라이드쇼 시작/중지","States":"상태","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"스태틱 크지 제한: %{n}px","Status":"상태","Storage":"저장고","Streets":"거리","Subject":"주제","Successfully Connected":"성공적으로 연결됨","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Google 드라이브와 같은 추가 서비스에 대한 지원은 시간이 지남에 따라 추가됩니다.","Sync":"동기화","Sync raw and video files":"원시 사진과 동영상 파일을 동기화하기","Taken":"찍음","Teal":"암녹색","Text too long":"텍스트는 너무 긴다","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"현재 색인에서 %{n}개의 숨겨진 파일이 있습니다.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"형식이 지원되지 않을 수 있고, 아직 JPEG 형식으로 변환되지 않았거나 중복이 있을 수 있습니다.","Theme":"테마","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"이렇게 하면 원본 폴더가 네트워크 드라이브로 마운트되고 컴퓨터나 스마트폰에서 파일을 로컬에 있는 것처럼 열고 편집하고 삭제할 수 있습니다.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"이렇게 하면 원본 폴더가 네트워크 드라이브로 마운트되고 컴퓨터나 스마트폰에서 파일을 로컬에 있는 것처럼 열고 편집하고 삭제할 수 있습니다.","Thumbnail Generation":"썸내일 생성","Time UTC":"표준 시간대","Time Zone":"시간대","Timeout":"타임아웃","Title":"주제","Title / Position":"직위","Title too long":"주제 너무 긴다","Toggle View":"보기형식 변경","Token":"토큰","Topographic":"지형","Troubleshooting Checklists":"문제 해결 체크리스트","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"다른 필터 또는 키워드를 사용하여 다시 시도하십시오.","Type":"종류","Undo":"실행 취소","Unique ID":"유일 ID","Unknown":"알 수 없는","Unregistered":"미등록","Unsorted":"정렬되지 않음","Unstack":"스택 해제","Updated":"업로드됨","Updating faces":"얼굴 업데이트","Updating index":"색인을 업데이트 중","Updating moments":"\"나의 순간\" 업데이트 중","Updating picture…":"사진 업데이트 중…","Updating previews":"미리보기 업데이트","Updating stacks":"스택을 업데이트 중","Upload":"업로드","Upload complete":"업로드 완료","Upload complete. 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In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"귀하의 모든 질문에 최선을 다해 답변해 드리겠습니다. 그 대가로 Patreon 또는 GitHub 후원자를 후원해 주시기 바랍니다.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV 클라이언트는 다음 URL을 사용하여 PhotoPrism에 연결할 수 있습니다:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"WebDAV 클라이언트 (예: 마이코로소프트 Windows Explorer 또는 애플 Finder) 직접적으로 PhotoPrism에 연결할 수 있습니다.","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV 업로드","Website":"웹사이트","White":"백색","Work Details":"작업 내용","Year":"년","Yellow":"황색","Yellowstone":"옐로스톤","Yes":"네","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"Reddit에 가입하실 수 있습니다.","You can only download one album":"하나의 앨범 만 다운로드할 수 있습니다","You can only download one label":"하나의 라벨 만 다운로드할 수 있습니다","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"집, 개인 서버 또는 클라우드에서 실행할 수 있습니다.","You may only select one item":"하나의 아이템 선택할 수 있습니다","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"추가 얼굴을 찾기 위해 라이브러리를 다시 검색할 수 있습니다.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"귀하의 지속적인 지원은 정기적인 업데이트를 제공하고 독립적인 상태를 유지하는 데 도움이 되어 당사의 사명을 완수하고 귀하의 개인 정보를 보호할 수 있습니다.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"라이브러리는 지속적으로 분석되어 특별한 순간, 여행 및 장소의 앨범을 자동으로 생성합니다.","Zoom in/out":"확대/축소"},"ku":{"%{n} albums found":"ئەلبوم دۆزرایەوە %{n}","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} پەڕگە بارکرا","%{n} folders found":"%{n} بوخچە دۆزرایەوە","%{n} labels found":"%{n} پێناس دۆزرایەوە","%{n} people found":"%{n} kes hatin dîtin","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} wêne hatin dîtin","1 hour":"١ کاتژمێر","12 hours":"١٢ کاتژمێر","4 hours":"٤ کاتژمێر","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"کرتەیەک کۆپی دەکاتە کلیپ بۆردەکەت","About":"دەربارە","Account":"هەژمار","Accuracy":"وردبینی","Action":"کردار","Actions":"کردارەکان","Add Album":"زیادکردنی ئەلبوم","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"زیادکردنی پەڕگەکان بۆ کتێبخانەکەت لەڕێگای بارکردنی وێب.","Add Link":"زیادکردنی بەستەرە","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Bi hilbijartina wan wêneyan ji encamên lêgerînê zêde bikin.","Add to album":"زیادکردن بۆ ئەلبوم","Added":"زیادکرا","Advanced":"پێشکەوتوو","After 1 day":"دوای ١ ڕۆژ","After 3 days":"دوای ٣ ڕۆژ","After 7 days":"دوای ٧ ڕۆژ","After one month":"دوای ١ مانگ","After one year":"دوای ١ ساڵ","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Piştî hilbijartina wêneyên ji encamên lêgerînê, hûn dikarin wan bi karanîna menuya naverokê li albûmê zêde bikin.","After two months":"دوای ٢ مانگ","After two weeks":"دوای ٢ هەفتە","Album":"ئەلبوم","Album Name":"ناوی ئەلبوم","Albums":"ئەلبومەکان","All %{n} albums loaded":"هەموو %{n} ئەلبومەکان بارکرا","All %{n} labels loaded":"هەموو %{n} پێناسەکان بارکرا","All %{n} people loaded":"Hemû %{n} kes bar kirin","All Cameras":"هەموو کامێراکان","All Categories":"هەموو هاوپۆلەکان","All Colors":"هەموو رەنگەکان","All Countries":"هەموو وڵاتەکان","All fields are required":"هەموو خانەکان پێویستە","All files from import folder":"هەموو پەڕگەکان لە بوخچەی هاوردەکردن","All Lenses":"هەموو لێنزەکان","All Months":"هەموو مانگەکان","All originals":"هەموو ڕەسەنەکان","All Years":"هەموو ساڵەکان","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"لە جیاتی ئەوە، دەتوانیت ڕاستەوخۆ پەڕگەکان باربکەیتە سەر ڕاژەی WebDAV وەک Nextcloud.","Altitude":"هێڵی درێژی","Altitude (m)":"بەرزی (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"هەڵەیەک ڕوویدا - ئایا ئۆفلاینیت؟","Animation":"ئەنیمەیشن","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"هەر فۆتۆ و ڤیدیۆیەکی تایبەت بە تایبەتی دەمێنێتەوە و هاوبەش ناکرێت.","API Key":"API کلیلی","Apply":"به‌کاربردن","Approve":"په‌سه‌ندکردن","Archive":"ئەرشیف","Archived":"ئەرشیفکراو","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"ئایا دڵنیایت لەوەی دەتەوێت ئەم دیاریکردنە ئەرشیف بکەیت؟","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"دڵنیایت لەوەی دەتەوێت ئەم ئەلبومانە بسڕیتەوە؟","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"دڵنیایت لەوەی دەتەوێت ئەم پێناسانە بسڕیتەوە؟","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"دڵنیایت لەوەی دەتەوێت ئەم هەژمارانە بسڕیتەوە؟","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"ئایا دڵنیایت لەوەی دەتەوێت ئەم وێنانە بە هەمیشەیی بسڕیتەوە؟","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"ئایا دڵنیایت لەوەی دەتەوێت بە هەمیشەیی ئەم پەڕگەیە بسڕیتەوە؟","Artist":"هونەرمەند","Aspect Ratio":"ڕێژەی ڕوو","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"دروستکردنی JPEGs بە شێوەیەکی خودکارانە بۆ جۆرەکانی تری پەڕگە بۆ ئەوەی نیشان بدرێت لە وێبگەڕەکە.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Bixweber albûmên demên taybetî, rêwîtî û deveran diafirîne.","Black":"ڕەش","Blue":"شین","Brown":"قاوەیی","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"گەڕان و بژارکردنی ناونیشانەکانی پۆلێنکردنی وێنە.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"گەڕان لە پەڕگە وبوخچە نوانەدارەکان لە کتێبخانە.","Bug Report":"راپۆرتی هەڵە","Busy, please wait…":"سەرقاڵە، تکایە چاوەڕێکە…","Calendar":"ڕۆژمێر","Camera":"کامێرا","Camera Serial":"زنجیرەی کامێرا","Can't load more, limit reached":"ناتوانێت زیاتر بار بکات، گەیشتە سنوور","Can't select more items":"ناتوانێت ئایتمی زیاتر دیاری بکات","Cancel":"هه‌ڵوه‌شاندنه‌وه","Cards":"کارتەکان","Category":"هاوپۆله‌كان","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Sernivîsên wêneyan, cîh û metadata din biguherînin.","Change private flag":"گۆڕینی نیشانەنوێنی تایبەت","Checked":"پشکنرا","Chroma":"کرۆم","Close":"داخستن","Codec":"Codec","Color":"ڕەنگ","Colors":"ڕەنگەکان","Complete Rescan":"پشکنینەوەی تەواو","Confidence":"دڵنیایی","Connect":"بەستنەوە","Connect via WebDAV":"بەستنەوە بە WebDAV","Contact Us":"پەیوەندیمان پێوە بکە","Contains %{n} pictures.":"%{n} wêneyan dihewîne.","Contains one picture.":"Yek wêneyek dihewîne.","Convert to JPEG":"گۆڕین بۆ JPEG","Converting":"گۆڕین","Copied to clipboard":"کۆپی کرایە کلیپ بۆرد","Copyright":"مافی لەبەرگرتنەوە","Couldn't find anything.":"هیچ شتێک نەدۆزرایەوە.","Country":"وڵات","Create album":"دروستکردنی ئەلبوم","Created":"دروستکرا","Creating thumbnails for":"دروستکردنی وێنۆچکە بۆ","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"سێجا: کوالێتی مامناوەند، ئەدای باش","Current Password":"تێپەڕەوشەی ئێستا","Customer Support":"پاڵپشتی کڕیار","Cyan":"شینی ئاسمانی","Daily":"ڕۆژانە","Day":"ڕۆ‌ژ","Debug Logs":"تۆماری هەڵەکان","Default":"بنه‌ڕه‌ت","Default Folder":"بوخچەی بنه‌ڕه‌تی","Delete":"سڕینەوە","Description":"وه‌سفکردن","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"ڕێنمایی ورد دەتوانرێت بدۆزرێتەوە لە ڕێبەری بەکارهێنەرەکەمان.","Details":"زانیاری زیاتر","Dimensions":"ڕەهەندەکان","Disable Backups":"ناچالاککردنی پاڵپشتەکان","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"ناچالاککردنی ڕاژەکاری چەسپاوی WebDAV. پێویستی بە دەستپێکردنەوە هەیە.","Disable Darktable":"Darktable neçalak bike","Disable ExifTool":"ExifTool لە کاربخە","Disable FFmpeg":"FFmpeg asteng bike","Disable Places":"لەکارخستنی شوێنەکان","Disable RawTherapee":"RawTherapee neçalak bike","Disable TensorFlow":"لەکاربخە TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"لەکاربخە WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"جیوکۆدکردن و نەخشەکان ناچالاک بە.","Discover":"دۆزینەوە","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"پاڵپشتی مێتاداتای وێنە و ئەلبوم مەکە بە پەڕگەی YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"پەڕگەکانی ExifToolی JSON دروست مەکە بۆ دەرهێنانی مێتاداتای باشکراو.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"بوخچەی رەسەنەکان هەموار مەکە. هاوردەکردن، بارکردن و سڕینەوە لە کاربخە.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Vîdyoyan bi FFmpeg re transkod nekin.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Ji bo veguheztina pelên RAW Darktable bikar neynin.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"RawTherapee bikar neynin ku pelên RAW veguherînin.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"TensorFlow بەکارمەهێنە بۆ پۆلێنکردنی وێنە.","Donations":"بەخشینەکان","Done":"تەواوبوو","Done.":"تەواوبوو.","Download":"داگرتن","Download remote files":"داگرتنی پەڕگە دوورەکان","Download single files and zip archives.":"داگرتنی فایلە تاکەکان و ئەرشیفی زیپ.","Downloading…":"دادەگیرێت…","Downscaling Filter":"فلتەری کەمکردنەوە","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"دووبارەکراوەکان تێپەڕدەبن و تەنها یەک جار دەردەکەون.","Dynamic Previews":"پێشبینینی دینامیکی","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"پێڕدانی دینامیکی پێویستی بە ڕاژەکاری بەهێز هەیە. پێشنیار نەکراوە بۆ ئامێرەکانی NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"سنوورداری قەبارەی دینامیکی: %{n}px","E-Mail":"ئیمەیڵ","Edit":"دەستکاری","Edit %{name}":"دەستکاری %{name}","Edit Account":"دەستکاریکردنی هەژمار","Edit Photo":"دەستکاریکردنی فۆتۆ","Edited":"دەستکاریکرا","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"چالاککردنی تایبەتمەندیە نوێکان کە لە ئێستادا لە ژێر گەشەپێداندان.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Pêşdibistanên veguheztina RAW çalak dike. Dibe ku performans kêm bike.","Errors":"هەڵەکان","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"خەمڵاندنی شوێنی نزیکەی وێنەکان بەبێ کۆردیناتەکان.","Estimates":"خەمڵاندنەکان","Every two days":"هەموو دوو ڕۆژ جارێ","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Ji encamên lêgerînê, albûmên hevbeş, etîket û deveran naveroka ku wekî taybet hatî nîşankirin derxînin.","Exclude hidden":"Veşartî derxînin","Expand":"فراوانکردن","Expand Search":"فراوانکردنی گەڕان","Experimental Features":"تایبەتمەندیە ئەزموونیەکان","Expires":"بەسەرچووەکان","Exposure":"دەرخستن","F Number":"ژمارەی F","Face":"Rû","Faces":"Rûyên","Failed copying to clipboard":"کۆپیکردن بۆ کلیپ بۆرد شکستی هێنا","Failed removing link":"لابردنی بەستەرەکە شکستی هێنا","Failed updating link":"نوێکردنەوەی بەستەرەکە شکستی هێنا","Fast":"خێرا","Favorite":"دڵخواز","Favorites":"دڵخوازەکان","Feature Request":"داواکردنی تایبەتمەندی","Feedback":"ڕەخنە و پێشنیار","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"تکایە پەیوەندیمان پێوە بکە hello@photoprism.app ئەگەر پرسیارت هەیە یان پێویستیت بە یارمەتیە.","File":"پەڕگە","File Browser":"گەڕۆکی پەڕگە","Files":"پەڕگەکان","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"پەڕگەکان بە ناوی زنجیرەیی وەک 'IMG_1234 (2)' و 'IMG_1234 (3)' هی هەمان وێنەن.","Folder":"بوخچە","Folder contains %{n} files":"بوخچە %{n} پەڕگەی تێدایە","Folder is empty":"بوخچەکە بەتاڵە","Folders":"بوخچەکان","Fullscreen":"پڕاوپڕ بەشاشە","General":"گشتی","Gold":"ئاڵتون","Grayscale":"گرەیسکەیڵ","Green":"سەوز","Grey":"ڕەساسی","Hash":"هاش","Help":"یارمەتی","Hidden":"شاراوە","Hidden Files":"پەڕگە شاراوەکان","Hide":"Veşartin","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"شاردنەوەی ئەو فۆتۆیانەی کە گواستراوەتەوە بۆ ئەرشیف.","How can we help?":"چۆن ئەتوانین یارمەتیت بدەین؟","image":"وێنە","Image":"وێنە","Images":"وێنەکان","Import":"هاوردن","Import failed":"هاوردن شکستی هێنا","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"پەڕگە هاوردەکان بەپێی بەروار پۆلێن دەکرێت و ناوی بێهاوتای بۆ دادەندرێت بۆی پەڕگەی دووبارە بوونی نەبێت.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"پەڕگە هاوردەکان بەپێی بەروار پۆلێن دەکرێت و ناوی بێهاوتای پێ دەدرێت.","Importing %{name}…":"هاوردنی %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"هێنانی پەڕگەکان بۆ ڕەسەنەکان…","in":"لە","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Ger wêneyên ku hûn li bendê ne wenda nebin, ji kerema xwe pirtûkxaneya xwe ji nû ve şeh bikin û li bendê bimînin heya ku indexing qediya.","Index":"نیشاندەر","Indexing":"نیشانەسازی","Indexing failed":"نیشانەسازی شکستی هێنا","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"پێڕستکردنی پەڕگەکانی میدیا و لاتەنیشتەکان…","Instance ID":"IDـی نموونە","Interval":"ماوە","Invalid date":"بەروارێکی نادروست","Item":"ئایتم","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"کوالیتی JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"سنووری قەبارەی JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG و وێنە بچووکەکان بە شێوەیەکی خودکارانە بە پێێ پێویست پیشان دەدرێن.","Keywords":"کلیلەوشەکان","Label":"پێناس","Labels":"پێناسەکان","Language":"زمان","Latitude":"هێڵی پانیی","Lavender":"ئەرخەوان","Lens":"لێنز","Library":"کتێبخانە","License":"مۆڵەت","Like":"بەدڵمە","Lime":"قسڵ","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"سنوور گەیشتن، یەکەمین ٪{n} پەڕگە پیشان دەدات","Link":"بەستەر","List":"خشتە","Live":"زیندوو","Local Time":"کاتی ناوخۆیی","location":"ناونیشان","Location":"ناونیشان","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"لۆگ مەسجەکان لێرە دەردەکەون هەرکاتێک فۆتۆپریزم لەگەڵ فایلی شێواو بەرکەوتنی هەبوو ، یان کێشەی شاراوەی تر بوونی هەبوو.","Login":"چوونە ژوورەوە","Logout":"چوونە دەرەوە","Logs":"تۆماری لۆگەکان","Longitude":"درێژی","Magenta":"ئەرخەوانی","Main Color":"ڕەنگی سەرەکی","manual":"دەستی","Manual Upload":"بارکردنی دەستی","Marker":"Nîşan","Medium":"مامناوەند","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Bi %{b} re bi %{b} re bibe yek?","Message sent":"پەیامەکە گەیەندرا","Minimize":"بچووک کردنەوە","Missing":"بزر","Moments":"ساتەکان","Month":"مانگ","Moonlight":"تیشکی مانگ","More than %{n} pictures found":"Zêdetirî %{n} wêne hatin dîtin","More than 20 albums found":"زیاتر لە ٢٠ ئەلبوم دۆزرایەوە","More than 20 labels found":"زیاتر لە ٢٠ پێناس دۆزرایەوە","More than 20 people found":"Zêdetirî 20 kes hatin dîtin","Mosaic":"موزایک","Move Files":"دۆسیەی زیاتر","Name":"ناو","Name too long":"ناوی زۆر درێژ","Never":"هەرگیز","New":"Nşh","New Password":"تێپەڕەوشەی نوێ","No":"نەخێر","No albums found":"هیچ ئەلبومێکی نەدۆزیوەتەوە","No labels found":"هیچ پێناسێکی نەدۆزیوەتەوە","No people found":"Kes nehat dîtin","No pictures found":"Wêne nehatin dîtin","No recently edited pictures":"Wêneyên ku nû hatine guheztin tune","No servers configured.":"هیچ ڕاژەیەک سازنەدراوە","No thanks":"نەخێر سوپاس","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"هیچ ئاگادارییەک یان هەڵەیەک نیە کە ئەم وشی لەخۆ گرتبێت. تێبینی بکە کە گەڕان هەستیارە (جیاکەرەوەی پیتە گەورە و چکۆلەکان).","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"وێنە نافۆتۆگرافی و کوالێتی نزمەکان پێویستی بە پێداچونەوە هەیە پێش ئەوەی لە ئەنجامی گەڕاندا دەرکەون.","None":"هیچ","Not Found":"نەدۆزرایەوە","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Têbînî ku hûn dikarin peldanka orîjînalên xwe bi destan birêve bibin û hinardekirin vebijarkî ye.","Note:":"تێبینی:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"تێبینی: تەنها ڕەژاکانی WebDAV، وەک Nextcloud یان PhotoPrism، دەتوانرێت وەک خزمەتگوزاریەکی دوور بۆ گەڕانەوەی پاڵپشت (باکئاپ) و دروستکردنی پاڵپشت ساز بکرێت.","Notes":"تێبینیەکان","Offline":"ده‌رهێڵ","Once a week":"جارێك لەهەفتەیەكدا","One album found":"یەك ئەلبوم دۆزرایەوە","One file found":"یەك دۆسیە دۆزرایەوە","One folder found":"یەك فۆڵدەر دۆزرایەوە","One label found":"Yek label hat dîtin","One person found":"Kesek hat dîtin","One picture found":"Yek wêne hat dîtin","Options":"هەڵبژاردنەکان","Orange":"پرتەقاڵی","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"ناوی پەڕگە ڕەسەنەکان هەڵگیراون و نیشانە دەکرێن.","Original Name":"ناوی ڕەسەن","Originals":"ڕەسەنەکان","Other":"هی تر","Outdoor":"دەرەوە","Panorama":"پانۆراما","Panoramas":"پانۆراماکان","Password":"تێپەڕەوشە","People":"خەڵك","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"ئەو کەسانەی بەستەرێکی هاوبەشیان لەگەڵ دا دروست دەکەیت، توانای بینینی ناوەڕۆکە گشتیەکانی دەبێت.","Permanently deleted":"بە هەمیشەیی سڕاوەتەوە","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"سڕینەوەی پەڕگەکان بە شێوەیەکی هەمیشەیی بۆ بەتاڵکردنی بیرگە.","Photo":"وێنە","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"فۆتۆپریزم نوێکرایەوە","Photos":"وێنەکان","Pink":"پەمەی","Place":"شوێن","Place & Time":"شوێن و کات","Places":"شوێنەکان","Please confirm your new password.":"تکایە وشە نهێنیە تازکەت پشتڕاستکەرەوە.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"تکایە ئەو وێنانە بار مەکە کە ناوەڕۆکی سووکایەتی لەخۆ دەگرن.","Portrait":"تابلۆ","Preserve filenames":"پاراستنی ناوی پەڕگەکان","Press button to start importing…":"دوگمە دابگرە بۆ دەستکردن بە هێنان…","Press button to start indexing…":"دوگمە دابگرە بۆ دەست کردن بە پێنوێن کردن…","Press enter to create a new album.":"بۆ دروستکردنی ئەلبومێکی نوێ، Enter دابگرە.","Preview":"پێشبینین","Primary":"سەرەکی","Private":"تایبەتی","Product Feedback":"ڕەخنە و پێشنیار لە بەرهەم","Projection":"هەڵسەنگاندن","Purple":"مۆر","Quality Filter":"پاڵاوتنی جۆرایەتی","Quality Score":"جۆرایەتی تۆمار","Random":"هەڕەمەکی","Raw":"خاو","RAW":"خاو","RAW Conversion":"گۆڕینی (Raw) خاو","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"دووبارە نیشانە (ئیندێکس) کردنی هەموو ڕەسەنەکان، بە فایلە نوانەدار و نەگۆڕاوەکانیشەوە.","Read-Only Mode":"دۆخی تەنها-خوێندنەوە","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Piştî ku endeksasyon qediya naskirin dest pê dike.","Recognized":"Nas kirin","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Rûyan nas dike da ku mirovên taybetî bêne dîtin.","Red":"سور","Reload":"بارکردنەوە","Reloading…":"دووبارە بارکردن…","Remote Sync":"هاوکاتکردنی دوور","Remove":"سڕینەوە","remove failed: unknown album":"سڕینەوەکە سەرکەوتوو نەبوو: ئەلبومی نەناسراو","Remove from album":"Ji albûmê derxe","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"لابردنی پەڕگە هاوردەکان بۆ بەتاڵکردنی بیرگە. جۆرەکانی پەڕگەی پشتیوانی نەکراو هەرگیز ناسڕدرێتەوە، ئەوان لە شوێنی ئێستایان دەمێننەوە.","Request failed - invalid response":"داواکاریەکە سەرکەوتوو نەبوو - وەڵامە نادروستەکە","Required":"پێویست","Restore":"گەڕاندنەوە","Retype Password":"نوسینەوەی وشه‌ی تێپه‌ڕبوون","Review":"پێشبینین","Save":"پاشەکەوت","Scan":"پشکنین","Scans":"پشکنینەکان","Search":"گەڕان","Search and display photos on a map.":"گەڕان و پیشاندانی وێنەکان لەسەر نەخشە.","Season":"وەرز","Secret":"نهێنی","Select":"دەستنیشانکردن","Select albums or create a new one":"ئەلبومەکان دەستنیشان بکە یان یەکێکی تازە دروست بکە","Selection approved":"دەستنیشان کراو پەسەند کرا","Send":"ناردن","Sequential Name":"ناوی زنجیرەیی","Service URL":"بەستەری خزمەتگوزاری","Settings":"ڕێکخستنەکان","Setup":"دایبەزێنە","Shadow":"سێبەر","Share":"هاوبەشکردن","Share %{name}":"هاوبەشیپێکردنی %{name}","Show":"Rêdan","Show all new faces":"Hemî rûyên nû nîşan bidin","Show hidden":"Veşartî nîşan bide","Show less":"کەمتر ببینە","Show more":"زیاتر ببینە","Show server logs in Library.":"پیشاندانی لۆگەکانی ڕاژە لە کتێبخانە.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Peyamên têketinê yên bi detay nîşan dide. Ji nû ve destpêkirinê hewce dike.","Sidecar":"لاتەنیشت","Sign in":"چوونەژوورەوە","Sign Up":"چوونەدەرەوە","Similar":"وەکویەک","Size":"ڕووبەر","Slow":"خاو","Sort Order":"جۆری داواکاری","Source":"سەرچاوه","Stack":"کەڵەکە","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"پەڕگە کەڵەککراوەکان هەمان وێنەی بێ هاوتا یان نمونەی ناسێنەریان هەیە.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"وێنەی کەڵەککراوەکان لەهەمان کات و شوێن دا گیراوە لەسەر بنەمای مێتاداتا.","Stackable":"کەڵەکەکراو","Stacks":"کەڵەکەکان","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"کەڵەکەکراوەکان کۆمەڵێ فۆتۆ لە سەر بنەمای هەمان ناوەڕۆک پێکەوە دەبەستێ بەڵام فۆتۆکان جیاوازن لە جۆرێتی، فۆرمات، قەبارە یان ڕەنگ.","Start":"ده‌ستپێك","Start/Stop Slideshow":"دەستپێکردن/وەستانی سلایدشۆ","States":"ولایەتەکان","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"سنووری قەبارەی ستاتیک: %{n}px","Status":"دۆخ","Streets":"شەقامەکان","Subject":"ناونیشان","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"پشتگیری بۆ خزمەتگوزاری تر وەک Google Drive، بە پێی کات زیاد دەکرێت.","Sync":"هاوکاتگەری","Sync raw and video files":"هاودەمکردنی فایلە خاوە ڤیدیۆکان","Taken":"وەرگیراو","Teal":"سەوزی شینباو","Text too long":"دەقی زۆر درێژ","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"نوانەکە لە ئێستادا %{n} فایلی شاراوەی لەخۆ دەگرێت.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"فۆرماتەکەیان لەوانەیە پشتگیری کراو نەبێت, هێشتا نەگۆڕدراوە بۆ JPEG یان لێکچووی دووبارەبوونی هەیە.","Theme":"ڕووکار","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"ئەمە فۆڵدەری ڕەسەنەکان وەک درایڤی ڕایەڵە هەڵدەکات و ڕێگەت پێدەدات فایلەکان لە کۆمپیوتەرەکەت یان مۆبایلەکە بکەیتەوە، بژاری بکەیت، یان بسڕیتەوە وەک ئەوەی کە خۆماڵی بن.","Thumbnail Generation":"دروستکردنی وێنۆچکە","Time UTC":"کات UTC","Time Zone":"ناوچەی کاتی","Title":"ناونیشان","Title too long":"ناونیشانی زۆر درێژ","Toggle View":"گۆڕینی رەوش بۆ بینین","Token":"تۆکن","Topographic":"تۆپۆگرافیک","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"دووبارە هەوڵ بدە بە بەکارهێنانی فلتەر یان وشەی تر.","Type":"جۆر","Undo":"Betal bike","Unknown":"نەزانراو","Unsorted":"پۆلێن نەکراوە","Unstack":"دەرهێنان لە کەڵەکە","Updated":"بارکرا","Updating faces":"Rûyên nûjen dikin","Updating index":"نوێکردنەوەی نیشانە","Updating moments":"نوێکردنەوەی ساتەکان","Updating previews":"Rojanekirina pêşdîtinan","Updating stacks":"نوێکردنەوەی کەڵەکەکان","Upload":"بارکردن","Upload complete":"بارکردنەکە تەواو","Upload complete. 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ئەلبوم داگریت","You can only download one label":"تۆ تەنها دەتوانی یەك پێناس داگریت","You may only select one item":"دەتوانیت تەنها یەک ئایتم دیاریبکەیت","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Hûn dikarin pirtûkxaneya xwe ji bo dîtina rûyên zêde ji nû ve şeh bikin.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Pirtûkxaneya we bi domdarî tê analîz kirin ku bixweber albumên demên taybetî, rêwîtî û deveran çêdike.","Zoom in/out":"گەورەکردن/بچووکردن"},"lt":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} rasti albumai","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} įkelti failai","%{n} folders found":"rasta %{n} aplankų","%{n} labels found":"rasta %{n} etikečių","%{n} people found":"rasta %{n} žmonių","%{n} pictures found":"rasta %{n} paveikslėlių","1 hour":"1 val.","12 hours":"12 valandų","4 hours":"4 valandos","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Paspaudę jį nukopijuosite į iškarpinę.","About":"Apie","Abyss":"Bedugnė","Account":"Sąskaita","Accuracy":"Tikslumas","Action":"Veiksmas","Actions":"Veiksmai","Add Album":"Pridėti albumą","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Pridėkite failų į savo biblioteką naudodami \"Web Upload\".","Add Link":"Pridėti nuorodą","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Pridėkite nuotraukas iš paieškos rezultatų jas pasirinkdami.","Add to album":"Pridėti į albumą","Added":"Pridėta","Advanced":"Išplėstinė","After 1 day":"Po 1 dienos","After 3 days":"Po 3 dienų","After 7 days":"Po 7 dienų","After one month":"Po vieno mėnesio","After one year":"Po vienerių metų","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Pasirinkę nuotraukas iš paieškos rezultatų, galite jas įtraukti į albumą naudodami kontekstinį meniu.","After two months":"Po dviejų mėnesių","After two weeks":"Po dviejų savaičių","Album":"Albumas","Album Name":"Albumo pavadinimas","Albums":"Albumai","Albums deleted":"Ištrinti albumai","All %{n} albums loaded":"Įkelti visi %{n} albumai","All %{n} labels loaded":"Įkeltos visos %{n} etiketės","All %{n} people loaded":"Įkelti visi %{n} žmonės","All Cameras":"Visi fotoaparatai","All Categories":"Visos kategorijos","All Colors":"Visos spalvos","All Countries":"Visos šalys","All fields are required":"Visi laukai yra privalomi","All files from import folder":"Visi failai iš importo aplanko","All Lenses":"Visi objektyvai","All Months":"Visi mėnesiai","All originals":"Visi originalai","All Years":"Visi metai","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Taip pat galite įkelti failus tiesiai į WebDAV serverius, pvz., \"Nextcloud\".","Altitude":"Aukštis","Altitude (m)":"Aukštis (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Įvyko klaida - ar esate neprisijungęs?","Animated":"Animuota","Animation":"Animacija","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Visos privačios nuotraukos ir vaizdo įrašai išlieka privatūs ir jais nebus dalijamasi.","API Key":"API raktas","Apply":"Taikyti","Approve":"Patvirtinti","Archive":"Archyvas","Archived":"Archyvuota","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Ar tikrai norite archyvuoti pasirinkimą?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šiuos albumus?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šias etiketes?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šią paskyrą?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Ar tikrai norite visam laikui ištrinti šias nuotraukas?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Ar tikrai norite visam laikui ištrinti šį failą?","Are you sure?":"Ar esate tikri?","Artist":"Menininkas","Aspect Ratio":"Kraštinių santykis","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Automatiškai sukurkite kitų tipų failų JPEG, kad juos būtų galima rodyti naršyklėje.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Automatiškai sukuria ypatingų akimirkų, kelionių ir vietų albumus.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Prieš pateikdami pagalbos užklausą, pasinaudokite mūsų trikčių šalinimo kontroliniais sąrašais, kad nustatytumėte problemos priežastį.","Bio":"Bio","Black":"Juoda","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos Modifikacija,Mažiau Žiedinių Artefaktų","Blue":"Mėlyna","Brown":"Ruda","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Naršykite ir redaguokite vaizdų klasifikavimo etiketes.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Naršykite po bibliotekos indeksuotus failus ir aplankus.","Bug Report":"Pranešimas apie klaidą","Busy, please wait…":"Užimtas, palaukite…","Calendar":"Kalendorius","Camera":"Fotoaparatas","Camera Serial":"Kameros serijinis","Can't load more, limit reached":"Negalima įkelti daugiau, pasiekta riba","Can't select more items":"Negalima pasirinkti daugiau elementų","Cancel":"Atšaukti","Cards":"Kortelės","Category":"Kategorija","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Keiskite nuotraukų pavadinimus, vietas ir kitus metaduomenis.","Change private flag":"Keisti privačią vėliavą","Checked":"Patikrinta","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Uždaryti","Codec":"Kodekas","Color":"Spalva","Color Profile":"Spalvų profilis","Colors":"Spalvos","Complete Rescan":"Visiškas pakartotinis nuskaitymas","Confidence":"Konfidencialu","Connect":"Prisijungti","Connect via WebDAV":"Prisijungimas per WebDAV","Contact Us":"Susisiekite su mumis","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Sudėtyje yra %{n} paveikslėlių.","Contains one picture.":"Yra vienas paveikslėlis.","Convert to JPEG":"Konvertuoti į JPEG","Converting":"Konvertuojama","Copied to clipboard":"Nukopijuota į iškarpinę","Copyright":"Autorinės teisės","Couldn't find anything.":"Nepavyko nieko rasti.","Country":"Šalis","Create album":"Sukurti albumą","Created":"Sukurta","Creating thumbnails for":"Miniatiūrų kūrimas","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubinis: Vidutinė kokybė, geras našumas","Current Password":"Dabartinis slaptažodis","Customer Support":"Klientų aptarnavimas","Cyan":"Žydra","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Kasdien","Day":"Diena","Debug Logs":"Derinimo žurnalai","Default":"Numatytoji","Default Folder":"Numatytasis aplankas","Delete":"Ištrinti","Description":"Aprašymas","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Išsamias instrukcijas rasite mūsų naudotojo vadove.","Details":"Detalės","Dimensions":"Matmenys","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Kadrai","High":"Aukštas","Low":"Žema","More than 20 albums found":"Rasta daugiau nei 20 albumų","No albums found":"Albumų nerasta","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"\"Windows\" sistemoje prisijungimo dialogo lange įveskite šiuos išteklius:","One album found":"Rastas vienas albumas","Retry Limit":"Pakartojimo limitas"},"ms":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} album ditemui","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} fail dimuat naik","%{n} folders found":"%{n} folder ditemui","%{n} labels found":"%{n} label ditemui","%{n} people found":"%{n} orang ditemui","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} gambar ditemui","1 hour":"1 jam","12 hours":"12 jam","4 hours":"4 jam","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Satu klik akan menyalinnya ke papan klip anda.","About":"Mengenai","Abyss":"Abyss","Account":"Akaun","Accuracy":"Ketepatan","Action":"Tindakan","Actions":"Tindakan","Add Album":"Tambah Album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Tambahkan fail ke pustaka anda melalui Muat Naik Web.","Add Link":"Tambah Pautan","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Tambahkan gambar dengan memilihnya daripada hasil carian.","Add to album":"Tambah kepada album","Added":"Ditambah","Advanced":"Lanjutan","After 1 day":"Selepas 1 hari","After 3 days":"Selepas 3 hari","After 7 days":"Selepas 7 hari","After one month":"Selepas sebulan","After one year":"Selepas satu tahun","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Selepas memilih gambar daripada hasil carian, anda boleh menambahkannya kepada album menggunakan menu konteks.","After two months":"Selepas dua bulan","After two weeks":"Selepas dua minggu","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Nama Album","Albums":"Album","Albums deleted":"Album dipadamkan","All %{n} albums loaded":"Semua %{n} album telah dimuatkan","All %{n} labels loaded":"Semua %{n} label telah dimuatkan","All %{n} people loaded":"Semua %{n} orang telah dimuatkan","All Cameras":"Semua Kamera","All Categories":"Semua Kategori","All Colors":"Semua Warna","All Countries":"Semua Negara","All fields are required":"Semua medan perlu diisikan","All files from import folder":"Semua fail daripada folder import","All Lenses":"Semua Kanta","All Months":"Semua Bulan","All originals":"Semua yang asal","All Years":"Semua Tahun","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Sebagai alternatif, anda boleh memuat naik fail terus ke pelayan WebDAV seperti Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Ketinggian","Altitude (m)":"Ketinggian (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Ralat berlaku - adakah capaian anda tergendala?","Animated":"Beranimasi","Animation":"Animasi","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Sebarang foto dan video peribadi kekal peribadi dan tidak akan dikongsi.","API Key":"Kekunci API","Apply":"Gunakan","Approve":"Terima","Archive":"Arkib","Archived":"Diarkibkan","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Adakah anda pasti mahu mengarkibkan pemilihan?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan album ini?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan label ini?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan akaun ini?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan gambar ini secara kekal?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan fail ini secara kekal?","Are you sure?":"Adakah anda pasti?","Artist":"Artis","Aspect Ratio":"Nisbah aspek","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Sebelum menghantar permintaan sokongan, sila gunakan Senarai Semak Penyelesaian Masalah (Troubleshooting Checklists) kami untuk cuba mengenal pasti punca masalah anda.","Bio":"Bio","Black":"Hitam","Blue":"Biru","Brown":"Coklat","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Semak imbas dan kemaskini label klasifikasi imej.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Semak imbas fail dan folder yang telah diindeks dalam Perpustakaan.","Bug Report":"Laporan Pepijat","Busy, please wait…":"Tengah sibuk, sila tunggu…","Calendar":"Kalendar","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Siri Kamera","Can't select more items":"Tidak dapat memilih lebih banyak item","Cancel":"Batal","Cards":"Kad","Category":"Kategori","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Tukar tajuk foto, lokasi dan metadata lain.","Change private flag":"Tukar petanda peribadi","Checked":"Disemak","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Tutup","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Warna","Color Profile":"Profil Warna","Colors":"Warna","Confidence":"Keyakinan","Connect":"Sambung","Connect via WebDAV":"Sambung melalui WebDAV","Contact Us":"Hubungi Kami","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Mengandungi %{n} gambar.","Contains one picture.":"Mengandungi satu gambar.","Convert to JPEG":"Tukar kepada JPEG","Copied to clipboard":"Disalin ke papan keratan","Copyright":"Hak Cipta","Couldn't find anything.":"Tidak dapat mencari apa-apa.","Country":"Negara","Create album":"Buat album","Created":"Dicipta","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: Kualiti Sederhana, Prestasi Baik","Current Password":"Kata Laluan Semasa","Customer Support":"Sokongan Pengguna","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Setiap hari","Day":"Hari","Debug Logs":"Log Nyahpepijat","Default":"Lalai","Delete":"Padam","Description":"Keterangan","Details":"Perincian:","Done":"Selesai","Download":"Muat turun","Duration":"Tempoh","E-Mail":"E-mel","Edit":"Edit","Electra":"Electra","Expand":"Mengembangkan","Expires":"Luput","Exposure":"Dedahan","Face":"Wajah","Favorite":"Kegemaran","Favorites":"Kegemaran","Feedback":"Maklumbalas","File":"Fail","Filename":"Nama Fail","Files":"Fail","Focal Length":"Panjang Fokus","Folder":"Folder","Folders":"Folders","Forgot password?":"Lupa kata laluan?","Fullscreen":"Skrin Penuh","General":"Am","Green":"Hijau","Grey":"Kelabu","Help":"Bantuan","Hidden":"Tersembunyi","Hide":"Sembunyi","Image":"Imej","Images":"Imej","Import":"Import","Import failed":"Pengimportan gagal","in":"dalam","Interval":"Interval","Item":"Item","Keywords":"Kata Kunci","Label":"Label","Language":"Bahasa","Latitude":"Latitud","License":"Lesen","Link":"Pautan","List":"Senarai","Live":"Langsung","Location":"Lokasi","Login":"Log masuk","Logout":"Log keluar","Logs":"Log","Longitude":"Longitud","Main Color":"Warna Utama","Marker":"Penanda","Medium":"Sederhana","Message sent":"Mesej telah dihantar","Minimize":"Minimum","Month":"Bulan","Name":"Nama","Never":"Tidak sesekali","New":"Baharu","New Password":"jauna parole","No":"Tidak","None":"Tiada","Not Found":"Halaman Tak Dijumpai","Note:":"Nota:","Notes":"Nota-nota","Offline":"Luar Talian","Options":"Pilihan","Orange":"Jingga","Other":"Lain-lain","Password":"Kata Laluan","Photos":"Foto","Places":"Tempat","Preview":"Pratonton","Primary":"Utama","Private":"Sulit","Random":"Rawak","Red":"Merah","Reload":"Muat 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personer ble funnet","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} bilder funnet","1 hour":"1 time","12 hours":"12 timer","4 hours":"4 timer","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Et klikk vil kopiere det til utklippstavlen.","About":"Om","Abyss":"Avgrunn","Account":"Konto","Accuracy":"Nøyaktighet","Action":"Handling","Actions":"Handlinger","Add Account":"Opprett Bruker","Add Album":"Legg til Album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Legg til filer i biblioteket ditt ved hjelp av Nettopplasting.","Add Link":"Legg til Lenke","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Legg til bilder fra søkeresultatene ved å velge dem.","Add to album":"Legg til i album","Added":"Lagt til","Advanced":"Avansert","After 1 day":"Etter 1 dag","After 3 days":"Etter 3 dager","After 7 days":"Etter 7 dager","After one month":"Etter én måned","After one year":"Etter ett år","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Etter at du har valgt bilder fra søkeresultatene, kan du legge dem til i et album ved hjelp av hurtigmenyen.","After two months":"Etter to måneder","After two weeks":"Etter to uker","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Albumnavn","Albums":"Album","Albums deleted":"Album slettet","All %{n} albums loaded":"Alle %{n} album lastet","All %{n} labels loaded":"Alle %{n} merkelapper innlest","All %{n} people loaded":"Alle %{n} personene er lastet inn","All Cameras":"Alle Kameraer","All Categories":"Alle Kategorier","All Colors":"Alle Farger","All Countries":"Alle Land","All fields are required":"Alle felter er nødvendige","All files from import folder":"Alle filer fra importmappe","All Lenses":"Alle Linser","All Months":"Alle Måneder","All originals":"Alle originaler","All Years":"Alle År","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativt kan du laste opp filene direkte til WebDAV-servere som Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Høyde","Altitude (m)":"Høyde (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"En feil oppstod - er du frakoblet?","Animated":"Animert","Animation":"Animasjon","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Eventuelle private bilder og videoer forblir private og vil ikke bli delt.","API Key":"API-nøkkel","Apply":"Bruk","Approve":"Godkjenn","Archive":"Arkivér","Archived":"Arkivert","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Er du sikker på at du vil arkivere utvalget?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Er du sikker på at du vil slette disse albumene?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Er du sikker på at du vil slette disse merkelappene?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne kontoen?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Er du sikker på at du vil permanent slette disse bildene?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Er du sikker på at du vil permanent slette denne filen?","Are you sure?":"Er du sikker?","Artist":"Kunstner","Aspect Ratio":"Sideforhold","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Automatisk lag JPEG-filer for andre filtyper slik at de kan vises i en nettleser.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Oppretter automatisk album med spesielle øyeblikk, turer og steder.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Før du sender inn en støtteforespørsel, vennligst bruk våre feilsøkingssjekklister for å finne årsaken til problemet.","Bio":"Info","Black":"Svart","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos, bedre kantutjevning","Blue":"Blå","Brown":"Brun","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Bla gjennom og rediger merkelapper for bildeklassifisering.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Bla gjennom indekserte filer og mapper i Biblioteket.","Bug Report":"Feilmelding","Busy, please wait…":"Opptatt, vennligst vent…","Calendar":"Kalender","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Kamera-serienummer","Can't load more, limit reached":"Kan ikke laste inn mer, grensen nådd","Can't select more items":"Kan ikke velge flere elementer","Cancel":"Avbryt","Cards":"Kort","Category":"Kategori","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Endre fototitler, steder og andre metadata.","Change private flag":"Endre private flagg","Checked":"Krysset av","Chroma":"Kroma","Close":"Lukk","Codec":"Kodeks","Color":"Farge","Color Profile":"Fargeprofil","Colors":"Farger","Complete Rescan":"Komplett Ny Skanning","Confidence":"Konfidens","Connect":"Koble til","Connect via WebDAV":"Koble til via WebDAV","Contact Us":"Kontakt Oss","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Inneholder %{n} bilder.","Contains one picture.":"Inneholder ett bilde.","Convert to JPEG":"Konvertere til JPEG","Converting":"Konverterer","Copied to clipboard":"Kopiert til utklippstavlen","Copyright":"Opphavsrett","Couldn't find anything.":"Kunne ikke finne noe.","Country":"Land","Create album":"Opprett album","Created":"Opprettet","Creating thumbnails for":"Oppretter miniatyrbilder for","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubisk: Moderat kvalitet, god ytelse","Current Password":"Nåværende Passord","Customer Support":"Kundeservice","Cyan":"Turkis","Cyano":"Turkis","Daily":"Daglig","Day":"Dag","Debug Logs":"Feilsøkingslogger","Default":"Standard","Default Folder":"Standardmappe","Delete":"Slett","Description":"Beskrivelse","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Detaljerte instruksjoner finner du i vår Brukerhåndbok.","Details":"Detaljer","Dimensions":"Størrelser","Disable Backups":"Deaktiver Sikkerhetskopi","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Deaktiver innebygget WebDAV-server. Trenger omstart.","Disable Darktable":"Deaktiver Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Deaktiver ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Deaktiver FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Deaktiver Plasser","Disable RawTherapee":"Deaktiver RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Deaktiver TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Deaktiver WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Deaktiverer omvendt geokoding og kart.","Discover":"Utforsk","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Ikke sikkerhetskopiere bilde- og albummetadata til YAML-filer.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Ikke opprett ExifTool JSON-filer for forbedret metadatautvinning.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Ikke endre originalmappen. Deaktiverer importering, opplasting og sletting.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Ikke transkod videoer med FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Ikke bruk Darktable til å konvertere RAW -filer.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Ikke bruk RawTherapee til å konvertere RAW -filer.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Ikke bruk TensorFlow for bildeklassifisering.","Donations":"Donasjoner","Done":"Ferdig","Done.":"Ferdig.","Download":"Last ned","Download remote files":"Last ned eksterne filer","Download single files and zip archives.":"Last ned enkelte filer og zip-arkiver.","Downloading…":"Laster ned…","Downscaling Filter":"Nedskalerer Filter","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikater hopes over og vises bare én gang.","Duration":"Varighet","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamiske Forhåndsvisninger","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dynamisk gjengivelse krever en kraftig server. Det anbefales ikke for NAS-enheter.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Grense for Dynamisk Størrelse:%{n}px","E-Mail":"E-post","Edit":"Rediger","Edit %{name}":"Rediger %{name}","Edit Account":"Rediger Konto","Edit Photo":"Rediger Bilde","Edited":"Redigert","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"Aktiver nye funksjoner som er under utvikling.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Aktiverer forhåndsinnstillinger for RAW -omformer. Kan redusere ytelsen.","Errors":"Feil","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Anslå omtrentlig plassering hvor bildene er tatt uten koordinater.","Estimates":"Anslag","Every two days":"Hver andre dag","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Ekskluder innhold merket som privat fra søkeresultater, delte album, etiketter og steder.","Exclude hidden":"Ekskluder skjult","Expand":"Utvid","Expand Search":"Utvid Søk","Experimental Features":"Eksperimentelle Funksjoner","Expires":"Utgår","Exposure":"Eksponering","F Number":"F-nummer","Face":"Ansikt","Faces":"Ansikter","Failed copying to clipboard":"Fikk ikke til å kopiere til utklippstavlen","Failed removing link":"Fikk ikke til å fjerne lenke","Failed updating link":"Fikk ikke til å oppdatere lenke","Fast":"Hurtig","Favorite":"Favoritt","Favorites":"Favoritter","Feature Request":"Funksjonsforespørsel","Feedback":"Tilbakemelding","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Vennligst kontakt oss på hello@photoprism.app hvis du har noen spørsmål eller trenger hjelp.","File":"Fil","File Browser":"Filutforsker","Filename":"Filnavn","Files":"Filer","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Filer med sekvensielle navn som \"IMG_1234 (2) og \"IMG_1234 (3)\" tilhører det samme bildet.","Focal Length":"Brennvidde","Folder":"Mappe","Folder contains %{n} files":"Mappen inneholder %{n} filer","Folder is empty":"Mappen er tom","Folders":"Mapper","Forgot password?":"Glemt passord?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Rammer","Fullscreen":"Fullskjerm","Gemstone":"Edelsten","General":"Generell","Getting Support":"Få støtte","Gold":"Gull","Grayscale":"Gråskala","Green":"Grønn","Grey":"Grå","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Hjelp","Help & Support":"Hjelp og støtte","Hidden":"Skjult","Hidden Files":"Skjulte Filer","Hide":"Skjul","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Skjul bilder som har blitt flyttet til arkivet.","High":"Høy","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Høyt dynamisk område (HDR)","How can we help?":"Hvordan kan vi hjelpe?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Hvis dette ikke hjelper, eller du har andre spørsmål:","image":"bilde","Image":"Bilde","Images":"Bilder","Import":"Importér","Import failed":"Importering feilet","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Importerte filer vil bli sortert etter dato og gitt et unikt navn for å unngå duplikater.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Importerte filer vil bli sortert etter dato og gitt et unikt navn.","Importing %{name}…":"Importerer %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importerer filer til originaler…","in":"inn","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"I tillegg får sponsorer direkte teknisk støtte via e-post.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Hvis bilder du forventer mangler, kan du skanne biblioteket på nytt og vente til indekseringen er fullført.","Index":"Indeks","Indexing":"Indekserer","Indexing failed":"Indeksering feilet","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indekserer media- og sidevognfiler…","Instance ID":"Instans-ID","Interval":"Intervall","Invalid date":"Ugyldig dato","Invalid photo selected":"Ugyldig bilde er valgt","Item":"Element","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG-kvalitet: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG størrelsesgrense: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEGer og miniatyrbilder er automatisk generert ved behov.","Keywords":"Nøkkelord","Label":"Merkelapp","Labels":"Merkelapper","Labels deleted":"Merkelapper slettet","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Detaljbevaring, minimale artefakter","Language":"Språk","Last Sync":"Siste synkronisering","Latitude":"Breddegrad","Lavender":"Lavendel","Lens":"Linse","Library":"Bibliotek","License":"Lisens","Like":"Lik","Lime":"Lime","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Grensen nådd, viser de første €{n} filene","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineær: Veldig jevn, beste ytelse","Link":"Lenke","List":"Liste","Live":"Direkte","Local Time":"Lokaltid","location":"plassering","Location":"Plassering","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Loggmeldinger vises her når PhotoPrism kommer over ødelagte filer eller det er andre potensielle problemer.","Login":"Logg inn","Logout":"Log ut","Logs":"Logger","Longitude":"Lengdegrad","Low":"Lav","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Hovedfarge","manual":"manuell","Manual Upload":"Manuell Opplasting","Marker":"Markør","Medium":"Medium","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Vil du slå sammen %{a} med %{b}?","Message sent":"Melding sendt","Minimize":"Minimer","Missing":"Mangler","Moments":"Øyeblikk","Monochrome":"Monokrom","Month":"Måned","Moonlight":"Måneskinn","More than %{n} pictures found":"Mer enn %{n} bilder ble funnet","More than 20 albums found":"Mer enn 20 album funnet","More than 20 labels found":"Mer enn 20 merkelapper funnet","More than 20 people found":"Mer enn 20 personer funnet","Mosaic":"Mosaikk","Move Files":"Flytt Filer","Name":"Navn","Name too long":"Navn for langt","Never":"Aldri","New":"Ny","New Password":"Nytt Passord","No":"Nei","No albums found":"Ingen album funnet","No labels found":"Ingen merkelapper funnet","No people found":"Ingen personar funne","No pictures found":"Fant ingen bilder","No recently edited pictures":"Ingen nylig redigerte bilder","No servers configured.":"Ingen servere konfigurert.","No thanks":"Nei takk","No video selected":"Ingen video valgt","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Ingen advarsler eller feilmeldinger inneholder dette nøkkelordet. Merk at søket skiller mellom store og små bokstaver.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Bilder som ikke er fotografiske eller har lav kvalitet må gjennomgås før de kommer i søkeresultater.","None":"Ingen","Not Found":"Ikke Funnet","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Vær oppmerksom på at du kan administrere originalmappen manuelt, og import er valgfritt.","Note:":"Merk:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Merk: Bare WebDAV-servere, som Nextcloud eller PhotoPrism, kan bli satt opp som ekstern tjeneste for sikkerhetskopi og filopplasting.","Notes":"Notater","Offline":"Frakoblet","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"På Windows skriver du inn følgende ressurs i tilkoblingsdialogen:","Once a week":"Én gang i uken","One album found":"Ett album funnet","One file found":"Én fil funnet","One file uploaded":"En fil lastet opp","One folder found":"Én mappe funnet","One label found":"En etikett funnet","One person found":"En person funnet","One picture found":"Ett bilde funnet","Onyx":"Onyks","Options":"Alternativer","or ask in our Community Chat":"eller spør i felleschatten vår","Orange":"Oransje","Orientation":"Orientering","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Filnavn på originaler vil bli lagret og indeksert.","Original Name":"Originalnavn","Originals":"Originaler","Other":"Andre","Outdoor":"Utendørs","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramaer","Password":"Passord","Password changed":"Passord endret","People":"Personer","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Personer du deler en lenke med vil kunne se offentlig innhold.","Permanently deleted":"Permanent slettet","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Permanent fjern bilder for å frigjøre lagringsplass.","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism har blitt oppdatert…","Photos":"Fotoer","Pink":"Rosa","Place":"Plass","Place & Time":"Sted og tid","Places":"Plasser","Please confirm your new password.":"Vennligst bekreft ditt nye passord.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Vennligst ikke last opp bilder som inneholder støtende innhold.","Portrait":"Portrett","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"legg inn spørsmålet ditt i GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Behold filnavn","Press button to start importing…":"Trykk på knappen for å begynne å importere…","Press button to start indexing…":"Trykk på knappen for å begynne å indeksere…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Trykk på Enter for å lage et nytt album.","Preview":"Forhåndsvisning","Primary":"Primær","Private":"Privat","Product Feedback":"Produkt-tilbakemelding","Projection":"Projeksjon","Purple":"Lilla","Quality Filter":"Kvalitetsfilter","Quality Score":"Kvalitetspoeng","Random":"Tilfeldig","Raspberry":"Bringebær","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW-konvertering","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Indekser alle originaler på nytt, inkludert allerede indekserte og uendrede filer.","Read-Only Mode":"Skrivebeskyttet Modus","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Gjenkjenning starter etter at indekseringen er fullført.","Recognized":"Kjente igjen","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Gjenkjenner ansikter slik at bestemte personer kan bli funnet.","Red":"Rød","Reload":"Oppdater","Reloading…":"Oppdaterer…","Remote Sync":"Ekstern synkronisering","Remove":"Fjern","remove failed: unknown album":"fjerning mislyktes: ukjent album","Remove from album":"Fjern fra albumet","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Fjern importerte filer for å spare lagringsplass. Filtyper som ikke støttes vil ikke bli slettet, men vil forbli der de er lagret nå.","Request failed - invalid response":"Forespørselen mislyktes - ugyldig svar","Required":"Nødvendig","Resolution":"Oppløsning","Restore":"Gjenopprett","Retry Limit":"Prøv på nytt","Retype Password":"Gjenta Passord","Review":"Gjennomgang","Save":"Lagre","Scan":"Skann","Scans":"Skanninger","Search":"Søk","Search and display photos on a map.":"Søk og vis bilder på et kart.","Season":"Sesong","Secret":"Hemmelig","Select":"Velg","Select albums or create a new one":"Velg album eller lag et nytt","Selection approved":"Utvalg godkjent","Selection archived":"Utvalg arkivert","Selection restored":"Utvalg gjenopprettet","Send":"Send","Sequential Name":"Sekvensielle Navn","Service URL":"Tjeneste-URL","Settings":"Innstillinger","Settings saved":"Innstillinger lagret","Setup":"Oppsett","Shadow":"Skygge","Share":"Del","Share %{name}":"Del %{name}","Show":"Vis","Show all new faces":"Vis alle nye ansikter","Show hidden":"Vis skjult","Show less":"Vis mindre","Show more":"Vis mer","Show server logs in Library.":"Vis server-logger i Biblioteket.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Viser mer detaljerte loggmeldinger. Krever en omstart.","Sidecar":"Sidevogn","Sign in":"Logg inn","Sign Up":"Registrer deg","Similar":"Lignende","Size":"Størrelse","Slow":"Sakte","Sort Order":"Sorteringsrekkefølge","Source":"Kilde","Stack":"Stabel","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Stable filer som deler samme unike bildet eller instans-indikator.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Stable bilder som er tatt på samme tid og plassa basert på deres metadata.","Stackable":"Kan stables","Stacks":"Stabler","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Stable gruppefiler som har lik referanseramme, men har forskjellig kvalitet, format, størrelse eller farge.","Start":"Start","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Start/Stopp Lysbildefremvisning","States":"Tilstander","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statisk Størrelsesgrense: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Lagring","Streets":"Gater","Subject":"Emne","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Støtte for tilleggstjenester som Google Drive vil bli lagt til over tid.","Sync":"Synkroniser","Sync raw and video files":"Synkroniser raw- og video-filer","Taken":"Tatt","Teal":"Blågrønn","Text too long":"Teksten er for lang","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Indeksen inneholder %{n} skjulte filer.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Formatet deres støttes kanskje ikke, de har ikke blitt konvertert til JPEG enda, eller det finnes duplikater.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Dette setter opp original-mappen som en nettverksstasjon og lar deg åpne, redigere og slette filer fra datamaskinen eller smarttelefonen som om de var lokale.","Thumbnail Generation":"Miniatyrbilde-generering","Time UTC":"Tid UTC","Time Zone":"Tidssone","Timeout":"Tidsavbrudd","Title":"Tittel","Title too long":"Tittelen er for lang","Toggle View":"Veksle Visning","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografisk","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Sjekklister for feilsøking","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Prøv igjen med andre filtre eller nøkkelord.","Type":"Type","Undo":"Angre","Unique ID":"Unik ID","Unknown":"Ukjent","Unsorted":"Usortert","Unstack":"Spre","Updated":"Oppdatert","Updating faces":"Oppdaterer ansikter","Updating index":"Oppdaterer indeks","Updating moments":"Oppdaterer øyeblikk","Updating previews":"Oppdaterer forhåndsvisninger","Updating stacks":"Oppdaterer stabler","Upload":"Last opp","Upload complete":"Opplasting fullført","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Opplasting fullført. Indekserer…","Upload failed":"Opplasting mislyktes","Upload local files":"Last opp lokale filer","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Last opp til WebDAV og del lenker med venner.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Laster opp %{n} av %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Laster opp bilder…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Opplastinger som kan inneholde slike bilder blir avvist automatisk.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Bruk Forhåndsinnstillinger","User":"Bruker","User Interface":"Brukergrensesnitt","Username":"Brukernavn","Vanta":"Vanta","Video":"Video","Videos":"Videoer","View":"Utseende","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Vi skal gjøre vårt beste for å svare på alle spørsmålene dine. Til gjengjeld ber vi deg om å støtte oss på Patreon- eller GitHub-sponsorer.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV-klienter kan koble seg til PhotoPrism ved å bruke følgende URL:","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV-opplasting","White":"Hvit","Year":"År","Yellow":"Gul","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Ja","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"du er velkommen til å bli med oss på Reddit","You can only download one album":"Du kan bare laste ned ett album","You can only download one label":"Du kan bare laste ned én merkelapp","You may only select one item":"Du kan bare velge ett element","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Du kan skanne biblioteket ditt på nytt for å finne flere ansikter.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Biblioteket ditt blir kontinuerlig analysert for automatisk å lage album med spesielle øyeblikk, turer og steder.","Zoom in/out":"Zoom inn/ut"},"nl":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} gevonden albums","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} bestanden geüpload","%{n} folders found":"%{n} mappen gevonden","%{n} labels found":"%{n} labels gevonden","%{n} people found":"%{n} mensen gevonden","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} foto's gevonden","1 hour":"1 uur","12 hours":"12 uur","4 hours":"4 uren","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Een klik zal het naar uw klembord kopiëren.","About":"Over","Abyss":"Kloof","Account":"Account","Accuracy":"Nauwkeurigheid","Action":"Actie","Actions":"Acties","Activate":"Activeer","Activation Code":"Activeringscode","Add Account":"Account toevoegen","Add Album":"Toevoegen aan album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Voeg bestanden toe aan uw bibliotheek via Web Upload.","Add Link":"Advertentie aanbiedingen","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Voeg foto's toe uit zoekresultaten door ze te selecteren.","Add to album":"Toevoegen aan album","Added":"Toegevoegd","Advanced":"Geavanceerd","After 1 day":"Na 1 dag","After 3 days":"Na 3 dagen","After 7 days":"Na 7 dagen","After one month":"Na een maand","After one year":"Na een jaar","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Nadat u foto's uit de zoekresultaten hebt geselecteerd, kunt u ze via het contextmenu aan een album toevoegen.","After two months":"Na twee maanden","After two weeks":"Na twee weken","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Album Naam","Albums":"Albums","Albums deleted":"Albums verwijderd","All %{n} albums loaded":"Alle %{n} albums geladen","All %{n} labels loaded":"Alle %{n} labels geladen","All %{n} people loaded":"Alle %{n} mensen geladen","All Cameras":"Alle camera’s","All Categories":"Alle categorieën","All Colors":"Alle kleuren","All Countries":"Alle landen","All fields are required":"Alle velden zijn verplicht","All files from import folder":"Alle bestanden uit de importmap","All Lenses":"Alle lenzen","All Months":"Alle maanden","All originals":"Alle originelen","All Years":"Alle jaren","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"U kunt ook rechtstreeks bestanden uploaden naar WebDAV-servers zoals Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Hoogte","Altitude (m)":"Hoogte (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Er is een fout opgetreden. Bent u offline?","Animated":"Geanimeerd","Animation":"Animatie","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Alle privéfoto's en -video's blijven privé en worden niet gedeeld.","API Key":"API sleutel","Apply":"Toepassen","Approve":"Goedkeuren","Archive":"Archief","Archived":"Gearchiveerd","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Weet je zeker dat je deze foto’s wilt verwijderen?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Weet je zeker dat je deze albums wilt verwijderen?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Weet je zeker dat je deze albums wilt verwijderen?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Weet u zeker dat u dit account wilt verwijderen?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Weet je zeker dat je deze foto’s permanent wilt verwijderen?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Weet je zeker dat je dit bestand permanent wilt verwijderen?","Are you sure?":"Weet je het zeker?","Artist":"Artiest","Aspect Ratio":"Verhoudingen","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Maak automatisch JPEG's aan voor andere bestandstypen, zodat deze in een browser kunnen worden weergegeven.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Maakt automatisch albums van speciale momenten, reizen en plaatsen.","Basic":"Basis","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Voordat u een ondersteuningsverzoek indient, kunt u onze controlelijsten voor het oplossen van problemen gebruiken om de oorzaak van uw probleem vast te stellen.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Omdat we 100% zelf gefinancierd en onafhankelijk zijn, kunnen we u beloven dat we uw gegevens nooit zullen verkopen en dat we altijd transparant zullen zijn over onze software en diensten.","Bio":"Bio","Birth Date":"Geboortedatum","Black":"Zwart","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos Wijziging, Minder Ringing Artifacts","Blue":"Blauw","Brown":"Bruin","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Bladeren en bewerken van beeldclassificatie-etiketten.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Blader door geïndexeerde bestanden en mappen in de bibliotheek.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Blader door de Kennisbank voor gedetailleerde informatie over specifieke productfuncties, diensten en aanverwante bronnen.","Bug Report":"Bugmelding","Busy, please wait…":"Bezig, wacht even…","Calendar":"Kalender","Camera":"Camera","Camera Serial":"Camera","Can't load more, limit reached":"Kan niet meer laden, limiet bereikt","Can't select more items":"Kan niet meer items selecteren","Cancel":"Annuleren","Cards":"Kaarten","Category":"Categorie","Change Avatar":"Avatar veranderen","Change Password":"Wachtwoord wijzigen","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Persoonlijke profiel- en beveiligingsinstellingen wijzigen.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Wijzig fototitels, locaties en andere metagegevens.","Change private flag":"Privé vlag geschakeld","Changes successfully saved":"Wijzigingen succesvol opgeslagen","Checked":"Geselecteerd","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Sluiten","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Kleur","Color Profile":"Kleur Profiel","Colors":"Kleuren","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Veel voorkomende problemen kunnen snel worden gediagnosticeerd en opgelost met behulp van de controlelijsten voor probleemoplossing die wij verstrekken.","Compare Features":"Functies vergelijken","Complete Rescan":"Volledig herscannen","Confidence":"Vertrouwen","Connect":"Verbinden","Connect via WebDAV":"Verbinding maken via WebDAV","Connected":"Verbonden","Contact Details":"Contactgegevens","Contact Us":"Neem contact met ons op","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Bevat %{n} foto's.","Contains one picture.":"Bevat één foto.","Convert to JPEG":"Omzetten in JPEG","Converting":"Converteren","Copied to clipboard":"Gekopieerd naar klembord","Copyright":"Copyright","Couldn't find anything.":"Kon niets vinden.","Country":"Land","Create Account":"Account aanmaken","Create album":"Nieuw album","Created":"Aangemaakt","Creating thumbnails for":"Het maken van miniaturen voor","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubiek: Gematigde kwaliteit, goede prestaties","Current Password":"Huidig Wachtwoord","Customer Support":"Klantondersteuning","Cyan":"Cyaan","Cyano":"Cyaan","Daily":"Dagelijks","Day":"Dag","Debug Logs":"Debug-logs","Default":"Standaard","Default Folder":"Standaard map","Delete":"Verwijder","Description":"Omschrijving","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Gedetailleerde instructies zijn te vinden in onze gebruikershandleiding.","Details":"Details","Dimensions":"Afmetingen","Disable Backups":"Back-ups uitschakelen","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Schakel de ingebouwde WebDAV-server uit. Vereist een herstart.","Disable Darktable":"Uitschakelen Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Schakel ExifTool uit","Disable FFmpeg":"FFmpeg uitschakelen","Disable Places":"Locaties","Disable RawTherapee":"RawTherapee uitschakelen","Disable TensorFlow":"Schakel TensorFlow uit","Disable WebDAV":"WebDAV uitschakelen","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Schakelt de omgekeerde geocodering en kaarten uit.","Discover":"Ontdek","Display Name":"Naam op scherm","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Maak geen back-up van foto- en albummetagegevens naar YAML-bestanden.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Maak geen ExifTool JSON-bestanden aan voor een verbeterde metadata-extractie.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Wijzig de map met de originelen niet. Schakel het importeren, uploaden en verwijderen uit.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Transcodeer geen video's met FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Gebruik Darktable niet om RAW bestanden te converteren.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Gebruik RawTherapee niet om RAW-bestanden te converteren.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Gebruik TensorFlow niet voor beeldclassificatie.","Donations":"Donaties","Done":"Klaar","Done.":"Klaar.","Download":"Download","Download remote files":"Bestanden op afstand downloaden","Download single files and zip archives.":"Download enkele bestanden en zip-archieven.","Downloading…":"Downloaden…","Downscaling Filter":"Downscaling filter","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Vanwege het grote aantal e-mails dat wij ontvangen, kan het voorkomen dat ons team u niet onmiddellijk antwoord kan geven.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplicaten worden overgeslagen en verschijnen slechts één keer.","Duration":"Duur","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamische Voorbeelden","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"On-demand rendering vereist een krachtige CPU en wordt niet aanbevolen voor kleinere homeservers of NAS-apparaten.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Dynamische Groottegrens: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-mail","Edit":"Bewerken","Edit %{name}":"Bewerken %{name}","Edit Account":"Account bewerken","Edit Photo":"Bewerk Foto","Edited":"Bewerkt","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-mail","Enable new features currently under development.":"Maak nieuwe functies mogelijk die momenteel in ontwikkeling zijn.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Schakelt RAW-converterpresets in. Kan de prestaties verminderen.","Errors":"Fouten","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Schatting van de geschatte locatie van foto's zonder coördinaten.","Estimates":"Schattingen","Every two days":"Om de twee dagen","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Sluit inhoud gemarkeerd als privé uit van zoekresultaten, gedeelde albums, labels en plaatsen.","Exclude hidden":"Verborgen uitsluiten","Expand":"Uitklappen","Expand Search":"Zoeken","Experimental Features":"Experimentele eigenschappen","Expires":"Verloopt","Exposure":"Blootstelling","F Number":"F Aantal","Face":"Gezichtje","Faces":"Gezichten","Failed copying to clipboard":"Mislukt kopiëren naar klembord","Failed removing link":"Mislukte verwijderingslink","Failed updating link":"Mislukte actualiseringslink","Family Name":"Familienaam","Fast":"Snel","Favorite":"Favoriet","Favorites":"Favorieten","Feature Request":"Verzoek voor nieuwe functionaliteit","Feed":"Tijdlijn","Feedback":"Feedback","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Neem contact met ons op via hello@photoprism.app als u vragen hebt of hulp nodig hebt.","Female":"Vrouw","File":"Bestand","File Browser":"Bestands Browser","File Name":"Bestandsnaam","File Size":"Bestandsgrootte","Filename":"Bestandsnaam","Files":"Bestanden","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Bestanden met opeenvolgende namen zoals 'IMG_1234 (2)' en 'IMG_1234 (3)' behoren tot hetzelfde beeld.","Focal Length":"Brandpuntsafstand","Folder":"Map","Folder contains %{n} files":"Map bevat %{n} bestanden","Folder is empty":"Map is leeg","Folders":"Mappen","Forgot password?":"Wachtwoord vergeten?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Frames","Frequently Asked Questions":"Vaak gestelde vragen","Fullscreen":"Volledig scherm","Gemstone":"Edelsteen","Gender":"Geslacht","General":"Algemeen","Getting Support":"Ondersteuning krijgen","Given Name":"Voornaam","Gold":"Goud","Grayscale":"Grijstint","Green":"Groen","Grey":"Grijs","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Help","Help & Support":"Hulp en Ondersteuning","Hidden":"Verborgen","Hidden Files":"Verborgen bestanden","Hide":"Verberg","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Verberg foto's die zijn verplaatst naar het archief.","High":"Hoog","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Hoog dynamisch bereik (HDR)","How can we help?":"Hoe kunnen we je helpen?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Als dit niet helpt, of je hebt andere vragen:","image":"afbeelding","Image":"Afbeelding","Images":"Afbeeldingen","Import":"Importeren","Import failed":"Importeren mislust","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Geïmporteerde bestanden worden gesorteerd op datum en krijgen een unieke naam om duplicaten te voorkomen.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Geïmporteerde bestanden worden gesorteerd op datum en krijgen een unieke naam.","Importing %{name}…":"Importeren van %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Bestanden importeren uit directory…","in":"in","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Bovendien krijgen sponsors directe technische ondersteuning via e-mail.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Mochten er foto's ontbreken die u verwacht, scan dan uw bibliotheek opnieuw en wacht tot het indexeren is voltooid.","Index":"Index","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexeer en importeer bestanden via de gebruikersinterface.","Indexing":"Indexeren","Indexing failed":"Indexeren mislukt","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Foto’s en sidecar-bestanden aan het indexeren…","Instance ID":"Instantie-ID","Interval":"Interval","Invalid":"Ongeldig","Invalid date":"Ongeldige datum","Invalid parameters":"Ongeldige parameters","Invalid photo selected":"Ongeldige foto geselecteerd","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Het maakt gebruik van de nieuwste technologieën om foto's automatisch te taggen en te vinden zonder je lastig te vallen.","Item":"Item","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG-kwaliteit: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG-groottegrens: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG's en thumbnails worden automatisch weergegeven als dat nodig is.","Keywords":"Trefwoorden","Knowledge Base":"Kennisbank","Label":"Label","Labels":"Labels","Labels deleted":"Labels verwijderd","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Detailbewaring, Minimale artefacten","Language":"Taal","Last Sync":"Laatste synchronisatie","Latitude":"Breedtegraad","Lavender":"Lavendel","Learn more":"Meer informatie","Legal Information":"Juridische informatie","Lens":"Lens","Library":"Bibliotheek","License":"Licentie","Like":"Vind ik leuk","Lime":"Limoen","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limiet bereikt, toont eerste %{n} bestanden","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineair: Zeer glad, beste prestaties","Link":"Link","List":"Lijst","Live":"Live","Live Photos":"Live foto's","Local Time":"Lokale tijd","location":"locatie","Location":"Locatie","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Logboekberichten verschijnen hier wanneer PhotoPrism op gebroken bestanden stuit, of wanneer er andere potentiële problemen zijn.","Login":"Log in","Logout":"Log uit","Logs":"Logs","Longitude":"Lengtegraad","Low":"Laag","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Hoofdkleur","Male":"Man","manual":"handmatig","Manual Upload":"Uploaden","Maps":"Kaarten","Marker":"Symbool","Medium":"Medium","Membership":"Lidmaatschap","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"%{a} samenvoegen met %{b}?","Message sent":"Bericht verzonden","Minimize":"Minimaliseren","Missing":"Ontbrekend","Moments":"Momenten","Monochrome":"Monochroom","Month":"Maand","Moonlight":"Maanlicht","More than %{n} pictures found":"Meer dan %{n} foto's gevonden","More than 20 albums found":"Meer dan 20 albums gevonden","More than 20 labels found":"Meer dan 20 labels gevonden","More than 20 people found":"Meer dan 20 mensen vonden","Mosaic":"Mozaiek","Most Relevant":"Meest relevant","Move Files":"Bestanden verplaatsen","Must have at least %{n} characters.":"Moet minstens %{n} tekens bevatten.","Name":"Naam","Name too long":"Titel is te lang","Never":"Nooit","New":"Nieuw","New Password":"Nieuw wachtwoord","Newest First":"Nieuwste eerst","No":"Nee","No albums found":"Geen albums gevonden","No labels found":"%{n} labels gevonden","No people found":"Geen mensen gevonden","No pictures found":"Geen foto's gevonden","No recently edited pictures":"Geen recent bewerkte foto's","No servers configured.":"Geen servers geconfigureerd.","No services configured.":"Geen diensten geconfigureerd.","No thanks":"Nee bedankt","No video selected":"Geen video geselecteerd","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Geen waarschuwingen of fouten met dit trefwoord. Let op: zoeken is hoofdlettergevoelig.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Niet-fotografische beelden en beelden van lage kwaliteit moeten worden beoordeeld voordat ze in de zoekresultaten verschijnen.","None":"Geen","Not Found":"Niet gevonden","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Let op: u kunt uw originelenmap handmatig beheren en importeren is optioneel.","Note:":"Notitie:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Opmerking: Alleen WebDAV-servers, zoals Nextcloud of PhotoPrism, kunnen worden geconfigureerd als service op afstand voor het maken van back-ups en het uploaden van bestanden.","Notes":"Notities","Nothing to see here yet.":"Hier is nog niets te zien.","Offline":"Offline","Oldest First":"Oudste eerst","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"In Windows voert u de volgende bron in het verbindingsdialoogvenster in:","Once a week":"Eenmaal per week","One album found":"Een album gevonden","One file found":"Een album gevonden","One file uploaded":"Eén bestand geüpload","One folder found":"Een album gevonden","One label found":"Een etiket gevonden","One person found":"Eén persoon vond","One picture found":"Een foto gevonden","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Opties","or ask in our Community Chat":"of vraag het in onze Community Chat","Orange":"Oranje","Organization":"Organisatie","Orientation":"Oriëntatie","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Originele bestandsnamen worden opgeslagen en geïndexeerd.","Original Name":"Originele naam","Originals":"Originelen","Other":"Andere","Our team evaluates this on an ongoing basis, depending on the support effort features and config options cause or have caused in the past, and whether they are generally needed by everyone or mainly requested by organizations and advanced users. As this allows us to make more features available to the public, we encourage all users to support our mission.":"Ons team evalueert dit voortdurend, afhankelijk van de ondersteuningsinspanning die functies en configuratieopties veroorzaken of in het verleden hebben veroorzaakt, en of ze algemeen door iedereen nodig zijn of vooral door organisaties en gevorderde gebruikers worden gevraagd. Omdat we zo meer functies beschikbaar kunnen maken voor het publiek, moedigen we alle gebruikers aan om onze missie te steunen.","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Onze Gebruikershandleiding behandelt ook veel geavanceerde onderwerpen, zoals het migreren vanuit Google Foto's en de kwaliteitsinstellingen voor miniaturen.","Outdoor":"Outdoor","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panorama's","Password":"Wachtwoord","Password changed":"Wachtwoord gewijzigd","People":"Personen","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Mensen met wie je een link deelt, kunnen de openbare inhoud bekijken.","Permanently deleted":"Permanent verwijderd","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Bestanden permanent verwijderen om opslagruimte vrij te maken.","Phone":"Telefoon","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism is geüpdatet…","PhotoPrism is 100% self-funded. Voluntary donations do not cover the cost of a team working full time to provide you with updates, documentation, and support. It is your decision whether you want to sign up to enjoy additional benefits.":"PhotoPrism wordt voor 100% zelf gefinancierd. Vrijwillige donaties dekken niet de kosten van een team dat fulltime werkt om u te voorzien van updates, documentatie en ondersteuning. Het is uw beslissing of u zich wilt aanmelden om van extra voordelen te genieten.","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® is een AI-gestuurde foto-app voor het gedecentraliseerde web.","Photos":"Foto’s","Pink":"Roze","Place":"Plaats","Place & Time":"Plaats en Tijd","Places":"Locaties","Please confirm your new password.":"Bevestig uw nieuwe wachtwoord.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Upload geen foto's met aanstootgevende inhoud.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Houd er rekening mee dat het wijzigen van uw wachtwoord u zal afmelden op andere apparaten en browsers.","Portrait":"Staand","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"stel uw vraag in GitHub Discussies","Preserve filenames":"Bewaar bestandsnamen","Press button to start importing…":"Klik knop om indexeren te starten…","Press button to start indexing…":"Klik knop om indexeren te starten…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Druk op enter om een nieuw album te maken.","Preview":"Voorbeeld","Primary":"Primair","Private":"Privé","Product Feedback":"Terugkoppeling van producten","Projection":"Projectie","Purple":"Paars","Quality Filter":"Kwaliteitsfilter","Quality Score":"Kwaliteitsscore","Random":"Willekeurig","Raspberry":"Framboos","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW-omzetting","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Herindexeer alle originelen, inclusief de reeds geïndexeerde en ongewijzigde bestanden.","Read the Docs":"Lees de Documentatie","Read-Only Mode":"Alleen-lezen modus","Recently Added":"Onlangs toegevoegd","Recently Edited":"Recent bewerkt","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"De herkenning begint nadat de indexering is voltooid.","Recognized":"Erkend","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Herkent gezichten, zodat specifieke mensen kunnen worden gevonden.","Red":"Rood","Reload":"Ververs","Reloading…":"Herladen…","Remote Sync":"Synchronisatie op afstand","Remove":"Verwijderen","remove failed: unknown album":"verwijderen mislukt: onbekend album","Remove from album":"Verwijder uit album","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Verwijder geïmporteerde bestanden om opslag op te slaan. Niet-ondersteunde bestandstypen worden nooit verwijderd, ze blijven op hun huidige locatie.","Request failed - invalid response":"Verzoek mislukt - ongeldig antwoord","Required":"Verplicht","Resolution":"Resolutie","Restore":"Herstellen","Retry Limit":"Herhaal Limiet","Retype Password":"Herhaal je wachtwoord","Review":"Beoordeling","Satellite":"Satelliet","Save":"Opslaan","Scan":"Scan","Scans":"Scans","Search":"Zoeken","Search and display photos on a map.":"Zoek en toon foto's op een kaart.","Season":"Seizoen","Secret":"Geheim","Security and Access":"Veiligheid en toegang","Select":"Selecteer","Select albums or create a new one":"Selecteer albums of maak een nieuwe aan","Selection approved":"Selectie goedgekeurd","Selection archived":"Selectie gearchiveerd","Selection restored":"Selectie hersteld","Send":"Verzenden","Sequential Name":"Opeenvolgende naam","Service URL":"Service URL","Services":"Diensten","Settings":"Instellingen","Settings saved":"Instellingen opgeslagen","Setup":"Setup","Shadow":"Schaduw","Share":"Delen","Share %{name}":"Aandeel %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Deel je foto's met andere apps en diensten.","Shouldn't free software be free of costs?":"Moet vrije software niet vrij van kosten zijn?","Show":"Toon","Show all new faces":"Toon alle nieuwe gezichten","Show hidden":"Verborgen weergeven","Show less":"Toon minder","Show more":"Toon meer","Show server logs in Library.":"Toon serverlogs in Bibliotheek.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Toont meer gedetailleerde logberichten. Vereist een herstart.","Sidecar":"Sidecar","Sign in":"Inloggen","Sign Up":"Aanmelden","Similar":"Vergelijkbaar","Size":"Grootte","Slow":"Langzaam","Sort Order":"Sorteer volgorde","Source":"Bron","Stack":"Stapel","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Stapel bestanden met dezelfde unieke beeld- of instantie-identificatie.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Stapel foto's die op exact dezelfde tijd en locatie zijn genomen op basis van hun metagegevens.","Stackable":"Stapelbaar","Stacks":"Stapels","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Stapelt groepsbestanden met een vergelijkbaar referentiekader, maar met verschillen in kwaliteit, formaat, grootte of kleur.","Start":"Start","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Start/Stop Diavoorstelling","States":"Provincies","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statische Grootte Limiet: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Opslag","Streets":"Straat","Subject":"Onderwerp","Successfully Connected":"Succesvol aangesloten","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Ondersteuning voor aanvullende diensten, zoals Google Drive, zal in de loop van de tijd worden toegevoegd.","Support Our Mission":"Steun onze missie","Sync":"Synchroniseer","Sync raw and video files":"Ruwe en videobestanden synchroniseren","Taken":"Bezet","Teal":"Groenblauw","Text too long":"Titel is te lang","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"De index bevat momenteel %{n} verborgen bestanden.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Hun formaat wordt mogelijk niet ondersteund, ze zijn nog niet geconverteerd naar JPEG of er zijn duplicaten.","Theme":"Thema","Think of “free software” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer.” The Free Software Foundation sometimes calls it “libre software,” borrowing the French or Spanish word for “free” as in freedom, to show they do not mean the software is gratis.":"Denk aan \"vrije software\" als in \"vrije spraak\", niet als in \"gratis bier\". De Free Software Foundation noemt het soms \"libre software,\" het Franse of Spaanse woord voor \"vrij\" zoals in vrijheid, om aan te geven dat ze niet bedoelen dat de software gratis is.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Dit koppelt de originelenmap als een netwerkstation en stelt u in staat bestanden te openen, te bewerken en te verwijderen\n van uw computer of smartphone alsof ze lokaal zijn.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Hierdoor wordt de map met de originelen als een netwerkstation gemonteerd en kunt u bestanden openen, bewerken en verwijderen van uw computer of smartphone alsof ze lokaal zijn.","Thumbnail Generation":"Thumbnail generatie","Time UTC":"Tijd UTC","Time Zone":"Tijdzone","Timeout":"time-out","Title":{"Account":"Titel","Photo":"Titel","":"Titel"},"Title / Position":"Titel / Positie","Title too long":"Titel is te lang","To upgrade, you may either enter an activation code or click on \"Sign Up\" to upgrade on our website:":"Om te upgraden kunt u een activeringscode invoeren of op onze website klikken op \"Aanmelden\" om te upgraden:","Toggle View":"Schakelweergave","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografische","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Checklists voor probleemoplossing","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Probeer opnieuw met een ander trefwoord of filter.","Type":"Type","Undo":"Ongedaan maken","Unique ID":"Unieke id","Unknown":"Onbekend","Unregistered":"Ongeregistreerd","Unsorted":"Ongesorteerd","Unstack":"Ontstapel","Updated":"Bijgewerkt","Updating faces":"Gezichten bijwerken","Updating index":"Bijwerken van de index","Updating moments":"Momenten van actualisering","Updating picture…":"Foto bijwerken…","Updating previews":"Voorvertoningen bijwerken","Updating stacks":"Actualisering van de stapels","Upgrade":"Upgrade","Upgrade Now":"Nu upgraden","Upgrade now and enjoy our member benefits!":"Upgrade nu en geniet van onze ledenvoordelen!","Upload":"Uploaden","Upload complete":"Uploaden klaar","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Uploaden klaar. Indexeren…","Upload failed":"Uploaden mislukt","Upload local files":"Uploaden mislukt","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Upload naar WebDAV en deel links met vrienden.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Het uploaden van %{n} van %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Foto’s uploaden…","Uploading…":"Uploaden…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Uploads die dergelijke beelden kunnen bevatten, worden automatisch geweigerd.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Gebruik Voorinstellingen","User":"Gebruiker","User Guide":"Gebruikershandleiding","User Interface":"Gebruikersinterface","Username":"Gebruikersnaam","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Geverifieerd","Video":"Video","Video Duration":"Videoduur","Videos":"Video's","View":"Weergave","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Bezoek docs.photoprism.app/user-guide voor meer informatie over het synchroniseren, organiseren en delen van uw foto's.","Visual Similarity":"Visuele gelijkenis","We appreciate your feedback!":"Wij waarderen uw feedback!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"We doen ons best om binnen vijf werkdagen of minder te reageren.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"We zullen ons best doen om al je vragen te beantwoorden. In ruil daarvoor vragen we je om ons te steunen op Patreon of GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV-cliënten kunnen verbinding maken met PhotoPrism via de volgende URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"WebDAV clients, zoals Microsoft's Windows Verkenner of Apple's Finder, kunnen direct verbinding maken met\n PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Uploaden","Website":"Website","What functionality is generally available?":"Welke functionaliteit is algemeen beschikbaar?","White":"Wit","Why are some features only available to sponsors?":"Waarom zijn sommige functies alleen beschikbaar voor sponsors?","Work Details":"Werk Details","Year":"Jaar","Yellow":"Geel","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Ja","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"je bent welkom om ons te vervoegen op Reddit","You can only download one album":"Je kunt slechts een album downloaden","You can only download one label":"Je kunt slechts een album downloaden","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"U kan het thuis draaien, op een eigen server of in de cloud.","You may only select one item":"Je kunt slechts een album downloaden","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"U kunt uw bibliotheek opnieuw scannen om meer gezichten te vinden.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Uw blijvende steun helpt ons om regelmatig updates te geven en onafhankelijk te blijven, zodat we onze missie kunnen vervullen en uw privacy kunnen beschermen.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Uw bibliotheek wordt voortdurend geanalyseerd om automatisch albums te maken van speciale momenten, reizen en plaatsen.","Zoom in/out":"In-/uitzoomen"},"pl":{"%{n} albums found":"Znalezione albumy: %{n}","%{n} files uploaded":"Przesłane pliki: %{n}","%{n} folders found":"Znalezione foldery: %{n}","%{n} labels found":"Znalezione etykiety: %{n}","%{n} people found":"Znalezione osoby: %{n}","%{n} pictures found":"Znalezione zdjęcia: %{n}","1 hour":"1 godzina","12 hours":"12 godzin","4 hours":"4 godziny","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Kliknięcie na link powyżej skopiuje go do schowka.","About":"O programie","Abyss":"Otchłań","Account":"Konto","Accuracy":"Dokładność","Action":"Akcja","Actions":"Akcje","Add Account":"Dodaj konto","Add Album":"Dodaj album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Dodaj pliki do biblioteki przez Web Upload.","Add Link":"Dodaj link","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Dodaj zdjęcia poprzez zaznaczenie ich w wynikach wyszukiwania.","Add to album":"Dodaj do albumu","Added":"Dodano","Advanced":"Zaawansowane","After 1 day":"Po 1 dniu","After 3 days":"Po 3 dniach","After 7 days":"Po 7 dniach","After one month":"Po jednym miesiącu","After one year":"Po jednym roku","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Po wybraniu zdjęć z wyników wyszukiwania, można je dodać do albumu za pomocą menu kontekstowego.","After two months":"Po dwóch miesiącach","After two weeks":"Po dwóch tygodniach","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Nazwa albumu","Albums":"Albumy","Albums deleted":"Skasowano albumy","All %{n} albums loaded":"Wszystkie albumy wczytane: %{n}","All %{n} labels loaded":"Wszystkie etykiety wczytane: %{n}","All %{n} people loaded":"Wszystkie %{n} osoby załadowane","All Cameras":"Wszystkie aparaty","All Categories":"Wszystkie kategorie","All Colors":"Wszystkie kolory","All Countries":"Wszystkie kraje","All fields are required":"Wszystkie pola są wymagane","All files from import folder":"Wszystkie pliki z folderu importowania","All Lenses":"Wszystkie obiektywy","All Months":"Wszystkie miesiące","All originals":"Wszystkie oryginały","All Years":"Wszystkie lata","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Możesz też wysłać wybrane pliki bezpośrednio na serwer WebDAV, np. Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Wysokość","Altitude (m)":"Wysokość (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Wystąpił błąd - czy masz połączenie z siecią?","Animated":"Animowany","Animation":"Animacja","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Wszystkie prywatne zdjęcia i filmy pozostaną prywatne i nie zostaną udostępnione.","API Key":"Klucz API","Apply":"Zastosuj","Approve":"Zatwierdź","Archive":"Archiwum","Archived":"Zarchiwizowane","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Czy na pewno chcesz zarchiwizować zaznaczone pliki?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć te albumy?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wybrane etykiety?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć konto?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Czy na pewno chcesz trwale usunąć te zdjęcia?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten plik?","Are you sure?":"Jesteś pewny?","Artist":"Artysta","Aspect Ratio":"Proporcje obrazu","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Automatycznie generuj pliki JPEG dla innych typów plików, by mogły być wyświetlane w przeglądarce.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Automatycznie tworzy albumy z wyjątkowych chwil, podróży i miejsc.","Basic":"Podstawowy","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Przed wysłaniem zgłoszenia do pomocy technicznej skorzystaj z naszych przewodników rozwiązywania problemów, aby ustalić przyczynę problemu.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Będąc w 100% finansowani i niezależni, możemy obiecać, że nigdy nie sprzedamy Twoich danych i że zawsze będziemy transparentni w kwestii naszego oprogramowania i usług.","Bio":"Życiorys","Birth Date":"Data urodzenia","Black":"Czarny","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: zmodyfikowany Lanczos, mniej artefaktów pierścieniowych","Blue":"Niebieski","Brown":"Brązowy","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Przeglądaj i edytuj etykiety klasyfikacji obrazów.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Przeglądaj zaindeksowane pliki i foldery w bibliotece.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Przeglądaj Bazę wiedzy, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje na temat konkretnych funkcji produktów, usług i powiązanych zasobów.","Bug Report":"Zgłoszenie błędu","Busy, please wait…":"Zajęty, proszę czekać…","Calendar":"Kalendarz","Camera":"Aparat","Camera Serial":"Numer seryjny aparatu","Can't load more, limit reached":"Nie można załadować więcej, osiągnięto limit","Can't select more items":"Nie można zaznaczyć większej ilości elementów","Cancel":"Anuluj","Cards":"Karty","Category":"Kategoria","Change Avatar":"Zmień awatar","Change Password":"Zmień hasło","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Zmiana ustawień profilu osobistego i zabezpieczeń.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Zmień tytuły, lokalizacje i inne metadane zdjęć.","Change private flag":"Zmień prywatność","Changes successfully saved":"Zmiany zostały pomyślnie zapisane","Checked":"Data ostatniej weryfikacji metadanych","Chroma":"Chrominancja","Close":"Zamknij","Codec":"Kodek","Color":"Kolor","Color Profile":"Profil kolorów","Colors":"Kolory","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Najczęstsze problemy można szybko zdiagnozować i rozwiązać za pomocą dostarczanych przez nas list kontrolnych dotyczących rozwiązywania problemów.","Complete Rescan":"Skanowanie od zera","Confidence":"Pewność","Connect":"Połącz","Connect via WebDAV":"Połącz przez WebDAV","Connected":"Połączony","Contact Details":"Dane kontaktowe","Contact Us":"Skontaktuj się z nami","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Zawiera %{n} zdjęć.","Contains one picture.":"Zawiera jedno zdjęcie.","Convert to JPEG":"Konwertuj do JPEG","Converting":"Konwertowanie","Copied to clipboard":"Skopiowano do schowka","Copyright":"Prawa autorskie","Couldn't find anything.":"Nie udało się niczego znaleźć.","Country":"Kraj","Create album":"Stwórz album","Created":"Data utworzenia pliku","Creating thumbnails for":"Tworzenie miniaturek dla","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: umiarkowana jakość, dobra wydajność","Current Password":"Obecne hasło","Customer Support":"Obsługa klienta","Cyan":"Cyjan","Cyano":"Cyjanowy","Daily":"Codziennie","Day":"Dzień","Debug Logs":"Logi debugowania","Default":"Domyślny","Default Folder":"Domyślny folder","Delete":"Usuń","Description":"Opis","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Dokładne informacje można znaleźć w instrukcji obsługi.","Details":"Szczegóły","Dimensions":"Wymiary","Disable Backups":"Wyłącz kopie zapasowe","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Wyłącza wbudowany serwer WebDAV. Wymaga restartu.","Disable Darktable":"Wyłącz Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Wyłącz ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Wyłącz FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Wyłącz miejsca","Disable RawTherapee":"Wyłącz RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Wyłącz TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Wyłącz WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Wyłącza odwrotne geokodowanie i mapy.","Discover":"Odkryj","Display Name":"Nazwa wyświetlana","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Nie wykonuj kopii zapasowych metadanych zdjęć i albumów do plików YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Nie twórz plików ExifTool JSON w celu ulepszenia ekstrakcji metadanych.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Nie modyfikuj folderu z oryginałami. Wyłącza import, wgrywanie i usuwanie.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Nie transkoduj filmów za pomocą FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Nie używaj Darktable do konwersji plików RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Nie używaj RawTherapee do konwersji plików RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Nie używaj TensorFlow do klasyfikacji obrazów.","Donations":"Darowizny","Done":"OK","Done.":"Zrobione.","Download":"Pobierz","Download remote files":"Pobierz zdalne pliki","Download single files and zip archives.":"Pobierz pojedyncze pliki i archiwa zip.","Downloading…":"Pobieranie…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtr skalowania rozdzielczości w dół","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Ze względu na dużą ilość otrzymywanych przez nas e-maili, nasz zespół może nie być w stanie odpowiedzieć na nie natychmiast.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikaty zostaną pominięte i pojawią się tylko raz.","Duration":"Czas trwania","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamiczne podglądy","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Funkcja renderowania na żądanie wymaga wydajnego procesora i nie jest zalecana w przypadku mniejszych serwerów domowych lub urządzeń NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limit rozmiaru dynamicznych podglądów: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-mail","Edit":"Edytuj","Edit %{name}":"Edytuj %{name}","Edit Account":"Edytuj konto","Edit Photo":"Edytuj zdjęcie","Edited":"Data ostatniej edycji","Electra":"Electra","Email":"Email","Enable new features currently under development.":"Włącz nowe funkcje będące wciąż w fazie rozwoju.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Włącza wstępne ustawienia konwertera RAW. Może zmniejszyć wydajność.","Errors":"Błędy","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Szacowanie przybliżonej lokalizacji dla obrazów nieposiadających współrzędnych.","Estimates":"Szacunki","Every two days":"Co dwa dni","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Pozwala oznaczyć wybrane materiały jako prywatne i wykluczyć je z wyników wyszukiwania, współdzielonych albumów, oznaczeń i miejsc.","Exclude hidden":"Pomiń ukryte","Expand":"Rozwiń","Expand Search":"Wyszukiwanie zaawansowane","Experimental Features":"Funkcje eksperymentalne","Expires":"Wygasa","Exposure":"Ekspozycja","F Number":"Wartość przysłony","Face":"Twarz","Faces":"Twarze","Failed copying to clipboard":"Nie udało się skopiować do schowka","Failed removing link":"Nie udało się usunąć linku","Failed updating link":"Nie udało się zaktualizować linku","Family Name":"Nazwa rodziny produktów","Fast":"Szybka","Favorite":"Ulubione","Favorites":"Ulubione","Feature Request":"Prośba o nową funkcję","Feed":"Kanał","Feedback":"Opinia","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"W razie pytań prosimy o kontakt pod adresem hello@photoprism.app.","Female":"Kobieta","File":"Plik","File Browser":"Przeglądarka plików","File Name":"Nazwa pliku","File Size":"Rozmiar pliku","Filename":"Nazwa pliku","Files":"Pliki","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Pliki z sekwencyjnymi nazwami, np. 'IMG_1234 (2)' i 'IMG_1234 (3)', należą do tego samego zdjęcia.","Focal Length":"Ogniskowa","Folder":"Katalog","Folder contains %{n} files":"Folder zawiera %{n} plików","Folder is empty":"Folder jest pusty","Folders":"Foldery","Forgot password?":"Zapomniałeś hasła?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Klatki","Fullscreen":"Pełny ekran","Gemstone":"Klejnot","Gender":"Płeć","General":"Ogólne","Getting Support":"Uzyskiwanie pomocy","Given Name":"Imię","Gold":"Złoty","Grayscale":"Skala szarości","Green":"Zielony","Grey":"Szary","Hash":"Wartość hash","Help":"Pomoc","Help & Support":"Pomoc i wsparcie","Hidden":"Ukryte","Hidden Files":"Ukryte pliki","Hide":"Ukryj","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Pozwala przenieść wybrane pliki do archiwum.","High":"Wysoki","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Wysoki zakres dynamiczny (HDR)","How can we help?":"W czym możemy pomóc?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Jeśli to nie pomoże, lub masz inne pytania:","image":"obraz","Image":"Obraz","Images":"Zdjęcia","Import":"Import","Import failed":"Błąd importu","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Zaimportowane pliki zostaną posortowane według daty i otrzymają unikalną nazwę, aby uniknąć duplikatów.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Zaimportowane pliki zostaną posortowane według daty i otrzymają unikalną nazwę.","Importing %{name}…":"Importowanie %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importowanie plików do oryginałów…","in":"w","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Dodatkowo, sponsorzy otrzymują bezpośrednie wsparcie techniczne za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Jeśli zdjęcia których szukasz nie są widoczne, przeskanuj ponownie bibliotekę i poczekaj aż indeksowanie zostanie ukończone.","Index":"Indeksowanie","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indeksowanie i importowanie plików za pomocą interfejsu użytkownika.","Indexing":"Indeksuje","Indexing failed":"Błąd indeksowania","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indeksowanie mediów i powiązanych plików…","Instance ID":"ID instancji","Interval":"Okres","Invalid":"Nieprawidłowe","Invalid date":"Niewłaściwa data","Invalid parameters":"Parametry nieprawidłowe","Invalid photo selected":"Wybrano nieprawidłowe zdjęcie","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Wykorzystuje najnowsze technologie, aby automatycznie oznaczać i znajdować zdjęcia, nie wchodząc Ci w drogę.","Item":"Element","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Jakość JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limit rozmiaru JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEGi i miniatury są automatycznie tworzone w miarę potrzeb.","Keywords":"Słowa kluczowe","Knowledge Base":"Baza wiedzy","Label":"Etykieta","Labels":"Etykiety","Labels deleted":"Etykiety zostały usunięte","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: zachowanie detali, minimalne artefakty","Language":"Język","Last Sync":"Ostatnia synchronizacja","Latitude":"Szerokość geograficzna","Lavender":"Fioletowy","Learn more":"Dowiedz się więcej","Legal Information":"Informacje prawne","Lens":"Obiektyw","Library":"Biblioteka","License":"Licencja","Like":"Dodaj do ulubionych","Lime":"Limonkowy","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Osiągnięto limit, pokazuję pierwsze %{n} plików","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: bardzo gładki, najlepsza wydajność","Link":"Link","List":"Lista","Live":"Live","Live Photos":"Zdjęcia na żywo","Local Time":"Czas lokalny","location":"miejsce","Location":"Miejsce","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Komunikaty dziennika pojawiają się tutaj za każdym razem, gdy PhotoPrism natknie się na uszkodzone pliki lub wystąpią inne potencjalne problemy.","Login":"Zaloguj","Logout":"Wyloguj","Logs":"Logi","Longitude":"Długość geograficzna","Low":"Niski","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Główny kolor","Male":"Mężczyzna","manual":"dodana ręcznie","Manual Upload":"Ręczne wgrywanie","Maps":"Mapy","Marker":"Znacznik","Medium":"Średnia","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Złączyć %{a} z %{b}?","Message sent":"Wiadomość została wysłana","Minimize":"Zminimalizuj","Missing":"Brakujący","Moments":"Chwile","Monochrome":"Monochromatyczne","Month":"Miesiąc","Moonlight":"Światło księżyca","More than %{n} pictures found":"Znaleziono ponad %{n} zdjęć","More than 20 albums found":"Znaleziono ponad 20 albumów","More than 20 labels found":"Znaleziono ponad 20 etykiet","More than 20 people found":"Znaleziono ponad 20 osób","Mosaic":"Mozaika","Most Relevant":"Najważniejsze","Move Files":"Przenieś pliki","Name":"Nazwa","Name too long":"Nazwa zbyt długa","Never":"Nigdy","New":"Nowi","New Password":"Nowe hasło","Newest First":"Najnowsze","No":"Nie","No albums found":"Nie znaleziono żadnego albumu","No labels found":"Nie znaleziono żadnej etykiety","No people found":"Nie znaleziono żadnej osoby","No pictures found":"Nie znaleziono żadnego zdjęcia","No recently edited pictures":"Brak ostatnio edytowanych zdjęć","No servers configured.":"Nie skonfigurowano żadnych serwerów.","No services configured.":"Nie skonfigurowano żadnych usług.","No thanks":"Nie, dziękuję","No video selected":"Nie wybrano żadnego filmu","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Brak ostrzeżeń lub błędów zawierających to słowo kluczowe. Zwróć uwagę, że wielkość liter jest uwzględniana w wyszukiwaniu.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Obrazy niebędące fotografiami lub posiadające niską jakość wymagają zatwierdzenia, zanim pojawią się w wynikach wyszukiwania.","None":"Brak","Not Found":"Nie znaleziono","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Możesz też ręcznie zarządzać folderem oryginałów, importowanie jest opcjonalne.","Note:":"Uwaga:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Uwaga: Tylko serwery WebDAV, takie jak Nextcloud lub PhotoPrism, mogą być skonfigurowane jako zdalna usługa do tworzenia kopii zapasowych i przesyłania plików.","Notes":"Notatki","Nothing to see here yet.":"Na razie nic tu nie widać.","Offline":"Offline","Oldest First":"Najstarsze","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"W systemie Windows wpisz następujący adres w oknie dialogowym połączenia:","Once a week":"Raz w tygodniu","One album found":"Znaleziono jeden album","One file found":"Znaleziono jeden plik","One file uploaded":"Przesłano jeden plik","One folder found":"Znaleziono jeden folder","One label found":"Znaleziono jedną etykietę","One person found":"Znaleziono jedną osobę","One picture found":"Znaleziono jedno zdjęcie","Onyx":"Onyks","Options":"Opcje","or ask in our Community Chat":"lub zapytaj na naszym Czacie Społeczności","Orange":"Pomarańczowy","Organization":"Organizacja","Orientation":"Orientacja","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Oryginalne nazwy plików będą przechowywane i indeksowane.","Original Name":"Oryginalna nazwa","Originals":"Oryginały","Other":"Inne","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Nasz podręcznik użytkownika obejmuje również wiele zaawansowanych tematów, takich jak migracja ze Zdjęć Google i ustawienia jakości miniatur.","Outdoor":"Outdoor","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramy","Password":"Hasło","Password changed":"Zmieniono hasło","People":"Ludzie","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Osoby, z którymi dzielisz się linkiem, będą mogły przeglądać publiczne treści.","Permanently deleted":"Trwale usunięto","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Usuń pliki permanentnie, aby zwolnić miejsce na dysku.","Phone":"Telefon","Photo":"Zdjęcie","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism został zaktualizowany…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® jest aplikacją fotograficzną napędzaną przez sztuczną inteligencję dla zdecentralizowanej sieci.","Photos":"Zdjęcia","Pink":"Różowy","Place":"Miejsce","Place & Time":"Miejsce i czas","Places":"Miejsca","Please confirm your new password.":"Potwierdź nowe hasło.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Proszę nie przesyłać zdjęć zawierających nieprzyzwoite treści.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Pamiętaj, że zmiana hasła wyloguje Cię na innych urządzeniach i przeglądarkach.","Portrait":"Portret","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"zamieść swoje pytanie w dyskusjach na GitHubie","Preserve filenames":"Zachowaj oryginalne nazwy plików","Press button to start importing…":"Naciśnij przycisk by rozpocząć import…","Press button to start indexing…":"Naciśnij przycisk by rozpocząć indeksowanie…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Naciśnij enter by utworzyć nowy album.","Preview":"Podgląd","Primary":"Główny","Private":"Prywatne","Product Feedback":"Opinia o produkcie","Projection":"Projekcja","Purple":"Purpurowy","Quality Filter":"Filtr jakości","Quality Score":"Ocena jakości","Random":"Losowy","Raspberry":"Malinowy","Raw":"RAW","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Konwersja z RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Ponowne indeksowanie wszystkich oryginałów, w tym już zaindeksowanych i niezmienionych plików.","Read the Docs":"Przeczytaj dokumentację","Read-Only Mode":"Tryb tylko do odczytu","Recently Added":"Ostatnio dodane","Recently Edited":"Ostatnio edytowane","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Rozpoznawanie twarzy rozpocznie się po zakończeniu indeksowania.","Recognized":"Rozpoznani","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Rozpoznaje twarze, dzięki czemu można znaleźć konkretne osoby.","Red":"Czerwony","Reload":"Załaduj ponownie","Reloading…":"Przeładowywanie…","Remote Sync":"Zdalna synchronizacja","Remove":"Usuń","remove failed: unknown album":"usunięcie nie powiodło się: nieznany album","Remove from album":"Usuń z albumu","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Usuń zaimportowane pliki z ich obecnej lokalizacji, aby zaoszczędzić miejsce na dysku. Nieobsługiwane typy plików pozostaną nienaruszone.","Request failed - invalid response":"Żądanie nie powiodło się - niewłaściwa odpowiedź","Required":"Wymagane","Resolution":"Rozdzielczość","Restore":"Przywróć","Retry Limit":"Limit ponawiania prób","Retype Password":"Powtórz hasło","Review":"Do sprawdzenia","Satellite":"Satelita","Save":"Zapisz","Scan":"Zeskanowany dokument","Scans":"Skany","Search":"Szukaj","Search and display photos on a map.":"Wyszukiwanie i wyświetlanie zdjęć na mapie.","Season":"Sezon","Secret":"Klucz","Security and Access":"Bezpieczeństwo i dostęp","Select":"Wybierz","Select albums or create a new one":"Wybierz albumy lub utwórz nowy","Selection approved":"Wybór zatwierdzony","Selection archived":"Zarchiwizowano wybrane pliki","Selection restored":"Wybór przywrócony","Send":"Wyślij","Sequential Name":"Nazwa sekwencyjna","Service URL":"Adres URL do usługi","Services":"Usługi","Settings":"Ustawienia","Settings saved":"Zapisano ustawienia","Setup":"Ustawienia","Shadow":"Cień","Share":"Udostępnij","Share %{name}":"Udostępnij %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Udostępniaj swoje zdjęcia innym aplikacjom i usługom.","Show":"Pokaż","Show all new faces":"Pokaż wszystkie nowe twarze","Show hidden":"Pokaż ukryte","Show less":"Pokaż mniej","Show more":"Pokaż więcej","Show server logs in Library.":"Pokaż logi serwera w bibliotece.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Wyświetla bardziej szczegółowe komunikaty dziennika. Wymaga ponownego uruchomienia.","Sidecar":"Plik powiązany","Sign in":"Zaloguj się","Sign Up":"Zarejestruj się","Similar":"Podobne","Size":"Rozmiar","Slow":"Wolna","Sort Order":"Kolejność sortowania","Source":"Pochodzenie","Stack":"Utwórz stos","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Utwórz stosy z plików posiadających ten sam unikalny identyfikator obrazu lub instancji.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Utwórz stosy ze zdjęć wykonanych w tym samym czasie i miejscu, zawartymi w ich metadanych.","Stackable":"Może być częścią stosu","Stacks":"Stosy","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Stosy grupują pliki podobne do siebie, ale z różnicami w jakości, formacie, rozmiarze lub kolorze.","Start":"Start","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Start/Stop pokazu slajdów","States":"Region","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limit rozmiaru statycznych podglądów: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Miejsce przechowywania","Streets":"Ulice","Subject":"Temat","Successfully Connected":"Połączono pomyślnie","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Wsparcie dla innych usług, takich jak Google Drive, zostanie dodane w późniejszym czasie.","Sync":"Synchronizacja","Sync raw and video files":"Synchronizuj obrazy RAW i filmy","Taken":"Data wykonania","Teal":"Morski","Text too long":"Tekst za długi","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Indeks zawiera obecnie %{n} ukrytych plików.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Może być to spowodowane brakiem wsparcia dla ich formatu, nieukończoną konwersją na JPEG lub byciem duplikatami istniejących plików.","Theme":"Motyw","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Dzięki temu oryginalny folder jest montowany jako dysk sieciowy i umożliwia otwieranie, edytowanie i usuwanie plików z komputera lub smartfona, tak jakby były one lokalne.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Pozwala to na zamontowanie folderu oryginałów jako dysku sieciowego i umożliwia otwieranie, edytowanie i usuwanie plików z komputera lub smartfona w taki sam sposób, jakby były one przechowywane lokalnie.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generowanie miniaturek","Time UTC":"Czas UTC","Time Zone":"Strefa czasowa","Timeout":"Upłynął limit czasu","Title":"Tytuł","Title / Position":"Tytuł / stanowisko","Title too long":"Tytuł za długi","Toggle View":"Zmień widok","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topograficzny","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Listy kontrolne dotyczące rozwiązywania problemów","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Spróbuj ponownie używając innych filtrów lub słów kluczowych.","Type":"Typ","Undo":"Cofnij","Unique ID":"Unikalne ID","Unknown":"Nieznany","Unregistered":"Niezarejestrowany","Unsorted":"Nieposortowane","Unstack":"Rozłóż stos","Updated":"Zaktualizowano","Updating faces":"Aktualizowanie twarzy","Updating index":"Aktualizowanie indeksu","Updating moments":"Aktualizowanie chwil","Updating picture…":"Aktualizacja zdjęć…","Updating previews":"Aktualizowanie podglądów","Updating stacks":"Aktualizowanie stosów","Upload":"Wgraj","Upload complete":"Ukończono wgrywanie","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Wgrywanie zakończone. Indeksowanie…","Upload failed":"Wgrywanie nie powiodło się","Upload local files":"Wgraj pliki z dysku","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Udostępnij album poprzez link lub prześlij wybrane pliki na serwer WebDAV.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Wgrywanie %{n} z %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Wgrywanie zdjęć…","Uploading…":"Przesyłanie...","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Tego typu obrazy zostaną automatycznie odrzucone.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Użyj ustawień wstępnych","User":"Użytkownik","User Guide":"Podręcznik użytkownika","User Interface":"Interfejs użytkownika","Username":"Nazwa użytkownika","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Zweryfikowany","Video":"Film","Video Duration":"Czas trwania filmu","Videos":"Filmy","View":"Widok","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Odwiedź stronę docs.photoprism.app/user-guide, aby dowiedzieć się, jak synchronizować, organizować i udostępniać swoje zdjęcia.","Visual Similarity":"Podobieństwo wizualne","We appreciate your feedback!":"Doceniamy Twoją opinię!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Dokładamy wszelkich starań, aby odpowiedzieć w ciągu pięciu dni roboczych lub mniej.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Dołożymy wszelkich starań, aby odpowiedzieć na wszystkie Twoje pytania. W zamian prosimy o wsparcie nas na Patreon lub GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Klienci WebDAV mogą połączyć się z PhotoPrism za pomocą następującego adresu URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Klienci WebDAV, jak Microsoft Windows Explorer lub Apple Finder, mogą łączyć się bezpośrednio z PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Wyślij na WebDAV","Website":"Strona internetowa","White":"Biały","Work Details":"Szczegóły pracy","Year":"Rok","Yellow":"Żółty","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Tak","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"zapraszamy do dołączenia do nas na Reddit","You can only download one album":"Możesz pobrać tylko jeden album","You can only download one label":"Możesz pobrać tylko jedną etykietę","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Możesz go uruchomić w domu, na prywatnym serwerze lub w chmurze.","You may only select one item":"Możesz wybrać tylko jedną pozycję","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Możesz ponownie przeskanować swoją bibliotekę, aby znaleźć dodatkowe twarze.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Twoje stałe wsparcie pomaga nam dostarczać regularne aktualizacje i zachować niezależność, dzięki czemu możemy wypełniać naszą misję i chronić Twoją prywatność.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Twoja biblioteka jest na bieżąco analizowana, aby automatycznie tworzyć albumy z wyjątkowych chwil, podróży i miejsc.","Zoom in/out":"Powiększ / Pomniejsz"},"pt":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} álbuns encontrados","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} arquivos enviados","%{n} folders found":"%{n} pastas encontradas","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etiquetas encontradas","%{n} people found":"%{n} pessoas encontradas","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} fotos encontradas","1 hour":"1 hora","12 hours":"12 horas","4 hours":"4 horas","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Um clique irá copiar para a área de transferência.","About":"Sobre","Abyss":"Abismo","Account":"Conta","Accuracy":"Precisão","Action":"Ação","Actions":"Ações","Add Account":"Adicionar conta","Add Album":"Adicionar Álbum","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Adicionar arquivos à sua biblioteca via Web Upload.","Add Link":"Adicionar Link","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Adicione fotos dos resultados da busca selecionando-as.","Add to album":"Adicionar ao álbum","Added":"Adicionado","Advanced":"Avançado","After 1 day":"Depois de 1 dia","After 3 days":"Depois de 3 dias","After 7 days":"Depois de 7 dias","After one month":"Depois de um mês","After one year":"Depois de um ano","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Após selecionar as fotos dos resultados da busca, você pode adicioná-las a um álbum usando o menu de contexto.","After two months":"Depois de dois meses","After two weeks":"Depois de duas semanas","Album":"Álbum","Album Name":"Nome do Álbum","Albums":"Álbuns","Albums deleted":"Álbuns excluídos","All %{n} albums loaded":"Todos os %{n} álbuns foram carregados","All %{n} labels loaded":"Todas as %{n} etiquetas foram carregadas","All %{n} people loaded":"Todas as pessoas %{n} carregadas","All Cameras":"Todas as Câmeras","All Categories":"Todas as Categorias","All Colors":"Todas as Cores","All Countries":"Todos os Países","All fields are required":"Todos os campos são necessários","All files from import folder":"Todos os arquivos da pasta importada","All Lenses":"Todas as Lentes","All Months":"Todos os Meses","All originals":"Todos os Originais","All Years":"Todos os Anos","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Como alternativa, pode enviar arquivos diretamente para servidores WebDAV, como Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Altitude","Altitude (m)":"Altitude (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Ocorreu um erro - está conectado à internet?","Animated":"Animado","Animation":"Animação","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Qualquer foto ou vídeo privado continuará privado e não será compartilhado.","API Key":"Chave API","Apply":"Aplicar","Approve":"Aprovar","Archive":"Arquivo","Archived":"Arquivado","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Tem a certeza que quer arquivar a seleção?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Tem a certeza que quer excluir esses álbuns?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Tem a certeza que quer excluir essas etiquetas?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Tem a certeza que quer excluir essa conta?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Tem a certeza que quer permanentemente apagar estas imagens?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Tem a certeza que quer permanentemente apagar este arquivo?","Are you sure?":"Você tem certeza?","Artist":"Artista","Aspect Ratio":"Proporção da Tela","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Criar arquivos JPEG automaticamente para outros tipos de arquivo para que sejam exibidos num navegador.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Cria automaticamente álbuns de momentos, viagens e lugares especiais.","Basic":"Básico","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Antes de enviar uma solicitação de suporte, use nossas listas de verificação de solução de problemas para determinar a causa de seu problema.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Sendo 100% self-fundados e independentes, podemos prometer que nunca venderemos seus dados e que seremos sempre transparentes sobre nossos softwares e serviços.","Bio":"Biografia","Birth Date":"Data de Nascimento","Black":"Preto","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Modificação do Lanczos, resulta em menos artefactos","Blue":"Azul","Brown":"Castanho","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Navegar e editar as etiquetas de classificação da imagem.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Navegar pelos arquivos e pastas indexadas na Biblioteca.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Navegue na Base de Conhecimento para informações detalhadas sobre características específicas do produto, serviços e recursos relacionados.","Bug Report":"Relatar erro","Busy, please wait…":"Ocupado, por favor aguarde…","Calendar":"Calendário","Camera":"Câmera","Camera Serial":"Série da Câmera","Can't load more, limit reached":"Não é possível carregar mais, limite alcançado","Can't select more items":"Não é possível selecionar mais itens","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cards":"Cartões","Category":"Categoria","Change Avatar":"Mudar Avatar","Change Password":"Alterar Senha","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Mudar o perfil pessoal e as configurações de segurança.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Mudar títulos, localizações e outros dados das fotos.","Change private flag":"Mudar marcação como privado","Changes successfully saved":"As mudanças foram salvas com sucesso","Checked":"Verificado","Chroma":"Croma","Close":"Fechar","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Cor","Color Profile":"Perfil da cor","Colors":"Cores","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Problemas comuns podem ser rapidamente diagnosticados e resolvidos usando as listas de verificação de solução de problemas que fornecemos.","Complete Rescan":"Escaneamento completo","Confidence":"Certeza","Connect":"Conectar","Connect via WebDAV":"Conectar via WebDAV","Connected":"Conectado","Contact Details":"Detalhes do contato","Contact Us":"Contactar-nos","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Contém %{n} imagens.","Contains one picture.":"Contém uma foto.","Convert to JPEG":"Converter para JPEG","Converting":"A converter","Copied to clipboard":"Copiado para a área de transferência de texto","Copyright":"Direitos de Autor","Couldn't find anything.":"Não foi encontrado nada.","Country":"País","Create album":"Criar álbum","Created":"Criado","Creating thumbnails for":"Criando miniaturas para","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: Qualidade razoável, bom desempenho","Current Password":"Senha Atual","Customer Support":"Suporte ao cliente","Cyan":"Ciano","Cyano":"Ciano","Daily":"Diariamente","Day":"Dia","Debug Logs":"Registros de depuração","Default":"Padrão","Default Folder":"Pasta Padrão","Delete":"Apagar","Description":"Descrição","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Instruções detalhadas podem ser encontradas no nosso Guia de Utilizador.","Details":"Detalhes","Dimensions":"Dimensões","Disable Backups":"Desativar Cópias de Segurança","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Desativa servidor WebDAV embutido. Requer reinicialização.","Disable Darktable":"Desativar Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Desativar ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Desativar FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Desativar Lugares","Disable RawTherapee":"Desativar RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Desativar TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Desativar WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Desativa geocodificação reversa e mapas.","Discover":"Explorar","Display Name":"Nome de Exibição","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Não fazer respaldo dos metadados de fotos e álbuns nos arquivos YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Não criar arquivos JSON ExifTool que melhoram a extração de metadados.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Não modificar a pasta de originais. Desativa importação, envio e remoção.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Não transcodifique vídeos com FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Não use o Darktable para converter arquivos RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Não use RawTherapee para converter arquivos RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Não usar TensorFlow para classificação de imagens.","Donations":"Donativos","Done":"Concluído","Done.":"Concluído.","Download":"Descarregar","Download remote files":"Descarregar arquivos remotos","Download single files and zip archives.":"Descarregar ficheiros individuais e arquivos zip.","Downloading…":"Descarregando…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtro de redimensionamento","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Devido ao alto volume de e-mails que recebemos, nossa equipe pode não conseguir responder-lhe imediatamente.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplicações serão descarregadas e só vão aparecer uma vez.","Duration":"Duração","Dynamic Previews":"Amostras dinâmicas","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Geração dinâmica requer um servidor poderoso. Não recomendado para dispositivos NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Tamanho dinâmico limite: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Email","Edit":"Editar","Edit %{name}":"Editar %{name}","Edit Account":"Editar Conta","Edit Photo":"Editar Foto","Edited":"Editado","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-mail","Enable new features currently under development.":"Habilitar funcionalidades atualmente em desenvolvimento.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Permite predefinições de conversores RAW. Pode reduzir o desempenho.","Errors":"Erros","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Estima a localização aproximada das imagens sem coordenadas.","Estimates":"Estimativas","Every two days":"A cada dois dias","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Excluir conteúdo marcado como privado dos resultados da busca, álbuns compartilhados, etiquetas e locais.","Exclude hidden":"Excluir oculto","Expand":"Expandir","Expand Search":"Expandir Pesquisa","Experimental Features":"Funcionalidades experimentais","Expires":"Expira","Exposure":"Exposição","F Number":"Razão focal","Face":"Face","Faces":"Faces","Failed copying to clipboard":"Falha ao copiar para a área de transferência de texto","Failed removing link":"Falha ao remover o link","Failed updating link":"Falha ao atualizar o link","Family Name":"Nome de família","Fast":"Rápido","Favorite":"Favorito","Favorites":"Favoritos","Feature Request":"Solicitar funcionalidade","Feed":"Feed","Feedback":"Dê a sua opinião","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Por favor, entre em contato via hello@photoprism.app se tiver dúvidas ou precisar de ajuda.","Female":"Feminino","File":"Ficheiro","File Browser":"Explorador de Arquivos","File Name":"Nome do arquivo","File Size":"Tamanho do Arquivo","Filename":"Nome do arquivo","Files":"Ficheiro","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Arquivos com nomes sequenciais, como \"IMG_1234 (2)\" ou \"IMG_1234 (3)\" pertencem à mesma foto.","Focal Length":"Distância Focal","Folder":"Pasta","Folder contains %{n} files":"A pasta contem %{n} arquivos","Folder is empty":"A pasta está vazia","Folders":"Pastas","Forgot password?":"Esqueceu a senha?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Quadros","Fullscreen":"Ecrã inteiro","Gemstone":"Gemstone","Gender":"Gênero","General":"Geral","Getting Support":"Obtendo apoio","Given Name":"Nome dado","Gold":"Dourado","Grayscale":"Escala de cinza","Green":"Verde","Grey":"Cinza","Hash":"Hashe","Help":"Ajuda","Help & Support":"Ajuda & Suporte","Hidden":"Ocultos","Hidden Files":"Arquivos Ocultos","Hide":"Esconder","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Oculte fotos que foram arquivadas.","High":"Alta","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Faixa dinâmica alta (HDR)","How can we help?":"Como podemos ajudar?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Se isto não ajudar, ou se você tiver outras perguntas:","image":"imagem","Image":"Imagem","Images":"Imagens","Import":"Importar","Import failed":"Falha na importação","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Ficheiros importados serão organizados por data e receberão um nome único para evitar duplicações.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Ficheiros importados serão organizados por data e receberão um nome único.","Importing %{name}…":"Importando %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importando ficheiros para originais…","in":"em","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Além disso, os patrocinadores recebem suporte técnico direto via e-mail.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"No caso de faltarem as fotos que você espera, por favor, faça uma nova digitalização de sua biblioteca e aguarde até que a indexação seja concluída.","Index":"Indexar","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexar e importar arquivos através da interface do usuário.","Indexing":"Indexando","Indexing failed":"Falha ao indexar","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexando ficheiro multimédia e secundários…","Instance ID":"ID da Instância","Interval":"Intervalo","Invalid":"Inválido","Invalid date":"Data inválida","Invalid parameters":"Parâmetros inválidos","Invalid photo selected":"Foto inválida selecionada","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Ele faz uso das mais recentes tecnologias para etiquetar e encontrar imagens automaticamente sem atrapalhar seu caminho.","Item":"Item","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Qualidade JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Tamanho JPEG limite: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"Imagens JPEG e miniaturas são renderizadas automaticamente conforme necessário.","Keywords":"Palavras-chave","Knowledge Base":"Base de Conhecimento","Label":"Etiqueta","Labels":"Etiquetas","Labels deleted":"Etiquetas excluídas","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Preserva detalhes, poucos artefactos","Language":"Idioma","Last Sync":"Última Sincronia","Latitude":"Latitude","Lavender":"Lavanda","Learn more":"Saiba mais","Legal Information":"Informações legais","Lens":"Lente","Library":"Biblioteca","License":"Licença","Like":"Gosto","Lime":"Lima","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limite alcançado, mostrando os primeiros %{n} arquivos","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: Suave, melhor desempenho","Link":"Link","List":"Lista","Live":"Ao vivo","Live Photos":"Fotos ao vivo","Local Time":"Hora Local","location":"localização","Location":"Localização","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Mensagens aparecem aqui sempre que o PhotoPrism encontra arquivos com defeito ou outro potencial problema.","Login":"Entrar","Logout":"Sair","Logs":"Registros","Longitude":"Longitude","Low":"Baixo","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Cor principal","Male":"Masculino","manual":"manual","Manual Upload":"Envio manual","Maps":"Mapas","Marker":"Marcador","Medium":"Médio","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Fundir %{a} com %{b}?","Message sent":"Mensagem enviada","Minimize":"Minimizar","Missing":"Em Falta","Moments":"Momentos","Monochrome":"Monocromático","Month":"Mês","Moonlight":"Luar","More than %{n} pictures found":"Mais do que %{n} fotos encontradas","More than 20 albums found":"Mais de 20 álbuns encontrados","More than 20 labels found":"Mais de 20 etiquetas encontradas","More than 20 people found":"Mais de 20 pessoas encontraram","Mosaic":"Mosaico","Most Relevant":"Mais Relevante","Move Files":"Mover ficheiro","Name":"Nome","Name too long":"Nome muito extenso","Never":"Nunca","New":"Novo","New Password":"Nova senha","Newest First":"Recentes primeiro","No":"Não","No albums found":"Nenhum álbum encontrado","No labels found":"Nenhuma etiqueta encontrada","No people found":"Nenhuma pessoa encontrada","No pictures found":"Nenhuma foto encontrada","No recently edited pictures":"Nenhuma foto editada recentemente","No servers configured.":"Nenhum servidor configurado.","No services configured.":"Nenhum serviço configurado.","No thanks":"Não, obrigado(a)","No video selected":"Nenhum vídeo selecionado","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Nenhum alerta ou erro contendo esta palavra-chave. Note que a pesquisa diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Imagens de baixa qualidade ou não-fotográficas necessitam de revisão antes de aparecerem nos resultados da pesquisa.","None":"Nenhum","Not Found":"Não encontrado","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Note que você pode gerenciar manualmente sua pasta de originais e a importação é opcional.","Note:":"Nota:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Nota: Apenas servidores WebDAV, tais como Nextcloud ou PhotoPrism, podem ser configurados como serviço remoto para envio de ficheiros e cópias de segurança.","Notes":"Notas","Nothing to see here yet.":"Nada para se ver aqui ainda. Seja paciente.","Offline":"Desconectado","Oldest First":"Antigos primeiro","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"No Windows, digite o seguinte recurso no diálogo de conexão:","Once a week":"Uma vez por semana","One album found":"Um álbum encontrado","One file found":"Um ficheiro encontrado","One file uploaded":"Um arquivo carregado","One folder found":"Uma pasta encontrada","One label found":"Um rótulo encontrado","One person found":"Uma pessoa encontrada","One picture found":"Uma foto encontrada","Onyx":"Ônix","Options":"Opções","or ask in our Community Chat":"ou pergunte em nosso Community Chat","Orange":"Laranja","Organization":"Organização","Orientation":"Orientação","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Nomes originais dos arquivos serão armazenados e indexados.","Original Name":"Nome original","Originals":"Originais","Other":"Outro","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Nosso Guia do Usuário também cobre muitos tópicos avançados, tais como migração do Google Photos e configurações de qualidade de miniaturas.","Outdoor":"Ao ar livre","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramas","Password":"Senha","Password changed":"Senha alterada","People":"Pessoas","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Pessoas com as quais partilha um link poderão ver os conteúdos públicos.","Permanently deleted":"Permanentemente excluídas","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Remover ficheiros permanentemente para poupar armazenamento.","Phone":"Telefone","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism foi atualizado…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® é uma aplicação de fotos alimentada por IA para a Web descentralizada.","Photos":"Fotos","Pink":"Rosa","Place":"Lugar","Place & Time":"Lugar & Tempo","Places":"Lugares","Please confirm your new password.":"Por favor, confirme a nova senha.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Por favor, não envie fotos com conteúdo ofensivo.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Por favor, note que a mudança de sua senha fará com que você saia de outros dispositivos e navegadores.","Portrait":"Retrato","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"poste sua pergunta em GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Preservar nomes de ficheiro","Press button to start importing…":"Pressione o botão para começar a importar…","Press button to start indexing…":"Pressione o botão para começar a indexar…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Pressione enter para criar um novo álbum.","Preview":"Pré-visualização","Primary":"Primário","Private":"Privado","Product Feedback":"Opinião sobre o produto","Projection":"Projeção","Purple":"Roxo","Quality Filter":"Filtro de qualidade","Quality Score":"Marcador de qualidade","Random":"Aleatório","Raspberry":"Framboesa","Raw":"RAW","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Conversão RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Reindexe todos originais, incluindo ficheiros já indexados e não modificados.","Read the Docs":"Leia os Documentos","Read-Only Mode":"Modo Somente Leitura","Recently Added":"Adicionado recentemente","Recently Edited":"Editado Recentemente","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"O reconhecimento começa após a indexação ter sido concluída.","Recognized":"Reconhecido","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Reconhece rostos para que pessoas específicas possam ser encontradas.","Red":"Vermelho","Reload":"Recarregar","Reloading…":"Recarregando…","Remote Sync":"Sincronização remota","Remove":"Remover","remove failed: unknown album":"remoção falhou: álbum desconhecido","Remove from album":"Remover do álbum","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Remover ficheiros já importados ao armazenamento. Tipos de ficheiros não suportados nunca serão apagados, eles continuam na localização atual.","Request failed - invalid response":"Solicitação falhou - resposta inválida","Required":"Mandatório","Resolution":"Resolução","Restore":"Restaurar","Retry Limit":"Limite de Tentativa","Retype Password":"Re-insira a senha","Review":"Rever","Satellite":"Satélite","Save":"Guardar","Scan":"Pesquisar","Scans":"Pesquisas","Search":"Pesquisar","Search and display photos on a map.":"Pesquisar e mostrar fotos num mapa.","Season":"Estação","Secret":"Segredo","Security and Access":"Segurança e acesso","Select":"Selecionar","Select albums or create a new one":"Selecione álbuns ou crie um novo","Selection approved":"Seleção aprovada","Selection archived":"Seleção arquivada","Selection restored":"Seleção restaurada","Send":"Enviar","Sequential Name":"Nome sequencial","Service URL":"URL do serviço","Services":"Serviços","Settings":"Configurações","Settings saved":"Configurações salvas","Setup":"Configuração","Shadow":"Sombra","Share":"Partilhar","Share %{name}":"Partilhar %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Compartilhe suas fotos com outros aplicativos e serviços.","Show":"Mostrar","Show all new faces":"Mostrar todos os rostos novos","Show hidden":"Mostrar oculto","Show less":"Mostrar menos","Show more":"Mostrar mais","Show server logs in Library.":"Mostrar registros do servidor na Biblioteca.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Mostra mensagens de registro mais detalhadas. Requer um reinício.","Sidecar":"Secundários","Sign in":"Entrar","Sign Up":"Registar","Similar":"Semelhante","Size":"Tamanho","Slow":"Lento","Sort Order":"Ordem de classificação","Source":"Fonte","Stack":"Pilhas","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Empilhar ficheiros com a mesma imagem única ou identificador de instância.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Empilhar fotos tiradas na mesma hora e local conforme os metadados.","Stackable":"Empilhável","Stacks":"Pilhas","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Empilhar grupos de arquivos com moldura de referência similar, porém qualidade, formato, tamanho e cores diferentes.","Start":"Iniciar","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Iniciar/Parar Apresentação","States":"Estados","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Tamanho estático limite: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Armazenamento","Streets":"Ruas","Subject":"Assunto","Successfully Connected":"Conectado com sucesso","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Suporte para serviços adicionais, como Google Drive, serão adicionados oportunamente.","Sync":"Sincronizar","Sync raw and video files":"Sincronizar ficheiros RAW e vídeos","Taken":"Tirado","Teal":"Azul marinho","Text too long":"Texto muito longo","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"O índice atualmente contém %{n} ficheiros ocultos.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"O formato delas não é suportado, não foram convertidas para JPEG ainda ou existe duplicação.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Isto monta a pasta de originais como um dispositivo de rede e permite que abra, edite e apague ficheiros a partir do seu computador ou telemóvel como se fossem locais.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Isto monta a pasta de originais como um dispositivo de rede e permite que abra, edite e apague ficheiros a partir do seu computador ou telemóvel como se fossem locais.","Thumbnail Generation":"Geração de miniaturas","Time UTC":"Horário UTC","Time Zone":"Fuso Horário","Timeout":"Tempo esgotado","Title":"Título","Title / Position":"Título / Posição","Title too long":"Título muito longo","Toggle View":"Trocar visualização","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topográfico","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Listas de verificação para solução de problemas","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Tente novamente usando outros filtros ou palavras-chave.","Type":"Tipo","Undo":"Desfazer","Unique ID":"ID único","Unknown":"Desconhecido","Unregistered":"Não registrado","Unsorted":"Não classificado","Unstack":"Desempilhar","Updated":"Atualizado","Updating faces":"Atualização de rostos","Updating index":"Atualizando o índice","Updating moments":"Atualizando momentos","Updating picture…":"Atualizando a imagem..","Updating previews":"Atualização de previsões","Updating stacks":"Atualizando pilhas","Upload":"Enviar","Upload complete":"Envio finalizado","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Envio finalizado. Indexando…","Upload failed":"Envio falhou","Upload local files":"Enviar ficheiros locais","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Enviar para WebDAV e partilhar links com amigos.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Enviando %{n} de %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Enviando fotos…","Uploading…":"A carregar.","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Envios que possam conter tais imagens serão rejeitados automaticamente.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Usar pré-definições","User":"Utilizador","User Guide":"Guia do Usuário","User Interface":"Interface de utilizador","Username":"Nome de utilizador","Vanta":"Vantagem","Verified":"Verificado","Video":"Vídeo","Video Duration":"Duração Vídeo","Videos":"Vídeos","View":"Visualização","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Visite docs.photoprism.app/user-guide para aprender a sincronizar, organizar, e partilhar as suas fotografias.","Visual Similarity":"Similaridade visual","We appreciate your feedback!":"Agradecemos seu feedback!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Fazemos nosso melhor para responder dentro de cinco dias úteis ou menos.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Faremos o nosso melhor para responder a todas as suas perguntas. Em troca, pedimos que nos apoie com Patrocinadores Patreon ou GitHub.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Clientes WebDAV podem conectar-se ao PhotoPrism usando o seguinte endereço:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Clientes WebDAV, com o explorador do Windows ou do MacOS, pode conectar-se diretamente com o PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Envio WebDAV","Website":"Site","White":"Branco","Work Details":"Detalhes do trabalho","Year":"Ano","Yellow":"Amarelo","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Sim","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"você é bem-vindo para se juntar a nós na Reddit","You can only download one album":"Pode descarregar apenas um álbum","You can only download one label":"Pode descarregar apenas uma etiqueta","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Você pode executá-lo em casa, em um servidor privado, ou na nuvem.","You may only select one item":"Pode descarregar apenas um item","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Você pode voltar a digitalizar sua biblioteca para encontrar rostos adicionais.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Seu apoio contínuo nos ajuda a fornecer atualizações regulares e a permanecer independentes, para que possamos cumprir nossa missão e proteger sua privacidade.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Sua biblioteca é continuamente analisada para criar automaticamente álbuns de momentos, viagens e lugares especiais.","Zoom in/out":"Aproximar/Afastar"},"pt_BR":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} álbuns encontrados","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} arquivos enviados","%{n} folders found":"%{n} pastas encontradas","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etiquetas encontradas","%{n} people found":"%{n} pessoas encontradas","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} fotos encontradas","1 hour":"1 hora","12 hours":"12 horas","4 hours":"4 horas","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Um clique copiará para sua área de transferência.","About":"Sobre","Abyss":"Abismo","Account":"Conta","Accuracy":"Precisão","Action":"Ação","Actions":"Ações","Add Account":"Adicionar conta","Add Album":"Adicionar Álbum","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Adicionar arquivos à sua biblioteca via Web Upload.","Add Link":"Adicionar Link","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Adicione fotos dos resultados da busca selecionando-as.","Add to album":"Adicionar ao álbum","Added":"Adicionado","Advanced":"Avançado","After 1 day":"Depois de 1 dia","After 3 days":"Depois de 3 dias","After 7 days":"Depois de 7 dias","After one month":"Depois de um mês","After one year":"Depois de um ano","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Após selecionar as fotos dos resultados da busca, você pode adicioná-las a um álbum usando o menu de contexto.","After two months":"Depois de dois meses","After two weeks":"Depois de duas semanas","Album":"Álbum","Album Name":"Nome do Álbum","Albums":"Álbuns","Albums deleted":"Álbuns excluídos","All %{n} albums loaded":"Todos os %{n} álbuns foram carregados","All %{n} labels loaded":"Todas as %{n} etiquetas foram carregadas","All %{n} people loaded":"Todas as pessoas %{n} carregadas","All Cameras":"Todas as Câmeras","All Categories":"Todas as Categorias","All Colors":"Todas as Cores","All Countries":"Todos os Países","All fields are required":"Todos os campos são necessários","All files from import folder":"Todos os arquivos da pasta importada","All Lenses":"Todas as Lentes","All Months":"Todos os Meses","All originals":"Todos os Originais","All Years":"Todos os Anos","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Como alternativa, você pode enviar arquivos diretamente para servidores WebDAV, como Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Altitude","Altitude (m)":"Altitude (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Ocorreu um erro - você está conectado à internet?","Animated":"Animado","Animation":"Animação","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Qualquer foto ou vídeo privado continuará privado e não será compartilhado.","API Key":"Chave API","Apply":"Aplicar","Approve":"Aprovar","Archive":"Arquivo","Archived":"Arquivado","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Você tem certeza que deseja arquivar a seleção?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Você tem certeza que deseja excluir esses álbuns?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Você tem certeza que deseja excluir essas etiquetas?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Você tem certeza que deseja excluir essa conta?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Você tem certeza que deseja permanentemente excluir estas imagens?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Você tem certeza que deseja permanentemente excluir este arquivo?","Are you sure?":"Você tem certeza?","Artist":"Artista","Aspect Ratio":"Proporção da Tela","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Criar arquivos JPEG automaticamente para outros tipos de arquivo para que eles possam se exibidos num navegador.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Cria automaticamente álbuns de momentos, viagens e lugares especiais.","Basic":"Básico","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Antes de enviar uma solicitação de suporte, use nossas listas de verificação de solução de problemas para determinar a causa de seu problema.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Sendo 100% self-fundados e independentes, podemos prometer que nunca venderemos seus dados e que seremos sempre transparentes sobre nossos softwares e serviços.","Bio":"Biografia","Birth Date":"Data de Nascimento","Black":"Preto","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Modificação do Lanczos, resulta em menos artefatos","Blue":"Azul","Brown":"Marrom","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Navegar e editar as etiquetas de classificação da imagem.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Navegar pelos arquivos e pastas indexadas na Biblioteca.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Navegue na Base de Conhecimento para informações detalhadas sobre características específicas do produto, serviços e recursos relacionados.","Bug Report":"Relatar erro","Busy, please wait…":"Ocupado, por favor espere…","Calendar":"Calendário","Camera":"Câmera","Camera Serial":"Série da Câmera","Can't load more, limit reached":"Não é possível carregar mais, limite alcançado","Can't select more items":"Não é possível selecionar mais itens","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cards":"Cartões","Category":"Categoria","Change Avatar":"Mudar Avatar","Change Password":"Alterar Senha","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Mudar o perfil pessoal e as configurações de segurança.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Mudar títulos, localizações e outros dados das fotos.","Change private flag":"Mudar marcação como privado","Changes successfully saved":"As mudanças foram salvas com sucesso","Checked":"Checado","Chroma":"Croma","Close":"Fechar","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Cor","Color Profile":"Perfil da cor","Colors":"Cores","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Problemas comuns podem ser rapidamente diagnosticados e resolvidos usando as listas de verificação de solução de problemas que fornecemos.","Complete Rescan":"Escanear completamente novamente","Confidence":"Certeza","Connect":"Conectar","Connect via WebDAV":"Conectar via WebDAV","Connected":"Conectado","Contact Details":"Detalhes do contato","Contact Us":"Entrar em contato","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Contém %{n} imagens.","Contains one picture.":"Contém uma foto.","Convert to JPEG":"Converter para JPEG","Converting":"Convertendo","Copied to clipboard":"Copiado para a área de transferência de texto","Copyright":"Direitos Autorais","Couldn't find anything.":"Não foi possível encontrar nada.","Country":"País","Create album":"Criar álbum","Created":"Criado","Creating thumbnails for":"Criando miniaturas para","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: Qualidade razoável, bom desempenho","Current Password":"Senha Atual","Customer Support":"Suporte ao cliente","Cyan":"Ciano","Cyano":"Ciano","Daily":"Diariamente","Day":"Dia","Debug Logs":"Registros de depuração","Default":"Padrão","Default Folder":"Pasta Padrão","Delete":"Excluir","Description":"Descrição","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Instruções detalhadas podem ser encontradas no nosso Guia de Usuário.","Details":"Detalhes","Dimensions":"Dimensões","Disable Backups":"Desativar Cópias de Segurança","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Desativa servidor WebDAV embutido. Requer reinicialização.","Disable Darktable":"Desativar Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Desativar ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Desativar FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Desativar Lugares","Disable RawTherapee":"Desativar RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Desativar TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Desativar WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Desativa geocodificação reversa e mapas.","Discover":"Descobrir","Display Name":"Nome de Exibição","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Não fazer respaldo dos metadados de fotos e álbuns nos arquivos YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Não criar arquivos JSON ExifTool que melhoram a extração de metadados.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Não modificar a pasta de originais. Desativa importação, envio e remoção.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Não transcodifique vídeos com FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Não use o Darktable para converter arquivos RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Não use RawTherapee para converter arquivos RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Não usar TensorFlow para classificação de imagens.","Donations":"Doações","Done":"Concluído","Done.":"Concluído.","Download":"Baixar","Download remote files":"Baixar arquivos remotos","Download single files and zip archives.":"Baixar arquivos individuais e zip.","Downloading…":"Baixando…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtro de redimensionamento","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Devido ao alto volume de e-mails que recebemos, nossa equipe pode não conseguir responder-lhe imediatamente.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplicatas serão puladas e só aparecerão uma vez.","Duration":"Duração","Dynamic Previews":"Amostras dinâmicas","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Geração dinâmica requer um servidor poderoso. Não recomendado para dispositivos NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Tamanho dinâmico limite: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Email","Edit":"Editar","Edit %{name}":"Editar %{name}","Edit Account":"Editar Conta","Edit Photo":"Editar Foto","Edited":"Editado","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-mail","Enable new features currently under development.":"Habilitar funcionalidades atualmente em desenvolvimento.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Permite predefinições de conversores RAW. Pode reduzir o desempenho.","Errors":"Erros","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Estima a localização aproximada das imagens sem coordenadas.","Estimates":"Estimativas","Every two days":"A cada dois dias","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Excluir conteúdo marcado como privado dos resultados da busca, álbuns compartilhados, etiquetas e locais.","Exclude hidden":"Excluir oculto","Expand":"Expandir","Expand Search":"Expandir Busca","Experimental Features":"Funcionalidades experimentais","Expires":"Expira","Exposure":"Exposição","F Number":"Razão focal","Face":"Rosto","Faces":"Rostos","Failed copying to clipboard":"Falha ao copiar para a área de transferência de texto","Failed removing link":"Falha ao remover o link","Failed updating link":"Falha ao atualizar o link","Family Name":"Nome de família","Fast":"Rápido","Favorite":"Favorito","Favorites":"Favoritos","Feature Request":"Solicitar funcionalidade","Feed":"Feed","Feedback":"Dê sua opinião","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Por favor, entre em contato via hello@photoprism.app se você tiver dúvidas ou precisar de ajuda.","Female":"Feminino","File":"Arquivo","File Browser":"Explorador de Arquivos","File Name":"Nome do arquivo","File Size":"Tamanho do Arquivo","Filename":"Nome do arquivo","Files":"Arquivos","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Arquivos com nomes sequenciais, como \"IMG_1234 (2)\" ou \"IMG_1234 (3)\" pertencem à mesma foto.","Focal Length":"Distância Focal","Folder":"Pasta","Folder contains %{n} files":"A pasta contem %{n} arquivos","Folder is empty":"A pasta está vazia","Folders":"Pastas","Forgot password?":"Esqueceu a senha?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Quadros","Fullscreen":"Tela Cheia","Gemstone":"Gema","Gender":"Gênero","General":"Geral","Getting Support":"Obtendo apoio","Given Name":"Nome dado","Gold":"Dourado","Grayscale":"Escala de cinza","Green":"Verde","Grey":"Cinza","Hash":"Hashe","Help":"Ajuda","Help & Support":"Ajuda & Suporte","Hidden":"Ocultos","Hidden Files":"Arquivos Ocultos","Hide":"Esconder","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Oculte fotos que foram arquivadas.","High":"Alta","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Faixa dinâmica alta (HDR)","How can we help?":"Como podemos ajudar?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Se isto não ajudar, ou se você tiver outras perguntas:","image":"imagem","Image":"Imagem","Images":"Imagens","Import":"Importar","Import failed":"Falha na importação","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Arquivos importados serão organizados por data e receberão um nome único para evitar duplicatas.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Arquivos importados serão organizados por data e receberão um nome único.","Importing %{name}…":"Importando %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importando arquivos para originais…","in":"em","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Além disso, os patrocinadores recebem suporte técnico direto via e-mail.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"No caso de faltarem as fotos que você espera, por favor, faça uma nova digitalização de sua biblioteca e aguarde até que a indexação seja concluída.","Index":"Indexar","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexar e importar arquivos através da interface do usuário.","Indexing":"Indexando","Indexing failed":"Falha ao indexar","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexando arquivos de mídia e secundários…","Instance ID":"ID da Instância","Interval":"Intervalo","Invalid":"Inválido","Invalid date":"Data inválida","Invalid parameters":"Parâmetros inválidos","Invalid photo selected":"Foto inválida selecionada","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Ele faz uso das mais recentes tecnologias para etiquetar e encontrar imagens automaticamente sem atrapalhar seu caminho.","Item":"Item","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Qualidade JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Tamanho JPEG limite: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"Imagens JPEG e miniaturas são renderizadas automaticamente conforme necessário.","Keywords":"Palavras-chave","Knowledge Base":"Base de Conhecimento","Label":"Etiqueta","Labels":"Etiquetas","Labels deleted":"Etiquetas excluídas","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Preserva detalhes, poucos artefatos","Language":"Idioma","Last Sync":"Última Sincronia","Latitude":"Latitude","Lavender":"Lavanda","Learn more":"Saiba mais","Legal Information":"Informações legais","Lens":"Lente","Library":"Biblioteca","License":"Licença","Like":"Gostar","Lime":"Lima","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limite alcançado, mostrando os primeiros %{n} arquivos","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: Suave, melhor desempenho","Link":"Link","List":"Lista","Live":"Ao vivo","Live Photos":"Fotos ao vivo","Local Time":"Hora Local","location":"localização","Location":"Localização","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Mensagens aparecem aqui sempre que o PhotoPrism encontra arquivos defeituosos ou existe a possibilidade de outros problemas.","Login":"Entrar","Logout":"Sair","Logs":"Registros","Longitude":"Longitute","Low":"Baixo","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Cor principal","Male":"Masculino","manual":"manual","Manual Upload":"Envio manual","Maps":"Mapas","Marker":"Marcador","Medium":"Médio","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Fundir %{a} com %{b}?","Message sent":"Mensagem enviada","Minimize":"Minimizar","Missing":"Faltando","Moments":"Momentos","Monochrome":"Monocromático","Month":"Mês","Moonlight":"Luar","More than %{n} pictures found":"Mais do que %{n} fotos encontradas","More than 20 albums found":"Mais de 20 álbuns encontrados","More than 20 labels found":"Mais de 20 etiquetas encontradas","More than 20 people found":"Mais de 20 pessoas encontraram","Mosaic":"Mosáico","Most Relevant":"Mais Relevante","Move Files":"Mover arquivos","Name":"Nome","Name too long":"Nome muito extenso","Never":"Nunca","New":"Novo","New Password":"Nova senha","Newest First":"Recentes primeiro","No":"Não","No albums found":"Nenhum álbum encontrado","No labels found":"Nenhuma etiqueta encontrada","No people found":"Nenhuma pessoa encontrada","No pictures found":"Nenhuma foto encontrada","No recently edited pictures":"Nenhuma foto editada recentemente","No servers configured.":"Nenhum servidor configurado.","No services configured.":"Nenhum serviço configurado.","No thanks":"Não, obrigado(a)","No video selected":"Nenhum vídeo selecionado","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Nenhum alerta ou erro contento esta palavra-chave. Note que a busca diferencia maiúsculas de minísculas.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Imagens de baixa qualidade ou não-fotográficas necessitam de revisão antes de aparecerem nos resultados de busca.","None":"Nenhum","Not Found":"Não encontrado","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Note que você pode gerenciar manualmente sua pasta de originais e a importação é opcional.","Note:":"Nota:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Nota: Apenas servidores WebDAV, tais como Nextcloud ou PhotoPrism, podem ser configurados como serviço remoto para envio de arquivos e cópias de segurança.","Notes":"Notas","Nothing to see here yet.":"Nada para se ver aqui ainda. Seja paciente.","Offline":"Desconectado","Oldest First":"Antigos primeiro","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"No Windows, digite o seguinte recurso no diálogo de conexão:","Once a week":"Uma vez por semana","One album found":"Um álbum encontrado","One file found":"Um arquivo encontrado","One file uploaded":"Um arquivo carregado","One folder found":"Uma pasta encontrada","One label found":"Um rótulo encontrado","One person found":"Uma pessoa encontrada","One picture found":"Uma foto encontrada","Onyx":"Ônix","Options":"Opções","or ask in our Community Chat":"ou pergunte em nosso Community Chat","Orange":"Laranjado","Organization":"Organização","Orientation":"Orientação","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Nomes originais dos arquivos serão armazenados e indexados.","Original Name":"Nome original","Originals":"Originais","Other":"Outro","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Nosso Guia do Usuário também cobre muitos tópicos avançados, tais como migração do Google Photos e configurações de qualidade de miniaturas.","Outdoor":"Ao ar livre","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramas","Password":"Senha","Password changed":"Senha alterada","People":"Pessoas","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Pessoas com as quais você compartilha um link poderão ver os conteúdos públicos.","Permanently deleted":"Permanentemente excluídas","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Remover arquivos permanentemente para poupar armazenamento.","Phone":"Telefone","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism foi atualizado…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"O PhotoPrism® é um aplicativo de fotos para a Web descentralizada.","Photos":"Fotos","Pink":"Rosa","Place":"Lugar","Place & Time":"Lugar & Tempo","Places":"Lugares","Please confirm your new password.":"Por favor, confirme sua nova senha.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Por favor, não envie fotos com conteúdo ofensivo.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Por favor, note que a mudança de sua senha fará com que você saia de outros dispositivos e navegadores.","Portrait":"Retrato","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"poste sua pergunta em GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Preservar nomes de arquivo","Press button to start importing…":"Pressione o botão para começar a importar…","Press button to start indexing…":"Pressione o botão para começar a indexar…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Pressione enter para criar um novo álbum.","Preview":"Pré-visualização","Primary":"Primário","Private":"Privado","Product Feedback":"Opinião sobre o produto","Projection":"Projeção","Purple":"Roxo","Quality Filter":"Filtro de qualidade","Quality Score":"Marcador de qualidade","Random":"Aleatório","Raspberry":"Framboesa","Raw":"RAW","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Conversão RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Reindexe todos originais, incluindo arquivos já indexados e não modificados.","Read the Docs":"Leia os Documentos","Read-Only Mode":"Modo Somente Leitura","Recently Added":"Adicionado recentemente","Recently Edited":"Editado Recentemente","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"O reconhecimento começa após a indexação ter sido concluída.","Recognized":"Reconhecido","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Reconhece rostos para que pessoas específicas possam ser encontradas.","Red":"Vermelho","Reload":"Recarregar","Reloading…":"Recarregando…","Remote Sync":"Sincronização remota","Remove":"Remover","remove failed: unknown album":"remoção falhou: álbum desconhecido","Remove from album":"Remover do álbum","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Remover arquivos já importados ao armazenamento. Tipos de arquivo não suportados nunca serão apagados, eles continuam na sua localização atual.","Request failed - invalid response":"Solicitação falhou - resposta inválida","Required":"Necessário","Resolution":"Resolução","Restore":"Restaurar","Retry Limit":"Limite de Tentativa","Retype Password":"Reinsira a senha","Review":"Revisar","Satellite":"Satélite","Save":"Salvar","Scan":"Buscar","Scans":"Buscas","Search":"Pesquisar","Search and display photos on a map.":"Pesquisar e mostrar fotos num mapa.","Season":"Estação","Secret":"Segredo","Security and Access":"Segurança e acesso","Select":"Selecionar","Select albums or create a new one":"Selecione álbuns ou crie um novo","Selection approved":"Seleção aprovada","Selection archived":"Seleção arquivada","Selection restored":"Seleção restaurada","Send":"Enviar","Sequential Name":"Nome sequencial","Service URL":"URL do serviço","Services":"Serviços","Settings":"Configurações","Settings saved":"Configurações salvas","Setup":"Configurar","Shadow":"Sombra","Share":"Compartilhar","Share %{name}":"Compartilhar %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Compartilhe suas fotos com outros aplicativos e serviços.","Show":"Mostrar","Show all new faces":"Mostrar todos os rostos novos","Show hidden":"Mostrar oculto","Show less":"Mostrar menos","Show more":"Mostrar mais","Show server logs in Library.":"Mostrar registros do servidor na Biblioteca.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Mostra mensagens de registro mais detalhadas. Requer um reinício.","Sidecar":"Secundários","Sign in":"Entrar","Sign Up":"Cadastrar","Similar":"Semelhante","Size":"Tamanho","Slow":"Lento","Sort Order":"Ordem de classificação","Source":"Fonte","Stack":"Pilhas","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Empilhar arquivos com a mesma imagem única ou identificador de instância.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Empilhar fotos tiradas na mesma hora e local conforme os metadados.","Stackable":"Empilhável","Stacks":"Pilhas","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Empilhar grupos de arquivos com moldura de referência similar, porém qualidade, formato, tamanho e cores diferentes.","Start":"Iniciar","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Iniciar/Parar Apresentação","States":"Estados","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Tamanho estático limite: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Armazenamento","Streets":"Ruas","Subject":"Assunto","Successfully Connected":"Conectado com sucesso","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Suporte para serviços adicionais, como Google Drive, serão adicionados oportunamente.","Sync":"Sincronizar","Sync raw and video files":"Sincronizar imagens e vídeos RAW","Taken":"Tirado","Teal":"Azul marinho","Text too long":"Texto muito longo","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"O índice atualmente contém %{n} arquivos ocultos.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"O formato delas não é suportado, elas não foram convertidas para JPEG ainda ou existe duplicação.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Isto monta a pasta de originais como um dispositivo de rede e permite que você abra, edite e apague arquivos a partir do seu computador ou celular como se fosses locais.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Isto monta a pasta de originais como um dispositivo de rede e permite que você abra, edite e apague arquivos a partir do seu computador ou celular como se fosses locais.","Thumbnail Generation":"Geração de amostras","Time UTC":"Horário UTC","Time Zone":"Fuzo Horário","Timeout":"Tempo esgotado","Title":"Título","Title / Position":"Título / Posição","Title too long":"Título muito longo","Toggle View":"Trocar visualização","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topográfico","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Listas de verificação para solução de problemas","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Tente novamente usando outros filtros ou palavras-chave.","Type":"Tipo","Undo":"Desfazer","Unique ID":"ID único","Unknown":"Desconhecido","Unregistered":"Não registrado","Unsorted":"Não classificado","Unstack":"Desempilhar","Updated":"Atualizado","Updating faces":"Atualização de rostos","Updating index":"Atualizando índice","Updating moments":"Atualizando momentos","Updating picture…":"Atualizando a imagem..","Updating previews":"Atualização de visualizações","Updating stacks":"Atualizando pilhas","Upload":"Enviar","Upload complete":"Envio finalizado","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Envio finalizado. Indexando…","Upload failed":"Envio falhou","Upload local files":"Enviar arquivos locais","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Enviar para WebDAV e compartilhar links com amigos.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Enviando %{n} de %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Enviando fotos…","Uploading…":"A carregar.","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Envios que possam conter tais imagens serão rejeitados automaticamente.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Usar pré-definições","User":"Usuário","User Guide":"Guia do Usuário","User Interface":"Interface de usuário","Username":"Nome de usuário","Vanta":"Vantagem","Verified":"Verificado","Video":"Vídeo","Video Duration":"Duração Vídeo","Videos":"Vídeos","View":"Visualização","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Visite docs.photoprism.app/user-guide para aprender como sincronizar, organizar e compartilhar suas fotos.","Visual Similarity":"Similaridade visual","We appreciate your feedback!":"Agradecemos seu feedback!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Fazemos nosso melhor para responder dentro de cinco dias úteis ou menos.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Faremos o nosso melhor para responder a todas as suas perguntas. Em troca, pedimos que nos apoie com Patrocinadores Patreon ou GitHub.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Clientes WebDAV podem se conectar ao PhotoPrism usando a seguinte URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Clientes WebDAV, como Windows Explorer e o Finder da Apple, podem se conectar diretamente com o PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Envio WebDAV","Website":"Site","White":"Branco","Work Details":"Detalhes do trabalho","Year":"Ano","Yellow":"Amarelo","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Sim","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"você é bem-vindo para se juntar a nós na Reddit","You can only download one album":"Você pode baixar apenas um álbum","You can only download one label":"Você pode baixar apenas uma etiqueta","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Você pode executá-lo em casa, em um servidor privado, ou na nuvem.","You may only select one item":"Você pode selecionar apenas um item","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Você pode voltar a digitalizar sua biblioteca para encontrar rostos adicionais.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Seu apoio contínuo nos ajuda a fornecer atualizações regulares e a permanecer independentes, para que possamos cumprir nossa missão e proteger sua privacidade.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Sua biblioteca é continuamente analisada para criar automaticamente álbuns de momentos, viagens e lugares especiais.","Zoom in/out":"Aproximar/Afastar"},"ro":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} albume găsite","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} fișiere încărcate","%{n} folders found":"%{n} foldere găsite","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etichete găsite","%{n} people found":"%{n} persoane găsite","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} imagini găsite","1 hour":"1 oră","12 hours":"12 ore","4 hours":"4 ore","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Un clic îl va copia în clipboard.","About":"Despre","Abyss":"Abisul","Account":"Cont","Accuracy":"Precizie","Action":"Acțiune","Actions":"Acțiuni","Add Account":"Adaugă cont","Add Album":"Adaugă album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Adăugați fișiere la biblioteca dvs. prin încărcare web.","Add Link":"Adăugați un link","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Adăugați imagini din rezultatele căutării prin selectarea lor.","Add to album":"Adaugă la album","Added":"Adăugat","Advanced":"Avansat","After 1 day":"După 1 zi","After 3 days":"După 3 zile","After 7 days":"După 7 zile","After one month":"După o lună","After one year":"După un an","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"După selectarea imaginilor din rezultatele căutării, le puteți adăuga la un album utilizând meniul contextual.","After two months":"După două luni","After two weeks":"După două săptămâni","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Numele albumului","Albums":"Albume","Albums deleted":"Albume șterse","All %{n} albums loaded":"Toate albumele %{n} încărcate","All %{n} labels loaded":"Toate etichetele %{n} încărcate","All %{n} people loaded":"Toate %{n} persoane încărcate","All Cameras":"Toate camerele de luat vederi","All Categories":"Toate categoriile","All Colors":"Toate culorile","All Countries":"Toate țările","All fields are required":"Toate câmpurile sunt obligatorii","All files from import folder":"Toate fișierele din dosarul de import","All Lenses":"Toate lentilele","All Months":"Toate lunile","All originals":"Toate originalele","All Years":"Toți anii","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativ, puteți încărca fișiere direct pe servere WebDAV, cum ar fi Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Altitudine","Altitude (m)":"Altitudine (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"A apărut o eroare - sunteți offline?","Animated":"Animat","Animation":"Animație","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Orice fotografii și videoclipuri private rămân private și nu vor fi partajate.","API Key":"Cheie API","Apply":"Aplicați","Approve":"Aprobarea","Archive":"Arhiva","Archived":"Arhivat","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Sunteți sigur că doriți să arhivați selecția?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Sunteți sigur că doriți să ștergeți aceste albume?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Sunteți sigur că doriți să ștergeți aceste etichete?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Sunteți sigur că doriți să ștergeți acest cont?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Sunteți sigur că doriți să ștergeți definitiv aceste imagini?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Sunteți sigur că doriți să ștergeți definitiv acest fișier?","Are you sure?":"Esti sigur?","Artist":"Artist","Aspect Ratio":"Raportul de aspect","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Creați automat fișiere JPEG pentru alte tipuri de fișiere, astfel încât acestea să poată fi afișate într-un browser.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Creează automat albume cu momente, călătorii și locuri speciale.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Înainte de a trimite o solicitare de asistență, vă rugăm să utilizați listele noastre de verificare pentru depanare pentru a determina cauza problemei dumneavoastră.","Bio":"Bio","Birth Date":"Data nașterii","Black":"Negru","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: modificarea Lanczos, mai puține artefacte care sună","Blue":"Albastru","Brown":"Maro","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Răsfoiți și editați etichetele de clasificare a imaginilor.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Răsfoiți fișierele și folderele indexate din Bibliotecă.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Răsfoiți baza de cunoștințe pentru informații detaliate despre caracteristicile specifice ale produsului, serviciile și resursele conexe","Bug Report":"Raport de eroare","Busy, please wait…":"Ocupat, vă rugăm să așteptați…","Calendar":"Calendar","Camera":"Camera","Camera Serial":"Numărul de serie a Camerei","Can't load more, limit reached":"Nu se poate încărca mai mult, limita a fost atinsă","Can't select more items":"Nu se pot selecta mai multe articole","Cancel":"Anulează","Cards":"Cărți","Category":"Categoria","Change Password":"Schimbă parola","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Modificați profilul personal și setările de securitate.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Modificați titlurile fotografiilor, locațiile și alte metadate.","Change private flag":"Schimbarea steagului privat","Changes successfully saved":"Modificări salvate cu succes","Checked":"Verificat","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Închideți","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Culoare","Color Profile":"Profil de culoare","Colors":"Culori","Complete Rescan":"Rescanare completă","Confidence":"Încredere","Connect":"Conectați-vă","Connect via WebDAV":"Conectare prin WebDAV","Connected":"Conectat","Contact Details":"Detalii de contact","Contact Us":"Contactați-ne","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Conține %{n} imagini.","Contains one picture.":"Conține o imagine.","Convert to JPEG":"Conversia în JPEG","Converting":"Conversia","Copied to clipboard":"Copiat în clipboard","Copyright":"Drepturi de autor","Couldn't find anything.":"Nu sa putut găsi nimic.","Country":"Țara","Create album":"Creați un album","Created":"Creat","Creating thumbnails for":"Crearea de miniaturi pentru","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: Calitate moderată, performanță bună","Current Password":"Parola curentă","Customer Support":"Asistență pentru clienți","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Zilnic","Day":"Ziua","Debug Logs":"Jurnalele de depanare","Default":"Implicit","Default Folder":"Dosar implicit","Delete":"Ștergeți","Description":"Descriere","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Instrucțiuni detaliate pot fi găsite în Ghidul utilizatorului.","Details":"Detalii","Dimensions":"Dimensiuni","Disable Backups":"Dezactivați copiile de rezervă","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Dezactivați serverul WebDAV încorporat. Necesită o repornire.","Disable Darktable":"Dezactivați Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Dezactivați ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Dezactivați FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Dezactivați locurile","Disable RawTherapee":"Dezactivați RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Dezactivați TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Dezactivați WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Dezactivează geocodarea inversă și hărțile.","Discover":"Descoperiți","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Nu faceți copii de rezervă a metadatelor fotografiilor și albumelor în fișiere YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Nu creați fișiere ExifTool JSON pentru o mai bună extragere a metadatelor.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Nu modificați dosarul originalelor. Dezactivează importul, încărcarea și ștergerea.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Nu transcodați videoclipuri cu FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Nu utilizați Darktable pentru a converti fișiere RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Nu utilizați RawTherapee pentru a converti fișiere RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Nu utilizați TensorFlow pentru clasificarea imaginilor.","Donations":"Donații","Done":"Realizat","Done.":"S-a făcut.","Download":"Descărcați","Download remote files":"Descărcarea fișierelor de la distanță","Download single files and zip archives.":"Descărcați fișiere individuale și arhive zip.","Downloading…":"Descărcarea…","Downscaling Filter":"Filtru de reducere a scării","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Dublurile vor fi omise și vor apărea doar o singură dată.","Duration":"Durata","Dynamic Previews":"Previziuni dinamice","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Redarea dinamică necesită un server puternic. Nu este recomandată pentru dispozitivele NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limita dimensiunii dinamice: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-mail","Edit":"Editați","Edit %{name}":"Editează %{name}","Edit Account":"Editare cont","Edit Photo":"Editare fotografie","Edited":"Editat","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"Activați noi caracteristici aflate în curs de dezvoltare.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Activează presetările convertorului RAW. Poate reduce performanța.","Errors":"Erori","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Estimați locația aproximativă a imaginilor fără coordonate.","Estimates":"Estimări","Every two days":"La fiecare două zile","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Excludeți conținutul marcat ca fiind privat din rezultatele căutării, albumele partajate, etichetele și locații.","Exclude hidden":"Excludeți ascunse","Expand":"Extinde","Expand Search":"Extindeți căutarea","Experimental Features":"Caracteristici experimentale","Expires":"Expiră","Exposure":"Expunere","F Number":"Numărul F","Face":"Față","Faces":"Fețe","Failed copying to clipboard":"Copiere eșuată în clipboard","Failed removing link":"Nu s-a eliminat linkul","Failed updating link":"Nu s-a putut actualiza linkul","Fast":"Rapid","Favorite":"Favorit","Favorites":"Favorite","Feature Request":"Cerere de caracteristici","Feedback":"Părere","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Nu ezitați să ne contactați la hello@photoprism.app dacă aveți întrebări.","File":"Fișier","File Browser":"Browser de fișiere","Filename":"Nume fisier","Files":"Fișiere","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Fișierele cu nume secvențiale, cum ar fi 'IMG_1234 (2)' și 'IMG_1234 (3)' aparțin aceleiași imagini.","Focal Length":"Distanța focală","Folder":"Dosar","Folder contains %{n} files":"Folderul conține %{n} fișiere","Folder is empty":"Folderul este gol","Folders":"Foldere","Forgot password?":"Ați uitat parola?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Cadre","Fullscreen":"Ecran complet","Gemstone":"Piatră prețioasă","General":"General","Getting Support":"Obținerea de asistență","Gold":"Auriu","Grayscale":"Scara tonurilor de gri","Green":"Verde","Grey":"Gri","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Ajutor","Help & Support":"Suport","Hidden":"Ascuns","Hidden Files":"Fișiere ascunse","Hide":"Ascunde","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Ascunde fotografiile care au fost mutate în arhivă.","High":"Mare","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Gama dinamică înaltă (HDR)","How can we help?":"Cum vă putem ajuta?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Dacă acest lucru nu ajută sau aveți alte întrebări:","image":"imagine","Image":"Imagine","Images":"Imagini","Import":"Import","Import failed":"Importul a eșuat","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Fișierele importate vor fi sortate în funcție de dată și vor primi un nume unic pentru a se evita dublurile.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Fișierele importate vor fi sortate în funcție de dată și vor primi un nume unic.","Importing %{name}…":"Se importă %{nume}…","Importing files to originals…":"Se importă fișiere în originale…","in":"în","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"În plus, sponsorii primesc asistență tehnică directă prin e-mail.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"În cazul în care imaginile pe care le așteptați lipsesc, vă rugăm să scanați din nou biblioteca dvs. și să așteptați până când indexarea va fi finalizată.","Index":"Index","Indexing":"Indexare","Indexing failed":"Indexarea a eșuat","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Se indexează fișierele media și sidecar…","Instance ID":"ID-ul instanței","Interval":"Interval","Invalid date":"Dată invalidă","Invalid photo selected":"Fotografie invalidă selectată","Item":"Articol","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Calitate JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limita dimensiunii JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG-urile și miniaturile sunt redate automat, după cum este necesar.","Keywords":"Cuvinte cheie","Label":"Etichetă","Labels":"Etichete","Labels deleted":"Etichete șterse","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Conservarea Detaliilor, Artefacte Minime","Language":"Limba","Last Sync":"Ultima sincronizare","Latitude":"Latitudine","Lavender":"Lavandă","Lens":"Obiectiv","Library":"Bibliotecă","License":"Licență","Like":"Ca","Lime":"Lămâie verde","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limita a fost atinsă, afișând primele %{n} fișiere","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: Foarte Neted, Cea Mai Bună Performanță","Link":"Legătură","List":"Listă","Live":"Live","Local Time":"Ora locală","location":"locație","Location":"Locație","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Mesajele de jurnal apar aici ori de câte ori PhotoPrism întâlnește fișiere cu probleme sau există alte potențiale probleme.","Login":"Autentificare","Logout":"Deconectare","Logs":"Jurnale","Longitude":"Longitudine","Low":"Scăzut","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Culoare principală","manual":"manual","Manual Upload":"Încărcare manuală","Marker":"Marker","Medium":"Mediu","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Combină %{a} cu %{b}?","Message sent":"Mesaj trimis","Minimize":"Minimizați","Missing":"Dispărut","Moments":"Momente","Monochrome":"Monocrom","Month":"Lună","Moonlight":"Lumina lunii","More than %{n} pictures found":"S-au găsit mai mult de %{n} imagini","More than 20 albums found":"Peste 20 de albume găsite","More than 20 labels found":"Peste 20 de etichete găsite","More than 20 people found":"Peste 20 de persoane găsite","Mosaic":"Mozaic","Move Files":"Muta fișierele","Name":"Nume","Name too long":"Nume prea lung","Never":"Niciodată","New":"Nou","New Password":"Parolă Nouă","No":"Nu","No albums found":"Nu s-au găsit albume","No labels found":"Nu s-au găsit etichete","No people found":"Nu s-au găsit persoane","No pictures found":"Nu s-au găsit imagini","No recently edited pictures":"Nu există imagini editate recent","No servers configured.":"Nu există servere configurate.","No thanks":"Nu, mulțumesc","No video selected":"Niciun videoclip selectat","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Nu există avertizări sau erori care conțin acest cuvânt cheie. Rețineți că căutarea face distincție între majuscule și minuscule.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Imaginile nefotografice și de calitate scăzută necesită o examinare înainte de a apărea în rezultatele căutării.","None":"Nici unul","Not Found":"Nu a fost găsit","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Rețineți că puteți gestiona manual folderul cu originale, iar importul este opțional.","Note:":"Notă:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Notă: Numai serverele WebDAV, cum ar fi Nextcloud sau PhotoPrism, pot fi configurate ca serviciu la distanță pentru backup și încărcare de fișiere.","Notes":"Note","Offline":"Deconectat","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Pe Windows, introduceți următoarea resursă în fereastra de dialog de conectare:","Once a week":"O dată pe săptămână","One album found":"Un album găsit","One file found":"Un fișier găsit","One file uploaded":"Un fișier încărcat","One folder found":"Un dosar găsit","One label found":"O etichetă găsită","One person found":"O persoană găsită","One picture found":"O imagine găsită","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Opțiuni","or ask in our Community Chat":"sau întrebați în chat-ul comunității","Orange":"Portocaliu","Orientation":"Orientare","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Numele originale ale fișierelor vor fi stocate și indexate.","Original Name":"Numele original","Originals":"Originale","Other":"Altele","Outdoor":"În aer liber","Panorama":"Panoramă","Panoramas":"Panorame","Password":"Parola","Password changed":"Parola a fost schimbată","People":"Oameni","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Persoanele cu care partajați un link vor putea vizualiza conținutul public.","Permanently deleted":"Șterse definitiv","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Eliminați permanent fișierele pentru a elibera spațiu de stocare.","Photo":"Fotografie","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism a fost actualizat…","Photos":"Fotografii","Pink":"Roz","Place":"Loc","Place & Time":"Locul și ora","Places":"Locuri","Please confirm your new password.":"Vă rugăm să confirmați noua parolă.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Vă rugăm să nu încărcați fotografii care au un conținut jignitor.","Portrait":"Portret","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"postați întrebarea dvs. în Discuții GitHub","Preserve filenames":"Păstrați numele fișierelor","Press button to start importing…":"Apăsați butonul pentru a începe importul…","Press button to start indexing…":"Apăsați butonul pentru a începe indexarea…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Apăsați Enter pentru a crea un album nou.","Preview":"Previzualizare","Primary":"Primar","Private":"Privat","Product Feedback":"Feedback despre produs","Projection":"Proiecție","Purple":"Violet","Quality Filter":"Filtru de calitate","Quality Score":"Scorul de calitate","Random":"Aleatoriu","Raspberry":"Zmeură","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Conversia RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Reindexarea tuturor documentelor originale, inclusiv a fișierelor deja indexate și neschimbate.","Read-Only Mode":"Mod doar pentru citire","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Recunoașterea începe după finalizarea indexării.","Recognized":"Recunoscut","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Recunoaște fețele, astfel încât să poată fi găsite anumite persoane.","Red":"Roșu","Reload":"Reîncărcare","Reloading…":"Se reîncarcă…","Remote Sync":"Sincronizare la distanță","Remove":"Elimina","remove failed: unknown album":"eliminarea eșuată: album necunoscut","Remove from album":"Eliminați din album","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Eliminați fișierele importate pentru a economisi spațiu de stocare. Tipurile de fișiere neacceptate nu vor fi șterse niciodată, ele rămân în locația lor curentă.","Request failed - invalid response":"Cerere eșuată - răspuns invalid","Required":"Necesar","Resolution":"Rezoluție","Restore":"Restaurați","Retry Limit":"Limita de reintroducere","Retype Password":"Reintroduceți parola","Review":"Revizuire","Save":"Salvați","Scan":"Scanare","Scans":"Scanări","Search":"Căutare","Search and display photos on a map.":"Căutați și afișați fotografiile pe hartă.","Season":"Sezon","Secret":"Secret","Select":"Selectați","Select albums or create a new one":"Selectați albume sau creați unul nou","Selection approved":"Selecție aprobată","Selection archived":"Selecție arhivată","Selection restored":"Selecție restabilită","Send":"Trimite","Sequential Name":"Nume secvenţial","Service URL":"Adresa URL a serviciului","Settings":"Setări","Settings saved":"Setări salvate","Setup":"Configurare","Shadow":"Umbră","Share":"Distribuie","Share %{name}":"Distribuie %{nume}","Show":"Arată","Show all new faces":"Afișați toate fețele noi","Show hidden":"Arată ascuns","Show less":"Arată mai puțin","Show more":"Arată mai mult","Show server logs in Library.":"Afișați jurnalele serverului în Bibliotecă.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Afișează mesaje de jurnal mai detaliate. Necesită o repornire.","Sidecar":"Sidecar","Sign in":"Conectați-vă","Sign Up":"Înscrieți-vă","Similar":"Similar","Size":"Dimensiune","Slow":"Încet","Sort Order":"Ordinea de sortare","Source":"Sursă","Stack":"Stivă","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Stivuiți fișiere care partajează aceeași imagine unică sau identificator de instanță.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Stivuiți fotografiile realizate exact în același moment și în aceeași locație, pe baza metadatelor.","Stackable":"Stivuibil","Stacks":"Stive","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Stivele grupează fișiere cu un cadru de referință similar, dar cu diferențe de calitate, format, dimensiune sau culoare.","Start":"Start","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Porniți/Opriți prezentarea","States":"State","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limita Dimensiunii Statice: %{n}px","Status":"Stare","Storage":"Spațiu de stocare","Streets":"Străzi","Subject":"Subiect","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Suportul pentru servicii suplimentare, cum ar fi Google Drive, va fi adăugat în timp.","Sync":"Sincronizare","Sync raw and video files":"Sincronizarea fișierelor raw și video","Taken":"Luat","Teal":"Turcoaz","Text too long":"Text prea lung","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"În prezent, indexul conține %{n} fișiere ascunse.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Este posibil ca formatul lor să nu fie acceptat, să nu fi fost încă convertite în JPEG sau să existe duplicate.","Theme":"Temă","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Aceasta montează folderul originale ca unitate de rețea și vă permite să deschideți, să editați și să ștergeți fișiere de pe computer sau smartphone ca și cum ar fi locale.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generarea de miniaturi","Time UTC":"Ora UTC","Time Zone":"Fus orar","Timeout":"Pauză","Title":"Titlu","Title too long":"Titlu prea lung","Toggle View":"Schimbă vizualizarea","Token":"Jeton","Topographic":"Topografic","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Liste de verificare pentru depanare","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Încercați din nou folosind alte filtre sau cuvinte cheie.","Type":"Tip","Undo":"Înapoi","Unique ID":"ID unic","Unknown":"Necunoscut","Unsorted":"Nesortat","Unstack":"Dezasamblați","Updated":"Actualizat","Updating faces":"Actualizarea fețelor","Updating index":"Actualizarea index-ului","Updating moments":"Actualizarea momentelor","Updating previews":"Actualizarea previziunilor","Updating stacks":"Actualizarea stivelor","Upload":"Încărcați","Upload complete":"Încărcare completă","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Încărcare completă. Se indexează…","Upload failed":"Încărcarea a eșuat","Upload local files":"Încărcați fișiere locale","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Încărcați în WebDAV și partajați linkuri cu prietenii.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Se încarcă %{n} din %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Se încarcă fotografii…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Încărcările care pot conține astfel de imagini vor fi respinse automat.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Utilizați presetări","User":"Utilizator","User Interface":"Interfața utilizatorului","Username":"Nume de utilizator","Vanta":"Vanta","Video":"Clip","Videos":"Videoclipuri","View":"Vedere","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Vom face tot posibilul să vă răspundem la toate întrebările. În schimb, vă rugăm să ne susțineți pe Patreon sau GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Clienții WebDAV se pot conecta la PhotoPrism folosind următoarea adresă URL:","WebDAV Upload":"Încărcare WebDAV","White":"Alb","Year":"An","Yellow":"Galben","Yellowstone":"Piatră Galbena","Yes":"Da","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"ești binevenit să ni te alături pe Reddit","You can only download one album":"Poți descărca doar un singur album","You can only download one label":"Puteți descărca doar o singură etichetă","You may only select one item":"Puteți selecta doar un singur element","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Puteți scana din nou biblioteca pentru a găsi fețe suplimentare.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Biblioteca dvs. este analizată continuu pentru a crea automat albume cu momente, călătorii și locuri speciale.","Zoom in/out":"Măriți/micșorați"},"ru":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} альбомов найдено","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} файлов загружено","%{n} folders found":"%{n} папок найдено","%{n} labels found":"%{n} меток найдено","%{n} people found":"найдено %{n} человек","%{n} pictures found":"найдено %{n} изображений","1 hour":"1 час","12 hours":"12 часов","4 hours":"4 часа","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Щелчок мыши скопирует его в буфер обмена.","About":"О нас","Abyss":"Бездна","Account":"Учетная запись","Accuracy":"Точность","Action":"Действие","Actions":"Действия","Add Account":"Добавить учетную запись","Add Album":"Добавить альбом","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Добавляйте файлы в свою библиотеку через Web Upload.","Add Link":"Добавить ссылку","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Добавляйте картинки из результатов поиска, выбирая их.","Add to album":"Добавить в альбом","Added":"Добавлено","Advanced":"Дополнительно","After 1 day":"Спустя день","After 3 days":"Спустя 3 дня","After 7 days":"Спустя 7 дней","After one month":"Спустя месяц","After one year":"Спустя год","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"После выбора изображений из результатов поиска их можно добавить в альбом с помощью контекстного меню.","After two months":"Спустя 2 месяца","After two weeks":"Спустя 2 недели","Album":"Альбом","Album Name":"Название альбома","Albums":"Альбомы","Albums deleted":"Альбомы удалены","All %{n} albums loaded":"Все %{n} альбомов загружены","All %{n} labels loaded":"Все %{n} меток загружены","All %{n} people loaded":"Все %{n} человек загружены","All Cameras":"Все камеры","All Categories":"Все категории","All Colors":"Все цвета","All Countries":"Все страны","All fields are required":"Все поля обязательны к заполнению","All files from import folder":"Все файлы из папки импорта","All Lenses":"Все объективы","All Months":"Все месяцы","All originals":"Все оригиналы","All Years":"Все года","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Кроме того, вы можете загружать файлы непосредственно на WebDAV-серверы, такие как Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Высота","Altitude (m)":"Высота (м)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Ошибка - вы отключены от сети?","Animated":"Анимированный","Animation":"Анимация","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Любые личные фотографии и видео остаются личными и не будут передаваться.","API Key":"Ключ API","Apply":"Применить","Approve":"Подтвердить","Archive":"Архив","Archived":"В архиве","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Вы действительно хотите переместить эти фотографии в архив?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Вы действительно хотите удалить эти альбомы?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Вы действительно хотите удалить эти метки?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Вы действительно хотите удалить этот аккаунт?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Вы уверены, что хотите навсегда удалить эти фотографии?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот файл?","Are you sure?":"Вы уверены?","Artist":"Автор","Aspect Ratio":"Соотношение сторон","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Автоматически создавать JPEG для других типов файлов, чтобы их можно было отобразить в браузере.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Автоматически создает альбомы особых моментов, поездок и мест.","Basic":"Простой","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Прежде чем отправлять запрос в службу поддержки, воспользуйтесь нашими списками поиска и устранения неисправностей, чтобы определить причину проблемы.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Будучи на 100% самофинансируемыми и независимыми, мы можем пообещать вам, что никогда не будем продавать ваши данные и что мы всегда будем прозрачны в отношении нашего программного обеспечения и услуг.","Bio":"Биография","Birth Date":"Дата рождения","Black":"Черный","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: модификация Lanczos, меньше артефактов звона","Blue":"Синий","Brown":"Коричневый","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Просматривайте и редактируйте метки классификации изображений.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Просматривайте проиндексированные файлы и папки в Библиотеке.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Просмотрите базу знаний для получения подробной информации о конкретных функциях продукта, услугах и связанных с ними ресурсах.","Bug Report":"Отчет об ошибке","Busy, please wait…":"Занят, пожалуйста, подождите…","Calendar":"Календарь","Camera":"Камера","Camera Serial":"Камера","Can't load more, limit reached":"Не могу загрузить больше, достигнут лимит","Can't select more items":"Нельзя выбрать больше элементов","Cancel":"Отменить","Cards":"Карточки","Category":"Категория","Change Avatar":"Изменить аватар","Change Password":"Изменить пароль","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Изменение личного профиля и настроек безопасности.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Изменяйте названия фотографий, местоположения и другие метаданные.","Change private flag":"Изменить флаг приватности","Changes successfully saved":"Изменения успешно сохранены","Checked":"Проверено","Chroma":"Цветовая гамма","Close":"Закрыть","Codec":"Кодек","Color":"Цвет","Color Profile":"Цветовой профиль","Colors":"Цвета","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Распространенные проблемы могут быть быстро диагностированы и решены с помощью предоставляемых нами контрольных списков устранения неполадок.","Complete Rescan":"Полный рескан","Confidence":"Уверенность","Connect":"Соединен","Connect via WebDAV":"Соединиться через WebDAV","Connected":"Подключено","Contact Details":"Контактная информация","Contact Us":"Свяжитесь с нами","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Содержит %{n} фотографий.","Contains one picture.":"Содержит одну фотографию.","Convert to JPEG":"Конвертировать RAW в JPEG","Converting":"Конвертация","Copied to clipboard":"Скопировано в буфер обмена","Copyright":"Копирайт","Couldn't find anything.":"Ничего не найдено.","Country":"Страна","Create album":"Создать альбом","Created":"Создано","Creating thumbnails for":"Сформировать предпросмотр","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Кубический: умеренное качество, хорошая производительность","Current Password":"Текущий пароль","Customer Support":"Поддержка клиента","Cyan":"Сине-зеленый","Cyano":"Сине-зеленый","Daily":"Ежедневно","Day":"День","Debug Logs":"Отладочные Логи","Default":"По умолчанию","Default Folder":"Папка по умолчанию","Delete":"Удалить","Description":"Описание","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Подробные инструкции можно найти в нашем руководстве пользователя.","Details":"Подробно","Dimensions":"Размеры","Disable Backups":"Отключить резервное копирование","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Отключить встроенный WebDAV сервер. Требуется перезагрузка.","Disable Darktable":"Отключить Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Отключить ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Отключить FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Отключить Места","Disable RawTherapee":"Отключить RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Отключить TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Отключить WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Отключает обратное геокодирование и карты.","Discover":"Исследование","Display Name":"Отображаемое имя","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Не создавать резервные копии метаданных фото и альбомов в YAML-файлы.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Не создавать JSON-файлы ExifTool для улучшенного извлечения метаданных.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Не изменять папку с оригиналами. Отключает импорт, загрузку и удаление.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Не перекодировать видео с помощью FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Не использовать Darktable для конвертирования RAW-файлов.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Не использовать RawTherapee для конвертирования RAW-файлов.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Не использовать TensorFlow для классификации изображений.","Donations":"Пожертвования","Done":"Готово","Done.":"Готово.","Download":"Скачать","Download remote files":"Скачать удалённые файлы","Download single files and zip archives.":"Скачать отдельные файлы и zip-архивы.","Downloading…":"Загрузка…","Downscaling Filter":"Алгоритм создания превью","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Из-за большого количества электронных писем, которые мы получаем, наша команда, возможно, не сможет немедленно связаться с вами.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Дубликаты будут пропущены и появятся только один раз.","Duration":"Продолжительность","Dynamic Previews":"Динамические превью","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Рендеринг по требованию требует мощного процессора и не рекомендуется для небольших домашних серверов или устройств NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Недостигнутое ограничение размера: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-Mail","Edit":"Редактировать","Edit %{name}":"Редактировать %{name}","Edit Account":"Редактировать аккаунт","Edit Photo":"Редактировать фотографию","Edited":"Отредактировано","Electra":"Electra","Email":"Электронная почта","Enable new features currently under development.":"Включить новые функции, которые в настоящее время разрабатываются.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Включает предустановки конвертера RAW. Может снизить производительность.","Errors":"Ошибки","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Оценить примерное местоположение фотографий без координат.","Estimates":"Примерное местоположение","Every two days":"Каждые два дня","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Исключить содержимое, отмеченное приватным, из результатов поиска, общих альбомов, меток и мест.","Exclude hidden":"Исключить скрытые","Expand":"Развернуть","Expand Search":"Развернуть поиск","Experimental Features":"Экспериментальные возможности","Expires":"Ожидаемое время","Exposure":"Экспозиция","F Number":"Диафрагменное число","Face":"Лицо","Faces":"Лица","Failed copying to clipboard":"Не удалось скопировать в буфер обмена","Failed removing link":"Не удалось удалить ссылку","Failed updating link":"Не удалось загрузить ссылку","Family Name":"Фамилия","Fast":"Быстро","Favorite":"В избранном","Favorites":"Избранное","Feature Request":"Запрос функции","Feed":"Лента","Feedback":"Обратная связь","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по адресу hello@photoprism.app, если у вас есть вопросы или вам нужна помощь.","Female":"Женский","File":"Файлы","File Browser":"Файловый менеджер","File Name":"Имя файла","File Size":"Размер файла","Filename":"Название файла","Files":"Файлы","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Файлы с последовательными именами типа 'IMG_1234 (2)' и 'IMG_1234 (3)' принадлежат одной картинке.","Focal Length":"Фокусное расстояние","Folder":"Папка","Folder contains %{n} files":"Папка содержит %{n} файлов","Folder is empty":"Папка пуста","Folders":"Папки","Forgot password?":"Забыли пароль?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"ფრეიმი","Fullscreen":"Полный экран","Gemstone":"Драгоценный камень","Gender":"Пол","General":"Основные","Getting Support":"Получение помощи","Given 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имена.","Importing %{name}…":"Импорт %{имя}…","Importing files to originals…":"Импорт файлов в оригиналы…","in":"в","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Кроме того, спонсоры получают прямую техническую поддержку по электронной почте.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Если ожидаемые вами фотографии отсутствуют, пожалуйста, повторно просканируйте библиотеку и дождитесь окончания индексации.","Index":"Индексировать","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Индексирование и импортирование файлов через пользовательский интерфейс.","Indexing":"Индексирование","Indexing failed":"Индексирование не удалось","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Индексирование мультимедийных и сопутствующих файлов…","Instance ID":"Идентификатор узла","Interval":"Интервал","Invalid":"Недопустимое значение","Invalid date":"Неверная дата","Invalid parameters":"Недопустимые параметры","Invalid photo selected":"Выбрана недопустимая фотография","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Оно использует новейшие технологии для автоматической разметки и поиска изображений, не вставая у вас на пути.","Item":"Элемент","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Качество JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Ограничение по размеру в формате JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG и эскизы автоматически отображаются по мере необходимости.","Keywords":"Ключевые слова","Knowledge Base":"База знаний","Label":"Метка","Labels":"Метки","Labels deleted":"Метки удалены","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: сохранение деталей, минимальные артефакты","Language":"Язык","Last Sync":"Последняя синхронизация","Latitude":"Широта","Lavender":"Лаванда","Learn more":"Узнать больше","Legal Information":"Юридическая 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настроены.","No thanks":"Нет, спасибо","No video selected":"Wideo saýlanylmady","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Нет предупреждений или ошибок содержащих эти слова. Имейте в виду, что поиск регистрозависимый.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Файлы, не являющиеся фотографиями, или изображения низкого качества нужно одобрить, чтобы они появились в результатах поиска.","None":"Ничего","Not Found":"Ничего не найдено","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Обратите внимание, что вы можете вручную управлять папкой оригиналов, а импорт необязателен.","Note:":"Примечание:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Примечание: Только серверы WebDAV, такие как Nextcloud или PhotoPrism, могут быть настроены как удаленная служба для резервного копирования и загрузки файлов.","Notes":"Заметки","Nothing to see here yet.":"Здесь пока не на что смотреть.","Offline":"Не в сети","Oldest First":"Сначала старые","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"В Windows введите следующий ресурс в диалоговом окне подключения:","Once a week":"Раз в неделю","One album found":"Найден один альбом","One file found":"Найден один файл","One file uploaded":"Загружен один файл","One folder found":"Найдена одна папка","One label found":"Найдена одна метка","One person found":"Найден один человек","One picture found":"Найдена одна фотография","Onyx":"Оникс","Options":"Настройки","or ask in our Community Chat":"или задайте вопрос в нашем чате сообщества","Orange":"Оранжевый","Organization":"Организация","Orientation":"Ориентация","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Оригинальные имена файлов будут сохранены и проиндексированы.","Original Name":"Оригинальное Название","Originals":"Оригиналы","Other":"Другой","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"В нашем руководстве пользователя также рассматриваются многие дополнительные темы, такие как миграция из Google Фото и настройки качества миниатюр.","Outdoor":"Активности на открытом воздухе","Panorama":"Панорама","Panoramas":"Панорамы","Password":"Пароль","Password changed":"Пароль изменен","People":"Люди","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Люди, с которыми вы поделились ссылкой, будут иметь возможность просматривать публичный контент.","Permanently deleted":"Удалено насовсем","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Удаление файлов насовсем для освобождения дискового пространства.","Phone":"Телефон","Photo":"Фотография","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism был обновлен…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® - это фотоприложение на базе искусственного интеллекта для децентрализованной сети.","Photos":"Фотографии","Pink":"Розовый","Place":"Место","Place & Time":"Место и время","Places":"Места","Please confirm your new password.":"Пожалуйста, подтвердите ваш новый пароль.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Пожалуйста, не загружайте фотографии, содержащие недопустимый контент.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Обратите внимание, что изменение пароля приведет к выходу из системы на других устройствах и в браузерах.","Portrait":"Портрет","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"опубликуйте свой вопрос в GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Сохранять имена файлов","Press button to start importing…":"Нажмите кнопку, чтобы начать импорт…","Press button to start indexing…":"Нажмите кнопку для начала индексации…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Нажмите enter, чтобы создать новый альбом.","Preview":"Предпросмотр","Primary":"Главная","Private":"Приватные","Product Feedback":"Обратная связь по продукту","Projection":"Проекция","Purple":"Фиолетовый","Quality Filter":"Фильтр Качества","Quality Score":"Показатель Качества","Random":"Случайно","Raspberry":"Малиновый","Raw":"Исходный","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Конвертация RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Повторное индексирование всех оригиналов, включая уже проиндексированные и неизмененные файлы.","Read the Docs":"Документация","Read-Only Mode":"Режим только для чтения","Recently Added":"Недавно добавленные","Recently Edited":"Недавно отредактированные","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Распознавание начинается после завершения индексации.","Recognized":"Распознано","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Распознает лица, чтобы можно было найти конкретных людей.","Red":"Красный","Reload":"Перезагрузить","Reloading…":"Перезагрузка…","Remote Sync":"Удаленная синхронизация","Remove":"Удалить","remove failed: unknown album":"не могу удалить: неизвестный альбом","Remove from album":"Удалить из альбома","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Удалять импортированные файлы для освобождения места. 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Requires a restart.":"Показывает более подробные сообщения журнала. Требуется перезапуск.","Sidecar":"Сопутствующий файл","Sign in":"Войти","Sign Up":"Зарегистрироваться","Similar":"Похожие","Size":"Размер","Slow":"Медленно","Sort Order":"Порядок сортировки","Source":"Источник","Stack":"Серия","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Объединять в серию файлы с одним и тем же уникальным изображением или идентификатором экземпляра.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Объединять в серию снимки, сделанные в одно и то же время и в одном и том же месте, на основе их метаданных.","Stackable":"Возможно объединение в серию","Stacks":"Серии","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Объединяет в серию файлы со схожими рамками отсчета, но различиями в качестве, формате, размере или цвете.","Start":"Начать","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Начать/Остановить слайд-шоу","States":"Государства","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Предельный размер: %{n}px","Status":"Статус","Storage":"Хранилище","Streets":"Улицы","Subject":"Тема","Successfully Connected":"Успешно подключен","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Поддержка дополнительных служб, таких как Google Drive, будет добавлена позже.","Sync":"Синхронизация","Sync raw and video files":"Синхронизация сырых и видео файлов","Taken":"Дата съемки","Teal":"Бирюзовый","Text too long":"Текст слишком длинный","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Индекс на данный момент содержит %{n} скрытых файлов.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Их формат может быть не поддерживаемым, они не были конвертированы в JPEG или это дубликаты.","Theme":"Тема","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Папка с оригиналами монтируется как сетевой диск и можно открывать, редактировать и удалять файлы\n с вашего компьютера или смартфона, как если бы они находились на вашем устройстве.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"При этом папка с оригиналами подключается как сетевой диск и позволяет вам открывать, редактировать и удалять файлы с вашего компьютера или смартфона, как если бы они находились на вашем устройстве.","Thumbnail Generation":"Генерация изображений предпросмотра","Time UTC":"Время UTC","Time Zone":"Часовой пояс","Timeout":"Пауза","Title":"Название","Title / Position":"Название / должность","Title too long":"Название слишком длинное","Toggle View":"Переключить вид","Token":"Токен","Topographic":"Топографический","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Контрольные списки по устранению неисправностей","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Попробуйте еще раз используя другие фильтры или слова в запросе.","Type":"Тип","Undo":"Отменить","Unique ID":"Уникальный ID","Unknown":"Неизвестно","Unregistered":"Незарегистрированный","Unsorted":"Не отсортировано","Unstack":"Убрать из серии","Updated":"Обновлено","Updating faces":"Обновление лиц","Updating index":"Обновление индекса","Updating moments":"Обновление моментов","Updating picture…":"Обновление изображения…","Updating previews":"Обновление предварительных просмотров","Updating stacks":"Обновление серий","Upload":"Загрузка","Upload complete":"Загрузка завершена","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Загрузка завершена. Индексирование…","Upload failed":"Загрузка не удалась","Upload local files":"Загрузка локальных файлов","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Загружайте WebDAV и делитесь ссылками с друзьями.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Загрузка %{n} из %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Загрузка фотографий…","Uploading…":"Загрузка…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Загрузки, которые могут содержать такие изображение будут автоматически отменены.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Использовать предустановки","User":"Пользователь","User Guide":"Руководство пользователя","User Interface":"Пользовательский интерфейс","Username":"Имя пользователя","Vanta":"Ванта","Verified":"Проверенный","Video":"Видео","Video Duration":"Продолжительность видео","Videos":"Видео","View":"Обзор","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Посетите docs.photoprism.app/user-guide, чтобы узнать, как синхронизировать, упорядочивать свои фотографии и делиться ими.","Visual Similarity":"Визуальное сходство","We appreciate your feedback!":"Мы признательны за ваш отзыв!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Мы делаем все возможное, чтобы ответить в течение пяти рабочих дней или меньше.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы ответить на все ваши вопросы. В свою очередь, мы просим вас поддержать нас на Patreon или GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV клиенты могут подключаться к PhotoPrism используя следующий URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Клиенты WebDAV, такие как Проводник Microsoft Windows или Apple Finder, могут подключаться непосредственно к\n PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV загрузка","Website":"Сайт","White":"Белый","Work Details":"Детали работы","Year":"Год","Yellow":"Желтый","Yellowstone":"Йеллоустоун","Yes":"Да","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"приглашаем вас присоединиться к нам на Reddit","You can only download one album":"Вы можете загрузить только один альбом","You can only download one label":"Вы можете загрузить только одну метку","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Вы можете запустить его дома, на частном сервере или в облаке.","You may only select one item":"Вы можете выбрать только один элемент","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Вы можете повторно просканировать свою библиотеку, чтобы найти дополнительные лица.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Ваша постоянная поддержка помогает нам предоставлять регулярные обновления и оставаться независимыми, чтобы мы могли выполнять нашу миссию и защищать вашу частную жизнь.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Ваша библиотека постоянно анализируется для автоматического создания альбомов особых моментов, поездок и мест.","Zoom in/out":"Увеличение/уменьшение масштаба"},"sk":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} nájdených albumov","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} odovzdaných súborov","%{n} folders found":"%{n} nájdených zložiek","%{n} labels found":"%{n} nájdených štítkov","%{n} people found":"%{n} nájdených ľudí","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} nájdených obrázkov","1 hour":"1 hodina","12 hours":"12 hodín","4 hours":"4 hodiny","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Kliknutím skopírujete obsah.","About":"O nás","Abyss":"Priepasť","Account":"Účet","Accuracy":"Presnosť","Action":"Akcia","Actions":"Akcie","Add Account":"Pridať účet","Add Album":"Pridať Album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Pridať súbory do vašej knižnice pomocou Web Upload.","Add Link":"Pridať odkaz","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Pridanie fotiek z výsledkov vyhľadávania ich výberom.","Add to album":"Pridať do albumu","Added":"Pridané","Advanced":"Pokročilé","After 1 day":"Po 1 dni","After 3 days":"Po 3 dňoch","After 7 days":"Po 7 dňoch","After one month":"Po jednom mesiaci","After one year":"Po jednom roku","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Po výbere obrázkov z výsledkov vyhľadávania ich môžete pridať do albumu pomocou kontextovej ponuky.","After two months":"Po dvoch mesiacoch","After two weeks":"Po dvoch týždňoch","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Meno Albumu","Albums":"Albumy","Albums deleted":"Albumy odstránené","All %{n} albums loaded":"Všetkých %{n} albumov bolo načítaných","All %{n} labels loaded":"Všetkých %{n} štítkov načítaných","All %{n} people loaded":"Všetkých %{n} ľudí načítaných","All Cameras":"Všetky kamery","All Categories":"Všetky kategórie","All Colors":"Všetky farby","All Countries":"Všetky štáty","All fields are required":"Všetky políčka sú vyžadované","All files from import folder":"Všetky súbory zo zložky importu","All Lenses":"Všetky Objektívy","All Months":"Všetky Mesiace","All originals":"Všetky originály","All Years":"Všetky Roky","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Prípadne, môžete odovzdať súbory priamo na WebDAV servery ako napríklad Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Nadmorská výška","Altitude (m)":"Nadmorská výška (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Nastala chyba - ste offline?","Animated":"Animované","Animation":"Animácie","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Všetky súkromné fotky a videá zostanú súkromné a nemôžu byť zdieľané.","API Key":"API Kľúč","Apply":"Použiť","Approve":"Schváliť","Archive":"Archivovať","Archived":"Archivované","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Ste si istý, že chcete archivovať výber?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Ste si istý, že chcete vymazať tieto albumy?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Ste si istý, že chcete vymazať tieto štítky?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Ste si istý, že chcete vymazať tento účet?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Ste si istý, že chcete tieto obrázky natrvalo odstrániť?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Ste si istý že chcete permanentne vymazať tento súbor?","Are you sure?":"Ste si istý?","Artist":"Umelec","Aspect Ratio":"Pomer Strán","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Automaticky vytvoriť JPEG formát z ostatných formátov čiže môžu byť zobrazené v prehliadači.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Automaticky vytvára albumy špeciálnych momentov, výletov a miest.","Basic":"Základný","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Pred odoslaním žiadosti o podporu použite naše kontrolné zoznamy na riešenie problémov, aby ste zistili príčinu svojho problému.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Keďže sme financovaní 100% selfmi a sme nezávislí, môžeme vám sľúbiť, že vaše údaje nikdy nepredáme a že náš softvér a služby budú vždy transparentné.","Bio":"Bio","Birth Date":"Datum narodenia","Black":"Čierna","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczosova úprava, menej zvonivých artefaktov","Blue":"Modrá","Brown":"Hnedá","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Prehliadať a upravovať triediace štítky fotiek.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Prehliadať indexované súbory a zložky v Knižnici.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Podrobné informácie o konkrétnych funkciách produktu, službách a súvisiacich zdrojoch nájdete v databáze znalostí.","Bug Report":"Nahlásiť chybu","Busy, please wait…":"Som zaneprázdnený, prosím čakajte…","Calendar":"Kalendár","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Séria Kamery","Can't load more, limit reached":"Nemožno načítať viac, limit dosiahnutý","Can't select more items":"Nemožno označiť viac položiek","Cancel":"Zrušiť","Cards":"Karty","Category":"Kategória","Change Avatar":"Zmeniť profilovú fotku","Change Password":"Zmeniť heslo","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Zmena osobného profilu a nastavení zabezpečenia.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Zmeniť názvy fotiek, polohy a ostatné metadata.","Change private flag":"Zmeniť privátne označenie","Changes successfully saved":"Zmeny boli úspešne uložené","Checked":"Označené","Chroma":"Sýtosť","Close":"Zatvoriť","Codec":"Kodek","Color":"Farba","Color Profile":"Farebný profil","Colors":"Farby","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Bežné problémy možno rýchlo diagnostikovať a vyriešiť pomocou kontrolných zoznamov na riešenie problémov, ktoré poskytujeme.","Complete Rescan":"Kompletné preskenovanie","Confidence":"Zhoda","Connect":"Pripojiť","Connect via WebDAV":"Pripojiť pomocou WebDav","Connected":"Pripojené","Contact Details":"Kontaktné údaje","Contact Us":"Kontaktujte nás","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Obsahuje %{n} obrázkov.","Contains one picture.":"Obsahuje jeden obrázok.","Convert to JPEG":"Prekonvertovať do JPEG","Converting":"Konvertuje sa","Copied to clipboard":"Skopírované do schránky","Copyright":"Autorské práva","Couldn't find anything.":"Nič nenájdené.","Country":"Štát","Create album":"Vytvoriť album","Created":"Vytvorené","Creating thumbnails for":"Vytváranie náhľadov pre","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubický: Stredná kvalita, dobrý výkon","Current Password":"Súčasné heslo","Customer Support":"Zákaznícka podpora","Cyan":"Tyrkysová","Cyano":"Modravá","Daily":"Denne","Day":"Deň","Debug Logs":"Denníky ladenia","Default":"Predvolená","Default Folder":"Pôvodná zložka","Delete":"Vymazať","Description":"Popis","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Detailný postup môžete nájsť v našej Užívateľskej Príručke.","Details":"Detaily","Dimensions":"Rozmery","Disable Backups":"Posledná Záloha","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Zakázať vstavaný server WebDAV. Vyžaduje reštart.","Disable Darktable":"Zakázať Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Zakázať ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Zakázanie aplikácie FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Zakázať miesta","Disable RawTherapee":"Zakázať RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Zakázať TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Zakázať WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Zakáže reverzné geokódovanie a mapy.","Discover":"Objaviť","Display Name":"Zobraziť meno","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Nezálohovať metadáta fotografií a albumov do súborov YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Nevytvárať súbory ExifTool JSON pre vylepšenú extrakciu metadát.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Neupravovať priečinok s originálmi. Zakáže import, nahrávanie a mazanie.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Netranskódvať videá pomocou programu FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Nepoužívať Darktable pre konvertovanie RAW súborov.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Nepoužívať RawTherapee na konverziu súborov RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Nepoužívať TensorFlow pre triedenie fotografií","Donations":"Príspevky","Done":"Hotovo","Done.":"Hotovo.","Download":"Stiahnuť","Download remote files":"Stiahnuť vzdialené súbory","Download single files and zip archives.":"Stiahnuť samostatné súbory a zip archívy.","Downloading…":"Sťahovanie…","Downscaling Filter":"Filter znižovania kvality","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Vzhľadom na vysoký počet prijatých e-mailov sa môže stať, že vám náš tím nebude môcť okamžite odpovedať.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Duplikáty budú preskočené a zobrazia sa len raz.","Duration":"Trvanie","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamické Ukážky","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dynamické vykresľovanie vyžaduje výkonný server. Neodporúčame používať na NAS zariadeniach.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limit dynamickej pamäte: %{n} px","E-Mail":"E-Mail","Edit":"Upraviť","Edit %{name}":"Upraviť %{name}","Edit Account":"Upraviť učet","Edit Photo":"Upraviť Fotku","Edited":"Upravené","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-mail","Enable new features currently under development.":"Povoliť nové funkcie, ktoré sú momentálne vo vývoji.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Povolí predvoľby konvertora RAW. Môže znížiť výkon.","Errors":"Chyby","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Odhadnúť približnú polohu fotiek bez súradníc.","Estimates":"Odhady","Every two days":"Každé dva dni","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Vylúčiť obsah označený ako súkromný z výsledkov vyhľadávania, zdieľaných albumov, štítkov a miest.","Exclude hidden":"Vylúčiť skryté","Expand":"Rozbaliť","Expand Search":"Rozšírené Hľadanie","Experimental Features":"Experimentálne funkcie","Expires":"Vyprší","Exposure":"Expozícia","F Number":"F Číslo","Face":"Tvár","Faces":"Tváre","Failed copying to clipboard":"Zlyhalo kopírovanie do schránky","Failed removing link":"Zlyhalo odstraňovanie odkazu","Failed updating link":"Zlyhalo aktualizovanie odkazu","Family Name":"Rodinné meno","Fast":"Rýchle","Favorite":"Obľúbený","Favorites":"Obľúbené","Feature Request":"Požiadať o funkciu","Feed":"Kanál","Feedback":"Spätná väzba","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Ak máte otázky alebo potrebujete pomoc, kontaktujte nás na adrese hello@photoprism.app.","Female":"Žena","File":"Súbor","File Browser":"Prehliadač Súborov","File Name":"Názov súboru","File Size":"Veľkosť súboru","Filename":"Názov súboru","Files":"Súbory","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Súbory s postupnými menami ako napríklad 'IMG_1234 (2)' alebo 'IMG_1234 copy 2' pripadá rovnakej fotke.","Focal Length":"Ohnisková Vzdialenosť","Folder":"Zložka","Folder contains %{n} files":"Zložka obsahuje %{n} súborov","Folder is empty":"Zložka je prázdna","Folders":"Zložky","Forgot password?":"Zabudnuté heslo?","FPS":":abbr:`FPS (Frame Per Second - snímok za sekundu)`","Frames":"Frames","Fullscreen":"Plná obrazovka","Gemstone":"Drahokam","Gender":"Pohlavie","General":"Hlavné","Getting Support":"Získanie podpory","Given Name":"Dané meno","Gold":"Zlatá","Grayscale":"Stupne sivej","Green":"Zelená","Grey":"Sivá","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Pomoc","Help & Support":"Pomoc a podpora","Hidden":"Skryté","Hidden Files":"Skryté súbory","Hide":"Skryť","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Skryť fotky, ktoré boli presunuté do archívu.","High":"Vysoké","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Vysoký dynamický rozsah (HDR)","How can we help?":"Ako môžeme pomôcť?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Ak vám to nepomôže alebo máte ďalšie otázky:","image":"obrázok","Image":"Obrázok","Images":"Obrázky","Import":"Importovať","Import failed":"Importovanie zlyhalo","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Importované súbory budú zoradené podľa dátumu a dostanú unikátny názov aby sa predišlo duplikátom.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Importované súbory budú zoradené podľa dátumu a dostanú unikátny názov.","Importing %{name}…":"Importuje sa %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importujú sa súbory do originálov…","in":"v","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Okrem toho sponzori dostávajú priamu technickú podporu prostredníctvom e-mailu.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"V prípade, že niektoré fotky chýbajú, znova preskenujte svoju knižnicu a počkajte, kým sa indexovanie neukončí.","Index":"Index","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Indexujte a importujte súbory prostredníctvom používateľského rozhrania.","Indexing":"Indexovanie","Indexing failed":"Indexovanie zlyhalo","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexovanie médií a pripojených súborov…","Instance ID":"ID Inštancie","Interval":"Interval","Invalid":"Neplatné","Invalid date":"Neplatný dátum","Invalid parameters":"Neplatné parametre","Invalid photo selected":"Vybraná neplatná fotografia","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Využíva najnovšie technológie na automatické označovanie a vyhľadávanie obrázkov bez toho, aby vám prekážali.","Item":"Položka","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Kvalita JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Limit veľkosti JPEG: %{n} px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG a náhľady sú automaticky vykreslené podľa potreby.","Keywords":"Kľúčové slová","Knowledge Base":"Báza znalostí","Label":"Štítok","Labels":"Štítky","Labels deleted":"Štítky odstránené","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Zachovanie detailov, minimálne artefakty","Language":"Jazyk","Last Sync":"Posledná synchronizácia","Latitude":"Šírka","Lavender":"Levanduľa","Learn more":"Viac","Legal Information":"Právne informácie","Lens":"Objektív","Library":"Knižnica","License":"Licencia","Like":"Páči sa mi to","Lime":"Limetka","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Limit bol dosiahnutý, zobrazovanie prvých %{n} súborov","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Lineárne: Veľmi hladké, Najlepší výkon","Link":"Odkaz","List":"List","Live":"Živé","Live Photos":"Živé fotografie","Local Time":"Lokálny čas","location":"poloha","Location":"Poloha","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Správy denníka sa tu zobrazia vždy, keď program PhotoPrism narazí na poškodené súbory alebo sa vyskytnú iné potenciálne problémy.","Login":"Prihlásiť sa","Logout":"Odhlásiť sa","Logs":"Záznamy","Longitude":"Dĺžka","Low":"Nízka","Magenta":"Purpurová","Main Color":"Hlavná Farba","Male":"Muž","manual":"manuálne","Manual Upload":"Manuálne odovzdanie","Maps":"Mapy","Marker":"Značka","Medium":"Normálne","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Zlúčiť %{a} s %{b}?","Message sent":"Správa odoslaná","Minimize":"Minimalizovať","Missing":"Chýba","Moments":"Momenty","Monochrome":"Monochromatický","Month":"Mesiac","Moonlight":"Mesačný svit","More than %{n} pictures found":"Našlo sa viac ako %{n} obrázkov","More than 20 albums found":"Našlo sa viac ako 20 albumov","More than 20 labels found":"Našlo sa viac ako 20 štítkov","More than 20 people found":"Našlo sa viac ako 20 ľudí","Mosaic":"Mozaika","Most Relevant":"Najrelevantnejšie","Move Files":"Presunúť Súbory","Name":"Meno","Name too long":"Meno je príliš dlhé","Never":"Nikdy","New":"Nový","New Password":"Nové heslo","Newest First":"Najnovšie prvé","No":"Nie","No albums found":"Nenašli sa žiadne albumy","No labels found":"Nenašli sa žiadne štítky","No people found":"Neboli nájdení žiadny ľudia","No pictures found":"Nenašli sa žiadne fotky","No recently edited pictures":"Žiadne nedávno upravené fotky","No servers configured.":"Žiadne nakonfigurované servery.","No services configured.":"Nie sú nakonfigurované žiadne služby.","No thanks":"Nie, ďakujem","No video selected":"Nie je vybrané žiadne video","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Nenašli sa žiadne upozornenia ani chyby ktoré by obsahovali toto kľúčové slovo. Majte na vedomí, že vyhľadávanie je citlivé na veľké a malé písmená.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Nefotografické a fotografie nízkej kvality vyžadujú skontrolovanie pred tým než sa zobrazia vo výsledkoch vyhľadávania.","None":"Žiadne","Not Found":"Nebolo Nájdené","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Upozorňujeme, že priečinok s originálmi by ste mali spravovať ručne a import je voliteľný.","Note:":"Poznámka:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Poznámka: Iba WebDAV servery, ako napríklad Nextcloud alebo PhotoPrism, môžu byť nakonfigurované ako vzdialené služby pre zálohu a odovzdávanie súborov.","Notes":"Poznámky","Nothing to see here yet.":"Zatiaľ tu nič nie je. Buďte trpezlivý.","Offline":"Offline","Oldest First":"Najstaršie prvé","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"V systéme Windows zadajte do dialógového okna pripojenia nasledujúci zdroj:","Once a week":"Raz za týždeň","One album found":"Našiel sa jeden album","One file found":"Našiel sa jeden súbor","One file uploaded":"Jeden nahraný súbor","One folder found":"Našla sa jedna zložka","One label found":"Našiel sa jeden štítok","One person found":"Našla sa jedna osoba","One picture found":"Našla sa jedna fotka","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Nastavenia","or ask in our Community Chat":"alebo sa opýtajte v našom komunitnom chate","Orange":"Oranžová","Organization":"Názov organizácie","Orientation":"Orientácie","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Pôvodné názvy súborov budú uložené a zaindexované.","Original Name":"Pôvodný názov","Originals":"Pôvodné","Other":"Ostatné","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Naša používateľská príručka sa zaoberá aj mnohými pokročilými témami, ako je napríklad migrácia z aplikácie Fotky Google a nastavenia kvality miniatúr.","Outdoor":"Vonkajšie","Panorama":"Panoráma","Panoramas":"Panorámy","Password":"Heslo","Password changed":"Heslo bolo zmenené","People":"Ľudia","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Ľudia s ktorými zdieľate odkaz, budú vidieť verejný obsah.","Permanently deleted":"Trvalo odstránené","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Trvalo odstráňte súbory aby ste uvoľnili miesto.","Phone":"Telefón","Photo":"Fotka","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism bol aktualizovaný…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® je aplikácia pre decentralizovaný web, ktorá využíva umelú inteligenciu.","Photos":"Fotky","Pink":"Ružová","Place":"Miesto","Place & Time":"Miesto a čas","Places":"Miesta","Please confirm your new password.":"Prosím, potvrďte vaše nové heslo.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Prosím, neodovzdávajte fotky obsahujúce hanobný obsah.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Upozorňujeme, že zmena hesla vás odhlási z iných zariadení a prehliadačov.","Portrait":"Portrét","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"napíšte svoju otázku do Diskusie na GitHube","Preserve filenames":"Ponechať názvy súborov","Press button to start importing…":"Kliknite pre začatie importovania…","Press button to start indexing…":"Kliknite pre začatie indexovania…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Stlačte enter pre vytvorenie nového albumu.","Preview":"Ukážka","Primary":"Primárne","Private":"Súkromné","Product Feedback":"Spätná väzba produktu","Projection":"Projekcia","Purple":"Fialová","Quality Filter":"Filter kvality","Quality Score":"Skóre Kvality","Random":"Náhodne","Raspberry":"Malina","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Konverzia súborov RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Re-indexujte všetky originály, aj tie ktoré už sú zaindexované a nezmenené súbory.","Read the Docs":"Prečítajte si dokumenty","Read-Only Mode":"Režim iba na čítanie","Recently Added":"Novinky","Recently Edited":"Nedávno upravené","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Rozpoznávanie sa začne po dokončení indexovania.","Recognized":"Rozpoznané","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Rozpoznáva tváre, aby bolo možné nájsť konkrétne osoby.","Red":"Červená","Reload":"Znovu načítať","Reloading…":"Znovu načítavanie…","Remote Sync":"Vzdialená Synchronizácia","Remove":"Odstrániť","remove failed: unknown album":"odstránenie zlyhalo: neznámy album","Remove from album":"Odstrániť z albumu","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Odstráňte importované súbory pre uvoľnenie miesta. Nepodporované typy súborov nebudú nikdy odstránené. Zostanú na ich momentálnom mieste.","Request failed - invalid response":"Požiadavka zlyhala - neplatná odozva","Required":"Požadované","Resolution":"Rozlíšenie","Restore":"Obnoviť","Retry Limit":"Limit opakovania","Retype Password":"Heslo znovu","Review":"Kontrola","Satellite":"Satelitná","Save":"Uložiť","Scan":"Sken","Scans":"Skeny","Search":"Vyhľadávanie","Search and display photos on a map.":"Nájsť a zobraziť fotky na mape.","Season":"Sezóna","Secret":"Tajomstvo","Security and Access":"Bezpečnosť a prístup","Select":"Vybrať","Select albums or create a new one":"Označte albumy alebo vytvorte nové","Selection approved":"Označenie schválené","Selection archived":"Označenie archivované","Selection restored":"Označenie obnovené","Send":"Odoslať","Sequential Name":"Poradové meno","Service URL":"URL Služby","Services":"Služby","Settings":"Nastavenia","Settings saved":"Nastavenia uložené","Setup":"Prvotné nastavenie","Shadow":"Tieň","Share":"Zdieľať","Share %{name}":"Zdieľať %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Zdieľajte svoje obrázky s inými aplikáciami a službami.","Show":"Zobraziť","Show all new faces":"Zobraziť všetky nové tváre","Show hidden":"Zobraziť skryté","Show less":"Zobraziť menej","Show more":"Zobraziť viac","Show server logs in Library.":"Zobraziť serverové záznamy v knižnici.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Zobrazí podrobnejšie správy denníka. Vyžaduje reštart.","Sidecar":"Pripojený súbor (sidecar)","Sign in":"Prihlásiť sa","Sign Up":"Registrovať sa","Similar":"Podobné","Size":"Veľkosť","Slow":"Pomalé","Sort Order":"Zoradiť Poradie","Source":"Zdroj","Stack":"Naskladané fotky","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Naskladané súbory zdieľajúce rovnaký jedinečný obrázok alebo identifikátor inštancie.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Naskladané fotky nasnímané v rovnakom čase a na rovnakom mieste na základe ich metadát.","Stackable":"Naskladateľné","Stacks":"Naskladané","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Naskladá skupinové súbory s podobným referenčným rámcom, ale s rozdielmi v kvalite, formáte, veľkosti alebo farbe.","Start":"Štart","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Spustiť/Zastaviť Prezentáciu","States":"Štáty","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statický limit veľkosti: %{n} px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Úložisko","Streets":"Ulice","Subject":"Predmet","Successfully Connected":"Úspešne pripojené","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Podpora pre dodatočné služby, ako napríklad Google Drive, budú pridané neskôr.","Sync":"Synchronizácia","Sync raw and video files":"Synchronizovať súbory raw a videá","Taken":"Zachytené","Teal":"Modrozelený","Text too long":"Text je moc dlhý","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Index momentálne obsahuje %{n} skrytých súborov.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Ich formát nemusí byť podporovaný, zatiaľ neboli prekonvertované na JPEG alebo sú medzi nimi duplikáty.","Theme":"Téma","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Toto pripojí zložku originálov ako sieťový disk a umožní vám otvoriť, upraviť a zmazať súbory z vášho počítača alebo smartphonu ako keby boli uložené lokálne.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Toto pripojí zložku originálov ako sieťový disk a umožní vám otvoriť, upraviť a zmazať súbory z vášho počítača alebo smartphonu ako keby boli uložené lokálne.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generovanie miniatúr","Time UTC":"Čas UTC","Time Zone":"Časová Zóna","Timeout":"Časový limit","Title":"Titulok","Title / Position":"Titul / pozícia","Title too long":"Titulok je moc dlhý","Toggle View":"Nastaviť Pohľad","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografický","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Kontrolné zoznamy na riešenie problémov","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Skúste znova použitím iných filtrov a kľúčových slov.","Type":"Typ","Undo":"Späť","Unique ID":"Unikátne ID","Unknown":"Neznámy","Unregistered":"Neregistrovaný","Unsorted":"Nezoradené","Unstack":"Rozdeliť naskladané","Updated":"Aktualizované","Updating faces":"Aktualizujú sa tváre","Updating index":"Aktualizuje sa index","Updating moments":"Aktualizujú sa momenty","Updating picture…":"Aktualizácia obrázku..","Updating previews":"Aktualizujú sa náhľady","Updating stacks":"Aktualizujú sa naskladané fotky","Upload":"Odovzdať","Upload complete":"Odovzdávanie hotové","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Odovzdávanie hotové. Indexuje sa…","Upload failed":"Odovzdávanie zlyhalo","Upload local files":"Odovzdať lokálne súbory","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Odovzdať do WebDAV a zdieľať odkazy s priateľmi.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Odovzdáva sa %{n} z %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Odovzdávanie fotiek…","Uploading…":"Nahrávanie..","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Odovzdávanie takéhoto typu fotiek bude automaticky odmietnuté.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Použiť predvoľbu","User":"Používateľ","User Guide":"Používateľská príručka","User Interface":"Používateľské rozhranie","Username":"Meno používateľa","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Overený","Video":"Video","Video Duration":"Trvanie videa","Videos":"Videá","View":"Zobraziť","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Navštívte stránku docs.photoprism.app/user-guide, kde sa dozviete, ako synchronizovať, organizovať a zdieľať svoje fotografie.","Visual Similarity":"Vizuálna podobnosť","We appreciate your feedback!":"Vážime si vašu spätnú väzbu!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Snažíme sa odpovedať do piatich pracovných dní alebo skôr.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Budeme sa snažiť odpovedať na všetky vaše otázky. Na oplátku vás prosíme, aby ste nás podporili na Patreon alebo GitHub Sponzori.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV klienti sa môžu pripojiť ku PhotoPrismu pomocou nasledujúcej URL:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"WebDAV klienti, ako napríklad Microsoft Windows Explorer alebo Apple Finder, sa môžu priamo pripojiť ku PhotoPrismu.","WebDAV Upload":"Odovzdávanie cez WebDAV","Website":"Webová stránka","White":"Biela","Work Details":"Podrobnosti o práci","Year":"Rok","Yellow":"Žltá","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Áno","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"môžete sa k nám pridať na Reddite","You can only download one album":"Môžete stiahnuť iba jeden album","You can only download one label":"Môžete stiahnuť iba jeden štítok","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Môžete ho spustiť doma, na súkromnom serveri alebo v cloude.","You may only select one item":"Mali by ste označiť iba jednu položku","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Mali by ste preskenovať knižnicu pre nájdenie viac tvárí.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Vaša podpora nám pomáha poskytovať pravidelné aktualizácie a zostať nezávislými, aby sme mohli plniť naše poslanie a chrániť vaše súkromie.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Vaša knižnica sa priebežne analyzuje aby mohla automaticky vytvárať albumy špeciálnych momentov, výletov a miest.","Zoom in/out":"Priblíziť/Oddialiť"},"sl":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} najdenih albumov","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} naloženih datotek","%{n} folders found":"%{n} najdenih map","%{n} labels found":"%{n} najdenih značk","%{n} people found":"%{n} najdenih oseb","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} najdenih slik","1 hour":"1 ura","12 hours":"12 ur","4 hours":"4 ure","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"S klikom ga boste kopirali v odložišče.","About":"Podrobno","Abyss":"Brezno","Account":"Račun","Accuracy":"Natančnost","Action":"Akcija","Actions":"Akcije","Add Account":"Dodaj račun","Add Album":"Dodajanje albuma","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Dodajanje datotek v knjižnico preko spletnega nalaganja.","Add Link":"Dodaj povezavo","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Dodajte slike iz rezultatov iskanja, z izbiranjem.","Add to album":"Dodaj v album","Added":"Dodano","Advanced":"Napredno","After 1 day":"Po 1 dnevu","After 3 days":"Po 3 dneh","After 7 days":"Po 7 dneh","After one month":"Po enem mesecu","After one year":"Po enem letu","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Ko izberete slike iz rezultatov iskanja, jih lahko s pomočjo kontekstnega menija dodate v album.","After two months":"Po dveh mesecih","After two weeks":"Po dveh tednih","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Ime albuma","Albums":"Albumi","Albums deleted":"Izbrisani albumi","All %{n} albums loaded":"Vseh %{n} je bilo naloženih","All %{n} labels loaded":"Vseh %{n} nalepk je bilo naloženih","All %{n} people loaded":"Vseh %{n} oseb je bilo dodanih","All Cameras":"Vsi fotoaparati","All Categories":"Vse kategorije","All Colors":"Vse barve","All Countries":"Vse države","All fields are required":"Vsa polja so obvezna","All files from import folder":"Vse datoteke iz uvozne mape","All Lenses":"Vsi objektivi","All Months":"Vsi meseci","All originals":"Vse izvirne","All Years":"Vsa leta","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Datoteke lahko prenesete tudi neposredno v strežnike WebDAV, kot je Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Nadmorska višina","Altitude (m)":"Nadmorska višina (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Zgodila se je napaka - ste brez povezave?","Animated":"Animirani","Animation":"Animacija","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Vse zasebne fotografije in videoposnetki ostanejo zasebni in ne bodo deljeni.","API Key":"Ključ API","Apply":"Uporabi","Approve":"Potrdi","Archive":"Arhiv","Archived":"Arhivirano","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Ali ste prepričani, da želite arhivirati izbor?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati te albume?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati te značke?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ta račun?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Ste prepričani, da želite trajno izbrisati te slike?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Ali ste prepričani, da želite trajno izbrisati to datoteko?","Are you sure?":"Ste prepričani?","Artist":"Fotograf","Aspect Ratio":"Razmerje stranic","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Samodejno ustvarite JPEG za druge vrste datotek, da jih lahko prikažete v brskalniku.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Samodejno ustvari albume posebnih trenutkov, potovanj in krajev.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Pred oddajo zahtevka za podporo uporabite naše kontrolne sezname za odpravljanje težav, da ugotovite vzrok težave.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Ker se financiramo sami in smo 100-odstotno neodvisni, vam lahko obljubimo, da nikoli ne bomo prodali vaših podatkov ter da bomo vedno pregledni glede naše programske opreme in storitev.","Bio":"Bio","Birth Date":"Datum rojstva","Black":"Črna","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczosova modifikacija, manj zvonjenja artefaktov","Blue":"Modra","Brown":"Rjava","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Brskajte po značkah za razvrščanje slik in jih urejajte.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Brskanje po indeksiranih datotekah in mapah v knjižnici.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"V bazi znanja poiščite podrobne informacije o določenih funkcijah izdelka, storitvah in povezanih virih.","Bug Report":"Poročilo o napaki","Busy, please wait…":"Zaseden, prosim počakajte…","Calendar":"Koledar","Camera":"Fotoaparat","Camera Serial":"Serijska kamere","Can't load more, limit reached":"Ne morem naložiti več, omejitev je dosežena","Can't select more items":"Ne morete izbrati več elementov","Cancel":"Prekliči","Cards":"Kartice","Category":"Kategorija","Change Password":"Sprememba gesla","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Spreminjanje osebnega profila in varnostnih nastavitev.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Spremenite naslove fotografij, lokacije in druge metapodatke.","Change private flag":"Sprememba zasebne zastave","Changes successfully saved":"Spremembe so bile uspešno shranjene","Checked":"Izbrano","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Zapri","Codec":"Kodek","Color":"Barva","Color Profile":"Barvni profil","Colors":"Barve","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Pogoste težave lahko hitro diagnosticirate in odpravite s kontrolnimi seznami za odpravljanje težav, ki jih zagotavljamo.","Complete Rescan":"Popolno ponovno skeniranje","Confidence":"Zaupanje","Connect":"Poveži","Connect via WebDAV":"Poveži preko WebDAV","Connected":"Povezano","Contact Details":"Pišite nam","Contact Us":"Pišite nam","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Vsebuje %{n} slik.","Contains one picture.":"Vsebuje eno sliko.","Convert to JPEG":"Pretvarjanje v JPEG","Converting":"Pretvarjanje","Copied to clipboard":"Kopiranje v odložišče","Copyright":"Avtorske pravice","Couldn't find anything.":"Ničesar nisem našel.","Country":"Država","Create album":"Ustvari album","Created":"Ustvarjeno","Creating thumbnails for":"Ustvarjanje sličic za","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubični: Srednja kakovost, dobra zmogljivost","Current Password":"Trenutno geslo","Customer Support":"Podpora strankam","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Dnevno","Day":"Dan","Debug Logs":"Dnevniki za odpravljanje napak","Default":"Privzeto","Default Folder":"Privzeta mapa","Delete":"Izbriši","Description":"Opis","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Podrobna navodila so na voljo v našem uporabniškem priročniku.","Details":"Podrobnosti","Dimensions":"Dimenzije","Disable Backups":"Onemogoči varnostno kopiranje","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Onemogoči vgrajeni strežnik WebDAV. Zahteva ponovni zagon.","Disable Darktable":"Onemogoči Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Onemogoči orodje ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Onemogoči FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Onemogoči mesta","Disable RawTherapee":"Onemogoči RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Onemogoči TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Onemogoči WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Onemogoči povratno geokodiranje in zemljevide.","Discover":"Odkrijte","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Ne spreminjajte mape z izvirniki. Onemogoči uvoz, nalaganje in brisanje.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Ne prekodirajte videoposnetkov s programom FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Za pretvorbo datotek RAW ne uporabljajte programa Darktable.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Za pretvorbo datotek RAW ne uporabljajte programa RawTherapee.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Ne uporabljajte TensorFlow za razvrščanje slik.","Donations":"Donacije","Done":"Končano","Done.":"Opravljeno.","Download":"Prenesi","Download remote files":"Prenos oddaljenih datotek","Download single files and zip archives.":"Prenesite posamezne datoteke in arhive zip.","Downloading…":"Prenašanje…","Downscaling Filter":"Filter za zmanjševanje obsega","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Zaradi velike količine prejetih e-poštnih sporočil naša ekipa morda ne bo mogla takoj odgovoriti.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Podvojeni podatki bodo preskočeni in prikazani samo enkrat.","Duration":"Trajanje","Dynamic Previews":"Dinamični predogledi","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dinamično upodabljanje zahteva zmogljiv strežnik. Ni priporočljivo za naprave NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Omejitev dinamične velikosti: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-naslov","Edit":"Uredi","Edit %{name}":"Urejanje %{imena}","Edit Account":"Urejanje računa","Edit Photo":"Uredi fotografijo","Edited":"Urejeno","Enable new features currently under development.":"Omogočite nove funkcije, ki so trenutno v razvoju.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Omogoči prednastavitve pretvornika RAW. Lahko zmanjša zmogljivost.","Errors":"Napake","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Ocenite približno lokacijo slik brez koordinat.","Estimates":"Ocene","Every two days":"Vsaka dva dni","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Vsebino, označeno kot zasebno, izključite iz rezultatov iskanja, skupnih albumov, značk in krajev.","Exclude hidden":"Izključite skrite","Expand":"Razširite","Expand Search":"Razširiti iskanje","Experimental Features":"Eksperimentalne funkcije","Expires":"Velja do","Exposure":"Izpostavljenost","F Number":"Številka F","Face":"Obraz","Faces":"Obrazi","Failed copying to clipboard":"Neuspešno kopiranje v odložišče","Failed removing link":"Neuspešno odstranjevanje povezave","Failed updating link":"Neuspešno posodabljanje povezave","Fast":"Hitro","Favorite":"Najljubši","Favorites":"Priljubljeno","Feature Request":"Zahteva za funkcijo","Feedback":"Povratne informacije","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja, se obrnite na nas na naslov hello@photoprism.app.","File":"Datoteka","File Browser":"Brskalnik za datoteke","Filename":"Ime datoteke","Files":"Datoteke","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Datoteki z zaporednimi imeni, kot sta \"IMG_1234 (2)\" in \"IMG_1234 (3)\", pripadata isti sliki.","Focal Length":"Goriščna razdalja","Folder":"Mapa","Folder contains %{n} files":"Mapa vsebuje %{n} datotek","Folder is empty":"Mapa je prazna","Folders":"Mape","Forgot password?":"Ste pozabili geslo?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Okviri","Fullscreen":"Celozaslonski zaslon","Gemstone":"Dragi kamen","General":"Splošno","Getting Support":"Pridobivanje podpore","Gold":"Zlato","Grayscale":"Odtenki sivine","Green":"Zelena","Grey":"Siva","Hash":"Hash","Help":"Pomoč","Help & Support":"Pomoč in podpora","Hidden":"Skriti","Hidden Files":"Skrite datoteke","Hide":"Skrij","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Skrijte fotografije, ki so bile prenesene v arhiv.","High":"Visoka","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Visok dinamični razpon (HDR)","How can we help?":"Kako lahko pomagamo?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Če vam to ne pomaga ali imate druga vprašanja:","image":"slika","Image":"Slika","Images":"Slike","Import":"Uvoz","Import failed":"Uvoz ni uspel","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Uvožene datoteke bodo razvrščene po datumu in bodo imele edinstveno ime, da bi se izognili podvajanju.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Uvožene datoteke bodo razvrščene po datumu in bodo imele edinstveno ime.","Importing %{name}…":"Uvažanje %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Uvoz datotek v izvirnike…","in":"na","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Poleg tega sponzorji prejmejo neposredno tehnično podporo prek e-pošte.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Če manjkajo slike, ki ste jih pričakovali, ponovno preglejte svojo knjižnico in počakajte, da bo indeksiranje končano.","Index":"Indeks","Indexing":"Indeksiranje","Indexing failed":"Indeksiranje ni uspelo","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indeksiranje medijskih in stranskih datotek…","Instance ID":"ID instance","Interval":"Interval","Invalid date":"Nepravilen datum","Invalid parameters":"Neveljavni parametri","Invalid photo selected":"Izbrana napačna fotografija","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Uporablja najnovejše tehnologije za samodejno označevanje in iskanje slik, ne da bi vas pri tem oviral.","Item":"Artikel","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Kakovost JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Omejitev velikosti JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG in sličice se po potrebi samodejno prikažejo.","Keywords":"Ključne besede","Label":"Značka","Labels":"Značke","Labels deleted":"Značke izbrisane","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: ohranjanje podrobnosti, minimalni artefakti","Language":"Jezik","Last Sync":"Zadnja sinhronizacija","Latitude":"Zemljepisna širina","Lavender":"Sivka","Lens":"Objektiv","Library":"Knjižnica","License":"Licenca","Lime":"Lime","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Omejitev je dosežena, prikazovanje prvih %{n} datotekek","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linearno: Zelo gladko, najboljša zmogljivost","Link":"Povezava","List":"Seznam","Live":"V živo","Local Time":"Lokalni čas","location":"lokacija","Location":"Lokacija","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Sporočila dnevnika se tu pojavijo, kadar PhotoPrism naleti na pokvarjene datoteke ali druge morebitne težave.","Login":"Prijava","Logout":"Odjava","Logs":"Dnevniki","Longitude":"Zemljepisna dolžina","Low":"Nizka","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Glavna barva","manual":"priročnik","Manual Upload":"Ročno nalaganje","Marker":"Označevalnik","Medium":"Srednja","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Združiti %{a} z %{b}?","Message sent":"Poslano sporočilo","Minimize":"Zmanjšajte","Missing":"Manjka","Moments":"Trenutki","Monochrome":"Enobarvni","Month":"Mesec","Moonlight":"Moonlight","More than %{n} pictures found":"Najdenih več kot %{n} slik","More than 20 albums found":"Najdenih več kot 20 albumov","More than 20 labels found":"Najdenih je bilo več kot 20 značk","More than 20 people found":"Več kot 20 ljudi je našlo","Mosaic":"Mozaik","Move Files":"Premikanje datotek","Name":"Ime","Name too long":"Predolgo ime","Never":"Nikoli","New":"Novo","New Password":"Novo geslo","No":"Ne","No albums found":"Ni najdenih albumov","No labels found":"Ni najdenih nalepk","No people found":"Ni bilo najdenih oseb","No pictures found":"Ni bilo najdenih slik","No recently edited pictures":"Brez nedavno urejenih slik","No servers configured.":"Strežniki niso konfigurirani.","No thanks":"Ne, hvala.","No video selected":"Ni izbran noben videoposnetek","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Ni opozoril ali napak, ki bi vsebovale to ključno besedo. Upoštevajte, da je iskanje občutljivo na velike in male črke.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Nefotografske slike in slike nizke kakovosti je treba pred prikazom v rezultatih iskanja pregledati.","None":"Ni","Not Found":"Ni bilo najdeno","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Upoštevajte, da lahko mapo z izvirniki upravljate ročno, uvoz pa ni obvezen.","Note:":"Opomba:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Opomba: Samo strežnike WebDAV, kot sta Nextcloud ali PhotoPrism, lahko konfigurirate kot oddaljeno storitev za varnostno kopiranje in prenos datotek.","Notes":"Opombe","Offline":"Brez povezave","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"V operacijskem sistemu Windows v pogovorno okno za povezavo vnesite naslednji vir:","Once a week":"Enkrat na teden","One album found":"Najden je bil en album","One file found":"Najdena je bila ena datoteka"},"sv":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} album hittades","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} filer uppladdade","%{n} folders found":"%{n} mappar hittades","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etiketter hittades","%{n} people found":"%{n} personer hittades","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} bilder hittades","1 hour":"1 timme","12 hours":"12 timmar","4 hours":"4 timmar","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Ett klick kopierar den till urklippshanteraren.","About":"Om","Abyss":"Avgrund","Account":"Konto","Accuracy":"Noggrannhet","Action":"Åtgärd","Actions":"Åtgärder","Add Album":"Lägg till album","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Lägg till filer till ditt bibliotek via webbuppladdning.","Add Link":"Lägg till en länk","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Lägg till bilder från sökresultaten genom att markera dem.","Add to album":"Lägg till i album","Added":"Tillagd","Advanced":"Avancerad","After 1 day":"Efter 1 dag","After 3 days":"Efter 3 dagar","After 7 days":"Efter 7 dagar","After one month":"Efter en månad","After one year":"Efter ett år","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"När du har valt bilder från sökresultaten kan du lägga till dem i ett album med hjälp av kontextmenyn.","After two months":"Efter två månader","After two weeks":"Efter två veckor","Album":"Album","Album Name":"Albumets namn","Albums":"Album","Albums deleted":"Album raderade","All %{n} albums loaded":"Alla %{n} album hämtade","All %{n} labels loaded":"Alla %{n} etiketter hämtade","All %{n} people loaded":"Alla %{n} personer hämtade","All Cameras":"Alla kameror","All Categories":"Alla kategorier","All Colors":"Alla färger","All Countries":"Alla länder","All fields are required":"Alla fält är obligatoriska","All files from import folder":"Alla filer från importmappen","All Lenses":"Alla objektiv","All Months":"Alla månader","All originals":"Alla original","All Years":"Alla år","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternativt kan du ladda upp filer direkt till WebDAV-servrar som Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Höjd","Altitude (m)":"Höjd (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Ett fel inträffade - är du offline?","Animated":"Animerad","Animation":"Animering","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Alla privata foton och videor förblir privata och kommer inte att delas.","API Key":"API-nyckel","Apply":"Ansök på","Approve":"Godkänn","Archive":"Arkiv","Archived":"Arkiverad","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Är du säker på att du vill arkivera urvalet?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Är du säker på att du vill radera dessa album?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Är du säker på att du vill ta bort dessa etiketter?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Är du säker på att du vill radera det här kontot?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Är du säker på att du vill radera bilderna permanent?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Är du säker på att du vill radera filen permanent?","Are you sure?":"Är du säker?","Artist":"Fotograf","Aspect Ratio":"Bildförhållande","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Skapa automatiskt JPEG-filer för andra filtyper så att de kan visas i en webbläsare.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Skapa automatiskt album med speciella ögonblick, resor och platser.","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Innan du skickar in en supportbegäran kan du använda våra checklistor för felsökning för att fastställa orsaken till ditt problem.","Bio":"Bio","Black":"Svart","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos-modifiering, mindre ringande artefakter","Blue":"Blå","Brown":"Brun","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Bläddra och redigera etiketter för bildklassificering.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Bläddra bland indexerade filer och mappar i biblioteket.","Bug Report":"Buggrapport","Busy, please wait…":"Upptagen, vänligen vänta…","Calendar":"Kalender","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Kameraserienummer","Can't load more, limit reached":"Kan inte hämta mer, gränsen är nådd","Can't select more items":"Kan inte välja fler objekt","Cancel":"Avbryt","Cards":"Kort","Category":"Kategori","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Ändra bildtitlar, platser och andra metadata.","Change private flag":"Ändra den privata flaggan","Checked":"Kontrollerad","Chroma":"Chroma","Close":"Stäng","Codec":"Codec","Color":"Färg","Color Profile":"Färgprofil","Colors":"Färger","Complete Rescan":"Fullständig omskanning","Confidence":"Tillit","Connect":"Anslut","Connect via WebDAV":"Anslut via WebDAV","Contact Us":"Kontakta oss","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Innehåller %{n} bilder.","Contains one picture.":"Innehåller en bild.","Convert to JPEG":"Konvertera till JPEG","Converting":"Konverterar","Copied to clipboard":"Kopierad till urklippshanteraren","Copyright":"Copyright","Couldn't find anything.":"Kunde inte hitta något.","Country":"Land","Create album":"Skapa album","Created":"Skapad","Creating thumbnails for":"Skapar miniatyrbilder för","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Kubisk: Måttlig kvalitet, bra prestanda","Current Password":"Nuvarande lösenord","Customer Support":"Kundsupport","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Dagligen","Day":"Dag","Debug Logs":"Felsökningsloggar","Default":"Standard","Default Folder":"Standardmapp","Delete":"Radera","Description":"Beskrivning","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Detaljerade instruktioner finns i vår användarhandbok.","Details":"Detaljer","Dimensions":"Mått","Disable Backups":"Inaktivera säkerhetskopiering","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Inaktivera den inbyggda WebDAV-servern. Kräver en omstart.","Disable Darktable":"Inaktivera Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Inaktivera ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Inaktivera FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Inaktivera platser","Disable RawTherapee":"Inaktivera RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Inaktivera TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Inaktivera WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Inaktiverar omvänd geokodning och kartor.","Discover":"Upptäck","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Säkerhetskopiera inte metadata för foton och album till YAML-filer.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Skapa inte ExifTool JSON-filer för bättre utvinning av metadata.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Ändra inte mappen med original. Inaktiverar import, uppladdning och radering.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Omkoda inte videor med FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Använd inte Darktable för att konvertera RAW-filer.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Använd inte RawTherapee för att konvertera RAW-filer.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Använd inte TensorFlow för bildklassificering.","Donations":"Donationer","Done":"Klart","Done.":"Klart.","Download":"Ladda ner","Download remote files":"Hämta fjärrfiler","Download single files and zip archives.":"Ladda ner enskilda filer och zip-arkiv.","Downloading…":"Hämtar…","Downscaling Filter":"Filter för nedskalning","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Dubletter kommer att hoppas över och visas endast en gång.","Duration":"Varaktighet","Dynamic Previews":"Dynamiska förhandsgranskningar","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dynamisk rendering kräver en kraftfull server. Den rekommenderas inte för NAS-enheter.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Begränsning av dynamisk storlek: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-post","Edit":"Redigera","Edit %{name}":"Redigera %{namn}","Edit Account":"Redigera konto","Edit Photo":"Redigera foto","Edited":"Redigerad","Electra":"Electra","Enable new features currently under development.":"Aktivera nya funktioner som är under utveckling.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Aktiverar förinställningar för RAW-omvandlare. Kan minska prestandan.","Errors":"Fel","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Uppskatta den ungefärliga placeringen av bilder utan koordinater.","Estimates":"Uppskattningar","Every two days":"Varannan dag","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Undanta innehåll som markerats som privat från sökresultat, delade album, etiketter och platser.","Exclude hidden":"Exkludera dolda","Expand":"Expandera","Expand Search":"Utöka sökningen","Experimental Features":"Experimentella funktioner","Expires":"Upphör att gälla","Exposure":"Exponering","F Number":"F-nummer","Face":"Ansikte","Faces":"Ansikten","Failed copying to clipboard":"Kopiering till urklipp misslyckades","Failed removing link":"Misslyckades med att ta bort länken","Failed updating link":"Misslyckades med att uppdatera länken","Fast":"Snabbt","Favorite":"Favorit","Favorites":"Favoriter","Feature Request":"Begäran om funktion","Feedback":"Återkoppling","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Kontakta oss gärna på hello@photoprism.app om du har några frågor.","File":"Fil","File Browser":"Filhanterare","Filename":"Filnamn","Files":"Filer","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Filer med sekventiella namn som 'IMG_1234 (2)' och 'IMG_1234 (3)' tillhör samma bild.","Focal Length":"Brännvidd","Folder":"Mapp","Folder contains %{n} files":"Mappen innehåller %{n} filer","Folder is empty":"Mappen är tom","Folders":"Mappar","Forgot password?":"Glömt lösenord?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Bildrutor","Fullscreen":"Fullskärm","Gemstone":"Ädelsten","General":"Allmänt","Getting Support":"Få stöd","Gold":"Guld","Grayscale":"Gråskala","Green":"Grön","Grey":"Grått","Hash":"Kontrollsumma","Help":"Hjälp","Help & Support":"Hjälp och Support","Hidden":"Dolda","Hidden Files":"Dolda filer","Hide":"Dölj","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Dölj foton som har flyttats till arkivet.","High":"Hög","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Högt dynamiskt omfång (HDR)","How can we help?":"Hur kan vi hjälpa till?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Om detta inte hjälper dig eller om du har andra frågor:","image":"bild","Image":"Bild","Images":"Bilder","Import":"Import","Import failed":"Importen misslyckades","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Importerade filer sorteras efter datum och får ett unikt namn för att undvika dubbletter.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Importerade filer sorteras efter datum och får ett unikt namn.","Importing %{name}…":"Importerar %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Importera filer till original…","in":"i","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Dessutom får sponsorer direkt teknisk support via e-post.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Om du upplever att bilder saknas, vänligen skanna om biblioteket och vänta tills indexeringen är slutförd.","Index":"Index","Indexing":"Indexerar","Indexing failed":"Indexeringen misslyckades","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Indexerar media och sidecar-filer…","Instance ID":"Instans-ID","Interval":"Intervall","Invalid date":"Ogiltigt datum","Invalid photo selected":"Ett ogiltigt foto har valts","Item":"Artikel","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG-kvalitet: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Begränsning av JPEG-storlek: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG-bilder och miniatyrbilder skapas automatiskt vid behov.","Keywords":"Nyckelord","Label":"Etikett","Labels":"Etiketter","Labels deleted":"Etiketter raderade","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Bevarande av detaljer, minimala artefakter","Language":"Språk","Last Sync":"Senaste synkronisering","Latitude":"Latitud","Lavender":"Lavendel","Lens":"Objektiv","Library":"Bibliotek","License":"Licens","Like":"Som","Lime":"Lime","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Gränsen är nådd, visar de första %{n} filerna","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linjär: Mycket jämn, bästa prestanda","Link":"Länk","List":"Lista","Live":"Live","Local Time":"Lokal tid","location":"plats","Location":"Plats","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Loggmeddelanden visas här när PhotoPrism stöter på trasiga filer eller när det finns andra potentiella problem.","Login":"Logga in","Logout":"Logga ut","Logs":"Loggar","Longitude":"Longitud","Low":"Låg","Magenta":"Magenta","Main Color":"Huvudfärg","manual":"manuellt","Manual Upload":"Manuell uppladdning","Marker":"Markering","Medium":"Medium","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Slå ihop %{a} med %{b}?","Message sent":"Meddelande skickat","Minimize":"Minimera","Missing":"Saknas","Moments":"Stunder","Monochrome":"Monokrom","Month":"Månad","Moonlight":"Månsken","More than %{n} pictures found":"Mer än %{n} bilder hittades","More than 20 albums found":"Mer än 20 album hittades","More than 20 labels found":"Mer än 20 etiketter hittades","More than 20 people found":"Mer än 20 personer hittades","Mosaic":"Mosaik","Move Files":"Flytta filer","Name":"Namn","Name too long":"Namnet är för långt","Never":"Aldrig","New":"Ny","New Password":"Nytt lösenord","No":"Ingen","No albums found":"Inga album hittades","No labels found":"Inga etiketter hittades","No people found":"Inga personer hittades","No pictures found":"Inga bilder hittades","No recently edited pictures":"Inga nyligen redigerade bilder","No servers configured.":"Inga servrar har konfigurerats.","No thanks":"Nej tack","No video selected":"Ingen video vald","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Inga varningar eller fel som innehåller detta nyckelord. Observera att sökningen är skiftlägeskänslig.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Bilder som inte är fotografiska eller av låg kvalitet måste granskas innan de visas i sökresultaten.","None":"Ingen","Not Found":"Ej hittad","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Observera att du kan hantera mappen med original manuellt och att import är valfritt.","Note:":"Observera:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"OBS: Endast WebDAV-servrar, som Nextcloud eller PhotoPrism, kan konfigureras som fjärrtjänst för säkerhetskopiering och filuppladdning.","Notes":"Anteckningar","Offline":"Offline","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"I Windows anger du följande resurs i anslutningsdialogen:","Once a week":"En gång i veckan","One album found":"Ett album hittat","One file found":"En fil hittad","One file uploaded":"En fil uppladdad","One folder found":"En mapp hittad","One label found":"En etikett hittat","One person found":"En person hittad","One picture found":"En bild hittades","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Alternativ","or ask in our Community Chat":"eller fråga i vår gemenskapschatt","Orange":"Orange","Orientation":"Layout","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"De ursprungliga filnamnen kommer att lagras och indexeras.","Original Name":"Ursprungligt namn","Originals":"Original","Other":"Övrigt","Outdoor":"Utomhus","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoraman","Password":"Lösenord","Password changed":"Lösenordet har ändrats","People":"Människor","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Personer som du delar en länk med kan se det offentliga innehållet.","Permanently deleted":"Permanent borttagen","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Ta bort filer permanent för att frigöra lagringsutrymme.","Photo":"Foto","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism har uppdaterats…","Photos":"Foton","Pink":"Rosa","Place":"Plats","Place & Time":"Plats och Tid","Places":"Platser","Please confirm your new password.":"Bekräfta ditt nya lösenord.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Ladda inte upp bilder med stötande innehåll.","Portrait":"Porträtt","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"ställa din fråga i GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Bevara filnamn","Press button to start importing…":"Tryck på knappen för att börja importera…","Press button to start indexing…":"Tryck på knappen för att starta indexeringen…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Tryck på enter för att skapa ett nytt album.","Preview":"Förhandsgranska","Primary":"Primär","Private":"Privat","Product Feedback":"Produktåterkoppling","Projection":"Projektion","Purple":"Lila","Quality Filter":"Kvalitetsfilter","Quality Score":"Kvalitetspoäng","Random":"Slumpmässig","Raspberry":"Hallon","Raw":"Rå","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"Konvertering av RAW-filer","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Återindexera alla original, inklusive redan indexerade och oförändrade filer.","Read-Only Mode":"Skrivskyddat läge","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Identifieringen börjar när indexeringen har slutförts.","Recognized":"Igenkänd","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Känner igen ansikten så att specifika personer kan hittas.","Red":"Röd","Reload":"Ladda om","Reloading…":"Laddar om …","Remote Sync":"Fjärrsynkronisering","Remove":"Radera","remove failed: unknown album":"borttagning misslyckades: okänt album","Remove from album":"Radera från albumet","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Ta bort importerade filer för att spara lagringsutrymme. Filer som inte stöds tas aldrig bort, utan förblir på sin nuvarande plats.","Request failed - invalid response":"Förfrågan misslyckades - ogiltigt svar","Required":"Krävs","Resolution":"Upplösning","Restore":"Återställ","Retry Limit":"Gräns för antalet försök","Retype Password":"Upprepa lösenordet","Review":"Granska","Save":"Spara","Scan":"Skanna","Scans":"Skannar","Search":"Sök","Search and display photos on a map.":"Sök och visa foton på en karta.","Season":"Säsong","Secret":"Hemlig","Select":"Välj","Select albums or create a new one":"Välj album eller skapa ett nytt","Selection approved":"Urvalet är godkänt","Selection archived":"Urval arkiverat","Selection restored":"Urvalet har återställts","Send":"Skicka","Sequential Name":"Sekventiellt namn","Service URL":"Tjänstens URL","Settings":"Inställningar","Settings saved":"Inställningarna har sparats","Setup":"Konfigurera","Shadow":"Skugga","Share":"Dela","Share %{name}":"Dela %{name}","Show":"Visa","Show all new faces":"Visa alla nya ansikten","Show hidden":"Visa dolda","Show less":"Visa mindre","Show more":"Visa mer","Show server logs in Library.":"Visa serverloggar i biblioteket.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Visar mer detaljerade loggmeddelanden. Kräver en omstart.","Sidecar":"Sidecar","Sign in":"Logga in","Sign Up":"Registrera dig","Similar":"Liknande","Size":"Storlek","Slow":"Långsam","Sort Order":"Sortering","Source":"Källa","Stack":"Samling","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Stapla filer som har samma unika bild- eller instansidentifierare.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Stapla bilder som tagits vid exakt samma tidpunkt och plats baserat på deras metadata.","Stackable":"Stapelbar","Stacks":"Staplar","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Staplar grupperar filer med liknande referensramar, men med skillnader i kvalitet, format, storlek eller färg.","Start":"Starta","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Starta/stoppa bildspel","States":"Stater","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statisk storleksgräns: %{n}px","Status":"Status","Storage":"Förvaringsplats","Streets":"Gator","Subject":"Ämne","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Stöd för ytterligare tjänster, som Google Drive, kommer att läggas till med tiden.","Sync":"Synkronisera","Sync raw and video files":"Synkronisera raw- och videofiler","Taken":"Taget","Teal":"Blågrön","Text too long":"Texten är för lång","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Indexet innehåller för närvarande %{n} dolda filer.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Formatet kanske inte stöds, de har ännu inte konverterats till JPEG eller det finns dubbletter.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Detta gör att mappen med originalen monteras som en nätverksenhet, så att du kan öppna, redigera och ta bort filer från din dator eller smartphone som om de vore lokala.","Thumbnail Generation":"Generering av miniatyrbilder","Time UTC":"Tid UTC","Time Zone":"Tidszon","Timeout":"Timeout","Title":"Rubrik","Title too long":"Rubriken är för lång","Toggle View":"Växla vy","Token":"Kod","Topographic":"Topografisk","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Checklistor för felsökning","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Försök igen med andra filter eller nyckelord.","Type":"Typ","Undo":"Ångra","Unique ID":"Unikt ID","Unknown":"Okänd","Unsorted":"Osorterad","Unstack":"Avstapla","Updated":"Uppdaterad","Updating faces":"Uppdatering av ansikten","Updating index":"Uppdatering av index","Updating moments":"Uppdatering av ögonblick","Updating previews":"Uppdatering av förhandsgranskningar","Updating stacks":"Uppdatering av staplar","Upload":"Ladda upp","Upload complete":"Uppladdningen är klar","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Uppladdningen är klar. Indexerar…","Upload failed":"Uppladdningen misslyckades","Upload local files":"Ladda upp lokala filer","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Ladda upp till WebDAV och dela länkar med vänner.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Laddar upp %{n} av %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Laddar upp foton…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Uppladdningar som kan innehålla sådana bilder kommer automatiskt att avvisas.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Använd förinställningar","User":"Användare","User Interface":"Användargränssnitt","Username":"Användarnamn","Vanta":"Vanta","Video":"Video","Videos":"Videor","View":"Visa","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Vi gör vårt bästa för att besvara alla dina frågor. I gengäld ber vi dig att stödja oss på Patreon eller GitHub Sponsors.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV-klienter kan ansluta till PhotoPrism via följande URL:","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV-uppladdning","White":"Vit","Year":"År","Yellow":"Gul","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Ja","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"du är välkommen att hänga med oss på Reddit","You can only download one album":"Du kan bara ladda ner ett album","You can only download one label":"Du kan bara ladda ner en etikett","You may only select one item":"Du kan bara välja ett objekt","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Du kan söka igenom ditt bibliotek på nytt för att hitta fler ansikten.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Ditt bibliotek analyseras kontinuerligt för att automatiskt skapa album med speciella ögonblick, resor och platser.","Zoom in/out":"Zooma in/ut"},"th":{"%{n} albums found":"พบ %{n} อัลบั้ม","%{n} files uploaded":"อัปโหลดแล้ว %{n} ไฟล์","%{n} folders found":"พบ %{n} โฟลเดอร์","%{n} people found":"พบบุคคล %{n} คน","1 hour":"1 ชั่วโมง","12 hours":"12 ชั่วโมง","4 hours":"4 ชั่วโมง","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"คลิกเพื่อคัดลอกไปยังคลิปบอร์ด","About":"เกี่ยวกับ","Account":"บัญชี","Accuracy":"ความแม่นยำ","Add Album":"เพิ่มอัลบั้ม","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"เพิ่มไฟล์ผ่านการอัปโหลด","Add Link":"เพิ่มลิงก์","Add to album":"เพิ่มไปยังอัลบั้ม","After 1 day":"หลังจาก 1 วัน","After 3 days":"หลังจาก 3 วัน","After 7 days":"หลังจาก 7 วัน","After one month":"หลังจากหนึ่งเดือน","After one year":"หลังจากหนึ่งปี","After two months":"หลังจากสองเดือน","Album Name":"ชื่ออัลบั้ม","Albums":"อัลบั้ม","All originals":"ต้นฉบับทั้งหมด","Approve":"อนุมัติ","Black":"สีดำ","Blue":"สีฟ้า","Brown":"สีน้ำตาล","Calendar":"ปฏิทิน","Camera":"กล้อง","Cancel":"ยกเลิก","Category":"หมวดหมู่","Chroma":"โครมา","Close":"ปิด","Color":"สี","Color Profile":"สีโปรไฟล์","Confidence":"ค่าความมั่นใจ","Connect via WebDAV":"เชื่อมต่อผ่าน WebDAV","Convert to JPEG":"แปลงเป็น JPEG","Converting":"กำลังแปลง","Created":"สร้างเมื่อ","Folder is empty":"โฟลเดอร์ว่างเปล่า","FPS":"FPS","Getting Support":"การขอช่วยเหลือ","Gold":"ทอง","Green":"สีเขียว","Grey":"สีเทา","Place & Time":"สถานที่และเวลา","White":"สีขาว","Yellow":"สีเหลือง"},"tr":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} albüm bulundu","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} dosya yüklendi","%{n} folders found":"%{n} klasör bulundu","%{n} labels found":"%{n} etiket bulundu","%{n} people found":"%{n} kişi bulundu","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} resim bulundu","1 hour":"1 saat","12 hours":"12 saat","4 hours":"4 saat","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Tıklayarak panoya kopyalayabilirsiniz.","About":"Hakkında","Abyss":"Uçurum","Account":"Hesabınız","Accuracy":"Doğruluk","Action":"Aksiyon","Actions":"Hareketler","Add Account":"Hesap ekle","Add Album":"Albüm Ekle","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Web Yükleme aracılığıyla kitaplığınıza dosya ekleyin.","Add Link":"Link ekle","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Arama sonuçlarını seçerek resimler ekleyin.","Add to album":"Albüme ekle","Added":"Eklendi","Advanced":"Gelişmiş","After 1 day":"1 gün sonra","After 3 days":"3 gün sonra","After 7 days":"7 gün sonra","After one month":"Bir ay sonra","After one year":"Bir yıl sonra","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Arama sonuçlarından resimleri seçtikten sonra, içerik menüsünü kullanarak bunları bir albüme ekleyebilirsiniz.","After two months":"İki ay sonra","After two weeks":"İki hafta sonra","Album":"Albüm","Album Name":"Albüm Adı","Albums":"Albümler","Albums deleted":"Albümler silindi","All %{n} albums loaded":"%{n} albüm yüklendi","All %{n} labels loaded":"%{n} etiket yüklendi","All %{n} people loaded":"%{n} kişi yüklendi","All Cameras":"Tüm Kameralar","All Categories":"Tüm Kategoriler","All Colors":"Tüm Renkler","All Countries":"Tüm Ülkeler","All fields are required":"Tüm alanlar zorunludur","All files from import folder":"İçe aktarma klasöründeki tüm dosyalar","All Lenses":"Tüm Lensler","All Months":"Tüm Aylar","All originals":"Tüm orijinaller","All Years":"Bütün yıllar","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Alternatif olarak, dosyaları doğrudan Nextcloud gibi WebDAV sunucularına yükleyebilirsiniz.","Altitude":"Rakım","Altitude (m)":"Rakım (m)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Bir hata oluştu - çevrimdışı mısınız?","Animated":"Hareketli","Animation":"Animasyon","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Özel fotoğraflar ve videolar gizli kalır ve paylaşılmaz.","API Key":"API Anahtarı","Apply":"Uygula","Approve":"Onayla","Archive":"Arşiv","Archived":"Arşivlendi","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Seçimi arşivlemek istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Bu albümleri silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Bu etiketleri silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Bu hesabı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Bu resimleri kalıcı olarak silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Bu dosyayı kalıcı olarak silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Are you sure?":"Emin misiniz?","Artist":"Sanatçı","Aspect Ratio":"En Boy Oranı","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Bir tarayıcıda görüntülenebilmeleri için diğer dosya türleri için otomatik olarak JPEG'ler oluşturun.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Özel anların, gezilerin ve yerlerin albümlerini otomatik olarak oluşturur.","Basic":"Temel","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Bir destek talebi göndermeden önce, sorununuzun nedenini belirlemek için lütfen Sorun Giderme Kontrol Listelerimizi kullanın.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"100% self tarafından finanse edilen ve bağımsız bir şirket olarak, verilerinizi asla satmayacağımıza ve yazılım ve hizmetlerimiz konusunda her zaman şeffaf olacağımıza dair size söz verebiliriz.","Bio":"Özgeçmiş","Birth Date":"Doğum Tarihi","Black":"Siyah","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: Lanczos Değişikliği, Daha Az Çınlayan Eserler","Blue":"Mavi","Brown":"Kahverengi","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Görüntü sınıflandırma etiketlerine göz atın ve düzenleyin.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Kitaplık'ta dizine alınmış dosya ve klasörlere göz atın.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Belirli ürün özellikleri, hizmetler ve ilgili kaynaklar hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi için Bilgi Tabanına göz atın.","Bug Report":"Hata raporu","Busy, please wait…":"Meşgul, lütfen bekleyin…","Calendar":"Takvim","Camera":"Kamera","Camera Serial":"Kamera Seri","Can't load more, limit reached":"Daha fazla yüklenemiyor, sınıra ulaşıldı","Can't select more items":"Daha fazla öğe seçilemiyor","Cancel":"İptal","Cards":"Kartlar","Category":"Kategori","Change Avatar":"Avatarı değiştir","Change Password":"Şifre Değiştir","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Kişisel profil ve güvenlik ayarlarını değiştirin.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Fotoğraf başlıklarını, konumları ve diğer meta verileri değiştirin.","Change private flag":"Özel bayrağı değiştir","Changes successfully saved":"Değişiklikler başarıyla kaydedildi","Checked":"Seçildi","Chroma":"Renk","Close":"Kapat","Codec":"Kodek","Color":"Renk","Color Profile":"Renk Profili","Colors":"Renkler","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Yaygın sorunlar, sağladığımız sorun giderme kontrol listeleri kullanılarak hızlı bir şekilde teşhis edilebilir ve çözülebilir.","Complete Rescan":"Tekrar Tara","Confidence":"Güven","Connect":"Bağlan","Connect via WebDAV":"WebDAV ile bağlan","Connected":"Bağlandı","Contact Details":"İletişim Detayları","Contact Us":"İletişim","Contains %{n} pictures.":"%{n} resim içeriyor.","Contains one picture.":"Tek resim içerir.","Convert to JPEG":"JPEG'e Dönüştür","Converting":"Dönüştürülüyor","Copied to clipboard":"Panoya kopyalandı","Copyright":"Telif hakkı","Couldn't find anything.":"Hiçbir şey bulunamadı.","Country":"Ülke","Create album":"Albüm Oluştur","Created":"Oluşturuldu","Creating thumbnails for":"Önizlemeler üretiliyor","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: Ortalama Kalite, İyi Performans","Current Password":"Mevcut Şifre","Customer Support":"Müşteri Hizmetleri","Cyan":"Cyan","Cyano":"Cyano","Daily":"Günlük","Day":"Gün","Debug Logs":"Hata Kayıtları","Default":"Varsayılan","Default Folder":"Varsayılan Klasör","Delete":"Sil","Description":"Tanım","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Kullanıcı kılavuzunda detaylı adımlar bulunabilir.","Details":"Detaylar","Dimensions":"Boyutlar","Disable Backups":"Yedekleri Devredışı Bırak","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Yerleşik WebDAV sunucusunu devre dışı bırakın. Yeniden başlatma gerektirir.","Disable Darktable":"Darktable'ı devre dışı bırak","Disable ExifTool":"ExifTool'u devre dışı bırak","Disable FFmpeg":"FFmpeg'i devre dışı bırak","Disable Places":"Yerleri Devre Dışı Bırak","Disable RawTherapee":"RawTherapee'yi devre dışı bırak","Disable TensorFlow":"TensorFlow'u devre dışı bırak","Disable WebDAV":"WebDAV'ı devre dışı bırak","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Ters coğrafi kodlamayı ve haritaları devre dışı bırakır.","Discover":"Keşfetmek","Display Name":"Ekran adı","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Fotoğraf ve albüm meta verilerini YAML dosyalarına yedeklemeyin.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Gelişmiş meta veri ayıklaması için ExifTool JSON dosyaları oluşturmayın.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Orijinaller klasörünü değiştirmeyin. İçe aktarmayı, yüklemeyi ve silmeyi devre dışı bırakır.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Videoları FFmpeg ile dönüştürmeyin.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"RAW dosyalarını dönüştürmek için Darktable'ı kullanmayın.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"RAW dosyalarını dönüştürmek için RawTherapee kullanmayın.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Görüntü sınıflandırması için TensorFlow kullanmayın.","Donations":"Bağışlar","Done":"Tamamlandı","Done.":"Tamamlandı.","Download":"İndirmek","Download remote files":"Uzak dosyaları indir","Download single files and zip archives.":"Tek dosyaları ve zip arşivlerini indirin.","Downloading…":"İndiriliyor…","Downscaling Filter":"Ölçek küçültme filtresi","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"Aldığımız e-postaların yoğunluğu nedeniyle ekibimiz size hemen geri dönüş yapamayabilir.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Yinelenenler atlanacak ve yalnızca bir kez görünecek.","Duration":"Süre","Dynamic Previews":"Dinamik Önizlemeler","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Dinamik oluşturma, güçlü bir sunucu gerektirir. NAS cihazları için önerilmez.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Dinamik Boyut Sınırı: %{n}px","E-Mail":"E-Posta","Edit":"Düzenle","Edit %{name}":"%{name} i düzenle","Edit Account":"Hesabı Düzenle","Edit Photo":"Fotoğrafı Düzenle","Edited":"Düzenlendi","Electra":"Electra","Email":"E-posta","Enable new features currently under development.":"Şu anda geliştirilmekte olan yeni özellikleri etkinleştirin.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"RAW dönüştürücü ön ayarlarını etkinleştirir. Performansı azaltabilir.","Errors":"Hatalar","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Koordinatları olmayan resimlerin yaklaşık konumunu tahmin edin.","Estimates":"Tahminler","Every two days":"iki günde bir","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Özel olarak işaretlenen içeriği arama sonuçlarından, paylaşılan albümlerden, etiketlerden ve yerlerden hariç tutun.","Exclude hidden":"Gizlenenleri hariç tut","Expand":"Genişlet","Expand Search":"Aramayı Genişlet","Experimental Features":"Deneysel Özellikler","Expires":"Süre sonu","Exposure":"Pozlama","F Number":"F Numarası","Face":"Yüz","Faces":"yüzler","Failed copying to clipboard":"Panoya kopyalanamadı","Failed removing link":"Bağlantı kaldırılamadı","Failed updating link":"Bağlantı güncellenemedi","Family Name":"Aile Adı","Fast":"Hızlı","Favorite":"Favori","Favorites":"Favoriler","Feature Request":"Özellik isteği","Feed":"Besleme","Feedback":"Geri bildirim","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Herhangi bir sorunuz varsa bizimle hello@photoprism.app adresinden iletişime geçmekten çekinmeyin.","Female":"Kadın","File":"Dosya","File Browser":"Dosya tarayıcısı","File Name":"Dosya Adı","File Size":"Dosya Boyutu","Filename":"Dosya Adı","Files":"Dosyalar","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"'IMG_1234 (2)' ve 'IMG_1234 (3)' gibi sıralı adlara sahip dosyalar aynı resme aittir.","Focal Length":"Odak uzaklığı","Folder":"Klasör","Folder contains %{n} files":"Klasör %{n} dosya içeriyor","Folder is empty":"Klasör boş","Folders":"Klasörler","Forgot password?":"Parolanızı mı unuttunuz?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"Çerçeveler","Fullscreen":"Tam ekran","Gemstone":"Değerli taş","Gender":"Cinsiyet","General":"Genel","Getting Support":"Destek Alma","Given Name":"Verilen İsim","Gold":"Altın","Grayscale":"Gri tonlamalı","Green":"Yeşil","Grey":"Gri","Hash":"Karma","Help":"Yardım","Help & Support":"Yardım & Destek","Hidden":"Gizli","Hidden Files":"Gizli Dosyalar","Hide":"Gizle","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Arşive taşınan fotoğrafları gizleyin.","High":"Yüksek","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Yüksek Dinamik Aralık (HDR)","How can we help?":"Nasıl yardımcı olabiliriz?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Bu yardımcı olmazsa veya başka sorularınız varsa:","image":"resim","Image":"Resim","Images":"Görüntüler","Import":"İçe aktarmak","Import failed":"İçe aktarılamadı","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"İçe aktarılan dosyalar tarihe göre sıralanacak ve yinelemeleri önlemek için benzersiz bir ad verilecektir.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"İçe aktarılan dosyalar tarihe göre sıralanacak ve benzersiz bir ad verilecektir.","Importing %{name}…":"%{name} içe aktarılıyor…","Importing files to originals…":"Dosyalar orijinallere aktarılıyor…","in":"içinde","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"Ayrıca, sponsorlar e-posta yoluyla doğrudan teknik destek alırlar.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"Beklediğiniz resimlerin eksik olması durumunda lütfen kitaplığınızı yeniden tarayın ve indeksleme tamamlanana kadar bekleyin.","Index":"Dizin","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Kullanıcı arayüzü üzerinden dosyaları indeksleyin ve içe aktarın.","Indexing":"Indeksleniyor","Indexing failed":"İndeksleme başarısız","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Medya ve yardımcı dosyalar indeksleniyor…","Instance ID":"Ortam ID","Interval":"Aralık","Invalid":"Geçersiz","Invalid date":"Geçersiz tarih","Invalid parameters":"Geçersiz parametreler","Invalid photo selected":"Geçersiz fotoğraf seçildi","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Yolunuza çıkmadan resimleri otomatik olarak etiketlemek ve bulmak için en son teknolojilerden yararlanır.","Item":"Öğe","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG Kalitesi: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG Boyut Sınırı: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG'ler ve küçük resimler, gerektiğinde otomatik olarak oluşturulur.","Keywords":"Anahtar Kelimeler","Knowledge Base":"Bilgi Bankası","Label":"Etiket","Labels":"Etiketler","Labels deleted":"Etiketler silindi","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: Detayların Korunması, Minimal Eserler","Language":"Dil","Last Sync":"Son Senkronizasyon","Latitude":"Enlem","Lavender":"Lavanta","Learn more":"Daha fazla bilgi edin","Legal Information":"Yasal Bilgiler","Lens":"Lens","Library":"Kütüphane","License":"Lisans","Like":"Sevmek","Lime":"Sarı","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Sınıra ulaşıldı, ilk %{n} dosya gösteriliyor","Linear: Very Smooth, Best 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Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Bu anahtar kelimeyi içeren uyarı veya hata yok. Aramanın büyük/küçük harfe duyarlı olduğunu unutmayın.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Fotoğrafik olmayan ve düşük kaliteli görseller, arama sonuçlarında görünmeden önce bir inceleme gerektirir.","None":"Hiçbiri","Not Found":"Bulunamadı","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Orijinaller klasörünüzü manuel olarak yönetebileceğinizi ve içe aktarmanın isteğe bağlı olduğunu unutmayın.","Note:":"Not:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Not: Yalnızca Nextcloud veya PhotoPrism gibi WebDAV sunucuları yedekleme ve dosya yükleme için uzak hizmet olarak yapılandırılabilir.","Notes":"Notlar","Nothing to see here yet.":"Henüz görecek bir şey yok.","Offline":"Çevrimdışı","Oldest First":"Eskiden Yeniye","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"Windows'ta, bağlantı iletişim kutusuna aşağıdaki kaynağı girin:","Once a week":"Haftada bir","One album found":"Bir albüm bulundu","One file found":"Bir dosya bulundu","One file uploaded":"Bir dosya yüklendi","One folder found":"Bir klasör bulundu","One label found":"Bir etiket bulundu","One person found":"Bir kişi bulundu","One picture found":"Bir resim bulundu","Onyx":"Onyx","Options":"Seçenekler","or ask in our Community Chat":"veya Topluluk Sohbetimizde sorun","Orange":"Turuncu","Organization":"Organizasyon","Orientation":"Oryantasyon","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Orijinal dosya adları saklanacak ve indekslenecektir.","Original Name":"Orijinal Adı","Originals":"Orijinaller","Other":"Diğer","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Kullanıcı Kılavuzumuz ayrıca Google Fotoğraflar'dan geçiş ve küçük resim kalitesi ayarları gibi birçok gelişmiş konuyu da kapsamaktadır.","Outdoor":"Dış mekan","Panorama":"Panorama","Panoramas":"Panoramalar","Password":"Şifre","Password changed":"Şifre Değiştirildi","People":"Kişi","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Bağlantı paylaştığınız kişiler herkese açık içerikleri görüntüleyebilecektir.","Permanently deleted":"Kalıcı olarak silindi","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Depolama alanını boşaltmak için dosyaları kalıcı olarak kaldırın.","Phone":"Telefon","Photo":"Fotoğraf","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism güncellendi..","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism®, Merkezi Olmayan Web için Yapay Zeka Destekli bir Fotoğraf Uygulamasıdır.","Photos":"Fotoğraflar","Pink":"Pembe","Place":"Yer","Place & Time":"Yer ve Zaman","Places":"Konumlar","Please confirm your new password.":"Lütfen yeni şifrenizi onaylayın.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Lütfen saldırgan içerik barındıran fotoğraflar yüklemeyin.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Lütfen şifrenizi değiştirdiğinizde diğer cihazlarda ve tarayıcılarda oturumunuzu kapatacağınızı unutmayın.","Portrait":"Portre","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"sorunuzu GitHub Tartışmaları'na gönderin","Preserve filenames":"Dosya adlarını koru","Press button to start importing…":"İçe aktarmaya başlamak için düğmeye basın..","Press button to start indexing…":"İndekslemeyi başlatmak için düğmeye basın..","Press enter to create a new album.":"Yeni bir albüm oluşturmak için enter tuşuna basın.","Preview":"Önizleme","Primary":"Birincil","Private":"Özel","Product Feedback":"Ürün Geri Bildirimi","Projection":"Projeksiyon","Purple":"Mor","Quality Filter":"Kalite Filtresi","Quality Score":"Kalite Puanı","Random":"Rastgele","Raspberry":"Ahududu","Raw":"Çiğ","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW Dönüştürme","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Önceden indekslenmiş ve değişmemiş dosyalar da dahil olmak üzere tüm orijinalleri yeniden indeksleyin.","Read the Docs":"Belgeleri Okuyun","Read-Only Mode":"Salt Okunur Modu","Recently Added":"Son Eklenenler","Recently Edited":"Son zamanlarda Düzenlendi","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Tanıma işlemi indeksleme tamamlandıktan sonra başlar.","Recognized":"Tanınmış","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Belirli kişilerin bulunabilmesi için yüzleri tanır.","Red":"Kırmızı","Reload":"Tekrar yükle","Reloading…":"Yeniden doldurma..","Remote Sync":"Uzaktan Senkronizasyon","Remove":"Kaldır","remove failed: unknown album":"kaldırma başarısız: bilinmeyen albüm","Remove from album":"Albümden çıkar","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Depolama alanından tasarruf etmek için içe aktarılan dosyaları kaldırın. Desteklenmeyen dosya türleri asla silinmez, mevcut konumlarında kalırlar.","Request failed - invalid response":"İstek başarısız oldu - geçersiz yanıt","Required":"Gerekli","Resolution":"Çözünürlük","Restore":"Geri Yükle","Retry Limit":"Yeniden Deneme Sınırı","Retype Password":"Şifrenizi yeniden yazın","Review":"İnceleme","Satellite":"Uydu","Save":"Kaydet","Scan":"Tara","Scans":"Taramalar","Search":"Arama","Search and display photos on a map.":"Fotoğrafları harita üzerinde arayın ve görüntüleyin.","Season":"Sezon","Secret":"Gizli","Security and Access":"Güvenlik ve Erişim","Select":"Seç","Select albums or create a new one":"Albümleri seçin veya yeni bir albüm oluşturun","Selection approved":"Seçim onaylandı","Selection archived":"Seçim arşivlendi","Selection restored":"Seçim geri yüklendi","Send":"Gönder","Sequential Name":"Sıralı İsim","Service URL":"Hizmet URL'si","Services":"Hizmetler","Settings":"Ayarlar","Settings saved":"Ayarlar kaydedildi","Setup":"Kurulum","Shadow":"Gölge","Share":"Paylaş","Share %{name}":"Paylaş %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Fotoğraflarınızı diğer uygulamalar ve hizmetlerle paylaşın.","Show":"Göster","Show all new faces":"Tüm yeni yüzleri göster","Show hidden":"Gizli göster","Show less":"Daha Az Göster","Show more":"Daha fazla göster","Show server logs in Library.":"Kütüphane'de sunucu günlüklerini gösterin.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Daha ayrıntılı günlük mesajları gösterir. Yeniden başlatma gerektirir.","Sidecar":"Sidecar","Sign in":"Giriş Yap","Sign Up":"Kaydol","Similar":"Benzer","Size":"Boyut","Slow":"Yavaş","Sort Order":"Sıralama düzeni","Source":"Kaynak","Stack":"Yığın","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Aynı benzersiz görüntü veya örnek tanımlayıcısını paylaşan yığın dosyaları.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Aynı zamanda ve konumda çekilen fotoğrafları meta verilerine göre yığınlayın.","Stackable":"İstiflenebilir","Stacks":"Yığınlar","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Yığınlar, benzer referans çerçevesine sahip, ancak kalite, format, boyut veya renk farklılıkları olan dosyaları gruplandırır.","Start":"Başla","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Slayt Gösterisini Başlat/Durdur","States":"İlçeler","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Statik Boyut Sınırı: %{n}px","Status":"Durum","Storage":"Depolama","Streets":"Sokaklar","Subject":"Konu","Successfully Connected":"Başarıyla Bağlandı","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Google Drive gibi ek hizmetler için destek zaman içinde eklenecektir.","Sync":"Eşitle","Sync raw and video files":"Ham ve video dosyalarını senkronize edin","Taken":"Alınmış","Teal":"Turkuaz","Text too long":"Metin çok uzun","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Dizin şu anda %{n} gizli dosya içermektedir.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Formatları desteklenmiyor olabilir, henüz JPEG'e dönüştürülmemiş olabilir veya mükerrer olabilir.","Theme":"Tema","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Bu, orijinaller klasörünü bir ağ sürücüsü olarak bağlar ve dosyaları açmanıza, düzenlemenize ve silmenize olanak tanır\n bilgisayarınızdan veya akıllı telefonunuzdan yerelmiş gibi.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Bu, orijinaller klasörünü bir ağ sürücüsü olarak bağlar ve dosyaları bilgisayarınızdan veya akıllı telefonunuzdan yerelmiş gibi açmanıza, düzenlemenize ve silmenize olanak tanır.","Thumbnail Generation":"Küçük Resim Oluşturma","Time UTC":"Zaman UTC","Time Zone":"Saat dilimi","Timeout":"Zaman aşımı","Title":"Başlık","Title / Position":"Başlık / Pozisyon","Title too long":"Başlık çok uzun","Toggle View":"Görünümü Değiştir","Token":"Token","Topographic":"Topografik","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Sorun Giderme Kontrol Listeleri","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Başka filtreler veya anahtar kelimeler kullanarak tekrar deneyin.","Type":"Tip","Undo":"Geri al","Unique ID":"Benzersiz kimlik","Unknown":"Bilinmeyen","Unregistered":"Kaydedilmemiş","Unsorted":"Sıralanmamış","Unstack":"Unstack","Updated":"Güncellendi","Updating faces":"Yüzleri güncelleme","Updating index":"Dizin güncelleniyor","Updating moments":"Anların güncellenmesi","Updating picture…":"Resim güncelleniyor..","Updating previews":"Önizlemeleri güncelleme","Updating stacks":"Yığınları güncelleme","Upload":"Yükle","Upload complete":"Yüklendi","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Yükleme tamamlandı. İndeksleniyor..","Upload failed":"Yükleme başarısız","Upload local files":"Yerel dosyaları yükleme","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"WebDAV'a yükleyin ve bağlantıları arkadaşlarınızla paylaşın.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"1]'in %{n}'ı yükleniyor..","Uploading photos…":"Fotoğraf yükleniyor..","Uploading…":"Yükleniyor…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Bu tür görüntüler içerebilecek yüklemeler otomatik olarak reddedilecektir.","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"Ön Ayarları Kullan","User":"Kullanıcı","User Guide":"Kullanıcı rehberi","User Interface":"Kullanıcı arayüzü","Username":"Kullanıcı Adı","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"Doğrulanmış","Video":"Video","Video Duration":"Video Süresi","Videos":"Videolar","View":"Görünüm","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Fotoğraflarınızı nasıl senkronize edeceğinizi, düzenleyeceğinizi ve paylaşacağınızı öğrenmek için docs.photoprism.app/user-guide adresini ziyaret edin.","Visual Similarity":"Görsel Benzerlik","We appreciate your feedback!":"Görüşleriniz için teşekkür ederiz!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Beş iş günü veya daha kısa bir süre içinde yanıt vermek için elimizden geleni yapıyoruz.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Tüm sorularınızı yanıtlamak için elimizden geleni yapacağız. Karşılığında sizden bizi Patreon veya GitHub Sponsorları üzerinden desteklemenizi rica ediyoruz.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV istemcileri aşağıdaki URL'yi kullanarak PhotoPrism'e bağlanabilir:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Microsoft'un Windows Explorer'ı veya Apple'ın Finder'ı gibi WebDAV istemcileri doğrudan\n PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV Yükleme","Website":"Website","White":"Beyaz","Work Details":"İş Detayları","Year":"Yıl","Yellow":"Sarı","Yellowstone":"Yellowstone","Yes":"Evet","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"reddit'te bize katılabilirsiniz","You can only download one album":"Yalnızca bir albüm indirebilirsiniz","You can only download one label":"Yalnızca bir etiket indirebilirsiniz","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Evde, özel bir sunucuda veya bulutta çalıştırabilirsiniz.","You may only select one item":"Yalnızca bir öğe seçebilirsiniz","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Başka yüzler bulmak için kütüphanenizi yeniden tarayabilirsiniz.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Devam eden desteğiniz düzenli güncellemeler sağlamamıza ve bağımsız kalmamıza yardımcı olur, böylece misyonumuzu yerine getirebilir ve gizliliğinizi koruyabiliriz.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Özel anların, gezilerin ve yerlerin albümlerini otomatik olarak oluşturmak için kitaplığınız sürekli olarak analiz edilir.","Zoom in/out":"Yakınlaştır / uzaklaştır"},"uk":{"%{n} albums found":"%{n} альбомів знайдено","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} файлів завантажено","%{n} folders found":"%{n} тек знайдено","%{n} labels found":"%{n} міток знайдено","%{n} people found":"%{n} людей знайдено","%{n} pictures found":"%{n} зображень знайдено","1 hour":"1 година","12 hours":"12 годин","4 hours":"4 години","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"Копіювання до буферу обміну по кліку.","About":"Про","Abyss":"Усі піддиректорії","Account":"Обліковий запис","Accuracy":"Точність","Action":"Дія","Actions":"Дії","Activate":"Активувати","Activation Code":"Код активації","Add Account":"Додати обліковий запис","Add Album":"Додати Альбом","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"Додайте файли до своєї бібліотеки за допомогою Веб-завантаження.","Add Link":"Додати посилання","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"Додайте зображення з результатів пошуку, вибравши їх.","Add to album":"Додати до альбому","Added":"Додано","Advanced":"Розширені","After 1 day":"Через 1 день","After 3 days":"Через 3 дні","After 7 days":"Через 7 днів","After one month":"Через місяць","After one year":"Через рік","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"Вибравши зображення з результатів пошуку, ви можете додати їх до альбому за допомогою контекстного меню.","After two months":"Через два місяці","After two weeks":"Через два тижні","Album":"Альбом","Album Name":"Назва альбому","Albums":"Альбоми","Albums deleted":"Альбом видалено","All %{n} albums loaded":"Усі %{n} альбомів завантажено","All %{n} labels loaded":"Усі %{n} міток завантажено","All %{n} people loaded":"Усі %{n} людей завантажено","All Cameras":"Усі фотокамери","All Categories":"Усі категорії","All Colors":"Усі кольори","All Countries":"Усі країни","All fields are required":"Усі поля обов'язкові для заповнення","All files from import folder":"Всі файли з теки імпорту","All Lenses":"Всі об'єктиви","All Months":"Всі місяці","All originals":"Всі оригінали","All Years":"Всі роки","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"Крім того, ви можете завантажувати файли безпосередньо на сервери WebDAV, такі як Nextcloud.","Altitude":"Висота","Altitude (m)":"Висота (м)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"Сталася помилка - ви офлайн?","Animated":"Анімовані","Animation":"Анімація","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"Будь-які приватні фотографії та відео залишаються приватними та не будуть доступні іншим користувачам.","API Key":"Ключ API","Apply":"Застосувати","Approve":"Підтвердити","Archive":"Архів","Archived":"Заархівовано","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"Ви впевнені що хочете заархівувати виділені елементи?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"Ви впевнені що хочете видалити ці альбоми?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"Ви впевнені що хочете видалити ці мітки?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"Ви впевнені що хочете видалити цей обліковий запис?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"Ви впевнені що хочете остаточно видалити ці зображення?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"Ви впевнені що хочете остаточно видалити цей файл?","Are you sure?":"Ви впевнені?","Artist":"Виконавець","Aspect Ratio":"Співвідношення сторін","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"Автоматично створити JPEG для інших типів файлів, щоб вони могли відображатися в браузері.","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Автоматично створювати альбоми визначних моментів, подорожей та місць.","Basic":"Базовий","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"Перш ніж надсилати запит на підтримку, скористайтеся нашими контрольними списками для усунення несправностей, щоб визначити причину вашої проблеми.","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"Будучи на 100% самофінансованими та незалежними, ми можемо пообіцяти вам, що ми ніколи не будемо продавати ваші дані і що ми завжди будемо прозорими щодо нашого програмного забезпечення та послуг.","Bio":"Біографія","Birth Date":"Дата народження","Black":"Чорний","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman: модифікація Lanczos, менш виразні артефакти","Blue":"Синій","Brown":"Коричневий","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"Переглядайте та редагуйте мітки класифікації зображень.","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"Переглядайте проіндексовані файли та папки в бібліотеці.","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"Перегляньте Базу знань для отримання детальної інформації про конкретні функції продукту, послуги та пов'язані з ними ресурси.","Bug Report":"Звіт про помилку","Busy, please wait…":"Система зайнята, будь ласка, зачекайте…","Calendar":"Календар","Camera":"Камера","Camera Serial":"Серійний номер камери","Can't load more, limit reached":"Не можна завантажити більше, досягнуто обмеження","Can't select more items":"Не можливо виділити більше елементів","Cancel":"Відмінити","Cards":"Картки","Category":"Категорія","Change Avatar":"Змінити аватар","Change Password":"Змінити пароль","Change personal profile and security settings.":"Зміна особистого профілю та налаштувань безпеки.","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"Змінити назви фотографій, розташування та інші метадані.","Change private flag":"Змінити означку приватності","Changes successfully saved":"Зміни успішно збережено","Checked":"Перевірено","Chroma":"Колірність","Close":"Закрити","Codec":"Кодек","Color":"Колір","Color Profile":"Профіль кольору","Colors":"Кольори","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"Поширені проблеми можна швидко діагностувати та вирішити за допомогою контрольних списків з усунення несправностей, які ми надаємо.","Compare Features":"Порівняти функції","Complete Rescan":"Повне перескановування","Confidence":"Точність","Connect":"Під'єднати","Connect via WebDAV":"Під'єднати через WebDAV","Connected":"Підключено","Contact Details":"Контактна інформація","Contact Us":"Зв'язатися з нами","Contains %{n} pictures.":"Містить %{n} зображень.","Contains one picture.":"Містить одне зображення.","Convert to JPEG":"Конвертувати у JPEG","Converting":"Конвертація","Copied to clipboard":"Скопійовано у буфер обміну","Copyright":"Авторські права","Couldn't find anything.":"Не можу знайти нічого.","Country":"Країна","Create Account":"Створити обліковий запис","Create album":"Створити альбом","Created":"Створено","Creating thumbnails for":"Створюю мініатюри для","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: помірна якість, хороша продуктивність","Current Password":"Поточний пароль","Customer Support":"Підтримка клієнтів","Cyan":"Блакитний","Cyano":"Блакитний","Daily":"Щоденний","Day":"День","Debug Logs":"Журнали налагодження","Default":"За замовчуванням","Default Folder":"Тека за замовчуванням","Delete":"Видалити","Description":"Опис","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"Детальні інструкції можна знайти в нашій Інструкції Користувача.","Details":"Подробиці","Dimensions":"Розміри","Disable Backups":"Вимкнути резервній копії","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"Вимкнути вбудований WevDAV сервер. Необхідне перезавантаження.","Disable Darktable":"Вимкнути Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"Вимкнути ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"Вимкнути FFmpeg","Disable Places":"Вимкнути Місця","Disable RawTherapee":"Вимкнути RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"Вимкнути TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"Вимкнути WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"Вимкнути зворотне геокодування та карти.","Discover":"Огляд","Display Name":"Ім'я користувача","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"Не створювати резервні копії метаданих фотографій і альбомів у файли YAML.","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"Не створювати файли ExifTool JSON для покращеного отримання метаданих.","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"Не змінювати теку оригіналів. Вимикає імпорт, завантаження та видалення.","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"Не перекодовувати відео за допомогою FFmpeg.","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"Не використовувати Darktable для конвертації файлів RAW.","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"Не використовувати RawTherapee для конвертації файлів RAW.","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"Не використовувати TensorFlow для класифікації зображень.","Donations":"Пожертви","Done":"Готово","Done.":"Готово.","Download":"Завантажити","Download remote files":"Завантаження віддалених файлів","Download single files and zip archives.":"Завантажити окремі файли та архіви zip.","Downloading…":"Завантаження…","Downscaling Filter":"Фільтр зменшення масштабу","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"У зв'язку з великою кількістю електронних листів, які ми отримуємо, наша команда може бути не в змозі відповісти вам негайно.","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"Дублікати пропускатимуться та з’являтимуться лише один раз.","Duration":"Тривалість","Dynamic Previews":"Динамічний попередній перегляд","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"Для динамічного рендерингу потрібен потужний сервер. Не рекомендується для пристроїв NAS.","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"Обмеження динамічного розміру: %{n}px","E-Mail":"Електронна пошта","Edit":"Редагувати","Edit %{name}":"Редагувати %{name}","Edit Account":"Редагувати обліковий запис","Edit Photo":"Редагувати фото","Edited":"Відредаговано","Electra":"Електра","Email":"Електронна пошта","Enable new features currently under development.":"Увімкнути нові функції, які зараз розробляються.","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"Увімкнути попередньо встановлені налаштування конвертера RAW. Може знизити продуктивність.","Errors":"Помилки","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"Оцініть приблизне розташування зображень без координат.","Estimates":"Підрахунок","Every two days":"Кожні два дні","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"Виключити контент, відмічений як приватний, з результатів пошуку, спільних альбомів, міток та місць.","Exclude hidden":"Виключаючи приховані","Expand":"Розширити","Expand Search":"Розширений пошук","Experimental Features":"Експериментальні можливості","Expires":"Закінчується","Exposure":"Експозиція","F Number":"Діафрагма","Face":"Обличчя","Faces":"Обличчя","Failed copying to clipboard":"Не вдалося скопіювати в буфер обміну","Failed removing link":"Не вдалось видалити посилання","Failed updating link":"Не вдалось оновити посилання","Family Name":"Прізвище","Fast":"Швидко","Favorite":"Вибрані","Favorites":"Вибране","Feature Request":"Запит можливостей","Feed":"Канал","Feedback":"Відгук","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"Не соромтеся зв’язатися з нами за адресою hello@photoprism.app, якщо у вас виникнуть запитання.","Female":"Жінка","File":"Файл","File Browser":"Оглядач файлів","File Name":"Ім'я файлу","File Size":"Розмір файлу","Filename":"Ім'я файла","Files":"Файли","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"Файли з послідовними іменами як 'IMG_1234 (2)' і 'IMG_1234 (3)' вважати тим самим зображенням.","Focal Length":"Фокусна відстань","Folder":"Тека","Folder contains %{n} files":"Тека містить %{n} файлів","Folder is empty":"Тека порожня","Folders":"Теки","Forgot password?":"Забули пароль?","FPS":"к/с","Frames":"Кадрів","Frequently Asked Questions":"Поширені запитання","Fullscreen":"Повний екран","Gemstone":"Коштовний камінь","Gender":"Стать","General":"Загальний","Getting Support":"Отримати підтримку","Given Name":"Прізвище, ім'я та по батькові","Gold":"Золотий","Grayscale":"Градації сірого","Green":"Зелений","Grey":"Сірий","Hash":"Хеш","Help":"Допомога","Help & Support":"Допомога і Підтримка","Hidden":"Приховані","Hidden Files":"Приховані файли","Hide":"Приховати","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"Приховати фотографії, які були переміщені в архів.","High":"Високий","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"Високий Динамічний Діапазон(HDR)","How can we help?":"Як ми можемо допомогти?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"Якщо це не допомогло або у вас виникли інші запитання:","image":"зображення","Image":"Зображення","Images":"Зображення","Import":"Імпортувати","Import failed":"Імпортування невдале","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"Імпортовані файли будуть відсортовані по даті та отримають унікальні імена для уникнення дублікатів.","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"Імпортовані файли будуть відсортовані по даті та отримають унікальні імена.","Importing %{name}…":"Імпортуємо %{name}…","Importing files to originals…":"Імпортуємо файли в теку оригіналів…","in":"в","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"На додачу спонсори отримають пряму технічну підтримку через електронну пошту.","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"У випадку якщо очікувані зображення відсутні, будь-ласка перескануйте вашу бібліотеку та зачекайте поки індексування закінчиться.","Index":"Індекс","Index and import files through the user interface.":"Індексуйте та імпортуйте файли через користувацький інтерфейс.","Indexing":"Індексування","Indexing failed":"Індексування не вдалось","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"Індексування мультимедійних і файлів додаткової інформації…","Instance ID":"Ідентифікатор екземпляра","Interval":"Інтервал","Invalid":"Недійсний","Invalid date":"Невірна дата","Invalid parameters":"Неправильні параметри","Invalid photo selected":"вибрано невірне фото","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"Використовуються новітні технології, щоб автоматично позначати і знаходити фотографії, не заважаючи вам.","Item":"Елемент","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"Якість JPEG: %{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"Обмеження розміру JPEG: %{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEG та мініатюри автоматично відтворюються за потреби.","Keywords":"Ключові слова","Knowledge Base":"База знань","Label":"Мітка","Labels":"Мітки","Labels deleted":"Мітки видалено","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos: збереження деталей, мінімум артефактів","Language":"Мова","Last Sync":"Остання синхронізація","Latitude":"Широта","Lavender":"Лавандовий","Learn more":"Дізнатися більше","Legal Information":"Юридична інформація","Lens":"Об'єктив","Library":"Бібліотека","License":"Ліцензія","Like":"Вподобання","Lime":"Лаймовий","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"Ліміт досягнуто, показано перші %{n} файлів","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Лінійний: дуже плавний, найкраща продуктивність","Link":"Посилання","List":"Список","Live":"Live фото","Live Photos":"Живі фото","Local Time":"Місцевий час","location":"місцезнаходження","Location":"Місцезнаходження","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"Повідомлення журналу з’являються тут щоразу, коли PhotoPrism натрапляє на пошкоджені файли або виникають інші потенційні проблеми.","Login":"Увійти в систему","Logout":"Вийти з системи","Logs":"Журнали","Longitude":"Довгота","Low":"Низький","Magenta":"Маджента","Main Color":"Основний колір","Male":"Чоловік","manual":"ручний","Manual Upload":"Вивантаження вручну","Maps":"Карти","Marker":"Маркер","Medium":"Середній","Membership":"Членство","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"Об'єднати %{a} із %{b}?","Message sent":"Повідомлення надіслано","Minimize":"Мінімізувати","Missing":"Відсутнє","Moments":"Моменти","Monochrome":"Монохромні","Month":"Місяць","Moonlight":"Місячне сяйво","More than %{n} pictures found":"Знайдено понад %{n} зображень","More than 20 albums found":"Знайдено більше 20 альбомів","More than 20 labels found":"Знайдено більше 20 міток","More than 20 people found":"Знайдено більше 20 осіб","Mosaic":"Мозаїка","Most Relevant":"Найбільш актуальні","Move Files":"Перемістити файли","Must have at least %{n} characters.":"Повинно містити не менше %{n} символів.","Name":"Ім'я","Name too long":"Задовге ім'я","Never":"Ніколи","New":"Нові","New Password":"Новий пароль","Newest First":"Спочатку найновіші","No":"Немає","No albums found":"Альбоми не знайдено","No labels found":"Мітки не знайдено","No people found":"Людей не знайдено","No pictures found":"Зображення не знайдено","No recently edited pictures":"Немає нещодавно відредагованих зображень","No servers configured.":"Сервери не налаштовано.","No services configured.":"Служби не налаштовані.","No thanks":"Ні, дякую","No video selected":"Не вибрано жодного відео","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"Немає попереджень або помилок із цим ключовим словом. Зауважте, що пошук чутливий до регістру.","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"Нефотографічні та низькоякісні зображення потребують перевірки, перш ніж з’являться в результатах пошуку.","None":"Жодного","Not Found":"Не знайдено","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"Зауважте, що ви можете вручну керувати текою оригіналів, а імпортувати необов’язково.","Note:":"Примітка:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"Примітка: лише сервери WebDAV, такі як Nextcloud або PhotoPrism, можна налаштувати як віддалену службу для резервного копіювання та вивантаження файлів.","Notes":"Примітки","Nothing to see here yet.":"Поки що тут немає на що дивитися.","Offline":"Поза мережею","Oldest First":"Спочатку найстарші","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"У Windows, введіть наступний ресурс у діалоговому вікні підключення:","Once a week":"Раз на тиждень","One album found":"Один альбом знайдено","One file found":"Один файл знайдено","One file uploaded":"Один файл вивантажено","One folder found":"Одну теку знайдено","One label found":"Одну мітку знайдено","One person found":"Одну людину знайдено","One picture found":"Одне зображення знайдено","Onyx":"Онікс","Options":"Параметри","or ask in our Community Chat":"або запитайте в чаті нашої спільноти","Orange":"Оранжевий","Organization":"Організація","Orientation":"Орієнтація","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"Оригінальні назви файлів будуть збережені та проіндексовані.","Original Name":"Оригінальна назва","Originals":"Оригінали","Other":"Інше","Our team evaluates this on an ongoing basis, depending on the support effort features and config options cause or have caused in the past, and whether they are generally needed by everyone or mainly requested by organizations and advanced users. As this allows us to make more features available to the public, we encourage all users to support our mission.":"Наша команда оцінює це на постійній основі, залежно від того, які зусилля з підтримки функції та параметри конфігурації викликають або викликали в минулому, і чи потрібні вони в цілому всім або в основному запитуються організаціями та досвідченими користувачами. Оскільки це дозволяє нам зробити більше функцій доступними для громадськості, ми закликаємо всіх користувачів підтримати нашу місію.","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"Наш Посібник користувача також охоплює багато додаткових тем, таких як міграція з Google Фото та налаштування якості мініатюр.","Outdoor":"На відкритому повітрі","Panorama":"Панорама","Panoramas":"Панорами","Password":"Пароль","Password changed":"Пароль змінено","People":"Люди","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"Люди, з котрими ви поділилися посиланням, зможуть переглядати загальнодоступний вміст.","Permanently deleted":"Остаточно видалено","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"Видалити файли назавжди, щоб звільнити пам’ять.","Phone":"Телефон","Photo":"Фото","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism було оновлено…","PhotoPrism is 100% self-funded. Voluntary donations do not cover the cost of a team working full time to provide you with updates, documentation, and support. It is your decision whether you want to sign up to enjoy additional benefits.":"PhotoPrism на 100% самофінансується. Добровільні пожертви не покривають витрати команди, яка працює повний робочий день, щоб забезпечити вас оновленнями, документацією та підтримкою. Ви самі вирішуєте, чи хочете ви підписатися, щоб користуватися додатковими перевагами.","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® - це додаток для децентралізованої обробки фотографій на основі штучного інтелекту.","Photos":"Фотографії","Pink":"Рожевий","Place":"Місце","Place & Time":"Місце і час","Places":"Місця","Please confirm your new password.":"Будь-ласка підтвердіть ваш новий пароль.","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"Будь ласка, не завантажуйте фотографії образливого змісту.","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"Зверніть увагу, що зміна пароля призведе до виходу з системи на інших пристроях та браузерах.","Portrait":"Портрет","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"опублікуйте своє запитання в GitHub Discussions","Preserve filenames":"Зберігати імена файлів","Press button to start importing…":"Нажміть кнопку щоб розпочати імпортування…","Press button to start indexing…":"Натисніть кнопку щоб розпочати індексування…","Press enter to create a new album.":"Натисність Enter щоб створити новий альбом.","Preview":"Попередній перегляд","Primary":"Первинний","Private":"Приватний","Product Feedback":"Відгуки про продукт","Projection":"Проекція","Purple":"Пурпурний","Quality Filter":"Фільтр якості","Quality Score":"Показник якості","Random":"Випадковий","Raspberry":"Малиновий","Raw":"Raw файли","RAW":"RAW файли","RAW Conversion":"Конвертація у форматі RAW","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"Переіндексуйте усі оригінали, включаючи вже проіндексовані та незмінені файли.","Read the Docs":"Прочитайте інструкції","Read-Only Mode":"Режим «тільки для читання»","Recently Added":"Нещодавно додані","Recently Edited":"Нещодавно відредаговано","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"Розпізнавання почнеться після завершення індексації.","Recognized":"Розпізнані","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"Розпізнавання облич для пошуку конкретних людей.","Red":"Червоний","Reload":"Перезавантажити","Reloading…":"Перезавантаження…","Remote Sync":"Віддалена синхронізація","Remove":"Видалити","remove failed: unknown album":"не вдалося видалити: невідомий альбом","Remove from album":"Видалити з альбому","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"Вилучіть імпортовані файли, щоб заощадити пам’ять. Непідтримувані типи файлів ніколи не будуть видалені, вони залишаться в поточному місці.","Request failed - invalid response":"Запит не виконано – недійсна відповідь","Required":"Обов'язковий","Resolution":"Роздільна здатність","Restore":"Відновлення","Retry Limit":"Ліміт повторних спроб","Retype Password":"Введіть пароль повторно","Review":"Потребують перевірки","Satellite":"Супутник","Save":"Зберегти","Scan":"Сканувати","Scans":"Відскановані","Search":"Пошук","Search and display photos on a map.":"Пошук і відображення фотографій на карті.","Season":"Сезон","Secret":"Таємний","Security and Access":"Безпека та доступ","Select":"Вибрати","Select albums or create a new one":"Виберіть альбоми або створіть новий","Selection approved":"Вибір затверджено","Selection archived":"Вибране заархівовано","Selection restored":"Вибране відновлено","Send":"Надіслати","Sequential Name":"Послідовне ім'я","Service URL":"URL служби","Services":"Послуги","Settings":"Налаштування","Settings saved":"Налаштування збережено","Setup":"Налаштувати","Shadow":"Тінь","Share":"Поділитися","Share %{name}":"Поділитися %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"Діліться своїми фотографіями з іншими програмами та сервісами.","Shouldn't free software be free of costs?":"Чи не повинно вільне програмне забезпечення бути безкоштовним?","Show":"Показати","Show all new faces":"Показати всі нові обличчя","Show hidden":"Показати приховані","Show less":"Показувати менше","Show more":"Показати більше","Show server logs in Library.":"Показати журнали сервера в бібліотеці.","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"Показати докладніші повідомлення журналу. Вимагає перезавантаження.","Sidecar":"Додатковий вміст","Sign in":"Увійти","Sign Up":"Зареєструватися","Similar":"Схожі","Size":"Розмір","Slow":"Повільний","Sort Order":"Порядок сортування","Source":"Джерело","Stack":"Серії","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"Згрупувати файли, що мають однакове унікальне зображення або ідентифікатор екземпляра.","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"Згрупувати зображення, зроблені в той самий час і в одному місці, на основі їхніх метаданих.","Stackable":"Згруповуємі","Stacks":"Групи","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"Групує файли зі схожою системою відліку, але відрізняється якістю, форматом, розміром або кольором.","Start":"Почати","Start/Stop Slideshow":"Почати/зупинити показ слайдів","States":"Райони","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"Обмеження статичного розміру: %{n}px","Status":"Статус","Storage":"Сховище","Streets":"Вулиці","Subject":"Тема","Successfully Connected":"Успішно підключено","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"Підтримка додаткових служб, як-от Google Drive, буде додана з часом.","Support Our Mission":"Підтримайте нашу місію","Sync":"Синхронізація","Sync raw and video files":"Синхронізація файлів у форматі raw і відео","Taken":"Занято","Teal":"Бірюзовий","Text too long":"Текст занадто довгий","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"Індекс наразі містить %{n} прихованих файлів.","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"Можливо, їх формат не підтримується, вони ще не перетворені на JPEG або є дублікати.","Theme":"Тема","Think of “free software” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer.” The Free Software Foundation sometimes calls it “libre software,” borrowing the French or Spanish word for “free” as in freedom, to show they do not mean the software is gratis.":"Думайте про \"вільне програмне забезпечення\" як про \"свободу слова\", а не як про \"безкоштовне пиво\". Фонд вільного програмного забезпечення іноді називає його \"вільним програмним забезпеченням\", запозичуючи французьке або іспанське слово \"libre\", що означає свободу, щоб показати, що це не означає, що програмне забезпечення є безкоштовним.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Це монтує папку оригіналів як мережевий диск і дозволяє відкривати, редагувати та видаляти файли\n з вашого комп'ютера або смартфона так, як якщо б вони були локальними.","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"Це монтує теку оригіналів як мережевий диск і дозволяє відкривати, редагувати та видаляти файли з вашого комп’ютера чи смартфона, наче вони локальні.","Thumbnail Generation":"Створення мініатюр","Time UTC":"Час за UTC","Time Zone":"Часовий пояс","Timeout":"Час вийшов","Title":{"Account":"Заголовок","Photo":"Заголовок","":"Заголовок"},"Title / Position":"Звання / посада","Title too long":"Надто довгий заголовок","To upgrade, you may either enter an activation code or click on \"Sign Up\" to upgrade on our website:":"Для оновлення ви можете або ввести код активації, або натиснути кнопку \"Зареєструватися\" на нашому сайті:","Toggle View":"Перемкнути перегляд","Token":"Токен","Topographic":"Топографічний","Troubleshooting Checklists":"Контрольні списки для усунення несправностей","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"Спробуйте ще раз, використовуючи інші фільтри або ключові слова.","Type":"Тип","Undo":"Відмінити","Unique ID":"Унікальний ідентифікатор","Unknown":"Невідомий","Unregistered":"Незареєстрований","Unsorted":"Невідсортовані","Unstack":"Розгрупувати","Updated":"Оновлено","Updating faces":"Оновлення облич","Updating index":"Оновлення індексу","Updating moments":"Оновлення моментів","Updating picture…":"Оновлення зображення…","Updating previews":"Оновлення попереднього перегляду","Updating stacks":"Оновлення стеків","Upgrade":"Оновлення","Upgrade Now":"Оновити зараз","Upgrade now and enjoy our member benefits!":"Переходьте на новий тарифний план та користуйтеся нашими перевагами для учасників!","Upload":"Вивантажити","Upload complete":"Вивантаження завершено","Upload complete. Indexing…":"Вивантаження завершено. Індексація…","Upload failed":"Помилка вивантаження","Upload local files":"Вивантажити локальні файли","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"Вивантажити в WebDAV і поділитися посиланнями з друзями.","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"Вивантаження %{n} з %{t}…","Uploading photos…":"Вивантаження фотографій…","Uploading…":"Вивантаження…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"Вивантаження, які можуть містити такі зображення, автоматично відхилятимуться.","URL":"URL-адреса","Use Presets":"Використовуйте попередні налаштування","User":"Користувач","User Guide":"Посібник користувача","User Interface":"Інтерфейс користувача","Username":"Ім'я користувача","Vanta":"Ванта","Verified":"Перевірений","Video":"Відео","Video Duration":"Тривалість відео","Videos":"Відео","View":"Вид","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"Відвідайте docs.photoprism.app/user-guide, щоб дізнатися, як синхронізувати, упорядковувати та ділитися своїми фотографіями.","Visual Similarity":"Візуальна схожість","We appreciate your feedback!":"Ми вдячні Вам за зворотній зв'язок!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"Ми намагаємося відповідати протягом п'яти робочих днів або менше.","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"Ми зробимо все можливе, щоб відповісти на всі ваші запитання. У свою чергу ми просимо вас підтримати нас на Patreon або спонсорах GitHub.","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"Клієнти WebDAV можуть підключатися до PhotoPrism за такою URL-адресою:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"Клієнти WebDAV, такі як Microsoft Windows Explorer або Apple Finder, можуть підключатися безпосередньо до\n PhotoPrism.","WebDAV Upload":"Вивантаження WebDAV","Website":"Веб-сайт","What functionality is generally available?":"Який функціонал є загальнодоступним?","White":"Білий","Why are some features only available to sponsors?":"Чому деякі функції доступні тільки для спонсорів?","Work Details":"Деталі роботи","Year":"Рік","Yellow":"Жовтий","Yellowstone":"Єллоустоун","Yes":"Так","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"Ви можете приєднатися до нас на Reddit","You can only download one album":"Ви можете завантажити лише один альбом","You can only download one label":"Ви можете завантажити лише одну мітку","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"Ви можете запустити його вдома, на приватному сервері або в хмарі.","You may only select one item":"Ви можете вибрати лише один об'єкт","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"Ви можете пересканувати вашу бібліотеку щоб знайти додаткові обличчя.","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"Ваша постійна підтримка допомагає нам надавати регулярні оновлення та залишатися незалежними, щоб ми могли виконувати нашу місію та захищати вашу конфіденційність.","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"Ваша бібліотека постійно аналізується, щоб автоматично створювати альбоми особливих моментів, подорожей і місць.","Zoom in/out":"Збільшення/зменшення"},"zh":{"%{n} albums found":"已找到 %{n} 个相册","%{n} files uploaded":"已上传 %{n} 个文件","%{n} folders found":"已找到 %{n} 个文件夹","%{n} labels found":"已找到 %{n} 个标签","%{n} people found":"已找到 %{n} 个人物","%{n} pictures found":"已找到 %{n} 张图片","1 hour":"1 小时","12 hours":"12 小时","4 hours":"4 小时","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"点击复制到剪贴板。","About":"关于","Abyss":"深渊","Account":"账户","Accuracy":"准确率","Action":"动作","Actions":"动作","Add Account":"添加账户","Add Album":"添加相册","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"从网页上传文件到库。","Add Link":"添加链接","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"从搜索结果中选择添加图片。","Add to album":"添加到相册","Added":"已添加","Advanced":"高级","After 1 day":"1 天后","After 3 days":"3 天后","After 7 days":"7 天后","After one month":"1 个月后","After one year":"1 年后","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"从搜索结果中选择图片后,你可以使用上下文菜单将它们添加到相册中。","After two months":"2 个月后","After two weeks":"2 星期后","Album":"相册","Album Name":"相册名称","Albums":"相册","Albums deleted":"相册已删除","All %{n} albums loaded":"%{n} 本相册已加载","All %{n} labels loaded":"%{n} 个标签已加载","All %{n} people loaded":"%{n} 个人物已加载","All Cameras":"全部相机","All Categories":"全部分类","All Colors":"全部颜色","All Countries":"全部国家","All fields are required":"所有字段均为必填项","All files from import folder":"导入文件夹中的所有文件","All Lenses":"全部镜头","All Months":"全部月份","All originals":"全部源图","All Years":"全部年份","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"或者,你也可以上传文件到类似 NextCloud 的 WebDAV 服务端。","Altitude":"海拔","Altitude (m)":"海拔(米)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"发生错误——您离线了?","Animated":"动画","Animation":"动画","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"任何私有照片和视频都保持私有,不会被分享。","API Key":"API 秘钥","Apply":"应用","Approve":"批准","Archive":"归档","Archived":"已归档","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"你确定要归档已选项吗?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"你确定要删除这些相册吗?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"你确定要删除这些标签吗?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"你确定要删除此账号吗?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"你确定要永久删除这些图片吗?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"你确定要永久的删除这个文件吗?","Are you sure?":"你确定?","Artist":"艺术家","Aspect Ratio":"长宽比","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"自动为其他文件类型创建 JPEG,以便它们可以显示在浏览器中。","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"自动创建特殊时刻、旅行和地点的相册。","Basic":"基本","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"在提交支持请求之前,请使用我们的故障排除清单来确定问题的原因。","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"作为 100% 自筹资金和独立的公司,我们可以向您保证,我们永远不会出售您的数据,并且我们将始终对我们的软件和服务保持透明。","Bio":"简介","Birth Date":"生日","Black":"黑","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"Blackman:修改后的 Lanczos 算法,振铃效应更小","Blue":"蓝","Brown":"棕","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"浏览和编辑图像分类标签。","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"浏览库中已索引的文件和文件夹。","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"浏览知识库,了解有关特定产品功能、服务和相关资源的详细信息。","Bug Report":"漏洞报告","Busy, please wait…":"正在忙碌,请稍候…","Calendar":"日历","Camera":"相机","Camera Serial":"相机序列号","Can't load more, limit reached":"无法加载更多内容,已达上限","Can't select more items":"无法选择更多项目","Cancel":"取消","Cards":"卡片","Category":"分类","Change Avatar":"更换头像","Change Password":"更改密码","Change personal profile and security settings.":"修改个人资料及安全设置。","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"更改照片标题、位置及其他元数据。","Change private flag":"更改私有标记","Changes successfully saved":"变更保存成功","Checked":"已确认","Chroma":"色度","Close":"关闭","Codec":"编解码器","Color":"颜色","Color Profile":"颜色简介","Colors":"颜色","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"使用我们提供的故障排除清单,可以快速诊断和解决常见的问题。","Complete Rescan":"完全重新扫描","Confidence":"置信度","Connect":"连接","Connect via WebDAV":"使用 WebDAV 连接","Connected":"已连接","Contact Details":"联系方式","Contact Us":"联系我们","Contains %{n} pictures.":"包含 %{n} 张图片。","Contains one picture.":"包含一张图片。","Convert to JPEG":"转换为 JPEG","Converting":"转换中","Copied to clipboard":"已复制到剪贴板","Copyright":"版权","Couldn't find anything.":"找不到任何东西。","Country":"国家","Create album":"创建相册","Created":"已创建","Creating thumbnails for":"创建缩略图,用于","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"Cubic: 质量适中,性能良好","Current Password":"当前密码","Customer Support":"客户支持","Cyan":"青","Cyano":"深蓝","Daily":"每日","Day":"天","Debug Logs":"调试日志","Default":"默认","Default Folder":"默认文件夹","Delete":"删除","Description":"描述","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"详细说明可以在我们的用户指南中找到。","Details":"细节","Dimensions":"尺寸","Disable Backups":"禁用备份","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"禁用内置 WebDAV 服务器,需要重新启动。","Disable Darktable":"禁用 Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"禁用 ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"禁用 FFmpeg","Disable Places":"禁用地点","Disable RawTherapee":"禁用 RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"禁用 TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"禁用 WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"禁用反向地理编码和地图。","Discover":"探索","Display Name":"昵称","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"不备份照片和相册元数据到 YAML 文件中。","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"不创建 ExifTool JSON 文件,以改善元数据提取。","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"不修改源文件夹,禁止导入、上传、删除。","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"不使用 FFmpeg 转码视频。","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"不使用 Darktable 转换 RAW 文件。","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"不使用 RawTherapee 转换 RAW 文件。","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"不使用 TensorFlow 分类图像。","Donations":"捐赠","Done":"完成","Done.":"完成。","Download":"下载","Download remote files":"下载远端文件","Download single files and zip archives.":"下载单个文件并用 zip 压缩。","Downloading…":"下载中…","Downscaling Filter":"缩小方法","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"由于我们收到大量的电子邮件,我们的团队可能无法立即回复你。","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"重复项将被跳过,仅出现一次。","Duration":"持续时间","Dynamic Previews":"动态预览","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"动态渲染需要性能较强的服务器,不建议用于 NAS 设备。","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"动态尺寸限制:%{n}px","E-Mail":"电子邮件","Edit":"编辑","Edit %{name}":"编辑 %{name}","Edit Account":"编辑账户","Edit Photo":"编辑照片","Edited":"已编辑","Electra":"Electra","Email":"邮箱","Enable new features currently under development.":"启用处于开发中的新特性。","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"启用 RAW 转换器预设,可能会降低性能。","Errors":"错误","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"在没有坐标的情况下估计图片的大致位置。","Estimates":"估算","Every two days":"每两天","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"排除搜索结果中标记私有的内容,已共享的相册、标签和地点。","Exclude hidden":"排除已隐藏","Expand":"展开","Expand Search":"展开搜索","Experimental Features":"实验特性","Expires":"时限","Exposure":"曝光度","F Number":"光圈数","Face":"面部","Faces":"面部","Failed copying to clipboard":"复制到剪贴板失败","Failed removing link":"删除链接失败","Failed updating link":"更新链接失败","Family Name":"姓","Fast":"快","Favorite":"收藏","Favorites":"收藏","Feature Request":"特性请求","Feed":"订阅源","Feedback":"反馈","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"如果你有任何问题,请联系我们:hello@photoprism.app。","Female":"女","File":"文件","File Browser":"文件浏览器","File Name":"文件名","File Size":"文件大小","Filename":"文件名","Files":"文件","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"顺序名称的文件如“IMG_1234 (2)”和“IMG_1234 (3)”的文件属于同一图片。","Focal Length":"焦距","Folder":"文件夹","Folder contains %{n} files":"文件夹中有 %{n} 个文件","Folder is empty":"文件夹为空","Folders":"文件夹","Forgot password?":"忘记密码?","FPS":"帧数","Frames":"框架","Fullscreen":"全屏","Gemstone":"宝石","Gender":"性别","General":"一般","Getting Support":"获得支持","Given Name":"名","Gold":"金","Grayscale":"灰度","Green":"绿","Grey":"灰","Hash":"哈希","Help":"帮助","Help & Support":"帮助和支持","Hidden":"隐藏","Hidden Files":"隐藏文件","Hide":"隐藏","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"隐藏已归档的照片。","High":"高","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"高动态范围成像(HDR)","How can we help?":"我们可以帮您吗?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"如果这没有帮助,或者你有其他问题:","image":"图片","Image":"图片","Images":"图片","Import":"导入","Import failed":"导入失败","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"导入的文件将被全部重新命名以避免重名,并按照日期重新排序。","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"导入的文件将按日期排序,并给出唯一的名称。","Importing %{name}…":"导入 %{name} 中…","Importing files to originals…":"导入文件到源…","in":"在","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"此外,赞助者通过电子邮件获得直接的技术支持。","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"如果缺少你期望的图片,请重新扫描你的库,并等待索引编制完成。","Index":"索引","Index and import files through the user interface.":"通过用户界面索引和导入文件。","Indexing":"索引中","Indexing failed":"索引失败","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"索引媒体和附属文件…","Instance ID":"实例 ID","Interval":"间隔","Invalid":"无效","Invalid date":"无效日期","Invalid parameters":"参数无效","Invalid photo selected":"选择了无效的照片","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"它利用最新的技术,在不妨碍你的情况下自动标记和查找图片。","Item":"项目","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG 质量:%{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG 大小限制:%{n}px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"系统会根据需要生成缩略图,及JPEG格式的预览图。","Keywords":"关键字","Knowledge Base":"知识库","Label":"标签","Labels":"标签","Labels deleted":"标签已移除","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos:保留细节,虚影较小","Language":"语言","Last Sync":"上次同步","Latitude":"纬度","Lavender":"薰衣草","Learn more":"进一步了解","Legal Information":"法律信息","Lens":"镜头","Library":"资料库","License":"许可证","Like":"喜欢","Lime":"淡绿","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"已达到限制,显示前 %{n} 个文件","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"Linear: 非常平滑,性能最佳","Link":"链接","List":"列表","Live":"实况","Live Photos":"现场照片","Local Time":"本地时间","location":"位置","Location":"位置","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"每当 PhotoPrism 遇到损坏的文件或其他潜在问题时,日志消息就会出现在这里。","Login":"登录","Logout":"登出","Logs":"日志","Longitude":"经度","Low":"低","Magenta":"洋红","Main Color":"主色调","Male":"男","manual":"手动标注","Manual Upload":"手动上传","Maps":"地图","Marker":"标记","Medium":"中","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"将 %{a} 与 %{b} 合并?","Message sent":"消息已发送","Minimize":"最小化","Missing":"缺失","Moments":"瞬间","Monochrome":"黑白","Month":"月","Moonlight":"月光","More than %{n} pictures found":"找到超过 %{n} 张图片","More than 20 albums found":"找到超过 20 个相册","More than 20 labels found":"找到超过 20 个标签","More than 20 people found":"找到超过 20 个人物","Mosaic":"马赛克","Most Relevant":"按最相关","Move Files":"移动文件","Name":"名称","Name too long":"名称太长","Never":"永不","New":"新","New Password":"新密码","Newest First":"按最新优先","No":"否","No albums found":"找不到相册","No labels found":"找不到标签","No people found":"找不到人物","No pictures found":"找不到图片","No recently edited pictures":"没有最近编辑过的图片","No servers configured.":"沒有服务器配置。","No services configured.":"没有配置服务。","No thanks":"不用了,谢谢","No video selected":"未选择视频","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"没有包含此关键字的警告或错误,请注意,搜索区分大小写。","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"非照片和低质量图像出现在搜索结果中前需要进行审查。","None":"无","Not Found":"未找到","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"如果希望保持原有文件名及目录结构,请直接管理源文件夹,不要使用导入功能。","Note:":"注意:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"注意:只能将 WebDAV 服务器(如 Nextcloud 或 PhotoPrism)配置为远程服务,以进行备份和文件上传。","Notes":"备注","Nothing to see here yet.":"暂无数据。","Offline":"离线","Oldest First":"按最早优先","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"在 Windows 上,连接对话框中使用以下资源:","Once a week":"每周一次","One album found":"已找到一本相册","One file found":"已找到一个文件","One file uploaded":"已上传一个文件","One folder found":"已找到一个文件夹","One label found":"已找到一个标签","One person found":"已找到一个人物","One picture found":"已发现一张图片","Onyx":"玛瑙","Options":"选项","or ask in our Community Chat":"或在我们的社区聊天中询问","Orange":"橙","Organization":"组织","Orientation":"朝向","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"原始文件名将被存储并索引。","Original Name":"源文件名","Originals":"源","Other":"其他","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"我们的用户指南还涵盖了许多高级主题,如从谷歌照片迁移和缩略图质量设置。","Outdoor":"户外地图","Panorama":"全景","Panoramas":"全景","Password":"密码","Password changed":"密码已更改","People":"人物","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"与您共享链接的人将可以查看公共内容。","Permanently deleted":"已永久删除","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"永久删除文件以释放存储空间。","Phone":"电话","Photo":"相片","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism 更新啦…","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism®是一个人工智能驱动的去中心化网络的照片应用程序。","Photos":"照片","Pink":"粉红","Place":"地点","Place & Time":"地点和时间","Places":"地点","Please confirm your new password.":"请确认新密码。","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"请不要上传包含令人反感的内容的照片。","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"请注意,修改密码将退出你已登录在其他设备和浏览器上的账号。","Portrait":"人像","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"在 GitHub 讨论中发表你的问题","Preserve filenames":"保留文件名","Press button to start importing…":"按下按钮开始导入…","Press button to start indexing…":"按下按钮开始索引…","Press enter to create a new album.":"按下 Enter 键创建一个新相册。","Preview":"预览","Primary":"主文件","Private":"私有","Product Feedback":"产品反馈","Projection":"投影","Purple":"紫","Quality Filter":"质量筛选","Quality Score":"质量得分","Random":"随机","Raspberry":"树莓","Raw":"Raw","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW 转换","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"重新索引所有源文件,包括已索引和未更改的文件。","Read the Docs":"查阅文档","Read-Only Mode":"只读模式","Recently Added":"最近添加","Recently Edited":"最近编辑","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"识别工作在索引完成后开始。","Recognized":"已识别","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"识别人脸,以便能够找到特定的人。","Red":"红","Reload":"重载","Reloading…":"重载中…","Remote Sync":"远端同步","Remove":"移除","remove failed: unknown album":"移除失败:未知相册","Remove from album":"从相册中移除","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"移除导入的文件以节省存储空间,不支持的文件类型将永远不会被删除,它们会保留在它们当前的位置。","Request failed - invalid response":"请求失败——无效的响应","Required":"必填","Resolution":"分辨率","Restore":"恢复","Retry Limit":"重试限制","Retype Password":"重新输入密码","Review":"审查","Satellite":"卫星","Save":"保存","Scan":"扫描","Scans":"扫描","Search":"搜索","Search and display photos on a map.":"在地图上搜索并显示照片。","Season":"季节","Secret":"密钥","Security and Access":"安全和访问","Select":"选择","Select albums or create a new one":"选择相册或创建相册","Selection approved":"所选项已批准","Selection archived":"所选项已归档","Selection restored":"所选项已恢复","Send":"发送","Sequential Name":"顺序名称","Service URL":"服务 URL","Services":"服务","Settings":"设置","Settings saved":"设置已保存","Setup":"设置","Shadow":"阴影","Share":"分享","Share %{name}":"分享 %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"与其他应用程序和服务分享你的图片。","Show":"显示","Show all new faces":"显示所有的新面孔","Show hidden":"显示隐藏","Show less":"显示更少","Show more":"显示更多","Show server logs in Library.":"在库中显示服务器日志。","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"显示更详细的日志信息,需要重新启动。","Sidecar":"附属","Sign in":"登录","Sign Up":"注册","Similar":"相似","Size":"尺寸","Slow":"慢","Sort Order":"排序","Source":"来源","Stack":"堆","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"文件堆共享相同的唯一图像或实例标识符。","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"根据图片的元数据,堆叠在相同的时间和地点拍摄的图片。","Stackable":"可堆叠","Stacks":"堆","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"堆栈以类似的参考框架来分组文件,但质量、格式、大小或颜色不同。","Start":"开始","Start/Stop Slideshow":"开始/停止幻灯片","States":"省份","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"静态渲染尺寸限制: %{n}px","Status":"状态","Storage":"存储","Streets":"街道图","Subject":"主题","Successfully Connected":"账户成功连接","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"随着时间的推移,将增加对其他服务的支持,例如 Google 云端硬盘。","Sync":"同步","Sync raw and video files":"同步 Raw 和视频文件","Taken":"纳入于","Teal":"蓝绿","Text too long":"文字太长","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"该索引当前包含 %{n} 个隐藏文件。","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"它们的格式可能不受支持,它们尚未转换为 JPEG 或存在重复项。","Theme":"主题","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"此操作将文件夹挂载为网络硬盘,以便你使用其他设备从远程对这些文件进行查看、编辑以及删除操作。","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"这会将源文件夹安装为网络驱动器,并允许您从计算机或智能手机中打开,编辑和删除文件,就像它们是本地文件一样。","Thumbnail Generation":"缩略图生成","Time UTC":"UTC 时间","Time Zone":"时区","Timeout":"超时","Title":"标题","Title / Position":"标题/位置","Title too long":"标题太长了","Toggle View":"切换视图","Token":"令牌","Topographic":"地形图","Troubleshooting Checklists":"故障排除清单","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"使用其他过滤器或关键字再试一次。","Type":"类型","Undo":"撤销","Unique ID":"唯一标识符","Unknown":"未知","Unregistered":"未注册","Unsorted":"未分类","Unstack":"取消堆叠","Updated":"已更新","Updating faces":"更新面部","Updating index":"更新索引","Updating moments":"更新时刻","Updating picture…":"更新图片...","Updating previews":"更新预览","Updating stacks":"更新堆","Upload":"上传","Upload complete":"上传完成","Upload complete. Indexing…":"上传完成,索引中…","Upload failed":"上传失败","Upload local files":"上传本地文件","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"上传到 WebDAV 并与朋友共享链接。","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"上传 %{n} / %{t} …","Uploading photos…":"上传照片…","Uploading…":"上传中…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"可能包含此类图像的上传将被自动拒绝。","URL":"URL","Use Presets":"使用预设","User":"用户","User Guide":"用户指南","User Interface":"用户界面","Username":"用户名","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"已验证","Video":"视频","Video Duration":"视频时长","Videos":"视频","View":"视图","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"访问docs.photoprism.app/user-guide,了解如何同步、组织和分享你的图片。","Visual Similarity":"视觉相似性","We appreciate your feedback!":"感谢您的反馈!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"我们尽力在五个工作日或更短时间内作出回应。","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"我们会尽最大努力回答你的所有问题,作为回报,我们请您在 Patreon 或 GitHub 赞助者上支持我们。","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV 客户端可以使用以下 URL 连接到 PhotoPrism:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"WebDAV客户端(例如Windows的资源管理器或MacOS的Finder)可以直接连接到PhotoPrism。","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV 上传","Website":"网站","White":"白","Work Details":"作品详情","Year":"年","Yellow":"黄","Yellowstone":"黄石","Yes":"是","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"欢迎你在 Reddit 上加入我们","You can only download one album":"你只能下载一个相册","You can only download one label":"你只能下载一个标签","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"你可以在家里,在私人服务器上,或在云端运行它。","You may only select one item":"你只能选择一项","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"你可以重新扫描你的库以找到更多的面部。","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"您的持续支持有助于我们提供定期更新并保持独立,因此我们可以履行我们的使命并保护您的隐私。","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"你的库被不断分析,以自动创建特殊时刻、旅行和地点的相册。","Zoom in/out":"缩放"},"zh_TW":{"%{n} albums found":"找到了 %{n} 本相簿","%{n} files uploaded":"%{n} 個檔案上傳完成","%{n} folders found":"找到了 %{n} 個資料夾","%{n} labels found":"找到了 %{n} 個標籤","%{n} people found":"找到 %{n} 人","%{n} pictures found":"找到 %{n} 張圖片","1 hour":"1 小時","12 hours":"12 小時","4 hours":"4 小時","A click will copy it to your clipboard.":"點擊以複製到剪貼簿。","About":"關於","Abyss":"深淵","Account":"帳號","Accuracy":"準確度","Action":"動作","Actions":"動作","Activate":"激活","Activation Code":"激活碼","Add Account":"新增帳戶","Add Album":"新增相簿","Add files to your library via Web Upload.":"從網頁上傳檔案到收藏庫。","Add Link":"新增連結","Add pictures from search results by selecting them.":"從搜索結果中透過選取加入圖片。","Add to album":"新增到相簿","Added":"已新增","Advanced":"進階","After 1 day":"1 天後","After 3 days":"3 天後","After 7 days":"7 天後","After one month":"1 個月後","After one year":"1 年後","After selecting pictures from search results, you can add them to an album using the context menu.":"從搜尋結果選擇圖片後,您可以使用內容選單將它們加入相簿。","After two months":"2 個月後","After two weeks":"2 星期後","Album":"相簿","Album Name":"相簿名稱","Albums":"相簿","Albums deleted":"相簿已刪除","All %{n} albums loaded":"共 %{n} 本相簿已載入","All %{n} labels loaded":"共 %{n} 個標籤已載入","All %{n} people loaded":"共 %{n} 人已讀取","All Cameras":"所有相機","All Categories":"所有分類","All Colors":"所有顏色","All Countries":"所有國家","All fields are required":"所有的欄位都是必填的","All files from import folder":"匯入資料夾中的所有檔案","All Lenses":"所有鏡頭","All Months":"所有月份","All originals":"所有來源","All Years":"所有年份","Alternatively, you can upload files directly to WebDAV servers like Nextcloud.":"或者,你也可以直接使用WebDAV(例如 NextCloud)等服務上傳檔案。","Altitude":"高度","Altitude (m)":"高度(公尺)","An error occurred - are you offline?":"發生錯誤了 - 你是不是離線了?","Animated":"動畫","Animation":"動畫","Any private photos and videos remain private and won't be shared.":"所有私人相片跟影片都會保持私人,不會被分享。","API Key":"API鑰匙","Apply":"套用","Approve":"確認","Archive":"封存","Archived":"已封存","Are you sure you want to archive the selection?":"確定要封存所選的項目嗎?","Are you sure you want to delete these albums?":"確定要刪除這些相簿嗎?","Are you sure you want to delete these labels?":"確定要刪除這些標籤嗎?","Are you sure you want to delete this account?":"確定要刪除這個帳號嗎?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete these pictures?":"確定要永久刪除這些圖片嗎?","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?":"確定要永久刪除這個檔案嗎?","Are you sure?":"你確定嗎?","Artist":"作者","Aspect Ratio":"長寬比","Automatically create JPEGs for other file types so that they can be displayed in a browser.":"自動建立 JPEG 縮圖讓其他檔案型態可以顯示在瀏覽器中。","Automatically creates albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"自動建立特殊時刻、旅行和地點的相冊。","Basic":"基本","Before submitting a support request, please use our Troubleshooting Checklists to determine the cause of your problem.":"在提交支援請求之前,請使用我們的疑難排解清單來確定問題的原因。","Being 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services.":"作為 100% 自籌資金和獨立的公司,我們可以向您保證,我們永遠不會出售您的數據,並且我們將始終對我們的軟件和服務保持透明。","Bio":"個人資料","Birth Date":"出生日期","Black":"黑色","Blackman: Lanczos Modification, Less Ringing Artifacts":"布萊克曼:Lanczos修改,少振鈴文物","Blue":"藍色","Brown":"棕色","Browse and edit image classification labels.":"瀏覽並編輯分類標籤。","Browse indexed files and folders in Library.":"在收藏庫中瀏覽已索引的檔案和資料夾。","Browse the Knowledge Base for detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources.":"瀏覽知識庫以獲取有關特定產品功能、服務和相關資源的詳細信息。","Bug Report":"回報問題","Busy, please wait…":"忙碌中,請稍候…","Calendar":"日曆","Camera":"相機","Camera Serial":"相機系列","Can't load more, limit reached":"已達上限,無法再載入更多","Can't select more items":"無法選取更多項目","Cancel":"取消","Cards":"卡片","Category":"分類","Change Avatar":"變更頭像","Change Password":"更改密碼","Change personal profile and security settings.":"更改個人資料和安全設置。","Change photo titles, locations, and other metadata.":"更改照片標題,位置和其他數據。","Change private flag":"更改私人選項","Changes successfully saved":"成功儲存變更","Checked":"已選擇","Chroma":"彩度","Close":"關閉","Codec":"解碼器","Color":"顏色","Color Profile":"顏色配置文件","Colors":"顏色","Common issues can be quickly diagnosed and solved using the troubleshooting checklists we provide.":"使用我們提供的故障排除清單可以快速診斷和解決常見問題。","Compare Features":"比較功能","Complete Rescan":"重新完整掃描","Confidence":"信心度","Connect":"連線","Connect via WebDAV":"使用 WebDAV 連線","Connected":"已連接","Contact Details":"聯繫方式","Contact Us":"聯繫我們","Contains %{n} pictures.":"包含 %{n} 張圖片。","Contains one picture.":"包含一張圖片。","Convert to JPEG":"轉為 JPEG","Converting":"轉換中","Copied to clipboard":"已複製到剪貼簿","Copyright":"版權","Couldn't find anything.":"找不到任何東西。","Country":"國家","Create Account":"創建賬戶","Create album":"新增相簿","Created":"已新增","Creating thumbnails for":"為以下項目新增縮圖","Cubic: Moderate Quality, Good Performance":"立方:中等品質,良好效能","Current Password":"現在密碼","Customer Support":"客戶支援","Cyan":"青色","Cyano":"深青","Daily":"每日","Day":"日","Debug Logs":"除錯紀錄","Default":"預設","Default Folder":"預設資料夾","Delete":"刪除","Description":"描述","Detailed instructions can be found in our User Guide.":"詳細指示可以在用戶指南中找到。","Details":"細節","Dimensions":"尺寸","Disable Backups":"停用備份","Disable built-in WebDAV server. Requires a restart.":"停用內建的WebDAV服務器。需要重啟。","Disable Darktable":"停用 Darktable","Disable ExifTool":"停用 ExifTool","Disable FFmpeg":"停用 FFmpeg","Disable Places":"停用位置","Disable RawTherapee":"停用 RawTherapee","Disable TensorFlow":"停用 TensorFlow","Disable WebDAV":"停用 WebDAV","Disables reverse geocoding and maps.":"禁用尋找座標及地圖。","Discover":"發現","Display Name":"顯示名稱","Don't backup photo and album metadata to YAML files.":"不要將照片和相簿元數據備份到YAML文件中。","Don't create ExifTool JSON files for improved metadata extraction.":"不要建立ExifTool JSON文件來改善元數據讀取。","Don't modify originals folder. Disables import, upload, and delete.":"不要修改\"originals\"文件夾。停用導入,上傳和刪除。","Don't transcode videos with FFmpeg.":"不要使用 FFmpeg 對視頻進行轉碼。","Don't use Darktable to convert RAW files.":"不要使用 Darktable 來轉換 RAW 文件。","Don't use RawTherapee to convert RAW files.":"不要使用 RawTherapee 來轉換 RAW 文件。","Don't use TensorFlow for image classification.":"不要使用 TensorFlow 來進行圖片分類。","Donations":"贊助","Done":"完成","Done.":"完成。","Download":"下載","Download remote files":"下載遠端檔案","Download single files and zip archives.":"下載單一檔案以及 zip 壓縮檔。","Downloading…":"下載中…","Downscaling Filter":"縮小濾鏡","Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our team may be unable to get back to you immediately.":"由於我們收到大量電子郵件,我們的團隊可能無法立即回覆您。","Duplicates will be skipped and only appear once.":"重複的項目會被跳過並只會出現一次。","Duration":"時長","Dynamic Previews":"動態預覽","Dynamic rendering requires a powerful server. It is not recommended for NAS devices.":"動態渲染需要強大的伺服器,不建議用於小型家用服務器或NAS設備。","Dynamic Size Limit: %{n}px":"動態大小限制:%{n} px","E-Mail":"電子郵件","Edit":"編輯","Edit %{name}":"編輯 %{name}","Edit Account":"編輯帳號","Edit Photo":"編輯相片","Edited":"已編輯","Electra":"Electra","Email":"電子郵件","Enable new features currently under development.":"啟用目前正在開發的新功能。","Enables RAW converter presets. May reduce performance.":"啟用 RAW 轉換器預設集。可能會降低性能。","Errors":"錯誤","Estimate the approximate location of pictures without coordinates.":"估算沒有附坐標的圖片大概的位置。","Estimates":"估計","Every two days":"每兩天","Exclude content marked as private from search results, shared albums, labels, and places.":"在搜尋結果,分享相簿,標籤,位置排除標為私人的內容。","Exclude hidden":"排除隱藏","Expand":"展開","Expand Search":"擴展搜尋","Experimental Features":"測試功能","Expires":"有效期限","Exposure":"曝光","F Number":"F值","Face":"臉","Faces":"臉","Failed copying to clipboard":"複製到剪貼簿失敗","Failed removing link":"移除連結失敗","Failed updating link":"更新連結失敗","Family Name":"姓氏","Fast":"快","Favorite":"我的最愛","Favorites":"我的最愛","Feature Request":"功能要求","Feed":"訂閱源","Feedback":"回饋","Feel free to contact us at hello@photoprism.app if you have any questions.":"如果您有任何問題或需要幫助,請通過 hello@photoprism.app 與我們聯繫。","Female":"女性","File":"檔案","File Browser":"檔案瀏覽器","File Name":"檔案名稱","File Size":"檔案大小","Filename":"檔案名稱","Files":"檔案","Files with sequential names like 'IMG_1234 (2)' and 'IMG_1234 (3)' belong to the same picture.":"連續檔名例如 'IMG_1234 (2)' 及 'IMG_1234 (3)' 會被當作同一張照片。","Focal Length":"焦距","Folder":"資料夾","Folder contains %{n} files":"資料夾中有 %{n} 個檔案","Folder is empty":"資料夾是空的","Folders":"資料夾","Forgot password?":"忘記密碼?","FPS":"FPS","Frames":"框架","Frequently Asked Questions":"常見問題","Fullscreen":"全螢幕","Gemstone":"寶石","Gender":"性別","General":"一般","Getting Support":"尋找支持","Given Name":"名字","Gold":"金色","Grayscale":"灰階","Green":"綠色","Grey":"灰色","Hash":"雜湊","Help":"支援","Help & Support":"支援與幫助","Hidden":"隱藏","Hidden Files":"隱藏的檔案","Hide":"隱藏","Hide photos that have been moved to archive.":"隱藏的圖片已經移至封存。","High":"高","High Dynamic Range (HDR)":"高動態範圍 (HDR)","How can we help?":"我們可以幫你什麼?","If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:":"如果這沒有用,或者您還有其他問題:","image":"圖片","Image":"圖片","Images":"圖片","Import":"匯入","Import failed":"匯入失敗","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name to avoid duplicates.":"匯入的檔案會依照日期排序,並且給予一個獨特的名字以防止重複。","Imported files will be sorted by date and given a unique name.":"匯入的檔案會依照日期排序,並且給予一個獨特的名字。","Importing %{name}…":"匯入 %{name} 中…","Importing files to originals…":"匯入檔案到\"originals\"…","in":"在","In addition, sponsors receive direct technical support via email.":"此外,贊助商還可以透過電子郵件獲得直接的技術支持。","In case pictures you expect are missing, please rescan your library and wait until indexing has been completed.":"如果您覺得應該會在的圖片不見了,請重新掃描您的資料庫並等待索引完成。","Index":"索引","Index and import files through the user interface.":"透過用戶界面建立索引和匯入文件。","Indexing":"建立索引中","Indexing failed":"建立索引失敗","Indexing media and sidecar files…":"正在建立媒體和sidecar檔案的索引…","Instance ID":"實例 ID","Interval":"間隔","Invalid":"無效","Invalid date":"無效的日期","Invalid parameters":"無效的參數","Invalid photo selected":"選擇的照片無效","It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.":"它利用最新技術自動標記和查找圖片,而不會妨礙您。","Item":"項目","JPEG Quality: %{n}":"JPEG品質:%{n}","JPEG Size Limit: %{n}px":"JPEG大小限制:%{n} px","JPEGs and thumbnails are automatically rendered as needed.":"JPEGs 跟 縮圖 在需要的時候會自動生成。","Keywords":"關鍵字","Knowledge Base":"知識庫","Label":"標籤","Labels":"標籤","Labels deleted":"已刪除標籤","Lanczos: Detail Preservation, Minimal Artifacts":"Lanczos:保留細節,減少偽像","Language":"語言","Last Sync":"上次同步","Latitude":"緯度","Lavender":"薰衣草","Learn more":"了解更多","Legal Information":"法律資訊","Lens":"鏡頭","Library":"收藏庫","License":"授權","Like":"喜歡","Lime":"萊姆色","Limit reached, showing first %{n} files":"到達上限,顯示前 %{n} 個檔案","Linear: Very Smooth, Best Performance":"線性:非常平滑,最佳性能","Link":"連結","List":"清單","Live":"即時","Live Photos":"原況照片","Local Time":"本地時間","location":"地點","Location":"地點","Log messages appear here whenever PhotoPrism comes across broken files, or there are other potential issues.":"日誌訊息會在PhotoPrism遇到損毀的檔案,或是其他問題出現時出現。","Login":"登入","Logout":"登出","Logs":"日誌","Longitude":"經度","Low":"低","Magenta":"洋紅","Main Color":"主要顏色","Male":"男性","manual":"手動","Manual Upload":"手動上傳","Maps":"地圖","Marker":"標記","Medium":"中","Membership":"會員資格","Merge %{a} with %{b}?":"將 %{a} 與 %{b} 合併?","Message sent":"訊息已傳送","Minimize":"最小化","Missing":"缺少","Moments":"回憶時刻","Monochrome":"黑白","Month":"月","Moonlight":"月光","More than %{n} pictures found":"找到超過 %{n} 張圖片","More than 20 albums found":"找到超過 20 本相簿","More than 20 labels found":"找到超過 20 個標籤","More than 20 people found":"找到超過 20 人","Mosaic":"馬賽克","Most Relevant":"最相關的","Move Files":"移動檔案","Must have at least %{n} characters.":"必須至少有 %{n} 個字元。","Name":"名稱","Name too long":"名稱太長了","Never":"永不","New":"新","New Password":"新密碼","Newest First":"按最新優先","No":"否","No albums found":"找不到相簿","No labels found":"找不到標籤","No people found":"找不到人","No pictures found":"找不到圖片","No recently edited pictures":"沒有最近編輯的圖片","No servers configured.":"沒有設定好的伺服器。","No services configured.":"沒有設定服務。","No thanks":"不用了,謝謝","No video selected":"未選擇影片","No warnings or error containing this keyword. Note that search is case-sensitive.":"沒有包含此關鍵字的警告或錯誤。請注意,搜尋區分大小寫。","Non-photographic and low-quality images require a review before they appear in search results.":"非照片和低品質圖像需要進行手動確認,才會出現在搜索結果中。","None":"無","Not Found":"找不到","Note you may manually manage your originals folder and importing is optional.":"請注意,您可以手動管理\"originals\"文件夾,而匯入是選用的。","Note:":"注意:","Note: Only WebDAV servers, like Nextcloud or PhotoPrism, can be configured as remote service for backup and file upload.":"注意:只能將WebDAV伺服器(如Nextcloud或PhotoPrism)設定為遠端服務,以進行備份和文件上傳。","Notes":"備註","Nothing to see here yet.":"這裡什麼都沒有。","Offline":"離線","Oldest First":"最舊優先","On Windows, enter the following resource in the connection dialog:":"在 Windows 上,於連接對話框中輸入以下資訊:","Once a week":"一周一次","One album found":"找到 1 本相簿","One file found":"找到 1 個檔案","One file uploaded":"已上傳一個文件","One folder found":"找到 1 個資料夾","One label found":"找到一個標籤","One person found":"找到一個人","One picture found":"找到一張圖片","Onyx":"瑪瑙","Options":"選項","or ask in our Community Chat":"或在我們的社區聊天中提問","Orange":"橘色","Organization":"組織","Orientation":"方向","Original file names will be stored and indexed.":"來源檔案名稱會被儲存及索引。","Original Name":"原始名稱","Originals":"來源","Other":"其他","Our team evaluates this on an ongoing basis, depending on the support effort features and config options cause or have caused in the past, and whether they are generally needed by everyone or mainly requested by organizations and advanced users. As this allows us to make more features available to the public, we encourage all users to support our mission.":"我們的團隊會持續進行評估,這取決於功能和配置選項引起或在過去引起的支持工作,以及它們是否每個人普遍需要的還是主要由組織和高級用戶要求的。我們鼓勵所有用戶支持我們的任務,使我們能夠向公眾提供更多的功能。","Our User Guide also covers many advanced topics, such as migrating from Google Photos and thumbnail quality settings.":"我們的用戶指南還涵蓋了許多進階主題,例如從 Google 相冊轉移和縮圖品質設定。","Outdoor":"外出","Panorama":"全景照片","Panoramas":"全景照片","Password":"密碼","Password changed":"密碼已更改","People":"人","People you share a link with will be able to view public contents.":"擁有連結的人可以看到公開內容。","Permanently deleted":"永久刪除","Permanently remove files to free up storage.":"永久刪除文件以釋放儲存空間。","Phone":"電話","Photo":"相片","PhotoPrism has been updated…":"PhotoPrism更新囉…","PhotoPrism is 100% self-funded. Voluntary donations do not cover the cost of a team working full time to provide you with updates, documentation, and support. It is your decision whether you want to sign up to enjoy additional benefits.":"PhotoPrism是100%自籌資金的。自願捐款並不包括一個全職工作的團隊為您提供更新、文檔和支持的費用。您可以決定是否要註冊以享受額外的好處。","PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web.":"PhotoPrism® 是基於去中心化網絡的 AI 驅動的照片應用程序。","Photos":"照片","Pink":"粉紅色","Place":"地點","Place & Time":"地點與時間","Places":"地點","Please confirm your new password.":"請確認你的新密碼。","Please don't upload photos containing offensive content.":"請不要上傳包含冒犯性內容的照片。","Please note that changing your password will log you out on other devices and browsers.":"請注意,更改密碼將使您在其他設備和瀏覽器上登出。","Portrait":"人像","post your question in GitHub Discussions":"在 GitHub 討論中發布您的問題","Preserve filenames":"保留檔案名稱","Press button to start importing…":"按下按鈕以開始匯入…","Press button to start indexing…":"按下按鈕以開始索引…","Press enter to create a new album.":"按下按鈕以新增相簿。","Preview":"預覽","Primary":"主要的","Private":"私人的","Product Feedback":"產品回饋","Projection":"投影","Purple":"紫色","Quality Filter":"品質過濾","Quality Score":"品質成績","Random":"隨機","Raspberry":"樹梅","Raw":"原始","RAW":"RAW","RAW Conversion":"RAW 轉換","Re-index all originals, including already indexed and unchanged files.":"重新索引所有原始檔案,包含已經索引過及未變更過的檔案。","Read the Docs":"閱讀文件","Read-Only Mode":"唯讀模式","Recently Added":"最近新增","Recently Edited":"最近編輯","Recognition starts after indexing has been completed.":"索引完成後開始辨識。","Recognized":"已辨識","Recognizes faces so that specific people can be found.":"辨識面孔,以找到特定的人。","Red":"紅色","Reload":"重新載入","Reloading…":"重新載入中…","Remote Sync":"遠端同步","Remove":"移除","remove failed: unknown album":"移除失敗:未知的相簿","Remove from album":"從相簿中刪除","Remove imported files to save storage. Unsupported file types will never be deleted, they remain in their current location.":"刪除已匯入的檔案以節省儲存空間。不支援的檔案類型將不會被刪除,它們會保留在當前位置。","Request failed - invalid response":"要求失敗 - 無效的回應","Required":"必填","Resolution":"解析度","Restore":"復原","Retry Limit":"重試限制","Retype Password":"重新輸入密碼","Review":"回顧","Satellite":"衛星","Save":"儲存","Scan":"掃描","Scans":"掃描","Search":"搜尋","Search and display photos on a map.":"搜尋並在地圖上顯示圖片。","Season":"季節","Secret":"秘密","Security and Access":"安全和存取","Select":"選擇","Select albums or create a new one":"選擇或新增相簿","Selection approved":"選取項目已核准","Selection archived":"選取項目已封存","Selection restored":"選取項目已被復原","Send":"傳送","Sequential Name":"連續名稱","Service URL":"服務 URL","Services":"服務","Settings":"設定","Settings saved":"設定已儲存","Setup":"設定","Shadow":"陰影","Share":"分享","Share %{name}":"分享 %{name}","Share your pictures with other apps and services.":"與其他應用程式和服務分享您的照片。","Shouldn't free software be free of costs?":"免費軟件不應該是沒有成本的嗎?","Show":"顯示","Show all new faces":"顯示所有新面孔","Show hidden":"顯示隱藏","Show less":"顯示較少","Show more":"顯示更多","Show server logs in Library.":"在收藏庫中顯示伺服器日誌。","Shows more detailed log messages. Requires a restart.":"顯示更詳細的日誌消息。需要重新啟動。","Sidecar":"Sidecar檔案","Sign in":"登入","Sign Up":"註冊","Similar":"相似","Size":"尺寸","Slow":"慢","Sort Order":"排序","Source":"來源","Stack":"堆疊","Stack files sharing the same unique image or instance identifier.":"共享相同唯一映像或實例標識符的堆疊文件。","Stack pictures taken at the exact same time and location based on their metadata.":"根據元數據,將在相同時間和位置拍攝的照片堆疊在一起。","Stackable":"可堆疊","Stacks":"堆疊","Stacks group files with a similar frame of reference, but differences of quality, format, size or color.":"堆疊使用相似的參考框架組織文件,但是品質,格式,大小或顏色有所不同。","Start":"開始","Start/Stop Slideshow":"開始/停止 幻燈片","States":"州","Static Size Limit: %{n}px":"靜態大小限制:%{n} px","Status":"狀態","Storage":"儲存空間","Streets":"街","Subject":"主題","Successfully Connected":"成功連接","Support for additional services, like Google Drive, will be added over time.":"隨著時間的推移,將增加對其他服務的支援,例如Google雲端硬碟。","Support Our Mission":"支持我們的使命","Sync":"同步","Sync raw and video files":"同步 RAW 照片及影片","Taken":"拍攝於","Teal":"藍綠","Text too long":"文字太長了","The index currently contains %{n} hidden files.":"索引目前包含%{n}個隱藏檔案。","Their format may not be supported, they haven't been converted to JPEG yet or there are duplicates.":"它們的格式可能不被支援,或尚未轉換為JPEG,或存在重複。","Theme":"主題","Think of “free software” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer.” The Free Software Foundation sometimes calls it “libre software,” borrowing the French or Spanish word for “free” as in freedom, to show they do not mean the software is gratis.":"把 \"免費軟件 \"想成是 \"言論自由\",而不是 \"免費啤酒\"。自由軟件基金會有時稱之為 \"自由軟件\",借用法語或西班牙語中自由的 \"自由 \"一詞,以表明他們並不意味着軟件是免費的。","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files\n from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"這會將\"originals\"資料夾安裝為網絡硬碟,並允許您從電腦或智慧型手機中打開,編輯和刪除文件,\n 就像它們是本地文件一樣。","This mounts the originals folder as a network drive and allows you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer or smartphone as if they were local.":"這會將\"originals\"資料夾安裝為網絡硬碟,並允許您從電腦或智慧型手機中打開,編輯和刪除文件,就像它們是本地文件一樣。","Thumbnail Generation":"縮圖產生","Time UTC":"UTC 時間","Time Zone":"時區","Timeout":"逾時","Title":{"Account":"標題","Photo":"標題","":"標題"},"Title / Position":"職位 / 位置","Title too long":"標題太長","To upgrade, you may either enter an activation code or click on \"Sign Up\" to upgrade on our website:":"要升級,你可以在我們的網站上輸入激活碼或點擊 \"註冊 \"來升級:","Toggle View":"切換檢視","Token":"令牌","Topographic":"地形圖","Troubleshooting Checklists":"故障排除清單","Try again using other filters or keywords.":"請使用其他篩選條件或是關鍵字。","Type":"格式","Undo":"復原","Unique ID":"唯一身份","Unknown":"未知","Unregistered":"未註冊","Unsorted":"未分類","Unstack":"取消堆疊","Updated":"已更新","Updating faces":"更新面孔","Updating index":"更新索引","Updating moments":"更新時刻","Updating picture…":"正在更新圖片…","Updating previews":"更新預覽","Updating stacks":"更新堆疊","Upgrade":"升級","Upgrade Now":"立即升級","Upgrade now and enjoy our member benefits!":"現在就升級,享受我們的會員福利!","Upload":"上傳","Upload complete":"上傳完成","Upload complete. Indexing…":"上傳完成。索引中…","Upload failed":"上傳失敗","Upload local files":"上傳本地檔案","Upload to WebDAV and share links with friends.":"上傳到 WebDAV 並且分享連結給朋友。","Uploading %{n} of %{t}…":"上傳 %{n} / %{t} …","Uploading photos…":"上傳照片中…","Uploading…":"上傳…","Uploads that may contain such images will be rejected automatically.":"上傳此類圖像將可能被自動拒絕。","URL":"網址","Use Presets":"使用預設","User":"使用者","User Guide":"使用者指南","User Interface":"使用者介面","Username":"使用者名稱","Vanta":"Vanta","Verified":"已驗證","Video":"影片","Video Duration":"影片長度","Videos":"影片","View":"檢視","Visit docs.photoprism.app/user-guide to learn how to sync, organize, and share your pictures.":"請見 docs.photoprism.app/user-guide 了解如何同步、分類和共享您的圖片。","Visual Similarity":"視覺相似度","We appreciate your feedback!":"感謝您的回饋!","We do our best to respond within five business days or less.":"我們盡最大努力在五個工作日或更短的時間內做出回應。","We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.":"我們將盡力回答您的所有問題。作為回報,我們希望您在 Patreon 或 GitHub 贊助商上支持我們。","WebDAV clients can connect to PhotoPrism using the following URL:":"WebDAV客戶端可以使用以下URL連接到PhotoPrism:","WebDAV clients, like Microsoft’s Windows Explorer or Apple's Finder, can connect directly to\n PhotoPrism.":"WebDAV客戶端(例如Microsoft Windows的檔案總管或Apple的Finder)可以直接連接到\nPhotoPrism。","WebDAV Upload":"WebDAV上傳","Website":"網站","What functionality is generally available?":"什麼功能是普遍可用的?","White":"白色","Why are some features only available to sponsors?":"為什麼有些功能只對贊助者開放?","Work Details":"作品詳情","Year":"年","Yellow":"黃色","Yellowstone":"黃石","Yes":"是","you are welcome to join us on Reddit":"歡迎您加入我們的 Reddit","You can only download one album":"你只能下載一個相簿","You can only download one label":"你只能下載一個標籤","You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.":"您可以在家裡、個人的伺服器或在雲端使用它。","You may only select one item":"你只能選取一個項目","You may rescan your library to find additional faces.":"您可以重新掃描您的收藏庫以查找其他面孔。","Your continued support helps us provide regular updates and remain independent, so we can fulfill our mission and protect your privacy.":"您的持續支持有助於我們提供定期更新並保持獨立,因此我們可以完成我們的使命並保護您的隱私。","Your library is continuously analyzed to automatically create albums of special moments, trips, and places.":"您的資料庫會持續進行分析,以自動建立有關特殊時刻、旅行和地點的相簿。","Zoom in/out":"縮放"}} \ No newline at end of file