Brian Huisman b17a68c175 Update template.offline.js
Quote jw_depth string.
2023-06-21 12:09:28 -04:00

511 lines
18 KiB

/* ********************************************************************
* Orcinus Site Search {{version}} - Offline Javascript Search File
* - Generated {{date}}
* - Requires mustache.js
function os_preg_quote(str, delimiter) {
return (str + '').replace(new RegExp(
'[.\\\\+*?\\[\\^\\]$(){}=!<>|:\\' + (delimiter || '') + '-]', 'g'),
// ***** Variable Migration
let os_rdata = {
sp_punct: {{{sp_punct}}},
s_latin: {{{s_latin}}},
s_filetypes: {{{s_filetypes}}},
s_category_list: {{{s_category_list}}}
let os_odata = {
s_weights: {{{s_weights}}},
jw_depth: '{{jw_depth}}'
Object.keys(os_odata.s_weights).forEach(key => {
os_odata.s_weights[key] = parseFloat(os_odata.s_weights[key]);
let os_sdata = {
terms: [],
formatted: [],
results: [],
pages: 1,
time: (new Date()).getTime()
let os_request = {};
const os_params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
// ***** Page Object Constructor
function os_page(content_mime, url, category, priority, title, description, keywords, weighted, content) {
this.content_mime = content_mime;
this.url = url;
this.category = category;
this.priority = parseFloat(priority);
this.title = title;
this.description = description;
this.keywords = keywords;
this.weighted = weighted;
this.content = content;
this.matchtext = [];
this.relevance = 0;
this.multi = -1;
this.phrase = 0;
// ***** Search Database
let os_crawldata = [
new os_page('{{{content_mime}}}', '{{{url}}}', '{{{category}}}', {{priority}}, '{{{title}}}', '{{{description}}}', '{{{keywords}}}', '{{{weighted}}}', '{{{words}}}'),
// ***** Return list of all pages for typeahead
function os_return_all() {
let fullList = [];
for (let x = 0; x < os_crawldata.length; x++) {
title: os_crawldata[x].title,
url: os_crawldata[x].url
return fullList;
// Create the Mustache template
let os_TEMPLATE = {
version: '{{version}}',
searchable: false,
addError: function(text) {
if (!this.errors) {
this.errors = {};
this.errors.error_list = [];
// Check if there are rows in the search database
if (os_crawldata.length) {
os_TEMPLATE.searchable = {};
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.form_action = window.location.pathname;
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.limit_query = {{s_limit_query}};
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.limit_term_length = {{s_limit_term_length}};
os_request.c = os_params.get('c');
if (!os_request.c || !os_rdata.s_category_list[os_request.c])
os_request.c = '<none>';
if (os_rdata.s_category_list.length > 2) {
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.categories = {};
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.categories.category_list = [];
Object.keys(os_rdata.s_category_list).forEach(category => {
let cat = {};
cat.name = (category == '<none>') ? 'All Categories' : category;
cat.value = category;
cat.selected = (os_request.c == category);
os_request.q = os_params.get('q');
if (!os_request.q) os_request.q = '';
os_request.q = os_request.q.trim().replace(/\s/, ' ').replace(/ {2,}/, ' ');
// If there is a text request
if (os_request.q) {
// If compression level is < 100, remove all quotation marks
if ({{jw_compression}} < 100)
os_request.q = os_request.q.replace(/"/g, '');
if (os_request.q.length > {{s_limit_query}}) {
os_request.q = os_request.q.substring(0, {{s_limit_query}});
os_TEMPLATE.addError('Search query truncated to maximum ' + {{s_limit_query}} + ' characters');
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.request_q = os_request.q;
// Split request string on quotation marks (")
let request = (' ' + os_request.q + ' ').split('"');
for (let x = 0; x < request.length && os_sdata.terms.length < {{s_limit_terms}}; x++) {
// Every second + 1 group of terms just a list of terms
if (!(x % 2)) {
// Split this list of terms on spaces
request[x] = request[x].split(' ');
for (let y = 0, t; y < request[x].length; y++) {
t = request[x][y];
if (!t) continue
// Leading + means important, a MUST match
if (t[0] == '+') {
// Just count it as a 'phrase' of one word, functionally equivalent
os_sdata.terms.push(['phrase', t.substring(1), false]);
// Leading - means negative, a MUST exclude
} else if (t[0] == '-') {
os_sdata.terms.push(['exclude', t.substring(1), false]);
// Restrict to a specific filetype (not yet implemented)
// Really, we'd only allow HTML, XML and PDF here, maybe JPG?
} else if (t.toLowerCase().indexOf('filetype:') === 0) {
t = t.substring(9).trim();
if (t && os_rdata.s_filetypes[t.toUpperCase()])
os_sdata.terms.push(['filetype', t, false]);
// Else if the term is greater than the term length limit, add it
} else if (t.length >= {{s_limit_term_length}})
os_sdata.terms.push(['term', t, false]);
// Every second group of terms is a phrase, a MUST match
} else os_sdata.terms.push(['phrase', request[x], false]);
// If we successfully procured some terms
if (os_sdata.terms.length) {
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched = {};
if (os_request.c != '<none>') {
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.category = {};
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.category.request_c = os_request.c;
// Prepare PCRE match text for each phrase and term
let filetypes = [];
for (let x = 0; x < os_sdata.terms.length; x++) {
// Normalize punctuation
Object.keys(os_rdata.sp_punct).forEach(key => {
os_sdata.terms[x][1] = os_sdata.terms[x][1].replace(key, os_rdata.sp_punct[key]);
switch (os_sdata.terms[x][0]) {
case 'filetype':
if (os_rdata.s_filetypes[os_sdata.terms[x][1].toUpperCase()])
for (let z = 0; z < os_rdata.s_filetypes[os_sdata.terms[x][1].toUpperCase()].length; z++)
case 'exclude':
case 'phrase':
case 'term':
// Regexp for later use pattern matching results
os_sdata.terms[x][2] = os_preg_quote(os_sdata.terms[x][1].toLowerCase(), '/');
Object.keys(os_rdata.s_latin).forEach(key => {
for (let y = 0; y < os_rdata.s_latin[key].length; y++)
os_sdata.terms[x][2] = os_sdata.terms[x][2].replace(os_rdata.s_latin[key][y], key);
if (key.length > 1) {
os_sdata.terms[x][2] = os_sdata.terms[x][2].replace(key, '(' + key + '|' + os_rdata.s_latin[key].join('|') + ')');
} else os_sdata.terms[x][2] = os_sdata.terms[x][2].replace(key, '[' + key + os_rdata.s_latin[key].join('') + ']');
os_sdata.terms[x][2] = new RegExp('(' + os_sdata.terms[x][2] + ')', 'igu');
// ***** There is never any cache, so do an actual search
for (let y = os_crawldata.length - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
if (filetypes.length) {
let allowMime = false;
for (let x = 0; x < filetypes.length; x++)
if (os_crawldata[y].content_mime == filetypes[x]) allowMime = true;
if (!allowMime) {
os_crawldata.splice(y, 1);
for (let x = 0; x < os_sdata.terms.length; x++) {
addRelevance = 0;
if (os_sdata.terms[x][0] == 'filetype') {
} else if (os_sdata.terms[x][0] == 'exclude') {
if (os_crawldata[y].title.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]) ||
os_crawldata[y].description.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]) ||
os_crawldata[y].keywords.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]) ||
os_crawldata[y].weighted.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]) ||
os_crawldata.splice(y, 1);
} else if (os_sdata.terms[x][0] == 'phrase' ||
os_sdata.terms[x][0] == 'term') {
if (os_sdata.terms[x][0] == 'phrase')
if (os_crawldata[y].title.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]))
addRelevance += os_odata.s_weights.title;
if (os_crawldata[y].description.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]))
addRelevance += os_odata.s_weights.description;
if (os_crawldata[y].keywords.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]))
addRelevance += os_odata.s_weights.keywords;
if (os_crawldata[y].weighted.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]))
addRelevance += os_odata.s_weights.css_value;
if (os_crawldata[y].content.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]))
addRelevance += os_odata.s_weights.body;
if (addRelevance) {
} else if (os_sdata.terms[x][0] == 'phrase')
os_crawldata.splice(y, 1);
if (addRelevance) {
os_crawldata[y].relevance += addRelevance;
// Calculate multipliers
os_crawldata[y].relevance *= Math.pow(os_odata.s_weights.multi, os_crawldata[y].multi);
os_crawldata[y].relevance *= Math.pow(os_odata.s_weights.important, os_crawldata[y].phrase);
os_crawldata[y].relevance *= os_crawldata[y].priority;
// Sort the list by relevance value
os_crawldata.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.relevance == b.relevance) return 0;
return (b.relevance > a.relevance) ? 1 : -1;
// Normalize results from 0 - 100 and delete results with
// relevance values < 5% of the top result
for (let x = os_crawldata.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
if (os_crawldata[0].relevance * 0.05 <= os_crawldata[x].relevance) {
os_crawldata[x].relevance /= os_crawldata[0].relevance * 0.01;
} else os_crawldata.splice(x, 1);
// The final results list is the top slice of this data
// limited by the 's_limit_results' value
os_sdata.results = os_crawldata.slice(0, {{s_limit_results}});
// Now loop through the remaining results to generate the
// proper match text for each
for (let x = 0; x < os_sdata.results.length; x++) {
// Add the page description to use as a default match text
if (os_sdata.results[x].description.trim()) {
rank: 0,
text: os_sdata.results[x].description.substring(0, {{s_limit_matchtext}})
// Loop through each term to capture matchtexts
for (let y = 0; y < os_sdata.terms.length; y++) {
switch (os_sdata.terms[y][0]) {
case 'filetype': break;
case 'exclude': break;
case 'phrase':
case 'term':
// Split the content on the current term
let splitter = os_sdata.results[x].content.split(os_sdata.terms[y][2]);
// For each match, gather the appropriate amount of match
// text from either side of it
for (let z = 0, caret = 0; z < splitter.length; z++) {
caret += splitter[z].length;
if (splitter[z].match(os_sdata.terms[y][2]) || splitter.length == 1) {
let offset = 0;
if (splitter.length == 1) {
// Grab some random content if there were no
// matches in the content
let offset = Math.floor(Math.random() * os_sdata.results[x].content.length - {{s_limit_matchtext}});
} else offset = Math.floor(Math.max(0, caret - (splitter[z].length + {{s_limit_matchtext}}) / 2));
let match = os_sdata.results[x].content.substring(offset, offset + {{s_limit_matchtext}}).trim();
// Add appropriate ellipses
if (offset + ((splitter[z].length + {{s_limit_matchtext}}) / 2) < os_sdata.results[x].content.length)
match += "\u2026";
if (offset) match = "\u2026" + match;
rank: 0,
text: match
// For each found match text, add a point for every time a
// term is found in the match text; triple points for phrase
// matches
for (let y = 0; y < os_sdata.results[x].matchtext.length; y++) {
for (let z = 0; z < os_sdata.terms.length; z++) {
switch (os_sdata.terms[z][0]) {
case 'filetype': break;
case 'exclude': break;
case 'phrase':
case 'term':
let points = os_sdata.results[x].matchtext[y].text.matchAll(os_sdata.terms[z][2]).length; // / (z + 1);
if (os_sdata.terms[z][0] == 'phrase') points *= 3;
os_sdata.results[x].matchtext[y].rank += points;
// Sort the match texts by score
os_sdata.results[x].matchtext.sort(function(a, b) {
if (b.rank == a.rank) return 0;
return (b.rank > a.rank) ? 1 : -1;
// Use the top-ranked match text as the official match text
os_sdata.results[x].matchtext = os_sdata.results[x].matchtext[0].text;
// Unset result values we no longer need so they don't
// bloat memory unnecessarily
os_sdata.results[x].content = null;
os_sdata.results[x].keywords = null;
os_sdata.results[x].weighted = null;
os_sdata.results[x].multi = null;
os_sdata.results[x].phrase = null;
// Limit os_request.page to within boundaries
os_request.page = parseInt(os_params.get('page'));
if (isNaN(os_request.page)) os_request.page = 1;
os_request.page = Math.max(1, os_request.page);
os_sdata.pages = Math.ceil(os_sdata.results.length / {{s_results_pagination}});
os_request.page = Math.min(os_sdata.pages, os_request.page);
// Get a slice of the results that corresponds to the current
// search results pagination page we are on
let resultsPage = os_sdata.results.slice(
(os_request.page - 1) * {{s_results_pagination}},
(os_request.page - 1) * {{s_results_pagination}} + {{s_results_pagination}}
if (resultsPage.length) {
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.results = {};
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.results.result_list = [];
// Do a last once-over of the results
for (let x = 0, result; x < resultsPage.length; x++) {
result = {};
// Don't display filetype of HTML pages
result.filetype = '';
Object.keys(os_rdata.s_filetypes).forEach(type => {
for (let y = 0; y < os_rdata.s_filetypes[type].length; y++)
if (resultsPage[x].content_mime == os_rdata.s_filetypes[type][y])
result.filetype = type;
// Don't display filetype of HTML pages
if (!{{s_show_filetype_html}})
if (result.filetype == 'HTML')
result.filetype = '';
if (result.filetype)
result.filetype = '[' + result.filetype + ']';
// Don't display category if there's only one
if (Object.keys(os_rdata.s_category_list).length > 2) {
result.category = resultsPage[x].category;
} else resultsPage[x].category = '';
// Format relevance
result.relevance = Math.round(resultsPage[x].relevance * 100) / 100;
// Highlight the terms in the title, url and matchtext
result.title = resultsPage[x].title;
result.url = resultsPage[x].url.replace(/^\//, '{{jw_depth}}');
result.matchtext = resultsPage[x].matchtext;
result.description = resultsPage[x].description;
result.title_highlight = resultsPage[x].title;
result.url_highlight = resultsPage[x].url;
result.matchtext_highlight = resultsPage[x].matchtext;
result.description_highlight = resultsPage[x].description;
for (let z = 0; z < os_sdata.terms.length; z++) {
switch (os_sdata.terms[z][0]) {
case 'filetype': break;
case 'exclude': break;
case 'phrase':
case 'term':
result.title_highlight = result.title_highlight.replace(os_sdata.terms[z][2], '<strong>$1</strong>');
result.url_highlight = result.url_highlight.replace(os_sdata.terms[z][2], '<strong>$1</strong>');
result.matchtext_highlight = result.matchtext_highlight.replace(os_sdata.terms[z][2], '<strong>$1</strong>');
result.description_highlight = result.description_highlight.replace(os_sdata.terms[z][2], '<strong>$1</strong>');
// If there are more than just one page of results, prepare all
// the pagination variables for the template
if (os_sdata.pages > 1) {
let pagination = {};
pagination.page_gt1 = (os_request.page > 1);
pagination.page_minus1 = os_request.page - 1;
pagination.page_list = [];
for (x = 1; x <= os_sdata.pages; x++) {
let page = {};
page.index = x;
page.current = (x == os_request.page);
pagination.page_ltpages = (os_request.page < os_sdata.pages);
pagination.page_plus1 = os_request.page + 1;
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.results.pagination = pagination;
// Final numerical and stopwatch time values
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.results.from = Math.min(os_sdata.results.length, (os_request.page - 1) * {{s_results_pagination}} + 1);
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.results.to = Math.min(os_sdata.results.length, os_request.page * {{s_results_pagination}});
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.results.of = os_sdata.results.length;
// os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.results.in = Math.round(((new Date()).getTime() - os_sdata.time) / 10) / 100;
} // No results
} // No valid terms
} // No request data
} // No searchable pages in search database