Brian Huisman 47562e0a71 Add 'online' value for Mustache template
Provide an 'online' value to the Search Result Mustache template. This will, for example, allow you to put things in your Search Result template that will show up when your site is displayed live (PHP), but will not be output when your site is displayed using the offline Javascript, and vice versa.

  This will only display in your template if it's online.
  This will only display in your template it it's offline.
2023-06-22 09:57:33 -04:00

514 lines
18 KiB

/* ********************************************************************
* Orcinus Site Search {{version}} - Offline Javascript Search File
* - Generated {{date}}
* - Requires mustache.js
function os_preg_quote(str, delimiter) {
return (str + '').replace(new RegExp(
'[.\\\\+*?\\[\\^\\]$(){}=!<>|:\\' + (delimiter || '') + '-]', 'g'),
// ***** Variable Migration
let os_rdata = {
sp_punct: {{{sp_punct}}},
s_latin: {{{s_latin}}},
s_filetypes: {{{s_filetypes}}},
s_category_list: {{{s_category_list}}}
let os_odata = {
s_weights: {{{s_weights}}}
Object.keys(os_odata.s_weights).forEach(key => {
os_odata.s_weights[key] = parseFloat(os_odata.s_weights[key]);
let os_sdata = {
terms: [],
formatted: [],
results: [],
pages: 1,
time: (new Date()).getTime()
let os_request = {};
const os_params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
// ***** Page Object Constructor
function os_page(content_mime, url, category, priority, title, description, keywords, weighted, content) {
this.content_mime = content_mime;
this.url = url;
this.category = category;
this.priority = parseFloat(priority);
this.title = title;
this.description = description;
this.keywords = keywords;
this.weighted = weighted;
this.content = content;
this.matchtext = [];
this.relevance = 0;
this.multi = -1;
this.phrase = 0;
// ***** Search Database
let os_crawldata = [
new os_page('{{{content_mime}}}', '{{{url}}}', '{{{category}}}', {{priority}}, '{{{title}}}', '{{{description}}}', '{{{keywords}}}', '{{{weighted}}}', '{{{words}}}'),
// ***** Return list of all pages for typeahead
function os_return_all() {
let fullList = [];
for (let x = 0; x < os_crawldata.length; x++) {
title: os_crawldata[x].title,
url: os_crawldata[x].url
return fullList;
// Create the Mustache template
let os_TEMPLATE = {
errors: false,
online: false,
version: '{{version}}',
searchable: false,
addError: function(text) {
if (!this.errors) {
this.errors = {};
this.errors.error_list = [];
// Check if there are rows in the search database
if (os_crawldata.length) {
os_TEMPLATE.searchable = {};
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.form_action = window.location.pathname;
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.limit_query = {{s_limit_query}};
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.limit_term_length = {{s_limit_term_length}};
os_request.c = os_params.get('c');
if (!os_request.c || !os_rdata.s_category_list[os_request.c])
os_request.c = '<none>';
if (os_rdata.s_category_list.length > 2) {
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.categories = {};
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.categories.category_list = [];
Object.keys(os_rdata.s_category_list).forEach(category => {
let cat = {};
cat.name = (category == '<none>') ? 'All Categories' : category;
cat.value = category;
cat.selected = (os_request.c == category);
os_request.q = os_params.get('q');
if (!os_request.q) os_request.q = '';
os_request.q = os_request.q.trim().replace(/\s/, ' ').replace(/ {2,}/, ' ');
// If there is a text request
if (os_request.q) {
// If compression level is < 100, remove all quotation marks
if ({{jw_compression}} < 100)
os_request.q = os_request.q.replace(/"/g, '');
if (os_request.q.length > {{s_limit_query}}) {
os_request.q = os_request.q.substring(0, {{s_limit_query}});
os_TEMPLATE.addError('Search query truncated to maximum ' + {{s_limit_query}} + ' characters');
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.request_q = os_request.q;
// Split request string on quotation marks (")
let request = (' ' + os_request.q + ' ').split('"');
for (let x = 0; x < request.length && os_sdata.terms.length < {{s_limit_terms}}; x++) {
// Every second + 1 group of terms just a list of terms
if (!(x % 2)) {
// Split this list of terms on spaces
request[x] = request[x].split(' ');
for (let y = 0, t; y < request[x].length; y++) {
t = request[x][y];
if (!t) continue
// Leading + means important, a MUST match
if (t[0] == '+') {
// Just count it as a 'phrase' of one word, functionally equivalent
os_sdata.terms.push(['phrase', t.substring(1), false]);
// Leading - means negative, a MUST exclude
} else if (t[0] == '-') {
os_sdata.terms.push(['exclude', t.substring(1), false]);
// Restrict to a specific filetype (not yet implemented)
// Really, we'd only allow HTML, XML and PDF here, maybe JPG?
} else if (t.toLowerCase().indexOf('filetype:') === 0) {
t = t.substring(9).trim();
if (t && os_rdata.s_filetypes[t.toUpperCase()])
os_sdata.terms.push(['filetype', t, false]);
// Else if the term is greater than the term length limit, add it
} else if (t.length >= {{s_limit_term_length}})
os_sdata.terms.push(['term', t, false]);
// Every second group of terms is a phrase, a MUST match
} else os_sdata.terms.push(['phrase', request[x], false]);
// If we successfully procured some terms
if (os_sdata.terms.length) {
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched = {};
if (os_request.c != '<none>') {
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.category = {};
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.category.request_c = os_request.c;
// Prepare PCRE match text for each phrase and term
let filetypes = [];
for (let x = 0; x < os_sdata.terms.length; x++) {
// Normalize punctuation
Object.keys(os_rdata.sp_punct).forEach(key => {
os_sdata.terms[x][1] = os_sdata.terms[x][1].replace(key, os_rdata.sp_punct[key]);
switch (os_sdata.terms[x][0]) {
case 'filetype':
if (os_rdata.s_filetypes[os_sdata.terms[x][1].toUpperCase()])
for (let z = 0; z < os_rdata.s_filetypes[os_sdata.terms[x][1].toUpperCase()].length; z++)
case 'exclude':
case 'phrase':
case 'term':
// Regexp for later use pattern matching results
os_sdata.terms[x][2] = os_preg_quote(os_sdata.terms[x][1].toLowerCase(), '/');
Object.keys(os_rdata.s_latin).forEach(key => {
for (let y = 0; y < os_rdata.s_latin[key].length; y++)
os_sdata.terms[x][2] = os_sdata.terms[x][2].replace(os_rdata.s_latin[key][y], key);
if (key.length > 1) {
os_sdata.terms[x][2] = os_sdata.terms[x][2].replace(key, '(' + key + '|' + os_rdata.s_latin[key].join('|') + ')');
} else os_sdata.terms[x][2] = os_sdata.terms[x][2].replace(key, '[' + key + os_rdata.s_latin[key].join('') + ']');
os_sdata.terms[x][2] = new RegExp('(' + os_sdata.terms[x][2] + ')', 'igu');
// ***** There is never any cache, so do an actual search
for (let y = os_crawldata.length - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
if (filetypes.length) {
let allowMime = false;
for (let x = 0; x < filetypes.length; x++)
if (os_crawldata[y].content_mime == filetypes[x]) allowMime = true;
if (!allowMime) {
os_crawldata.splice(y, 1);
for (let x = 0; x < os_sdata.terms.length; x++) {
addRelevance = 0;
if (os_sdata.terms[x][0] == 'filetype') {
} else if (os_sdata.terms[x][0] == 'exclude') {
if (os_crawldata[y].title.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]) ||
os_crawldata[y].description.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]) ||
os_crawldata[y].keywords.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]) ||
os_crawldata[y].weighted.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]) ||
os_crawldata.splice(y, 1);
} else if (os_sdata.terms[x][0] == 'phrase' ||
os_sdata.terms[x][0] == 'term') {
if (os_sdata.terms[x][0] == 'phrase')
if (os_crawldata[y].title.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]))
addRelevance += os_odata.s_weights.title;
if (os_crawldata[y].description.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]))
addRelevance += os_odata.s_weights.description;
if (os_crawldata[y].keywords.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]))
addRelevance += os_odata.s_weights.keywords;
if (os_crawldata[y].weighted.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]))
addRelevance += os_odata.s_weights.css_value;
if (os_crawldata[y].content.match(os_sdata.terms[x][2]))
addRelevance += os_odata.s_weights.body;
if (addRelevance) {
} else if (os_sdata.terms[x][0] == 'phrase')
os_crawldata.splice(y, 1);
if (addRelevance) {
os_crawldata[y].relevance += addRelevance;
// Calculate multipliers
os_crawldata[y].relevance *= Math.pow(os_odata.s_weights.multi, os_crawldata[y].multi);
os_crawldata[y].relevance *= Math.pow(os_odata.s_weights.important, os_crawldata[y].phrase);
os_crawldata[y].relevance *= os_crawldata[y].priority;
// Sort the list by relevance value
os_crawldata.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.relevance == b.relevance) return 0;
return (b.relevance > a.relevance) ? 1 : -1;
// Normalize results from 0 - 100 and delete results with
// relevance values < 5% of the top result
for (let x = os_crawldata.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
if (os_crawldata[0].relevance * 0.05 <= os_crawldata[x].relevance) {
os_crawldata[x].relevance /= os_crawldata[0].relevance * 0.01;
} else os_crawldata.splice(x, 1);
// The final results list is the top slice of this data
// limited by the 's_limit_results' value
os_sdata.results = os_crawldata.slice(0, {{s_limit_results}});
// Now loop through the remaining results to generate the
// proper match text for each
for (let x = 0; x < os_sdata.results.length; x++) {
// Add the page description to use as a default match text
if (os_sdata.results[x].description.trim()) {
rank: 0,
text: os_sdata.results[x].description.substring(0, {{s_limit_matchtext}})
// Loop through each term to capture matchtexts
for (let y = 0; y < os_sdata.terms.length; y++) {
switch (os_sdata.terms[y][0]) {
case 'filetype': break;
case 'exclude': break;
case 'phrase':
case 'term':
// Split the content on the current term
let splitter = os_sdata.results[x].content.split(os_sdata.terms[y][2]);
// For each match, gather the appropriate amount of match
// text from either side of it
for (let z = 0, caret = 0; z < splitter.length; z++) {
caret += splitter[z].length;
if (splitter[z].match(os_sdata.terms[y][2]) || splitter.length == 1) {
let offset = 0;
if (splitter.length == 1) {
// Grab some random content if there were no
// matches in the content
let offset = Math.floor(Math.random() * os_sdata.results[x].content.length - {{s_limit_matchtext}});
} else offset = Math.floor(Math.max(0, caret - (splitter[z].length + {{s_limit_matchtext}}) / 2));
let match = os_sdata.results[x].content.substring(offset, offset + {{s_limit_matchtext}}).trim();
// Add appropriate ellipses
if (offset + ((splitter[z].length + {{s_limit_matchtext}}) / 2) < os_sdata.results[x].content.length)
match += "\u2026";
if (offset) match = "\u2026" + match;
rank: 0,
text: match
// For each found match text, add a point for every time a
// term is found in the match text; triple points for phrase
// matches
for (let y = 0; y < os_sdata.results[x].matchtext.length; y++) {
for (let z = 0; z < os_sdata.terms.length; z++) {
switch (os_sdata.terms[z][0]) {
case 'filetype': break;
case 'exclude': break;
case 'phrase':
case 'term':
let points = os_sdata.results[x].matchtext[y].text.matchAll(os_sdata.terms[z][2]).length; // / (z + 1);
if (os_sdata.terms[z][0] == 'phrase') points *= 3;
os_sdata.results[x].matchtext[y].rank += points;
// Sort the match texts by score
os_sdata.results[x].matchtext.sort(function(a, b) {
if (b.rank == a.rank) return 0;
return (b.rank > a.rank) ? 1 : -1;
// Use the top-ranked match text as the official match text
os_sdata.results[x].matchtext = os_sdata.results[x].matchtext[0].text;
// Unset result values we no longer need so they don't
// bloat memory unnecessarily
os_sdata.results[x].content = null;
os_sdata.results[x].keywords = null;
os_sdata.results[x].weighted = null;
os_sdata.results[x].multi = null;
os_sdata.results[x].phrase = null;
// Limit os_request.page to within boundaries
os_request.page = parseInt(os_params.get('page'));
if (isNaN(os_request.page)) os_request.page = 1;
os_request.page = Math.max(1, os_request.page);
os_sdata.pages = Math.ceil(os_sdata.results.length / {{s_results_pagination}});
os_request.page = Math.min(os_sdata.pages, os_request.page);
// Get a slice of the results that corresponds to the current
// search results pagination page we are on
let resultsPage = os_sdata.results.slice(
(os_request.page - 1) * {{s_results_pagination}},
(os_request.page - 1) * {{s_results_pagination}} + {{s_results_pagination}}
if (resultsPage.length) {
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.results = {};
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.results.result_list = [];
// Do a last once-over of the results
for (let x = 0, result; x < resultsPage.length; x++) {
result = {};
// Don't display filetype of HTML pages
result.filetype = '';
Object.keys(os_rdata.s_filetypes).forEach(type => {
for (let y = 0; y < os_rdata.s_filetypes[type].length; y++)
if (resultsPage[x].content_mime == os_rdata.s_filetypes[type][y])
result.filetype = type;
// Don't display filetype of HTML pages
if (!{{s_show_filetype_html}})
if (result.filetype == 'HTML')
result.filetype = '';
if (result.filetype)
result.filetype = '[' + result.filetype + ']';
// Don't display category if there's only one
if (Object.keys(os_rdata.s_category_list).length > 2) {
result.category = resultsPage[x].category;
} else resultsPage[x].category = '';
// Format relevance
result.relevance = Math.round(resultsPage[x].relevance * 100) / 100;
// Highlight the terms in the title, url and matchtext
result.title = resultsPage[x].title;
result.url = resultsPage[x].url;
result.matchtext = resultsPage[x].matchtext;
result.description = resultsPage[x].description;
result.title_highlight = resultsPage[x].title;
result.url_highlight = resultsPage[x].url;
result.matchtext_highlight = resultsPage[x].matchtext;
result.description_highlight = resultsPage[x].description;
for (let z = 0; z < os_sdata.terms.length; z++) {
switch (os_sdata.terms[z][0]) {
case 'filetype': break;
case 'exclude': break;
case 'phrase':
case 'term':
result.title_highlight = result.title_highlight.replace(os_sdata.terms[z][2], '<strong>$1</strong>');
result.url_highlight = result.url_highlight.replace(os_sdata.terms[z][2], '<strong>$1</strong>');
result.matchtext_highlight = result.matchtext_highlight.replace(os_sdata.terms[z][2], '<strong>$1</strong>');
result.description_highlight = result.description_highlight.replace(os_sdata.terms[z][2], '<strong>$1</strong>');
// If there are more than just one page of results, prepare all
// the pagination variables for the template
if (os_sdata.pages > 1) {
let pagination = {};
pagination.page_gt1 = (os_request.page > 1);
pagination.page_minus1 = os_request.page - 1;
pagination.page_list = [];
for (x = 1; x <= os_sdata.pages; x++) {
let page = {};
page.index = x;
page.current = (x == os_request.page);
pagination.page_ltpages = (os_request.page < os_sdata.pages);
pagination.page_plus1 = os_request.page + 1;
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.results.pagination = pagination;
// Final numerical and stopwatch time values
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.results.from = Math.min(os_sdata.results.length, (os_request.page - 1) * {{s_results_pagination}} + 1);
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.results.to = Math.min(os_sdata.results.length, os_request.page * {{s_results_pagination}});
os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.results.of = os_sdata.results.length;
// os_TEMPLATE.searchable.searched.results.in = Math.round(((new Date()).getTime() - os_sdata.time) / 10) / 100;
} // No results
} // No valid terms
} // No request data
} // No searchable pages in search database