2023-04-12 08:08:11 -04:00

730 lines
29 KiB

<?php /* **************************************************************
* Orca PHP Search - Searching Engine
require __DIR__.'/config.php';
$_SDATA = array(
'terms' => array(),
'formatted' => array(),
'cache' => array(
'data' => '',
'ip' => '',
'stamp' => 0,
'raw' => ''
'results' => array(),
'json' => array(),
'pages' => 1,
'time' => microtime(true)
foreach ($_RDATA['s_weights'] as $key => $weight)
$_RDATA['s_weights'][$key] = (float)$weight;
// {{{{{ Create the Mustache template
$_TEMPLATE = new OS_Mustache();
$_TEMPLATE->version = $_ODATA['version'];
$_TEMPLATE->limit_term_length = $_ODATA['s_limit_term_length'];
// Check if there are rows in the search database
if ($_RDATA['s_searchable_pages']) {
$_TEMPLATE->searchable = new stdClass();
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->form_action = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if (!isset($_REQUEST['c']) || !isset($_RDATA['s_category_list'][$_REQUEST['c']]))
$_REQUEST['c'] = '<none>';
if (count($_RDATA['s_category_list']) > 2) {
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->categories = new stdClass();
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->categories->category_list = array();
foreach ($_RDATA['s_category_list'] as $category => $count) {
$cat = new stdClass();
$cat->name = ($category = '<none>') ? 'All Categories' : $category;
$cat->value = $category;
$cat->selected = ($_REQUEST['c'] == $category);
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->categories->category_list[] = $cat;
if (!isset($_REQUEST['q']) || !is_string($_REQUEST['q']))
$_REQUEST['q'] = '';
$_REQUEST['q'] = preg_replace(array('/\s/', '/ {2,}/'), ' ', trim($_REQUEST['q']));
// If there is a text request
if ($_REQUEST['q']) {
// Convert to UTF-8 from specified encoding
$_REQUEST['q'] = mb_convert_encoding($_REQUEST['q'], 'UTF-8', $_ODATA['s_charset']);
if (strlen($_REQUEST['q']) > 127) {
$_REQUEST['q'] = substr($_REQUEST['q'], 0, 127);
$_TEMPLATE->addError('Search query truncated to maximum 127 characters');
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->request_q = $_REQUEST['q'];
// Split request string on quotation marks (")
$request = explode('"', ' '.$_REQUEST['q'].' ');
for ($x = 0; $x < count($request) && count($_SDATA['terms']) < $_ODATA['s_limit_terms']; $x++) {
// Every second + 1 group of terms just a list of terms
if (!($x % 2)) {
// Split this list of terms on spaces
$request[$x] = explode(' ', $request[$x]);
foreach ($request[$x] as $t) {
if (!$t) continue;
// Leading + means important, a MUST match
if ($t[0] == '+') {
// Just count it as a 'phrase' of one word, functionally equivalent
$_SDATA['terms'][] = array('phrase', substr($t, 1), false);
// Leading - or ! means negative, a MUST exclude
} else if ($t[0] == '-' || $t[0] == '!') {
$_SDATA['terms'][] = array('exclude', substr($t, 1), false);
// Restrict to a specific filetype (not yet implemented)
// Really, we'd only allow HTML, XML and PDF here, maybe JPG?
} else if (strpos('filetype:', $t) === 0) {
$t = trim(substr($t, 9));
if ($t && isset($_RDATA['s_filetypes'][strtoupper($t)]))
$_SDATA['terms'][] = array('filetype', $t, false);
// Else if the term is greater than the term length limit, add it
} else if (strlen($t) >= $_ODATA['s_limit_term_length'])
$_SDATA['terms'][] = array('term', $t, false);
// Every second group of terms is a phrase, a MUST match
} else $_SDATA['terms'][] = array('phrase', $request[$x], false);
// If we successfully procured some terms
if (count($_SDATA['terms'])) {
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->searched = new stdClass();
if ($_REQUEST['c'] != '<none>') {
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->searched->category = new stdClass();
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->searched->category->request_c = $_REQUEST['c'];
// Prepare PCRE match text for each phrase and term
foreach ($_SDATA['terms'] as $key => list($type, $term, $pcre)) {
switch ($type) {
case 'filetype':
$_SDATA['formatted'][] = $type.':'.$term;
case 'exclude':
$_SDATA['formatted'][] = '-'.$term;
case 'phrase':
$_SDATA['formatted'][] = '"'.$term.'"';
case 'term':
if ($type == 'term')
$_SDATA['formatted'][] = $term;
$_SDATA['terms'][$key][2] = preg_quote(strtolower($term), '/');
foreach ($_RDATA['s_latin'] as $char => $latin) {
$_SDATA['terms'][$key][2] = str_replace($latin, $char, $_SDATA['terms'][$key][2]);
if (strlen($char) > 1) {
$_SDATA['terms'][$key][2] = str_replace($char, '('.$char.'|'.implode('|', $latin).')', $_SDATA['terms'][$key][2]);
} else $_SDATA['terms'][$key][2] = str_replace($char, '['.$char.implode('', $latin).']', $_SDATA['terms'][$key][2]);
$_SDATA['terms'][$key][2] = '/('.$_SDATA['terms'][$key][2].')/iu';
// Without this, category searches are merged, maybe okay?
// if ($_REQUEST['c'] != '<none>')
// $_SDATA['formatted'][] = '('.
// Check if this search is already cached
$_SDATA['formatted'] = implode(' ', $_SDATA['formatted']);
$checkCache = $_DDATA['pdo']->prepare(
'SELECT `stamp`, INET_NTOA(`ip`) AS `ip`, `cache`
FROM `'.$_DDATA['tbprefix'].'query`
WHERE `query`=:query AND `cache`<>\'\'
$checkCache->execute(array('query' => $_SDATA['formatted']));
$err = $checkCache->errorInfo();
if ($err[0] == '00000') {
$checkCache = $checkCache->fetchAll();
// If we retrieved a matching row from the query log
if (count($checkCache)) {
$_SDATA['cache']['ip'] = $checkCache[0]['ip'];
$_SDATA['cache']['stamp'] = $checkCache[0]['stamp'];
$_SDATA['cache']['raw'] = $checkCache[0]['cache'];
$_SDATA['cache']['data'] = $checkCache[0]['cache'];
// Try to gzunzip the cache data
if (function_exists('gzuncompress')) {
$checkGZ = gzuncompress($_SDATA['cache']['data']);
if ($checkGZ) $_SDATA['cache']['data'] = $checkGZ;
// Try to json_decode the cache data
// If this step fails, assume there is no cache data
$checkJS = json_decode($_SDATA['cache']['data'], true);
$_SDATA['cache']['data'] = ($checkJS) ? $checkJS : '';
// Database error accessing the query log
} else $_TEMPLATE->addError('Error reading the search result cache');
// ***** Nothing in the cache, so do an actual search
if (!is_array($_SDATA['cache']['data'])) {
// Begin building the basic query
$searchSQL = '
SELECT `url`, `category`, `content`, `content_mime`, `title`,
`description`, `keywords`, `weighted`, `priority`
FROM `'.$_DDATA['tbprefix'].'crawldata`
WHERE `flag_unlisted`=0 AND `priority`>0 AND';
// Restrict by category
if ($_REQUEST['c'] != '<none>')
$searchSQL .= ' `category`=\''.addslashes($_REQUEST['c']).'\' AND ';
// Show or do not show Orphans
if (!$_ODATA['s_show_orphans'])
$searchSQL .= ' `status`!=\'Orphan\' AND ';
$ands = array();
$ors = array();
$negs = array();
foreach ($_SDATA['terms'] as list($type, $term, $pcre)) {
switch ($type) {
case 'filetype': // Nothing for filetype yet
case 'exclude':
$negs[] = '`content` NOT LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'';
$negs[] = '`url` NOT LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'';
$negs[] = '`title` NOT LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'';
$negs[] = '`description` NOT LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'';
$negs[] = '`keywords` NOT LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'';
$negs[] = '`weighted` NOT LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'';
case 'phrase':
$ands[] = '('.implode(' OR ', array(
'`content` LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'',
'`url` LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'',
'`title` LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'',
'`description` LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'',
'`keywords` LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'',
'`weighted` LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\''
case 'term':
$ors[] = '`content` LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'';
$ors[] = '`url` LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'';
$ors[] = '`title` LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'';
$ors[] = '`description` LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'';
$ors[] = '`keywords` LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'';
$ors[] = '`weighted` LIKE \'%'.addslashes($term).'%\'';
if (count($ands)) {
$searchSQL .= ' '.implode(' AND ', $ands).' ';
} else $searchSQL .= ' ('.implode(' OR ', $ors).') ';
if (count($negs))
$searchSQL .= ' AND '.implode(' AND ', $negs);
// Execute the query
$searchQuery = $_DDATA['pdo']->query($searchSQL.';');
$err = $searchQuery->errorInfo();
if ($err[0] == '00000') {
$searchQuery = $searchQuery->fetchAll();
// Apply relevance to each listing and then sort
foreach ($searchQuery as $key => $row) {
$searchQuery[$key]['relevance'] = 0;
$searchQuery[$key]['multi'] = -1;
$searchQuery[$key]['phrase'] = 0;
// Lowercase values for easy compare
$row['lc_content'] = strtolower($row['content']);
$row['lc_url'] = strtolower($row['url']);
$row['lc_title'] = strtolower($row['title']);
$row['lc_description'] = strtolower($row['description']);
$row['lc_keywords'] = strtolower($row['keywords']);
$row['lc_weighted'] = strtolower($row['weighted']);
// Remove latin character accents
foreach ($_RDATA['s_latin'] as $char => $latin) {
$row['lc_content'] = str_replace($latin, $char, $row['lc_content']);
$row['lc_url'] = str_replace($latin, $char, $row['lc_url']);
$row['lc_title'] = str_replace($latin, $char, $row['lc_title']);
$row['lc_description'] = str_replace($latin, $char, $row['lc_description']);
$row['lc_keywords'] = str_replace($latin, $char, $row['lc_keywords']);
$row['lc_weighted'] = str_replace($latin, $char, $row['lc_weighted']);
// Run through each term and check content for matches
foreach ($_SDATA['terms'] as list($type, $term, $pcre)) {
switch ($type) {
case 'filetype': break;
case 'exclude': break;
case 'phrase':
case 'term':
$term = strtolower($term);
foreach ($_RDATA['s_latin'] as $char => $latin)
$term = str_replace($latin, $char, $term);
$pcreterm = '/\b'.preg_quote($term, '/').'/i';
// Give full points for every instance of a term
// that's at the beginning of a word or phrase
$i = preg_match_all($pcreterm, $row['lc_content']);
$j = preg_match_all($pcreterm, $row['lc_url']);
$k = preg_match_all($pcreterm, $row['lc_title']);
$l = preg_match_all($pcreterm, $row['lc_description']);
$m = preg_match_all($pcreterm, $row['lc_keywords']);
$n = preg_match_all($pcreterm, $row['lc_weighted']);
if ($i || $j || $k || $l || $m || $n)
// Limit generic matches to a maximum of three
$a = $i + min(substr_count($row['lc_content'], $term), 3);
$b = $j + min(substr_count($row['lc_url'], $term), 3);
$c = $k + min(substr_count($row['lc_title'], $term), 3);
$d = $l + min(substr_count($row['lc_description'], $term), 3);
$e = $m + min(substr_count($row['lc_keywords'], $term), 3);
$f = $n + min(substr_count($row['lc_weighted'], $term), 3);
$searchQuery[$key]['relevance'] += $a * $_RDATA['s_weights']['body'];
$searchQuery[$key]['relevance'] += $b * $_RDATA['s_weights']['url'];
$searchQuery[$key]['relevance'] += $c * $_RDATA['s_weights']['title'];
$searchQuery[$key]['relevance'] += $d * $_RDATA['s_weights']['description'];
$searchQuery[$key]['relevance'] += $e * $_RDATA['s_weights']['keywords'];
$searchQuery[$key]['relevance'] += $f * $_RDATA['s_weights']['css_value'];
// Calculate multipliers
$searchQuery[$key]['relevance'] *= $_RDATA['s_weights']['multi'] ** $searchQuery[$key]['multi'];
$searchQuery[$key]['relevance'] *= $_RDATA['s_weights']['important'] ** $searchQuery[$key]['phrase'];
$searchQuery[$key]['relevance'] *= $row['priority'];
// Sort the list by relevance value
usort($searchQuery, function($a, $b) {
if ($b['relevance'] == $a['relevance']) return 0;
return ($b['relevance'] > $a['relevance']) ? 1 : -1;
// Normalize results from 0 - 100 and delete results with
// relevance values < 5% of the top result
for ($x = count($searchQuery) - 1; $x >= 0; $x--) {
if ($searchQuery[0]['relevance'] * 0.05 <= $searchQuery[$x]['relevance']) {
$searchQuery[$x]['relevance'] /= $searchQuery[0]['relevance'] * 0.01;
} else unset($searchQuery[$x]);
// The final results list is the top slice of this data
// limited by the 's_limit_results' value
$_SDATA['results'] = array_slice($searchQuery, 0, $_ODATA['s_limit_results']);
// Now loop through the remaining results to generate the
// proper match text for each
foreach ($_SDATA['results'] as $key => $row) {
$_SDATA['results'][$key]['matchtext'] = array();
// Add the page description to use as a default match text
if (trim($row['description'])) {
$_SDATA['results'][$key]['matchtext'][] = array(
'rank' => 0,
'text' => substr($row['description'], 0, $_ODATA['s_limit_matchtext'])
// Loop through each term to capture matchtexts
foreach ($_SDATA['terms'] as list($type, $term, $pcre)) {
switch ($type) {
case 'filetype': break;
case 'exclude': break;
case 'phrase':
case 'term':
// Split the content on the current term
$splitter = preg_split($pcre, $row['content'], 0,
// For each match, gather the appropriate amount of match
// text from either side of it
foreach ($splitter as $split) {
if (preg_match($pcre, $split[0]) || count($splitter) == 1) {
if (count($splitter) == 1) {
// Grab some random content if there were no
// matches in the content
$offset = mt_rand(0, strlen($row['content']) - $_ODATA['s_limit_matchtext']);
} else $offset = floor(max(0, $split[1] - (strlen($term) + $_ODATA['s_limit_matchtext']) / 2));
$match = trim(substr($row['content'], $offset, $_ODATA['s_limit_matchtext']));
// Add appropriate ellipses
if ($offset + ((strlen($term) + $_ODATA['s_limit_matchtext']) / 2) < strlen($row['content']))
$match .= "\u{2026}";
if ($offset) $match = "\u{2026}".$match;
$_SDATA['results'][$key]['matchtext'][] = array(
'rank' => 0,
'text' => $match
// For each found match text, add a point for every time a
// term is found in the match text; triple points for phrase
// or important (+) matches
foreach ($_SDATA['results'][$key]['matchtext'] as $mkey => $matchtext) {
foreach ($_SDATA['terms'] as $tkey => list($type, $term, $pcre)) {
switch ($type) {
case 'filetype': break;
case 'exclude': break;
case 'phrase':
case 'term':
$points = preg_match_all($pcre, $matchtext['text']); // / ($tkey + 1);
if ($type == 'phrase') $points *= 3;
$_SDATA['results'][$key]['matchtext'][$mkey]['rank'] += $points;
// Sort the match texts by score
usort($_SDATA['results'][$key]['matchtext'], function($a , $b) {
if ($b['rank'] == $a['rank']) return 0;
return ($b['rank'] > $a['rank']) ? 1 : -1;
// Use the top-ranked match text as the official match text
// Run an mb_convert_encoding() in case we chopped a UTF-8
// character in the middle of its bytes
$_SDATA['results'][$key]['matchtext'] = mb_convert_encoding(
// Unset result values we no longer need so they don't
// bloat the cache unnecessarily
} else $_TEMPLATE->addError('Database error reading results: '.$err[2]);
// ***** Else this is a cached set of results
} else $_SDATA['results'] = $_SDATA['cache']['data'];
// Limit $_REQUEST['page'] to within boundaries
$_REQUEST['page'] = (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) ? max(1, (int)$_REQUEST['page']) : 1;
$_SDATA['pages'] = ceil(count($_SDATA['results']) / $_ODATA['s_results_pagination']);
$_REQUEST['page'] = min($_SDATA['pages'], $_REQUEST['page']);
if (!isset($_REQUEST['json']) || $_REQUEST['json'] !== 'true')
$_REQUEST['json'] = '';
// Database log (and potentially cache) this page only if:
// - This is not a JSON output request
// - The user is visiting page 1 of results
// - Their IP does not match the IP of the previous request for
// this same query
// - ... but if their IP *does* match, check that their last
// request for this same query was more than ten seconds ago
if ($_REQUEST['json'] !== 'true' && $_REQUEST['page'] == 1 &&
($_SDATA['cache']['ip'] != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ||
$_SDATA['cache']['stamp'] + 10 < time())) {
// Delete the cache from all other searches for this query
$clear = $_DDATA['pdo']->prepare(
'UPDATE `'.$_DDATA['tbprefix'].'query` SET `cache`=\'\'
WHERE `query`=:query;'
$clear->execute(array('query' => $_SDATA['formatted']));
$err = $clear->errorInfo();
if ($err[0] != '00000')
$_TEMPLATE->addError('Could not clear previous search cache: '.$err[2]);
// If we are caching search results
if ($_ODATA['s_limit_cache']) {
// If this search query hasn't been cached yet
if (!is_array($_SDATA['cache']['data'])) {
// JSON encode and potentially gzip the results for storage
$searchCache = json_encode($_SDATA['results'], JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE);
if (function_exists('gzcompress'))
$searchCache = gzcompress($searchCache);
// else use the cache we retrieved from the database
} else $searchCache = $_SDATA['cache']['raw'];
} else $searchCache = '';
$insertQuery = $_DDATA['pdo']->prepare(
'INSERT INTO `'.$_DDATA['tbprefix'].'query` SET
'query' => $_SDATA['formatted'],
'results' => count($_SDATA['results']),
'ipaddr' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
'cache' => $searchCache
if (!$insertQuery->rowCount()) {
$_TEMPLATE->addError('Could not cache search results');
$err = $insertQuery->errorInfo();
if ($err[0] != '00000')
$_TEMPLATE->addError('MySQL error: '.$err[2]);
// ***** We have completed searching and caching! *****
// Now it's time to focus on how we will format the data we
// obtained for display to the viewer
// Get a slice of the results that corresponds to the current
// search results pagination page we are on
$resultsPage = array_slice(
($_REQUEST['page'] - 1) * $_ODATA['s_results_pagination'],
// If we have more than zero results...
if (count($resultsPage)) {
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->searched->results = new stdClass();
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->searched->results->result_list = array();
// Prepare PCRE for removing base domains
if (count($_RDATA['s_crawldata_domains']) == 1)
$repStr = '/^'.preg_quote(key($_RDATA['s_crawldata_domains']), '/').'/';
// Do a last once-over of the results
foreach ($resultsPage as $key => $result) {
$_RESULT = new stdClass();
$_RESULT->filetype = '';
foreach ($_RDATA['s_filetypes'] as $type => $mimes)
foreach ($mimes as $mime)
if ($result['content_mime'] == $mime)
$_RESULT->filetype = $type;
// Don't display filetype of HTML pages
if (!$_ODATA['s_show_filetype_html'])
if ($_RESULT->filetype == 'HTML')
$_RESULT->filetype = '';
if ($_RESULT->filetype)
$_RESULT->filetype = '['.$_RESULT->filetype.']';
// Don't display category if there's only one
if (count($_RDATA['s_category_list']) > 2) {
$_RESULT->category = $result['category'];
} else $_RESULT->category = '';
// Format relevance
$_RESULT->relevance = number_format($result['relevance'], 2, '.', '');
// Remove base domain from URL if they are all the same
if (count($_RDATA['s_crawldata_domains']) == 1)
$result['url'] = preg_replace($repStr, '', $result['url']);
// Highlight the terms in the title, url and matchtext
$_RESULT->title = htmlspecialchars($result['title']);
$_RESULT->url = htmlspecialchars($result['url']);
$_RESULT->matchtext = htmlspecialchars($result['matchtext']);
$_RESULT->description = htmlspecialchars($result['description']);
$_RESULT->title_highlight = $_RESULT->title;
$_RESULT->url_highlight = $_RESULT->url;
$_RESULT->matchtext_highlight = $_RESULT->matchtext;
$_RESULT->description_highlight = $_RESULT->description;
foreach ($_SDATA['terms'] as list($type, $term, $pcre)) {
switch ($type) {
case 'filetype': break;
case 'exclude': break;
case 'phrase':
case 'term':
$_RESULT->title_highlight = preg_replace($pcre, '<strong>$1</strong>', $_RESULT->title_highlight);
$_RESULT->url_highlight = preg_replace($pcre, '<strong>$1</strong>', $_RESULT->url_highlight);
$_RESULT->matchtext_highlight = preg_replace($pcre, '<strong>$1</strong>', $_RESULT->matchtext_highlight);
$_RESULT->description_highlight = preg_replace($pcre, '<strong>$1</strong>', $_RESULT->description_highlight);
// Convert output back to $_ODATA['s_charset'] before storing
if (strtoupper($_ODATA['s_charset']) != 'UTF-8') {
$_RESULT = mb_convert_encoding($_RESULT, $_ODATA['s_charset'], 'UTF-8');
$_RESULT = json_decode($_RESULT, true);
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->searched->results->result_list[] = $_RESULT;
// If there are more than just one page of results, prepare all
// the pagination variables for the template
if ($_SDATA['pages'] > 1) {
$pagination = new stdClass();
$pagination->page_gt1 = ($_REQUEST['page'] > 1);
$pagination->page_minus1 = $_REQUEST['page'] - 1;
$pagination->page_list = array();
for ($x = 1; $x <= $_SDATA['pages']; $x++) {
$page = new stdClass();
$page->index = $x;
$page->current = ($x == $_REQUEST['page']);
$pagination->page_list[] = $page;
$pagination->page_ltpages = ($_REQUEST['page'] < $_SDATA['pages']);
$pagination->page_plus1 = $_REQUEST['page'] + 1;
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->searched->results->pagination = $pagination;
// Final numerical and stopwatch time values
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->searched->results->from = min(count($_SDATA['results']), ($_REQUEST['page'] - 1) * $_ODATA['s_results_pagination'] + 1);
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->searched->results->to = min(count($_SDATA['results']), $_REQUEST['page'] * $_ODATA['s_results_pagination']);
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->searched->results->of = count($_SDATA['results']);
$_TEMPLATE->searchable->searched->results->in = number_format(microtime(true) - $_SDATA['time'], 2, '.', '');
$_SDATA['json'] = array_slice($_TEMPLATE->searchable->searched->results->result_list, 0, 5);
} // No results
} // No valid terms
// Convert request query back to $_ODATA['s_charset'] before exiting
if (strtoupper($_ODATA['s_charset']) != 'UTF-8')
$_REQUEST['q'] = mb_convert_encoding($_REQUEST['q'], $_ODATA['s_charset'], 'UTF-8');
} // No request data
} // No searchable pages in search database
// ***** Trigger another crawl
if ($_ODATA['sp_interval'] &&
time() - $_ODATA['sp_time_end_success'] > $_ODATA['sp_interval'] * 3600 &&
!OS_getValue('sp_crawling')) {
// If we can only trigger the crawl during certain time period
if ($_ODATA['sp_interval_start'] != $_ODATA['sp_interval_stop']) {
$timeNow = new DateTime();
$timeStart = DateTime::createFromFormat('H:i:s', $_ODATA['sp_interval_start']);
$timeStop = DateTime::createFromFormat('H:i:s', $_ODATA['sp_interval_stop']);
// Move PM start times back one day
if ($timeStart > $timeStop) $timeStart->modify('-1 day');
// Make sure at least the stop time is in the future
if ($timeNow > $timeStop) {
$timeStart->modify('+1 day');
$timeStop->modify('+1 day');
$allowCrawl = ($timeStart < $timeNow && $timeNow < $timeStop);
// Otherwise always allow the crawl
} else $allowCrawl = true;
if ($allowCrawl) {
// Set the key for initiating the crawler
$md5 = md5(hrtime(true));
OS_setValue('sp_key', $md5);
// ***** Initialize the cURL connection
$_cURL = OS_getConnection();
if ($_cURL) {
// Customize this cURL connection
curl_setopt($_cURL, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($_cURL, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode(array(
'action' => 'crawl',
'sp_key' => $_ODATA['sp_key']
curl_setopt($_cURL, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'Content-type: application/json; charset='.$_ODATA['s_charset']
curl_setopt($_cURL, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 1);
$crawlerDir = str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', __DIR__);
$crawlerURL = $_ODATA['admin_install_domain'].$crawlerDir.'/crawler.php';
curl_setopt($_cURL, CURLOPT_URL, str_replace(' ', '%20', $crawlerURL));
// Error code 28 (timeout) is okay
$errno = curl_errno($_cURL);
if ($errno && $errno != 28) {
$error = curl_error($_cURL);
if ($error) $_TEMPLATE->addError($error); // Hide this?
} // Could not create a connection, but don't let the user know
// Output JSON and exit if requested
if (isset($_REQUEST['json']) && $_REQUEST['json'] === 'true') {
header('Content-type: application/json; charset='.$_ODATA['s_charset']);
die(json_encode($_SDATA['json'], JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE));
} ?>