import asyncio from aiosmtpd.controller import Controller import email from email.header import decode_header from email.utils import parseaddr import configparser import json import re import logging import os, sys import time logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # globals for settings DISCARD_UNKNOWN = False DELETE_OLDER_THAN_DAYS = False DOMAINS = [] LAST_CLEANUP = 0 class TrashmailHandler: async def handle_DATA(self, server, session, envelope): peer = session.peer mailfrom = envelope.mail_from rcpttos = envelope.rcpt_tos data = envelope.content.decode('utf8', errors='replace') try: mailfrom = parseaddr(mailfrom)[1] logger.debug('Receiving message from: %s:%d' % peer) logger.debug('Message addressed from: %s' % mailfrom) logger.debug('Message addressed to: %s' % str(rcpttos)) msg = email.message_from_bytes(envelope.content) #print("head -> ",msg) subject = '' for encoded_string, charset in decode_header(msg.get('Subject')): try: if charset is not None: subject += encoded_string.decode(charset) else: subject += encoded_string except: logger.exception('Error reading part of subject: %s charset %s' % (encoded_string, charset)) return '500 Could not process your message' logger.debug('Subject: %s' % subject) text_parts = [] html_parts = [] attachments = {} for part in msg.walk(): if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart': continue c_type = part.get_content_type() c_disp = part.get('Content-Disposition') # text parts will be appended to text_parts if c_type == 'text/plain' and c_disp == None: text_parts.append(str(part.get_payload(decode=True).strip().decode('utf8', errors='replace'))) # ignore html part elif c_type == 'text/html': html_parts.append(str(part.get_payload(decode=True).strip().decode('utf8', errors='replace'))) # attachments will be sent as files in the POST request else: filename = part.get_filename() filecontent = part.get_payload(decode=True) if filecontent is not None: if filename is None: filename = 'untitled' attachments['file%d' % len(attachments)] = (filename, filecontent) body = '\n'.join(text_parts) htmlbody = '\n'.join(html_parts) except: logger.exception('Error reading incoming email') return '500 Could not process your message' else: # this data will be sent as POST data edata = { 'subject': subject, 'body': body, 'htmlbody': htmlbody, 'from': mailfrom, 'attachments':[] } savedata = {'sender_ip':peer[0],'from':mailfrom,'rcpts':rcpttos,'raw':data,'parsed':edata} filenamebase = str(int(round(time.time() * 1000))) for em in rcpttos: em = em.lower() if not re.match(r"[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$", em): logger.exception('Invalid recipient: %s' % em) continue domain = em.split('@')[1] found = False for x in DOMAINS: if "*" in x and domain.endswith(x.replace('*', '')): found = True elif domain == x: found = True if(DISCARD_UNKNOWN and found==False):'Discarding email for unknown domain: %s' % domain) continue if not os.path.exists("../data/"+em): os.mkdir( "../data/"+em, 0o755 ) #same attachments if any for att in attachments: if not os.path.exists("../data/"+em+"/attachments"): os.mkdir( "../data/"+em+"/attachments", 0o755 ) attd = attachments[att] file = open("../data/"+em+"/attachments/"+filenamebase+"-"+attd[0], 'wb') file.write(attd[1]) file.close() edata["attachments"].append(filenamebase+"-"+attd[0]) # save actual json data with open("../data/"+em+"/"+filenamebase+".json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(savedata, outfile) # if error_occurred: # return '500 Could not process your message' return '250 OK' def cleanup(): if(DELETE_OLDER_THAN_DAYS == False or time.time() - LAST_CLEANUP < 86400): return"Cleaning up") rootdir = '../data/' for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir): for file in files: if(file.endswith(".json")): filepath = os.path.join(subdir, file) file_modified = os.path.getmtime(filepath) if(time.time() - file_modified > (DELETE_OLDER_THAN_DAYS * 86400)): os.remove(filepath)"Deleted file: " + filepath) if __name__ == '__main__': ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(ch) if not os.path.isfile("../config.ini"): print("[ERR] Config.ini not found. Rename example.config.ini to config.ini. Defaulting to port 25") port = 25 else : Config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)"../config.ini") port = int(Config.get("MAILSERVER","MAILPORT")) if("discard_unknown" in Config.options("MAILSERVER")): DISCARD_UNKNOWN = (Config.get("MAILSERVER","DISCARD_UNKNOWN").lower() == "true") DOMAINS = Config.get("GENERAL","DOMAINS").lower().split(",") if("CLEANUP" in Config.sections() and "delete_older_than_days" in Config.options("CLEANUP")): DELETE_OLDER_THAN_DAYS = (Config.get("CLEANUP","DELETE_OLDER_THAN_DAYS").lower() == "true") print("[i] Starting Mailserver on port",port) print("[i] Discard unknown domains:",DISCARD_UNKNOWN) print("[i] Listening for domains:",DOMAINS) handler = TrashmailHandler() controller = Controller(handler, hostname='', port=port) # Run the event loop in a separate thread. controller.start() print("[i] Ready to receive Emails") print("") while True: try: time.sleep(3600) cleanup() except KeyboardInterrupt: break