Open Trashmail

Open Trashmail

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![Screenshot of Open Trashmail]( # Features - Python powered mail server that works out of the box for any domain you throw at it - API for integrating it in your own projects. Can be used to give Users individual email adresses and read what they send to it - Handles attachments - Web interface to manage emails - Generates random email adresses - 100% file based, no database needed - Can be used as Email Honeypot # Configuration Just edit the `config.ini` You can use the following settings - `DOMAINS` -> Comma separated list of domains this mailserver will be receiving emails on. It's just so the web interface can generate random addresses - `MAILPORT`-> The port the Python powered SMTP server will listen on. Default 25 - `ADMIN` -> An email address (doesn't have to exist, just has to be valid) that will list all emails of all addresses the server has received. Kind of a catch-all - `DATEFORMAT` -> How should timestamps be shown on the web interface ([moment.js syntax]( # Roadmap - [x] Mailserver - [x] Storing received mails in JSON - [x] Storing file attachments - [x] Docker files and configs - [ ] Web interface - [x] Choose email - [x] Get random email address - [x] Download attachments in a safe way - [x] Display Text/HTML - [x] API so all features from the site can also be automated and integrated - [x] Automatically check for new emails while on site - [x] Admin overview for all available email addresses - [ ] Secure HTML so no malicious things can be loaded - [ ] Display embedded images inline using Content-ID - [ ] Option to show raw Email - [ ] Delete messages - [ ] Make better theme - [ ] Configurable settings - [x] Choose domains for random generation - [ ] Choose if out-of-scope emails are discarded - [ ] Honeypot mode where all emails are also saved for a catchall account - [ ] Optionally secure whole site with a password - [ ] Optinally allow site to be seen only from specific IP Range # Quick start Simple start with no persistence ```bash docker run -it -p 25:25 -p 80:80 hascheksolutions/opentrashmail ``` Saving data directory on host machine ```bash docker run -p 80:80 -p 25:25 -v /path/on/host/where/to/save/data:/var/www/opentrashmail/data hascheksolutions/opentrashmail ``` Complete example with running as daemon, persistence, a domain for auto-generation of emails and auto restart ```bash docker run -d --restart=always --name opentrashmail -e "" -e "DATEFORMAT='D.M.YYYY HH:mm'" -p 80:80 -p 25:25 -v /path/on/host/where/to/save/data:/var/www/opentrashmail/data hascheksolutions/opentrashmail ``` # How it works The heart of Open Trashmail is a **python powered SMTP server** that listens on incoming emails and stores them as json files. The server doesn't have to know the right Email domain, it will just **catch everything** it receives. You only have to **expose port 25 to the web** and set an **MX record** of your domain pointing to the IP adress of your machine.