; RENAME THIS FILE TO config.ini FIRST [GENERAL] ; Enter your domains here. Comma separated if multiple DOMAINS=yourdomain,sub.yourdomain ; Enter the admin email address. If you choose this email on the website you will see all emails from all users ; The email doesn't really have to exist or have mail but must look like an email address ;ADMIN=some@random.email [MAILSERVER] ; Port that the Mailserver will run on (default 25 but that needs root) MAILPORT=25 ; true or false depending on if you only want to save emails to the above set domains ; this greatly reduces the amount of spam you will receive DISCARD_UNKNOWN=true ; Port number of the !! HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL !! POP3 server POP3PORT=110 [DATETIME] ; The moment.js format you'd like your date to be formatted in DATEFORMAT="D.M.YYYY HH:mm" [CLEANUP] ; Emails older than these amount of days will be deleted. false for never DELETE_OLDER_THAN_DAYS=false