2023-08-25 19:02:59 +01:00

99 lines
3.5 KiB

* OPcache GUI - build script
* @author Andrew Collington, andy@amnuts.com
* @version 3.5.1
* @link https://github.com/amnuts/opcache-gui
* @license MIT, https://acollington.mit-license.org/
$remoteJsLocations = [
'cloudflare' => [
'jsdelivr' => [
'unpkg' => [
$defaultRemoteJsFrom = array_keys($remoteJsLocations)[0];
$options = getopt('jr:l:', ['local-js', 'remote-js', 'lang:']);
$makeJsLocal = (isset($options['j']) || isset($options['local-js']));
$useRemoteJsFrom = $options['r'] ?? $options['remote-js'] ?? $defaultRemoteJsFrom;
$useLanguage = $options['l'] ?? $options['lang'] ?? null;
$languagePack = 'null';
$parentPath = dirname(__DIR__);
if (!isset($remoteJsLocations[$useRemoteJsFrom])) {
$validRemotes = implode(', ', array_keys($remoteJsLocations));
echo "\nThe '{$useRemoteJsFrom}' remote js location is not valid - must be one of {$validRemotes} - defaulting to '{$defaultRemoteJsFrom}'\n\n";
$useRemoteJsFrom = $defaultRemoteJsFrom;
if ($useLanguage !== null) {
$useLanguage = preg_replace('/[^a-z_-]/', '', $useLanguage);
$languageFile = __DIR__ . "/_languages/{$useLanguage}.json";
if (!file_exists($languageFile)) {
echo "\nThe '{$useLanguage}' file does not exist - using default English\n\n";
} else {
$languagePack = "<<< EOJSON\n" . file_get_contents($languageFile) . "\nEOJSON";
if (!file_exists($parentPath . '/node_modules')) {
echo "🐢 Installing node modules\n";
exec('npm install');
echo "🏗️ Building js and css\n";
exec('npm run compile-jsx');
exec('npm run compile-scss');
echo "🚀 Creating single build file\n";
$template = trim(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/template.phps'));
$jsOutput = trim(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/interface.js'));
$cssOutput = trim(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/interface.css'));
$phpOutput = trim(implode('', array_slice(file($parentPath . '/src/Opcache/Service.php'), 3)));
$output = str_replace(
[$jsOutput, $cssOutput, $phpOutput, $languagePack],
if ($makeJsLocal) {
echo "🔗 Making js locally in-line\n";
$jsContents = [];
foreach ($remoteJsLocations[$useRemoteJsFrom] as $jsUrl) {
$jsContents[] = file_get_contents('https://' . $jsUrl);
$output = str_replace('{{JS_LIBRARIES}}',
"<script>\n" . implode(";\n\n", $jsContents) . ";\n</script>",
} else {
echo "🔗 Using remote js links from '{$useRemoteJsFrom}'\n";
$output = str_replace('{{JS_LIBRARIES}}',
implode("\n ", array_map(static function ($jsUrl) {
return "<script src=\"//{$jsUrl}\"></script>";
}, $remoteJsLocations[$useRemoteJsFrom])),
file_put_contents($parentPath . '/index.php', $output);
echo "💯 Done!\n";