true, // show/hide the files tab 'allow_invalidate' => true, // give a link to invalidate files 'allow_reset' => true, // give option to reset the whole cache 'allow_realtime' => true, // give option to enable/disable real-time updates 'refresh_time' => 5, // how often the data will refresh, in seconds 'size_precision' => 2, // Digits after decimal point 'size_space' => false, // have '1MB' or '1 MB' when showing sizes 'charts' => true, // show gauge chart or just big numbers 'debounce_rate' => 250, // milliseconds after key press to send keyup event when filtering 'per_page' => 200, // How many results per page to show in the file list, false for no pagination 'cookie_name' => 'opcachegui', // name of cookie 'cookie_ttl' => 365, // days to store cookie 'datetime_format' => 'D, d M Y H:i:s O', // Show datetime in this format 'highlight' => [ 'memory' => true, // show the memory chart/big number 'hits' => true, // show the hit rate chart/big number 'keys' => true, // show the keys used chart/big number 'jit' => true // show the jit buffer chart/big number ], 'language_pack' => null // json structure of all text strings used, or null for default ]; /* * Shouldn't need to alter anything else below here */ if (!extension_loaded('Zend OPcache')) { die('The Zend OPcache extension does not appear to be installed'); } $ocEnabled = ini_get('opcache.enable'); if (empty($ocEnabled)) { die('The Zend OPcache extension is installed but not active'); } header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); {{PHP_OUTPUT}} $opcache = (new Service($options))->handle(); ?> OPcache statistics on <?= $opcache->getData('version', 'host'); ?>