2023-10-10 13:51:06 +01:00

61 lines
1.9 KiB

import logging
import sys
import numpy as np
import spacy
from analyse.index_local import EVALUATE_INDEX_PATH
from mwmbl.indexer import tokenize_document
from mwmbl.indexer import INDEX_PATH
from mwmbl.tinysearchengine import TinyIndex, Document
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
def store():
document = Document(
title='A nation in search of the new black | Theatre | The Guardian',
extract="Topic-stuffed and talk-filled, Kwame Kwei-Armah's new play proves that issue-driven drama is (despite reports of its death) still being written and staged…",
with TinyIndex(Document, INDEX_PATH, 'w') as tiny_index:
tokenized = tokenize_document(document.url, document.title, document.extract, 1, nlp)
print("Tokenized", tokenized)
# for token in tokenized.tokens:
# tiny_index.index(token, document)
def get_items():
with TinyIndex(Document, INDEX_PATH) as tiny_index:
items = tiny_index.retrieve('wikipedia')
if items:
for item in items:
print("Items", item)
def run(index_path):
with TinyIndex(Document, index_path) as tiny_index:
sizes = {}
for i in range(tiny_index.num_pages):
page = tiny_index.get_page(i)
if page:
sizes[i] = len(page)
if len(page) > 50:
print("Page", len(page), page)
# for item in page:
# if ' search' in item.title:
# print("Page", i, item)
print("Max", max(sizes.values()))
print("Top", sorted(sizes.values())[-100:])
print("Mean", np.mean(list(sizes.values())))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# store()
# get_items()