import define from '../../utils/define.js'; import config from '../../../config.js'; import { globalBus } from '../../utils/events.js'; import debounce from '../../utils/debounce.js' const prefersReducedMotion = window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion)').matches; const template = () => /*html*/` `; export default define('search-bar', class extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.searchInput = null; this.searchForm = null; this.abortController = new AbortController(); this.__setup(); } __setup() { this.innerHTML = template(); this.searchInput = this.querySelector('input'); this.searchForm = this.querySelector('form'); this.__events(); } __dispatchSearch({ results = null, error = null }) { const searchEvent = new CustomEvent('search', { detail: { results, error, }, }); globalBus.dispatch(searchEvent) } /** * Updates the overall layout of the page. * * `home` centers the search bar on the page. * `compact` raises it to the top and makes room for displaying results. * * @param {'compact' | 'home'} mode * @return {void} */ __setDisplayMode(mode) { switch (mode) { case 'compact': { = '25px'; document.querySelector('.search-menu').classList.add('compact'); break; } case 'home': { = '30vh'; document.querySelector('.search-menu').classList.remove('compact'); break; } } } async __executeSearch() { this.abortController.abort(); this.abortController = new AbortController(); // Get response from API const response = await fetch(`${config.publicApiURL}search?s=${encodeURIComponent(this.searchInput.value)}`, { signal: this.abortController.signal }); // Getting results from API const search = await (response).json(); return search; } __handleSearch = async () => { // Update page title document.title = `MWMBL - ${this.searchInput.value || "Search"}`; // Update query params const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(; // Sets query param if search value is not empty if (this.searchInput.value) queryParams.set(config.searchQueryParam, this.searchInput.value); else queryParams.delete(config.searchQueryParam); // New URL with query params const newURL = document.location.protocol + "//" + + document.location.pathname + (this.searchInput.value ? '?' : '') + queryParams.toString(); // Replace history state window.history.replaceState({ path: newURL }, '', newURL); if (this.searchInput.value) { this.__setDisplayMode('compact') try { const search = await this.__executeSearch() // This is a guess at an explanation // Check the searcInput.value before setting the results to prevent // race condition where the user has cleared the search input after // submitting an original search but before the search results have // come back from the API this.__dispatchSearch({ results: this.searchInput.value ? search : null }); } catch(error) { this.__dispatchSearch({ error }) } } else { this.__setDisplayMode('home') this.__dispatchSearch({ results: null }); } } __events() { /** * Always add the submit event, it makes things feel faster if * someone does not prefer reduced motion and reflexively hits * return once they've finished typing. */ this.searchForm.addEventListener('submit', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.__handleSearch(e); }); /** * Only add the "real time" search behavior when the client does * not prefer reduced motion; this prevents the page from changing * while the user is still typing their query. */ if (!prefersReducedMotion) { this.searchInput.addEventListener('input', debounce(this.__handleSearch, 500)) } // Focus search bar when pressing `ctrl + k` or `/` document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { if ((e.key === 'k' && e.ctrlKey) || e.key === '/' || e.key === 'Escape') { e.preventDefault(); this.searchInput.focus(); } }); // Focus first result when pressing down arrow this.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { if (e.key === 'ArrowDown' && this.searchInput.value) { e.preventDefault(); const focusResultEvent = new CustomEvent('focus-result'); globalBus.dispatch(focusResultEvent); } }); globalBus.on('focus-search', (e) => { this.searchInput.focus(); }); } connectedCallback() { // Focus search input when component is connected this.searchInput.focus(); const searchQuery = new URLSearchParams(; this.searchInput.value = searchQuery; /** * Trigger search handling to coordinate the value pulled from the query string * across the rest of the UI and to actually retrieve the results if the search * value is now non-empty. */ this.__handleSearch(); } });