import {globalBus} from '../../utils/events.js'; class ResultsHandler { constructor() { this.results = null; this.oldIndex = null; this.curating = false; this.__setup(); } __setup() { this.__events(); this.__initializeResults(); } __events() { document.body.addEventListener('htmx:load', e => { this.__initializeResults(); }); // Focus first element when coming from the search bar globalBus.on('focus-result', () => { this.results.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.focus(); }); globalBus.on('curate-delete-result', (e) => { console.log("Curate delete result event", e); this.__beginCurating.bind(this)(); const children = this.results.getElementsByClassName('result'); let deleteIndex =; const child = children[deleteIndex]; this.results.removeChild(child); const newResults = this.__getResults(); const curationSaveEvent = new CustomEvent('save-curation', { detail: { type: 'delete', data: { timestamp:, url: document.location.href, results: newResults, curation: { delete_index: deleteIndex } } } }); globalBus.dispatch(curationSaveEvent); }); globalBus.on('curate-validate-result', (e) => { console.log("Curate validate result event", e); this.__beginCurating.bind(this)(); const children = this.results.getElementsByClassName('result'); const validateChild = children[]; validateChild.querySelector('.curate-approve').toggleValidate(); const newResults = this.__getResults(); const curationStartEvent = new CustomEvent('save-curation', { detail: { type: 'validate', data: { timestamp:, url: document.location.href, results: newResults, curation: } } }); globalBus.dispatch(curationStartEvent); }); globalBus.on('begin-curating-results', (e) => { // We might not be online, or logged in, so save the curation in local storage in case: console.log("Begin curation event", e); this.__beginCurating.bind(this)(); }); globalBus.on('curate-add-result', (e) => { console.log("Add result", e); this.__beginCurating(); const resultData = e.detail; this.results.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', resultData); const newResults = this.__getResults(); const curationSaveEvent = new CustomEvent('save-curation', { detail: { type: 'add', data: { timestamp:, url: document.location.href, results: newResults, curation: { insert_index: 0, url: e.detail.url } } } }); globalBus.dispatch(curationSaveEvent); }); } __initializeResults() { this.results = document.querySelector('.results'); // Allow the user to re-order search results $(".results").sortable({ "activate": this.__sortableActivate.bind(this), "deactivate": this.__sortableDeactivate.bind(this), }); this.curating = false; } __sortableActivate(event, ui) { console.log("Sortable activate", ui); this.__beginCurating(); this.oldIndex = ui.item.index(); } __beginCurating() { if (!this.curating) { const results = this.__getResults(); const curationStartEvent = new CustomEvent('save-curation', { detail: { type: 'begin', data: { timestamp:, url: document.location.href, results: results, curation: {} } } }); globalBus.dispatch(curationStartEvent); this.curating = true; } } __getResults() { const resultsElements = document.querySelectorAll('.results .result:not(.ui-sortable-placeholder)'); const results = []; for (let resultElement of resultsElements) { const result = { url: resultElement.querySelector('a').href, title: resultElement.querySelector('.title').innerText, extract: resultElement.querySelector('.extract').innerText, curated: resultElement.querySelector('.curate-approve').isValidated() } results.push(result); } console.log("Results", results); return results; } __sortableDeactivate(event, ui) { const newIndex = ui.item.index(); console.log('Sortable deactivate', ui, this.oldIndex, newIndex); const newResults = this.__getResults(); const curationMoveEvent = new CustomEvent('save-curation', { detail: { type: 'move', data: { timestamp:, url: document.location.href, results: newResults, curation: { old_index: this.oldIndex, new_index: newIndex, } } } }); globalBus.dispatch(curationMoveEvent); } } const resultsHandler = new ResultsHandler();