# mini.css v2.0.0 ## A minimal, responsive, style-agnostic CSS toolkit ![Logo](/docs/page_thumb.PNG) **mini.css** is a tiny CSS toolkit (under 7KB gzipped) that works well on most modern browsers and devices and allows you to customize it quickly and easily. It's written in Sass and tries to make use of HTML5 semantics and modern patterns to deal with common web design problems. You can learn all about using it, its modules and components, as well as see a live demo [here](https://chalarangelo.github.io/mini.css/). ## Setup **mini.css** is available in both NPM and Bower: npm install mini.css bower install mini.css To try out **mini.css** using the default flavor, copy and paste the following code inside your HTML page's `` tag: Replace `version` with a release tag (`v2.0.0` or later) from the [Releases page](https://github.com/Chalarangelo/mini.css/releases). Alternatively, you can use one of the other [flavors](https://chalarangelo.github.io/mini.css/flavors.html). Simply replace the final part of the URL with the flavor's CSS file (minified or not) and you're good to go! ## Customization If you want to develop your own flavor or tweak an existing one, head over to the [Customization page](https://chalarangelo.github.io/mini.css/customization.html) to get started. ## Contributing If you develop a flavor or module, please submit a pull request. ## License The project is licensed under the [MIT License](https://github.com/Chalarangelo/mini.css/blob/master/LICENSE).