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Use rows and columns for normal alignment, use input-groups in rows without columns for unaligned but just vertical forms or predesigned forms etc.

Add align-items:center hack style

Aligned form (using width and grid - no container):
Inline form (default style):

Aligned form (using width and grid):

More inputs
Link button

Button groups can also be created, utilising the .button-group class. Simply add a set of buttons in it and you're good to go. Check it out below:

Link button

File inputs are a sore spot in most frameworks, as they cannot be easily stylized using CSS. mini.css deals with the problem, using a workaround involving labels that use the button class, which applies the exact same style to those labels. Just link it to the <input type="file"> element of your choice and you're good to go. For example:

There are also different kinds of buttons, specifically primary, secondary and tertiary, as well as small and large buttons. All of these types can be specified as classes. For example: