Add Nord flavor

This commit is contained in:
tphecca 2017-04-17 20:49:06 -05:00
parent f5b3963ea4
commit b485ae2b66

src/flavors/mini-nord.scss Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
// This is a flavor file. Duplicate it and edit it to create your own flavor. Read instructions carefully.
// Single-line comments, starting with '//' will not be included in your final CSS file. Multiline comments,
// structured like the flavor description below, will be included in your final CSS file.
Flavor name: Nord (mini-nord)
Author: tphecca (
mini.css version: v2.1.0 (Fermion)
// Basic rules for body and typography
$fore-color: #2E3440; // Text and general foreground color
$back-color: #ECEFF4; // Body background color
$base-font-family: // Default font stack for all elements:
'-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont,\"Segoe UI\",\"Roboto\", \"Droid Sans\",\"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif';
// OS X and iOS system fonts (San Francisco) -> Windows system fonts -> Android system fonts (newer and older) -> Fallback fonts
$base-root-font-size: 16px; // Root font sizing for all elements [1]
$base-font-size: 1em; // Default font sizing for all elements [2]
$base-line-height: 1.5; // Default line height for all elements.
$body-margin: 0; // Margin for the body
$apply-defaults-to-all: true; // Should default values be applied to all
// elements? (`true` or `false`) [3]
$h1-font-size: 2em; // Font size of h1
$h2-font-size: 1.5em; // Font size for h2
$h3-font-size: 1.25em; // Font size for h3
$h4-font-size: 1.1em; // Font size for h4
$h5-font-size: 1em; // Font size for h5
$h6-font-size: 0.85em; // Font size for h6
$heading-line-height: 1.2em; // Line height for all headings
$heading-margin: 12px 8px; // Margin for all headings
$heading-font-weight: 500; // Font weight for all headings
$heading-smalltext-fore-color: #424242; // <small> color in headings
$make-heading-smalltext-block: true; // Should <small> elements in headings
// be displayed as blocks (`true`/`false`) [4]
$heading-smalltext-b-font-size: 75%; // Font size of block <small> elements in headings
$heading-smalltext-b-top-margin:-4px; // Top margin of block <small> elements in headings
$paragraph-margin: 1px 8px; // Margin for <p> elements
$list-margin: 1px 8px 10px; // Margin for <ol> and <ul> elements
$list-left-padding: 28px; // Left padding for <ol> and <ul> elements
$bold-font-weight: 700; // Font weight for <b> and <strong>
$horizontal-rule-line-height: 1.25em; // <hr> line height
$horizontal-rule-margin: 8px; // <hr> margin
$horizontal-rule-border-style: 1px solid #757575; // Border style for horizontal rules (used
// in the <hr> element's border-top)
$horizontal-rule-fancy-style: true; // Should a fancy styling be applied for the
// <hr> element (`true`/`false`) [5]
$horizontal-rule-fancy-gradient:"to right, #ECEFF4, #D8DEE9, #ECEFF4"; // Gradient style for fancy horizontal rule
$blockquote-back-color: #D8DEE9; // Background color for <blockquote>
$blockquote-fore-color: $fore-color; // Text color for <blockquote>
$blockquote-margin: 8px 10px; // Margin for <blockquote>
$blockquote-padding: 6px 10px 24px; // Padding for <blockquote>
$blockquote-sidebar-style: 3px solid #616161; // Style for the sidebar of <blockquote>
$blockquote-cite-font-size: 0.85em; // Font size for citation of <blockquote>
$blockquote-cite-fore-color: #616161; // Text color for citation of <blockquote>
$blockquote-cite-left-position: 10px; // Left padding for citation of <blockquote>
$blockquote-cite-bottom-position: // Bottom padding for citation of <blockquote>
$blockquote-border-style: 0; // Border style for <blockquote>
$blockquote-border-radius: 0 2px 2px 0; // Border radius for <blockquote>
$blockquote-box-shadow: // Box shadow for <blockquote>
0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
$use-default-code-fonts: true; // Should default font choice (monospace) be
// used for code elements? (`true`/`false`) [6]
//$code-font-family: monospace, monospace; // Fonts for code elements if not default
$code-element-padding: 2px 4px; // Padding for <code>
$code-element-fore-color: $fore-color; // Text color for <code>
$code-element-back-color: #E5E9F0; // Background color for <code>
$code-element-border-style: 0; // Border style for <code>
$code-element-border-radius: 2px; // Border radius for <code>
$code-element-box-shadow: // Box shadow for <code>
0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1), 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
$pre-element-padding: 12px; // Padding for <pre>
$pre-element-fore-color: $code-element-fore-color; // Text color for <pre>
$pre-element-back-color: $code-element-back-color; // Background color for <pre>
$pre-element-border-style: 0; // Border style for <pre>
$pre-element-border-radius: 0 2px 2px 0; // Border radius for <pre>
$pre-element-margin: 8px 10px; // Margin for <pre>
$pre-element-box-shadow: // Box shadow for <pre>
0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
$add-pre-element-sidebar: true; // Should a fancy sidebar be added to the
// left side of <pre> (`true`/`false`) [7]
$pre-element-sidebar-style: 3px solid #5E81AC; // Style of the sidebar of <pre>
$kbd-element-padding: 2px 4px; // Padding for <kbd>
$kbd-element-fore-color: #ECEFF4; // Text color for <kbd>
$kbd-element-back-color: $fore-color; // Background color for <kbd>
$kbd-element-border-style: 0; // Border style for <kbd>
$kbd-element-border-radius: 2px; // Border radius for <kbd>
$kbd-element-box-shadow: // Box shadow for <kbd>
0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1), 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
$style-samp-element: false; // Should styles for <samp> be included?
// (`true`/`false`) [8]
//$samp-element-padding: 2px 4px; // Padding for <samp>
//$samp-element-fore-color: $fore-color; // Text color for <samp>
//$samp-element-back-color: #81A1C1; // Background color for <samp>
//$samp-element-border-style: 0; // Border style for <samp>
//$samp-element-border-radius: 2px; // Border radius for <samp>
$include-dfn-fix: true; // Should the fix for Android 4.3 concerning <dfn>
// be included (`true`/`false`) [9]
$small-font-size: 75%; // Font size for <small> elements
$sup-font-size: 75%; // Font size for <sup> elements
$sub-font-size: 75%; // Font size for <sub> elements
$sup-top: -8px; // <sup> top
$sub-bottom: -4px; // <sub> bottom
$link-fore-color: #88C0D0; // Text color for <a>
$link-visited-fore-color: #5E81AC; // Text color for visited <a>
$link-font-weight: 500; // Font weight for <a>
$apply-link-underline: true; // Should an underline be applied to all <a>
// elements? (`true`/`false`) [10]
$apply-link-hover-fade: true; // Should the :hover and :focus state of <a>
// elements use fade-out instead of a different
// color (`true`/`false`) [11]
//$link-hover-fore-color: #8FBCBB; // Text color for <a> when hovered or focused
// Notes:
// [1] - The value $base-root-font-size should be in `px` only! This rule is very important, as it will determine the root
// element's font sizing.
// [2] - The value of $base-font-size will only be used if the value of $apply-defaults-to-all is set to `true` (see [3]).
// This is due to the fact that applying the value of it on the root element again will overwrite the value of
// $base-root-font-size (see [1]). The value of this variable should be set in either `em` or `rem`.
// [3] - It is recommended to set the value of $apply-defaults-to-all to `true`, unless you want to apply extra styling
// to elements manually.
// [4] - If the value of $make-heading-smalltext-block is `true` the <small> elements in headings will be displayed below
// the main heading and the 2 values specified below will apply.
// [5] - If $horizontal-rule-fancy-style is set to `true` the value of $horizontal-rule-border-style will not be used and
// a gradient with the style specified in $horizontal-rule-fancy-gradient will be applied instead.
// [6] - If the value of $use-default-code-fonts is set to `false` the value of $code-font-family will be used. `true`
// will apply the proper fix to use monospace font without any problems on all browsers.
// [7] - if the value of $add-pre-element-sidebar is set to true, the style specified in $pre-element-sidebar-style will
// be applied as a left border for the <pre> elements.
// [8] - If the value of $style-samp-element is set to `false`, no styling will be included in the final CSS file for
// `samp` elements. Otherwise, the styling defined in the $samp-... variables will be applied.
// [9] - If the value of $include-dfn-fix is set to `true` a styling fix will be applied, so that the <dfn> elements are
// displayed properly on older versions of Android (4.3-) in italics. Otherwise, said fix will not be included.
// [10] - If the value of $apply-link-underline is set to `true`, an underline will be applied to the link in its normal
// color, as defined in $link-fore-color.
// [11] - If `$apply-link-hover-fade` is set to `true`, a fading transition will be used for the link when hovered over or
// focused. Otherwise, the color specified in $link-hover-fore-color will be used.
// Variables for grid elements
$use-four-step-grid: false; // Should the old 4-step grid system be used
// instead of the new (`true`/`false`) [1]
$include-parent-layout: true !default; // Should the classes for rows defining the column
// layout of children be included (`true`/`false`) [2]
$grid-container-name: 'container'; // Class name for the grid container
$grid-container-side-padding: 10px; // Padding for the grid container (left and right only)
$grid-row-name: 'row'; // Class name for the grid's rows
$grid-row-parent-layout-prefix: 'cols'; // Class name prefix for the grid's row parents [2]
$grid-column-prefix: 'col'; // Class name prefix for the grid's columns
$grid-column-offset-suffix: 'offset'; // Class name suffix for the grid's offsets
$grid-order-normal-suffix: 'normal'; // Class name suffix for grid columns with normal priority
$grid-order-first-suffix: 'first'; // Class name suffix for grid columns with highest priority
$grid-order-last-suffix: 'last'; // Class name suffix for grid columns with lowest priorty
$grid-column-count: 12; // Number of columns in the grid (integer value only)
$grid-column-padding: 0 4px; // Padding for the columns of the grid
//$grid-extra-small-prefix: 'xs'; // Extra small screen class prefix for grid
//$grid-small-breakpoint: 480px; // Small screen breakpoint for grid
$grid-small-prefix: 'sm'; // Small screen class prefix for grid
$grid-medium-breakpoint: 768px; // Medium screen breakpoint for grid
$grid-medium-prefix: 'md'; // Medium screen class prefix for grid
$grid-large-breakpoint: 1280px; // Large screen breakpoint for grid
$grid-large-prefix: 'lg'; // Large screen class prefix for grid
// Notes:
// [1] - If the value of $use-four-step-grid is `true`, the grid system will contain 4 breakpoints instead of 3, along with
// the needed styles. In this case, values should be specified for $grid-extra-small-prefix and $grid-small-breakpoint.
// [2] - If the value of $include-parent-layout is `true`, the grid system will contain extra classes that will define the column
// layout of their children. In this case, a value should be specified for $grid-row-parent-layout-prefix.
// Variables for navigational elements
$header-height: 44px; // Height for <header>
$header-back-color: #2E3440; // Background color for <header>
$header-fore-color: #ECEFF4; // Text color for <header>
$header-border-style: 0; // Border style for <header>
$header-margin: 0; // Margin for <header>
$header-padding: 2px 8px; // Padding for <header>
$header-box-shadow: // Box shadow for <header>
0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0, 0.18), 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26);
$header-logo-name: 'logo'; // Class name for <header>'s logo
$header-logo-font-size: 1.75em; // Font size for <header>'s logo
$header-logo-line-height: 1.2; // Line height for <header>'s logo
$header-logo-margin: 1px 6px 1px 1px; // Margin for <header>'s logo
$header-logo-padding: 3px 0 0; // Padding for <header>'s logo
$header-link-hover-color: #37474f; // Hover color for <header>'s links
$header-link-margin: 2px 0 0; // Margin for <header>'s links
$include-header-sticky: true; // Should sticky <header> elements be
// included? (`true`/`false`) [1]
$header-sticky-name: 'sticky'; // Class name for sticky <header>
$nav-back-color: #ECEFF4; // Background for <nav>
$nav-fore-color: $fore-color; // Text color for <nav>
$nav-border-style: 1px solid #D8DEE9; // Border style for <nav>
$nav-border-radius: 0; // Border radius for <nav>
$nav-padding: 8px 8px 16px 20px; // Padding for <nav>
$nav-margin: 2px; // Margin for <nav>
$nav-box-shadow: // Box shadow for <nav>
0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1), 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
$nav-link-fore-color: #88C0D0; // Text color for links in <nav>
$nav-sublink-prefix: 'sublink'; // Prefix for the subcategory links in <nav>
$nav-sublink-depth: 2; // Amount of subcategory classes to add
$nav-sublink-padding-left: 12px; // Left padding to add to subcategories
$nav-include-sublink-bar: true; // Should a left border bar be added to
// subcategories (`true`/`false`) [2]
$nav-sublink-bar-left-position: 3px; // Left position of subcategory bar
$nav-sublink-bar-width: 1px; // Width of the subcategory bar
$nav-sublink-bar-color: #81A1C1; // Subcategory bar color
$footer-back-color: #434C5E; // Background color for <footer>
$footer-fore-color: #ECEFF4; // Text color for <footer>
$footer-border-style: 0; // Border stye for <footer>
$footer-font-size: 85%; // Font size for <footer>
$footer-margin: 18px 0 0; // Margin for <footer>
$footer-padding: 22px 10px 12px; // Padding for <footer>
$footer-link-fore-color: #88C0D0; // Text color for links in <footer>
$include-footer-sticky: true; // Should sticky <footer> elements be
// included (`true`/`false`) [3]
$footer-sticky-name: 'sticky'; // Class name for sticky <footer> elements
// Notes:
// [1] - If the value of $include-header-sticky is `true`, a class will be created that will allow for sticky positioning
// of <header> elements, using the value of $header-sticky-name for the name of the class.
// [2] - If the value of $nav-include-sublink-bar is `true`, a left-side border bar will appear next to the navigation
// subcategories, using the values specified.
// [3] - If the value of $include-footer-bottom is `true`, a class will be created that will allow for sticky positioning
// of <footer> elements, using the value of $footer-sticky-name for the name of the class.
// Variables for forms and inputs
$form-back-color: #ECEFF4; // Background color for forms
$form-fore-color: $fore-color; // Text color for forms
$form-border-style: 1px solid #D8DEE9; // Border style for forms
$form-border-radius: 0; // Border radius for forms
$form-margin: 8px; // Margin for forms
$form-padding: 12px 10px 18px; // Padding for forms
$form-box-shadow: // Box shadow for forms
0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1), 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
$fieldset-back-color: $form-back-color; // Background color for fieldset
$fieldset-border-style: 1px solid #D8DEE9; // Border style for fieldset
$fieldset-border-radius: 2px; // Border radius for fieldset
$fieldset-margin: 2px; // Margin for fieldset
$fieldset-padding: 6px 8px 8px; // Padding for fieldset
$legend-font-weight: $bold-font-weight; // Font weight for legend
$legend-font-size: 0.925em; // Font size for legend
$legend-fore-color: $form-fore-color; // Text color for legend
$legend-padding: 2px 4px; // Padding for legend
$label-padding: 4px; // Padding for label
$input-group-name: 'input-group'; // Class for input groups
$include-fluid-input-group: true; // Should fluid input grooups be
// included? (`true`/`false`) [1]
$input-group-fluid-name: 'fluid'; // Class name for fluid input groups
$input-group-mobile-breakpoint: 767px; // Breakpoint for fluid input group mobile view
$input-back-color: #E5E9F0; // Background for input
$input-fore-color: $fore-color; // Text color for input
$input-border-style: 1px solid #D8DEE9; // Border style for input
$input-border-radius: 1px; // Border radius for input
$input-margin: 2px; // Margin for input
$input-padding: 8px 12px; // padding for input
$input-focus-border-color: #81A1C1; // Border color for focused input
$input-invalid-border-color: #BF616A; // Border color for invalid input
$input-disabled-opacity: 0.75; // Opacity for disabled input
$input-readonly-back-color: #e0e0e0; // Background color for readonly input
$input-readonly-border-color: #bdbdbd; // Border color for readonly input
$input-placeholder-fore-color: #616161; // Text color for input placeholder
$button-back-color: #D8DEE9; // Back color for button elements
$button-back-opacity: 0.65; // Background opacity for button elements
$button-hover-back-opacity: 0.8; // Background opacity for button elements
// on hover or focus
$button-fore-color: $fore-color; // Text color for button elements
$button-border-style: 0; // Border style for button elements
$button-border-radius: 2px; // Border radius for button elements
$button-padding: 8px 12px; // Padding for button elements
$button-margin: 8px; // Margin for button elements
$button-box-shadow: // Box shadow for buttons
0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
$button-disabled-opacity: 0.65; // Disabled button elements opacity
$button-class-name: 'button'; // Class for custom button elements
$button-group-name: 'button-group'; // Class for button groups
$button-group-border-style: 1px solid #9e9e9e; // Border style for button groups
$button-group-margin: $button-margin; // Margin for button groups
$button-group-box-shadow: // Box shadow for button groups
0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1), 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
$button-group-mobile-breakpoint:767px; // Breakpoint for button group mobile view
$hide-file-inputs: true; // Should a style be added that makes all
// <input>s of type `file` hidden?
// (`true`/`false`) [2]
$button-variant1-name: 'primary'; // Class name for button variant 1
$button-variant1-back-color: #5E81AC; // Background color for button variant 1
$button-variant1-back-opacity: 0.9; // Background opacity for button variant 1
$button-variant1-hover-back-opacity: // Background opacity for button variant 1
1; // on hover or focus
$button-variant1-fore-color: #ECEFF4; // Text color for button variant 1
$button-variant2-name: 'secondary'; // Class name for button variant 2
$button-variant2-back-color: #BF616A; // Background color for button variant 2
$button-variant2-back-opacity: 0.85; // Background opacity for button variant 2
$button-variant2-hover-back-opacity: // Background opacity for button variant 2
1; // on hover or focus
$button-variant2-fore-color: #ECEFF4; // Text color for button variant 2
$button-variant3-name: 'tertiary'; // Class name for button variant 3
$button-variant3-back-color: #A3BE8C; // Background color for button variant 3
$button-variant3-back-opacity: 0.85; // Background opacity for button variant 3
$button-variant3-hover-back-opacity: // Background opacity for button variant 3
1; // on hover or focus
$button-variant3-fore-color: #ECEFF4; // Text color for button variant 3
$button-variant4-name: 'inverse'; // Class name for button variant 4
$button-variant4-back-color: $fore-color; // Background color for button variant 4
$button-variant4-back-opacity: 1; // Background opacity for button variant 4
$button-variant4-hover-back-opacity: // Background opacity for button variant 4
0.9; // on hover or focus
$button-variant4-fore-color: #ECEFF4; // Text color for button variant 4
$button-style1-name: 'small'; // Class name for button style 1
$button-style1-border-style: 0; // Border style for button style 1
$button-style1-border-radius: 1px; // Border radius for button style 1
$button-style1-padding: 4px 6px; // Padding for button style 1
$button-style1-margin: 6px 8px; // Margin for button style 1
$button-style2-name: 'large'; // Class name for button style 2
$button-style2-border-style: 0; // Border style for button style 2
$button-style2-border-radius: 4px; // Border radius for button style 2
$button-style2-padding: 12px 18px; // Padding for button style 2
$button-style2-margin: 10px 8px; // Margin for button style 2
$checkbox-size: 16px; // Size for checkbox/radio [3]
$checkbox-back-color: $input-back-color; // Background clor for checkbox/radio
$checkbox-fore-color: $input-fore-color; // Text/mark color for checkbox/radio
$checkbox-border-thickness: 1px; // Border thickness for checkbox/radio
$checkbox-border-color: #D8DEE9; // Border color for checkbox/radio
$checkbox-border-radius: $input-border-radius; // Border radius for checkbox/radio
$checkbox-focus-border-color: $input-focus-border-color; // Border color for checkbox/radio on focus
$checkbox-bottom-spacing: 6px; // Bottom spacing for checkbox/radio
$checkbox-disabled-opacity: $input-disabled-opacity; // Opacity for disabled checkbox/radio
// Notes:
// [1] - If the value of $include-fluid-input-group is `true`, fluid input groups will be included, using the values
// specified in the corresponding variables.
// [2] - If the value of $hide-file-inputs is `true`, all <input type="file"> elements will be hidden and the only way
// to access them is via the use of <label> elements that are linked to them. This option is enabled by default to
// allow for universal button styles, even for file input buttons, but can be disabled if the base style is desired.
// If the value is `false`, some fixes will be applied to the <input type="file"> element.
// [3] - The value of $checkbox-size will determine a few variables like some `margin` values, `height`, `width` etc.
// Variables for responsive tables
$table-border-style: 1px solid #D8DEE9; // Border style for <table> and children
$table-border-radius: 0; // Border radius for <table> and children
$table-margin: 0 auto; // Margin for <table>
$table-box-shadow: // Box shadow for <table>
0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1), 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
$table-caption-font-size: 1.5em; // Font size for <caption>
$table-caption-margin: 6px 8px 12px; // Margin for <caption>
$table-row-padding: 8px; // Padding for <tr> - both views
$table-column-padding: 10px; // Padding for <td> and <th> - desktop view
$table-head-back-color: #D8DEE9; // Background color for <th>
$table-head-fore-color: $fore-color; // Tex color for <th>
$table-body-back-color: #ECEFF4; // Background color for <td>
$table-body-fore-color: $fore-color; // Text color for <td>
$table-mobile-breakpoint: 767px; // Breakpoint for <table> mobile view
$table-mobile-card-spacing: 10px; // Space between <tr> cards - mobile view
$table-mobile-card-label: 'data-label'; // Attribute used to replace column headers
// in mobile view [1]
$table-mobile-label-font-weight: $bold-font-weight; // Font weight for mobile headers
$include-horizontal-table: true; // Should horizontal <table> elements be
// included? (`true`/`false`) [2]
$table-horizontal-breakpoint: 768px; // Breakpoint for <table> horizontal view
$table-horizontal-name: 'horizontal'; // Class name for <table> horizontal view
$table-not-responsive-name: 'preset'; // Class name for <table> non-responsive view
$table-striped-name: 'striped'; // Class name for striped <table>
$table-striped-alt-body-back-color: // Alternate background color for <td> in
#E5E9F0; // striped <table>
// Notes:
// [1] - The attribute specified in $table-mobile-card-label must be added manually to each and every element in the table
// in order for their mobile headers to display properly.
// [2] - If $include-horizontal-table is `true`, then the <table> horizontal biew will be included in a class defined by
// $table-horizontal-name and a breakpoint defined in $table-horizontal-breakpoint.
// Variables for cards [1]
$card-name: 'card'; // Class name for cards
$card-back-color: #ECEFF4; // Background color for cards
$card-fore-color: $fore-color; // Text color for cards
$card-border-style: 1px solid #D8DEE9; // Border style for cards
$card-border-radius: 0; // Border radius for cards
$card-margin: 2px 10px 20px; // Margin for cards
$card-box-shadow: // Box shadow for cards
0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0, 0.18), 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26);
$card-section-name: 'section'; // Class name for card sections
$card-section-border-style: 1px solid #E5E9F0; // Border style for card sections
$card-section-padding: 6px 8px 6px; // Padding for card sections
$card-section-media-name: 'media'; // Class name for card media sections
$card-section-media-height: 200px; // Height for card media setions
$card-normal-width: 320px; // Width for normal cards
$card-size1-name: 'large'; // Class name for large cards
$card-size1-width: 480px; // Width for large cards
$card-size2-name: 'small'; // Class name for small cards
$card-size2-width: 240px; // Width for small cards
$card-size3-name: 'fluid'; // Class name for fluid cards
$card-size3-width: 100%; // Width for fluid cards
$card-style1-name: 'inverse'; // Class name for card style 1
$card-style1-back-color: $fore-color; // Background color for card style 1
$card-style1-fore-color: #ECEFF4; // Text color for card style 1
$card-style1-border-style: 1px solid #3B4252; // Border style for card style 1
$card-style1-border-radius: 0; // Border radius for card style 1
$card-style1-section-border-style: // Border style for card style 1 sections
1px solid #434C5E;
$card-section-style1-name: 'dark'; // Class name for card section style 1
$card-section-style1-back-color:#ECEFF4; // Background color for card section style 1
$card-section-style1-fore-color:$fore-color; // Text color for card section style 1
$card-section-style2-name: 'darker'; // Class name for card section style 2
$card-section-style2-back-color:#D8DEE9; // Background color for card section style 2
$card-section-style2-fore-color:$fore-color; // Text color for card section style 2
$card-section-padding1-name: 'double-padded'; // Class name for card section padding style 1
$card-section-padding1-padding: 10px 12px 10px; // Padding for card section padding style 1
// Notes:
// [1] - The cards module depends heavily on the grid system module.
// Variables for tabs
$tab-container-name: 'tabs'; // Class name for the tabs' container
$tab-container-box-shadow: // Box shadow for the tabs' container
0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0, 0.18), 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26);
$tab-label-back-color: #D8DEE9; // Background color for tabs' labels
$tab-label-fore-color: $fore-color; // Text color for tabs' labels
$tab-label-selected-back-color: #4C566A; // Background color for open tab's label
$tab-label-selected-fore-color: #ECEFF4; // Text color for open tab's label
$tab-label-hover-opacity: 0.8; // Opacity of the tab's label on hover
$tab-label-padding: 8px 12px; // Padding for tabs' labels
$tab-label-height: 26px; // Height for tabs' labels
$tab-border-style: 1px solid #9e9e9e; // Border style for tabs
$tab-border-radius: 0; // Border radius for tabs
$tab-panel-back-color: #ECEFF4; // Background color for tabs' panels
$tab-panel-fore-color: $fore-color; // Text color for tabs' panels
$tab-panel-padding: 8px; // Padding for tabs' panels
$tab-panel-height: 400px; // Height for tabs' panels
$tab-stacked-breakpoint: 767px; // Breakpoint for tabs layout (stacked/horizontal)
$tab-stacked-name: 'stacked'; // Class name for stacked tabs
// Variables for contextual background elements and alerts
$mark-back-color: #5E81AC; // Background color for <mark>
$mark-fore-color: #ECEFF4; // Text color for <mark>
$mark-font-size: 95%; // Font size for <mark>
$mark-line-height: 1; // Line height for <mark>
$mark-border-style: 0; // Border style for <mark>
$mark-border-radius: 2px; // Border radius for <mark>
$mark-padding: 2px 4px; // Padding for <mark>
$mark-margin: 0; // Margin for <mark>
$mark-box-shadow: // Box shadow for <mark>
0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1), 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
$mark-inline-block-name: 'inline-block'; // Class name for <mark> inline block styling
$mark-variant1-name: 'secondary'; // Class name for <mark> variant 1
$mark-variant1-back-color: #BF616A; // Background color for <mark> variant 1
$mark-variant2-name: 'tertiary'; // Class name for <mark> variant 2
$mark-variant2-back-color: #A3BE8C; // Background color for <mark> variant 2
$mark-style1-name: 'tag'; // Class name for <mark> style 1
$mark-style1-border-style: 0; // Border style for <mark> style 1
$mark-style1-border-radius: 200px; // Border radius for <mark> style 1
$mark-style1-padding: 4px 8px; // Padding for <mark> style 1
$mark-style2-name: 'inline-block'; // Class name for <mark> style 2
$mark-style2-border-style: 0; // Border style for <mark> style 2
$mark-style2-border-radius: 2px; // Border radius for <mark> style 2
$mark-style2-padding: 5px; // Padding for <mark> style 2
$mark-style2-font-size: 100%; // Font size for <mark> style 2
$mark-style2-line-height: 1.35; // Line height for <mark> style 2
$alert-name: 'alert'; // Class name for alerts
$alert-back-color: #ECEFF4; // Background color for alerts
$alert-fore-color: $fore-color; // Text color for alerts
$alert-border-style: 1px solid #D8DEE9; // Border style for alerts
$alert-border-radius: 0; // Border radius for alerts
$alert-padding: 12px 16px; // Padding for alerts
$alert-margin: 1px 10px; // Margin for alerts
$alert-box-shadow: // Box shadow for alerts
0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0, 0.18), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26);
$alert-include-animated: true; // Should animated alerts be included?
// (`true`/`false`) [1]
$alert-animated-class: 'animated'; // Class name for animated alerts
$alert-variant1-name: 'urgent'; // Class name for alert variant 1
$alert-variant1-back-color: #EBCB8B; // Background color for alert variant 1
$alert-variant2-name: 'critical'; // Class name for alert variant 2
$alert-variant2-back-color: #BF616A; // Background color for alert variant 2
$alert-variant2-fore-color: #ECEFF4; // Text color for alert variant 2
$alert-style1-name: 'urgent'; // Class name for alert style 1
$alert-style1-border-style: 1px solid #D08770; // Border style for alert style 1
$alert-style1-border-radius: $alert-border-radius; // Border radius for alert style 1
$alert-style2-name: 'critical'; // Class name for alert style 2
$alert-style2-border-style: 1px solid #BF616A; // Border style for alert style 2
$alert-style2-border-radius: $alert-border-radius; // Border radius for alert style 2
$include-tooltip: true; // Should tooltips be included?
// (`true`/`false`) [2]
$tooltip-name: 'tooltip'; // Class name for the tooltip component
$tooltip-back-color: $fore-color; // Background color for tooltips
$tooltip-fore-color: #ECEFF4; // Text color for tooltips
$tooltip-border-radius: 2px; // Border radius for tooltips
$tooltip-tail-size: 6px; // The size of the tooltip's tail
$tooltip-padding: 6px; // Padding for tooltips
$tooltip-box-shadow: // Box shadow for tooltip-box-shadow
0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1), 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
$tooltip-bottom-name: 'bottom'; // Class name for bottom tooltip
// Notes:
// [1] - If the value of $alert-include-animated is `true`, an animation will be created and the value of $alert-animated-class
// will be used to determine the class that will be used for animated alerts.
// [2] - If the value of $include-tooltip is `true`, a tooltip component will be creatd based on the values of the variables
// for the tooltip, as explained in their descriptions. Tooltip mixins will only work properly if the tooltip component is
// included.
// Variables for progress elements and spinners
$progress-back-color: #D8DEE9; // Background color for <progress>
$progress-fore-color: #5E81AC; // Progress bar color for <progress>
$progress-height: 14px; // Height of <progress>
$progress-max-value: 1000; // Arithmetic max value of <progress>
$progress-border-style: 0; // Border style for <progress>
$progress-border-radius: 1px; // Border radius for the <progress> container
$progress-top-bottom-margin: 2px; // Top and bottom margin for <progress>
$progress-left-right-margin: 8px; // Left and right margin for <progress>
$progress-box-shadow: // Box shadow for <progress>
0 0.5px 1px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1), 0 0.5px 0.5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
$progress-inline-name: 'inline'; // Class name for inline <progress>
$progress-inline-width: 60%; // Width for inline <progress>
$progress-variant1-name: 'secondary'; // Class name for <progress> variant 1
$progress-variant1-fore-color: #BF616A; // Progress bar color for <progress> variant 1
$progress-variant2-name: 'tertiary'; // Class name for <progress> variant 2
$progress-variant2-fore-color: #A3BE8C; // Progress bar color for <progress> variant 2
$progress-style1-name: 'nano'; // Class name for <progress> style 1
$progress-style1-height: 2px; // Height for <progress> style 1
$progress-style1-top-bottom-margin: // Top and bottom margin for <progress> style 1
$progress-style1-left-right-margin: // Left and right margin for <progress> style 1
$progress-style1-border-style: 0; // Border style for <progress> style 1
$progress-style1-border-radius: 0; // Border radius for <progress> style 1
$spinner-donut-name: 'spinner-donut'; // Class name for donut spinner
$spinner-donut-border-thickness:4px; // Border thickness for donut spinner
$spinner-donut-back-color: #D8DEE9; // Background color for donut spinner
$spinner-donut-fore-color: #5E81AC; // Foreground color for donut spinner
$spinner-donut-size: 20px; // Size for donut spinner
$spinner-donut-variant1-name: 'secondary'; // Class name for donut spinner variant 1
$spinner-donut-variant1-back-color: // Background color for donut spinner variant 1
$spinner-donut-variant1-fore-color: // Foreground color for donut spinner variant 1
$spinner-donut-variant2-name: 'tertiary'; // Class name for donut spinner variant 2
$spinner-donut-variant2-back-color: // Background color for donut spinner variant 2
$spinner-donut-variant2-fore-color: // Foreground color for donut spinner variant 2
$spinner-donut-style1-name: 'large'; // Class name for donut spinner style 1
$spinner-donut-style1-size: 32px; // Size for donut spinner style 1
$spinner-donut-style1-border-thickness: // Border thickness for donut spinner style 1
// Variables for utilities and helper classes
$hidden-name: 'hidden'; // Class name for hidden elements
$visually-hidden-name: 'visually-hidden'; // Class name for visually hidden elements
$breadcrumbs-name: 'breadcrumbs'; // Class name for breadcrumbs
$breadcrumbs-back-color: #D8DEE9; // Background color for breadcrumbs
$breadcrumbs-margin: 10px 8px; // Margin for breadcrumbs
$breadcrumbs-height: 32px; // Height of the breadcrumbs
$breadcrumbs-separator-width: 2px; // Width of the breadcrumbs' separator
$breadcrumbs-border-style: 0; // Border style for breadcrumbs
$breadcrumbs-border-radius: 4px; // Border radius for breadcrumbs
$breadcrumbs-box-shadow: // Box shadow for breadcrumbs
0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.1),0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.15);
$close-icon-name: 'close'; // Class name for close icon
$close-icon-size: 32px; // Size of the close icon
$close-icon-back-color: #ECEFF4; // Background color for the close icon
$close-icon-fore-color: #2E3440; // Foreground color for the close icon
$border-generic-name: 'bordered'; // Class name for generic border style
$border-radial-style1-name: 'rounded'; // Class name for radial border style 1
$border-radial-style1-radius: 2px; // Border radius for radial border style 1
$border-radial-style2-name: 'circular'; // Class name for radial border style 2
$border-radial-style2-radius: 50%; // Border radius for radial border style 2
$box-shadow-style1-name: 'shadow-none'; // Class name for generic box-shadow style 1
$box-shadow-style1-value: none; // Box shadow value for generic box-shadow style 1
$box-shadow-style2-name: 'shadow-small'; // Class name for generic box-shadow style 2
$box-shadow-style2-value: // Box shadow value for generic box-shadow style 2
0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1), 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
$box-shadow-style3-name: 'shadow-medium'; // Class name for generic box-shadow style 3
$box-shadow-style3-value: // Box shadow value for generic box-shadow style 3
0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
$box-shadow-style4-name: 'shadow-large'; // Class name for generic box-shadow style 4
$box-shadow-style4-value: // Box shadow value for generic box-shadow style 4
0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1), 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
$responsive-margin-name: 'responsive-margin'; // Class name for responsive margin
$responsive-margin-medium-breakpoint: // Medium screen breakpoint for responsive margin
$responsive-margin-large-breakpoint: // Large screen breakpoint for responsive margin
$responsive-margin-small-value: 4px; // Margin value for responsive margin on small screens
$responsive-margin-medium-value:6px; // Margin value for responsive margin on medium screens
$responsive-margin-large-value: 8px; // Margin value for responsive margin on large screens
$responsive-padding-name: 'responsive-padding'; // Class name for responsive padding
$responsive-padding-medium-breakpoint: // Medium screen breakpoint for responsive padding
$responsive-padding-large-breakpoint: // Large screen breakpoint for responsive padding
$responsive-padding-small-value:2px 4px; // Padding value for responsive padding on small screens
$responsive-padding-medium-value: // Padding value for responsive padding on medium screens
4px 6px;
$responsive-padding-large-value:6px 8px; // Padding value for responsive padding on large screens
$include-floats: false; // Should floats be included? (`true`/`false`) [1]
$include-clearfix: false; // Should clearfix be included? (`true`/`false`) [2]
$include-center-block-name: false; // Should center block be included? (`true`/`false`) [3]
// Notes:
// [1] - If the value of $include-floats is `true`, float classes will be created using the value of $float-prefix to determine the class
// names that will be used.
// [2] - If the value of $include-clearfix is true, a clearfix class will be created using the value of $clearfix-name to determine the
// class name of the clearfix component.
// [3] - If the value of $include-center-block is true, a center block class will be created using the value of $center-block-name to
// determine the class name of the center block class.
// Load modules. If you do not want to use a module, comment out its `@import` statement, along with any mixin `@include`s that are part of
// that module and marked as such below it.
@import '../mini/core';
@import '../mini/grid';
@import '../mini/navigation';
@import '../mini/input_control';
Custom elements for forms and input elements.
@include make-button-alt-color ($button-variant1-name, $button-variant1-back-color,
$button-variant1-back-opacity, $button-variant1-hover-back-opacity, $button-variant1-fore-color);
@include make-button-alt-color ($button-variant2-name, $button-variant2-back-color,
$button-variant2-back-opacity, $button-variant2-hover-back-opacity, $button-variant2-fore-color);
@include make-button-alt-color ($button-variant3-name, $button-variant3-back-color,
$button-variant3-back-opacity, $button-variant3-hover-back-opacity, $button-variant3-fore-color);
@include make-button-alt-color ($button-variant4-name, $button-variant4-back-color,
$button-variant4-back-opacity, $button-variant4-hover-back-opacity, $button-variant4-fore-color);
@include make-button-alt-style ($button-style1-name, $button-style1-border-style,
$button-style1-border-radius, $button-style1-padding, $button-style1-margin);
@include make-button-alt-style ($button-style2-name, $button-style2-border-style,
$button-style2-border-radius, $button-style2-padding, $button-style2-margin);
@import '../mini/table';
@import '../mini/card';
Custom elements for cards and containers.
@include make-card-alt-size ($card-size1-name, $card-size1-width);
@include make-card-alt-size ($card-size2-name, $card-size2-width);
@include make-card-alt-size ($card-size3-name, $card-size3-width);
@include make-card-alt-color ($card-style1-name, $card-style1-back-color, $card-style1-fore-color,
$card-style1-border-style, $card-style1-border-radius, $card-style1-section-border-style);
@include make-card-section-alt-color ($card-section-style1-name, $card-section-style1-back-color,
@include make-card-section-alt-color ($card-section-style2-name, $card-section-style2-back-color,
@include make-card-section-alt-style ($card-section-padding1-name, $card-section-padding1-padding);
@import '../mini/tab';
@import '../mini/contextual';
Custom contextual background elements and alerts.
@include make-mark-alt-color ($mark-variant1-name, $mark-variant1-back-color);
@include make-mark-alt-color ($mark-variant2-name, $mark-variant2-back-color);
@include make-mark-alt-style ($mark-style1-name, $mark-style1-border-style,
$mark-style1-border-radius, $mark-style1-padding);
@include make-mark-alt-style ($mark-style2-name, $mark-style2-border-style,
$mark-style2-border-radius, $mark-style2-padding, $mark-style2-font-size, $mark-style2-line-height);
@include make-alert-alt-color ($alert-variant1-name, $alert-variant1-back-color);
@include make-alert-alt-color ($alert-variant2-name, $alert-variant2-back-color, $alert-variant2-fore-color);
@include make-alert-alt-style ($alert-style1-name, $alert-style1-border-style, $alert-style1-border-radius);
@include make-alert-alt-style ($alert-style2-name, $alert-style2-border-style, $alert-style2-border-radius);
@import '../mini/progress';
Custom elements for progress elements and spinners.
@include make-progress-inline ($progress-inline-name, $progress-inline-width);
@include make-progress-alt-color ($progress-variant1-name, $progress-variant1-fore-color);
@include make-progress-alt-color ($progress-variant2-name, $progress-variant2-fore-color);
@include make-progress-alt-style ($progress-style1-name, $progress-style1-height,
$progress-style1-top-bottom-margin, $progress-style1-left-right-margin,
$progress-style1-border-style, $progress-style1-border-radius);
@include make-spinner-donut-alt-color ($spinner-donut-variant1-name, $spinner-donut-variant1-back-color,
@include make-spinner-donut-alt-color ($spinner-donut-variant2-name, $spinner-donut-variant2-back-color,
@include make-spinner-donut-alt-style ($spinner-donut-style1-name, $spinner-donut-style1-size,
@import '../mini/utility';
Custom elements for utilities and helper classes.
@include make-border-generic ($border-generic-name);
@include make-border-radial-style ($border-radial-style1-name, $border-radial-style1-radius);
@include make-border-radial-style ($border-radial-style2-name, $border-radial-style2-radius);
@include make-margin-responsive ($responsive-margin-name, $responsive-margin-medium-breakpoint,
$responsive-margin-large-breakpoint, $responsive-margin-small-value, $responsive-margin-medium-value,
@include make-padding-responsive ($responsive-padding-name, $responsive-padding-medium-breakpoint,
$responsive-padding-large-breakpoint, $responsive-padding-small-value, $responsive-padding-medium-value,
@include make-box-shadow-generic ($box-shadow-style1-name, $box-shadow-style1-value);
@include make-box-shadow-generic ($box-shadow-style2-name, $box-shadow-style2-value);
@include make-box-shadow-generic ($box-shadow-style3-name, $box-shadow-style3-value);
@include make-box-shadow-generic ($box-shadow-style4-name, $box-shadow-style4-value);