diff --git a/docs/customization/contextual.html b/docs/customization/contextual.html index 5f24701..164076a 100644 --- a/docs/customization/contextual.html +++ b/docs/customization/contextual.html @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Font size for <mark> elements95% - $mark-line-heightLine hieght + $mark-line-heightLine height Line height for <mark> elements1 diff --git a/docs/customization/progress.html b/docs/customization/progress.html index 6d85ae7..d6dba44 100644 --- a/docs/customization/progress.html +++ b/docs/customization/progress.html @@ -68,6 +68,285 @@ +

Progress bar


The progress module's styling of <progress> elements is highly customizable.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
VariableTypeDescriptionSample value
$progress-back-colorColorBackground color for <progress> elements#eeeeee
$progress-fore-colorColorProgress bar color for <progress> elements#01579b
$progress-heightHeightHeight for <progress> elements14px
$progress-max-valueintegerArithmetic max value for <progress> elements1000
$progress-border-styleBorderBorder style for <progress> elements1px solid #bdbdbd
$progress-border-radiusBorder radiusBorder radius for <progress> elements1px
$progress-top-bottom-marginMargin (single value)Top and bottom margin for <progress> elements2px
$progress-left-right-marginMargin (single value)Left and right margin for <progress> elements8px
$progress-box-shadowBox shadowBox shadow for <progress> elements0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1)

+ +

Donut spinner


The progress module's donut spinner uses a custom class and a few variables for custmization.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
VariableTypeDescriptionSample value
$spinner-donut-nameStringClass name for donut spinner components'spinner-donut'
$spinner-donut-back-colorColorBackground color for donut spinner components#e3f2fd
$spinner-donut-fore-colorColorForeground color for donut spinner components#1565c0
$spinner-donut-border-thicknessBorder widthBorder width for donut spinner components4px
$spinner-donut-sizeSize (single value, px preferred)The size of donut spinner components (determines multiple values of the elements)20px

+ +

Progress bar mixins


The progress module contains a couple of mixins for adding custom styles to <progress> elements (color and style variants), as well as a mixin for creating inline progress bars.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Mixin definitions
make-progress-alt-color ($progress-alt-name, $progress-alt-fore-color. $progress-alt-back-color)Creates a new <progress> color variant using the specified values.
make-progress-alt-style ($progress-alt-name, $progress-alt-height,$progress-alt-top-bottom-margin,$progress-alt-left-right-margin, $progress-alt-border-style, $progress-alt-border-radius, $progress-alt-box-shadow)Creates a new <progress> style variant using the specified values.
make-progress-inline ($progress-inline-name, $progress-inline-width)Creates a new <progress> style variant using the specified values.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
ParameterTypeDescriptionSample value
$progress-alt-nameStringClass name for the <progress> color variant'secondary'
$progress-alt-fore-colorColorForeground color for the <progress> color variant#e53935
$progress-alt-back-colorColor(Optional) Background color for the <progress> color variant#eeeeee


Sample usage

@include make-progress-alt-color ('secondary', #e53935, #eeeeee);
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
ParameterTypeDescriptionSample value
$progress-alt-nameStringClass name for the <progress> style variant'nano'
$progress-alt-heightHeightHeight for the <progress> style variant2px
$progress-alt-top-bottom-marginMargin (single value)(Optional) Top and bottom margin for the <progress> style variant1px
$progress-alt-left-right-marginMargin (single value)(Optional) Left and right margin for the <progress> elements1px
$progress-alt-border-styleBorder(Optional) Border stylefor the <progress> style variant1px solid #bdbdbd
$progress-alt-border-radiusBorder radius(Optional) Border radius for the <progress> style variant1px
$progress-alt-box-shadowBox shadow(Optional) Box shadow for the <progress> style variant0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1)


Sample usage

@include make-progress-alt-style ('nano', 2px, 1px, 1px, 1px solid #bdbdbd, 1px, 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1));
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
ParameterTypeDescriptionSample value
$progress-inline-nameStringClass name for the <progress> inline variant'inline'
$progress-inline-widthWidth (percentage preferred)Width of the <progress> inline variant60%


Sample usage

@include make-progress-inline ('inline', 60%);
+ +

Donut spinner mixins


The progress module contains a couple of mixins for adding custom styles to donut spinners (color and style variants).

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Mixin definitions
make-spinner-donut-alt-color ($spinner-donut-alt-name, $spinner-donut-alt-back-color. $spinner-donut-alt-fore-color)Creates a new donut spinner color variant using the specified values.
make-spinner-donut-alt-style ($spinner-donut-alt-name, $spinner-donut-alt-size, $spinner-donut-alt-border-thickness)Creates a new donut spinner style variant using the specified values.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
ParameterTypeDescriptionSample value
$spinner-donut-alt-nameStringClass name for the donut spinner color variant'secondary'
$spinner-donut-alt-back-colorColorBackground color for the donut spinner color variant#ffebee
$spinner-donut-alt-fore-colorColor(Optional) Text color for the donut spinner color variant#c62828


Sample usage

@include make-spinner-donut-alt-color ('secondary', #ffebee, #c62828);
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
ParameterTypeDescriptionSample value
$spinner-donut-alt-nameStringClass name for the donut spinner style variant'large'
$spinner-donut-alt-sizeSize (single value, px preferred)Size of the donut spinner style variant32px
$spinner-donut-alt-border-thicknessBorder width(Optional) Border thickness for the donut spinner style variant6px


Sample usage

@include make-alert-alt-style ('large', 32px, 6px);

If you want to learn more about customizing mini.css, go back to the customization page or choose a module from the top menu to see its documentation.

diff --git a/docs/v2/DEVLOG.md b/docs/v2/DEVLOG.md index 7d04cc2..e0d6225 100644 --- a/docs/v2/DEVLOG.md +++ b/docs/v2/DEVLOG.md @@ -975,3 +975,4 @@ - Added base text and styles for all customization pages not yet finished. - Documented `tab` module's customization. - Documented `contextual` module's customization. +- Documented `progress` module's customization.