Add dark mode to resources

This commit is contained in:
khatabwedaa 2021-06-01 13:10:24 +02:00
parent 48e3938cef
commit dc9a6dfba3

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@ -1,123 +1,123 @@
<header-component />
<div class="container px-4 py-12 mx-auto">
<div class="max-w-xl mx-auto text-center">
<h1 class="text-xl font-medium text-gray-800 md:text-3xl dark:text-white">
Resources 👌
<header-component />
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<div class="max-w-xl mx-auto text-center">
<h1 class="text-xl font-medium text-gray-800 md:text-3xl dark:text-white">
Resources 👌
<p class="mt-4 text-gray-600 md:text-xl">
We are using many design resources on building
<a href="/components" target="_blank" class="text-blue-500 hover:underline">Meraki UI Components</a>
you can check them all the resources are free.
<div class="flex justify-center my-10">
<div class="grid gap-8 mt-10 md:grid-cols-2 xl:grid-cols-3">
<a href="" class="relative flex overflow-hidden bg-gray-900 h-80 xl:h-64 rounded-2xl">
<img class="object-cover" src="~/assets/images/tailwindcss.jpg" alt="tailwindcss">
<h4 class="mt-2 text-2xl font-medium text-gray-800">Tailwind CSS</h4>
<p class="mt-2 text-gray-700">A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes like flex, pt-4, text-center and rotate-90 that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup. </p>
<p class="mt-4 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-400 md:text-xl">
We are using many design resources on building
<a href="/components" target="_blank" class="text-blue-500 hover:underline">Meraki UI Components</a>
you can check them all the resources are free.
<a href="" class="relative flex h-80 xl:h-64 rounded-2xl bg-gradient-to-br from-purple-600 to-purple-500">
<div class="absolute inset-0 flex items-center justify-center p-6 bg-contain" style="background-image: url(&quot;;);">
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<span class="sr-only">Heroicons</span>
<svg width="240" height="60" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 240 60" class="absolute inset-0 w-full h-full">
<path fill="#fff" d="M88.503 24.216c-2.15 0-3.817.802-4.78 2.245V18.25h-4.137v22.452h4.138v-8.66c0-2.79 1.507-3.977 3.528-3.977 1.86 0 3.175 1.122 3.175 3.303v9.334h4.138v-9.847c0-4.266-2.662-6.64-6.062-6.64zm12.449 10.167h12.092c.097-.545.161-1.09.161-1.7 0-4.714-3.368-8.467-8.115-8.467-5.036 0-8.468 3.688-8.468 8.468 0 4.779 3.4 8.467 8.789 8.467 3.079 0 5.484-1.25 6.992-3.432l-3.336-1.924c-.706.93-1.988 1.603-3.592 1.603-2.181 0-3.945-.898-4.523-3.015zm-.064-3.207c.481-2.053 1.989-3.24 4.202-3.24 1.732 0 3.464.93 3.977 3.24h-8.179zm18.701-3.753v-2.758h-4.137v16.037h4.137v-7.666c0-3.367 2.727-4.33 4.876-4.073v-4.619c-2.021 0-4.042.898-4.876 3.08zm13.693 13.728c4.715 0 8.499-3.688 8.499-8.468 0-4.779-3.784-8.467-8.499-8.467-4.715 0-8.468 3.688-8.468 8.468 0 4.779 3.753 8.467 8.468 8.467zm0-4.041c-2.438 0-4.33-1.828-4.33-4.426s1.892-4.427 4.33-4.427c2.469 0 4.362 1.828 4.362 4.427 0 2.598-1.893 4.426-4.362 4.426zm12.821-14.37c1.412 0 2.566-1.154 2.566-2.533 0-1.38-1.154-2.566-2.566-2.566-1.379 0-2.534 1.186-2.534 2.566 0 1.379 1.155 2.534 2.534 2.534zm-2.052 17.962h4.137V24.665h-4.137v16.037zm14.916.449c3.144 0 5.87-1.668 7.249-4.17l-3.592-2.052c-.642 1.315-2.021 2.117-3.689 2.117-2.469 0-4.298-1.829-4.298-4.362 0-2.566 1.829-4.395 4.298-4.395 1.636 0 3.015.834 3.657 2.15l3.56-2.085c-1.315-2.47-4.041-4.138-7.185-4.138-4.875 0-8.467 3.688-8.467 8.468 0 4.779 3.592 8.467 8.467 8.467zm16.179 0c4.715 0 8.5-3.688 8.5-8.468 0-4.779-3.785-8.467-8.5-8.467s-8.467 3.688-8.467 8.468c0 4.779 3.752 8.467 8.467 8.467zm0-4.041c-2.437 0-4.33-1.828-4.33-4.426s1.893-4.427 4.33-4.427c2.47 0 4.362 1.828 4.362 4.427 0 2.598-1.892 4.426-4.362 4.426zm19.686-12.894c-2.149 0-3.817.802-4.779 2.245v-1.796h-4.138v16.037h4.138v-8.66c0-2.79 1.507-3.977 3.528-3.977 1.86 0 3.175 1.122 3.175 3.303v9.334h4.138v-9.847c0-4.266-2.662-6.64-6.062-6.64zm12.77 5.004c0-.866.834-1.316 1.861-1.316 1.186 0 2.084.61 2.566 1.636l3.528-1.924c-1.251-2.213-3.496-3.4-6.094-3.4-3.304 0-6.094 1.828-6.094 5.1 0 5.645 8.275 4.362 8.275 6.703 0 .93-.898 1.38-2.213 1.38-1.604 0-2.695-.77-3.144-2.085l-3.592 2.02c1.155 2.47 3.528 3.817 6.736 3.817 3.432 0 6.447-1.668 6.447-5.132 0-5.901-8.276-4.426-8.276-6.8z"></path><path stroke="#AC94FA" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="4" d="M43.328 14.608a26.329 26.329 0 0015.953 5.613c.247 1.331.376 2.705.376 4.111 0 10.272-6.905 18.937-16.329 21.597C33.904 43.269 27 34.604 27 24.332c0-1.406.13-2.78.376-4.112a26.328 26.328 0 0015.952-5.612z"></path>
<div class="flex justify-center my-10">
<div class="grid gap-8 mt-10 md:grid-cols-2 xl:grid-cols-3">
<a href="" class="relative flex overflow-hidden bg-gray-900 h-80 xl:h-64 rounded-2xl">
<img class="object-cover" src="~/assets/images/tailwindcss.jpg" alt="tailwindcss">
<h4 class="mt-2 text-2xl font-medium text-gray-800 dark:text-white">Tailwind CSS</h4>
<p class="mt-2 text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400">A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes like flex, pt-4, text-center and rotate-90 that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup. </p>
<a href="" class="relative flex h-80 xl:h-64 rounded-2xl bg-gradient-to-br from-purple-600 to-purple-500">
<div class="absolute inset-0 flex items-center justify-center p-6 bg-contain" style="background-image: url(&quot;;);">
<div class="max-w-full w-60">
<div class="relative" style="padding-top: 25%;">
<span class="sr-only">Heroicons</span>
<svg width="240" height="60" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 240 60" class="absolute inset-0 w-full h-full">
<path fill="#fff" d="M88.503 24.216c-2.15 0-3.817.802-4.78 2.245V18.25h-4.137v22.452h4.138v-8.66c0-2.79 1.507-3.977 3.528-3.977 1.86 0 3.175 1.122 3.175 3.303v9.334h4.138v-9.847c0-4.266-2.662-6.64-6.062-6.64zm12.449 10.167h12.092c.097-.545.161-1.09.161-1.7 0-4.714-3.368-8.467-8.115-8.467-5.036 0-8.468 3.688-8.468 8.468 0 4.779 3.4 8.467 8.789 8.467 3.079 0 5.484-1.25 6.992-3.432l-3.336-1.924c-.706.93-1.988 1.603-3.592 1.603-2.181 0-3.945-.898-4.523-3.015zm-.064-3.207c.481-2.053 1.989-3.24 4.202-3.24 1.732 0 3.464.93 3.977 3.24h-8.179zm18.701-3.753v-2.758h-4.137v16.037h4.137v-7.666c0-3.367 2.727-4.33 4.876-4.073v-4.619c-2.021 0-4.042.898-4.876 3.08zm13.693 13.728c4.715 0 8.499-3.688 8.499-8.468 0-4.779-3.784-8.467-8.499-8.467-4.715 0-8.468 3.688-8.468 8.468 0 4.779 3.753 8.467 8.468 8.467zm0-4.041c-2.438 0-4.33-1.828-4.33-4.426s1.892-4.427 4.33-4.427c2.469 0 4.362 1.828 4.362 4.427 0 2.598-1.893 4.426-4.362 4.426zm12.821-14.37c1.412 0 2.566-1.154 2.566-2.533 0-1.38-1.154-2.566-2.566-2.566-1.379 0-2.534 1.186-2.534 2.566 0 1.379 1.155 2.534 2.534 2.534zm-2.052 17.962h4.137V24.665h-4.137v16.037zm14.916.449c3.144 0 5.87-1.668 7.249-4.17l-3.592-2.052c-.642 1.315-2.021 2.117-3.689 2.117-2.469 0-4.298-1.829-4.298-4.362 0-2.566 1.829-4.395 4.298-4.395 1.636 0 3.015.834 3.657 2.15l3.56-2.085c-1.315-2.47-4.041-4.138-7.185-4.138-4.875 0-8.467 3.688-8.467 8.468 0 4.779 3.592 8.467 8.467 8.467zm16.179 0c4.715 0 8.5-3.688 8.5-8.468 0-4.779-3.785-8.467-8.5-8.467s-8.467 3.688-8.467 8.468c0 4.779 3.752 8.467 8.467 8.467zm0-4.041c-2.437 0-4.33-1.828-4.33-4.426s1.893-4.427 4.33-4.427c2.47 0 4.362 1.828 4.362 4.427 0 2.598-1.892 4.426-4.362 4.426zm19.686-12.894c-2.149 0-3.817.802-4.779 2.245v-1.796h-4.138v16.037h4.138v-8.66c0-2.79 1.507-3.977 3.528-3.977 1.86 0 3.175 1.122 3.175 3.303v9.334h4.138v-9.847c0-4.266-2.662-6.64-6.062-6.64zm12.77 5.004c0-.866.834-1.316 1.861-1.316 1.186 0 2.084.61 2.566 1.636l3.528-1.924c-1.251-2.213-3.496-3.4-6.094-3.4-3.304 0-6.094 1.828-6.094 5.1 0 5.645 8.275 4.362 8.275 6.703 0 .93-.898 1.38-2.213 1.38-1.604 0-2.695-.77-3.144-2.085l-3.592 2.02c1.155 2.47 3.528 3.817 6.736 3.817 3.432 0 6.447-1.668 6.447-5.132 0-5.901-8.276-4.426-8.276-6.8z"></path><path stroke="#AC94FA" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="4" d="M43.328 14.608a26.329 26.329 0 0015.953 5.613c.247 1.331.376 2.705.376 4.111 0 10.272-6.905 18.937-16.329 21.597C33.904 43.269 27 34.604 27 24.332c0-1.406.13-2.78.376-4.112a26.328 26.328 0 0015.952-5.612z"></path>
<h4 class="mt-2 text-2xl font-medium text-gray-800">Heroicons</h4>
<h4 class="mt-2 text-2xl font-medium text-gray-800 dark:text-white">Heroicons</h4>
<p class="mt-2 text-gray-700">A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects.</p>
<p class="mt-2 text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400">A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects.</p>
<a href="" class="relative flex h-80 xl:h-64 rounded-2xl bg-gradient-to-br from-teal-600 to-teal-500">
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<div class="max-w-full w-60">
<div class="relative" style="padding-top:25%">
<span class="sr-only">Heropatterns</span>
<svg width="240" height="60" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 240 60" class="absolute inset-0 w-full h-full">
<path fill="#fff" d="M64.503 24.214c-2.15 0-3.817.802-4.78 2.245v-8.211h-4.137V40.7h4.138v-8.66c0-2.79 1.507-3.977 3.528-3.977 1.86 0 3.175 1.122 3.175 3.303V40.7h4.138v-9.847c0-4.266-2.662-6.64-6.062-6.64zm12.449 10.168h12.092a9.56 9.56 0 00.16-1.7c0-4.715-3.367-8.468-8.114-8.468-5.036 0-8.468 3.689-8.468 8.468s3.4 8.467 8.789 8.467c3.079 0 5.484-1.25 6.992-3.432l-3.336-1.924c-.705.93-1.988 1.604-3.592 1.604-2.181 0-3.945-.899-4.523-3.015zm-.064-3.208c.481-2.053 1.989-3.24 4.202-3.24 1.732 0 3.464.93 3.977 3.24h-8.179zm18.702-3.753v-2.758h-4.138V40.7h4.137v-7.666c0-3.367 2.727-4.33 4.876-4.073v-4.619c-2.021 0-4.042.898-4.876 3.08zm13.692 13.729c4.715 0 8.499-3.69 8.499-8.468 0-4.78-3.784-8.468-8.499-8.468-4.715 0-8.468 3.689-8.468 8.468s3.753 8.467 8.468 8.467zm0-4.042c-2.438 0-4.33-1.828-4.33-4.426 0-2.599 1.892-4.427 4.33-4.427 2.469 0 4.362 1.829 4.362 4.427s-1.893 4.426-4.362 4.426zm20.102-12.894c-2.341 0-4.041.866-5.196 2.341v-1.892h-4.137v22.452h4.137v-8.307c1.155 1.475 2.855 2.341 5.196 2.341 4.298 0 7.826-3.688 7.826-8.467 0-4.78-3.528-8.468-7.826-8.468zm-.77 12.99c-2.533 0-4.426-1.828-4.426-4.522 0-2.695 1.893-4.523 4.426-4.523 2.566 0 4.459 1.828 4.459 4.523 0 2.694-1.893 4.522-4.459 4.522zm23.061-12.541v1.892c-1.154-1.443-2.886-2.341-5.228-2.341-4.266 0-7.794 3.689-7.794 8.468s3.528 8.467 7.794 8.467c2.342 0 4.074-.898 5.228-2.341V40.7h4.138V24.663h-4.138zm-4.458 12.541c-2.534 0-4.426-1.828-4.426-4.522 0-2.695 1.892-4.523 4.426-4.523 2.566 0 4.458 1.828 4.458 4.523 0 2.694-1.892 4.522-4.458 4.522zm20.88-8.564v-3.977h-3.625v-4.49l-4.137 1.25v3.24h-2.791v3.977h2.791v6.672c0 4.33 1.956 6.03 7.762 5.388v-3.753c-2.374.129-3.625.097-3.625-1.635V28.64h3.625zm10.822 0v-3.977h-3.624v-4.49l-4.138 1.25v3.24h-2.79v3.977h2.79v6.672c0 4.33 1.957 6.03 7.762 5.388v-3.753c-2.373.129-3.624.097-3.624-1.635V28.64h3.624zm5.271 5.742h12.092a9.58 9.58 0 00.16-1.7c0-4.715-3.367-8.468-8.114-8.468-5.036 0-8.468 3.689-8.468 8.468s3.4 8.467 8.788 8.467c3.079 0 5.485-1.25 6.993-3.432l-3.336-1.924c-.706.93-1.989 1.604-3.593 1.604-2.181 0-3.945-.899-4.522-3.015zm-.064-3.208c.481-2.053 1.988-3.24 4.202-3.24 1.732 0 3.464.93 3.977 3.24h-8.179zm18.701-3.753v-2.758h-4.138V40.7h4.138v-7.666c0-3.367 2.726-4.33 4.875-4.073v-4.619c-2.02 0-4.041.898-4.875 3.08zm15.57-3.207c-2.149 0-3.816.802-4.779 2.245v-1.796h-4.137V40.7h4.137v-8.66c0-2.79 1.508-3.977 3.528-3.977 1.861 0 3.176 1.122 3.176 3.303V40.7h4.137v-9.847c0-4.266-2.662-6.64-6.062-6.64zm12.771 5.004c0-.866.834-1.316 1.86-1.316 1.187 0 2.085.61 2.566 1.636l3.528-1.924c-1.251-2.213-3.496-3.4-6.094-3.4-3.304 0-6.094 1.828-6.094 5.1 0 5.645 8.275 4.362 8.275 6.703 0 .93-.898 1.38-2.213 1.38-1.604 0-2.694-.77-3.143-2.085l-3.593 2.02c1.155 2.47 3.529 3.817 6.736 3.817 3.432 0 6.447-1.668 6.447-5.132 0-5.901-8.275-4.426-8.275-6.8z"></path><path stroke="#AFECEF" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="4" d="M19.328 14.608a26.329 26.329 0 0015.953 5.613c.247 1.331.376 2.705.376 4.111 0 10.272-6.905 18.937-16.329 21.597C9.904 43.269 3 34.604 3 24.332c0-1.406.13-2.78.376-4.112a26.328 26.328 0 0015.952-5.612z"></path>
<a href="" class="relative flex h-80 xl:h-64 rounded-2xl bg-gradient-to-br from-teal-600 to-teal-500">
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<div class="relative" style="padding-top:25%">
<span class="sr-only">Heropatterns</span>
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<h4 class="mt-2 text-2xl font-medium text-gray-800">Heropatterns</h4>
<h4 class="mt-2 text-2xl font-medium text-gray-800 dark:text-white">Heropatterns</h4>
<p class="mt-2 text-gray-700">A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG patterns for you to use in your web projects. </p>
<p class="mt-2 text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400">A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG patterns for you to use in your web projects. </p>
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<span class="sr-only">Storyset</span>
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<h4 class="mt-2 text-2xl font-medium text-gray-800">Storyset</h4>
<p class="mt-2 text-gray-700">Awesome free customizable illustrations for your next project Customize, animate and download our illustrations to make incredible landing pages, app or presentations. </p>
<h4 class="mt-2 text-2xl font-medium text-gray-800 dark:text-white">Storyset</h4>
<p class="mt-2 text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400">Awesome free customizable illustrations for your next project Customize, animate and download our illustrations to make incredible landing pages, app or presentations. </p>
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<p class="mt-2 text-gray-700">Unsplash is an amazing resource for finding beautiful, high-resolution, free photos that you can use in your projects. </p>
<p class="mt-2 text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400">Unsplash is an amazing resource for finding beautiful, high-resolution, free photos that you can use in your projects. </p>