import json import os import click import requests from decouple import config from rich import print from rich.console import Console from rich.table import Table console = Console() print("Welcome to the CLI Tool of [bold blue]MediaCMS![/bold blue]", ":thumbs_up:") BASE_URL = '' AUTH_KEY = '' USERNAME = '' EMAIL = '' def set_envs(): with open('.env', 'r') as file: if not print("Use the Login command to set your credential environment variables") else: global AUTH_KEY, USERNAME, EMAIL AUTH_KEY = config('AUTH_KEY') USERNAME = config('USERNAME') EMAIL = config('EMAIL') set_envs() def apis(): """A CLI wrapper for the MediaCMS API endpoints.""" @apis.command() def login(): """Login to your account.""" email = input('Enter your email address: ') password = input('Enter your password: ') data = { "email": f"{email}", "password": f"{password}", } response ='{BASE_URL}/login', data=data) if response.status_code == 200: username = json.loads(response.text)["username"] with open(".env", "w") as file: file.writelines(f'AUTH_KEY={json.loads(response.text)["token"]}\n') file.writelines(f'EMAIL={json.loads(response.text)["email"]}\n') file.writelines(f'USERNAME={json.loads(response.text)["username"]}\n') print(f"Welcome to MediaCMS [bold blue]{username}[/bold blue]. Your auth creds have been suceesfully stored in the .env file", ":v:") else: print(f'Error: {"non_field_errors":["User not found."]}') @apis.command() def upload_media(): """Upload media to the server""" headers = {'authorization': f'Token {AUTH_KEY}'} path = input('Enter the location of the file or directory where multiple files are present: ') if os.path.isdir(path): for filename in os.listdir(path): files = {} abs = os.path.abspath("{path}/{filename}") files['media_file'] = open(f'{abs}', 'rb') response ='{BASE_URL}/media', headers=headers, files=files) if response.status_code == 201: print(f"[bold blue]{filename}[/bold blue] successfully uploaded!") else: print(f'Error: {response.text}') else: files = {} files['media_file'] = open(f'{os.path.abspath(path)}', 'rb') response ='{BASE_URL}/media', headers=headers, files=files) if response.status_code == 201: print(f"[bold blue]{filename}[/bold blue] successfully uploaded!") else: print(f'Error: {response.text}') @apis.command() def my_media(): """List all my media""" headers = {'authorization': f'Token {AUTH_KEY}'} response = requests.get(url=f'{BASE_URL}/media?author={USERNAME}', headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: data_json = json.loads(response.text) table = Table(show_header=True, header_style="bold magenta") table.add_column("Name of the media") table.add_column("Media Type") table.add_column("State") for data in data_json['results']: table.add_row(data['title'], data['media_type'], data['state']) console.print(table) else: print(f'Could not get the media: {response.text}') @apis.command() def whoami(): """Shows the details of the authorized user""" headers = {'authorization': f'Token {AUTH_KEY}'} response = requests.get(url=f'{BASE_URL}/whoami', headers=headers) for data, value in json.loads(response.text).items(): print(data, ' : ', value) @apis.command() def categories(): """List all categories.""" response = requests.get(url=f'{BASE_URL}/categories') if response.status_code == 200: data_json = json.loads(response.text) table = Table(show_header=True, header_style="bold magenta") table.add_column("Category") table.add_column("Description") for data in data_json: table.add_row(data['title'], data['description']) console.print(table) else: print(f'Could not get the categories: {response.text}') @apis.command() def encodings(): """List all encoding profiles""" response = requests.get(url=f'{BASE_URL}/encode_profiles/') if response.status_code == 200: data_json = json.loads(response.text) table = Table(show_header=True, header_style="bold magenta") table.add_column("Name") table.add_column("Extension") table.add_column("Resolution") table.add_column("Codec") table.add_column("Description") for data in data_json: table.add_row(data['name'], data['extension'], str(data['resolution']), data['codec'], data['description']) console.print(table) else: print(f'Could not get the encodings: {response.text}') if __name__ == '__main__': apis()