# Kudos to Werner Robitza, AVEQ GmbH, for helping with ffmpeg # related content import hashlib import json import math import os import random import shutil import subprocess import tempfile from fractions import Fraction import filetype from django.conf import settings CHARS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" CRF_ENCODING_NUM_SECONDS = 2 # 0 * 60 # videos with greater duration will get # CRF encoding and not two-pass # Encoding individual chunks may yield quality variations if you use a # too low bitrate, so if you go for the chunk-based variant # you should use CRF encoding. MAX_RATE_MULTIPLIER = 1.5 BUF_SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 1.5 # in seconds, anything between 2 and 6 makes sense KEYFRAME_DISTANCE = 4 KEYFRAME_DISTANCE_MIN = 2 # speed presets # see https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/H.264 X26x_PRESET = "medium" # "medium" X265_PRESET = "medium" X26x_PRESET_BIG_HEIGHT = "faster" # VP9_SPEED = 1 # between 0 and 4, lower is slower VP9_SPEED = 2 VIDEO_CRFS = { "h264_baseline": 23, "h264": 23, "h265": 28, "vp9": 32, } # video rates for 25 or 60 fps input, for different codecs, in kbps VIDEO_BITRATES = { "h264": { 25: { 240: 300, 360: 500, 480: 1000, 720: 2500, 1080: 4500, 1440: 9000, 2160: 18000, }, 60: {720: 3500, 1080: 7500, 1440: 18000, 2160: 40000}, }, "h265": { 25: { 240: 150, 360: 275, 480: 500, 720: 1024, 1080: 1800, 1440: 4500, 2160: 10000, }, 60: {720: 1800, 1080: 3000, 1440: 8000, 2160: 18000}, }, "vp9": { 25: { 240: 150, 360: 275, 480: 500, 720: 1024, 1080: 1800, 1440: 4500, 2160: 10000, }, 60: {720: 1800, 1080: 3000, 1440: 8000, 2160: 18000}, }, } AUDIO_ENCODERS = {"h264": "aac", "h265": "aac", "vp9": "libopus"} AUDIO_BITRATES = {"h264": 128, "h265": 128, "vp9": 96} EXTENSIONS = {"h264": "mp4", "h265": "mp4", "vp9": "webm"} VIDEO_PROFILES = {"h264": "main", "h265": "main"} def get_portal_workflow(): return settings.PORTAL_WORKFLOW def get_default_state(user=None): # possible states given the portal workflow setting state = "private" if settings.PORTAL_WORKFLOW == "public": state = "public" if settings.PORTAL_WORKFLOW == "unlisted": state = "unlisted" if settings.PORTAL_WORKFLOW == "private_verified": if user and user.advancedUser: state = "unlisted" return state def get_file_name(filename): return filename.split("/")[-1] def get_file_type(filename): if not os.path.exists(filename): return None file_type = None kind = filetype.guess(filename) if kind is not None: if kind.mime.startswith("video"): file_type = "video" elif kind.mime.startswith("image"): file_type = "image" elif kind.mime.startswith("audio"): file_type = "audio" elif "pdf" in kind.mime: file_type = "pdf" else: # TODO: do something for files not supported by filetype lib pass return file_type def rm_file(filename): if os.path.isfile(filename): try: os.remove(filename) return True except OSError: pass return False def rm_files(filenames): if isinstance(filenames, list): for filename in filenames: rm_file(filename) return True def rm_dir(directory): if os.path.isdir(directory): # refuse to delete a dir inside project BASE_DIR if directory.startswith(settings.BASE_DIR): try: shutil.rmtree(directory) return True except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError): pass return False def url_from_path(filename): # TODO: find a way to preserver http - https ... return "{0}{1}".format(settings.MEDIA_URL, filename.replace(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "")) def create_temp_file(suffix=None, dir=settings.TEMP_DIRECTORY): tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=suffix, dir=dir) return tf.name def create_temp_dir(suffix=None, dir=settings.TEMP_DIRECTORY): td = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=dir) return td def produce_friendly_token(token_len=settings.FRIENDLY_TOKEN_LEN): token = "" while len(token) != token_len: token += CHARS[random.randint(0, len(CHARS) - 1)] return token def clean_friendly_token(token): # cleans token for char in token: if char not in CHARS: token.replace(char, "") return token def mask_ip(ip_address): return hashlib.md5(ip_address.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() def run_command(cmd, cwd=None): """ Run a command directly """ if isinstance(cmd, str): cmd = cmd.split() ret = {} if cwd: process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd) else: process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() # TODO: catch unicodedecodeerrors here... if process.returncode == 0: try: ret["out"] = stdout.decode("utf-8") except BaseException: ret["out"] = "" try: ret["error"] = stderr.decode("utf-8") except BaseException: ret["error"] = "" else: try: ret["error"] = stderr.decode("utf-8") except BaseException: ret["error"] = "" return ret def media_file_info(input_file): """ Get the info about an input file, as determined by ffprobe Returns a dict, with the keys: - `filename`: Filename - `file_size`: Size of the file in bytes - `video_duration`: Duration of the video in `s.msec` - `video_frame_rate`: Framerate in Hz - `video_bitrate`: Bitrate of the video stream in kBit/s - `video_width`: Width in pixels - `video_height`: Height in pixels - `video_codec`: Video codec - `audio_duration`: Duration of the audio in `s.msec` - `audio_sample_rate`: Audio sample rate in Hz - `audio_codec`: Audio codec name (`aac`) - `audio_bitrate`: Bitrate of the video stream in kBit/s Also returns the video and audio info raw from ffprobe. """ ret = {} if not os.path.isfile(input_file): ret["fail"] = True return ret video_info = {} audio_info = {} cmd = ["stat", "-c", "%s", input_file] stdout = run_command(cmd).get("out") if stdout: file_size = int(stdout.strip()) else: ret["fail"] = True return ret cmd = ["md5sum", input_file] stdout = run_command(cmd).get("out") if stdout: md5sum = stdout.split()[0] else: md5sum = "" cmd = [ settings.FFPROBE_COMMAND, "-loglevel", "error", "-show_streams", "-show_entries", "format=format_name", "-of", "json", input_file, ] stdout = run_command(cmd).get("out") try: info = json.loads(stdout) except TypeError: ret["fail"] = True return ret has_video = False has_audio = False for stream_info in info["streams"]: if stream_info["codec_type"] == "video": video_info = stream_info has_video = True if info.get("format") and info["format"].get("format_name", "") in [ "tty", "image2", "image2pipe", "bin", "png_pipe", "gif", ]: ret["fail"] = True return ret elif stream_info["codec_type"] == "audio": audio_info = stream_info has_audio = True if not has_video: ret["is_video"] = False ret["is_audio"] = has_audio ret["audio_info"] = audio_info return ret if "duration" in video_info.keys(): video_duration = float(video_info["duration"]) elif "tags" in video_info.keys() and "DURATION" in video_info["tags"]: duration_str = video_info["tags"]["DURATION"] try: hms, msec = duration_str.split(".") except ValueError: hms, msec = duration_str.split(",") total_dur = sum(int(x) * 60 ** i for i, x in enumerate(reversed(hms.split(":")))) video_duration = total_dur + float("0." + msec) else: # fallback to format, eg for webm cmd = [ settings.FFPROBE_COMMAND, "-loglevel", "error", "-show_format", "-of", "json", input_file, ] stdout = run_command(cmd).get("out") format_info = json.loads(stdout)["format"] try: video_duration = float(format_info["duration"]) except KeyError: ret["fail"] = True return ret if "bit_rate" in video_info.keys(): video_bitrate = round(float(video_info["bit_rate"]) / 1024.0, 2) else: cmd = [ settings.FFPROBE_COMMAND, "-loglevel", "error", "-select_streams", "v", "-show_entries", "packet=size", "-of", "compact=p=0:nk=1", input_file, ] stdout = run_command(cmd).get("out") stream_size = sum([int(line) for line in stdout.split("\n") if line != ""]) video_bitrate = round((stream_size * 8 / 1024.0) / video_duration, 2) ret = { "filename": input_file, "file_size": file_size, "video_duration": video_duration, "video_frame_rate": float(Fraction(video_info["r_frame_rate"])), "video_bitrate": video_bitrate, "video_width": video_info["width"], "video_height": video_info["height"], "video_codec": video_info["codec_name"], "has_video": has_video, "has_audio": has_audio, } if has_audio: if "duration" in audio_info.keys(): audio_duration = float(audio_info["duration"]) elif "tags" in audio_info.keys() and "DURATION" in audio_info["tags"]: duration_str = audio_info["tags"]["DURATION"] try: hms, msec = duration_str.split(".") except ValueError: hms, msec = duration_str.split(",") total_dur = sum(int(x) * 60 ** i for i, x in enumerate(reversed(hms.split(":")))) audio_duration = total_dur + float("0." + msec) else: # fallback to format, eg for webm cmd = [ settings.FFPROBE_COMMAND, "-loglevel", "error", "-show_format", "-of", "json", input_file, ] stdout = run_command(cmd).get("out") format_info = json.loads(stdout)["format"] audio_duration = float(format_info["duration"]) if "bit_rate" in audio_info.keys(): audio_bitrate = round(float(audio_info["bit_rate"]) / 1024.0, 2) else: # fall back to calculating from accumulated frame duration cmd = [ settings.FFPROBE_COMMAND, "-loglevel", "error", "-select_streams", "a", "-show_entries", "packet=size", "-of", "compact=p=0:nk=1", input_file, ] stdout = run_command(cmd).get("out") stream_size = sum([int(line) for line in stdout.split("\n") if line != ""]) audio_bitrate = round((stream_size * 8 / 1024.0) / audio_duration, 2) ret.update( { "audio_duration": audio_duration, "audio_sample_rate": audio_info["sample_rate"], "audio_codec": audio_info["codec_name"], "audio_bitrate": audio_bitrate, "audio_channels": audio_info["channels"], } ) ret["video_info"] = video_info ret["audio_info"] = audio_info ret["is_video"] = True ret["md5sum"] = md5sum return ret def calculate_seconds(duration): # returns seconds, given a ffmpeg extracted string ret = 0 if isinstance(duration, str): duration = duration.split(":") if len(duration) != 3: return ret else: return ret ret += int(float(duration[2])) ret += int(float(duration[1])) * 60 ret += int(float(duration[0])) * 60 * 60 return ret def show_file_size(size): if size: size = size / 1000000 size = round(size, 1) size = "{0}MB".format(str(size)) return size def get_base_ffmpeg_command( input_file, output_file, has_audio, codec, encoder, audio_encoder, target_fps, target_height, target_rate, target_rate_audio, pass_file, pass_number, enc_type, chunk, ): """Get the base command for a specific codec, height/rate, and pass Arguments: input_file {str} -- input file name output_file {str} -- output file name has_audio {bool} -- does the input have audio? codec {str} -- video codec encoder {str} -- video encoder audio_encoder {str} -- audio encoder target_fps {int} -- target FPS target_height {int} -- height target_rate {int} -- target bitrate in kbps target_rate_audio {int} -- audio target bitrate pass_file {str} -- path to temp pass file pass_number {int} -- number of passes enc_type {str} -- encoding type (twopass or crf) """ target_fps = int(target_fps) # avoid Frame rate very high for a muxer not efficiently supporting it. if target_fps > 90: target_fps = 90 base_cmd = [ settings.FFMPEG_COMMAND, "-y", "-i", input_file, "-c:v", encoder, "-filter:v", "scale=-2:" + str(target_height) + ",fps=fps=" + str(target_fps), # always convert to 4:2:0 -- FIXME: this could be also 4:2:2 # but compatibility will suffer "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", ] if enc_type == "twopass": base_cmd.extend(["-b:v", str(target_rate) + "k"]) elif enc_type == "crf": base_cmd.extend(["-crf", str(VIDEO_CRFS[codec])]) if encoder == "libvpx-vp9": base_cmd.extend(["-b:v", str(target_rate) + "k"]) if has_audio: base_cmd.extend( [ "-c:a", audio_encoder, "-b:a", str(target_rate_audio) + "k", # stereo audio only, see https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/5718 "-ac", "2", ] ) # get keyframe distance in frames keyframe_distance = int(target_fps * KEYFRAME_DISTANCE) # start building the command cmd = base_cmd[:] # preset settings if encoder == "libvpx-vp9": if pass_number == 1: speed = 4 else: speed = VP9_SPEED elif encoder in ["libx264"]: preset = X26x_PRESET elif encoder in ["libx265"]: preset = X265_PRESET if target_height >= 720: preset = X26x_PRESET_BIG_HEIGHT if encoder == "libx264": level = "4.2" if target_height <= 1080 else "5.2" x264_params = [ "keyint=" + str(keyframe_distance * 2), "keyint_min=" + str(keyframe_distance), ] cmd.extend( [ "-maxrate", str(int(int(target_rate) * MAX_RATE_MULTIPLIER)) + "k", "-bufsize", str(int(int(target_rate) * BUF_SIZE_MULTIPLIER)) + "k", "-force_key_frames", "expr:gte(t,n_forced*" + str(KEYFRAME_DISTANCE) + ")", "-x264-params", ":".join(x264_params), "-preset", preset, "-profile:v", VIDEO_PROFILES[codec], "-level", level, ] ) if enc_type == "twopass": cmd.extend(["-passlogfile", pass_file, "-pass", pass_number]) elif encoder == "libx265": x265_params = [ "vbv-maxrate=" + str(int(int(target_rate) * MAX_RATE_MULTIPLIER)), "vbv-bufsize=" + str(int(int(target_rate) * BUF_SIZE_MULTIPLIER)), "keyint=" + str(keyframe_distance * 2), "keyint_min=" + str(keyframe_distance), ] if enc_type == "twopass": x265_params.extend(["stats=" + str(pass_file), "pass=" + str(pass_number)]) cmd.extend( [ "-force_key_frames", "expr:gte(t,n_forced*" + str(KEYFRAME_DISTANCE) + ")", "-x265-params", ":".join(x265_params), "-preset", preset, "-profile:v", VIDEO_PROFILES[codec], ] ) elif encoder == "libvpx-vp9": cmd.extend( [ "-g", str(keyframe_distance), "-keyint_min", str(keyframe_distance), "-maxrate", str(int(int(target_rate) * MAX_RATE_MULTIPLIER)) + "k", "-bufsize", str(int(int(target_rate) * BUF_SIZE_MULTIPLIER)) + "k", "-speed", speed, # '-deadline', 'realtime', ] ) if enc_type == "twopass": cmd.extend(["-passlogfile", pass_file, "-pass", pass_number]) cmd.extend( [ "-strict", "-2", ] ) # end of the command if pass_number == 1: cmd.extend(["-an", "-f", "null", "/dev/null"]) elif pass_number == 2: if output_file.endswith("mp4") and chunk: cmd.extend(["-movflags", "+faststart"]) cmd.extend([output_file]) return cmd def produce_ffmpeg_commands(media_file, media_info, resolution, codec, output_filename, pass_file, chunk=False): try: media_info = json.loads(media_info) except BaseException: media_info = {} if codec == "h264": encoder = "libx264" # ext = "mp4" elif codec in ["h265", "hevc"]: encoder = "libx265" # ext = "mp4" elif codec == "vp9": encoder = "libvpx-vp9" # ext = "webm" else: return False src_framerate = media_info.get("video_frame_rate", 30) if src_framerate <= 30: target_rate = VIDEO_BITRATES[codec][25].get(resolution) else: target_rate = VIDEO_BITRATES[codec][60].get(resolution) if not target_rate: # INVESTIGATE MORE! target_rate = VIDEO_BITRATES[codec][25].get(resolution) if not target_rate: return False if media_info.get("video_height") < resolution: if resolution not in [240, 360]: # always get these two return False # if codec == "h264_baseline": # target_fps = 25 # else: # adjust the target frame rate if the input is fractional target_fps = src_framerate if isinstance(src_framerate, int) else math.ceil(src_framerate) if media_info.get("video_duration") > CRF_ENCODING_NUM_SECONDS: enc_type = "crf" else: enc_type = "twopass" if enc_type == "twopass": passes = [1, 2] elif enc_type == "crf": passes = [2] cmds = [] for pass_number in passes: cmds.append( get_base_ffmpeg_command( media_file, output_file=output_filename, has_audio=media_info.get("has_audio"), codec=codec, encoder=encoder, audio_encoder=AUDIO_ENCODERS[codec], target_fps=target_fps, target_height=resolution, target_rate=target_rate, target_rate_audio=AUDIO_BITRATES[codec], pass_file=pass_file, pass_number=pass_number, enc_type=enc_type, chunk=chunk, ) ) return cmds def clean_query(query): """This is used to clear text in order to comply with SearchQuery known exception cases :param query: str - the query text that we want to clean :return: """ if not query: return "" chars = ["^", "{", "}", "&", "|", "<", ">", '"', ")", "(", "!", ":", ";", "'", "#"] for char in chars: query = query.replace(char, "") return query.lower()