# Linux Surface Linux running on the Microsoft Surface devices. Follow the instructions below to install the latest kernel. ### Supported Devices * Surface Book * Surface Book 2 * Surface 3 * Surface Go * Surface Laptop * Surface Laptop 2 * Surface Laptop 3 * Surface Pro 3 * Surface Pro 4 * Surface Pro 2017 * Surface Pro 6 * Surface Pro 7 * Surface Studio ### Features / What's Working See the [feature matrix](https://github.com/linux-surface/linux-surface/wiki/Supported-Devices-and-Features#feature-matrix) for more information about each device. ### Disclaimer * For the most part, things are tested on a Surface Book 2. While most things are reportedly fully working on other devices, your mileage may vary. Please look at the issues list for possible exceptions. ## Installation and Setup We provide package repositories for the patched kernel and other utilities. Please refer to the [detailed installation and setup guide][wiki-setup]. There, you may also find device-specific caveats. If you want to compile the kernel yourself (e.g. if your distribution is not supported), please have a look at the [wiki][wiki-compiling]. ## Additional Information ### Notes * If you are getting stuck at boot when loading the ramdisk, you need to install the Processor Microcode Firmware for Intel CPUs (usually found under Additional Drivers in Software and Updates). * Using TLP can cause slowdowns, laggy performance, and occasional hangs if not configured properly! You have been warned. * If you want to use hibernate instead of suspend, you need to create a swap partition or file, please follow your distribution's instructions (or [here][hibernate-setup]). ### Support If you have questions or need support, please use our [Gitter Community][gitter]! For development related questions and discussions, please consider joining our IRC channel on freenode (`freenode/##linux-surface`) or the [equivalent Matrix bridge](https://matrix.to/#/#freenode_##linux-surface:matrix.org). [wiki-setup]: https://github.com/linux-surface/linux-surface/wiki/Installation-and-Setup [wiki-setup-post]: https://github.com/linux-surface/linux-surface/wiki/Installation-and-Setup#post-installation [wiki-repos]: https://github.com/linux-surface/linux-surface/wiki/Package-Repositories [wiki-secure-boot]: https://github.com/linux-surface/linux-surface/wiki/Secure-Boot [wiki-compiling]: https://github.com/linux-surface/linux-surface/wiki/Compiling-the-Kernel-from-Source [gitter]: https://gitter.im/linux-surface [hibernate-setup]: https://fitzcarraldoblog.wordpress.com/2018/07/14/configuring-lubuntu-18-04-to-enable-hibernation-using-a-swap-file [releases]: https://github.com/linux-surface/linux-surface/releases [linux-surface-kernel]: https://github.com/linux-surface/kernel/