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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import annotations
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
def grub2_editenv(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str:["grub2-editenv", *args], check=True, **kwargs)
def main() -> int:
boot: Path = Path("/boot")
mid: Path = Path("/etc/machine-id")
if not boot.exists():
print("ERROR: /boot directory does not exist")
return 1
if not mid.exists():
print("ERROR: /etc/machine-id does not exist")
return 1
blsdir: Path = boot / "loader" / "entries"
if not blsdir.exists():
print("ERROR: /boot/loader/entries does not exist")
return 1
grub2_editenv("--help", capture_output=True)
print("ERROR: grub2-editenv is not working")
return 1
# Get list of surface kernels sorted by timestamp.
# We use creation time here because it represents when the kernel was installed.
# Modification time can be a bit wonky and seems to correspond to the build date.
kernels: list[Path] = sorted(
key=lambda x: x.stat().st_ctime,
if len(kernels) == 0:
print("ERROR: Failed to find a surface kernel")
return 1
# The saved_entry property from grubenv determines what kernel is booted by default.
# Its value is the filename of the BLS entry in /boot/loader/entries minus the file extension.
# The BLS files are named using a combination of the machine ID and the version string
# of the kernel that is being booted. Since we have the vmlinux, we can get the version
# from its name, and the machine ID from /etc/machine-id.
# This allows setting the default kernel without calling grubby or having to figure out
# which path GRUB will use to boot the kernel.
kernel: Path = kernels[0]
machineid: str = mid.read_text().strip()
version: str ="vmlinuz-")
blscfg: Path = blsdir / "{}-{}.conf".format(machineid, version)
# Make sure the config really exists
if not blscfg.exists():
print("ERROR: {} does not exist".format(blscfg))
return 1
print("Kernel: {}".format(kernel))
print("BLS entry: {}".format(blscfg))
grub2_editenv("-", "set", "saved_entry={}".format(blscfg.stem))
# Update timestamp for rEFInd and ensure it is marked as latest across all kernels
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":