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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
## The name of the modified kernel package.
PACKAGE_NAME = "surface"
## Fedora tags: kernel-X.Y.Z
## Upstream tags: vX.Y.Z
2023-07-28 17:33:44 +00:00
PACKAGE_TAG = "kernel-6.4.7-0"
## The release number of the modified kernel package.
## e.g. 300 for
2023-07-22 08:46:38 +00:00
## Build options for configuring which parts of the kernel package are enabled.
## We disable all userspace components because we only want the kernel + modules.
## We also don't care too much about debug info or UKI.
## To list the available options, run make dist-full-help in the kernel-ark tree.
KERNEL_BUILDOPTS = "+up +baseonly -debuginfo -doc -headers -efiuki"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage="Build a Fedora kernel with linux-surface patches")
help="The local path to the kernel-ark repository.",
help="The remote path to the kernel-ark repository.",
help="Whether to build a source RPM or binary RPMs.",
choices=["rpms", "srpm"],
help="The directory where the built RPM files will be saved.",
args = parser.parse_args()
# The directory where this script is saved.
script = Path(sys.argv[0]).resolve().parent
# The root of the linux-surface repository.
linux_surface = script / ".." / ".." / ".."
# Determine the major version of the kernel.
kernel_version = PACKAGE_TAG.split("-")[1]
kernel_major = ".".join(kernel_version.split(".")[:2])
# Determine the patches directory and config file.
patches = linux_surface / "patches" / kernel_major
config = linux_surface / "configs" / ("surface-%s.config" % kernel_major)
sb_cert = script / "secureboot" / "MOK.crt"
sb_key = script / "secureboot" / "MOK.key"
# Check if the major version is supported.
if not patches.exists() or not config.exists():
print("ERROR: Could not find patches / configs for kernel %s!" % kernel_major)
# Check if Secure Boot keys are available.
sb_avail = sb_cert.exists() and sb_key.exists()
# If we are building without secureboot, require user input to continue.
if not sb_avail:
print("Secure Boot keys were not configured! Using Red Hat testkeys.")
print("The compiled kernel will not boot with Secure Boot enabled!")
input("Press enter to continue: ")
# Expand globs
surface_patches = sorted(patches.glob("*.patch"))
cmd = [script / ""]
cmd += ["--ark-dir", args.ark_dir]
cmd += ["--ark-url", args.ark_url]
cmd += ["--mode", args.mode]
cmd += ["--outdir", args.outdir]
cmd += ["--package-name", PACKAGE_NAME]
cmd += ["--package-tag", PACKAGE_TAG]
cmd += ["--package-release", PACKAGE_RELEASE]
cmd += ["--patch"] + surface_patches
cmd += ["--config", config]
cmd += ["--buildopts", KERNEL_BUILDOPTS]
local_patches = sorted((script / "patches").glob("*.patch"))
local_configs = sorted((script / "configs").glob("*.config"))
local_files = sorted((script / "files").glob("*"))
if len(local_patches) > 0:
cmd += ["--patch"] + local_patches
if len(local_configs) > 0:
cmd += ["--config"] + local_configs
if len(local_files) > 0:
cmd += ["--file"] + local_files
if sb_avail:
sb_patches = sorted((script / "secureboot").glob("*.patch"))
sb_configs = sorted((script / "secureboot").glob("*.config"))
if len(sb_patches) > 0:
cmd += ["--patch"] + sb_patches
if len(sb_configs) > 0:
cmd += ["--config"] + sb_configs
cmd += ["--file", sb_cert, sb_key], check=True)