Diego Frias 2cfc1873c0 LibWasm: Flatten instructions in one continuous loop during parsing
Instead of multiple loops and multiple vectors, parse Wasm expressions
in a simple loop. This gets us from ~450ms to instantiate spidermonkey
to ~280ms.
2024-07-25 12:16:45 +02:00

470 lines
25 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021, Ali Mohammad Pur <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/DistinctNumeric.h>
namespace Wasm {
namespace Instructions {
M(unreachable, 0x00) \
M(nop, 0x01) \
M(block, 0x02) \
M(loop, 0x03) \
M(if_, 0x04) \
M(structured_else, 0x05) \
M(structured_end, 0x0b) \
M(br, 0x0c) \
M(br_if, 0x0d) \
M(br_table, 0x0e) \
M(return_, 0x0f) \
M(call, 0x10) \
M(call_indirect, 0x11) \
M(drop, 0x1a) \
M(select, 0x1b) \
M(select_typed, 0x1c) \
M(local_get, 0x20) \
M(local_set, 0x21) \
M(local_tee, 0x22) \
M(global_get, 0x23) \
M(global_set, 0x24) \
M(table_get, 0x25) \
M(table_set, 0x26) \
M(i32_load, 0x28) \
M(i64_load, 0x29) \
M(f32_load, 0x2a) \
M(f64_load, 0x2b) \
M(i32_load8_s, 0x2c) \
M(i32_load8_u, 0x2d) \
M(i32_load16_s, 0x2e) \
M(i32_load16_u, 0x2f) \
M(i64_load8_s, 0x30) \
M(i64_load8_u, 0x31) \
M(i64_load16_s, 0x32) \
M(i64_load16_u, 0x33) \
M(i64_load32_s, 0x34) \
M(i64_load32_u, 0x35) \
M(i32_store, 0x36) \
M(i64_store, 0x37) \
M(f32_store, 0x38) \
M(f64_store, 0x39) \
M(i32_store8, 0x3a) \
M(i32_store16, 0x3b) \
M(i64_store8, 0x3c) \
M(i64_store16, 0x3d) \
M(i64_store32, 0x3e) \
M(memory_size, 0x3f) \
M(memory_grow, 0x40) \
M(i32_const, 0x41) \
M(i64_const, 0x42) \
M(f32_const, 0x43) \
M(f64_const, 0x44) \
M(i32_eqz, 0x45) \
M(i32_eq, 0x46) \
M(i32_ne, 0x47) \
M(i32_lts, 0x48) \
M(i32_ltu, 0x49) \
M(i32_gts, 0x4a) \
M(i32_gtu, 0x4b) \
M(i32_les, 0x4c) \
M(i32_leu, 0x4d) \
M(i32_ges, 0x4e) \
M(i32_geu, 0x4f) \
M(i64_eqz, 0x50) \
M(i64_eq, 0x51) \
M(i64_ne, 0x52) \
M(i64_lts, 0x53) \
M(i64_ltu, 0x54) \
M(i64_gts, 0x55) \
M(i64_gtu, 0x56) \
M(i64_les, 0x57) \
M(i64_leu, 0x58) \
M(i64_ges, 0x59) \
M(i64_geu, 0x5a) \
M(f32_eq, 0x5b) \
M(f32_ne, 0x5c) \
M(f32_lt, 0x5d) \
M(f32_gt, 0x5e) \
M(f32_le, 0x5f) \
M(f32_ge, 0x60) \
M(f64_eq, 0x61) \
M(f64_ne, 0x62) \
M(f64_lt, 0x63) \
M(f64_gt, 0x64) \
M(f64_le, 0x65) \
M(f64_ge, 0x66) \
M(i32_clz, 0x67) \
M(i32_ctz, 0x68) \
M(i32_popcnt, 0x69) \
M(i32_add, 0x6a) \
M(i32_sub, 0x6b) \
M(i32_mul, 0x6c) \
M(i32_divs, 0x6d) \
M(i32_divu, 0x6e) \
M(i32_rems, 0x6f) \
M(i32_remu, 0x70) \
M(i32_and, 0x71) \
M(i32_or, 0x72) \
M(i32_xor, 0x73) \
M(i32_shl, 0x74) \
M(i32_shrs, 0x75) \
M(i32_shru, 0x76) \
M(i32_rotl, 0x77) \
M(i32_rotr, 0x78) \
M(i64_clz, 0x79) \
M(i64_ctz, 0x7a) \
M(i64_popcnt, 0x7b) \
M(i64_add, 0x7c) \
M(i64_sub, 0x7d) \
M(i64_mul, 0x7e) \
M(i64_divs, 0x7f) \
M(i64_divu, 0x80) \
M(i64_rems, 0x81) \
M(i64_remu, 0x82) \
M(i64_and, 0x83) \
M(i64_or, 0x84) \
M(i64_xor, 0x85) \
M(i64_shl, 0x86) \
M(i64_shrs, 0x87) \
M(i64_shru, 0x88) \
M(i64_rotl, 0x89) \
M(i64_rotr, 0x8a) \
M(f32_abs, 0x8b) \
M(f32_neg, 0x8c) \
M(f32_ceil, 0x8d) \
M(f32_floor, 0x8e) \
M(f32_trunc, 0x8f) \
M(f32_nearest, 0x90) \
M(f32_sqrt, 0x91) \
M(f32_add, 0x92) \
M(f32_sub, 0x93) \
M(f32_mul, 0x94) \
M(f32_div, 0x95) \
M(f32_min, 0x96) \
M(f32_max, 0x97) \
M(f32_copysign, 0x98) \
M(f64_abs, 0x99) \
M(f64_neg, 0x9a) \
M(f64_ceil, 0x9b) \
M(f64_floor, 0x9c) \
M(f64_trunc, 0x9d) \
M(f64_nearest, 0x9e) \
M(f64_sqrt, 0x9f) \
M(f64_add, 0xa0) \
M(f64_sub, 0xa1) \
M(f64_mul, 0xa2) \
M(f64_div, 0xa3) \
M(f64_min, 0xa4) \
M(f64_max, 0xa5) \
M(f64_copysign, 0xa6) \
M(i32_wrap_i64, 0xa7) \
M(i32_trunc_sf32, 0xa8) \
M(i32_trunc_uf32, 0xa9) \
M(i32_trunc_sf64, 0xaa) \
M(i32_trunc_uf64, 0xab) \
M(i64_extend_si32, 0xac) \
M(i64_extend_ui32, 0xad) \
M(i64_trunc_sf32, 0xae) \
M(i64_trunc_uf32, 0xaf) \
M(i64_trunc_sf64, 0xb0) \
M(i64_trunc_uf64, 0xb1) \
M(f32_convert_si32, 0xb2) \
M(f32_convert_ui32, 0xb3) \
M(f32_convert_si64, 0xb4) \
M(f32_convert_ui64, 0xb5) \
M(f32_demote_f64, 0xb6) \
M(f64_convert_si32, 0xb7) \
M(f64_convert_ui32, 0xb8) \
M(f64_convert_si64, 0xb9) \
M(f64_convert_ui64, 0xba) \
M(f64_promote_f32, 0xbb) \
M(i32_reinterpret_f32, 0xbc) \
M(i64_reinterpret_f64, 0xbd) \
M(f32_reinterpret_i32, 0xbe) \
M(f64_reinterpret_i64, 0xbf) \
M(i32_extend8_s, 0xc0) \
M(i32_extend16_s, 0xc1) \
M(i64_extend8_s, 0xc2) \
M(i64_extend16_s, 0xc3) \
M(i64_extend32_s, 0xc4) \
M(ref_null, 0xd0) \
M(ref_is_null, 0xd1) \
M(ref_func, 0xd2)
// These are synthetic opcodes, they are _not_ seen in wasm with these values.
M(i32_trunc_sat_f32_s, 0xfc00000000000000ull) \
M(i32_trunc_sat_f32_u, 0xfc00000000000001ull) \
M(i32_trunc_sat_f64_s, 0xfc00000000000002ull) \
M(i32_trunc_sat_f64_u, 0xfc00000000000003ull) \
M(i64_trunc_sat_f32_s, 0xfc00000000000004ull) \
M(i64_trunc_sat_f32_u, 0xfc00000000000005ull) \
M(i64_trunc_sat_f64_s, 0xfc00000000000006ull) \
M(i64_trunc_sat_f64_u, 0xfc00000000000007ull) \
M(memory_init, 0xfc00000000000008ull) \
M(data_drop, 0xfc00000000000009ull) \
M(memory_copy, 0xfc0000000000000aull) \
M(memory_fill, 0xfc0000000000000bull) \
M(table_init, 0xfc0000000000000cull) \
M(elem_drop, 0xfc0000000000000dull) \
M(table_copy, 0xfc0000000000000eull) \
M(table_grow, 0xfc0000000000000full) \
M(table_size, 0xfc00000000000010ull) \
M(table_fill, 0xfc00000000000011ull) \
M(v128_load, 0xfd00000000000000ull) \
M(v128_load8x8_s, 0xfd00000000000001ull) \
M(v128_load8x8_u, 0xfd00000000000002ull) \
M(v128_load16x4_s, 0xfd00000000000003ull) \
M(v128_load16x4_u, 0xfd00000000000004ull) \
M(v128_load32x2_s, 0xfd00000000000005ull) \
M(v128_load32x2_u, 0xfd00000000000006ull) \
M(v128_load8_splat, 0xfd00000000000007ull) \
M(v128_load16_splat, 0xfd00000000000008ull) \
M(v128_load32_splat, 0xfd00000000000009ull) \
M(v128_load64_splat, 0xfd0000000000000aull) \
M(v128_store, 0xfd0000000000000bull) \
M(v128_const, 0xfd0000000000000cull) \
M(i8x16_shuffle, 0xfd0000000000000dull) \
M(i8x16_swizzle, 0xfd0000000000000eull) \
M(i8x16_splat, 0xfd0000000000000full) \
M(i16x8_splat, 0xfd00000000000010ull) \
M(i32x4_splat, 0xfd00000000000011ull) \
M(i64x2_splat, 0xfd00000000000012ull) \
M(f32x4_splat, 0xfd00000000000013ull) \
M(f64x2_splat, 0xfd00000000000014ull) \
M(i8x16_extract_lane_s, 0xfd00000000000015ull) \
M(i8x16_extract_lane_u, 0xfd00000000000016ull) \
M(i8x16_replace_lane, 0xfd00000000000017ull) \
M(i16x8_extract_lane_s, 0xfd00000000000018ull) \
M(i16x8_extract_lane_u, 0xfd00000000000019ull) \
M(i16x8_replace_lane, 0xfd0000000000001aull) \
M(i32x4_extract_lane, 0xfd0000000000001bull) \
M(i32x4_replace_lane, 0xfd0000000000001cull) \
M(i64x2_extract_lane, 0xfd0000000000001dull) \
M(i64x2_replace_lane, 0xfd0000000000001eull) \
M(f32x4_extract_lane, 0xfd0000000000001full) \
M(f32x4_replace_lane, 0xfd00000000000020ull) \
M(f64x2_extract_lane, 0xfd00000000000021ull) \
M(f64x2_replace_lane, 0xfd00000000000022ull) \
M(i8x16_eq, 0xfd00000000000023ull) \
M(i8x16_ne, 0xfd00000000000024ull) \
M(i8x16_lt_s, 0xfd00000000000025ull) \
M(i8x16_lt_u, 0xfd00000000000026ull) \
M(i8x16_gt_s, 0xfd00000000000027ull) \
M(i8x16_gt_u, 0xfd00000000000028ull) \
M(i8x16_le_s, 0xfd00000000000029ull) \
M(i8x16_le_u, 0xfd0000000000002aull) \
M(i8x16_ge_s, 0xfd0000000000002bull) \
M(i8x16_ge_u, 0xfd0000000000002cull) \
M(i16x8_eq, 0xfd0000000000002dull) \
M(i16x8_ne, 0xfd0000000000002eull) \
M(i16x8_lt_s, 0xfd0000000000002full) \
M(i16x8_lt_u, 0xfd00000000000030ull) \
M(i16x8_gt_s, 0xfd00000000000031ull) \
M(i16x8_gt_u, 0xfd00000000000032ull) \
M(i16x8_le_s, 0xfd00000000000033ull) \
M(i16x8_le_u, 0xfd00000000000034ull) \
M(i16x8_ge_s, 0xfd00000000000035ull) \
M(i16x8_ge_u, 0xfd00000000000036ull) \
M(i32x4_eq, 0xfd00000000000037ull) \
M(i32x4_ne, 0xfd00000000000038ull) \
M(i32x4_lt_s, 0xfd00000000000039ull) \
M(i32x4_lt_u, 0xfd0000000000003aull) \
M(i32x4_gt_s, 0xfd0000000000003bull) \
M(i32x4_gt_u, 0xfd0000000000003cull) \
M(i32x4_le_s, 0xfd0000000000003dull) \
M(i32x4_le_u, 0xfd0000000000003eull) \
M(i32x4_ge_s, 0xfd0000000000003full) \
M(i32x4_ge_u, 0xfd00000000000040ull) \
M(f32x4_eq, 0xfd00000000000041ull) \
M(f32x4_ne, 0xfd00000000000042ull) \
M(f32x4_lt, 0xfd00000000000043ull) \
M(f32x4_gt, 0xfd00000000000044ull) \
M(f32x4_le, 0xfd00000000000045ull) \
M(f32x4_ge, 0xfd00000000000046ull) \
M(f64x2_eq, 0xfd00000000000047ull) \
M(f64x2_ne, 0xfd00000000000048ull) \
M(f64x2_lt, 0xfd00000000000049ull) \
M(f64x2_gt, 0xfd0000000000004aull) \
M(f64x2_le, 0xfd0000000000004bull) \
M(f64x2_ge, 0xfd0000000000004cull) \
M(v128_not, 0xfd0000000000004dull) \
M(v128_and, 0xfd0000000000004eull) \
M(v128_andnot, 0xfd0000000000004full) \
M(v128_or, 0xfd00000000000050ull) \
M(v128_xor, 0xfd00000000000051ull) \
M(v128_bitselect, 0xfd00000000000052ull) \
M(v128_any_true, 0xfd00000000000053ull) \
M(v128_load8_lane, 0xfd00000000000054ull) \
M(v128_load16_lane, 0xfd00000000000055ull) \
M(v128_load32_lane, 0xfd00000000000056ull) \
M(v128_load64_lane, 0xfd00000000000057ull) \
M(v128_store8_lane, 0xfd00000000000058ull) \
M(v128_store16_lane, 0xfd00000000000059ull) \
M(v128_store32_lane, 0xfd0000000000005aull) \
M(v128_store64_lane, 0xfd0000000000005bull) \
M(v128_load32_zero, 0xfd0000000000005cull) \
M(v128_load64_zero, 0xfd0000000000005dull) \
M(f32x4_demote_f64x2_zero, 0xfd0000000000005eull) \
M(f64x2_promote_low_f32x4, 0xfd0000000000005full) \
M(i8x16_abs, 0xfd00000000000060ull) \
M(i8x16_neg, 0xfd00000000000061ull) \
M(i8x16_popcnt, 0xfd00000000000062ull) \
M(i8x16_all_true, 0xfd00000000000063ull) \
M(i8x16_bitmask, 0xfd00000000000064ull) \
M(i8x16_narrow_i16x8_s, 0xfd00000000000065ull) \
M(i8x16_narrow_i16x8_u, 0xfd00000000000066ull) \
M(f32x4_ceil, 0xfd00000000000067ull) \
M(f32x4_floor, 0xfd00000000000068ull) \
M(f32x4_trunc, 0xfd00000000000069ull) \
M(f32x4_nearest, 0xfd0000000000006aull) \
M(i8x16_shl, 0xfd0000000000006bull) \
M(i8x16_shr_s, 0xfd0000000000006cull) \
M(i8x16_shr_u, 0xfd0000000000006dull) \
M(i8x16_add, 0xfd0000000000006eull) \
M(i8x16_add_sat_s, 0xfd0000000000006full) \
M(i8x16_add_sat_u, 0xfd00000000000070ull) \
M(i8x16_sub, 0xfd00000000000071ull) \
M(i8x16_sub_sat_s, 0xfd00000000000072ull) \
M(i8x16_sub_sat_u, 0xfd00000000000073ull) \
M(f64x2_ceil, 0xfd00000000000074ull) \
M(f64x2_floor, 0xfd00000000000075ull) \
M(i8x16_min_s, 0xfd00000000000076ull) \
M(i8x16_min_u, 0xfd00000000000077ull) \
M(i8x16_max_s, 0xfd00000000000078ull) \
M(i8x16_max_u, 0xfd00000000000079ull) \
M(f64x2_trunc, 0xfd0000000000007aull) \
M(i8x16_avgr_u, 0xfd0000000000007bull) \
M(i16x8_extadd_pairwise_i8x16_s, 0xfd0000000000007cull) \
M(i16x8_extadd_pairwise_i8x16_u, 0xfd0000000000007dull) \
M(i32x4_extadd_pairwise_i16x8_s, 0xfd0000000000007eull) \
M(i32x4_extadd_pairwise_i16x8_u, 0xfd0000000000007full) \
M(i16x8_abs, 0xfd00000000000080ull) \
M(i16x8_neg, 0xfd00000000000081ull) \
M(i16x8_q15mulr_sat_s, 0xfd00000000000082ull) \
M(i16x8_all_true, 0xfd00000000000083ull) \
M(i16x8_bitmask, 0xfd00000000000084ull) \
M(i16x8_narrow_i32x4_s, 0xfd00000000000085ull) \
M(i16x8_narrow_i32x4_u, 0xfd00000000000086ull) \
M(i16x8_extend_low_i8x16_s, 0xfd00000000000087ull) \
M(i16x8_extend_high_i8x16_s, 0xfd00000000000088ull) \
M(i16x8_extend_low_i8x16_u, 0xfd00000000000089ull) \
M(i16x8_extend_high_i8x16_u, 0xfd0000000000008aull) \
M(i16x8_shl, 0xfd0000000000008bull) \
M(i16x8_shr_s, 0xfd0000000000008cull) \
M(i16x8_shr_u, 0xfd0000000000008dull) \
M(i16x8_add, 0xfd0000000000008eull) \
M(i16x8_add_sat_s, 0xfd0000000000008full) \
M(i16x8_add_sat_u, 0xfd00000000000090ull) \
M(i16x8_sub, 0xfd00000000000091ull) \
M(i16x8_sub_sat_s, 0xfd00000000000092ull) \
M(i16x8_sub_sat_u, 0xfd00000000000093ull) \
M(f64x2_nearest, 0xfd00000000000094ull) \
M(i16x8_mul, 0xfd00000000000095ull) \
M(i16x8_min_s, 0xfd00000000000096ull) \
M(i16x8_min_u, 0xfd00000000000097ull) \
M(i16x8_max_s, 0xfd00000000000098ull) \
M(i16x8_max_u, 0xfd00000000000099ull) \
M(i16x8_avgr_u, 0xfd0000000000009bull) \
M(i16x8_extmul_low_i8x16_s, 0xfd0000000000009cull) \
M(i16x8_extmul_high_i8x16_s, 0xfd0000000000009dull) \
M(i16x8_extmul_low_i8x16_u, 0xfd0000000000009eull) \
M(i16x8_extmul_high_i8x16_u, 0xfd0000000000009full) \
M(i32x4_abs, 0xfd000000000000a0ull) \
M(i32x4_neg, 0xfd000000000000a1ull) \
M(i32x4_all_true, 0xfd000000000000a3ull) \
M(i32x4_bitmask, 0xfd000000000000a4ull) \
M(i32x4_extend_low_i16x8_s, 0xfd000000000000a7ull) \
M(i32x4_extend_high_i16x8_s, 0xfd000000000000a8ull) \
M(i32x4_extend_low_i16x8_u, 0xfd000000000000a9ull) \
M(i32x4_extend_high_i16x8_u, 0xfd000000000000aaull) \
M(i32x4_shl, 0xfd000000000000abull) \
M(i32x4_shr_s, 0xfd000000000000acull) \
M(i32x4_shr_u, 0xfd000000000000adull) \
M(i32x4_add, 0xfd000000000000aeull) \
M(i32x4_sub, 0xfd000000000000b1ull) \
M(i32x4_mul, 0xfd000000000000b5ull) \
M(i32x4_min_s, 0xfd000000000000b6ull) \
M(i32x4_min_u, 0xfd000000000000b7ull) \
M(i32x4_max_s, 0xfd000000000000b8ull) \
M(i32x4_max_u, 0xfd000000000000b9ull) \
M(i32x4_dot_i16x8_s, 0xfd000000000000baull) \
M(i32x4_extmul_low_i16x8_s, 0xfd000000000000bcull) \
M(i32x4_extmul_high_i16x8_s, 0xfd000000000000bdull) \
M(i32x4_extmul_low_i16x8_u, 0xfd000000000000beull) \
M(i32x4_extmul_high_i16x8_u, 0xfd000000000000bfull) \
M(i64x2_abs, 0xfd000000000000c0ull) \
M(i64x2_neg, 0xfd000000000000c1ull) \
M(i64x2_all_true, 0xfd000000000000c3ull) \
M(i64x2_bitmask, 0xfd000000000000c4ull) \
M(i64x2_extend_low_i32x4_s, 0xfd000000000000c7ull) \
M(i64x2_extend_high_i32x4_s, 0xfd000000000000c8ull) \
M(i64x2_extend_low_i32x4_u, 0xfd000000000000c9ull) \
M(i64x2_extend_high_i32x4_u, 0xfd000000000000caull) \
M(i64x2_shl, 0xfd000000000000cbull) \
M(i64x2_shr_s, 0xfd000000000000ccull) \
M(i64x2_shr_u, 0xfd000000000000cdull) \
M(i64x2_add, 0xfd000000000000ceull) \
M(i64x2_sub, 0xfd000000000000d1ull) \
M(i64x2_mul, 0xfd000000000000d5ull) \
M(i64x2_eq, 0xfd000000000000d6ull) \
M(i64x2_ne, 0xfd000000000000d7ull) \
M(i64x2_lt_s, 0xfd000000000000d8ull) \
M(i64x2_gt_s, 0xfd000000000000d9ull) \
M(i64x2_le_s, 0xfd000000000000daull) \
M(i64x2_ge_s, 0xfd000000000000dbull) \
M(i64x2_extmul_low_i32x4_s, 0xfd000000000000dcull) \
M(i64x2_extmul_high_i32x4_s, 0xfd000000000000ddull) \
M(i64x2_extmul_low_i32x4_u, 0xfd000000000000deull) \
M(i64x2_extmul_high_i32x4_u, 0xfd000000000000dfull) \
M(f32x4_abs, 0xfd000000000000e0ull) \
M(f32x4_neg, 0xfd000000000000e1ull) \
M(f32x4_sqrt, 0xfd000000000000e3ull) \
M(f32x4_add, 0xfd000000000000e4ull) \
M(f32x4_sub, 0xfd000000000000e5ull) \
M(f32x4_mul, 0xfd000000000000e6ull) \
M(f32x4_div, 0xfd000000000000e7ull) \
M(f32x4_min, 0xfd000000000000e8ull) \
M(f32x4_max, 0xfd000000000000e9ull) \
M(f32x4_pmin, 0xfd000000000000eaull) \
M(f32x4_pmax, 0xfd000000000000ebull) \
M(f64x2_abs, 0xfd000000000000ecull) \
M(f64x2_neg, 0xfd000000000000edull) \
M(f64x2_sqrt, 0xfd000000000000efull) \
M(f64x2_add, 0xfd000000000000f0ull) \
M(f64x2_sub, 0xfd000000000000f1ull) \
M(f64x2_mul, 0xfd000000000000f2ull) \
M(f64x2_div, 0xfd000000000000f3ull) \
M(f64x2_min, 0xfd000000000000f4ull) \
M(f64x2_max, 0xfd000000000000f5ull) \
M(f64x2_pmin, 0xfd000000000000f6ull) \
M(f64x2_pmax, 0xfd000000000000f7ull) \
M(i32x4_trunc_sat_f32x4_s, 0xfd000000000000f8ull) \
M(i32x4_trunc_sat_f32x4_u, 0xfd000000000000f9ull) \
M(f32x4_convert_i32x4_s, 0xfd000000000000faull) \
M(f32x4_convert_i32x4_u, 0xfd000000000000fbull) \
M(i32x4_trunc_sat_f64x2_s_zero, 0xfd000000000000fcull) \
M(i32x4_trunc_sat_f64x2_u_zero, 0xfd000000000000fdull) \
M(f64x2_convert_low_i32x4_s, 0xfd000000000000feull) \
M(f64x2_convert_low_i32x4_u, 0xfd000000000000ffull)
#define M(name, value) static constexpr OpCode name = value;
#undef M