Mart G 8202beeb2b WindowServer+LibGUI: Shrink window edge resize hot-spots
The hot-spots for resizing a window by dragging its corner are now
limited to a small area around the actual corner instead of an area with
1/3rd the length or width of the window.

The hot-spots to resize a window while holding a modifier key and the
right mouse button are unchanged.
2022-10-11 17:48:48 +02:00

18 lines
691 B

#include <LibGfx/ShareableBitmap.h>
endpoint WindowManagerServer
set_event_mask(u32 event_mask) =|
set_manager_window(i32 window_id) =|
set_active_window(i32 client_id, i32 window_id) =|
set_window_minimized(i32 client_id, i32 window_id, bool minimized) =|
toggle_show_desktop() =|
start_window_resize(i32 client_id, i32 window_id, i32 resize_direction) =|
popup_window_menu(i32 client_id, i32 window_id, Gfx::IntPoint screen_position) =|
set_window_taskbar_rect(i32 client_id, i32 window_id, Gfx::IntRect rect) =|
set_applet_area_position(Gfx::IntPoint position) =|
set_workspace(u32 row, u32 column) =|
set_keymap([UTF8] String keymap) =|