import json import sys import struct import subprocess from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from typing import Union, Literal, Any class ParseException(Exception): pass class GenerateException(Exception): pass @dataclass class WasmPrimitiveValue: kind: Literal["i32", "i64", "f32", "f64", "externref", "funcref"] value: str @dataclass class WasmVector: lanes: list[str] num_bits: int WasmValue = Union[WasmPrimitiveValue, WasmVector] @dataclass class ModuleCommand: line: int file_name: Path name: str | None @dataclass class Invoke: field: str args: list[WasmValue] module: str | None @dataclass class Get: field: str module: str | None Action = Union[Invoke, Get] @dataclass class Register: line: int name: str | None as_: str @dataclass class AssertReturn: line: int action: Action expected: WasmValue | None @dataclass class AssertTrap: line: int messsage: str action: Action @dataclass class ActionCommand: line: int action: Action @dataclass class AssertInvalid: line: int filename: str message: str Command = Union[ ModuleCommand, AssertReturn, AssertTrap, ActionCommand, AssertInvalid, Register, ] @dataclass class ArithmeticNan: num_bits: int @dataclass class CanonicalNan: num_bits: int @dataclass class GeneratedVector: repr: str num_bits: int GeneratedValue = Union[str, ArithmeticNan, CanonicalNan, GeneratedVector] @dataclass class WastDescription: source_filename: str commands: list[Command] @dataclass class Context: current_module_name: str has_unclosed: bool def parse_value(arg: dict[str, str]) -> WasmValue: type_ = arg["type"] match type_: case "i32" | "i64" | "f32" | "f64" | "externref" | "funcref": return WasmPrimitiveValue(type_, arg["value"]) case "v128": if not isinstance(arg["value"], list): raise ParseException("Got unknown type for Wasm value") num_bits = int(arg["lane_type"][1:]) return WasmVector(arg["value"], num_bits) case _: raise ParseException(f"Unknown value type: {type_}") def parse_args(raw_args: list[dict[str, str]]) -> list[WasmValue]: return [parse_value(arg) for arg in raw_args] def parse_action(action: dict[str, Any]) -> Action: match action["type"]: case "invoke": return Invoke( action["field"], parse_args(action["args"]), action.get("module") ) case "get": return Get(action["field"], action.get("module")) case _: raise ParseException(f"Action not implemented: {action['type']}") def parse(raw: dict[str, Any]) -> WastDescription: commands: list[Command] = [] for raw_cmd in raw["commands"]: line = raw_cmd["line"] cmd: Command match raw_cmd["type"]: case "module": cmd = ModuleCommand( line, Path(raw_cmd["filename"]), raw_cmd.get("name") ) case "action": cmd = ActionCommand(line, parse_action(raw_cmd["action"])) case "register": cmd = Register(line, raw_cmd.get("name"), raw_cmd["as"]) case "assert_return": cmd = AssertReturn( line, parse_action(raw_cmd["action"]), parse_value(raw_cmd["expected"][0]) if len(raw_cmd["expected"]) == 1 else None, ) case "assert_trap" | "assert_exhaustion": cmd = AssertTrap(line, raw_cmd["text"], parse_action(raw_cmd["action"])) case "assert_invalid" | "assert_malformed" | "assert_uninstantiable" | "assert_unlinkable": if raw_cmd.get("module_type") == "text": continue cmd = AssertInvalid(line, raw_cmd["filename"], raw_cmd["text"]) case _: raise ParseException(f"Unknown command type: {raw_cmd['type']}") commands.append(cmd) return WastDescription(raw["source_filename"], commands) def escape(s: str) -> str: return s.replace('"', '\\"') def make_description(input_path: Path, name: str, out_path: Path) -> WastDescription: out_json_path = out_path / f"{name}.json" result = ["wast2json", input_path, f"--output={out_json_path}", "--no-check"], ) result.check_returncode() with open(out_json_path, "r") as f: description = json.load(f) return parse(description) def gen_vector(vec: WasmVector, *, array=False) -> str: addition = "n" if vec.num_bits == 64 else "" vals = ", ".join(v + addition if v.isdigit() else f'"{v}"' for v in vec.lanes) if not array: type_ = "BigUint64Array" if vec.num_bits == 64 else f"Uint{vec.num_bits}Array" return f"new {type_}([{vals}])" return f"[{vals}]" def gen_value_arg(value: WasmValue) -> str: if isinstance(value, WasmVector): return gen_vector(value) def unsigned_to_signed(uint: int, bits: int) -> int: max_value = 2**bits if uint >= 2 ** (bits - 1): signed_int = uint - max_value else: signed_int = uint return signed_int def int_to_float_bitcast(uint: int) -> float: b = struct.pack("I", uint) f = struct.unpack("f", b)[0] return f def int_to_float64_bitcast(uint: int) -> float: uint64 = uint & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF b = struct.pack("Q", uint64) f = struct.unpack("d", b)[0] return f def float_to_str(bits: int, *, double=False) -> str: f = int_to_float64_bitcast(bits) if double else int_to_float_bitcast(bits) return str(f) if value.value.startswith("nan"): raise GenerateException("Should not get indeterminate nan value as an argument") if value.value == "inf": return "Infinity" if value.value == "-inf": return "-Infinity" match value.kind: case "i32": return str(unsigned_to_signed(int(value.value), 32)) case "i64": return str(unsigned_to_signed(int(value.value), 64)) + "n" case "f32": return str(int(value.value)) + f" /* {float_to_str(int(value.value))} */" case "f64": return ( str(int(value.value)) + f"n /* {float_to_str(int(value.value), double=True)} */" ) case "externref" | "funcref" | "v128": return value.value case _: raise GenerateException(f"Not implemented: {value.kind}") def gen_value_result(value: WasmValue) -> GeneratedValue: if isinstance(value, WasmVector): return GeneratedVector(gen_vector(value, array=True), value.num_bits) if (value.kind == "f32" or value.kind == "f64") and value.value.startswith("nan"): num_bits = int(value.kind[1:]) match value.value: case "nan:canonical": return CanonicalNan(num_bits) case "nan:arithmetic": return ArithmeticNan(num_bits) case _: raise GenerateException(f"Unknown indeterminate nan: {value.value}") return gen_value_arg(value) def gen_args(args: list[WasmValue]) -> str: return ",".join(gen_value_arg(arg) for arg in args) def gen_module_command(command: ModuleCommand, ctx: Context): if ctx.has_unclosed: print("});") print( f"""describe("{command.file_name.stem}", () => {{ let _test = test; let content, module; try {{ content = readBinaryWasmFile("Fixtures/SpecTests/{command.file_name}"); module = parseWebAssemblyModule(content, globalImportObject); }} catch (e) {{ _test("parse", () => expect().fail(e)); _test = test.skip; _test.skip = test.skip; }} """ ) if is not None: print(f'namedModules["{}"] = module;') ctx.current_module_name = command.file_name.stem ctx.has_unclosed = True def gen_invalid(invalid: AssertInvalid, ctx: Context): # TODO: Remove this once the multiple memories proposal is standardized. # We support the multiple memories proposal, so spec-tests that check that # we don't do not make any sense to include right now. if invalid.message == "multiple memories": return if ctx.has_unclosed: print("});") ctx.has_unclosed = False stem = Path(invalid.filename).stem print( f""" describe("{stem}", () => {{ let _test = test; _test("parse of {stem} (line {invalid.line})", () => {{ content = readBinaryWasmFile("Fixtures/SpecTests/{invalid.filename}"); expect(() => parseWebAssemblyModule(content, globalImportObject)).toThrow(Error, "{invalid.message}"); }}); }});""" ) def gen_pretty_expect(expr: str, got: str, expect: str): print( f"if (!{expr}) {{ expect().fail(`Failed with ${{{got}}}, expected {expect}`); }}" ) def gen_invoke( line: int, invoke: Invoke, result: WasmValue | None, ctx: Context, *, fail_msg: str | None = None, ): if not ctx.has_unclosed: print(f'describe("inline (line {line}))", () => {{\nlet _test = test;\n') module = "module" if invoke.module is not None: module = f'namedModules["{invoke.module}"]' utf8 = ( str(invoke.field.encode("utf8"))[2:-1] .replace("\\'", "'") .replace("`", "${'`'}") ) print( f"""_test(`execution of {ctx.current_module_name}: {utf8} (line {line})`, () => {{ let _field = {module}.getExport(decodeURIComponent(escape(`{utf8}`))); expect(_field).not.toBeUndefined();""" ) if fail_msg is not None: print(f'expect(() => {module}.invoke(_field)).toThrow(Error, "{fail_msg}");') else: print(f"let _result = {module}.invoke(_field, {gen_args(invoke.args)});") if result is not None: gen_result = gen_value_result(result) match gen_result: case str(): print(f"expect(_result).toBe({gen_result});") case ArithmeticNan(): gen_pretty_expect( f"isArithmeticNaN{gen_result.num_bits}(_result)", "_result", "nan:arithmetic", ) case CanonicalNan(): gen_pretty_expect( f"isCanonicalNaN{gen_result.num_bits}(_result)", "_result", "nan:canonical", ) case GeneratedVector(): if gen_result.num_bits == 64: array = "new BigUint64Array(_result)" else: array = f"new Uint{gen_result.num_bits}Array(_result)" gen_pretty_expect( f"testSIMDVector({gen_result.repr}, {array})", array, gen_result.repr, ) print("});") if not ctx.has_unclosed: print("});") def gen_get(line: int, get: Get, result: WasmValue | None, ctx: Context): module = "module" if get.module is not None: module = f'namedModules["{get.module}"]' print( f"""_test("execution of {ctx.current_module_name}: get-{get.field} (line {line})", () => {{ let _field = {module}.getExport("{get.field}");""" ) if result is not None: print(f"expect(_field).toBe({gen_value_result(result)});") print("});") def gen_register(register: Register, _: Context): module = "module" if is not None: module = f'namedModules["{}"]' print(f'globalImportObject["{register.as_}"] = {module};') def gen_command(command: Command, ctx: Context): match command: case ModuleCommand(): gen_module_command(command, ctx) case ActionCommand(): if isinstance(command.action, Invoke): gen_invoke(command.line, command.action, None, ctx) else: raise GenerateException( f"Not implemented: top-level {type(command.action)}" ) case AssertInvalid(): gen_invalid(command, ctx) case Register(): gen_register(command, ctx) case AssertReturn(): match command.action: case Invoke(): gen_invoke(command.line, command.action, command.expected, ctx) case Get(): gen_get(command.line, command.action, command.expected, ctx) case AssertTrap(): if not isinstance(command.action, Invoke): raise GenerateException(f"Not implemented: {type(command.action)}") gen_invoke( command.line, command.action, None, ctx, fail_msg=command.messsage ) def generate(description: WastDescription): print("let globalImportObject = {};\nlet namedModules = {};\n") ctx = Context("", False) for command in description.commands: gen_command(command, ctx) if ctx.has_unclosed: print("});") def clean_up(path: Path): for file in path.iterdir(): if file.suffix in ("wat", "json"): file.unlink() def main(): input_path = Path(sys.argv[1]) name = sys.argv[2] out_path = Path(sys.argv[3]) description = make_description(input_path, name, out_path) generate(description) clean_up(out_path) if __name__ == "__main__": main()