/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2021, kleines Filmröllchen * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include namespace Audio { using AK::Exponentials::exp; using AK::Exponentials::log; // Constants for logarithmic volume. See Sample::linear_to_log // Corresponds to 60dB constexpr double DYNAMIC_RANGE = 1000; constexpr double VOLUME_A = 1 / DYNAMIC_RANGE; double const VOLUME_B = log(DYNAMIC_RANGE); // A single sample in an audio buffer. // Values are floating point, and should range from -1.0 to +1.0 struct Sample { constexpr Sample() = default; // For mono constexpr explicit Sample(double left) : left(left) , right(left) { } // For stereo constexpr Sample(double left, double right) : left(left) , right(right) { } void clip() { if (left > 1) left = 1; else if (left < -1) left = -1; if (right > 1) right = 1; else if (right < -1) right = -1; } // Logarithmic scaling, as audio should ALWAYS do. // Reference: https://www.dr-lex.be/info-stuff/volumecontrols.html // We use the curve `factor = a * exp(b * change)`, // where change is the input fraction we want to change by, // a = 1/1000, b = ln(1000) = 6.908 and factor is the multiplier used. // The value 1000 represents the dynamic range in sound pressure, which corresponds to 60 dB(A). // This is a good dynamic range because it can represent all loudness values from // 30 dB(A) (barely hearable with background noise) // to 90 dB(A) (almost too loud to hear and about the reasonable limit of actual sound equipment). // // Format ranges: // - Linear: 0.0 to 1.0 // - Logarithmic: 0.0 to 1.0 ALWAYS_INLINE double linear_to_log(double const change) const { // TODO: Add linear slope around 0 return VOLUME_A * exp(VOLUME_B * change); } ALWAYS_INLINE double log_to_linear(double const val) const { // TODO: Add linear slope around 0 return log(val / VOLUME_A) / VOLUME_B; } ALWAYS_INLINE Sample& log_multiply(double const change) { double factor = linear_to_log(change); left *= factor; right *= factor; return *this; } ALWAYS_INLINE Sample log_multiplied(double const volume_change) const { Sample new_frame { left, right }; new_frame.log_multiply(volume_change); return new_frame; } // Constant power panning ALWAYS_INLINE Sample& pan(double const position) { double const pi_over_2 = AK::Pi * 0.5; double const root_over_2 = AK::sqrt(2.0) * 0.5; double const angle = position * pi_over_2 * 0.5; double s, c; AK::sincos(angle, s, c); left *= root_over_2 * (c - s); right *= root_over_2 * (c + s); return *this; } ALWAYS_INLINE Sample panned(double const position) const { Sample new_sample { left, right }; new_sample.pan(position); return new_sample; } constexpr Sample& operator*=(double const mult) { left *= mult; right *= mult; return *this; } constexpr Sample operator*(double const mult) const { return { left * mult, right * mult }; } constexpr Sample& operator+=(Sample const& other) { left += other.left; right += other.right; return *this; } constexpr Sample& operator+=(double other) { left += other; right += other; return *this; } constexpr Sample operator+(Sample const& other) const { return { left + other.left, right + other.right }; } double left { 0 }; double right { 0 }; }; }