/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include namespace Kernel { static char s_cmd_line[1024]; static constexpr StringView s_embedded_cmd_line = ""; static CommandLine* s_the; UNMAP_AFTER_INIT void CommandLine::early_initialize(const char* cmd_line) { if (!cmd_line) return; size_t length = strlen(cmd_line); if (length >= sizeof(s_cmd_line)) length = sizeof(s_cmd_line) - 1; memcpy(s_cmd_line, cmd_line, length); s_cmd_line[length] = '\0'; } const CommandLine& kernel_command_line() { VERIFY(s_the); return *s_the; } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT void CommandLine::initialize() { VERIFY(!s_the); s_the = new CommandLine(s_cmd_line); dmesgln("Kernel Commandline: {}", kernel_command_line().string()); // Validate the modes the user passed in. (void)s_the->panic_mode(Validate::Yes); if (s_the->contains("boot_mode"sv)) { // I know, we don't do legacy, but even though I eliminated 'boot_mode' from the codebase, there // is a good chance that someone's still using it. Let's be nice and tell them where to look. // TODO: Remove this in 2022. PANIC("'boot_mode' is now split into panic=[halt|shutdown], fbdev=[on|off], and system_mode=[graphical|text|selftest]."); } } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT void CommandLine::build_commandline(const String& cmdline_from_bootloader) { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(cmdline_from_bootloader); if constexpr (!s_embedded_cmd_line.is_empty()) { builder.append(" "); builder.append(s_embedded_cmd_line); } m_string = builder.to_string(); } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT void CommandLine::add_arguments(const Vector& args) { for (auto&& str : args) { if (str == ""sv) { continue; } auto pair = str.split_view('=', false); VERIFY(pair.size() == 2 || pair.size() == 1); if (pair.size() == 1) { m_params.set(move(pair[0]), ""sv); } else { m_params.set(move(pair[0]), move(pair[1])); } } } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT CommandLine::CommandLine(const String& cmdline_from_bootloader) { s_the = this; build_commandline(cmdline_from_bootloader); const auto& args = m_string.split_view(' '); m_params.ensure_capacity(args.size()); add_arguments(args); } Optional CommandLine::lookup(StringView key) const { return m_params.get(key); } bool CommandLine::contains(StringView key) const { return m_params.contains(key); } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT bool CommandLine::is_boot_profiling_enabled() const { return contains("boot_prof"sv); } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT bool CommandLine::is_ide_enabled() const { return !contains("disable_ide"sv); } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT bool CommandLine::is_smp_enabled() const { return lookup("smp"sv).value_or("off"sv) == "on"sv; } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT bool CommandLine::is_vmmouse_enabled() const { return lookup("vmmouse"sv).value_or("on"sv) == "on"sv; } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT PCIAccessLevel CommandLine::pci_access_level() const { auto value = lookup("pci_ecam"sv).value_or("on"sv); if (value == "on"sv) return PCIAccessLevel::MemoryAddressing; if (value == "off"sv) return PCIAccessLevel::IOAddressing; PANIC("Unknown PCI ECAM setting: {}", value); } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT bool CommandLine::is_legacy_time_enabled() const { return lookup("time"sv).value_or("modern"sv) == "legacy"sv; } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT bool CommandLine::is_force_pio() const { return contains("force_pio"sv); } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT StringView CommandLine::root_device() const { return lookup("root"sv).value_or("/dev/hda"sv); } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT AcpiFeatureLevel CommandLine::acpi_feature_level() const { auto value = kernel_command_line().lookup("acpi"sv).value_or("limited"sv); if (value == "limited"sv) return AcpiFeatureLevel::Limited; if (value == "off"sv) return AcpiFeatureLevel::Disabled; if (value == "on"sv) return AcpiFeatureLevel::Enabled; PANIC("Unknown ACPI feature level: {}", value); } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT HPETMode CommandLine::hpet_mode() const { auto hpet_mode = lookup("hpet"sv).value_or("periodic"sv); if (hpet_mode == "periodic"sv) return HPETMode::Periodic; if (hpet_mode == "nonperiodic"sv) return HPETMode::NonPeriodic; PANIC("Unknown HPETMode: {}", hpet_mode); } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT bool CommandLine::is_physical_networking_disabled() const { return contains("disable_physical_networking"sv); } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT bool CommandLine::disable_ps2_controller() const { return contains("disable_ps2_controller"sv); } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT bool CommandLine::disable_physical_storage() const { return contains("disable_physical_storage"sv); } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT bool CommandLine::disable_uhci_controller() const { return contains("disable_uhci_controller"sv); } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT bool CommandLine::disable_usb() const { return contains("disable_usb"sv); } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT bool CommandLine::disable_virtio() const { return contains("disable_virtio"sv); } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT AHCIResetMode CommandLine::ahci_reset_mode() const { const auto ahci_reset_mode = lookup("ahci_reset_mode"sv).value_or("controllers"sv); if (ahci_reset_mode == "controllers"sv) { return AHCIResetMode::ControllerOnly; } else if (ahci_reset_mode == "aggressive"sv) { return AHCIResetMode::Aggressive; } PANIC("Unknown AHCIResetMode: {}", ahci_reset_mode); } StringView CommandLine::system_mode() const { return lookup("system_mode"sv).value_or("graphical"sv); } PanicMode CommandLine::panic_mode(Validate should_validate) const { const auto panic_mode = lookup("panic"sv).value_or("halt"sv); if (panic_mode == "halt"sv) { return PanicMode::Halt; } else if (panic_mode == "shutdown"sv) { return PanicMode::Shutdown; } if (should_validate == Validate::Yes) PANIC("Unknown PanicMode: {}", panic_mode); return PanicMode::Halt; } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT bool CommandLine::are_framebuffer_devices_enabled() const { return lookup("fbdev"sv).value_or("on"sv) == "on"sv; } StringView CommandLine::userspace_init() const { return lookup("init"sv).value_or("/bin/SystemServer"sv); } NonnullOwnPtrVector CommandLine::userspace_init_args() const { NonnullOwnPtrVector args; auto init_args = lookup("init_args"sv).value_or(""sv).split_view(';'); if (!init_args.is_empty()) args.prepend(KString::must_create(userspace_init())); for (auto& init_arg : init_args) args.append(KString::must_create(init_arg)); return args; } UNMAP_AFTER_INIT size_t CommandLine::switch_to_tty() const { const auto default_tty = lookup("switch_to_tty"sv).value_or("1"sv); auto switch_tty_number = default_tty.to_uint(); if (switch_tty_number.has_value() && switch_tty_number.value() >= 1) { return switch_tty_number.value() - 1; } PANIC("Invalid default tty value: {}", default_tty); } }