/* * Copyright (c) 2020, The SerenityOS developers. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Kernel { bool Thread::Blocker::set_block_condition(Thread::BlockCondition& block_condition, void* data) { ASSERT(!m_block_condition); if (block_condition.add_blocker(*this, data)) { m_block_condition = &block_condition; m_block_data = data; return true; } return false; } Thread::Blocker::~Blocker() { ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); if (m_block_condition) m_block_condition->remove_blocker(*this, m_block_data); } void Thread::Blocker::begin_blocking(Badge) { ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); ASSERT(!m_is_blocking); ASSERT(!m_blocked_thread); m_blocked_thread = Thread::current(); m_is_blocking = true; } auto Thread::Blocker::end_blocking(Badge, bool did_timeout) -> BlockResult { ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); // if m_is_blocking is false here, some thread forced to // unblock us when we get here. This is only called from the // thread that was blocked. ASSERT(Thread::current() == m_blocked_thread); m_is_blocking = false; m_blocked_thread = nullptr; was_unblocked(did_timeout); return block_result(); } Thread::JoinBlocker::JoinBlocker(Thread& joinee, KResult& try_join_result, void*& joinee_exit_value) : m_joinee(joinee) , m_joinee_exit_value(joinee_exit_value) { { // We need to hold our lock to avoid a race where try_join succeeds // but the joinee is joining immediately ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); try_join_result = joinee.try_join([&]() { if (!set_block_condition(joinee.m_join_condition)) m_should_block = false; }); m_join_error = try_join_result.is_error(); if (m_join_error) m_should_block = false; } } void Thread::JoinBlocker::not_blocking(bool timeout_in_past) { if (!m_should_block) { // set_block_condition returned false, so unblock was already called ASSERT(!timeout_in_past); return; } // If we should have blocked but got here it must have been that the // timeout was already in the past. So we need to ask the BlockCondition // to supply us the information. We cannot hold the lock as unblock // could be called by the BlockCondition at any time! ASSERT(timeout_in_past); m_joinee->m_join_condition.try_unblock(*this); } bool Thread::JoinBlocker::unblock(void* value, bool from_add_blocker) { { ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); if (m_did_unblock) return false; m_did_unblock = true; m_joinee_exit_value = value; do_set_interrupted_by_death(); } if (!from_add_blocker) unblock_from_blocker(); return true; } Thread::QueueBlocker::QueueBlocker(WaitQueue& wait_queue, const char* block_reason) : m_block_reason(block_reason) { if (!set_block_condition(wait_queue, Thread::current())) m_should_block = false; } Thread::QueueBlocker::~QueueBlocker() { } bool Thread::QueueBlocker::unblock() { { ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); if (m_did_unblock) return false; m_did_unblock = true; } unblock_from_blocker(); return true; } Thread::FutexBlocker::FutexBlocker(FutexQueue& futex_queue, u32 bitset) : m_bitset(bitset) { if (!set_block_condition(futex_queue, Thread::current())) m_should_block = false; } Thread::FutexBlocker::~FutexBlocker() { } void Thread::FutexBlocker::finish_requeue(FutexQueue& futex_queue) { ASSERT(m_lock.own_lock()); set_block_condition_raw_locked(&futex_queue); // We can now release the lock m_lock.unlock(m_relock_flags); } bool Thread::FutexBlocker::unblock_bitset(u32 bitset) { { ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); if (m_did_unblock || (bitset != FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY && (m_bitset & bitset) == 0)) return false; m_did_unblock = true; } unblock_from_blocker(); return true; } bool Thread::FutexBlocker::unblock(bool force) { { ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); if (m_did_unblock) return force; m_did_unblock = true; } unblock_from_blocker(); return true; } Thread::FileDescriptionBlocker::FileDescriptionBlocker(FileDescription& description, BlockFlags flags, BlockFlags& unblocked_flags) : m_blocked_description(description) , m_flags(flags) , m_unblocked_flags(unblocked_flags) { m_unblocked_flags = BlockFlags::None; if (!set_block_condition(description.block_condition())) m_should_block = false; } bool Thread::FileDescriptionBlocker::unblock(bool from_add_blocker, void*) { auto unblock_flags = m_blocked_description->should_unblock(m_flags); if (unblock_flags == BlockFlags::None) return false; { ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); if (m_did_unblock) return false; m_did_unblock = true; m_unblocked_flags = unblock_flags; } if (!from_add_blocker) unblock_from_blocker(); return true; } void Thread::FileDescriptionBlocker::not_blocking(bool timeout_in_past) { if (!m_should_block) { // set_block_condition returned false, so unblock was already called ASSERT(!timeout_in_past); return; } // If we should have blocked but got here it must have been that the // timeout was already in the past. So we need to ask the BlockCondition // to supply us the information. We cannot hold the lock as unblock // could be called by the BlockCondition at any time! ASSERT(timeout_in_past); // Just call unblock here because we will query the file description // for the data and don't need any input from the FileBlockCondition. // However, it's possible that if timeout_in_past is true then FileBlockCondition // may call us at any given time, so our call to unblock here may fail. // Either way, unblock will be called at least once, which provides // all the data we need. unblock(false, nullptr); } const FileDescription& Thread::FileDescriptionBlocker::blocked_description() const { return m_blocked_description; } Thread::AcceptBlocker::AcceptBlocker(FileDescription& description, BlockFlags& unblocked_flags) : FileDescriptionBlocker(description, (BlockFlags)((u32)BlockFlags::Accept | (u32)BlockFlags::Exception), unblocked_flags) { } Thread::ConnectBlocker::ConnectBlocker(FileDescription& description, BlockFlags& unblocked_flags) : FileDescriptionBlocker(description, (BlockFlags)((u32)BlockFlags::Connect | (u32)BlockFlags::Exception), unblocked_flags) { } Thread::WriteBlocker::WriteBlocker(FileDescription& description, BlockFlags& unblocked_flags) : FileDescriptionBlocker(description, (BlockFlags)((u32)BlockFlags::Write | (u32)BlockFlags::Exception), unblocked_flags) { } auto Thread::WriteBlocker::override_timeout(const BlockTimeout& timeout) -> const BlockTimeout& { auto& description = blocked_description(); if (description.is_socket()) { auto& socket = *description.socket(); if (socket.has_send_timeout()) { m_timeout = BlockTimeout(false, &socket.send_timeout(), timeout.start_time(), timeout.clock_id()); if (timeout.is_infinite() || (!m_timeout.is_infinite() && m_timeout.absolute_time() < timeout.absolute_time())) return m_timeout; } } return timeout; } Thread::ReadBlocker::ReadBlocker(FileDescription& description, BlockFlags& unblocked_flags) : FileDescriptionBlocker(description, (BlockFlags)((u32)BlockFlags::Read | (u32)BlockFlags::Exception), unblocked_flags) { } auto Thread::ReadBlocker::override_timeout(const BlockTimeout& timeout) -> const BlockTimeout& { auto& description = blocked_description(); if (description.is_socket()) { auto& socket = *description.socket(); if (socket.has_receive_timeout()) { m_timeout = BlockTimeout(false, &socket.receive_timeout(), timeout.start_time(), timeout.clock_id()); if (timeout.is_infinite() || (!m_timeout.is_infinite() && m_timeout.absolute_time() < timeout.absolute_time())) return m_timeout; } } return timeout; } Thread::SleepBlocker::SleepBlocker(const BlockTimeout& deadline, timespec* remaining) : m_deadline(deadline) , m_remaining(remaining) { } auto Thread::SleepBlocker::override_timeout(const BlockTimeout& timeout) -> const BlockTimeout& { ASSERT(timeout.is_infinite()); // A timeout should not be provided // To simplify things only use the sleep deadline. return m_deadline; } void Thread::SleepBlocker::not_blocking(bool timeout_in_past) { // SleepBlocker::should_block should always return true, so timeout // in the past is the only valid case when this function is called ASSERT(timeout_in_past); calculate_remaining(); } void Thread::SleepBlocker::was_unblocked(bool did_timeout) { Blocker::was_unblocked(did_timeout); calculate_remaining(); } void Thread::SleepBlocker::calculate_remaining() { if (!m_remaining) return; auto time_now = TimeManagement::the().current_time(m_deadline.clock_id()).value(); if (time_now < m_deadline.absolute_time()) timespec_sub(m_deadline.absolute_time(), time_now, *m_remaining); else *m_remaining = {}; } Thread::BlockResult Thread::SleepBlocker::block_result() { auto result = Blocker::block_result(); if (result == Thread::BlockResult::InterruptedByTimeout) return Thread::BlockResult::WokeNormally; return result; } Thread::SelectBlocker::SelectBlocker(FDVector& fds) : m_fds(fds) { for (auto& fd_entry : m_fds) { fd_entry.unblocked_flags = FileBlocker::BlockFlags::None; if (!m_should_block) continue; if (!fd_entry.description->block_condition().add_blocker(*this, &fd_entry)) m_should_block = false; } } Thread::SelectBlocker::~SelectBlocker() { for (auto& fd_entry : m_fds) fd_entry.description->block_condition().remove_blocker(*this, &fd_entry); } void Thread::SelectBlocker::not_blocking(bool timeout_in_past) { // Either the timeout was in the past or we didn't add all blockers ASSERT(timeout_in_past || !m_should_block); ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); if (!m_did_unblock) { m_did_unblock = true; if (!timeout_in_past) { auto count = collect_unblocked_flags(); ASSERT(count > 0); } } } bool Thread::SelectBlocker::unblock(bool from_add_blocker, void* data) { ASSERT(data); // data is a pointer to an entry in the m_fds vector auto& fd_info = *static_cast(data); { ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); if (m_did_unblock) return false; auto unblock_flags = fd_info.description->should_unblock(fd_info.block_flags); if (unblock_flags == BlockFlags::None) return false; m_did_unblock = true; // We need to store unblock_flags here, otherwise someone else // affecting this file descriptor could change the information // between now and when was_unblocked is called! fd_info.unblocked_flags = unblock_flags; } // Only do this once for the first one if (!from_add_blocker) unblock_from_blocker(); return true; } size_t Thread::SelectBlocker::collect_unblocked_flags() { size_t count = 0; for (auto& fd_entry : m_fds) { ASSERT(fd_entry.block_flags != FileBlocker::BlockFlags::None); // unblock will have set at least the first descriptor's unblock // flags that triggered the unblock. Make sure we don't discard that // information as it may have changed by now! if (fd_entry.unblocked_flags == FileBlocker::BlockFlags::None) fd_entry.unblocked_flags = fd_entry.description->should_unblock(fd_entry.block_flags); if (fd_entry.unblocked_flags != FileBlocker::BlockFlags::None) count++; } return count; } void Thread::SelectBlocker::was_unblocked(bool did_timeout) { Blocker::was_unblocked(did_timeout); if (!did_timeout && !was_interrupted()) { { ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); ASSERT(m_did_unblock); } size_t count = collect_unblocked_flags(); // If we were blocked and didn't time out, we should have at least one unblocked fd! ASSERT(count > 0); } } Thread::WaitBlockCondition::ProcessBlockInfo::ProcessBlockInfo(NonnullRefPtr&& process, WaitBlocker::UnblockFlags flags, u8 signal) : process(move(process)) , flags(flags) , signal(signal) { } Thread::WaitBlockCondition::ProcessBlockInfo::~ProcessBlockInfo() { } void Thread::WaitBlockCondition::try_unblock(Thread::WaitBlocker& blocker) { ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); // We if we have any processes pending for (size_t i = 0; i < m_processes.size(); i++) { auto& info = m_processes[i]; // We need to call unblock as if we were called from add_blocker // so that we don't trigger a context switch by yielding! if (info.was_waited && blocker.is_wait()) continue; // This state was already waited on, do not unblock if (blocker.unblock(info.process, info.flags, info.signal, true)) { if (blocker.is_wait()) { if (info.flags == Thread::WaitBlocker::UnblockFlags::Terminated) { m_processes.remove(i); dbgln("WaitBlockCondition[{}] terminated, remove {}", m_process, *info.process); } else { dbgln("WaitBlockCondition[{}] terminated, mark as waited {}", m_process, *info.process); info.was_waited = true; } } break; } } } void Thread::WaitBlockCondition::disowned_by_waiter(Process& process) { ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); if (m_finalized) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_processes.size();) { auto& info = m_processes[i]; if (info.process == &process) { do_unblock([&](Blocker& b, void*, bool&) { ASSERT(b.blocker_type() == Blocker::Type::Wait); auto& blocker = static_cast(b); bool did_unblock = blocker.unblock(info.process, WaitBlocker::UnblockFlags::Disowned, 0, false); ASSERT(did_unblock); // disowning must unblock everyone return true; }); dbgln("WaitBlockCondition[{}] disowned {}", m_process, *info.process); m_processes.remove(i); continue; } i++; } } bool Thread::WaitBlockCondition::unblock(Process& process, WaitBlocker::UnblockFlags flags, u8 signal) { ASSERT(flags != WaitBlocker::UnblockFlags::Disowned); bool did_unblock_any = false; bool did_wait = false; bool was_waited_already = false; ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); if (m_finalized) return false; if (flags != WaitBlocker::UnblockFlags::Terminated) { // First check if this state was already waited on for (auto& info : m_processes) { if (info.process == &process) { was_waited_already = info.was_waited; break; } } } do_unblock([&](Blocker& b, void*, bool&) { ASSERT(b.blocker_type() == Blocker::Type::Wait); auto& blocker = static_cast(b); if (was_waited_already && blocker.is_wait()) return false; // This state was already waited on, do not unblock if (blocker.unblock(process, flags, signal, false)) { did_wait |= blocker.is_wait(); // anyone requesting a wait did_unblock_any = true; return true; } return false; }); // If no one has waited (yet), or this wasn't a wait, or if it's anything other than // UnblockFlags::Terminated then add it to your list if (!did_unblock_any || !did_wait || flags != WaitBlocker::UnblockFlags::Terminated) { bool updated_existing = false; for (auto& info : m_processes) { if (info.process == &process) { ASSERT(info.flags != WaitBlocker::UnblockFlags::Terminated); info.flags = flags; info.signal = signal; info.was_waited = did_wait; dbgln("WaitBlockCondition[{}] update {} flags={}, waited={}", m_process, process, (int)flags, info.was_waited); updated_existing = true; break; } } if (!updated_existing) { dbgln("WaitBlockCondition[{}] add {} flags: {}", m_process, process, (int)flags); m_processes.append(ProcessBlockInfo(process, flags, signal)); } } return did_unblock_any; } bool Thread::WaitBlockCondition::should_add_blocker(Blocker& b, void*) { // NOTE: m_lock is held already! if (m_finalized) return false; ASSERT(b.blocker_type() == Blocker::Type::Wait); auto& blocker = static_cast(b); // See if we can match any process immediately for (size_t i = 0; i < m_processes.size(); i++) { auto& info = m_processes[i]; if (blocker.unblock(info.process, info.flags, info.signal, true)) { // Only remove the entry if UnblockFlags::Terminated if (info.flags == Thread::WaitBlocker::UnblockFlags::Terminated && blocker.is_wait()) m_processes.remove(i); return false; } } return true; } void Thread::WaitBlockCondition::finalize() { ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); ASSERT(!m_finalized); m_finalized = true; // Clear the list of threads here so we can drop the references to them m_processes.clear(); // No more waiters, drop the last reference immediately. This may // cause us to be destructed ourselves! ASSERT(m_process.ref_count() > 0); m_process.unref(); } Thread::WaitBlocker::WaitBlocker(int wait_options, idtype_t id_type, pid_t id, KResultOr& result) : m_wait_options(wait_options) , m_id_type(id_type) , m_waitee_id(id) , m_result(result) , m_should_block(!(m_wait_options & WNOHANG)) { switch (id_type) { case P_PID: { m_waitee = Process::from_pid(m_waitee_id); if (!m_waitee || m_waitee->ppid() != Process::current()->pid()) { m_result = ECHILD; m_error = true; return; } break; } case P_PGID: { m_waitee_group = ProcessGroup::from_pgid(m_waitee_id); if (!m_waitee_group) { m_result = ECHILD; m_error = true; return; } break; } case P_ALL: break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } // NOTE: unblock may be called within set_block_condition, in which // case it means that we already have a match without having to block. // In that case set_block_condition will return false. if (m_error || !set_block_condition(Process::current()->wait_block_condition())) m_should_block = false; } void Thread::WaitBlocker::not_blocking(bool timeout_in_past) { ASSERT(timeout_in_past || !m_should_block); if (!m_error) Process::current()->wait_block_condition().try_unblock(*this); } void Thread::WaitBlocker::was_unblocked(bool) { bool got_sigchld, try_unblock; { ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); try_unblock = !m_did_unblock; got_sigchld = m_got_sigchild; } if (try_unblock) Process::current()->wait_block_condition().try_unblock(*this); // If we were interrupted by SIGCHLD (which gets special handling // here) we're not going to return with EINTR. But we're going to // deliver SIGCHLD (only) here. auto* current_thread = Thread::current(); if (got_sigchld && current_thread->state() != State::Stopped) current_thread->try_dispatch_one_pending_signal(SIGCHLD); } void Thread::WaitBlocker::do_was_disowned() { ASSERT(!m_did_unblock); m_did_unblock = true; m_result = ECHILD; } void Thread::WaitBlocker::do_set_result(const siginfo_t& result) { ASSERT(!m_did_unblock); m_did_unblock = true; m_result = result; if (do_get_interrupted_by_signal() == SIGCHLD) { // This makes it so that wait() will return normally despite the // fact that SIGCHLD was delivered. Calling do_clear_interrupted_by_signal // will disable dispatching signals in Thread::block and prevent // it from returning with EINTR. We will then manually dispatch // SIGCHLD (and only SIGCHLD) in was_unblocked. m_got_sigchild = true; do_clear_interrupted_by_signal(); } } bool Thread::WaitBlocker::unblock(Process& process, UnblockFlags flags, u8 signal, bool from_add_blocker) { ASSERT(flags != UnblockFlags::Terminated || signal == 0); // signal argument should be ignored for Terminated switch (m_id_type) { case P_PID: ASSERT(m_waitee); if (process.pid() != m_waitee_id) return false; break; case P_PGID: ASSERT(m_waitee_group); if (process.pgid() != m_waitee_group->pgid()) return false; break; case P_ALL: if (flags == UnblockFlags::Disowned) { // Generic waiter won't be unblocked by disown return false; } break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } switch (flags) { case UnblockFlags::Terminated: if (!(m_wait_options & WEXITED)) return false; break; case UnblockFlags::Stopped: if (!(m_wait_options & WSTOPPED)) return false; if (!(m_wait_options & WUNTRACED) && !process.is_traced()) return false; break; case UnblockFlags::Continued: if (!(m_wait_options & WCONTINUED)) return false; if (!(m_wait_options & WUNTRACED) && !process.is_traced()) return false; break; case UnblockFlags::Disowned: ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); // Disowning must unblock anyone waiting for this process explicitly if (!m_did_unblock) do_was_disowned(); return true; } if (flags == UnblockFlags::Terminated) { ASSERT(process.is_dead()); ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); if (m_did_unblock) return false; // Up until this point, this function may have been called // more than once! do_set_result(process.wait_info()); } else { siginfo_t siginfo; memset(&siginfo, 0, sizeof(siginfo)); { ScopedSpinLock lock(g_scheduler_lock); // We need to gather the information before we release the sheduler lock! siginfo.si_signo = SIGCHLD; siginfo.si_pid = process.pid().value(); siginfo.si_uid = process.uid(); siginfo.si_status = signal; switch (flags) { case UnblockFlags::Terminated: case UnblockFlags::Disowned: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); case UnblockFlags::Stopped: siginfo.si_code = CLD_STOPPED; break; case UnblockFlags::Continued: siginfo.si_code = CLD_CONTINUED; break; } } ScopedSpinLock lock(m_lock); if (m_did_unblock) return false; // Up until this point, this function may have been called // more than once! do_set_result(siginfo); } if (!from_add_blocker) { // Only call unblock if we weren't called from within set_block_condition! ASSERT(flags != UnblockFlags::Disowned); unblock_from_blocker(); } // Because this may be called from add_blocker, in which case we should // not be actually trying to unblock the thread (because it hasn't actually // been blocked yet), we need to return true anyway return true; } }