/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace GUI { void VimCursor::move() { if (m_forwards) move_forwards(); else move_backwards(); } void VimCursor::move_reverse() { if (m_forwards) move_backwards(); else move_forwards(); } u32 VimCursor::peek() { TextPosition saved_position = m_position; move(); u32 peeked = current_char(); m_position = saved_position; return peeked; } u32 VimCursor::peek_reverse() { TextPosition saved_position = m_position; move_reverse(); u32 peeked = current_char(); m_position = saved_position; return peeked; } TextDocumentLine& VimCursor::current_line() { return m_editor.line(m_position.line()); } u32 VimCursor::current_char() { if (on_empty_line()) { // Fails all of isspace, ispunct, isalnum so should be good. return 0; } else { return current_line().view().code_points()[m_position.column()]; } } bool VimCursor::on_empty_line() { return current_line().length() == 0; } bool VimCursor::will_cross_line_boundary() { if (on_empty_line()) return true; else if (m_forwards && m_position.column() == current_line().length() - 1) return true; else if (!m_forwards && m_position.column() == 0) return true; else return false; } void VimCursor::move_forwards() { if (on_empty_line() || m_position.column() == current_line().length() - 1) { if (m_position.line() == m_editor.line_count() - 1) { // We have reached the end of the document, so any other // forward movements are no-ops. m_hit_edge = true; } else { m_position.set_column(0); m_position.set_line(m_position.line() + 1); m_crossed_line_boundary = true; } } else { m_position.set_column(m_position.column() + 1); m_crossed_line_boundary = false; } } void VimCursor::move_backwards() { if (m_position.column() == 0) { if (m_position.line() == 0) { // We have reached the start of the document, so any other // backward movements are no-ops. m_hit_edge = true; } else { m_position.set_line(m_position.line() - 1); if (!on_empty_line()) m_position.set_column(current_line().length() - 1); else m_position.set_column(0); m_crossed_line_boundary = true; } } else { m_position.set_column(m_position.column() - 1); m_crossed_line_boundary = false; } } void VimMotion::add_key_code(KeyCode key, [[maybe_unused]] bool ctrl, bool shift, [[maybe_unused]] bool alt) { if (is_complete()) return; if (m_find_mode != FindMode::None) { // We need to consume the next character because we are going to find // until that character. // HACK: there is no good way to obtain whether a character is alphanumeric // from the keycode itself. char const* keycode_str = key_code_to_string(key); if (strlen(keycode_str) == 1 && (isalpha(keycode_str[0]) || isspace(keycode_str[0]))) { m_next_character = tolower(keycode_str[0]); m_unit = Unit::Find; } else { m_unit = Unit::Unknown; } m_is_complete = true; m_should_consume_next_character = false; return; } bool should_use_guirky = m_guirky_mode; switch (key) { #define DIGIT(n) \ case KeyCode::Key_##n: \ m_amount = (m_amount * 10) + n; \ break // Digits add digits to the amount. DIGIT(1); DIGIT(2); DIGIT(3); DIGIT(4); DIGIT(5); DIGIT(6); DIGIT(7); DIGIT(8); DIGIT(9); #undef DIGIT // Home means to the beginning of the line. case KeyCode::Key_Home: m_unit = Unit::Character; m_amount = START_OF_LINE; m_is_complete = true; break; // If 0 appears while amount is 0, then it means beginning of line. // Otherwise, it adds 0 to the amount. case KeyCode::Key_0: if (m_amount == 0) { m_unit = Unit::Character; m_amount = START_OF_LINE; m_is_complete = true; } else { m_amount = m_amount * 10; } break; // End or $ means end of line. // TODO: d2$ in vim deletes to the end of the line and then the next line. case KeyCode::Key_End: case KeyCode::Key_Dollar: m_unit = Unit::Character; m_amount = END_OF_LINE; m_is_complete = true; break; // ^ means the first non-whitespace character for this line. // It deletes backwards if you're in front of it, and forwards if you're behind. case KeyCode::Key_Circumflex: m_unit = Unit::Character; m_amount = START_OF_NON_WHITESPACE; m_is_complete = true; break; // j, down or + operates on this line and amount line(s) after. case KeyCode::Key_J: case KeyCode::Key_Down: case KeyCode::Key_Plus: m_unit = Unit::Line; if (m_amount == 0) m_amount = 1; m_is_complete = true; break; // k, up or - operates on this line and amount line(s) before. case KeyCode::Key_K: case KeyCode::Key_Up: case KeyCode::Key_Minus: m_unit = Unit::Line; if (m_amount == 0) m_amount = -1; else m_amount = -m_amount; m_is_complete = true; break; // BS, h or left operates on this character and amount character(s) before. case KeyCode::Key_Backspace: case KeyCode::Key_H: case KeyCode::Key_Left: m_unit = Unit::Character; if (m_amount == 0) m_amount = -1; else m_amount = -m_amount; m_is_complete = true; break; // l or right operates on this character and amount character(s) after. case KeyCode::Key_L: case KeyCode::Key_Right: m_unit = Unit::Character; if (m_amount > 0) m_amount--; m_is_complete = true; break; // w operates on amount word(s) after. // W operates on amount WORD(s) after. case KeyCode::Key_W: if (shift) m_unit = Unit::WORD; else m_unit = Unit::Word; if (m_amount == 0) m_amount = 1; m_is_complete = true; break; // b operates on amount word(s) before. // B operates on amount WORD(s) before. case KeyCode::Key_B: if (shift) m_unit = Unit::WORD; else m_unit = Unit::Word; if (m_amount == 0) m_amount = -1; else m_amount = -m_amount; m_is_complete = true; break; // e operates on amount of word(s) after, till the end of the last word. // E operates on amount of WORD(s) after, till the end of the last WORD. // ge operates on amount of word(s) before, till the end of the last word. // gE operates on amount of WORD(s) before, till the end of the last WORD. case KeyCode::Key_E: if (shift) m_unit = Unit::EndOfWORD; else m_unit = Unit::EndOfWord; if (m_guirky_mode) { if (m_amount == 0) m_amount = -1; else m_amount = -m_amount; m_guirky_mode = false; } else { if (m_amount == 0) m_amount = 1; } m_is_complete = true; break; // g enables guirky (g-prefix commands) mode. // gg operates from the start of the document to the cursor. // G operates from the cursor to the end of the document. case KeyCode::Key_G: if (m_guirky_mode) { if (shift) { // gG is not a valid command in vim. m_guirky_mode = false; m_unit = Unit::Unknown; m_is_complete = true; } else { m_guirky_mode = false; m_unit = Unit::Document; m_amount = -1; m_is_complete = true; } } else { if (shift) { m_unit = Unit::Document; m_amount = 1; m_is_complete = true; } else { m_guirky_mode = true; } } break; // t operates until the given character. case KeyCode::Key_T: m_find_mode = FindMode::To; m_should_consume_next_character = true; if (m_amount == 0) m_amount = 1; break; // f operates through the given character. case KeyCode::Key_F: m_find_mode = FindMode::Find; m_should_consume_next_character = true; if (m_amount == 0) m_amount = 1; break; default: m_unit = Unit::Unknown; m_is_complete = true; break; } if (should_use_guirky && m_guirky_mode) { // If we didn't use the g then we cancel the motion. m_guirky_mode = false; m_unit = Unit::Unknown; m_is_complete = true; } } Optional VimMotion::get_range(VimEditingEngine& engine, bool normalize_for_position) { if (!is_complete() || is_cancelled()) return {}; TextEditor& editor = engine.editor(); auto position = editor.cursor(); int amount = abs(m_amount); bool forwards = m_amount >= 0; VimCursor cursor { editor, position, forwards }; m_start_line = m_end_line = position.line(); m_start_column = m_end_column = position.column(); switch (m_unit) { case Unit::Unknown: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); case Unit::Document: { calculate_document_range(editor); break; } case Unit::Line: { calculate_line_range(editor, normalize_for_position); break; } case Unit::EndOfWord: case Unit::Word: case Unit::EndOfWORD: case Unit::WORD: { calculate_word_range(cursor, amount, normalize_for_position); break; } case Unit::Character: { calculate_character_range(cursor, amount, normalize_for_position); break; } case Unit::Find: { calculate_find_range(cursor, amount); break; } } return { TextRange { { m_start_line, m_start_column }, { m_end_line, m_end_column } } }; } Optional VimMotion::get_repeat_range(VimEditingEngine& engine, VimMotion::Unit unit, bool normalize_for_position) { TextEditor& editor = engine.editor(); if (m_amount > 0) { m_amount--; } else if (m_amount < 0) { m_amount++; } auto position = editor.cursor(); int amount = abs(m_amount); bool forwards = m_amount >= 0; VimCursor cursor { editor, position, forwards }; m_start_line = m_end_line = position.line(); m_start_column = m_end_column = position.column(); switch (unit) { case Unit::Line: { calculate_line_range(editor, normalize_for_position); break; } case Unit::Character: { calculate_character_range(cursor, amount, normalize_for_position); break; } default: return {}; } return { TextRange { { m_start_line, m_start_column }, { m_end_line, m_end_column } } }; } void VimMotion::calculate_document_range(TextEditor& editor) { if (m_amount >= 0) { m_end_line = editor.line_count() - 1; auto& last_line = editor.line(m_end_line); m_end_column = last_line.length(); } else { m_start_line = 0; m_start_column = 0; } } void VimMotion::calculate_line_range(TextEditor& editor, bool normalize_for_position) { // Use this line +/- m_amount lines. m_start_column = 0; m_end_column = 0; if (m_amount >= 0) { m_end_line = min(m_end_line + !normalize_for_position + m_amount, editor.line_count()); // We can't delete to "last line + 1", so if we're on the last line, // delete until the end. if (m_end_line == editor.line_count()) { m_end_line--; m_end_column = editor.line(m_end_line).length(); } } else { // Can't write it as max(start_line + m_amount, 0) because of unsigned // shenanigans. if (m_start_line <= (unsigned)-m_amount) m_start_line = 0; else m_start_line += m_amount; if (m_end_line == editor.line_count() - 1) m_end_column = editor.line(m_end_line).length(); else m_end_line++; } } void VimMotion::calculate_word_range(VimCursor& cursor, int amount, bool normalize_for_position) { enum { Whitespace, Word, Punctuation, Unknown }; // Word is defined as a-zA-Z0-9_. auto part_of_word = [](u32 ch) { return ch == '_' || isalnum(ch); }; auto part_of_punctuation = [](u32 ch) { return ch != '_' && ispunct(ch); }; auto classify = [&](u32 ch) { if (isspace(ch)) return Whitespace; else if (part_of_word(ch)) return Word; else if (part_of_punctuation(ch)) return Punctuation; else return Unknown; }; // A small explanation for the code below: Because the direction of the // movement for this motion determines what the "start" and "end" of a word // is, the code below treats the motions like so: // - Start of word: w/W/ge/gE // - End of word: e/E/b/B while (amount > 0) { if (cursor.hit_edge()) break; if ((!cursor.forwards() && (m_unit == Unit::Word || m_unit == Unit::WORD)) || (cursor.forwards() && (m_unit == Unit::EndOfWord || m_unit == Unit::EndOfWORD))) { // End-of-word motions peek at the "next" character and if its class // is not the same as ours, they move over one character (to end up // at the new character class). This is required because we don't // want to exit the word with end-of-word motions. if (m_unit == Unit::Word || m_unit == Unit::EndOfWord) { // Word-style peeking int current_class = classify(cursor.current_char()); int peeked_class = classify(cursor.peek()); if (current_class != peeked_class) { cursor.move(); } } else { // WORD-style peeking, much simpler if (isspace(cursor.peek())) { cursor.move(); } } } else { // Start-of-word motions want to exit the word no matter which part // of it we're in. if (m_unit == Unit::Word || m_unit == Unit::EndOfWord) { // Word-style consumption if (part_of_word(cursor.current_char())) { do { cursor.move(); if (cursor.hit_edge() || cursor.crossed_line_boundary()) break; } while (part_of_word(cursor.current_char())); } else if (part_of_punctuation(cursor.current_char())) { do { cursor.move(); if (cursor.hit_edge() || cursor.crossed_line_boundary()) break; } while (part_of_punctuation(cursor.current_char())); } else if (cursor.on_empty_line()) { cursor.move(); } } else { // WORD-style consumption if (!isspace(cursor.current_char())) { do { cursor.move(); if (cursor.hit_edge() || cursor.crossed_line_boundary()) break; } while (!isspace(cursor.current_char())); } else if (cursor.on_empty_line()) { cursor.move(); } } } // Now consume any space if it exists. if (isspace(cursor.current_char())) { do { cursor.move(); if (cursor.hit_edge()) break; } while (isspace(cursor.current_char())); } if ((!cursor.forwards() && (m_unit == Unit::Word || m_unit == Unit::WORD)) || (cursor.forwards() && (m_unit == Unit::EndOfWord || m_unit == Unit::EndOfWORD))) { // End-of-word motions consume until the class doesn't match. if (m_unit == Unit::Word || m_unit == Unit::EndOfWord) { // Word-style consumption int current_class = classify(cursor.current_char()); while (classify(cursor.current_char()) == current_class) { cursor.move(); if (cursor.hit_edge() || cursor.crossed_line_boundary()) break; } } else { // WORD-style consumption while (!isspace(cursor.current_char())) { cursor.move(); if (cursor.hit_edge() || cursor.crossed_line_boundary()) break; } } } amount--; } // If we need to normalize for position then we do a move_reverse for // end-of-word motions, because vim acts on end-of-word ranges through the // character your cursor is placed on but acts on start-of-words *until* the // character your cursor is placed on. if (normalize_for_position) { if ((!cursor.forwards() && (m_unit == Unit::Word || m_unit == Unit::WORD)) || (cursor.forwards() && (m_unit == Unit::EndOfWord || m_unit == Unit::EndOfWORD))) { if (!cursor.hit_edge()) cursor.move_reverse(); } } if (cursor.forwards()) { m_end_line = cursor.current_position().line(); m_end_column = cursor.current_position().column() + normalize_for_position; } else { m_start_line = cursor.current_position().line(); m_start_column = cursor.current_position().column(); } } void VimMotion::calculate_character_range(VimCursor& cursor, int amount, bool normalize_for_position) { if (m_amount == START_OF_LINE) { m_start_column = 0; } else if (m_amount == END_OF_LINE) { m_end_column = cursor.current_line().length(); } else if (m_amount == START_OF_NON_WHITESPACE) { // Find the first non-whitespace character and set the range from current // position to it. TextPosition cursor_copy = cursor.current_position(); cursor.current_position().set_column(0); while (isspace(cursor.current_char())) { if (cursor.will_cross_line_boundary()) break; cursor.move_forwards(); } if (cursor_copy < cursor.current_position()) m_end_column = cursor.current_position().column() + 1; else m_start_column = cursor.current_position().column(); } else { while (amount > 0) { if (cursor.hit_edge() || cursor.will_cross_line_boundary()) break; cursor.move(); amount--; } if (cursor.forwards()) { m_end_column = cursor.current_position().column() + 1 + normalize_for_position; } else { m_start_column = cursor.current_position().column(); } } } void VimMotion::calculate_find_range(VimCursor& cursor, int amount) { // Find the searched character (case-insensitive). while (amount > 0) { cursor.move_forwards(); while ((unsigned)tolower(cursor.current_char()) != m_next_character) { if (cursor.will_cross_line_boundary()) break; cursor.move_forwards(); } amount--; } // If we didn't find our character before reaching the end of the line, then // we want the range to be invalid so no operation is performed. if ((unsigned)tolower(cursor.current_char()) == m_next_character) { // We found our character. bool in_find_mode = m_find_mode == FindMode::Find; m_end_column = cursor.current_position().column() + in_find_mode; } m_find_mode = FindMode::None; } Optional VimMotion::get_position(VimEditingEngine& engine, bool in_visual_mode) { auto range_optional = get_range(engine, true); if (!range_optional.has_value()) return {}; auto range = range_optional.value(); if (!range.is_valid()) return {}; TextEditor& editor = engine.editor(); auto cursor_position = editor.cursor(); switch (m_unit) { case Unit::Document: { if (range.start().line() < cursor_position.line()) { cursor_position.set_line(range.start().line()); } else { cursor_position.set_line(range.end().line()); } cursor_position.set_column(0); return { cursor_position }; } case Unit::Line: { size_t line_number; // Because we select lines from start to end, we can't use that // to get the new position, so we do some correction here. if (range.start().line() < cursor_position.line() || m_amount < 0) { line_number = range.start().line(); } else { line_number = range.end().line(); } auto& line = editor.line(line_number); cursor_position.set_line(line_number); if (line.length() <= cursor_position.column()) { cursor_position.set_column(line.length() - 1); } return { cursor_position }; } default: { if (range.start() < cursor_position) { return { range.start() }; } else { // Ranges are end-exclusive. The normalize_for_position argument we pass // above in get_range normalizes some values which shouldn't be // end-exclusive during normal operations. bool is_at_start = range.end().column() == 0; auto& line = editor.line(range.end().line()); size_t column = is_at_start ? 0 : range.end().column() - 1; column = min(column, line.length() - (in_visual_mode ? 0 : 1)); // Need to not go beyond the last character, as standard in vim. return { TextPosition { range.end().line(), column } }; } } } } void VimMotion::reset() { m_unit = Unit::Unknown; m_amount = 0; m_is_complete = false; } CursorWidth VimEditingEngine::cursor_width() const { return m_vim_mode == VimMode::Insert ? CursorWidth::NARROW : CursorWidth::WIDE; } bool VimEditingEngine::on_key(const KeyEvent& event) { switch (m_vim_mode) { case (VimMode::Insert): return on_key_in_insert_mode(event); case (VimMode::Visual): return on_key_in_visual_mode(event); case (VimMode::Normal): return on_key_in_normal_mode(event); default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } return false; } bool VimEditingEngine::on_key_in_insert_mode(const KeyEvent& event) { if (EditingEngine::on_key(event)) return true; if (event.ctrl()) { switch (event.key()) { case KeyCode::Key_W: m_editor->delete_previous_word(); return true; case KeyCode::Key_H: m_editor->delete_previous_char(); return true; case KeyCode::Key_U: m_editor->delete_from_line_start_to_cursor(); return true; default: break; } } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Escape || (event.ctrl() && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_LeftBracket) || (event.ctrl() && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_C)) { if (m_editor->cursor().column() > 0) move_one_left(); switch_to_normal_mode(); return true; } return false; } bool VimEditingEngine::on_key_in_normal_mode(const KeyEvent& event) { // Ignore auxiliary keypress events. if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_LeftShift || event.key() == KeyCode::Key_RightShift || event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Control || event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Alt) { return false; } if (m_previous_key == KeyCode::Key_D) { if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_D && !m_motion.should_consume_next_character()) { if (m_motion.amount()) { auto range = m_motion.get_repeat_range(*this, VimMotion::Unit::Line); VERIFY(range.has_value()); yank(*range, Line); m_editor->delete_text_range(*range); } else { yank(Line); delete_line(); } m_motion.reset(); m_previous_key = {}; } else { m_motion.add_key_code(event.key(), event.ctrl(), event.shift(), event.alt()); if (m_motion.is_complete()) { if (!m_motion.is_cancelled()) { auto range = m_motion.get_range(*this); VERIFY(range.has_value()); if (range->is_valid()) { m_editor->delete_text_range(*range); } } m_motion.reset(); m_previous_key = {}; } } } else if (m_previous_key == KeyCode::Key_Y) { if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Y && !m_motion.should_consume_next_character()) { if (m_motion.amount()) { auto range = m_motion.get_repeat_range(*this, VimMotion::Unit::Line); VERIFY(range.has_value()); yank(*range, Line); } else { yank(Line); } m_motion.reset(); m_previous_key = {}; } else { m_motion.add_key_code(event.key(), event.ctrl(), event.shift(), event.alt()); if (m_motion.is_complete()) { if (!m_motion.is_cancelled()) { auto range = m_motion.get_range(*this); VERIFY(range.has_value()); if (range->is_valid()) { m_editor->set_selection(*range); yank(Selection); m_editor->clear_selection(); } } m_motion.reset(); m_previous_key = {}; } } } else if (m_previous_key == KeyCode::Key_C) { if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_C && !m_motion.should_consume_next_character()) { // Needed because the code to replace the deleted line is called after delete_line() so // what was the second last line before the delete, is now the last line. bool was_second_last_line = m_editor->cursor().line() == m_editor->line_count() - 2; yank(Line); delete_line(); if (was_second_last_line || (m_editor->cursor().line() != 0 && m_editor->cursor().line() != m_editor->line_count() - 1)) { move_one_up(event); move_to_logical_line_end(); m_editor->add_code_point(0x0A); } else if (m_editor->cursor().line() == 0) { move_to_logical_line_beginning(); m_editor->add_code_point(0x0A); move_one_up(event); } else if (m_editor->cursor().line() == m_editor->line_count() - 1) { m_editor->add_code_point(0x0A); } switch_to_insert_mode(); } else { m_motion.add_key_code(event.key(), event.ctrl(), event.shift(), event.alt()); if (m_motion.is_complete()) { if (!m_motion.is_cancelled()) { auto range = m_motion.get_range(*this); VERIFY(range.has_value()); if (range->is_valid()) { m_editor->set_selection(*range); yank(Selection); m_editor->delete_text_range(*range); switch_to_insert_mode(); } } m_motion.reset(); m_previous_key = {}; } } } else { if (m_motion.should_consume_next_character()) { // We must consume the next character. // FIXME: deduplicate with code below. m_motion.add_key_code(event.key(), event.ctrl(), event.shift(), event.alt()); if (m_motion.is_complete()) { if (!m_motion.is_cancelled()) { auto maybe_new_position = m_motion.get_position(*this); if (maybe_new_position.has_value()) { auto new_position = maybe_new_position.value(); m_editor->set_cursor(new_position); } } m_motion.reset(); } return true; } // Handle first any key codes that are to be applied regardless of modifiers. switch (event.key()) { case (KeyCode::Key_Escape): if (m_editor->on_escape_pressed) m_editor->on_escape_pressed(); return true; default: break; } // SHIFT is pressed. if (event.shift() && !event.ctrl() && !event.alt()) { switch (event.key()) { case (KeyCode::Key_A): move_to_logical_line_end(); switch_to_insert_mode(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_I): move_to_logical_line_beginning(); switch_to_insert_mode(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_O): move_to_logical_line_beginning(); m_editor->add_code_point(0x0A); move_one_up(event); switch_to_insert_mode(); return true; // FIXME: Integrate these into vim motions too. case (KeyCode::Key_LeftBrace): move_to_previous_empty_lines_block(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_RightBrace): move_to_next_empty_lines_block(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_J): { // Looks a bit strange, but join without a repeat, with 1 as the repeat or 2 as the repeat all join the current and next lines auto amount = (m_motion.amount() > 2) ? (m_motion.amount() - 1) : 1; m_motion.reset(); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { if (m_editor->cursor().line() + 1 >= m_editor->line_count()) return true; move_to_logical_line_end(); m_editor->add_code_point(' '); TextPosition next_line = { m_editor->cursor().line() + 1, 0 }; m_editor->delete_text_range({ m_editor->cursor(), next_line }); move_one_left(); } return true; } case (KeyCode::Key_P): put_before(); default: break; } } // CTRL is pressed. if (event.ctrl() && !event.shift() && !event.alt()) { switch (event.key()) { case (KeyCode::Key_D): move_half_page_down(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_R): m_editor->redo(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_U): move_half_page_up(); return true; default: break; } } // FIXME: H and L movement keys will move to the previous or next line when reaching the beginning or end // of the line and pressed again. // No modifier is pressed. if (!event.ctrl() && !event.shift() && !event.alt()) { switch (event.key()) { case (KeyCode::Key_A): move_one_right(); switch_to_insert_mode(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_C): m_previous_key = event.key(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_D): m_previous_key = event.key(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_I): switch_to_insert_mode(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_O): move_to_logical_line_end(); m_editor->add_code_point(0x0A); switch_to_insert_mode(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_U): m_editor->undo(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_X): { TextRange range = { m_editor->cursor(), { m_editor->cursor().line(), m_editor->cursor().column() + 1 } }; if (m_motion.amount()) { auto opt = m_motion.get_repeat_range(*this, VimMotion::Unit::Character); VERIFY(opt.has_value()); range = *opt; m_motion.reset(); } yank(range, Selection); m_editor->delete_text_range(range); return true; } case (KeyCode::Key_V): switch_to_visual_mode(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_Y): m_previous_key = event.key(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_P): put_after(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_PageUp): move_page_up(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_PageDown): move_page_down(); return true; default: break; } } // If nothing else handled the key, we'll be feeding the motion state // machine instead. m_motion.add_key_code(event.key(), event.ctrl(), event.shift(), event.alt()); if (m_motion.is_complete()) { if (!m_motion.is_cancelled()) { auto maybe_new_position = m_motion.get_position(*this); if (maybe_new_position.has_value()) { auto new_position = maybe_new_position.value(); m_editor->set_cursor(new_position); } } m_motion.reset(); } } return true; } bool VimEditingEngine::on_key_in_visual_mode(const KeyEvent& event) { // If the motion state machine requires the next character, feed it. if (m_motion.should_consume_next_character()) { m_motion.add_key_code(event.key(), event.ctrl(), event.shift(), event.alt()); if (m_motion.is_complete()) { if (!m_motion.is_cancelled()) { auto maybe_new_position = m_motion.get_position(*this, true); if (maybe_new_position.has_value()) { auto new_position = maybe_new_position.value(); m_editor->set_cursor(new_position); update_selection_on_cursor_move(); } } m_motion.reset(); } return true; } // Handle first any key codes that are to be applied regardless of modifiers. switch (event.key()) { case (KeyCode::Key_Escape): switch_to_normal_mode(); if (m_editor->on_escape_pressed) m_editor->on_escape_pressed(); return true; default: break; } // SHIFT is pressed. if (event.shift() && !event.ctrl() && !event.alt()) { switch (event.key()) { case (KeyCode::Key_A): move_to_logical_line_end(); switch_to_insert_mode(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_I): move_to_logical_line_beginning(); switch_to_insert_mode(); return true; default: break; } } // CTRL is pressed. if (event.ctrl() && !event.shift() && !event.alt()) { switch (event.key()) { case (KeyCode::Key_D): move_half_page_down(); update_selection_on_cursor_move(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_U): move_half_page_up(); update_selection_on_cursor_move(); return true; default: break; } } // No modifier is pressed. if (!event.ctrl() && !event.shift() && !event.alt()) { switch (event.key()) { case (KeyCode::Key_D): yank(Selection); m_editor->do_delete(); switch_to_normal_mode(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_U): // FIXME: Set selection to uppercase. return true; case (KeyCode::Key_X): yank(Selection); m_editor->do_delete(); switch_to_normal_mode(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_V): switch_to_normal_mode(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_C): yank(Selection); m_editor->do_delete(); switch_to_insert_mode(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_Y): yank(Selection); switch_to_normal_mode(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_PageUp): move_page_up(); update_selection_on_cursor_move(); return true; case (KeyCode::Key_PageDown): move_page_down(); update_selection_on_cursor_move(); return true; default: break; } } // By default, we feed the motion state machine. m_motion.add_key_code(event.key(), event.ctrl(), event.shift(), event.alt()); if (m_motion.is_complete()) { if (!m_motion.is_cancelled()) { auto maybe_new_position = m_motion.get_position(*this, true); if (maybe_new_position.has_value()) { auto new_position = maybe_new_position.value(); m_editor->set_cursor(new_position); update_selection_on_cursor_move(); } } m_motion.reset(); } return true; } void VimEditingEngine::switch_to_normal_mode() { m_vim_mode = VimMode::Normal; m_editor->reset_cursor_blink(); m_previous_key = {}; clear_visual_mode_data(); m_motion.reset(); }; void VimEditingEngine::switch_to_insert_mode() { m_vim_mode = VimMode::Insert; m_editor->reset_cursor_blink(); m_previous_key = {}; clear_visual_mode_data(); m_motion.reset(); }; void VimEditingEngine::switch_to_visual_mode() { m_vim_mode = VimMode::Visual; m_editor->reset_cursor_blink(); m_previous_key = {}; m_selection_start_position = m_editor->cursor(); m_editor->selection()->set(m_editor->cursor(), { m_editor->cursor().line(), m_editor->cursor().column() + 1 }); m_editor->did_update_selection(); m_motion.reset(); } void VimEditingEngine::update_selection_on_cursor_move() { auto cursor = m_editor->cursor(); auto start = m_selection_start_position < cursor ? m_selection_start_position : cursor; auto end = m_selection_start_position < cursor ? cursor : m_selection_start_position; if (end.column() >= m_editor->current_line().length()) { if (end.line() != m_editor->line_count() - 1) end = { end.line() + 1, 0 }; } else { end.set_column(end.column() + 1); } m_editor->selection()->set(start, end); m_editor->did_update_selection(); } void VimEditingEngine::clamp_cursor_position() { auto cursor = m_editor->cursor(); if (cursor.column() >= m_editor->current_line().length()) { cursor.set_column(m_editor->current_line().length() - 1); m_editor->set_cursor(cursor); } } void VimEditingEngine::clear_visual_mode_data() { if (m_editor->has_selection()) { m_editor->selection()->clear(); m_editor->did_update_selection(); clamp_cursor_position(); } m_selection_start_position = {}; } void VimEditingEngine::move_half_page_up() { move_up(0.5); }; void VimEditingEngine::move_half_page_down() { move_down(0.5); }; void VimEditingEngine::yank(YankType type) { m_yank_type = type; if (type == YankType::Line) { m_yank_buffer = m_editor->current_line().to_utf8(); } else { m_yank_buffer = m_editor->selected_text(); } // When putting this, auto indentation (if enabled) will indent as far as // is necessary, then any whitespace captured before the yanked text will be placed // after the indentation, doubling the indentation. if (m_editor->is_automatic_indentation_enabled()) m_yank_buffer = m_yank_buffer.trim_whitespace(TrimMode::Left); } void VimEditingEngine::yank(TextRange range, YankType yank_type) { m_yank_type = yank_type; m_yank_buffer = m_editor->document().text_in_range(range).trim_whitespace(AK::TrimMode::Right); } void VimEditingEngine::put_before() { auto amount = m_motion.amount() ? m_motion.amount() : 1; m_motion.reset(); if (m_yank_type == YankType::Line) { move_to_logical_line_beginning(); StringBuilder sb = StringBuilder(amount * (m_yank_buffer.length() + 1)); for (auto i = 0; i < amount; i++) { sb.append(m_yank_buffer); sb.append_code_point(0x0A); } m_editor->insert_at_cursor_or_replace_selection(sb.to_string()); m_editor->set_cursor({ m_editor->cursor().line(), m_editor->current_line().first_non_whitespace_column() }); } else { StringBuilder sb = StringBuilder(m_yank_buffer.length() * amount); for (auto i = 0; i < amount; i++) { sb.append(m_yank_buffer); } m_editor->insert_at_cursor_or_replace_selection(sb.to_string()); move_one_left(); } } void VimEditingEngine::put_after() { auto amount = m_motion.amount() ? m_motion.amount() : 1; m_motion.reset(); if (m_yank_type == YankType::Line) { move_to_logical_line_end(); StringBuilder sb = StringBuilder(m_yank_buffer.length() + 1); for (auto i = 0; i < amount; i++) { sb.append_code_point(0x0A); sb.append(m_yank_buffer); } m_editor->insert_at_cursor_or_replace_selection(sb.to_string()); m_editor->set_cursor({ m_editor->cursor().line(), m_editor->current_line().first_non_whitespace_column() }); } else { // FIXME: If attempting to put on the last column a line, // the buffer will bne placed on the next line due to the move_one_left/right behaviour. move_one_right(); StringBuilder sb = StringBuilder(m_yank_buffer.length() * amount); for (auto i = 0; i < amount; i++) { sb.append(m_yank_buffer); } m_editor->insert_at_cursor_or_replace_selection(sb.to_string()); move_one_left(); } } void VimEditingEngine::move_to_previous_empty_lines_block() { VERIFY(!m_editor.is_null()); size_t line_idx = m_editor->cursor().line(); bool skipping_initial_empty_lines = true; while (line_idx > 0) { if (m_editor->document().line(line_idx).is_empty()) { if (!skipping_initial_empty_lines) break; } else { skipping_initial_empty_lines = false; } line_idx--; } TextPosition new_cursor = { line_idx, 0 }; m_editor->set_cursor(new_cursor); }; void VimEditingEngine::move_to_next_empty_lines_block() { VERIFY(!m_editor.is_null()); size_t line_idx = m_editor->cursor().line(); bool skipping_initial_empty_lines = true; while (line_idx < m_editor->line_count() - 1) { if (m_editor->document().line(line_idx).is_empty()) { if (!skipping_initial_empty_lines) break; } else { skipping_initial_empty_lines = false; } line_idx++; } TextPosition new_cursor = { line_idx, 0 }; m_editor->set_cursor(new_cursor); }; }