/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Jan de Visser * Copyright (c) 2021, Mahmoud Mandour * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { constexpr char const* db_name = "/tmp/test.db"; SQL::ResultOr try_execute(NonnullRefPtr database, String const& sql) { auto parser = SQL::AST::Parser(SQL::AST::Lexer(sql)); auto statement = parser.next_statement(); EXPECT(!parser.has_errors()); if (parser.has_errors()) outln("{}", parser.errors()[0].to_string()); return statement->execute(move(database)); } SQL::ResultSet execute(NonnullRefPtr database, String const& sql) { auto result = try_execute(move(database), sql); if (result.is_error()) { outln("{}", result.release_error().error_string()); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } return result.release_value(); } void create_schema(NonnullRefPtr database) { auto result = execute(database, "CREATE SCHEMA TestSchema;"); EXPECT_EQ(result.command(), SQL::SQLCommand::Create); } void create_table(NonnullRefPtr database) { create_schema(database); auto result = execute(database, "CREATE TABLE TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn text, IntColumn integer );"); EXPECT_EQ(result.command(), SQL::SQLCommand::Create); } void create_two_tables(NonnullRefPtr database) { create_schema(database); auto result = execute(database, "CREATE TABLE TestSchema.TestTable1 ( TextColumn1 text, IntColumn integer );"); EXPECT_EQ(result.command(), SQL::SQLCommand::Create); result = execute(database, "CREATE TABLE TestSchema.TestTable2 ( TextColumn2 text, IntColumn integer );"); EXPECT_EQ(result.command(), SQL::SQLCommand::Create); } TEST_CASE(create_schema) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_schema(database); auto schema_or_error = database->get_schema("TESTSCHEMA"); EXPECT(!schema_or_error.is_error()); EXPECT(schema_or_error.value()); } TEST_CASE(create_table) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto table_or_error = database->get_table("TESTSCHEMA", "TESTTABLE"); EXPECT(!table_or_error.is_error()); EXPECT(table_or_error.value()); } TEST_CASE(insert_into_table) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES ( 'Test', 42 );"); EXPECT(result.size() == 1); auto table_or_error = database->get_table("TESTSCHEMA", "TESTTABLE"); EXPECT(!table_or_error.is_error()); auto table = table_or_error.value(); int count = 0; auto rows_or_error = database->select_all(*table); EXPECT(!rows_or_error.is_error()); for (auto& row : rows_or_error.value()) { EXPECT_EQ(row["TEXTCOLUMN"].to_string(), "Test"); EXPECT_EQ(row["INTCOLUMN"].to_int().value(), 42); count++; } EXPECT_EQ(count, 1); } TEST_CASE(insert_into_table_wrong_data_types) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = try_execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES (43, 'Test_2');"); EXPECT(result.is_error()); EXPECT(result.release_error().error() == SQL::SQLErrorCode::InvalidValueType); } TEST_CASE(insert_into_table_multiple_tuples_wrong_data_types) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = try_execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES ('Test_1', 42), (43, 'Test_2');"); EXPECT(result.is_error()); EXPECT(result.release_error().error() == SQL::SQLErrorCode::InvalidValueType); } TEST_CASE(insert_wrong_number_of_values) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = try_execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable VALUES ( 42 );"); EXPECT(result.is_error()); EXPECT(result.release_error().error() == SQL::SQLErrorCode::InvalidNumberOfValues); } TEST_CASE(insert_identifier_as_value) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = try_execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable VALUES ( identifier, 42 );"); EXPECT(result.is_error()); EXPECT(result.release_error().error() == SQL::SQLErrorCode::SyntaxError); } TEST_CASE(insert_quoted_identifier_as_value) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = try_execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable VALUES ( \"QuotedIdentifier\", 42 );"); EXPECT(result.is_error()); EXPECT(result.release_error().error() == SQL::SQLErrorCode::SyntaxError); } TEST_CASE(insert_without_column_names) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable VALUES ('Test_1', 42), ('Test_2', 43);"); EXPECT(result.size() == 2); auto table_or_error = database->get_table("TESTSCHEMA", "TESTTABLE"); EXPECT(!table_or_error.is_error()); auto rows_or_error = database->select_all(*(table_or_error.value())); EXPECT(!rows_or_error.is_error()); EXPECT_EQ(rows_or_error.value().size(), 2u); } TEST_CASE(select_from_empty_table) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = execute(database, "SELECT * FROM TestSchema.TestTable;"); EXPECT(result.is_empty()); } TEST_CASE(select_from_table) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES " "( 'Test_1', 42 ), " "( 'Test_2', 43 ), " "( 'Test_3', 44 ), " "( 'Test_4', 45 ), " "( 'Test_5', 46 );"); EXPECT(result.size() == 5); result = execute(database, "SELECT * FROM TestSchema.TestTable;"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 5u); } TEST_CASE(select_with_column_names) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES " "( 'Test_1', 42 ), " "( 'Test_2', 43 ), " "( 'Test_3', 44 ), " "( 'Test_4', 45 ), " "( 'Test_5', 46 );"); EXPECT(result.size() == 5); result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable;"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 5u); EXPECT_EQ(result[0].row.size(), 1u); } TEST_CASE(select_with_nonexisting_column_name) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES " "( 'Test_1', 42 ), " "( 'Test_2', 43 ), " "( 'Test_3', 44 ), " "( 'Test_4', 45 ), " "( 'Test_5', 46 );"); EXPECT(result.size() == 5); auto insert_result = try_execute(database, "SELECT Bogus FROM TestSchema.TestTable;"); EXPECT(insert_result.is_error()); EXPECT(insert_result.release_error().error() == SQL::SQLErrorCode::ColumnDoesNotExist); } TEST_CASE(select_with_where) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES " "( 'Test_1', 42 ), " "( 'Test_2', 43 ), " "( 'Test_3', 44 ), " "( 'Test_4', 45 ), " "( 'Test_5', 46 );"); EXPECT(result.size() == 5); result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn, IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE IntColumn > 44;"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 2u); for (auto& row : result) { EXPECT(row.row[1].to_int().value() > 44); } } TEST_CASE(select_cross_join) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_two_tables(database); auto result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable1 ( TextColumn1, IntColumn ) VALUES " "( 'Test_1', 42 ), " "( 'Test_2', 43 ), " "( 'Test_3', 44 ), " "( 'Test_4', 45 ), " "( 'Test_5', 46 );"); EXPECT(result.size() == 5); result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable2 ( TextColumn2, IntColumn ) VALUES " "( 'Test_10', 40 ), " "( 'Test_11', 41 ), " "( 'Test_12', 42 ), " "( 'Test_13', 47 ), " "( 'Test_14', 48 );"); EXPECT(result.size() == 5); result = execute(database, "SELECT * FROM TestSchema.TestTable1, TestSchema.TestTable2;"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 25u); for (auto& row : result) { EXPECT(row.row.size() == 4); EXPECT(row.row[1].to_int().value() >= 42); EXPECT(row.row[1].to_int().value() <= 46); EXPECT(row.row[3].to_int().value() >= 40); EXPECT(row.row[3].to_int().value() <= 48); } } TEST_CASE(select_inner_join) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_two_tables(database); auto result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable1 ( TextColumn1, IntColumn ) VALUES " "( 'Test_1', 42 ), " "( 'Test_2', 43 ), " "( 'Test_3', 44 ), " "( 'Test_4', 45 ), " "( 'Test_5', 46 );"); EXPECT(result.size() == 5); result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable2 ( TextColumn2, IntColumn ) VALUES " "( 'Test_10', 40 ), " "( 'Test_11', 41 ), " "( 'Test_12', 42 ), " "( 'Test_13', 47 ), " "( 'Test_14', 48 );"); EXPECT(result.size() == 5); result = execute(database, "SELECT TestTable1.IntColumn, TextColumn1, TextColumn2 " "FROM TestSchema.TestTable1, TestSchema.TestTable2 " "WHERE TestTable1.IntColumn = TestTable2.IntColumn;"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 1u); EXPECT_EQ(result[0].row.size(), 3u); EXPECT_EQ(result[0].row[0].to_int().value(), 42); EXPECT_EQ(result[0].row[1].to_string(), "Test_1"); EXPECT_EQ(result[0].row[2].to_string(), "Test_12"); } TEST_CASE(select_with_like) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES " "( 'Test+1', 42 ), " "( 'Test+2', 43 ), " "( 'Test+3', 44 ), " "( 'Test+4', 45 ), " "( 'Test+5', 46 ), " "( 'Another+Test_6', 47 );"); EXPECT(result.size() == 6); // Simple match result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE TextColumn LIKE 'Test+1';"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 1u); // Use % to match most rows result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE TextColumn LIKE 'T%';"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 5u); // Same as above but invert the match result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE TextColumn NOT LIKE 'T%';"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 1u); // Use _ and % to match all rows result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE TextColumn LIKE '%e_t%';"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 6u); // Use escape to match a single row. The escape character happens to be a // Regex metacharacter, let's make sure we don't get confused by that. result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE TextColumn LIKE '%Test^_%' ESCAPE '^';"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 1u); // Same as above but escape the escape character happens to be a SQL // metacharacter - we want to make sure it's treated as an escape. result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE TextColumn LIKE '%Test__%' ESCAPE '_';"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 1u); // (Unnecessarily) escaping a character that happens to be a Regex // metacharacter should have no effect. result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE TextColumn LIKE 'Test:+_' ESCAPE ':';"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 5u); // Make sure we error out if the ESCAPE is empty auto select_result = try_execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE TextColumn LIKE '%' ESCAPE '';"); EXPECT(select_result.is_error()); EXPECT(select_result.release_error().error() == SQL::SQLErrorCode::SyntaxError); // Make sure we error out if the ESCAPE has more than a single character select_result = try_execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE TextColumn LIKE '%' ESCAPE 'whf';"); EXPECT(select_result.is_error()); EXPECT(select_result.release_error().error() == SQL::SQLErrorCode::SyntaxError); } TEST_CASE(select_with_order) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES " "( 'Test_5', 44 ), " "( 'Test_2', 42 ), " "( 'Test_1', 47 ), " "( 'Test_3', 40 ), " "( 'Test_4', 41 );"); EXPECT(result.size() == 5); result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn, IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable ORDER BY IntColumn;"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 5u); EXPECT_EQ(result[0].row[1].to_int().value(), 40); EXPECT_EQ(result[1].row[1].to_int().value(), 41); EXPECT_EQ(result[2].row[1].to_int().value(), 42); EXPECT_EQ(result[3].row[1].to_int().value(), 44); EXPECT_EQ(result[4].row[1].to_int().value(), 47); result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn, IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable ORDER BY TextColumn;"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 5u); EXPECT_EQ(result[0].row[0].to_string(), "Test_1"); EXPECT_EQ(result[1].row[0].to_string(), "Test_2"); EXPECT_EQ(result[2].row[0].to_string(), "Test_3"); EXPECT_EQ(result[3].row[0].to_string(), "Test_4"); EXPECT_EQ(result[4].row[0].to_string(), "Test_5"); } TEST_CASE(select_with_regexp) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES " "( 'Test+1', 42 ), " "( 'Pröv+2', 43 ), " "( 'Test(3)', 44 ), " "( 'Test[4]', 45 ), " "( 'Test+5', 46 ), " "( 'Another-Test_6', 47 );"); EXPECT(result.size() == 6); // Simple match result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE TextColumn REGEXP 'Test\\+1';"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 1u); // Match all result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE TextColumn REGEXP '.*';"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 6u); // Match with wildcards result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE TextColumn REGEXP '^Test.+';"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 4u); // Match with case insensitive basic Latin and case sensitive Swedish ö // FIXME: If LibRegex is changed to support case insensitive matches of Unicode characters // This test should be updated and changed to match 'PRÖV'. result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE TextColumn REGEXP 'PRöV.*';"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 1u); } TEST_CASE(handle_regexp_errors) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES " "( 'Test', 0 );"); EXPECT(result.size() == 1); // Malformed regex, unmatched square bracket auto select_result = try_execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE TextColumn REGEXP 'Test\\+[0-9.*';"); EXPECT(select_result.is_error()); } TEST_CASE(select_with_order_two_columns) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES " "( 'Test_5', 44 ), " "( 'Test_2', 42 ), " "( 'Test_1', 47 ), " "( 'Test_2', 40 ), " "( 'Test_4', 41 );"); EXPECT(result.size() == 5); result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn, IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable ORDER BY TextColumn, IntColumn;"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 5u); EXPECT_EQ(result[0].row[0].to_string(), "Test_1"); EXPECT_EQ(result[0].row[1].to_int().value(), 47); EXPECT_EQ(result[1].row[0].to_string(), "Test_2"); EXPECT_EQ(result[1].row[1].to_int().value(), 40); EXPECT_EQ(result[2].row[0].to_string(), "Test_2"); EXPECT_EQ(result[2].row[1].to_int().value(), 42); EXPECT_EQ(result[3].row[0].to_string(), "Test_4"); EXPECT_EQ(result[3].row[1].to_int().value(), 41); EXPECT_EQ(result[4].row[0].to_string(), "Test_5"); EXPECT_EQ(result[4].row[1].to_int().value(), 44); } TEST_CASE(select_with_order_by_column_not_in_result) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = execute(database, "INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES " "( 'Test_5', 44 ), " "( 'Test_2', 42 ), " "( 'Test_1', 47 ), " "( 'Test_3', 40 ), " "( 'Test_4', 41 );"); EXPECT(result.size() == 5); result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable ORDER BY IntColumn;"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 5u); EXPECT_EQ(result[0].row[0].to_string(), "Test_3"); EXPECT_EQ(result[1].row[0].to_string(), "Test_4"); EXPECT_EQ(result[2].row[0].to_string(), "Test_2"); EXPECT_EQ(result[3].row[0].to_string(), "Test_5"); EXPECT_EQ(result[4].row[0].to_string(), "Test_1"); } TEST_CASE(select_with_limit) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); for (auto count = 0; count < 100; count++) { auto result = execute(database, String::formatted("INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES ( 'Test_{}', {} );", count, count)); EXPECT(result.size() == 1); } auto result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn, IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable LIMIT 10;"); auto rows = result; EXPECT_EQ(rows.size(), 10u); } TEST_CASE(select_with_limit_and_offset) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); for (auto count = 0; count < 100; count++) { auto result = execute(database, String::formatted("INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES ( 'Test_{}', {} );", count, count)); EXPECT(result.size() == 1); } auto result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn, IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10;"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 10u); } TEST_CASE(select_with_order_limit_and_offset) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); for (auto count = 0; count < 100; count++) { auto result = execute(database, String::formatted("INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES ( 'Test_{}', {} );", count, count)); EXPECT(result.size() == 1); } auto result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn, IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable ORDER BY IntColumn LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10;"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 10u); EXPECT_EQ(result[0].row[1].to_int().value(), 10); EXPECT_EQ(result[1].row[1].to_int().value(), 11); EXPECT_EQ(result[2].row[1].to_int().value(), 12); EXPECT_EQ(result[3].row[1].to_int().value(), 13); EXPECT_EQ(result[4].row[1].to_int().value(), 14); EXPECT_EQ(result[5].row[1].to_int().value(), 15); EXPECT_EQ(result[6].row[1].to_int().value(), 16); EXPECT_EQ(result[7].row[1].to_int().value(), 17); EXPECT_EQ(result[8].row[1].to_int().value(), 18); EXPECT_EQ(result[9].row[1].to_int().value(), 19); } TEST_CASE(select_with_limit_out_of_bounds) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); for (auto count = 0; count < 100; count++) { auto result = execute(database, String::formatted("INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES ( 'Test_{}', {} );", count, count)); EXPECT(result.size() == 1); } auto result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn, IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable LIMIT 500;"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 100u); } TEST_CASE(select_with_offset_out_of_bounds) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); for (auto count = 0; count < 100; count++) { auto result = execute(database, String::formatted("INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable ( TextColumn, IntColumn ) VALUES ( 'Test_{}', {} );", count, count)); EXPECT(result.size() == 1); } auto result = execute(database, "SELECT TextColumn, IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable LIMIT 10 OFFSET 200;"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 0u); } TEST_CASE(describe_table) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); auto result = execute(database, "DESCRIBE TABLE TestSchema.TestTable;"); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 2u); EXPECT_EQ(result[0].row[0].to_string(), "TEXTCOLUMN"); EXPECT_EQ(result[0].row[1].to_string(), "text"); EXPECT_EQ(result[1].row[0].to_string(), "INTCOLUMN"); EXPECT_EQ(result[1].row[1].to_string(), "int"); } TEST_CASE(binary_operator_execution) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); for (auto count = 0; count < 10; ++count) { auto result = execute(database, String::formatted("INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable VALUES ( 'T{}', {} );", count, count)); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 1u); } auto compare_result = [](SQL::ResultSet const& result, Vector const& expected) { EXPECT_EQ(result.command(), SQL::SQLCommand::Select); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), expected.size()); Vector result_values; result_values.ensure_capacity(result.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { auto const& result_row = result.at(i).row; EXPECT_EQ(result_row.size(), 1u); auto result_column = result_row[0].to_int(); result_values.append(result_column.value()); } quick_sort(result_values); EXPECT_EQ(result_values, expected); }; auto result = execute(database, "SELECT IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn + 1) < 5);"); compare_result(result, { 0, 1, 2, 3 }); result = execute(database, "SELECT IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn + 1) <= 5);"); compare_result(result, { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }); result = execute(database, "SELECT IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn - 1) > 4);"); compare_result(result, { 6, 7, 8, 9 }); result = execute(database, "SELECT IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn - 1) >= 4);"); compare_result(result, { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }); result = execute(database, "SELECT IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn * 2) < 10);"); compare_result(result, { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }); result = execute(database, "SELECT IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn * 2) <= 10);"); compare_result(result, { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }); result = execute(database, "SELECT IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn / 3) > 2);"); compare_result(result, { 7, 8, 9 }); result = execute(database, "SELECT IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn / 3) >= 2);"); compare_result(result, { 6, 7, 8, 9 }); result = execute(database, "SELECT IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn % 2) = 0);"); compare_result(result, { 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 }); result = execute(database, "SELECT IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn % 2) = 1);"); compare_result(result, { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }); result = execute(database, "SELECT IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((1 << IntColumn) <= 32);"); compare_result(result, { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }); result = execute(database, "SELECT IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((1024 >> IntColumn) >= 32);"); compare_result(result, { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }); result = execute(database, "SELECT IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn | 1) != IntColumn);"); compare_result(result, { 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 }); result = execute(database, "SELECT IntColumn FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn & 1) = 1);"); compare_result(result, { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }); } TEST_CASE(binary_operator_failure) { ScopeGuard guard([]() { unlink(db_name); }); auto database = SQL::Database::construct(db_name); EXPECT(!database->open().is_error()); create_table(database); for (auto count = 0; count < 10; ++count) { auto result = execute(database, String::formatted("INSERT INTO TestSchema.TestTable VALUES ( 'T{}', {} );", count, count)); EXPECT_EQ(result.size(), 1u); } auto expect_failure = [](auto result, auto op) { EXPECT(result.is_error()); auto error = result.release_error(); EXPECT_EQ(error.error(), SQL::SQLErrorCode::NumericOperatorTypeMismatch); auto message = String::formatted("NumericOperatorTypeMismatch: Cannot apply '{}' operator to non-numeric operands", op); EXPECT_EQ(error.error_string(), message); }; auto result = try_execute(database, "SELECT * FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn + TextColumn) < 5);"); expect_failure(move(result), '+'); result = try_execute(database, "SELECT * FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn - TextColumn) < 5);"); expect_failure(move(result), '-'); result = try_execute(database, "SELECT * FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn * TextColumn) < 5);"); expect_failure(move(result), '*'); result = try_execute(database, "SELECT * FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn / TextColumn) < 5);"); expect_failure(move(result), '/'); result = try_execute(database, "SELECT * FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn % TextColumn) < 5);"); expect_failure(move(result), '%'); result = try_execute(database, "SELECT * FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn << TextColumn) < 5);"); expect_failure(move(result), "<<"sv); result = try_execute(database, "SELECT * FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn >> TextColumn) < 5);"); expect_failure(move(result), ">>"sv); result = try_execute(database, "SELECT * FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn | TextColumn) < 5);"); expect_failure(move(result), '|'); result = try_execute(database, "SELECT * FROM TestSchema.TestTable WHERE ((IntColumn & TextColumn) < 5);"); expect_failure(move(result), '&'); } }