/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Emanuel Sprung * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "RegexParser.h" #include "RegexDebug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace regex { static constexpr size_t s_maximum_repetition_count = 1024 * 1024; static constexpr u64 s_ecma262_maximum_repetition_count = (1ull << 53) - 1; static constexpr auto s_alphabetic_characters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"sv; static constexpr auto s_decimal_characters = "0123456789"sv; static constexpr StringView identity_escape_characters(bool unicode, bool browser_extended) { if (unicode) return "^$\\.*+?()[]{}|/"sv; if (browser_extended) return "^$\\.*+?()[|"sv; return "^$\\.*+?()[]{}|"sv; } ALWAYS_INLINE bool Parser::set_error(Error error) { if (m_parser_state.error == Error::NoError) { m_parser_state.error = error; m_parser_state.error_token = m_parser_state.current_token; } return false; // always return false, that eases the API usage (return set_error(...)) :^) } ALWAYS_INLINE bool Parser::done() const { return match(TokenType::Eof); } ALWAYS_INLINE bool Parser::match(TokenType type) const { return m_parser_state.current_token.type() == type; } ALWAYS_INLINE bool Parser::match(char ch) const { return m_parser_state.current_token.type() == TokenType::Char && m_parser_state.current_token.value().length() == 1 && m_parser_state.current_token.value()[0] == ch; } ALWAYS_INLINE Token Parser::consume() { auto old_token = m_parser_state.current_token; m_parser_state.current_token = m_parser_state.lexer.next(); return old_token; } ALWAYS_INLINE Token Parser::consume(TokenType type, Error error) { if (m_parser_state.current_token.type() != type) { set_error(error); dbgln_if(REGEX_DEBUG, "[PARSER] Error: Unexpected token {}. Expected: {}", m_parser_state.current_token.name(), Token::name(type)); } return consume(); } ALWAYS_INLINE bool Parser::consume(ByteString const& str) { size_t potentially_go_back { 1 }; for (auto ch : str) { if (match(TokenType::Char)) { if (m_parser_state.current_token.value()[0] != ch) { m_parser_state.lexer.back(potentially_go_back); m_parser_state.current_token = m_parser_state.lexer.next(); return false; } } else { m_parser_state.lexer.back(potentially_go_back); m_parser_state.current_token = m_parser_state.lexer.next(); return false; } consume(TokenType::Char, Error::NoError); ++potentially_go_back; } return true; } ALWAYS_INLINE Optional Parser::consume_escaped_code_point(bool unicode) { if (match(TokenType::LeftCurly) && !unicode) { // In non-Unicode mode, this should be parsed as a repetition symbol (repeating the 'u'). return static_cast('u'); } m_parser_state.lexer.retreat(2 + !done()); // Go back to just before '\u' (+1 char, because we will have consumed an extra character) if (auto code_point_or_error = m_parser_state.lexer.consume_escaped_code_point(unicode); !code_point_or_error.is_error()) { m_parser_state.current_token = m_parser_state.lexer.next(); return code_point_or_error.value(); } if (!unicode) { // '\u' is allowed in non-unicode mode, just matches 'u'. return static_cast('u'); } set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); return {}; } ALWAYS_INLINE bool Parser::try_skip(StringView str) { if (str.starts_with(m_parser_state.current_token.value())) str = str.substring_view(m_parser_state.current_token.value().length(), str.length() - m_parser_state.current_token.value().length()); else return false; size_t potentially_go_back { 0 }; for (auto ch : str) { if (!m_parser_state.lexer.consume_specific(ch)) { m_parser_state.lexer.back(potentially_go_back); return false; } ++potentially_go_back; } m_parser_state.current_token = m_parser_state.lexer.next(); return true; } ALWAYS_INLINE bool Parser::lookahead_any(StringView str) { return AK::any_of(str, [this](auto ch) { return match(ch); }); } ALWAYS_INLINE unsigned char Parser::skip() { unsigned char ch; if (m_parser_state.current_token.value().length() == 1) { ch = m_parser_state.current_token.value()[0]; } else { m_parser_state.lexer.back(m_parser_state.current_token.value().length()); ch = m_parser_state.lexer.consume(); } m_parser_state.current_token = m_parser_state.lexer.next(); return ch; } ALWAYS_INLINE void Parser::back(size_t count) { m_parser_state.lexer.back(count); m_parser_state.current_token = m_parser_state.lexer.next(); } ALWAYS_INLINE void Parser::reset() { m_parser_state.bytecode.clear(); m_parser_state.lexer.reset(); m_parser_state.current_token = m_parser_state.lexer.next(); m_parser_state.error = Error::NoError; m_parser_state.error_token = { TokenType::Eof, 0, {} }; m_parser_state.capture_group_minimum_lengths.clear(); m_parser_state.capture_groups_count = 0; m_parser_state.named_capture_groups_count = 0; m_parser_state.named_capture_groups.clear(); } Parser::Result Parser::parse(Optional regex_options) { ByteCode::reset_checkpoint_serial_id(); reset(); if (regex_options.has_value()) m_parser_state.regex_options = regex_options.value(); if (parse_internal(m_parser_state.bytecode, m_parser_state.match_length_minimum)) consume(TokenType::Eof, Error::InvalidPattern); else set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); dbgln_if(REGEX_DEBUG, "[PARSER] Produced bytecode with {} entries (opcodes + arguments)", m_parser_state.bytecode.size()); return { move(m_parser_state.bytecode), move(m_parser_state.capture_groups_count), move(m_parser_state.named_capture_groups_count), move(m_parser_state.match_length_minimum), move(m_parser_state.error), move(m_parser_state.error_token), m_parser_state.named_capture_groups.keys(), m_parser_state.regex_options, }; } ALWAYS_INLINE bool Parser::match_ordinary_characters() { // NOTE: This method must not be called during bracket and repetition parsing! // FIXME: Add assertion for that? auto type = m_parser_state.current_token.type(); return ((type == TokenType::Char && m_parser_state.current_token.value() != "\\"sv) // NOTE: Backslash will only be matched as 'char' if it does not form a valid escape. || type == TokenType::Comma || type == TokenType::Slash || type == TokenType::EqualSign || type == TokenType::HyphenMinus || type == TokenType::Colon); } // ============================= // Abstract Posix Parser // ============================= ALWAYS_INLINE bool AbstractPosixParser::parse_bracket_expression(Vector& values, size_t& match_length_minimum) { for (; !done();) { if (match(TokenType::HyphenMinus)) { consume(); if (values.is_empty() || (values.size() == 1 && values.last().type == CharacterCompareType::Inverse)) { // first in the bracket expression values.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)'-' }); } else if (match(TokenType::RightBracket)) { // Last in the bracket expression values.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)'-' }); } else if (values.last().type == CharacterCompareType::Char) { values.append({ CharacterCompareType::RangeExpressionDummy, 0 }); if (done()) return set_error(Error::MismatchingBracket); if (match(TokenType::HyphenMinus)) { consume(); // Valid range, add ordinary character values.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)'-' }); } } else { return set_error(Error::InvalidRange); } } else if (match(TokenType::Circumflex)) { auto t = consume(); if (values.is_empty()) values.append({ CharacterCompareType::Inverse, 0 }); else values.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)*t.value().characters_without_null_termination() }); } else if (match(TokenType::LeftBracket)) { consume(); if (match(TokenType::Period)) { consume(); // FIXME: Parse collating element, this is needed when we have locale support // This could have impact on length parameter, I guess. set_error(Error::InvalidCollationElement); consume(TokenType::Period, Error::InvalidCollationElement); consume(TokenType::RightBracket, Error::MismatchingBracket); } else if (match(TokenType::EqualSign)) { consume(); // FIXME: Parse collating element, this is needed when we have locale support // This could have impact on length parameter, I guess. set_error(Error::InvalidCollationElement); consume(TokenType::EqualSign, Error::InvalidCollationElement); consume(TokenType::RightBracket, Error::MismatchingBracket); } else if (match(TokenType::Colon)) { consume(); CharClass ch_class; // parse character class if (match(TokenType::Char)) { if (consume("alnum")) ch_class = CharClass::Alnum; else if (consume("alpha")) ch_class = CharClass::Alpha; else if (consume("blank")) ch_class = CharClass::Blank; else if (consume("cntrl")) ch_class = CharClass::Cntrl; else if (consume("digit")) ch_class = CharClass::Digit; else if (consume("graph")) ch_class = CharClass::Graph; else if (consume("lower")) ch_class = CharClass::Lower; else if (consume("print")) ch_class = CharClass::Print; else if (consume("punct")) ch_class = CharClass::Punct; else if (consume("space")) ch_class = CharClass::Space; else if (consume("upper")) ch_class = CharClass::Upper; else if (consume("xdigit")) ch_class = CharClass::Xdigit; else return set_error(Error::InvalidCharacterClass); values.append({ CharacterCompareType::CharClass, (ByteCodeValueType)ch_class }); } else return set_error(Error::InvalidCharacterClass); // FIXME: we do not support locale specific character classes until locales are implemented consume(TokenType::Colon, Error::InvalidCharacterClass); consume(TokenType::RightBracket, Error::MismatchingBracket); } else { return set_error(Error::MismatchingBracket); } } else if (match(TokenType::RightBracket)) { if (values.is_empty() || (values.size() == 1 && values.last().type == CharacterCompareType::Inverse)) { // handle bracket as ordinary character values.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)*consume().value().characters_without_null_termination() }); } else { // closing bracket expression break; } } else { values.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)skip() }); } // check if range expression has to be completed... if (values.size() >= 3 && values.at(values.size() - 2).type == CharacterCompareType::RangeExpressionDummy) { if (values.last().type != CharacterCompareType::Char) return set_error(Error::InvalidRange); auto value2 = values.take_last(); values.take_last(); // RangeExpressionDummy auto value1 = values.take_last(); values.append({ CharacterCompareType::CharRange, static_cast(CharRange { (u32)value1.value, (u32)value2.value }) }); } } if (!values.is_empty()) { match_length_minimum = 1; if (values.first().type == CharacterCompareType::Inverse) match_length_minimum = 0; } return true; } // ============================= // PosixBasic Parser // ============================= bool PosixBasicParser::parse_internal(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_minimum) { return parse_root(stack, match_length_minimum); } bool PosixBasicParser::parse_root(ByteCode& bytecode, size_t& match_length_minimum) { // basic_reg_exp : L_ANCHOR? RE_expression R_ANCHOR? if (match(TokenType::Circumflex)) { consume(); bytecode.empend((ByteCodeValueType)OpCodeId::CheckBegin); } if (!parse_re_expression(bytecode, match_length_minimum)) return false; if (match(TokenType::Dollar)) { consume(); bytecode.empend((ByteCodeValueType)OpCodeId::CheckEnd); } return !has_error(); } bool PosixBasicParser::parse_re_expression(ByteCode& bytecode, size_t& match_length_minimum) { // RE_expression : RE_expression? simple_RE while (!done()) { if (!parse_simple_re(bytecode, match_length_minimum)) break; } return !has_error(); } bool PosixBasicParser::parse_simple_re(ByteCode& bytecode, size_t& match_length_minimum) { // simple_RE : nondupl_RE RE_dupl_symbol? ByteCode simple_re_bytecode; size_t re_match_length_minimum = 0; if (!parse_nonduplicating_re(simple_re_bytecode, re_match_length_minimum)) return false; // RE_dupl_symbol : '*' | Back_open_brace DUP_COUNT (',' DUP_COUNT?)? Back_close_brace if (match(TokenType::Asterisk)) { consume(); ByteCode::transform_bytecode_repetition_any(simple_re_bytecode, true); } else if (try_skip("\\{"sv)) { auto read_number = [&]() -> Optional { if (!match(TokenType::Char)) return {}; size_t value = 0; while (match(TokenType::Char)) { auto c = m_parser_state.current_token.value().substring_view(0, 1); auto c_value = c.to_number(); if (!c_value.has_value()) break; value *= 10; value += *c_value; consume(); } return value; }; size_t min_limit; Optional max_limit; if (auto limit = read_number(); !limit.has_value()) return set_error(Error::InvalidRepetitionMarker); else min_limit = *limit; if (match(TokenType::Comma)) { consume(); max_limit = read_number(); } if (!try_skip("\\}"sv)) return set_error(Error::MismatchingBrace); if (max_limit.value_or(min_limit) < min_limit) return set_error(Error::InvalidBraceContent); if (min_limit > s_maximum_repetition_count || (max_limit.has_value() && *max_limit > s_maximum_repetition_count)) return set_error(Error::InvalidBraceContent); auto min_repetition_mark_id = m_parser_state.repetition_mark_count++; auto max_repetition_mark_id = m_parser_state.repetition_mark_count++; ByteCode::transform_bytecode_repetition_min_max(simple_re_bytecode, min_limit, max_limit, min_repetition_mark_id, max_repetition_mark_id, true); match_length_minimum += re_match_length_minimum * min_limit; } else { match_length_minimum += re_match_length_minimum; } bytecode.extend(move(simple_re_bytecode)); return true; } bool PosixBasicParser::parse_nonduplicating_re(ByteCode& bytecode, size_t& match_length_minimum) { // nondupl_RE : one_char_or_coll_elem_RE | Back_open_paren RE_expression Back_close_paren | BACKREF if (try_skip("\\("sv)) { TemporaryChange change { m_current_capture_group_depth, m_current_capture_group_depth + 1 }; // Max number of addressable capture groups is 10, let's just be lenient // and accept 20; anything past that is probably a silly pattern anyway. if (m_current_capture_group_depth > 20) return set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); ByteCode capture_bytecode; size_t capture_length_minimum = 0; auto capture_group_index = ++m_parser_state.capture_groups_count; if (!parse_re_expression(capture_bytecode, capture_length_minimum)) return false; if (!try_skip("\\)"sv)) return set_error(Error::MismatchingParen); match_length_minimum += capture_length_minimum; if (capture_group_index <= number_of_addressable_capture_groups) { m_capture_group_minimum_lengths[capture_group_index - 1] = capture_length_minimum; m_capture_group_seen[capture_group_index - 1] = true; bytecode.insert_bytecode_group_capture_left(capture_group_index); } bytecode.extend(capture_bytecode); if (capture_group_index <= number_of_addressable_capture_groups) bytecode.insert_bytecode_group_capture_right(capture_group_index); return true; } for (size_t i = 1; i < 10; ++i) { char backref_name[2] { '\\', '0' }; backref_name[1] += i; if (try_skip({ backref_name, 2 })) { if (!m_capture_group_seen[i - 1]) return set_error(Error::InvalidNumber); match_length_minimum += m_capture_group_minimum_lengths[i - 1]; bytecode.insert_bytecode_compare_values({ { CharacterCompareType::Reference, (ByteCodeValueType)i } }); return true; } } return parse_one_char_or_collation_element(bytecode, match_length_minimum); } bool PosixBasicParser::parse_one_char_or_collation_element(ByteCode& bytecode, size_t& match_length_minimum) { // one_char_or_coll_elem_RE : ORD_CHAR | QUOTED_CHAR | '.' | bracket_expression if (match(TokenType::Period)) { consume(); bytecode.insert_bytecode_compare_values({ { CharacterCompareType::AnyChar, 0 } }); match_length_minimum += 1; return true; } // Dollars are special if at the end of a pattern. if (match(TokenType::Dollar)) { consume(); // If we are at the end of a pattern, emit an end check instruction. if (match(TokenType::Eof)) { bytecode.empend((ByteCodeValueType)OpCodeId::CheckEnd); return true; } // We are not at the end of the string, so we should roll back and continue as normal. back(2); } if (match(TokenType::Char)) { auto ch = consume().value()[0]; if (ch == '\\') { if (m_parser_state.regex_options.has_flag_set(AllFlags::Extra)) return set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); // This was \, the spec does not define any behaviour for this but glibc regex ignores it - and so do we. return true; } bytecode.insert_bytecode_compare_values({ { CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)ch } }); match_length_minimum += 1; return true; } // None of these are special in BRE. if (match(TokenType::Questionmark) || match(TokenType::RightParen) || match(TokenType::HyphenMinus) || match(TokenType::Circumflex) || match(TokenType::RightCurly) || match(TokenType::Comma) || match(TokenType::Colon) || match(TokenType::Dollar) || match(TokenType::EqualSign) || match(TokenType::LeftCurly) || match(TokenType::LeftParen) || match(TokenType::Pipe) || match(TokenType::Slash) || match(TokenType::RightBracket) || match(TokenType::RightParen)) { auto ch = consume().value()[0]; bytecode.insert_bytecode_compare_values({ { CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)ch } }); match_length_minimum += 1; return true; } if (match(TokenType::EscapeSequence)) { if (m_parser_state.current_token.value().is_one_of("\\)"sv, "\\}"sv, "\\("sv, "\\{"sv)) return false; auto ch = consume().value()[1]; bytecode.insert_bytecode_compare_values({ { CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)ch } }); match_length_minimum += 1; return true; } Vector values; size_t bracket_minimum_length = 0; if (match(TokenType::LeftBracket)) { consume(); if (!AbstractPosixParser::parse_bracket_expression(values, bracket_minimum_length)) return false; consume(TokenType::RightBracket, Error::MismatchingBracket); if (!has_error()) bytecode.insert_bytecode_compare_values(move(values)); match_length_minimum += bracket_minimum_length; return !has_error(); } return set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); } // ============================= // PosixExtended Parser // ============================= bool PosixExtendedParser::parse_internal(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_minimum) { return parse_root(stack, match_length_minimum); } ALWAYS_INLINE bool PosixExtendedParser::match_repetition_symbol() { auto type = m_parser_state.current_token.type(); return (type == TokenType::Asterisk || type == TokenType::Plus || type == TokenType::Questionmark || type == TokenType::LeftCurly); } ALWAYS_INLINE bool PosixExtendedParser::parse_repetition_symbol(ByteCode& bytecode_to_repeat, size_t& match_length_minimum) { if (match(TokenType::LeftCurly)) { consume(); StringBuilder number_builder; while (match(TokenType::Char)) { number_builder.append(consume().value()); } auto maybe_minimum = number_builder.to_byte_string().to_number(); if (!maybe_minimum.has_value()) return set_error(Error::InvalidBraceContent); auto minimum = maybe_minimum.value(); match_length_minimum *= minimum; if (minimum > s_maximum_repetition_count) return set_error(Error::InvalidBraceContent); if (match(TokenType::Comma)) { consume(); } else { auto repetition_mark_id = m_parser_state.repetition_mark_count++; ByteCode bytecode; bytecode.insert_bytecode_repetition_n(bytecode_to_repeat, minimum, repetition_mark_id); bytecode_to_repeat = move(bytecode); consume(TokenType::RightCurly, Error::MismatchingBrace); return !has_error(); } Optional maybe_maximum {}; number_builder.clear(); while (match(TokenType::Char)) { number_builder.append(consume().value()); } if (!number_builder.is_empty()) { auto value = number_builder.to_byte_string().to_number(); if (!value.has_value() || minimum > value.value() || *value > s_maximum_repetition_count) return set_error(Error::InvalidBraceContent); maybe_maximum = value.value(); } auto min_repetition_mark_id = m_parser_state.repetition_mark_count++; auto max_repetition_mark_id = m_parser_state.repetition_mark_count++; ByteCode::transform_bytecode_repetition_min_max(bytecode_to_repeat, minimum, maybe_maximum, min_repetition_mark_id, max_repetition_mark_id); consume(TokenType::RightCurly, Error::MismatchingBrace); return !has_error(); } if (match(TokenType::Plus)) { consume(); bool nongreedy = match(TokenType::Questionmark); if (nongreedy) consume(); // Note: don't touch match_length_minimum, it's already correct ByteCode::transform_bytecode_repetition_min_one(bytecode_to_repeat, !nongreedy); return !has_error(); } if (match(TokenType::Asterisk)) { consume(); match_length_minimum = 0; bool nongreedy = match(TokenType::Questionmark); if (nongreedy) consume(); ByteCode::transform_bytecode_repetition_any(bytecode_to_repeat, !nongreedy); return !has_error(); } if (match(TokenType::Questionmark)) { consume(); match_length_minimum = 0; bool nongreedy = match(TokenType::Questionmark); if (nongreedy) consume(); ByteCode::transform_bytecode_repetition_zero_or_one(bytecode_to_repeat, !nongreedy); return !has_error(); } return false; } ALWAYS_INLINE bool PosixExtendedParser::parse_bracket_expression(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_minimum) { Vector values; if (!AbstractPosixParser::parse_bracket_expression(values, match_length_minimum)) return false; if (!has_error()) stack.insert_bytecode_compare_values(move(values)); return !has_error(); } ALWAYS_INLINE bool PosixExtendedParser::parse_sub_expression(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_minimum) { ByteCode bytecode; size_t length = 0; bool should_parse_repetition_symbol { false }; for (;;) { if (match_ordinary_characters()) { Token start_token = m_parser_state.current_token; Token last_token = m_parser_state.current_token; for (;;) { if (!match_ordinary_characters()) break; ++length; last_token = consume(); } if (length > 1) { // last character is inserted into 'bytecode' for duplication symbol handling auto new_length = length - ((match_repetition_symbol() && length > 1) ? 1 : 0); stack.insert_bytecode_compare_string({ start_token.value().characters_without_null_termination(), new_length }); } if ((match_repetition_symbol() && length > 1) || length == 1) // Create own compare opcode for last character before duplication symbol bytecode.insert_bytecode_compare_values({ { CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)last_token.value().characters_without_null_termination()[0] } }); should_parse_repetition_symbol = true; break; } if (m_parser_state.current_token.value() == "\\"sv) { if (m_parser_state.regex_options.has_flag_set(AllFlags::Extra)) return set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); consume(); continue; } if (match_repetition_symbol()) return set_error(Error::InvalidRepetitionMarker); if (match(TokenType::Period)) { length = 1; consume(); bytecode.insert_bytecode_compare_values({ { CharacterCompareType::AnyChar, 0 } }); should_parse_repetition_symbol = true; break; } if (match(TokenType::EscapeSequence)) { length = 1; Token t = consume(); dbgln_if(REGEX_DEBUG, "[PARSER] EscapeSequence with substring {}", t.value()); bytecode.insert_bytecode_compare_values({ { CharacterCompareType::Char, (u32)t.value().characters_without_null_termination()[1] } }); should_parse_repetition_symbol = true; break; } if (match(TokenType::LeftBracket)) { consume(); ByteCode sub_ops; if (!parse_bracket_expression(sub_ops, length) || !sub_ops.size()) return set_error(Error::InvalidBracketContent); bytecode.extend(move(sub_ops)); consume(TokenType::RightBracket, Error::MismatchingBracket); should_parse_repetition_symbol = true; break; } if (match(TokenType::RightBracket)) { return set_error(Error::MismatchingBracket); } if (match(TokenType::RightCurly)) { return set_error(Error::MismatchingBrace); } if (match(TokenType::Circumflex)) { consume(); bytecode.empend((ByteCodeValueType)OpCodeId::CheckBegin); break; } if (match(TokenType::Dollar)) { consume(); bytecode.empend((ByteCodeValueType)OpCodeId::CheckEnd); break; } if (match(TokenType::RightParen)) return false; if (match(TokenType::LeftParen)) { enum GroupMode { Normal, Lookahead, NegativeLookahead, Lookbehind, NegativeLookbehind, } group_mode { Normal }; consume(); Optional capture_group_name; bool prevent_capture_group = false; if (match(TokenType::Questionmark)) { consume(); if (match(TokenType::Colon)) { consume(); prevent_capture_group = true; } else if (consume("<")) { // named capturing group Token start_token = m_parser_state.current_token; Token last_token = m_parser_state.current_token; size_t capture_group_name_length = 0; for (;;) { if (!match_ordinary_characters()) return set_error(Error::InvalidNameForCaptureGroup); if (match(TokenType::Char) && m_parser_state.current_token.value()[0] == '>') { consume(); break; } ++capture_group_name_length; last_token = consume(); } capture_group_name = StringView(start_token.value().characters_without_null_termination(), capture_group_name_length); ++m_parser_state.named_capture_groups_count; } else if (match(TokenType::EqualSign)) { // positive lookahead consume(); group_mode = Lookahead; } else if (consume("!")) { // negative lookahead group_mode = NegativeLookahead; } else if (consume("<")) { if (match(TokenType::EqualSign)) { // positive lookbehind consume(); group_mode = Lookbehind; } if (consume("!")) // negative lookbehind group_mode = NegativeLookbehind; } else { return set_error(Error::InvalidRepetitionMarker); } } auto current_capture_group = m_parser_state.capture_groups_count; if (!(m_parser_state.regex_options & AllFlags::SkipSubExprResults || prevent_capture_group)) { bytecode.insert_bytecode_group_capture_left(current_capture_group); m_parser_state.capture_groups_count++; } ByteCode capture_group_bytecode; if (!parse_root(capture_group_bytecode, length)) return set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); switch (group_mode) { case Normal: bytecode.extend(move(capture_group_bytecode)); break; case Lookahead: bytecode.insert_bytecode_lookaround(move(capture_group_bytecode), ByteCode::LookAroundType::LookAhead, length); break; case NegativeLookahead: bytecode.insert_bytecode_lookaround(move(capture_group_bytecode), ByteCode::LookAroundType::NegatedLookAhead, length); break; case Lookbehind: bytecode.insert_bytecode_lookaround(move(capture_group_bytecode), ByteCode::LookAroundType::LookBehind, length); break; case NegativeLookbehind: bytecode.insert_bytecode_lookaround(move(capture_group_bytecode), ByteCode::LookAroundType::NegatedLookBehind, length); break; } consume(TokenType::RightParen, Error::MismatchingParen); if (!(m_parser_state.regex_options & AllFlags::SkipSubExprResults || prevent_capture_group)) { if (capture_group_name.has_value()) bytecode.insert_bytecode_group_capture_right(current_capture_group, capture_group_name.value()); else bytecode.insert_bytecode_group_capture_right(current_capture_group); } should_parse_repetition_symbol = true; break; } return false; } if (match_repetition_symbol()) { if (should_parse_repetition_symbol) parse_repetition_symbol(bytecode, length); else return set_error(Error::InvalidRepetitionMarker); } stack.extend(move(bytecode)); match_length_minimum += length; return true; } bool PosixExtendedParser::parse_root(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_minimum) { ByteCode bytecode_left; size_t match_length_minimum_left { 0 }; if (match_repetition_symbol()) return set_error(Error::InvalidRepetitionMarker); for (;;) { if (!parse_sub_expression(bytecode_left, match_length_minimum_left)) break; if (match(TokenType::Pipe)) { consume(); ByteCode bytecode_right; size_t match_length_minimum_right { 0 }; if (!parse_root(bytecode_right, match_length_minimum_right) || bytecode_right.is_empty()) return set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); ByteCode new_bytecode; new_bytecode.insert_bytecode_alternation(move(bytecode_left), move(bytecode_right)); bytecode_left = move(new_bytecode); match_length_minimum_left = min(match_length_minimum_right, match_length_minimum_left); } } if (bytecode_left.is_empty()) set_error(Error::EmptySubExpression); stack.extend(move(bytecode_left)); match_length_minimum = match_length_minimum_left; return !has_error(); } // ============================= // ECMA262 Parser // ============================= bool ECMA262Parser::parse_internal(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_minimum) { auto unicode = m_parser_state.regex_options.has_flag_set(AllFlags::Unicode); auto unicode_sets = m_parser_state.regex_options.has_flag_set(AllFlags::UnicodeSets); if (unicode || unicode_sets) { return parse_pattern(stack, match_length_minimum, { .unicode = true, .named = true, .unicode_sets = unicode_sets }); } ByteCode new_stack; size_t new_match_length = 0; auto res = parse_pattern(new_stack, new_match_length, { .unicode = false, .named = false, .unicode_sets = false }); if (m_parser_state.named_capture_groups_count > 0) { reset(); return parse_pattern(stack, match_length_minimum, { .unicode = false, .named = true, .unicode_sets = false }); } if (!res) return false; stack.extend(new_stack); match_length_minimum = new_match_length; return res; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_pattern(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_minimum, ParseFlags flags) { return parse_disjunction(stack, match_length_minimum, flags); } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_disjunction(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_minimum, ParseFlags flags) { size_t total_match_length_minimum = NumericLimits::max(); Vector alternatives; while (true) { ByteCode alternative_stack; size_t alternative_minimum_length = 0; auto alt_ok = parse_alternative(alternative_stack, alternative_minimum_length, flags); if (!alt_ok) return false; alternatives.append(move(alternative_stack)); total_match_length_minimum = min(alternative_minimum_length, total_match_length_minimum); if (!match(TokenType::Pipe)) break; consume(); } Optimizer::append_alternation(stack, alternatives.span()); match_length_minimum = total_match_length_minimum; return true; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_alternative(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_minimum, ParseFlags flags) { for (;;) { if (match(TokenType::Eof)) return true; if (parse_term(stack, match_length_minimum, flags)) continue; return !has_error(); } } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_term(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_minimum, ParseFlags flags) { if (parse_assertion(stack, match_length_minimum, flags)) return true; ByteCode atom_stack; size_t minimum_atom_length = 0; auto parse_with_quantifier = [&] { bool did_parse_one = false; if (m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar) did_parse_one = parse_extended_atom(atom_stack, minimum_atom_length, flags); if (!did_parse_one) did_parse_one = parse_atom(atom_stack, minimum_atom_length, flags); if (!did_parse_one) return false; VERIFY(did_parse_one); return parse_quantifier(atom_stack, minimum_atom_length, flags); }; if (!parse_with_quantifier()) return false; stack.extend(move(atom_stack)); match_length_minimum += minimum_atom_length; return true; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_assertion(ByteCode& stack, [[maybe_unused]] size_t& match_length_minimum, ParseFlags flags) { if (match(TokenType::Circumflex)) { consume(); stack.empend((ByteCodeValueType)OpCodeId::CheckBegin); return true; } if (match(TokenType::Dollar)) { consume(); stack.empend((ByteCodeValueType)OpCodeId::CheckEnd); return true; } if (try_skip("\\b"sv)) { stack.insert_bytecode_check_boundary(BoundaryCheckType::Word); return true; } if (try_skip("\\B"sv)) { stack.insert_bytecode_check_boundary(BoundaryCheckType::NonWord); return true; } if (match(TokenType::LeftParen)) { if (!try_skip("(?"sv)) return false; if (done()) { set_error(Error::InvalidCaptureGroup); return false; } ByteCode assertion_stack; size_t length_dummy = 0; bool should_parse_forward_assertion = !m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar || flags.unicode; if (should_parse_forward_assertion && try_skip("="sv)) { if (!parse_inner_disjunction(assertion_stack, length_dummy, flags)) return false; stack.insert_bytecode_lookaround(move(assertion_stack), ByteCode::LookAroundType::LookAhead); return true; } if (should_parse_forward_assertion && try_skip("!"sv)) { enter_capture_group_scope(); ScopeGuard quit_scope { [this] { exit_capture_group_scope(); } }; if (!parse_inner_disjunction(assertion_stack, length_dummy, flags)) return false; stack.insert_bytecode_lookaround(move(assertion_stack), ByteCode::LookAroundType::NegatedLookAhead); clear_all_capture_groups_in_scope(stack); return true; } if (m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar) { if (!flags.unicode) { if (parse_quantifiable_assertion(assertion_stack, match_length_minimum, flags)) { if (!parse_quantifier(assertion_stack, match_length_minimum, flags)) return false; stack.extend(move(assertion_stack)); return true; } } } if (try_skip("<="sv)) { if (!parse_inner_disjunction(assertion_stack, length_dummy, flags)) return false; // FIXME: Somehow ensure that this assertion regexp has a fixed length. stack.insert_bytecode_lookaround(move(assertion_stack), ByteCode::LookAroundType::LookBehind, length_dummy); return true; } if (try_skip(" 0 && count >= max_count) break; if (hex && !AK::StringUtils::convert_to_uint_from_hex(c).has_value()) break; if (!hex && !c.to_number().has_value()) break; offset += consume().value().length(); ++count; } if (count < min_count) return {}; return StringView { start_token.value().characters_without_null_termination(), offset }; } Optional ECMA262Parser::read_digits(ECMA262Parser::ReadDigitsInitialZeroState initial_zero, bool hex, int max_count, int min_count) { auto str = read_digits_as_string(initial_zero, hex, max_count, min_count); if (str.is_empty()) return {}; if (hex) return AK::StringUtils::convert_to_uint_from_hex(str); return str.to_number(); } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_quantifier(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_minimum, ParseFlags flags) { enum class Repetition { OneOrMore, ZeroOrMore, Optional, Explicit, None, } repetition_mark { Repetition::None }; bool ungreedy = false; Optional repeat_min, repeat_max; if (match(TokenType::Asterisk)) { consume(); repetition_mark = Repetition::ZeroOrMore; } else if (match(TokenType::Plus)) { consume(); repetition_mark = Repetition::OneOrMore; } else if (match(TokenType::Questionmark)) { consume(); repetition_mark = Repetition::Optional; } else if (match(TokenType::LeftCurly)) { repetition_mark = Repetition::Explicit; if (!parse_interval_quantifier(repeat_min, repeat_max)) { if (flags.unicode) { // Invalid interval quantifiers are disallowed in Unicode mod - they must be escaped with '\{'. set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); } return !has_error(); } } else { return true; } if (match(TokenType::Questionmark)) { consume(); ungreedy = true; } switch (repetition_mark) { case Repetition::OneOrMore: ByteCode::transform_bytecode_repetition_min_one(stack, !ungreedy); break; case Repetition::ZeroOrMore: ByteCode::transform_bytecode_repetition_any(stack, !ungreedy); match_length_minimum = 0; break; case Repetition::Optional: ByteCode::transform_bytecode_repetition_zero_or_one(stack, !ungreedy); match_length_minimum = 0; break; case Repetition::Explicit: { auto min_repetition_mark_id = m_parser_state.repetition_mark_count++; auto max_repetition_mark_id = m_parser_state.repetition_mark_count++; ByteCode::transform_bytecode_repetition_min_max(stack, repeat_min.value(), repeat_max, min_repetition_mark_id, max_repetition_mark_id, !ungreedy); match_length_minimum *= repeat_min.value(); break; } case Repetition::None: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } return true; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_interval_quantifier(Optional& repeat_min, Optional& repeat_max) { VERIFY(match(TokenType::LeftCurly)); consume(); auto chars_consumed = 1; auto low_bound_string = read_digits_as_string(); chars_consumed += low_bound_string.length(); auto low_bound = low_bound_string.to_number(); if (!low_bound.has_value()) { if (!m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar && done()) return set_error(Error::MismatchingBrace); back(chars_consumed + !done()); return false; } repeat_min = low_bound.value(); if (match(TokenType::Comma)) { consume(); ++chars_consumed; auto high_bound_string = read_digits_as_string(); auto high_bound = high_bound_string.to_number(); if (high_bound.has_value()) { repeat_max = high_bound.value(); chars_consumed += high_bound_string.length(); } } else { repeat_max = repeat_min; } if (!match(TokenType::RightCurly)) { if (!m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar && done()) return set_error(Error::MismatchingBrace); back(chars_consumed + !done()); return false; } consume(); ++chars_consumed; if (repeat_max.has_value()) { if (repeat_min.value() > repeat_max.value()) set_error(Error::InvalidBraceContent); } if ((*repeat_min > s_ecma262_maximum_repetition_count) || (repeat_max.has_value() && (*repeat_max > s_ecma262_maximum_repetition_count))) return set_error(Error::InvalidBraceContent); return true; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_atom(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_minimum, ParseFlags flags) { if (match(TokenType::EscapeSequence)) { // Also part of AtomEscape. auto token = consume(); match_length_minimum += 1; stack.insert_bytecode_compare_values({ { CharacterCompareType::Char, (u8)token.value()[1] } }); return true; } if (try_skip("\\"sv)) { // AtomEscape. return parse_atom_escape(stack, match_length_minimum, flags); } if (match(TokenType::LeftBracket)) { // Character class. return parse_character_class(stack, match_length_minimum, flags); } if (match(TokenType::LeftParen)) { // Non-capturing group, or a capture group. return parse_capture_group(stack, match_length_minimum, flags); } if (match(TokenType::Period)) { consume(); match_length_minimum += 1; stack.insert_bytecode_compare_values({ { CharacterCompareType::AnyChar, 0 } }); return true; } if (match(TokenType::Circumflex) || match(TokenType::Dollar) || match(TokenType::RightParen) || match(TokenType::Pipe) || match(TokenType::Plus) || match(TokenType::Asterisk) || match(TokenType::Questionmark)) { return false; } if (match(TokenType::RightBracket) || match(TokenType::RightCurly) || match(TokenType::LeftCurly)) { if (flags.unicode) return set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); if (m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar) { auto token = consume(); match_length_minimum += 1; stack.insert_bytecode_compare_values({ { CharacterCompareType::Char, (u8)token.value()[0] } }); return true; } return false; } if (match_ordinary_characters()) { auto token = consume().value(); match_length_minimum += 1; stack.insert_bytecode_compare_values({ { CharacterCompareType::Char, (u8)token[0] } }); return true; } set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); return false; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_extended_atom(ByteCode&, size_t&, ParseFlags) { // Note: This includes only rules *not* present in parse_atom() VERIFY(m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar); return parse_invalid_braced_quantifier(); // FAIL FAIL FAIL } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_invalid_braced_quantifier() { if (!match(TokenType::LeftCurly)) return false; consume(); size_t chars_consumed = 1; auto low_bound = read_digits_as_string(); StringView high_bound; if (low_bound.is_empty()) { back(chars_consumed + !done()); return false; } chars_consumed += low_bound.length(); if (match(TokenType::Comma)) { consume(); ++chars_consumed; high_bound = read_digits_as_string(); chars_consumed += high_bound.length(); } if (!match(TokenType::RightCurly)) { back(chars_consumed + !done()); return false; } consume(); set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); return true; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_character_escape(Vector& compares, size_t& match_length_minimum, ParseFlags flags) { // CharacterEscape > ControlEscape if (try_skip("f"sv)) { match_length_minimum += 1; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)'\f' }); return true; } if (try_skip("n"sv)) { match_length_minimum += 1; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)'\n' }); return true; } if (try_skip("r"sv)) { match_length_minimum += 1; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)'\r' }); return true; } if (try_skip("t"sv)) { match_length_minimum += 1; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)'\t' }); return true; } if (try_skip("v"sv)) { match_length_minimum += 1; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)'\v' }); return true; } // CharacterEscape > ControlLetter if (try_skip("c"sv)) { for (auto c : s_alphabetic_characters) { if (try_skip({ &c, 1 })) { match_length_minimum += 1; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)(c % 32) }); return true; } } if (flags.unicode) { set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); return false; } if (m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar) { back(1 + (done() ? 0 : 1)); compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)'\\' }); match_length_minimum += 1; return true; } // Allow '\c' in non-unicode mode, just matches 'c'. match_length_minimum += 1; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)'c' }); return true; } // '\0' if (try_skip("0"sv)) { if (!lookahead_any(s_decimal_characters)) { match_length_minimum += 1; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)0 }); return true; } back(); } // LegacyOctalEscapeSequence if (m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar) { if (!flags.unicode) { if (auto escape = parse_legacy_octal_escape(); escape.has_value()) { compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)escape.value() }); match_length_minimum += 1; return true; } } } // HexEscape if (try_skip("x"sv)) { if (auto hex_escape = read_digits(ReadDigitsInitialZeroState::Allow, true, 2, 2); hex_escape.has_value()) { match_length_minimum += 1; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)hex_escape.value() }); return true; } if (!flags.unicode) { // '\x' is allowed in non-unicode mode, just matches 'x'. match_length_minimum += 1; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)'x' }); return true; } set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); return false; } if (try_skip("u"sv)) { if (auto code_point = consume_escaped_code_point(flags.unicode); code_point.has_value()) { match_length_minimum += 1; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)code_point.value() }); return true; } return false; } // IdentityEscape for (auto ch : identity_escape_characters(flags.unicode, m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar)) { if (try_skip({ &ch, 1 })) { match_length_minimum += 1; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)ch }); return true; } } if (flags.unicode) { if (try_skip("/"sv)) { match_length_minimum += 1; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)'/' }); return true; } } return false; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_atom_escape(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_minimum, ParseFlags flags) { if (auto escape_str = read_digits_as_string(ReadDigitsInitialZeroState::Disallow); !escape_str.is_empty()) { if (auto escape = escape_str.to_number(); escape.has_value()) { // See if this is a "back"-reference (we've already parsed the group it refers to) auto maybe_length = m_parser_state.capture_group_minimum_lengths.get(escape.value()); if (maybe_length.has_value()) { match_length_minimum += maybe_length.value(); stack.insert_bytecode_compare_values({ { CharacterCompareType::Reference, (ByteCodeValueType)escape.value() } }); return true; } // It's not a pattern seen before, so we have to see if it's a valid reference to a future group. if (escape.value() <= ensure_total_number_of_capturing_parenthesis()) { // This refers to a future group, and it will _always_ be matching an empty string // So just match nothing and move on. return true; } if (!m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar) { set_error(Error::InvalidNumber); return false; } } // If not, put the characters back. back(escape_str.length() + (done() ? 0 : 1)); } Vector escape_compares; if (parse_character_escape(escape_compares, match_length_minimum, flags)) { stack.insert_bytecode_compare_values(move(escape_compares)); return true; } if (flags.named && try_skip("k"sv)) { auto name = read_capture_group_specifier(true); if (name.is_empty()) { set_error(Error::InvalidNameForCaptureGroup); return false; } auto maybe_capture_group = m_parser_state.named_capture_groups.get(name); if (!maybe_capture_group.has_value()) { set_error(Error::InvalidNameForCaptureGroup); return false; } match_length_minimum += maybe_capture_group->minimum_length; stack.insert_bytecode_compare_values({ { CharacterCompareType::Reference, (ByteCodeValueType)maybe_capture_group->group_index } }); return true; } if (flags.unicode) { PropertyEscape property {}; bool negated = false; if (parse_unicode_property_escape(property, negated)) { Vector compares; if (negated) compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Inverse, 0 }); property.visit( [&](Unicode::Property property) { compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Property, (ByteCodeValueType)property.value() }); }, [&](Unicode::GeneralCategory general_category) { compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::GeneralCategory, (ByteCodeValueType)general_category.value() }); }, [&](Script script) { if (script.is_extension) compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::ScriptExtension, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script.value() }); else compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Script, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script.value() }); }, [](Empty&) { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); }); stack.insert_bytecode_compare_values(move(compares)); match_length_minimum += 1; return true; } } if (done()) return set_error(Error::InvalidTrailingEscape); bool negate = false; auto ch = parse_character_class_escape(negate); if (!ch.has_value()) { if (!flags.unicode) { // Allow all SourceCharacter's as escapes here. auto token = consume(); match_length_minimum += 1; stack.insert_bytecode_compare_values({ { CharacterCompareType::Char, (u8)token.value()[0] } }); return true; } set_error(Error::InvalidCharacterClass); return false; } Vector compares; if (negate) compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Inverse, 0 }); compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::CharClass, (ByteCodeValueType)ch.value() }); match_length_minimum += 1; stack.insert_bytecode_compare_values(move(compares)); return true; } Optional ECMA262Parser::parse_legacy_octal_escape() { constexpr auto all_octal_digits = "01234567"sv; auto read_octal_digit = [&](auto start, auto end, bool should_ensure_no_following_octal_digit) -> Optional { for (char c = '0' + start; c <= '0' + end; ++c) { if (try_skip({ &c, 1 })) { if (!should_ensure_no_following_octal_digit || !lookahead_any(all_octal_digits)) return c - '0'; back(2); return {}; } } return {}; }; // OctalDigit(1) if (auto digit = read_octal_digit(0, 7, true); digit.has_value()) { return digit.value(); } // OctalDigit(2) if (auto left_digit = read_octal_digit(0, 3, false); left_digit.has_value()) { if (auto right_digit = read_octal_digit(0, 7, true); right_digit.has_value()) { return left_digit.value() * 8 + right_digit.value(); } back(2); } // OctalDigit(2) if (auto left_digit = read_octal_digit(4, 7, false); left_digit.has_value()) { if (auto right_digit = read_octal_digit(0, 7, false); right_digit.has_value()) { return left_digit.value() * 8 + right_digit.value(); } back(2); } // OctalDigit(3) if (auto left_digit = read_octal_digit(0, 3, false); left_digit.has_value()) { size_t chars_consumed = 1; if (auto mid_digit = read_octal_digit(0, 7, false); mid_digit.has_value()) { ++chars_consumed; if (auto right_digit = read_octal_digit(0, 7, false); right_digit.has_value()) { return left_digit.value() * 64 + mid_digit.value() * 8 + right_digit.value(); } } back(chars_consumed); } return {}; } Optional ECMA262Parser::parse_character_class_escape(bool& negate, bool expect_backslash) { if (expect_backslash && !try_skip("\\"sv)) return {}; // CharacterClassEscape CharClass ch_class; if (try_skip("d"sv)) { ch_class = CharClass::Digit; } else if (try_skip("D"sv)) { ch_class = CharClass::Digit; negate = true; } else if (try_skip("s"sv)) { ch_class = CharClass::Space; } else if (try_skip("S"sv)) { ch_class = CharClass::Space; negate = true; } else if (try_skip("w"sv)) { ch_class = CharClass::Word; } else if (try_skip("W"sv)) { ch_class = CharClass::Word; negate = true; } else { return {}; } return ch_class; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_character_class(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_minimum, ParseFlags flags) { consume(TokenType::LeftBracket, Error::InvalidPattern); Vector compares; auto uses_explicit_or_semantics = false; if (match(TokenType::Circumflex)) { // Negated charclass consume(); compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Inverse, 0 }); uses_explicit_or_semantics = true; } // ClassContents :: [empty] if (match(TokenType::RightBracket)) { consume(); // Should only have at most an 'Inverse' VERIFY(compares.size() <= 1); stack.insert_bytecode_compare_values(move(compares)); return true; } // ClassContents :: [~UnicodeSetsMode] NonemptyClassRanges[?UnicodeMode] if (!flags.unicode_sets && !parse_nonempty_class_ranges(compares, flags)) return false; // ClassContents :: [+UnicodeSetsMode] ClassSetExpression if (flags.unicode_sets && !parse_class_set_expression(compares)) return false; if (uses_explicit_or_semantics && compares.size() > 2) { compares.insert(1, CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Or, 0 }); compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::EndAndOr, 0 }); } match_length_minimum += 1; stack.insert_bytecode_compare_values(move(compares)); return true; } struct CharClassRangeElement { union { CharClass character_class; u32 code_point { 0 }; Unicode::Property property; Unicode::GeneralCategory general_category; Unicode::Script script; }; bool is_negated { false }; bool is_character_class { false }; bool is_property { false }; bool is_general_category { false }; bool is_script { false }; bool is_script_extension { false }; }; bool ECMA262Parser::parse_nonempty_class_ranges(Vector& ranges, ParseFlags flags) { auto read_class_atom_no_dash = [&]() -> Optional { if (match(TokenType::EscapeSequence)) { auto token = consume().value(); return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = (u32)token[1], .is_character_class = false } }; } if (try_skip("\\"sv)) { if (done()) { set_error(Error::InvalidTrailingEscape); return {}; } if (try_skip("f"sv)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = '\f', .is_character_class = false } }; if (try_skip("n"sv)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = '\n', .is_character_class = false } }; if (try_skip("r"sv)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = '\r', .is_character_class = false } }; if (try_skip("t"sv)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = '\t', .is_character_class = false } }; if (try_skip("v"sv)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = '\v', .is_character_class = false } }; if (try_skip("b"sv)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = '\b', .is_character_class = false } }; if (try_skip("/"sv)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = '/', .is_character_class = false } }; // CharacterEscape > ControlLetter if (try_skip("c"sv)) { for (auto c : s_alphabetic_characters) { if (try_skip({ &c, 1 })) { return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = (u32)(c % 32), .is_character_class = false } }; } } if (flags.unicode) { set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); return {}; } if (m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar) { for (auto c = '0'; c <= '9'; ++c) { if (try_skip({ &c, 1 })) return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = (u32)(c % 32), .is_character_class = false } }; } if (try_skip("_"sv)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = (u32)('_' % 32), .is_character_class = false } }; back(1 + !done()); return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = '\\', .is_character_class = false } }; } } // '\0' if (try_skip("0"sv)) { if (!lookahead_any(s_decimal_characters)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = 0, .is_character_class = false } }; back(); } // LegacyOctalEscapeSequence if (m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar && !flags.unicode) { if (auto escape = parse_legacy_octal_escape(); escape.has_value()) return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = escape.value(), .is_character_class = false } }; } // HexEscape if (try_skip("x"sv)) { if (auto hex_escape = read_digits(ReadDigitsInitialZeroState::Allow, true, 2, 2); hex_escape.has_value()) { return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = hex_escape.value(), .is_character_class = false } }; } else if (!flags.unicode) { // '\x' is allowed in non-unicode mode, just matches 'x'. return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = 'x', .is_character_class = false } }; } else { set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); return {}; } } if (try_skip("u"sv)) { if (auto code_point = consume_escaped_code_point(flags.unicode); code_point.has_value()) { // FIXME: While code point ranges are supported, code point matches as "Char" are not! return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = code_point.value(), .is_character_class = false } }; } return {}; } // IdentityEscape for (auto ch : identity_escape_characters(flags.unicode, m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar)) { if (try_skip({ &ch, 1 })) return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = (u32)ch, .is_character_class = false } }; } if (flags.unicode) { if (try_skip("-"sv)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = '-', .is_character_class = false } }; PropertyEscape property {}; bool negated = false; if (parse_unicode_property_escape(property, negated)) { return property.visit( [&](Unicode::Property property) { return CharClassRangeElement { .property = property, .is_negated = negated, .is_character_class = true, .is_property = true }; }, [&](Unicode::GeneralCategory general_category) { return CharClassRangeElement { .general_category = general_category, .is_negated = negated, .is_character_class = true, .is_general_category = true }; }, [&](Script script) { if (script.is_extension) return CharClassRangeElement { .script = script.script, .is_negated = negated, .is_character_class = true, .is_script_extension = true }; return CharClassRangeElement { .script = script.script, .is_negated = negated, .is_character_class = true, .is_script = true }; }, [](Empty&) -> CharClassRangeElement { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); }); } } if (try_skip("d"sv)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .character_class = CharClass::Digit, .is_character_class = true } }; if (try_skip("s"sv)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .character_class = CharClass::Space, .is_character_class = true } }; if (try_skip("w"sv)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .character_class = CharClass::Word, .is_character_class = true } }; if (try_skip("D"sv)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .character_class = CharClass::Digit, .is_negated = true, .is_character_class = true } }; if (try_skip("S"sv)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .character_class = CharClass::Space, .is_negated = true, .is_character_class = true } }; if (try_skip("W"sv)) return { CharClassRangeElement { .character_class = CharClass::Word, .is_negated = true, .is_character_class = true } }; if (!flags.unicode) { // Any unrecognised escape is allowed in non-unicode mode. return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = (u32)skip(), .is_character_class = false } }; } set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); return {}; } if (match(TokenType::Eof)) { set_error(Error::MismatchingBracket); return {}; } if (match(TokenType::RightBracket) || match(TokenType::HyphenMinus)) return {}; // Allow any (other) SourceCharacter. return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = (u32)skip(), .is_character_class = false } }; }; auto read_class_atom = [&]() -> Optional { if (match(TokenType::HyphenMinus)) { consume(); return { CharClassRangeElement { .code_point = '-', .is_character_class = false } }; } return read_class_atom_no_dash(); }; auto empend_atom = [&](auto& atom) { if (atom.is_character_class) { if (atom.is_negated) ranges.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::TemporaryInverse, 0 }); if (atom.is_property) ranges.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Property, (ByteCodeValueType)(atom.property.value()) }); else if (atom.is_general_category) ranges.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::GeneralCategory, (ByteCodeValueType)(atom.general_category.value()) }); else if (atom.is_script) ranges.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Script, (ByteCodeValueType)(atom.script.value()) }); else if (atom.is_script_extension) ranges.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::ScriptExtension, (ByteCodeValueType)(atom.script.value()) }); else ranges.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::CharClass, (ByteCodeValueType)atom.character_class }); } else { VERIFY(!atom.is_negated); ranges.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Char, atom.code_point }); } }; while (!match(TokenType::RightBracket)) { if (match(TokenType::Eof)) { set_error(Error::MismatchingBracket); return false; } auto first_atom = read_class_atom(); if (!first_atom.has_value()) return false; if (match(TokenType::HyphenMinus)) { consume(); if (match(TokenType::RightBracket)) { // Allow '-' as the last element in a charclass, even after an atom. m_parser_state.lexer.back(2); // -] m_parser_state.current_token = m_parser_state.lexer.next(); goto read_as_single_atom; } auto second_atom = read_class_atom(); if (!second_atom.has_value()) return false; if (first_atom.value().is_character_class || second_atom.value().is_character_class) { if (m_should_use_browser_extended_grammar) { if (flags.unicode) { set_error(Error::InvalidRange); return false; } // CharacterRangeOrUnion > !Unicode > CharClass empend_atom(*first_atom); ranges.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Char, (ByteCodeValueType)'-' }); empend_atom(*second_atom); continue; } set_error(Error::InvalidRange); return false; } if (first_atom.value().code_point > second_atom.value().code_point) { set_error(Error::InvalidRange); return false; } VERIFY(!first_atom.value().is_negated); VERIFY(!second_atom.value().is_negated); ranges.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::CharRange, CharRange { first_atom.value().code_point, second_atom.value().code_point } }); continue; } read_as_single_atom:; auto atom = first_atom.value(); empend_atom(atom); } consume(TokenType::RightBracket, Error::MismatchingBracket); return true; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_class_set_expression(Vector& compares) { auto start_position = tell(); // ClassSetExpression :: ClassUnion | ClassIntersection | ClassSubtraction if (parse_class_subtraction(compares)) { consume(TokenType::RightBracket, Error::MismatchingBracket); return true; } if (has_error()) return false; back(tell() - start_position + 1); if (parse_class_intersection(compares)) { consume(TokenType::RightBracket, Error::MismatchingBracket); return true; } if (has_error()) return false; back(tell() - start_position + 1); if (parse_class_union(compares)) { consume(TokenType::RightBracket, Error::MismatchingBracket); return true; } return false; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_class_union(Vector& compares) { auto start_position = tell(); ArmedScopeGuard restore_position { [&] { back(tell() - start_position + 1); } }; auto first = true; // ClassUnion :: ClassSetRange ClassUnion[opt] | ClassSetOperand ClassUnion[opt] for (;;) { if (!parse_class_set_range(compares)) { if (has_error() || match(TokenType::RightBracket)) break; if (!parse_class_set_operand(compares)) { if (first || has_error()) return false; break; } } first = false; } restore_position.disarm(); return !has_error(); } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_class_intersection(Vector& compares) { // ClassIntersection :: ClassSetOperand "&&" [lookahead != "&"] ClassSetOperand // | ClassIntersection "&&" [lookahead != "&"] ClassSetOperand Vector lhs; Vector rhs; auto start_position = tell(); ArmedScopeGuard restore_position { [&] { back(tell() - start_position + 1); } }; if (!parse_class_set_operand(lhs)) return false; if (!try_skip("&&"sv)) return false; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::And, 0 }); compares.extend(move(lhs)); do { rhs.clear_with_capacity(); if (!parse_class_set_operand(rhs)) return false; compares.extend(rhs); if (try_skip("&&&"sv)) return false; } while (!has_error() && try_skip("&&"sv)); compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::EndAndOr, 0 }); restore_position.disarm(); return true; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_class_subtraction(Vector& compares) { // ClassSubtraction :: ClassSetOperand "--" ClassSetOperand | ClassSubtraction "--" ClassSetOperand Vector lhs; Vector rhs; auto start_position = tell(); ArmedScopeGuard restore_position { [&] { back(tell() - start_position + 1); } }; if (!parse_class_set_operand(lhs)) return false; if (!try_skip("--"sv)) return false; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::And, 0 }); compares.extend(move(lhs)); do { rhs.clear_with_capacity(); if (!parse_class_set_operand(rhs)) return false; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::TemporaryInverse, 0 }); compares.extend(rhs); } while (!has_error() && try_skip("--"sv)); compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::EndAndOr, 0 }); restore_position.disarm(); return true; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_class_set_range(Vector& compares) { // ClassSetRange :: ClassSetCharacter "-" ClassSetCharacter auto start_position = tell(); ArmedScopeGuard restore_position { [&] { back(tell() - start_position + 1); } }; auto lhs = parse_class_set_character(); if (!lhs.has_value()) return false; if (!match(TokenType::HyphenMinus)) return false; consume(); auto rhs = parse_class_set_character(); if (!rhs.has_value()) return false; compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::CharRange, CharRange { lhs.value(), rhs.value() }, }); restore_position.disarm(); return true; } Optional ECMA262Parser::parse_class_set_character() { // ClassSetCharacter :: [lookahead ∉ ClassSetReservedDoublePunctuator] SourceCharacter but not ClassSetSyntaxCharacter // | "\" CharacterEscape[+UnicodeMode] // | "\" ClassSetReservedPunctuator // | "\" b // ClassSetReservedDoublePunctuator :: one of "&&" "!!" "##" "$$" "%%" "**" "++" ",," ".." "::" ";;" "<<" "==" ">>" "??" "@@" "^^" "``" "~~" // ClassSetSyntaxCharacter :: one of "(" ")" "{" "}" "[" "]" "/" "-" "\" "|" // ClassSetReservedPunctuator :: one of "&" "-" "!" "#" "%" "," ":" ";" "<" "=" ">" "@" "`" "~" constexpr auto class_set_reserved_double_punctuator = Array { "&&"sv, "!!"sv, "##"sv, "$$"sv, "%%"sv, "**"sv, "++"sv, ",,"sv, ".."sv, "::"sv, ";;"sv, "<<"sv, "=="sv, ">>"sv, "??"sv, "@@"sv, "^^"sv, "``"sv, "~~"sv }; if (done()) { set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); return {}; } auto start_position = tell(); ArmedScopeGuard restore { [&] { back(tell() - start_position + 1); } }; if (try_skip("\\"sv)) { if (done()) { set_error(Error::InvalidTrailingEscape); return {}; } // "\" ClassSetReservedPunctuator for (auto const& reserved : class_set_reserved_double_punctuator) { if (try_skip(reserved)) { // "\" ClassSetReservedPunctuator (ClassSetReservedPunctuator) back(); restore.disarm(); return reserved[0]; } } // "\" b if (try_skip("b"sv)) { restore.disarm(); return '\b'; } // "\" CharacterEscape[+UnicodeMode] Vector compares; size_t minimum_length = 0; if (parse_character_escape(compares, minimum_length, { .unicode = true })) { VERIFY(compares.size() == 1); auto& compare = compares.first(); VERIFY(compare.type == CharacterCompareType::Char); restore.disarm(); return compare.value; } return {}; } // [lookahead ∉ ClassSetReservedDoublePunctuator] SourceCharacter but not ClassSetSyntaxCharacter auto lookahead_matches = any_of(class_set_reserved_double_punctuator, [this](auto& reserved) { return try_skip(reserved); }); if (lookahead_matches) return {}; for (auto character : { "("sv, ")"sv, "{"sv, "}"sv, "["sv, "]"sv, "/"sv, "-"sv, "\\"sv, "|"sv }) { if (try_skip(character)) return {}; } restore.disarm(); return skip(); } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_class_set_operand(Vector& compares) { auto start_position = tell(); // ClassSetOperand :: ClassSetCharacter | ClassStringDisjunction | NestedClass if (auto character = parse_class_set_character(); character.has_value()) { compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::Char, character.value() }); return true; } // NestedClass :: "[" [lookahead != "^"] ClassContents[+UnicodeMode +UnicodeSetsMode] "]" // | "[" "^" ClassContents[+UnicodeMode +UnicodeSetsMode] "]" // | "\" CharacterClassEscape[+UnicodeMode] if (parse_nested_class(compares)) return true; if (has_error()) return false; auto negated = false; if (auto ch = parse_character_class_escape(negated, true); ch.has_value()) { if (negated) compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::TemporaryInverse, 1 }); compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::CharClass, (ByteCodeValueType)ch.value() }); return true; } PropertyEscape property {}; if (parse_unicode_property_escape(property, negated)) { if (negated) compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Inverse, 0 }); property.visit( [&](Unicode::Property property) { compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Property, (ByteCodeValueType)property.value() }); }, [&](Unicode::GeneralCategory general_category) { compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::GeneralCategory, (ByteCodeValueType)general_category.value() }); }, [&](Script script) { if (script.is_extension) compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::ScriptExtension, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script.value() }); else compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Script, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script.value() }); }, [](Empty&) { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); }); return true; } if (has_error()) return false; // ClassStringDisjunction :: "\q{" ClassStringDisjunctionContents "}" // ClassStringDisjunctionContents :: ClassString | ClassString "|" ClassStringDisjunctionContents // ClassString :: [empty] | NonEmptyClassString // NonEmptyClassString :: ClassCharacter NonEmptyClassString[opt] if (try_skip("\\q{"sv)) { // FIXME: Implement this :P return set_error(Error::InvalidCharacterClass); } back(tell() - start_position + 1); return false; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_nested_class(Vector& compares) { auto start_position = tell(); // NestedClass :: "[" [lookahead ≠ ^ ] ClassContents [+UnicodeMode, +UnicodeSetsMode] "]" // | "[" "^" ClassContents[+UnicodeMode, +UnicodeSetsMode] "]" // | "\" CharacterClassEscape[+UnicodeMode] if (match(TokenType::LeftBracket)) { consume(); compares.append(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Or, 0 }); if (match(TokenType::Circumflex)) { // Negated charclass consume(); compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Inverse, 0 }); } // ClassContents :: [empty] if (match(TokenType::RightBracket)) { consume(); // Should only have at most an 'Inverse' (after an 'Or') if (m_parser_state.regex_options.has_flag_set(regex::AllFlags::UnicodeSets)) { // In unicode sets mode, we can have an additional 'And'/'Or' before the 'Inverse'. VERIFY(compares.size() <= 3); } else { VERIFY(compares.size() <= 2); } compares.append(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::EndAndOr, 0 }); return true; } // ClassContents :: [+UnicodeSetsMode] ClassSetExpression if (!parse_class_set_expression(compares)) return false; compares.append(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::EndAndOr, 0 }); return true; } if (try_skip("\\"sv)) { auto negated = false; if (auto char_class = parse_character_class_escape(negated); char_class.has_value()) { if (negated) compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::TemporaryInverse, 1 }); compares.append({ CharacterCompareType::CharClass, (ByteCodeValueType)char_class.value() }); return true; } PropertyEscape property {}; if (parse_unicode_property_escape(property, negated)) { if (negated) compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Inverse, 0 }); property.visit( [&](Unicode::Property property) { compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Property, (ByteCodeValueType)property.value() }); }, [&](Unicode::GeneralCategory general_category) { compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::GeneralCategory, (ByteCodeValueType)general_category.value() }); }, [&](Script script) { if (script.is_extension) compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::ScriptExtension, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script.value() }); else compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Script, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script.value() }); }, [](Empty&) { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); }); return true; } if (has_error()) return false; } back(tell() - start_position + 1); return false; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_unicode_property_escape(PropertyEscape& property, bool& negated) { negated = false; if (try_skip("p"sv)) negated = false; else if (try_skip("P"sv)) negated = true; else return false; auto parsed_property = read_unicode_property_escape(); if (!parsed_property.has_value()) { set_error(Error::InvalidNameForProperty); return false; } property = move(*parsed_property); return property.visit( [this](Unicode::Property property) { if (!Unicode::is_ecma262_property(property)) { set_error(Error::InvalidNameForProperty); return false; } return true; }, [](Unicode::GeneralCategory) { return true; }, [](Script) { return true; }, [](Empty&) -> bool { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); }); } DeprecatedFlyString ECMA262Parser::read_capture_group_specifier(bool take_starting_angle_bracket) { static constexpr u32 const REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER = 0xFFFD; constexpr u32 const ZERO_WIDTH_NON_JOINER { 0x200C }; constexpr u32 const ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER { 0x200D }; if (take_starting_angle_bracket && !consume("<")) return {}; StringBuilder builder; auto consume_code_point = [&] { Utf8View utf_8_view { m_parser_state.lexer.source().substring_view(m_parser_state.lexer.tell() - 1) }; if (utf_8_view.is_empty()) return REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER; u32 code_point = *utf_8_view.begin(); auto characters = utf_8_view.byte_offset_of(1); while (characters-- > 0) consume(); return code_point; }; { // The first character is limited to: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#prod-RegExpIdentifierStart // RegExpIdentifierStart[UnicodeMode] :: // IdentifierStartChar // \ RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence[+UnicodeMode] // [~UnicodeMode] UnicodeLeadSurrogate UnicodeTrailSurrogate auto code_point = consume_code_point(); if (code_point == '\\' && match('u')) { consume(); if (auto maybe_code_point = consume_escaped_code_point(true); maybe_code_point.has_value()) { code_point = *maybe_code_point; } else { set_error(Error::InvalidNameForCaptureGroup); return {}; } } if (is_ascii(code_point)) { // The only valid ID_Start unicode characters in ascii are the letters. if (!is_ascii_alpha(code_point) && code_point != '$' && code_point != '_') { set_error(Error::InvalidNameForCaptureGroup); return {}; } } else if (!Unicode::code_point_has_identifier_start_property(code_point)) { set_error(Error::InvalidNameForCaptureGroup); return {}; } builder.append_code_point(code_point); } bool hit_end = false; // Any following characters are limited to: // RegExpIdentifierPart[UnicodeMode] :: // IdentifierPartChar // \ RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence[+UnicodeMode] // [~UnicodeMode] UnicodeLeadSurrogate UnicodeTrailSurrogate while (match(TokenType::Char) || match(TokenType::Dollar) || match(TokenType::LeftCurly) || match(TokenType::RightCurly)) { auto code_point = consume_code_point(); if (code_point == '>') { hit_end = true; break; } if (code_point == '\\') { if (!try_skip("u"sv)) { set_error(Error::InvalidNameForCaptureGroup); return {}; } if (auto maybe_code_point = consume_escaped_code_point(true); maybe_code_point.has_value()) { code_point = *maybe_code_point; } else { set_error(Error::InvalidNameForCaptureGroup); return {}; } } if (is_ascii(code_point)) { // The only valid ID_Continue unicode characters in ascii are the letters and numbers. if (!is_ascii_alphanumeric(code_point) && code_point != '$' && code_point != '_') { set_error(Error::InvalidNameForCaptureGroup); return {}; } } else if (code_point != ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER && code_point != ZERO_WIDTH_NON_JOINER) { if (!Unicode::code_point_has_identifier_continue_property(code_point)) { set_error(Error::InvalidNameForCaptureGroup); return {}; } } builder.append_code_point(code_point); } DeprecatedFlyString name = builder.to_byte_string(); if (!hit_end || name.is_empty()) set_error(Error::InvalidNameForCaptureGroup); return name; } Optional ECMA262Parser::read_unicode_property_escape() { consume(TokenType::LeftCurly, Error::InvalidPattern); auto read_until = [&](Ts&&... terminators) { auto start_token = m_parser_state.current_token; size_t offset = 0; while (match(TokenType::Char)) { if (m_parser_state.current_token.value().is_one_of(forward(terminators)...)) break; offset += consume().value().length(); } return StringView { start_token.value().characters_without_null_termination(), offset }; }; StringView property_type; StringView property_name = read_until("="sv, "}"sv); if (try_skip("="sv)) { if (property_name.is_empty()) return {}; property_type = property_name; property_name = read_until("}"sv); } consume(TokenType::RightCurly, Error::InvalidPattern); if (property_type.is_empty()) { if (auto property = Unicode::property_from_string(property_name); property.has_value()) return { *property }; if (auto general_category = Unicode::general_category_from_string(property_name); general_category.has_value()) return { *general_category }; } else if ((property_type == "General_Category"sv) || (property_type == "gc"sv)) { if (auto general_category = Unicode::general_category_from_string(property_name); general_category.has_value()) return { *general_category }; } else if ((property_type == "Script"sv) || (property_type == "sc"sv)) { if (auto script = Unicode::script_from_string(property_name); script.has_value()) return Script { *script, false }; } else if ((property_type == "Script_Extensions"sv) || (property_type == "scx"sv)) { if (auto script = Unicode::script_from_string(property_name); script.has_value()) return Script { *script, true }; } return {}; } bool ECMA262Parser::parse_capture_group(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_minimum, ParseFlags flags) { consume(TokenType::LeftParen, Error::InvalidPattern); auto register_capture_group_in_current_scope = [&](auto identifier) { m_capture_groups_in_scope.last().empend(identifier); }; if (match(TokenType::Questionmark)) { // Non-capturing group or group with specifier. consume(); if (match(TokenType::Colon)) { consume(); ByteCode noncapture_group_bytecode; size_t length = 0; enter_capture_group_scope(); if (!parse_disjunction(noncapture_group_bytecode, length, flags)) return set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); clear_all_capture_groups_in_scope(stack); exit_capture_group_scope(); consume(TokenType::RightParen, Error::MismatchingParen); stack.extend(move(noncapture_group_bytecode)); match_length_minimum += length; return true; } if (consume("<")) { ++m_parser_state.named_capture_groups_count; auto group_index = ++m_parser_state.capture_groups_count; // Named capture groups count as normal capture groups too. auto name = read_capture_group_specifier(); if (name.is_empty()) { set_error(Error::InvalidNameForCaptureGroup); return false; } if (m_parser_state.named_capture_groups.contains(name)) { set_error(Error::DuplicateNamedCapture); return false; } ByteCode capture_group_bytecode; size_t length = 0; enter_capture_group_scope(); if (!parse_disjunction(capture_group_bytecode, length, flags)) return set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); clear_all_capture_groups_in_scope(stack); exit_capture_group_scope(); register_capture_group_in_current_scope(group_index); consume(TokenType::RightParen, Error::MismatchingParen); stack.insert_bytecode_group_capture_left(group_index); stack.extend(move(capture_group_bytecode)); stack.insert_bytecode_group_capture_right(group_index, name.view()); match_length_minimum += length; m_parser_state.capture_group_minimum_lengths.set(group_index, length); m_parser_state.named_capture_groups.set(name, { group_index, length }); return true; } set_error(Error::InvalidCaptureGroup); return false; } auto group_index = ++m_parser_state.capture_groups_count; enter_capture_group_scope(); ByteCode capture_group_bytecode; size_t length = 0; if (!parse_disjunction(capture_group_bytecode, length, flags)) return set_error(Error::InvalidPattern); clear_all_capture_groups_in_scope(stack); exit_capture_group_scope(); register_capture_group_in_current_scope(group_index); stack.insert_bytecode_group_capture_left(group_index); stack.extend(move(capture_group_bytecode)); m_parser_state.capture_group_minimum_lengths.set(group_index, length); consume(TokenType::RightParen, Error::MismatchingParen); stack.insert_bytecode_group_capture_right(group_index); match_length_minimum += length; return true; } size_t ECMA262Parser::ensure_total_number_of_capturing_parenthesis() { if (m_total_number_of_capturing_parenthesis.has_value()) return m_total_number_of_capturing_parenthesis.value(); GenericLexer lexer { m_parser_state.lexer.source() }; size_t count = 0; while (!lexer.is_eof()) { switch (lexer.peek()) { case '\\': lexer.consume(min(lexer.tell_remaining(), 2)); continue; case '[': while (!lexer.is_eof()) { if (lexer.consume_specific('\\')) { if (lexer.is_eof()) break; lexer.consume(); continue; } if (lexer.consume_specific(']')) { break; } if (lexer.is_eof()) break; lexer.consume(); } break; case '(': lexer.consume(); if (lexer.consume_specific('?')) { // non-capturing group '(?:', lookaround '(?<='/'(?