/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Kernel { extern "C" void syscall_handler(TrapFrame*); extern "C" void syscall_asm_entry(); // clang-format off asm( ".globl syscall_asm_entry\n" "syscall_asm_entry:\n" " pushl $0x0\n" " pusha\n" " pushl %ds\n" " pushl %es\n" " pushl %fs\n" " pushl %gs\n" " pushl %ss\n" " mov $" __STRINGIFY(GDT_SELECTOR_DATA0) ", %ax\n" " mov %ax, %ds\n" " mov %ax, %es\n" " mov $" __STRINGIFY(GDT_SELECTOR_PROC) ", %ax\n" " mov %ax, %fs\n" " cld\n" " xor %esi, %esi\n" " xor %edi, %edi\n" " pushl %esp \n" // set TrapFrame::regs " subl $" __STRINGIFY(TRAP_FRAME_SIZE - 4) ", %esp \n" " movl %esp, %ebx \n" " pushl %ebx \n" // push pointer to TrapFrame " call enter_trap_no_irq \n" " movl %ebx, 0(%esp) \n" // push pointer to TrapFrame " call syscall_handler \n" " movl %ebx, 0(%esp) \n" // push pointer to TrapFrame " jmp common_trap_exit \n"); // clang-format on namespace Syscall { static int handle(RegisterState&, u32 function, u32 arg1, u32 arg2, u32 arg3); void initialize() { register_user_callable_interrupt_handler(syscall_vector, syscall_asm_entry); klog() << "Syscall: int 0x82 handler installed"; } #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-function-type" typedef int (Process::*Handler)(u32, u32, u32); #define __ENUMERATE_SYSCALL(x) reinterpret_cast(&Process::sys$##x), static Handler s_syscall_table[] = { ENUMERATE_SYSCALLS(__ENUMERATE_SYSCALL) }; #undef __ENUMERATE_SYSCALL int handle(RegisterState& regs, u32 function, u32 arg1, u32 arg2, u32 arg3) { ASSERT_INTERRUPTS_ENABLED(); auto current_thread = Thread::current(); auto& process = current_thread->process(); current_thread->did_syscall(); if (function == SC_exit || function == SC_exit_thread) { // These syscalls need special handling since they never return to the caller. if (auto* tracer = current_thread->tracer(); tracer && tracer->is_tracing_syscalls()) { regs.eax = 0; tracer->set_trace_syscalls(false); current_thread->tracer_trap(regs); // this triggers SIGTRAP and stops the thread! } cli(); if (function == SC_exit) process.sys$exit((int)arg1); else process.sys$exit_thread(arg1); ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0; } if (function == SC_fork) return process.sys$fork(regs); if (function == SC_sigreturn) return process.sys$sigreturn(regs); if (function >= Function::__Count) { dbgln("Unknown syscall {} requested ({:08x}, {:08x}, {:08x})", function, arg1, arg2, arg3); return -ENOSYS; } if (s_syscall_table[function] == nullptr) { dbgln("Null syscall {} requested, you probably need to rebuild this program!", function); return -ENOSYS; } return (process.*(s_syscall_table[function]))(arg1, arg2, arg3); } } constexpr int RandomByteBufferSize = 256; u8 g_random_byte_buffer[RandomByteBufferSize]; int g_random_byte_buffer_offset = RandomByteBufferSize; void syscall_handler(TrapFrame* trap) { auto& regs = *trap->regs; auto current_thread = Thread::current(); if (auto* tracer = current_thread->tracer(); tracer && tracer->is_tracing_syscalls()) { tracer->set_trace_syscalls(false); current_thread->tracer_trap(regs); // this triggers SIGTRAP and stops the thread! } // Make sure SMAP protection is enabled on syscall entry. clac(); // Apply a random offset in the range 0-255 to the stack pointer, // to make kernel stacks a bit less deterministic. // Since this is very hot code, request random data in chunks instead of // one byte at a time. This is a noticeable speedup. if (g_random_byte_buffer_offset == RandomByteBufferSize) { get_fast_random_bytes(g_random_byte_buffer, RandomByteBufferSize); g_random_byte_buffer_offset = 0; } auto* ptr = (char*)__builtin_alloca(g_random_byte_buffer[g_random_byte_buffer_offset++]); asm volatile("" : "=m"(*ptr)); auto& process = current_thread->process(); if (!MM.validate_user_stack(process, VirtualAddress(regs.userspace_esp))) { dbgln("Invalid stack pointer: {:p}", regs.userspace_esp); handle_crash(regs, "Bad stack on syscall entry", SIGSTKFLT); ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } auto* calling_region = MM.find_region_from_vaddr(process, VirtualAddress(regs.eip)); if (!calling_region) { dbgln("Syscall from {:p} which has no associated region", regs.eip); handle_crash(regs, "Syscall from unknown region", SIGSEGV); ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } if (calling_region->is_writable()) { dbgln("Syscall from writable memory at {:p}", regs.eip); handle_crash(regs, "Syscall from writable memory", SIGSEGV); ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } process.big_lock().lock(); u32 function = regs.eax; u32 arg1 = regs.edx; u32 arg2 = regs.ecx; u32 arg3 = regs.ebx; regs.eax = Syscall::handle(regs, function, arg1, arg2, arg3); if (auto* tracer = current_thread->tracer(); tracer && tracer->is_tracing_syscalls()) { tracer->set_trace_syscalls(false); current_thread->tracer_trap(regs); // this triggers SIGTRAP and stops the thread! } process.big_lock().unlock(); // Check if we're supposed to return to userspace or just die. current_thread->die_if_needed(); ASSERT(!g_scheduler_lock.own_lock()); } }