/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace AK { inline bool StringBuilder::will_append(size_t size) { Checked needed_capacity = m_buffer.size(); needed_capacity += size; VERIFY(!needed_capacity.has_overflow()); // Prefer to completely use the existing capacity first if (needed_capacity <= m_buffer.capacity()) return true; Checked expanded_capacity = needed_capacity; expanded_capacity *= 2; VERIFY(!expanded_capacity.has_overflow()); return m_buffer.try_ensure_capacity(expanded_capacity.value()); } StringBuilder::StringBuilder(size_t initial_capacity) { m_buffer.ensure_capacity(initial_capacity); } void StringBuilder::append(StringView const& str) { if (str.is_empty()) return; auto ok = will_append(str.length()); VERIFY(ok); ok = m_buffer.try_append(str.characters_without_null_termination(), str.length()); VERIFY(ok); } void StringBuilder::append(char const* characters, size_t length) { append(StringView { characters, length }); } void StringBuilder::append(char ch) { auto ok = will_append(1); VERIFY(ok); ok = m_buffer.try_append(&ch, 1); VERIFY(ok); } void StringBuilder::appendvf(char const* fmt, va_list ap) { printf_internal([this](char*&, char ch) { append(ch); }, nullptr, fmt, ap); } ByteBuffer StringBuilder::to_byte_buffer() const { // FIXME: Handle OOM failure. return ByteBuffer::copy(data(), length()).release_value(); } String StringBuilder::to_string() const { if (is_empty()) return String::empty(); return String((char const*)data(), length()); } String StringBuilder::build() const { return to_string(); } StringView StringBuilder::string_view() const { return StringView { data(), m_buffer.size() }; } void StringBuilder::clear() { m_buffer.clear(); } void StringBuilder::append_code_point(u32 code_point) { auto nwritten = AK::UnicodeUtils::code_point_to_utf8(code_point, [this](char c) { append(c); }); if (nwritten < 0) { append(0xef); append(0xbf); append(0xbd); } } void StringBuilder::append(Utf16View const& utf16_view) { for (size_t i = 0; i < utf16_view.length_in_code_units();) { auto code_point = utf16_view.code_point_at(i); append_code_point(code_point); i += (code_point > 0xffff ? 2 : 1); } } void StringBuilder::append(Utf32View const& utf32_view) { for (size_t i = 0; i < utf32_view.length(); ++i) { auto code_point = utf32_view.code_points()[i]; append_code_point(code_point); } } void StringBuilder::append_as_lowercase(char ch) { if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') append(ch + 0x20); else append(ch); } void StringBuilder::append_escaped_for_json(StringView const& string) { for (auto ch : string) { switch (ch) { case '\b': append("\\b"); break; case '\n': append("\\n"); break; case '\t': append("\\t"); break; case '\"': append("\\\""); break; case '\\': append("\\\\"); break; default: if (ch >= 0 && ch <= 0x1f) append(String::formatted("\\u{:04x}", ch)); else append(ch); } } } }