/* * Copyright (c) 2022, Florent Castelli * Copyright (c) 2022, Sam Atkins * Copyright (c) 2022, Tobias Christiansen * Copyright (c) 2022, Linus Groh * Copyright (c) 2022, Tim Flynn * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "Session.h" #include "Client.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace WebDriver { Session::Session(unsigned session_id, NonnullRefPtr client, Web::WebDriver::LadybirdOptions options) : m_client(move(client)) , m_options(move(options)) , m_id(session_id) { } // https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-close-the-session Session::~Session() { if (!m_started) return; // 1. Perform the following substeps based on the remote end’s type: // NOTE: We perform the "Remote end is an endpoint node" steps in the WebContent process. for (auto& it : m_windows) { it.value.web_content_connection->close_session(); } // 2. Remove the current session from active sessions. // NOTE: We are in a session destruction which means it is already removed // from active sessions // 3. Perform any implementation-specific cleanup steps. if (m_browser_pid.has_value()) { MUST(Core::System::kill(*m_browser_pid, SIGTERM)); m_browser_pid = {}; } if (m_web_content_socket_path.has_value()) { MUST(Core::System::unlink(*m_web_content_socket_path)); m_web_content_socket_path = {}; } } ErrorOr> Session::create_server(NonnullRefPtr promise) { dbgln("Listening for WebDriver connection on {}", *m_web_content_socket_path); (void)Core::System::unlink(*m_web_content_socket_path); auto server = TRY(Core::LocalServer::try_create()); server->listen(*m_web_content_socket_path); server->on_accept = [this, promise](auto client_socket) { auto maybe_connection = adopt_nonnull_ref_or_enomem(new (nothrow) WebContentConnection(move(client_socket))); if (maybe_connection.is_error()) { promise->resolve(maybe_connection.release_error()); return; } dbgln("WebDriver is connected to WebContent socket"); auto web_content_connection = maybe_connection.release_value(); auto window_handle = web_content_connection->get_window_handle(); web_content_connection->on_close = [this, window_handle]() { dbgln_if(WEBDRIVER_DEBUG, "Window {} was closed remotely.", window_handle); m_windows.remove(window_handle); if (m_windows.is_empty()) m_client->close_session(session_id()); }; m_windows.set(window_handle, Session::Window { window_handle, move(web_content_connection) }); if (m_current_window_handle.is_empty()) m_current_window_handle = window_handle; promise->resolve({}); }; server->on_accept_error = [promise](auto error) { promise->resolve(move(error)); }; return server; } ErrorOr Session::start(LaunchBrowserCallbacks const& callbacks) { auto promise = TRY(ServerPromise::try_create()); m_web_content_socket_path = ByteString::formatted("{}/webdriver/session_{}_{}", TRY(Core::StandardPaths::runtime_directory()), getpid(), m_id); m_web_content_server = TRY(create_server(promise)); if (m_options.headless) m_browser_pid = TRY(callbacks.launch_headless_browser(*m_web_content_socket_path)); else m_browser_pid = TRY(callbacks.launch_browser(*m_web_content_socket_path)); // FIXME: Allow this to be more asynchronous. For now, this at least allows us to propagate // errors received while accepting the Browser and WebContent sockets. TRY(TRY(promise->await())); m_started = true; return {}; } // 11.2 Close Window, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-close-window Web::WebDriver::Response Session::close_window() { { // Defer removing the window handle from this session until after we know we are done with its connection. ScopeGuard guard { [this] { m_windows.remove(m_current_window_handle); m_current_window_handle = "NoSuchWindowPleaseSelectANewOne"_string; } }; // 3. Close the current top-level browsing context. TRY(web_content_connection().close_window()); // 4. If there are no more open top-level browsing contexts, then close the session. if (m_windows.size() == 1) m_client->close_session(session_id()); } // 5. Return the result of running the remote end steps for the Get Window Handles command. return get_window_handles(); } // 11.3 Switch to Window, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-switch-to-window Web::WebDriver::Response Session::switch_to_window(StringView handle) { // 4. If handle is equal to the associated window handle for some top-level browsing context in the // current session, let context be the that browsing context, and set the current top-level // browsing context with context. // Otherwise, return error with error code no such window. if (auto it = m_windows.find(handle); it != m_windows.end()) m_current_window_handle = it->key; else return Web::WebDriver::Error::from_code(Web::WebDriver::ErrorCode::NoSuchWindow, "Window not found"); // 5. Update any implementation-specific state that would result from the user selecting the current // browsing context for interaction, without altering OS-level focus. TRY(web_content_connection().switch_to_window(m_current_window_handle)); // 6. Return success with data null. return JsonValue {}; } // 11.4 Get Window Handles, https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-get-window-handles Web::WebDriver::Response Session::get_window_handles() const { // 1. Let handles be a JSON List. JsonArray handles {}; // 2. For each top-level browsing context in the remote end, push the associated window handle onto handles. for (auto const& window_handle : m_windows.keys()) { handles.must_append(JsonValue(window_handle)); } // 3. Return success with data handles. return JsonValue { move(handles) }; } Web::WebDriver::Response Session::execute_script(JsonValue payload, ScriptMode mode) const { ScopeGuard guard { [&]() { web_content_connection().on_script_executed = nullptr; } }; Optional response; web_content_connection().on_script_executed = [&](auto result) { response = move(result); }; switch (mode) { case ScriptMode::Sync: TRY(web_content_connection().execute_script(move(payload))); break; case ScriptMode::Async: TRY(web_content_connection().execute_async_script(move(payload))); break; } Core::EventLoop::current().spin_until([&]() { return response.has_value(); }); return response.release_value(); } }