LibWeb: Start implementing the IDL Overload Resolution Algorithm :^)

There are a *lot* of FIXME's here. :yakoverflow:
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Sam Atkins 2022-09-08 17:25:53 +01:00 committed by Andreas Kling
parent 0d2d5ba02c
commit ebc29842c8
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-17 06:53:37 +09:00
3 changed files with 460 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
* Copyright (c) 2022, Sam Atkins <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibJS/Runtime/ArrayBuffer.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/DataView.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/FunctionObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/TypedArray.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Value.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/IDLOverloadResolution.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/PlatformObject.h>
namespace Web::Bindings {
static JS::Value convert_ecmascript_type_to_idl_value(JS::Value value, IDL::Type const&)
// FIXME: We have this code already in the code generator, in `generate_to_cpp()`, but how do we use it here?
return value;
template<typename Match>
static bool has_overload_with_argument_type_or_subtype_matching(IDL::EffectiveOverloadSet& overloads, size_t argument_index, Match match)
// NOTE: This is to save some repetition.
// Almost every sub-step of step 12 of the overload resolution algorithm matches overloads with an argument that is:
// - One of several specific types.
// - "an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types"
// - "a union type, nullable union type, or annotated union type that has one of the above types in its flattened member types"
// So, this function lets you pass in the first check, and handles the others automatically.
return overloads.has_overload_with_matching_argument_at_index(argument_index,
[match](IDL::Type const& type, auto) {
if (match(type))
return true;
// FIXME: - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
if (type.is_union()) {
auto flattened_members = type.as_union().flattened_member_types();
for (auto const& member : flattened_members) {
if (match(member))
return true;
// FIXME: - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
return false;
return false;
JS::ThrowCompletionOr<ResolvedOverload> resolve_overload(JS::VM& vm, IDL::EffectiveOverloadSet& overloads)
// 1. Let maxarg be the length of the longest type list of the entries in S.
// 2. Let n be the size of args.
// 3. Initialize argcount to be min(maxarg, n).
// 4. Remove from S all entries whose type list is not of length argcount.
// NOTE: Our caller already performs these steps, so our effective overload set only contains overloads with the correct number of arguments.
int argument_count = vm.argument_count();
// 5. If S is empty, then throw a TypeError.
if (overloads.is_empty())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::OverloadResolutionFailed);
// 6. Initialize d to 1.
auto distinguishing_argument_index = -1;
// 7. Initialize method to undefined.
Optional<JS::FunctionObject&> method;
// 8. If there is more than one entry in S, then set d to be the distinguishing argument index for the entries of S.
if (overloads.size() > 1)
distinguishing_argument_index = overloads.distinguishing_argument_index();
// 9. Initialize values to be an empty list, where each entry will be either an IDL value or the special value “missing”.
Vector<ResolvedOverload::Argument> values;
// 10. Initialize i to 0.
auto i = 0;
// 11. While i < d:
while (i < distinguishing_argument_index) {
// 1. Let V be args[i].
auto const& value = vm.argument(i);
auto const& item = overloads.items().first();
// 2. Let type be the type at index i in the type list of any entry in S.
auto const& type = item.types[i];
// 3. Let optionality be the value at index i in the list of optionality values of any entry in S.
auto const& optionality = item.optionality_values[i];
// 4. If optionality is “optional” and V is undefined, then:
if (optionality == IDL::Optionality::Optional && value.is_undefined()) {
// FIXME: 1. If the argument at index i is declared with a default value, then append to values that default value.
// 2. Otherwise, append to values the special value “missing”.
values.empend(ResolvedOverload::Missing {});
// 5. Otherwise, append to values the result of converting V to IDL type type.
values.empend(convert_ecmascript_type_to_idl_value(value, type));
// 6. Set i to i + 1.
// 12. If i = d, then:
if (i == distinguishing_argument_index) {
// 1. Let V be args[i].
auto const& value = vm.argument(i);
// 2. If V is undefined, and there is an entry in S whose list of optionality values has “optional” at index i, then remove from S all other entries.
if (value.is_undefined()
&& overloads.has_overload_with_matching_argument_at_index(i, [](auto&, IDL::Optionality const& optionality) { return optionality == IDL::Optionality::Optional; })) {
// 3. Otherwise: if V is null or undefined, and there is an entry in S that has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
// - a nullable type
// - a dictionary type
// - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
// - a union type or annotated union type that includes a nullable type or that has a dictionary type in its flattened members
// then remove from S all other entries.
// NOTE: This is the one case we can't use `has_overload_with_argument_type_or_subtype_matching()` because we also need to look
// for dictionary types in the flattened members.
else if ((value.is_undefined() || value.is_null())
&& overloads.has_overload_with_matching_argument_at_index(i, [](IDL::Type const& type, auto) {
if (type.is_nullable())
return true;
// FIXME: - a dictionary type
// FIXME: - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
if (type.is_union()) {
auto flattened_members = type.as_union().flattened_member_types();
for (auto const& member : flattened_members) {
if (member.is_nullable())
return true;
// FIXME: - a dictionary type
// FIXME: - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
return false;
return false;
})) {
// 4. Otherwise: if V is a platform object, and there is an entry in S that has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
// - an interface type that V implements
// - object
// - a nullable version of any of the above types
// - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
// - a union type, nullable union type, or annotated union type that has one of the above types in its flattened member types
// then remove from S all other entries.
else if (value.is_object() && is<Bindings::PlatformObject>(value.as_object())
&& has_overload_with_argument_type_or_subtype_matching(overloads, i, [](IDL::Type const& type) {
// FIXME: - an interface type that V implements
if (type.is_object())
return true;
return false;
})) {
// 5. Otherwise: if Type(V) is Object, V has an [[ArrayBufferData]] internal slot, and there is an entry in S that has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
// - ArrayBuffer
// - object
// - a nullable version of either of the above types
// - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
// - a union type, nullable union type, or annotated union type that has one of the above types in its flattened member types
// then remove from S all other entries.
else if (value.is_object() && is<JS::ArrayBuffer>(value.as_object())
&& has_overload_with_argument_type_or_subtype_matching(overloads, i, [](IDL::Type const& type) {
if (type.is_plain() && == "ArrayBuffer")
return true;
if (type.is_object())
return true;
return false;
})) {
// 6. Otherwise: if Type(V) is Object, V has a [[DataView]] internal slot, and there is an entry in S that has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
// - DataView
// - object
// - a nullable version of either of the above types
// - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
// - a union type, nullable union type, or annotated union type that has one of the above types in its flattened member types
// then remove from S all other entries.
else if (value.is_object() && is<JS::DataView>(value.as_object())
&& has_overload_with_argument_type_or_subtype_matching(overloads, i, [](IDL::Type const& type) {
if (type.is_plain() && == "DataView")
return true;
if (type.is_object())
return true;
return false;
})) {
// 7. Otherwise: if Type(V) is Object, V has a [[TypedArrayName]] internal slot, and there is an entry in S that has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
// - a typed array type whose name is equal to the value of Vs [[TypedArrayName]] internal slot
// - object
// - a nullable version of either of the above types
// - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
// - a union type, nullable union type, or annotated union type that has one of the above types in its flattened member types
// then remove from S all other entries.
else if (value.is_object() && value.as_object().is_typed_array()
&& has_overload_with_argument_type_or_subtype_matching(overloads, i, [&](IDL::Type const& type) {
if (type.is_plain() && == static_cast<JS::TypedArrayBase const&>(value.as_object()).element_name())
return true;
if (type.is_object())
return true;
return false;
})) {
// 8. Otherwise: if IsCallable(V) is true, and there is an entry in S that has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
// - a callback function type
// - object
// - a nullable version of any of the above types
// - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
// - a union type, nullable union type, or annotated union type that has one of the above types in its flattened member types
// then remove from S all other entries.
else if (value.is_function()
&& has_overload_with_argument_type_or_subtype_matching(overloads, i, [](IDL::Type const& type) {
// FIXME: - a callback function type
if (type.is_object())
return true;
return false;
})) {
// FIXME: 9. Otherwise: if Type(V) is Object and there is an entry in S that has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
// - a sequence type
// - a frozen array type
// - a nullable version of any of the above types
// - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
// - a union type, nullable union type, or annotated union type that has one of the above types in its flattened member types
// and after performing the following steps,
// {
// 1. Let method be ? GetMethod(V, @@iterator).
// }
// method is not undefined, then remove from S all other entries.
// 10. Otherwise: if Type(V) is Object and there is an entry in S that has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
// - a callback interface type
// - a dictionary type
// - a record type
// - object
// - a nullable version of any of the above types
// - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
// - a union type, nullable union type, or annotated union type that has one of the above types in its flattened member types
// then remove from S all other entries.
else if (value.is_object()
&& has_overload_with_argument_type_or_subtype_matching(overloads, i, [](IDL::Type const& type) {
// FIXME: - a callback interface type
// FIXME: - a dictionary type
// FIXME: - a record type
if (type.is_object())
return true;
return false;
})) {
// 11. Otherwise: if Type(V) is Boolean and there is an entry in S that has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
// - boolean
// - a nullable boolean
// - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
// - a union type, nullable union type, or annotated union type that has one of the above types in its flattened member types
// then remove from S all other entries.
else if (value.is_boolean()
&& has_overload_with_argument_type_or_subtype_matching(overloads, i, [](IDL::Type const& type) { return type.is_boolean(); })) {
// 12. Otherwise: if Type(V) is Number and there is an entry in S that has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
// - a numeric type
// - a nullable numeric type
// - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
// - a union type, nullable union type, or annotated union type that has one of the above types in its flattened member types
// then remove from S all other entries.
else if (value.is_number()
&& has_overload_with_argument_type_or_subtype_matching(overloads, i, [](IDL::Type const& type) { return type.is_numeric(); })) {
// 13. Otherwise: if Type(V) is BigInt and there is an entry in S that has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
// - bigint
// - a nullable bigint
// - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
// - a union type, nullable union type, or annotated union type that has one of the above types in its flattened member types
// then remove from S all other entries.
else if (value.is_bigint()
&& has_overload_with_argument_type_or_subtype_matching(overloads, i, [](IDL::Type const& type) { return type.is_bigint(); })) {
// 14. Otherwise: if there is an entry in S that has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
// - a string type
// - a nullable version of any of the above types
// - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
// - a union type, nullable union type, or annotated union type that has one of the above types in its flattened member types
// then remove from S all other entries.
else if (has_overload_with_argument_type_or_subtype_matching(overloads, i, [](IDL::Type const& type) { return type.is_string(); })) {
// 15. Otherwise: if there is an entry in S that has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
// - a numeric type
// - a nullable numeric type
// - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
// - a union type, nullable union type, or annotated union type that has one of the above types in its flattened member types
// then remove from S all other entries.
else if (has_overload_with_argument_type_or_subtype_matching(overloads, i, [](IDL::Type const& type) { return type.is_numeric(); })) {
// 16. Otherwise: if there is an entry in S that has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
// - boolean
// - a nullable boolean
// - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
// - a union type, nullable union type, or annotated union type that has one of the above types in its flattened member types
// then remove from S all other entries.
else if (has_overload_with_argument_type_or_subtype_matching(overloads, i, [](IDL::Type const& type) { return type.is_boolean(); })) {
// 17. Otherwise: if there is an entry in S that has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
// - bigint
// - a nullable bigint
// - an annotated type whose inner type is one of the above types
// - a union type, nullable union type, or annotated union type that has one of the above types in its flattened member types
// then remove from S all other entries.
else if (has_overload_with_argument_type_or_subtype_matching(overloads, i, [](IDL::Type const& type) { return type.is_bigint(); })) {
// 18. Otherwise: if there is an entry in S that has any at position i of its type list, then remove from S all other entries.
else if (overloads.has_overload_with_matching_argument_at_index(i, [](auto const& type, auto) { return type.is_any(); })) {
// 19. Otherwise: throw a TypeError.
else {
// FIXME: Remove this message once all the above sub-steps are implemented.
dbgln("Failed to determine IDL overload. (Probably because of unimplemented steps.)");
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::OverloadResolutionFailed);
// 13. Let callable be the operation or extended attribute of the single entry in S.
auto const& callable = overloads.only_item();
// 14. If i = d and method is not undefined, then
if (i == distinguishing_argument_index && method.has_value()) {
// 1. Let V be args[i].
auto const& value = vm.argument(i);
// 2. Let T be the type at index i in the type list of the remaining entry in S.
auto const& type = overloads.only_item().types[i];
// FIXME: 3. If T is a sequence type, then append to values the result of creating a sequence of type T from V and method.
// FIXME: 4. Otherwise, T is a frozen array type. Append to values the result of creating a frozen array of type T from V and method.
// 5. Set i to i + 1.
// 15. While i < argcount:
while (i < argument_count) {
// 1. Let V be args[i].
auto const& value = vm.argument(i);
// 2. Let type be the type at index i in the type list of the remaining entry in S.
auto const& entry = overloads.only_item();
auto const& type = entry.types[i];
// 3. Let optionality be the value at index i in the list of optionality values of the remaining entry in S.
auto const& optionality = entry.optionality_values[i];
// 4. If optionality is “optional” and V is undefined, then:
if (optionality == IDL::Optionality::Optional && value.is_undefined()) {
// FIXME: 1. If the argument at index i is declared with a default value, then append to values that default value.
// 2. Otherwise, append to values the special value “missing”.
values.empend(ResolvedOverload::Missing {});
// 5. Otherwise, append to values the result of converting V to IDL type type.
else {
values.append(convert_ecmascript_type_to_idl_value(value, type));
// 6. Set i to i + 1.
// 16. While i is less than the number of arguments callable is declared to take:
while (i < static_cast<int>(callable.types.size())) {
// FIXME: 1. If callables argument at index i is declared with a default value, then append to values that default value.
if (false) {
// 2. Otherwise, if callables argument at index i is not variadic, then append to values the special value “missing”.
else if (callable.optionality_values[i] != IDL::Optionality::Variadic) {
values.empend(ResolvedOverload::Missing {});
// 3. Set i to i + 1.
// 17. Return the pair <callable, values>.
return ResolvedOverload { callable.callable_id, move(values) };

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* Copyright (c) 2022, Sam Atkins <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Optional.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibIDL/Types.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/VM.h>
namespace Web::Bindings {
struct ResolvedOverload {
// Corresponds to "the special value “missing”" in the overload resolution algorithm.
struct Missing { };
using Argument = Variant<JS::Value, Missing>;
int callable_id;
Vector<Argument> arguments;
JS::ThrowCompletionOr<ResolvedOverload> resolve_overload(JS::VM&, IDL::EffectiveOverloadSet&);

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ set(SOURCES
@ -427,7 +428,7 @@ set(GENERATED_SOURCES
serenity_lib(LibWeb web)
# NOTE: We link with LibSoftGPU here instead of lazy loading it via dlopen() so that we do not have to unveil the library and pledge prot_exec.
target_link_libraries(LibWeb LibCore LibJS LibMarkdown LibGemini LibGL LibGUI LibGfx LibSoftGPU LibTextCodec LibWasm LibXML)
target_link_libraries(LibWeb LibCore LibJS LibMarkdown LibGemini LibGL LibGUI LibGfx LibSoftGPU LibTextCodec LibWasm LibXML LibIDL)