LibUnicode: Replace code point scripts and script extensions with ICU

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Flynn 2024-06-21 12:39:11 -04:00 committed by Andreas Kling
parent 986ff984cc
commit e77dafc987
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-17 04:09:56 +09:00
5 changed files with 57 additions and 509 deletions

View file

@ -13,15 +13,6 @@ set(UCD_ZIP_PATH "${UCD_PATH}/")
set(UNICODE_DATA_SOURCE "UnicodeData.txt")
set(PROP_VALUE_ALIAS_SOURCE "PropertyValueAliases.txt")
set(SCRIPTS_SOURCE "Scripts.txt")
set(SCRIPT_EXTENSIONS_SOURCE "ScriptExtensions.txt")
string(REGEX REPLACE "([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)\\.[0-9]+" "\\1" EMOJI_VERSION "${UCD_VERSION}")
set(EMOJI_TEST_URL "${EMOJI_VERSION}/emoji-test.txt")
set(EMOJI_TEST_PATH "${UCD_PATH}/emoji-test.txt")
download_file("${UCD_ZIP_URL}" "${UCD_ZIP_PATH}" SHA256 "${UCD_SHA256}")
extract_path("${UCD_PATH}" "${UCD_ZIP_PATH}" "${SCRIPTS_SOURCE}" "${SCRIPTS_PATH}")
download_file("${EMOJI_TEST_URL}" "${EMOJI_TEST_PATH}" SHA256 "${EMOJI_SHA256}")
arguments -u "${UNICODE_DATA_PATH}"

View file

@ -37,21 +37,6 @@ struct CodePointData {
ByteString iso_comment;
using PropertyTable = Vector<bool>;
static constexpr auto CODE_POINT_TABLES_MSB_COUNT = 16u;
static_assert(CODE_POINT_TABLES_MSB_COUNT < 24u);
static constexpr auto CODE_POINT_TABLES_LSB_MASK = NumericLimits<u32>::max() >> (NumericLimits<u32>::digits() - CODE_POINT_TABLES_LSB_COUNT);
template<typename PropertyType>
struct CodePointTables {
Vector<size_t> stage1;
Vector<size_t> stage2;
Vector<PropertyType> unique_properties;
struct CodePointBidiClass {
Unicode::CodePointRange code_point_range;
ByteString bidi_class;
@ -60,130 +45,10 @@ struct CodePointBidiClass {
struct UnicodeData {
Vector<CodePointData> code_point_data;
PropList script_list {
{ "Unknown"sv, {} },
Vector<Alias> script_aliases;
PropList script_extensions;
CodePointTables<PropertyTable> script_tables;
CodePointTables<PropertyTable> script_extension_tables;
HashTable<ByteString> bidirectional_classes;
Vector<CodePointBidiClass> code_point_bidirectional_classes;
static ByteString sanitize_entry(ByteString const& entry)
auto sanitized = entry.replace("-"sv, "_"sv, ReplaceMode::All);
sanitized = sanitized.replace(" "sv, "_"sv, ReplaceMode::All);
StringBuilder builder;
bool next_is_upper = true;
for (auto ch : sanitized) {
if (next_is_upper)
next_is_upper = ch == '_';
return builder.to_byte_string();
static ErrorOr<void> parse_prop_list(Core::InputBufferedFile& file, PropList& prop_list, bool multi_value_property = false, bool sanitize_property = false)
Array<u8, 1024> buffer;
while (TRY(file.can_read_line())) {
auto line = TRY(file.read_line(buffer));
if (line.is_empty() || line.starts_with('#'))
if (auto index = line.find('#'); index.has_value())
line = line.substring_view(0, *index);
auto segments = line.split_view(';', SplitBehavior::KeepEmpty);
VERIFY(segments.size() == 2 || segments.size() == 3);
String combined_segment_buffer;
if (segments.size() == 3) {
// For example, in DerivedCoreProperties.txt, there are lines such as:
// These are used in text segmentation to prevent breaking within some extended grapheme clusters.
// So here, we combine the segments into a single property, which allows us to simply do code point
// property lookups at runtime for specific Indic Conjunct Break sequences.
combined_segment_buffer = MUST(String::join('_', Array { segments[1].trim_whitespace(), segments[2].trim_whitespace() }));
segments[1] = combined_segment_buffer;
auto code_point_range = parse_code_point_range(segments[0].trim_whitespace());
Vector<StringView> properties;
if (multi_value_property)
properties = segments[1].trim_whitespace().split_view(' ');
properties = { segments[1].trim_whitespace() };
for (auto& property : properties) {
auto& code_points = prop_list.ensure(sanitize_property ? sanitize_entry(property).trim_whitespace() : ByteString { property.trim_whitespace() });
return {};
static ErrorOr<void> parse_value_alias_list(Core::InputBufferedFile& file, StringView desired_category, Vector<ByteString> const& value_list, Vector<Alias>& prop_aliases, bool primary_value_is_first = true, bool sanitize_alias = false)
TRY(, SeekMode::SetPosition));
Array<u8, 1024> buffer;
auto append_alias = [&](auto alias, auto value) {
// Note: The value alias file contains lines such as "Ahom = Ahom", which we should just skip.
if (alias == value)
// FIXME: We will, eventually, need to find where missing properties are located and parse them.
if (!value_list.contains_slow(value))
prop_aliases.append({ value, alias });
while (TRY(file.can_read_line())) {
auto line = TRY(file.read_line(buffer));
if (line.is_empty() || line.starts_with('#'))
if (auto index = line.find('#'); index.has_value())
line = line.substring_view(0, *index);
auto segments = line.split_view(';', SplitBehavior::KeepEmpty);
auto category = segments[0].trim_whitespace();
if (category != desired_category)
VERIFY((segments.size() == 3) || (segments.size() == 4));
auto value = primary_value_is_first ? segments[1].trim_whitespace() : segments[2].trim_whitespace();
auto alias = primary_value_is_first ? segments[2].trim_whitespace() : segments[1].trim_whitespace();
append_alias(sanitize_alias ? sanitize_entry(alias) : ByteString { alias }, value);
if (segments.size() == 4) {
alias = segments[3].trim_whitespace();
append_alias(sanitize_alias ? sanitize_entry(alias) : ByteString { alias }, value);
return {};
static ErrorOr<void> parse_unicode_data(Core::InputBufferedFile& file, UnicodeData& unicode_data)
Optional<u32> code_point_range_start;
@ -285,7 +150,6 @@ enum class @name@ : @underlying@ {)~~~");
namespace Unicode {
generate_enum("Script"sv, {}, unicode_data.script_list.keys(), unicode_data.script_aliases);
generate_enum("BidirectionalClass"sv, {}, unicode_data.bidirectional_classes.values());
@ -301,9 +165,6 @@ static ErrorOr<void> generate_unicode_data_implementation(Core::InputBufferedFil
StringBuilder builder;
SourceGenerator generator { builder };
generator.set("CODE_POINT_TABLES_LSB_MASK", TRY(String::formatted("{:#x}", CODE_POINT_TABLES_LSB_MASK)));
#include <AK/Array.h>
#include <AK/BinarySearch.h>
@ -333,75 +194,6 @@ struct CodePointBidiClassComparator : public CodePointRangeComparator {
auto append_property_table = [&](auto collection_snake, auto const& unique_properties) -> ErrorOr<void> {
generator.set("name", TRY(String::formatted("{}_unique_properties", collection_snake)));
generator.set("outer_size", TRY(String::number(unique_properties.size())));
generator.set("inner_size", TRY(String::number(unique_properties[0].size())));
static constexpr Array<Array<bool, @inner_size@>, @outer_size@> @name@ { {)~~~");
for (auto const& property_set : unique_properties) {
{ )~~~");
for (auto value : property_set) {
generator.set("value", TRY(String::formatted("{}", value)));
generator.append("@value@, ");
generator.append(" },");
} };
return {};
auto append_code_point_tables = [&](StringView collection_snake, auto const& tables, auto& append_unique_properties) -> ErrorOr<void> {
auto append_stage = [&](auto const& stage, auto name, auto type) -> ErrorOr<void> {
generator.set("name", TRY(String::formatted("{}_{}", collection_snake, name)));
generator.set("size", TRY(String::number(stage.size())));
generator.set("type", type);
static constexpr Array<@type@, @size@> @name@ { {
static constexpr size_t max_values_per_row = 300;
size_t values_in_current_row = 0;
for (auto value : stage) {
if (values_in_current_row++ > 0)
generator.append(", ");
generator.set("value", TRY(String::number(value)));
if (values_in_current_row == max_values_per_row) {
values_in_current_row = 0;
generator.append(",\n ");
} };
return {};
TRY(append_stage(tables.stage1, "stage1"sv, "u16"sv));
TRY(append_stage(tables.stage2, "stage2"sv, "u16"sv));
TRY(append_unique_properties(collection_snake, tables.unique_properties));
return {};
TRY(append_code_point_tables("s_scripts"sv, unicode_data.script_tables, append_property_table));
TRY(append_code_point_tables("s_script_extensions"sv, unicode_data.script_extension_tables, append_property_table));
constexpr size_t max_bidi_classes_per_row = 20;
size_t bidi_classes_in_current_row = 0;
@ -439,26 +231,6 @@ Optional<BidirectionalClass> bidirectional_class(u32 code_point)
auto append_prop_search = [&](StringView enum_title, StringView enum_snake, StringView collection_name) -> ErrorOr<void> {
generator.set("enum_title", enum_title);
generator.set("enum_snake", enum_snake);
generator.set("collection_name", collection_name);
bool code_point_has_@enum_snake@(u32 code_point, @enum_title@ @enum_snake@)
auto stage1_index = code_point >> @CODE_POINT_TABLES_LSB_COUNT@;
auto stage2_index = @collection_name@_stage1[stage1_index] + (code_point & @CODE_POINT_TABLES_LSB_MASK@);
auto unique_properties_index = @collection_name@_stage2[stage2_index];
auto const& property_set = @collection_name@_unique_properties[unique_properties_index];
return property_set[to_underlying(@enum_snake@)];
return {};
auto append_from_string = [&](StringView enum_title, StringView enum_snake, auto const& prop_list, Vector<Alias> const& aliases) -> ErrorOr<void> {
HashValueMap<StringView> hashes;
TRY(hashes.try_ensure_capacity(prop_list.size() + aliases.size()));
@ -482,10 +254,6 @@ bool code_point_has_@enum_snake@(u32 code_point, @enum_title@ @enum_snake@)
return {};
TRY(append_prop_search("Script"sv, "script"sv, "s_scripts"sv));
TRY(append_prop_search("Script"sv, "script_extension"sv, "s_script_extensions"sv));
TRY(append_from_string("Script"sv, "script"sv, unicode_data.script_list, unicode_data.script_aliases));
TRY(append_from_string("BidirectionalClass"sv, "bidirectional_class"sv, unicode_data.bidirectional_classes, {}));
@ -496,277 +264,25 @@ bool code_point_has_@enum_snake@(u32 code_point, @enum_title@ @enum_snake@)
return {};
static Vector<u32> flatten_code_point_ranges(Vector<Unicode::CodePointRange> const& code_points)
Vector<u32> flattened;
for (auto const& range : code_points) {
flattened.grow_capacity(range.last - range.first);
for (u32 code_point = range.first; code_point <= range.last; ++code_point)
return flattened;
static Vector<Unicode::CodePointRange> form_code_point_ranges(Vector<u32> code_points)
Vector<Unicode::CodePointRange> ranges;
u32 range_start = code_points[0];
u32 range_end = range_start;
for (size_t i = 1; i < code_points.size(); ++i) {
u32 code_point = code_points[i];
if ((code_point - range_end) == 1) {
range_end = code_point;
} else {
ranges.append({ range_start, range_end });
range_start = code_point;
range_end = code_point;
ranges.append({ range_start, range_end });
return ranges;
static void sort_and_merge_code_point_ranges(Vector<Unicode::CodePointRange>& code_points)
quick_sort(code_points, [](auto const& range1, auto const& range2) {
return range1.first < range2.first;
for (size_t i = 0; i < code_points.size() - 1;) {
if (code_points[i].last >= code_points[i + 1].first) {
code_points[i].last = max(code_points[i].last, code_points[i + 1].last);
code_points.remove(i + 1);
} else {
auto all_code_points = flatten_code_point_ranges(code_points);
code_points = form_code_point_ranges(all_code_points);
static ErrorOr<void> normalize_script_extensions(PropList& script_extensions, PropList const& script_list, Vector<Alias> const& script_aliases)
// The ScriptExtensions UCD file lays out its code point ranges rather uniquely compared to
// other files. The Script listed on each line may either be a full Script string or an aliased
// abbreviation. Further, the extensions may or may not include the base Script list. Normalize
// the extensions here to be keyed by the full Script name and always include the base list.
auto extensions = move(script_extensions);
script_extensions = TRY(script_list.clone());
for (auto const& extension : extensions) {
auto it = find_if(script_aliases.begin(), script_aliases.end(), [&](auto const& alias) { return extension.key == alias.alias; });
auto const& key = (it == script_aliases.end()) ? extension.key : it->name;
auto& code_points = script_extensions.find(key)->value;
// Lastly, the Common and Inherited script extensions are special. They must not contain any
// code points which appear in other script extensions. The ScriptExtensions UCD file does not
// list these extensions, therefore this peculiarity must be handled programmatically.
auto code_point_has_other_extension = [&](StringView key, u32 code_point) {
for (auto const& extension : extensions) {
if (extension.key == key)
if (any_of(extension.value, [&](auto const& r) { return (r.first <= code_point) && (code_point <= r.last); }))
return true;
return false;
auto get_code_points_without_other_extensions = [&](StringView key) {
auto code_points = flatten_code_point_ranges(script_list.find(key)->value);
code_points.remove_all_matching([&](u32 c) { return code_point_has_other_extension(key, c); });
return code_points;
auto common_code_points = get_code_points_without_other_extensions("Common"sv);
script_extensions.set("Common"sv, form_code_point_ranges(common_code_points));
auto inherited_code_points = get_code_points_without_other_extensions("Inherited"sv);
script_extensions.set("Inherited"sv, form_code_point_ranges(inherited_code_points));
return {};
struct PropertyMetadata {
static ErrorOr<PropertyMetadata> create(PropList& property_list)
PropertyMetadata data;
auto property_names = property_list.keys();
for (auto& property_name : property_names) {
auto& code_point_ranges = property_list.get(property_name).value();
return data;
Vector<typename PropList::ValueType> property_values;
PropertyTable property_set;
Vector<size_t> current_block;
HashMap<decltype(current_block), size_t> unique_blocks;
// The goal here is to produce a set of tables that represent a category of code point properties for every code point.
// The most naive method would be to generate a single table per category, each with one entry per code point. Each of
// those tables would have a size of 0x10ffff though, which is a non-starter. Instead, we create a set of 2-stage lookup
// tables per category.
// To do so, it's important to note that Unicode tends to organize code points with similar properties together. This
// leads to long series of code points with identical properties. Therefore, if we divide the 0x10ffff code points into
// fixed-size blocks, many of those blocks will also be identical.
// So we iterate over every code point, classifying each one for the category of interest. We represent a classification
// as a list of booleans. We store the classification in the CodePointTables::unique_properties list for this category.
// As the name implies, this list is de-duplicated; we store the index into this list in a separate list, which we call
// a "block".
// As we iterate, we "pause" every BLOCK_SIZE code points to examine the block. If the block is unique so far, we extend
// CodePointTables::stage2 with the entries of that block (so CodePointTables::stage2 is also a list of indices into
// CodePointTables::unique_properties). We then append the index of the start of that block in CodePointTables::stage2
// to CodePointTables::stage1.
// The value of BLOCK_SIZE is determined by CodePointTables::MSB_COUNT and CodePointTables::LSB_COUNT. We need 24 bits
// to describe all code points; the blocks we create are based on splitting these bits into 2 segments. We currently use
// a 16:8 bit split. So when perform a runtime lookup of a code point in the 2-stage tables, we:
// 1. Use most-significant 16 bits of the code point as the index into CodePointTables::stage1. That value is the
// index into CodePointTables::stage2 of the start of the block that contains properties for this code point.
// 2. Add the least-significant 8 bits of the code point to that value, to use as the index into
// CodePointTables::stage2. As described above, that value is the index into CodePointTables::unique_properties,
// which contains the classification for this code point.
// Using the code point GeneralCategory as an example, we end up with a CodePointTables::stage1 with a size of ~4000,
// a CodePointTables::stage2 with a size of ~40,000, and a CodePointTables::unique_properties with a size of ~30. So
// this process reduces over 1 million entries (0x10ffff) to ~44,030.
// For much more in-depth reading, see:
static constexpr auto MAX_CODE_POINT = 0x10ffffu;
template<typename T>
static ErrorOr<void> update_tables(u32 code_point, CodePointTables<T>& tables, auto& metadata, auto const& values)
static constexpr auto BLOCK_SIZE = CODE_POINT_TABLES_LSB_MASK + 1;
size_t unique_properties_index = 0;
if (auto block_index = tables.unique_properties.find_first_index(values); block_index.has_value()) {
unique_properties_index = *block_index;
} else {
unique_properties_index = tables.unique_properties.size();
if (metadata.current_block.size() == BLOCK_SIZE || code_point == MAX_CODE_POINT) {
size_t stage2_index = 0;
if (auto block_index = metadata.unique_blocks.get(metadata.current_block); block_index.has_value()) {
stage2_index = *block_index;
} else {
stage2_index = tables.stage2.size();
TRY(metadata.unique_blocks.try_set(metadata.current_block, stage2_index));
return {};
static ErrorOr<void> create_code_point_tables(UnicodeData& unicode_data)
auto update_property_tables = [&]<typename T>(u32 code_point, CodePointTables<T>& tables, PropertyMetadata& metadata) -> ErrorOr<void> {
static Unicode::CodePointRangeComparator comparator {};
for (auto& property_values : metadata.property_values) {
size_t ranges_to_remove = 0;
auto has_property = false;
for (auto const& range : property_values) {
if (auto comparison = comparator(code_point, range); comparison <= 0) {
has_property = comparison == 0;
property_values.remove(0, ranges_to_remove);
TRY(update_tables(code_point, tables, metadata, metadata.property_set));
return {};
auto script_metadata = TRY(PropertyMetadata::create(unicode_data.script_list));
auto script_extension_metadata = TRY(PropertyMetadata::create(unicode_data.script_extensions));
for (u32 code_point = 0; code_point <= MAX_CODE_POINT; ++code_point) {
TRY(update_property_tables(code_point, unicode_data.script_tables, script_metadata));
TRY(update_property_tables(code_point, unicode_data.script_extension_tables, script_extension_metadata));
return {};
ErrorOr<int> serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments)
StringView generated_header_path;
StringView generated_implementation_path;
StringView unicode_data_path;
StringView prop_value_alias_path;
StringView scripts_path;
StringView script_extensions_path;
Core::ArgsParser args_parser;
args_parser.add_option(generated_header_path, "Path to the Unicode Data header file to generate", "generated-header-path", 'h', "generated-header-path");
args_parser.add_option(generated_implementation_path, "Path to the Unicode Data implementation file to generate", "generated-implementation-path", 'c', "generated-implementation-path");
args_parser.add_option(unicode_data_path, "Path to UnicodeData.txt file", "unicode-data-path", 'u', "unicode-data-path");
args_parser.add_option(prop_value_alias_path, "Path to PropertyValueAliases.txt file", "prop-value-alias-path", 'v', "prop-value-alias-path");
args_parser.add_option(scripts_path, "Path to Scripts.txt file", "scripts-path", 'r', "scripts-path");
args_parser.add_option(script_extensions_path, "Path to ScriptExtensions.txt file", "script-extensions-path", 'x', "script-extensions-path");
auto generated_header_file = TRY(open_file(generated_header_path, Core::File::OpenMode::Write));
auto generated_implementation_file = TRY(open_file(generated_implementation_path, Core::File::OpenMode::Write));
auto unicode_data_file = TRY(open_file(unicode_data_path, Core::File::OpenMode::Read));
auto prop_value_alias_file = TRY(open_file(prop_value_alias_path, Core::File::OpenMode::Read));
auto scripts_file = TRY(open_file(scripts_path, Core::File::OpenMode::Read));
auto script_extensions_file = TRY(open_file(script_extensions_path, Core::File::OpenMode::Read));
UnicodeData unicode_data {};
TRY(parse_prop_list(*scripts_file, unicode_data.script_list));
TRY(parse_prop_list(*script_extensions_file, unicode_data.script_extensions, true));
TRY(parse_unicode_data(*unicode_data_file, unicode_data));
TRY(parse_value_alias_list(*prop_value_alias_file, "sc"sv, unicode_data.script_list.keys(), unicode_data.script_aliases, false));
TRY(normalize_script_extensions(unicode_data.script_extensions, unicode_data.script_list, unicode_data.script_aliases));
TRY(generate_unicode_data_header(*generated_header_file, unicode_data));
TRY(generate_unicode_data_implementation(*generated_implementation_file, unicode_data));

View file

@ -1651,9 +1651,9 @@ bool ECMA262Parser::parse_atom_escape(ByteCode& stack, size_t& match_length_mini
[&](Script script) {
if (script.is_extension)
compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::ScriptExtension, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script });
compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::ScriptExtension, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script.value() });
compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Script, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script });
compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Script, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script.value() });
[](Empty&) { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); });
@ -2000,9 +2000,9 @@ bool ECMA262Parser::parse_nonempty_class_ranges(Vector<CompareTypeAndValuePair>&
else if (atom.is_general_category)
ranges.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::GeneralCategory, (ByteCodeValueType)(atom.general_category.value()) });
else if (atom.is_script)
ranges.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Script, (ByteCodeValueType)(atom.script) });
ranges.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Script, (ByteCodeValueType)(atom.script.value()) });
else if (atom.is_script_extension)
ranges.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::ScriptExtension, (ByteCodeValueType)(atom.script) });
ranges.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::ScriptExtension, (ByteCodeValueType)(atom.script.value()) });
ranges.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::CharClass, (ByteCodeValueType)atom.character_class });
} else {
@ -2339,9 +2339,9 @@ bool ECMA262Parser::parse_class_set_operand(Vector<regex::CompareTypeAndValuePai
[&](Script script) {
if (script.is_extension)
compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::ScriptExtension, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script });
compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::ScriptExtension, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script.value() });
compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Script, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script });
compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Script, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script.value() });
[](Empty&) { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); });
return true;
@ -2426,9 +2426,9 @@ bool ECMA262Parser::parse_nested_class(Vector<regex::CompareTypeAndValuePair>& c
[&](Script script) {
if (script.is_extension)
compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::ScriptExtension, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script });
compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::ScriptExtension, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script.value() });
compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Script, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script });
compares.empend(CompareTypeAndValuePair { CharacterCompareType::Script, (ByteCodeValueType)script.script.value() });
[](Empty&) { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); });
return true;

View file

@ -4,13 +4,17 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Array.h>
#include <AK/CharacterTypes.h>
#include <AK/Find.h>
#include <AK/Traits.h>
#include <LibLocale/ICU.h>
#include <LibUnicode/CharacterTypes.h>
#include <unicode/uchar.h>
#include <unicode/uscript.h>
namespace Unicode {
@ -262,9 +266,49 @@ bool is_ecma262_property(Property property)
Optional<Script> __attribute__((weak)) script_from_string(StringView) { return {}; }
bool __attribute__((weak)) code_point_has_script(u32, Script) { return {}; }
bool __attribute__((weak)) code_point_has_script_extension(u32, Script) { return {}; }
Optional<Script> script_from_string(StringView script)
static auto script_names = []() {
Array<PropertyName<Script>, static_cast<size_t>(USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT)> names;
for (Script script = 0; script < USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT; ++script) {
auto icu_script = static_cast<UScriptCode>(script.value());
if (char const* name = uscript_getName(icu_script))
names[script.value()].long_name = StringView { name, strlen(name) };
if (char const* name = uscript_getShortName(icu_script))
names[script.value()].short_name = StringView { name, strlen(name) };
if (char const* name = u_getPropertyValueName(UCHAR_SCRIPT, icu_script, ADDITIONAL_NAME))
names[script.value()].additional_name = StringView { name, strlen(name) };
return names;
if (auto index = find_index(script_names.begin(), script_names.end(), script); index != script_names.size())
return static_cast<Script>(index);
return {};
bool code_point_has_script(u32 code_point, Script script)
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
auto icu_code_point = static_cast<UChar32>(code_point);
auto icu_script = static_cast<UScriptCode>(script.value());
if (auto result = uscript_getScript(icu_code_point, &status); Locale::icu_success(status))
return result == icu_script;
return false;
bool code_point_has_script_extension(u32 code_point, Script script)
auto icu_code_point = static_cast<UChar32>(code_point);
auto icu_script = static_cast<UScriptCode>(script.value());
return static_cast<bool>(uscript_hasScript(icu_code_point, icu_script));
Optional<BidirectionalClass> __attribute__((weak)) bidirectional_class_from_string(StringView) { return {}; }
Optional<BidirectionalClass> __attribute__((weak)) bidirectional_class(u32) { return {}; }

View file

@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ namespace Unicode {
enum class BidirectionalClass : u8;
enum class EmojiGroup : u8;
enum class Script : u8;
struct CurrencyCode;
struct Emoji;
AK_TYPEDEF_DISTINCT_NUMERIC_GENERAL(u32, GeneralCategory, CastToUnderlying, Comparison, Increment);
AK_TYPEDEF_DISTINCT_NUMERIC_GENERAL(u32, Property, CastToUnderlying, Comparison, Increment);
AK_TYPEDEF_DISTINCT_NUMERIC_GENERAL(u32, Script, CastToUnderlying, Comparison, Increment);