LibGUI: Implemented line wrapping for new spanned text drawing

This commit is contained in:
Torben Thaysen 2021-02-27 21:06:46 +01:00 committed by Andreas Kling
parent b76d2450fa
commit a723a97750
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-18 21:50:26 +09:00

View file

@ -505,9 +505,6 @@ void TextEditor::paint_event(PaintEvent& event)
color = palette().color(is_enabled() ? Gfx::ColorRole::SelectionText : Gfx::ColorRole::DisabledText);
painter.draw_text(visual_line_rect, visual_line_text, m_text_alignment, color);
} else {
VERIFY(m_wrapping_mode == WrappingMode::NoWrap);
// FIXME: Support wrapping
auto unspanned_color = palette().color(is_enabled() ? foreground_role() : Gfx::ColorRole::DisabledText);
if (is_displayonly() && (is_focused() || has_visible_list()))
unspanned_color = palette().color(is_enabled() ? Gfx::ColorRole::SelectionText : Gfx::ColorRole::DisabledText);
@ -519,11 +516,7 @@ void TextEditor::paint_event(PaintEvent& event)
auto draw_text_helper = [&](size_t start, size_t end, RefPtr<Gfx::Font>& font, Color& color, Optional<Color> background_color = {}, bool underline = false) {
size_t length = end - start + 1;
auto text = visual_line_text.substring_view(start, length);
size_t width = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
width += font->glyph_width(text.code_points()[i]) + font->glyph_spacing();
if (background_color.has_value()) {
painter.fill_rect(span_rect, background_color.value());
@ -531,7 +524,7 @@ void TextEditor::paint_event(PaintEvent& event)
if (underline) {
painter.draw_line(span_rect.bottom_left().translated(0, 1), span_rect.bottom_right().translated(0, 1), color);
span_rect.move_by(width, 0);
span_rect.move_by(span_rect.width(), 0);
for (;;) {
if (span_index >= document().spans().size()) {
@ -539,46 +532,17 @@ void TextEditor::paint_event(PaintEvent& event)
auto& span = document().spans()[span_index];
if (span.range.end().line() < line_index) {
dbgln("spans not sorted (span end {}:{} is before current line {}) => ignoring", span.range.start().line(), span.range.start().column(), line_index);
dbgln("spans not sorted (span end {}:{} is before current line {}) => ignoring", span.range.end().line(), span.range.end().column(), line_index);
if (span.range.start().line() > line_index) {
if (span.range.start().line() > line_index
|| (span.range.start().line() == line_index && span.range.start().column() >= start_of_visual_line + visual_line_text.length())) {
// no more spans in this line, moving on
if (span.range.start().column() < next_column) {
dbgln("spans not sorted (span start {}:{} is before current position {}:{}) => ignoring", span.range.start().line(), span.range.start().column(), line_index, next_column);
size_t span_start;
if (span.range.start().line() < line_index) {
span_start = 0;
} else {
span_start = span.range.start().column();
size_t span_end;
if (span.range.end().line() > line_index) {
if (visual_line_text.length() == 0) {
// subtracting 1 would wrap around
// scince there is nothing to draw here just move on
span_end = visual_line_text.length() - 1;
} else {
span_end = span.range.end().column();
if (span_end >= visual_line_text.length()) {
if (span_end == visual_line_text.length()) {
// span includes the new line character, silenty clamp
} else {
dbgln("span from {}:{} to {}:{} extens beyond end of line => clamping (line length is {})", span.range.start().line(), span.range.start().column(), span.range.end().line(), span.range.end().column(), visual_line_text.length());
span_end = visual_line_text.length() - 1;
if (span_start > span_end) {
if (span_end == span_start - 1) {
if (span.range.start().line() == span.range.end().line() && span.range.end().column() < span.range.start().column()) {
if (span.range.end().column() == span.range.start().column() - 1) {
// span length is zero, just ignore
} else {
dbgln("span form {}:{} to {}:{} has negative length => ignoring", span.range.start().line(), span.range.start().column(), span.range.end().line(), span.range.end().column());
@ -586,6 +550,32 @@ void TextEditor::paint_event(PaintEvent& event)
if (span.range.end().line() == line_index && span.range.end().column() < start_of_visual_line + next_column) {
dbgln("spans not sorted (span end {}:{} is before current position {}:{}) => ignoring",
span.range.end().line(), span.range.end().column(), line_index, start_of_visual_line + next_column);
size_t span_start;
if (span.range.start().line() < line_index || span.range.start().column() < start_of_visual_line) {
span_start = 0;
} else {
span_start = span.range.start().column() - start_of_visual_line;
size_t span_end;
bool span_consumned;
if (span.range.end().line() > line_index || span.range.end().column() >= start_of_visual_line + visual_line_text.length()) {
if (visual_line_text.length() == 0) {
// subtracting 1 would wrap around
// scince there is nothing to draw here just move on
span_end = visual_line_text.length() - 1;
span_consumned = false;
} else {
span_end = span.range.end().column() - start_of_visual_line;
span_consumned = true;
if (span_start != next_column) {
// draw unspanned text between spans
draw_text_helper(next_column, span_start - 1, unspanned_font, unspanned_color);
@ -597,7 +587,7 @@ void TextEditor::paint_event(PaintEvent& event)
draw_text_helper(span_start, span_end, font, span.attributes.color, span.attributes.background_color, span.attributes.underline);
next_column = span_end + 1;
if (span.range.end().line() > line_index) {
if (!span_consumned) {
// continue with same span on next line
} else {
@ -608,6 +598,16 @@ void TextEditor::paint_event(PaintEvent& event)
if (next_column < visual_line_text.length()) {
draw_text_helper(next_column, visual_line_text.length() - 1, unspanned_font, unspanned_color);
// consume all spans that should end this line
// this is necessary since the spans can include the new line character
while (is_last_visual_line && span_index < document().spans().size()) {
auto& span = document().spans()[span_index];
if (span.range.end().line() == line_index) {
} else {
if (m_visualize_trailing_whitespace && line.ends_in_whitespace()) {