LibJS: Delegate to NumberFormat for DurationFormat unit formatting

This is a normative change in the Intl.DurationFormat proposal. See:
This commit is contained in:
Timothy Flynn 2022-09-02 09:06:55 -04:00 committed by Linus Groh
parent a5bf32018f
commit 99fc94e138
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-17 08:25:15 +09:00
2 changed files with 35 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -299,19 +299,6 @@ ThrowCompletionOr<DurationUnitOptions> get_duration_unit_options(VM& vm, String
return DurationUnitOptions { .style = move(style), .display = display.as_string().string() };
// FIXME: LibUnicode currently only exposes unit patterns converted to an ECMA402 NumberFormat-specific format,
// since DurationFormat only needs a tiny subset of it, it's much easier to just convert it to the expected format
// here, but at some point we should split the NumberFormat exporter to export both formats of the data.
static String convert_number_format_pattern_to_duration_format_template(::Locale::NumberFormat const& number_format)
auto result = number_format.zero_format.replace("{number}"sv, "{0}"sv, ReplaceMode::FirstOnly);
for (size_t i = 0; i < number_format.identifiers.size(); ++i)
result = result.replace(String::formatted("{{unitIdentifier:{}}}", i), number_format.identifiers[i], ReplaceMode::FirstOnly);
return result;
// 1.1.7 PartitionDurationFormatPattern ( durationFormat, duration ),
Vector<PatternPartition> partition_duration_format_pattern(VM& vm, DurationFormat const& duration_format, Temporal::DurationRecord const& duration)
@ -339,19 +326,22 @@ Vector<PatternPartition> partition_duration_format_pattern(VM& vm, DurationForma
// d. Let unit be the Unit value.
auto unit = duration_instances_component.unit;
// e. Let style be durationFormat.[[<styleSlot>]].
// e. Let numberFormatUnit be the NumberFormat Unit value.
auto number_format_unit = duration_instances_component.number_format_unit;
// f. Let style be durationFormat.[[<styleSlot>]].
auto style = (duration_format.*style_slot)();
// f. Let display be durationFormat.[[<displaySlot>]].
// g. Let display be durationFormat.[[<displaySlot>]].
auto display = (duration_format.*display_slot)();
// g. Let value be duration.[[<valueSlot>]].
// h. Let value be duration.[[<valueSlot>]].
auto value = duration.*value_slot;
// h. Let nfOpts be ! OrdinaryObjectCreate(null).
// i. Let nfOpts be ! OrdinaryObjectCreate(null).
auto* number_format_options = Object::create(realm, nullptr);
// i. If unit is "seconds", "milliseconds", or "microseconds", then
// j. If unit is "seconds", "milliseconds", or "microseconds", then
if (unit.is_one_of("seconds"sv, "milliseconds"sv, "microseconds"sv)) {
DurationFormat::ValueStyle next_style;
@ -400,31 +390,31 @@ Vector<PatternPartition> partition_duration_format_pattern(VM& vm, DurationForma
// j. If style is "2-digit", then
// k. If style is "2-digit", then
if (style == DurationFormat::ValueStyle::TwoDigit) {
// i. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(nfOpts, "minimumIntegerDigits", 2𝔽).
MUST(number_format_options->create_data_property_or_throw(vm.names.minimumIntegerDigits, Value(2)));
// k. If value is not 0 or display is not "auto", then
// l. If value is not 0 or display is not "auto", then
if (value != 0.0 || display != DurationFormat::Display::Auto) {
// i. Let nf be ! Construct(%NumberFormat%, « durationFormat.[[Locale]], nfOpts »).
auto* number_format = static_cast<NumberFormat*>(MUST(construct(vm, *realm.intrinsics().intl_number_format_constructor(), js_string(vm, duration_format.locale()), number_format_options)));
// ii. Let dataLocale be durationFormat.[[DataLocale]].
auto const& data_locale = duration_format.data_locale();
// iii. Let dataLocaleData be %DurationFormat%.[[LocaleData]].[[<dataLocale>]].
// iv. If style is "2-digit" or "numeric", then
// i. If style is "2-digit" or "numeric", then
if (style == DurationFormat::ValueStyle::TwoDigit || style == DurationFormat::ValueStyle::Numeric) {
// 1. Let num be ! FormatNumeric(nf, 𝔽(value)).
// 1. Let nf be ! Construct(%NumberFormat%, « durationFormat.[[Locale]], nfOpts »).
auto* number_format = static_cast<NumberFormat*>(MUST(construct(vm, *realm.intrinsics().intl_number_format_constructor(), js_string(vm, duration_format.locale()), number_format_options)));
// 2. Let dataLocale be durationFormat.[[DataLocale]].
auto const& data_locale = duration_format.data_locale();
// 3. Let dataLocaleData be %DurationFormat%.[[LocaleData]].[[<dataLocale>]].
// 4. Let num be ! FormatNumeric(nf, 𝔽(value)).
auto number = format_numeric(vm, *number_format, MathematicalValue(value));
// 2. Append the new Record { [[Type]]: unit, [[Value]]: num} to the end of result.
// 5. Append the new Record { [[Type]]: unit, [[Value]]: num} to the end of result.
result.append({ unit, number });
// 3. If unit is "hours" or "minutes", then
// 6. If unit is "hours" or "minutes", then
if (unit.is_one_of("hours"sv, "minutes"sv)) {
double next_value = 0.0;
DurationFormat::Display next_display;
@ -462,27 +452,23 @@ Vector<PatternPartition> partition_duration_format_pattern(VM& vm, DurationForma
// v. Else,
// ii. Else,
else {
// 1. Let num be ! PartitionNumberPattern(nf, 𝔽(value)).
auto number = partition_number_pattern(vm, *number_format, MathematicalValue(value));
// 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(nfOpts, "style", "unit").
MUST(number_format_options->create_data_property_or_throw(, js_string(vm, "unit"sv)));
// 2. Let pr be ! Construct(%PluralRules%, « durationFormat.[[Locale]] »).
auto* plural_rules = static_cast<PluralRules*>(MUST(construct(vm, *realm.intrinsics().intl_plural_rules_constructor(), js_string(vm, duration_format.locale()))));
// 2. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(nfOpts, "unit", numberFormatUnit).
MUST(number_format_options->create_data_property_or_throw(vm.names.unit, js_string(vm, number_format_unit)));
// 3. Let prv be ! ResolvePlural(pr, 𝔽(value)).
auto plurality = resolve_plural(*plural_rules, Value(value));
// 3. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(nfOpts, "unitDisplay", style).
auto unicode_style = ::Locale::style_to_string(static_cast<::Locale::Style>(style));
MUST(number_format_options->create_data_property_or_throw(vm.names.unitDisplay, js_string(vm, unicode_style)));
auto formats = ::Locale::get_unit_formats(data_locale, duration_instances_component.unit_singular, static_cast<::Locale::Style>(style));
auto pattern = formats.find_if([&](auto& p) { return p.plurality == plurality; });
if (pattern == formats.end())
// 4. Let nf be ! Construct(%NumberFormat%, « durationFormat.[[Locale]], nfOpts »).
auto* number_format = static_cast<NumberFormat*>(MUST(construct(vm, *realm.intrinsics().intl_number_format_constructor(), js_string(vm, duration_format.locale()), number_format_options)));
// 4. Let template be dataLocaleData.[[formats]].[[<style>]].[[<unit>]].[[<prv>]].
auto template_ = convert_number_format_pattern_to_duration_format_template(*pattern);
// 5. Let parts be ! MakePartsList(template, unit, num).
auto parts = make_parts_list(template_, unit, move(number));
// 5. Let parts be ! PartitionNumberPattern(nf, 𝔽(value)).
auto parts = partition_number_pattern(vm, *number_format, MathematicalValue(value));
// 6. Let concat be an empty String.
StringBuilder concat;

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@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ struct DurationInstanceComponent {
DurationFormat::Display (DurationFormat::*get_display_slot)() const;
void (DurationFormat::*set_display_slot)(StringView);
StringView unit;
StringView unit_singular;
StringView number_format_unit;
Span<StringView const> values;
StringView digital_default;