LibWeb: Actually define Blob-to-ReadableStream conversion

This is a change in the Fetch spec.

This commit is contained in:
Linus Groh 2022-10-30 14:37:38 +00:00
parent b1968b8bed
commit 793a1f5994
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-17 05:01:30 +09:00

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@ -16,27 +16,43 @@ namespace Web::Fetch {
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Infrastructure::BodyWithType> extract_body(JS::Realm& realm, BodyInitOrReadbleBytes const& object, bool keepalive)
// 1. Let stream be object if object is a ReadableStream object. Otherwise, let stream be a new ReadableStream, and set up stream.
Streams::ReadableStream* stream;
if (auto const* handle = object.get_pointer<JS::Handle<Streams::ReadableStream>>()) {
stream = const_cast<Streams::ReadableStream*>(handle->cell());
} else {
// 1. Let stream be null.
JS::GCPtr<Streams::ReadableStream> stream;
// 2. If object is a ReadableStream object, then set stream to object.
if (auto const* stream_handle = object.get_pointer<JS::Handle<Streams::ReadableStream>>()) {
stream = const_cast<Streams::ReadableStream*>(stream_handle->cell());
// 3. Otherwise, if object is a Blob object, set stream to the result of running objects get stream.
else if (auto const* blob_handle = object.get_pointer<JS::Handle<FileAPI::Blob>>()) {
// FIXME: "set stream to the result of running objects get stream"
stream = realm.heap().allocate<Streams::ReadableStream>(realm, realm);
// 4. Otherwise, set stream to a new ReadableStream object, and set up stream.
else {
// FIXME: "set up stream"
stream = realm.heap().allocate<Streams::ReadableStream>(realm, realm);
// FIXME: 2. Let action be null.
// 3. Let source be null.
// 5. Assert: stream is a ReadableStream object.
// FIXME: 6. Let action be null.
// 7. Let source be null.
Infrastructure::Body::SourceType source {};
// 4. Let length be null.
// 8. Let length be null.
Optional<u64> length {};
// 5. Let type be null.
// 9. Let type be null.
Optional<ByteBuffer> type {};
// 6. Switch on object.
// 10. Switch on object.
// FIXME: Still need to support BufferSource and FormData
[&](JS::Handle<FileAPI::Blob> const& blob) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> {
// FIXME: Set action to this step: read object.
// Set source to object.
source = blob;
// Set length to objects size.
@ -83,12 +99,13 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Infrastructure::BodyWithType> extract_body(JS::Realm& realm,
return {};
// FIXME: 7. If source is a byte sequence, then set action to a step that returns source and length to sources length.
// FIXME: 8. If action is non-null, then run these steps in in parallel:
// FIXME: 11. If source is a byte sequence, then set action to a step that returns source and length to sources length.
// FIXME: 12. If action is non-null, then run these steps in in parallel:
// 9. Let body be a body whose stream is stream, source is source, and length is length.
auto body = Infrastructure::Body { JS::make_handle(stream), move(source), move(length) };
// 10. Return (body, type).
// 13. Let body be a body whose stream is stream, source is source, and length is length.
auto body = Infrastructure::Body { JS::make_handle(*stream), move(source), move(length) };
// 14. Return (body, type).
return Infrastructure::BodyWithType { .body = move(body), .type = move(type) };