# kh-pdns-api kh-pdns-api provides a PowerDNS compatible API for KeyHelp. # Usage - Import the SQL file "sql-scheme.sql" into a MySQL database. - Adjust the database access data and the base URI in the file "config.php". - Enter the KeyHelp server in the "server" table. - Enter the KeyHelp API key in the column "api_key". - If the server should respond to the PowerDNS ID "localhost", a "True" must be set in the column "localhost". - Enter the available domains in the "domain" table. - Enter the PowerDNS API keys in the "user" table. - Control the access of the users to the domains via the table "user_domain". # Legal KeyHelp is a trademark of Keyweb AG PowerDNS is a trademark of PowerDNS.COM BV https://community.keyhelp.de/viewtopic.php?t=11922