users = $users; } public function getLock(string $uri, ?string $token = null): ?string { // It is important to check also for a lock on parent directory as we support depth=1 $sql = 'SELECT scope FROM locks WHERE user = ? AND (uri = ? OR uri = ?)'; $params = [$this->users->current()->login, $uri, dirname($uri)]; if ($token) { $sql .= ' AND token = ?'; $params[] = $token; } $sql .= ' LIMIT 1'; return DB::getInstance()->firstColumn($sql, ...$params); } public function lock(string $uri, string $token, string $scope): void { DB::getInstance()->run('REPLACE INTO locks VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, datetime(\'now\', \'+5 minutes\'));', $this->users->current()->login, $uri, $token, $scope); } public function unlock(string $uri, string $token): void { DB::getInstance()->run('DELETE FROM locks WHERE user = ? AND uri = ? AND token = ?;', $this->users->current()->login, $uri, $token); } public function list(string $uri, ?array $properties): iterable { $dirs = glob($this->users->current()->path . $uri . '/*', \GLOB_ONLYDIR); $dirs = array_map('basename', $dirs); natcasesort($dirs); $files = glob($this->users->current()->path . $uri . '/*'); $files = array_map('basename', $files); $files = array_diff($files, $dirs); natcasesort($files); $files = array_flip(array_merge($dirs, $files)); $files = array_map(fn($a) => null, $files); return $files; } public function get(string $uri): ?array { $path = $this->users->current()->path . $uri; if (!file_exists($path)) { return null; } // Recommended: Use X-SendFile to make things more efficient // see // or if (ENABLE_XSENDFILE) { header('X-SendFile: ' . $path); exit; } return ['path' => $path]; } public function exists(string $uri): bool { return file_exists($this->users->current()->path . $uri); } public function get_file_property(string $uri, string $name, int $depth) { $target = $this->users->current()->path . $uri; switch ($name) { case 'DAV::getcontentlength': return is_dir($target) ? null : filesize($target); case 'DAV::getcontenttype': // ownCloud app crashes if mimetype is provided for a directory // return is_dir($target) ? null : mime_content_type($target); case 'DAV::resourcetype': return is_dir($target) ? 'collection' : ''; case 'DAV::getlastmodified': if (!$uri && $depth == 0 && is_dir($target)) { $mtime = self::getDirectoryMTime($target); } else { $mtime = filemtime($target); } if (!$mtime) { return null; } return new \DateTime('@' . $mtime); case 'DAV::displayname': return basename($target); case 'DAV::ishidden': return basename($target)[0] == '.'; case 'DAV::getetag': if (!$uri && !$depth) { $hash = self::getDirectorySize($target) . self::getDirectoryMTime($target); } else { $hash = filemtime($target) . filesize($target); } return md5($hash . $target); case 'DAV::lastaccessed': return new \DateTime('@' . fileatime($target)); case 'DAV::creationdate': // The ownCloud Android app doesn't like formatted dates, it makes it crash. if (false !== stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? '', 'owncloud')) { return filectime($target); } return new \DateTime('@' . filectime($target)); case WebDAV::PROP_DIGEST_MD5: if (!is_file($target)) { return null; } return md5_file($target); // NextCloud stuff case Nextcloud::PROP_NC_HAS_PREVIEW: case Nextcloud::PROP_NC_IS_ENCRYPTED: return 'false'; case NextCloud::PROP_OC_SHARETYPES: return WebDAV::EMPTY_PROP_VALUE; case Nextcloud::PROP_NC_RICH_WORKSPACE: if (!is_dir($target)) { return ''; } $files = ['', '', '']; foreach ($files as $f) { if (file_exists($target . '/' . $f)) { return file_get_contents($target . '/' . $f); } } return ''; case Nextcloud::PROP_OC_ID: $username = $this->users->current()->login; return NextCloud::getDirectID($username, $uri); case Nextcloud::PROP_OC_PERMISSIONS: return implode('', [NextCloud::PERM_READ, NextCloud::PERM_WRITE, NextCloud::PERM_CREATE, NextCloud::PERM_DELETE, NextCloud::PERM_RENAME_MOVE]); case 'DAV::quota-available-bytes': return null; return -3; case 'DAV::quota-used-bytes': return null; case Nextcloud::PROP_OC_SIZE: if (is_dir($target)) { return self::getDirectorySize($target); } else { return filesize($target); } default: break; } if (in_array($name, NextCloud::NC_PROPERTIES) || in_array($name, WebDAV::BASIC_PROPERTIES) || in_array($name, WebDAV::EXTENDED_PROPERTIES)) { return null; } return $this->getResourceProperties($uri)->get($name); } public function properties(string $uri, ?array $properties, int $depth): ?array { $target = $this->users->current()->path . $uri; if (!file_exists($target)) { return null; } if (null === $properties) { $properties = array_merge(WebDAV::BASIC_PROPERTIES, ['DAV::getetag', Nextcloud::PROP_OC_ID]); } $out = []; foreach ($properties as $name) { $v = $this->get_file_property($uri, $name, $depth); if (null !== $v) { $out[$name] = $v; } } return $out; } public function put(string $uri, $pointer, ?string $hash, ?int $mtime): bool { if (preg_match(self::PUT_IGNORE_PATTERN, basename($uri))) { return false; } $target = $this->users->current()->path . $uri; $parent = dirname($target); if (is_dir($target)) { throw new WebDAV_Exception('Target is a directory', 409); } if (!file_exists($parent)) { mkdir($parent, 0770, true); } $new = !file_exists($target); $delete = false; $size = 0; $quota = $this->users->quota($this->users->current()); if (!$new) { $size -= filesize($target); } $tmp_file = '.tmp.' . sha1($target); $out = fopen($tmp_file, 'w'); while (!feof($pointer)) { $bytes = fread($pointer, 8192); $size += strlen($bytes); if ($size > $quota->free) { $delete = true; break; } fwrite($out, $bytes); } fclose($out); fclose($pointer); if ($delete) { @unlink($tmp_file); throw new WebDAV_Exception('Your quota is exhausted', 403); } elseif ($hash && md5_file($tmp_file) != $hash) { @unlink($tmp_file); throw new WebDAV_Exception('The data sent does not match the supplied MD5 hash', 400); } else { rename($tmp_file, $target); } if ($mtime) { @touch($target, $mtime); } return $new; } public function delete(string $uri): void { $target = $this->users->current()->path . $uri; if (!file_exists($target)) { throw new WebDAV_Exception('Target does not exist', 404); } if (is_dir($target)) { foreach (glob($target . '/*') as $file) { $this->delete(substr($file, strlen($this->users->current()->path))); } rmdir($target); } else { unlink($target); } $this->getResourceProperties($uri)->clear(); } public function copymove(bool $move, string $uri, string $destination): bool { $source = $this->users->current()->path . $uri; $target = $this->users->current()->path . $destination; $parent = dirname($target); if (!file_exists($source)) { throw new WebDAV_Exception('File not found', 404); } $overwritten = file_exists($target); if (!is_dir($parent)) { throw new WebDAV_Exception('Target parent directory does not exist', 409); } if (false === $move) { $quota = $this->users->quota($this->users->current()); if (filesize($source) > $quota->free) { throw new WebDAV_Exception('Your quota is exhausted', 403); } } if ($overwritten) { $this->delete($destination); } $method = $move ? 'rename' : 'copy'; if ($method == 'copy' && is_dir($source)) { @mkdir($target, 0770, true); foreach ($iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST) as $item) { if ($item->isDir()) { @mkdir($target . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $iterator->getSubPathname()); } else { copy($item, $target . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $iterator->getSubPathname()); } } } else { $method($source, $target); $this->getResourceProperties($uri)->move($destination); } return $overwritten; } public function copy(string $uri, string $destination): bool { return $this->copymove(false, $uri, $destination); } public function move(string $uri, string $destination): bool { return $this->copymove(true, $uri, $destination); } public function mkcol(string $uri): void { if (!$this->users->current()->quota) { throw new WebDAV_Exception('Your quota is exhausted', 403); } $target = $this->users->current()->path . $uri; $parent = dirname($target); if (file_exists($target)) { throw new WebDAV_Exception('There is already a file with that name', 405); } if (!file_exists($parent)) { throw new WebDAV_Exception('The parent directory does not exist', 409); } mkdir($target, 0770); } public function getResourceProperties(string $uri): Properties { if (!isset($this->properties[$uri])) { $this->properties[$uri] = new Properties($this->users->current()->login, $uri); } return $this->properties[$uri]; } public function setProperties(string $uri, string $body): void { $properties = WebDAV::parsePropPatch($body); if (!count($properties)) { return; } $db = DB::getInstance(); $db->exec('BEGIN;'); foreach ($properties as $name => $prop) { if ($prop['action'] == 'set') { $this->getResourceProperties($uri)->set($name, $prop['attributes'], $prop['content']); } else { $this->getResourceProperties($uri)->remove($name); } } $db->exec('END'); return; } static public function getDirectorySize(string $path): int { $total = 0; $path = rtrim($path, '/'); foreach (glob($path . '/*', GLOB_NOSORT) as $f) { if (is_dir($f)) { $total += self::getDirectorySize($f); } else { $total += filesize($f); } } return $total; } static public function deleteDirectory(string $path): void { foreach (glob($path . '/*', GLOB_NOSORT) as $f) { if (is_dir($f)) { self::deleteDirectory($f); @rmdir($f); } else { @unlink($f); } } @rmdir($path); } static public function getDirectoryMTime(string $path): int { $last = 0; $path = rtrim($path, '/'); foreach (glob($path . '/*', GLOB_NOSORT) as $f) { if (is_dir($f)) { $m = self::getDirectoryMTime($f); if ($m > $last) { $last = $m; } } $m = filemtime($f); if ($m > $last) { $last = $m; } } return $last; } }