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2022-08-30 05:01:39 +00:00
namespace KaraDAV;
use KD2\ErrorManager;
2022-08-31 06:06:27 +00:00
spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
$class = str_replace('\\', '/', $class);
require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/' . $class . '.php';
2022-08-30 05:01:39 +00:00
2022-08-31 06:06:27 +00:00
ErrorManager::setLogFile(__DIR__ . '/../error.log');
2022-08-30 05:01:39 +00:00
if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../config.local.php')) {
die('This server is not configured yet. Please copy config.dist.php to config.local.php and edit it.');
require __DIR__ . '/../config.local.php';
2022-08-31 06:06:27 +00:00
// Init database
if (!file_exists(DB_FILE)) {
$db = DB::getInstance();
$db->exec(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../schema.sql'));
$users = new Users;
$p = Users::generatePassword();
$users->create('demo', $p);
$users->edit('demo', ['quota' => 10]);
$_SESSION['install_password'] = $p;
$users->login('demo', $p);
function get_directory_size(string $path): int
return 0;
$total = 0;
foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD) as $p) {
try {
$total += $p->getSize();
catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
// Ignore file that vanished
return $total;
function html(string $title, string $html): void
$title = htmlspecialchars($title);
echo <<<EOF
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/admin.css" />
Powered by <a href="https://github.com/kd2.org/karadav/">KaraDAV</a>