martin 7702560b12
feat(web): re-assign person faces (2) (#4949)
* feat: unassign person faces

* multiple improvements

* chore: regenerate api

* feat: improve face interactions in photos

* fix: tests

* fix: tests

* optimize

* fix: wrong assignment on complex-multiple re-assignments

* fix: thumbnails with large photos

* fix: complex reassign

* fix: don't send people with faces

* fix: person thumbnail generation

* chore: regenerate api

* add tess

* feat: face box even when zoomed

* fix: change feature photo

* feat: make the blue icon hoverable

* chore: regenerate api

* feat: use websocket

* fix: loading spinner when clicking on the done button

* fix: use the svelte way

* fix: tests

* simplify

* fix: unused vars

* fix: remove unused code

* fix: add migration

* chore: regenerate api

* ci: add unit tests

* chore: regenerate api

* feat: if a new person is created for a face and the server takes more than 15 seconds to generate the person thumbnail, don't wait for it

* reorganize

* chore: regenerate api

* feat: global edit

* pr feedback

* pr feedback

* simplify

* revert test

* fix: face generation

* fix: tests

* fix: face generation

* fix merge

* feat: search names in unmerge face selector modal

* fix: merge face selector

* simplify feature photo generation

* fix: change endpoint

* pr feedback

* chore: fix merge

* chore: fix merge

* fix: tests

* fix: edit & hide buttons

* fix: tests

* feat: show if person is hidden

* feat: rename face to person

* feat: split in new panel

* copy-paste-error

* pr feedback

* fix: feature photo

* do not leak faces

* fix: unmerge modal

* fix: merge modal event

* feat(server): remove duplicates

* fix: title for image thumbnails

* fix: disable side panel when there's no face until next PR


Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <>
2023-12-05 09:43:15 -06:00

167 lines
5.7 KiB

<script lang="ts">
import { createEventDispatcher, onMount } from 'svelte';
import { api, type PersonResponseDto } from '@api';
import FaceThumbnail from './face-thumbnail.svelte';
import { quintOut } from 'svelte/easing';
import { fly } from 'svelte/transition';
import ControlAppBar from '../shared-components/control-app-bar.svelte';
import Button from '../elements/buttons/button.svelte';
import { flip } from 'svelte/animate';
import { NotificationType, notificationController } from '../shared-components/notification/notification';
import ConfirmDialogue from '../shared-components/confirm-dialogue.svelte';
import { handleError } from '$lib/utils/handle-error';
import { goto } from '$app/navigation';
import { AppRoute } from '$lib/constants';
import { mdiCallMerge, mdiMerge, mdiSwapHorizontal } from '@mdi/js';
import Icon from '$lib/components/elements/icon.svelte';
import CircleIconButton from '../elements/buttons/circle-icon-button.svelte';
import PeopleList from './people-list.svelte';
import { page } from '$app/stores';
export let person: PersonResponseDto;
let people: PersonResponseDto[] = [];
let selectedPeople: PersonResponseDto[] = [];
let screenHeight: number;
let isShowConfirmation = false;
let dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
$: hasSelection = selectedPeople.length > 0;
$: unselectedPeople = people.filter(
(source) => !selectedPeople.some((selected) => === && !==,
onMount(async () => {
const { data } = await api.personApi.getAllPeople({ withHidden: false });
people = data.people;
const onClose = () => {
const handleSwapPeople = () => {
[person, selectedPeople[0]] = [selectedPeople[0], person];
$page.url.searchParams.set('action', 'merge');
const onSelect = (selected: PersonResponseDto) => {
if (selectedPeople.includes(selected)) {
selectedPeople = selectedPeople.filter((person) => !==;
if (selectedPeople.length >= 5) {{
message: 'You can only merge up to 5 faces at a time',
type: NotificationType.Info,
selectedPeople = [selected, ...selectedPeople];
const handleMerge = async () => {
try {
const { data: results } = await api.personApi.mergePerson({
mergePersonDto: { ids:{ id }) => id) },
const count = results.filter(({ success }) => success).length;{
message: `Merged ${count} ${count === 1 ? 'person' : 'people'}`,
type: NotificationType.Info,
} catch (error) {
handleError(error, 'Cannot merge people');
} finally {
isShowConfirmation = false;
<svelte:window bind:innerHeight={screenHeight} />
transition:fly={{ y: 500, duration: 100, easing: quintOut }}
class="absolute left-0 top-0 z-[9999] h-full w-full bg-immich-bg dark:bg-immich-dark-bg"
<ControlAppBar on:close-button-click={onClose}>
<svelte:fragment slot="leading">
{#if hasSelection}
Selected {selectedPeople.length}
Merge people
<div />
<svelte:fragment slot="trailing">
on:click={() => {
isShowConfirmation = true;
<Icon path={mdiMerge} size={18} />
<span class="ml-2"> Merge</span></Button
<section class="bg-immich-bg px-[70px] pt-[100px] dark:bg-immich-dark-bg">
<section id="merge-face-selector relative">
<div class="mb-10 h-[200px] place-content-center place-items-center">
<p class="mb-4 text-center uppercase dark:text-white">Choose matching people to merge</p>
<div class="grid grid-flow-col-dense place-content-center place-items-center gap-4">
{#each selectedPeople as person (}
<div animate:flip={{ duration: 250, easing: quintOut }}>
<FaceThumbnail border circle {person} selectable thumbnailSize={120} on:click={() => onSelect(person)} />
{#if hasSelection}
<div class="relative h-full">
<div class="flex flex-col h-full justify-between">
<div class="flex h-full items-center justify-center">
<Icon path={mdiCallMerge} size={48} class="rotate-90 dark:text-white" />
{#if selectedPeople.length === 1}
<div class="absolute bottom-2">
<CircleIconButton icon={mdiSwapHorizontal} size="24" on:click={handleSwapPeople} />
<FaceThumbnail {person} border circle selectable={false} thumbnailSize={180} />
on:select={({ detail }) => onSelect(detail)}
{#if isShowConfirmation}
title="Merge people"
on:cancel={() => (isShowConfirmation = false)}
<svelte:fragment slot="prompt">
<p>Are you sure you want merge these people ?</p></svelte:fragment