use anyhow::Result; use dialoguer::{Confirm, Input, Select}; use pimalaya_email::{ account::{OAuth2Config, OAuth2Method, OAuth2Scopes, PasswdConfig}, sender::{SenderConfig, SmtpAuthConfig, SmtpConfig}, }; use pimalaya_oauth2::{AuthorizationCodeGrant, Client}; use pimalaya_secret::Secret; use crate::{ config::wizard::{prompt_passwd, THEME}, wizard_log, wizard_prompt, }; const SSL_TLS: &str = "SSL/TLS"; const STARTTLS: &str = "STARTTLS"; const NONE: &str = "None"; const PROTOCOLS: &[&str] = &[SSL_TLS, STARTTLS, NONE]; const PASSWD: &str = "Password"; const OAUTH2: &str = "OAuth 2.0"; const AUTH_MECHANISMS: &[&str] = &[PASSWD, OAUTH2]; const XOAUTH2: &str = "XOAUTH2"; const OAUTHBEARER: &str = "OAUTHBEARER"; const OAUTH2_MECHANISMS: &[&str] = &[XOAUTH2, OAUTHBEARER]; const SECRETS: &[&str] = &[KEYRING, RAW, CMD]; const KEYRING: &str = "Ask the password, then save it in my system's global keyring"; const RAW: &str = "Ask the password, then save it in the configuration file (not safe)"; const CMD: &str = "Use a shell command that exposes the password"; pub(crate) async fn configure(account_name: &str, email: &str) -> Result { let mut config = SmtpConfig::default(); = Input::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("SMTP host") .default(format!("smtp.{}", email.rsplit_once('@').unwrap().1)) .interact()?; let protocol = Select::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("SMTP security protocol") .items(PROTOCOLS) .default(0) .interact_opt()?; let default_port = match protocol { Some(idx) if PROTOCOLS[idx] == SSL_TLS => { config.ssl = Some(true); 465 } Some(idx) if PROTOCOLS[idx] == STARTTLS => { config.starttls = Some(true); 587 } _ => 25, }; config.port = Input::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("SMTP port") .validate_with(|input: &String| input.parse::().map(|_| ())) .default(default_port.to_string()) .interact() .map(|input| input.parse::().unwrap())?; config.login = Input::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("SMTP login") .default(email.to_owned()) .interact()?; let auth = Select::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("SMTP authentication mechanism") .items(AUTH_MECHANISMS) .default(0) .interact_opt()?; config.auth = match auth { Some(idx) if AUTH_MECHANISMS[idx] == PASSWD => { let secret = Select::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("SMTP authentication strategy") .items(SECRETS) .default(0) .interact_opt()?; let config = match secret { Some(idx) if SECRETS[idx] == KEYRING => { Secret::new_keyring_entry(format!("{account_name}-smtp-passwd")) .set_keyring_entry_secret(prompt_passwd("SMTP password")?)?; PasswdConfig::default() } Some(idx) if SECRETS[idx] == RAW => PasswdConfig { passwd: Secret::Raw(prompt_passwd("SMTP password")?), }, Some(idx) if SECRETS[idx] == CMD => PasswdConfig { passwd: Secret::new_cmd( Input::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("Shell command") .default(format!("pass show {account_name}-smtp-passwd")) .interact()?, ), }, _ => PasswdConfig::default(), }; SmtpAuthConfig::Passwd(config) } Some(idx) if AUTH_MECHANISMS[idx] == OAUTH2 => { let mut config = OAuth2Config::default(); let method = Select::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("SMTP OAuth 2.0 mechanism") .items(OAUTH2_MECHANISMS) .default(0) .interact_opt()?; config.method = match method { Some(idx) if OAUTH2_MECHANISMS[idx] == XOAUTH2 => OAuth2Method::XOAuth2, Some(idx) if OAUTH2_MECHANISMS[idx] == OAUTHBEARER => OAuth2Method::OAuthBearer, _ => OAuth2Method::XOAuth2, }; config.client_id = Input::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("SMTP OAuth 2.0 client id") .interact()?; let client_secret: String = Input::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("SMTP OAuth 2.0 client secret") .interact()?; Secret::new_keyring_entry(format!("{account_name}-smtp-oauth2-client-secret")) .set_keyring_entry_secret(&client_secret)?; config.auth_url = Input::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("SMTP OAuth 2.0 authorization URL") .interact()?; config.token_url = Input::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("SMTP OAuth 2.0 token URL") .interact()?; config.scopes = OAuth2Scopes::Scope( Input::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("SMTP OAuth 2.0 main scope") .interact()?, ); while Confirm::new() .with_prompt(wizard_prompt!( "Would you like to add more SMTP OAuth 2.0 scopes?" )) .default(false) .interact_opt()? .unwrap_or_default() { let mut scopes = match config.scopes { OAuth2Scopes::Scope(scope) => vec![scope], OAuth2Scopes::Scopes(scopes) => scopes, }; scopes.push( Input::with_theme(&*THEME) .with_prompt("Additional SMTP OAuth 2.0 scope") .interact()?, ); config.scopes = OAuth2Scopes::Scopes(scopes); } config.pkce = Confirm::new() .with_prompt(wizard_prompt!( "Would you like to enable PKCE verification?" )) .default(true) .interact_opt()? .unwrap_or(true); wizard_log!("To complete your OAuth 2.0 setup, click on the following link:"); let client = Client::new( config.client_id.clone(), client_secret, config.auth_url.clone(), config.token_url.clone(), )? .with_redirect_host(config.redirect_host.clone()) .with_redirect_port(config.redirect_port) .build()?; let mut auth_code_grant = AuthorizationCodeGrant::new() .with_redirect_host(config.redirect_host.clone()) .with_redirect_port(config.redirect_port); if config.pkce { auth_code_grant = auth_code_grant.with_pkce(); } for scope in config.scopes.clone() { auth_code_grant = auth_code_grant.with_scope(scope); } let (redirect_url, csrf_token) = auth_code_grant.get_redirect_url(&client); println!("{}", redirect_url.to_string()); println!(""); let (access_token, refresh_token) = auth_code_grant .wait_for_redirection(&client, csrf_token) .await?; Secret::new_keyring_entry(format!("{account_name}-smtp-oauth2-access-token")) .set_keyring_entry_secret(access_token)?; if let Some(refresh_token) = &refresh_token { Secret::new_keyring_entry(format!("{account_name}-smtp-oauth2-refresh-token")) .set_keyring_entry_secret(refresh_token)?; } SmtpAuthConfig::OAuth2(config) } _ => SmtpAuthConfig::default(), }; Ok(SenderConfig::Smtp(config)) }