[example] default = true # The display-name and email are used to build the full email address: # "My example account" display-name = "My example account" email = "example@localhost" sync = true sync-dir = "/tmp/himalaya-sync-example" # The default backend used for all the features like adding folders, # listing envelopes or copying messages. backend = "imap" # IMAP config imap.host = "localhost" imap.port = 3143 imap.login = "example@localhost" imap.ssl = false imap.starttls = false imap.insecure = true imap.auth = "passwd" imap.passwd.keyring = "example-passwd" # Override the backend used for sending messages. message.send.backend = "smtp" # SMTP config smtp.host = "localhost" smtp.port = 3025 smtp.login = "example@localhost" smtp.ssl = false smtp.starttls = false smtp.insecure = true smtp.auth = "passwd" smtp.passwd.raw = "example" [example-2] display-name = "My example account 2" email = "example2@localhost" backend = "imap" imap.host = "localhost" imap.port = 3143 imap.login = "example2@localhost" imap.ssl = false imap.starttls = false imap.insecure = true imap.auth = "passwd" imap.passwd.raw = "example" message.send.backend = "sendmail" sendmail.cmd = "sendmail"