'.$lang_common['Login'].' '.$lang_common['or'].' '.$lang_common['register'].'.'); // Load the userlist.php language file require 'lang/'.$language.'/'.$language.'_userlist.php'; $page_title = htmlspecialchars($options['board_title']).' / '.$lang_ul['User list']; require 'header.php'; $id = isset($_GET['id']); if ($id != 'other' && $id != 'all' && !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]$/', $id)) $id = 'A'; ?>
'.chr($i).'  '; else print ''.chr($i).'  '; } print "\n"; ?> '.$lang_ul['Other'].''."\n" : $lang_ul['Other']."\n"; ?>  '.$lang_ul['All users'].''."\n" : $lang_ul['All users']."\n"; ?>
query('SELECT COUNT(id)-1 FROM '.$db->prefix.'users') or error('Unable to fetch user list count', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error()); else if ($id == 'other') { switch ($db_type) { case 'mysql': $result = $db->query('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM '.$db->prefix.'users WHERE id>1 AND username NOT REGEXP \'^[a-zA-Z]\'') or error('Unable to fetch user list count', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error()); break; case 'pgsql'; $result = $db->query('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM '.$db->prefix.'users WHERE id>1 AND username !~ \'^[a-zA-Z]\'') or error('Unable to fetch user list count', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error()); break; } } else $result = $db->query('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM '.$db->prefix.'users WHERE id>1 AND username LIKE \''.$id.'%\'') or error('Unable to fetch user list count', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error()); $num_users = $db->result($result, 0); // The number of pages required to display all users $num_pages = ceil($num_users / 50); if (!isset($_GET['p']) || $_GET['p'] <= 1 || $_GET['p'] > $num_pages) { $p = 1; $start_from = 0; } else { $p = $_GET['p']; $start_from = 50 * ($p - 1); } if ($id == 'all') $result = $db->query('SELECT id, username, email, title, hide_email, num_posts, status, registered FROM '.$db->prefix.'users WHERE id>1 ORDER BY username LIMIT '.$start_from.', 50') or error('Unable to fetch user list', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error()); else if ($id == 'other') { switch ($db_type) { case 'mysql': $result = $db->query('SELECT id, username, email, title, hide_email, num_posts, status, registered FROM '.$db->prefix.'users WHERE id>1 AND username NOT REGEXP \'^[a-zA-Z]\' ORDER BY username LIMIT '.$start_from.', 50') or error('Unable to fetch user list', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error()); break; case 'pgsql'; $result = $db->query('SELECT id, username, email, title, hide_email, num_posts, status, registered FROM '.$db->prefix.'users WHERE id>1 AND username !~ \'^[a-zA-Z]\' ORDER BY username LIMIT '.$start_from.', 50') or error('Unable to fetch user list', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error()); break; } } else $result = $db->query('SELECT id, username, email, title, hide_email, num_posts, status, registered FROM '.$db->prefix.'users WHERE id>1 AND username LIKE \''.$id.'%\' ORDER BY username LIMIT '.$start_from.', 50') or error('Unable to fetch user list', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error()); $num_users_page = $db->num_rows($result); if ($num_users_page) { while ($num_users_page--) { $user_data = $db->fetch_assoc($result); $user_title = get_title($user_data); ?> 0): ?> '."\n"; ?>
'.htmlspecialchars($user_data['username']).'' ?> 0) ? ''.$user_data['email'].'' : $lang_ul['Not displayed']; ?>
'.$lang_ul['No users'].' "'.$id.'".