2021-08-26 20:37:43 +02:00

1159 lines
34 KiB

#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-crate")]
extern crate clip;
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
extern crate which;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::env::{self, current_exe, var_os};
use std::ffi::OsStr;
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard")]
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
use std::io::ErrorKind as IoErrorKind;
use std::io::{self, Read};
use std::io::{stderr, stdin, Error as IoError, Write};
use std::iter;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::exit;
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-crate")]
use self::clip::{ClipboardContext, ClipboardProvider};
use chrono::Duration;
use colored::*;
#[cfg(feature = "history")]
use directories::ProjectDirs;
use failure::{err_msg, Fail};
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-crate")]
use failure::{Compat, Error};
use ffsend_api::{
api::request::{ensure_success, ResponseError},
use fs2::available_space;
use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric;
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use regex::Regex;
use rpassword::prompt_password_stderr;
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
use which::which;
use crate::cmd::matcher::MainMatcher;
/// Print a success message.
pub fn print_success(msg: &str) {
eprintln!("{}", msg.green());
/// Print the given error in a proper format for the user,
/// with it's causes.
pub fn print_error<E: Fail>(err: impl Borrow<E>) {
// Report each printable error, count them
let count = err
.map(|err| format!("{}", err))
.filter(|err| !err.is_empty())
.map(|(i, err)| {
if i == 0 {
eprintln!("{} {}", highlight_error("error:"), err);
} else {
eprintln!("{} {}", highlight_error("caused by:"), err);
// Fall back to a basic message
if count == 0 {
"{} {}",
"an undefined error occurred"
/// Print the given error message in a proper format for the user,
/// with it's causes.
pub fn print_error_msg<S>(err: S)
S: AsRef<str> + Display + Debug + Sync + Send + 'static,
/// Print a warning.
pub fn print_warning<S>(err: S)
S: AsRef<str> + Display + Debug + Sync + Send + 'static,
eprintln!("{} {}", highlight_warning("warning:"), err);
/// Quit the application regularly.
pub fn quit() -> ! {
/// Quit the application with an error code,
/// and print the given error.
pub fn quit_error<E: Fail>(err: E, hints: impl Borrow<ErrorHints>) -> ! {
// Print the error
// Print error hints
// Quit
/// Quit the application with an error code,
/// and print the given error message.
pub fn quit_error_msg<S>(err: S, hints: impl Borrow<ErrorHints>) -> !
S: AsRef<str> + Display + Debug + Sync + Send + 'static,
quit_error(err_msg(err).compat(), hints);
/// The error hint configuration.
#[derive(Clone, Builder)]
pub struct ErrorHints {
/// Show about specifying an API version.
api: bool,
/// A list of info messages to print along with the error.
info: Vec<String>,
/// Show about the name option.
name: bool,
/// Show about the password option.
password: bool,
/// Show about the owner option.
owner: bool,
/// Show about the history flag.
#[cfg(feature = "history")]
history: bool,
/// Show about the force flag.
force: bool,
/// Show about the verbose flag.
verbose: bool,
/// Show about the help flag.
help: bool,
impl ErrorHints {
/// Check whether any hint should be printed.
pub fn any(&self) -> bool {
// Determine the result
let mut result =
self.name || self.password || self.owner || self.force || self.verbose || self.help;
// Factor in the history hint when enabled
#[cfg(feature = "history")]
result = result || self.history;
/// Print the error hints.
pub fn print(&self) {
// Print info messages
for msg in &self.info {
eprintln!("{} {}", highlight_info("info:"), msg);
// Stop if nothing should be printed
if !self.any() {
// Print hints
if self.api {
"Use '{}' to select a server API version",
highlight("--api <VERSION>")
if self.name {
"Use '{}' to specify a file name",
highlight("--name <NAME>")
if self.password {
"Use '{}' to specify a password",
highlight("--password <PASSWORD>")
if self.owner {
"Use '{}' to specify an owner token",
highlight("--owner <TOKEN>")
#[cfg(feature = "history")]
if self.history {
"Use '{}' to specify a history file",
highlight("--history <FILE>")
if self.force {
eprintln!("Use '{}' to force", highlight("--force"));
if self.verbose {
eprintln!("For detailed errors try '{}'", highlight("--verbose"));
if self.help {
eprintln!("For more information try '{}'", highlight("--help"));
// Flush
let _ = stderr().flush();
impl Default for ErrorHints {
fn default() -> Self {
ErrorHints {
api: false,
info: Vec::new(),
name: false,
password: false,
owner: false,
#[cfg(feature = "history")]
history: false,
force: false,
verbose: true,
help: true,
impl ErrorHintsBuilder {
/// Add a single info entry.
pub fn add_info(mut self, info: String) -> Self {
// Initialize the info list
if self.info.is_none() {
self.info = Some(Vec::new());
// Add the item to the info list
if let Some(ref mut list) = self.info {
/// Highlight the given text with a color.
pub fn highlight(msg: &str) -> ColoredString {
/// Highlight the given text with an error color.
pub fn highlight_error(msg: &str) -> ColoredString {
/// Highlight the given text with an warning color.
pub fn highlight_warning(msg: &str) -> ColoredString {
/// Highlight the given text with an info color
pub fn highlight_info(msg: &str) -> ColoredString {
/// Open the given URL in the users default browser.
/// The browsers exit status is returned.
pub fn open_url(url: impl Borrow<Url>) -> Result<(), IoError> {
/// Open the given path or URL using the program configured on the system.
/// The program exit status is returned.
pub fn open_path(path: &str) -> Result<(), IoError> {
/// Set the clipboard of the user to the given `content` string.
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard")]
pub fn set_clipboard(content: String) -> Result<(), ClipboardError> {
/// Clipboard management enum.
/// Defines which method of setting the clipboard is used.
/// Invoke `ClipboardType::select()` to select the best variant to use determined at runtime.
/// Usually, the `Native` variant is used. However, on Linux system a different variant will be
/// selected which will call a system binary to set the clipboard. This must be done because the
/// native clipboard interface only has a lifetime of the application. This means that the
/// clipboard is instantly cleared as soon as this application quits, which is always immediately.
/// This limitation is due to security reasons as defined by X11. The alternative binaries we set
/// the clipboard with spawn a daemon in the background to keep the clipboard alive until it's
/// flushed.
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard")]
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ClipboardType {
/// Native operating system clipboard.
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-crate")]
/// Manage clipboard through `xclip` on Linux.
/// May contain a binary path if specified at compile time through the `XCLIP_PATH` variable.
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
/// Manage clipboard through `xsel` on Linux.
/// May contain a binary path if specified at compile time through the `XSEL_PATH` variable.
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard")]
impl ClipboardType {
/// Select the clipboard type to use, depending on the runtime system.
pub fn select() -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-crate")]
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
if let Some(path) = option_env!("XCLIP_PATH") {
} else if let Some(path) = option_env!("XSEL_PATH") {
} else if which("xclip").is_ok() {
} else if which("xsel").is_ok() {
} else {
// TODO: should we error here instead, as no clipboard binary was found?
/// Set clipboard contents through the selected clipboard type.
pub fn set(&self, content: String) -> Result<(), ClipboardError> {
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-crate")]
ClipboardType::Native => Self::native_set(content),
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
ClipboardType::Xclip(path) => Self::xclip_set(path.clone(), &content),
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
ClipboardType::Xsel(path) => Self::xsel_set(path.clone(), &content),
/// Set the clipboard through a native interface.
/// This is used on non-Linux systems.
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-crate")]
fn native_set(content: String) -> Result<(), ClipboardError> {
.and_then(|mut context: ClipboardContext| context.set_contents(content))
.map_err(|err| format_err!("{}", err).compat())
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
fn xclip_set(path: Option<String>, content: &str) -> Result<(), ClipboardError> {
Command::new(path.unwrap_or_else(|| "xclip".into()))
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
fn xsel_set(path: Option<String>, content: &str) -> Result<(), ClipboardError> {
Command::new(path.unwrap_or_else(|| "xsel".into())).arg("--clipboard"),
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
fn sys_cmd_set(
bin: &'static str,
command: &mut Command,
content: &str,
) -> Result<(), ClipboardError> {
// Spawn the command process for setting the clipboard
let mut process = match command.stdin(Stdio::piped()).stdout(Stdio::null()).spawn() {
Ok(process) => process,
Err(err) => {
return Err(match err.kind() {
IoErrorKind::NotFound => ClipboardError::NoBinary,
_ => ClipboardError::BinaryIo(bin, err),
// Write the contents to the xclip process
.map_err(|err| ClipboardError::BinaryIo(bin, err))?;
// Wait for xclip to exit
let status = process
.map_err(|err| ClipboardError::BinaryIo(bin, err))?;
if !status.success() {
return Err(ClipboardError::BinaryStatus(
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard")]
impl fmt::Display for ClipboardType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-crate")]
ClipboardType::Native => write!(f, "native"),
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
ClipboardType::Xclip(path) => match path {
None => write!(f, "xclip"),
Some(path) => write!(f, "xclip ({})", path),
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
ClipboardType::Xsel(path) => match path {
None => write!(f, "xsel"),
Some(path) => write!(f, "xsel ({})", path),
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard")]
#[derive(Debug, Fail)]
pub enum ClipboardError {
/// A generic error occurred while setting the clipboard contents.
/// This is for non-Linux systems, using a native clipboard interface.
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-crate")]
#[fail(display = "failed to access clipboard")]
Native(#[cause] Compat<Error>),
/// The `xclip` or `xsel` binary could not be found on the system, required for clipboard support.
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
#[fail(display = "failed to access clipboard, xclip or xsel is not installed")]
/// An error occurred while using `xclip` or `xsel` to set the clipboard contents.
/// This problem probably occurred when starting, or while piping the clipboard contents to
/// the process.
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
#[fail(display = "failed to access clipboard using {}", _0)]
BinaryIo(&'static str, #[cause] IoError),
/// `xclip` or `xsel` unexpectedly exited with a non-successful status code.
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
display = "failed to use clipboard, {} exited with status code {}",
_0, _1
BinaryStatus(&'static str, i32),
/// Check for an empty password in the given `password`.
/// If the password is empty the program will quit with an error unless
/// forced.
// TODO: move this to a better module
pub fn check_empty_password(password: &str, matcher_main: &MainMatcher) {
if !matcher_main.force() && password.is_empty() {
"an empty password is not supported by the web interface",
/// Prompt the user to enter a password.
/// If `empty` is `false`, empty passwords aren't allowed unless forced.
pub fn prompt_password(main_matcher: &MainMatcher, optional: bool) -> Option<String> {
// Quit with an error if we may not interact
if !optional && main_matcher.no_interact() {
"missing password, must be specified in no-interact mode",
// Prompt for the password
let prompt = if optional {
"Password (optional): "
} else {
"Password: "
match prompt_password_stderr(prompt) {
// If optional and nothing is entered, regard it as not defined
Ok(password) => {
if password.is_empty() && optional {
} else {
// On input error, propagate the error or don't use a password if optional
Err(err) => {
if !optional {
err.context("failed to read password from password prompt"),
} else {
/// Get a password if required.
/// This method will ensure a password is set (or not) in the given `password`
/// parameter, as defined by `needs`.
/// If a password is needed, it may optionally be entered if `option` is set to true.
/// This method will prompt the user for a password, if one is required but
/// wasn't set. An ignore message will be shown if it was not required while it
/// was set.
/// Returns true if a password is now set, false if not.
pub fn ensure_password(
password: &mut Option<String>,
needs: bool,
main_matcher: &MainMatcher,
optional: bool,
) -> bool {
// Return if we're fine, ignore if set but we don't need it
if password.is_some() == needs {
return needs;
if !needs {
// Notify the user a set password is ignored
if password.is_some() {
println!("Ignoring password, it is not required");
*password = None;
return false;
// Check whether we allow interaction
let interact = !main_matcher.no_interact();
loop {
// Prompt for an owner token if not set yet
if password.is_none() {
// Do not ask for a token if optional when non-interactive or forced
if optional && (!interact || main_matcher.force()) {
return false;
// Ask for the password
*password = prompt_password(main_matcher, optional);
// The token must not be empty, unless it's optional
let empty = password.is_none();
if empty && !optional {
"No password given, which is required. Use {} to cancel.",
} else {
return !empty;
/// Prompt the user to enter some value.
/// The prompt that is shown should be passed to `msg`,
/// excluding the `:` suffix.
pub fn prompt(msg: &str, main_matcher: &MainMatcher) -> String {
// Quit with an error if we may not interact
if main_matcher.no_interact() {
"could not prompt for '{}' in no-interact mode, maybe specify it",
// Show the prompt
eprint!("{}: ", msg);
let _ = stderr().flush();
// Get the input
let mut input = String::new();
if let Err(err) = stdin().read_line(&mut input) {
err.context("failed to read input from prompt"),
// Trim and return
/// Prompt the user for a question, allowing a yes or now answer.
/// True is returned if yes was answered, false if no.
/// A default may be given, which is chosen if no-interact mode is
/// enabled, or if enter was pressed by the user without entering anything.
pub fn prompt_yes(msg: &str, def: Option<bool>, main_matcher: &MainMatcher) -> bool {
// Define the available options string
let options = format!(
match def {
Some(def) if def => "Y",
_ => "y",
match def {
Some(def) if !def => "N",
_ => "n",
// Assume yes
if main_matcher.assume_yes() {
eprintln!("{} {}: yes", msg, options);
return true;
// Autoselect if in no-interact mode
if main_matcher.no_interact() {
if let Some(def) = def {
eprintln!("{} {}: {}", msg, options, if def { "yes" } else { "no" });
return def;
} else {
"could not prompt question '{}' in no-interact mode, maybe specify it",
// Get the user input
let answer = prompt(&format!("{} {}", msg, options), main_matcher);
// Assume the default if the answer is empty
if answer.is_empty() && def.is_some() {
return def.unwrap();
// Derive a boolean and return
match derive_bool(&answer) {
Some(answer) => answer,
None => prompt_yes(msg, def, main_matcher),
/// Try to derive true or false (yes or no) from the given input.
/// None is returned if no boolean could be derived accurately.
fn derive_bool(input: &str) -> Option<bool> {
// Process the input
let input = input.trim().to_lowercase();
// Handle short or incomplete answers
match input.as_str() {
"y" | "ye" | "t" | "1" => return Some(true),
"n" | "f" | "0" => return Some(false),
_ => {}
// Handle complete answers with any suffix
if input.starts_with("yes") || input.starts_with("true") {
return Some(true);
if input.starts_with("no") || input.starts_with("false") {
return Some(false);
// The answer could not be determined, return none
/// Prompt the user to enter an owner token.
pub fn prompt_owner_token(main_matcher: &MainMatcher, optional: bool) -> String {
if optional {
"Owner token (optional)"
} else {
"Owner token"
/// Get the owner token.
/// This method will ensure an owner token is set in the given `token`
/// parameter.
/// This method will prompt the user for the token, if it wasn't set.
/// Returns if an owner token was set.
/// If `optional` is false, this always returns true.
/// If in non-interactive or force mode, the user will not be prompted for a token if `optional` is
/// set to true.
pub fn ensure_owner_token(
token: &mut Option<String>,
main_matcher: &MainMatcher,
optional: bool,
) -> bool {
// Check whether we allow interaction
let interact = !main_matcher.no_interact();
// Notify that an owner token is required
if interact && token.is_none() {
if optional {
println!("The file owner token is recommended for authentication.");
} else {
println!("The file owner token is required for authentication.");
loop {
// Prompt for an owner token if not set yet
if token.is_none() {
// Do not ask for a token if optional when non-interactive or forced
if optional && (!interact || main_matcher.force()) {
return false;
// Ask for the token, or quit with an error if non-interactive
if interact {
*token = Some(prompt_owner_token(main_matcher, optional));
} else {
"missing owner token, must be specified in no-interact mode",
// The token must not be empty, unless it's optional
let empty = token.as_ref().unwrap().is_empty();
if empty {
*token = None;
if empty && !optional {
"Empty owner token given, which is invalid. Use {} to cancel.",
} else {
return !empty;
/// Format the given number of bytes readable for humans.
pub fn format_bytes(bytes: u64) -> String {
let bytes = bytes as f64;
let kb = 1024f64;
match bytes {
bytes if bytes >= kb.powf(4_f64) => format!("{:.*} TiB", 2, bytes / kb.powf(4_f64)),
bytes if bytes >= kb.powf(3_f64) => format!("{:.*} GiB", 2, bytes / kb.powf(3_f64)),
bytes if bytes >= kb.powf(2_f64) => format!("{:.*} MiB", 2, bytes / kb.powf(2_f64)),
bytes if bytes >= kb => format!("{:.*} KiB", 2, bytes / kb),
_ => format!("{:.*} B", 0, bytes),
/// Parse the given duration string from human readable format into seconds.
/// This method parses a string of time components to represent the given duration.
/// The following time units are used:
/// - `w`: weeks
/// - `d`: days
/// - `h`: hours
/// - `m`: minutes
/// - `s`: seconds
/// The following time strings can be parsed:
/// - `8w6d`
/// - `23h14m`
/// - `9m55s`
/// - `1s1s1s1s1s`
pub fn parse_duration(duration: &str) -> Result<usize, ParseDurationError> {
// Build a regex to grab time parts
let re = Regex::new(r"(?i)([0-9]+)(([a-z]|\s*$))")
.expect("failed to compile duration parsing regex");
// We must find any match
if re.find(duration).is_none() {
return Err(ParseDurationError::Empty);
// Parse each time part, sum it's seconds
let mut seconds = 0;
for capture in re.captures_iter(duration) {
// Parse time value and modifier
let number = capture[1]
let modifier = capture[2].trim().to_lowercase();
// Multiply and sum seconds by modifier
seconds += match modifier.as_str() {
"" | "s" => number,
"m" => number * 60,
"h" => number * 60 * 60,
"d" => number * 60 * 60 * 24,
"w" => number * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7,
m => return Err(ParseDurationError::UnknownIdentifier(m.into())),
/// Represents a duration parsing error.
#[derive(Debug, Fail)]
pub enum ParseDurationError {
/// The given duration string did not contain any duration part.
#[fail(display = "given string did not contain any duration part")]
/// A numeric value was invalid.
#[fail(display = "duration part has invalid numeric value")]
/// The given duration string contained an invalid duration modifier.
#[fail(display = "duration part has unknown time identifier '{}'", _0)]
/// Format the given duration in a human readable format.
/// This method builds a string of time components to represent
/// the given duration.
/// The following time units are used:
/// - `w`: weeks
/// - `d`: days
/// - `h`: hours
/// - `m`: minutes
/// - `s`: seconds
/// Only the two most significant units are returned.
/// If the duration is zero seconds or less `now` is returned.
/// The following time strings may be produced:
/// - `8w6d`
/// - `23h14m`
/// - `9m55s`
/// - `1s`
/// - `now`
pub fn format_duration(duration: impl Borrow<Duration>) -> String {
// Get the total number of seconds, return immediately if zero or less
let mut secs = duration.borrow().num_seconds();
if secs <= 0 {
return "now".into();
// Build a list of time units, define a list for time components
let mut components = Vec::new();
let units = [
(60 * 60 * 24 * 7, "w"),
(60 * 60 * 24, "d"),
(60 * 60, "h"),
(60, "m"),
(1, "s"),
// Fill the list of time components based on the units which fit
for unit in &units {
if secs >= unit.0 {
components.push(format!("{}{}", secs / unit.0, unit.1));
secs %= unit.0;
// Show only the two most significant components and join them in a string
/// Format the given boolean, as `yes` or `no`.
pub fn format_bool(b: bool) -> &'static str {
if b {
} else {
/// Get the name of the executable that was invoked.
/// When a symbolic or hard link is used, the name of the link is returned.
/// This attempts to obtain the binary name in the following order:
/// - name in first item of program arguments via `std::env::args`
/// - current executable name via `std::env::current_exe`
/// - crate name
pub fn bin_name() -> String {
.filter(|path| !path.is_empty())
.or_else(|| current_exe().ok())
.and_then(|p| p.file_name().map(|n| n.to_owned()))
.and_then(|n| n.into_string().ok())
.unwrap_or_else(|| crate_name!().into())
/// Ensure that there is enough free disk space available at the given `path`,
/// to store a file with the given `size`.
/// If an error occurred while querying the file system,
/// the error is reported to the user and the method returns.
/// If there is not enough disk space available,
/// an error is reported and the program will quit.
pub fn ensure_enough_space<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, size: u64) {
// Get the available space at this path
let space = match available_space(path) {
Ok(space) => space,
Err(err) => {
print_error(err.context("failed to check available space on disk, ignoring"));
// Return if enough disk space is available
if space >= size {
// Create an info message giving details about the required space
let info = format!(
"{} of space required, but only {} is available",
// Print an descriptive error and quit
err_msg("not enough disk space available in the target directory")
.context("failed to download file"),
/// Get the project directories instance for this application.
/// This may be used to determine the project, cache, configuration, data and
/// some other directory paths.
#[cfg(feature = "history")]
pub fn app_project_dirs() -> ProjectDirs {
ProjectDirs::from("", "", crate_name!())
.expect("failed to determine location of project directories")
/// Get the default path to use for the history file.
#[cfg(feature = "history")]
pub fn app_history_file_path() -> PathBuf {
/// Get the default path to use for the history file, as a string.
#[cfg(feature = "history")]
pub fn app_history_file_path_string() -> String {
/// Check whether an environment variable with the given key is present in the context of the
/// current process. The environment variable doesn't have to hold any specific value.
/// Returns `true` if present, `false` if not.
pub fn env_var_present(key: impl AsRef<OsStr>) -> bool {
/// Get a list of all features that were enabled during compilation.
pub fn features_list() -> Vec<&'static str> {
// Build the list
let mut features = Vec::new();
// Add each feature
#[cfg(feature = "archive")]
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard")]
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-bin")]
#[cfg(feature = "clipboard-crate")]
#[cfg(feature = "history")]
#[cfg(feature = "qrcode")]
#[cfg(feature = "urlshorten")]
#[cfg(feature = "infer-command")]
#[cfg(feature = "no-qcolor")]
#[cfg(feature = "send2")]
#[cfg(feature = "send3")]
#[cfg(feature = "crypto-ring")]
#[cfg(feature = "crypto-openssl")]
/// Get a list of supported API versions.
pub fn api_version_list() -> Vec<&'static str> {
// Build the list
let mut versions = Vec::new();
// Add each feature
#[cfg(feature = "send2")]
#[cfg(feature = "send3")]
/// Follow redirects on the given URL, and return the final full URL.
/// This is used to obtain share URLs from shortened links.
// TODO: extract this into module
pub fn follow_url(client: &Client, url: &Url) -> Result<Url, FollowError> {
// Send the request, follow the URL, ensure success
let response = client
// Obtain the final URL
/// URL following error.
#[derive(Debug, Fail)]
pub enum FollowError {
/// Failed to send the shortening request.
#[fail(display = "failed to send URL follow request")]
Request(#[cause] reqwest::Error),
/// The server responded with a bad response.
#[fail(display = "failed to shorten URL, got bad response")]
Response(#[cause] ResponseError),
impl From<ResponseError> for FollowError {
fn from(err: ResponseError) -> Self {
/// Generate a random alphanumeric string with the given length.
pub fn rand_alphanum_string(len: usize) -> String {
let mut rng = thread_rng();
.map(|()| rng.sample(Alphanumeric) as char)
/// Read file from stdin.
pub fn stdin_read_file(prompt: bool) -> Result<Vec<u8>, StdinErr> {
if prompt {
eprintln!("Enter input. Use [CTRL+D] to stop:");
eprintln!("Enter input. Use [CTRL+Z] to stop:");
let mut data = vec![];
.read_to_end(&mut data)
/// URL following error.
#[derive(Debug, Fail)]
pub enum StdinErr {
#[fail(display = "failed to read from stdin")]
Stdin(#[cause] io::Error),