Ben Busby 8ee4f308a4
Prevent same instance from being selected twice in a row
Introduces a new db key "<service>-previous" to track which instance was
last selected for a particular service. This allows for filtering the
list of available instances to exclude the instance that was last
picked, to ensure a (slightly) more even distribution of traffic.
There's still the possiblity of the following scenario, however:

:service instances > 2

/:service request #1 -> instance #1
/:service request #2 -> instance #2
/:service request #3 -> instance #1
/:service request #4 -> instance #2

where there are many ignored instances for a particular service. One
possible solution would be to implement the "<service>-previous" value
to be a list, rather than a single value, and push to that list until
only one element is left in the original "instance" array after
filtering, and then delete the "<service>-previous" key.
2021-11-10 12:19:37 -07:00

70 lines
1.4 KiB

defmodule FarsideTest do
@services_json Application.fetch_env!(:farside, :services_json)
use ExUnit.Case
use Plug.Test
alias Farside.Router
@opts Router.init([])
test "/" do
conn =
|> conn("/", "")
|> Router.call(@opts)
assert conn.state == :sent
assert conn.status == 200
test "/ping" do
conn =
|> conn("/ping", "")
|> Router.call(@opts)
assert conn.state == :sent
assert conn.status == 200
assert conn.resp_body == "PONG"
test "/:service" do
{:ok, file} = File.read(@services_json)
{:ok, service_list} = Poison.decode(file, as: [%{}])
service_names =
fn service -> service["type"] end
Enum.map(service_names, fn service_name ->
conn =
|> conn("/#{service_name}", "")
|> Router.call(@opts)
first_redirect = elem(List.last(conn.resp_headers), 1)
IO.puts(" /#{service_name} (#1) -- #{first_redirect}")
assert conn.state == :set
assert conn.status == 302
conn =
|> conn("/#{service_name}", "")
|> Router.call(@opts)
second_redirect = elem(List.last(conn.resp_headers), 1)
IO.puts(" /#{service_name} (#2) -- #{second_redirect}")
assert conn.state == :set
assert conn.status == 302
assert first_redirect != second_redirect