defmodule Farside do @service_prefix Application.fetch_env!(:farside, :service_prefix) @fallback_suffix Application.fetch_env!(:farside, :fallback_suffix) @previous_suffix Application.fetch_env!(:farside, :previous_suffix) def get_services_map do {:ok, service_list} = Redix.command(:redix, ["KEYS", "#{@service_prefix}*"]) # Match service name to list of available instances Enum.reduce(service_list, %{}, fn service, acc -> {:ok, instance_list} = Redix.command( :redix, ["LRANGE", service, "0", "-1"] ) Map.put( acc, String.replace_prefix( service, @service_prefix, "" ), instance_list ) end) end def pick_instance(service) do {:ok, instances} = Redix.command( :redix, [ "LRANGE", "#{@service_prefix}#{service}", "0", "-1" ] ) # Either pick a random available instance, # or fall back to the default one instance = if Enum.count(instances) > 0 do if Enum.count(instances) == 1 do # If there's only one instance, just return that one... List.first(instances) else # ...otherwise pick a random one from the list, ensuring # that the same instance is never picked twice in a row. {:ok, previous} = Redix.command( :redix, ["GET", "#{service}#{@previous_suffix}"] ) instance = Enum.filter(instances, &(&1 != previous)) |> Enum.random() Redix.command( :redix, ["SET", "#{service}#{@previous_suffix}", instance] ) instance end else {:ok, result} = Redix.command( :redix, ["GET", "#{service}#{@fallback_suffix}"] ) result end instance end def get_last_updated do {:ok, last_updated} = Redix.command( :redix, ["GET", "last_updated"] ) last_updated end end