defmodule Farside do @service_prefix Application.compile_env!(:farside, :service_prefix) @fallback_suffix Application.compile_env!(:farside, :fallback_suffix) @previous_suffix Application.compile_env!(:farside, :previous_suffix) # Define relation between available services and their parent service. # This enables Farside to redirect with links such as: # @youtube_regex ~r/youtu(.be||invidious|piped/ @reddit_regex ~r/|libreddit|teddit/ @instagram_regex ~r/|bibliogram/ @twitter_regex ~r/|nitter/ @wikipedia_regex ~r/|wikiless/ @medium_regex ~r/|scribe/ @odysee_regex ~r/|librarian/ @imgur_regex ~r/|rimgo/ @gtranslate_regex ~r/|lingva/ @tiktok_regex ~r/|proxitok/ @imdb_regex ~r/|libremdb/ @quora_regex ~r/|quetre/ @gsearch_regex ~r/\/search|whoogle/ @fandom_regex ~r/|breezewiki/ @parent_services %{ @youtube_regex => ["invidious", "piped"], @reddit_regex => ["libreddit", "teddit"], @instagram_regex => ["bibliogram"], @twitter_regex => ["nitter"], @wikipedia_regex => ["wikiless"], @medium_regex => ["scribe"], @odysee_regex => ["librarian"], @imgur_regex => ["rimgo"], @gtranslate_regex => ["lingva"], @tiktok_regex => ["proxitok"], @imdb_regex => ["libremdb"], @quora_regex => ["quetre"], @gsearch_regex => ["whoogle"], @fandom_regex => ["breezewiki"] } def get_services_map do service_list = |> {key, _value} -> key end) |> Stream.filter(fn key -> String.starts_with?(key, @service_prefix) end) |> Enum.to_list # Match service name to list of available instances Enum.reduce(service_list, %{}, fn service, acc -> instance_list = CubDB.get(CubDB, service) Map.put( acc, String.replace_prefix( service, @service_prefix, "" ), instance_list ) end) end def get_service(service) do # Check if service has an entry in the db, otherwise try to # match against available parent services service_name = cond do !check_service(service) -> Enum.find_value( @parent_services, fn {k, v} -> String.match?(service, k) && Enum.random(v) end) true -> service end service_name end def check_service(service) do # Checks to see if a specific service has instances available instances = CubDB.get(CubDB, "#{@service_prefix}#{service}") instances != nil && Enum.count(instances) > 0 end def last_instance(service) do # Fetches the last selected instance for a particular service CubDB.get(CubDB, "#{service}#{@previous_suffix}") end def pick_instance(service) do instances = CubDB.get(CubDB, "#{@service_prefix}#{service}") # Either pick a random available instance, # or fall back to the default one instance = if instances != nil && Enum.count(instances) > 0 do if Enum.count(instances) == 1 do # If there's only one instance, just return that one... List.first(instances) else # ...otherwise pick a random one from the list, ensuring # that the same instance is never picked twice in a row. instance = Enum.filter(instances, &(&1 != last_instance(service))) |> Enum.random() CubDB.put(CubDB, "#{service}#{@previous_suffix}", instance) instance end else CubDB.get(CubDB, "#{service}#{@fallback_suffix}") end instance end def amend_instance(instance, service, path) do cond do String.match?(service, @instagram_regex) -> # Bibliogram doesn't have a 1:1 matching to Instagram URLs for users, # so a "/u" is appended if the requested path doesn't explicitly include # "/p" for a post or an empty path for the home page. if String.length(path) > 0 and !String.starts_with?(path, "p/") and !String.starts_with?(path, "u/") do "#{instance}/u" else instance end String.match?(service, @fandom_regex) -> # Fandom links require the subdomain to be preserved, otherwise the # requested path won't work. if String.contains?(service, "") do wiki = String.replace(service, "", "") "#{instance}/#{wiki}" else instance end true -> instance end end def get_last_updated do CubDB.get(CubDB, "last_updated") end end